VOICE Magazine

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VOICE Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association

january 2011

your future, our future

Vegetable Industry Development Plan (VIDP)

what is it?

Innovative Farming Practices Initiative e ur

Ag r

ure’s F ut ult ic






Yo u r




TFGA's Irrigation Coordinator

Pollination Aware

The real value of pollination in Australia

Claim The Date!

What will

agriculture look like in


Policy Forum, Lunch & Field Trip

2nd & 3rd June, 2011 Country Club Tasmania, Launceston Speakers include...

Professor Julian Cribb

whose work on food security is well known

Bernard Salt

whose work on business implications of demographic and social change has been well documented in the media

Dr Tony Press

CEO, Climate Futures for Tasmania

Mick Keogh

Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute

e ur

Ag r

ure’s F ut ult ic

tur ure





Yo u r

For more details, contact Nardia on 6332 1818 or visit www.tfga.com.au



january 2011


Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association

your future, our future

TFGA has a new website!






Animal Industries


Plant Industries





Check it out at

www.tfga.com.au Editor

Nardia Bassett

TFGA House, PO Box 193 Cnr Charles & Cimitiere Streets, Launceston 7250 Tel: (03) 6332 1818 Fax: (03) 6331 4344 Email: Nardia@tfga.com.au www.tfga.com.au

Advertising Enquiries

Michael Roberts

Tel: (03) 6394 7383 Email: michael.ama@bigpond.com Layout & Design

zest. advertising. design. web.

41 Cameron Street, Launceston 7250

Tel: (03) 6334 3319 Fax: (03) 6331 3176 Email: info@zesttas.com.au www.zesttas.com.au

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Ag r

ure’s F ut ult ic






Yo u r




FGA House, PO Box 193 T Cnr Charles & Cimitiere Sts, Launceston 7250 Tel: (03) 6332 1818 Fax: (03) 6331 4344 Freecall 1800 154 111 Email: voice@tfga.com.au www.tfga.com.au

Issue 6, January 2011 ISSN 1838-384X

The views expressed in Voice are not necessarily endorsed by the Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974. Responsibility for compliance with the Act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Voice editorial policy: contributions must be relevant and suitable for Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers and will be used at the discretion of the editor, in whole or part, or not at all, in the next scheduled issue or subsequent issues. The publishers do not pay for editorial submitted.

• President’s Report • From the desk of the CEO

• Clustering your way to higher profits

• Cattle Council of Australia • Innovative Farming Practices Initiative • MLA Article • Roberts Wool

• Pollination Aware – The real value of pollination in Australia • Good Neighbour Charter • Vegetable Industry Development Plan (VIDP) • New Director appointed to head TIAR • PHA Bolts into Online Training • TFGA’s Irrigation Coordinator

• NRM North funds new soil condition trials

• Circular Head farmers’ forum on the future • Sunbeam Future Farmers • WFI – Good people to know • Helping Tasmanian Farmers gain wealth from water • TFGA Member Directory

President’s Report

I guess the essence of news, as reported by the daily media, is negative: bad news is good news for them. The problem for us, the consumers, is that we don’t get an overall picture, an objective view, of the state of the nation, for instance, if we rely totally on what is reported. An instance of that occurred recently when the latest economic growth figures for Australia came out: a very modest 0.2 per cent growth over the September quarter. But agriculture was roaring ahead, 21.5 per cent growth for the quarter. That is the most outstanding example you could want to demonstrate the fundamental importance of the farm sector to the national economy. Without that performance by Australian farms, we would have had negative growth (can there be such a thing?) in the quarter. Two of those in a row and you have a recession. It underlines the importance of Australian agriculture. We feed the nation, we help feed the world, despite some quite adverse climatic conditions, the farm is still the backbone of our economy, as it has always been. Australia produces 93 per cent of the food it consumes and still farmers export 60 per cent of what they produce. The Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry recently sounded the warning bells on the state of the Tasmanian economy. It reported that business investment had dropped by 35 per cent since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008. Why didn’t we know that? Part of the reason is that the business activity here has been artificially stimulated by the federal works programs, especially with schools, that were designed to do just that, to stimulate the economy. The problem is that this shortterm fix served to mask or hide the fundamental picture developing within the private enterprise economy. Frankly, and I don’t like being a merchant of doom and gloom, I can’t see things improving in the short-term. The high value of the Australian dollar is working against a number of major industries in Tasmania, notably tourism. Australians are finding they can get more bang for their buck overseas at the moment and the local industry is feeling the pinch. Forestry is going through a massive transition phase, which is likely to continue whether the Statement of Principles agreement between the various parties stands or falls. When the major player in the industry, Gunns, changes tack so dramatically, there can be no turning back. The TFGA’s view is that if the warning bells are sounding, the Tasmanian Government has no option but to get back to basics, to the fundamentals that have guided this state throughout its history. Tasmania’s natural advantage is its climate, its access to water and its isolation from Australia. That has allowed us to develop the nation’s most productive farms without damaging our environment or the environmental flows of our rivers. Therefore, we seek the continued support of the Government to allow these industries to prosper, for us to maximise our potential and for us to continue to make our contribution to avoid Australia and Tasmania creeping into recession.

David 4

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

David Gatenby, TFGA President

The TFGA’s view is that if the warning bells are sounding, the Tasmanian Government has no option but to get back to basics, to the fundamentals that have guided this state throughout its history.

