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SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE 1S CONTENTS _ Art Ed~or D.... -.1MU OoputyEd~ ....

COVER STORY _ _ _ _ _ __


Ed~Of IlidoaR~ ..

The legendary Street Aghter crew returns once more Sega SatlSll Magazine are fIrlt on the case as usual. In this i'Idepth Showcase 'NI! introduce aI of the new Characters, reveal some of the latest rT'IOVeS and prepare you for combat


"'~II,"Edltor "'A.I..atk

Contributon "~G&rJ"""'.1Jo

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Capcom's latesl coIn·op Is a combination of two of its legendary beat 'em ups, and it's looking absolutely awesome. f4.1Ong last we get the chance 10 discover who Is the hard· est: the Street Fighters or the X·Men. Cool.

J.PMl'MUlhon Wana ......






AdvIrfl$Jn, Mlnl,e' u..KawIloto Otp<JlyAdM.n.p' CILrio_ ••

ExcJuslvelyrevealed In last months Issue, we lake a Closer look at the latest rac· inggame to issue forth frornthe AM stables. Is this the game to steal Sega Rally's mantJe?

N_Glrl lUm.. 1UtcMao ,..-Iot'IIMlon"tf k,u'-e .u.._

""'blltlw< ...,."'f1ttIoo lHcutlwI'Yblltllm,OitecIOI knlt. ' __

SytttMIM.n.p' _

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Syltt .... loproductiontlHlldl..atot _ _


For thOse with an insatiable appetite for fighting gamesall of us probably-we've iot six pages of coverage on the latest Virtua Fighter instalment. We even show you how 10 execute some of the new moves on offer.

COMING SOON _ _ _ _ __

14 VIRTUAL ON Edltot1llContact Priayc..rt, ~.. ~ta..,1.ea"-KdJAU.

... . ,.).,...,..

~ 1"TIl"""'" (

Robots - we lOve 'em at Sep Saturn Magazine, especially when they're involvt!d in creatina manifOld destruction. In V'lt1ual On they do)Jst thaI, so check out our four pages of

coverage on these giant mech warriors.

OIItrlbutlon .K....w.. _lJn. c..pna.a"'~

, " , , " -.

18 REAL 80UT FATAL FURY Strange how things nappen realy iso't it? After waiting ages

~ls.otll",MI,".J~~.nofflc J .JlI(tno:t.

~'t""vIcwo~.p .... S<'dtnthlo,",,"d~ ''''notnlKn,",llythoMofl''''pubj~'''' .. or of~81 ~_~kelJUlu...lnemurlntttw


for Doom 10 arrive on the Saturn, up pops Hexenjust behincl it. A bit like buses realty. Arr{Way, Sega Satum Magaline gives you a taste of this Id classic.



oibIob .............. _et1'OI'IthIt....,.ouut

C..,.tPt..., ..... ~ bp<Clductlon"'whoioorPlrlwtthout .......


SHOWCASES _ _ _...

44 FIGHTING VIPERS ContWluilg on from last months il·depth cover· age,W8contiooetoW!specteaChoftheChar· acters in delail,Hstini their moYes and 01Tefing a spot of advice on combatlechnlqueS.

52 TOMB RAIDER With the game now complete it's time to put on the thinking shorts and cut a path through some of Tomb Raiders beaut~. dangerous and PUZZling environments.


w,lttt n <OrlHfllf"""lhlpublw.e..lIl1r1ctly prOhibit..,.


Because RghtingVipers Issoace,Sega Saturn Magazine wanted to know more. And belni the investiiltive soutswe are, we sought out Hiroshl Kataoila,AM2's biiCheese for an Interview.

St •• bty,n, Me,"d, ..... G.IM Milt •• Syotc,"),XIndMe •• -COI",uodt'""tuof St •• (nt.,prIHo U4


EM.V I'" ...... ndSt."".ff.ndtMl.f.'"Ilot< (npt<lallylob'oj ... prOhlbltodfrorntnltrln. I")'StI·blym,"I...I ~COIT\peliI""'ThI odilor'.cIed%ftloftnll lndnocotrnpot!. dtno:t_Dctnttrodlftto.

80 OAYTONA USA (CC EDITION ) Atterwe brought you exclusive Shots of the much awaited Daytona sequel last month, we thoughl W80Ught to keep you aR happy with some more coveraie. So here it Is!



UK £27.00 surrw. maII .£4O.OO AIrmail [1INIpI £44 A1nna1lloM 1 £60.00 [ In £44.00, TheM rates Include IIOItI8I and pWIna.

SUBSCRIPTION / BACK ISSUES ENQUIRIES Tftr AtbIcriptIonI. Tower hOUse. Lathkin street. Sovereign Partl, Martlet Harborough. LeiCs. LE16 9U. (01858) 468888

,. . -.


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REVIEWS _ _ _ __



y ~~/;~ ;:~~n~::8~i;i~: ~Xa;;i~~:::::!~~:~r:~i: ~~!'~:~s~~~ ~~:~~rO~~UeS~,'~:=:Ver. "Vi'

rather than ree l off what sections of th e mal! I'm particul.. r happy with this month, dKided Instead to make a statement about Exhumed, th e 3D Doom clone OUT NOW on Saturn. Well, as

a PC owner and a bill Quake tan I just have 10 say that I am mightily imprened with what the SilturniSilchievingwiththisgame.Q",ilef,ankly,lt'sbrillianl.Tht}D is Incredibly but it's the design of the game thilt makes it so 8.e;at-youwon'tfind a more

cunn lnglycraftl!dadventureonSaturn. OrPCforthatmatter.l'vehadadisturb.


ing amount of mail from people who are ready to pass up Exhumed and


Doom inst ead bfiause they -don'! like the look of it". Well, GET YOUR EYES TESTED. Exhumed lookS - ",nd plays · absolutely briiiiilliantly. Go oul now. Bl.Iyit. Make il a 10p§fOlier. Then perhapsGT Inleractivewili see sense an d get lobotomy (Exhumed's creators) to do Saturn Ql.Iake bc"llorfl RIchard "ad,"".., Editor

Call The Cops!

Virtua Cop 21s Almost Here! A

nyoneWhO'l beenPlayingVirtuacopllnthearcadelcouldtellYOUju st how sexy this shoot 'em l.Ip sequellookl . Now with the game nearing completion, ~ ill sEGA SATU RN MAGAZINE have been given exclusive accelllo Ihe Ihlrd and final episode in Ihegame. Needltss to u y,lt'l


In Issue #11 we ,evealed screenshots from the first two stages In Virtua Cop 2. Everyoneagn~~thattheylookedalmostidenticaltothearcade,andthiSiSequally

t,ueofthethird and final stage In the game. H;wlng pursued the nefar ious gang of hoodlums across town. everywhere from the shipyard to a car chase around the city's streelS. the action now centres on the underground and the final attempt to foliow the gun·tottingcrims totheirhideout.

NIIIU AIOM THE IINDEAGROlJII) File3,the'R;iiIUneShootOut',begmswlth our budding Dirty Harry types moving tentallvely down the stairs while enemies pop out from behind WoIlis in ever inc.easingnumbers.Oncetheticket bamer has been negotiated and the platform cleared of unwanted scum, it's onto t he train it§fOlf for a crazy.ide to the gangs lai •. Fortunately ail this shootingdoesn·t take place in the rush hour. Ifitdid there'd be thousands of

. --.--,


slumped (Wer §fOals. and Iols of bloodstain~ news·





with gang members popping up from behindseats.occa· sionaliywlthana.mtighllyheldaboutt henedofanunfortunatecommute,·come·hostage

0VEIIGR0UIIl ON THE UIIlERGROUIIl The action on the tube (or the subway as cali it) gets ali the more tense when the constant shot-fOf-shot mayhem moves onto the roof of the train Enemiesrai§fO thelfsoon·to·be·mushheadsbel~nthecarriageswhile

you go racing towards t he stalion. There's also plenty of hangmgout of the sidewmdowsofthetrain,you, foes flingmg thei. guns despalfingly as t hey take a bullet to






:: . .....-;~i;:: ~

t~ thest! Onte you r.:ome tr;lw1lng into t~ st~tlOl'l the ~ctl(lfl tootmues on the pI~t· f(ll'm. There was some \ptc:ul~tlOf1 ~\ to whether Stg~ would Inc:lude ~II the det~11 from the ~rt~dC'S, but ~s the ~ctlOn on the tr~in \1'iOws, there were ntYer ~ny doubt;1S far ~S Seg~'s AM department were concerned




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Afterallthethr,lIsofthetralnride,ifsamatteroffol!owingthegangtotheir hideout. This involves travelling along intonspltuous grty oorrrdon while the underworlds finest tome tfuhlng down through the ceiling and the II~e. There ~re some fe~11y mce to\.lthes-likebullet ho~ left inthew~1I when you mlss-whidl m~rkVC2out .IS not only more det~iled tnan its predecessor but the ultimate shootrng game on anytonsolt Unfortunatelywecantell)'OUhttle_th~nthls~boutthefin~lscenes t\euuse, after all, we don·t want to spoil the surptlse

IU_IIIIII• .,t!Ptt.ll<lwu t..llqjnt MIIIIdI ur, _lIrIruI MnI. ltMwlHtr IWaW tlaat ..... tltWMtr,.. • .,klllCltfjMlt


'lIfi ..... bt.lrl.tlblbtlll~. kl jllI: 1Iok1lCl", IIIII1M, ud PlUM tM trlgtr.


Ill, NdJ 11'11,," lib. rA tI4 clot. .

wit· ness the return of the 'Justke Shot'which awards you withextr;l point\ if you do the decent thing and shoot enemies in t he hand holding their weapon, rather than mow them down in an Indignant wrath. Obviously this mnns there's more room to work on your accurilCY. ilnd filCk up the poIntsofcourse Just hkeVirtua Cop, maxlmisrng your score opens up further options. even when you've clocked t he gilme. There's a huge amount of secret modes and SIKh to U!lCOYef, but we've been sworn to secrecy. What we will ~ though 15 that they are well worth u!lCOYerrngl Thilt"s all on Virtua Cop 2 for now.but knowthisallyou Saturn faithful out there - next month we're reillly going to be going to town on the game WIth Ilillll" :;''";:~ ,.;;"'.~ of nth and C'IIery trigger happy


Idld.'t"'lba~. lt.1I1

Tenn!sS.I"nesh,lveh,ldahabltofbelns,.. therspinelen .. ffilirsontheS .. turn, Hopefully .. 1I of this Is .. bout to (hilnge with the rei use of Bruk Point, Oc:un's fore)' into the world ofwell·sh.. vtd Iilwns .. nd consistent British filllure, The s .. me fuhlfesfollfCOllrtvilrliltlons, Intilldlng .. tilfmu court sltu .. ted beside s .. hotel .. nd pldllresqlle be .. ch. Up to four plilyen ciln compete .. t ilny one time (pl .. yinS dOllblesobviouslyl .. ndilmlxtureofinterniltlon.. lpl .. yerstochoose from. We'll hilvt .. lovelyptevlewnelltmonth.

In Issue #11 we previewed


Silme cillled (rime Wilrs. published by Eidos


with iI dose of shoot 'em up ilction thrown In. The curious ilmons you may be wan· derinswhat"s happened to it, seeinS <IS its releilse diltewils orisinally set f or September. Well. since then it's ~n renilmed (rimewavt, and because programmers ilreperfectionists.they'vtdelilyeditsreleaseuntI12othNlM'mber totweakitabit here ilnd there. So with any luck we should hilvt iI review in next month's issue. I

I ,I






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• •


1 [ ..

DRAMATIC RALLY TIME ATTACK RESULTS! ONLY 0.03 secs BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND! Not since the In/tlmous Blatk SOJr nwtch·tllI'Owing scall· . iftles dll'fOCked the Americlln boubollscelle III thefi. (Of whenever) has IIny contNt ;nspited JIIch twlsh 0/ cont1OVf'ffy- Theftnll' Xgo Rlllly nme Attack results ""ve been plll9ued with I

:!~~~~'/::/hW;;:";,,::o;;:e::/or entry; So it was we lCOUred the top ten (ond below) /orothe, likely condldlltes, reqllfltlng their video ~idente RIGHT NOW VfRYQUICKLY. Of those en'mnts


who replied, we were ""ppy to see thel' corlclll9 times. Thou thlltd/dn'twrltebGck, weftgure, hadftbbed to us ond/eared being found ollt or they'd movtd obrOQd. I At /fthls _sn't effOlJgh, theftnlll

I I •


second uparlltlngf/nt ond second plocellelgh St~enson 0/ Alwrthorpe, Wllktj/eld Is ,he lucky winner with 0 time ofzoSJ,$4, whilst un/uckyJohn 1'ibbot 0/

leicme,comeJ In 0 close second with l.SJ,S71 Evell more unlucky Is Oarmn Ware, whou time 0fz.SJ,S8 wos decolred ""Id becouu it comn/or exactly the slime address liS lelgh's elltl')'. So tht spaw")l third placer Is IIIn McKell,'e ofPrllsley, who wolla away with on ellc/u· five Segll Rally i"cket ond Segll T·shlrt. Our top two bothrtceive thisprl'e, Qlong with TENSotu",gomn/or John ond Q YEAR'S SUPPl.Y offree gQmeJ for le/gh. Well done, evel')'Ont, eVf'n /f1Ou didn't win 0 prize, Or get the rules right, for thllt motfer,

ACTIVISION PREPARE MECHWARRIOR Th"tbelf1Bt~{aseWf!路requlteple .. sedto announce that the company is intent on bringing thegameoototheSaturnaodWf!'vebeen lud:yenoughtocatchagllm~ofthefirstplayab!e

codeofthegilrmo tfpiverecently been fl'prieved from an exde in another dHnension, you won't know "bout this brilliant first pe~n perspective shooter. And to be honest we don't know much it either, mostly because conceptually. this Is going to be quite a bit differ!:'n! from the PC OI'iginal with the emphasis mon' on actIOn than simulation. Still, it should be a good game: what with the MechWarriof pedigree and all of

that. so expect more meaty COYI'rage in iI forthoominslssuc oflh,s fine magazifle

HERE COME THE VIDEOS! Thlsvideoblilgisbec:omeabltofil.egulolrfut urethese daysbutwho'SComplilining ehl Especially not you not when_'~ got five sets of thrH top videos to give away. First ilmong the m Is without doubt on", oflhe


films of ail-time: Blade

Runner. This ,1'1' future-noir flkk il p~rt of ~ S(fl!'f!n CtUJlu oolledlon from W~rner Home Video. Directed by Rldley Scott ~nd st~rrJng H~rriwn Ford, it focuses on ~ blukfuturewhere~ndroids~nd ~re becoming ~lmOlt Indidin. The effects ~,e ~m~,jng, the ~tmosptoe'e overwhelming ~nd



the~ctionn~il路bitting.AmustfOf ~nybody. Togowiththlsd~sslc.


~ Iso

th,owing in two videos


volume 6 of t~ new Outer limits serles~ndvolumeI60f8~bylons whlchfe~tures'AIIAlonelnthe


~nd 'ActsofS~(fifice'.lfyou

w~nttogetholdofth ll' trlowith

the brio',slmply send your entrl" to THESE VIDEOS MUST BE M INEI, SECiA SATURN MAGAZINE, 3掳.31 FAI!I!INGDON LANE, LONDON, EClI!)AU.The competition closes on Novembe,loth.



INCREDIBLE HULK InCfcdlbleHulk-The Pant heon Saga has been In development for

some t ime now Alias! we ca n bring you a few screenshot s from the game Although previous Incredible Hullo; games have had the

hilbltofmilk lng punters very ilngry at the SUIC ofthc gamepl.y, we afC ilnurcd by


US Cold that th is BOiIme

shOulddothesuperheroproud. Thcgamc lsilmhttureofbeat 'cmupandplillformilctlon, vit"Wed lna}O lsomttricperspt'ct i ~ Wc 'vc s«n It play ill Ihe ECTS but have yet to gCI our hands onll Irother8ame50ntheSaturnftaturl ngsuperher~Sarf'ilnyth l n81080by it should De a winner. Hopefully wc'lI hilve iI ~lIevl ew nut month.

50. •• you thoulht Toshlndcn lIembt on Saturn wu I bit, er, dluppolntlnl ,1'11 Well

!nos. plucky chaps.t Taun! haw produced 11 s,.tum-lpec:1flc: ve"1on ofthel, n.phlp I~ITMI whk h futures ~II-new durJcttrJ.1'Id tome.WHOITMI hlsh-~1It1on Irlphkf. J~t like Vh.. TaullIluve productd thl'lame wtth tlM satum In mll'ld ~nd re6tsllntd all oftlM costumtS., to EIIIs' ntt-curtaln Jldrb .ren't thtrt thl, tlme. In fact, It', a feut all round. Slit dOft It match upto tlM I4M1 duo ofVF1.1'1d the new RJhtlnl Vlptn. FlI'Id out _ I n the poIgft ofSEGA SATURN MAGAZINE btcaUM! _ un con .. firm th~t TOJhln~n URA lu It I. known) I. deflnlttly gfttlnl' UK rtle.wt




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willl 1 whole plantl of hardcore 811n, brlllllna . UO'Itr, B1dd«or, bul ll00dwe1 ponl.

aAZOOllA A ,lnllle-. hot hlall,",lodtytl1ltwllkll ~tilnllhtU,. "ldtn'. maln~nl,bulnol

his moIt



nlnaexploslwdlskwhlch 10WIl,u11 dtstUlltlon. bdo ... blowlna lip """', .lwl«tlonoftl\ttarth. lAlD Natthequlcktttof auns, buttlll,doollbie· bnm~rcannonhll l grtlt"tl~r • •nd

with quJte hwnan·1lke

_.ponoand ls the .....1 biptd.ll·loc:tincd\ancto:r

IHO'fGI,1X Aplwmdfbn hlI""""rfulatantriflr.

ProricInJOOd ........r andlwplHltyofpowtr,



ofAphllrmd',dow.qllu, tersweapon.lhl. flrnaff 'P!nnlnlldlluoftntrllY Fa.t,buthllrdtoalmptop. trly and Iow·

IlUnbotnbuumdrcult ructIontwhkhdl.magt Aph.&rmd"!oeandknoa


f thb lilme looks famillu to you, that't btcaute thll IIn't the fint time that we han .hown Dark Slrior to you in the p.ges of S£GA SAruIN MAGAZINE. On pale 1.0 of {nue _6, in actual fact . Howevu, on tho.e two page. we .howed you picture. of the fint .ectlon of Dark Sav10r_ now that the lame b complete , we can reveal that this accounts for 1" of thit frankly enor· mou. role·playlnllamel Believe UI when we SilY thilt Duk Savior b perhaps one of the blllut ridfOlilmu enr created. with five different parallel dlmenlions (more on that later) and around 100 dlffuent endlnl.1 The programmers of Dark Savior · Climax • had In mind an IPG that would offer month. of gameplay with many dlffuent, worthwhUe way. of playing the lame throulh. From what we have . een of the finished Japanese title, It would appear that they have been most .uccenful.


WHAT'S TH! STORYl When It come. to Japanese IPGs, you un be luaranteed Ihat you're In for some pretty hardcore weirdnen. So It 11 with Dark Savlor, a. we venture forth into Its inIr1Iulnl . cenarlo...

