-SEGA SATURN MAGAZlNE ff " SeBa'S Vf 2 "update" is Saturn bound this month, and even from ttis 80% complete version, we can le. it's gOIng to be massive! In tlis six page feature, wel lel you exactly why it Should be on YOOR wiSh Hst this Auturm.
PREVIEWS _ _ _ __
16 18 20 22 24 _
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Heard about Sega blinging out their baCk catalogue "Classics" on the the Saturn? We reveal the first oflhe bunch!
38 NiGHTS INTERVIEW Y4li Naka and Naoto Ohshima renect on the mammoth task . . WwI ......
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of creating NiGHTS, now that the game is on sale" Japan .
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With Euro '96 out of the wa): Sega I.fieash their hot new footie title, ready for the new footban season. Is it any good? Believe us, tl'iS iSjust about the best we've seen on ANY system!
46 VIRTUA COP 2 Already on its way 10 becoming the number one Ctvistmas title, Virtua Cop 2 is looking stunning! We brinll you more 00 the 50% complete version!
50 SOVIET STRIKE If you remember the okl Strike games, thenyou already knowthatlhls is goI18 to be a monster IVt come
1\oobIlLllllllolllola, ........... . . . . . . - - . ............ ~)IIr&
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........... " l1li-''001l0I.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES UI{ £27.00 Surface mail £40.00 AIrmaIl EIIf'OIlCI £44 AInnaIllone 1 £60.00 EIre £44.00. TIIat rates include posUgs II1II packing.
Tower lUblcriptions, Tower house, Lathklh street, Sovereign Park, Market Harborough, Leics. LE16 9EF. (01B58) 46BSBB
IT'S DOOM FOR THE ne of the fim pmes ilnrMMIneed when the Saturn was tint ~ ..sed In .bfNI" In "-",bel' '1994 _Id soft\Q~'1; dusk Doom - tM mod popub, JolI~ In recentvlOeop~ hl$toty. Slnce~ MUllnl has ~ heard ofthrt I,me who..as 6eomopinllt, who _ PU."ishinllt and most ImporbnUy wheft I t _ oomfna out - IN oftNs.--.ifttd 11ft)'Stery. untiI-. SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE
CD ilnd_t.-somept'ftty_ ~_.NouttM",me... M __
on the might of the demonllcill milSses in il tum-plilY SCenilno.rt·s gfC:ilt fun. but better still isthe~ DeilthMoltch mode In this rendition of the gilfnC. the ~s ilfC: deilred of illl monsters ilnd extfil Wl!ilponS. .. mmo. ilnd power-ups ilre strewn ilCfOSS the environs. The objective here is simple - it's kill Of be killed. ~stlng)'OUr opponent tode..th giW:s)'OU I ffilg ilod it·s liter.lllythe plil)'el" who gets the most ffilgs who is the winner_The I't.,ptiltlon version 01 Doom _ il greilt two-pl¥'" experience ilnd the Silturn version!ohould be jud ilS goodl
1f)QU ,uen't
_are of the Doom
~fotthel<lstthreeyeil's.beet'l .lIbduc;tedbyilliensor~~dC<ld
something. Ifs only the most ~rnous game eYef, tNt's illl. Doom wu theoriginill first person perspectiYe bI~tet' tO~iltUl!' high-speed twu~ mooppinsilnd wper.-smooth Klion, ilnd
expbting zom~ and unde~ miniom. Thegilffieillsore..ture5i1britliOlnt ilrseNlt of CNi~W5
to cNinguns. shotguns and
hi8h-tech~s~Ofdin.llnce. E..ety
OoornweilJXl'!'1tol'lilYesurfiICedln CYef'JPC~ofthegilmehum~
it Into the Sclturn tr;lnsiiltion. At the moment the gOime is In iI
.. "........................
SIhnI . . . r.b .... "Hltrc ......
_II ...
Although illI of the ~ ITIOfl$ten and weaponry ~ been coded in, the....,· sion pictured on t~ p;I~ is tt, from complete, lI"IeiJnins thilt the fi~1 gilme should look ~niflGlntly bettet' thoon ~t NS been reveilled on these p;I~ If ~t(l)l"ltinues to be ilS rilpid ilS it ""S been in «<em montMyotJ should expect to see the finished wenion on the ~ in NoYembef ilt the I<Itest.
1T'S1UlIUYER! Doom looks like being the very first Europeiln Silturn title to U5e the mythallinkup able fof some two-p/ilyef ilCtion. 1.et us just uy thilt until Dub- Nutem )0 ilnd Quilb- turned up on PC. Doom _ undisputedly the best multipl~r gilfnC In exls,~.
Two different options Ire on ofkr. Cooperiltive mode secs two p'¥rs lilking
I __
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the ~.lI1'S PC owner; hz..o,e en~ nUrnI!:fOUS vers.ions of icr~ dilSSIc: n .. mely
Doom. Ultim ate Doom, Doom 1 iIIs.....eIl;as the forthcoming Rnill Doom. The Silturn Ylef'5ion is be'st described illS il kind of digest version - it ~s \eo.oek t.llken from Doom, its ~uel ilnd Ultim.,te ilS _II.lIs.lI sm4Itteong of fnOn5ten; ben from ~ry~ sion. Ifs.ill bit of.ll mi)( 'n' rNtch <lfbir to be honest. but it ~ me..n thilt you gd the ~I double-~r~11ed shotgun from Doom llwhich annihilates .lIII-c:otnefS ilt do~.. ~nge) and you an use it in the ordinoory Doom Ievek.. Brilliant.
AlllIIEXT..nL GT I~Me.llIsoh;Ne;Jversionofthebrilliant Doomfullow-upHe:xen in~
ment. At the moment ifs eyen tOlrlie" in ~ than Doom. SQ_.~ not likely to !\;Ne ilny pictu~ of it ;KCOfTlp;lnying these luwerty Doom pics.1-Iowever. the 8i1me wped up signifICantly in the next fourweeks soO(pecl some: exduslvr: soeenshob for the next ~ition of this. the most greortest of SJtum m<agilZines.. should h_
IfJDU-.Id . . tD_,....ct..t---.,..t ... )lDUl"klptentD 1fADB0WTS, SEC.A WUltNMllGAZ»flE.l'IDIXVcotMT. J1)-J2 rMIINGDON LANf.1.OM)Ofrf K C
)AU.AIIfOne __ t.."'*cNrtJ ........ _l'IfICltWeapne: . . their~
_mli';i'; ~-- VIDEOS!!!
......... .....,,'-- ..... . . .... --...,.,_ ................ ............ ........ . . -- .................... PREPARE FOR IMPACT .................... "',.....
_t-._IIInt, ......... _ ...
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You INy h_ hard of Imp«t btlng before.. ThIsNC p~ first a~fftI on the I'bySbtlon. and its pnw: styie Is somnhing simi~r to Wipt:out, mixing rq:u~r IXingilldlon with some shoot 'em upthrilb . ln Impact bcingt:N pbyrrdimbs into one of a number of sporty ars, complete with hut-sefting missile. bser a n- . mlnes .. nd 'fire ~11s', and 5pftds iIICfOSS one often circuits, power-mk· ing on thetums ..od bunching Into jumps. The Saturn ¥tf'SIon oft:N pme fu· tures .. n illddltlonilll two v4ewi"l perspective which enhance t:N iIIdIon of t:N p~. and COO'Ift with the Ibncbrd 3D JDygon pptolcs running iIIt a rusoniIIb6e )0 mme per KmnCL Well be showI"I you more soon. • ''',.
tDttw- .. ..w.~.,..you._IGpI~· $hip. the dYnce to ... tNft fnwn
W'amIr"s..,.,... ....... ,..._...weo..--
fInt . . h~oftheIodySnilltdlers,the,.... of Don Sleptl '9S6 orfsI-I.. sbntni DotYId ~ wtIkh fonM part of wan.'s 'Cult Oau/a' coItdIon. Do not WiIIItdIJtonJDUl"_Ofwlttlthe!lpbofrbeauM It's
The otheor two vWeoIare both ill part of wxner', "SetW Sd-R' caIettbI. 1a,ton S ~lJ 1UtufB"The lDftIl*t"iIIftd~lntheWftJ'~bottIapiiiftoftheMCOnClMriel..OuWr
UmIts · The New s.m.tJ ~4 bUs JDU Into the-td of unDpUIntd phtftom_wlthtwo~~epboda:-"'-'~illftdTheNewIrMd.. ~Jfan:rofthftetakJDUl"fanq. _vefMMbofttwetoJM-..y.
JuA_tNs~ . . . . ....,uc-Whiltilldor.r-.sbhh"InSbr
Trn. . . ~
of the Iodys-tdleRl
send )IOU . - s on ill postaRI tD VIOEOSf IDYE 'fMI. SEGA SAJUIN MJIIjA. DIU. f'ItIOIrY cotMT. )I>Ji11 fMDIGDON LANE. LONDOfiI KC JIoU.
ThedaUns da. _the ~ h S8'TtlIWO rJdt ""'"
BA RAllY PLUS ANNOUNCED! ThtSaturn ....tl7ldpodogril~ond~tDfUtI;"thetJnikdstatlJand
'.' ",,",
ThtJtJponest __ IootIngJor-rdtoA<ltmldVirtuoRghm~{whidt1J fOtUMng " !JfM dmlofptns In the ~}t1umIlIsl whilst tNtfID4ItKing the ~ofSeytlIlllyI'fus.11NJ rwrvJ:ftl rditionofEuropribest-tdHngSQtum
titJe"""'gtJfIVff_theltJUmd t"compde.Mt/mogitle-.playfngVFtxllllly with~lntheworld.PIftty~ dll
o~n "\' ~" ~ C ',oN , ~ , .. ", r. '0
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~tMVF~~i1limitft1to tWG ~butno _ i1 lMIi",,*yrtf1tl ~mo'!)' ~will k tH* topmtidpoteln llrJlly. JuJt ~
/ftheSQtum replicoU:J the dght.pIayer coIn-cp rxperlena.... ~wif1I~ dotted"lI _ the
gIobd BriBitltrtdll
the kItm"""""", f1tI tilt'
IrJttI7Id ~ thGttllt'_ OtIytOflQIM9"me
could IWII frat urr Wnllht1flft1llf dght-pIqyer 1tIUmrt GCt.im.l\oIorrdn" ilJnDttmonth.
HE'S BACK... HE'S STILL ...~nlon oft"~ Incredible Hulk. Now,ln tht p!lJt, den/o(nrs mlly lion bun guilty of oblls/"g this lI"met somewhat, but US Cold fUt ddermlntd to mflkt this
wn;on of Hulk tht most innovot/vt yet (not too difflcult
If pad efforts II~ ony-
11I1"g 1090 &y). Therr'sJtll/nothing to Jtton thefjQmr, but thefintJcrreruhots ort beginning to emerge - ot fht momtnt, thrIll ort fht only (mill oval/obIt. Tilt finlshtd title will ~
mi/rlurt 0/ brot 'I'm lip I~t/J and platform Itve/s 'J1!d
should M/lnlshed Qround ChrldmoJtimt. Mort os and whtn.
VIRTUAL REALITY FOR SATURN Un~iled at Takara's booth at the Tokyo Toy Fair, Head Mounted Display - The Dynovisor
the first display of their
Fitting over one's head just like a Virtual Realityheadse1: it wts off all ext ernal
d istractions and immefse'syou complelely in the game. It can be connected to any game system (via the typica l video cables) and runs of its own power supply. Undoubtedly the SCfeen picture isin(fedibte.justli~ea mini-TV and Ihe stereo sound is also top-notch. Cerhinly the lightwelght.e~sily~djustableheadsetiscom·
fortable to wear for long periods but at around 40,000 ~n (twice the cost of a Saturn) you have to~skwho'sgoinglobeabletoaffofditI0ur
feporter at the show Iried ,tw,lha PlayStation racing g~me ~nd was most impressed with the VR effect when the car was dflvt'n in first per· son perspectivt'. you really want to keep turning )'(lu r headwhenYOlltakeacofner.Uslngltw,th SaturnNlghtsisal~anincrediblefeelingone re~lly has to e~perience to beli~_ We might well havt' a fuller report on this Inan upcoming issueoflhisfinemag
AI the recent coin-op prl!$S lolunch pllrty for Virtull Fighter 3 (see Coin-Oper.oot ed this issue),Segll revellled prototyp4! versions of their hot new lIr(olde wllres . As _11 015 the fl ol gship VF), two new products stilnd out ilS being potentiollly e:l((eptionlll new gllmes. First up ISlln exciting dediuted ublnet game bolsed on Ihe oc:un_going sport of jet-skIIng. Afull·si.ejet·skl is mounted in front of the monitor, iI ndit hllndll!$lInd relicts just like the reillthlng. ForeXilmple, by standing upilnd p ulllng back on the jet-ski, you ciln perform ilmil zlngjumps off huge WilveS. The gilme itself is best deKribed as WolveRilce on the Nl ntendo 64 but much, much better. The second golme is even better. Tetsuya Mizuguchi ofSegil RilIlYilnd Molnx TT fllme hu left AM) 10 set up his own AM division. The first fruit of his lolbour Is a golme bolsed on the world tOllring Cllr ch ampionships. If you've never see ntout· Ing ClIr races, it basically involves nutler drivers tilklng production cilrs on to maJor circuits to indulge in some pilrtlculolrly dangerous hl-octllne olction. Bolh titles are sholplng upto be ve<ysp4!clal Ind eed ilnd_'1I hilve further reports In Coln-Operated over the next few months.
~ SEG ..o.. SATURN
•••••••••••••• •••••••• •• •• •••••• •• •••• •• •• •• •••••• •• •••• •••••••• •• •• •••• •• •••• •• ••••••• •••••• •••••• •• •••• •• •••• •• •• ••••• •• •••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••• •• •••••• •• •••••
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B~~:r~: dha~:~ ;~:;~: ~~; ;:I::;~~~:h::~t::~~:::v;~~o;a~::~~rl~::.~::~;~t Magic Carp~t, Th~me Park and HI -Odane. And let's fue It, these aren't uactly amo"glheir most up to dale games. Butthlng1 are about to mak e an ab out lurn,a1 Bullfrog are hoping to get their lates l PC tlUes out on toc onsolewlthl" acoupleofmonlh10 fth~lrlnltlalrelea 1e. In fact, Syndicate Wars, should be the ir first title to beneft! from Ihls, curre"Uy scheduled for an Aulum" releue on the Saturn. Syndicatenas bee'naround for a fair old while , and even made an appearance on th~ Megadrive some years ago. The buic Idea Is to build up your already super hard troop of wanlors untlllhey'r~ hard ~nough to take oul all th e other warriors In th~ area. Th~n , Ihlng1 gel a little more ambitious u you take on more Intelligent a nd highly tooled up armies. As you'd imagine, there's tonnes of carnage in this game, and uthetltlelsplayed from an isom etrlcperspedive,lhefe's mOfe action than Is found in the usual strategy gam es. There's onlyafewl(reenshotsavallableforthisonealthe moment,b ul we should be able to get holdofa pre view copy of the game fairly soon.
, f i" ,
-t-l.... .- ... ,;
SNIrS _ ttfh
been _tedInIaIy ~ o&rinp tNt teN to ........ h KinI fWan - . turned up sawn ~
ImeIIhL Indeed. ~
popubr-..._t.n!towanMt.;I .... .--.. It seerns likelyttm Fabl Fury will rernain an Import title too. especially as it's somewhat older tNn ICOTF, although it's stili a brilliantly playable game. As with all SNK fighting g.Jmes. the aim Is simply to knod; se¥efl bells out of each competitor, or if you're playing against someone else, knoc.. the hell out afexh other. The real challenge of playing these types of g.Jme5 though Is learning all the but, ton pounding rTIOYeS ~ to pull off amazing rTIOYeS. As we QId, there's no word tNt this will receiw:an offICIal relGseat the mornent.andto~honest.it's prettyunlikely.8utjf)'OU'rejnterestedinthe .JapanesellefSion, getdownto)'OUlIocaI~lerfor
.. lookiltthegarne.
<-' .'L-"""
ftIiIdna tydr; wttt..n aa- SWIm pmHlNHd
Yef)'~onTohShinDmIL TohShlnDmUIA"~
continuation ofth! orIpgI..- whktI Tabra __ kHntostrefl h .nentlrely~_a.twnbn
not just ~ m-a.Ipt forwant tnmblioft of ahtIns
PbySbtiDn CDde.. To~ttw~ Tabni "-coded In NdpDund
ewrythInt hH been dYnftd to NoIt the satum'. apabllltioK. otMousIy Tabra " - Iunwd ;I put duf_"'-c.odI"ITohSNn Dm ~ ;lnd thk expMfM.tIouId hopefully mXe b;l wpMorsatumtit6e. The storyline is most Intriguing. Six months ago. an advanc~ prototype artificial humanoid, cal~ Tohshinhd w ..s stolen from a secret I.. boratory. Dnlgned to ~ the ultlm .. te l.:Iw-cnfordng rnxhlne it has been programmed with a V3St knowt~ge afflghtlng skills .. nd m.. rtl.ll l .llrts. Since the thleYery, the woOd's greatest fighting m ..sters have ~n slowly eUmln.. t~ by the Tohshinhd, It Is you. job to tIX" the machine ckM'n .. od take out its losIdlous corruollers! Getting down to fighting g.Jme basics. Toh Shin Den URA Ioob most impressiYe on ~per, Uke Virtu .. F'oglrter 2.. the g .. me features .. high-resolution display
which is Dr, Dr superior to what was Shown in t he original Too Shin Den Remlx. A tot.. 1of 11 playable ch .. racters are scheduled for Incluslon ... ncI thilt's ta king Into account two new fighters, one titled -Ripper" and the other which will rem .. ln secret. The .. wesome Tohshlnhel fighting machine Is .. Iso scheduled for Inclusion .. long with .. n all,new end-g.Jme boss. All of this looks most Impressive iflde.rd. We'11 be bringing)VU more debils 0Yrf the coming months,Especlal1y a-s we'wo just hear the news that Sega will be releasing the game 0Yrf here sometime In Autumn!
':" ~ ~ ~~\ ----'1 .,.. INTERACTlvuQp444' TBA
_ _JlJUl_,....__. .LllI_ _lLlUO...R.J_:.u...._ _ _
W =~~:~~~~"':=:';=food isn.,
o.rt of the cupboanh and "-': a .... _ I n tM uu..-. And JOinI to kHI)IOU- WtI, tMt'$ wMt aMeM do" Itl Or did)'OU thiM tNt you muldjust low them little ct.ocoa.te tnolls ~ tfwI: house and Iktis them up in )'OUfskm"sdothesl Anyway, you an't h~ failed to notice that one of the biggest mov~
at the moment i~ 1ncR:JM'ndence D:.1y. Whkh feiltures aliens doing lots of l'eptJlsiYe thing'> like reanimating the ~ad ,md wiping out entire cities. In ill ~In attempt to deplete hrth of all messmtiiil miner.ls.luckily,tne nationt h.,t them the most grief is the good old US of A. tne country with the mo'5t dispouble weappn power ilnd it's thert thilt iI m;aniYe nucie;lf showdown takes piKe. Whic:h, when you t h ink .. bout it. .. Ire~ sounds like iI brilli,Jnt viOeo 8;lIne.
