Selva, Milano catalog

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“Milano”, die klassische Kollektion von Selva, wo das optimale Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis den Ton angibt! Das schöne Kirschfurnier unterstreicht die einfache Eleganz dieser Möbel. Die schwungvollen Linien erinnern





Wohnkultur geworden: man dachte an Schlichtheit, Behaglichkeit, Familie, alles Werte, die in dieser Kollektion wiederzufinden sind. “Milano” ist für den Wohn- und Speise-bereich gedacht und bietet viele Klein- und Einzelmöbel.

La collezione Milano appartiene alla linea dei Classici di Selva e si distingue per l‘ottimo rapporto qualitàprezzo. Il calore del legno esprime sobria ­eleganza mentre la vivacità delle linee si rifà ai Classici dell‘epoca Biedermeier.





borghese, costituiva la massima espressione di una particolare „cultura ­dell‘abitare“: ambienti funzionali e accoglienti „a misura di famiglia“ come quelli riproposti da ­questa collezione. Milano è dedicata alla zona pranzo e soggiorno e vanta una ricca varietà di mobili singoli.

Milano, the classic collection from Selva, where the tone is set by the optimal price-to-quality ­relationship. Collection MILANO


“Biedermeier” war zum Inbegriff für bürgerliche

The lovely cherry veneer underscores the simple elegance of this furniture.


The sweeping lines

are reminiscent of the classic Biedermeier period. „Biedermeier“ had become the epitome of ­upper-class furnishing culture: thoughts turned to ­simplicity, coziness, family, all values that are to be found anew in this collection. Milano is designed for living rooms and dining rooms and offers many smaller and individual

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Collection MILANO 1470 3858 7703 7705

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Stuhl, Bezug 3023 / Sedia, tessuto 3023 / Chair, fabric 3023 cm 48x58/94/48 in 18.9x22.8/37/18.9 Speisetisch / Tavolo da pranzo / Dining table cm 180(300)x100/77 in 70.9(118.1)x39.4/30.3 Anrichte / Credenza / Sideboard cm 172x48/90 in 67.7x18.9/35.4 Vitrine / Vetrina / China cabinet cm 162x48/212 in 63.8x18.9/83.5


Collection MILANO 16 4

1470 Stuhl, Bezug 6080 / Sedia, tessuto 6080 / Chair, fabric 6080 cm 48x58/94/48 in 18.9x22.8/37/18.9 3858 Speisetisch / Tavolo da pranzo / Dining table cm 180(300)x100/77 in 70.9(118.1)x39.4/30.3 7703 Anrichte / Credenza / Sideboard cm 172x48/90 in 67.7x18.9/35.4 7708 Sammlervitrine / Vetrinetta / Collector‘s china cabinet cm 122x42/200 in 48x16.5/78.7


Collection MILANO 7710 Anrichte / Credenza / Sideboard cm 217x60/95 in 85.4x23.6/37.4

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1443 Sessel, Bezug 7016 / Poltrona, tessuto 7016 / Armchair, fabric 7016 cm 80x78/66/46 in 31.5x30.7/26/18.1 7728 Schrank / Armadio / Wardrobe cm 122x52(42)/205 in 48x20.5(16.5)/80.7


Collection MILANO 16 8

1304 3722 3723 7708

Sofa 2-sitzig, Bezug 3083 / Divano a 2 posti, tessuto 3083 / 2-seat sofa, fabric 3083 cm 130x73/94/48 in 51.2x28.7/37/18.9 Lampentisch / Tavolino portalampada / Lamp table cm 52x42/68 in 20.5x16.5/26.8 Salontisch / Tavolino da salotto / Sofa table cm 120x79/55 in 47.2x31.1/21.7 Sammlervitrine / Vetrinetta / Collector‘s china cabinet cm 122x42/200 in 48x16.5/78.7




Liebe zum Detail

Cura del dettaglio

Love of detail

Jedes Modell der Collection Milano ist in folgenden Oberflächen erhältlich:

Holz und Verarbeitung

Legni e lavorazione

Woods and Workmanship

Tutti i modelli della collezione Milano sono disponibili a scelta nelle seguenti finiture:

Die Massivteile der Collection Milano (Kranz, Sockel, Rahmen

Le parti massicce della collezione Milano (corpo, cimasa,

The solid sections of the Collection Milano (such as cornices,

Every model of the Collection Milano is available in the following finishes:

und Profilleisten) sind aus Linde gefertigt. Für die furnierten

cornice, profili e basamento) sono realizzate in Tiglio. Le

bases, frames, and mouldings) are made from linden. For

Teile (wie Fronten, Seitenteile, sichtbare Rückwände und

parti impiallacciate (frontali, parti laterali, schienali a vista e

the veneered sections (such as fronts, side sections, visible

Platten) verwenden wir Kirschbaumholz.

piani) sono in ciliegio.

back walls, and panels), cherry is used.




GS =

Nussbaumfarbig dunkel / Finitura tinta noce scuro / Dark walnut coloured


Ferramenta ornamentale

Decorative Fittings

Nussbaumfarbig antik dunkel mit Gebrauchsspuren, handgewischt und handgewachst /

Großen Wert legen wir auf die sorgfältige Abstimmung der

Per sottolineare il carattere proprio di ogni collezione, la

We have always attached great importance to the careful

Finitura tinta noce anticato scuro con rovinìo, rifinito a cera / Antique dark walnut-coloured

Zierbeschläge, um den besonderen Stil dieser Kollektion

scelta della giusta ferramenta ornamentale è determinante.

coordination of the decorative fittings with the furniture,

with distressed finish, polished and waxed by hand

zu unterstreichen. Für die Collection Milano verwenden

Abbiamo impreziosito la collezione Milano con particolari in

in order to underscore the unique style of each collection.


