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NiGIfTS Check out the stunning nature of the Sork Team classic.

BUG2! Faster, bigger, better. Bug!'s back!



COVER STORY _ _ _ _ __


Editor lli<llu .......Mttu ""I.EditOl D. . . . .bal1

Just in time to find a place on your ChnSlmas list comes ooe of the most eagerly awaited sequels of the year. Oust orr that Vlrtua Gun because Vtrtua Cop 2 is here. And the bIlIlets are flying in

DoputyEdnOl aN'",1ot Fe'IUfnEd~ ... " " •• ~

Com'iMon Oel".hnidt,

n.... v•• G....,u ....... J.~~ U.I"", W&n ••


90 STREET FIGHTER EX NO!You11 never escape the Street Fighters! Forever wiA they rule your destll'ly!! Or at least if you're frequenllflg an arcade that is,

because thiS month's Com-Op sectiOn sees Ihe very COOl looking Street Fighter EX, and Ihis time they're in 3D!


Covo:'rAlt AMIUDept" lIu~1e ~Mtroticwl



ti.o..- KqkM

~tt;.i"l~II·aer u..lU.w ""

DepulyAd M.n'ac, CIub"....a

NcwGitt a1nt.. au~ I'fomotic>MMlIMIP' ........... MlIr~i "lMllMaer Alu_

""'bI.. ho:f ~II.cV ltti. UCIPNl .... Publk.h,",DitKt ... I.u&laJ....

Syot ..... MlIMIO· ....olo.J. . . loMfty Sysltms & procko(IloIIco-ord'nat"' ...... _

The team behllld the bnll.ant Exhumed talk about hOw on Earth they managed to make it so good, as well as lOoking to Mure ambitions

for Satum software.


Diltrlbut"", ":h_Wae I>rint"'l ~o.u""~

CHRISTMAS NiG HTS The NiGHTS hype has barely died down and already there's a novelty speCial edition in tnTle for the winter festivities. Hunt down presents in the game for some very speCial surprisesl

Sofg.Satu,nM'gu,nek.noff" ... I!;cttw:t.



.,. _ _ HY'I!yt ....... .,fthopubU...."O/



.. enwrintl:tI\t


... I"'"

We don't mean the kind that



you have In a playgrtlund Wllh aboiJt fifty of your mates, bul lhe kind of hardwareJ'software bundlesretailersare • puttmgouttocalch • theChnstmas market. We IooIl for the best deals.

oibloforomissionl.ndtfrtlf>tholmoy""",, c."......._PUP~


~uct ...... writt ... <OftWftI"-'lhtpublishe<ohmlctly prohibited

Sq. Soot Utn, M.,~".... G.ome Geaf. Malle. Syot .... pll Ind Mq'-CO.", 1,H<:m.rbaf Sfj.£nltrp<iwJUd c._~nlM

[MAP Im.gH ..... Sq.IIM1' Ind IMlr bmW~

(tspe<i.'IyRob',).",p<ohllHtedftomtntetlni .",.Sq.$.lol u,nm.,ulne«>mpetlllon, lho: flIitot'.6«loiofokfln.I.l'Idno"" ..... pon. denctwillbe""'t'trd~o.


W• ...,.ttUl_ .~






On the road again with Ihe rleW racing exlrava·

We had loads of phone calls about Virtual On after last month's coverage aSkllg for more lIlformatlOfl on the game. And being the accorrmodatlllg SOUls we are, we're more than happy to oblige.

ganza from Sega. With the game now corn· plele, we've got eight pages of hI&h·adrenallrle gear chaflglng and frantIC steenng, as wet as the revtewabnlaleron.


lelqu... hny.




~[GA SATur<N

UII £33.00 Ainnal

EurocII £4f.i.OO Airmaillone 1£73.00 Eire £46.00. These rates iIIdude postqe and_RC.

