Themis—Winter 2024

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NATIONAL COUNCIL National President Dinah Jackson Laughery, Beta Gamma Vice President Collegiate I Jess Adams Meyers, Eta Beta Vice President Collegiate II Stancy Robinson Hagans, Gamma Tau Vice President Collegiate III Kimberly Jones Ivester, Gamma Pi Vice President Alumnae I Kery Reinkemyer Webb, Eta Iota Vice President Alumnae II Cheri White Armstrong, Theta Gamma Secretary-Treasurer Shannon Ferguson, Alpha Psi National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Dr. Katie Peoples Zamulinsky, Theta Xi Extension Director Karla Lundgren Wheeler, Psi ZTA FRATERNITY HOUSING CORPORATION President Natalie Yingling Lisko, Delta Omega Vice President Housing Area I Karen Rose Roper, Iota Alpha Vice President Housing Area II Julie Ward Moxley, Theta Sigma Vice President Housing Area III Marnie Marlar Frazier, Eta Omega Vice President Construction Kris Fleming, Eta Theta Vice President Design Ashlee Driggers Kositz, Eta Chi Vice President Operations Nona Douglass Richey, Zeta Omicron Secretary-Treasurer Casey Guimbellot Pash, Iota Chi Directors Dinah Jackson Laughery, Beta Gamma Carolyn Hof Carpenter, Theta Tau Shannon Ferguson, Alpha Psi ZTA FOUNDATION President Carolyn Hof Carpenter, Theta Tau Vice President of Alumnae Development Cynthia Byars Courtney, Gamma Tau Vice President of Collegiate Development Carla Martin Cobb, Theta Tau Vice President of Philanthropy Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Eta Iota Vice President of Scholarship Kristen Humeston Harthorn, Beta Phi Secretary-Treasurer Kay Dill Kreutzer, Eta Rho Directors Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, Beta Gamma Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, Gamma Beta Sherry Server Tilley, Zeta Alpha Dinah Jackson Laughery, Beta Gamma Shannon Ferguson, Alpha Psi Natalie Yingling Lisko, Delta Omega Casey Guimbellot Pash, Iota Chi

From Where I Sit You may have noticed already this issue of Themis is particularly pretty in pink. In fact, as we developed it, we began to call it “Pink Themis.” It is the inaugural Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation issue of Themis, a concept that will become an annual winter tradition. We know our members associate pink with the Foundation, so it seemed appropriate to paint these pages in pink. This is a landmark year for Zeta Tau Alpha as we continue to celebrate the Fraternity’s 125th anniversary. It’s also a landmark year for the Foundation, chartered 70 years ago in 1954. Being able to recognize the 70-year success of the Foundation over 52 pages makes me so proud. I love a good celebration, and this issue celebrates our volunteers, honors our scholarship recipients and publicly thanks everyone who supported the Foundation over the past fiscal year. Every week, a packet from International Office arrives on my doorstep. It is filled with letters for me to sign and it is one of the highlights of my week. Signing these letters and writing notes of thanks to sisters who made generous donations to the Foundation brings me joy. I love seeing familiar names of longtime donors and National Officers I have known for years, as well as learning about new donors I have yet to meet. Without the support of our sisters, the work of the Foundation simply could not happen. Donor dollars sponsor the scholarship program, support Think Pink® initiatives, finance breast cancer research and underwrite important educational and leadership programs for the Fraternity. Our volunteers are equally important as they staff survivor booths at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walks, hand out pink ribbons at NFL Crucial Catch games and conduct educational programming workshops. Zeta Tau Alpha is incredibly fortunate our members feel so passionately about giving back to our sisterhood. Just as I look forward to those weekly packets of letters, I have looked forward to this “Pink Themis.” It is a nod to our signature Think Pink® campaign, but, like the Foundation itself, the issue is multi-faceted and covers a wide range of Foundation-focused topics. As you read through it, you will hear from donors about why they give, from scholarship recipients about how donations helped them attain educational goals, and from our board about the process of rebranding our Think Pink® logo and revamping our Heritage Society. On behalf of the Foundation board, I thank you for your support of our sisterhood through your gifts, your talents and your time. Enjoy this printed celebration and know that every dollar donated and every hour spent volunteering matters and makes a difference.



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For 70 years, the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation has impacted the organization and the world around us through its philanthropy.






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The fourth annual Day of Giving honored Zeta Tau Alpha’s 125th anniversary with 1 day and 25 hours of sisters giving back to the organization they love. Learn how three Zetas used their donations to show that ZTA isn’t just for the college years, it’s for life.




Graphic Designer Kahlie Cannon


Senior Director of Communication Ashley Sherman Contributors Liv Gardner, Delta Gamma Hannah Newman, Zeta Lambda Madeleine Willis, Alpha Omicron












Zeta Is Forever, especially for members of Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation’s Heritage Society. Read about sisters who are preparing now for a future gift to the Foundation through provisions made within their will or estate planning.


Staff Writer Christy Marx Barber, Alpha Psi




Editor Wendy Brunner


To celebrate 30-plus years of the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation supporting breast cancer education and awareness, the Think Pink® brand received a refresh. Find out how this rebrand was designed to resonate with all generations of Zetas.





1036 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 872–0540












Your Donor Dollars at Work TOTAL INCOME












@ztacsuf As Breast Cancer Awareness month comes to a close, we’re celebrating one of our favorite philanthropy partnerships: the NFL! ...


Themis Fall 2023 | Foundation News

@highcountryzta 3 chapters for 1 cause! Shout out to Blue Ridge and Greater Charlotte for hosting!


EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES • Alcohol Skills Training Program • Community.Edu • Harm Reduction • Relationships and Sexual Violence Program • Healthy Belonging • Officer Leadership Academy • Summer Leadership Academy • Leadership Consultants • ... and more!

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @ztafraternity |

@ztavsu our favorite thing: Think Pink!! we had the best time supporting our philanthropy by spreading awareness of breast cancer and cheering on the blazers!! thank you @sam.novak_30 for planning an amazing event!!

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In return, the Foundation will send a digital Valentine’s Day card of your choosing to a sister. There are five designs to choose from and you can include a personalized message!


Sisterhood is Timeless By Christy Marx Barber, Staff Writer With a theme of Sisterhood is Timeless, the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation stretched its fourth annual Day of Giving into 1 day and 25 hours to celebrate ZTA’s 125th anniversary. From September through October, and specifically from 8 a.m. Oct. 13 to 9 a.m. Oct. 15, the Foundation received $403,418 from 2,075 donations to support scholarships, educational programming, leadership training and philanthropy efforts. That success included donations from 62 sisters who chose to sponsor

the weekend’s events. In keeping with the timeless premise, the generosity of three of those sponsors confirmed time spent as a collegian does not define the ZTA experience. Their donations were proof ZTA is not just for four years--or less--in college, but for life. Bridget Denise Higginbotham (Eta Omega Chapter, Louisiana State University at Shreveport) became a 125th Trustee. Although she pledged as a junior in 1992 and her chapter closed in 2009, Bridget has always believed in the mission of ZTA. She served as a Province

[1] Zetas converged on Longwood University to celebrate ZTA's 125th anniversary. [2] Sisters enjoyed fun moments together behind the scenes during Late Night with ZTA. [3] Trustees toured local churches attended by Founders as part of their sponsorship. [4] The three Presidents went live from Longwood to bring members closer to the action. 1


Themis Winter 2024 | Day of Giving

President from 2013 to 2019 and is now an Area Housing Coordinator. “Being a Province President drew me in to see what the Foundation does for our members,” she said. “I set a goal after my first year to fund a recognition scholarship for the chapters in the province on smaller campuses. They don’t always have designated scholarships and I was fortunate to be able to contribute.” She chose to become a Trustee to continue to fund scholarships and programming. “Our programming is very in tune with real life on so many campuses,” she said. “Foundation funding helps our programming stay current as a useful tool for our chapters.” Dr. Sara Roper had no ZTA collegiate experience as an undergraduate at Xavier University. But she witnessed ZTA sisterhood as the daughter of a longtime national volunteer, Karen Rose Roper (Iota Alpha Chapter, Robert Morris University). In 2017, the same year her

2 mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, Sara became an alumna initiate of Iota Alpha. “I had a general idea of the bonds of sisterhood. Then during my mom’s treatment, she had boxes of notes and cards from her sisters,” Sara recalled. “During any big life crisis, you learn who will show up for you, and Zetas showed up for my mom.” Now a practicing OB/GYN, Sara chose to sponsor the Day of Giving video about service in honor of her mother. “I am at a time in my career when I could make a commitment to an organization that means so much to my mom,” she

k n a Th ou! Y DAY OF GI VI NG 2 0 2 3 SP ONSORS



4 said. “She is proud of the Foundation’s funding of an artificial intelligence project where researchers can pivot their knowledge and apply it to potentially save lives.” Katerina Vaitkus experienced just two years of ZTA collegiate life before her chapter (Iota Zeta, University of New Mexico) closed. “Living in the house was like home for me; my sisters were truly my family,” she said. “After the chapter closed, I thought if ZTA can bring me that kind of feeling, I want to stay involved.”

After serving in multiple alumnae chapter offices, Katerina is in her third term as a District President. She pays dues to every chapter in her district. “I believe a National Officer should be supportive of the local chapters and model that behavior for the members,” she said. In becoming a Day of Giving First-Time Donor Sponsor, she hoped to show that “even a small amount gives back to the Fraternity. In college, I didn’t know ZTA had scholarships. But now I know every gift helps to make them possible.” A new Day of Giving option proved Katerina’s point. E-cards allowed members to send Founders’ Day greetings by email to special sisters for just $5 each, and that effort raised $9,086. All gifts made on the Day of Giving are undesignated so the Foundation can direct the funds to the most essential educational programming needs and the financial needs of our members in the 2023-2024 academic year and in the future.

Mardee Coyle Austin Katy Fluhr Carlsward Ann Johnson Conn Debbie Barrett Cooke Cynthia Byars Courtney Sarah Duvall Gilstrap Bridget Denise Higginbotham Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Sara Hays Johnston Jenni Zottola Leger Michelle Macartney Stephanie Arnette Powell Leah Ann McAbee Sexton Bonney Stamper Shuman Alicia Patten Williams Shamim Syed Wu SISTERHOOD IS TIMELESS VIDEO Debbie E. Buscher Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass Kay Dill Kreutzer Sara Roper Marty E. Sik Dr. Stacey Verkest Voigt LATE-NIGHT SPONSOR Marnie Marlar Frazier FIRST-TIME DONOR Sara Jasper Clark Keeley McDonald Dr. Darcy L. Russell Malaea Nelms Seleski Heather Alison Siscel Katerina Vaitkus HONOR OUR FOUNDERS Alice Bland Coleman Kerry Diminuco Colleen O’Reilly Hann Leanne Mishelle Puia Denise Frissell Rogers Alice Grey Welsh Meredith Harris Braselman Marlene Dunbar Conrad Lucia Prenzel Knudsen

Della Lewis Hundley Nan Barkley Boettcher Collete Peta Aimee Wytko Wise Ethel Coleman Van Name Beth Sipek Cothron Kris Fleming Jill Burrows Levine Frances Yancey Smith Dana Brasington Atkinson Denise Vance Fluhr Sherry Server Tilley Helen May Crafford Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain Kathy Papp Karen Lowman West Mary Campbell Jones Batte Susie Werner Geiger Kimberly Jones Ivester Andrea Warner Molinari Maud Jones Horner Carla Martin Cobb Prabha Parameswaran Karla Lundgren Wheeler Ruby Leigh Orgain Franci Rocco Bayes Liza Gundell Alice McCann Mathews Heather Matthews Bobby Seitz Turnbull KICKOFF National President Dinah Jackson Laughery ZTA Foundation President Carolyn Hof Carpenter ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation President Natalie Yingling Lisko

NEW RIBBON. NEW LOGO. SAME MISSION By Hannah Newman, Contributing Writer

Zeta Tau Alpha members have given out over 25 million Think Pink® ribbons and believe the fight for positive change in breast health is strongest when sisters unite. The ZTA Foundation’s breast cancer education and awareness efforts have engaged the entire ZTA membership. In celebration of over 30 years supporting those efforts, the Foundation began working on a Think Pink brand refresh in August 2022 with the goal of revealing the new brand at Summer Leadership Academy in 2023. “As with every corporate brand, sometimes it’s just time for a refresh,” said Foundation Vice President of Philanthropy Marlene Dunbar Conrad. “The celebration of our 30th year lent itself to an update of our Think Pink brand.” The Foundation team worked closely with other ZTA leaders at every level to ensure the new design not only represented the brand accurately, but also appealed to chapters nationwide. Involving members from many facets of ZTA in this project was important to creating a significant and personable design.


Themis Winter 2024 | Philanthropy

The collaboration and process of creating the updated logo was extremely thorough. ZTA contracted with a branding company to review the history of Think Pink and research breast cancer ribbons used by other organizations. After many discussions about the desired look, feel and imagery, the firm created three logo concepts for ZTA to present to a focus group. The Vice Presidents Collegiate and Alumnae recommended women for the focus group who would provide ZTA representation from across the country and different viewpoints from all ages as the team continued to refine the logo. At this point, National Council, the boards of the Foundation and Fraternity Housing Corporation and ZTA’s Communication Department also weighed in. “Opinions were varied, but we knew from the feedback from so many different audiences that we were headed in the right direction for the new look,” said Mrs. Conrad. After analyzing the focus group information and implementing suggestions, the Foundation finalized the logo.

“Throughout the process, we gave a lot of consideration to choosing the new shades of pink, the updated font and especially the ribbon itself. We wanted a fresh look, one that would still showcase Zeta Tau Alpha and continue to resonate with all generations of Zetas,” said Mrs. Conrad. The new ribbon shape is a dramatic shift from the ribbon shapes of previous years. The concept of “moving forward” was important to the updated brand. The dynamic movement of the new ribbon helps to convey that message, not only in the logo, but also across social, digital and print media. Although the Foundation has updated the branded ribbon graphic, ZTA members will continue to hand out the traditional hot pink ribbons at events. The goal of the Think Pink campaign also remains unchanged. “In the last 30-plus years of seeing our ZTA sisters, friends and family members fight breast cancer, we’ve learned that every fight and story is personal and unique,” said Mrs. Conrad. “The updated logo recognizes each fighter’s story and reflects our continued passion and determination to keep moving forward in the fight.”



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Alternate logo options

Philanthropy | Themis Winter 2024


Monica Ceja

Catherine Hinkebein

Alpha Psi Chapter, University of Missouri 2023-2024

Lambda Gamma Chapter The University of Texas at San Antonio 2010-2011

“This has been the most impactful contribution to my college funding, and I am so thankful for ZTA and the opportunities it has provided me these last two and a half years.”

“With some of the financial burden of tuition alleviated, I was able to take on more chapter and campus leadership positions to help build my new chapter.”

Alaina Suzette Harpst

Zeta Beta Chapter, Thiel College 2023-2024 “I’m grateful for the scholarship. Being in ZTA has helped me grow as a person, a leader and a sister.”

SERVICE SCHOLARSHIPS Funded by the Service Fund for members studying special education, social work or other health-related professions.

ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIPS Funded by annual contributions to the General Scholarship Fund and awarded to undergraduates and graduate students.

Foundation S Open Doors to O

Ashley Rhea Dickinson Alpha Upsilon Chapter Oklahoma State University 2018-2019

“Scholarships are made possible by sisters who want to help sisters succeed in life, in their career and continue their education.”

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Established by individuals and/or chapters and are generally given in honor or in memory of a special Zeta. Amounts are based on the yearly interest generated by these funds, which vary in amount. The current minimum donation to endow a scholarship is $50,000, which can be raised over three years.

Brooke Alexis Wegner


Gamma Mu Chapter University of Nebraska at Omaha 2021-2022

Kiley Marie Grund

“This scholarship is more than just money. It brings opportunities and a closer relationship to ZTA, and it creates the drive to do well.”

“This scholarship has helped me pay my tuition. I am thankful for the leaders who have motivated me and provided me with endless opportunities for growth.”

Themis Winter 2024 | Scholarship Feature

Beta Phi Chapter, Michigan State University 2023-2024

Tyler Lynn Gray

Eta Mu Chapter, Augusta University 2023-2024 “With my scholarship, I am able to get financial relief and focus on Being Rather than Seeming.”

FOUNDERS GRANTS Nine Founders Grants of $12,500 each are given annually to those pursuing a post-baccalaureate degree. These grants are funded through a combination of endowed money and funds from the General Scholarship Fund.

Scholarships Opportunities

Leanne Puia

Zeta Lambda Chapter, Rider University 2018-2019 “Receiving a Founders Grant was the single reason I was able to finish my masters program. After putting into practice the things I learned from my coursework, I received a promotion at work!”