\ I
~r, it's going to be iI while before the SOIturnversion of this title Is reildy, .. lthough work has ~un on the c~rsion. A very tilll)' version woos on s how ilt thoe ÂŁ3. although it was ill bit diffICult to tell from that version what the finill
gilmewillbelike. At the I'I'\OITIent. the gameplOlY (Oflsists offlying sections ~ you tlIke on t~ alien empire, and Fox are hoping to Include other ~ts of gameplay for the final~ion. lusoonasweuonsetholdofsomenewshots.ora~ionofthe
game, we'll
a pt"eview.
yw ir~
1~'OvfLY IN." /JLIl~/(!'IEAPf, ANP
'HU4~ o/lf" Nf/'ll
Y'I/ P /(A1HEfl- N4r
$fWltL ~""/« 'fAI'P
6lJ't-KrlfA/)J? o't.Y"J1i 'el'f'
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those who fftt ttteW kibdI threho&d tt-Kened by the li kes of NiGHTS
and blasting thC' Iocalarrnitectu.ctobits.C.ossbfidgt"S.
abletownt~,frvrtDtIon lnll
umoufugc yourself undef
p me tNt mMft Loaded look about as - tlaFM ttut k"lttlnl progr3mme UM stubbs wed to prnent. AfTM'. o n deYelopers NMS (yeah, and)'OtJ thought that W.lS Just iI Nln tcndo magazine: didn't
Legjtinat8 targets often get forgotten as you mal<e a detOIr into town ID sheI the clock Iowa' and a smaI chenicaI refWIery..Mt " because it looks good.
youl They'-.c otMously been moonlighting! h_ just completed work on iI PC game al~ MHs Detruction. This 1M:f1W';td Unlr. shoot 'cm up ~s been picked up by 8MG for ~ urn ~.lse in the UK ~ the ~gl n;rt1Ye new tltle d rank. The " afTM' rdkcts the refreshingly Jtr.llghtfofwil.d p mepl.Jy )OIl trundle ;lIOUnd four dlfl'e:.ent type'S ail 5(er'I.u1o.
~ndVlrtuaRJt!t« lOck wi"_be
. - --... ~ ~i;
riYers, driYe through city wail s, blast
buildings and engage opponents In games of u t-and mouse. ThC' whole: thing soon drvrlops Into sort of 'Rc1:urn flre without the bits when- you had 10 think' scenario illS. oYer 14ioosdy strategiu l missions, you cmploy cannons, machine guns. plo~ l mity mh'll"S. flame throwers, sm.ar t bombs Oind guided missiles againstyourtargets, YouarC:inslfuctedtoQnctlOn with extreme p,ejudlCe ilnything thilt gets in you, Wily, ilnd it says something fOf the look ilrld feel of this gilme thilt ~ignilted building$, ,ildil' fac,lIties ilnd enemy tilnks (il lI 'lrg rt imilte' til'gft$) often get forgotten ilS you milke iI det(IU' into town to sMII the clock tower ilnd iI smilll chemkill ,efinery. Jus t beause illoob good Although Tilnk is hilrdly whilt you'd u ll sophistoted, it doeos bo.Jst some sophist icilted eye Cilndy courtesy of iI new system u lled, ilhem, 'Sprolygon technology', NMS clilim thilt the result of this new poIygonilppliCiItiontechntqueiSilmoreseilmless integr.Jtion of 20 objects w'th )O objects, We eerb inly wou ldn't iI'gue thilt tM iln,miltlOn In Tilnk is
ext,emely smooth, ilnd the gilme hil s illot more depth ilrld clilrity thiln we're used to. As to whilt the hellil 'sprolygon' .s, wc're none the wise', Elsewhere in the game thefea,e little touches thilt reillly mil ke it worth exploring - the ripplingmineeffects,thespectacularexplosionSilrld the clever way the flamethrowe r reflects off the sur , t.Ke of r~rs when it 's fired from a bridge But most oft h lsgilme's appe.-.I lies in the w.-.y th.-.t, hke Loaded, it milkes no ilpologies fo, presenting iI down-to-e.-.rth eomb.I. frenzy w ith on ly minimill dressing, Afterilll,iI's obtigiltoryforeveryeol lectlon to feilture ilt least one game that 's likely to upset .In elde,lyreliltive, The PC YersionofT.-.nki$.-.Ireadycompkie the Saturn COO\Ie,sion takes next p,iot'lly, With Playstiltion followingthi,d, We'Yesecured pictures f,om the small amount of Saturn wor k that is com plete - namely the first few levels, minus most of the opponents who are the only thing that starld betw«n you ilnd you, killing sp,ee We'll be back when there's fTlOIe,
KILLING TIME The fixed perspective on the action aU0W5 great detail on the buildings In each scenario If you're worried about the silmC' brown and grey office
blochturnlngupOVt"randoveragalnthen(arc not.ThedockyaldcrilnesarebestdemoUsh~
with some well路placed land mines (InesC' alC'
deposited from the bukofyour tank at the press ofa button). The resulting dilmages topple the
machinery with spKtilcular effect. Even the town ChUfCh Isn'l nfe from your shelling-you Ciln
bomb.ud the old building bit by bit, ilnd even drive th,ough Ihe ruins of each bllyou'vedernol路 IShed,swltchlngontheflamethrowerfrOCKtra !:'fff:ct In the remains. Is nothingSilcred1 If you wilntto ilnnoythe local residents even further,
thtnyou can tOfCh the locill timepiece-the town
clown goes up a treat If you gct bored whll~ w,lItIng fro the Junction lightstoturn green. Only Its charrtd andtwlsttd remains are testament to
tisTHEFUTURE ~g~in. And, ~s we've ail come to expect theu days, law enforctment has beenpriva· tlsed. Yuh yeah,tell us something
we cilln'! predict. Anyway, illS you'll probably no doubt
have had drilied Into you. hud ill thous.;and times, Wedern so<iety is on the brink ofcoliapse, with gilnBsofheavilyarmedbandits(rulsingthl!str~tsin
thel,c;!rS;lnd thieving and killing everyone. Well that's a surp.lseth"n. $o,right,olsUSllillthefo'I!' sighted eldenofTHE FUTURE decide that the besl way to clampdown on Ihls rort of behaviour Is to offer people a cilsh reward for blowing each other up. hazards. illongwith diffe.lnS ,oild la)"Outs AS if this
Patrol the streets of CarcassviIe, keeping it safefor itUe cIiIchn by Ioosi1g off thousands " ofligh expIosiw rockets.. " OY8I'the shop.. Ingeniou s,That'lIslashth~m urderrateoftheclUes,
I'm sure, Anyway, as iI public spirited clUzen you're cast as Ih e pliot of an armoured death Vt'hide patrolling the streets ofCarcusviUe keeping it nfe for little children by loosing off thousands of high explosiVt' roc:ketsall over the shop, Ofcourse,thefe has to be some way to tt'1I t ht' cops from Iht'CfOOks, so you can't just steam around thetovmblowingeveryoneupjustbecausethey'vegot shifty eyes. No, you have towa,t until your Control tells you there's a pe'rp on the loose, then follow the
dflve numerous different vehicles, from dune buggies and sporls (ars all Iht' way up 10 (anlankt'rous road rollt'rsl Mont'yt'arrlt'd by killing t'Yt'rything is putlo good U5t' ft'painng)'Ourown damage and buying up all·newweapons and other toys so you can customise your motor IikeanyGod·feanng OOyracer AI the moment. only two of CrIme Wars eight planned levelsarefinishedtoa playable degree, but f.om whal we've seen It looks like the.e's a lot of spanner·defylngcar smash jolhty wai l ing in the wings The graphics afe neat and detailed and the (onlrolsar~slmple',aslhlsklndofgamerequires,
whilst 51111 being comprehenSIVt' Oomark hope' 10 havethefinishedarlicie.oll,ngoutne)(lmonlh,when we'll be laying our greasy paws on It for a ft'YIt'W Oon'lcrosslheroadw,thout't
11 ilI;J i1111~1 ~I OPEN HIS HEAD! TAKE THE MONEY! Mont)' milkM the world go around. the world go ilf01.lnd, the world go arouod,
or so they s;Jy Mind )'01.1, they sily that In the world's most .Jnr'lO)'l"g song. so quitt f~nkly. who uresl Well d"vers in (rime Wilrs certainly care, ~ilUse the whole pOint of t~ gilme is to OiCcumulale loads of tile stuff. Enough to l.'SCa~ those meiln stl~ts ilOe! go kill iI better class of ~fson Eilch l.Jwbreilke' you nilb reilps a differing quantity of cilsh. cilshwhlchmaylhenbespentdoingupyourb<lngerto ImproYe)'Our performilnce, or wved up. Sav1ngcilsh might sound hke the preserve of old ladies, but you'll need to leilrn this tllC!cy skill,ilsyou can
only movc on to the next level when you have suff,clent wongil
ut> OatOlllbutt
- T路
g lUll It tiMI UJIIII tim"
he title Highway 2000 might make you
suspidous. It sounds like one of t hose cfapearly Eight ies fil ms t hat was a st r.aight-to-video rip-off of Mad Mall-Iotsofdesert
thetra<k,or in competition againsl anot her racer who gets a head start to make thmgs all the
, . ._ -
roads, cars with spikes in the wheels, and the usual assortment of
It'S In compellllOn mode t hat Highway 2000'S novelly feature pops
laughably bad acting. Fortunately you
up and that's whenyou',e choosing
can rest f!asy on that front bec:a use
Highway 2000 is actually set arou nd ordinary urban racins circuits designed
bizarre than I1 sounds bec:ause each of the ten naV'Batofs is a seduct,ve babe
to test the driving skills of those with a
whodoesn"t really navigate at all.choos-
The emphasis is simply on tearing around at top speed, making use of some power-sliding on tile bends and pedaHIown " acceleration on tile straights.
There are f,ve cif{Ults to choose from In ali,and three dIfferent sporty cars to pICk from Each of the circurts provides the usual range of strillghts, halfpin turns and the odd chicane, and the emphaSIS isslmplyonteaflngaroundattopspeed,makinguseof somepower-slldlngonthebendsandpedal路down
more d,fficult for you
ing mstead to bestow praise or SpIt insults depending on how well you're doing HIghway 2000 mIght look familiar to a few peopie. That's because It'S basedona racing game released some tIme ago in Japan called Dead Heat The urban style baddrops means It shares something in common WIth Daytona and the PlayStation racer RIdge Racer, although Just whet her It measures upto these in the gameplay is something we've yet todls, ,~,
Apart from the babe novelty, HIghway 2000 doesn't look hke pulling anysurpflses_But, as we tend to say In the great gaming world,youJust can't tei! until the re's a SaturnMa8 ,eview inthe bag And there won't be one untIl next month soyou'O have to hang on to your hand bra kes until then
Jgltwbln l~ll racing ltluppO ... dto bt ta"ngplac.ltan1OI1.'l gulSl, l.th.backgGundl clnmabowtthe GoldenGall
IHid81, Sydney Narbou r u dOll ntylanti amoagotiMIrtblngl. Unfortuntlly tblrt Isn't mucbtlm. to l njclytblKlnlrywhllt t 'lI.& totaQ. be nd .tnOk~!Soteepyourey" OIItb.
nll d ok?And oITthelcenlJ')', Antiyouru,lgatof n we1l!
JUST THE TWO OF US A5lsprettymncbrdwith~um~thescctJys.HighwiIy
:woo includes Oil split-scrern mode §O two pbyeB an comprtt: ~ .. instcilChothcf. 1bces Intwo-~ mode;lfC(W'IC'(Jffevents
and aren't incorporated into tourrumerrt mode.. Still, at ~m this ~ns your rullife opponent doesn't get Oil had st1rt. ~ Is the
ase: when pbying the computer.
!'( '11.'
~J·5 r . ~
""", 10 ' -
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J~ ~I
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-19 3.h
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.u.n·.ImI~b __ "'''''''...-..III'''''''''''''~ ,......, ............. dIt .... _ .... .....,.. . . . . - . -.u.~ I.....wt.
......... ,........., ....' ...
DRIVE LIKE AMAN! It's Highway woo's somewhat dubious 'babe' fe"ture that t~s to provide noYelty enough to set it apart from other racing g;lInes. Essentially they arc thcre to act as a 'navlgiltor', although it qu ickly materialises thJt such Oil title Is more than a little eUphemistic. The In-ur-babe's m,lin job Is to either damn Of ptaise)'OU ' milsculinlty by flirting .. bit if you do well Of sneering ill)'OU' I~· quacies if you on', eYefI drive In iI stt;light line. fof some biurre reason they all shun traditional driving wear in favour of bikini's and swimsuits. Originally all the babes were Japanrse;lnd all looked like air hostesses. lioweYef, for the European m .. rtct. Euro-~bes h_bkcn their pI.Ke. Who knows. you might ~ find the sweet ilnd SHSy N~ in the ~~ ~;rtl Thm again, you might gftil lrflel
n.. .... ,...,~...,...tIIIItII .... I ~,....
......... ,..laMl .....
Z_, __
.. .......
"':,. -1'
Stumbll,..bfofyeyecl lnto theufficeslnthel'l'lOmirlt. " on your Nd: YnpIyto lis tIwout'"
cut abolle the ,est. This mIght well be more t ~n PR
' :;:.
'\1' I
boillolnPinbilllGrilffrtlpby~ getil dlolceofthfttUbln
the_of~plnlNllslrnf; tNt
;ll'1'M!bythetruddo..t.,. .fterreltnUeu~ 8ut hey,
to know the lame pin.
_~toU")'. ~
it's all part of thejoO to good oIe' PINBALL SATURN MNiAZIN~. I mNrI SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE. PinbilllGfaffitiil;the tatestpinbilliSimtojoin this burgeoning geme. ;md its publishers. NC. ,m:
I ...• ·.. ~"t '··
- ~sketbilll Lcgend,urdMastet' ,md (ileus fiInU~-C;Kh ofwtlic:h features some '\mU}' thenmictouches to pu9l the ~Silge home.
Fundament.lllythey'~allquitesimililr.thefirstt'NOfea turiflgbaseflippersOllty.withonIyCircllSfant~
including ~itioNl top flippen. like illl pinbilll Bilmes theem~ il;on points. ~mu~tingrroorerilpidlyttw:~)'OUCilnkeeptht
The design of the tables I*rts
at a bit of nostaJgia for some old school pimaI, and are apparenUy " based 1111 genun tables from " the nisty.eyed past
ban in ~ beh utile OtSsumes its own (N~efislit style in trying to oothis.. The~balllqoendUble might ~upa~thfOw.theOldMasterUbleWl"
gilleyou the chance to Rambleon the fruit machine. and t heCiIws Fa~ uses the top flippen fuf awr.etyof subga~AlloftMsebonv..~a~Oispb)'edon
a rnod:dot
hotilil ;tSwdlboeaU'iC't~!freavarietydelemefltsin
fufsome<*lschoolpi~and a~apparently based
PinbilIlGrilffrtit~tCilnC~lmtobe trulyoriginOll.
ongenuineUblesfromthernisty-qoed ~
be filmil~f 10 ,myonewho's been ilfOUnd langmough
~thesoond~whlchdunkand pinSwitha~assunnshe"";ness.. Amongits~I features.
Pinball Graffiti includes an option to view the action from inside the ball itself. as wdl asjv..t behind it Of from .imyother angle that taktsyour f;uq Italsousescutshotswhich c~ inon
particular parts of the table where something interestinR is goinRon. As fuf how it compares tothe legions of other pinball games on t he market -wdl )'Olill jU5t ~to wait until next month pinball brethren]
W _ _2_2
M . . . . MItma,sound. ..... c.n.mtIaet5 you t:nR aI the action fnIm the penfIKIM fI thebellllself.MIeastJOl,lptthecNncetlo_ . . . . feelstlobtCOftStWltlJblttefedllloutbJ bumpen. ... ftlppm.lNst*ontfle ..............., been""befofe"'tIosomeexteftl:Wsabltfa~",
.,.... ....... theusulll ....... tooasythcJuih.·CleItaMIJ
sucaeds In mMirII H*Ip mum fnIft CDrIbInJ.
. I ,. ~'-'.~-· .....h
0,r,.~~\ "\. 1 _-'
" {
,~EKf~p"'BAU . :-( ;i,
~~.-~ J~ ._
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 't'outooaonbeUtootl"lhoop$lnthbil•. Ameriaon~. Uslnc the tradtttoniIl bilseftlppefsOl'ly. IiIshtbiIn L.epnd has such bonvsH as 'fMt bfNk' ilncI tillI!;',
ar-F-..:Clmrs filntilslil btheonty_ ofthethret tilb6es to include top fNppers. When you milnill'f' to act into the bonus, the top Pilrt of the tilOte b seMedoffilnclyou aonstart uslna the "Ippen to riIdt foIp iI '"'le bonus.
-.. . . . .-.. 路"~"
the 16th untury by 011 small Het of Buddhk t knight-monks. ThIJ wet clllmed to ~ ~rt of ill direct anusb31 liMiI,edmnl bKk to the
(r~. wMreilbilndoflost~l'fkmeventwally
~Ied about the nbebn mounblns. The pme ~J originally Intended as, fablistk ritual to cleUrmlne the manifokl routes to tl1lMUndmbl wisdom, the 801fdubre~ofChriJtl.1nlty'JWIIldlylilM!ar
Infinite, and the golf pll 5)'fl'lboIhlng the eternal within the now. Thk explains why both the 0 ..1101 loIma and the Arch Bishop of CoIrrterbury hne sum flneh.andic:apf_
AnotIIer 路
. feabre 路
explore the landscape in its IllIi'ety " a vast range of camera options with and what Clren*1 haw dL-.t True 3D.
esote ric prrte)'Ou '='; if you play it, you become o~srd with it, if you don't. the whole thing snms phel"lOlTlenaUyboring. Yoo coold say just about the same for its con~ counterp.Jrt.lIS well, although there h~ bttrl enough gotf sims floating about on the Saturn to get anyooe with a penchant for the gamt"iJddlcttd. If)Ou'vcyet tosua::umb,Actua Golf could be your final temptation. Cre.J1ed by the S<lrTIe lcoam responsible for the amilzing EVlo '96, Actua Golf is detl'rmined to make itsetfthe last word in golf sims. A quick glaonceat the sueensrots should be enough to tell you that Gremlin'sconfidence isjustifoed. The gr.lpnics .lre looking fanUstic. with Gremlin nuking the most aftMr in-house motion aopture studio W.lninute the d.lSsic golfing poise. right down to picking the bailout afthe hole or crouching W line Up.l shot. Another impressive fe.lture in ActU.l Goifis the freedom to explore the I.lOOsope in its entirety with .l V.lst r.ln~ of urner.l options and wh.lt Gremlin h.lVe dubbed 'True 3D'. rne.lning you un scrupulously check the I.lOOsupe for thesliglTtest oomp or divot which might.lffect the tr.lYel of the b.JU. Add to this the comprehens ive comrnent.lry from none other th.ln the legend.lry Pele, Alliss . .lOO Aclu.lGoifbeginstolooklike.lre.llwinner. Of course. we un't tell you th.lt fOf sure beause ~'ve yet tost.lrt on the rne.ll.lndveg of the g.lrnepl.l)'. but ,est .lssured, we路1I be donning our n.lptins.lOO tuckIng in to;l review next month.
AlIhhhh .... 10'11 thl l1li.11 ofC~tlJ"l.IIIR th' mornln8!Sm.lllof'llctOfJ!
There ar" two eOu .."s on Adua Golf - Ihe R,"er Counlry Club and th,. Royal GI,.n Golf Club Imnollosurewhelher they r" re~ 1 "enues or not but the landscapes Ihe Irees and ellen Ihe I'anqull lakes are all e~p"rlly r.. nder .. d If you Ihonk Iwo COu ..... IS a bll meagu' you 11 be glad 10 hear Ihal Gr .. mlm plan 10 'ele".e cou'se dIScs m Ihe futur,. (whtch should beprel lycheapseelngas'lsonlycou ..edalajwllh some mOr.. famous cour,,,. on them
.' ,. 4~ 1Iij
- Hmm Y.. ~ Although I.. t s 'ne ,t, SenSIble Sotce. IS ;obout ;os much Ilk ..