SUBSCRIPTION / BACK ISSUES ENQUIRIES Tower Subscriptions, Tower I'lOuse, Lathkill street. Sovereign Park, Market Harboroogll, Leics. LE16 9EE (01858) 435350

--"~~ s __ ( 7 ' 11


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PREVIEWS _ _ _ __

22 24 26 28 30 _


66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84


...,.. 5EGA SATURN


E~~~i~~;:e~Cen1 ~I~:~::; t~Xe(i.:~;::~~:I~:;:~;y~:~~~~~:~ :~~~:~ views with Exhumed ereiltors lobotomy plus the AM) Virtu,,1 On productr Mr luno Woll .. ,;. And! Swoon at Ihe certain incredible news about Qu .. ~e "Iso found on these pascsl Throw in iI hugc rcviews frenly plus some slu .

pendous showcases and we have what hils come to be known



ilS "M ilsterf Covcfil gc", The milg's been pretty much triln sformedinthelilstcoupleofmon t hSilndthlslssetto contlnuf' thanks to the SOHY depOIrt ult of Rob ilnd Rild this

Iss ue. That muns new blood ",od yet more ch""8e, hope· fully for the better. The COYer·mounted COs .. re ;llso Rt to become more reg · ulill,hopefully tvery three months, Beginning with the nut issue (a Siln

hopefully). fingers crossedehl Spr.,henlie h.rdoncoronlll Ilch.rdL..dbottor, ldltor

UAKE: EARTH-SH ustOlsweweresendingthiltnueofSEGASATUItNMAGAZtNEofftobe printed, _ diKoYered some Incredible news. id loftware 's QUOlke is in development ... and apparently it'l going to be on Saturnonlyl Qu~ke IS the undisputed kmg of PC gamts at the moment. !oelhng untold hundredsofthousandsaClosstheglobtThenextstepln3Dshoot'emups, Quake takes Doom, gives It a full 3D environment. more advanced texture·map· pmgandhghtmgeffectsandbooststherealismstillfurthe,.It'stheon lyPC game worth playmg at the moment, in our hallowed opmlon In terms of game· play. QUilke remillns very Similar to Doom You SUrtthe game killed out only with a small bore comba t shotgun and your Job IS 10 work your way through each level,coltectmg extra weapons hkedouble·barrelled shotguns.gren ade launchers and nail guns and uSing them to bailie a horrific arrayofd emOnlC


" MtofO~lkl'I"'PGnrywlllblfamlllarto

GootIIlIIll'lrs, but till .II-MW Hpt.ln81~. 'ak.'...lIItboItjlsavul_alldlllM - 1t rrilatile tppOI/IJoI!







Enormous flymg slug·likecreatures, lomb,e soldiers, fiends, and lig htning. throwing "Shamblers' are just some of the many (features standmg between you oind the eXit of each level. If It all sounds perhoips too Doom·esque for you, you Just hoive 10 see the goime In action to witness why thiS game IS so much btller Rather than Just have a seflts of rooms next toeilchother perhap5 at dlf· ferenl heights (as In Doom), Quake IS like Exhumed m that It can have rooms above rooms, allowmg for some superlallve true'3D action The graphICS are also much bttter·torchesllght upthe walls,reahsticshadowsarecast that kind of thing These shadows are real. istlc too. meaning that you can hide m them (gre;lt m multlpl;lyer) However, the tltst thing about QuakelsthesheerplaYoibllilyofthe game Id software are the grealesl developmenthousemtheUSand theyconcentlaleongameplayabove all else. DUllng developmenl of the P< game, thty SllIpped out entlfe con· ceptsandbtttergraphlCsroulmes s,mply btcause they detracted from



commltmenttogameplayandpl;lya bllrly replic;lted when I1 comes to pro· ducing t heS;lturn version






-- . , .




