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From Where I Sit
from Themis—Summer 2023
The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha encourages us “to learn those things that will ever enrich and ennoble our lives.” This edition of Themis should arrive in your mailbox shortly after nearly 800 sisters spent a weekend learning from each other at the 2023 Summer Leadership Academy in Indianapolis.
The biennial academy brings together the current and future leaders of our Fraternity. Collegiate members at Emerging Leaders Academy gain knowledge and perspective to take on bigger roles in their chapters in the future. Collegiate and Alumnae National Officers learn to develop stronger engagement and connections that will help them guide chapters. The General Advisors attending focus on coaching and mentoring collegiate members to success. The newest Leadership Consultants prepare for an amazing year visiting and supporting our chapters. That’s a lot of learning, enriching and ennobling.
I love the summer academy because leadership development has been so important to my ZTA journey. As a chapter advisor, I learned “to be true to ourselves” with open and honest communication that built trust. As a Province President, I learned to empower others and delegate responsibilities because, in a Province with four chapters, more than 400 collegians and a dozen advisors, I couldn’t and shouldn’t have done it all.
As a member of national committees and a Director of New Chapters, I learned the value of listening “to seek understanding that we might gain true wisdom.” When I worked with chapters that needed guidance to move from good to great, I couldn’t provide that guidance until I understood their challenges. The understanding came when I talked less and listened more. More than anything, I learned I couldn’t lead if I wasn’t willing to be vulnerable myself. That meant “finding satisfaction in being rather than seeming” by sharing my journey through anorexia with collegiate women so they knew they weren’t alone and support and recovery were within their grasp.
I often quote The Creed in conversations with collegiate members and alumnae volunteers. Today, as the newest member of National Council, I understand our Creed in new ways. Because I now represent every member of Zeta Tau Alpha, I remember to always “have the welfare and harmony of the Fraternity at heart” when making decisions. Although The Creed was written 95 years ago, its message and the values within it are still true and more relevant than ever because, like ZTA, leadership and learning are forever.
[4] Amie Jo Hill Hewette, Michele Davis McGibony and Angela Benton McManigal, sisters at Zeta Xi Chapter (Georgia Southern University), just before a Crush Party in 1992.

[5] Left to right: Samantha Rosengarten, Emily Hamner, Tara Kremhelmer and Madelynn Lula of Zeta Omega Chapter (Ferris State University) at the 2019 Best Man on Campus fundraiser.
[6] Alpha Zeta Chapter (The Ohio State University), 1986. Left to right: Gwen Eastlake DeCrow, Debi Price Cole, Margie Munger Nelson.
[7] Beta Theta (Franklin College) sisters Peighton Noel, left, and Elizabeth Gillin in 2020.