CIIul., tM HloriMI \,111 ..., _,.· y._fKttef.tI IIPclI.... SaIt.. ul......,1

wtt. _". .

- -'-'

~Those Judled ill belnl unable to return to normal.odety are sentenced 10 ellher dealh or life Imprhonment on the bolated and folltary ~Jaller'1 hland Wllhoul any relud for . pedes, both men and monstelf are crowded tOlethu helf. IIch and enry one of them h .. committed a major criminal offenlf.



On thl. island tht prlsonen are admlnistued by Governor Clutolllen the Third. With only the brain. of a common mathetlclan he bring • • trlct disdpllne to this prison Island. In his book, there Is only one rule ~ Death to all thost who violalt public ordtrl ~. It'. btCluSf of his ndlstlc personality that most of the convicts btu halred agaJn.t him. In addition, thue ue thofe who escort the prlsonen to thi. prlfOn of death. They ue known a. the bounty· hunten. It 10fI without ..ylnl that the convict. hate them as much ..

'.OIlapofDlri;S"lorlcllOltTIMplcbelowltftallowlUttABBiq ... ofl_.,.tIOPUI Mltal &atl. TlItrt'. plllItJ of IIl1Mr di.bllI actIN .. tI......, U UIon below aM I1 till ~ new f,.. lilt ... ,trttltl (celltrt) "1c.IeobIU. SlIM COIllIIt MuJtrbJM It till bottoa. TIlt Itn plct.,.'" till IIiIJtr nill IIIfTf\OISIJ C&Ptn boa 'I .. kUIt dlllttill MttIM.-ri&tlt "' . . . .)'II-Ya~.UlIlCltttllltne!







Those who . uccessfully escape from the prilon do.o only to offer themlllvu IS blood ncrlflcu to the illand! For a!thOUllh elcape iI ponlble, In reality, due to Governor Clutollllen'. pride In prevenUn, elcape nearly Illattemph are doomed to fallure It IInlel that the number of people who have .uc Ryu and two other elite DoW\ty hW\ter. Nick and Mal are ordeled to accompany Villain to Jaller'. Island on the lUle tran.port . hIp "Gllon". Thil Ipedllly created vUIIII, ulld 10 tran. port condemed pri.oner. and con· \.'" '\\.. talnl a .pedally con.tructed cale/ceU into which Villain IIl1curely placed J However, while the .hlp 1I1t11l mort than 580 nautical mllu away from Jaller'l IIland, Villain 1 InaUnctl are aroulld by the IUmulaUnl effect of my.terloul .ound wave.! Suddenly, Villain IIcrete. an acid lib liquid that dlnolvu the callel cell and quickly ucape. lnto the


fened to the much larller pd.on accomodatlon on Jailer'. IIland to .uffer the MCarbon Punllhmenl ~.

TllII •• ~ 1C1t1lt1lt ""' ..... .'tloo_Iltt_~,blliII

IctatlflC,IIt' ...trt...1J rutIMlboIll20~",0rt,lyt·

l •. ThnkflfIJ,b'••tJllrrb' bI.~.lnptJIIIM4tflltJlI

.!III ....l4be ..1)'I


'-'- -

Textured pol yg ons BIIII!!IIIDIS¥;"MM with s p rites to p roduce an !1M....FM!!4.".mI!!. Climax have !II!DIDIIlI!IIIIDIIBIID_ in creat ing an ar:esome act ion role - play ing adventure! ship. Th~ sir~ns sound and all pani( bruks out ... ~ The long and the short of it is, YOU u~ Ryu-Ya and it's your Job to track down th~ metamorph super-criminal through th~ lailer's Island, appr~h~nd him and S~~ 10 his d~struction and Ih~n quickly ~ffect a n ~scape ham the drudlsle.

HOW DOIS IT WORK! Th~ bones of Dull. SavioJ is that it's an isometric 3D advenlur~ game. sort of In th~ styl~ of Landstalker on th~ Megadfiv~ only this time a mixture of sprit~s and t~xtur~d polygons ar~ used to d~pict th~ Island and its denilens. Although it looks like a tradltionallsomelric 3D gam~, Dull. Saviol is much more. You can view th~ landscape from many dlff~r~nt views thanks to a cunning n~w syst~m known as th~ Hyp~rion p~r5p~ctiv~ (s~e lat~r), which Iitnally takes Landstalke r into th~ next dim~nsion.

Usin, the H1111rion PI"III~ti" lithe wI110 SIICetll ollbl. Iml (abon). ne plllf_lwi"bGlI. on"OYllbG.ltndJoulllt1Ito~Htilellltoloclt'lle'ttr {willthlljll.torr~""ltotb.rigllt).Onc.lhlllr'­

fonnsdropdowI,IUowllIlyoulee..slotllldoorouI.Youun'trultymlt 'IIrywIII,bullliliRlhissllot (iMhlnd till Vlln mllhj. UlinS the HYIIII'Itn

'ersPKti'lllllakl. lhlllilprtttyoln'loustom.



ship. Your performance on the ship dictates which of the five paths Ihrough the game you're going to ~mbark on (s~e later also). It's your job to make your way through th~ various uus, talking to the convicts, (oll~cting obJ~cts and ~arnlng valuable experience points which allow Ryu-Ya to gain pow~r and combat prow~s$. Although It might look complicated. Dark Savlor Is pr~tty ~uy to get to grips with and from our hours' of gam~play W~ can say that it's probably Ih~ pr~mi~r Saturn RPG.

llRST IMPRESSIONS We've be~n giving Dark Savior a bit of att~ntlon now and th~n sinc~ th~ flnlsh~d lapan~s~ version arriv~d In th~ offices and w~ can r~port that it's a top gam~. A v~ry top gam~ ind~ed. We are also happy to inform you lot that It is definitely gelting an official rel~u~, with full-on English languag~ action sch~d­ ul~d for a January 1997 launch. If you quite liked Shining Wisdom and its Ilk. you'r~ going to flip ov~r this.

Where would the world of role·playlng be without a bit of fighting. One thing's for sure, It would be a most dull place indeed, consisting of much solving of logic puules, walking about and talking to peopl~ (yawn). Thankfully, Dark Savlor Includes a fair smattering of fighting, mostly in the form of a rather brilliant one·on· one almost·like·Street Fighter (ombat syst em. You and youl opponent face off in a best·of-thr~~ rounds sc~narios, using normal attacks, special moves and blocking In ord~r to w~ar down your opponent's energy bar. There's even a Super Mov~ energy bar you can build up. Brilliant eM W~ll, that's not the cleverest part. Dark Savior allows you to stun your foe Into submission, whe reupon you can capture them and add them to your ranks of fighters. So the ntxt tlm~ you g~t set upon by some hideous creature, you can us~ your last conquest to do the fighting Instead of Ryu-Ya. Brilliant ehl Well, the further you gtt into the gam~, th~ bigger and more nastier the creaturn you fight... And ~nry on~ that you engage can be added 10 yourleaml

Th .... sIIolloflntlftHDln SlYlorhleklngandlll1ln&-

THE PARALLEL SYSTEM Dark Savior I. basically five different a4vtn路 twe. In one, with the ,une variation YOII lumbered with dependent on how)'OlI with the lntt:1al blarlnl.hip Ktnarto. The dlapm with this llttlt box .howd &fw YOII some Idea of how the gune diversH at this cnadal point. the landscape may be .lmilar at many points, the storyllne ar\d the dw1lcten dw\j:e radically, u do many of the obj芦ttvn and puulH. With the ftvot major panllel. .pawninl arowul.lOO endings, thJ.gune Is HUGEI TlWISI'ORlSHtPADYOOUA(STlIIt TlWISI'ORlSHtP'ClPlAlnllOOM

THE HYPERION PERSPECTIVE Land.talker mllht h ave bun locked In the Itometric perlpectlve. Dark Savlor bn't. thl! left Ihowder blltton or the analollle controller (If YOII haVI! the NIGHTS pad), YOII can look arollnd In jll.t about any direction. The right .howder blltton It lI.ed to .eroll around, allowinl yOIl to view yet more of .cenuy. The 'Yltem 1I ab.ollltely brilliant and mllterin, it lIa mll.t. Sometlmtt hidden object. are rpealed with the HJPerion Perlpectlve and later on, potentially fatal drop. into the aby.. Ire avoided ONLY by IIl1ng It! Other than that, the controll are rathu Ilmpll!. Thl!rl!" rllnnln, and Jumping. Attacking, talking and examinlnglrl! all donI! with thl! .. me blltton. Thl! Invl!n路 tory .y.tem, Ill0win, YOII to check Ollt YOllr Itlt. and booty It allo avaJ.lable ar\d luper路.lmple to IIle.



omegilmesdeslgl1trshaveilrll!Xcel路 lenlgliUpoflhtphf;Ut"hlgh-con(ept~,blulngthelrlamuillroundone

cenlfill flimsy premln which br;tnds the product. However,none un match the mighty Lemon, oneoflhe xavtnSflr-afflllated tums and the bods responsible fOfAmok . You ciln Imilglne the pitch the crutlve turn put fOfWilrd to Ihe producer to try and sell the Idu. ~ Erm .. It', like Thunderhilwk. Underwater". At whkh point the producer will h,ve shilktn his hud wurlty ilnd picked up his fllofn . Doubtless as the chief ru,hed the door the Junior tuboy proa~mmef will have blurted Ina last ditch attempt " With a

frOSI ", "81ngol" thmb the plOdlKtr 路Wlth ill frogl What genlusll won'l dIsmISS thiS ,de.. after illII" And we shouldallbeglildthilthelhoughtthilt,luders, beciluseAmolclsshilpln8uplobeavISlOflof~li颅

ness. Mmdyou, I rnlght be mythologiSing the whole proe:ess here, w,th my lies. It's mo,e I,~ely that lemon got Amok off the ground by s~lng off its wonderful g'aphlCsenginetoanlmprcssedroomofschedulefs

You can imagine the pitch the creative team put forward Thunderllawk. Underwater". " their little cotton socks. Bless For Amok ut,hses some of the fiashlest 30 graphl(s the Saturn has hosted for some t,me Not m terms ofspced or colour, but In of detail Amok askS)'lXlr humble Saturn to handle no small quantity of objects at anyone time. Without rccou.setop.oe:cssorslowdown And,ofcourse, It's got a frog Not any old frog, obvlOl.lsly Otherwise It might have Toad of Toad Hall and the game woold'vc ~n crap.Justduv,"garoundlna httlctoad car with Ratty a"d~avc"orwhocvcrltwasButno,thlsISiha,d

frog, made out of metal A kmd of robotic mcchanold frog vchlcle,ln fact. armed With many guns. bombs and missiles And it IS this mechanlul frog)'IXI must guide th,ough the various mlSSlonobJcctivcs sctyou m each stage These range, as usual,from rescuing hostages to blowing things upand blowIng other t hings up Nothlngpartlc, ularlyfancy about t ha \. you may think Truth be told,maybe

ofpolygontcchnologySaturnownellOlJgh of them, It appcafS, at Icast Iookmg for the roscttefor Produced m Breed ~explor.ltlOflaspccthasbccntoned

down shghtly,leavmgyou f,cc to head stra,ght for danger rather than spcnd all)'IXI.tlme faffing around With maps The weapons of mass destructron have been toned up slIghtly, aloog With t he scale of t he enemy enforcemcnts, For eumplc, by level

Ok, 1Itrt',.jokI-ftJdl4 ""..CI'tU"l'Nd?..,

,,",M It WIt

u.,I.. wt



full of soIdicrs and gun emplacements So Amok might IlOl be the most ougmal tItle hcaded for t he Sat urn-frogs and underwaterscttlng notwl t hstandlngbut It certainly looks p,etty the gameplay, t he depl h 10ngCVltyofAmok,we'II rCVlew,hopcfullylnthe Kccpthefalt h, 1'111 nnt tral,l., .IWoIi ,tt. y" apIU!'"1IooI of tIIItt .. """'l'Idud ...'t.t11lwt"JIIII' ,.,.....ttllqlook .. w.

WhIlst your


frog submerSIble, whkh



cr benuth thc WilYC'S. sometImes It longs to gambol on thc sandy shoteS and play In thc sun. Luckily this is fullyposslble,be<.~usethtlevelsofAmokaresplit

between undcrwatcr operatIOns and



etytobrcakthlngs up A b,t IIkcthcundcrwatcr Corc's ~boYe'ground Battlecorps 3D robot walker ••"',","," ",~,'.m

Bcforc cmb~rklng on cach mission you'rc gIven a IIttlc brcakdown of your Oon't bothtr takIng that much notlCc.likc you norm~11y have to. An on screen In thc g~mc shows you whcrc to go, ilnd alinc of tCI(( in thc middle of your vision Informs you of your nc)(tgoill ilS the old one is achlcved VDU don't even need iI map oncc you'vc got started. Which Is good, becausc you don't gct onc


objectl~ ~rrow

,;:..~:':?- ; .'.





~ .

11,' ,



::::.'.:;. ~


- . '- , L: .,~ - ' .1'-

THHKall_·t.,.. ....


.-'"- --- - ''' , -

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"-"' ~ " ,-'~







Awolcl 0,,_ .

nl.II_~lh • • 1et plct.,.., IN't ItP 'Irlll doH, ....

TUt IItU. ,..d 1Nl. Wplllllt. Jour H.,..,t tupt.



"dy....... w.,th •• m ..


,taffofSSM, unvtlled, 'mall new 5eg....ffUI.ted'oftwl lehoLul! known IIScaVtnltl. Sc.venltl,you m.y ,ecllI, wl5 I collectlvt of tiny

pro,r.mmlnlttlm, pOJlched from othet.rtnu. Then, .fter,howlngllllovelydemo, jI couple of the ir tlUe, wh ich ,umedto bftlk whole new Iround for thl! 5iturn, Snytnltrdlnppf!ared, fornoapPlltntrtuon . Wellnow. • tlil,tthty',eblck,.ndthlstlme they'vcbrOllghtthelrg.muS<orcher,theirlud title, Wit Impressive enough In Its ur'Y 30" completest.te. • nd hils moved on consldCIOIblyslnce then.


For the unlnltlilted (Ie-ilnyonewho bought


Sc.vh.vcspentlnthewlldernen),w,'dbetttftell you. bitilbout Scorctler It's. futuost lc lice gilme where you pl.ythe pilot of an antl,gravltyfloatlng craft. ll,lckllythough,thn'sabol,lt It all It shares with WipEout (which It will doubtless be Incorrectly com·

The courses are carefully nay, lovingly - produced in full 3D in about a zillion colours, and " rendered to follow all kinds of curves and shapes. How very" .ery pretty. Watoongal pared to forever). Th is floaty th ing Is In fact a strange klndofforcefleld bike which you must ask to negotiate a series of InCluslnglywlndll'lg roads, sometimes on two or three levels of elevation


or drop down Into strange tunnels, to complete each



the fog Stlll,them's the bruh Vou'd ol'lly moan If they didn't bother and you could see all the clipping In the homon.Soyou'lI get what you're given and be grateful,Ireckon. Anyway, despite the SOIturn having been blessed with some awesome race games 11'1 the last

mentlol'l the compellng bikes, which all conspire to make your hfe extra extra hard Not that they need to bother, really, because your nimble lightweight vehicle provides enough trouble of lIs own, bounc· In garoundm~n l"allyatthesll ghtestbump.Aslsso

of'ten the case with decent race games, learning to



YOUf sof'tware collection for the ir baby. Judging by visuals alone, we'd have dlfflcultydlugreelngwlth them. Plus, they're bigger than us, so we wouldn't. But. on the subJect of gameplay, we don't care how hard the producers are-we're willing to be brutally

of ~


as bcing the trach themselves Scorcher Initially won a lot of attention for IU gr~ph lcs. The courses are carefully- nay,lovlnglyproduced In full 1011'1 about ~ llllloncolours, and rendered to follow all kinds of curves and shapes Bu1 given that this was about eighteen months ago, th ings have moved on considerably In this fast, paced world of technology However, having copped a butche(s at the lateu 90" finished version, we can uythat Scorcher ullI looks hot The light sourcIngaddsalotof~tmosphefe,there'sanawfullotof

roads,de deuil and the clever cllp-maskll'lg ensures that the whole thing runs super-smoothly £venlf


sure yet, but It looks like Scorcher might be theume by name and nature. There area few bugs yet to be Ironed out, and some potentially f~tal slowdown 10 eradlcOlte (which the tum promise they'U do). So far, though, this looks to have been worth the wait And boy,what a wait It 's been, Keep your eyes peeled for a full,evlt:W next month. Or the month after.

IliIIiJ:a"I:a'il ~1

Q,l. .



:~dnde:n~I;~~:~~~~~(f:~!~~!~t~ft:' comln, up fut . Out now In your locll

,oftwillte ,

Exhumed - a frankly ,tunnlnl Iillme. Also, the aame, that Itarted off the entire len,,! Ire hndo for the SlIturn. Doom )'01.1'11 know about (ou

we cowrfd It lut Inue) and Ihl' month we bke ill


fullerlooklltHexen, themedl.evalilldventurerendltion of Doom with tonl of erl~ bib.



Tfllogy fame), we c.JIn report Ihilll the Siltum tril"slllion of Hexen Is looking very 001 indeed Everything from the PC version hils ~n retillned (Including some of the Jet mist effects) ;lnol the 8i1~'S speed is

All the character classes, the weaponS and the magical powIlNIps are included and the "hub" " elements of the level design remain in evidence.


most Impressive. A.lthoughnot ql,llteufiuldas



(.lboft) "&lie n.p





' r


- tMJ'rt "'1)'1'


art ~ """" ""_


,wQ"'.-I u.. III fact. u,.ct_ ..,..... lICe_ ill Mm. kldsl

.- "" ... 4!'

. " ~






turerem,lnsjustas.1ce as It wu on PC. All the ch~r"ter cl~sses, the we'pons and the m~gi­ calpower-ups,reincluded,nd the "hub"elementsofthe level desIgn (you can revisit previous levels ,nd take dIfferent routesthroughJremains in evidence Also. ifs ~nconflrmed th.t Hexen (.nd ind~ the forthcoming Doom) use the Saturn link-up cable_ which should .ctu~11y mean that the lead In questIon wlllfln.1l1ygetarelease~rhele.lfswellworththe

effort-theDealhMatchactlonlngamesoriginOlting from ldsoftware lsgu~rant~toboostthelongevity

of the tItle Also, it's great to see that the link-up OlSpectS of the are "tually bcrng cocled In the Saturn ~rsion (unli ke WipEout ~nd Destruction Derby. for Instance). Whal Is Ollsoqulte amusing Isthe Olbility to use magic to transform your opponent into an euilydestroyed (and probably stinkIng) pigl So.alllnall.ltwould.ppearthOltGTlnter.1ctl~

are on to a winner with Hexen. How the finished product mOltches upto the similar Exhumed rem,lns to bc seen. but wIth the Id softwOlrepedig,eebchind the title, 11 should be a clanlc In the making.