- ....... 'oolb;oll;os PannI O'''goon lwe, It s;on ent .. rta,n,ng g<lm .. but ~.m, no ... I.. toon to Ihe sport ..... d h .. s-w'mdly- ..... ry ionl .. dpplh If you w .. nt to know what s good o. not. try ..... d'ng th .. settlon In theluock of the m;og ulled Re'V'''¥n Th,s Is whe ... w .. often offer a d'stou'se;os to th ..... I.. U~ m .... ts of ..... ,Ious .am~ "h .. ndy prlu'rob,,, m ••• denotes th .." goodne" Pe,haps Ih', ma}' help you In )'ou.n .. xtpurch;lSlngdecISlonTh'llnkyou
Rld phOTO hy
If your games skills are vulgar. if you play like a fish , worry nish, here's a man with a surname in Polish! That's right, good ole' Sega- suited Mark Maslowicz is back once more, answering your questions with the same mixture of genius and arrogance that marks hiS Inimitable style. If you ' ve got any queries currently hurtling you towards insanity. send them to A- Ok Q & A . SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE. 30-32 PRIORY COURT. FARRINGDON LANE. LONDON . EC1R 3AU . A flUTTER ON THE NAGS
No you ChHkyIhln,l1
CV(; ,
DearSesa Saturn Masulne,
'W,llthehorserilc'ngsame_TheWlnn'ngPostbyKOei, bereleasedinlheUKl J. Afe thert "ny more hOfse rae,ng lI"mes oomong out on the Salurnl 3 Do)<>UthmkUSGoId ... ,lIbronllout6ei>ChHe~and bod~MoscowtotheSatutnfromtheCommodore641
4 How moch Ionlltr ... ,11 we
to w".1 fo< SOvoet
DearSSM, Ih~ifewquestlonsforyourgreatm .. gandlwaS wondtrong ,f you could inswer them fo< me
I'me wroter The SSM crew ;lrt gods ttc eIC , IVirtu"f'ghler~'ds,woulditbeposs,ble forAM2 to use the backllround ofVFl and / Jusluselhesprot esofVirtuaF'ghter Kidsl JWhichgamedoyouthon k lshouldgetoutof Road Rash,D'S(WOfld,UIt,mateMKjand
'Whiltsthedofferencebet~nSegaand ~ga!.OftlArel~lhesameora branc~
off company 0< whall
3 I'm th,n kong of gw,ng a modtm for my Saturnw~nllc~oul.ooc~nyot.l
please tell mt whICh games WIll comt OUI
S W,II Command and Conquer be oul by Chr,stmnl 6 When can we expect to s« the ntxt demo COl Samuel Turtle, hlt.sl .
~ :nUJ:~:~~;:::;U~~~::~~:!::JIt::b~~
nol. 4 There'slshowuselnlhlsl"LH'oonollonl· sVH.
Enterprosesindthiltheyiredeveloplnggamesfor thePlaySUt,on Isth,strue~ndlfso.whythe~1I
3. Won·tVf3 be a b,t ofa lask 10 Pfogramme 0fI theSaturn,ft~couldn'tm'NgetheJD
tfftrtsonVF21 keShunsbrodge 4 Two f my games are bust, Mysun. won't 0
4 Any news on t he Segi chin nel1 OavldBushen,VlllaseFarm,lowe, Heyford.
~ ::;t~~!:, :h~::r::::rton, J No announcemenl at)"'ll but you won 'l
bedlsappoinled' 4Currentlyfor MeSad,lveonly,
bec~useltcriShes 1'~lostthe.ece,puso
whill should I dol s- Why don't you have t,mt ~ttacks on other games hke beal em ups because I'm sure there are Ioo1ds of people lo~ me who a,e crap at drMng gamesl 6 WhU lhe ~I hi~ NimcO done WIth theol Segi Da,ren Hay, Kln"bu!)" T.mworth , ~ 'Se •• softls
p.rtlyownedbySeI'. JNo,lt'sthe
~ ot""rway,oundandlt'sconfusedl""stuplde,
mass. J It'll be IOUlh but AM. are uslnl new p'''Irammlnile<hn!quH, 4 C.II Se,aConsume. ServkIH on 011,· 996-462(1. S T"'m 's I .... breaks.. 6 Wouldn'l we like 10
DON 'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT, .. lam,n"bonnllh,storyl~sOfl,oohereare\-Omequts·
t'ons for yot.Ir "mal,nll mall to answer ,I Should .... ~ WIed enoullh cnh by the end of the monlh to buy " Salurn and fove 0< s'x gafTleS Could)<>U please hsllhefollow,nll In o<der of oot to worst Bug VlftUi F'ghter 2, Sega Rilly, Mortal Kombal 3. Gex l When ire Sega bnngmg out "newllames con\-Ole and when w,1I it bel 31sthepnceoftheSuurnlokelytodropigainl 4lsl!worthgettmglheM-f'egcarlndgel S when IS Bug Tool commg out and how much woll ,I costl 6Doyouh~aspareMK3c."n-<l9knock'ngiboutthe
officel 7 00 you know where I could get an M~3 wallchart froml Mr Forset Name, Unknown Addrenhlre ,
ADD- ON, ADD-ON, ADD- ON DearSSM, Could you pltase answer Ihese qutstlOns of mone , W,IIthe Saturn fTIOdtmbe gW,nlla p',nlertype"dd 2Ist~re.nychanceofaSaturnMa'klbe,ng'elused
,ntheUKI 3 W,II ~ga be ma .. ng a S~turn l (not Milk J) I'ke Sony are forlhePlaySUt,onlIf SO,willit be.n.dd-on,w,1Iit becomp.t,bltw,ththtcurrenl Saturn hbrary, whenw,1I it be reltased and what will the cost bel 4 HOw w,1I the Saturn be .blt 10 compete Wllh Ihe graph,ullysuptroorN,nltndo641 O.vkiMaddrell,lsJe oflrAan.
., ~~~~=;::~,~ ::I:e~:~~I :::llly~O~~I:kks:= alltha l · 4W ith,reallamesofcou"el
~-: ::;~!,:"u~h~:;';;~:::1 ~on,
:,: :: whkh films, s Chrlslmas Or there aboul. No I"'ke)'ft. 6
Dea,Slolu,nMa,ulne, Please .. nswer myquest,gns .. s I h"ve read ~Sa M.. g .ndSilturnMalls,ncetheverybeg,nn,ng.ndl"mafirsl
KENN£TH WILLIAMS WRITES .. OOHHH SSM, I h~ recently purchased a Sega Saturn whICh'S br,II, and would hke these qutstoons answertd 10 br'ghten my houzon 1. On ~ga R,,11y IS there a secrtt Toyou ca,1 If so. how do Igetll? 2W,lIthefebeionyFABsnookerorpoolll il mesh ke Virtual SnookerlPool on lhe Saturnl 3 Whtn Duke Nukem 3D and Doom come out, which IS expected to be bette,1 4 I read In a mag Ihi! the Saturn hiS SUlfOUnd sound but ... ~redoyouptuginthesptaktrsl 5 A friend of mine said that Sonywere Ilcenson g Segil games hbVirtua Cop, and Segi In turn would get games hke Ridge Race r. Is thos Irue or IS he tak in g II? Tlm Potter, Jord.nstown, N,lreiand,
-._·1-_".1_.......... .t.t4Maa. .t.t . . . . . .
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So how does all of this new 3D trickery come about then eh? Fighting Vipers Is only possible due to the hard labour from AMI Reseillrch. Since the days of Virtua Fighter 1. AM2 have discovered even more graphical trickery inside the Saturn. Top of the Ust of new developments is light sourelng. The new SGL can dynamically alter the lighting on the polygons of the fighters, shading eilch polygon differently according to whe re the Saturn places the artificial light sourcing. A general overhead lighting (presumably from the Sun, as this level hasan excellent sunset effectlis evident in Sanman's stage. whereillS (irace's night-time stage is lit from below. The effect Is stunning, ilddlng plenty of extra realism_ This dynilmlc lighting is illso evident In Tekken 2, but Fighting Vipers goes one better by Incorporilting gouraud shilding. Whereils the Namco title features very polygonal characters. AM2'S game changes the colour on each polygon, merging them together to give a more organic Iook_ Thlsisa very time-consuming task fortheSaturn - lnfact, thecoln -op orlglnill doesn't feature this type of shading. However. the Saturn's charilcters feilture far less polygons thiln the ilrCilde, with the shilding making upfor alot of the lost polygons. Considering that the Saturn Is doing so much more extra work. you'd think that the speed Is lower than Vlrtua Fighter 2. Not so - Fighting Vipers runs at the SiIIme speed as VF2 (60 frames a s.econd, equalling the coln-opl, with the only slight compromise being that the super-high fesolutlon ofVF2 hilSn't been retained. Stili. Look atthescreenshots-have
l ~ t1:ItMIU:J~1
Nostalgia eh?Well, it ain't what it used to be, that's for sure. It seems that everyone is releasing their decade-old games onto the new super-consoles and Sega are no exception with their Sega Ages collection. Three titles are being prepped for release.. and here they are. welve yea rs ago, Sela were the revolutionilryforce In .ucilde giilmIn, - just as they ,lite todil), In <ld" .. 1 bet. In those heady dayl, th e concept of polygon! was a bit beyond the t tchnololY of the day a nd lnlteiildSegil(wlththelr newtYl!ltabllshedAM divillons) concentrated on shrinking and expil nd ing sprites to provide topend )O Bamlng. Along with the aid of AM4 (designers of arnde ubineh), they introduced th e world to hydrauli c cabinets keyed to the action on IC tel!n. When5p 'liCe H,nrlerturne:drlght, sodid the entiresit.downUlblnel youWetelutround-
ed by. a rlll!;l"t. Spilce Han ierwas superseded bya suceession of hits for the ilrcildes which Sega are bringing to Saturn in t he form of the new Sega Ages brand. It isn't kn own what Sega Europe's plans for the games are . 5upe r-budgel lndivid ual releaSe5area possibility, as is getting all thre e on one CO for ÂŁ401 We'll le t you know what happens ... Mt~r .UlUort"
aprItI-KIli.,of tkllGl.-tp
This is the first game to be completed and _ Qn honestty say that it Is entirety Indistinguishable from the a~ original (the pX version had ropier resolution and sound). The objective is simply to I'iIÂŤ' along the SUfnl'allstic landsapes blasting everything in sight until you face down a Doss.. Extnl excitement is gleaned from the bonus staF wherr you jump atop a dnlgon and smash down everythlns in sight with its serpentine form. This is quite an uncanny conversion would eJepect from a machine as powerful as the '''"'"), ,"' ,'6p.,ItS slmplklty, S~ce Harrier stili has a cermlBht afBue that a tttle that 's 12 has no place on the Saturn, but If the prke 15 right Harrier could certainty supply plemy of cheap thrills.
"", _.
This game Is dueto be released In Japan In August and at the t ime of writing (end of July),thegame is all but complete. Sega's conversion team are inthe process of bugtesting their conversion and adding the brilliant music that distinguished th e coin-op originaL We've played th egame and can confirm that Sega'stechnlcians have done something of an incredible job In converting the game across. Everything has been included,from the stunningly smooth sprltescaling to the minl路cameos of the Outrun Ferrari and the Super Hang-On bike-as you can see from one of the Saturn screenshots on these pagesl Again, like Space Harrier it really wouldn't be worth buyingifitwasa normal Saturn release, butata budget price or as part of a compilation it would be good value,
The most celebrilted ofthe Super Scaler colnops, Outrun Isthe 5ega Ages game furthest from completion (it's not due in Japan until September). We've had the chance to check out the Alpha first-playable work-in-progress game and came away very Impres~d with the game as it stands. At the moment it isn't quite as cJosea conversion as the other two, but we can confirm that all of the stages have been included and there Is no multiloading. Despite thefactthateverylevelhasacholceoftwo routes through, we an report th;rt the entire coin-op Is loaded in one go. The CO is used for the music only - this Is coin-op perfect and despitethefactit'sac\eQdeold,It'sstilithebest computer music n'l!t1 Outrun Is no Sega Championship, but the gameplay Is as It was In 1986 and the game has a style and atmosphere to it thatls~"h"dto~"t.I""d',"',
SSM When did the NIGHTS pl'o}ect beslnl SONIC TtAM The project startw last year flom the first of Aplll That was when the real work of creat· ingtheprogrilmbegan_Alrttlebeforethiltwewere ~"'"~~ . .studylllg about the Sega Saturn and doing some other thlllgs The total development period was about one year and three months in total In bet ~ only finishw NiGHTS three weeks ;lgO
NiGNTS'wtrKrtbatk pot..tlaJ
SSM Whit ~s your orisin;llldea behind the samel SONIC TtAM In the very beglllmng ~ decldw on flymg Th;lt W;lS theveryfirstthlllg The inrtl;ll concept W;lS th;lt clearrng the sky Irke if mine-sweeper would h;lW! a gre;lt feeling Turnlllg ;lrotJlld two or three times. We attachw a great deal of ImjXlrtolnce to the ollglllal concept plan
.... utbtt ...
aallllb'lnsl:UOMttf luttbllltJ.lt'.lmohrtloll. YlcllOllJlllfII!
SSM Why dld)'Ou decide not to develop a Sonic the HedsehOJ lalM for the Saturn1 SONIC TtAM Bilsicillly, With regard to Somc, we've been IIlvolW!d In
the Sonic series for nearly four or five y.!'ars. We felt that it was about time to create something different. In addltlon,~wantedtorecha rgeourideas,
' .....
gather them together and evolve beyond Sonk and creilte somethlllgdlfferent
SONIC TlAM All sorts of reasons. Especially;ls this W;lS our first time to work on the Saturn ~ wanted to combine our study of the S;lturn wlth;l Irttle time spent Crf';ltlllg;l game Thilfs how thedevelopmentst;lrtwWell,theSaturnisanilmninglyinter, estlllg piece ofhilrdwilre and so people Just kept jollling the teilm and so the result W;lS that It took as long ilS It did Inthe beglnnlngweintendedtospendamuchsmallerperlodoftlme developing for our study but, it just kept on going
SSM Why did you choose the NIGHTS ch,lrilclerl Are)'Ou tired of Sonic1 SONIC TlAM It's not that we've grown tired of Sonic. Even when it'S not the game, in Japan at least there are also the Sonic cartoons, thecharac, ter goods oiInd the editorial supervision work oilS well. Without a brea k Sonic is always appeilrlllg. So. it's definitely not thefaet thill were bored of him.Rathef,wehaven·tjustgotSonic,~'vegotil
wholellneofcharileterswaitlllgtOilppeilrWefelt it was about time 10 release NiGHTS. We've stili got lots ofcharaetefs left The firsl to come oul was Sonic and then nut was NiGHTS
SSM Do you think NiGHTS will bI! billef than Sonlc1 SONIC nAM The fifst tIme you see NIGHTS he looks iI httle Sinister. Sonic. Wllh his own special signiflCilnce.hasa uniqueimpfession but ilS peopie become bmlliar with NIGHTS, I hope thilt the portion of him theydishke ilt first theywili eventu> aliy come to like
T... Soak Ttafl crtatlMl t .... r .....lti-COIItrolltrto illprOHtHM!GHTSuperl.IKt.tltlhrrtl!tr-St"
SSM What uactly is NiGHTSI SONIC TlAM NiGHTS is another you WIthin YOUI ' self It Isa IivlIlg thlllg that lies in YOUf dleams Therefore he's neither a miln or iI woman, He's a
hl'llPllrt MtII.. tlltP/III plultORl l'lllItrfor:Ut,!9,
He's that kindofchafactel. He's a hero who wili help ilnyone III Iheworldwe live in, this time Elliot and Clalls, who because they can't summon up the courilgeto filce thelffears are set upon by night· mares in thelrdrealTl5. He's a hero who eKlsts In the heilfls of everyone
sw PlelSe tell 1,1' • little .bout the Sonic le.m, How larSe is the tum and how many people .re
.... ~;,~
;:. ~
IU#!UII:J' ~1 relponJlble for ,rlphlu, pro,rammln" desi,n,mUlicetcetera? SONIC TEAM The numbers are a secret but. If you read the staff roll at the end of the game I'm sure you can wor~ It out In the beginning it was around seven people That's not much different from when we did SoniC. Towards the end it became around 10 to 30 people That's right at the vcryend. ISM Whit dlfficultlu wel' thele from I technical standpoint and how did you oVltlcomethem In the Inltl.1 l\'lelofthe proJecH SONK TlAM There were various difficulties but, wc received a 101 of technical advice from pcoplealreadydcvclopingonlhe Saturn. While we were working on using the SGL we Included this in and so wc were able toovcrcome the early stages ISM How Ion, did thl dulln work takt? SONK TtAM Ageslln order to incorporate the original concept plan ifs ta~en about two years from the start of the very first character. It's probably beuuse SoniC isour maJor flval that in order to create characters that could beat him wespcnt so long In reahty, Sonic is also our own creation but, wc let go and distanced ourselves from him which in turn has allowed us to grow To surpass SoniC was no easy task but for us this was the most challenging aspect Thafs not to say that Sonic is over and done with and from now on it's NIGHTS instead. It had always been our a im to create both characters so that NIGHTS and Sonic could stand together shoul· der to shoulder SSM How did you ,0 .bout dell,nln, the major characters In NICiHTSand what Influlnced thllr dellln? SOflllC TlAM In order that NIGHTS would be liked by children from all ovcr the world wc did various research in Japan. America and England The results of which arc all refiected In NiGHTS. The NiGHTS characters aren·t the type where on first sec· Ingthemyouimmedi. atclyllkethem but. if you try to use them and watch them moving then you can respond to their behaViour and
beappreClated Really, I want people to sec the characters moving ISM Tht rlnle of le .... llln NIGHTS Is Innedlble. What kind of deslln process did you use to crute theseworldd SONIC TlAM When wc started the process of choos ing the dreams for NiGHTS wc wanted to put variOUS realities into the NiGHTS worlds In the beginninll you can·t approach the base of the rainbow bridge Tha!"s NiGHTS ' world When the br idge Is formed NiGHTS can move fr~ly from onc place to another When that hap· pened we wanted the ch ildren to th i n~ "Wow! NiGHTS Is here l" "He can flyl" In the beglnmngthi1lt"swhi1ltwe wanted to Cfeate We're creating lIames for chlidren from everycount'yNot~ry
chari1lcterwhenthcy first saw it OfcoufSe. now everybody likes him but. it wasn't sudden it took a long time. Maybe also even MickeyMouse In the beglnnll'lg pcople thought "Whafs this/ " but thcy watched him moving and gradually they came to like him Tl'le Situation with the magalinesisthatthey can·tconvcythisimage tothepeoplesoitcan·t
child frorn every country has sccn a rainbow There arc thoscwho have ncYtl secn a rainbow In a rainbow lealItydocsnotelust Instead there·s some· thing more fantastic and somewhat familiar and yet Ifs a world we don·t really understand. Howcvcr, there IS some kind of reality Evcnthoughnobodyunderstandsany. oneelsc'sdreamstoonesclfonesdreamshaVCilnamalingreahty.ln the morning when you wake up you havca faint Idea but. you're not quite sure In other words a dream Isan Incredibly Interesting place. For this various staff started to rescarch Into dreams. dream inter· pretatlon and depth psycholollY etcetera and studied other variou S thinlls as well Really, If you look deep Into the world of dreams It is tru!yinterestinll And irs beCi1luscwe Kept fnvcstlgatlng more and more that the range and depth of the dream worlds is as wide as it is Howcvcf,the uscr doesn·t havc to be espcclallyaware of this. The
:::::~;:~::~',~::;:',~:'::~".!:::"~':;:~;~::;' ~;~:;:,:~
ratlnll ideas from depth psychology whkhevcr design method we used. the dream worlds were created to be OYer.flOWlng With reality »
m ;
39 _
SSMIn wh;lt w;lysdoes NiGHTSm;lke
publicity occasions there have bun, we haven't said much about the 3D routines, the computer graphics or NiGHTS Ie(hnical ability. Wedon't real· Iy want to talk about this poinl to sell the game We(featedthegameinordertoe~pressthereali.
ty of the dream worlds. It's the way in which we have been able to e.press this, that we have suc· ceeded in doing. If in doing so we used polygons so be it. No matter how we did it the reality is that the feeling of the dream worlds is beautiful and that's sufficient . "These polygons are amazing" and that kind of thing but. th at isn't what we want to talk about at all. So many game program· mels talk about how many 100'5 of polygons they're using, trying to sell the game on tha t point but, we don't want to. If you can enjoy the game worlds, if ifs a wonderful feeling flying inside those worlds, if being in those worlds is fun then really If that fundamental point is enjoyable then that's sufficient. So. your question was about NiGHTS' use of the Satuff)'s capabilit ies and t hese aleasprobablye~istbut.we'renotconSciousof
them SSMIt(ould~s.aidth<ltsptedistheHsen(eof
SSM How wou ld you deKri~ the ¥fry ;lrtlsti( style of NiGHTS? SONIC RAM It's just a httle but. SoniC is i n essence an American style character we think bioi\. If you saywhat's at the centre of NiGHTS we'd have to say that w e deliberately designed its appearance with an EUfoptan and Japanese face but, that the personali. ty is very American in nature Also he's not a hero from the good dreams but, a hero from the nightmares In other words. there's justa hltle bit ofa scary element to hi m. He'scutebut, frightening. Such aspects <lbout him such <IS whether he's a man Of woman aren't known . He has a dual m<lie/female character image. With that image in mind w e then bring in the circus like element. The nishtmareworld issimilartothe circus. In the dark . nessa single spot-light shines, cre<lting th e vividly coloured stag e This kind of element is Included inside the nightmare's darkness to show the beauty of the place. So with the NIGHTSchar<lcterandthe Nightmarens all gathered together It gives the impressionofa cifcusgroup. Although NiGHTS looks <I little like a jester. when you find him in your dreams wonderful Ihings h<lppen and a new hopt is born within
TItt 3D wl5llal1 In MIGHTS art lItColdto none. Itsllolild eGmeuftosuf'IIrise to lelMl
IbittblSOftlc TlllIIl"IIWrotl thl Qst, 1II code lroundflft Umu In on!er to get the MiGHTSuperilnulcrollin all ItI nnel}!
