3 minute read
from Themis—Summer 2023
By Maddie Willis, Contributing Writer
No matter their size, Zeta Tau Alpha chapters show ongoing support for breast cancer education and awareness by organizing campus fundraisers. With tournaments, races, galas and community dinners, chapters take pride in raising awareness and funds.

“Our chapters’ fundraisers are vital to the ZTA Foundation’s ability to support our breast cancer education and awareness efforts,” said Carla Martin Cobb, Foundation Vice President of Collegiate Development. “The collegiate effort allows us to continue our partnerships with the American Cancer Society®, the National Football League and Bright Pink®, and to continually broaden our philanthropic and educational reach.”
Iota Pi Chapter’s Crown Classic Football Tournament at the University of Dayton grew by leaps and bounds in the past academic year. Members raised over $16,700, tripling the amount raised in most recent years.
Iota Pi Director of Philanthropy and Service Megan Grimshaw revamped the chapter’s page on Crowd Change , the online fundraising platform available to all ZTA chapters that allows members to create their own donation page. The chapter encouraged fundraising by offering incentive awards to members. First prize, a $60 Lululemon gift card, went to a member who raised $620 on her own fundraising page. “The incentives and changes created the best culture surrounding our philanthropy event,” said Iota Pi President Kate Stewart.
Another successful campus fundraiser is Alpha Omicron Chapter’s 5K race at The University of Iowa. Members are working toward reaching a new fundraising goal of $25,000 in the fall. In hopes of reaching that goal, current Vice President IV/Philanthropy, Service & Fundraising Grace Kolholf wants to emphasize the meaning of philanthropy to all chapter members.
Grace and other officers often share a story from an Iowa baseball Pink Out game. An older gentleman came to the Think Pink® table to let the Zetas know their efforts matter . He lost his wife to breast cancer, and he encouraged the women to keep up the impactful work. Members hold that story close to their hearts. “I think if you really care about philanthropy, you’re more likely to want to fundraise for it,” Grace said.
“I’m excited to see the community involvement and how excited everyone will be when we hit that $25,000 goal,” Alpha Omicron President Olivia Ruby said. “It’s going to be awesome to celebrate that with the chapter and reward the philanthropy team’s efforts.”
Each year, Gamma Psi Chapter (Texas Christian University) hosts its White Violet Gala to raise funds for breast cancer education and awareness. This past year, the gala featured a western theme and a special performance by a country musician, so the chapter members enjoyed wearing their best boots and hats as they supported ZTA’s national philanthropy.

Members invite their parents to the gala that always features a successful auction in addition to music and dancing. Each chapter member donates at least one item to be auctioned, like NBA tickets, local concert tickets and baskets filled with gift cards.
“Our members love to come look at the donations. It makes them feel special to say ‘I contributed this and it’s raising this much money. This is something I did to help benefit the chapter and this cause,’’’ said Sofia Leyerle, former Vice President of Philanthropy.
With 300 members, Gamma Psi is one of the largest ZTA chapters, and the gala raises over $50,000. Current Vice President IV/Philanthropy, Service & Fundraising Lucy Priest has set next year’s fundraising goal at $65,000 to $70,000.
Whether their membership is large or small, ZTA chapters work hard to make a sizable difference. In fall 2022, the 40 members of Kappa Iota
Chapter at Moravian College raised almost $6,000 at their spaghetti dinner fundraiser.
Chapter President Paige Spoerl said the chapter does amazing outreach to the entire campus by inviting everybody. Throughout their Pink Week, chapter members host tabling events on campus to sell tickets and other goodies. But the spaghetti dinner is where Kappa Iota Chapter emphasizes the meaning of ZTA’s philanthropy. During the dinner, the chapter honors survivors of breast cancer.
The common theme throughout these chapter events is the importance of philanthropy to every sister and the chapter leaders’ willingness to learn and educate their chapters and the community about breast cancer. “So many women in our chapter have connections to our philanthropy,” said former Alpha Omicron VP IV/ Philanthropy, Service & Fundraising Merrin O’Connor. “Everyone wants to support those connections and hear those stories.”