DOOM UPDATE We were going to bring you more Doom action Ihismonth.Howev.!r.ittransplresthOlttheSaturn codehOls~nsubstantiatlyrevampedslncelast

Issue's mlnl·showcase. Developers Rage Software are concentrating on reducing the raggedy nature ofthetextureSOlndarelntentonmassl~ly

imp.oving thegame's fluidity. CompatIbility with the anOllogue p.1d is also beingcoded_More nut month

qua.l.lty PSX titln over tha current flood of qua.l.lty DEAR SSM, sahu'n lamH, Ho.,.fully this d mtlon will change uOWld ChrIstmu, when Stla are pred..lctinl they'll.ell nla. of Saturn., I thought I would w,ltc In wit h ~ Fantasy ~bout a gimc I im looking forwird, to.. ~. Iwaswalkingalongfeellngdejectedbcl;ilusccverybodycouldkicksindlnmyficc, H\lUaht whcn I s~w i B~nncr, sutlng, GRAND TOURNAMENT,INTRODUCING, THE FIGHTING VIPERS, so I, ~nt illong to pick up i few hlnts,._ There won i W!ry Beautiful young I~dy, drcsscd In. Red, w~itlng for hc r Bout.-. I onked hc. if she would tuch mc to DATIl? UP YOURSI Fight, ilfte •. She wld OK,._ She w~s ~ very good Tuchcr~ But if I crred, she rully OEAR SSM, gaW!, mc, thc Bum's .ush,_ lItcrally,1 might add,_ But in iI while,l uccedtd, herI "n't ~g,ee morc this thc comments m~de by ~rI Sw~n In Issue 11 ~bout the D~tel c.pect~tlons, and I think shc brKled mc , as I, did, her_I asked her name, shc - wid Actioc'i Rcpl~y "rt,!dgc, For £50 ~II you get is ~ tot~1 of 45 diffe.ent g~mc codes, only CANDY~ ISild, Wcll CANDY, rW! gOl a Sweet ToOIh._. Shesmiltd. -Impishly, ilnd SEVEN of which ~'e fo, UK g~mes (thc ,est fo, bloody importsl), which includes oldfell into my arms. THE END. Ish g~mes like VIctory Boxing and Shinobl-x.. I know it's a little ~ak,_ but I'd be happy to it ~---.-.=.--___ on the box COYtrit wys ·Entcr newchuts~s furthe, g~mes printed In the Milg, as I'm-fasllyplused, ~re ,elused - FI~sh EPROM Technology muns th~t all new cntries ~rc ~dded to the b... ilt·in cheat men ... •. WHATI Flash Regirds EPROM Technologyl New cntries ~ddedlll And what of the PltllFurncu, O/lford, "high speed comms port". That's good for thc 11ICk)' few who own both ~ S~turn ~nd a PC to (onnect it with. The rest of • You'" a _rely danltlOWllJulJvI.dual. us haW! to w,~k up high 'phone bills to gct p~ssed on to


OIhc,dcp~rtmcnts,givtnothcr'phonenumbtrs totryor



OEARSSM, As i devoted fin of SSM and i complete ~gi fruk I felt in uncontrollible urge to write this letter.. , WAKE UP SECA. WE NEEDSUPPORTI Whenlfi rstconslderedthejumptoaNextGen consoleitwasawetlthought·outand,eseard,ed

If only they would ,clnsc ncw codes to magiulnes like this esteemed p... bllcatlon, and print them fo, us likcthtydid with thc 16·blt Action Replay a nd Game Genic carts,



knowing whilt cffects It Ciln mike to top title games after s.eelng them printtd in magiuincs, I hopt you will be print· Ingsuch(odcsl nSSMsothat~"nusethemtofindothc,



But I.ud the press, did some trials, ~nd milde what I think was the best declslon, l bought the Saturn. What i plt<e ofk!t It IS, As a former Megadrivt/Meg~<D owner (whkh both were the buSlnCSSI)I"nonlysaythatlw;nastoundedby thediffe.ence. Graphla and sound ilrtout of this

Hoptyou can help all us Datel Action Repliy"rt (con ned) owncrs, DrwhI KlmmlrtgJ, Addam, Midd~b"'''9It,


The only ,ul p.obIem I c~n now Is ma,ktting stritegy, Now thit both consoles are, well, illot less thiln I paid for mine, Segi'S rtturn must (ome from gilmes ilnd OICCessory w~. There does s.eem, however, to be .. sm .. lI problem with this. Tike i look iround the high street PliyStilioc'i shelves outnumber Saturn shelves three to one. How (in this bc, aren't Sony new to ill this, aren't Sega the best at gilmes and utes, where Is all the support wl!'re used tol When you rCid press advertisements both consoles ire well established, with what looks like i comparable ~mount of gimes iVilllilble. Why then is the high street so dlfferentl This, after all,ls whe,e most pcople make the dMlslon ind pu rchasethelr console, Am I the only one who has noticed thlsl Am I the only onc with any (on· cernr TheSiturn Is i brllllint devtlopmen t. don't sit on your Iilure!s Se gil,givcus the support now we'W! bac ked you r horsel StcvI!Ecktrsol/, OwlltUlI,Holi/ax. ~

To be fAir, Stev., th.I.l.n't so much'. fault .. that of your friendly local retailer, ThaJ'ra the onH that c h _ which lamH to d.ock, and at the moment many of tham IHm to ba favourtnlloadJ of rather insipid-

~ YOW'I' b: about the mUUonth letter _ 'ft had ~ maidnl this complaint, so it', obYiaWlty a bona of contention out then, We can't print ~ H _ don't Itt, OaYid - and &fvtn the scardty of Action Replay owna" (npKWly onH who adually like the thin&) wa',. not 'lOa U it's _rth tha 'pace, PIWl, most ~H an d up alonJ the UnH of "Play Sub-tero in paisley colo,,"" 01 "Crash the lame evt!ry Ulna you jump", which d onn't IHm partialluly worthwhile,

I DON'T UlfDDSTAJfD anTAlISM OEAR SSM, What a.e ~ga dolnglln Issue ID Chirles Uvesey wrote in and wld that Sega arc going to conW!rt ill thel. best gimes on the PC. Arc Segi stibbing us FAITHFUL S~turn owners In the b~ck Of what? I mun, wc might as well haW! gone ~ nd bought aPCand,butnowedid,,'t.~dtcidedtostl(kwlth

Sega through the 3JX to Megi-CO to MultiMeg.J which as wc ill! know ~,e crap ind aren't worth a ptnnybut stili wc bought them , It tookSegil three tries befor etht)' (ould come up with the ~mnlng S~turn, Now wc find oot thit wisn't worth the money elther-cvel)'thlng the Silturn'sgot the PC ilrcady has or Is going toget . The PC his Internel access, all of the best games that ale on theSiturn will come 0 ut for

Iln.Uit1<~1 thePC(whatarethebetsthatthePCcon~rslonswlll

who cannot enjoy Ihe gam ln ll phenomenon that Is Guardi an Heroes Is not fit to own a Saturn. The computer equivalent of social servlces should come round and find a foster home for Kamran A West's machine. What more tould youwat'lt from a gamel I'vejust finished It

be better than the Saturn'slj. One reaS(ln I boullhta Saturn over a PC was so I could play Saturn..onlygilmes by Seg;il. I know Segil have to make money to keep their oompilnythrlvln8.butwhilteverhil p~nedtoIOYilhyl ~lnReilrdon,Bl!'clrton,london

I nSlorymodeforthefirsttlmeandl'~stlllgotslx

PS If you don't p.lntthls I will know I'm rlsht ~

Contumtmmhappened. to loyalty. K.vtn. U you 4on't like the ~I!m, 4on'! whi1!.,t about it to ut and bum down. bank or .om.-



TIll ACCIPTABU PACE 0. GAMDfG DEAlt SEGA SATURN MAC; , Rlght,ilccordln8 10 myfimlty "this computer thing Is illI crap, why not go outside ilnd play?". Why oh why do I constantly hut quotes simil ar to this onel Filmlly illways mock computer !lames for no .tuon. It's like they've been programmed by an alien rilce to destroy all compute. lIilmes. WHY? Have you ever been told off by your mum for belnll inside loo muchl Parents note: Wf UKf SEING INSIOE 50 STOP NAGGINGItI ChrIJHouJon, OInq.8uclu. PSSlurarebetterthanCf~ppyOuis.

TO THE AWESOME POWER THAT IS SSM, Theotherdaylwas playing snooker al Ihe local club andthOUllht "Why notha~ snooker on the Saturnl". Picture this-Embassy Pro Snooker. It could future all the top players such as the likes of Step hen Hendry ~nd ~onnle O'Sullivln. It tould ha~ full tommentary non-stop, and of course Ihetypkal Saturn excellentllr aphlcs. t'd also like to add something, because lately people who enjoy vldeogam esare belnllslallgedoffasbelngsad.Thlslsnotthecase.lamanexcellentsnookerplayer and enjoy playing football and crkket.I'm out with my males a lot, I'm a massive Slur fIn ton Also I have a study relationship lIolng (hi Helen), so there. My Satu rn justpassesalongthoseborlngSundayafternoonsinthenouseandmakesmylifea lad more interesting.

more flnales to discover, not to mention playln ll as other charolcters and the two-player option. It's a crowd pleasertoo,wllhmyslx·pla)'C'radaptor(purchasedfor thisgolme) I spent severoll hours olfter the pub with four mates playing various team/every man for hlmself/all gang up on one person·type sltuoltions and It was ol foln· tastklaugh. I suspect you only printed Kamran's letter to provoke cont roversy, SOolS a meilsure of your success could you print the number of let1ers of support for GH t hat you received th is month. Thanks folks, I'm off back to bed. AdrlCln MorIq. C/oyton St. Wnt, Nrwcost/r-Upon-J)mr.


Wen Add.n, let'. hope your .mpkIJ-n &:l.n't rtad!nl thU or ,ou'r. rlJht lrI c.aclt. bywa" _ lot LOADS of dd.ndUll GuardiarI H,f_ bom Xanuan Wm'. unquaUfitd. Ol\tlalllht, and NOT A. SINGLI ONI _pHilIl Kamm.n. Which prove w. ha". bull rlJht _bollt GH btlnJ brilll.ant. At: IIJU&l. Hopt thU It worth your imP'ruUnJ un.m·



Just Ion to

!ttt.n must


THAJIKS POR NOTHING, CHlUS5Y-BOY DEAR 55M, When NMS talked about SPROLYGONS they were trying to say th~t tlley were taklns JO sprites and 30 polygon based sprites and then molklng them look uniformly the same, so you (the player) could set a more detailed and dur game to get Int 0. Chrls Taylol; TtrOl"Chy, RhDnddll, Mld·Glamorgon, Walrs.


y.ah1 So whaU SilIce whell di4 _

uk 'DIU op1nio1l1

CorlHt oth,C(utltjord, W.YottJ.


~ ::::n-;':d~;~::::':~:;:~~:~:'~':::7t':tl~:~~t~ do


with lam.. at 1lI1 Th. whole' ofth. Ken. could be rev.rMd if only _ could .lIcour.... loOm. r"pectabl. mlltic tut"1


Nlckstous, MQncflrsttr

DEARS5M, Youre<entlyaskedforfanlasiesllnkedlotheSalurnar.dltsgames.Well mlr.e goes somethlnllllkethlsAt the moment I'm a Srltlsh soldier with IFOR Ir. ar.d Ir. my far.tasy I'm taker. to my Saturr.'schlps and SITs and given a challenge. If I complete it Ig et another two weeks luve pass home to the UK. The chaflenge starts on a train where all theseb~ddlesareshoollnllatmear.dlhavelogetthembeforetheygetmelnl

V1rtua Copsortofa way before I find a Stratos rally car of all thlnllS, ofS egaRally fame. From here I dri~ Ihroullh the countryside at brukneck speed but with a twist -I'm being rammed and shot at by these bIddies again bvt being the drivln ghot· shot lam It's not long before I'm al my final destlnatlon -t heArena. Here I have to defeat one by one Ihecharacters of Virtu a Fighter l before g ettlng the prize. Unfortunately I've illways had problems with Aklra so It looks fl ke I'm sluck here until theendofOctoberl Steveno!Bosnlll.


Ih avebeensavln s al lmyh~rd-eolrnedpoundsforanew

sames console. I already have. 486 OX4lloo PC but games need too much memory. So please could you tellwhatgamesconsolelsbesH

That IoOlUub molt dUtu:rbillBiy'im1lu to your pI...lIt l.alIty, Stev.. Hope YOII let .hot.


~ Th'Saturn. _ HOW PAR CAlf I PIT UP YOUll BACK PASSAGll DEAR5SM, Your m~g rules. tile SSM tum olre olce and yes, I have to olgree with Sam. Rich does look like Ooltl outofStarTrek. I canjusl Imagine him saying "Inexp IIcableCaptaln. The.ndroldsappeartoha~demorallsedthehydrololllccentro-metefS · (er, no, butl do like thr rrpeQttd Ule o!the word '/ntrlgulng·· Rich) . Anyw~y. on with the letter. I would li ke to congratulate you. Not only do you provide a fantastic molg etc etc but your NIGHTS review was Incredibly accurate. It does deserve all 96". I, not ten minutes ago, completed this masterpiece of programming. The IIlItches with Ihe game you thoullht are also correct. Yes. the game Is too eolSy, but yes you will return not onlytogetanAlnallthe levels but also to seethe cute Nlghtoplansdev elopand IIrow. I still can'l get over just how good NIGHTS really Is. Oh. and InCidentally, anyonestrulIgllngtogettotheend:keeptrylng.TheendlnglsmostdeflnItelyworthlt. StuortChapmon, Hythr, Ktnt. ~

I'M A SKIVIlfG SHIPTLISS mLl GOOD·POR·NOTHIJIG OEARSSM, I've Just taken a day off work to recover from a brilliant night out In Newcastle. My chosen recovery method was to set the Saturn up so I could play It In bed an ddrlnk loads of toffee Unfortunately I stili feel terrible, but that's beSide the PDlni ' "jWi'

Thu. YOII 10, _'I. rllht _lain. God, w.'1t fantutic. Someone .houl4 pv. llt Kn1Jhthoodl. UluI Qu...n, fOllnltanc •.





Guardian Heroes Is ace l lo b .IGHTlI The Action Rtplay isn'tl Wlo.., b ...... packap.., .....,.p? The man in EB chased me out of the shopl


"i'i'''i''i''iN i'OiN .'

As Bob Dylan was apt to point out, "the times, they are a·changing". And here at the humble a-A folk guitar, new strings are being added and old ones retuned. Joining Mark Maslowiczin aQ Art Garfunkel sort of way, is our very own editor, Richard Leadbetter. He'll be covering any questions that are not Sega specific, using his vast memory capacities to prove that he is indeed 'The Master'. At least, a master to himself and the vagabond midgets he runs rack, ets with down Leather Lane Market. But that's another story. Anyway, send your questions to RICH OVER TROUBLEO WATER, O-A, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, 30·32 PRIORY COURT, FARRINGDON LANE. LONDON, ECtR 3AU. MIIClU [)ea,SSM, I love )'Our f'lOtastk magulnt aim!»! as much on my SegaSatufn but I haYe a few nlgghngquest'ons thal

h<ive been, well, OIgghng 1 W,II the Salu.n beilble to handle Yfj {All the

lettu b dalld before thl,....I'. flleaM, 1110 you havln't played It , Tnul ml: 11', belte r than TrilolY, Ilnd mO .1 clever th in Doom. :I. No curr enl nlWI , but It sUl ely WOIJ't be lonl . 4 The keyboard will be IYliI· Ible bul loftwlfe pldllln Ulr.e I word proceno, Ire unlikely, Mo'l nI_early ne>tl Yllf.

sandllr:aflsnOW/officr: window effects) w'thout 1\ suffer. '1111 from chromc slowdown'Of p,xelal,onl (And donI say some crap hke'Yu Suwki »ys SO. Who;lfl': we to a.guel

2..WililheN,GHTS)Dcootrollerbccompal,blewot h Tomb Ra;de" ) . Any news on Synd""te WilS and/Of MOII .. I KomNI.' 4WiIIHardcOfe4X4haYe"lwo-pl~rspl'H(r~n


. ~:n;:t~~~e=~:~~,~=~ Ilbl", to .... y)'flll certain fUlurn will be ponlble u.ntU AMJ confirm It'l definitely cOnUnl to SJohun

andwhelherany form ofcartrld,e willbellHd. :t. Don't think 110. ,. Syndicate Wa.. Is deflnltely s"h1m-bou.nd. No ne_ on MK4 thouSh. that', probablybecauHltlsn'levenlrithearcadnyfl·4·M..ybe·

IICITIEEI .. ElYUMEt7t7(W1fYItOTYGU fOOl) OtarSSM, AS you're the COOl£ST GAMES MAG arOllnd, plu!;e ~nswer my qllestrons to Pllt my mind it rest 1. Dothehlghcapacilymemory carts I hive seen irollnd 'nvalid~temySatllrn'swar'intyl

2. I i Doom·style gime, w'th lots of pilules and males , ShO\.lld I get Alien Trilogy or Doom (I'm not thilt keen on hhllmed)l j. Afe there any football management games tom,ng 911tnISOlwonecal~footbaIlMinagerlnanadvert's·

mgbook!etlpoc\edllp14 W,II the keyboard be released m ConJ"nc\lon w,th the modem and Will there be any sofiwire ~cuges for the keyboard (1,1te a word proces· sor)l

~1~MeaS;::n~=:'~: !:=!lr~~:n~::'H

., Exhumed, ldon 'tcarelfyou'fenotIr.Hnon lt.your

< •~




fi ~~

hhum2d and.e •.

O oomoson!i l li~le .i l byoulot

;I1!Z;. I . 8uy In offldal one to be ..fe · the ,"'s mOl e ~ thllJ1lnough memorylhllJ1 you'll evef need on there llJ1ywly. l ,The plln is indeed 10 doonl IVlry IhlH monUu: in future. 11', better 10 do a few IWes.omediJksthllnmllnyc.aponu" .Noplansatp,e· IInl, thly'1I on Iln all·nlw 5al ..... projlC!. 4-If I1 s.olc1 e>tl.alsluea, we'd do 11. Unfortll.Ntlly OUI pasl experience I, thal salK don't radically Incre...e , In efflC!, we',e flu,binl OIU money down IhlJ.atrinl.


foundrtveryha,d,ndeedW,1I8ugToolbedoffO(1lItas My next questlOf1 IS for Roch becallse I 100 am a b'gfan of SUr Trek. TNG. I'd 'ke 1o uk wnit he lhoughl of Gene,.toons,espe<:,allyll!esaLICe'Cluh j. Myfnend. I.ft 8cnnett. ,sgett,nll a satllrn soon and he IoYesdtN'inggames,bei\'emllpiindfifstpcrsonPCf· spect,ve shoot'ng gimes (l,ke Doom) , Wh,t would you recommend fo, h,m to bllyl Than ill I haw to say eKccpt thinks fOf p,mtmg mylut lettcrOnefinilthing W,I1YOllplusehiW therev,ewsastheywcre,nSega Magaz,nel (hrlsMoore,Odsal,Bradfofd . .-_~ 2.


~:q:::;s~:~!~~~:.~~ ..