Gillian Marie Mason

Alpha Theta Chapter, Purdue University 2023-2024 “Securing a ZTA Foundation scholarship is much more than a financial grant; it’s a prestigious honor and a gateway to unparalleled opportunities.”

RECOGNITION SCHOLARSHIPS Established by a minimum contribution of $2,000 from a sponsoring group and $500 from the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, for a total of at least $2,500. They can be designated for specific chapters, provinces or areas and can be named in honor or in memory of a special Zeta.


Ashley Seay LaDuron

Zeta Xi Chapter, Georgia Southwestern University 2014-2015 “By applying for a ZTA Foundation scholarship, you are not only investing in your future, you are contributing to a legacy of empowered women making a difference.”

Thanks to contributions from Zetas, friends of the Fraternity, and alumnae and collegiate chapters, the ZTA Foundation awarded more than $1.25 million in scholarships to almost 400 undergraduate and graduate members for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Scholarship Feature | Themis Winter 2024



Scholarship Recipients FOUNDERS GRANTS The $12,500 Founders Grants are awarded to graduate students who exhibit outstanding leadership, exceptional academic achievement and financial need. Individuals who have been admitted to recognized university graduate programs are eligible for these grants. Alice Bland Coleman Founders Grant Mariah Chobany, Θ Bethany College Alice Grey Welsh Founders Grant Gianna DeMaio, II Fairleigh Dickinson University Della Lewis Hundley Founders Grant Leah Goggans Simmons, ZΨ Jacksonville State University Ethel Coleman Van Name Founders Grant Peyton Wells Drummond, HP The University of North Alabama Frances Yancey Smith Founders Grant Tyler Gray, HM Augusta University Helen M. Crafford Founders Grant Katherine Crowe, N The University of Alabama Mary Jones Batte Founders Grant Maddy Wilson, ΔΟ Lenoir-Rhyne University


Maud Jones Horner Founders Grant Tatum Hogan, HP The University of North Alabama

Atlanta Alpha Alumnae Endowed Scholarship Britt Goodling, AΓ University of Michigan

Ruby Leigh Orgain Founders Grant Virginia Nelson, ΙΞ Christian Brothers University

Barbara Shetzley Memorial Endowed Scholarship Sarina Soo Yung Lee, AΘ Purdue University


Barbara Wackenhut Endowed Scholarship Emelia Smith, KΛ University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Generally given in honor or in memory of a special Zeta, the yearly interest generated by these funds is used to provide the scholarships, which vary in amount depending on the endowment. The minimum donation to create this scholarship is $50,000 over three years. *Denotes a graduate student Alice McCann Mathews Endowed Scholarship Lenzie Vickers, ΖΞ Georgia Southern University Anne West Bruning Endowed Scholarship Abbie Carpenter, Θ Bethany College Ashley Rhea Dickinson Endowed Scholarship *Mckenzie Faulkner, ΑΥ Oklahoma State University Ashton Taylor Blackburn Memorial Endowed Scholarship Anna Woodley, HP The University of North Alabama

Themis Winter 2024 | Scholarship List

Beta Epsilon Chapter/ Kay McKelvey Honorary Endowed Scholarship *Sydney Inderlied-Kane Scheidemantel, ZΥ Pennsylvania Western University Edinboro Betty Hillix Foellinger Endowed Scholarship McKenzie Fraley, BΩ Union University Bonney Shuman Endowed Scholarship Olivia Babasick, ΓΠ The University of Georgia Carly Foglio Guidotti Leadership Endowed Scholarship *Kodie Taylor, HK University of Central Florida Caroline Leigh Morrell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Faith Pilkington, ΔM The University of Tennessee at Martin

Carolyn Hof Carpenter Endowed Scholarship Alejandra Frerichs, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Catherine G. Slaughter Endowed Scholarship *Lindsey Oliver, ΔΩ Westminster College Connie Fotos Grace Endowed Scholarship Grace Vavra, AΘ Purdue University Dallas Alumnae Association Endowed Scholarship *Meagan Solby, ΓΨ Texas Christian University Darby Forrester Memorial Scholarship Emma Cunningham, N The University of Alabama Debbie Daws Robertson Endowed Scholarship Ellyse Emenheiser, ΘΓ Texas A&M University Delista Prewitt Endowed Scholarship Layna Kounelis, AΞ Indiana University Dorothy Brown Barrett Endowed Scholarship Kiley Grund, BΦ Michigan State University Dr. May Agness Hopkins Endowed Scholarship Delilah Quynh-Thy Nguyen, K The University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Shari Hope Robins Endowed Scholarship Kamryn Williams, HK University of Central Florida

Harriet & Carl Frische Endowed Scholarship *Chloe DeYoung, BΨ Stetson University

Karen Murphy Crofford Endowed Scholarship Sydney Sams, ΔZ Sam Houston State University

Lynne Lawson Endowed Scholarship Madison Chaney, ΔZ Sam Houston State University

Elaine Pierce Allison Memorial Scholarship Taylor Hipolito, ΓT Texas Tech University

Inez Bryan White Violet Endowed Scholarship Kenzie Nesmith, ΘO Baylor University

Kathleen Stroup Memorial Endowed Scholarship Danielle Padilla, BN New Mexico State University

Malaea Nelms Seleski Endowed Scholarship Kylie Henderson, HP The University of North Alabama

Elena DeVilliers Endowed Scholarship Jenna Ostrove, ΓA University of Miami

Ivalee Ramaker Simmons Memorial Endowed Scholarship Isabella De Liguori, HK University of Central Florida

Kay Galm Memorial Endowed Scholarship Gretchen Mueller, ΓI University of Florida

Margarethe “Peg” Livesay Endowed Scholarship Grace Krajewski, BΦ Michigan State University

Kay King Mitchell Endowed Scholarship *Natalee Acosta, ΔZ Sam Houston State University

Marguerite Wells Godfrey Endowed Scholarship Sarah Nemeth, BΓ Florida State University

Kelly Hackendahl Endowed Scholarship Riley Maloy, AΞ Indiana University

Marion Moore Todd Endowed Scholarship *Julia Lantz, KH Rockhurst University

Kitty Phelps Seitz Memorial Endowed Scholarship *Samantha Norton, ΛN Furman University

Marlene Dunbar Conrad Endowed Scholarship Jena Martin, ΔΛ Georgia State University

Laura Kathleen Dobson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Abigail Pearce, KZ Clemson University

Marlys Allen Endowed Scholarship Sophia Barone, HK University of Central Florida

Epsilon House Corporation Endowed Scholarship Peyton Werner, E University of Arkansas Founders of Alpha Upsilon Endowed Scholarship Rachel Wallis, AY Oklahoma State University Gamma Mu House Corporation Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Mary Harkness Anders Eden Stranglen, ΓM University of Nebraska at Omaha Gamma Pi Chapter Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Diana Brooks Guest Victoria Burgess, ΓΠ The University of Georgia Genevieve Van Strom Pitcock Endowed Scholarship *Brooke Bower, ΔB Florida Southern College Glenna Gundell Endowed Scholarship Jennifer Flatley, IΓ The College of New Jersey Gregory Foundation Endowed Scholarship Zoey Gleason, KΣ University of South Florida

Jerry Ann Rainey Putt Endowed Scholarship Madison Paiva, ΛA Sacred Heart University Joanna Gusta Estate Award Scholarship Phoebe Phelps, Θ Bethany College Joyce Barnhart Bee Memorial Endowed Scholarship Megan Keefe, ΘO Baylor University Joyce Derden Carey Endowed Scholarship Lucille Winter, E University of Arkansas Julia Marthaler Hill Endowed Scholarship Camryn Holden, HP The University of North Alabama Kappa Upsilon Endowed Scholarship Lauren Gaskins, KY Georgia College Karen Lowman West Endowed Scholarship Gretchen Gates, AZ The Ohio State University Karen Lowman West Endowed Scholarship Sloane Faller, BΔ Miami University

Laura Ladewig Endowed Scholarship Abby Lucksinger, ΘΨ Texas State University

Martha C. Edens Endowed Scholarship *Jennifer Nixon Davidson, O Brenau University

LaVerne P. Skipper Endowed Scholarship Isabel Gouveia, HZ Elon University

Martha Miller Girdlestone Endowed Scholarship Ri Lila Adhikari, ΘΩ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Leah Fields Ozment Endowed Scholarship Lydia Papp, N The University of Alabama

Mary Ann Stratford Stegall Endowed Scholarship Bailey Baker, HP The University of North Alabama

Leanna Rose Piver Endowed Scholarship Anna Andani, IΘ Georgia Institute of Technology

McMaster Sisters Endowed Scholarship Nikki Higgins, Z The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Scholarship List | Themis Winter 2024



Foundation Scholarship Apply for a 2024-2025 scholarship by following the steps below. All materials are due March 1. 1. Confirm eligibility. You must: • Be a ZTA member in good standing • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale • Be a full-time student during the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters 2. Track down your transcript. Scan it so it can be submitted online. 3. Ask for one recommendation. You need one recommendation from one of the following: • ZTA National Officer, alumnae chapter officer or advisor • Professor • Employer Send recommendation requests through the online application. 4. Complete the online application. Visit to get started. 5. Finalize your application. Make sure all materials, including your recommendation, are submitted by 11:59 p.m. PST on March 1.

Merle S. Rehkopf Memorial Endowed Scholarship Marin Schwarz, AM Washburn University

Ruth Riddiford Kerr Endowed Scholarship Julia Nichols, Ψ University of Washington

Vallera Clough Ross Endowed Scholarship *Megan Milroy, Σ Baker University

Michelle Rizzuti and Linda Tomlinson Endowed Scholarship Jeneva Dorsonne, HK University of Central Florida

Sally Tucker Thompson Endowed Scholarship Jordyn Brown, K The University of Texas at Austin

Vena Bragg Endowed Scholarship Lily Meisten, ΘΣ Winthrop University

San Antonio Endowed Scholarship Sarah Dominguez, ΛΓ The University of Texas at San Antonio

Virginia Irvin Endowed Scholarship Lauren Carrig, ΔZ Sam Houston State University

Shamim (Syed) and Jordan Wu Endowed Scholarship Emily Bertch, ΘΦ California State University, Fullerton

Zeta Alpha Endowed Scholarship Olivia McIntire, ZA University of Evansville

Sherry Server Tilley Endowed Scholarship Jessica Malanga, KΣ University of South Florida


Monica Tucker Norris Endowed Scholarship Emma Clark, IΞ Christian Brothers University Nancy Ann Meager Hicks Endowed Scholarship Juliana Bologna, Ψ University of Washington Nelly G. Shearer Endowed Scholarship Maya Warmuth, Z The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

These scholarships resulted from a minimum contribution of $2,000 by the sponsoring group, along with $500 from the ZTA Foundation. An individual or alumnae/ collegiate chapter may establish a Recognition Scholarship and may name it in honor or in memory of a special Zeta.

Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Endowed Scholarship Abby Ryan, BΓ Florida State University

Sora Embry Coulter Memorial Endowed Scholarship McKenzie Miller, BΓ Florida State University

Nu House Corporation Endowed Scholarship Ashlyn Haines, N The University of Alabama

Stacy Froschauer Endowed Scholarship Emily Russo, ZΛ Rider University

Patsy Ellis Roach Memorial Endowed Scholarship *Allison Drew Solby, ΓΨ Texas Christian University

Stephany "Stevie" Moore Joslin Endowed Scholarship Kellie Lambert, BΔ Miami University

1930 Columbus Ohio Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Lily Meienburg, AZ The Ohio State University

Rachel Pendray Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lauren Motsney, ΔZ Sam Houston State University

Suzanne Morrow Ellis and Patricia Morrow Endowed Scholarship Samantha Melanson, ΓΨ Texas Christian University

Allison Poore Recognition Scholarship *Hallie Miller, ZB Thiel College

Team Nu Endowment Scholarship *Katherine Hodges, ΔK Louisiana State University

Alpha Eta 2023 Recognition Scholarship Evelyn Thoman, AH University of Cincinnati

Tracy Pierce Kormylo Memorial Endowed Scholarship Kaitlyn Hoxie, ΓΠ University of Georgia

Alpha Omicron Centennial Celebration Scholarship Anna Snyder, AO The University of Iowa

Rebecca J. Jakubcin Memorial Endowed Scholarship Brooke Mesick, HK University of Central Florida Ruth Potts Endowed Scholarship Emma Jones, Σ Baker University

*Denotes a graduate student

Alpha Omicron Centennial Celebration Scholarship Maddie Willis, AO The University of Iowa

Aunt Paula Caputo Memorial Scholarship Mary Hiros, ΔΔ Baldwin Wallace University

Alpha Theta Centennial Celebration Recognition Scholarship Elyse Adams, AΘ Purdue University

Aunt Paula Caputo Memorial Scholarship *Mackenzie Lewis, ZΓ Youngstown State University

Alpha Theta Centennial Celebration Recognition Scholarship Lauren Grumbacher, AΘ Purdue University Alpha Theta Centennial Celebration Recognition Scholarship Gillian Mason, AΘ Purdue University Alpha Upsilon 100th Anniversary Recognition Scholarship Kaity O'Brien, AY Oklahoma State University Alpha Upsilon 100th Anniversary Recognition Scholarship Jentri Rayburn, AY Oklahoma State University Andrea Winston Kiser Recognition Scholarship Sydney Stine, HT The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Andria Sanchez Freeman Love Scholarship Meredith Brienen, IΘ Georgia Institute of Technology Andria Sanchez Freeman Love Scholarship Lili Stadler, IΘ Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta Alpha Recognition Scholarship *Chloe Gray, KX Shorter University

Barbara A. Peters Memorial Scholarship *Sydney Lewis, ZΓ Youngstown State University Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Recognition Scholarship Delaney Runge, ΓB Washington College Birmingham, AL Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Baylie McClafferty, ΔΨ Samford University Birmingham, AL Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Ashley Taylor, ΔΨ Samford University Carol A. Sagner Memorial Scholarship Kate Taylor, AΨ University of Missouri Caroline Conrad Memorial Scholarship Emily Graham, M Drury University Charla Sparks Recognition Scholarship Regan Musick, Z The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Cheron Pitts White Recognition Scholarship Emma Grace Bendall, HP The University of North Alabama Cleveland East Alumnae Recognition Scholarship in Memory of Hester South Anna Buhrow, ΔΔ Baldwin Wallace University

Cleveland-East & West Alumnae Chapter Betty Steinhauer-Ott Memorial Scholarship Tori Fritz, ΔΔ Baldwin Wallace University Collin County, Texas Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Baylor McPherson, ΓΨ Texas Christian University Collin County, Texas Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Kiana Nemati, ΓΨ Texas Christian University Columbus, Akron, Cleveland-West Recognition Scholarship * Lexi Burt, ΔΘ Ohio Northern University Columbus, OH Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Samantha Daniels, AZ The Ohio State University Cookie Carter Recognition Scholarship Berkley Clay, EI Valdosta State University Cookie Carter Recognition Scholarship Abigail Johnston Valdosta State University Courtney Scaggs Recognition Scholarship *Grace Jukovich, AO The University of Iowa Cynthia Byars Courtney Recognition Scholarship Bryanna Barney, ΓT Texas Tech University Dallas Area Night Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship *Ireland Boothby, ΘH Stephen F. Austin State University

Dayton, OH Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Abby Hubbard, HΠ Wright State University Debbie Buscher Leck Scholarship Monica Bailey, ΘΔ Salisbury University Debra Barrett Cooke Recognition Scholarship Erica Carnegie, BΨ Stetson University Dekalb County, GA Alumnae Scholarship Madilyn Hansen, ΛΛ Kennesaw State University Delta Theta 1976-80 Initiates Scholarship In Memory of Jane Myers George *Leslie Daria, ΔΘ Ohio Northern University Dianne Ford LaForty Recognition Scholarship Ansley Nicolaus, ΘI University of North Florida Doreen Moloney Furnari Recognition Scholarship Maeve Jebb, ΓA University of Miami Dr. Andrea Porter Recognition Scholarship Mary Jones, ZΨ Jacksonville State University Elise Wrye Boyett Recognition Scholarship Megan Blanchard, ZΞ Georgia Southern University Elizabeth Emery Patterson Recognition Scholarship *Veronica Veva Mussay, KΩ Saint Louis University Eta Pi 50th Anniversary Recognition Scholarship Alena Drachuk, HΠ Wright State University

Scholarship List | Themis Winter 2024


Eta Pi 50th Anniversary Recognition Scholarship Rachel Martin, HΠ Wright State University

