11 minute read
from Themis—Summer 2023
Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati
Members are incredibly grateful for the women in their lives and loved celebrating with them during Women’s Weekend. Sisters invited these important women to the chapter house for brunch, a speaker on breast cancer and a visit to the Cincinnati Zoo.
Alpha Nu
Birmingham-Southern College
The campus’ fraternity/sorority life community dedicated a week of service in support of local non-profit organizations. The diverse events gave ZTA members the opportunity to partner with other chapters to give their time diligently to help those in need and ensure change in the Birmingham area.
Alpha Omicron
The University of Iowa
The chapter created new bonds during a fun, carnival-themed chapter retreat, complete with inflatable skee-ball, an ice cream machine, sno-cones, bowling and more. The time spent together was perfect for strengthening sisterhood and getting to know new members.

[1] Alpha Psi University
of Missouri
The campus Greek Week brotherhood/ sisterhood event was a smashing success. ZTA and partners Theta Chi and Phi Kappa Theta made spirit sticks featuring the chapters’ letters and their Greek Week theme—The Beatles. After crafting, the groups kicked back outside with grilled hot dogs and yard games.
Beta Gamma
Florida State University
This chapter takes pride in supporting members’ mental health through relaxing activities and weekly reminders. At chapter meetings, the Mental Health Committee suggests on- and off-campus resources. Each Wednesday, the committee posts an encouraging affirmation online. Other activities include card making, podcasts and covering the bathroom mirrors with positive notes.
[2] Beta Delta Miami University
The chapter held a sisterhood event at a local drive-in movie theater. Sisters watched “Legally Blonde” on the big screen, ate snacks and wore ZTA gear for taking pictures and upcoming videos.

[3] Beta Theta Franklin College
Dog Dash is an annual 5K walk/run this chapter started in 2016. Community members attend with their dogs, and the dogs particpate in an obstacle course, puppy paintings and raffles. Sisters raised $1,700 toward breast cancer education and awareness.

Beta Iota
Centenary College of Louisiana
Members went all in to participate in the school’s homecoming week contests, including chalk drawing and window painting, gumbo and cookie cookoff, and the banner competition. With participation from all chapter sisters, ZTA earned the coveted Overall Winner designation.
Beta Phi
Michigan State University
During its Think Pink® Week, the chapter launched a new project they called chemo baskets. All members collected and donated supplies that could help make the chemo process more bearable for patients at Sparrow Hospital. They assembled the items into beautiful baskets and hand-delivered them to the patients.
Beta Omega Union University
The university’s annual variety show is a traditional favorite for the six fraternity/sorority life organizations. The Zetas performed a Good Morning Show-type skit through song and dance with sports, weather and breaking news sections and took home the prize for best overall performance and best costumes.
Gamma Alpha
University of Miami
This chapter organized a private group spin class at a local fitness studio. The participating members achieved a great workout while bonding and creating memories with sisters and new members.
[4] Gamma Gamma
The University of Texas at El Paso
Big Man on Campus is a successful fundraising event for this chapter. Contestants participate in multiple events, including evening wear, Miner
Pride, talent and answering questions about ZTA and its philanthropy. Ticket sales, entry fees and dollar votes for contestants all provide funds for the ZTA Foundation.
Gamma Zeta
Mississippi State University
One of the chapter’s favorite sisterhood events last year combined crafts and treats. New and initiated members painted cute tote bags while catching up and getting to know each other. After using their creativity, everyone enjoyed yummy sno-cones.
[5] Gamma Pi
University of Georgia
A fancy night out on the town is a favorite tradition for this chapter. Members put on their best dresses for the annual Crown Ball and receive a light-up stick as they enter the venue. Everyone enjoyed the great company of sisters while dancing and singing to a live band.
Gamma Omicron

Central Michigan University
What’s better than cupcakes? How about decorating cupcakes with your sisters and potential new members? This delicious and creative sisterhood activity was also a successful Continuous Open Bidding event for the chapter during spring semester.
[6] Gamma Psi
Texas Christian University
The chapter partnered with the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and hosted its biggest sisterhood event yet! Members put on their cowboy hats and boots and enjoyed a night of the Western culture of Fort Worth. Sisters of all ages bonded as they watched bull riding, horse shows and livestock. This sisterhood event was a huge success and the members are looking forward to doing it again soon.

Delta Beta
Florida Southern College
Bid Day is always one of the best days, and this chapter made it awesome with food and fun. The 21 new members joined with chapter members to eat delicious chicken and cookies. A friendly game of baseball matched the Bid Day theme, which was New Member Class 23 is a Real Catch.
Delta Zeta

Sam Houston State University
A colorful bonding tradition is the Touch-A-Sister sisterhood. Members meet in a park wearing white T-shirts and armed with paint and paintbrushes. The Director of Sisterhood calls out a prompt, such as “touch a sister who shows leadership.” Members put a touch of paint on other sisters, and everyone leaves with a colorful shirt and a reminder of ZTA’s Nine Key Values.
Delta Kappa
Louisiana State University
These Zetas put a touch of creativity into their events. At a Continuous Open Bidding brunch, members and potential new members made bouquets and cards for breast cancer patients. The chapter welcomed its spring new members with painting and dancing. Sisters also decorated graduation caps for seniors as a special gift.
[7] Delta Iota
Pennsylvania Western University Clarion
These ladies ended their semester in style. The Director of Social Events planned an amazing formal event complete with a red carpet, fabulous food and lots of dancing. Everyone appreciated the fun theme and wonderful celebration.

