2 minute read

Children’s Bedrooms

A room of my own!


Two talented young parents have applied their skills and inspiration to create a bedroom space for their teens to grow up in! Plumber Phil of AD Mills (see over) used copper piping and fixings to house the necessary wires to create overhead feature lighting at a gaming station. They not only hide otherwise unsightly wires but become a design statement in their own right. Tamsin, of Planting Seeds, wanted to provide a sanctuary for her daughter as she gets older and her Scandi influence (her mother is Danish) came to the fore.

Rustic shelves constructed using flooring samples unique and stylish. Cables for the tv and electrics are all hidden in the copper pipe construction.


Deepings Business Support Group - over & out!

Through this Covid Year we have been able to assist over 25 local businesses achieving what we set out to do with the help of generous donations from the organisations listed above. Now as we return to ‘normality’ it is time for us to sign off safe in the knowledge that the people of the Deepings will continue to support their local businesses and in so doing will strengthen our community. Cllrs, Broughton, Gilbert. Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens, Andy Pelling (DBC), Steve Holt (Lions) Amrit Mistry (Rotary).

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dt stoves.indd 1 18/04/2019 12:41

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