Gamma Nu Recognition Scholarship Katie Cruz, ΓN University of Virginia

Eta Pi 50th Anniversary Recognition Scholarship Isabel P. Wickline, HΠ Wright State University

Gamma Nu Recognition Scholarship Libby Trainum, ΓN University of Virginia

Eta Rho 50th Anniversary Scholarship Ellie Higginbotham, HP The University of North Alabama

Gayle Pastorelli Zeiter Recognition Scholarship Samantha Kascoutas, E University of Arkansas

Eta Rho 50th Anniversary Scholarship Meredith Robertson, HP The University of North Alabama

Gloria Culberson Hice Recognition Scholarship Bailey Harper, ZΨ Jacksonville State University

Eta Rho 50th Anniversary Scholarship Ella Rohling, HP The University of North Alabama

Greater Kansas City Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Nancy Gillespie, ΔX William Jewell College

Florence Dunn Memorial Recognition Scholarship Kenzie McAlister, ΓZ Mississippi State University Gainesville, FL Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Madi Welz, ΓI University of Florida Gamma Epsilon Recognition Scholarship Ashley Kennedy, HB Duquesne University Gamma Iota Recognition Scholarship Huntleigh Zhang, ΓI University of Florida Gamma Iota Recognition Scholarship Greysun Ledy, ΓI University of Florida Gamma Iota Recognition Scholarship Bethany Booth, ΓI University of Florida


Greater Kansas City Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Kelly Oge, KH Rockhurst University Greater Little Rock Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Madeline Dirksen, E University of Arkansas Greater New Orleans Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Lauren Fuller, ΔN The University of New Orleans Harriett Ellerbee Memorial Recognition Scholarship Lorinda Aspiras, ΛΓ The University of Texas at San Antonio Harriette Renken Schmick Recognition Scholarship Hope Bernadzikowski, ΘΔ Salisbury University

Themis Winter 2024 | Scholarship List

Helen “Gail” Songer Dippold Memorial Recognition Scholarship Emma Berkley, Σ Baker University In Honor of Meghan Griswold Frisch Recognition Scholarship Shannon Flatt, II Fairleigh Dickinson University In Honor of the Gamma Delta Chapter Recognition Scholarship Emily Pettit, ΓZ Mississippi State University In Honor of the Gamma Delta Chapter Recognition Scholarship Ann Pound, ΓZ Mississippi State University In Memory of Judy Brushwood Erickson Recognition Scholarship Olivia Pineau, IΩ University of Maryland Indianapolis Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Jillian Baker, ΛE Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Jacksonville, FL Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship *Anna Brulte, ΘI University of North Florida Jacksonville, FL Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Dee Dee Kuhlenkamp, ΘI University of North Florida Jacksonville, FL Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Julia O'Leary, ΘI University of North Florida

Jacksonville, FL Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Abigail Remke, ΘI University of North Florida Jaclyn Waterman Conatser Recognition Scholarship Samantha Lorelli, ΘI University of North Florida Jane Anna Pitts-Cummings Recognition Scholarship Lily Scott, HP The University of North Alabama Janice Spradley McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Cat Brannon, ΓΨ Texas Christian University Jeanne Branscombe Williams Memorial Scholarship Lexie Young, ΔΓ High Point University Karil Strater Sommers Recognition Scholarship Jenna Peterson, AΘ Purdue University Kery Reinkemyer Webb Recognition Scholarship Valeria Notte, ΓΠ University of Georgia Leah Goggans Simmons Recognition Scholarship Mary Grogan, ZΨ Jacksonville State University Leanne Drake Recognition Scholarship Charley Denny, BΔ Miami University Leslie Brockman Recognition Scholarship GiGi Davidovich, ΓT Texas Tech University Linda Lawrence Green Recognition Scholarship Mayci Armstrong, BΥ Kansas State University

Lisabeth Louanne Kay Memorial Scholarship Anna Houstina, BΦ Michigan State University

Megan & Sarah Fuzzell Memorial Scholarship Tatum Newberry, AY Oklahoma State University

Long Beach Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Grace Nelson, ΘΩ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Murfreesboro Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Arnetta Hawkins, IΧ Middle Tennessee State University

Long Beach Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Emma Wilcox, Y University of California, Berkeley Louisville White Violet Memorial in Memory of Anne Hess & Jean Daugherty Zoya Ahmer, AB University of Pennsylvania Mary Kay Kiamie Churchil Memorial Scholarship Abigail Ward, ΓZ Mississippi State University Megan & Sarah Fuzzell Memorial Scholarship Emily Chavers, AY Oklahoma State University

Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship *Savannah West, AY Oklahoma State University

Rocky Mountain Alumnae Chapter Memorial Scholarship Abbey Kelleher, KA Colorado State University

Pamela Morris Blessing White Violet Scholarship Sydney Elaine Anderson, AΞ Indiana University

Roxanne Trovato Wood Recognition Scholarship Niya Haynes, IΩ University of Maryland

Nancy Miller Hill Memorial Scholarship Mary Hall, BΛ University of Louisville

Phyllis Zuehlke Honorary Scholarship Emily Anne Beiers, IO Lander University

Sabrina Tidwell Eddins Recognition Scholarship Clara Harmon, HP The University of North Alabama

Nelle Luckey Sparks Memorial Scholarship Madison Gray The University of Tennessee at Martin

Province IIA/IIB Recognition Scholarship Morgan Gross, IN Susquehanna University

Northern Virginia Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Corbin Wilson, HΞ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Rebecca P. Maykowski Columbus Ohio Zeta Lady Recognition Scholarship Alexa Hayes, AZ The Ohio State University

San Diego, CA Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Alina Martin, ΔA California State University, Long Beach

NW Suburban Alumnae of Chicago Recognition Scholarship *Maggie Miller, KΩ Saint Louis University

Research Triangle Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Blair Smith, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Silicon Valley Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Heather Davis, ΔA California State University, Long Beach St. Louis Alumnae Recognition Scholarship Abigail Trenary, HΘ Missouri University of Science and Technology

Eta Theta 50th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship

Alumnae of Eta Theta Chapter (Missouri University of Science and Technology) chose to honor their chapter's first 50 years by funding an endowed scholarship as a gift that assures at least one chapter member will receive a scholarship every academic year into the future. In April 2023, at their 50th anniversary celebration, alumnae organizers announced they had not only reached the $50,000 minimum required to fund the scholarship but also nearly doubled it. Eta Theta alumnae, including long-time and first-time givers, made 143 donations ranging from $25 to $10,000. Seven alumnae used their employers' matching gifts program to account for nearly $15,000 of their total. The alumnae will designate the criteria for recipients starting in the 2024-2025 academic year. The amount of the scholarship will be based on the rolling rate of return of principal over a rolling five-year period.

Stancy Robinson Hagans Recognition Scholarship Carlee Bradley, ΓT Texas Tech University

Theta Xi Chapter Recognition Scholarship Bella Locurto, ΘΞ Rutgers University

*Rachel McFarlain, BI Centenary College of Louisiana

Olivia Ruby, AO The University of Iowa

*Katarina Douglas, BO University of South Carolina

Karley Blakemore, AΨ University of Missouri

Stephanie Arnette Powell Recognition Scholarship Madison Winston, ΓΠ The University of Georgia

Theta Zeta Recognition Scholarship Anna Kirby, ΘZ Wofford College

*Lea Sapna Shah, ΓA University of Miami

Susan McLaughlin Hoyt Recognition Scholarship Katherine McCullough, ΘO Baylor University

Theta Zeta Recognition Scholarship Sadie Saunders, ΘZ Wofford College

The Colleen O'Reilly Hann Scholarship *Maddie Freeman, AB University of Pennsylvania

Topeka Alumnae Chapter Recognition Scholarship Haley Carlin, AM Washburn University

The P&B ZTA Scholarship Abigail Archibald, ΘH Stephen F. Austin State University

Tracy Clarke Cooper-Tuckman Recognition Scholarship Alicia Hicks, BN New Mexico State University

The Zeta Xi Chapter Recognition Scholarship Amber Bishop, ZΞ Georgia Southern University The Zeta Xi Chapter Recognition Scholarship Allison Lair, ZΞ Georgia Southern University The Zeta Xi Chapter Recognition Scholarship Megan Vigneri, ZΞ Georgia Southern University Theta Alpha Chapter Forever Recognition Scholarship Geena Mueller, ΘΩ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Theta Alpha Chapter Forever Recognition Scholarship Antionette Pauley, ΘΦ California State University, Fullerton Theta Alpha Chapter Forever Recognition Scholarship Samantha Klein, Υ University of California, Berkeley 16

Winifred Dinsmoor Nightingale Memorial Scholarship Amelia Nail, ΘΔ Salisbury University Zeta Psi Recognition Scholarship Aidan Cathey, ZΨ Jacksonville State University ZTA Jacksonville State University Scholarship Tori Wilkinson, ZΨ Jacksonville State University ZTAlways Recognition Scholarship *Stephanie Barber, E University of Arkansas SERVICE SCHOLARSHIPS Service Scholarships, which vary in amount, are awarded to students seeking degrees in service-related fields, such as special education, social work or health care. *Denotes a graduate student

Themis Winter 2024 | Scholarship List

Elizabeth Kolbus, K Ω Saint Louis University *Elisabeth Sheridan Hayes, ΛI Vanderbilt University *Olivia Ames Borman, M Drury University Alaina Harpst, ZB Thiel College ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIPS Achievement Scholarships are funded by the ZTA Foundation General Scholarship Fund and are awarded to students who demonstrate leadership, maintain high GPAs and have financial need.

Anna Byergo, AΨ University of Missouri Catherine Hinkebein, AΨ University of Missouri *Sarah Stich, AΨ University of Missouri Kenzlee Camp, AY Oklahoma State University *Caroline Gretencord, AΞ Indiana University *Natalie Akers, BΔ Miami University Kendall Kovacs, BΓ Florida State University Grace Manno, BΓ Florida State University

*Denotes a graduate student

Maddy Piefer, BΩ Union University

*Caroline Villarreal, A Longwood University

*Ellie Stanton Coakley, BO University of South Carolina

Emma Weber, A Longwood University

Teanna Barnes, BΦ Michigan State University

Allison Elliott, AB University of Pennsylvania

*Mary Gravius, ΔB Florida Southern College

Lizzie He, AB University of Pennsylvania

Marissa Michaud, ΔB Florida Southern College

Megan Li, AB University of Pennsylvania

Tatyana Turner, ΔX William Jewell College

Lauren May, AH University of Cincinnati

Liv Gardner, ΔΓ High Point University

Bella Pollice, AΓ University of Michigan

Amanda Ramsden, ΔΓ High Point University

Kristen Vanderbeck, AM Washburn University

Hays Turner, ΔΓ High Point University

Emily Parvin, AN Birmingham-Southern College

Maddie Madine, ΔI Pennsylvania Western University Clarion

Lexi Rennhack, AN Birmingham-Southern College

*Erin K Moore, ΔK Louisiana State University

Millie Lindsay, ΔK Louisiana State University

Maeve Rattin, HΦ Illinois State University

Bella Gillis, IA Robert Morris University

Alexis Williams, KΦ Christopher Newport University

Aly Rivers, ΔK Louisiana State University

Emma Guthrie, HP The University of North Alabama

*Alexis Johnson, IH University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Brianna Parris, KP University of South Carolina Upstate

Erinn Roblee, ΔK Louisiana State University

Molly Fitzgerald, HΘ Missouri University of Science and Technology

Giavanna Saia, IΓ The College of New Jersey

Olivia Lappinga, KT Florida Gulf Coast University

Taylor Dean, IO Lander University

*Andrea Blair, KY Georgia College

Carson Paulk, IO Lander University

Julia Roura, KΞ Stockton University

Zaria Ziglar, IΦ North Carolina State University

Lauren Nicholson, KZ Clemson University

Gabriella Mancuso, IΨ Rochester Institute of Technology

Sydney Repole, KZ Clemson University

Emily Werner, IΨ Rochester Institute of Technology

Leora Ammerman, Λ Southwestern University

Abby Mountz, IP East Carolina University

Kacey Veiking, ΛA Sacred Heart University

Libby Nelsen, KA Colorado State University

Trinity O'Neill, ΛB University of Rhode Island

Reyna Coston, KB Presbyterian College

Emma Yost, ΛΔ Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Reagan Turner, KB Presbyterian College

Kiera Sloan, ΛE Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

*Keely Seiter, ΔM The University of Tennessee at Martin Krysta Germanoski, ΔΩ Westminster College Elizabeth Willis, ΔO Lenoir-Rhyne University Kaylee Anderson, ΔΨ Samford University Bailey Baldwin, ΔΨ Samford University *Madison Gutkowski, ΔΘ Ohio Northern University Avory Mayenschein, ΔΘ Ohio Northern University Gabriella Monastra, ΔΘ Ohio Northern University Ali Dalle, ΔY West Virginia Wesleyan College Kendra Goeddert, ΔY West Virginia Wesleyan College Katelyn Cantrell, E University of Arkansas Katherine Heyka, E University of Arkansas Olivia Peterson, E University of Arkansas Brianna Pierce, HB Duquesne University Kirsten Norton, HX Francis Marion University Grace Grenier, HE Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Aiden Pasternak, HK University of Central Florida Kate Rittler, HΛ College of Charleston

Arley Lausin, HΞ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Julia Monahan, HΞ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Claire Mosher, HΞ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Michelle Fleishaker, ΓA University of Miami Logan Heher, ΓA University of Miami *Serena Shah, ΓA University of Miami Kennadi Trevino, ΓΓ The University of Texas at El Paso Julia Hagen, ΓK James Madison University *Claudia Chabay, ΓO Central Michigan University Lauren Girty, ΓΦ University of North Texas Abigail Durocher, ΓΠ University of Georgia Katie Sarkady, ΓΠ University of Georgia Maddie A. Tenney, ΓΠ University of Georgia Genevieve Sale, ΓP Auburn University *Gabby Tocci, ΓT Texas Tech University *Regan Hollar, ΓΞ Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Bailey Lane, KX Shorter University Hannah Lord, KX Shorter University Gwyn Arnold, KH Rockhurst University Tori Harper, KI Moravian University *Alexis Matthiesen-Johnson, KM Linfield University Riley Omonaka, KM Linfield University *Katy Schmitt, KM Linfield University Ella Friedman, KΩ Saint Louis University Becky Gersbeck, KO Merrimack College

Tala Baityeh, ΛH Virginia Commonwealth University McKenna Whitmore, ΛK Appalachian State University Makenna Green, ΛO Boise State University Magda Bruszewski, ΛΦ Binghamton University Kimberly Burns, ΛΦ Binghamton University Anna-Marie Gazzo, ΛΠ Reinhardt University Abby Mauldin, ΛP Piedmont University Ava Martinolli, ΛΣ The University of Texas at Tyler

Scholarship List | Themis Winter 2024


Maryam Tariq, ΛT Long Island University Brooklyn

Kasie Goldsborough, Θ Bethany College

Dani Ambersley, ΛΘ New York University

Rylan Snyder, ΘX George Mason University

Allie Young, ΛΥ University of Wisconsin - Madison

Jordan Estes, ΘO Baylor University

Amanda Burns, ΛΞ Seton Hall University

Caroline Bryant, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Sara Menand, ΛZ Lehigh University Mae Farmer, N The University of Alabama Meghan Haran, N The University of Alabama Lexi Morrell, N The University of Alabama Mackenzie Begley, O Brenau University Gracie Childs, Σ Baker University *Lauren Eason, Σ Baker University

Kaylynn Eichhorn, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Addison Hichman, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Caroline Kelly, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Siena Perna, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Caroline Roseman, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

*Haleigh Somberg, ΘT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Elizabeth Durning, ΘΘ Arkansas Tech University Allicen Fight, ΘΘ Arkansas Tech University Chloe Finken, ΘΘ Arkansas Tech University Madison Mourot, ΘΘ Arkansas Tech University Autumn Stoll, ΘΘ Arkansas Tech University Lily Maikkula, Z The University of Tennessee, Knoxville *Maddy Donofrio, ZA University of Evansville Magdalen Newcomb, ZA University of Evansville

*Rebekah Ladaika, ZB Thiel College Allie Walsh, ZB Thiel College *Natalie Zgurich, ZB Thiel College Christina Natoli, ZΛ Rider University Hannah Cunningham, ZΩ Ferris State University *Kallie Alexander, ZO Arkansas State University Amelia Tucker, ZΨ Jacksonville State University Audrey Wester, ZΨ Jacksonville State University Mackenzie Gillingham, ZΣ The University of Texas at Arlington *Justyne Eden, ZΘ East Central University

Emily Irons, ZB Thiel College

Thank You! "I wanted to write you all and express my deepest thanks. I have put my heart and soul into this organization and I have gotten so much back. I am so honored to have been awarded the Achievement Scholarship from you all. It will have a huge impact on me, as I lost my father last year to cancer and it made paying for school much harder. Even through overcoming adversity such as the loss of a parent, my sisters were there for me. Without the support I had from ZTA and the love I felt from advisors, mentors, etc., I don’t know how I would have been so strong. I am so grateful this organization provided me with the leadership experience it did. Now in interviews and internships, people are so impressed by all ZTA has done for me. I look forward to continuing to make ZTA proud as a collegian and eventually an alumna. Thank you for everything, my mom and I appreciate it greatly!"


