31 minute read
It would be hard for anyone to ignore the news reports referencing Black Lives Matter and the protests in support of and against the movement. After the alarming killing of George Floyd last year and the subsequent fury that enveloped thousands of people around the world, you must have had questions yourself about how or why this has all happened? What if you have a child who was also asking you questions? What could you possibly say to explain the anger or hurt that was being beamed into your home?
Racism may just not be an issue for you and so it is hard to talk about something that doesn’t or hardly impacts on your life. So perhaps the fi rst question should be - do you need to talk about what’s happening, with your child?
If your child is asking questions because either they have seen or overheard something then please don’t shy away from answering, be brave and tackle the question head on. I say be brave because dealing with this topic can feel like a minefi eld.
Most people worry they will say the wrong thing or use terminology that may be insulting, but remember, it’s ok to answer “I don’t know” to a question, as long as it’s backed up with: “but let’s go and fi nd out!”
If you try to dismiss such a serious topic, your child will sense your discomfort and attempt to rationalise in their own immature mind why mummy/daddy shut them or a topic down. If you give them the impression that there is something to hide, shy away from or be embarrassed about, then that is the impression that they will be left with. This would be wrong, particularly when history tells us that it is those who fail to question or challenge wrongdoing that permits such wrongdoing to fester.
If your child hasn’t raised the topic that doesn’t mean they aren’t aware. Children are being subconsciously taught about society, including race, all the time. In nursery they are taught to describe themselves; their family and their community; they watch TV and will notice subtle di erences far more than we give them credit for. Some toddlers will be able to tell you what a ‘girls’ toy is as opposed to a ‘boys’ or that grandma is really old! When you hear a toddler say this, have you ever stopped to wonder who has told them this or why? Moreover, have you ever stopped to ask them why they think this and whether the statement is true? I suspect if you did, you would get a blank stare.
Children don’t understand why the di erences they are identifying should create feelings of upset or anger, and this is where you come in. You may fi nd that you need to challenge yourself fi rst about your own views on what you think racism is. How do you express feelings about other races when at home, safely behind closed doors? Do your children, for example, possess literature that references those from other races in a positive light? Do your children’s toys only refl ect the inside of their home as opposed to what their community looks like? Be in no doubt, children are not colourblind and neither is the society in which they live. If you do care about your child understanding and appreciating other races, then take responsibility for ensuring that they receive clear positive messages from you, and that you can reinforce that positive message if they challenge you with a misconceived one.
Racism is not innate, if you are racist you will have been taught to believe that your race is superior to another. This could be because your race is deemed more intelligent, worthy, or important. However, the power to eradicate racism is very real and attainable through education, information and communication.
Racism isn’t just about the tragic loss of George Floyd (or so many others like him). Racist negative stereotyping is just as harmful, it leads certain groups to believe that others should only have particular jobs, that they are deemed as a threat or that it’s ok for them to be treated less favourably because society is suspicious of them. It is just as important to tackle this bias, because in failing to address it, those who su er the unfair treatment will become disa ected, upset and turn away from the more conventional methods of seeking redress because they can no longer trust in the system. Those protesting the death of Mr Floyd no longer trust that the system will protect them from injustice.
So…. it’s over to you.
is an award-winning barrister. She was awarded ‘Lawyer of the Week’ by The Times and is a trusted BBC Expert. As well as being a mama of four and a very well respected voice at the top of the legal profession Paula is also using her platform to educate people regarding racism.
How to introduce finger foods from the start of weaning – what to serve and how to serve it
Let’s talk finger foods. From around six to six and a half months, you can introduce soft finger foods into your baby’s diet. Finger foods are the ideal way to introduce your baby to different textures. Handing over the reins to your baby will allow them to work out how to get food to their mouth, break pieces off and chew. Don’t worry, even if your baby doesn’t have teeth yet, you’ll be surprised by just how powerful a baby’s gums are! So, what finger foods are best for baby?