From the desk of the CEO What do we do? What do farmers do? We produce food. There is no more important commodity or service than food. There is no more important task in the nation than to feed it. In Australia we produce food is one of the harshest climates on earth. Perhaps only in Antarctica would it be more difficult to grow food. We are good at what we do because it is based on sound research. The office of the Chief Scientist recently issued a report on Australia’s role in food security in a changing world. Its key recommendations were: • the establishment of an Australian Food Security Agency; • increased investment in agricultural research and development to maximise the potential of expertise within the nation in order that we take a leading role in national and international programs to improve low input farming systems; • incentives to ensure there are future generations of innovative and adaptive

farmers, researchers and associated professionals and • engaging the community to elevate the status of food in Australia and improve the food value chain. A fundamental principle underpinning this report was that there had to be increased spending on research and development; that there had to be greater coordination between domestic research and development and work undertaken in support of Australia’s international aid spending. It also referred the need for studies on food production in the national school curriculum. So, isn’t it odd that the office of the Chief Scientist should be spruiking in this manner while the Productivity Commission is on another soapbox, selling a message that is diametrically opposed? Members will know that it is one of my hobby horses that research and development in agriculture has been under threat because of the Productivity Commission’s view that this should be the province of industry, not government. Productivity and sound research are essential if we are to continue to feed Australians and increase our contribution to global demand for food. Rest assured, that demand is not going to diminish.

The problem we have is that, guided by institutions such as the Productivity Commission, the public sector is withdrawing from research, specifically long-term research, and the private sector is, understandably, more interested in applied research that has a shorter-term focus. As I have noted before, there are complex issues on the horizon that need significant investment in research and development, including things such as climate change. carbon capture and storage, and increasing yields and decreasing margins impacting on long-term business viability. Canberra now has two conflicting pieces of advice: the Office of the Chief Scientist calling for the ramping up of research and development and the Productivity Commission playing the role of chief bean counter and advising the Government to get out of the field as fast as it can. This is a serious issue for farmers. It is a serious issue for the general public but they are more difficult to motivate. It is difficult to make them sit up and take notice. But it should be our catch-cry: don’t leave us high and dry just at the time when we are needing quicker and better answers.

Jan Davis TFGA CEO

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011



Clustering your way to higher profits Clusters are not unique and have been used as a method of ensuring sustainable supply for a hundred years or more. With global markets now an accepted part of commercial trading the general idea of location as an issue is considered by many to be less important. Tasmania’s remoteness from world markets need not be an impediment on our ability to succeed in exporting food and beverage however we need to fully understand and embrace the concept of strong vertically and horizontally linked inter and intra dependant business collaboration and cooperation models which are the essence of the underlying strength to doing business on the world platform. For a cluster to work it needs local knowledge, relationships, awareness and a keen desire to succeed – together. Clusters occur when a major grower/ processor engages other growers to provide additional produce to assist the primary grower to meet demand. As this demand grows often these secondary suppliers will search for groups of smaller suppliers called tributaries to assist in providing more produce to meet the demand and so supply up the chain remains constant and sustainable. Whilst many will argue that this arrangement is already practiced in Tasmania ,it is often done with little or inadequate governance that will ensure both a level playing field and an appropriate sharing of the wealth created for all participants, particularly the tributaries. Within a small economy of scales such as Tasmania’s agricultural industry, the collaborative theory of developed cluster chains and the co-innovative approach


to market supply is clearly the way to sustainable competitive participation in the global market place. It is also important that government policy makers ensure that favourable framework conditions for the dynamic functioning of markets exist, such as regulatory reform and competition policy. Both industry and government need to ensure that there is a raised awareness of the benefits of knowledge exchange and networking through the encouragement of structured cluster chain arrangements and the provision of strategic information to the chain participants and investors. The creating of an environment that encourages innovation is paramount and therefore government needs to encourage and fund training to our growers so they can better embrace this concept. NGOs who already provide support to our growers in the field could be trained to carry out a lot of these hands on mentoring or knowledge transfer activities. A previously fragmented industry with no real communication between SME’s, government and larger growers can suddenly become a united force to be reckoned with. To this end Industry (growers and clusters) will be the first to recognise success and the growers themselves measuring their returns on investment through improved farm gate sales will be able to best attest success or failure. The communities reliant on these farms will also be able to judge the increase in activity through the development of its own social capital activities. Success will come with the acceptance of our product and produce from the potential Asian market. There will also be a strong emphasis on Tasmania to be able to develop value added product to the supply chain and attract investors to the agriculture industry as a result. The State Government will play a vital role here providing seed capital for approved Pilot projects and taking the lead in boosting confidence within the industry.

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

For a cluster to work it needs local knowledge, relationships, awareness and a keen desire to succeed – together.

Further information on clustering can be obtained by contacting David Wells, Marketing and Business Development, TIAR, 0433 442820 or david.wells@utas.edu.au

OJD prevalence area changes affects mainland producers Sheepmeat Council of Australia and WoolProducers Australia issued a media release recently to alert producers to the revised Ovine Johne’s Disease (OJD) prevalence areas that came into effect on 1 January 2011. These changes have occurred due to an increasing prevalence of OJD in some states. Tasmania’s OJD classification remains unchanged and is still classified as medium prevalence area. Sheepmeat Council of Australia said it was important that sheep producers in Tasmania adopted a variety of tools to manage OJD as part of their overall risk management plan to sustain and improve upon their current trading status.

In Victoria, the current medium prevalence area will be reclassified as high and allocated zero Assurance Based Credit (ABC) points. The current low prevalence area will be reclassified as a medium and allocated two ABC points. All of Western Australia will be reclassified from a low prevalence area (four ABC points) to medium prevalence area (two ABC points). In New South Wales, boundaries to low, medium and high prevalence areas will also change. Vaccinating against OJD is one option. Other tools to consider are abattoir monitoring and becoming part of the Sheep Market Assurance Program (see your local veterinarian) to improve the level of assurance they can provide to prospective purchasers. Producers should also ask for a

Animal Industries

National Sheep Health Statement to find out the ABC score and OJD risk of sheep they are looking to buy. Kate Joseph, President of Sheepmeat Council of Australia said that the recent prevalence area changes will affect producers’ OJD trading status under the ABC scheme. “Put simply, ABC scores will be affected by changes to prevalence areas. However, there are a number of ways producers can increase their ABC score and hence benefit from a favorable OJD trading status,” Ms Joseph said. The ABC scheme is an important tool for producers when it comes to trading sheep and minimising the spread of OJD; a higher ABC score represents a lower OJD risk. Producers can visit www.ojd.com.au for information on preventing and managing OJD.

