The reconnection to our origin; to what we are and what unites us...
There are two months left to make a difference and achieve your goals!
Your new income counts to wards earning your tickets
There are two months left to make a difference and achieve your goals!
Your new income counts to wards earning your tickets
We will embark on a journey of 3 days and 2 nights that will take us back to where we began, remind us of who we are, and bring us together once again.
•The category with which you qualified in November 2022 will be considered.
•You participate with the bases of New Consultant, all new entrepreneurs from November 1st, 2022 to September 2023 and any consultant prior to November 2022, who has not reached a personal group volume of $ 7,000 or more from January to September 2022.
•The categories with new entrepreneur requirements, personal volume will be considered during the period from January to September 2023.
•The volume to meet the bases is in personal group (does not apply organization volume).
•The new entrepreneurs to meet the bases is personal. (Does not apply new entrepreneurs in organization).
•Bases valid from January 4th to September 30th, 2023.