Kappa Zeta Chapter Clemson University 18

Themis Winter 2024 | Scholarship List

Zeta Tau Alpha Convention 2024 July 17-20, 2024 | Indianapolis, Indiana

CALL FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL NOMINATIONS Zeta Tau Alpha members who wish to submit names to the committee should send nominations by Feb. 15, 2024, to:

Stacey Verkest Voigt, Ed.D. Nominating Committee Chair 418 Stone Manor Drive McGregor, TX 76657

scan for more information

ENSURING ZTA IS FOREVER By Liv Gardner, Contributing Writer

From the moment a new member joins Zeta Tau Alpha, she hears countless stories from collegians and alumnae about how ZTA extends beyond just four years in college. ZTA regularly shares photos and stories in Themis and on social media of pledge classes on vacations together, or sisters playing matchmaker or becoming godmothers for sisters’ children long after Recruitment, Initiation and graduation. Zeta Love and devotion truly do last a lifetime. Some members assure their love carries on through their membership in the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation’s Heritage Society. Those members have prepared now for a future gift to the Foundation through provisions made within their will or estate planning. The bequest allows them to retain control of their assets during their lifetime and allocate them toward their passions. It also allows sisters to leave a major gift that may not have been possible during their lifetime. Charitable gifts may be exempt from estate taxes, allowing more of the gift to come directly to the Foundation. “Planned giving ensures a consistent and long-term source of funding to support the work of our sisterhood,” said Foundation Vice President of Alumnae Development Cynthia Byars Courtney. “The Heritage Society has been in existence for decades. We have given it a new look with a refreshed logo. We have also revised our tracking systems to better support our sisters who include ZTA in their estate planning.”

20 Themis Winter 2024 | Heritage Society

As a financial professional, Foundation Special Events Coordinator Melissa Still knows the impact of planned giving. “A planned gift becomes a legacy you can leave to ZTA to help further its mission for decades to come,” Melissa said. “Donors should be sure to share their intentions for their estate with family, professional financial and legal advisors.” Mardee Coyle Austin, former District President and current Area Housing Coordinator for the Fraternity Housing Corporation, is a member of the Heritage Society. “I look at it as something similar to the yearly giving that we already contribute to the Foundation, but in a more long-term and planned way,” Mardee said. “My husband and I wanted to outline what happens to our estate and we both recognized how much ZTA means to me. We wanted to put it in a more formal way so that when we are gone, someone has everything they need to ensure those gifts can continue to happen.” ZTA has played a role in every chapter of Mardee’s life since her initiation into Zeta Xi Chapter at Georgia Southern University in 1994. From a Big Sister who set her up with her husband, to an alumnae chapter that helped her find her home in a new city, to the advisors who pushed her to volunteer for national offices, Zetas have been part of her big moments. Sharing Mardee’s love for the sisterhood is Barbara Townsend Cromwell, a longtime volunteer of the Fraternity who was initiated into

Gamma Beta Chapter at Washington College in 1952. Barbara, who just celebrated her 90th birthday, looks back on her days spent as a ZTA collegiate member fondly, remembering winning the campus Scholarship Cup and attending Zeta Days in Annapolis after her graduation. “Zeta was always important to me,” said Barbara. “I don’t travel too much anymore, but there would be times years ago where my husband and I would leave Maryland and meet other Zetas by chance in different states.” This invisible web of connection that binds sisters together across the country is what kept Barbara coming back to Fraternity and alumnae events. Through her time spent with fellow sisters, she decided she wanted to help contribute to future sisters through a gift allocated in the provisions of her will. “I’ve always contributed to ZTA and Kappa Alpha Order in memory of my husband, and this was a way for me to continue giving to something that has always meant the world to me even after I’m gone,” she said.

HOW CAN I HELP? If you would like more information on how you can help support the Foundation, contact the ZTA Foundation at We encourage sisters to consult their estate planning professional to determine the best course of action for their individual situation.

Heritage Society | Themis Winter 2024 21 scan for more information

Sarah Duvall Gilstrap

GIVING BACK TO GROW FUTURE ZTA LEADERS By Madeleine Willis, Contributing Writer

Service & Philanthropy is one of Zeta Tau Alpha’s Nine Key Values. The importance of this Value is reflected in the lives of ZTA Foundation donors Sarah Duvall Gilstrap, Kori Sosnowy Voorhees and Erin Dickey Niebylski. As alumnae, Sarah, Kori and Erin have dedicated their time and talent to the Fraternity and their treasure to the Foundation. To each of them, being a donor lets them give back to a beloved and valued community that continues to enrich the lives of women around the country.

SARAH DUVALL GILSTRAP Mu Chapter Drury University Sarah (Mu Chapter, Drury University) believes her donations to the Foundation will help propel the organization forward. She made her most recent donation as a 125th Trustee as part of the Day of Giving. “It was a celebration of service, of

22 Themis Winter 2024 | Donor Feature

giving of ourselves and giving back to our Founders,” Sarah said of her contribution. “That’s what our Founders stood for.” Sarah began her ZTA journey at Mu Chapter where she was Vice President II/New Member Coordinator. She served as District President XVIII-B in Colorado from 2017 to 2023 before moving to Missouri, where she now serves as District President XVII-A.

KORI SOSNOWY VOORHEES Psi Chapter University of Washington For Kori, an alumna of Psi Chapter (University of Washington), giving back to ZTA has been a “no-brainer” for 20 years. She has volunteered as a collegiate chapter advisor, an alumnae chapter officer and member of the State Reference Committee, and truly believes in the mission of ZTA Foundation.

Erin Dickey Niebylski Kori hopes her donations can provide great experiences for others like those she has enjoyed. “I’m very thankful for my ZTA experiences,” Kori said. “Donating is just a way for me to give back to the Fraternity that has given me so much.”

ERIN DICKEY NIEBYLSKI Beta Phi Chapter Michigan State University Erin, an alumna of Beta Phi Chapter (Michigan State University) received an achievement scholarship as an undergraduate. After traveling as a Leadership Consultant for ZTA, she chose a career in higher education administration and received a Founders Grant for graduate school. “The LC experience very much shaped my career,” Erin said, “and then the scholarships allowed me to pay for it.”

She joined the Foundation’s Maud Squad in 2017, making monthly donations of $9 since then. “Being a donor allows me to help just as alumnae before me donated so I could receive those scholarships.” Erin has also given her time as a collegiate chapter advisor and member of the Chapter Financial Management Committee. For their volunteer efforts, these three women have all received the Fraternity’s highest individual award, the Honor Ring. In addition to giving their time, they show their loyalty with monetary donations to the organization they know and trust and has shaped who they are today. “When you want to invest in something, invest where you know the people and where you can trust the people,” Sarah said. “I know what the Foundation does and how they make decisions. I know they are going to be good stewards of my funds.”

Kori Sosnowy Voorhees

Donor Feature | Themis Winter 2024


Thank you, Foundation donors! DONOR LIST: Lifetime This annual listing honors donors who have cumulatively given $10,000 or more to the ZTA Foundation (as of July 31, 2023). FOUNDERS SOCIETY [$100,000+] Alpha Theta Purdue University Bobby Seitz Turnbull Beta Delta Miami University Karen Lowman West Lambda Southwestern University Suzanne Morrow Ellis Nu The University of Alabama Leah Ann McAbee Sexton Theta Psi Texas State University Laura Ladewig Zeta The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Jean Lohr Kirkley CREST SOCIETY [$75,000+] Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Kay Dill Kreutzer Gamma Pi University of Georgia Stephanie Arnette Powell SWORD & SHIELD SOCIETY [$50,000+] Alpha Theta Purdue University Renee Parker Murphy Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Ashley Rhea Dickinson Beta Delta Miami University Stephany Moore Joslin

Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Sherry Stagg St. Aubin

Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Dinah Helms Cook

Eta Iota Valdosta State University Alice McCann Mathews

Beta Psi Stetson University Debbie Barrett Cooke

Gamma Alpha University of Miami Shari H. Robins M.D.

Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Katharine Benzini Stampe

Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Cynthia Byars Courtney Leslie Liem Hix

Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Hellen M. Greenway Michelle Macartney Kay McCoy McKelvey

Omega Southern Methodist University Nan Barkley Boettcher Anne Barkley Manning Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Shamim Syed Wu CREED SOCIETY [$25,000+] Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Catherine G. Slaughter Alpha Psi University of Missouri Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass Alpha Theta Purdue University Connie Fotos Grace Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Sara Hays Johnston Beta Gamma Florida State University Nora Nell Hardy Jackson

24 Themis Winter 2024 | Donor List

Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Julia Marthaler Hill Malaea Nelms Seleski Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Jennifer Speidel Baker Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Francine Marie Vannicola

Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne University Dana Brasington Atkinson

Gamma Beta Washington College Katy Fluhr Carlsward Barbara Townsend Cromwell Becky Hainsworth Kirwan

Delta Psi Samford University Susan L. Beard

Gamma Iota University of Florida Karen Farmer Mills

Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Karey Patterson Bresenhan

Gamma Omega University of Houston Nancy Bowne Morgan

Eta Alpha Georgia Southwestern State University Elizabeth Harpe Ruf

Gamma Pi University of Georgia Bonney Stamper Shuman Dr. Kelly M. Smith

Eta Iota Valdosta State University Leilani Struzick Rabourn Kery Reinkemyer Webb

Iota Delta Towson University Liza Gundell

Eta Lambda College of Charleston Kelley Elizabeth Moulton

Iota Omega University of Maryland Tanya Snyder

Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport Bridget Denise Higginbotham

Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Keeley McDonald

Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Sara Jasper Clark

Zeta Sigma The University of Texas at Arlington Jenni Zottola Leger

Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Lara Marie Burns Mary Holt Walcutt

Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Mardee Coyle Austin

Nu The University of Alabama Scottie Forrester Vickery Omega Southern Methodist University Jerry Rainey Putt

Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Linda Lawrence Green V. Carol Hill Barbara Jacobs Priest Jackie-Sue Howard Scelfo Marty E. Sik

Sigma Baker University Dr. Darcy L. Russell Pat Wooster-Jackson

Alpha Gamma University of Michigan Bonnie Martin Kohl Sue Goodwin Peyron

Tau Millikin University Sue Logan Prange

Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kelly Anne Olsen Prabha Parameswaran

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolyn Hof Carpenter Zeta Delta University of Louisiana at Monroe Lisa Busby Walston Joy Hathorn Watson

1898 SOCIETY [$10,000+]

Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Terri Dew Millsap Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Kerry Diminuco

Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Nona Douglass Richey

Alpha Pi Ohio University Denise Frissell Rogers

Zeta Pi Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogée

Alpha Psi University of Missouri Christy Marx Barber

Alpha Theta Purdue University Janet Ruth Graab-Miller Miss Joy LeRoy

Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Denise Dubé Motter Delta Beta Florida Southern College Elena De Villiers Barbara Kazanjian Purks

Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Lynn Ann Conard Sharryn Tucker Ehrlich Dorothy Coates Pataky

Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Kathy Papp

Beta Delta Miami University Barbara Wheelock Hamilton

Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Marcy Cann Heather Matthews Dianne Worsham Rube

Beta Gamma Florida State University Dinah Jackson Laughery Jacquie Belcher Miller Pat C. Sibley

Delta Lambda Georgia State University Meredith Harris Braselman Laura Moak Redman

Beta Nu New Mexico State University Tracy Clarke Cooper-Tuckman

Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Vicki Clark Rima Block DuVall

Beta Omicron University of South Carolina V. Jan Middlebrooks Patti Knight Shelley

Delta Upsilon West Virginia Wesleyan College Colleen O'Reilly Hann

Beta Phi Michigan State University Kristen Humeston Harthorn Susie Campbell Sherman-Hall

Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Judy Berry Jackson

Beta Zeta Iowa State University Beth Sipek Cothron Mona Dippold Mills Sherry K. Sunderman

Epsilon University of Arkansas Susie Werner Geiger Martha Gorum Jackson Liz Yearns Patterson

Chi University of Pittsburgh Alice U. Jones

LIFETIME GIVING LEVELS To honor those sisters whose donations reflect that “ZTA is not just four years, but for life,” the Foundation recognizes the following lifetime giving levels:

$10,000 to $24,999

$25,000 to $49,999

$50,000 to $74,999

$75,000 to $99,999

$100,000 and above

Donor List | Themis Winter 2024


Eta Iota Valdosta State University Marlene Dunbar Conrad Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Karen Henning Sparkman Eta Lambda College of Charleston Pam McMillan McKinney Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport Marnie Marlar Frazier Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Kris Fleming Heather Alison Siscel Kelsie Rachelle Van Hoose Gamma Alpha University of Miami Heather Katherine Warren-Reynolds Gamma Chi Indiana State University Chris Flora Walter Judy Jordan Wright Gamma Delta University of Mississippi Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Nora Villareal Karam Gamma Iota University of Florida Ann Johnson Conn Gamma Nu University of Virginia Nancy Walker Gamma Omega University of Houston Lynne Howard Eckels Alice DeWalt Hahn Nina Hendee Renee Broussard Jongebloed Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Leslie Wise

Gamma Pi University of Georgia Cathy Hester Huffines Kimberly Jones Ivester Ann Tansey Kreager Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Marnie Brown Wallen Gamma Sigma University of Tampa Sylvia Sears Danner Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Debbie Anne Novelli Beverly Kunze Randall Dr. Stacey Verkest Voigt Gamma Xi Indiana University of Pennsylvania Roxanne Trovato Wood Iota Eta University of Nevada, Las Vegas Aimee Wytko Wise Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Elaine Ann Rocha, Esq. Iota Omega University of Maryland Rebecca Traino Everitt Janel Thomson Jauntirans Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Vicki Decker Griffith Stacy Johnson Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Coleen Ann Ryder Iota Zeta University of New Mexico Katerina Vaitkus Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Mary Barker Evans Marida Pike Slobko Carrie Joiner Woliver

26 Themis Winter 2024 | Donor List

Kappa Pi University of South Carolina Aiken Nicole Flippo Crook

Theta Omicron Baylor University Lacy Schneider O'Connor

Lambda Southwestern University Shirley Oliver Sanders

Theta Pi California State University, Northridge Mary Curtin Cruse

Mu Drury University Janet Vigen Levy Kathy Vogt Thuneman

Theta Psi Texas State University Alicia Patten Williams

Omega Southern Methodist University Janet Rendleman Bergstrom

Theta Sigma Winthrop University Heather Ashmore Baker

Psi University of Washington Sarah Ruhwedel Porter Kori Sosnowy Voorhees Karla Lundgren Wheeler

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carla Martin Cobb Andrea Nichole DeVos Catherine Rowland Liemohn

Sigma Baker University Ashley Dolezilek Turman

Upsilon University of California, Berkeley Gene Marie Slanker Hassan

Tau Millikin University Elta T. Cooke

Zeta The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Melissa R. Still

Theta Chi George Mason University Lucia Prenzel Knudsen

Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Susan Elizabeth Kennedy Sherry Server Tilley

Theta Delta Salisbury University Dixie White Leikach Theta Epsilon University of San Diego Shannon Smith Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Stacy LaRue Gannon Paislea Wallstein Stolarski Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Anna Kroesen Dow Christine Depalma Ford Dolores Gonzales Gastineau Diane Hanson Keegan

Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles Zeta Mu Jacksonville University Debbie E. Buscher Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Gloria Culberson Hice Zeta Theta East Central University Brigette Donaghey Gean Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Kaci Holloway Johnson

DONOR LIST: Annual Donors 2022-2023 This annual listing honors donors who gave $300 or more to the ZTA Foundation between Aug. 1, 2022, and July 31, 2023. To make a donation, visit CROWN [$5,000+] Alpha Chi University of Kentucky V. Carol Hill Jackie-Sue Howard Scelfo Alpha Theta Purdue University Renee Parker Murphy Bobby Seitz Turnbull Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Sara Hays Johnston Beta Delta Miami University Karen Lowman West Beta Eta University of Nebraska-Lincoln Kay Gregory Seger Beta Gamma Florida State University Lauren L. Hafner Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Michelle Macartney Eplison University of Arkansas Liz Yearns Patterson Eta Lambda College of Charleston Kelley Elizabeth Moulton Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport Marnie Marlar Frazier Bridget Denise Higginbotham Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Kay Dill Kreutzer Malaea Nelms Seleski

Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Jennifer Speidel Baker Kris Fleming Abby LaPreze Morris Kelsie Rachelle Van Hoose Gamma Alpha University of Miami Shari H. Robins, M.D. Gamma Iota University of Florida Ann Johnson Conn Gamma Pi University of Georgia Stephanie Arnette Powell Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Leslie Liem Hix Iota Omega University of Maryland Tanya Snyder Lambda Southwestern University Suzanne Morrow Ellis Mu Drury University Sarah Duvall Gilstrap Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Shamim Syed Wu Zeta Mu Jacksonville University Debbie E. Buscher Zeta Sigma The University of Texas at Arlington Jenni Zottola Leger

SHIELD [$2,500+] Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Karen Hemphill Hauser Beta Gamma Florida State University Kathy Zangari Crandall Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Beta Nu New Mexico State University Tracy Clarke Cooper-Tuckman Beta Omicron University of South Carolina V. Jan Middlebrooks Beta Zeta Iowa State University Beth Sipek Cothron Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Rima Block DuVall Delta Upsilon West Virginia Wesleyan College Colleen O’Reilly Hann Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Katy Elizabeth Bloomberg Amberlee Beth Cook Kimberly Morrill Simon Heather Alison Siscel Kathleen Mahoney Strahm Gamma Beta Washington College Katy Fluhr Carlsward Gamma Pi University of Georgia Kimberly Jones Ivester Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Cynthia Byars Courtney

Iota Omega University of Maryland Rebecca Traino Everitt Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Vicki Decker Griffith Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Sara Jasper Clark Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Jenee Jongebloed Bobbora Lambda Southwestern University Angele Cook Wolk Nu The University of Alabama Leah Ann McAbee Sexton Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Mandy Pierce Scott Paislea Wallstein Stolarski Theta Gamma Texas A&M University Dana Slovacek Bryant Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolyn Hof Carpenter Zeta Pi Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogée Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Mardee Coyle Austin Collete Peta TORCH [$1,000+] Alpha Longwood University Janet T. Thompson Donor List | Themis Winter 2024


IN MEMORY OF. . . Donations to the ZTA Foundation were made between Aug. 1, 2022, and July 31, 2023, in memory of the following people: Marlys G Allen Emily Kathryn King Susan Barlow Marian Kreutzer Jane Schumann Bavely Darrell Landers Louise C Bellatti Debbie Buscher Leck Max Nelson Bodine Jean Luehrs Louise Leonard Bradshaw Tim Marks Joann Zeisler Braun Ann Wickstrom Maslanka LaVerne R. Brogan B D Weil McAndrew Mrs. Donald L Brouse Jr Janice Spradley McCarthy Elizabeth Grace Burton Maggie Coram McCormick Carol Pycha Charling Joseph McKenna Mary Kay Kiamie Churchill Avery Rose Mcmillan Ann Brady Clarkson, PhD Patsy Methvin Dianna Buck Conaty Caroline Leigh Morrell Caroline Conrad Olivia Newton-John Helen Ringstrom Conway Winifred Dinsmoor Nightingale Abigail Grace Cox Monica Tucker Norris Maribeth Doran Curry Leah Fields Ozment Jean Daugherty Elizabeth Emery Patterson Josephine Camp Davis Larry Patton Helen "Gail" Songer Dippold Mary L Perkins Claire Winn Dowden Barbara A. Peters Deborah Kisler Duffy Kris Zender Peterson Florence Dunn Betty Sawyer Pollard Carolyn Lupfer Ehrlich Laura Tinning Reister Harriett Ellerbee Stephanie Lyn Roberts Judy Brushwood Erickson Ms. Linda Robertson Leslie Friedrichs Ewers Lois Tognazzini Rose Sarah Hall Fandey Paul Rose Shudde Bryson Fath Val Clough Ross Sarah Czerwinski Faulkner William J. "Bill" Ross M Darby Forrester Frances Combest Rountree Dominique Anne Franco Carol A. Sagner Stacy Froschauer Cindy Satterfield Megan Fuzzell Sylva Schindler Schneider Sarah Fuzzell Kitty Phelps Seitz Glean Gean Mikeal Sue Sestak Jane Myers George Luella Faye Siegfried Patty McClendon Gesin Barbara Ackerman Smith Bebe Wilson Gleason Carma Smith Charles Gorham Patricia Norris Smith Glenna Woodruff Gundell Nelle Luckey Sparks Joanna Gusta Betty Steinhauer-Ott Agnes Fox Gwin Marilyn J. Stephenson Kelly Hackendahl Martha H Swain Suzy Hammett Sally Tucker Thompson Anne Gruhl Hess Mary Sue Maples Thornburgh Carolyn Hendricks Hester Ben Trindle Betty Taylor Hill Marcelite Ford Troeger Nancy Miller Hill Betty Ware Tyree Joanna Hoover Melissa Guthrie Wagler Ruth Sellemann Hughes Margaret Ann Weikert Eleanor Jackson Humphrey Beverly Blair West Jimmie Jackson Kathleen Brackett White Jill Ann Johnson Jeanne Branscomb Williams Alan "Skip" Beaty Jones Marilyn Althoff Williams Eileen Mary Kane Brenda Young Wilson Lisabeth Louanne Kay Judy Reilly Wilson Carolyn28 Key Themis Winter 2024 | Donor List

Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Franci Rocco Bayes Linda Lawrence Green Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Catherine G. Slaughter Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kelly Anne Olsen Prabha Parameswaran Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Ladonna Houston Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Kerry Diminuco Cece Baldus Moore Alpha Psi University of Missouri Christy Marx Barber Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass Shannon Ashley Ferguson Cindy Lee Fiegenbaum Marci White Alpha Theta Purdue University Janet Ruth Graab-Miller Jeanne Manley Kennedy Karil Strater Sommers Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Lynn Ann Conard Tammy Tindle Dixon Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain Michelle Norris Montalbano Meghan Vicinus Parker Barbara Inman Sorenson

Beta Gamma Florida State University Dinah Jackson Laughery Beta Omega Union University Jill Burrows Levine Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Dinah Helms Cook Patti Knight Shelley Beta Phi Michigan State University Kristen Humeston Harthorn Beta Psi Stetson University Debbie Barrett Cooke

Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Cynthia Sparks Allen Michele Johnson Spears Delta Omega Westminster College Natalie Yingling Lisko Delta Pi Eastern New Mexico University Donna Stanley Mowrer Kristelle Cubero Siarza Epsilon University of Arkansas Susie Werner Geiger

Beta Zeta Iowa State University Mona Dippold Mills

Eta Alpha Georgia Southwestern State University Barbara Rutledge Coleman Elizabeth Harpe Ruf

Chi University of Pittsburgh Alice U. Jones

Eta Iota Valdosta State University Leilani Struzick Rabourn

Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Denise Dubé Motter

Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Karen Henning Sparkman

Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Hellen M. Greenway Kathy Papp Delta Eta West Texas A&M University Tracy Lewis Ragsdale Delta Gamma High Point University Brooke Elizabeth Pasko

Alpha Zeta The Ohio State University Barbara Bateson Laird Rebecca P. Maykowski

Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Heather Matthews Sheila Youngs Porada

Beta Delta Miami University Rose Marie Balzano Theis

Delta Lambda Georgia State University Meredith Harris Braselman Ann Marie Papasodero Reynolds

Eta Mu Augusta University Holly Giamfortone Fett Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Genia King McKinney Joan Kimball Mollohan Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall Eta Sigma The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Dana Brittany Essick Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Sara Matthews Campbell Carol Arnott May Sherrill Yescavage Smith Michelle Schaeffler Williams

Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Francine Marie Vannicola Eta Zeta Elon University Jennifer Black Gallagher

Iota Eta University of Nevada, Las Vegas Aimee Wytko Wise Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Elaine Ann Rocha, Esq.

Gamma Alpha University of Miami Heather Katherine Warren-Reynolds

Iota Omega University of Maryland Jennifer Erickson Dryer Janel Thomson Jauntirans

Gamma Beta Washington College Erin Koster Blair Becky Hainsworth Kirwan

Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Keeley McDonald Coleen Ann Ryder

Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Diana Kathryn Bruce

Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Lori M. Patton

Gamma Iota University of Florida Ginny Swain Cardona

Iota Zeta University of New Mexico Katerina Vaitkus

Gamma Kappa James Madison University Jennifer Daugherty Peel

Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Millie Kershner Hof Marida Pike Slobko

Gamma Omega University of Houston Nina Hendee Susan McLaughlin Hoyt Jennifer Elise Kanak Gamma Phi University of North Texas Susan Spradley Bell Jane Spradley Haley Gamma Pi University of Georgia Cathy Hester Huffines Dr. Kelly M. Smith Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Dr. Stacey Verkest Voigt Gamma Zeta Mississippi State University Margaret Weathersby Applewhite Amy Crowley Billings Iota Chi Middle Tennessee State University Glenda Hawkins Smart

Kappa Sigma University of South Florida Sara Jean Goodman Lambda Southwestern University Shirley Oliver Sanders Omega Southern Methodist University Nan Barkley Boettcher Anne Barkley Manning Psi University of Washington Karla Lundgren Wheeler Sigma Baker University Dr. Darcy L. Russell Tau Millikin University Aymie Olson Clayton Elta T. Cooke

Theta Alpha California State University, Chico Andrea Warner Molinari Deanna Rothschild

Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Nancy Jo Richardson Alexander Sarah Ann Calhoun-Allbritton

Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Stacy LaRue Gannon Lisa Williams Wilson

Zeta Lambda Rider University Leanne Mishelle Puia Ashley Hennessy Talamo

Theta Gamma Texas A&M University Cheri White Armstrong

Zeta Omega Ferris State University Kendra Davis Moyses

Theta Iota University of North Florida Dianne Ford LaForty Rachelle Jivoin Mollitt

Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Jane Stuart Meadows Nona Douglass Richey

Theta Psi Texas State University Alicia Patten Williams

Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Gloria Culberson Hice

Theta Sigma Winthrop University Heather Ashmore Baker Erin Cook

Zeta Theta East Central University Brigette Donaghey Gean

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carla Martin Cobb Catherine Rowland Liemohn

Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Gayla Sue Anderson Barbara Jacobs Priest Marty E. Sik

Theta Theta Arkansas Tech University Ann Cooper Childs

Alpha Gamma University of Michigan Patty Skaisgir McCabe

Upsilon University of California, Berkeley Kathryn M Neri

Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Carol Burr Petrusek

Zeta The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Melissa R. Still

Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Michelle Troutman Fitt Heidi Kuntzman Mazzucchi Emily Vannice Remington

Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Susan Elizabeth Kennedy Diane Gaskins Marret Zeta Chi Tennessee Technological University Amanda Hand Knauer Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Susanne H. Dreier

THEMIS [$500+]

Alpha Psi University of Missouri Sherri Agrusa-Gallick Beth Astroth Garza Pat Taylor Gresham Catherine Moore Hanaway Margie Bartholomew Langdon

Donor List | Themis Winter 2024


Alpha Rho Syracuse University Ruth E. Sadler Alpha Theta Purdue University Jayne Binz McCliment Cindy M Ransom Karen Manteufel Ripp Nancy Sanders Seeman Mary Bryan Sherman Beth Ann Stickles-McDaniel Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Debbie Bacher Bell Paula Compton Carter Acacia Bender Croy Dyana Buckley Diffin Janet Durham Gaskins Susan Elaine Head Leslie D Hamilton Charla Pullen Isbell Jennifer Carnahan Pierotti Sharron Rains Rock Ann White Truscott Christina Higgins Wright Alpha Xi Indiana University Samantha Locke Dunbar Karen Gillen Kendall Sheryl Rennaker Thomas Alpha Zeta The Ohio State University Rebecca S Crothers Lisa Schmidt Davidson Marisa Elizabeth DeSciscio Kay Forsythe Fenton

Beta Delta Miami University Barbara Wheelock Hamilton Stephany Moore Joslin

Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Linda Crossley Ramsay

Beta Gamma Florida State University Lauri Lester Michelle Gordon Mullineaux

Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Kay McCoy McKelvey

Beta Lambda University of Louisville Katie Gardner Graf Beta Nu New Mexico State University Jini Gunaji Ihler Jacque Green Kennedy Nichole Nunn Lovvorn Sharon L Voelz

Delta Gamma High Point University Raechel Bennett Biggs Delta Iota Pennsylvania Western University Clarion Sally Gazda Green

Delta Sigma Lamar University Kati Barrett Mize Delta Theta Ohio Northern University Ann Marie Painter Sarah Nicole Prasher Lisa Paul Sierk Delta Upsilon West Virginia Wesleyan College Morgan Renae Meadows-Davis Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Tami Sims O'Brien

Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Meredith Elayn Eicher Karen Richards Gay Dawn Arceneaux Palermo Sherry Stagg St. Aubin

Epsilon University of Arkansas Brigitte Rene Burks Martha Gorum Jackson Cindy Benward Smith Allison Ross Thompson

Beta Phi Michigan State University Tamara Harvey de Dios Susie Campbell Sherman-Hall

Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Lee Fesmire Hudson Dr. Sue Hudson

Eta Beta Duquesne University Jess Adams Meyers

Beta Psi Stetson University Lisa Statham Posteraro

Delta Nu The University of New Orleans Janna L. Pecquet

Beta Theta Franklin College Karen J Edwards

Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne University Janet Baker Hassing Denise Lee Schulz

Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Liv Mary Robinson Candace Mahone Watt

Beta Zeta Iowa State University Darlene Anderson Oswalt Sherry K. Sunderman

Delta Rho Eastern Michigan University Carole Shepard Lissy

Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Susan Mundy Beck Christine Mulkay Eta Pi Wright State University Deb Downing Teresa Ishmael Ebersole Laurel Blewett Hemmelgarn Brooke Johnson Leppla Brenda DeHaven Matunas Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Julia Marthaler Hill Eta Tau The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Kristin Easter Fiehler

Eta Chi Francis Marion University Juliette Neil Thier Eta Iota Valdosta State University Marlene Dunbar Conrad Lori Coker Donnelly Alice McCann Mathews Linda Whittle Sallette Christy Dickinson Waldenmaier Kery Reinkemyer Webb

Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Lindsey Rich Boeckmann Lindsay Golem Brown Rachel Christina Guthrie Janet Rimmey King Diane Lucas Millikin Elizabeth Ann Savage Laura Plyler Silkwood Mary Ford Telker Leslie Vigna Witherspoon Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Cindy Wellener Hyman Eta Zeta Elon University Tricia Talbert Ellen

ANNUAL GIVING LEVELS Those who give $300 or more during a fiscal year will be recognized as part of one of the following annual giving levels:

$300 to $499

$500 to $999

30 Themis Winter 2024 | Donor List

$1,000 to $2,499

$2,500 to $4,999

$5,000 and above

Gamma Alpha University of Miami Cristie Pecoraro Carter Pat A. Whitely Gamma Beta Washington College Megan E Ward Cascio Gamma Chi Indiana State University Joan Benner Banning Gamma Iota University of Florida Melissa Reeves Edwards Jen Russell Gilby MD Gamma Kappa James Madison University Mary Sue Whitt Gamma Nu University of Virginia Anna Marie Georgi Donna J Marakas Gamma Omega University of Houston Sylvia Funk Ashbaugh Nancy Bowne Morgan Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Cathy Thompson Gamma Pi University of Georgia Laura Bugg Chastain Traci Doar Kemp Sharen Heavner Phinney Jackie Joiner Quinn Missy Fraker Schofield Gamma Rho Auburn University Rachel Owens Knain Gamma Sigma University of Tampa Carran Porter Kattmann Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Chris Hanson Andres Brenda Cary Brown Marilyn Morris Elliott Stancy Robinson Hagans

Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder Patty Lee Hurd Bartlett Gamma Xi Indiana University of Pennsylvania Roxanne Trovato Wood Gamma Zeta Mississippi State University Lainie Tubertini Anthony Linda Eidson Chase Jessica Leigh Dougan Tari Harris Furey Virginia Barfield Perkins Iota Alpha Robert Morris University Karen Rose Roper Iota Chi Middle Tennessee State University Samantha Boggs Dean Mary Annette McDonald Lesley Wilson Pascoe Iota Eta University of Nevada, Las Vegas Ramona Katrina Farley Rosa Solis-Rainey Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Lauren Mary Seber Iota Nu Susquehanna University Margaret M Farmer Iota Omega University of Maryland Anne Meredith Merrell Iota Omicron Lander University Kiki O'Dell

Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Brooke Atkinson Virginia Paul Bousquet June Wilkinson Cowden Kappa Nu Monmouth University Jenn Gradzki Harris Kappa Sigma University of South Florida Liv Teresa Modesti Kappa Tau Florida Gulf Coast University Bonny Boutet Shade Kappa Upsilon Georgia College Siobhan Alvarez-Borland Lambda Southwestern University Janice Alexander Smith Mu Drury University Anne Patterson Sneed Nu The University of Alabama Vicki Pebbles Carlisle Leigh Greene Mitchell Omega Southern Methodist University Judy Belisomo Margaret E Hale Jennifer Moore Lewis Kim Knight Rice Omicron Brenau University Melissa Garner Hankinson Cathy Rawlinson Brittany Green Strickland

Iota Pi University of Dayton Terry Kilbane Fortin Kristine E Westerheide

Psi University of Washington Lucy Brown Kanikeberg Jaime Elduen Keith Kori Sosnowy Voorhees

Iota Rho East Carolina University Carrie Rogers Garrity

Theta Bethany College Eileen Courtney Campbell

Theta Alpha California State University, Chico Stephanie Crane Carter Susanne Marie Krauland Liz Bozek Krohn Cheryl Righetti McGray Theta Chi George Mason University Lucia Prenzel Knudsen Theta Delta Salisbury University Yuriko Norita Beaman Dixie White Leikach Tammy Ward Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Susan Mitchell Tabb Theta Gamma Texas A&M University Jennifer Chan Hanson Theta Iota University of North Florida Jaclyn Waterman Conatser Heather Eileen Ranes Theta Kappa University of Missouri-St. Louis Sarah Rosegrant Frederick Theta Nu Auburn University at Montgomery Carol Johnson Golsan Theta Phi California State University, Fullerton Sylvia Christina Contreras Susan O'Toole Wason Theta Pi California State University, Northridge Mary Curtin Cruse Theta Psi Texas State University Holly Carpenter Mendoza Tracy Massey Moore Theta Sigma Winthrop University Julie Ward Moxley

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Nancy C. Leatherman Theta Theta Arkansas Tech University Laura Baird Cheak Mandy Jane Morgan Diane Hicks Olson Theta Xi Rutgers University Kathy Walker Ashton Katie Peoples Zamulinsky Upsilon University of California, Berkeley Judith Stark Zaccone Xi University of Southern California Darlene Hagemann O'Toole Zeta The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Cynthia Connor Borden Amber Fisher Cutler Gina Wiley Lehman Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Pam Morris Blessing Amanda Greer Bureau Michelle Edwards Griffin Mary Howell Miller Zeta Beta Thiel College Karen Sue Swan Zeta Delta University of Louisiana at Monroe Lisa Busby Walston Joy Hathorn Watson Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Emily Bosela Peach Joanna Alton Scarazzo Valerie Lucarelli Schenk Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles Angie Crisp Stocker

Donor List | Themis Winter 2024


Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Cindy Birmingham Smith Zeta Omega Ferris State University Lesli Leigh Baar Zeta Upsilon Pennsylvania Western University Edinboro Sally Schott Wellman Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Erin Helbling Chadwick Janet Barber Thompson [LINK $300+] Alpha Longwood University Linda Bowers Deviney Alpha Alpha Iowa Wesleyan College Shirley Wood DeLucia Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Kathy Ann Campbell Carol Sullivan Gall Liz Rhoades Hames Judy Smith Schineller Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Doris Fey Schmaltz Janet Greenert Gillespie Alpha Gamma University of Michigan Suzanne Strader Beadle Carol Bennett Ghio Bonnie Martin Kohl Laura Liberty Mitchell Sue Goodwin Peyron Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Elaine Pohl Benisek Kristin Coyner Dickerson Trish Wilkins Henson Cynthia Freutel Nadig Anne Petro Tamulaitis Dorothy Ruter Vitter Jessica Lynn Whetter

Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Martha Hayes Blackburn Lisa Hayles Burkman Lynn Compton Chapman Celia Cheney Ellis Terri Dew Millsap Jayne McCain Prude Laura McGahey Van Pelt Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Karen Nelson Anderson Morgan Hallett Banasiak Barb Chang-Holt Kristen Carlstedt Johnson Micki Jo Kennedy Linda Levi Schoelkopf Alpha Phi Northwestern University Deanna Olson Hartenberg Judith Anderson Hohorst Alpha Pi Ohio University Frances Kay Bauer Morrow Alpha Psi University of Missouri Michele Kuznitz Bunch Geri Jordan Macauley Lori Shelton Maris Annika Lee Meyer Jill Bryant Meyer Sandy Simmons Sarah Stich Brittany Means Wills Alpha Theta Purdue University Lynn Dolembo Bailey Connie Fotos Grace Katie Puch Grund Erin Thornburg Hartley Gwynne L Johnson Gwen List Keller Jane Taylor Lavey Julia Fleek Lupinacci Kelly J Murray Kim Johnson Payne Elizabeth Koehl Renner Mrs. Donna Wanderer Runyan Margaret Dowell Scott Sandy Clarkson Stuckman Stephanie McIntosh Szabo

32 Themis Winter 2024 | Donor List

Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Jill Stewart Corey Dana Robinson Huser Kristi Payne Leonard Carol Robinson Smith D. Eileen Smith Mary Guthrie Van Gieson

Beta Omega Union University Glenda West Linton

Molly Carter Hancock Mary Ellen Mazzanti Rogers Dana Welch Thompson

Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Cathy Coleman Knox Anna Boswell McCord

Delta Chi William Jewell College Anita Diffenbaugh Holt

Alpha Xi Indiana University Marilynne Tuttle Curtis Tammy Lytle Ilaria Deb Bridgers Minnick Barbara Lockhart Taylor Janet Bunger Wortley

Beta Phi Michigan State University Cynthia Miller D'Amour Andrea Fordyce Hutchinson Patti Cords Levitte Cricket Myers Nickolaou Mary Gannod Perrin Judy Hamilton Rossow Mary Beth Dancer Stanley Robin Walker Volden Joan Elizabeth Wright

Alpha Zeta The Ohio State University Nancy Bennett Bauman Deborah Price Cole Marion Tanner Gore Barbara Malpiedi Kirby Karen Hunsinger Little Beta Delta Miami University Doris Hildbold Cheeseman Ellen Berger Kus Sabrina Larson Lauren McMahon Laura Tanley Segna Beta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Sali Gold Johnson Beta Gamma Florida State University Doreen Moloney Furnari Jan Caudle Reed Jane Smith Woolridge Beta Iota Centenary College of Louisiana Anna Kathleen Bradford Kelly Willer Hamilton Amy Harrell-Holloway Beta Lambda University of Louisville Julia Grace Clements Kayla Slaughter Weigel Beta Nu New Mexico State University Kat Therese Lopez

Beta Pi University of Oregon Julie Parich Jellison Beta Psi Stetson University Dr. Diane M. Disney Michelle M. Faivre Krystal Claire Jensen Suzanna Marie Johnson Sarah Reneau Sturdivant K C White Bunny Ogletree Yeargin Beta Tau Albion College Betsy Stephenson Kenas Beta Theta Franklin College Nancy Kivett Cassel Betsy Fink Horneffer Beta Upsilon Kansas State University Kaitlyn Mae Keeling Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Teresa Alvarado Delta Beta Florida Southern College Ann Pincus Daniels Elena De Villiers Taneha Wray Elliott

Delta Epsilon Wagner College Virginia Giles LaFalce Peg Short Phelps Delta Eta West Texas A&M University Becky Lee Christmas Lauri Zachry Truong Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Cyndi Lodwick Bellina Sarah Ford Brammer Marcy Cann Beverly Denton Choppin Sally Huffman Czerwinski Carole Marie Moser Melinda Bates Petersen Nancy Cannon Reed Dianne Worsham Rube Delta Lambda Georgia State University Kim Levine Hanson Rachel Catherine Mikowski Sara Dowless Herndon Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Heather DeeAnn Brown Vicki Clark Susan Durham Betty Allen Langley Wanda Stanfill Morrell Delta Nu The University of New Orleans Stephanie M. Caluda Traci Parker Dubuisson Shari M. Fisher Delta Omega Westminster College Courtney Arissa Hemmelgarn Debra George Lannon JoAnn Cassebaum Weisel

Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne University Dana Brasington Atkinson Delta Pi Eastern New Mexico University Ralene Wilson Adami Nancijane Goodwin Hilling Delta Psi Samford University Hailey Rogers Delta Tau Davis and Elkins College Laura Anne Constantine Delta Theta Ohio Northern University Mandy Ingram Altfater Delta Upsilon West Virginia Wesleyan College Laura Dawn Casto-Boggess Alice Shumlas Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Susan Gregory Bohan Cherie Miller Countz Vicky Donaldson Fleisher Mary Ann Hansen Macey Kaycee Alexis Miller Epsilon University of Arkansas Kayte Sexton Fry Jayne Scoggins Hungate Areta Hill Moseley Anne Allen Russo Carolyn Jackson Tolley Eta Alpha Georgia Southwestern State University Stephanie Rutledge Virag Eta Chi Francis Marion University Crystal Edwards Butler Tiffanie Renea Cox Ashlee Driggers Kositz Eta Gamma West Chester University of Pennsylvania Staci Foerst Callahan

Eta Iota Valdosta State University Ashley Herrington Bennett Kris Dahl Guthrie Elizabeth Farrell Holland Kathy Pope Reinhagen

Eta Zeta Elon University Laura Parker Barnes Leah Faith Melrod

Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Megan Ries Blanco

Gamma Alpha University of Miami Ana De Villiers Jenny Leal Page Joan Martens Tapocik

Eta Lambda College of Charleston Marla Shor Chinsky Mary Wilson LaRoche Jessica Eovino Pafford

Gamma Delta University of Mississippi Cande McNally Elchroth Kim Marie Huch Barbara Harrington Miller

Eta Phi Illinois State University Kayla Kaczmarek Gibeault Celeste Ione Niebuhr Kelly Munson Smith

Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Jo Anne Markle McClurg

Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Kathy Whitlock Isom Sherry Stratford Martin Janna Keenum Perry

Gamma Iota University of Florida Shannon Crouse Davis Linda Bowers Duggan Lyla Bryan King June Loyd Lundy Joelen Kilbas Merkel Kathy Ann Nevins Patricia Stanley Preston Sandy Moore Sanderson Emma L. Winstead

Eta Tau The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Denise Vance Fluhr

Gamma Kappa James Madison University Martha Trenary Irvin Sherri Miller Seeger

Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Christina Welch Ayres Cindy Kapp Buchschacher Natalie Gorman Burris Karla Marie Casper Maureen Alane Dugan Bridget Hamman Malinowski Meghan Donnellan Nelson Amanda Luellen Olson Jennifer Abbott Sciarra Janice A Struckhoff

Gamma Nu University of Virginia Joi Lynn Baumgardner Ginger Layman Curry

Eta Pi Wright State University Anita McGuire McClure

Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Jen Munzenmaier Crosley Tracy Raines Gregorio Laurie Jo Hesson

Gamma Phi University of North Texas Christy Alexander Brown Gina Goertzen LeGare Courtney Kaye Robertson Gamma Pi University of Georgia Phyllis Sacile Chastain Leanne Blalock DeFrancesco Shearon Wiggins Glover Karen Lane Mann Kathy Bradley Thomas Wanda Barton Yeatts Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Jeri Browning Blackmon Gamma Rho Auburn University Pixie Bialas Gailes Pat Lake Grant Dr Nancy Eddy Hopkins Jennifer Hussey Kilgo Ruth Lovett McMullen Caitlin Moulton-Towle Robin Reaves Mueller Kristi Broadfoot Reiff Christina Barnes Rutledge Jamie Rome Smith Carol L Wietlake

Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Tamela Dickie Beene Caroline Morse Blackwell Janet Jaeckle Bronocco Kelley McClanahan Clark Joy Lord Fuhrmann Nancy McDonnell Harlin Jane Williams Steves Roma Hall VanHoosier Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder Sue Price Baker Karen Jorgenson Neidhardt Gamma Zeta Mississippi State University Jennifer B. McPherson Mary Elizabeth Taylor Stephanie Dallas Wenzel Iota Chi Middle Tennessee State University Halie Vannoy Montgomery Casey Guimbellot Pash Andrea Camp Reilly Iota Delta Towson University Janice Board Hoyt Debbie Leslie McCaffrey Lori Bankert Szeliga

Gamma Omega University of Houston Kelley Alexander Brege Melinda Wehmeyer Moore Allison Michelle Poore Lauren Evenson Stratton Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Kristine Rouse Galaviz Pat Parnacott Hinman

125th Trustees and Foundation Board members celebrate 125 years of sisterhood together at Longwood University as part of the Day of Giving and anniversary celebration.

Iota Epsilon University of Hartford Irene Loretto

Kappa Iota Moravian University Cortney Lynn Selander

Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Kelly Czajka Raymond

Kappa Omega Saint Louis University Katy Spears Beagle

Iota Iota Fairleigh Dickinson University Lisa M Gordon

Kappa Phi Christopher Newport University Sarah Ann McPherson Catherine Marie Bowersox Posey

Iota Kappa Delta State University Meredith Sims Crawford Cindy Green Gaff Iota Omega University of Maryland Jen Ellen Ewing Fox Lauren Ashley Norris Iota Pi University of Dayton Kristen Moeller Faure Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Stacy Johnson Nicole Martinez-Anderson Prahler Iota Theta Georgia Institute of Technology Paula Ross Surdykowski Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Rebecca Curtright Kappa The University of Texas at Austin M Kelli Cook Linda Burk Kemp Kelti Bailey Late Linda Reilly Lewis Anne Barclay Reed Anne Szablowski Robillard Nanette Rountree Wheelis Margot Markle Wilkinson Carrie Joiner Woliver Kappa Alpha Colorado State University Lauren Albin Brigandi

Kappa Pi University of South Carolina Aiken Nicole Flippo Crook Lauryn Elizabeth Hutto

Omega Southern Methodist University Anne F Evans Regena Langford Felmet Martha Jackson James Deborah Rosenberg Malafsky Angela Manalo Protacio Casey Chandler Weldon Omicron Brenau University Ensley Caldwell Fraschillo Shannon Grinnan Weeks Phi Duke University Janice K Church Jackson PhD

Kappa Sigma University of South Florida Megan Latchford Morgan

Psi University of Washington Gina Hathorn DeSilva

Kappa Theta California State University, San Bernardino Katrina Eberly Loff

Sigma Baker University Pamela Lea Hill Laura Trentalange Siano Ashley Dolezilek Turman

Lambda Southwestern University Kim Carter Kris Freeman Lambda Beta University of Rhode Island Brittany Grigorenko Lambda Eta Virginia Commonwealth University Tori Sancho-Bonet Yashinski Lambda Lambda Kennesaw State University Samantha Katherine Zieber Mu Drury University Molly Anne Boyd Janet Vigen Levy Nicki Linn Thompson Kathy Vogt Thuneman Nu The University of Alabama Eugenia Johnson Giles Kristie Patterson LaHue

34 Themis Winter 2024 | Donor List

Theta Bethany College Geralynn Marie Hood-Holt Theta Alpha California State University, Chico Jessica Dwyer Jessica Grace Leitch Karyn Michelle Lovins Sherri Reise Phelan Sarah Claflin Wheelock Zoanne Denise Haire Williams

Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Rachael Rice LeBlanc Michelle Osborne Marshall Tish Torres Wright Theta Gamma Texas A&M University Susan Archer Kathleen Keiser Velek Kay Kuykendall Wettemann Theta Iota University of North Florida Lauren Rockwell Eggbeer Aimee DeFoor Kane Lindsay Gail Mitchelson Rebecca Anne Russo Theta Kappa University of Missouri-St. Louis Meg O'Connell Naes Theta Nu Auburn University at Montgomery Eva Eads Lipscomb Amanda McConn Moulin Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Cheryl Lisa Day Dolores Gonzales Gastineau Diane Hanson Keegan Joy Marie Oaks Marjorie Javier Stevenson

Theta Chi George Mason University Roberta Wodenscheck Lentz

Theta Omicron Baylor University Suzanne Michelle Brittain Libby Hayes Dixon Diane Cook Goebel Lacy Schneider O'Connor Angela Haraka Ramm

Theta Delta Salisbury University Chantel Kushner-Samuel Kenna Brigham Lowe Charla Sparks

Theta Phi California State University, Fullerton Michelle Chiemi Hiranuma Samanaz Hosi Kapadia Kimberly Gross Kolacz

Theta Epsilon University of San Diego Liz Gern Klapmeier

Theta Psi Texas State University Laney Hillencamp Crain Meghan Elizabeth Johnson Holly McCloy McLain

Theta Theta Arkansas Tech University Jennifer Lynn Moody Theta Xi Rutgers University Jill Faith Vanzino Theta Zeta Wofford College Molly Humphries Owens Leslie Hintz Smith Zeta The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Ana Ownbey Davis Peggy Hannon Thornton

Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Mrs. Wayne Everbach Vicki Spitzer Richmond Nancy Morris Roberts Sherry Server Tilley Zeta Beta Thiel College Dawn L Brower-Smith Zeta Chi Tennessee Technological University Emmie Condra Hagar Zeta Epsilon Texas A&M University-Kingsville Joy Huntington

Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Marla D'Andrea Dull Heather Rae McAtee Lori Ann Peters-McCracken Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Donna DePietropaolo Murphy Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Lynn Aicklen Franklin Zeta Mu Jacksonville University Pamela D Cox

Zeta Nu Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Karen Byers Arnold Kristin Gery Hlavinka Jodie Nesta Pierce Amee Lewis Vance

Zeta Theta East Central University Chris Ann Moranetz Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Pam Waller Ferrere

Zeta Omega Ferris State University Gabie McMaster Garcia Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Debbie Goff Apel Beth Pickler Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Leah Goggans Simmons

MAUD SQUAD Maud Squad is the Foundation’s level of giving for anyone under 40 who sets up a recurring donation of at least $9 per month. Those listed below were active Maud Squad members as of July 31, 2023. Becca Ann Abel, Susquehanna University Siobhan Alvarez-Borland, Georgia College Paige Auten, Washburn University Iliana Martinez De Avila, The University of Texas at El Paso Ashley Bagwell, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Laura Parker Barnes, Elon University Nicole Barthel, West Texas A&M University Erin Koster Blair, Washington College Cynthia Connor Borden, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Lindley Holland Bosler, Lander University Andrea Botchie, Susquehanna University Sarah Ford Brammer, Louisiana State University Lauren Albin Brigandi, Colorado State University Suzanne Brittain, Baylor University Michele Kuznitz Bunch, University of Missouri Katy Fluhr Carlsward, Washington College Laura Dawn Casto-Boggess, West Virginia Wesleyan College Monica B. Ceja, The University of Texas at San Antonio Alison Colangelo, Pennsylvania Western University Edinboro Jaclyn Waterman Conatser, University of North Florida Katie Humphrey Cooper, Augusta University Megan Coy, Francis Marion University Acacia Bender Croy, Oklahoma State University Megan Cronhardt, Towson University Jaylea Lillard Daniel, East Central University Darian Dean, Old Dominion University

Jen Botchie Deinlein, Susquehanna University Gina Hathorn DeSilva, University of Washington Kerry Diminuco, The University of Iowa Madalyn Dischner, Saint Louis University Kelsey Brownell Dugan, University of Rhode Island Coryn Owens Edgar, Winthrop University Lexie Elliott, Westminster College Shannon Ferguson, University of Missouri Jenn Brown Foisie, Florida Gulf Coast University Kelley Fox, University of Rhode Island Madelyn Fox, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Ensley Caldwell Fraschillo, Brenau University Kayte Sexton Fry, University of Arkansas Gabie McMaster Garcia, Ferris State University Carlyle Teneille Garton, West Virginia Wesleyan College Bri Forth Gault, University of Arkansas Courtney George, University of Evansville Cadi Griffin, Georgia College Chelsea Griffin, Longwood University Brittany Grigorenko, University of Rhode Island Rachel Guthrie, Missouri University of Science and Technology Meredith Scott Hale, Arkansas State University Ashley Hampton, Missouri University of Science and Technology Colleen O'Reilly Hann, West Virginia Wesleyan College Sarah Heffler, Robert Morris University Courtney Arissa Hemmelgarn, Westminster College Donor List | Themis Winter 2024


Mary Hiros, Baldwin Wallace University Mary Swain Houser, The University of Texas at Arlington Skye Hughes, High Point University Carrie Cooper Johnson, Francis Marion University Suzanna Johnson, Stetson University Erica Bullard Jordan, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Kaitlyn Marie Julien, Radford University Aimee DeFoor Kane, University of North Florida Joni Kazmierczak, Georgia Institute of Technology Jaime Elduen Keith, University of Washington Emily Constance-O'Neil Kessler, Moravian University Abby Vincent Key, Valdosta State University Betsy Povolny King, The University of Iowa Kaitlyn Kirksey, Oklahoma State University Rachel Owens Knain, Auburn University Mackenize Koepfler, Appalachian State University Roberta Wodenscheck Lentz, George Mason University Brooke Johnson Leppla, Wright State University Marti Lococo, University of Nebraska at Omaha Kat Lopez, New Mexico State University Kerri Killgore Lovegrove, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Taylor Lower, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Mie Lucas, Valdosta State University Rhonda Reeb Ly, University of North Florida Courtney Lynch, University of North Texas Madison Marriott, Lander University Logan Gravitt Massey, Virginia Commonwealth University Margot Tauzier May, Louisiana State University Madison McElroy, Reinhardt University Lauren McMahon, Miami University Sarah Ann McPherson, Christopher Newport University Melissa Meetze, Lander University Anne Merrell, University of Maryland Rachel Mikowski, Georgia State University Bethany Bonds Minick, Lander University Andrea Warner Molinari, California State University, Chico Cece Baldus Moore, The University of Iowa Megan Latchford Morgan, University of South Florida Abby LaPreze Morris, Missouri University of Science and Technology Areta Hill Moseley, University of Arkansas Amanda McConn Moulin, Auburn University at Montgomery Caitlin Moulton-Towle, Auburn University Kendra Davis Moyses, Ferris State University Robin Reaves Mueller, Auburn University Meg O'Connell Naes, University of Missouri-St. Louis Erin Dickey Niebylski, Michigan State University Lauren Norris, University of Maryland Natalie Nutzell-Morales, The University of Tennessee at Martin Kristin Oberg, The University of Iowa Julie Traylor Olivas, Georgia College Stacey Overtoom, University of North Texas Molly Humphries Owens, Wofford College Ruth Owens, University of Mississippi Casey Guimbellot Pash, Middle Tennessee State University Emily Bosela Peach, Youngstown State University Madilynn Peck, Brenau University

36 Themis Winter 2024 | Donor List

Jenna Greenwood Peters, Oklahoma State University Gabrielle Pisacreta, University of South Carolina Kayleigh Poggioli, Radford University Nicole Pacheco Polachak, Florida Gulf Coast University Catherine Bowersox Posey, Christopher Newport University Nicole Martinez-Anderson Prahler, Rochester Institute of Technology Sarah Prasher, Ohio Northern University Stephanie Fowler Price, West Texas A&M University Ashley Ramsey, Baylor University Nidia Samayoa Reyes, George Mason University Teresa Tait Reynolds, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Brandi Ribecky, University of Evansville Kelli Young Roberts, Eastern New Mexico University Ariana Rodarte, The University of Texas at El Paso Sarah Ann Moon Rodriguez, College of Charleston Hailey Rogers, Samford University Brittney O. Roland, Auburn University at Montgomery Kenna Cornelius Rummel, University of Missouri Sydney Inderlied-Kane Scheidemantel, Pennsylvania Western University Edinboro Valerie Lucarelli Schenk, Youngstown State University Denise Schulz, Lenoir-Rhyne University Lauren Seber, The College of New Jersey Cortney Selander, Moravian University Lauren Sherrard, Linfield University Tabitha Savka Slater, Robert Morris University Elizabeth Fawcett Smith, East Carolina University Laura Stamps, Auburn University at Montgomery Taylor Allison Stipec, Pennsylvania Western University Edinboro Kelly Sullivan, University of Dayton Anna-Leigh Taylor, Winthrop University Juliette Neil Thier, Francis Marion University Cassie Hughes Thomas, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Nancy Thomas, University of Washington Nicki Thompson, Drury University Cait Tribett, Arkansas State University Ashley Dolezilek Turman, Baker University Claudia Calhoun Upshaw, The University of Alabama Kerry Vandermey, The University of Iowa Jill Vanzino, Rutgers University Katie Frazier Vereen, Arkansas Tech University Rachel Warwick, Texas State University Jennifer Waters, University of Washington Lisa Nicole Watson, California State University, Fullerton Brittany Weeks, New Mexico State University Kayla Slaughter Weigel, University of Louisville Stephanie Dallas Wenzel, Mississippi State University Molly Albin West, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Taylor West, The University of Texas at San Antonio Brynn Wharton, Boise State University Emalie E. Wilka, New Mexico State University Lea' Chrisman Williams, Georgia Southern University Michelle Schaeffler Williams, Missouri University of Science and Technology Whitney Hanlin Wilson, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Angie Woods, University of Missouri Becky Worsham, Mississippi State University Tori Sancho-Bonet Yashinski, Virginia Commonwealth University

Zeta Day is an opportunity for sisters from all over the country to come together in celebration of our sisterhood. Attend a Zeta Day event near you to catch up with sisters, enjoy special recognitions and presentations, share memories of your ZTA experience and remember how great it is to be a Zeta. Note: All information is accurate as of Dec. 6, 2023.

AL/MS Blame it all on my ZTA Roots Feb. 10 Christina Rutledge and Jamie Smith

AZ 125 Years of Sisterhood March 9 Katerina Vaitkus

CA/NV/HI Northern California and Northern Nevada 125 Years of Sisterhood April 13

Southern California, Southern Nevada and Hawaii 125 Years of Zeta Love March 2 Deanna Rothschild

CO/WY 125 Years of Zeta Love April 6 Lauren Brigandi

FL A Zeta Girl in a Zeta World Feb. 17 Ana De Villiers

GA In My ZTA Era Jan. 27 Kathy Reinhagen and Katie Cooper

IL 125 Years of Zeta Love April 6 Kerry Diminuco

IN 125 Years of Zeta Love March 2 Betsy Horneffer

Andrea Molinari

Zeta Day 2024 | Themis Winter 2024





Strawberry Jubilee: Celebrating 125 Years of Zeta Love April 13

Zeta Day, Best Day! April 13

Strawberry Jubilee: Celebrating 125 years of Zeta Love March 23

Sarah Frederick

KS/MO 125 Years of Zeta Love April 13 Sarah Duvall Gilstrap

KY 125 Years of Sisterhood March 9 Franci Bayes

LA Linking our Past to our Future through 125 Years of Sisterhood Feb. 24 Amy Gross

38 Themis Winter 2024 | Zeta Day 2024

Jennifer Gallagher and Eileen Campbell

MI 125 Years of Zeta Love March 23 Julia Lupinacci

MN 125 Years of Zeta Love April 20 Alecs Bianchi

NC Party in the ZTA! Feb. 17 Laura Barnes

Sarah Frederick

NJ/NY New York/New Jersey 125 Years of Zeta Love April 13 Kate Kane Upstate New York/New England Zeta’s Big Bash! April 20 Jennifer Pedicone

NM 125 Years of Sisterhood April 13 Katerina Vaitkus




125 Years of Sisterhood April 6

'Shell'ebrating 125 Years of Sisterhood Feb. 24

125 Years of Zeta Love April 27

Kathy Papp

OK/AR Zeta Love is in the Air March 2 Areta Hill Moseley

PA/WV 125 Years of Sisterhood April 6 Ronda Moore and Mary Doyle

KiKi O'Dell

TN 125 Years of Sisterhood April 6 Sheila Porada

TX Celebrating our Texas Roots and 125 Years of ZTA Feb. 23 and 24 Lauri Truong

Lauren Brigandi

WA/OR/ID Camp ZTA March 2 Jaime Keith

WI 125 Years of Zeta Love April 13 Alecs Bianchi


Zeta Day 2024 | Themis Winter 2024


Collegiate cha pte r n ews Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College

Alpha Theta Purdue University

Sisters had a late-night breakfast fundraising event called Think Pinkcakes. They had all of the pink breakfast foods you can think of, including pink pancakes, eggs, donuts, bacon, strawberries and pink drinks such as strawberry milk and strawberry lemonade. The Birmingham, AL Alumnae chapter helped the chapter purchase all the supplies they needed.

In September, this chapter held its annual 5K run on campus. There were more than 300 attendees, and participation raised money for breast cancer education and awareness. The campus involvement and chapter pride are so strong during this event. Sisters love working with their community to make 1 in 8, none in 8.

Alpha Psi University of Missouri Think Pink® Thursday occurs every week in October. Zetas pass out ribbons at Speaker’s Circle to passers-by and members of the community are invited to write names of those who have been affected by breast cancer in their lives on a pink paper ribbon to be put on display. This event raises an abundance of awareness on campus.

Beta Delta Miami University These sisters hold an annual fraternity pageant where contestants compete in a talent round, an all-pink fashion show and an interview round. Throughout October, chapter members and the fraternity contestants raise funds for breast cancer education and awareness. [1] Beta Iota Centenary College of Louisiana The Red River Revel is an annual arts festival in Shreveport, Louisiana, the chapter has been participating in for 75

1 40 Themis Winter 2024 | Collegiate Chapter News


years. Every year the ZTA booth partners with Bergeron’s Catering Company and the local alumnae chapter to sell boudin balls, meat pies and jambalaya in order to fundraise for ZTA’s philanthropy. This year, the booth won Crowd Favorite for its traditional Louisiana cuisine. Beta Upsilon Kansas State University The chapter hosted a Pretty in Pink Carnival where the campus community joined sisters to eat walking tacos and participate in carnival events like a dunk tank, corn hole, Pie-A-Zeta and many more. It all raised awareness and funds for breast cancer education and awareness. [2] Beta Psi Stetson University This chapter attended the local annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk. Sisters were honored to assist at the survivors’ tent, where breast cancer survivors and their caretakers were given complimentary breakfast.


They handed out goodie bags that were populated with gifts from local donors and, of course, ZTA pink ribbons. The most touching moment of the morning was during the opening ceremony before the walk.

in the face. Many people on- and offcampus attended this event and donated to this important cause, and for the chance to put a pie in a face!

[3] Beta Omega Union University

This year the chapter’s Think Pink® Week was a big success! During October, members handed out pink ribbons at Pink Out games and also had a week of events to raise money for breast cancer education and awareness. This chapter really challenged themselves to reach its donation goal and succeeded!

These sisters had an event on campus called Slice Slice Baby to raise money for breast cancer education and awareness. Chapter members sold tickets to students and people in the community. Everyone enjoyed eating pizza, chips, a drink and a dessert, and fellowshipping with one another. Gamma Rho Auburn University This chapter held its inaugural Service Week where it offered a variety of service activities for members to sign up for and attend. There were opportunities to volunteer at Storybook Farms, Auburn Campus Kitchens and Big House. Members enjoyed giving back to the Auburn community during this week and thanking them for all the support they give to the chapter during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Delta Iota Pennsylvania Western University Clarion Sisters held Pie-a-Zeta, a fundraiser for breast cancer education and awareness. Pie-a-Zeta is an event where people can donate money to take a plate full of shaving cream and pie chapter members


Zeta Theta East Central University

Zeta Sigma The University of Texas at Arlington

Eta Mu Augusta University Sisters volunteered with Piedmont Hospital for the Miracle Mile walk, which was dedicated to breast cancer survivors and fighters in the area. Members handed out over 500 pink ribbons during the walk, and participants reconnected with old friends and new friends affected by breast cancer. Meeting survivors and fighters and getting to interact with them was so impactful for the participants. [5] Eta Pi Wright State University

This chapter joined the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk across the Choctaw Stadium in Arlington, Texas, to show its support for ZTA’s philanthropy. Along the way, members enjoyed meeting fellow sisters from Gamma Phi Chapter (University of North Texas).

Members attended Dayton’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk this fall. They sashed survivors, handed out Crumbl Cookies, applied hair tinsel, handed out roses and so much more. The walk brought so many people together in such a positive way, and these sisters were thrilled to be a part of this amazing experience.

[4] Eta Gamma West Chester University of Pennsylvania

[6] Eta Sigma The University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Every year, chapter members put their all into raising money for the annual ZTA 5K, a cause near and dear to these sisters’ hearts. They exceeded their fundraising goal and members loved getting other campus organizations, as well as residents, friends and family, together to support their cause and help them exceed their goals.

The chapter partnered with its campus student health services and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., to hold the annual breast cancer walkathon during Think Pink® week. This event was open to the public with many survivors and their families attending. Members are always happy to host this event and to connect with survivors and thrivers.


6 Collegiate Chapter News | Themis Winter 2024



Theta Delta Salisbury University

Kappa Chi Shorter University

Mr. Zeta and The White Violet, which is the largest event on campus to raise money for breast cancer education and awareness, is a talent show competition organized by chapter members along with other organizations on campus. This year, the addition of “White Violet” to the competition opened it up to female students on campus.

The chapter joined sisters from Delta Lambda Chapter (Georgia State University) and alumnae to pass out 7,000 pink ribbons to attendees of the Atlanta Falcons NFL football game in order to spread breast cancer education and awareness. We all score when education and awareness are top of mind!