SSM How long did it bke to deyelop the 3D program foutines In NiGHTS? SONIC TEAM To continually impro~e the quality we w ere working on the lD program throughout the entire development. Howe~er. compared to our oflglnal plans it didn't really take up that much time. For the most part we used the SGL routines created by Sega. We simply improved on Ihem forthis~ersionandsowe,an'tsay
that it really took all that long to do
_ _':.Q
the Sonic I<lmes. WhJt npHt do you think is <It t he hurt of NiGHTS? SONK TlAM Being able to fly in the sky is a great experience. Due tothe great feeling of flying pursuit and also the 3D multi·controller, with which the player is really able to feel t h is actual sensation to an amazing degree. you are now able to fly wherever you want to go instinctivety.dose to your senses. I t hink we've created something near to one's own sensation and if everyone can experience t his great feeling then thafsthe best point of NiGHTS. SSM Is NiGHTS the limit of)O on the S;iturn? Whit f urther KOpt for improvement is thert? SONIC TlAM I don't know. The Saturn has amazing potential. Over time Its power to express will increase. This Is our first Sega Saturn development so of course there's room for improvement. SSM Does NiGHTS use the SJturn's 10 power u well u Its 3D capabilities? C-iln you gi¥f us some eumplH whefe this Is u~ in the game? SONIC TlAM I don't know. <laugh> I don't particu· larly want totalk about NiGHTS from a technical aspect.lfycu really want to write that kindofarti· cle thafs fine with me but. writing about the feeling of the NIGHTS' worlds would be much better. The average user doesn't understand all these
technical pOints. Magazine people understand but. the child ren who buy the games don't. Words like polygon and 3D have no meaning tothe children. So even ifthese thinss aren't there ifs stil l enjoyable. l1ecentlythese kinds of words have become commonplace <lnd talking about pleasure and enjoyment has become less and less in mag<l' zines. In re<llity <lll we're trying t o do is pass on these dreams to the children with thisg<lme.
Absolutely no-one undtfstands about polygons, irKl~lblt technology. 3D. speedilnd frame rateetcetelil More and mole we f~1 that He mOVie reviews Ifs better to wllte about how intertstmgOf enJoyable It is
SSM What aspects of NIGHTS are you
p<Jrtkululyhappywlthlndwhyl SONIC TtAM We've been able to have some really good staff working on thiS
project They all had a connection to SonlCand~ryoneislrulytalenled
SIM Wh"t kinds of reKtlon h"Ye)'IXI h"d 10 NIGHTS? SONK TlAM We've received good appraisals Everyone IS lookmg forward 10 NIGHTS. The sllua, lion regardmg advance orders is very good so ee,tarnly In Japiln we're el(pecling il to be iI hit
<\ ' 1~
looking at the game from all sides, even though I say it myself,wetruly
the ending you want to keep playing This time we've realiycreated an enjoyable product. We have taith in 1\
It's probably not too good to k~p uy-
ing one's own product Is so good but, this time we have so many essentfill
"We have faith i1 NiGHT'S- This tine we have so many essential ~leelemef1tsi1cotporaled
SSM Wh,,1 plans Ire Ihtrt for a leqllel 10 NIGHTS? SOJU( TtAM I'll leave tha t to your imagination. If the user's demand for It becomes large enough Ihen we might just do it. It hasn't even bÂŤn releasedyel SO I don't know The re aren't that many people In the Sonic team so we can'l possi, bly complete every projecl available, We might do a NIGHTS or Sonic game nell(! or maybe a differ. entgameThat'sforthefuture.FirSlofall.now that we've finally finished NIGHTS we're all about to take a rest and go enjoy ourselves. Everyone needs to go on vacation Afier that. when we All come back, we'U have vafiOUS discussions and then decide what we'U do next,
SSM Is there any chance of NIGHTS appurlnsln into It, 'If!: reaIy thi1k it's a fan. theilrc .. de$oronaPCl taslic game." SONIC TtAM If there was ~'d bt happy bUI, game that's onlyoor hope I don't thiflkanyofus have ever produced anything for Ihe arcade. The PC is SIM Pleue tell III a little abollt the de"elopment of the ualolue controller for the Saturnl also a different aru but.Sega do have a PC section for that so if Iheyhave an Interest In NIGHTS then there is .. possibility for it to SONIC TEAM Actually, the development of NIGHTS started and then about sil( months later, summer last year. work began on the be created multi'controllerWiththedigltalpadtherewasthefeelingthat SSM What do the Sonic Team dream oH therewasasmaligapln the responsiveness between the player and NIGHTS. In order to dose SONIC For a period every one was havlOg only nightmares but. recently at last NIGHTS has appeared and we can see that he this gap"arlous conlrollers isf1yjngifllhes~yofourdreams.lhopehe'Uappearandjoinwlth were tested andthe result our users' dreams also bemg the current design we have Just for trial manufac, ture there were around 100 tes t "erslons. If you inciude all the different designs as well then there truly were a lot To tell the truth we even consid, ered creating a NIGHTS dollshaped controller so that the user could feel even cioserto NIGHTS,Varlouslnterestmg Ideas came out but, in the end it wasn't a NIGHTS controller but a standard controller we decided to make. We spent about S,I( months working on thiS enjoyable elements incorporated Into It we rullythink It'S a fantnlic
lppa....u,SOIkMpmH 'hjbb..urt.lIIIMI.tw
... *"'Cldlllttill .....". 1I-bltc..-..fII eapc.'1 ...w..t GMIa '. ' GIiIst.! liGHTS CIIII_
Ilia trtditlol " lI",,"",
SSM What are your flnal impressions of HIGHTS now that the lame Ilcomptelel SONIC "AM To what we real, Iyfirstimaginedwemadea good game From our initial eKpectations the visual aspect and system have changed conSiderably The system side was rewllt, ten about five times, Our original concepts of the rainbow and chasing through the sky rullycame out well SSM Wu everything you hoped to achieve Included In Ihe flnal lime? Are thert Iny upech)'OlI didn't hive time to Include? SONIC TlAM I can't say thalthere aren't any Certainly there is alwayssomelhlngsomewhere If you kept on Cleatmgeverything then you'd surely spend your whole life Cleatmg so ofeourse there are still areas which could be developed more. However, even though these areas el(ISI IhlS lime we're sllll Incredlblysahsfied wilh the final game ~ SEGA SATUPN
l* t1:m'illfitUI
Victory Goal was, let's be honest, crap. But by a strange turn of events it has somehow managed to muster up a sequel. And by an even stranger turn of events the sequel is looking pretty damn good. Renamed Worldwide Soccer for the European market, it could be the footy game to rival Euro '96. ROB BRIGHT queues up at the turnstiles
UfO '96 - the fe;ll thing rather than the game- gave people in England a tast e of what it's like to support Oil team that not onl wins games but wins them in style. Ok, so the Germans were victorious as usuill,and they kno<ked England out on penalties again, but Engtand played with a grilce not seen for years and presented the fans with Oil feeling that most of them probably didn't know existed; iI pride In how they played rather than whether they won. Scotland, unfortunately. didn't find the rlghtgtar, but eVl'!n theynn look on some aspects of the tournament with a certain satisfaction, like the victory over Swiherland.All inall,itwas a fine competition, ill,d one that won't be forgotten for some time, or at least until the Igg8 World Cup In Franc:e. 8utwhatdoyoudoduringthattwoyears wait? A problem indeed. but one that. for Saturn owners at least. can be staved off With the help of one of the myriad football sims c:urrently available The latest to slip intoa pair of studs is Sega Worldwide Soccer '97. So it"syet another new football game eh? Well. not quite. be<ause - andthisought to be whispered - it's kind of a sequel to Victory Goal. Yep. Victory Goal. one of the worst football games around. Calling the game Sega Worldwide Soccer '97 marks both Sega's appreciation of what a poor reputation Victory Goal has. and a genuine belief that this is so much better than it"s predecessor. it doesn'l deserw: to be associilted With it. In most respectsthisseemsjustlfied.whiltwithillilrgely new progrilmming team. all·new internalional sides, a team edit mode which lets you rename any player you like Sut is this simply a lot of marketing psychobabble? Are we looking at Victory Goal's second
yellow card and immediate sending off? Or is this really. a much better game? The only way to find out is to play Ihe game, and one thing becomes appa ren t OIl once and it'slhat the gameplay has been through some conside ra ble alteralions The terrible game logiC of Victory Goal has been more or less completely done awaywllh,and in its place instead is some incredibly realis tic action, right down to goalkeepers who will come out to meet the ball if they're the last line of defence, ilnd the kind of defensive fumbles and scraps tha t form a part offootballing life. In Ihe commentary box. Sega have naturally dropped the manic Japanese commentary in favour of the talents of Gary Sloom - the commentator on Channel Four'S Foot ballltalia SWS '97 is shaping into a very good game indeed. and when the finishing touches have been added. including the chance 10 play simultaneous fourplayer mode. this could be one of the best soccer games yel to appear on Ihe Saturn. For the moment though, take a look at just what's on offer in this mosl surpriSing of sequels •• • • 1-
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ChIlCeIO . . . . 8OIlfrolll
W:e all football games, SWS '97 features loads of opportunities to cus-
th""ldiffl,...ntlll&l... Alld
tomise your players ilnd team strategy If you're not happy with your start-
till 0jJfI0I1.~.ltyto8loat 1
Ing eleven then swaps can be easily made. Maybe you're fed up With the traditional 4"4-2 strategy. in which case a SWitch lathe more pacey and adventurous 4-3-3 might be in order Very often, the multitude of options In sports games tend to act as a ritualistiC kind of decoration, having min'mum effect on the gameplay In SWS '97 this IS fortuniltely not the case,
each alteration in tactics affecting the shape of the game ' ~
~ ~.
. ,
rml ::. Rm
.. .
:. ,.
VICTORY GOAL: Sega·s football sim was the first to be released on the Saturn and It was a seriousanti·chmax.Score]2%
;:-m mi.N
Many of you won't have heard of Hat Trick Hero which IS hardly surprising considering it was only released on import A good thing to because It was absolutely awful. somethlflgthalltsincrediblycheesytitlemakes fairly obvious
AFA '96: With John Motson in the commentary box. the Megadnve hll FIFA·g6wasexpected to be oneoflhe really big football Slmson theSatum As It turned out. the game was a litUe bit disappoint· Iflg.belflg too slow and awkward at timestoearn champIOnship distinction Scored 80%
EURO '96: Gremlin·s brilliant Actua Soccer underwent some changes to transform into the official game for Euro·g6.and like the tourna· ment Itself. It"S provided the most entertainment in a football game so far. Barry Oavies takes up the commentary and allofthe European teams andplayersarelflcluded Score'g4%
-····--7·· · .--
- /-
Acclalm·s Striker sefles has along history on both console and pc, It's arrival on the Saturn brought With It another well known com· mentator. Andy Gray. and something not seen on the Saturn before-an option to play Ifldoorflvea-Side. unfortunately It wasn't enough to save It from being a mediocre title. Score 75%
OLYMPIC SOCCER:OlympIC So::cer was a bit of Iftlhlldetllled,loselPYOUCUIIHjlllthaw
jlalftstlklll3 lhl qlllityofthl lJl"lphlcllnd IIIlll1ltklntrt. It Ihtl lilt 1'111,,.. .twtadt.
Pll;f'ln_II'tI.IIoII.arlltyoftrkhlntbelr boobllketblollt-two,t/lt l bltnlQ,tlltlllclell klC;k alld tile 'llllIq. tfyotl aet It rl8ht It Iooksprtttyallllzinl·
a spin.off title from US Gold. designed to COinCide With their Olympic Games athletics Slm Because of thiS. expectations weren·t high, However. despite some fairly bland graphics. the gameenglfle IS excellent making It a surpflse hit Score 85%
4_3_ _
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• •
TOUCHY! One of the reasons Victory Goal was so bad was the lack of control the player had when player. Something like after·touch for example was com· pletely non·e)tistent. Not so with SWS '97. sporting as it does some nifty after·touch to help you bend the ball round a wall,pull offan in·swingl ng comerordeceivethe keeperwi thabananashot.
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If you know your football well. you might be familiar with the 'dummy and shimmy" This IS where the player lifts their foot over the ball and then moves It in the opposite direction to the dummy One player notoriouS for USlng,tisChrisWaddlewhenhe'sattacking down the wing, In SWS '97 you can e)tecute this very move
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IbovtSWS '97 11 tbt llItl'l 11 pr1ctkllly 1I 11IIi.1I1 n~lIIlIIrot.IJ' to ICOI'IIIOII, III II I Hnppy tljl 11. 01'1 lIIUlY voIltJ .
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oul-it',"1I 1111l1li1'1. 11111..,1 you", .
This is a faVOUrite of midf,elders who like to trap the ball to hold it up while the players move mtosp.:lCe It also asserts the midfielder's prerogative to change the pace of the gamelosu,thlsteamsstyleandtacticsVou might see the composed masters - men like Cantona.GUIIiI and Gascoine-using this, an air or arrogance about them as they survey the field
THE ONE·TWO: Everybody knows what a one· two IS; you pass the ball to a team mate and he passes,t back. Ofcourse. It"S pretty useless if the one·twoisn"t used to move past a defender by 'playingthetriangles'astheysayVou'lI see plenty of one·two·s in a team where the players are well Ofganisedandfamiliarwltheachothersstyl~
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CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY So you just want to play a friendly to brush upon your skills chI Wen that's fine, just go to exhibition mode and play your one-off match - you can even have f our of you playing at once, So you want the thrills and the
glory of winning the cup ehl Ok, go to tournament mode, choose how many teams you witnt to piHtlclpate and away you go. So you want the ultimate prize of league champions eh? well, you 'l! be want ins champ i-
onship mode then, where you plilY each and every team -three points for a win, one for iI drilw-to decide Just who's the best outfit in the wor ld. Yep, they're illI in SWS'97.
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'fIIrHCII ........... t_llnut. . . Genua ..... bKUtI Ht
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11'1 1 bkycJe . lc. III 1n'1C1. hll .........' • •
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The stOf)' in Soviet Strike is ~sed loosely on the previous games, although his time your mission Is to infiltr;llte fIVe eastern terrains and undercoYer various b<td guys before they start a huge world war. New for this game is the addition of TV reporters who give you clues for your missions and also cover up any mistakes that you might milke. Bilsically, the plot Is ~don't let this evil commies tilke over the world ever again. And as chief aU Americiln boy, it's obviously your job to ensure that this doesn't hilppen. So, think you're up to tt, chl,lCkie boy?
But whilt ilbout the gilmeplay in this all·neW]l bit ver· slon11s it almost the same ilS the 16 bit gilmes, or is it completely differenH Well, like the grilphlcs, the gilme· plilY millles up elements of the old series and adds new ones. You get the same helicopterthilt WilS in the previ· ous games (t he Apache). There's illso plenty of sub·mis· sionsto complete within eilch level, and once again, there·siln iiberbad guy t o ca pture. However,newforthis adventure are more spon t ilneous sub·missions thilt ilren't neceSSilfily milpped out ilt the beginning of each mission briefing-bilslcillly meaning th at you'll Just stumbl e ilcross th em as they happen. Al so, any enemies thilt you stumble across are far more Intelligent thiln inthe previ · ous titl es ilnd the wily in which you deill with them can effect events Iilter on on the game. You also get to try yourh,md out at nuclea r weaponry and can even blow up nuclear reactors-wiltch out for the fleeing people who turn green with radiat ionl
The grandaddy of them all, Desert Strike was probably the most controversiill gilmeifthe three, as It was released around the t ime of the Gulf War. EA were accused of being insensitive, ilnd some people tried to get the game bilnned. With subject matter that included track ing down an evil eastern madman, and blowing the hell out of everything, they has a point, but them agaln,It'sonlyagame,lnnltl
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set In the thkk of the fil lnforest, Jungle Strike used roughly the same formula again, although th is time, the bad guy was nuclear tester Genefill Kilbaba. This t itle Wil Sdifferent inthilt you co uld use four different vehicles to milke it across very varied terril lns. You could even useil Jetskil The last Inthe 16-blt serles, Urbiln strike went illI concret e and futured ilnother greedy drugs bilron. The gilmeplilY in this title was much more sophlsticated,ilnd this t ime featured liillsons with shildy chilrilcters, the protection of the Whltehouse il nd hostilge plck ups. Easily the most sophlstlcilted of the three titles.
BOMBERMAN 11'1:m~illf!$n .1 Bomberman is such a cute and loveable little man we're surprised he doesn't have his own cartoon show. Surprised, other than for the fact his raison d'etre is blowing up everything he finds. Join in the fun, the frolics and the flammables with his amazing Saturn debut... ust Imasine what ,ames culture would hiilve been like If 80mberman hJld decided to 80 Into I different line of buslneu. I mean, once you 're lumbered wit h the surname Man there's only I filllrlyllmlted KOpe for futUre (lreers, iilnd many of them IIren't exactly suited to video gaming. How well would the market hive responded to Milkman, where players attem pt to destroy each other by f1inglns flimsy gliilu bottles It each othert' he.ds,lnd Ifthey_reespecl.lly lucky ride a round 'n a little milk f10lt hitched from an elll Or what about Post man, where players don't do Inythl"Slt a ll1 Or Mr lowrman, 'n which the partldplnts outraseous Mr Whipp)' Ice cream haircut s and duet with Ser!ttr Pollttl on a sln81e hit record. Or pem,!" not. Ofcourse, had our diminutive andellceptionallyspheroid pal been bestowed with super-powers. his name would have set him up for life as a roving vigilante. A single bite from a radioactive Super was the only thing required to change his future forever. But no. The only way Bomber could escape his mundane destiny as Barman, Handyman or Layman was to acquire a gimmick, and explosives were his choice. But this wasn't always the way. Indeed. when Bomberman first decided on his name his original plan was to wear a black faux-leather j acket the whole time. Sadly people just called him Fonzman or Unfashionable man or (in summer) Sweatyman. Switching tack. Bombsy started riding a clumsy proto-BMX Raleigh bike in the hope it's Bomber nomenclature might rub off on him. All that rubbed off on him was the cheap paint job sprayed over the crinkly plastic covering the frame. Luckily. after putting an old colander on his head, Bomberman's last incarna l ion hit the spot. Now he roams grid路like environments the world over. lighting the blue touch paper and retiring in a variety of exotic locations. So how's this Bombering thing work then? Well, it's easy. Each Bomberlevel is laid out like a grid. Some of the squares are empty. and you can walk on them. Other5 are filled with indestructible blocks, and you can never walk on these. Some of them are filled with bricks, or footballs, or things like that, and these need blowing up before you can walltoverthe ground beneath. Blowing things up couldn't be easier. Just lay a bomb by the object you'd like to destroy and run away. The bomb now explodes outward in any direction not restricted by an indestructible blocl demolishing the fir5t thing the lines offire hit. At the start of the game you can only drop one bombata time. and itonlyhasa spread of two blocks around the bomb. However, picking up power-ups allows you to drop more bombs of greater destructive potential. The only snagisthatyou'revulnerabletoyour own explosions, which means one badly placed bomb and you're dead. And you thought army demolitions experts wereJust the thick ones who like blowing things up.