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011


Innovative Farming Practices Initiative To encourage the adoption of innovative and precision farming practices the Innovative Farming Practices Initiative (IFPI), a $2million project under Tasmania’s Innovation Strategy, will see the roll-out of a state-wide network of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS). The IFPI is being managed by the Department of Primary Industries Parks Water and Environment (DPIPWE), overseen by a steering committee comprising DPIPWE, Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts (DEDTA), the Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group (TAPG) and Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA) members. The IFPI includes extensive consultation with the Tasmanian agricultural sector during the first quarter 2011 to: • Frame policy and programs to support the uptake of farming systems utilising GNSS.

• Inform the preparation of a specific implementation plan for the IFPI during the CORS rollout. • Inform the decision on service delivery including whether it should be by Government or the private sector and what pricing structure will ensure viability without discouraging uptake. The majority of the construction will take place during 2012, with full network operation planned for mid 2013. The extent of the CORS network coverage and final infrastructure location will be finalised during 2011 following the industry consultation period.

What is a CORS network? A CORS is a permanent high precision GNSS receiver on a stable monument with a reliable power supply and communication infrastructure that continuously collects and streams satellite data. In a CORS network the stations are linked to a computer server at a processing centre. The control centre calculates and communicates highly accurate positioning

information in real time to a virtually limitless number of users anywhere inside the CORS network. In a CORS network stations can be spaced at approximately 70 km and users will still be able to achieve accuracies in the order of a few centimetres.

What is precision farming? For the purposes of this project precision farming practices means the use of controlled traffic farming (CTF) and precision agriculture (PA) with GNSS. CTF involves constraining the movement of agricultural machinery to permanent wheel tracks within a single paddock through the use of machine guidance systems fitted to the machinery. Repeatable +/-2 cm accurate positioning is required for the best results. PA involves matching resource application and agronomic practices with soil properties and crop requirements as they vary across a site, i.e. matches inputs based on need. Positioning accuracy between 10 cm and 1 metre is generally suitable for most precision farming. 


Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

A CORS is a permanent high precision GNSS receiver on a stable monument with a reliable power supply and communication infrastructure that continuously collects and streams satellite data.

Who will be able to use the CORS network?

expensive annual subscription specifically for agriculture users and hourly or monthly services are also available.

CORS network usage will not be restricted to the agriculture sector - any applications that require precise GNSS navigation and positioning will be able to access the service.

What if a user is in an area with poor mobile phone reception?

Some examples include: engineering and construction, surveying, mining, shipping and port management, underground utilities mapping, environmental mapping and management and aerial imaging.

How much will it cost to use the CORS network? There has been no final decision about the pricing structure. An important function of the industry consultation is to inform this decision, which will be made with the aim of encouraging uptake of innovative and precision farming practices clearly in mind. User subscription fees for other networks in Australia will be considered in this process. Currently CORS network services in Australia typically charge an annual fee of around $2400 for full unrestricted “Real Time Kinematic” access. Some also offer a less

Unlike voice calls, successful transmission of CORS data is still possible with some signal dropout. Many agricultural autosteer systems also include options that are specifically designed to cope with dropouts. A high gain external antenna fitted to the mobile phone / modem significantly improves signal reception.

What if there is no mobile phone reception in some areas? Provided there is either land line or mobile phone internet access nearby it is even possible to use the CORS network signals in areas with no mobile phone coverage. Equipment is available that enables the signals from the CORS network to be rebroadcast using a UHF radio. More information - Project Manager, Scott Strong on 1300 368 550, email ifpp@dpipwe.tas.gov.au

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011


Animal Industries - meat

Setting local targets for productivity gains MLA’s More Beef from Pastures (MBfP) program is demonstrating that more efficient feedbase management can boost enterprise productivity and profitability. With producers only utilising an average of 35% of their pasture, the second phase of MBfP is taking a local approach to helping producers increase liveweight per hectare and reduce production costs. MBfP in Tasmania will include seminars on how to better use available resources to improve performance, workshops on key tools to assist grazing management and

decision making and forums on skills such as pasture species identification and feed management. With over 20 years experience in delivering agricultural extension programs, MBfP Tasmanian State Coordinator Peter Ball says phase two activities will have a strong focus on helping producers put principles into practice. “ We’ll be offering producers opportunities to gain in-depth understanding and learn from their peers who are managing systems that are already performing well,” Mr Ball said. “ In-depth learning will also help small groups understand business analysis, get the most out of demonstration site

activities focusing on pasture and animal production, and develop key skills that can make rotational grazing more effective on more beef farms.” Mr Ball, who is also an extension and development leader with the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, said as a result of the new phase of MBfP he’d like Tasmanian producers to: • Know their current productivity in terms of kg/ha of beef lw/yr and the cost of that production. • Understand their feed supply and demand match across the production year, and critically assess the constraints and opportunities that presents. 


Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

" We’ll be offering producers opportunities to gain in-depth understanding and learn from their peers who are managing systems that are already performing well,” • With this knowledge develop a MBfP plan to unlock the huge potential within Tasmanian pastures to grow and graze more. • Better understand their businesses by financially analysing performance beyond kg and cost of production

increase in the production of kilograms of beef per hectare and, in doing so, increasing the productivity and profitability of beef producers,” Mr Schuster said. The MBfP program was developed and delivered in partnership with key industry stakeholders, state departments of primary industries and leading private sector consultants.