Kirschbaumfarbig / Finitura tinta ciliegio / Cherry-coloured

wir wertvolle Zierbeschläge in Messing, antikisiert und

ottone, brunito ed anticato.

For the Collection Milano, we use high-quality, decorative

Französisch kirschbaumfarbig mit Gebrauchsspuren, handgewischt und handgewachst /







M =




fittings in brass that have been antiqued and burnished. Ripiani

Finitura tinta ciliegio francese con rovinìo, rifinito a cera / French cherry-coloured with

distressed finish, polished and waxed by hand


Tutti i ripiani a vista, realizzati in legno e vetro, sono mobili o


MM =

Französisch kirschbaumfarbig, handgewischt und handgewachst / Finitura tinta ciliegio

Alle sichtbaren Einlegeböden aus Holz und Glas sind

regolabili a diverse altezze (vedi Product Catalogue). I ripiani

All visible shelves made from wood or glass are adjustable

francese, rifinito a cera / French cherry-coloured, polished and waxed by hand

verstellbar bzw. abnehmbar (siehe Product Catalogue).

vengono realizzati in 2 spessori: 17 mm per il legno, 8 mm

as well as removable (see Product Catalogue). Glass shelves

Kirschbaumfarbig antik mit Gebrauchsspuren, handgewischt / Finitura tinta ciliegio anticato


per quelli in cristallo. I perni reggiripiani in ottone si possono

have a thickness of 8 mm (0.315 inch), wooden shelves

con rovinìo / Antique cherry-coloured with distressed finish, polished by hand

Holzeinlegeböden eine Stärke von 17 mm. Die Messingträger

inserire in più posizioni lungo i fianchi del mobile.

have a thickness of 17 mm (0.669 inch). The brass supports

ZZ =

Kirschbaumfarbig antik, handgewischt / Finitura tinta ciliegio anticato / Antique cherry-

können in den vorgegebenen Positionen eingesetzt

coloured, polished by hand


Le ante delle vetrine sono in cristallo molato.

O =

Nussbaumfarbig antik mit Gebrauchsspuren auf Schellackbasis, handgewischt und handge- Die Türverglasung ist mit Facettenschliff.



Nussbaumfarbig antik dunkel / Finitura tinta noce anticato scuro / Antique dark walnut-



wachst / Finitura tinta noce anticato con rovinìo, a base di gommalacca, rifinito a cera /

Antique walnut-coloured with distressed finish on shellac base, polished and waxed by hand

OO =





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may be used in the positions provided. The doors are glazed with faceted crystal glass. Tutte le vetrine della collezione Milano sono dotate di


Nussbaumfarbig antik auf Schellackbasis, handgewischt und handgewachst / Finitura tinta


illuminazione interna secondo le norme CEI e in linea

All china cabinets of the Collection Milano have interior

noce anticato, a base di gommalacca, rifinito a cera / Antique walnut-coloured on shellac

Alle Vitrinen der Collection Milano haben Innenbeleuchtung

con le norme UE per i trasformatori e i fari alogeni.

lighting which carries the inspection mark VDE and complies

base, polished and waxed by hand

mit dem Prüfzeichen VDE und entsprechen den EU-Normen

In caso di surriscaldamento le lampade si spengono

with EU specifications for transformers and halogen lamps.

für Transformatoren und Halogenstrahler. Bei Überhitzung


All lamps will switch off automatically in the event of

der Strahler schalten alle Lampen automatisch ab.






Collection MILANO


1700 cm 48x58/94/48 in 18.9x22.8/37/18.9

3533 cm 135(175)x92/77 in 53.1(68.9)x36.2/30.3

1470 cm 48x58/94/48 in 18.9x22.8/37/18.9

1471 cm 56x60/94/48 in 22x23.6/37/18.9

3858 cm 180(300)x100/77 in 70.9(118.1)x39.4/30.3

1303 cm 70x72/93/48 in 27.6x28.3/36.6/18.9

3942 cm 180(280)x110/77 in 70.9(110.2)x43.3/30.3

1304 cm 130x73/94/48 in 51.2x28.7/37/18.9

5700 cm 92x40/90 in 36.2x15.7/35.4

1308 cm 174x72/94/48 in 68.5x28.3/37/18.9

7701 cm 108x40/90 in 42.5x15.7/35.4

3723 cm 120x79/55 in 47.2x31.1/21.7

7702 cm 120x48/90 in 47.2x18.9/35.4

3482 cm Ø 120(160)/77 in Ø 47.2(63)/30.3

7703 cm 172x48/90 in 67.7x18.9/35.4

Collection MILANO

3279 cm 140(180)x100/77 in 55.1(70.9)x39.4/30.3

1701 cm 56x60/94/48 in 22x23.6/37/18.9

7710 cm 217x60/95 in 85.4x23.6/37.4

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6700 cm 88x46/98/71 in 34.6x18.1/38.6/28

7707 cm 67x40/150 in 26.4x15.7/59.1

7708 cm 122x42/200 in 48x16.5/78.7

7706 cm 70x38/197<49 in 27.6x15/77.6<19.3

7704 cm 122x48/210 in 48x18.9/82.7

7705 cm 162x48/212 in 63.8x18.9/83.5

7728 cm 122x52(42)/205 in 48x20.5(16.5)/80.7


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