SATURDAY MORNING FEVER The good thing about Bomberman looking so simple is that it means Hudson have plenty of room left on the CD for some excellent presentation. Firstly. there's the excellent music tracks mentioned else where Secondly. there are stacks of groovy cartoons livening things up all over the shop. Before you even get into the game YOU're confronted with a three minute animated bomb festival which introduces you to all the characters and sets upthe story. Confusingly, That's Japanese an imation for you. Anyway, there's also another, shorter skit before embarking on the one-player game. That's nice of them.
MUSIC SOOTHES THE SAVAGE BOMBS On very first listen, Hudsonsoft seem 10 have forgone the powerful sound processors available to Saturn programmers. The tunes sound exactly like the old Dynablaster blaster music from the Megadrive verSion. in facl. But give the soundtrack a few seconds to warm up and your ears are assaulted by some of them junglist路house-rave-repetitive-beats dance tunes. Eeh. kids today with their beat boxes and breakdancing.1 don't know what the world's coming to.
I~ 1>1: 111'.'11';1>1 *1 BATTLE OF THE BATTLE PLANETS
Just like bilseball games, Bomberrnan allows you to choose a variety of stadia to play in. However, unlik e in baseball games, th is actually makes the slightest bit of differe nce. Just toillus trate the wide spectrum of possibilities this presents, allow us tog iveyoua quick rundown of all th e play palaces on offer. BATTLE Nothingpart,cularly interesling. to be honest. This is the basic backdrop With no frippery. There is a nice big "BAT路 TLE" sign written under the bricks, though.
JlINGLE Nothing to dow,\h the groovy in-gilme music, thiS is another fairly straightforward course With only some ,hatt er路 ing parrots at the side and crowns instead of briCKS to distin-
guishitfromthefirst. FOOTIAll Nota cash-in on the current craze at all,thesoccer round has footballs instead of bricks, and a couple of goals at either end to trap opponents in. DESERT The first sign of unusualness, the Desert arena hasa rectangular riverofsand running around the centre. This carries bombs on a clrCUlt around the middle of the screen. hopefully todestroyyourfoes SPACE One of the most interesting stadiums This one has three sWitches in the middle,activated by the pressure of your little Bomberfeet Hitting one speeds everything up, hitting another slows everything down and the middle one reverts things to normal. FAItGftOUIII Destraythe ice creams to uncover your icons and lead the way to trampolines. These bounce you off in the dIrection from which you approach them, buffeting you over blocks and ices to land in the next available unoccupied space. WEllDPUCE We'recalling it Weird Place because we haven't qUite worked out what's so different about this one Sorry. I..A8ORATORY The arrows placed on the floor seem a bit out of place, until you try kicking a bomb over one. The bomb follows the dire<tion of the arrow. and if this leads to another
If we're being honest. and we always are beca use we're so nice, Bomberman wouldn't ha ve ever sold one tenth as many copies if it we ren't for the excellent multi-player opportunities. The Saturn version tops any previous effort byfaciliht ing TEN PLAYE R games. If you haven't got nine friends. don't worry - you can play with fewer if you like. Hell, if you' re th at lonely you can play on your own. We won't tell. And the Saturn, t rusty old beast that it is. will play the part of your friends. It works li l:: ethisbefore kicking off a multi-player game you're presented w it h an option screen which allows you to set how many players you want, ho w many of these are human beings. and how many are controlled by th e CPU. Once you've set t he right quantities. plugged in your ad apt ors (if you want lots of re a l people) and millions of pads. you're re ady to roc l:: Many other aspects of this exciting and novel feature a re det ailed elsewhere in this fascinating showcase. Dig it,dudest
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Footlll.llwOIIldpnlblblJbeQJlIIlll"'llplllllllir IR lllltrlu If they IIIlde it Ihl"loltl\.
I AM THE MASTER! GAME! The second long-play mode in Bomberman is the na tt ily t itled Master Game. It's one player oniy. and you're only given one life. The object ofth is quest is to destroy all of the monsters roaming each stat ic screen. On ce they're all dead a ladder descends from t he heavens and offers you a way out. The Master Game differs from the nOlm in t hat ifs only pl ayed on static single screens, so you can see t he w hole level at once. Also, the ti me limit s arewaystricter. You路re ba rely given time to w hack all the bad guys, let alone blast the bricks to get hold of essential bonuses. Unsu rprisingly, hearts are top powe r up here, as they allow you to survive more h its. A readout at t he top of t he screen tells you how many hearts you have, the number of bombs you can drop and your bomb power and speed-u p levels.
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Bomberman has stacks of power-ups in all the play modes. Way to many for us to fit In here, to be honest. But we'll tell you about some of them The most common three are htra Bomb, Bomb Power and Speed Up. The first allows you to drop one more bomb at a time than previously (so you can have up to Six or so bombs on-screen), the second adds another block in explosion radius to each of your devices and the third makes Bomberman move faster, There's also hearts, which allow Bomberman to take more than one hit. boots which allow our hero to kick bombs along the floor, P-Bombs, which are super-powerful explosives of the scariest order and Pipe Bombs, which aren't detonated With a timer, but With a press of the B button
Bomberman might be Hudson's most prolific character, infecting every format known to man with his explosive nature, but his aren't the only games the team have produced, Prior efforts like BC Kid and Adventure Island were big a couple of years back, mostly on the SNES (boo hiSS), Bomberman is obviously a generous soul, though, because he's allowing his stablemates to piggyback on his game, in the two-player game you're given a choice of Bombermen to control. Only two of these are traditional Bombermen, however, The other consist of slap headed neanderthal child BC Kid,baseball-hattedand bad-haired neanderthalchild MrHiggins from Adventure Island and a load offoppish fantasy characters from some i1:PGs or something that Hudson have done. It makes it a lot easier to remember who you're plaYing, that's for sure
Mano-a-manoisn'ttheonlywaytoplay Bomber man you know. Oh crikey flip no no no, there are Two other ways of play it The first is the one- or two-player exploration game. Your Bombmeisterstrolls around scrolling levels of bricks, blocks and baddies, bombing everything, The idea of each level is to destroy the five flashing red control beacon things before time runso ut Once they're smashed the exit opens up and it's onto the next stage. This is much like Bomberman ever was, but it's been revamped with the help of F-BITness. There are now loads of obstacles and bits of scenery which conceal sections of each stage, so you're never quite exactly surewher e your bomb is (or where you are). There are also sub-games or bonus points - one stage has Bombser lighting cannons with his cherries and blastingoctopi from the sideofa Ship, Plus, of course, there are gia nt bosses awaiting at the end of each level, ready to crush you to a pulp,
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\10n... lIW\lUAJ lI1.lom<" tlll\''', I''''' '' 'IOn.,
Ta tarCJet the real SeCJG enthu5ia5t
cm .... TSFORTllf '1'lr")()Itt. '~ BII ( (1\'>011 .\lORT-UKO\IBATII,lum ... llll,.\I ... III .... .. \1(1\''> pt ~'.-.nTlO\. flU.-.OIl110\ 10 m..,,,I\URll) \[\" ~! lOADS Of 111\ TS, TIp<,,, (Ill \t.., 10R IHI 111"1'(
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Chris Pel'era NDW an D 1,71 972 S7aa
HI)\11 l.1(()\\' l'IW[)lCTIO'<' I lD. rosoll 193, IIAYES,\! II}OX
16 BIT
~ CALLNOW Ei1 (\flEil v- 01588 67.\.100
(\fl"" MEG.m\RT.p.o.IOI 11 CR-"'D' AR\IS.SHROPSHlRf.,S\1 nnL \\to!l"lllt .-'m.,.. priH .... ndi llll5' ... cm. Oft'er.!'PIla t(l ~"me!! Ithln tHyme to.nd.
JlpOIn, Vlrtu,Filhterl,em.lnstM unanallable coln-op of the moment.
Okay, you've looked at the screenshots and you're slightly bewildered at just what 80ga and AM2 are up to. After aI, this is just Virtua Fighter 2 with different graphics, isn't it? WeL kind of.
. . ,","fig'''''-
fillC!'s.ua new challenger enters Ihe
DespltlfthelilU"chofpseudo-HqUfl FI8htlnBVlpt!rsand~(ompetitlon~ In the form ofTekktn and Its IIk,AM1'S
gamebelngp;JftlculiJrlypricf'l ess
title Is sUII the most played a.cade
~ i ds ·style reml~esoflhe c.l asS iCVF l
Topping off the atmosphere perfectly is ~newriln8eofeffectSOilnd
brill lilnt
Sun ... • ndprobOlblywlllst.. yll'lthatposltlonuntltthe
relnJeofVF3_ SegilofJapiln"s;umfo,VFK,dswastoInCluse Ihe aud,tnce for VF stlllfurthel,taking the Irie-d and testedVFgilmeplilyilndgivlnsltasllghtlymorC'user· fflendlyappearance. FQr I,IS westerners, il mIght Oill be OibltconfuSlng,butlhefOictremOi lnsthatVF ln~n)' fOfmlsprettybloodybrllh~ntactuillly-ilndwe'lIper
fOfm AkirOi's Stun Pillm of Ooom on Oiny body thOit SOiYS otherwIse VF KIds lSf.nt-Oi full 20 percent faster thOinVF2 Oind retOilnsthe OimOizlng high resolution grOiphlu Oind super-smooth frOime rOitethOit distinguished what rem~ins as AM'z finest houl The big huds ~Iso feOi· tu,e many new fa cial expressions, with the su'prr5e
enOiblesyou to string together combinOitions of "d,ffi· cult" moYeS wIth deceptrvee.ilse. It h.ils to be nld that the origlnil VF2 wu something of a technically corn· plex gOime,Oind this mode opens up the gOime greitly (although itmOiyupsetpeopl ewhOOirereOison.ilblyOiU fait with VF1'S conttol) However, for Oill its dIfferences, the gOime Is Vfl (OilbeltWlthsomerortherspecIOi lbells'n'whlstles).ilnd whether you WIll want thIS game depends on I num· ber off;i(tOfs Obviously the first concerns whether youactulllyownVFlllreldy·despitethemyrlld alterltions, there's very hnle In the way of surprises ind if you do hOivethe originOiI version In your colle<· tlon, I'd only re<ommend the new g.ilme to reOil, die·
hOird VFz f~ns, If you don't own the original. you'll hOive to choose between thIs kids edltlon.ilndtheestlblishedVF2.eICh hOisitschOirms,butmypersonOiI flvourrte Is stili with the orlginOiI (whic h I would stIli rate It 9g,,) ,the Kids edItion's fighters re.illly don't Oillow you tOlpp!"ec llte the brillilnce Ind ruhsm of the OIlglnlrs motion Clpture, simply beuuse the Oirms Oind legs In Kids are so smalll Ofcourse, others might go for Kids becOiuse of its elrtrOi speed Ind combo potentIOiloritselrtr.ilvisuOiIOippe.ill,soitillkindofbalancesout rellly. The fact thOit Kids Is oi full twen ty quid chuper th~n the older conversion might also be i smOiIl determiningfactOl in your decision In the end It comes down to personOiI preference becOiUse the bonom line Is thOit VirtuI Fighter in any of its vlrloYs forms is videogOimes entertOiinment pilr excellence
TRIPLE REPLAY ACTION! E.ilch of the charOicte rs hils Individual moYeS Oind combln.iltions that look Oibsolutely speclOiculOir Oind AM2 hOive picked Oi few of them for trlple·replay duties. Baslcllly whenever one of these moves is successfully performed. the Oiction Is repllyed from three different perspectives to emphasise how grut It Ioob · I trick first employed In Fighting Vipers. SOme of the more pluslng throws ause ~ swift chlnge In amtrl Ingle to emphlsls the power of the technique · Wolf's GlInt Swing being OM of the most excellent to beholdl
I had an awesome dream about an alien invasion the other night, which I have to say was loads better than Alien or Aliens or Independence Day or anything. It was absolutely brilliant, and I hope to have more like it. Now I can try to re-capture that excellent dream with Acclaim's oldest licence•.. ns~e.theys.lly.no-oneu"hur
you KlUm. Why', that, thenlls
nlSf'lhedlfferent 'IOUl'Ids made by the va,ious el'lemies and knowwherlyou'reabovtto be att.l<:ked.
'pJ(ede,lfor some· th lns7 They should trytumlnl thelr blHdin' s~(e teUys down iI bit and keeping In urout for,lny paulnl human In trouble,1 reckon. Take
youngRlpley, thefrirtydlkbtrel heroine of the Alien TriJosy. Yo\I'dthlnk, ..s.vul ner3ble ,ln.
Ahel'l Tnlogy compelling. AI Its heart the game Is a s,m· plecaseofexplOfingvaguelymaze · h ~e(andnotlh at massive)~lsunt,I}'Ou·vefOl.lndanddestroyedevery
thing you I'Iee-d to' Whilst this ma~es for minimum faffingaboutwh'lstplaymg. it 'sillsoAloer1 Tnlogy's most obvious flaw After pliI)'ll'lg away for a couple of hours 11'1 Ol'le s,ttmg there Isa tendency to Iosc intere5t il'l what's going on, 1'10 m atter how much prog,ess you're makmg through the game This iSil faidycorn · ITIOIl occu.rence il'l many games. and it's 1'10 worse for Aloer1Tnlogythanitisfor.say.L.oaded.butifswonh mentlOl1lng HoweYef, for the most part Alien Trilogy is ilce The g.aphics ilre priliseworthy, With the play enwooment eyoking a sense of mystel)' ad urgency In the game The sprites look great too, although the.e·s occasionally a bit of dodgy an'matioo whel'l the fully-grown illiens turn to one side. but il'l gel'ler.lltherTlCMeffientofsuch huge sprrtesdeseI'Vl!'SOU.ul'lCOf1d'llOIlalapplauSf'The'lOUrId is crackmg too. mostly sampled from the real mcMes. lhealoennolSf'Sandeenemlnlmahstmusicareimpo!" tant ingredient in Alien T'ilogy's goodness. The playablll· tyisPfettybultless, it's fast ITlOVIng.thecontrols are Slmp!eandresponSI'lleOeSSoindthere'sabso!utelyloads ofkllhng Ifyou're dymg for Doom.Aloen Trilogy might not fit the bill In the Soime way .IS Exhumed If you're an Alien fan though. or just out for .. n Impressive super· dealhshoot·emup.it'sgolwhatlttakes
,. --
,;look elsewhere. Every (and slltheri"l and
gilme is crilwt'"g With htefillly NUM SEllS
ofevilETsJoinlngtheirnefarloYsranksare sq .. adrons ofsuryhumanbe,"gj.l)ld~rsouttoget
you. Strilngely elWlUgh these bIoke-s oeverget tilten bylne al.ens Maybe they've ~e fr.ends Of some· thing. Anyway, your job is to diSpose of them all With maximum viOIente. There are other objKtIV6 to achieve every now and then,hke tripping light sWitches orcollect,ng ID urds from dead colonish, bYt for the most part the big idea ofAhel'l Tniogy istoWiide in Wlthallgunsblazmg Hoo.vevef, there·sal'latmosphc'etoAloeI'lTnlogy I'IOt foul'ld In compa.at~ t,tles such as Doom. Instead of constantly.emindmgyouwhatth.eatyou·refacing.AT ma~esanefforttoconcealthepredatorsstal~ingyou.
GoII, It'• ...,.... wIIH 11111 bppe-. VIIII_. f~t"'" "JM,It ..... I.,... ftII'kad,J'OII tillllk ,..'"UDt itIIIcltIltIIlUltptIlllUIlIUHI,IIow1y_IJIiIC)'OIII'rWoII.
~ SEG ..\ SATU~ N
hide. hid'ngthem behind doors or wlthil'l shitdows You're gl\lefl i motioo tr.K~er to~rn you of impendmg death. bulyou're betteroff~eepmgyou ears Dpel'l Ihan trusllngyou' miChil'lery. Pretty SOOI'I you iearnlo,ecog-
-_ ..... -
\., . A •
OS .. . ... t l
SItoellq..,tflk_... llaftl,.,.wtt.llteupkulq
--...... a., IlIek IlIWH .. IN now ..III,....,. ,.......1" Ik _I, " ' " ca. I.n wkNl ,..'VI ... by I.. "'a~ tWap.
--.;::;.!!"!'-_.. D4B
. ,.~--
~ .'.1 " ""~ .. ........~ ' ., St.irlatt .. "..,...r.,.uperIt~.IIt". O!'fIoon,.lMy'lIqlk ...,.uyt",-lltMlr
.,'trtlta .. t,....'M. RI ••• lJ! 0 7 .. ... ,
f, ",
- _ . \.
1~ 1:1:&'u:&~'11 In the wake of the Atlanta OlympiC games, Athlete Kings arrives to give your fingers a good working out. Is it going to be up there on the rostrum?Or are we looking at a waste of a goodjoypad?
thletuare,l prtttydediutll!'d bunch.
::~~~;~~:I::':a~: :~:~(;:~a~:. t!S8-branJulce. Then theY"t! out of
the houu:fOfabriskmornlngj08. wi'tingtothemllkmanuthey !.et
about .. quick four mile sprint. Not
Isfledwith this, they spend the rest of the dll)'dolng things lih push-ups, sqUOIt·thrush, weights, swlmmins. ci.(ulttu,lning,olndjllstabolltamythlng e lse that makes you, bodyfu l Uke a
piece of hyperventilatedjelly. So why bother ehl InSleOld simply e)(elClse tl'lose fingers with Ihe help of Sq:;fs Athlete Kln8s. Oil game Ihill joins
the'lrack'n'field',evwalcuf.l:'ntly.n effect The gilme is Oictuilllyil st'illght conve.slon of the afcilde Silme. undertil kenbyAM3themselveswlththehelp oftheSTV~,d
Riltf'ler than going for the Olympic style as US Cold h,ll'e. ,I concentrates
Instcadon thede.::Oilhlete, the mOSlsadistl(Oithletlc speclOiliSOitioninvo/vlngtenevenu-loomet,es,long jump, 400 metres, high jump, shot put. 110 metre hurdles,dlscus,jOivelin,pole~uttaoolsoometres If}'OY want towin the (ompetltlonyou'lI do them one afl:er the ot her, pornts for each event bc:ingadded up attheendtorevealtheftnestallroundathlete AlternOitrvely, pla}'ers COin select Oi single event OInd brush upon their strlls. There are ten ath· letes to choose from ,n thegOime-seven menOioothreewomen-Oindtherrtil!ents
However, Athlete Kings Oilso uses qu,te Oi lot of Oilter· nat,vejOYPOid methods, especialtyin events like the high jump, the pole vault and discus. Llkew,se, for something like the lS00 metres, you're not expected s,mptytotryOind b<rsh hell out of the buuons for hillf iln hoo., the pfOg.Oimmen. choosing to inco'porOite a stOimlnasystemlnslcadwhereJudg· mentOiSmuchas~cels.equrred At fi.st, tl'lesewnlrol styles m'ght seem a bit Oiwkward (pole vault In parllcular) However,afl:erplaYlngforawh,leyou come to realise they're actually quite Ingenlous,prov,dlngtheplayerw,tha chance to genuinely improveilnd enhOincetherrte.::hnique It OiISOfneOins that those who W.ilp p!ilsten round therrfingersilndrubtheJoy~dvoolent
Iy OIren't ne<:essallly gOing to come out on top Visually, Athlete Kings Is more or less ldentICill tothe arcade gOime, The an,matlon is amilzing, moving ilt an impreSSive 60 frames per Sf!(:ond whICh Is the same as VirtUOi Fighter 2,ilnd the graphrcs (OipOirt from some b'Z;Jrre hOirrstyles) are for the most pOirtfaultless TheontycrrtlClsmthOitCOinbeJustlylevelled OigalnstAthleteKlngs'sthatlt'sonlyiltwo-plil)'er game Why It couldn't have involved Oit lcastfour plOi)'trs Is Oi reOiI disappointment. especlOlllywn· slderlng US Gold's Olympk Games lets e'ght p!Oi}'erscompete Oit once. Nevertheless. Athlete Kings is one of the best sports s,ms you're like· ty to see on the SOiturn th,syeOirOiOO. ,f .. }'OY'le~tjngfedupwlththoseseemingly endlessfootb<lll s,ms, this makes fol a : refreshlngOilternat've
lie...,. IP PI! off.,.