Theex;lctn;ltureofthedealth;ltSega ,have strud IS stoll douded m mystery some sources saying It will be;l toUI S;lturn exclusive (tha t IS,lf;l1l goes to pl;ln. there woll bt no PI;lyS tillionver· Slon) and other rumours indICating a heftywlrldow of exclUSIVity Wha tever the Cilse, you'll read about It first in SATUI1N MAGAZINE, At t he moment. few details


ls ..II •• I.tottMN1IlI.,fll'lUlMlrIorblct· .....l1li •• ONt,', _I, pI"IItqGIIl5t,lf't ,.11·

011 wtlf'tClPGInoIltornntutJplattlt ..5tIlMllM&lJ .... bIoWIapartwfU

ha~cmcrgcdonthestateoftheSaturng a me

Sega of America ha~ entrusted the game to iln chte programmmg team, and they're workmg on making the game as close to the PC original as IS human, Iy possible Unfortunately, this mean~ that we'~ had to use PC screenshots for thlsplece,buthopefullytheSaturn~rsjonshouldn'tbemuchdlfferentalall E~humed

shows that the Saturn has marc than enoush power to produce an


Not surprisingly, wc'lI ha~ first dlbs on the game when the Saturn code does appear, so STICK WITH USI The game should be out on Saturn around Easter 1991-

THE MUIJ1PUYER QUESTION The great news is Ihallhe Saturn gilme should boilst mu lUplayer action, QUilke wu de sIgned primarily as a multlplilyer experience . In thIs gilme mode, the lev· els are cleared of all monsters and extra weapons, power-ups and ammo are dott ed around , The basic aim Is 10 collect these and blast the hell ou1.ofyour opponent, r;lcking up the ~ frilgs~ Id!:, right and cenlre, Compatibility with the Saturn NdUnk Sftms 10 be pretty much guaranteed,meanlngthatyouurnplayQuakeoverthelnternd,allhoughjusthow milny plilyen Ciln connect (the PC version supports 16) remillns il mystery for the moment, Link-up cable shenanlgilns would be much .ppredilted (it's in Doom and Hexen after all) bul nothing's beenconfirmedyel. Regardless, you sho uldbe hIghly excited by the news that Ihe greatest multiphlyer game in existen cels comIng to Salurnl



I first met Radian Automilltk when he ame for hi' Interview on the original (and best) MEAN MACHINES. Although he WillS a blurre-looklng 17year-old shelf stacker with no dress wnw, both mywlf and JiIIl Rlgnall were super-Impressed with the quality of his writing . Much the same WilS true when a cert.llln ~Roberl BrightM Inteme-d for Staff Writer status on MEAN MACHINES Just a year later. At that t ime, the magand Its staff were the kings of aU theysur.oeyed, Common peaSillnts dropped onto their knees before us. The sun didn't bloody go down until we told It to.. There was nothing we couldn't do. Apart from get a decent wage (even though the mag" profits were In the millions). Ovtrthe yea rs, through their writing, these two lads havoe contributed immeasurably to the suc:ceu of our consoles magazines (apart from when Rob disappeared for thrtc yun to do a degree). And now they're off. Disappearing Into the rul world, no leu, Afttrthe Insolent whelps uncowred my secret sc:hemt to !.elze the Power and conquer the world, Rob's now been exiled to the Clech republic to write for the Prague Post (I'm not making that up). Young Rad on the other hand rnoYH ilCfOSS to EMAP Metro to become ReYlews Editor for populillr mu,1c journal, Stlfft. 50.. .. good ridd ... er, good Iuc:kand all to them •• Which lead,meon these bit"

WAIIlm: DfPIITY EIlIT1III Wrthlhe-de~rturt-ofRoblrequlrtas.trond-ln-<OlTlmarldtolendah.1r1donthe

good ship SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE. You Will h.we al leasl a couple ofyeafS' eJlperie!'ICtofmagilIlIlejournallsm,haveahu~unqtlenchableenthu"asmarld{unfea·