And how do you prepare them so that they are safe for your little food explorer? Fear not! I’ve pulled together this handy reference guide on how to introduce finger foods from
ANNABEL KARMEL the very start of weaning – whether it’s carrot batons, broccoli florets, avocado wedges or chopped berries, I’ve got those first taste fruits and veggies covered!
Ready for some finger food exploration? Let’s go!
Finger foods in the first few weeks
If your baby is new to finger foods, start with single veggies, and I always recommend sweet root vegetables such as carrot and sweet potato. After only having naturally sweet breastmilk or formula until now, these are foods that your baby is likely to by interested in, so a great place to start.
However, it’s important that you also introduce more bitter green veggies such as broccoli and spinach at the beginning alongside those sweeter root veggies. If introduced early in your baby’s weaning journey (by that, I mean the first week of weaning and beyond), and with repeated exposure, it’s likely they’ll be more receptive to these foods in the long run.
You can start with offering a new food once a day for the first few days, and then increase this to twice a day by days three and four. In finger food terms, a small portion will be anything from two to four small batons of food.
As a guide, your baby should generally be eating three small portions a day by the end of week two.
Banana, apple and yoghurt pancakes
Makes: 25 small pancakes
• 1 egg • 175g/6 oz Greek yoghurt • 50 ml/2 fl oz milk • 100g/4 oz self-raising flour • 1 overripe banana, peeled and mashed • 1 sweet apple, peeled, cored and grated • Sunflower or vegetable oil, for cooking
1 Crack the egg into a bowl and whisk with the yoghurt and milk. 2 Sift in the flour and whisk until smooth. 3 Add the banana and apple and mix well. 4 Heat a little oil in a large frying pan. 5 Spoon small amounts of batter in the pan and fry for a few seconds until bubbles appear on the surface. 6 Flip over and cook on the other side for one minute until lightly golden.
©2021 All rights reserved Young Soles. Photography by Gemma Booth.
Finger Food Safety Guidelines
1. NEVER leave your baby alone whilst eating and they must always be supported in an upright position. 2. Become familiar with first aid procedures. Check out the Red Cross or NHS websites which have step-by-step training videos or there will likely be first aid courses near where you live. 3. NEVER give whole pieces of small solid foods, or raw fruit or vegetables that could easily lodge in and obstruct the throat. Foods such as grapes, large blueberries and cherry tomatoes should be safely cut up into quarters. 4. Avoid fruit with stones or remove pips and stones before offering to your baby. 5. Eating is a skill and tackling texture is another developmental milestone that your baby will have to train for on their weaning journey. Which is why at the start of weaning, finger foods need to be soft - your baby should be able to squash finger foods between finger and thumb. 6. To start with, avoid finger foods that are hard that your baby could break into large chunks such as cucumber. 7. Avoid cutting foods into circular coin shapes especially if they are raw e.g. round coins of raw carrot. 8. Cutting food into batons or wedges is for your baby. They will need to be fairly long (roughly 5 – 6cm) so that some sticks out of their fist and they are narrow enough for them to hold easily. 9. Remove the skin from most fruits and vegetables. The skin introduces a new texture which can be difficult for your baby to manage and could lead to choking. 10. Babies do have a tendency to store food in their mouth, so just have a quick check they’re not storing any spare food as a snack for later before you take them out of the highchair!
Chicken and apple balls
DF, NF Makes: 20 mini balls Prep: 15 Minutes Cook: 10 Minutes
Add some spice
• 2 tsp olive oil • 1 onion, finely chopped • 1 large Granny Smith apple, peeled and grated • 2 large chicken breasts, cut into chunks • ½ tbsp fresh parsley, chopped • 1 tbsp fresh thyme or sage, or a pinch of dried mixed herbs • 1 egg yolk • 1 unsalted chicken stock cube, crumbled • 50g fresh white breadcrumbs • Plain flour for coating • Vegetable oil for frying
1 Heat the olive oil in a pan and sauté half the onion for about 3 minutes. 2 Using your hands, squeeze out a little excess liquid from the grated apple. 3 Mix the apple with the chicken, then add the cooked and remaining raw onion, herbs, egg yolk, stock cube and breadcrumbs and roughly chop in a food processor for a few seconds. 4 With your hands, form into about 20 little balls, roll in flour and fry in shallow oil for about 5 minutes until lightly golden and cooked through.