MBfP National Coordinator Peter Schuster said that phase two would focus on optimising pasture utilisation and management through a customised approach for individual regions and enterprises across all of southern Australia.

Peter Schuster

“ MBfP is about achieving a sustainable


MBfP National Coordinator Phone: 02 6887 3780 Email: peters@schusterconsulting.com.au

Read more about the roll out of phase two of MBfP across Australia and learn about other regions’ priorities for the coming year in the Nov/Dec issue of MLA’s free member magazine feedback.

MBfP phase two will give Tasmanian producers the chance to gain insights and learn from their peers who are managing systems that are already performing well.

More Beef from Pastures: The producer’s manual MLA’s More Beef from Pastures (MBfP) program helps producers apply

Check out feedback for market updates, practical on-farm information, the latest red meat marketing campaigns and breakthrough technological advances keeping Australian producers globally competitive. Plus: Switch on to feedbackTV episode 12 to go behind the scenes of MLA, MLA’s new beef wedding commercial. feedbackTV is a quarterly DVD for MLA members bringing practical on-farm information to life as well as showcasing the latest marketing campaigns for beef and lamb.

developments in research and development (R&D) and management tools in southern beef production systems. It was first developed in 2004. . Central to the program is More Beef from Pastures: The producer’s manual, a onestop integrated reference containing the steps and tools required to implement improvements across the entire beef business. The 254-page manual draws on the latest R&D as well as the knowledge, skills and experience of ‘producer advocates’ who helped write the eight modules that address different aspects of the production system in a pasture-based beef enterprise.

More Beef from Pastures: The producer’s manual – CD Drawing from information contained in the producer’s manual, the MBfP CD contains eight practical interrelated modules based on the best scientific knowledge available to deliver more beef from pastures across temperate Australia.

To order the MBfP manual ($65 for members) or CD ($10 for members) phone: 1800 675 717 or for more information about the MBfP program visit www.mla.com. au/morebeef

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011


Animal Industries - wool

Export Trends Year on year export volumes are down, but the value of the exports has risen in $A terms. Not bad at all really when you consider the strong exchange rate for much of that period. Our major customer China reduced import volumes by 14% and value of these imports also decreased by 10%, leaving the dominant buyer with a share of 71% of all exports compared to 78% in October 2009. European destinations accounted for 10% up from 6% last year and another important market, India remained steady at 8% of total exports. When looking more closely at wool quality exported, volumes of 19.0 micron and finer increased by 19% in the four months to October 2010 compared to last year. Exported volume of 20-23 micron decreased


by 6% during the same period. This is all interesting when comparing these figures to AWTA test data for the same period. This shows us volumes of tested wool in 19.0 micron and finer decreased by 15% in the four months to October 2010 and 20-23 micron decreased by 3%.

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

In our mind this further supports a positive outlook for price in the finer microns as clearly stocks are declining in the face of improved demand compared to a modest build up of stock in the medium micron range.

Plant Industries

Pollination Aware

the real value of pollination in Australia An estimated 65% of agricultural production in Australia relies on honeybees – or in three mouthfuls. It’s an impressive statistic, but it’s also enough to send alarm bells ringing; what would happen to industry if the bees disappeared?

The scenario is already being played out in some overseas countries which have been devastated by the arrival of the highly destructive tiny brown insect called the Varroa mite. The Varroa mite not only has the potential to decimate wild honeybee colonies, but also devastate those producers who rely on them. When it became established in North America in the 1980s, the economic impact was estimated to be up to US$14.6 billion, and while Australia is one of the last places to resist an outbreak, the consequences are already clear. There are at least 35 food groups that would be directly affected by the Varro mite, which equates to about $4 billion that would be affected by a lack of bees. The newly-released report Pollination Aware, not only outlines the significant risks associated with a reliance on incidental pollination, but estimates the likely demand for paid pollination services should anything

happen to our wild population. The report also provides a first-time analysis of pollination responsive crops in this country and outlines how we can protect our valuable agricultural output by developing a larger apiary industry. The study suggests that if pollination by wild European honeybees was eliminated by Varroa mite, almost 480,000 colonies of honeybees would be needed to provide pollination services every September. Peak demand could lift this to 750,000 – far exceeding current apiary capability. While the apiary industry’s highest priority is to resist exotic pests and diseases, the report is seen as a first step in addressing both the potential challenges and future opportunities of the pollination industry. To download or receive a printed copy of the Pollination Aware report or one of the 35 crop specific case studies visit the pollination page of the RIRDC website – www.rirdic.gov.au.

Good neighbour charter In TFGAs submission to the Tasmanian Government’s 2011/12 state budget process the TFGA has highlighted the need to develop a good neighbour charter between private and public landowners. There is a continual concern amongst the Tasmanian farming community in regards to the impact that wildlife, fire and weeds spreading from public land have on the environment, productive and safety significance of private land. According to ABS data figures in 2006/07

it reveals that Tasmanian farmers spent on average a staggering $44,822 per 1,000 hectares (this is the highest in the country) managing weeds, pests, and land and soil problems. This equates to an average of 137 person days per 1,000 hectares. The boundary fence doesn’t stop wildlife, fire or weeds. However, responsible management on both sides of the fence will assist to control the spread of these risks from public and private land. The TFGA doesn’t want to point the finger at the state government but feels that it is time that a productive step is taken

to address this issue. Consequently the TFGA is recommending that the state government develops, with consultation, a good neighbour charter between private and public landowners that outlines a clear intent to manage the spread of wildlife, fire and weeds across the property boundaries to best practice management standards.

