Zeta Tau Alpha Biennial Report 2022-2024

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Zeta Tau Alpha



The nine Founders are highlighted at the front of the group. Other than the Mystifying Picture, this is the only other photo where all nine are together.

National President

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity



Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation



Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation

Throughout the 2022-2024 biennium, Zeta Tau Alpha embraced our roots to commemorate the 125th anniversary of our founding in 1898. We held a celebratory weekend at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia, home to our Alpha Chapter. We passed the 300,000 members milestone. We gathered in Indianapolis, home to our International Office since 1978, for our 57th biennial Convention.

We believe that ZTA is timeless because our Founders left us a strong, foundational legacy. They were determined to create something more than a club—so determined that, in 1902, they successfully petitioned the legislature to grant them the first charter given to a men’s or women’s fraternity.

That charter includes our purpose: to intensify friendship, foster a spirit of love, create such sentiments, perform such deeds and mould such opinions as will conduce to the building up of a nobler womanhood in the world.

We continue to pursue that purpose as we meet our members’ needs in five essential areas of sisterhood: Shared Social Experiences, Belonging, Support and Encouragement, Accountability, and Common Purpose.

This report pays tribute to our past and our intentionality in meeting contemporary needs. We strive to sustain each of our unique chapters. We encourage members to be their authentic selves as they become leaders. We talk about and tackle today’s difficult issues, and we steadfastly uphold “the Right, the Good and the True.”

As we continue to enhance our Founders’ noble purpose, Zeta Tau Alpha is well poised to face whatever the future has in store for our Fraternity and the larger fraternity/sorority community.


Intensify Friendship


ZTA has intensified friendship for over 125 years by offering a shared social experience. Our collegiate and alumnae members know they will always have someone to do something with. The experience begins with Bid Day for our newest members. It continues throughout college to graduation and beyond. ZTA membership is for life. We honor our 50- and 75-year members with White Violet pins and charms.

100-Year Anniversaries

Ten chapters celebrated their Centennial during the biennium.

Alpha Zeta

The Ohio State University

Alpha Eta

University of Cincinnati

Alpha Theta

Purdue University

Alpha Mu

Washburn University

Alpha Nu

Birmingham-Southern College

50-Year Anniversaries

Alpha Xi

Indiana University

Alpha Omicron

The University of Iowa

Alpha Upsilon

Oklahoma State University

Alpha Psi

University of Missouri

Washington, DC

Alumnae Chapter

Seven chapters celebrated 50 years of sisterhood during the biennium.

Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama

Eta Theta

Missouri University of Science and Technology

Eta Pi

Wright State University

Eta Sigma

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Eta Tau

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Eta Phi

Illinois State University

Eta Upsilon

Missouri Southern State University


The number of active alumnae chapters grew by charter, merger and reorganization in the biennium.

High Country NC Alumnae Chapter (chartered)

Greater Charlotte, NC Chapter (merging Charlotte and Lake Norman Chapters)

Decatur, IL Alumnae Chapter (reorganized)

Harrisburg, PA Alumnae Chapter (reorganized)



Foster a Spirit of Love


ZTA fosters a spirt of love by creating a sense of belonging. Our members call ZTA their home away from home and consider their ZTA sisters to be family. Our Fraternity Housing Corporation provides safe, competitive spaces for our collegians to live and meet. Collegiate and alumnae chapters provide a well-rounded calendar of sisterhood, social and service events.


The ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation, established in 1977, was the first of its kind in the fraternity/sorority community and remains the largest with a net worth of $38 million.

The FHC provides, safe, competitive and attractive housing and meeting spaces for our chapters in houses, lodges and chapter rooms.


Our Growth and Development Team conducted customized, connection-focused Noble Workshops for 122 chapters this biennium, focusing on Belonging and Recruitment.

Chapters report improved connectedness and feelings of belonging after the workshops and are better prepared for a successful recruitment effort.

Our My Sister, My Responsibility® program features 31 workshops with five holistic components focused on mental health, drug misuse prevention, hazing, inclusion and belonging, and alcohol education.

The Seeking Understanding program helps chapters build a more inclusive sisterhood and the Sympathy, Empathy and Compassion workshop helps members understand other sisters’ stories from

their perspective. During the biennium, 163 chapters presented both workshops.

The Association of Fraternity/ Sorority Advisors and the Fraternity Communications Association honored ZTA with awards for online inclusion workshops that provide new members, chapter officers and alumnae members with the knowledge and tools to build a more inclusive sisterhood.