HaYinlwatchedthlLaMrdiJcaflw timea now I nW's a decenl ·e nou,h film, buI plotwlM It dOlI pale in tompuhon to IOme TNG Ipl~L The nlw film, flnt Conlact, looks A·C·. though. The saucer aash was brllllanl , althou&h the lreesloolr.edabltoclc1 . ) . Slmple. SepRa!ly, Exhumed., Vf1, SIr"t fl&htlr Alpha 2, ,t&htinJ Yiptl'L And NiGHTS of co..... , which deftes lenle. We will have I new ,Me_style in tlml for Ihe nl>tl Islue. It will not be like Sell Maluine, b"t I don'l'Ubed.lnppoinled.


•. I'jl

It .auld ,,,e mlh a t l h e l ul lro .Oaam·l l yl&~ m Ol lile

gn£" TO SAN OeJ'SSM, Hello agam. I've jllst relllmed from i _e\'s holiday It Devon ~nd I played on a ~d of arcades games down the,e sLlCh n Seg' blly. V'rtlla Cop 1. VF1. Daytona and ~nx n Wowl Also I'd Jllst hke to say - ~. to Sam Well mrss you And also wekorne to the helm lO(h Here are my qllestoonS

rtqll"ed (in $ilurn llnilS) for each game 'n thl mfosec· tlonofeach rev'ew and mtheOllt Nowsect,ons StllJ,t (hJpmJn, Hythl, Kent

i'wgotacollpleofql.lHtlOnsrdloke)'Olltoanswer,fYOll collldCheers 1 Gamepl"yand Spe<:'al Reserve both sell -h'ghcapac'ty memory cards" They'rctw,cethes,zeofano,miICirt ind~"00qll,dcheapcrWhat'sthecatchl

2. I wisdead eXCited when I he.rd abollt)'Ollr second demo CD comong Ollt. However, I reckon thit they ShOllld be more regul"., SOIy "bolll once every ISSlles HOW J,W,IITreisuredoaseqlleltoGuard,inHeroesl 4 Why don't YOlldo posters InYOllrm.g.z,nel SFlnilly,lthinkYOllshollldpllttheamO\.lntofmemory

Oea,SSM, I have some quest,ons for YOllr Q+A s«t,on I wOllld be verygrateflll ifYOll could JnS_f them 1 Segi Rilly'safantastltt'tle~nd'l hasg,venme hOllfS ofplcullfe,b"tthelim,t.-dtracksshOl'tenlhelastib,Ioty I know pllblO(demand 's h,gh. SO IS thereanychinceofa seq...ell 2. COuIdYOUl.ett"'theongo,"gal'ldtOlallybo"ngdos plltebetweensatllrnal'ldPlaysUtoonownetS Whochos thebeUermach,neandwhyl 3 DoSegihaveplanstoreleisepoplllararCildet'tlelndy ,~,

4 D'e Hard Trilogy was adVi!'rt,sed months ilgo· where d,drtgol ThanksfOl'imagaz,neth~trsnotonly'nfOl'mat,veand

Interest,ngblltrsnolfllllofidverts.nd,swrltten,n SLICh J way that YOllf oldcr readers can ipprec'ite ,t is wellastheYOllnger.uders Martyn Parry. (,lI h, Kent.

~ ~;:: ~:. ~~.:n;~::I: ~a~:~::u::::~. tuaUy. 2.00hwhataqu utlon.forme!t's nolaboul hardware bUI the lamu and with . Iuff lib Vh a nd SegaRaUyl'dplclr.thISatufnlvlrytlme. ) Daytona CCltoolr.p.lorltyoverlt,bulltml,hlapptl.even· tually· 4· lt shouldbec.opplnguplnthenext

........... ...............".. ............... ............


........ .................. ... ............... -.- ....


.. 1Int . . . . . _ . .



QCO wttll


ocooo .m. ...

OOO ... OOOwttll .. IIob .......... 1IIttMI OOOOO wttll licit ...... OOOOQO wttll OOOOOO wttll

IIcltItrttM ,.... ......

SECRET CHARACTER MYSTERIES In the arcades, you migh t have heard ofa bunch of secret characters hi ddenin

Street Fighter Alpha 2.The most nolorious is d!:'finitely Evil Ityu路 a versionoflhe game's central hero who has learned some of Akllma's most powerful moves.

Otherse<retsaretheStreetFlghter2TurboversionsofChun路li,Dhalsimand Z'lngief.AhiddenversionofGould/Akumaisalsoincluded.Sothequestion is, are

IhesC'charactersintheSaturnconversionl The answer, surprisingly, is YESI The Saturn version scores over th eslightly inferiorPlayStationgamebyincludinganoftheses~retsandalsohas extra featUres, better speed and more animation than the Sony game, SO,two.fingered salutes, howls of "nyah nyah" and other childish behaviour should be levelled at SonyownersbyorderofSonic.

m RYU... TIlE UIJIIoUTEEXPIIESSION OF EVl For years, Akuma has been shadowing Ryu's ~ery move, occasionally Jumping in to challenge himin battle. The reason behind the evil one's Interest bec omesclear: should Ryu succumb 10 the same power as Akuma , he is transformed into the deadliestfightereverseen. How to get him: At the character selection screen, highligM Ryu, then press and hold down start. Move to Adon, Akuma, Adon, then back to Ryu. Press any button.

set him any wtth this code. How 10 get him: AI the char.lcter selection screen, hlghllSht Oh.llsim then press and hold sl.!rt. Move to Z.lngief,Sagat, Nash,then back to Ohalsim. Press .lnybutton.

OlD ZANGIEF_ All RIGHT FOIl COMEDY VAlUE! Theold kind of He the fat boy at school: large,hulkinS,at.ldrepe1!ent But get to know him a bit, spend a bit of time witn him and you might actually slart liking him. Or maybe not. Still this is the code you need to access the Roland 8rowningoftheSt reet Fighter Universe. How to get him: At the character selection screen,hishlisht Zansief,then press and hold sl.!rt. Move to Sagat, Sodom, Rose, 8irdie, Nash, Ohalsim, Ryu, Adon, Chun-U, Guy, Ken , then back to Zangief. Now press any button.

let'sfacefacts;oldChunnersjuslhasn'! beenthesamesinceshe'sditchedhertraditional Chinese costume and opted for the girl-investigators' threads. This spe<ial modeputsherbackintheoldgear,loses ... he. Super Combos and ch anges one of her moves slightly. How to get her; At the character selectionscreen,hlghlightChun-ll, t hen holddowntneStart8uttonforaboutfive

l ookatallof thllll,rUlla.thlddncharac-

secs, then press any button

ten! Wl/IJoftltem Irt.'1 1ft till Pll1Slallon



SIIN GOUKI: HE'S TOTAllY MAD So, Evil Ryu is the most powerful character in Street Fighter Alpha 21 Well,

yes. Until

AlII THERE'S MORE.. BUT WE AREH'TTEllNl EKlra cheat modes in Alpha 2 initiate an autofire mode as well as an infinite custom (ombo, allowing you to perform 500 hit combos when used in concerti How do you do this/Well. we aren't tellinsfor now.

you find out how to access Shin Gouki - a super路powered version of Akumal Resilient to damaSe and ~cked to the eyeballs with powerful moves such as multipie air flreballs, Shin Gouki reaUy is Power Made fleshl How to set him: Highlight Akuma and then press start button and hold it down then press: Down, Dowro. RiShl, Oowro, Right, Dowro, Down, Down, left, Down, left,Down,thenholddowroSlartarodpress.lnybutton.

That new Ohalslm en? He looks a bit good In all of his anime finery and well he misM-afterall,this is Street FisMerAlpha 2. 8ul listen ... don't you hanker for the old, different style Ohalsim, the one wil hout all the fancy new moves? No? Well, you


Oft. ofth.hlddlnblt. lIOIrt".led:ho"'t08lt.99hltcombo"'lt~langlef1

DAN: Oan was one of the three hidden charactej1; In Street Fighter Alpha and a bit of a disappointment too Unlike M Bison ;lnd Akuma hiS r;lngr of moves and the" potency left a tot to be desned Unfortunatelyhesnotrrallyanybettrrmthls sequel In fact ;IS far as some of hiS moves go he s worse Most not;lbte are hiS wrakrr Jump atta(ks and weaker Gale Kick Just about Ihr only nrw ability Oan has acquired since he was last sren Isthe ability to taunt Indefinite lyOhwell



OOO wltll

....... -.rtt.

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OOOOOO wtltl

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oooot)O wtdl

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"e., __ ,

PI.,s,.,.... IIG . .1 mm"l. 110fUd.1I ""k~ 1111.. C.,.I.nlll htro 1.,,.111 ••• 11..... with 0 .. ,lIIlJK1 (Pt... .. In .. 0121' '00204 f.. M,.Il.1






r:P""L""' Ay""S=A T- :T""'O '""N " SATURN 16 BIT



""I 51 (If) EilIr r- ~.~~\~:o

MEGl'L~RT, P.O. BOX11 CR."V£''\ AR.\IS,SHROPSH1RtS\'1JW ll WtOptnllt asl mplt pl'ltt blo DdlnLlI,'iitHn. OII"trIPflllft to UHd "" ..... ""thin tM OIl...., prb blond.

he tNth (,lln flnallyN "Yfaled; ""fa Croft It atoHI Th"t', tight! Her old man Is l.o1'd Hensh'nlly Croft, Atch -Toff of Guf'bw ~"or. Of somethinl like . .....yw"y, after nte ndlnl 1I,II, hl"1 KhooI where 'ht lTUljored In 'The bplol\.tlon of the " - and How to do It ' she decided she needed a bft!itk. aut wn"e to 101 MonIlCO? The .~rtment In VlItnna? Or m.ybe just knock about In Kn1ahbbrldge for" wh Ile ,~ndl nllob of money .nd ' /ttlnl ln pre· tentiou,c.ftll Oh the stre nl Oh th ••,ony ofchoic.1


Aftef""lslttoh",rPerson~IPsycholo8IcI IDevelopmentMan " g",", d,,,cldedlo

take a holiday at a remote s~i resort that ,.ters fOf the toff e nd of the market. Not l ike Bulg • • i. whe.e you m ight go on" K hool trip. As it turned out, th", choice was"

bit of " d iust,ous one, On he, way ~ck, ,d'fihed by the mountll ln .Ir and looking forw.l.dtoa l1feofusyleisure. herplilneuashedkillingeYtf)'OflebutherhKkyself. Stumbling out Oflh", wrecbge, ~ril finds herself Isolated in hostile territory -the ~indofpliCewheretheydon'til"eptvlu cilrdsilnd have no respect fof the upper e<:helonsofBritlshsoc lety.(a ughtlnthlsquand ary,~ .adotstheonlything she can do and gotS native. After a brief period spent drinking muddy water and ex Istlngon iI diet ofgrubs and maggots, our heroine discovers that she actuillly quite enJ~lIv­ ing likeil pDOf uVlilge type, and dec:ldes to begin iln exploration of her mysterious su.roundlnp. Over the ne)(t few yurs she ~arns to forget the chiluffeur driven limousines and the chilmpagne breakfnts, ilnd d iverts her thoughts from shopping by Uking up ilrchileology, And being the phenomenillly jammy ~Ishe Is, she turns out to be a dab hilnd ,lIlt, dlS(overing artlfilcts like the holy grilll with a cilsuill abandon. Naturally her reputOltlon sp.uds, and soon she's ildventu.lng for antlq uitlesacross t he globe. Her 11IItesl minion Is commlnloned by a myste riOUS orglllnlutlon t hal wilnt her 10 retrieve wmethlng known n 'the 5<lon'. With only a couple of pistols and iI plumb In the mouth ilccent to protect her, ~r. moves through the leftovers of fouranclent dvlllutlons,dilngerilwilltlngherat~ryturn. Well, not~ryturnbut

lots of them illI theume. This Is where you , the plucky plilyer, comes In. There's a VilSt range of commands at you. dlsp05i11 wh ich uuse ~~ to .un, Jump, climb, side-step,jump bilckw.rds, grab ledges, '011, shoot, swim - just about everything really. It's iI good Job she's the athletic type n well , because there's lots of rough terrain and a motley crew of enemlesoutlo get her, everything from wolves to crocodlles, g lilnt moles to good ole ' human beings, There ilre four worlds In illI , uch ofwhich Is spUt Into levels where there are iI number oftnks, some of whkh ilre puzzle based, some of which r~uire extensive e.pIoriltlon, ilnd some where the priority is shooting down your foes. Cut· S(enes pop up now and then to fill out the plot, ilnd the mystery grows thkker ilS you progress. But Ju51 whilt Is the dui with th is 5<lon thlngl Hmmm, you'll just hilve to flnd out for yourself games chums Tomb h ide. Is .ev~wed on pal e 66,

-, i











BACK TO MY PLACE? Be-cause Lara Is one of t hose high malntenlllnce cha racters, getting u sed to the m oves aVlllllable cllln take a bit of lime. Fortunate ly, you get the chance to practice your skills w h en Larlll Invites you back to he r man sion 10 h one some of her skills, This involves moving from roo m to room, prlllctiJing your Jump s and tolls With the help of vault. and mali, and then taki ng a quick dip in the JWlm.mlng pool. A$ you move about t he p lace, Lara gl\'6 instructions w hich tell you p recisely how to execute a move perfectly. If your playingls 1II bit rusty It', always wo rth popping to this practice mode to get you back on form .



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lIraltlRdl.t tilt •• tl'll-cI t....Ill 1'l0III. nil" ,. tile St. frucll' f tlly




H",. .."" .lI1.., . ... . ~"" ~ te d" ••1 Va/lllllplc:loII •. What COIld It IU ....?

ATASTER lIut to whet yow . ppettte, hele'• • tu ter of what you can expect from some of the levels in Tomb Raider. Obvioutly thinp I n tougher ... you move through the pme. Wc'll only . how you some .nJppt'tl from the first two worlds because we don't want to . poll the whole for you. We beJin in PelU._

TIIII c:rn. A$1.a0l enters the gates to the city prope r, she immediately . . . . . . . . . .M.faces a pack of wolvu. Provldinll her guns are at the ready, she'U aim automatically, although she has to be facing in t he direction otlne Provldlng they're dispatched effectlvety, she can go ablt.TheactlongetsabLtmoredlversewhenLaragetsthe spot of swimming_Thl$ will lead her to whole chamben

water, and she needs to find a route to the surface before ...._,b~ru..

WORLD 1: VILCABAMBA Tnvtlllnl among the snowy Ande. mountain topt. Lata. finds h Cl'Mlf at the l a te. of. Jott Incan city known I t VUcabamba. contained with In the mo untain Itstlf. The fMV muo piKe Iho_ Un', guide getting attacked a nd killed by wolVI!t., the giant doors open, 10 yOIl know there'. goin g to be a few of these knocking a bollt.

na CAVUI Lua's first stop!!tts h~r walking through Ih~ cave entrance 10 the mountain, Before sh~ knows it thete are dart missiles firing out of the wall., JUlt like t h~ opening 10 RaldelJ of the Lost Ark. There aren't many enemies In this opening area, although once Lara finds her WiIlY into Ih~ beginnings of th~ city, crossing rope btldges as.he gOl!'S,there's the possibility that I he 'U 10 contend with a bear.




'~'1 "

It', tM 1IIIr1ltu., III -lIIIjat.uu.e" ,.. 1.~", .... It. ....... It' • ...,.~,..'"