The word, 'dysfunct iona l' and 'teenager' tend 10 go h,md In hand , bUI whe n WeK, yourtypkal w lf-centredjunk-eilll lnglten find himselfCillst 11'110 another unl voerse, he', qu ick to come 10 his senses and givn up his Irrespon si ble act ivities in favour of saving the universe. Hooking up with e ight lten iIIlien, 10 make 'The Wild Nlnes ', lhey e ngageln battles w ith Iheir archenemy, Kam . l'ubll shedby Interplay and dtvelopedby Shiny - those responsible for EarthwormJlm-this isa plilltform shoot 'em up with all the trimmings. There are plenty of weapons includ ing ill teleKopk slaff that Wex uses as both a martial arts st ick and pole vault. Theb.ack · drops are all In Interactivot lD,and thele 's an Impressivt 60,000 frames of iIInimation. Whether th is Is the kind of

slblyanal) kf'lOW"~~ofvideoga mes -especially the Sega ones. And you Will be good at them l oo. Superlat lYe organisat ional Skills and hkeable person ahtya re a lSO musts. If you qua lify on all counts (emphasis on AlL) Wflle to me at t hea ddress belooN. marking your envelope DEPUTY EDITOR APPLICATION,

WAIIlm: STAff WIIITDI A talented young thrusting writer IS reqUired fof dul)'on SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE. All erxyclopaedic knowledge arid genume Ilk+ng for Saturn games is requestedand.eqU>fed,alongWlth a sound grasp of t he English language Quahficatlons? A-I_lst~ndard English IS a good start,andhlstoryCilnhelp too.althoughnell ~r isreallyesseflt lal

Bt+ng good at games is. Experience/ Asain, not essential, it's abihty,drlW' arid commit ment I'm Iook+ng for. Aflel You'd ~lmostcerta+nlyh.welobeI7ora.otr Serldin a r::valongWlth of"M "~kto~" RlChald lead better, al STAfF , SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, PIIOry lane,t.ondonEC1 R 3AlJ




" ".



Incredible •

Footb~1I f~n~ ilcros~ the country ilre right now enJO)1ng Segil WorldWlde Soccer '97 ,the und,sputecl klngofsoccerSlms Some might even cillI It the best footbilll gilme ever. Wel!'lhe ,hoiceofflnequillilyslmsloo~ssettocontinueilS P'sygnosiscon.

tinue to roll out their PlilyStatJon c~talogue onto Saturn Adidils Power Soccer WilS the well路re<erved PlilyStiltlon soccer title releilsedeilrherlnthe~~r tth,stheusu~lstuff路fuIl3DgraphlCs.1ove1y

motion capture However, it iltso Includes some pretty spe<:tacuiar speClill moves. designed 10 lift the game from simulation into the heildy realms of~rcildegamepl~y

Whether it can match the brilliance of WorldWIde Soccer remil,ns to

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yQI/" /(A1HEI'- fIor tI/!-,

/ 1' H/lf ~fUl"L ~11GI<f 'fAf'P

6lkKrl£foM? QXY"ITi 'eH!

EA hi"'e pulled out t he stops this month where sports sims are concerned As well as PGA Tour Golf al'\d NHL Hockey, they've also got John Maddens '97 for our perusa l. Like Its other two sports s,ms.lhis is due to be releas.ed rn December It features all of the elements that made the game so popular rn the first place -all the tums.lo<Ids of playoptlOflS, multi-player mode et ill The grilpnots are better than eYef ilnd It looks likethegilmehaslostnoneofrts;iddrctovequilhtylfsillsogcltilreiltlysmilrtrntro sequence As NHL Hockey '97. we'll be brrng.ngyou a ,evrew nelrt Issue

JoIr....ddurtt.Nlly.t ....J•• AtI.utlt'lu.II-III. &IIIIt I.IIUm., •• rtadera?