Fruit and Veg Lollies
Makes: 12 ice lollies Prep: 5 Minutes. Cook: 6 hours freeze time
Strawberry, Beetroot and Apple lollies:
• 50 g/2 oz cooked beetroot, peeled and diced • 70 g/3 oz strawberries, chopped • 50 ml/2 fl oz apple juice
Carrot, Kiwi, Mango, Banana and Orange lollies:
• 25 g/1 oz kiwi, peeled and diced • 50 g/2 oz ripe mango, diced • 50 g/2 oz ripe banana, peeled
1 Put all the ingredients into a jug. Blend using a stick blender until smooth. 2 Pour into 6 lolly moulds and freeze for 6 hours.
Simone Davies shares potty training tips from her book, The Montessori Toddler
The period when a toddler learns how to use the toilet does not have to be dreaded. After all, it is a completely natural part of being a human. Our children pick up our attitudes toward dirty nappies from infancy, and if we are screwing up our face, they will learn that it is a dirty thing instead of a normal bodily process.
I love this analogy from a fellow Montessori teacher. When a baby pulls themselves up to standing, falls down, stands up again, and then falls down, over and over until they master it, we think it is cute. When our child is learning to use the bathroom and they pee on the floor or poop in their pants, they are also practicing until they master it – except there is pee and poop.
So with open minds, I would love to help make this process a little less stressful.
The child will slowly build skills around using the toilet, starting with being able to manage their own clothing. At first they practice pulling their shorts or trousers up and down, and then later their underwear.
We can offer a potty/toilet when we change their nappy never forcing them, but making it part of the daily rhythm. “Would you like to sit on the potty/ toilet?” “Now that you’re finished on the potty, I’m going to put your nappy back on.” Using cloth nappies can also help the child feel wet when they have peed, increasing their body awareness.
The most important thing is to follow our child. It is not a competition. I’m not including any ages here, but rather, signs that the child may be ready: • Pulling at their nappy when it is wet or soiled • Squatting or going to a private place while they poop • Telling us they have peed or pooped • Resisting having their nappy changed (sometimes) • Taking off their nappy
Have a potty or a small toilet seat on the toilet. If they are using the toilet, we will need a step that the child can manage themselves and as a place to rest their feet to feel secure while sitting on the toilet.
We can also have a place in the bathroom for soiled clothes and a pile of clean underwear. A pile of cleaning rags for puddles is useful, too. Having everything at the ready and being prepared will help us remain relaxed and not rushing about, looking for things. If they don’t make it to the potty/toilet, we can calmly say, “Ah. I see you are wet. We have everything we need right here. Let’s get dry.”
Involve the child in the process. Buy some underwear together, as well as a potty. We can also find training pants that hold a little bit of pee to help when they are trying to get to the toilet in time.
As we are scaffolding skills, we can start by letting them wear just their underpants when we are at home so there is less to have to take on and off, and less to wash. They are learning what it feels like to be wet and may even stand to watch the pee run down their leg. That’s the first step. Increasing body awareness.
Next we can help them go to the bathroom to change. Montessori teachers generally say, “You have wet clothes. Let’s go change,” rather than, “You had an accident.” Offer the potty/toilet regularly at first. If we ask a toddler if they need to go to the toilet, they usually answer “no.” It’s a common response for a toddler who is developing autonomy. Instead, we can wait until they aren’t in the middle of an activity and simply say, “It’s time to go to the potty,” leading them to the bathroom. After some weeks, they generally will begin to have more awareness of their body and sometimes tell us that they need to go to the toilet. We will also observe that they are able to hold it in for longer periods at a time. Eventually they won’t need reminders at all.
We can move to underpants at nap time and night at the same time or when we notice they can hold for longer periods and wake with a dry nappy/underwear. Place a thick towel across the child’s sheets and tuck it in, or use a bed protector; either can easily be removed during the night if needed.