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011


Vegetable Industry Development Plan (VIDP)

What is the VIDP/CIO Program? The Vegetable Industry Development Program (VIDP) is a key initiative for the vegetable industry which began in July 2009 and funded by HAL. The VIDP outcomes will address the key strategic issues facing the vegetable industry as international trade performance deteriorates and imports increase. It is designed to help growers broaden and possibly change their business approach in the face of more uncertain market and trade pressures including increasing competition from vegetable imports. It is hoped that a better understanding of the external pressures and more information explaining such issues as market product quality, product delivery requirements and possibly ways to access new customers along the supply chain - will help growers to deal in and make the most of market opportunities. It is basically an extension of the general idea that “two heads are better than one” – a bit further down the supply chain.

To assist in the process and give some structure to information disseminated, the overall coordination of the program is undertaken by Rural Directions. Delivery will take place under eight main headings or sub-programs – as follows: •E conomics – a regular update on macroeconomic and financial factors affecting the vegetable industry and covering such issues as import data, interstate trade, labeling policy and periodic papers on key issues. •P eople Development – covering various operator and staff management issues including training, people management, leadership and real-life case studies that are designed to assist in running the farm.

• Communication support – extending the current information support system that is currently taking place through AUSVEG via media releases and various articles. • Collaborative Industry Organisations (CIO) - each State organisation will be coordinating and disseminating information as received from each of the other seven sub-programs.

• Consumer Insights - covering sales and purchase activity as well as market performance and margins data along the supply chain,

The CIO part of the program is based on the view that growers – although they may be producing in different States, often have similar production and market concerns – 80% of the time. As a result this lends to information and resource material being developed centrally, coordinated and disseminated widely - often requiring little tailoring to be useful in most regions.

• Knowledge management – basically providing access to the many HAL research reports together with a readable overview and summary of findings.

The TFGA, being at the hub of agricultural activity in Tasmania, will aim to ensure that information under the CIO project is useful and relevant.

• Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – detailing technical crop extension information relating to various pests by way of fact sheets, newsletters, CDs fact sheets and specific research reports.

It is fair to say that this information (unless for example it is specific to a particular pest or its control) will probably not provide instant answers. Then again, talking over the fence generally doesn’t either.

For those that are willing to have a bit of a look around the internet to see information produced to date and the kind of material to be produced in future, please see below a series of websites in each of the areas referred to above (albeit incomplete). Economics – Ian James Industry Data:http://ausveg.com.au/resources/statistics/domestic-industry.htm Vegetable Spotlights:http://ausveg.com.au/resources/statistics/vegetable-spotlight.htm Trade in Vegetables: http://ausveg.com.au/resources/statistics/tradein-vegetables.htm The following pages on the AUSVEG website require login in member access. This is relatively simple and free! Consumers and Markets – Martin Kneebone (Freshlogic) Veginsights (Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly reports): http://ausveg.com.au/intranet/vegetable-market/overview.htm People Development – Dianne Fullelove (Dianne Fullelove & Associates) Growing Business information: http://ausveg.com.au/intranet/people/business-skills/growingbusiness.htm


• Innoveg - directing specific research information to particular target markets using creative IT systems

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

Skills & training page including Skills Audit: http://ausveg.com.au/intranet/people/skills-training/skillsaudit.htm Knowledge Management – Steve Spencer (Freshlogic) R&D Insights Database for resources including final reports, fact sheets and extension material: http://ausveg.com.au/intranet/technical-insights/search-the-database/overview.htm IPM National Coordinator – Lauren Thompson (Schofield Robinson Horticultural services) Google groups for on gong discussion with group, files of resources currently in progress to be added to the R&D Insights database: https://groups.google.com/group/vegetable-crop-protection-planning-group/files?hl=en Innoveg – Kristen Stirling & Anne-Maree Boland (RMCG) Current page in AUSVEG website still in progress, will let you know as soon as available Please contact Nick Steel at the TFGA if you have any questions about the VIDP

New Director appointed to head TIAR An international climate and agricultural systems scientist from The Netherlands, and formerly the Queensland Department of Primary Industries, has been appointed as the new Director of the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research and the new Head of the UTAS School of Agricultural Science.

Raising a glass to cool-climate wines

Consistent with TIAR’s increasing reputation as the centre for cool-climate grape and wine research, Dr Bob Dambergs was invited to present to the Victorian Pinot Noir Growers on wine-making at a seminar in the Yarra Valley and Dr Kathy Evans was invited to speak to growers on botrytis management in Bendigo and Wangaratta.

Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor David Rich said that the appointment of Professor Holger Meinke would be a boon for the University and the state. “It is an important appointment because of the value of agriculture and agricultural research to the Tasmanian economy,” he said. “Professor Meinke will bring an international perspective to both TIAR, that has approximately $14 million in more than 200 funded projects under way, and the School of Agricultural Science, that is guiding the education and research skills of the next generation of researchers,” he said. The Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Mr Bryan Green, said the appointment of Professor Meinke would continue the invaluable work of TIAR as a vital joint venture between the University and the State Government.

Professor Meinke was in Tasmania for two weeks in November, touring TIAR worksites and research facilities, and meeting staff. He will take up his new position in January 2011. The current Acting Director, Wes Ford, will return to his position in DPIPWE.

Australian based potato processing companies, are to establish a monitoring program for psyllids within potato fields in south-eastern Australia. The project will provide the first comprehensive survey of native psyllids in potato crops in Australia and also provide a mechanism for early detection of tomato potato psyllid (TPP) currently present in New Zealand. TPP causes significant damage in its own right (pysllid yellows) but is also a vector of Candidatus Liberibacter spp, causal agent of “zebra chip disease”.

is a major constraint to the Tasmanian and Victorian potato industries. A simple foliar spray would offer a cheap management tool that would fit within current potato production practices. Outcomes from a postgraduate study on the use of sub-lethal foliar sprays of 2,4-D on potato crops show promise for simple, cheap and effective control of common scab disease of potato. Very low concentrations of the herbicide 2,4-D sprayed onto the leaves of young potato plants has been shown to give very high levels of disease control in glasshouse and field trials.