- -'-'

~ SEG.~

S ..!),TURN

ICOMMAND &CON~UER Command &Conquer is one of the best-sellinQ PC titles ever - and that's includinQ Skunny Kart. Find out what all the fuss is about with the they-said-it-couldn't-be-done Saturn conversion from YirQin_

Z _








HI! I'M COLONEL CARPETBOMB! Command and Conquer looks nice enough, but let'. face it,the gflphlcs aren't going to gtve Panzer Dngoon any slHples. nights. If It Ilept. But that'. all put of the plan readen, b«aUJt this means the space .aved on the CD an be put to other IHH -lib .... ving load.$ of rendered cut-sctnts to break up the gameplay! They're absolutely ace lookinS and there ue hordo of them. Unlike many games which I.Imbe thil device, the 1nterminlons in C&C actually do serve their purpose more than ade-



~~~ ::n~Sa:;b~!i::~I!;:S all he surveys. WII!'II, per-


....~~.....:OUf a~a;::i:;S~~~~~:~~~:~g~:;;:;ir~:1 ...._


physical harm. We could 0111 just sit indoors and plily ilt war with Command J nd Conqu~r until we've 0111 ~nluOllly forgotten how 10 mJke bombs anywJy. W~lI,lhey haven't aetuallysaid that's what they think, but it's what we think th~y mlllht think , Thl!' futurist environment In which

hillps not. At the d;llwn of

time, it wu probably mJn 's Jmbi· tlon to evolve flnge rs. An.d bottle openers. In fJet , it probJbly too k quiteOlwhileformanlogelOlround 10 having In Jl.ltplclous OImbll lo n like co nqueslon his mind. Soml!'t lme after theOlmbitlontohaveOlmlnd,infaet. How~r, sufficl!' Is to sOlY that at soml!' point it did bl!'cOIDl!' mJn's OImbition to rule 0111 he sur· veyi.Jnd mJnhOlsb«n blowing himself up tolhal ~ndeversincl!' . Obvioosly,asmiltionsofpeJc~niksand

OIrmt'd th~

sldesOlgOlinstoneaflOlh~r. ln th~blu~cornerls

UN Global Oef~nc~ forc~. and In Ih~ red corn~r is

cies.W~IIVirlllnthlnklhere·sabelt~fwJy. Theyfe<k·

evil criminal SUperllfOUp Th~ Bfoth~fhood. On~ Is on tJking over th~ world fOf ilS own gain, whereaslheotherisin lenton laklngovertheworld for Itsownlliln. And,in an unprecedented Iwist to Ihe utuil wOlrllame format, you're allowed to play as

on that If w~ JII boullhl Command Jnd



layabouts hJve att~sl~d, this is J pr~lty bJd thing, and It would be belterforev~ryon~JII round if we could find i way to curb these terrltorlil lenden· Conqu~f




In the bluecorner is the UN Global Defence Force, and in the red corner isthe criminal superQroup The



Brotherhood ....

• .. ~ ...t







't ..

adreamtorulethe planet with adfead fist and enforce a reign oftefforthis is the game foryOU . WhOC'Veryouchoo<;etoplayyou're given a differing selection of weapons and technology. So ifs like two games in one. Nearly. Thegame itself,possible future saviour of the souls of our race, takes a ground· levellook at massconflict,byincludingaSim City·style construction element along with the full ·scale massacre. This brings home the, like, futility of war. man. because you spendagesbuildingupyourlitllecombateconomy only to see it ravaged and destroyed by your foes. Alternatively, you can use your factories to roll out thousands of tanks and use them to crush allcivilisa· tion in your path. It all depends. Command and Conqu er has been out on the PC for some time now (since August last year, in fact) and

ingafte r a(onversion,aswe'veh~dnumerousletters

sent in to Q&A requesting information on the possibil· ity.wellasyoum~yhaveguesSC'dbythiS(Opiouspre·

view stuffed with Saturn shots, C&C is indeed heading for the Sega machine, and WII be with you shortly. Just as soon as it's h~d its tea.

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MOI"1l Li lliputian comlla! aptly ~I plet ed.

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, f


I AIIolh.rllllt~·b."'tYbrt.utvt lftC&CIl'Ol"kl .