Sometimes a child becomes scared of pooping. It may have hurt once to poop, someone may have had a reaction that made them scared to poop on the toilet, or we may not know why. Check with a doctor if you believe there is a medical issue.
If all appears healthy, help the child relax by being calm and supportive. We can tell them, “The poop will come out when it is ready. It may take a week, it may take two weeks, but it knows when to come. Our bodies are very clever.” Then try not to talk about it too much. Rub their tummy if their abdomen hurts.
If they usually go somewhere private to poop, gradually invite the child to move to the bathroom to poop in private. Then we can start to invite them to sit on the potty with their nappy on. Gradually they will feel safe on the potty/toilet without the nappy/underwear on. Again, we are simply supporting them and scaffolding skills.
We don’t force a child to use the toilet. This is their body. We can’t rush it or do this for them. We can only support them and find ways to work with them. We can make sure we aren’t interrupting them to take them to the bathroom. We can keep offering the potty/toilet and trust that they will learn to use them. We accept them for who they are and where they are in this process.
Sometimes a toddler who knows how to use the toilet will suddenly start to pee on the floor intentionally. Observe them. Often they are telling us through their behavior that they are unhappy about something in their world, for example, a sibling who has started crawling and taking more of their space.
They want us to see them, and we can look from a place of curiosity, in order to understand them. We can acknowledge their feelings but set a clear limit about the behavior. “You’re upset about something? I can’t let you pee on the floor. But I want to work it out with you.” We can go back to creating connection, finding ways to work with them, and do some problem solving together with them.
Excerpted from Montessori Toddler: A Parent’s Guide To Raising A Curious and Responsible Human Being. By Simone Davies, Illustrated by Hiyoko Imai. Workman Publishing © 2019
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well presented 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom
Amid terraced family home in the heart of Pitshanger Village, superbly modernised and extended. The ground floor offers through flowing accommodation including lounge, dining area, cloakroom, well arranged fitted kitchen and spacious family room opening onto the rear garden with its hobby room/office. Energy Performance Certificate - C.
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£1,250,000 FREEHOLD
A spacious halls adjoining semi-detached five bedroom period property in a premier road in the heart of Pitshanger Village which has been modernised and extended throughout. To the ground floor are two excellent sized reception rooms, cloakroom, utility room and extended kitchen/dining/family area. To the first floor are four bedrooms and modern family bathroom. To the second floor is a large bedroom with separate shower room. Other benefits include period features, some double glazed windows, gas fired central heating and a 70’ east facing rear garden. Energy Performance Certificate - E.
A beautifully modernised ground floor, two bedroom flat only a short walk from Hanger Lane Central Line station and award winning Pitshanger Lane. The property has been tastefully redecorated and is in immaculate condition throughout. The accommodation comprises south facing lounge with balcony/terrace, newly fitted kitchen, two good sized bedrooms and modern bathroom. There is also gas fired central heating, double glazed windows, entryphone system, burglar alarm, two storage units to the rear and communal gardens to the front and rear. Energy Performance Certificate - C.
£620,000 LEASEHOLD
A beautifully presented, split level (first and second floor) conversion apartment, a short walk from Ealing Broadway, which is rich in character and offers spacious living accommodation throughout. The first floor offers large lounge, well arranged fitted kitchen/diner, family bathroom and third bedroom currently used as a study. To the second floor are two excellent sized bedrooms. The property also benefits from an array of period style features (period fireplaces, double hung sash windows), gas fired central heating and well maintained communal gardens. Energy Performance Certificate - D.
£2,000 Per Calendar Month
A fabulous three bedroom corner cottage in the heart of the Brentham Estate just a short walk from Pitshanger Village. The property offers two reception rooms, modern fitted kitchen, modern wet room and three good sized bedrooms. There is wood flooring in living areas, carpets in hallways and on stairs, original quarry tiling in kitchen, gas fired central heating and period features. There are delightful gardens and garage/off street parking. Offered unfurnished. Available beginning August. Energy Performance Certificate - D.