Common scab control in potatoes

Potato Zebra Chip and vector studies A new project underway with Horticulture Australia, in collaboration with major

Professor Holger Meinke

Common scab disease has few control options and none that are fully effective. It

Boost for cherry and apple research The TIAR board recently endorsed the proposal ‘Building Capacity in Perennial Horticulture Centre’. As a result the Centre will invest in two new full-time research positions focusing on apple and cherry nutrients, water use and post-harvest issues in order to address industry and government expectations in providing information on irrigation, production and export of fruit.

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011


PHA Bolts into Online Training The recent launch of Plant Health Australia’s (PHA’s) Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT). BOLT, PHA’s new online training platform, has been designed specifically to assist our agricultural, horticultural and forestry sectors in the protection and maintenance of Australia’s world-class biosecurity system. “Those who use BOLT will learn the essentials about the way Australia’s biosecurity system operates,” says Greg Fraser, Executive Director and CEO of PHA. “They will also learn about the internationally regarded emergency response arrangements in place to tackle new pest incursions and, importantly, who’s who in plant biosecurity and the various roles and responsibilities held.” The launch sees the release of BOLT’s first module, the “Foundation Module”, which provides users with an introduction to Australia’s biosecurity system. The “Foundation Module” is the first of several modules to be released over the next 12-18 months, which will outline simple biosecurity measures that can be implemented on-farm and what to expect in the event of an incursion. “Anyone involved in agriculture, horticulture or forestry will benefit from getting on board with BOLT,” according to Dr Stephen Dibley, PHA Program Manager (Training and Biosecurity Preparedness). “Whether you work within government on biosecurity, are in a decision making or support position within industry, or are a primary producer,

BOLT provides essential information in an accessible form. “It’s not training in the traditional sense where all components must be completed. Users can pick and choose the material from the sections that are most relevant to them, with the “Foundation Module” being able to be finished in under an hour.” BOLT demonstrates how industries are integrally involved in responses to new pests. Under the agreed arrangements of the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD), all affected parties, both government and industry, share responsibilities in determining if a response will happen and, if so, how it will work. The EPPRD is a legally binding agreement between industry and governments covering the management and funding of responses to emergency plant pest incidents and includes provisions for reimbursements to owners who are directly affected by he response. Twenty six plant industries are signatories to the EPPRD, and each plays a crucial role in responding to exotic pest incursions. To be effective in protecting Australia’s plant industries, all stakeholders, from growers to executives, need to know where they fit in the national biosecurity system. They also require open and free access to information and a sound knowledge of their roles and responsibilities. BOLT provides all this information free of charge in a user-friendly format. According to Dr Dibley, “through the development of Industry Biosecurity Plans, PHA’s Members have identified over 2,300 different exotic plant pest threats with the capacity to devastate Australia’s plant industries. To ensure pests such as the

Access to PHA’s BOLT is free, open to all stakeholders and can be found at the PHA website at www.planthealthaustralia.com.au/training

Khapra beetle, the American leafminer, the Glassy-winged sharpshooter and Texas root rot don’t establish themselves here, growers, industries and governments need to work together. “ For this partnership to be effective, knowledge of the system is required by everyone across the biosecurity continuum. Free and open access to this information is really what BOLT is all about.” For more information, or to arrange an interview, contact Sophie Winton, PHA, on (02) 6215 7711 or at swinton@phau.com.au.

Plant Health Australia Plant biosecurity in Australia operates as a partnership between government and industries. PHA facilitates this partnership and drives action to improve policy, practice and performance of Australia’s plant biosecurity system and to build capability to respond to plant pest emergencies. The company’s efforts bring benefits to Members by enhancing Australia’s plant health status, assisting trade, safeguarding the livelihood of producers and supporting the future of Australia’s plant industries and the communities that rely upon them. For further information, visit www.phau.com.au or call (02) 6215 7700.

To be effective in protecting Australia’s plant industries, all stakeholders, from growers to executives, need to know where they fit in the national biosecurity system. 16

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

The TFGA recently welcomed Ian Herbert to the team to take on the role of Irrigation Co-ordinator Ian moved to Tasmania 9 years ago to work on the Fingal Valley property Malahide. For 5 of these years he managed this large mixed enterprise business. Prior to this Ian spent much of his working life involved in his family’s sheep/wheat property near Forbes in NSW. He also worked as an agronomist with the NSW Dept. of Ag and managed the irrigation of 4000ha of cotton in North Western NSW. Ian understands the key issues involved in irrigation and through his experiences in Tasmania has a grasp on how these issues impact on individual Tasmanian farmers. The availability of water and how it is used within Tasmania has become an important issue. The water resource is important for farmers, Hydro, the environment and local communities. The Federal Government has developed the National Water Initiative to better regulate water use in the face of these sometimes competing demands.

Trencher at work on the Whitemore scheme.

The value of a water asset is significant to an agricultural business.The amount and reliability of irrigation water drives the production options of the enterprise. Therefore farmers must do all they can now to secure access to this restricted resource. On a national scale, the irrigation industry is going through a period of significant change, as can be seen in the Murray Darling basin.

The amount of water available for use by agriculture is limited. Individual catchment Water Management Plans are being enacted to provide a framework for how the water resource can be shared between the various users.

As previously announced, the State and Federal Governments have committed $220 million to encourage efficient irrigation across Tasmania. This investment of public money is to be combined with funds from farmers in interested areas to build irrigation schemes.

Under the new water sharing arrangements the amount of water available for irrigation and the surety of its supply will be increasingly formalised and controlled.

This gives Tasmanian irrigators a unique opportunity. Nowhere else in Australia are governments actively encouraging irrigation development.