.... wll!Md_ ..fioa ~.







~~~ . ...,p' __ ...'"1:

1t'.tlM c.... JI!f"KiIIion r.,. lwidCt 1CMIriI. 1·~ ItI..~ ltfut lfl"" ,...

TO. . 0. QUA1Onc. nu. Is th~ lan part of the Vllcabamba world and certain· Iy the most difficult level so far. On entertng the tomb there are many corridors. Walking down one of them for example, she IrtggeTS off a trap - the clalllc Ralder1 of the Lost Ark rolling balltrtckl There are lots of spike traps In this level and some trtcky punles Involving movtng blocks In relation to switch e •.

hl r - UrtjOll totlllir hu dQuarhrt tDfind o.ttlle llCGn, N. rdIscO'lI1'i.. tlad~lrtothl nllll of ancll ntGrtl cl and RoRII ,

ST. DANCS' POLlY, As soon as you enter the first chamber In SI. Francls' Folly you're in trouble. Two lions guard the entrance to the next chamber. Providing you take care of these, you can concentrate on the gorilla's you'll have to deal with when you activate another door. Ok, so 11'5 not very nice killing all these lovely animals but they aren't real so thaI's alright. Providing you do away with the endange red spedes w andering the place, the tasks start to revolve a round lots of athletic jumping from pillars untll you enter a giant labyrinthian room where there are four doors under the names of


of lions to contend with,as well as the odd gorilla moving about in Dave Kelsall fashion (which is pretty sinister actually). Once again there's plenty ofdlmblng on this leveL As you might expect.


ii!J1iI\~;:" , . Ti.;


"• . ,.th..


Tomb Raider features lots of levels where water Is Involved, so It's a pretty good Job that laTa Is an ace swimmer. Unfortunately she's also mo re human than fish, so the amount of time she can spend underwa路 ter Is l!mlted. Just how much b reathlnll space s h e has Is displayed 0 na blue ba r which IIradually dec reases. When this is used up a sold bar appears whic h Sou down very rapidly. If she doesn't come up for air before the last of It disappears, she drowns In a horrible and convulsive fashion.


'-'- -

.SM What _re yow fint thoughts when confronted with the

tut ofeonvertinJ PlJhUnJ Vipers' HX In the arcade version you were able to break the armour and

:~~~~~~;.a~~; ~:?a~~ ::a!%u

than that, where the light hits a place it's illuminated and where It doesn't hIt It's dark. In the shade, ThIs kind of shadIng Isn't In Virtua Fighter "2 but it's used in Fighting Vipers. This eff~ looks

. ._ _~~~_ _. . .

we wanted to convert this perfectly so that Saturn users also could enjoy the great feeting the armour and walls, .SM Pleue tell

. . . How long did It take you to d~op this1 XX About half of the total development ume was spent experimenting with this,


Uttle .bout the team conftrtinJ ' iJhUng Vlpusl HX The milln part of the team was the same as the Silturn Virtua Fighter 2 team. In addition. there were a few members from the original Fighting Vipers arcade team. Altogether there were around IS people in total.

TlIILlWitdlt•• lenrrw....• tlH ....... lIII2tt",..,..



1oat" ....tIl)'PIllIq:I

!~:;!~::~a~dt~oe::ogramming side It's

. . . The lndWllon of the walli: and fenCflin 'iJhUnJ Vipers was obrioWlly esHntial in brinJinJ the June to Satutn. What difficulties did this pTeHnt)'Oul HX As you'd expect a large number of polygons Is essential but their area sile is 01150 Important. When a large polygon appears on the scrCl!'n then drawing it is difficult. If you displilY a big w;r.1I completely, no miltter what you do, when the . . . What was the first devdopment a.mera pulls bilclr. the chMllc1er beromes too work you d1cl on the converslonl small $0 you can't draw thilt many big polygons HX Converting the Virtuil Fighter"l S(GA UTUItI IUG4lI M( _Id lIu tt tUM; It» Con~1y preserving the force of the chilntc1er's progntm was first, however,ln Vlrtua or JI:pu .IM Mlrnlllllt.ou (.bM' "1.1112,.,. size while drawing these huge wallsls really dlfFighter "2 there ilre no WilUS socreilttlIelrtil....adcotrt.Q'. ftcult. lfthechantctersweredisplilyedreilUy Ing the walls and fences was where smilU then dntwing the walls would be quite we started. On the Saturn, creating those big walls was one of the simple But, when they're big it's much hilrder. most dtfflcult parts of the progntmming so In order toget thilt out of the way we stilrtedon this first .SM What cliffIcultia did the interaction betwHII the tighten and the wall bring out1 ISJilWu creating the walli: the Iongfft part XX It's essential that the way the charac1ers bounce off the walls ofthecon.ersionproce5l1 Is recreated Identically to the arcade Fighting Vipers. The reason HX No, not really. Rather, as it was neeeswhy is that the players want to be able to use the techniques of sary for usto develop a lot of very being able to throw their opponent agaInst a wall and have them advan~ programming techniques ilnd the bounce back In e;w:ac11y the same way as the illcade technique designers also had various Ideas they want· would Because of this we had to recreate It precisely this point of ed to try and do so this was the most time a technique's IdentlCill use is essential to making the Saturn vcr· slon seem Identical to the arcade version and it tilkes a lot of work consuming. to accomplish . . . . What were the: main difficultia)'Ou faced in brlnJinI 'fihtinJ Vipers to the Saturnl ISM How .mooth was the: process ofbrlntlnJ the 'IJhUnJ HX Because Fighting Vipers has walls. unlike Virtua Fighter 2. Vlpen chuacters from the arcade to the: Saturn1 Did any of the: Vlpen cause any difflcultied there are illot more polygons being used Furthermore, each time the armour Is smashed lots of broken pieces are sent HX It was very hard. The chantc1ers detilil is extremely minute flytng so that also u~ m.any polygons. No matter what we ilnd complex. To make this detilil stilnd out was very tough, do we have to use lots of polygons and that's really hard to Amongst the characters, Candy 'NOIS particularly difficult. She has a very cute face If her face doesn't look exactly the same It won 't do. look cute it took us along time to get her face just right . . . How much more compUcated were the paphJa for '1IhUnJ Vipers CMl!r V1rtu.a fllhler 21 What tompUta. ISM ~Iy. COn-ftrting V1rtu.a Fighter 2. mUll ha" helped tions did this cause when producing the Saturn wer· AM2 in brinJing.IJhting Vipers to satutn. What kind of help .ion oflheaame1 HX The biggest difference 1$ that the chilrac1ers In HI( If you're talking about to what degrCl!' Virtua Fighter 2 was FightIng Vipers have various types of armour attached used asa reference, then the arcade Fighting Vipers also is very 10 them. In Vlrtua Fighter ~ they're only wearing ordisimllar to the arcade Vlrtua Fighter 2. Virtua Fighte r "2 was used as nary clothes made of cloth but with the armour the baSis for Fighting V1pers so the programs are extremely close. there'sanlncredibleamountofmlnutedetalllncludThe original programs are similar tothe degree where you could almost say that ifVirtua Fighter 1 hadn 't alleady been done then we couldn't have created Fighting Vipers. The fundamental sections ale the same, Rather than being helpful the most necessary


parts of the program are practically identical so Vlrtua Fighter 2 is in fact essential. ISM The.pHd. of the ao:Uon in 'lahtinJ Vipen Is aim quicker than in VF:t.. What dlfflculties did this cauwl

XX From the coding point of view. fOf example. in FIghting Vipers there are a lot of very fast punches. The colliSion detection for whether a punch hits or not is extremely complex Indeed. It was necessary for us to create newcoUis!on detection routines fOf Fighting Vipers. _ Vtrtua Flahter 3 wed. the Saturn', hip-resollltion mode thrOllpout, whiht Vlpen \11ft It more ,pu1naIJ. Wl\y was thisl XX In order to create the surface of the walls. no matter what you do, cleating a vast number of polygons IsessenUal so this time we reduced the resolution a Uttle, this was one rea· son, one more reason was for the shading of the polygons. [n the case of the Saturn, If you use a lower resolution. the shadlftg control ofUght and dark can be used SRI The Nlan«: betwftn the scrHn resolution and the number of polyJoru: Is alwayt a fartor. When did you dKtde tNt It wasn't pot:llble to Nve Flptinl Vlpen in hip resoNtion1 ID( That was decided at the very beginning of development. We decided that this time we wouldn't use the high.res mode and Instead have lots of polygons and use shading instead SRI How Ion, did It take to complete)'OUL work on Flptin, Viper" Did. YOIl flnbh ahead of Khed.we or on timd XX [t tool: about eight months. Generally speaking we finished a~cordingto schedule. ISM What was the fHlinllikit amonlfl the convenion team dUL' in,thosefinalwetJu? ID( 1 think we aH wanted to return home as soon as possible and relax, The final two to three weeks were honestlyverydlfflcult. 1111 Now that ",htin, Vlpen if complete, what if JOUL opinion on the finished. pmd KX It's an arnde conversion but with regards to the consumer version v;lIOOUS original features have been Included For example. the tr;Uning mode, playbad:. mode etcetera. I feel it was really great that we were able to put so many of these original consumer modes in. IUI WhidllUpect of the ,ame are YOIl most prOlld of, and why? XX It's something we talked about at the beginning but when you breat. someone's armour It's a gleat fee\ing rm really happy that weoould convert this 0Ye1 perfectly to the Saturn version. lM!ing able to represent the breaking of the armour and walls to the same degree as the arcade version Is the thing rm most proud of. .III'ind.ln, the hidden option. and Heret. h.u become ",methin, of a tradition In AMI title •. How did YOIl decide wNt to Include In "shtins Vlpers1 KIt As for me, I originally Intended It for both the team's and the users' enjoyment. Ifs already on sale In Japan and the users are playtng with It presently. The users are saytng 1t'1 really great fun, so now I have the feeling that it's more important than I first imagined. Everyone's delighted With these extras

_ What abollt the panclal <laugh) The team thought It would be Interesting so they put it in for both.their own and the users' enjoyment.


_ How 10llJ did prOlramminf: in all of these u:tru takal XX It was around the final month. _ How important do JOIl new these u:tru in the context of the annill projectl As for me. [originally Intended it for the team's enjoyment It's already on sale In Japan and the users are playtng wlth it presently. The users are saying that It's really great fun, so now [have the feeling that It was more Important than [ftrst Imagined. Everyone's deUghted wtth these extras


_ DidthItHUNropinioru: help you dKtd.e wNt you were roin,Ioaddl XX Yes. a fair number of them were really useful. On top of thal wtth regard to the arc; Fighting Vipers there were a number of star players. We talked directly to them and listened to their v;lIriOUS corn· menu. This was also a good reference

tf-ctIItroIIM ..........

1I\illt1J _ _ 1MIt , " t CUKCUlu...-iCI1II1,

ISM lntltlmJofhiddench.aracters, YOIl Mtm to NW coftCltnb"ated. on CandJ'1 wudrobe qllite heavtlJl Wl\y

w..,., ...... tM!


KIt The voice of the users. Candy is a

very popular character so this was in response to her popularity.

'W PleaM tell ut a little about the indu.lon of the bear, XX The bear was originally from the background of the Old Western Town stage. It was standinl at the back of the stage. It's a popular mascot character for Ffghtlng Vipers. ISM BM and M.ah.luMtm to be vel)' IlmUar indeed.. What are the d.Jft"erIrncft between the two ch.aractelSl XX BM Is the boss character He's tremendously strong so whenever a player Is vet1US another player, the player who uses BM becomes excessively powerful The balance Isn't very good [n order to get the balan«: right for the Saturn player vs player mode we reduced the specification of BM and created Mahler SSM Now that fllhtin, Vipers Is available to bllyin Japan. can JOll tell III a little about the reaction J'O'I NW Nd to the lame from the pre.. and the UNlSl ID( Fighting Vipers was originally an arcade game however, due to the extra features such al the bear, Hyper Mode and Training Mode etcetera everyone has laid that Ifs really fun to play. It seems that these points are really enjoyable for everyone. SSM Do you have a me..ale for your fanl outside Japanl XX I've been to America several times and met playe rs but [ haven't yet had the chance to meet any European game players. t{ there are any opinions from users who've played Fighting Vipers and enjoyed It. rd certainly like to hur them. By all means, ['dreal· lyenjoy receiving their letters,

r-.. ... u.. n il'...,. u.. ..t III --..f'IIIJ nplkalll rro.tllt arcUt.




Probably the element of Daytona Circuit of most interest 10 owners of oldfangled Daytona are the new circuits themselves. There are two on offer. known as National Park Speedway and Desert Highway. They're both tougher than the old hacks 5erv~ up by primitive Daytona USA. Here's a brif'fguidetolhepalrofthem.

If you really take your racing games seriously. you'll be pleased with some of the minor features offered by Oaytona CCE. A10ns with the usual rash of

replays and ghost modes and so on. you're able to keep yourself Informed of how your current performance Is going while you race. The Time Comparison option tells you how fast your lap is and how it compares to the fastest times achieved on that stretch, allowing you to work out where your weakest racing areas are. Or make your little brother feel bad when he sees yourtimes,dependlng.

Ghosts,asanypa ranormalresearcherwillteU you, come In all sorts of shapes and sizes. Now you might think ~What the Jlggtns has this got to do with Daytonal Get on with it alteady,youftnk~.butthi5doeshavesome

relevance. You see, Daytona had a Ghost Car mode, which allows you to "raceagainst the spirit of the best lap time. Like In Rally, Daytona CCE offers six different types of ghost car, depending on how you'd like it to look. [t could look Hke a normal soHd car, or

DESERT HIGHWAY Looking totally unlike any eJdsting Daytona level, Desert Speedway starts you off near a strip of tumbledown路looklng shanty shops In the middle of a scorching stretch of sand. From here It's an uph1llsprlnt, taking In some gorgeous sights along the way - such as the hol air balloon which rises into vlew over the edge of a mountain road. Also look out for the train that shoots Into the mountainside tunnel in a manner of which Freud would no doubt be compelled to comment upon. This is one of the best-looking levelS going, even if It Is a bit on the yellow side. Expect more shots of the finished article in the very next issuel




wanna flyyyy sky 1\11II8h, on a hooorse or In a caaar". Thus sang the war路

bly bloke on the old Daytona soundtrack. Worming players as to the choices of transport on offer. Well, not quite. But had hI': done, the lyrics would have been completely coned. this time round. the vehicle selections would be slightly more difficult to fit Into a rhythm. That's bKause all-new Daytona presents players with a menu of EIGHT diffe rent cars. Weirdly, not a single one of them is the original red 'n' blue Hornet (although there is actually a

car called the Hornet In there, oddly enough). Instead they're all Rxy revamped motors, each with their own abilities and handllng personality. Along with an individualised bodywork Job. too. Some cars are ~ter suited to some tracks a nd play styles than others. and even once you know the param~ers of each vehicle you'll still have to experiment before finding the right one for yourself, We're not totally sure what they're all like yet, because the nuances of the control method have yet to be sorted out complete. But rest a$$ured we'll give you the full low-down before you get your hands on the game. So thal'll be next month then.

MIGHTY SPLIT-SCREEN MODE UNVEILED! One of the most exciting developments in the new Daytona is the addition of a split-screen two-player mode. Those knockers who said It couldn't be done were already force路fed their words by R;illy. Daytona compounds this V路f1lcldng by being even better than Rally in terms of sraphlcal aceness. Whilst it's necessary to lose a certain level of detail to get the split路screen action running at the right spud, the beauteous colours of Daytona remain Inta ct.. At the moment the cUpplnsls a little intruSive, and work has to be done on shrinking the speedo which currently impinges on the players' view of the hOrlton. Apart from that, though. It's cool. All the tracks and cars are fully playable in head-to-head mode, along with lovely extras such as the time comparison which tell you how badly you' re losing. ~finitely worth the price of the new game alone.

Tht Impor"l. nt thins wi\h tile twt - player motle thllyouwouldn'!ftollcl .lth'l'tIdllCeclKI'tlIn 1111 II!J 'H)'...

Is thlllPlecllllddet-pltl proc.ulllj al mDlt Iwlclll lIIuchdlt l, thlllpl1t -Kl'tItft ll STILL Imoolh,rlhantlll oriS!naJ Oaylona llS.l1


6_3_ _

1~ lil'fU'1j111 Capcom were always going to have to try ve. y , hard to screw up this conversion. So we .' ~. know it'll probably be fantastic. But just I how fantastic? Well read on, true believers, .. . .. and you'll find out. ~


ftheStreetFlghtetmythos Isto be believed,StreetFlghterAlphawu stt in betwHn the flnt ShRt Fighter lameS;lInd it's massively more IU(-

cessful sequtl.Whlch makts It Street Flghterl.5,lnde<lmillterms.Sothat mnns that Alpha 2,the sequel to the uquel of the prequel,mustactuallybeSttutFlghter1.7s(orStrtl!t Flghtetl ilndtwo-thlrdsifyou'reil!noldster).How long will we have to wait unti l StrHt Fighter-The Thunday8eforeStteet Flghtetl Edition Turbol Weli,

attacksifyou'requidenollgh.~nd /rvr:~~9 l-<2: SllpercomboS-Ma~MealverSlonSOf~ 1'J ~;~able of inflicting serious dam·

ov:~~a~la~~I~sA~:;ar~~~II~ !

'" ......


an on a more alllme style style with more

rf-0' ./


actualiy,probablyforeYl!f,becauseCapc:omhavI!Silld they're not milking any mott Alphil lames. Although

~~~n~r~;o~~!7~~oA~e;!;:;I~~:I~s book


we'ft heard that sort of line before. Mi1Inytimes. This is because Strm Fighter is one of the longest·running and probably the

really really nice. ifs very colourful indeed, the ( backdrops are smart and all the fighters look like grotesque pre-Chrlstian Greek mythological sculpt~res. Which was probably the Idea all ~

history-and not without good reason. This was after all. the title responsible for introdudngcombosto bea t 'em ups, without whichthegemewould notexistaswe~nowit.



~~ .


Since this initial dis<overy the rocket sdentistsof Capcomhavetinkeredday and night updating and improving their little baby. Alpha 2.the latest fruit of their Intensiveeight·year labour. is doubtless the version most geared towards SF experts. It features way more moves than its prede· cessors.andnotmerelylnthequantltyofspecial attacks available to each character. Along with the familiar standard and special attacks. there are now





' --.,


tt~~I~:r t~aenc;ll~~r~:d~~:ri~sa~~o~r:~:_e

1 '


most enduring seriesofgamesin

Newcomers tothis Street fightIIlg thlllg would be advised to start here. and head into the main game once they've attained a degree ofmas-







sp«ialswhich are unblockableonce they make contact and are

along. The other idea. obvi. . ously. was to come out with a beat ' 'emuptoriVilICapcom'sownbig contenders, the X-Men and Oarkstalkers. as well as moving beyond the preque1. This has been accomplished perfectly_ Home Alpha 2 is big on home improvement - there are two excellent conversion·only play options to extend the longevity of play. The first. Survival Mode, is an excellent challenge (the player has only one energy bar to play through the whole game With) The second. Training Mode. is a great idea considering the level of compleXity beat ·emllpshaveattained.lfyou·reshakyonhowtoper. form the various hand·torturing combos and counters

~r~~~: ~~::n~ ~~;r:~~~;~~nd a non-aggressive

I;~:~hts~ee~~~:;sl~:~:~~~:~~~ ~~nnd


are III for a treat

AIPh::eff~re;I~~~~sll~I~~;~;~:~~:t~~r d~~:~egs ~on~~~~~~~;~:~~~I:s of






your own. There's a whole ruck of new characters (most of which, disappoint-

) II1gly, are culled from Street Fighter 2)


to get to grips W.lth. too. And. in the truemannerofeverySFgame,

~ ~~~~~I ::;~~~:nn~ ::~:~p~:{~r~e advantages betwixt the various char· actersslightly. Theresull isa product polished to the point of perfection.Whllstifseasytogetlntoandaccessiblell also features unparalleled depth whICh ensures it"1I stay at the front of your coflection for some time to come. Of course, as with all fighting titles it's LOADS better with two human players. I fact, we advise you buy a real opponent if you haven't ~Iready got one just so's you can get the most out of Alpha 2 M~ybe not an essential purchase if you' re a fairweathersupporter of the genre and you already own the first Alpha, but anyone With more than the merest inkling for the series will love this. It's fast. tricl:y. addlCllve andjustgenerallyall.round awesome .,

AhJIIlilkilldof lite 1IyJ.•• Only far

Wha t Capcom don·t know about 2D beat ·em ups ain·t worth knowing. Maybe. Obviously, if they knew every thing good all their games would be the same and they'd never get any better. But the likehhood is that If there is anything more to learn about lD fighting games. Capcom will think of it. Just look at their other success stories X·Men. Darkstalkers and the first SF Alpha all scored over 90%in this magazine. and there's still Marvel Super Heroes and Street Fighter vs X·Men tocomel Hooray for Capcoml Lord of theJunglel


1~ liJj'Uj~11 It's a game that people in Blighty don't tend to give much credence, but that, like American football, seems to have cut a bit of a niche for itself on the console. World Series Baseball was quite a success when it was released, and this sequel looks like maintaining the standard.


t,s'fony,ndeed'hatAmefica,sna'ion. .. I sport Involves neitherthetestosterone fuelied "gsrenion of AmeriColn

football, nor the theatrlt high Jinx of bOlsketball,b"'tskillSolndtechnlques that,i nthlscountry,ilfemt

expressedinunj~J[ P.E.lessons.lt路srounderSil fter il ll ,


depending on how good his hit was or how fast


Iheteamisawardedapoint Despite the fact that all Ameflcan's will know the game anyway, World Series Baseball 2 effectively manages to convey the fules to those who, like myself, area bit lost at the outset, Uke the John Madden

des pite what any coc:ksu le Yank might ny. Ok,so


they hid e this fact by cruting iI uniqul! universe of fules and statistics but it's stili OIboutwhacklng a ball

the rules almost mstmctively, and it isn't long before you're organising some oflhe morecomple)(taC\ics like changmg field positions,gomgfor a steal Of

with a b.. tand running for b,ues. With baseball sims there's almost an identkal

11Iat'lpod Ill.' Fra~k Tblllllu hlldill! flM' 01'111 baN. Aa JOtr 11111111 IWlrt, h.'. pt .Is "'~ b."NJIII/III, III H.rt hHball,thatiIR'tqultl~ptollCMl"h,


sense of aloof disinterest. something which makes;tprettytoughfo~them-whatev-

er Ihe quahty-tosell well In Britain WorldSe"l!s basebaliwils up against suchoddswhenitappear~c:Nera

year ago, and tOitscred ,t it manag~todrawyouin,nomatter

what your attitude tothe sport it self. This kind of success naturally engendered a sequel and here it is lookmg much like its pr~ecessor but pretty fine with it Behind t he mne of stats, the rules of ba~balla reactuallyquiteslmple,AplayermO'Y'eS

uplotheplatetofacethepltcheronthemound,He has t hree atlempts to hit the ball and if he can't m anagei t he'sout_Whenthr~playersa reout(either

through strikes, being caught or run out} th e mning is overandtheteamsswapplaces.lfaplayermanages to (onnectwlth the ball he can run for one or more

You'd be forgiven for Ihinkrngthat the gameplay in WOfld series Baseball 2 IS rather shallow, At first. hrttmg the ball seems a mattef of luck morethanjudgmenl,andwhileit's easytogetcurveontheball,p,tch路 Ing feels likewise, a bil uncontrollable. More than anything this is familiar isingyoufselfwlththesubtletieslnvolvedinthegameplay,and once you begin 10 master the game, the extent 10 which players and teams vary makes itself more appafent World Series Baseball 2 features all of the teams inlheleaguemeaningyou'vegothundr~sofplayefs

todealw,thand a good rangeofqualityorrmt dependmgonwhoyoupick_There'savarietyofgame

home run de,by. With all the~ positive comments in mind, I suppose I should add the obligatorywaming at this point. the warning being th e somewhat hm't~ appeal a baseball sim is likely to have among the firmly footy orientated British public. If you have halfowing mem路 ories of rounders or hate with a passion those people who put on American airs to play softball inthe park. I sugges tyoustay clearofworld Se riesB a ~baIl2 ,As

fOfeveryoneelse,it'lIsitcomfortablynexttoyour more anglo-centric sports sims.


the chance to get some batting practice by playing a

(LIft) Mo _'I 011 tI'l baNl


- • ,',. ~ ..7.""I'-'1.':7.!:(; ~~~~~('



-'n -\-r /.-' nlbUlSll'l almGlt


se,tlle NJlcomJlsovet, tf It "ts to 3rd IIau Ihln lhl ... nlllriluutfIll'HI'I.