Delta Mu
The University of Tennessee at Martin Sisters hosted a FRED-based Kahoot to educate members on ZTA history and share fun facts about the Founders. The FRED Chair also gave historical facts about ZTA, specifically that ZTA absorbed Beta Sigma Omicron in 1964.
Delta Omicron
Lenoir-Rhyne University
The chapter was excited to grow by one sister with the initiation of its new member this semester. Whether 100 sisters or one sister, Ritual is a special time to bring everyone together and share Zeta Love.

Delta Pi
Eastern New Mexico University
Members shared breast cancer education and awareness with their community and raised money for the Foundation during several sporting events. They passed out Think Pink® ribbons and sold brownies during a football game, sold 50/50 raffle tickets during a volleyball game, and sold brownies and 50/50 raffle tickets during a basketball game.
[8] Delta Sigma
Lamar University
This chapter hosted a Mother’s Tea during the fall semester. The event featured painted flowerpots, matching permanent jewelry and ZTA mother’s pins. While all the mothers and daughters enjoyed the day, it was a special treat for two members whose mothers are alumnae.

[9] Delta Psi
Samford University
Sisters hosted a breakfast and pajamas new member retreat, which was a huge success and was themed around “dreams of ZTA.” Guests enjoyed a catered IHOP breakfast and then they chose three different bonding activities. They could paint canvases, make bracelets and jewelry, or write each other sweet notes encouraging perseverance through the school year.
Zeta Beta
Thiel College
The school’s homecoming theme this year was the Olympics and USA. The chapter enjoyed partnering with Kappa Sigma Fraternity to create a parade float that showed pride for their own organizations, their school and their country.
Zeta Gamma
Youngstown State University
The Crown Classic Volleyball Tournament attracted more than 90 participants to raise funds for the ZTA Foundations’ efforts in breast cancer education and awareness. The chapter organized the successful competition for teams of six players who worked their way through the bracket.
[10] Zeta Theta
East Central University
Sisters competed in East Central’s first ever Powderpuff tournament. They competed in two games, with many Zetas on the sideline to cheer them on. It was a fun new experience for members.

[11] Zeta Nu
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Current chapter members hosted the Second Annual Alumnae Brunch in April. The collegians welcomed back sisters from the 1970s, 1990s and 2000s who reminisced about the chapter’s history and played a ZTA trivia game. After lunch, the Harrisburg, PA Chapter held the Alumna Initiation Service for five outgoing seniors.

[12] Eta Gamma
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
The chapter celebrated the influential women in their lives at a brunch. Sisters invited parents, guardians, family and friends to show their appreciation to those who made an impact on their lives. After brunch, sisters and guests made flower bouquets.
Eta Alpha
Georgia Southwestern State University
Chapter members who are part of the student ambassador team helped host the university’s inaugural Gold Force Gala. This fundraiser for scholarships included a silent auction and alumni recognition. Eta Alpha Chapter alumnae, Cheryl and Maggie Fletcher, received the Family Legacy Award for their years of support for Georgia Southwestern.
Eta Mu
Augusta University
The chapter’s Director of Membership Enrichment enlightened the chapter with educational and fun programming. She presented a program on acceptance and inclusive language during Autism Acceptance Month. One of her FRED facts included the history of the oldest-known crown. A program on strawberries became a sisterhood event to make chocolate-covered strawberries.
[13] Eta Rho
The University of North Alabama
Sisters gathered at a local venue, Pickett on Court, to build a ZTA bear. Each bear came with its own strawberry shirt and birth certificate. Sisters enjoyed this sisterhood retreat while socializing with each other and creating new memories to last a lifetime.

Eta Upsilon
Missouri Southern State University
Members invited their parents to spend a day experiencing ZTA on campus. The chapter provided lunch and outdoor games like corn hole and giant Jenga for a fun bonding activity. The Zetas appreciated how sweet it is to be loved by their families.
Theta Delta
Salisbury University
A Feel Good sisterhood event brought members closer together. Each member had a paper with her name at the top. Members wrote compliments on each other’s papers. The activity was a reminder of the importance of giving compliments face-to-face and not taking for granted the positive aspects of each member.
Theta Eta
Stephen F. Austin State University
The chapter celebrated Galentine’s Day by playing a valentine-themed game of Family Feud in teams of four. It was a great opportunity for sisters to bond with sisters whom they do not see regularly and to show all members they are loved and valued.
Theta Chi
George Mason University
The chapter celebrated Founders’ Day with the traditional service. As members read the descriptions of our Founders, the chapter appreciated the time to thank the nine young women who created the sisterhood that has given each of us so much.
Theta Omega
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
A recruitment workshop filled a weekend with all things ZTA. Members participated in activities to promote conversation and values-based recruitment. They shared stories to help better connect with each other and strengthen sisterhood. Sisters were encouraged to wear pink to honor the people who inspire them to Think Pink®.
[14] Iota Delta Towson University
Members participated in Sigma Chi’s Derby Days philanthropy fundraiser for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. After competing in flag football, trivia, tug of war and a fashion show, and throwing pies in members’ faces, ZTA raised more money than the other sororities. As the champion, the chapter received $600 from Sigma Chi for the ZTA Foundation.