Spencer Road, Wimbledon £4,750,000
A stunning contemporary property in a private and secluded setting. Atrium/reception hall, kitchen/dining/family room, reception room, games/ TV room, study, 6 beds, 5 bath/showers, lift, west facing garden, car port, store room, gated parking with turning plate, ER/B.
Cambridge Road, Wimbledon £4,500,000
Occupying an unusually large plot of 0.24 acres (975 sq m) with lovely views across Holland Gardens. Drawing room, kitchen/family room, games room/gym, 6 bedrooms, 4 bath/shower rooms, south facing garden with summerhouse, garage & OSP ER/C.
Hillside, Wimbledon Village £3,800,000
Innovatively modernised and extended, located in a quiet cul-de-sac. Open plan receptions rooms, sitting room, TV/family/ play room, study area, kitchen/dining room, utility room/shower room, 5 bedrooms, 4 bath/shower rooms, cellar storage, southerly mature garden, OSP ER/C.
St Aubyn’s Avenue, Wimbledon £2,999,950
Situated in a leafy cul-de-sac between Wimbledon Village and the town centre. Reception hall, 2 reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and separate WC, mature garden, garage & OSP ER/E.
Barham Road, Wimbledon £2,550,000 freehold
A outstanding 5 bedroom family home that has been meticulously extended and updated to create a stunning family home (3240 ft2). 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/breakfast/family room, 3 reception rooms, home cinema, spiral wine cellar, garage, off street parking.
Elm Road, New Malden £1,200,000 freehold
A well-presented 5 bedroom detached family home that has great potential to extend on both the ground floor and into the roof - SPP. (1806 ft2). 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, garage, garden, off-street parking.
Durham Road, Wimbledon £725,000 share of freehold
A magnificent 3 bedroom penthouse apartment of 1482 ft2 with outstanding and far reaching views and a huge roof terrace. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/dining/living room, roof terrace.
West Road, Coombe Estate £3,400,000 freehold
An outstanding and beautifully presented five bedroom detached family house located in a premier private road off Coombe Lane West. (3800 ft2). 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/dining/family room, 2 reception rooms, stunning walled garden, large terrace, off-street parking.
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An amazingly light, well presented triple aspect flat with the added benefit of a balcony and private garden. Three bedrooms, luxury bathroom, An imposing wider than average five double bedroom semi detached Victorian house ideally located in this prestigious tree lined residential road running 14' reception room, fully integrated kitchen, gas fired central heating, share in the freehold, balcony and private garden with side access. Ideallynorth off Chiswick High Road. Accommodation comprises: five bedrooms, two bathrooms, large entrance hall, two reception rooms, dining room, kitchen, situated within close proximity of Chiswick Park tube station and the extensive shopping and restaurant facilities on Chiswick High Road. private 35’ west facing garden, host of original features, high ceilings. Situated within close proximity of Stamford Brook tube station and the extensive shopping and restaurant facilities on Chiswick High Road.
LINDEN GARDENS, W4 LAMB COTTAGE, W4 BOLLO LANE, W4 £330 PER WEEK £1.600,000 £1,095,000
A newly decorated lower ground floor garden flat with private west facing garden. Large double bedroom with wardrobes, reception room withA superb four double bedroom period property with a stunning fully extended ground floor located moments from both Chiswick Park station and Chiswick wood floors, bathroom with shower over, fitted kitchen, garden. The flat is on one of Chiswick's best located roads, moments from the shops,High Road. The house is arranged over three floors, comprising a 25’4 double reception room, fully extended kitchen/family room with bespoke kitchen and restaurants cafés on the High Road and 5 minutes from Turnham Green station. The property is available early September, furnished. bi-fold doors leading on a secluded landscaped garden, master bedroom with luxurious ensuite shower room and fitted wardrobes, three further double bedrooms all with fitted wardrobes, family bathroom, cloakroom and eaves storage. The property is very well located for Chiswick High Road’s shops, cafes and restaurants. Transport links include Chiswick Park and South Acton stations, local bus routes and the A4/M4 for routes in and out of London.
