Presentacion diab h2oingles

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What is DIA B H2O? It is the perfect treatment complement for DIABETIC PATIENTS

. A revolutionary discovery created to help many feel better!

The importance of WATER Our body is 70% water.

Deficiency in water causes: Protein malfunctions Cell Dehydration

Poor nutrition Accumulation of toxins and waste

Hormonal and metabolic unbalance Organ and tissue failure and damage that provokes disease

Our body’s water is called BIO-WATER.

Since we are born, our body contains

BIO-WATER  Its structure is micro-clustered  With time and aging, our body slowly losses its original bio-water structure and normally holds down to only 25% of the original amount of clustered water at 60+ years of age


To introduce

nutrients to the

To maintain cell

cell structure


To remove waste and toxins from the cell

AS WE AGE •We lose water and the existing water moves outside of the cells •Our biowater is less effective • Our body functions are less effective in nourishing,

detoxifying, reproducing cells, etc. • Our system becomes hurtful


which worsens the regular functioning of cells.

DIABETES IN THE U.S. • 1 of 12 Americans are diabetic • 25 million Americans are diabetic, but are not conscious of their condition. • Latin descents are at higher risk than those of non-Latin origin • 13 of 100 Puerto Ricans are diabetic • Most Puerto Ricans who are diabetic are 65+ years of age. • Diabetes became the 3rd main cause of death in 2006 in the

U.S. • It is the 2nd main cause of death Worldwide.

What is DIABETES? It is a condition affecting the PANCREAS, which is the gland (organ) that produces insulin. When the pancreas does not produce any or enough insulin, it causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood, resulting in diabetes.

Once the pancreas malfunctions, there are very low possibilities of it functioning normally again.

What is INSULIN? • Insulin is the hormone produced to regulate the amount of glucose (sugar) in enerin the blood. • It transforms sugar in energy that is used by body muscles, cells and fat deposits.

What is a HORMONE? • Hormones are regulatory substances secreted into the blood stream to maintain essential balance.

• Deficiency or excess of such substances cause pathological processes that endanger the normal functions of the body. • Such transformations affect the individual’s normal character, behavior, success, vitality, size, weight, etc.

Types of DIABETES TYPE 1 DIABETES • Normally present in kids and teenagers with

pancreatic failure TYPE 2 DIABETES

Most frequent type resulting in low production of insulin to regulate levels of glucose in the blood stream GESTATIONAL DIABETES

•High blood sugar (diabetes) that starts or is first diagnosed during pregnancy and disappears when finalized. Those women presenting this type of diabetes are at higher risk of becoming type 2 diabetic.

RISK Factors Genetics Obesity High levels of triglycerides High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure High levels of stress Sedentarism / lack of physical activity


• Excess of glucose (Hyperglycemia) • High levels of urine (Polyuria) • Thirst (Polydipsia) • Excess eating (Polyphagia)

• Weight loss • Fatigue

• Slow-healing wounds • Dry skin, rash • Blurry vision

• Erectile dysfunction • Ticklingin hands and feet • Frequent infections

Body CELL DESHYDRATION •60/40 Intra/ extra cellular hydration •Aging reverses such hydration correlation

•The lack of water causes insulina and protein malfunctions •Cells become insulin-resistant, preventing glucose to penetrate cells.


Extracelular Water Level

Extracelular Water Level


Intracellular Water Level

Intracellular Water Level


What is most critical for a DIABETIC to MAINTAIN HEALTH?



• Amazingly pure water • Hexagonal rings formed by 6 water molecules

Same structure and shape of cellular pores

• Such structure modifies the water function without changing its chemical composition.


• He is a scientist that has worked in researching physical changes of water and its benefits. •In the early 80’s,Dr. Lorenzen joined a team of scientists at University of California to complete research on sterilizing water using electromagnetism.

His MOTIVATION • During his research years, Dr. Lorenzen’s wife was enduring a chronic disease. Her pain and weakness confined her to be permanently in bed. • His observations in over 10 healing springs allowed him to realize the benefits of “HEALING WATER”, so he concentrated in finding ways to artificialy reproduced the molecular structure of this extremely balanced water.

His DISCOVERY Samples of water from the miraculous springs in Lourdes, France, showed a clustered structure, similar to the water structure he has been researching.

