Twinfu Magazine - Issue 3 - June 2009

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winFu Magazine


Join PT Honolulu MTG’s Brightest Matchup in Paradise!

Summers BIG


Square OFF!

June 2009 - Issue 3


winFu Magazine

editors Notes Welcome to issue number three of Twinfu Magazine, which is a monthly publication for the website This months update again focuses on the big month at the box office with the introduction of Land of the Lost, Year One, and did I mention Transformers wanna find out what “Lets See It” will take home box office gold? Also during the month of June Magic the Gathering is having the second Pro Tour of the year this time in beautiful Hawaii in Honolulu. This format will be a half Block half Draft format focusing on the sets from the Alara Block. and are also excited to introduce the MFL Championship which is a Magic Based Fantasy League where knowing Who’s Who in Magic might win you a bunch of great prizes. Rules and Regulations will be explained in this months article titled MFL: Are you Playing? In future issues you till find that the Twinfu Staff will be attending many of the major upcoming events giving you a birds-eye perspective of what’s happening and where. Lastly, is looking for new people who are interested in writing or sharing their knowledge on gaming in general. If you like what you’re reading and would like to be an official sponsor of Twinfu. com write us at or contact us at 214-766-0898. Enjoy and keep Gaming!

TwinFu Staff 2

- Contents Editors Notes


Table of Contents


Block Party - Pro Tour Honolulu


MFL Tournament: Are You Ready?


Epic: Time Wars - Sequal Set to Epic Core Set


Lets See it! - Movie Reviews


July Preview Cover



Block Party With Pro-Tour Honolulu Arriving June 5-7th, the people at Twinfu want to make sure all the competitors have their party Plans in order and all the ingrediants to make a Deck with all the Tasty treats from Alara Block!!!

Bant Aggro

The funny thing is we have this deck currently in Type 2 and the deck only has to exchange a few cards to transition to a Block only version of this deck type. Besides the general synergy of the creatures as a team, the individual creatures in this deck can make this style a true powerhouse at Pro-Tour Honolulu!

Naya - Aggro/Control

Naya seems to have a unique thing going for it in it’s different forms, the main version is an aggro creature build starring Wild Nactl and Battlegrace Angel. Where as there is an Land Destruction version playing Realm Razor and eight Borderposts to try lock an opponent out with LD. Either way, speedy or combo Naya is a fun Shard to try out in Hawaii. 4

Esper Control

In draft this deck has unnatural Synergy with it’s pieces let it be recursion with Sanctum Gargoyle recovering the Capsules from the Graveyard. Or Sharuum reusing any of your trusty artifacts for a second go-round. Esper seems to have all the tools for the Control players at heart. Keep in mind many of the decks can get out of hand quickly and Esper might need to turn to Infest to be it’s dagger as it’s trying to cast the big spells to protect it’s mini-combos.

Cruel Control - Grixis

Anything with Cruel Ultimateum can be deemed a tough deck from the beginning but keep a weary eye out for a new style Control deck taking advantage of the many abiilities that Grixis and Jund share across the board. Also The best removal seems to come from this shard so watch out!

Bloodbraid Jund - Cascade

Eventhough in block we don’t have Swan of Bryn Argoll or Seismic Assault the idea of building an aggro Jund deck using the Cascade seems like the most logical deck type to control the format. With Bloodbraid Elf and Bituminous Blast leading the way with card advantage, and Anathemancer and Broodmate Dragon as the backup it seems like Jund will be the favorite to take the Shard title for best overall deck types at the Pro-Tour. 5

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with Sponsorship through and presents the Magic Fantasy League Tournament. Which will take place Friday May 29th, 2009 though June 5th 2009. The premise of the tournament is to choose up to 8 different qualified players and incorporate them into a fantasy team which will represent you during the tournament. At the end of Pro-Tour Honolulu; the TwinFu Staff will tallied and rank each participating team and choose the Top 3 Winners based on a combination of Money Earned, PT Points, and overall place in the tournament. Afterward the Winners will be contacted by for shipping of the corresponding Prizes and Final Results will be on Twinfu. com.