IfftIJ.,. t. tM cl"DWll
IMf.,.. , . . . , " " fut f... alllllrt IjIKt of I. ..
If there's been one game style that's yet to make an impact on the Saturn, it's the first· person perspective shoot 'em up a la Doom. Well stop your whinging, because with the arrival of Exhumed, the wait is at last over!
D I!i: :::0'
month ~
and months we've hd
teu from f,uJlrated Doom f ,lnt u klns whe n they (an nped to J.ee It on the Satu l n. Wha l no one thought to uk wu 'why does It h.lve to be Doom at all l', A.flerall, lt', mOfeth e th.lllofa first-person perspective shoot 'em up that ', the attraction. Only afle • • lame going under th e name of 'Powe, Slilve' w;u shown oH at the El show did
I ..
people wake up from their lamentable Doom mu si ng.
Power Slave was the crutlon ofil smallandreliltlvelyfreshsoftw"e house ulled Lobotomy ilnd It only took a few playable I_Is to molke people realise thilt you didn't reallynf!'ed Doom iltallw,thilgamehkethlsknock'ng about.So5e'gllsnolppedupthepubhshin8"ghtslnBfltain·8aveitthe~
t,tle,bhumf'd,andsettlf'dboickto gloatOW'r~surpflsedIKovery.Andlhq' h~VC' every rlllhl 101110011 100, be<~use not only Is EKhumed ~ re~lIyp~cq' shoot 'em up - more Of less twice ~s fast ~s Doom, II also features the kind ofbfllhanthllhtsoufC'"lIeffectSlhat many a cynic thoullht Impossible on the Saturn
Doom, hhumed has a mythical Ellyptian settinll The b~sicplotisslmpleenoullh-theancientlombof
Ramsses has been desecrated by a supernatural breed who intend 10 l.Ise the powers therein to destroy humanity Vourjobas the heroic soldlef type Is to dls, cove r how to lIet the e"humed body of ~amsses back 10 his resling place and reslofe order and general h~p· pinessamonllall Theplayers\arlsoffwlthonlyasword,althoullh il isn't lonll before you manalleloplckupa pistol The othefsiKweaponstloweverafemOfethanahUle 10ullhtofindThefe'salltheclasslcweaponsofthe genre from the Moo machIne lIun to the flame thfower, and thefe's ~Iso some weapons deslllned to fil In wIth the EgyptIan theme a bIt mo.e, hkethe CobraStaffandManac1e Naturaltyhhumedfeatures loads in the way of shoot 'em up actIon wllh enemIes
__• • 1-
~ T_'-
popPIng up from beh,nd every door, leap'"lIoutofvasesorlurk'"lIdown gnm comdors, whICh onty the hllht of lIun blast WIll reveal Atlofthlskeeps you flllhton your toes, and foftunatety thereafeplentyofhealthandweapons pICk ups to keep you alrve What makeshhumed realtychal , leng'"gthoullh Isthat whIle the actIon IS prc1:tyconstant. It stIlt contaIns plenty ofcryptlcdNerSlons EartyonfoleKam· pie you need to collect four Egyphan symbols '" order to access new afeas and afttr thIs therearesomesmartplCk·upshkemalllcsandals whiCh enable you to jump hlllher, someth'"lIelse that opens up new teffltory to e"plOft Andthefe'splenty of that. what wIth l7 hUlle levels, and the need to constantly move back and forth to access areas previ' ouslyunobtainable. EVC'n Ramsses'splflt pops up now and then to offef you a httle bIt of advIce on where to go and what to look fOf To top things off, hhumtd lOOks rtally Impres· SIVC' too. All of the backdfopS ha~eanauthentlc Egyptl,lnfeel, render'"g In detaIl the anCIent afch" tectureand decoratlon5, and th,s coupled wllh Ihe peffectlysampledsound effects and fine anImatIon go to make thIs a stunn,"g 5hoot 'em upeKpeflence Fofllet Doom - If there's a game to be emulated It"s Exhumed
"11e11l1.~sQ!a.tlrJlIOtte.ltllQ'tl tllo ..
c'-h IMunI
Ill., ...",,', lIMe,.,.
.f; SEGA SAT\..Jf.(N
OUT _...
....... ,.......,. .... thlDIIIEDmOIIrA ..... laturft ...... (1ktotIIr .....). "1OUC*Nt . . It,IMlrbl .... tefll1 . .
!WIlE _ _ _ _ __
~ -----------------
1~liJI'.II~'11 W"rth Slam 'N' Jam and the quirky Space Jam also set for release in the next few months, NBA Action finds itself sweating it out on court for true of supreme basketball sim.1t looks like winning the tip off.
who's only the s.e<ond Englishman In hlftoryto make It to the NBA.Well,1 SlY play with him, It wu mort a matter of paninl the bail to him on the few IKaSlons I actually got on the court and then lettinB him do his stuff. He W31 bll you 1ft, veryVl!rytlllllnhrt,andthnhilrbourssurprislng advanUlfl where the game afbasRthilll1s concerned. Asdoesablentfo'~rventdribbling.
BasketbaU'srise in popularity over the pasl decade 01 50 is 50methins milrore(1 in the oon·
sole industry. Perhaps the clillssicb<osket· ball title WilS NSA Jam
by Acclaim. which
appe.ued 01116 bit ma(hinesyears agD. The8enre·s~npopular~fsiflCe.ilnd
3l bit tethnology has seen a shift aWilY from the carnival atmosphere of NBAJam to more realistic 3D polygonised games NSAAction fallsintolhelater. Rather than going for two-Qn·two it features a fullfivc:-on·five match up. In fa.ct. NBA Actkln goes fo. the full monty by induding all the NBAteams,ead'1 and every ~ayer-eventryingtorendeftheirfacial
ff'atlJresaccuratf'lywhf'nYOUSl!f'thf'm closf'up-andbyfaithfully.eproducing thf'standardsoff'ach tf'am and thf' ta l· f'ntsofindividual pla)'1!.s.Svch attf'ntion todetailhaspa)'1!doffaswf'II, and~n
managf'S to gf't you staring rf'ligiously at thf'v.nt rangf' ofstats df'Y(ltf'Ci tOf'ach
tf'amandplayerinan f'fforttofullyutiliSfOyour strf'ngths.5im,la.Iy,thf' NBAplayoffsarf'lnthf'rf' wlththf'p.omisf'of games almost as thrilling aswhat's~n~nlnthf'
rf'al thing this SfOason betwef'nthf'ChkagoBulls and Sf'attlf'Sonics. As far is thf' gamf'play gOf'S. NBA Action takes quitf' a sophisticatf'd approach. That's not to say it's complicatf'd to control..athf'.that if you want to start rf'atlyturn ingon thf'stylf'you'v.!gottolf'arnhow to do things likf' 'roil' anopponf'nt and work a few tricks to find thf'spacf' for a shot Thankfully thf'gamf' logic ISf'xcf'l. If'ntwhkhmf'anS,forf'xamplf', whf'nyoumakf'apassit'lIfind thf'playt:'rinthf'm05tspaCf'or m05t dangf'rous position. Ukewise, it means a good tf'a m can puttogf'thf'r somf' flashy moves,onf' pla)'f'f th.owingthf' ball up for anothf'r to collf'ct and dunk for f'xamplf'.AII this makes for somf"f'allyf'ntf'rtaining baskf'tbilll, evf'n if you'rf' just watching G.aphically NBA Action is v.!ry ambitious. It's use of 3D polygons and ff'al·timf' animation arf'largf'ly SUCCf'ssful,although onf'has to admit that the cha.· actf'fS thf'mSf'Iv.!S look a bit blocky,f'sPf'(lallythf'
s.qua.f' hf'ads with f'f'rif'facf's plastf'red onto the front ofthf'm.N~rthf'lf'ss,thf'visualaSPf'ctsofthf'game
work to complimf'nt thf' mOff' Sf'riOus mlndf'd app.oach tothf' sport This luds to onf' criticism I would makeofNBA Action-morf' amattf'roftastf' rf'ally-andit's that thf'sobf'r ta kf' on thf'gamf'mf'ans it lacks someofthf'razzamatazyou'lI find in something likf' NBA Jam TE. Whilf' the dunks look smart thf')' also look rf'alistk, somf'thingwhichma kf'sthosf'triplf'plkf' turns and monstf'r If'aps of NBA Jam TEabitoutofthf'quf'stion. With thrf'f'baskf'tball gamf'sduf' forrf'lf'a~inthf'nf')(\ff'wmonthsyou'lI
bf'wantlng tochoosf' wISf'ly. Vou can't really l05c withNBAAction,offeringasitdOf'sthc m05t ~allsticintf'rpff'tatlonof t hf'sportandprovid·
ingamoreweightyaltf'rnativ.!tothf'f'xlravagant NBAJamTE,
Rent any 'atest re'ease from just
QUEEN OF THE MAPPING SCENE Maps are usdul thlnllS, especially ifyou"r a cartographer, because then maps pay your elect.icity bill and buy all YOUf sin. They'.efalrly useful for Space Hulkamanlacs too, but not quite so practIcOl'. As)'ou wander around the abandoned wrechge tholt Is the alien brH'dlns 8foundyour map fills Itself In, allow.
Ingyou towo.k out where the best pl,cts fOI all your troops ;lrt.Ahlnt Is that the best place is not on Iheirown In the mid路 die of Oil big room surroond~ by enemy forces.
拢3.49 for three evenings
If a girl dressed up in a bunny costume and not a lot else came up to you and started poking you in the back with an umbrella, what would you do?Would you know that she was from a distant land and needed to save her people from an evil troll? Or would youjust cry and run away?
+1 1nl
. ,'. ;, ~;%.it. , ---.- . ~ '"'!
mmm.trlckythiltone.Well, lt't'sp.e·
tend for a mlnllttthat you didn't actu·
alty run away wetting yourwtf.
Unliktly, SUfe, but then KeloFlying SquOIdronlsn'tliktilnOrdlnilrygilme,
back of her sWimming costume, Rani must battle her way through hordes of strange creatures, picking up thlflgshke malletsafld umbrellas that will help her bash things in along the way, It's all verycutesy, and very reminiscent of old Megadnve platformerswhere yo..,justr..,naro..,ndpickingthingsupwhileverylittle oanyreals..,bstanceactuallyhappefls8utwhere other games would get panned for t his very reason, in
tt hils flying spue Mars and big fat wtfltle~th .. tturnlntosplnnln8topiwhentht!Yltt even slishtly Irribted. hnl (that 's the girl) Is supposed tosortoutillltheseusty~pleilllbyhersl!lf, .. nd ahhough shegtts help from time to time from her pet dragon,thert's only so much a spindly little girl un do on her own. Espedillly when she's b«n forced to wur rldlu.lous bunny taU and a little pink drtSJ.
If you haven't already reillised from this biurre rambling,Keio Flying squadron is a platform gaml:' of
the old complicated-plot type. It's based around theJapaneseEdoperiOOwherelherewere fierce feuds almost everydayoflhe week. Theydidn'l really Involve pandas d ressed up in straw hats and aprons and there weren'lany teddies thalwenlto Ila l arts school eilher, bUI Ihen this is
bly because the graphics are so weird that you spend most of the time racing aro..,ndtryiflgtofind flew and strange to look at Inaway,it'slikea -the graphics are
.'W ,o~~"y",p."",andsomeof
if you've been inlO 5ega consoles for a while, you may rememt>er Ihls lille on the The same Ihreads of the 16·bil game have Iransferred to the Saturn Iltle, With the action split between pial form levels and flying sections. where Rani takes to the skies on her peldragon, And rather than assigning each level a certain objective, there's bosses sprinkled all over the place, and the idea is to destroy them rather Ihan find a key or :: .. ~ something 'U' «.... 8asICally, the overa ll aim istorid the world ofeverythingf!:V11 and get
- '- ~
... W®
blc.aUII)'04IdJI In'ronl hit.
--. -~.
~~ ill' .. . '<..
RlIII '1 1II1 dragon 1ft Icllon. with I0Il11 ltrallp JIj>l ...1I tllt. 'IhdoR'1 know whit It IIIIlnl. P roblllll~OW".
A&/I111'llhlrunawl1lraln l"el!A,oldllllhlrlllln8nre aM all thlobsllclll,
BOSSES bosses you'll bump Into art porcelain utI that tome andJumponyou and these sumo wftstlers who turn Into raging milnlacs once you slap them ilround with your umbrel·
la a bIt Usually. it doesn't take too much effort to get rid of them, but r!'s deflnitely more fun Just watching Ihem, '1S the .,nglrcr they become, the mort things they changt Into. Not
something you'd see too often in Western style games, Ihafl fOf sure
,~ -
~ ~! ~ .'
'-'- -
If you're despairing of the current death· heavy bias in games design, this could be just the tonic your shell shocked Satum needs. Set the controls for the heart of
=~:::~';°Il~U:~~Wh~t GOIm" Should Be Ukt. In the red (all over) «>f~', we hil~ the mottly AmerkilnilndEuropeilnpubll,hen
responsible for the Gore Galore dirKtlon, tltll!$ like Lolded,Allen Trilogy and QUlke. In the blue (omt. Ire the mainly Jap,lneJe house, who think lames should be I filmityafblr, andutlte numbers like NIGHTS, Sonk ilnd Mun Bun Machlllt. Bust· A·Mt¥tteJf;aIl$loOlIdlylikl!af.tdumplnt~L1t
tefUlteIOf}'· lnothe,_ds, it'sillir\y game. Obviously this is nothing 10 be ilshilmedof.e-specialtyasitmunsthert
won't be a lurid sensal,onilhst "took At
years. but it's very dlff~r~nt innum~rous
when you consider buying Bust-A-Movt
for your Saturn-and conSider you will -bear In mindthiltyour mumwiltprobOIbly spend ilS much time playing it ilS YOU will for whilst Bust-A-Move 2 maintains lhe
Itd~pends a lOlmOle
on your hand·eye coordonitlveaccuracythan OIh1!r games of this ilk. Insludofmatchlngupfalhng
heartofamalteser Now if you've looked at th1! shots you're probably thinking "wtl!, it looks just li ke_ryotheramazingly compulsiveJapanesepuz-
screen from a rotating h.arpoon gun thing Even if you thln~ you know wher~ you want your n~xt Bobblt, actu.ally gunning it onlo the COffect loca tion Is a dlff~,~nt man~r, espetlallywh~nth~screenstarts tofill up,
besortofflghl,Bulthafs just because Japanese soft· warehouses a,erullyrully goocI at Cfuting the kondsofself. rephcatonB btain t~ase,s thal destroy your sleep cycle Bust·A·MOYe 1 may may work on th~ "dlsappeaflng blocks' fofmat popularised by TetflS,
~~. tJ;It
., .... ~
Andfillup ltdoes,than kstoth~evilmach l' nalionsofyourcomput~r·orhum.an'con·
trolled oppon~nt on th~ opposit~ s;d~ of th~ screen, FoIlowong thedictatesoftradrtlOfl the mOI'~ 8obblesyouburst(bymatchlngupthreeOflTlOfeof th1!s.ame(oIour,natur.aIIyJth~mOI'e"bonus"Bobbles
appear on the other sld~ This otMously works both
..werQlc.PCI9*'p.lM.yo.ltn.tlMp,.. ...t· t. . ._rorabolll ••I.. U.,. ... It r." ..... )OIIrllttlt 1II.......... ."....IIt . . . t..,...,. ..ltlMlrnrlHlul· . .t ....
_ _7_8
iII .It_~btibllla, MIIW.,."IM'IIIJ',
ways.SOIh1!re'snopointjustknockong offthree 80bbles at a tlm~ - you've gol to go fOl th~ longstflng·comboburn before your foc fills your httle Bobbl~ p.ark and crushes you Ii~~ th~ despicabl~ ant you are It all sounds very simplistic, almost limited tvtn,buIOnCtyou'vela kenfiveminuttstogttintolt, Bust·A,Move 2 will monopolise your machln~ for some !Imetocome f'ersonally if I had Invented it I'dcharBe people to play per level,untll the streets were_ntu· ally flooded With daled 8·A,M d~rellCts beggong for mOI'e cash to h_ "just one more go' Like all these onlellectual·type things Bust-A· MOYe 2 IS best on two-player mode, as humans a,~ notOfiously far less predictable and far mor~ pron~ to sudd~nmlstakesthancomputers,Plus,ofcourse,
thtlt's not much satisfaction in laughing and flicking the Vs at your inammate Saturn,AJthough it never stops m~. However, _n If you haven't got anoth~r frjendlnthewo'ldtheextrem~dlffOCl.lltyof laterlevels
and th~ on~'playe. Pulll~ Mode (detailed ~Isewhefel mak~11 mo.ethan worthy of your lime Check It out as soon as you can, but keep it away from your little sister (lfyou'vtgotOflC'l
SOil! p/¥rt of the5e hnd·to-/'I9d puttIe pnn al'f:tl'tqulteso well~bfttheir_popu ~r counterpol rU 8ust-A.-Mowe ~ ps some ~ to red~slns thI$ bala#lte by lndl'd1na a Slnp.FJI¥t'<Onty PIlule Mode. Unlike the rmin pn1e)OU play .pnst no-one butthedod..Eachst.tecanfronts you with a complex qyout dBobbln _/tIns destruction, The first f t BobbIn )'DU're
Ihlentoflre~the sculptu~areusuallyrtahtfor
the Job, but make ~ mistake and )OU'~ lumbefed, AftefafriJhtt'nlnlJlyshortspilCedtlmethetopof
tM IewI ~ bringing tMwnoiecaboodledown ~)'DUI')'DUnsd~pup.QuId:tyI8lfttthe
remall'llnlllobblet; 01' ~Ishl -'leee!
