1 minute read
from Themis—Summer 2023
Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, the official publication of the Fraternity, has been published continuously since 1903.
How To Make An Address Change
Go to sistersonly.zetataualpha.org and update your information. You may also email changes to zetataualpha@zetataualpha.org (subject: Address Change) or call IO at (317) 872–0540.
Parents/guardians: While your student is in college, ZTA sends the magazine to the home address on file. If your student has a different permanent address, please send it in.
How To Submit News
Send all news and photos to the Communication Department by emailing news@zetataualpha.org or through bit.ly/ThemisStories. All submissions become the property of ZTA and are subject to editing. Include full names and chapter(s). Photos must be 1 MB (1,024 KB) or larger to be printed.
How To Submit To The Archives
Have something to contribute to the archives? Email Patti Cords Levitte (patti-levitte@zetataualpha.org).
Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha (ISSN 1529-6709); (USPS 627-120) is published quarterly by Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, 1036 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032.
Subscription: $2 per year. Single copies: $0.50. Periodical postage paid in Carmel, Indiana, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the United States of America.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, 1036 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032.
[8] Theta Psi Chapter (Texas State University) sisters in 1994. Left to right: Mika Chalk, Kathy Rackley, Natalie Smith, Kim Nicholes Weirich, Jamie Bland Jordan and Amy Hightower.

[9] Left to right: Lisa Kozikowski Gaebler, Melissa Womer Finklea, Janis Abraham Logsdon and Deborah Horn Kohut at an Alpha Xi Chapter (Indiana University) quad roomies reunion in 2016. They were roommates in 1983.
[10] Tess Devers, left, and Bailee Elvington at Eta Chi Chapter (Francis Marion University) Spring 2023 Formal.
Member, Fraternity Communications Association and National Panhellenic Conference © 2023 Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Zeta Tau Alpha.
1036 S. Rangeline Road
Carmel, IN 46032 zetataualpha.org