PRIZES: Third - Supported by Game Closet (Waco,TX) Divine vs. Demonic Starter Deck Second: - Supported by Alara Reborn Fat Pack Grand Prize - Supported by 20 x 26 Framed Proof of Shivan Dragon signed by the artist! Signups Begin Friday May 29th, 2009 at look for the MFL Logo and the final rules and regulations at other websites to enter into the MFL Tournament for Pro-Tour Honolulu!


The second release for Epic TCG is coming soon to a card shop near you! “The walls of time have become weak as mighty clashes between gods rage. Beasts are plucked from the depths of the past and marvels pulled from the mists of the future to do battle as champions of the gods. This is Epic–Time Wars - Rob Dougherty”

In the first set the cards had origins from the past sprinkled with future technology, and the first set was bred on a medieval time period mixed with many fantasy elements. Finally, Epic TCG has announced the very first expansion of its very successful core set named Epic: Time Wars, the second set will release August 14th with prerelease events occurring a week earlier on August 8th. This marked with a temporal theme, making it easier for players to pull from the future, to pull weaponry like giant Mechs, missiles, and even machine guns, to battle the past including large dinosaurs and even dragons! So for those who are lucky to be at GenCon this year, you will be able to answer the question:

“Which is more powerful, a sledgehammer or a gun?” In Epic TCG, that depends whether you’re trying to break rocks or kill rogue champions coming your way! With Epic: Time Wars you will be able to find out! Time Wars cards will have special water marks built into the background of the text area, similar to that of the prize cards, in the shape of the primary logo from the Time Wars logo display. Time Wars packs retail at $3.99 each and come in booster displays of 24 packs (with one rulebook) and cases of 12 displays.


JUNE 2009 EDITION June 5th: Land of the Lost, The Hangover What’s the Biggest: Land Of the Lost What’s the Best: The Hangover June has arrived and we continue to see large scale movies every week, Land of the Lost will be no exception. First off you have Will Ferrell, and a bunch of Dinosaurs seems like you have the equation to make Box office Gold!! Ironically though this probably won’t be the best movie during this week. The Hangover by previews alone seem to have that extra something which should be hilarious to the average gaming enthusiasts!

June 12th: The Taking of Pelham 123, Imagine That What’s the Biggest: Imagine That What’s the Best: The Taking of Pelham 123 The big thing about a Rated R movie in the Taking of Pelham 123, it pretty much always guarantees the kid movie will win the weekend. Honestly, I’m not slighting Imagine That, but the last few Eddie Murphy movies have become increasingly worse and until he is able to prove he can choose a great script I just won’t have confidence in his titles. As for the June 12th Weekend, Imagine That should take the title but it will probably be a low overall draw to the weekend money-wise.


June 19th: Year One, The Proposal What’s the Biggest: Year One What’s the Best: Year One This is a very weird week for movies, Year One right away looks as those it could be a very aweful movie. But Jack coming off of Kung Fu Panda doesn’t really go for movies that he doesn’t appreciate the comedic value of which gives us hope that maybe the movie won’t be a complete waste of time. Also releasing is the first romantic comedy of the month The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds fresh off of Wolverine. This movie does have a good chance of sneaking into Top 2 considering many people are turn off by Jack Black movies.

June 24th: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen What’s the Biggest: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen What’s the Best: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen It’s so nice when you get a week with absolutely no competition. This movie will be one of the three largest movies of the new year. With all new Autobots joining the cast and the return of Megatron and the appearance of the mega-huge Devastator to the fold will Optimus and crew be able to help protect Earth from the likes of the evil Decepticons. The other question is, who will protect our wallets from seeing this movie multiple times? We will find out!




j Issue 4 - July 2009


SHAKING THE CORE! Magic the Gatherings Newest Set to invade the Marketplace!

Ready For Some Football?

NCAA 2010!!!

Will Harry Be able to Summon Huge Box Office Numbers????

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