The decline of available water for irrigation is evident today as it is already very difficult to get approval for the construction of new onfarm dams, nearly all watercourses within Tasmania agricultural production regions have had available summer flows allocated and the State Government recently started a process of examining the allocation of ground water pumped by farmers from bores.

The Tasmania Irrigation Development Board Pty Ltd (TIDB) was created to oversee the design, construction and initial operation of the proposed schemes. These schemes are developed from demand which irrigators in a specified area have for irrigation water. An important component of the TIDB charter is to build irrigation schemes which will supply irrigation water at a high level of surety. The figure that is used is 95% reliability.

Irrigation schemes are in various stages of planning, design or construction in 13 regions of Tasmania. The first scheme to deliver water to farmers through a system of pipes is based in the Whitemore area. It will deliver an additional 5,500ML to 12,0000ha. A scheme based in the Sassafras Wesley Vale area is being constructed and this will deliver 5,460ML to 10,650ha. It has been sold out. Also under construction is the 1,980ML Headquarters Rd Dam near Scottsdale to service 1,800ha. Another scheme based in the lower reaches of the South Esk River has progressed well and growers are expected to be given the option to purchase water rights in January 2011. Similarly the scheme developed to service the Midlands region of Tasmania will be asking growers for a financial commitment to purchase water in March 2011. This is an exciting period of development for Tasmanian irrigated agriculture.The opportunity that has been made available through the government partnering with farmers in building these new irrigation schemesis unique in Australia and is unlikely to be repeated.

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011



NRM North is helping farmers investigate methods of improving soil condition Six new trials are being funded by NRM North, through the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country Program. NRM North’s Regional Landcare Facilitator, Adrian James, said 13 trial proposals were received, and six were successful. "Working in partnership with different farmers, agronomists and agribusinesses, in a range of locations with different soils and enterprises, this project has the potential to provide a lot of useful information for farmers over the next few years." Mr James said. "NRM North will provide details and results in coming publications and will also run a series of field days at trial sites next year." One of the trials by Rob Casey and Tas Agronomy Plus is investigating soil health and production from mixed blends of synthetic fertiliser with compost, poppy mulch and microbial stimulant.


NRM Image\NRM North’s Regional Landcare Facilitator, Adrian James, with Pipers River farmer Andrew McCarthy.

The trial will be on 14 hectares of irrigated lucerne. Renew will provide assistance with soil biology assessments. Janet and Charles Wallace and TP Jones will trial poppy seed waste and microbial stimulant on 71 hectares of cropping and grazing land. This trial will compare the soil health and financial cost/benefits of those treatments with a high-input ryegrass. The other trails are: • Rob Henry, Crop Protection Research and Southern Farming Systems – a long-term trial to improve soil carbon and reduce acidification on 35 hectares of grazing land. Treatments will include a range of biological waste products, synthetic fertilisers and biochar. • Bill Chilvers, Crop Protection Research and Southern Farming Systems – a similar trial but on 25 hectares of cropping land. • Rob O’Connor, RuralSmart and Roberts – testing gypsum application rates

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

on sodic soil under a canola crop for improved organic matter production and reduced erosion. Assessments will include germination rate, biomass production, yield, soil sodicity and cost effectiveness. • Andrew McCarthy and Serve-Ag – trialling pasture cropping techniques on 22 hectares of sandy grazing land. Summer wheat and millet will be sown into ryegrass pastures after different herbicide applications. The aim is to increase production and soil water holding capacity, reduce erosion and enable a shift towards perennial pastures on sandy banks. NRM North’s Chief Executive Officer, James McKee, said the organisation was pleased to be able to fund these trials and hoped to have another round next year. "It’s great to be able to provide funding for trials which will have regional benefits and will hopefully be supported and enhanced through other agricultural research and extension into the future." Mr McKee said.


Circular Head farmers’ forum on the future Carbon and climate were the buzzwords at the TFGA Circular Head branch’s very successful forum on the future of farming, held at the Smithton Football Club rooms recently. With the area’s farmers facing challenges on a number of fronts, it was a timely opportunity to gaze into the crystal ball. Circular Head branch president Steve Pilkington said local farmers had had a tough year with low milk prices and the closure of McCain’s vegetable processing plant but it was important they remain positive about the future. The keynote speaker, Climate Change Minister Nick McKim, looked at the carbon and climate implications of contemporary farming at Circular Head, saying he welcomed north-west farms limiting emissions through clever farming practices and through small-scale renewable energy projects. “It is encouraging to see the agricultural community tackling climate change on

Climate Change Minister Nick McKim speaking at the forum.

a two-level approach. Not only are they changing their behaviour to adapt to a changing climate but they are also doing their bit to limit their own greenhouse gas emissions,” Mr McKim said. “Farmers realise that climate change will continue to affect the way they work, and also that they can make a difference through energy and emission reductions.” He committed the State Government to continue to support the agricultural sector taking innovation and business opportunities. Carbon sequestration, through soil and private forest projects, and alternative energy and energy efficiency measures were examples of those opportunities. He committed the government to low interest loans and some small grants to farmers for alternative energy projects on farm. He said the Tasmanian Climate Change Office was working on a forest carbon study to better understand the sequestration potential of private forests on farms. Industry experts who addressed the forum were:

• Agricultural research manager Dr Rachel Brown; • Dr Bill Cotching from the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research; • Australian Farm Institute Executive Director Mick Keogh; • DPIPWE’s Greg Hocking, who detailed progress with browsing management alternatives to 1080 and • TFGA chief executive Jan Davis. Ms Davis said the take-home message on carbon had been festina lente (hasten slowly) or, as she termed it, “have a cold shower”. “The common theme at the forum was that there are opportunities for farmers with carbon credits, but we should all wait until the research is in, the systems are in place to establish the market for it,” Ms Davis said. “Only then will we know the state of the pitch.” Ms Davis applauded the Circular Head branch for its initiative in organising the forum, which was sponsored by Incitec Pivot and Greenham Tasmania.