\.: , }d 1i<A="

TIte lonlll nen of t~1 DIItflekler. .l rItldlt 1ft t.llpo.iUtnMlMthttltkol a eomlulcolllsIon with th ••all If lie', too bulylooll""t the ballnth r thu will'" lie', goln&-

Tbls time lrouftd Ihe 'Su' Irt taklnS I bit of .pl.llllli-SUII,thel'l'l p11n1loftlml, ,,,,.t

with a total of al nl Iftnlngs to plQ. .uthe IolJiIl! JOU; 11', I batlJ old pm •. l.nzu.

!.'- ~ lI • .F~ ~~"i' g





.~ ~-k




1 ;--~

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.it' ,

After seemingly years in development Tomb Raider is finally ready for release. And doesn't it just look lovely. It looks like, for once, worth the wait. That logo . ~.

b::'~':~::~~d:,::::m:::onfi:,:,:'~","sanicetouch.andonewhich addsanelemenlofurgencytotheatmos· phe re which could qUite easily have been a little too slac~ given the explorative nature of the events. Luckily this isn't the only plus point. The central character is highly versa· tlleandcapableofperfo.mlngnumerous different jumps. shuffles and shoots. All of these are essential at some point the game. meanmgyou have to know your way aroundthecontrols.Each mdlvidual level has been designed beautifully. taking Itscuef.omreal·hfeancient civili!oations toproducefal. Iyauthentic·lookmg rUin Method ~"d fl)l" lara. 'wlmllll", I. ~rtlular envlfonments. Ifs the urge Ita~dl out u let (abeln). ' lilt to explore which makes ofvaPPli., with . satl (1IeIow). Tomb Raider compelling The pace of the action is pretty laid-back. so anyone expecting an Indiana Jones expe.ience has another thmgcomlng.Theempha· SIS of Tomb Raider is far more on the puzzle factor .It~·. The flrst couple of levels are easy enough. With only a I. few levers and the li ke

Since then they've successfully claimed the JO roving blnter genre as their Yf!:ryown, producing a string of tit les along Thunderhawk lines, such u Shellshoc:kand 9attlecorp •. Tomblblderlsthelatest polygonised thoroughbred from their sta ble, and the flnt to future a normal human being in the starring role. Basically. the game works like thls -you're set to work in a number of 3D levels. which may be e xplored freely at your leisure. However.cer tain sections of each stage are usu· ally sealed off by locked doors or summatandyou'vegotfindlhe corre<:tkey/lever/objecttoopenit (or whatever). Along your travels you'lI meet upwllh numerous wild animals {bolh real and mythical) which yoU're invited to shoot with you r guns or avoid with your sele<:tionofacrobatl{skills.Thereare harsh platform arrangements to conquer. long falls. underwater swimming sections and all manner of other non·violent threats to your person as "l:ell Theobjectofthegameislores<:ueashedload of ancient treasures from long·forgotten temples and the He. There's a plothneabout how t ara Croft (your cha racter) Is hi red by myste. ious corporation to seek out the three partsofa mystical antique thing This C.opsupin the form of intermissions between levels. where there's a bit of horseplay with someothe. cha.acters.VOu see. along with the vaflOUS rep.esen· tatlves from the animal ~lngdom. Tomb Raider also features a numberofnon·playertreasurehunlerson the same trail as yourself. Some you'lI get talk ing to.







"" t t". 't.:._





.- '


.. ' , "

path to victory After this thechalienge level of the problems starts a steep ascendancy towards "Very Ve.y Hard Indeed" Tha!"s where my second Criticism comes in; Tomb Raider"scont.olm ethod.equirespixel·perfectcoordl· nation and tha t coupled with the lag between a but· ton press and the appropriate action beingcamed oul can be eKl lemely (no. EXTREMELy) frustrating in some Situations. BaSically. Tomb Raider isn't the sort of game you canl bung on for a quick ten minute blast on Core re<:kon that there'sa hundred hours of gameplay required to complete Tomb Raider. and we can see no reason to disaglee w ith them. Al though. of course, about thirty of those hours witl be spent wande'lngil.oundf.ultlesslyandhu.tingyou.head trying to work out what to do next The addi tion of the Action Mode once the game has been completed adds stili further to t he lifespan of the title My only .eal complaint about Tomb Raider is that it feels wmehow unassuming in its atmosphere Ifs a great game With superb graphics and has obviouslyta ken a shedload of though t and wor k (and cash) to produce. but for some reason it doesn't feel as flashy as. say. NIGHTS or any of its other blg·budget peers Not that thafs much ofa p.oblem. realiy.lf yoU're looling for a game to leepyou inside while the weather"s crap, Tomb Raider is the perfect companion It'sa lengthy challenge. a lot of hoots and oneof the better games from this count ry so far this year


ThIIlDlllildelllnslnTolllbRaJderioGb abllOlutelyfutuUc!



4i' SEG .~ SATUf,(N








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Ilill'.II'''. ~1

b'I'J ..JI'-I'I.,.etJlllpI.trOMll&am.-IIVt~I" 3D-llIoulddlcktotllteonltnllonlhlulu

Ifte' slIotIld bI I, llIeMl somtwMrt. hu MarIG 64.ld MiOHTS do It loo! HOW"lr, thl" &a1llt'doII'tbw.lh....III • • mo~.torNCk­

dl'Vjl Inllrldion 11 TOlllb Rallhr llal, I. tlM

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Bringlngwplh.lll'lnI0ll(IOOWl)1lI0•• thl

..UrtrUlIofoltlectlthIILlrahllcollulI d,.'1 oflhllll hr,lngI), I"Ildll"ld 1I 3D. TlIIJ




Once upon a time, there was a worm called Jim with a robot power suit He didn't do a lot, really. Just saved a princess a couple of times before retiring rich. Now his ancient adventures are available for your Saturn. Obviously Virgin are cashing in on retro-games fever. .rthw"m"m.y""m.y"m.m ....


W,lS th.,t funny games CO;l'ilcter invented by Shiny Entertillnment. This I, ~or"hewentontoshrinhiscar.

toonse.ies, 'ilnge of ad ion figures, lunchboKes, pyjamas etc etc etc. Well now ht's BACK, gilmesniks,ilnd this time he's in iI game ilgaln. Of course, we shouldn't mock Shiny for the proliferative nilture ofhrthworm. Forstarten, they're p.ob,l bly rich enough to buy our m il guine ,IOd sack the lot of us. Plus, ofcoune, they had to find somewilytoutnilcrustoutofwhiltissobrthe oniyShinycharattertom,lkeittogamHshelves. tf you wilnt to persuilde someone to buy your developmenthouS<!fo.ilhundredblllionthoUSilnddoll ol rs

you've got to hilve some incentive, I suppose,ilnd two platform games might not be enough. Or pe.haps they a.1' BeCaU5f' for rl'asons bl'st

withoutbl'ingcorking And thl're is much to commend the title for Mostobviouslyithasa genuinely amusing senseofhumouf.mstead of the forced "wackiness' common in muchoflhe geme. This mostly depends upon itl'msand events relevant to the game too, as opposed to intrUSive and frustrating fau~·samplesor·hllarlous·inte rmissjons(although

it's got those too) Japery aside, Earthworm also impresses with its polished presentation, which guides you through the game slickly- f illing in loadinggaps, making the sueen look nice and smart and gen erallyaddmganairoftrustworthyprofessional-



Shiny havl' chosen to debut Earthworm on 32-BITina straight conversion of his second Ml'gadrlveadvl'ntu re, Admittedly il's not the most backward of pi atform games. Earthworm is famous for the variety inheren t in his titles. Va riOUS levels see you digging, flying,Stannah·ingand pig lifting along with the usual gamut of lunning,jumpmg and shooting However. in any sense other than commercially, releasing ayear·old Megadrive game on the Saturn is abltofabizaffedecision Still. games don't get a reputation hkeEWfs

genl'ralspiffinglevelofimagmation put into the game design Which is what really garnered all the plaud'ls upon Earthworm'sfirst release ~dly for ShinY. though, things have moved on somewhat smcl' then . 3l·BIT consoles have raiSl'd the stakes of what's conSidered good And EWJ doesn't {om pare so favourably w,th Its new ~rs Previously a big fish in a small computer pond,Jim has trouble looking quite so groovywhl'n he's up against a new breed of massively invenlive and cleverly programmed competitors


In fact. the biggl'st thing Jlm has going for him here is that platform games on Ihe Saturn are very scarce. Sure, it's a reasonably playable game, butifonlytomaintaintheircuttingedge reputation you'd think Shiny would have at least had a bash at soml'lhing new for the flagship con· soles. The graphics look tiny, the con· trois feel overlight and t he music sounds like t he Miami Vice cops jam· ming With The Power Station - all widd ly guitars and power-sax Mosl hardcoreplatform fans will probably alrl'ady have played this on their last machine. Given that.anyonewhosefirstconsoleistheSaturnproba· bly won't know what a plat form game is. Obviously. those fans that haven't seen this before wil l find some relief from the runny·jumpydrought in Earthworm's charms.Themajofltyofplayers.though,witldoubt· less remain somewhat unimpressed. I"m sure if Shiny bothered coming up With some new ideas for the Saturnspm·offl"dbl'dancingajigofjoy.screaming Earthworm Jim's praises in the street like some kind of possessl'dChristlan lunatic,Sadly,though,dl'sp,te my deep and abiding affection for the cha racter and his funny cartoon on thetelly, I can't rec:ommendthis game to anyone but the most dle·hard enthusiasts

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o. the Mft cUlhlon,

tlrDflthlnoor.Thll 1111 ian'l







they .,I.tfunny•


1~liJI1AI'NI Impact Racing seems to have appeared out of nowhere, aHhough it's already gained a good deal of respect on the PlayStation. With its novel take on the racing genre, and plenty of blast 'em up action, it looks like getting the same treabnent on the Saturn as well.


~ffk_ ... th'f,"d" mental problem oftl'ilvelling by automobile thesedilys.8utjustho"'l do you soIwthe g,ldloxUWell,I've got this plan which could haw the dl1emma resolved within_ks. Forget public transport,forgn blcyc.llng, forget worll-


What everyur nHds ISiI range of turret guns, mlsslles;ilnd otherwtaponry to

dui with the frustriltlons of modern motoring. OldthatguyJust cut you up? ThenpepperhISC,l.withm;oc:hinegun

firellsthatoldcouplelntheAllegrod,ivlng too slowly? Time to make use of your HalfOfd rnlssileildd-onsllstheblokeintheEscort,lghtonyour bumperl Slmply.elease ilflre WOlII and watch him burnl You'd haw the str~ts empty In Wftks I tell you. I can't realfyt"'ke full Credit fo,this innOVOltion, It was,afterall,inspired by playing Impact i1.acing. NC"s n~,acin88ame.Thist,tleseemstoha~poppedout ofnowhere,sol'lIstartbye~plainmgwhatit'sallabout.

Players choose from five cars (varying in speed,grip, armour and we'ghtj and then take to the race circuits, Each race consIsts offour laps. every lap having a time limit. If you fail to complete the lap before the t,me runs out. your race is over, Beause ofth,sthere are pick-ups on the track which eortend your time, as well as pick-ups which improve your front and rear armour But what'sthe'lmpact'allaboutthenlSpe<:ificallyitpomts tothe other main concern of the game which 's to destroyother~hidesasyougoroundthecircuits,

Provided you destroy enough cars. you'll get theopportunitytoupg,adeyourweapons in a bonus level The miorture of racing and combat might make

you think of WipEout but therea,e some very reald,fferences between the two. To beginwith,lmpact l1acinglooks more contemporary than futuristic (although one level sees you looming down a space highway) and rather than using weapons to slow the progress of other vehidesyou'reactuallyouttodestroy them, In terms of graphics I'd s.aythe two are pretty much on a par Impact l1acingfeatures some brilliant light sourcingand thee~plos,ons oKtually look considerably better than what you'll see on WipEOI.J\. 60lh the speed and ani· mation in Impact Racing are very impressive,lhe cars moving and sliding

Karklball'lhl pIlotHI~to,Ie •. lutliJlORthltlndclIIIClfttratIOlthtlc:oRto1Ollrl'


Thele are some nicedeta,led touches in Impact Racing like the map at the top r'ght of the screen which lets you know where the other drivers a,e so you can drop a mine or three, SOme of the weapons are excel· lent as well. There·s the fire wall whICh leaves a trail of flames blazmg along the road,avar ietyoflasers increasing in power as you make your way through bonus games, and some awesome missiles to play aroundw,th. One criticism I will make of ImpoKt Racing is the lackofvariation in the race circuits. Strictly speaking there are only four of them, the laterdrcuits simply bemgversions oflhes.amecoursesexcept at night time or thrown under ad,fferent spectrum of colours. Nevertheless. th,s doesn't prevent Impact Racing from proving itself pretty entertaining stuftand anyone who·sgot a thing fo' racing games in their myriad gulses wouldn't bedis.appointed


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IliJj'AljN ~1 DRIVE YOUR BONUSES Ifilplilyermilnil8estodestroyenOU8h(iI~as

they go about their merry Wily, they urn the chance to "'quire more weapons up8~dH for their motor, It'siI bit Uke Kev down the roild get-

tlng spoilers fOf his Flestil,exceptthese ildd-ons iI,e designed to Kill! On., bonus slilge, the player hutodest,oYil set ilmount of tilfS within iI limited period. Provided you dojustthOlt,thefe's iI lovelynewgildgettoplilywith.Thereil.eiltotill of sht In illI ilnd once fulty tooled



the best chilnce ofcompletln8 the game.



To get t~ Option+ menu, simply complete the game once. from here)'OU nn select your startmg stage, turn damage off, a nd select two more options whkh arehkldenatthesurt To play as Mahler, the 20-year-o ld version of the final boss, simply complete the game as any character. He'll then be selectable In any mode, and his moves will be displayed In Tr.Jlnlnll Mode. To play as 8Myou need to complete the game as any character on Very Hard dlfflcuttyandbeathimattheendofthegameltwillthenbepossibletoselect him in any of the multi-player modes (not Arude) To ptay as the bear from the background of the Armstone (Ity stage,)'OU need to be pLaylllg on that boKkground in any mode, then finish your opponent by knocking them through the laltings at the giant bear If they goin the right direction, you'll be abte to select the bear when you play nextl Vou can access him In any mode and he uses mostly Sanman's moves

To get the "Wall Oisp OnfOff"' option in the Option+ menu, go to Itaining mode and perform every single I"TlOYe for four of thecharKlerssothat"OK"appearsnexttoeachn,lmeYol.l need to spend qUite a bit of time b1'lngmg up the name,watchmg how to do it. then performmg it properly, bot It's • • • •~ wortht~haSSIe If you play through the game in Hyper Mode with the difficulty on Very Ha rd as (andy, then play another game, Candy Will lose more clothi ng than usual when shegetsher.Jrmour removed Once you've done this chut once, you can select Cilndy In this mode by holding the X button and choosing her with A Of C To get an extra version of Candy _aring Hawaiian shorts With a Ukelele on her bilek. finish the game on Normal d,fflcultyas Cilndy. She has all ofOndy's usual fl"IOYes, n well as one of Ral<el's - 00 P to hit With her Ukelele To lIet Candy wearing a school uniform, finish the game With regular Candy on Very Hard difficulty All of her moves are exactly th e same as usual 80th of the ext,a versions of (andy nn only be selected in the modes other than Arnde - Training, and Versus,



And here art t he level passcodes.