Normal Water

Clustered Water

His CONCLUSION His discoveries allowed him to reproduced Clustered Water, chemical process to which he holds the patent, granted back in 1998. In 2000 Dr. Lorenzen was entitled another patent to use the same water as of component of other products.

Dr. Zhi Y. Wang Dr. Lorenzens’ associate

•Master, researcher and expert in phytonutrients. •He has been acknowledged by the World Health Organization as one of the top 5 experts in herbalism due to his significant contribution in benefit of human health.

UNIFYING 2 CULTURES The knowledge and discoveries of these 2 scientists resulted in the creation of Clustered Water with Gardenia extracts (Gardenia jasminoides).

GARDENIA JASMINOIDES •Extraordinary properties in controlling the symptoms of diabetes, stimulating the production of insulin and preventing the production of UCP2, an oxidative that stops the production of such hormone. • Reduces health problems caused by diabetes. • Lowers the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, preventing arthrosclerosis and thrombosis due to its antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties.

What happened with PENNY? •Dr. Lorenzen’s wife got much better and is perfectly healty due to her consistent consumption of Clustered Water.

BENEFITS to your health! • It penetrates your body cells 10 minutes after consumption. • Reactivates your body’s biowater to improve functions such as: • Cell hydration (Clinical research completed in China with 350 diabetes patients) • Cell nourishment • Detoxification • Improved body cell communication

BENEFITS to your health! •Adjusts levels of glucose (research in mice). Even under insulin deficiency, the subjects which consumed such water showed a significant lower level of glucose in the blood stream. • The subject’s physical resistance increased while swimming from 50% to 150% more time compare to the subjects which did not consumed such water. • Less physical exhaustion and less consumption of energy, as well as better general physical condition was shown in subjects who consumed clustered water.

BENEFITS to your health! •Prevents the proliferation of bacteria such as Staphylococcus Aureus and Candida Albicans. •Promotes tissue restoration and wound healing. •Provides excellent benefits to skin, even burned tissue.

Recommendations to DIABETIC PATIENTS

• Continue to keep a healthy diet • Take medication as suggested by your doctor • Be physically active (30 min daily exercise routine) • Take your medication 30 minutes after taking DIAB H2O • Check your glucose levels regularly • Stay stress-free and maintain a positive mindset


• Gary Hall was an Olympic swimmer who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes one year before the 2000 Sydney Olympics. • He started consuming clustered water and showed remarkable improvement, became stronger and faster, which allowed him to obtain 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronce medals during such competition.

The HEALING Crisis •It is a detoxifying process that promotes letting go of the old to welcome the new. Most people experience this process at some point in their life, which normally takes from 3 to 7 days. •The body area that is most intoxicated will trigger the process.

The HEALING Crisis

Welcome the healing crisis if you experience it, because it is necessary to clean your body and heal it from the inside (with what I eat or drink) and from top to bottom (with what I think).

How to take DiaBH2O •Mix 8 ml of clustered water for each liter of distilled water contained in a ceramic, glass or plastic container. •Shake the clustered water before mixing it with water. Once mixed, shake the mix for about 20 seconds before drinking. •Take cold, at regular fridge temperature. •Do not recommended for night consumption as it triggers high levels of energy. •Avoid electromagnetic devices such as metal, magnets, microwaves, and temperatures >50° C and intense light. •Sodium may break the structure.

Best RESULTS! • Drink 2 glasses of this mix twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. • If you suffer some health condition, you can take more than recommended.

• Safe to consume for pregnant or children.

Best RESULTS! You may freeze it. • Do not mix with any other beverage than water. • Do not take with medication. •

Take clustered water 10 minutes prior to a meal. • Recommended to take before and after exercising.

Be part of the CONTACTO DiaB • Make sure you take a clear message about DIA B H2O • Highlight the importance of hydration and numerous benefits of clustered water when taken by Diabetic patients • Make special remarks about the benefits of clustered water for those who practice sports, as it improves resistance

• Educate everyone about the importance of keeping a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition and proper detoxifying when needed.

Be part of the CONTACTO DiaB • Highlight the benefits of detoxifying your body if talking to someone suffering any type of illness, specially those who have been in medical treatment and exposed to too many medications and tests. • Make emphasis in the importance of keeping a clean body.

We can all surely…

• Maintain good health • Prevent illnesses • Help everyone have a fulfilled and healthy life!

TAKE ACTION TODAY To improve your health and the Performance of your Body System with DIA•B•H2O

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