TFGA President David Gatenby addresses a section of patrons at the forum.

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011


Sunbeam Future Farmers If your business is production horticulture and you’ve been considering putting on a trainee or apprentice, have we got a deal for you! Rural Skills Australia has partnered with Sunbeam Foods, an iconic Australian company, to support Australian Apprentices under Sunbeam’s new Future Farmers Program. The program will support Australian farmers by encouraging young people to take up full- time, part-time or school-based Certificate II Production Horticulture Australian Apprenticeships. Sunbeam will donate $1,000 to each approved farmer under the program, and will commit another $1,000 bonus

payment to each participating apprentice on completion of their Production Horticulture Certificate II. That’s on top of all other incentives being paid for signing on an apprentice. Employers are not limited to type of farm, size of farm or location of farm. Family enterprises whose sons and daughters are looking to secure formal qualifications to operate and succeed in production horticulture are actively encouraged to participate as are farming companies across these sectors. In fact, applications will be accepted from any employer of a Certificate II Production Horticulture Australian Apprentice, anywhere in Australia. The program is open to all growers, not just those within the Sunbeam Foods network.

For further information visit: www.ruralskills.com.au/futurefarmers To download an application form, hit the “JOIN US” button on the webpage Call: 1800 647 798 Email: sunbeamfuturefarmers@ruralskills.com.au

Good people to know. A timely reminder to be bushfire prepared For much of the year the country provides a tranquil setting and the best that nature has to offer.

In the event of a bushfire a predetermined

However, as we tragically learn each year, this way of life also comes with a high risk of bushfire. Losses experienced through bushfire can be devastating. Your local Fire Services will do everything in their capacity to manage the situation, but every householder should also play an active part in protecting their own home.

consequently reducing the risk of injury,

plan can help to prevent panic and lastminute decisions being made. It will allow you to make informed decisions, death, and damage to your property. Don’t forget the importance of regularly reviewing your insurances to ensure you are adequately covered, should the unexpected happen. Visit www.wfi.com.au for more information.

Peace of mind over the holiday period The Christmas season is a special time for everyone, with many people travelling interstate or overseas to be with family and friends. Unfortunately it is also the time of the year when most burglaries occur. It is important therefore to check the security of your home, and review insurance policies. Updating your insurance policies should be an important part of your Christmas preparations, particularly if you are travelling or you live in a bushfire prone area.

WFI, a member of the Wesfarmers group, has a long and proud history of looking after the insurance requirements of farmers and business owners. You can find your local WFI Area Manager by calling 1300 934 934 or by visiting www.wfi.com.au. WFI is a trading name of Wesfarmers General Insurance Limited ABN 24 000 036 279 AFSL 241461, the issuer of our policies. Any advice provided does not take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consider these matters and contact WFI for a copy of the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before you act on any advice. If you take out a policy with WFI, TFGA receives a commission from WFI of between 3% and 7.5% of the value of the premium payment (excluding taxes and charges).

TFGA have a new website! 20

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011

Keep up to date with all the news and views of the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association.

Check it out at


Helping Tasmanian Farmers gain Wealth from Water The Premier, David Bartlett, recently launched a major new initiative to help Tasmanian farmers make the most innovative and productive use of their land, and achieve Tasmania’s food bowl vision. Mr Bartlett said the Wealth from Water program will help the agricultural sector significantly boost its value of food production over the next decade. " With the best innovation and ideas, Tasmania is well-placed to grow its contribution to Australia’ s food supply, and food security," Mr Bartlett said. " 12 per cent of Australia's rainfall falls on one-and-a-half per cent of its landmass Tasmania. Research also shows we’re likely to be less affected by climate change than the rest of Australia. Indeed, I’m convinced Tasmania can add billions of dollars to the value of some agribusiness sectors in the next decade or so. That includes highvalue sectors like dairy, red meat, wine, aquaculture and innovative horticulture. But growing the right things in the right soils is crucial to that, and that’s where cutting-edge science like Wealth from Water comes in." Mr Bartlett said the Wealth from Water program would help producers access the latest soil and agronomic data, as well as market and financial information to develop their businesses. " We’ll help farmers who want to expand and look at new crops to make informed choices about what they grow, and where. This ongoing investment in innovative farming, sustainable production, and marketing will help farmers take full advantage of future opportunities."

Premier David Bartlett speaking at the launch of the Wealth for Water program.

Mr Bartlett said the project is also another big step towards achieving the Government’s food bowl vision. " We’ll support farmers and agribusiness to make the most of the once-in-a-generation investment we’re seeing in new irrigation infrastructure around Tasmania. We have 13 key irrigation schemes being built or in the pipeline, as part of $400-million worth of irrigation investment. We’re determined to invest and build on that even further" Mr Bartlett said. The Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Bryan Green said the Meander Valley was the logical place to trial the program. "It has had a long-term vision based around the Meander Dam and agricultural production and the Government is pleased to be supporting this innovative community," Mr Green said.

Mr Green said the investment in the Meander Dam has seen the roll-out of irrigation pipelines to farms covering almost 45,000 ha across the region. "Community consultation, field work, land and microclimate mapping is now underway in the Meander Valley and the results of the trial will be used for the program across the State’s irrigation districts," Mr Green said. The Government has allocated $750,000 this year for the three-year Wealth from Water program, which is an important part of Tasmania’ s Innovation Strategy. Wealth from Water is a partnership between the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts and the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research. Further information: Tasmanian Government Communications Unit Phone: (03) 6233 6573

" We’ll help farmers who want to expand and look at new crops to make informed choices about what they grow, and where." - Premier David Bartlett

Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association • VOICE • january 2011


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