[15] Iota Eta
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Aloha! This chapter thoroughly enjoyed attending the Pure Aloha Festival together. The event was a celebration of Hawaiian and Pacific Islander culture, music and cuisine and a wonderful way to learn more about our diverse membership.
Iota Nu
Susquehanna University
Collegians partnered with local alumnae chapter officers to honor the chapter’s graduating seniors. The sisters provided delicious refreshments, thoughtful gifts and a slide show of memories and messages to celebrate the class of 2023’s transition into the ZTA alumnae world.
Iota Pi
University of Dayton
Ohio Zeta Day in Akron was more than just a road trip for this chapter’s Executive Committee. While the officers soaked up leadership tips from presentations, the greatest benefit was meeting collegiate and alumnae sisters from across the state and growing the love and sisterhood within EC.
[16] Kappa Zeta Clemson University

These ladies looked tanned and fabulous at their spring semi-formal, thanks to a member who owns a spray tan company and gave her time and a major discount to her sisters. This event was a wonderful opportunity to prepare for a party and support a sister’s business.
Kappa Lambda
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Dressing up for an end-of-year formal social event is a great way to celebrate all the hard work of the chapter. In addition to dinner and dancing, chapter sisters included superlatives at their formal to commemorate members’ achievements.

[17] Kappa Mu Linfield University
Members took a trip to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm for springtime sisterhood bonding. Sisters saw beautiful flowers, took a million pictures, ate delicious food and purchased wooden shoes. Everyone always enjoys this annual event, and they look forward to doing it again.

Kappa Rho
University of South Carolina Upstate
The theme, Our New Members are What Dreams are Made of, made for a fun sisterhood event. Everyone was encouraged to wear their PJs and enjoy a catered meal from Chipotle.
The university’s Director of Students was the special guest who talked about how to get more involved on campus.
Kappa Sigma
University of South Florida
Food always brings Zetas together, as it did for this chapter’s alumnae-collegiate ice cream social. Collegians and alumnae enjoyed delicious ice cream while sharing ZTA experiences and building relationships across decades.
Kappa Phi
Christopher Newport University
Spring is a great time to organize a sisterhood retreat. In April, members gathered at a local park for sisterhood and crafts. Everyone left the fun event with paintings on canvas, decorated flowers pots and friendship bracelets.
Kappa Chi
Shorter University
This chapter joined with Omicron Chapter (Brenau University) for a combined Noble Workshop. Facilitated by a Leadership Consultant, the event included recruitment conversation tips, discussion of the Nine Key Values and a sisterhood activity. Members enjoyed the intermingling to gain new perspectives.
[18] Kappa Psi
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
For the third year in a row, this chapter finished first in the campus Greek Week celebration. The chapter earned the most points in Instagram challenges, sports activities, a bake off and the largest event, Greek Sing, that must include dancing, skits and a lip sync.

Lambda Gamma
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Boots and Bling was the theme for a spring semester date night for this chapter. Sisters and dates dressed in Western/cowgirl fashion to enjoy a great night filled with country line dancing, mechanical bull riding and barbeque.
Lambda Theta
New York University
Have you ever thrown the crown while hanging upside down? Members of this chapter have. They attended a class in aerial yoga—many for the first time. It proved to be a great way to bond and focus on personal health.
Lambda Kappa
Appalachian State University
Zetas hosted their parents for an evening social event. The party gave members and caregivers the chance to meet each other and learn more about Zeta Tau Alpha and the sisterhood it provides.
These sisters took each other out to the ball game in New York City. A Yankees game was a great way to have fun together, strengthen sisterhood bonds, create lifelong memories and share endless laughs.

[20] Lambda Pi Reinhardt University
The fifth anniversary of the chapter’s installation was the perfect time for a reunion. Collegiate members welcomed alumnae back to campus to celebrate the 254th link in ZTA’s Chain of Chapters Even with time and distance, love is the strongest bond that keeps the sisterhood alive.
Lambda Phi Binghamton University
In preparation for its first Think Pink® Week, sisters held a pink-themed photoshoot to help promote upcoming philanthropy events. Dressed in pink and posing in front of a Think Pink® banner, sisters had lots of fun with music, props and confetti.
Chapter News submissions are changing
Starting with the next winter issue of Themis, we will no longer assign chapters to a specific issue (winter or summer) in which their chapter news will be featured. Chapter News will be in every issue starting with the winter issue, with chapters regularly submitting news for consideration through the existing process in ZetaBase.