Gun , Energy, BlueC; un ,Sa ndwlch , Can

These chea t s should all be entered when Ihegame is paused. The letters D ilnd U l efer t o Down ilnd Up, while L and 11 refer to the L.eft an d I1 lghtdirec路

Bubblegun,Sandwlch ,Sandwlch, Triple Gun, Gun, Missile Gun, Triple Gun,


Bullet, Sandwlch,Gun,Jlm, Gun

8'." G."lI~1

Energy, BubbleBun, 8uUet, C;a n, Jlm

Mlsslle Gun , elueGun, Bubblegun, Bullet,Sa ndwlch loo"healthL,A,Z,Y, D, A,Y, O


Nine lives Y, A, 11: , 0, 0, A, L, I! Plum a Bun C, A, R. R. U, 0 , U, L

Builet, Gun, Missile Gun, 8ullet, Jlm

Triple gun

Triple Gun, Bullet, Bubblegun, Ener8Y, Bubblegun

O,A, U,B, R, R,C, R

Silndwlch,Gun, Jim, Blue (jun, 81ue Ciun

MissileC;un, Ene rgy, Buliet, Energy, Energy

VIRTUA FIGHTER KIDS Th~ee K(ellentdleahmakelhisexcellent

gameevenmorefunl To flght againstil secret verslon of Dura l, who is translucent w,th a goldfish in her head who d~s all of her facial ex pression s for her, pl ay through the game on t he Hilrdest diffl -

culty settmg. When you've beat e n all of t he ch a rilcters and you reach Ou ral , she'U be t he new\ll!f

To play as Dural,usethe same cheat as for VirtUiI

Fighter 2: On the charilcter selecl suun press Down. Up, Right. t hen A+left t oget her. To play as a gold version of her. pren Dow n, Up, Left, t he n A+Righttogether. Toplay asgoldfi shDu ral,select Du ral as usu al,

t hen hold the C button u ntil t he sta rt ofa game All of her moves afe the same as usual. only she loo ~s

a lot better

TO fight f rom the secret view behind a wi re- fra me

version of your character, select w hoever you wa nt as usual,then hold the land 11: shoulder but tons

Now t hat it's final!yout. you could U5e some excellent ga me路enh a ncing se cret s for Night Warriors If, for old t ime's sa ~e, you w a nt to play Darkstalkers (the prequel to Night Wa rriors), use this cheat: Goto the options screen and highlightth e Co nfig Setect opt ion. Now press B, X. Down, A, Y quickly, and you'll hear a noise. The new opt ion shou lda ppear atthebottomofthescr~n To be abletobump t hespeedupmassively,go totheoptionsscr~nandhIghlight

t he Tu rbo option Now press X, X, Right, A, Z quic kly (just li ke Akuma's firecracke r move in Sf Alpha} to be a ble to move the nu m ber of turbo st ars right up. Tohaveaperfectlyclea rscr~n wh en youpause thegame,ra t he r th a nhaveil go

d im, use this che at Go t o t he options m enu and highlight press A, C, Y.Y, Up


Size, Now

In c~seyoudidn 'tknow t hereafealsoeightdiffefent cost u mecolou rs

for each ch a racter. When selecting them. just use X, Y. Z. A. B. C. Start. or X+Btogether to pick a different colour.


ho'.hudest.lheX-Menorth",StIefi Flshten:llt's the lluestionthat'.dMd ·



inl pb.ygroun.u the world over. Except in Fnnce, where they're all probably still arguing_bout 11ntin and Asterllt. Anyway

the U\fWtl Is- the X-Men. Of COUlH they're the Ialdert. They've got all those super powers and .billtlH fu beyond those of mortal men. All the Street FIShlen can do 11 hit each other. Frankly, in a fisticuffs Ilhiatlon,glw n the choice betwHn a Dragon Punch and eyes that fire Optk Blut.cap.bleof Jh.atterlnSgiant.sttroldsI know which one I'd pick. So the,e you 10. The X-Men ue the h ard", ... By loads. So there's no need. for any of thb competition between the gToups. It'll only end in tun for

Cap«>m'.Hnert. So Instud of uplor1ng the antagonistic uperu; of

Ihetl8htersthatcaptu r~ theheartsofa8am.

they Lmmortili~ similarly in the Bames commu· l'lity. Plus they're bringing together two of the bHt ~combat


and ~'d explode with h.ippinHs. Perhaps luckily for us Stan hasn't ~n fit to lend his gravelly New York vocal chords to this production. SO we won't be exploding. We will on the other hand. still be highly exdt~ about this vcceUenl surprise development in games history. What nm? Wolverine vs Mcgaman? The Avengers vs The DilTkstalkers? Or perhaps Five Star in Rcsldent Evil World?

Mutants and martial artisa can be frlellds, thilt Is the lesson Inherent In X·Men vs SF. To illustrate this point. each player cont rols not Om:' but two diffe rent characters, each with their own energy bar. Not at the same time, Obviously. but in a tag, team stylee. This doesn't lust mun one character leaping on screen after the demise of the first (a lthough that happens too). It's a tactical thing. see. Say yourfirsl flghler Is floored or dizzied bya top-notch combo-hllling a fireball and two Fierce attacks wlll swap them over for your st(ond combatant, who'U be ready to rock. Indeed,they'll appearon·Krten rocking, flying Into the arena with an illtuk. After this they'll pause and pose for a couple of sKOnds. which leaves them V1.Ilner· abie. Clever players can tven work this swapping Into a combol Yet another example of Capcom Improving the concepu In their fighting games.

<!/",; SEG.4 SATUr.lN


nn5 of SF with the dtrcts-laden pyrottchnla at X·Men: Children of the Atom. All they need. Is fOI



But being

generation with the ultra-popular comics characters

. . . . .........

X-Men versus Street Fighter, Ifi'slook upon thl5 as a pal meeting of heroes. Two forces bound by thell consciences to uve he world from a fale worst' than death. Wen. actualJy,a fate that isdeath-Apocalypse,theetemalbringe' of doom. And, nole, a Marvel character. bKause there Isn't a SF dude hard enough


hardMt.. the ut,thtUncalU'lyX·Menoue willing 10 share centJ'~stage with the weedy pretenders from everyone"s favourite beill 'em up soeril!'$. ThIs Is the result. A one-on-one beal 'em up from the stable of all fighting thoroughbred.5. ThInking about it, Caprom are on to a total winne r hcrt. They're marrying



The back8rounds for X·Men vs SF are pretty bizarre, to say the least. Aion8 with the now familiar Wo rld Wa rrior-style backdrops in the fresh air around the planet, there's a selection of less logical settings. Like In the middle of a TV stud io filming a quh show, for Insta nce. Or in the middle of a crowded shopping centre. There must be some kind of plot device which explains these locatio n s, although we're b lown if we known what It Is. Pe rhaps Magneto's trying to steal all the tins of beans or something. Anyway, the really Interesti n8 thing about the backgrounds is that some of t hem exhibit distinctly Children of the Atom·esque degreesoflnteraetivity. For example, there's a street scene populated by cithens and startled cop pets which, should it take sufficlent bashings, gives way to drop the charaeters into the sewers below. where their combat continues. Ace.

Ryu r~tums to the fray, just for the fun of It, as usual. This time he's got a Cyclops-style mega-fire· ball attack for mulliple hils. Still a highly versatile character and probably the best Street Ftghter. (haTHe· the Guile cionI!' from Alpha comes good for X·Men vs SF. His fighting style Is highly dif· ferent from any of the other characters. Very handy against characters like Storm and their ranged attacks. One of the mOTt Impressively 5uped-up SF characters, Dhalsim now boasts flame-throwing capabilities to rtval the Human Torch himself. The hugeness of his flaming attacks is quite sensational. Wearing a dinky little hat Cammy makes a welcome reappearance with a stack of new moves. Chief amongst these is her new Spinning Crush. which is not unlike Bison's Psytho Crusher crossed with a fiery missile, Mystifyingly, Ken - who is almost exactly the same as Ryu - has made it into this mix-up game wher e you'd think character variety Is highly important , Nice hair, by the way. ThebigbossofSF-MBison· realises his power pales in comparison with Magneto. Still easy touse and pretty darned nails, but his open fighting style

Th e great thln8 about th e Saturn eonversion l of Ca pcom games is they've always got hidde n optlon l a nd l ecret characters, so you always get to play as the bon. We ll we'r e highly doubtful th al 'U h a ppe n with X·Men VI Sf. That 's because Apoca lypse, the e te rnal a8en t of Alma ge ddon, is th e boss in this title - a nd he ', not I ma ll. In fa.ct, he d oesn 't fight like a normal chara cte r at a ll. He's so big h e can only Just fit his fist onto the Icreen. If you want to kick him in the h ead (which you h ave to ), you 'll n ee d to p e rform a Super Jumpl Lord knows how h is sp ecial moves list would fu n ction . And h e ca n 't dodge , either, be ca use he 's too huge. BilI lca.lly, Apoca.lypse iI totally rock a nd a ll mort a ls musl tremble at his presence. Sabrtltot h kllll rorltlvln," TltllcllUldbtBll tn' , ynhlckyday.

Gambll"lplaylng ca~oBlllII&lIttralhIISf'. Chlrll'.



so WHAT'S GOING ON THEH? Whit,t playing X-Men vs SF as Cammy. the SSM ttam noticed somethi ng st range. When Cammy wins a bou t, M Biso n hovtrs onto the screen,


whence the Cammelster salutes and squeaks · Orders complete, slrl", Which leads us to believe

the events of the game take place before those of Super Sheet Fighter 1 Turbo.But, right. she's got the Icar on her chin from hll'r alleged K fap with Bison when she escaped his thrall. SO what 's going on thenr Is she fe ·brainwashed after Super Sf1 Or Is it a blrthmarkl Or whatl How come Charlle', In It. as weiH And If It does take piace befofe Super, right. how come all the charact!!'f' have the neat new moves which they conveniently fo rget In time for the Street Fighting tournamenll Come on Capcom -sames trainspotters demand to know when In you r Street Fighter mythos Ihl s alleged mulanl learn-up lakes placel tlu.t

MUTANT X.f'OWER SllIIlES S11IEET FKlIIlBIS! Throwins the SIrHI Flshten and X-Men losether I. more Ihan a matter of Ilappinllhe already-coded characters onlo new backsround •. A. arcade fan. wtil know SF and X· Men both have noticeab ly differenl playlns . Iyle., .0 Capcom needed 10 find . ome corn· mon sround for th e protalonbt •. Well they didn 't bother, reaUy, and.o Ihil title play. more Ilke X-Men than SF. All the Street Flshter charaden have had some of their move. and combos upsraded. to compete with the ea.lly.performed elsht·hundred·mllllon hit X-Men.type . uper move. on offer. Dhalslm, for In.tance, hill a SfOOVY new mul tiple flrebaU attack which I. capab le of . even hili without break Ins Into a , weat. Thb make. for a mo re actlon-p acked·looklns (and feellnl) lame experience. The SF influe n ce takes the form of making l ome moves harder to perform, with more twisty joy. tick m a noeuvru re.pon.lble for the better attacb.



The Peter Andre of the X-Men, Gamblll$ only famous because of his own self- promotion. His telekinetic powers which charge up ordinary playIng cards Into deadly weapons are cooldaddio.

Kinkiest move ever gotS to Rogue . who snogs her opponents inlo submission. With a charging tongue sarnle, Rogue can either drain an opponennene rgybarorstealthelrmove,l

Uclolr N O"""'i',i


OPTIC MIGHTY RISING DRAGON HURRICANE STORM! Super attacks ate now thestapleofbeat'em ups. Pull off enough specials and connect with a few punches to charge up your Super bar and then use a senes of compleJ< joystick moves to dfect a dev· utating (if it hits) Super Spedal, thai's the plan. You'll know when this happens be<:ause a portrait of your cha racter framed by a sunburst appears on the screen. whereupon they blue into action with a string of moves, followed by tracer Images. Super attacks fulfil multiple purposes. They're a handy way out of a Jam and Ihey're a spectacular way to finish a round. Every character at leasl two Supers • and Rogue takes it to new levels of greatnessl

CJcIocll· .... IIIptI'-bIut lajllll .. """rfJI • Pd .. ..,.ctn· lI.r ... It ... '- ......: CItIId,... of tile


St_ • tM WI.IMr wild! - ••11. . . tM tIt_lIIaI ponn.t lleI ,",aucI. Haw don ZUlltf IIIock eltclricltJ ItHIfP

CUl'Hd by her myllnl ,"",Ir, Iny pllJlleal cOIItnl with Rogul'.

lope also l1li Mper·lIo... str..,t.jut Uort rI SpIMrMa.· •• die." alMIIIon I. w S.~I c.w..... - ~tnk ...

FASTBAU SPECIALS AHOY (NEARlY) Super move. are ace, They' re all pretty graph· Ics and mall damage. They're great. If only you could perform two Super move. at once. Well hold on there, chlckadees, because now you canllf you're especially talen led you ca n end a Super Combo sequence with a fireball (moves list permitting), which, combined with two Fierce attacks, bring. your buddy on'lueen whilst your flnt character starts going through the motions. Pull off another Super Combo quick enough and your leam gang up fo r an Ultra Super Mega Combo and ructlon. of dam· age all over the shopt At least, we think that's how you do It. We only managed to pull this off once. Once was enough though 10 He lusl how AWESOME these ~double Supers- alet


Ro",nMlperilulllaallrtlllt. . . . UnUIRoauIIlWsll.1Id wllt ••llderpl)'eIIopowtl'... rtt_ltwltllllter..t l

X-Men earned pnise from serious players for its Innovative new features, IUch al the multi level play a reu and the Create A Combo fea ture (resplendent in all Ih glory Inthls game, too). Another of these features was the Super Jump, which allowed chazactet1l to leap almolt twice the height of the Kre-en and take their battles to the air. Well thos.e Street Fighters have obviously put springl in their ankles, because Super Jumps are at your disposal in X· Men VI SF, too. These a re performed simply by pushing up on th e stick a second time whilst your cha racter Is peaking at the top of their first jump. It'. a n eJ<CeiJent way to avoid proJectiles and escape Supe r attacks which have a habll of carrying on fora whlle_

. . , SEG.4 SATURN


The racing fields of the Sega release schedule have lain fallow for too long, my children. The time to strike with a new gearstick is now! Call the faithful to their gathering halls! It's Sega Touring Car Championship! IncI! the pioneering VlrtUil Racin g and its revolutionary 3D graphics, Seg" have blened U5 with a string of evu mOrt imp ressive driving games. Daytona's texture·mapped brilliance put u51nlo the same state of gam!!.hut that VR had managed. And Just wh en w e thought things co"ldn't get a ny better, the genius Sega Rally experience melted our steely


!::~:~:ee:c~Sf:~~:~: :!:~:: ~h~er

Slladt, ofStpRlllJhll'l, whatwlththeCut"*tpOfttof1.hlp and I ll. 51111,111lI0II1,,..11 I~?

TIlUMnlCar Rnlftll •• M.IOIIll ntntllklFOt'lIIulaOnt, ud It just SG bapp..., Ihal GrandJtlld sflow I lot of It

Qualifyln • • ith IRUCllllftl time I. Ihe kI1 la lIttln. ahu.dwhIRlIcornu toracIIIj P"'9Ir In thl 1'1111 ' Wtrtt.

011 SatyrdlJ I nlrRlIOnsl

MamnOYI . h?

sure you really do think the cabinet has got an engine in it, Se ga have also mounted powerful heavy-bass woofers under the seal itself. which lend that hum and throb of a real power engine to th e game. Frankly the only way to make t he thing sound any bette r would be to actually put a working engine in the front of the coin·op. And it's not just your ears tha!'ll be bomba rded by an all-new

'n::soio:~ine:i~;~:~~~~e~! ~~:or:;!:

•• b"' It. . . . . . . .'.. with AM boys are bad: again with Servo Steering as standard. This th e Sega Touring Car is an extension of the RaUy Championship, the latest feedback wheel. which addition to the jaw-dropresponds to in-game dips, ping car-riding se ries. bumps, corners and the Once again the Jike with synthesised technical improve· resistance. It also ments are th e main means the game hanattraction. The graph· dies like a touring car ies for Touring Car with power steering, achieveanewlevelof which Is what i!'ssuprealism. Each ear and posedtobe.And,rlght, object has a satisfyingas Ifallthisweren"t ly solid look and feel, alongwithanunprecedenteddeplhofvisual detail. Plus everything moves at app roximately a million miles an hour and is mOle than fast enough to Induce motion sickness In sensitive types. As if would mean little were the gameplay not slmilarthat isn't enough. the cabinet also features rucks Iyexpanded. WeU. once again the lads have done of trademark modifications. The sound isdelivgood, conceptually speaking. Il's surprising that ered through a pair of new 3D sound speakers they've found yet anothe r form of car racing to instaUed in th e head rest of the driver·sseat. This plunde r. though. Pretty soon there'Uonly be fla t blasts the engine noises right into your ears for strip drag racing left,which won't be that interan awesome dose of beUevabUily. Just to make esting_Anyway, this kind of moto ring is kind of a cross between OutRun and Daylona. The player controls oneofa selection of vehicles based c1oselyon real production cars overhauled for tour rac Ing and drives it against seve n opponents. These, suffiCient cabinets permitting. can be human- or computer-controUed. Obvlously things are the most fun when playing against real people, but the CPU Is more than willing to make up the numbers

TOU.I.DUTY The jalopies in Touring Car Champ!onshlp are aU based upon real-life racing counterpa rts. The compan\es respons\ble for the Individual cars have cooperated extensively withSega to ensure their respective prides and joys are accurately rep· resented Inthe game. Each car comes in either



fterwhat mut t be one oflhe biggest b\llld-ups In the h iltory ofv1dl!'Oga mel , Sega'l utte rly astounding Virtua Fighter 3 h a s finally hit the UK a nd SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE w as

first In line to get a look at the m achin e a nd mOl t Importa ntly get a good playtelt. So, a fter our In-depth examination of the ba ckdrops, check out the good s on the cnaradeul Well, It's finally here, And yes, It Is totally remarkable and better than any arcade flghtlng game ever seen a nywhere. Just as we suspected. If you've followed our VF3 coverage over the months. you'll know that Mode13 technology surpasses everything you'd evu seen before. You'll know tha t the new backgrounds with different levels of height add hugely to the gameplay. You'll know that.. well,VF3 Is the futurel In this last VF3 featu re for the time being, we give you the lowdown on the characters in the ga me, Including small moves lists designed to due you in quickly on some of the new techniques found In VF3 - it's by now means a complet~ lisl, bul il's enough 10 get you going and to show you Just how AWESOME this game is.

1 :~t::~ho~na~e:e~~. ance from his Virtua Fighter loutlng, Aklra Yukl remains a power路 fulcombatant wlth a penchant for surprisinll his opponent with ahulleanayofdodges, counters and pow~rful throws. Th~ much vaunted Stun Palm of Doom is back and r~malnsash!ghly


w"' Being the evasive, pow-

-==-r=-.LL~ ~ ~ _:~~"I ~ ..,~~.



erfu! type. Akira make s t)(c~llent use of the new escape button and ev~n has a new move usinll the button, Try 00 P+K+E, for instance, Also note that many of his moves. like the famed Pow~r Uppercut can now be strunll into combinations, followed up perhaps with a OOKK double kick, CH.UfCIS, Very strong. Akira has always be~n the main man for Virtua Fighter and now he's ev~n deadli~r

~~--=:-~. ".lIOYlsrom 00 ' "

0 '''' 00 '

. 0'"

0 . ..

0 ' 00 '''<-拢

p!ul lhr... butt(llll~tl~I, forVf3,It'l d jlflr.nt,wlththl iddjtlORorthl dodgtlHcapt blltll)ll lilowR llI-ool, It'l YlldIRMfMl-plcll lmO'O'll tCHI.

OllloflkJra',lptctacularnew lllowlS, UI"tldwlthtIMIJdof Ihl lllW UClpt but\I)II,

J ~~=!::7~sv~~~aCOOi Fightf' r 3· Hf'·stradf'dln hlsif'alhf'rjacketfora more fashionable item, althoughthf'distincUve fire symbol remains on thf' back Thlsjackellsalighter fabric which lifts as hf' spins or if the wind catches it. In terms of nf'w movu, Jacky Is far more adept In the kicks department , being able to infilct multiplf' hits withslnglf' strikes. Some new spinning punch combos have also bf'f'n thrown in too. In all. lacky remains a very rounded character whose new techniques are bound to make him f'ven more popular. Whf'ther his new technlquf's are enough 10 see him through to the final round of Ihe new tournamf'nl remains 10 bf' seen.

Jlck)' lI onloflhIDlduYlrtnf1pluc"r. ctl rsth.atblrtaliybtneflttd front a fuJl-on Innl fonnatlOll th.ankl to the Modal 3 tKblHll0&1. In t.... clo..- _plilotl (. bO¥t),yOll

rt.llynl ll(\lo ..a tha llJllll••etloftlo I pprlcllta thlwllHlwhlstll.,throupbllhlllr. It'l lllIIplyamlllnaandchlnge.d.pendentOll Whl l ltapYGII'rtlMl! • • IKlVES TO m {:l PP O P

0_ "'0 PI O PPl

CHAJlCISI Much the same as VF2. His multl·hit strikes make



~,!,""A!",:,t. .<""" __ _

a.-'":;j"=: ....