One is intent on taking over the world for its own gain, the other is intent on taking over the world for

. . Its own gain ...

n u.. , hotl

cunningly J~d'jHlse the

IIIleh.a~I"llIInlgn nl"

thl fl,..tplcwit~thl.utom .tld destMleUonlnt'IIKO"d.

It r, ,





. . S EG ..o, S ATURN


1. .. :11 jJ ,fA I'liAI

TRIS P Who'dhave thought that a game where you attach blocks to make lines which disappear to earn you points would have had quite the impact it has? Well someone obviously, otherwise they wouldn't have invented it and we wouldn't still be playing it! Sharoo!


I,m _ I UBA



Punl.. garnet ue known for their lax Itory lint •. fair enough, it '. pretty Ideky to marry ...uccesslon of colo\lred blocks with iI cohe r· ent plot, b\lt mOl t titles don't "en try. Tetril

Piu) I, n't very different. Whiilt there', a n txce llentexplanationforthetravelll ndtravall. of our he r~J (they' re looking for Iru· .ure In the old world), uch actual episode Itartl with the lame routine. WhIch I., pre· dlctably, ~ Oh no, how are we going to get pa.t those blockd ~. Still, at least they've made a n effort. And It'. all quite funny. And ve ry well present· e d. You never know, the finish ed venlon might expand upon this


Level editors 10 games are alWllYII $Cary thing. whlch you 'd thinkarIP: really really complex. Not 10 with Tetrif Plus, The levels editor Is ,lmpUdty ItJeIf, Simply place onlP: square block at a time untU the $Creen b how you want It (you can u,e a full palette of coloun, too). ThIP:n IIP:I thIP: h eight for the wh irling rotary blade (the lower It I1 the 1"5 time you have). POIltlon the Prof, IIP:IKI your fiut block to drop a nd you're away. Don't forget to un your Icr~n', though, or there'U be tears beforlP: bed· time.



t'tbHn ..,oundfourye.u s, ;lnd it's still widely ~cI.lmed by _ryone In the world to be __ ont of the l,utH! puules ever. More popular than chess, mort challenging th,n Opemlon, tilsler to underslilnd thiln bilckg;llmI mon ;md more colourful than TwIster. That's Tetrls. The game whIch netted Its Soviet crutor a br;lInd new 486 PC ;md made mflllons for the ,tate. No gamn library I, complete without the bIock·m..chlng option whkh 11 Tetris,Ofontoflt, manyeJone ... The latest verslon" lated fOf a Saturn appearance, has to be the coolest Incarnation yel. Along with the dassk Tetr ls game. there's also a staclt of brand new playing opt ions featuring two new Tetris characters,



matching-it's the story of the ad'ventures of the sut·

ty Professor and his tomboy assistant. The Jovial pair are off around the world hunting for buried treasures, and the only things standing In their way are lots of blocu. These blocks present themselves invariOtJs strange shapnand layouts, whilst the profstalks along thrir lengths. Drop a failing block on top of him and he'lIdimb it (dangerOtJs), Ma.e a gap and he'll f;l1I through It {good), tf1OU'recleveryou an solve the block puzzles which allow the little man to ruch the bottom of the scr~n In time to nab the goodies. If you'renotcleverhe'scrushedbya whirling rotary blade on the descenL And. right, If you're rully

The game that netted its SI


T~rjs puzzle levels. So the mesuge here is be drw'l. Anyway. the level editor is a smart new ~ddjtiOfl to the game which .. nllbles you to try and outwit yourself. So you'd better ho~ you're not some kind of twisted and nefarious genius or you'll spend years cursing your own evil machinations Ofcourlt,the real fun lies in testing your mates with your bizarre puzzles to which only you .now the true solution. Obviously there are now loads and loads of puzzle

g'lfT~withthedescending-objectltheme, TetrlsPlus,