4fii' SEGA SAnJI<N
It's months sn:e we Showcased Thor, but the final version is ready for review at last And about tee too. ~~~ mMwe~~d~ ~~
thing? If anyone reading tIis is makiIg a game you want reviewed in SSM, be cPck about it Aright? ho. m18ht look ill little old -
fashioned to you-and In certlln ways it Is. In I,aphluol terms It looks not unllkt an ta.IY90', coln·op.The sprites a,e la,gcandcolou,f ulandtheanlma!lon (espccbltyon Thor himself) ISilcl'. But
enenllillty, despite the Isometric pe.sptc· tlve,illlthtilttlonlsflilt. Andwhiltilfl! )'OU golngtodoaboutthat , eh'Got~problem ,
hne you? Don't lik e 10 games anymore or something' Well th~t 's tough onions, ki d, The Saturn Is one of the most powerful 10
NiGHTS or something. but long-winded adventures
h'lVl'ilhab,tofbemgmoremvolvlngand r~ilrdlngthanmanyfaster ·pacedtltles
Thol nutl), avoids the common adventure tra p of Plot Fatigl.ll',whcrcbyplaycrsgfOw sowCilryofthc""quest" the game Is consigned tothe shelffo,tvtr This Isbe(auseThorfeatuf\~snumer·
oussub·plotsltadinguptothe main confrontiltlon attheend of Ihegame Thefirstlhingyou're lodo IS \lace a number of I elemenlals, Sp,.,ts which such u fire or
. . . . . ._ Ions with e~rythlnl _ the game HOWevel, every so often a new Thor IS certainly old-fashioned ilt heilrt It folmiSSion milkes Itsetfknown, the first being to SOlve tows in an ancient I.adltion of sprawlrng arcade the life of a dying Villager Once these obJe<tl~s ale ildventures with huge milps which iIS~ several fulfilled the neKt part of Ihe game IS thrngs of the player Frrstly,lhill Ihey be quick on opened up, and you're Ihejoypadilnd readytofighl oHthouSilndsof d.ffree loe~plorefor ferent monsters w.thout gelling all SCilred Second mo.eelementals Ihat they use Iheir sharp, honed minds lorotve Ihe myrlildpuulesblockrng the way as eHe<:llvely as IhemonstersAndthrrdIythilttheydon'tmrnd top,down Isometric lO
terr.toryoftheenvlfonmenllook very d.ffe.ent,so.!'s eilsier to remember where everylhingis ilndhowitfihtogether,ilswell ilsmilkingthegameilnilwfullotlessbor Ing to look at Wh.lst all this questing and the fantasyseWng mlghlbealltlleoff-putlinginconcept,TholactualIy plays very well. The main chalacter is equipped w.thenoughspeciill moveslorivill most beat 'em upchilrilcters. illongwlth a whole massive slack of col1eclilble weilponry concealed illong his pilth There ilre tons ilnd tons ofvaflous enemies to wastt, from g'ilnt rats to lomb.es ilnd beyond, illong with ptrrodKal bosses and weird dangerous pliltfo.m ilrrilngements to tilckle. The pUllles usuilllyWQrk illong simple mechanical hnes,lequ",ng you to push rometh.ng somewhere or fire iI welliI.med arrow, ilS opposed to Ihe more cerebrill cluefollOWing you may e~pe<t from the genre ItCiln'tbeSiI.dthiltThor'Silnessenllal purchase. ils.t'scurrentlyovershildowed byil few corking bona fidedassICs. but If you hketoseevalue-for-money fromyourgilmes, Thorlsdefinttelya t.tleyoushould check out Anyone interested in some depth
Their Is a prlmc CllOlmplc of onc of those games whcrc the designers ut down at a plannIng meeting and tnought 路Itlght. let's m~kc hIm do~rythlng' As a result Thar Is a pretty much equal mix of platformer, but 'cm up and Rf'(;. You'll fIffd to converse wIth vii.
enough,hilckthebejabbersoutofhundrcdsofevilmonsters, SOme of the evil monstcrs ilrc rCillly Kilry, too, beouse of their creepy i1nlmiltlon. Anywily, If you think you cOIn manage that don't forget your hand路eye coordination, beciluseyou'lI nud illI of It to tackle the cryph ilnd diffs that milkcupTho(sworld. Kitchen sink sub路game not lnduded
, . , SEGA SATUf<N
Ah, the summer season is upon us once again. And in addition to the usualjaperies of Wimbledon and cricket, this year, there's the added bonus of the Olympic Games. Lunch boxes at the ready, potato heads!
tp, any day now, (if not alfUdY1your. TV will be in-nded by the worlds' best athlttes pounding, splashing and
roaring their way to sweetvictol}. But what atl!you suppoud to do ifyou'tl!
a bit weedy at sport, apart from buy In
IOOlldsofjunkfoodilndwatchitontheteliylWell, you
could put your name to one of US Gold's pretend char-
acten in their Saturn rendition oflhe tournament, and Ihe beat the living day路 liglrts out of eve<yOne tholtw,ly. Or you could
Just sit Ihereand cry about belngU;lp at sport. It's up to you fully. Anyway. US Gold's Olympic sim is different from Sega's effort in that insleadofrephca tmgone NDWthll"'6tlooklWlry
tournament (ie,t"e
de<athlete),they'veselect.ed 15 events, which m their opmion are the most exciting challenges in the
tournament And,heck. theyshouldr\OWwhilt
those best events are. a/te. all. they have somethingofa tradltkm for prodUCIng Olympk slms Who remembers Olympic games cnthe Megad"ve (and Master System, and Game Gcar)l tI was easllyooe of the best games available for Ihe console at the tIme, especially in multi-player mode. Well, US Gold were the
people who released that tItle, and mdeed every other OlympIC game since then. Soyou've got to accept that they know what they're talklngilbout However, even wIth this conSiderable weIght behind them,this is still US Gold's first Olympic outingontotheSaturn,andwlththlsbemg32 bit and everythmg,you'd e~pect it 10 look ilnd play dIfferently from previous tItles. Which is just as well, beciluseitdoeslookalotdlfferent Although it plays pretty much the same, which works just fine, because there's only so many ways you can implement runnmg or sWlmmmgon a console And the graphicsl well,they certainty look dIfferent enough,although note that-dIfferent" does not necessilrilymeiln "good" Yup, in the looks department. this sure seems abltofadogThestick路lrkecharactersmthissim aren't a patch on the huge, detailed frilmes of Sega's Alhlete Kmgs. And Ihe backgrounds, at tImes, are utterlylaughable-Ihere's barely a detilil at all on someofthegarrsh,full blocksofcolourthal pass for theskyoranmdoor envllonment Ludllythough,lhegilmeplaystillretainsallthe playabllrtythat the Olympic game slms ever had,and the choke of events remam roughly Ihe Silme too which means you get a lot more ImmedIate satisfacllon WIth this Ihanyou do wIth Sega's Athlete Kings title. FQr instance, there's a Archery, shooting and swimmIng, none of whith makes an appeafilnce m the Sega tItle, and all of which pfovide immediate enteftainmentwllhouthavmgtolearnhowtomaster loads of awkward controls. This makes Olympic games closer in style to somethmg hke Track and Field on the Playstatlon, although It hastobesaid that i\'s not a very good
--- ..'-If!!
.... ~ ~
- -- --
SEG .~ SAT\...'R:N
copy-ifs loads more jagged and Just not as muchfunoverall.Sut then there's nothing really like this on Ihe Saturn-AlhleteKings has different events and is played in an entirely differentwaySut. although Olympic Games hilsmostofthe playability required to make this sort of game reillly enjoyable, It lacks anyofthepanachethat's soobviousinSega's Athlete Kings Why, some people would even go so far to say that Ih,s looks downright messy. And unfortunately, they'd bejustified in saying so Attheendoftheday,ifyouwantedtomakea choice between this and Athlete Kings, you'd pfobably goforlheSegatitle,simplybecauseithasmoredeplh and there's more things to learn from it, And looks路 WIse, there's no way that this Ciln complete with Sega's game-this tfles to do too much intha t it wan ts 10 be ail stylised,Ciln't, and makes everything look a b,t cruddyinthe process_Still,irs qUIte nketo play, and if you just want something to challenge a few mates wllh,itmayjustbelhethingfo r you.
~ LU:_ ~_""
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, . , SEGA SATU1<N
8_3 _ _
1~lillnl2ll Virgin's NHL Powerplay Hockey is only the second ice hockey sim to appear on these frosty Saturn shores, facing off against Sega's equally official NHL Hockey. Is it going to make a cool impression, or is it destined to slip up and cling embarrassingly to the edge of the rink?
itting here in our sweltering uncondi . tion edoffices, lcanthlnkof nothlng more utlsfying th ol n lying down on
a n ice cOilted floor and , quite lite rally. chillinllout. WII .. td~sn路t"p~i1tso
much is lying there while seven foot taU, twenty stone blokes come skaling t owatds you In full body armour with big sticks i n their hands. Of
cou rse, the slr;ange thing i, t hat ulth psychopilthic l>eh .. viourls one t he majorolttrolct ionsofici!hockty. Bul once again, it 's sports slms to tne reSCLle , where the worst injuries ilnd bodily mutilations you can expect ,l,e a couple ofbliste.e d fingers or a touch of cramp in the Wlists. NHL Powelplay Hockey is only the se{ond ice
hockeysimtomakeittotheSaturn,thefirsl!lclng Sega'sNHLHockey,anotherofficiallyendor5l!dtitle Official endorsement means that all of the teams in the Amencan hockey league are included, andtheir respective players and team talents replicated
as well,so th ere's an even greater choice of teams to play for or against LikeSega's NHlHockey, Powerplay Hockey uses some impressive 30 graphics, However,wlth
ItS advanced motion capture techniques, Virgin's game plays smoother than 5ega's title, the characters mOVing m a more realistic fashlon_ In addition to this, Powerplay Hockey has been programmed uSing it sophisticatedformofAI(artificialintelligence), which in short means that the players are capable of adjust路 ing tojust about any situation, be it a sudden defenSive foul uporan attad on the break. ThiS makes for some feal路to "" life action, and It also mean s the more you come to understand
international tournament. although with theexhibitlon mode you can pit mternat ional teams against national ones. All in all, Powerplay Hockey has got just about ~rything, right down to some excelleflt sound Sil mplesofskates on the ice. slapshots, and echoing announce ments over the tannoy system_ 'IOU can even play a six-player game, you and your chums forming ane ntireteam,somethingwhichdoesalot for the longevity of the title One of the few negative aspects of Powerp lay Hockey is the lack of oppar-
;~:::e:~e:~:~:~::~;~ac~~cs, ~ t:;;~s~~~~:~;~~i~~ei:,i~;;~ make of this facihty. large,a st andardfeatureinsparts It seems hardly WQ rth sims these days_ It meant that on a men tioning the fact that few occasions it was a bit difficult to Powerplay Hockey comes wit h ~ ~ .... ~ " follow t he puck,but then that's as loads of stats -I mean, it's a t'.. if much a problem with the real game as .... ~ anythlngelse l I should also offer the sparts Slm after all. But wha t's smart about the stats and tactical options is ~ obligato ry warning, while non-enthusiasts that they're presented in such a way as to be will still enJoy Powerplay Hockey (jus t as they'd understandable to those of us who a re complete ice have e njoyed EA's series on the Megadrive), some hockey ignoramuses Each strategiC option Is explain it time spent getting to grips with what the game's all terms of its pros and cons. Among your tactical about is essential ifyou',e going to get the most out oplions are things like Ihechance logo for a fast of the game
~:~~::'a\h~h~i~:~~~~~a~:;fa:~~hpil:~~~;i:~t~~~gS a ;;CRO;-;.,---------~##fi> 'intimidation' defence where there's plenty of barging and checking. the only drawback being the likelihood ofcolleClmgmorefoulsandstartmgtheoddfight Once you've got the hang of the game, there are options 10 play a season,inlheplay路offsorin an
re Rent any 'atest re'ease from just
~' ~
u £3.49 for three evenings
Straight in at the top of the charts in its week of release, Shining Wisdom has finally arrived - albeit three months late! This month sees the start of our players' guide, so don your hooded cloak and get your magic wand at the ready - it's going to be a long journey! hefll'St pillrt oftht game requires very little Mln power at all and baslc:ally,lch ,u .. n Introduction for laie. _ nh. YOoU' 1I bq:lnthe ga me by beloS
fon:~toHstl!ntO ill lecturefrom)'Ollrfamlly. Andbel nl
the rebellious type, you have to knock g,andad out of the w ilIy If you wilnt to escape f.om the house. To do this, bp X repeati!<llyand if you manage to gl!t the acceler.Jtlonright, you'lIknocktheoldm anover. On yourwaytothecntle, slmplyfollowthe signposts thai are pI OlntHjustabout_rywhere, and whe n you do finaltyreilch the city, listen to the old lady who will unlock all of the city doors fOl' you. Stock up on Items at this point, particularly on hullngh@fbstlKo.dbooksandilngelwlnp.Then
make your wily Into the cUlle, where you'll meet )'OIl' pilrtner, Alfred and also someone who knI!W
yourfather. Gototheknlshts' quilrtersthenrHt
R.ph.is~ J'IMII' IHrU IIHIn wile_pOSsible,
_ _8_6
up to replenish your energy. The8i1 me begins ilgilin w hen you're O<l sentryduty,il nd an intruder manilges to dig into t he castle. Follow him a ll around t his sub-level (il ndcolle<t il lI the t reilsure )'Otl Cil n), but dO<l 't try to jump oYer t he t hird laVil pit as he does. Inst eild, use an ansel wins to get bilck out side Whllebilck O<lsentryd uty,you're ordered t o gua rd the prlnctss (it's a good Idea to t ake iI "rest " ilt this point). Whilst on SUilrd, a goblin ilppeilrs who letsoff il sleeping s as cil ps ule, which knocbyou out . In t he mean\lme, he k'dnaps t he pr incess, il nd you'll be req uired t onegot iate t he roya l crypt 10 get her back
The re's actuil llytwo Pil rtS to this level, and ilPilrt from the odd ene my, It's bils lcillly an e)(cuse t o tool upon some of t he treasu res hidden with in th e u ucombs. You 'll hilve to go the whole wily il round the level t o get the be st stuffilnd you'll hilve to solve some pretty bilsk puzz les {I ilce shovi ng stiltUes out of the wily t oo. W henyoo've fi nis hed go bilc kto the ent rance of t he cave and stil mpdown on the fioorto reveal a new level This is the second pa rt of t he crypt , Asain, pk k upilll the treil surtyoucil nfind, il ndpushilnystiltuesthilt you come ilcross. ÂŁventually,allth e ~SSilgeswi llopen and
you'll come face to face w ith the elves in t heir den . Unfo rtunat ely, t here's a bit of trickery soing o n here, ilS o ne oftheelves hils pretended t o be Ihe pr incess In orde r t o fool the king. They suddenly d is' oove r thiltyou',e spying on them ilnd decide thilt you'll have 10 fiSht their boss, Biln bo. However, he's quite e asylo getrld of, il lthoughthe elveswlllre leilse t he sas Oflce ilgil ln, whk h sends you to sleep. They prompt ly turn the princess int oil swan ilnd spl it.
VALE OF GUDO Go b;tek to the king ilod tell him t he ~ d news. He'll send you on t o Gudo. imd it's a prttty long. but st •• lghtfor· wardrllmbleto~upthe re. withplen
tyoftreasure to be found "Iong lhe ""'OIY Once there, you'll fi nd Ih;!! you Cilo't milke any more progress until you h <Me lociltethemilglcha nd~TheyCiln
be found in the lost forest, but you must milkesu,tt hilt yo uwtilr il pilirofslide boots so that you (iln slide underneath logs while In t he forest. Head for t he bot· tom lefi corner of the forest, where the wilter sections beglnIhe magk h .. nds (.jn be locilt ecl t he.t. However. you
u n'tgt't.cron thewilte.,souse the t urt lesilsst eppi ng st ones by kickrn g the m int o the w ate r. Qnce you hilve the milglc hands,)'Ou'lI be ab le t ofl.t il bo){in88iove on to t he swit ches in t he 'laleofGudo. Ret urn the re, stomp th rough the f!oor,il nd fl ick the switches. You'll now bce t he ~s. Use the hands
--- ~- todefe~tthl5 rel~tivelyeilsy monste,. Slmply
sund In the mldd~ofthe floo, and let the monstCI cin::1e Oiround you- this way.)OU un hit him all the t ime. As SOOfI ilS hc'sdMt royed .• fa iry W ill hand you iI whispering shell. But whilt'S it forI And Indeed, how close ",e)OU to Iociltlng
thepflncesslWhiltelsecouldposslbly olKtrvct your uusel Well, for the ilnswer to that, you'll h~ 10 tune in nt:'xt month when we'll be brlng mg you thcs«ondilndfinillinsullr1'H!ntofthisguide.
In time for the offICial le lease of the game, here ale the thlcc Ultimat e Kombat Kodcs toacccss the thlcc hidden characte rs. After the game over message has disappeared, on the Ultimate Kode screen, enter th~ kodcs in the same w ay as ever before. Just move the bolt on by the number shown by prcssing the corresponding button that many times frm ac Cluslc Sl.Ib Zero
964-140 760-510 700 -7l3
To put the game In free pl ay mode, gotothe skull screen and press Up, Up,lI:ight. II:llIht, left, Lcft,Dow n, Down on controller 2
-_H .
,oa"..'.IUor,..""" LOIJ r...lllrll ' 01ur.O_ ",nu r~_.....,.uur
,...,,..,, ....".." ..0"â&#x20AC;˘ .,.,.00'
To speed t he game up t o double, goto
the title screen and press left,Rignt,left, Right, Up. Down, Up. Down. Now wh en you
g~ mewill be extrafastandharderthan before.
To be honest. we ,ouldn't get this cheat wor king properly, but IO.lds of people sent It in. Have a go.
Tofollowonfromthese<ret codeslnls sue 7. t he~shouldbe
entered in the same way. Pause the same at any t ime and press Right. Down, Down, Left, t hen key in one of these sequences to get som e w;acky modesl (;uldableWeapon
B, A,left, Left
TrillcklnsWeapon Horde level
leChowderLewl Frost Byte Level
Still Ttlppln' level DetoniltlnsWupons bllyMode Video Test
. . SEGA S.4.TUR:N
8_9_ _
nns month sees the start of this section dedicated to tips from old (Ish) games, so you can get the most out of all the titles that you bought aaages ago. We should cover most titles, but If there's a game that you need a cheat for, send your request m to WHEEZlNC OLD TIPS, at the usual address -It sure beats phonmg us up all day long'
DAYTONAUSA To play as the hOl'se, set the dIfficulty level to normal,and on the mode select sc.een, select Satum mode. Plilce first .... eilch of the three difficulties 0 ... eilch track. After wi ... nlng the third track, SCroll down on t he select screen u nt il you flnd the tlorse For KilrilOke mode, set the ... umber of lilPS on the option scree ... to normil" bit the optiorls and choose arcade mode. Then while st'lectmg il course keep press路 i ... g up and choose wIth buttonC. for a more Ir.Ifled musk selectIon, choose Key Assign on the optiorls screen, and choose type B for the controller setting. WhIle choosmg any tilck ilnd ilny car, press and hold A. X. Yor 1, depending on he mUSiC you ~flI to plily Hold the button until the game starts and listen to the SOflg that you selected
To ilccess the lakeslde track. you must come first In all of th e other rac es However. to do this In a slightly ellSler way. press X and Y simu ~aneoosly on the mode select screen. for il mi rror mode, hold Y and press C on the game select screen. To access the hyper car mode Hold down X and press C to choose a car on the selection screen. Your rilce/cilr WIll ilutomillically be set to hyper Uf mode To select the Striltos: Pla-ce first in normal mode on chalTlpionshlp mode (one lap). A new car WIll automatically appeilr on the car select screen Alternatively, press X, Y,Z,Y,X on the the mode select screen, To rilce ilga lnst the Striltos, ilct llr.lte the Striltos cheat aOOve, then hold the Z button ilnd press C to choose the course Keep holding Z until thi!' gami!' starts
TO make Jl!'ffl)' do stupid poses on the expert course. driYe up to h,s statue and stop In front ofhlm. Pl"ess the X oottOfl repeatedtyand he'll turn and stand on his heilll. To hear ilnd old soundtrKk. fi ... ish al'!)' face on any trKk. When you Input your inittills. try SH (Space Harrier), A8 (After 8urner) Oi (Out Run). Try any other ini路 tials, but use two letters WIth a Space betwee... them eg V FI To plil)'as the hOfSe the easy way. hold up--left.A. 8,X. Zon the tItle screen. then press St,lrt.You can now choose the tlorse
For ill helicopter VIew, choose Silturn mode, then select,l tra-ck. Hold down start illS you choose a Colr 10 r,lce In tlmellap mode_ When the race Is finished. watch Ihe replily. then press Ratanytimetoseethe,,lce f,oma helicopter vi ew
To ch,lnge your speedo to kilometres. hold down xyz on controller 2 ilnd hit start on controller I
Curvoeblll SuperPower Super GOill1e Super Offence Super Oefen ce Shoot out Awfulteilm
_ _9_0
Passwords for
alll~ls :
(0 Is letle r 0 Is nu mbe r)
CLOCKWORK KNIGHT 2 For a slage select; Pr~s right, up. left. up, right, up, down, up, ~ft. up, left up. on lhe slart screen For 999 Ilves,Pf~S rig ht, up, left, down, fight, down, right, up. left. down, right on Ihe start screen Towatch theendstquen(e;Pr~srlght,up,left,up,down,up,riBhl,1eft,up,
right, left,down on the start screen For access 10 the hidden mini gam~ Press up. up right, fight, down, down, left. Ieft,xyz on Ihe boss.esgalore menu To gellhe hidden movie, finish Ihe bosses galore wllh a ranking of e~ptrt or maSler, then go 101 he mov~s menu Movie 16 will no longer have a nr on it
~ --
~~Y ElfTtJtPlUst~ LTO.
