2 minute read
from Themis—Summer 2023
By Hannah Newman, Contributing Writer
Roommates can form the foundation of sisterhood for Zetas who will later weave together college memories. Those memories usually begin with living arrangements, where sisters find a home within ZTA and carry that piece of their ZTA experience with them for decades. The days of living together come to an end, but the laughter, compassion and sense of fulfillment among roommates travel with them the rest of their lives. These sisters tagged their roommates on ZTA’s Facebook page for ZTA’s Roommate Appreciation Day March 4. We asked them to share their roommate experiences and how far their memories and relationships have taken them.

SUSIE WERNER GEIGER Initiated in 1979
Epsilon Chapter, University of Arkansas
In the 1980s, Epsilon sisters changed rooms and roommates two to three times a year, giving members more opportunities to get to know each other. Having five best friends sharing the same room was like a never-ending slumber party filled with laughs, chaos and fun times. Thanks to social media, we have been able to keep up with each other’s lives. We will receive our White Violet pins in a few years, so perhaps another slumber party is in order.
Delta Kappa Chapter, Louisiana State University
I was blessed to spend my years at LSU living in the Delta Kappa Chapter house with my best friends and sisters. Our rooms were known as the “Fun Zone!” The joyful memories completely shaped my ZTA experience. Over a decade has passed since graduation and we still communicate about our daily lives in our group text. Though we are scattered across the country, we are still linked together. We even all shared the same cake knife for our weddings! Ashley, Brandi, Brittney, Caitlyn, Heather, Jen, Kayla, Lauren, Monica and 4010 West Lakeshore Drive will always be home to me.
Brandi Ribecky Copley
Initiated 2006
Zeta Alpha Chapter, University of Evansville

In August 2006, I moved into Hughes Hall. I grew up in Michigan and my roommate, Jessica, was from Southern California. We learned we have the same birthday. We hit it off immediately and became inseparable. Jessica and I were known for pranks with our floormates and for watching Food Network and creating interesting food concoctions. We still talk and, of course, celebrate our birthday, although we live in different states and haven’t seen each other in over a decade. Roommates in a dorm with no air conditioning have a bond, but it’s a stronger bond when roommates are sisters for life.
Initiated 2019
Alpha Nu Chapter, Birmingham-Southern College
During my junior year, I lived with five of my best friends. We made the best memories together and learned so much about each other; it was like a fun sleepover every night. These sisters taught me what true friendship is, and I know that without each of them I would not have survived the year. We laughed together, we cried together and celebrated every victory each one of us achieved together. We always had each other’s backs and still do to this day. Without ZTA, I wouldn’t have met best friends for life and memories I will cherish forever.
Cyndi Stark Chlup
Initiated 1987
Gamma Phi Chapter, University of North Texas

I met Amy Taylor Hanlon in 1986 as a freshman. She was one of my pledge sisters. We did everything together. Our junior year, we became suitemates at College Inn. We went to everything together: every formal, date party and fraternity event. We danced almost every weekend at Dallas clubs. We were bridesmaids in each other’s weddings, have watched our children grow into adults and belong to the same alumnae chapter. Amy battled breast cancer this past year and is a survivor. I can’t imagine my life without her. Because of ZTA, I found the most awesome best friend for life.