Theta Iota University of North Florida

Lambda Southwestern University

Fourteen teams competed in the annual Zeta Round Up dance competition this fall to raise money for the Foundation.This event is always a fun way to support our philanthropy, and this year did not disappoint!

Sisters made delicious queso and dips for the community Queso for a Cause event. Participants had access to all-youcan-eat queso with a donation to ZTA’s philanthropy. They had an amazing turnout and raised a lot of money for the Foundation. Everyone wins with queso and education.

Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey


Members held the annual Big Man on Campus event and raised money for breast cancer education and awareness. People bought tickets to watch the pageant of men from different campus organizations to see who would be crowned the next Big Man on Campus. This event is a great way to have fun, raise money and spread awareness of ZTA’s philanthropy. [7] Iota Omega University of Maryland


Sisters hosted the second annual Think Pink® Gala at the Riggs Alumni Center in October. Friends, family, alumnae and sisters gathered and raised funds for a great cause. The event consisted of food, treats, auction items, speeches and quality time spent supporting ZTA’s philanthropy. [8] Kappa Mu Linfield University Members held a 50/50 raffle at a home football game this fall. Half of the money raised went to the winner of the raffle. The remaining money was donated to the ZTA Foundation and other causes. Zetas were happy to show their support.

10 42 Themis Winter 2024 | Collegiate Chapter News

[9] Mu Drury University Members helped spread breast cancer awareness by pinking out their school’s ice hockey game. Attendees flooded the stands wearing pink to show their support for breast cancer education and awareness. The chapter also spread awareness by passing out ZTA pink ribbons and hot chocolate. This was a great way to involve the campus and community. [10] Psi University of Washington Members volunteered for the survivors’ and thrivers’ tent at the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk. This took place during family weekend, so parents were able to volunteer along with the collegians. Volunteers handed out items for goodie bags such as medals, a Mariners bobblehead and sashes to celebrate those who have been affected by breast cancer.

shop our new

Think® Pink Collection

43 Themis Winter 2023 | Fraternity News


Alumnae cha pte r n ews [1] Tucson Arizona

Long Beach California

During the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® Pink Out the Park breast cancer walk, members supported survivors, decorated the survivors’ breakfast area, helped with the survivor breakfast and bussed the tables.

Alumnae members and Delta Alpha Chapter (California State University, Long Beach) sisters passed out Think Pink® ribbons at the Pink Out volleyball game at Walter Pyramid. Delta Alpha’s President and the Think Pink Chair spoke about ZTA’s philanthropy during the halftime show.

[2] Little Rock Arkansas Sisters drove through the CARTI Cancer Center parking lot with posters, ribbons and boas, honking their horns to support patients during the fourth annual Think Pink® Parade in October. Many times, patients wave to the Zetas through the windows as they receive treatment. Northwest Arkansas Alumnae and collegians promoted breast cancer education and awareness together at the local junior high school volleyball game. Sisters promoted the event on social media beforehand and then they handed out pink ribbons, worked the donations table and helped with the silent auction during the game.

1 44 Themis Winter 2024 | Alumnae Chapter News

[3] Sacramento California Amid a sea of pink, 25,000 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk participants gathered at a new venue at Sacramento State University, and Sacramento alumnae were there to welcome them. Members greeted survivors, including their own sisters, with sashes, ribbons, pins, stickers and homemade bookmarks. Westside-Santa Monica California Alumnae were invited to hand out pink ribbons at SoFi Stadium and to participate in the halftime show honoring breast cancer survivors. The Los Angeles Chargers provided a custom


Chargers/Zeta Tau Alpha T-shirt to all ZTA volunteers. Alumnae and collegians from all over southern California love participating in this amazing yearly event! Clearwater Florida Sisters started off a month of Think Pink® at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® Pasco County walk. Members of Kappa Sigma Chapter (University of South Florida) joined alumnae as they provided face painting, ribbons and survivor sashes. The Think Pink Thunderstix were a huge success. Alumnae were recognized on the local TV and radio stations for their efforts. Jacksonville Florida In October, the chapter attended a performance of Legally Blonde at the Alhambra Theater. The chapter turned this event into a fundraising opportunity for the ZTA Foundation. Over 25 sisters attended the event and enjoyed sharing the ZTA Foundation mission.


Miami Florida

North Fulton Link Georgia

In honor of the beginning of Think Pink® week, alumnae and Gamma Alpha Chapter (University of Miami) held the annual fountain lighting ceremony. Scholarship recipients were honored, and speakers included an alumna initiate who spoke about her breast cancer journey, and a local oncologist and soon-to-be Zeta alumna initiate spoke of advances in breast cancer treatment.

Everyone was decked out in pink to honor ZTA’s philanthropy as members enjoyed lots of pink treats and pink drinks at the fourth annual Think Pink®, Drink Pink event. Sisters held a pink Yeti raffle to raise funds for the chapter’s Foundation scholarship and worked on a service project writing letters of encouragement to cancer patients at Turning Point Breast Cancer Rehabilitation.

Treasure Coast Florida The chapter participated in creating a human pink ribbon that was photographed by drone. The photograph is going to be used in advertising for the three Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walks in the Treasure Coast area. [4] Athens Georgia The chapter’s Think Pink® party and meeting, which was open to the public, was held at Andree’s Essential Soaps, a local shop owned by a breast cancer survivor. Activities included door prizes, snacks and beverages, a raffle basket and pink ribbons with information cards to hand out. Attendees also heard from a guest speaker from the area’s new breast cancer center.


[5] Lexington Kentucky This fall, members handed out ZTA Think Pink® ribbons to fans attending the University of Kentucky Women’s Pink Out volleyball game and to fans at the Lexington Counter Clocks baseball game. Everyone wins when fans get involved in breast cancer education and awareness. Louisville Kentucky

[6] Baton Rouge and Greater New Orleans Louisiana Zetas from the Baton Rouge and Greater New Orleans chapters kicked off October by handing out Think Pink® breast cancer ribbons at the New Orleans Saints football game. It’s a touchdown when people learn more about breast cancer education and awareness. Annapolis Maryland Alumnae sisters worked with the collegiate sisters from Iota Delta Chapter (Towson University) and the Northern Maryland Alumnae Chapter to work the survivor tent at the local Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk. Participants enjoyed face painting, breakfast and snacks; saw the Wall of Hope and a fingerprint canvas; and survivors received sashes. Baltimore City Maryland Sisters volunteered at the Baltimore Ravens Crucial Catch game and sold Zeta Tau Alpha Barbie-themed T-shirts to raise funds for the ZTA Foundation. Trends are especially good when they benefit philanthropic efforts!

Members of this chapter and sisters of Beta Lambda Chapter (University of Louisville) volunteered at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk. They set up tents, directed traffic, passed out Think Pink® ribbons and talked to survivors. The survivors could make bracelets and leave their handprints on the ZTA letters. The highlight was talking to the survivors about their experiences.

Salisbury Maryland Members of the alumnae chapter partnered with members of Theta Delta Chapter (Salisbury University) to host the survivors’ tent and provide


6 Alumnae Chapter News | Themis Winter 2024


encouragement along the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® racecourse. Sisters were proud to capture the survivors, fighters and supporters on their thumbprint tree and to offer free pink items for all participants to take. [7] Greater Lansing Michigan


Zetas came out in droves to support survivors and spread laughter and cheer at the Lansing Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk. Alumnae sisters and Beta Phi Chapter (Michigan State University) sisters made sure survivors were welcomed and celebrated. [8] Greater Kansas City Missouri


Members teamed with collegians from Delta Chi Chapter (William Jewell College) to decorate and staff the survivor/thriver experience at the Kansas City Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® event. Special touches included weaving in sparkly hair extensions for survivors and providing all participants and their supporters with pink magnets decorated with encouraging words. Jersey Shore New Jersey


Jersey Shore and Kappa Xi Chapter (Stockton University) were responsible for the survivors’ and thrivers’ tent at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk of Point Pleasant Beach. Sisters distributed sashes, assisted attendees with decorating butterfly wings and so much more. [9] Mercer-Bucks New Jersey The chapter’s first ever 5K Fun Run Fundraiser took place at Veteran’s Park in Hamilton, New Jersey, on a beautiful day in September. Family, friends and even dogs came out to support the cause, and members raised over $2,500 for the Foundation. Sisters from Iota Gamma Chapter (The College of New Jersey) also volunteered at water stops and cheered on runners.

10 46 Themis Winter 2024 | Alumnae Chapter News

[10] New York City Alumnae joined collegians in greeting and cheering on survivors and thrivers at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walks in October in the New York City area. Those events were in Brooklyn and Jersey City and in Central Park, Manhattan. Winston-Salem North Carolina It was a great October day for the 2023 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk. Alumnae greeted survivors and thrivers, and handed out gift bags, coffee and treats. Sisters and participants enjoyed the positivity of the day and spending time together. Cleveland-East Ohio Members participated in the American Cancer Society® Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk, where they championed the survivors and thrivers of the area. The positive vibes could be felt by everyone at the event location, and these sisters were happy to be a part of those vibes. [11] Youngstown Ohio Sisters honored breast cancer survivors at a local survivors’ walk through musical performances and by announcing survivors at the Eastwood Mall in Niles, Ohio. This gave each survivor their moment to celebrate another year. Sisters also gave each survivor a small gift bag for attending, passed out pink ribbons and hosted an auction with proceeds going to the Foundation. Portland Oregan Alumnae helped sisters from Kappa Mu Chapter (Linfield University) host a 50/50 raffle in support of the ZTA Foundation and the Maui Community Fund. More than $4,000 was split between the raffle winner, the Foundation and the Maui Community Fund.

[12] Steel City Pennsylvania

Beaumont Texas

Alumnae and collegians supported their local Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk by helping with setup, check-in and cleanup, taking photos of attendees, cheering on walkers and passing out flowers. Despite being a chilly and rainy morning, everyone enjoyed the day, and it continues to be a favorite philanthropy event.

Alumnae members participated in Delta Sigma Chapter ‘s (Lamar University) Annual Cajun for a Cure Gumbo CookOff. Sisters gathered to cook a pot of gumbo and decorate a table, where they passed out samples and were judged on their gumbo-making skills. They had so much fun raising funds and awareness for breast cancer education.

West Branch Pennsylvania

Denton Texas

Alumnae members and sisters from Iota Nu Chapter (Susquehanna University) distributed over 1,300 pink ribbons at the Williamsport Crosscutters baseball game this past June. Fans enjoyed America’s past time while learning about ZTA’s philanthropy and its mission to increase breast cancer education and awareness.

Sisters pinked out the Lewisville men’s softball games in October by having the home and visiting teams wear pink ribbons, socks and hats. Sisters also handed out pink ribbons to the referees and spectators to spread the word about breast cancer education and awareness.

Aiken South Carolina

In October, members distributed Think Pink® ribbons at the local youth YMCA NFL flag football games. Over 200 families, spectators and community members were at this game. Then, members distributed pink ribbons at the NFL’s Washington Commanders versus Chicago Bears football game.

Sisters distributed Think Pink® ribbons at a local craft fair called Aiken’s Makin. They distributed roughly 400 ribbons and interacted with several survivors to share breast cancer education and awareness with the community. The Zetas enjoyed sharing their message. Spartanburg South Carolina Alumnae and collegians from Kappa Rho (University of South Carolina Upstate) set up and ran two photo booths for survivors/thrivers at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk in Greenville. Sisters handed out ribbons and information cards from Bright Pink®, and took lots of pictures of the survivors/thrivers and their families. Memphis Tennessee Sisters celebrated Founders’ Day with collegians from Zeta Omicron Chapter (Arkansas State University) with cupcakes and crowns in the survivors’ tent at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk this year. Everyone helped honor those who have conquered this disease.


[13] Charlottesville Virginia


[14] Virginia Peninsula Sisters stuffed 200 swag bags to give to breast cancer survivors at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® Peninsula walk. Members added the ZTA pink ribbon to the front of a bag of mints with a note that said, “Encourage-MINT from the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha.”


Washington, D.C. Rain or shine, these sisters, along with collegians from Theta Chi Chapter (George Mason University) and Iota Omega Chater (University of Maryland), set up their survivors’ tent in order to serve breakfast to and hear the stories of survivors at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk.

14 Alumnae Chapter News | Themis Winter 2024



ZTA Foundation Board The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation is a multifaceted organization that touches those within and without our circle throughout the year and across the country. Our scholarships help members further their education. Our philanthropic programs honor breast cancer survivors, raise awareness and fund research. Our grants to the Fraternity support programming that is responsive to changing needs. Dedicated ZTA members volunteer to lend their talents and expertise to the Foundation and lead it to success. Here is the board that guides the ongoing work of the Foundation. CAROLYN HOF CARPENTER Foundation President Theta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Oversees the officers of the board and guides them to a shared vision; develops relationships with donors; conducts board meetings; serves as the Foundation's liaison to National Council and the Fraternity Housing Corporation.

CYNTHIA BYARS COURTNEY Vice President of Alumnae Development

KRISTEN HUMESTON HARTHORN Vice President of Scholarship

Gamma Tau Chapter, Texas Tech University

Beta Phi Chapter, Michigan State University

Connects with alumnae to develop strong relationships with current and potential donors; helps support alumnae chapter fundraising; promotes planned giving through the Heritage Society.

Promotes the establishment of scholarships for graduate and undergraduate members; manages the scholarship application process and oversees the review and assignment of applicants by the Scholarship Committee.

CARLA MARTIN COBB Vice President of Collegiate Development Theta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Helps support processes for collegiate chapters to build successful fundraising events with a focus on sisterhood and outreach; leads the Fundraising Finance Management Committee. MARLENE DUNBAR CONRAD Vice President of Philanthropy Eta Iota Chapter, Valdosta State University Guides promotion of breast cancer education and awareness; manages partnerships with Bright Pink®, the National Football League and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® and leads those volunteer committees.

48 Themis Winter 2024 | Foundation News

KAY DILL KREUTZER Foundation Secretary-Treasurer Eta Rho Chapter, The University of North Alabama Works with the board to draft the Foundation budget and manage its funds; collaborates with investment and accounting professionals to ensure the short- and long-term financial stability of the Foundation. Directors: NORA NELL HARDY JACKSON Beta Gamma Chapter, Florida State University BECKY HAINSWORTH KIRWAN Gamma Beta Chapter, Washington College SHERRY SERVER TILLEY Zeta Alpha Chapter, University of Evansville

As former National Presidents, the directors bring historical knowledge and perspective to the board in an advisory capacity. They represent the Foundation at events like Zeta Day and chapter anniversary celebrations, develop relationships with donors and help to select the recipient of the biennial Outstanding Alumna Award. By virtue of their offices, these alumnae also serve on the ZTA Foundation board: DINAH JACKSON LAUGHERY National President Beta Gamma Chapter, Florida State University SHANNON FERGUSON Secretary-Treasurer Alpha Psi Chapter, University of Missouri NATALIE YINGLING LISKO Fraternity Housing Corporation President Delta Omega Chapter, Westminster College CASEY GUIMBELLOT PASH Fraternity Housing Corporation Secretary-Treasurer Iota Chi Chapter, Middle Tennessee State University



Carolyn Hof Carpenter



Cynthia Byars Courtney F O U N DAT I O N S P E C I A L E V E N T S C O O R D I N AT O R M AU D S Q U A D C O O R D I N AT O R V P O F C O L L E G I AT E D E V E L O P M E N T


Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, the official publication of the Fraternity, has been published continuously since 1903. HOW TO MAKE AN ADDRESS CHANGE Go to and update your information. You may also email changes to (subject: Address Change) or call IO at (317) 872–0540. Parents/guardians: While your student is in college, ZTA sends the magazine to the home address on file. If your student has a different permanent address, please send it in. HOW TO SUBMIT NEWS Send all news and photos to the Communication Department by emailing or through All submissions become the property of ZTA and are subject to editing. Include full names and chapter(s). Photos must be 1 MB (1,024 KB) or larger to be printed.



Marlene Dunbar Conrad

Have something to contribute to the archives? Email Patti Cords Levitte (


Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha (ISSN 1529-6709); (USPS 627-120) is published quarterly by Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, 1036 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Subscription: $2 per year. Single copies: $0.50. Periodical postage paid in Carmel, Indiana, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the United States of America. Postmaster: Send address changes to Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, 1036 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032.


Kristen Humeston Harthorn SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE

Member, Fraternity Communications Association and National Panhellenic Conference © 2023 Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity


Kay Dill Kreutzer DIRECTORS

Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Sherry Server Tilley

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Zeta Tau Alpha.

1036 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032



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