1 *.1",
VIRTUACOP Once you've compleled cop In no rma l mode, you'll bt a ble to access Ihe following oplions Ranking mode· records how fa r you can get Inlo Iheg.1 mewllho ut loslngilhfe. Mi rror mode· flips all Ihe scenery and the dlrec;· tions from which the enemy come'! from To play rank ing mode Without finishing Ihe game When Ihe Sega logo appears on the SCleen,holddownCandpress up,down.ttft. right You will now bt able to access riln. lng mod, Gun selec;t; to select whlc htver gun you like, wait fo r the AM l screen. Ihen hold down C and press down, up, fig ht. left. up, up, left,rlghl This wUI allow yau to t urn the gun select on. During the game. [pause and fireou!side the screen 10 change guns
_'t __
__ .......,..1t
nJllly17.SeI~ofJapanhcldl pfcnexPOHfofthchottcltof"_
arcade limes: Virtu. Flshter). VII SUlukl, the hud of AMI , wu on handtoihowthegameto $pe<lally seleued,uesti lndofcouru!,
SEC;A SATURN MAGAZINE's Japanest torrflpondent was Invited to
this most prestllloutofeYentl. Held at the PlO exhibition centre in Karnatl,' few mlnuttl IWI)' from se,,'s devorlopmtntal offictJ.
tIH!Yenu.e lsthl!perfKttl!stiltl!fOf~war~dep'ojects.
The centfl!p~e of the Nl!'nt WlIS Vu Suzukl Uking t~ §tilge to demo Vf). OiIccomp,Jnled by some very attractive JI~n~ ladles (who illso h,lppened to be VFl prOSI). Representing the foIns WilS iI guy known only IS Shinjuku JICky He's one of Japan's finest IIFl p!ayers (presurnably sPKlaUsing in Jukyl) oind he inte rviewed Mlster5ulukl,OiIskingilllofthesortsofquestionsthatVFfoInSWOI.Ildw;Jnttopose
',_ I
Iftheywerc in his position. In fact, he works ~t the renowned JOYPOUS Seg~ ~mu5ementcentre~ndI5acelebrity !n
VF circles. His full In terview Will be printed In full In nelrt month'sSSM. After the stage show was com· plete. the VF} g~mes·testlng beg~n The unitsweresetonfreepl~y~nd ~lthough scheduled to dep~rt. Mister
.. \
VF} ~nd to t~ke up the ch~lIenge for ~ bout with Shlnjuku Jacky. The rules for the pl~yers were simple every mKhlne had ~ queue ~ndonceyou lIot to the m~chlne,you pl~yedopponentsuntil
you lost, whereupon you were sent to the b~ck of the line, Sell~ enlllneers wereon,line to assess the perfo.mance of the hardw~re· if1t w~s less th~n perfect. they twe~ked the mKhine until it wn fully functional. After four hours. the power was wt and the assembled masses were e.pectedtowc~tethebulldlng.
~.,dieh~rdVFfan~tlcswe'e IIluedtothem~chlneseventhoullh
St..pI I.~_ tl
IIJIe&. TlII_It_. 1f,utthltlltwltltfw
.. ,.."3,...
they had been turned offl In truth they we.e copylnlldown the moves lists on uch milchine, but with 14 fl"IOYeS reve~led for each of the 12 chilraCle,s, they probably didn't quite finish in time In short. Vlrtu~ Fillhter }Is a phenomenon. The Jilpilnese now it, Sellil knowitilndilS'SOOflilSitilrrrvesover here, us Uk gamesplilyers Will bear witness to a revolution in ilfude lIam ln ll In this rnonth's COin-Operated,we Intend to stick to the basics ofVF3 and revealthemalnch~nlles,whllstnext
month we shall 110 to town on the hugelevelsofdetailevldentlnVF}. Stick with us and you shall ,eahse why Sell~ remillns the most powerful force In videogamin g today... and for the fDresetilblefulurel
WHAT'S NEW IN VF3? AS well as completely redeslgmnll the g.aphlcs engine and Introduc lnll two new chaflllcte.s (whom we've covered before In SSM), what's new With VF}1 Why Is It golnll to be such ~ quantum leap In alCade vldeogamingl Rud on ...
THE ESCAPE BUTTON To really enjoy VF})'Ou'lI find that this button has~ strong Influence. for tnose not f~mmar with its ope'iltlon,1t Is commonly thought of as iI sldewilYS shift but-
lon,si m llar totheaxlsatucksusedbyUonandShuninVF2.~.,thlshas
been improved byallowlng)'Ou to punch or kkkduring the manoeuvre In the socalled "transposition". Furtht.more,inactualfightinglfsveryeffectiveforclosecombatoffensive fl"IOYeS. For examplt,ln the Cilse where your opponent is deliver ing a barrage of punches. up until now you hild to suffer the blows by uslnll the gUilfd button and try to use you r best Judllement itS when to try and get a blow In. Now, with the eSCilpe button. instead of defending with gu~rdyou can usetheesc~pe 10 bel· Itr effect and apploach your opponent offensively to ge l your own attack sin. This kind of play is more positive. By Includlnll this, those pl~yers with sharp Judgement and perception have the scope to increase their chances 0 fvlctory. We believe that with thiS method the beginner hitS a better chan(eofwinnlng ovef the veteran VFl masters.
In the \ituation where you send your opponent flying with a mid-air combo. de\cendlngdownan indination mean\ the time it takes you to land i ncreases allowing you to get in more hits during the mid·all combo. Also rising up towards an upwards sloping surface decreases your time worsening the number of hlh you can ma ke in you mid-air wmbo. Conversely. there's a tendency for attacks like Sarah's mirage kick in regard to light characters. depending on the opponent's body weight to be almO\t ineffective. VF3 has also inherited this problem but with undu· lation two things can happen instead. Bec:au'>e of the undulation the way to use wmbinations has changed soyou '11 need to adJust tothenewflghtingsystem quickly. Also, In the case ofapo unce attack from a high place the difference in height between you and theoppo nent Increases the damage proportionally. Using your skills to posltionyour'>e If above your enemy will make your attacks much mOre effective The use of undulation in the flght encounter area becomes one of the most important strategies inVF3-
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STAGE DESIGN Unlikeprevlousgames tbthave a ratherartifkla liynsldlooklnssquilre, flill f~1 to them VFJ has iI much more naturallooklns deslsn. Anyone looklns for such obvious boundarlH In VF3 Is going to have to look very hard b«iluse now all stages have a open sensation giving one af~lIngoffrHdom. n really does look like you can go anywhere. In rulity,arefullypositioned naturatfeatures and building oO~s prevent such wanderings. After all, If they didn't, it would turn Into a an RPGI However, the design Is such that one never feels that anything is getting In the way, rather that one Is In natural harmony with the SUrroundlngs. In addition the new addillon of the Undulation (Terrain Topograph y) adds even more Irn:redible realism. All stages have been urefully designed 10 be a little higher than the Immediate aru 1-0 that the camera can swing around il nd look down and around the characters. Some levels even allow you to Jump down ledges, walk up steps Or wade through waler. Each level has Its own distinctive layout I-Ouch one has to mastered. 8efore, players oniy rully had to wofT}' about selectlngthecharactertheycould fight with bestt
~Wewlllcontinueoureffortsdayandnlghtlnordertogetthegame ba l a nce right . I hope that everybody will look forward to Its relu se .~ · Vu Suzuki on VF3. full interviewnelCl monthl Plus; full deSCriptions of the amazrng levels and why the backgrounds are now as important as t he flghters themselvesl
them just aren't wh;rt they seem, For instance, on the surbee, Ihis footb;all slm m,y seem, bit sl~nge, After '11, foot b,1I IllheOlympksltn'texlctly, high profile sport-Ihere's no _11 known pl'yen ,nd It's not even shown on TV, But luckily, thlt seems 10 h"ve no be;lrinl on this tlti.e, whkh liYeS the blller, slkker tltlH more Ih,n, run for their money, In f,ct, lhe I,mepl'yln this relelle is,darnsllhtbette,th,ntheltuffyou'd find in mostfootlellties,t the moment, Olympic footb;all hark~ back to the (good oldl) days of games like sensible Soccer wnere it was the gamepl,1yand not tne graphics that counted Which is just as well really,beuuse In the looks department. this t,tle Isn't upto much, 8ut. play it for I while and you'll find itre;aliy enjoy.lble, It m,1y not be uptnere technic,1l1ywrth tnetop rele,1stS such as EurO'96,butpeopiewhopreferredtne old style soccel slms will absoluteiy love this, Weil worth checkmg oul If you're after a new footle title
R=:n~;~~lh;: ~~J::~,1h~~~;:~:::~;!~~~Snf:::~: ~~I::~;::~~:~:::ly ,round threeyurs illo, Since Ihen, ROild Rillh hilln't milde It on to ilnySeI,1 s)"ltem, ,1nd the only venion Ihill Will knocklnl ,round Will Ihe excellenl 300 title, It's certainly liken EA,1 long time 10 get round 10 convertinl the g,1me 10 other s)"llems, but fin,1l1y, It's this version thilt m,kes it on totne Siltum,1nd Intothe shop$ lhlsmonth, Unfortun,1tely, this ne'ther m,ltches Up tothe jOOversioo of the t,tle, nor provodes ilny of tne b..lhant high speed i1Ctoon seen inthe otne,RoildRasht,tles, A1ltheNsiceiementsofI1Oo1dRuh,1rein there - there's the usu,11 ,11101)' of bikers, d,fferent terf,1lns to r,1ce on, plenty of \Ye,1ponry to use, there's even musIC by people hke Soundgilrden and Therapy But In this Colse, It Just doesn't seem to come together. In particular, without a two plilyer mode, the whole title feels really dated,espec.lilllyas minimal effort seemstohavebeenmildewiththegraphics, This version of ROild Rash simply exploits the series' e)tCellent lepulition,,1nd is unhkely to even please filnsDfilnyDfth.e pre-nousgames,
!1"II.mM ~1
be the first one to come under the reviewing miuoscopt. 1f It had .arrived '",ter, It would haw been subjected to (om~rlloOfI with ,11 the other titles (He elsewhere In the Issue). But even on Ih own, Slam and Jilm dOHn't fully hne much to In the way of .ddlctlw
buketbaUKl:lon . Sure. lllth.bIt,andple<" th~)'OU'd
expectto see lrl.basketballslms havotbHn lMluded (player ,tm, two player options, ett). but JOmehow
th_ elements don 't leI tOJdher Into I brilliant lime.
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fishing was fal too tranquil a sport to con'Oltrt to tht Saturn. But all those peopltwho art already yawning at the prospect of catching IlIIco,. trout are WRONG. Btcaust this Is actually Plttty ace gamt, t...,n though on flnt Imprtsslons it may 5ttm Ilkt a stlangt cholct forthtcOMOlt. Bulcally.e...,rythlngthatyou'dflndlnthtrul " , ........ flshlngglmeliltpllcattdforyourplusurtlnthlsllm-yougttto ch005t your lod, hooks, bait. etc, then take to tht high leal to catch I 'OIlrlety of fllhles. Once on the line, you then have to wltstle with tht tldt and the fllh to hlul It out of the ocean and on to YOUt pllte. Ooeln't sound thlt thlllllng , does IH But. Ihl, that's whele you'le wlong (again). Bt<aule dHpltt sounding like the mOlt boring thing Ilncertal flthlng.thls Is actually, prttty enthr"lIIngltuff. In fact wt'\If1 wnted away houll on this t itle In tht learch fOI the perftct fish. Pelhapl not fOI e'Oleryont. In fact. definitely not fOI twryone . but , good laugh to pl"y afttt a nlghtlntht pub (with fllendl that 11. not on youl own).
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Treasure are one of the most respected developers in Japan, bringing a huge amount of originality, technical excellence and good old fashioned gameplay to their titles. Games such as Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and of course the newly released Guardian Heroes are all hardcore example of gaming
excellence. Usually quite shy, SSM tracked them down for a one-on-one interview
courtesy of Sega of Japan. SSM When did Trusure form1 Treuure June r992 SSM Wh"t b"slc principle do you Itlck to when unt o Inlvldl!Ol"mes1 Tre'fU r. Just toc re~te gil mes th~t everyonec~n enjoy SSM Trusur. h"s d~loped J ult forsel" m"chln" ""l>Ch n th. Mel"drift"nd the S,turn · why did you illly )'OUIHIf with se" only1 lreilfUre There'lnorCOlsonwhywcchoscthe Meg,d.ivehowever,ou.firslgameWlllsGunsUr
SSM Just "bout _rybody .IH In the de-ftlopm.nt fleld h, s cOllcentratHonpo/yJons 1ne!)0 s,mtl for the hturn. Why did Trusuredec:lde on "10 sprit. "mel Treuu •• TrtisurehOlSbulltupiltlemendousknowl, edge of lD spllle know how Ifs iln ilsset that wc Wish toconllnueuSlng SSM The m".ktt II ....'Y much domln,ttd by 30 lam" now - with thilt In mind, did you not th ink It nskytoprodl>Ce"lDI,rne1Ifnot, why l lr....ure No wc didn't thInk it wJS IIsk. In filet the IISk Is In Irymg 10 milke iI ncw game There's a lot of corn' pilnieslhillhilve\lledilndfalledtomilkesucccssful 30 gilmes Besides, lO and 3D games (iln eXISI along sideeachotherldon'tthlnklhat everygilme(ilnbe 100%30 . SSM Tell US" Ilttle,bout your rtbtlonlhlp with Stp "ne!howltlfftdtdthe~ntofGu"rd1Oln
T..... u •• SegarespectTreasule·se xperienceand integnty, so didn't advise us during thedevelopmenl stilge However, towillds the end, Segil, With its In, depth market knowledge_ cooperilled wrlh us to ma'e subtleilmendments.
HerOCS il ndnootherh~ldwil lecouldploducelhe
ISM How dld)'Ou come to ChOOH tt.. ,ldewJyl f1lht ,
smool hness oflhe spllte movement at the time. It's not so much the .uson why we cOOse it more the leason why wc kept on usrng It As fOI Ihe ~ga
Inll"me stylt for C;;Uilrdl"n Ht.otll Tre • ...,. We wanled to milke ~ (hilrilcter gilme, but not one IImll" to current games ilViI,I.ble SO It becilme iI necesSIty to choose the Sldcways Krolhng Inilddll,onthereareillotofmOV1ngobJectsonthe screen so we thought it would be good
nowsoalllheuselsaleScgil SSM lreillure ,ilm.1 were tec:hnk,Uy ouhtandin, compared to other Mel"drl.... Iilm" of IU time, How _re you ilble to m,ke )'Our lilmt!lI look bett.r "ne! pI"}'bett.rt""ntt..competitlon'11 lre.fU" It'S difficult to sily which aspect, abovc illI, we put our effort Into. For ex" mple, the designers "re ncat.p'e<iseilnd ilccur"te Saslca lly,COIchpersonuses his skill to the best of t hei r a bility rd Ir ke to also stress that it's nol Ihecompilny but eiICh person's abilrly thillis reflccted SSM How wer, you ,ble to kHp so m,"1 Iprltn movlns so Imoothly on th. Mel"d.1Ye1 Tr.. ",,,. Wilhreg,rds lolhech,, rilclers,thedesigners iI.e the most p;rrrticulilr ilboullhe movement To be done. they use vilrious devrces As fOf the bosses. by us,ng smilll portions its pGSllbleto hilve iI wide. .ange of movement p;rrtte.ns. In add,tion wc use spe' clal proglilms to keep the portions moving smoothly It'S our desi re to keep Ihe charilcterl'movement as close to reill humiln movement sothilt It's naturill ilndsmoothtolhceyc It'snolhrngtechnicill,just endeavour SSM 00 you think th,t the concepti for I,me. ha .... btc:ome more o.lllnill slnceth. "d.... nt of the Sel' SJlurnOf"retheybulullytheume1 Treuure At TICilsure, wc believe thilt trildltlon Itself Isn'ttheobstilde Youshouldproducegilmesto millch the hil.dwiI.e and milke good use of the Saturn ~nd Ihe Megil Dllvc's good pornh respectlvcly SSM TreOlSur.', ,,,mes h" .... "lw,yI been different from otltercomp"nles' l'mes. Why Isthl,l Treuure We don't wanl to imitate other compilnrcs If wc do, we'll no longer ex,st We w.nt to m~~e orlglnil lgilmcs
SSM The sprite sarllnlloo« of the , .. phlcs Is ~ry dl,_ tJIKliw!. How did you come to choose this look fOf the "mel Tre.fUre lfthechilraetefSiI.eblglneyaremthillwilY Evcniftheyaresmalltherelleillotofenemies appeilring,i(l whlch method would bt pleasing to the eyc WilS the milln consideration SSM How did you d"ltn the m"ln ~ractenl TreMUre Wrthregaldstothcdeslgn,theteilmconsld, eredpersonilhty il ndimpilct Everyone used Ihelr own ilbihtyilndlndlviduahtytocrcaleilchilrilctelthiltthcy Irked SSM Who's your hr_rite ,h,racter,ne! whyl TfNfUre Rilndy The lotill balilnce Is good Design, mOYtrnent, .nlmilllon, in additIOn his game nalure Is the most complete Plus piilylng him isfun.1 hkethls chilraete, the most SSM How Important Is the sound In the ovoerall"mel TreMUre The gilme music is essenllill for a successful game so we spenl as much IlmeilS possible for Ihc sound,bothlheeffccts and the music The musIC IS composedilfterthecharilctersha~ebecndecldedand
the program and If iI technique IS there wc Ciln hil .... ideils ilbout how to make an Interestrng boss We use bothwil)'S, SSMP Wh,t upert of C;;uardl'n H.rots ilre you most proud of"nd why1 Tre.fUre ThebestilspectlsberngilbletO·Kiltlerthe smilllfry"-ltrehevesst,essOtherthilnthal.lhereale illotofchilrilctelsilppeilr1ngforilchilnge SSM Whillt kind of feedbJtk h, .... you hOld f.om the ."p"nese ownen of Gu"rdl' n Heron? TfNfUre Over 80% of the comments were POSitive Ifs been h.ghlyreceNed SSM EYeryvn. conslden th. Saturn to ha .... "vast "mount of untapped potentl"l In te .ms of powe •. Would you 'IrH with th ld Tre.fUre l lhinklthilS Not only the Silturn, if you con, sidtrtheMegadrlveillso,thcqu'htyofthef1rstg~mes
to ilppea. compa.ed 10 Ihose much Iilte. IS completely dIfferent SSM Would you ~r consider producing an RPG for tt..Saturnl TfNfUre lf wc really wilnted 10 milke iln R:PG, there's a strong posSibility we would However, II would take iI lot of hilrd work so illthough ~ (iln'l sily we would milkeone, Iflhe prOJcctcame about Ihe posslblhty IS Ihere
thetestrnghasfinlshed SSM TreOlSure " .. famous fOf their OIItst,ndin, boss· " . How do you CO,bout ,,..,tlnl thlHt Incredible ch"ractenl T•••• ur. Saslcally. it's impaCl. Toglvc impilCl we make IhembigilndSlrongEilchpersonhilshisownwilyof ClCiltrng a boss but It's usuill 10 hilve some sort of concept for the boss aod then trylOgel as close as POSllbltWlth Ihe program BUli!"sillsotructhatwe sometimes look ilt what's technlcillly possible from
SSM If; t ......"1 ch"ne. of. n_ .... nlon Gun sUr Heron Of Alien Solditr befnl produc:ed for the S"turnl T...fUrI If wc wanled to, wc ilre capilble of dOing It However, If wc thought II milY be profitilble but the c.eiltlveslilffdldn'twilntlodolt.wewouldn'lproduceil SSM Do)'Ou h"Ye ""1 mesu." for)'OUr UK f"nd T...fUre HellotOilllyourreilde'SilndlhilnksfOfall
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