-}., .~~ -......: ~

One of Shun'l low-lnll lltuQ. T.II 011111 quill cool - It can btIcllwltHIt ranSland blt,.t.II..1dirrlCull to gUlnl.

Shun was his drunken lurching attacks. For VF3,he retains alcohol as the basis for his fighting spirit,bul in the year since the last VF tournament he has learned to control it still further. That basically meansthatht' ket'ps tht' unpredlctabllity andmultl·levelst riking opportunit!t's from VF2, bul Is far moreofa refined character. Also in VF2, wht'n he m essed up an attack he was 50 open for a counter-strike it was almost painful playing him. No more. New moves include some slunnlng Ihrows and a bit more versatilily in the combo department. Look oul for an amazing new throw activated whilst Shun Is standing on his hands. He ltaps across Ihe screen. catching and twisling his foe wilh his feell CKANCJ:S, Shun's extra conlrolls not at the expense of his unpre· dlctabillly. He remains more of an irritation for potential oPPOnents as opposed 10 a realconlender.

- .,



~"'_i~ '..




'I ,


Shun_.. I . ptetl tlllarthrowactlYaledwflllst .ttlHllnloRhllhudl (tGt!). " I.JU hUI INiIllUI new lIIulllpll dl1laun IIlpplnl,llIck (1IIIddJI) I,d.llwl' RlnapoM(bGltolll). IIEW.OVES TOTIY

00 '

o (PPP) I o (PPP) I

0'" nop ~ P<G (throw)

~ SEG .o.. SATU~N

T ~:t~~::~~;~~d~:~~::'~~o!~::;~:a:t~:!u:~ ::~:~~m leap in the transition from VF2 to this latest chapter in the saga. Most of Jeffry's Innovations are in the basic altacks, with only a small smattering of new throws to get to grips with. like Wolf, the new escape button gives him plenty of opportunity to finally strike back at the combo·based cha racters who have been his ruin In previous VF epics. One false moves from his opponents followed by a Jeffry escape gives him plenty of poten· tial to inflict massive damage. In fact, manoeuvring behind his opponent and performing a back breaker is that much simpler In VF3. Another example of how the new escape move benefits the game play no end. Make no bones about it, Virtua Fighter 3 is absolutely briUiant , okayr

OO PP ppO , 00 ' O PPP

00 ' O lP

0 ,", 00 '


ClLUfClS. Fair to middling. In terms of prowess, Jeffry remains

0 ...

much as he was in VFl._ just more powerful with an even la rger range of speciality throws.

OO P<iI (ttIrow) O P<iI (tw.w)


0 ... O P....

0 ...

0 ., 0 . O P_.

0 ... • U

0 ,

D ~;;:n~~e;l~a~:!~~~:~~!:~:~!~:~~~~nn::~~~:~I!::~e from brother Jadry.ln terms of appearance. Sarah has opted for two new costumes. The fi rst Is a black. cleavage reveaHng top with Iycra trousers and high·heels. The second Is a hot pants/crop-top combo. The J3 Syndicate's bralnwuhlng has obviously moved on a stage since VF2 since 5arah now sports a rather fetching SOuthern Belle American accentl In terms of moves. Sarah has been kilted out with plenty more kicks and new PK variants - as If she doesn't have enough alreadyl What Is perhaps more Intriguing Is her apparent muteryoflhe escapefdodge button. With her speed she seems to have taken to the new system like a duck to water, making her even more powerfull OLUfClS. Sarah seems to have adapted most to the new escape routine. Coupled with her speed and agg ression, she stands a very good chance Ind~d .

.fliP S EGA SAT\...JRN



I ~h~~:~:::t:~:~~ai

0 '" OO P":

0 ... OP . OP <:l PP O P O ppl


0 ... .11 <:l Po4 (tllrow) • 0 Po4(1.......) P+t(tllrtWf,....lMIIiIMI) O Po4 (tllrow)

looks ten times better than ever she did in Virtua Fighter l with the lighting on the stagesrea!lybrtnging out the graphics well. She's lovely as far as videogamecharacters whodon'treaUyexist go . So what's the deal with Pai in the combat arena? She remains probably the fastest fighter in the game, attacking with lightning speed and devastating combination attacks. The new game really boosts Pai's combo facilities, adding a huge range of different linkable attacks to her already strong arsenal. Her speed makes her good at dodging with the escape button and retaliating With a combo.

AI nil u tile tnd.III"'" S~mo ItIIllP (11111 lhoW'n 011 t~11 pqe), Talll WI 11111 th~lIIp ~II oppoIIlftts u tlltr III IMlpl.ulJ' HIMIJ'OIIIIII, Talll l rulliaIH dlll.lltsInUllCkl.. ~isrOlI




00 .. 00 ' P.. O P 00 '

00 '

I"tjMI.tt4lJa&IIlst till wllll 11 VlrtQ Fljllttr 3! (1M1ow) JPlt a in style to Street Fighter's Zanglef He's very large, but slower than the Pais and Sarahs of the game, but once he has a hold of you, you can't fail to be Impressed by his sheer power, The best example of this ~'f-...r::.<> H.' to be when he gets his foes into a wrestling grapple· literally through anyone around as If they're nothing more than a rag dolll


0 '

0'" 0'" 0 ' 0'" '. 0' OO P 0" 0 '

-. 0 .

OO P+t


Po4 ("'-btIIIMI)

0'" 0'"


. O P--«I <:l P+Co4 (Hcrotlcllln' lfIIMInenU


... r •• " ""0,


~, . .


~f f9j , ~





,...- - ~~ . . . -. ;,:;,..; , -

.- - '" -



III -"""-


.~ .~



AoI 'I COIIntl rlnsllllll l nlbll hlr to m ll'll

""'10'''' OO P+(



00 '



0 ' 0 '

O il

'" O.

A ;~=~~i:~;si::~~J:~~:~;~: f:r::! ~~;::~~:~~'~~:pabilitiesareboostedbyarangeoffloatingstrikesaswellasrudjmentary combination potential. However, her tHost aspect is in her ability to counter absolutely any attack thrown at her, by using P+K button presses In combination With different Joystick directions dependant on where the attack Is coming from. Not only does she deck the opponent with her counter, she Immediately follo~ up with a very painful extra hit or two. which usually takes the form of a torturous limb breakage Dressed in traditional alkldo costumes. you might think that Ao!'s movements would tHo limited by her dress - not so. She remains absurdly fasl and lethal as a consequence. Just like Lion and Shun tHofore her in VF1. Aoi is totally different in style and execution to theotherVF masters.




Aelc.............t~lIru.... . IIINctlM .. -...-tlMwtth' .... T'" 0 p+(., O ,+lt• • tartwltll.

f,r,p"" -

( . ~\ '

, ~u,"

• ,.... • __

110 -


CHAJfQS: Aoi's combination of speed. counters and combinations

could make her just as lethal a force as AJtira Yuki. A potential champion. fl


I " • •A

-~~~~ -:~,


-6t ~


he big wrestler from Canada Is back and he's looking good. Bigger. and more powerful than ever before. he seems somewhat confused with his nalionalldentlty this lime - hence the appearance of a stetson and all-out wild west gearf So what's the deal with Wolfl Basically. he remains much as you would expect him - he's still not that much of a floating combo fighler. relying instead on wrong-footing his opposition and getting In a throw. To this end, the new escape button Is ideal for him. allowing him 10 dodge around the combo-orlentated characters like Sarah and lau. giving him plenty of time to perform a power-throw. Adding to this advantage is Ihe huge range of new throws thal Wolf has at his disposal. Including an even more painful ve rsion ofthesignatureGianlSwingmovel



0'" 0 ... 0 ' O PP OO P+I O P-+4U__ ) OO P+CUIIrow) OOOOO P-tG(lII.....) P-tG W..... frolnlMlllnd ) O P+CU...... ' ...... bIfIlncI )

T ~~~:l~r:;t~~~;e::~~~~:/o

the meaner and leaner than ever before. Uon excelled In VF2 thanks to the lightning speed and unpredictabllity of his attacks. In VF3, he's even more effective in this regard. and he's been armed with some inc redible throws, Including one where he Jumps on his opponent's head and uses their neck as a spring·boardl lion was always a character with a most distinctive style - this time he's stronger whilst retaIning hIs speed. making him a most powerful combatant indeed.. Strength does remain something of an issue considering that everybody else Is more powerful too, and lion's reliance on his unpredlctability needs to be bol· stered with more new moves than have currently been revealed. His propensity for floating attacks also seems improved, but he's still a bit of a question mark. Still. fans of lion from VF2 should be well satisfied.


0 .. 11

OO ll 0 ... 00 '


C '+G(t~ .... )

O P+G ( ~)

CKAJfClS, Something of a wild card.. His propensity to attack at multiple hei ghts gets added significance on the uneven ground of VFfs stages. IEWIIQYlI TO TlV

T ~::y~e~~I~: ~I~~:!f:: t~:~~~ has evidence that his mother is the basiS for the J6 Syndicate's ~Dural " robot. That being the case. he's even more determined to find out the whole truth. Two distinctive looks are ava!lable for Kage players· the blue ninja suit we all know and love, plus a new "casual" look with a different mask and ninja-at·large threads. Kage remains the most deviOUS of the Virtua Fighters and his new moves have been designed to wrong-foot his opponents even more tha n his addl· tional te.::hniques in VF2. Some of his new throws a re absolutely incredible, including some bloody brilliant mid-air interceptionsl Kage was runner·up to A1cira in VF2 . does he have the power to be victorious In this contest1ls Kage truly the most powerful of all ninja?

0 , .. 0 '

0." to , 0'" 0 ...

O Pl PP O Pl NI. MO'ftlud old. ArtPlat, d Imuk la tilt rice (1110... ) I"IpnHfttl t~, flll"lllu . n.. fDOt TOil (HI... ), the latllr.


O P +G Ullrtw) O P -+G (HIrIw) O P+GW....)

CKAJfCJ:S, A worthy opponent. Kage was dynamic in VF2 and even more powerful now. A potential champion if you' re willing to persevere and learn to make full use of his ninja cunning.

T ~i~~~~~:;~~~I~~S~s~~:~ing after defeat at the hands of A1cira in the second VF tournament and has sworn revenge against A1cira and his daughter PaL To this e nd he has har· nes~d the power of the co mbinatio n strike to new levels. Rather than Improving the va riety of his combos. he has dedicated himself to master· Ing new forms of floating attack and then follow ing up. Whether thIs will be totally success' ful remains to be seen. as the escape button can effectively comp romise the long and d rawn out combos that Lau excels at In terms of appearance, Lau retains the traditional Chinese look, although superior Model 3 technology means more Intricate design and more realistic "floatey" bits on his costume ClUUfCJ:S, Fair. Lau Is still the master of combination attacks second to no ne, but Is this enough when the escape button's express pu rpose Is fo r dodging combos?


F:\b:~IS~~~r:~ ~:v:r:;;an~:::;~:~,:"t~:e

time I,ulerpoltntl.lofp bit tt<hnoIOI)',wt've,een th'lraphluand.nlm.tlonbecominlultra-rullstlc , What hun'tnectn.,lIylmp,oyedon.p.r with tht l.mtcosmetlc,lstht pl,),.blllty of it title , Thtarrlval ofSega Worldwide Soccer '97 howtver,heraldsanewsUndardinplay~bility.Theru·


whkh Incorporates not onlyfootbaWs beauty but its unpredlct.blllty as well. Just like their real·lifecoun· terparts, players can makeerrors,;lnd the game adjusts accordinglyw ilhexcit· ing goal mouth ,crambles or sudden attacks on the break. As well as the usu~1 plethora of mollCS available to players.SWS·97alsoincludes some of the lesser known ted"lnlques like the 'Waddle' shimmy or dummy on the instep. This all goes to make it the most compfehens lve foot)' slm 10 date and a must for fans of the genre

1.. ....,.......,..

7 ..~p!



'..,. - ::;~:. .. .. ..,. .,... ..., . . . I,.,




.•• II'IJOIII to GeMIII/iJ',II'1 I0Il1 10 GeI"flll/iJ'.




1111I1'mM ~1


hen Destruction Derbyfinatly turned up, a bad fe",llngtold us this W,lS going tobeabitnaff, Maybeltwasthef,lCtth,ltolllthehypeaccompanyingthe

PlayStatlonVl!t'ilon had long since died out. Maybe It wu the.elatiYI! Iyuninspirtd conVl!rsion of WipEout , Psygnosls' othe, big driving titte. Or may be it WiU the fact

thatSega seemed a little ,eluctant to relusethe 8ameat all. A\ it turned out our fea . s we,e confirmw ilnd what YOll get with Destruction Derby is iI mediocre game in the extreme. The graphics are hugely disappointing.

espeCially the smoke effects which verge on the comic All of the gloss and shine hils been lost. leaving only Ihe gameplaywhich isn't particularly diverse anyway. No doubt the gamewili stili find a nkhein the mil.ket and

to its credit some fun can be gleamed simply from colliding with other cars.Assoonaslhisn~l¡

lywearsofflhouSh, Destruction Derby's de<;lined for Ihe scrap heap.

C::~d~:vaen~~;~U:I~:~ ::a:~;n~~~::.~~:~~~e; :::rll:::~ ::::x:;!~;t

Tomb diverslly of Tomb Raider, It n~rtheless provides somefirsl-(Iass action from a fiut-personperspecllve. The plol revolves around the usual alien/mad scienlisl d,chotomyan dlhe sameplay is all about blastins such types away while explOl insthe level s for ways togettonewlevels.Admlttedlythisgetsabitsameyat times but played in bursts,BlamlMachinehead has got enough in it to provide JohnnyGamesplayer w ith the requisite thrills. The graphics are excellentw,thsomeimpressivelightsourc_ Ing and detailed spfltes, and the difficulty of the game means it's not going toend upon the shelf after a couple of days.

I ....


;Io~ _



, -

' .




- Q -> ~-


' .. • -r+

", .' '- J

, --. .



I :;::t::~::::;.:y:~~o:: S:~:~~:i~;~:S ~~~:~; :~:g~e~~il;~:d"::~~es:::eir bedrooms, their only comfort being some plllelated babe staring out of the VOU. You SH , Highway 1000 Is a racing game featuring scantily dad femaltl as navigators. l1atherthanconcernlngthemselveswlththevariouscurves and contours of the ro.1d. they concentrate on either praising or damning your masculinity depending on how well you're driving AS for the driving Itself. Ifs far tooduli and predictable to main路 tainyour intertlt for long The tracks lac.k variety and all look vtrysim.lar.andtheurs handle more or less identicaliy. making itavtryuninsp!flnggametoplay.Makenomistake,~gaRally

this Isn't

Hul I ;:n~~:!:I~::I;;al~f~'::Sn::~~n::;':::t~~~n:a;;;n the year 2000, And they'll all be destroyed Im medi;ately bt<au~ theyare, .. fteratl,a motba, But whllethereality Is hardly ail that thrilling, the Satutn cont inu es to Sft JQme pretty wild Imagi nations at work, Th is time it's Space H ul k , ;amutant t hatresem b~saglantpltceof pork8rlstte;a nd ls pretty

Irate with It. From;afirst-perSCInperspective,it'syou r job tohuntdownsuchaesthetlc abominations and, With the help of a team of commandos. wipe the blightels out Space Hulk manilges to distinguish Itself from the li kes of Alien Tri logy and Exhumed by Involving iI good deal more strategy_ It might seem a httle OYtrly complex at first, but It soon becomes a realiychal1enging and elICiting blas\.fest

D:~ ~tS~;~:t~;=~ ~e~::~a~:(: ~(:~:po:'ug: j'tj~:~:~ ~'t.~d~.:~ ~O~ ';路"l~;;Si!~ifll!!~!~~i

two du sl" In bet, In the shape of Bubble Bobb~ and binbow lslilnds. Now while the~ mlSht look like n;aft old sames, they are In fiet brimin!, Bubble Bobble Is i n addlet lvemllrtureofplatformanddrateSy, )'O!.Irbubbleblowinsdinosaurs, Bub and Bob, waddllns about the pl;atforms In sea rch of enemy sprites and myriad power-ups. This in itself wouldn"t meflt the cost of the game but With two versions of the underra ted Rainbow Islands in there as well, it most definitely is. Rainbow Islands again mixes the platform aetlon Wi th strategy.bul alSCI includes 10adsofst<ret rooms and hidden tt<hnlques. The CYlllcal among you might resen t the rei ease of (ulthe, retrotltles. but wilh Bubble Bobble Pack. while theglap hi(S might hark back toanearlierage.thegameplaylsasrefreshinglyoriginalastverTheaddictivt gameplaymeansthatlt"sapractlcallylne~haustibletitle.and t here aren't a great many modern games you could say that about so there. And.l"s only thirty qu Id which means It won't burn a prOYtrbial hole In your pocket


Imll.lmfj1I ~1



-2~ ~~lIiI~~ 路7~~


hil month we han


dece nt featufe on Dark S.vlor, the new RPG

from Climax · the neatou of Mes,chlve La nd. talker. Well, ln lapan,

s ' m en are already gearing the mlelvl!I up for the next gleat Saturn . dventure Utle. Ih n a m e? Gra nd l • . This new game b being developed by Came Arts· ont of Japa n', mOJI respected names. These ;Ut the guys behind the acclaimed Silpheed on Mega-CO and of COUISt! the recently releued Gun ufiffon (u.ted at 88" In luut -9). Gtandla. howeve r. looks like beins one of the most spectacular iooklng RPGs todale. So what's 10 grea t about it eh? Well, Came Arts are rcmowned for their

technical expertise, with a huge understanding of the workings and applications of 3D. Unlike Dark Savior. this isn't just an action RPG· a hugt rangt! of options are available concerning Inte ractlvlty with obJect sand peo ple. So, whilst you can rotate the landscape around like CUmax's clas· sic. Game Arts have also worked on making the surroundings very rtal. Also, unlike Dark Savior, all of the objects are real· time 3D textured poly gons · not Just scaled sprites. Stili not convinced about the brilliance of Grandia . even with these brilliant screenshots? Well, get this: Game Arts have enlisted the aid of one of Japan's foremost computer graphiC rendering artists to produce the visuals along with a member of the world -renowned Skywalker Sound (owner: one George Lucu) 10 come up with the audio side of things. We'll be following the progress of Grandla over the coming month.· can It match u p to the ex pected brilliance of Squaresoft·s forthcomi n g PlaySlatlon RPG, Final Fantasy VII? Only time, and Indeed us, can tell.

'lbuJllrNews\llndor,SirI Iflt. .... rowrt wlttlJIOIra-tMlf,lwaUdblllDltu.t1ndled lIfI~tNrN~knownuSEGASAT\lRNIIIAGA·

ZlEputuidlforlMllflarnantNybasis,whertupon llhll,..

..ter JIOIr rN IltabI:Ihrnent. Md p&re/IaM ukljaumaL


i' ::::'::::::::r'~ ~I


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