Beautifully presented two double bedroom second floor flat in this highly sought after riverside development. Boasting a stunning open planA four bedroom, three storey townhouse tucked away in this private mews with off street parking and a private south facing garden. Accommodation kitchen reception room, a river side balcony and a master ensuite bedroom. Large open plan reception room, fully fitted kitchen with granite workcompromises; 3/4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, 17’ reception room, fully fitted kitchen, private 26’ south facing landscaped garden, gas fired central heating, off tops, fitted wardrobes and riverside views. Underground parking space included. street parking. Situated off this popular residential street offering close proximity to numerous amenities. No chain.
A large, light and beautifully presented two double bedroom flat on this highly desirable road in the heart of Bedford Park, just minutes fromAn immaculately presented four bedroom semi detached house, with large loft, south facing garden and ideally located in the Bedford Park area offering close Turnham Green underground station. Top floor position ensures beautiful views from the reception and bedrooms. proximity to all amenities. Accommodation comprises: four bedrooms, luxury bathroom, large loft, spacious entrance hall, 17’ reception room, fully integrated kitchen/breakfast room, dining room, study, cloakroom, private south facing landscaped garden, secured covered side access. The house is situated within close proximity of Turnham Green tube station and the extensive bars, shops and restaurants on Chiswick High Road. No chain
The founder of John Martin Estates offers his view of the property market, with the benefit of 30 years' experience
As I write this, we are readying ourselves for Monday 19 July, so-called “Freedom Day” and every individual will have their view on this both in terms of health but also the economic recovery. As a business owner, the safety of my staff, clients and applicants is the priority and since Coronavirus is still with us, we shall be continuing our strict viewing protocol and asking that masks are worn and occupiers vacate for a viewing. Just today, an occupier has had to cancel a viewing due to a work colleague testing positive. With safety comes confidence.
My last article appeared after the Budget announcement that the £500,000 stamp duty holiday would continue until 30 June 2021 and I noted that I expected a frenzy of activity after the Easter break. Frenzy was the correct description. I have only ever seen a similar market at the end of the 1980s when double MIRAS relief was scheduled to end – there's nothing like a deadline for people to leave everything to the eleventh hour. However, unlike on that occasion, the activity this year did not produce a huge rise in prices as seen in other areas of the country, but correctly priced houses did not stay on the market for long.
We will have to wait and see whether the suggestion that a significant number of is that the ability to purchase is still based on affordability as well as confidence in the market – all the more reason for agents not to inflate prices but to properly manage clients’ expectations. Regrettably, I have seen agents who may not necessarily know a particular area doing just this and it is the client who loses out in the end.
Continuing safety measures as well as the property market weathering the storms will bring people to high street agents. In order to encourage the longevity of this confidence, we must reward those clients and applicants with our expertise and experience as well as the personal service for which we are known.
For advice on the property market in Pitshanger Village and Ealing and to view the properties available, please contact our team.
transactions (particularly in London) fell through because they did not complete by 30 June is correct. The concern here is that if there were fall-throughs (despite the stamp duty holiday decreasing on 1 July to only £250,000 and not the original £125,000 as had been planned for 31 March), then perhaps buyers were either overstretching themselves in their borrowing or were not serious in the first place.
So what news of the property market since the frenzy around 30 June came to an end? We have seen increased interest in flats which had previously seen little or no activity and a number of investment buyers are returning to the market. It seems that many were not interested in taking part in the £500,000 stampede but see that the £250,000 stamp duty exemption, available for completions until 30 September, is better than nothing at all.
We have not, however – despite the government-backed 95% mortgage scheme – seen many first-time buyers coming to the market, and that is unfortunate. However, we hope that there will be increased activity in that sector, given that they will now have the advantage of their previous £300,000 stamp duty exemption and the confidence from the economy starting to open up as well as the evidence that the property market has held its own regardless of our withdrawal from the EU and the pandemic. If the last quarter has shown us anything it
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