Create Sentiments and Perform Such Deeds

ZTA has always strived to create sentiments and perform deeds that create support and encouragement for our members. We ask our members to support each other always so that every sister feels encouraged throughout her ZTA experience. Our Lifelong Learning programs (RSVP, ASTP and Healthy Belonging), the Foundation Scholarship program, strong alumnae involvement, and professional staff at International Office provide a successful support framework. SUPPORT

Educational Programs

Thirty trained facilitators from specialized backgrounds present our Relationship and Sexual Violence Program (RSVP) to collegiate members. The goal is to examine campus culture, challenge patterns of behavior and help members prevent and respond to sexual violence.

The Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) focuses on skill building and risk reduction rather than abstinence from alcohol, recognizing that college students may choose to drink and any steps toward risk reduction are positive steps.

The Healthy Belonging program connects belonging, the deep feeling of sisterhood, with stepping in when we think something is wrong.


During the biennium, 727 members received scholarships totaling $2,255,737 for undergraduate and graduate studies.


Our network of alumnae volunteers includes 264 National Officers and 1,141 Advisors to collegiate chapters.

International Office Staff

Thirty-one recent graduates supported our chapters across the country as Leadership Consultants this biennium, while our International Office staff of 43 professionals supports the operations of the Fraternity, Foundation and Housing Corporation.

In 2023, nine staff members with five or more years of service and no previous sorority membership were initiated into Zeta Tau Alpha.


Mould Such Opinions


ZTA continues to mould lofty opinions of our organization by prioritizing accountability. Our members believe they can make each other better by setting high standards and sharing high expectations. We survey our collegiate membership annually and use that data to create chapterspecific goals. We expect our students to take responsibility for one another and we provide tools for academic success.

Annual Membership Survey

ZTA asks all collegiate members to complete an annual survey about their sorority experience. in 2023 90% 16,144 of our members responded in 2024 91% 17,091 of our members responded

We use the combined results of the responses from each chapter’s members to determine areas where the chapter can improve and provide a targeted list of workshops to help them do so.


Our My Sister, My Responsibility® workshops include Generation Rx, focused on drug misuse prevention; Teaching Social Responsibility to prevent and confront problematic drinking; and Preventing and Confronting Hazing.


Our members are students first and we support them in achieving their career goals. Crowning Achievements is our assessment-based, online program that provides targeted workshops for all academic levels.


Building up of a Nobler Womanhood in the World


ZTA’s Founders chose “Seek the Noblest” as our motto in 1898. We continue to build up a nobler sisterhood by focusing on the importance of a common purpose. Our members embrace the nobility of a common goal that connects sisters across generations. We provide annual training for chapter officers and advisors. We champion breast cancer education and awareness in partnership with national organizations.


In July 2023, the Summer Leadership Academy offered specialized training to 420 Emerging Leaders, 76 chapter advisors, 63 Collegiate National Officers and 45 Alumnae National Officers.

The academy included a handson service activity. Teams of attendees took on the task of assembling bicycles from scratch. The 82 bicycles were distributed by a non-profit organization to children in the Indianapolis area.

During the biennium, ZTA hosted in-person Officer Leadership Academies for 1,200 collegiate chapter Executive Committee members. An additional 2,300 members attended officerspecific training webinars led by volunteers and staff members.

The Association of Fraternity/ Sorority Advisors presented its 2022 Outstanding Change Initiative Award to ZTA for our Officer Leadership Academies.


Since 1992, breast cancer education and awareness has been ZTA’s national philanthropy. Through our partnerships with the National Football League, the American Cancer Society® and Bright Pink, as well as chapter Think Pink® events, we support survivors and emphasize the importance of regular screening for early detection.

In 2022, in honor of its 30 years of supporting breast cancer awareness, the ZTA Foundation awarded a $500,000 grant to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to support a clinical study. The study uses artificial intelligence to earlier identify women who are at a greater risk of having breast cancer.

The Foundation’s annual Day of Giving efforts in 2023 and 2024 raised $708,483 to support scholarships, educational programming, leadership training and philanthropic efforts.


Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity

• 305,195 initiated members

• 259 chartered collegiate chapters

• 170 active collegiate chapters (as of May 31, 2024)

• 17,084 current collegiate members

• 3.3 average collegiate GPA

• 228 active alumnae organizations

Zeta Tau Alpha


• $10 million raised during the biennium

• 1,037 unique member annual donors (donated $300 and above)

– 172 collegiate chapters

– 159 alumnae chapters

• 5,302 unique individual member donors

• More than 235 Maud Squad members (recurring donations of at least $9 monthly)

• More than $2.2 million in scholarships awarded to 727 recipients

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity

Housing Corporation

• Oldest and largest property ownership and management corporation in the fraternity/ sorority community

• $38 million net worth

• 162 member associations

• 104 facilities owned or managed, including International Office

• Partners with Local House Corporations

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