though, does actuillly introduce some new play elements to the mix. At first having the ProfesSOf wander· Ing arOtJnd your brkksJust Sttms like a noveity,lxIt it's Kluallythe key to the Tetrls Plus system, Once you get used lolhe littlefella's blunderlngs it's a piKe ofcaketowork out the th inking behind most of thesetpuules. tfthls isn't enough for you, there's also a two ·player mode (in both original and enhancf'd versions), As usual In Tetris land It's a head·to-hudcontest to save the Prof(Of fill yourfoesscrttn)first, withhlghscoreshandi. capping you opponent. All in all, Tetris Plus looks to be one of the most colourful and ~1I·presented punle games~'veseenontheSaturn-andit'sdefinitely

the one with the most options, Hopefully we'll review a finished copynelrt month



So you don't know what to do with your Virtua Gun? You'vefinished Virtua Cop a hundred times, and since then your little brother has since commandeered it. Well get it back for Mighty Hits!

2 _






RAFTED This Is one of the coolHt gamn we'vl! seen so far in Mighty Hits. The aim Is quite $tralghtforward rully. A man ls gradually into the I ta with 11 bunch of balloons In each

hancl In front of him float. 11 raft. In order to land him .Ilfdy on it, the player hu to shoot the balloons in his left and right hanlb to neer him in. Fail.nd the poor chap drowns!



;lchtap m .. H-order-onlyTtlslarcompllalIonftaturingcl u slc t.nksbyMrMlslel, JohnF,unam and Mih and Ihe Me-chilnlu, but you C;iln rtstl!;uyt!«ause Iht re Isn't a powtrballild III sllht. Thetltlt In this Instanctmuns hits from a gun-

Mishty Hits to usuase some of you, f,ust,.tlon, Wh.ts rut suys eh1 Eachofthegamesfo!lowsap,etty simple concept, and there's a distinct Japanese sty1e tothe proceedings. The g,ut thingisthattwopl.~,scancornptte

.salnst uch other meaning there's plenty of opportunity to daim your right tothe Dirty ha,rylesacy. The other good thing Is that Mighty Hits Is going to beol bit of a ba'galn"etolillngat a folirly rnodest h9.99. Whet he, it's worth the money wt'U Ittyou know next month In the review. For now though, let's take a look at somtofthtsecrazy shoot 'trnup alt'olctions.

theVirtu a sun to be p.tclse. And the

'mighly'probably comes the fact that tht rt 's aboutt .....entyodcllndlvlduilll games

to chocne from In th is one p.chse, You see, Stsa In their infin ite wisdom rulistlh.t ownen of the sun mishtbtfeellnsa bit Jo1dedo1bout th e f.ct th.t they can only use It for Virtu. Cop (or Chaos Control Ifyou',e des ptrateenoush) .IndsodHldedto,eluse

Sega in

their infinite wisdom realise that owners of the gun l'Iiqht be feelin~ abit jaded about the fact that they can only use It tor Virtua ~op ...

THE BLUE RABBIT A mixtwe of concentration and iI«UnICY here, It's iI bit like th.It trick with the thlte ClIp. and the sponge ball where the (uPS are shuffled and you have to guess whe re the ball's gone, Instead of that one offour rabbit. iI singled out as blue. That then dlsap· rabblt • • huf·


J 7;'~ ~n:~y ~

l'. ,,



.. ..




... " J' . ,


. :W

. ~,


Pntty damn euy this one. A whole bunch of jack in the boxH an arranged on the scr~n and the player shoots them u they pop up and down. ThU game Is good for worklnB on YOUI abllity 10 react quidUy and ac<:llBlely.

MICE TRAINS Bit of an unusual one this. Rather than dolnl what bulltb tndltionally do - mlMl! very fut in a Itnisht line - the player has to land thtir bulltl. in cups Iltualed on top of a toy mollSf train. You earn more polnll for landinl the balll in the Jlttle cups rathtrthan the bll cups.





He's big! He'sgreen! Andmy word is he mean! It's the Incredible Hulk, and he's not a happyfellabecause if he was a happy fella this gamewould be called 'Bruce Banner: No Saga'. _








In thl



tu " _bel actnlly


Hulk HesNttlt . ith t_. tvI. to III Ill. c.~.a.

FADE TO BLACK Ont thinS you 're p robably wandering h aving looked.t thl! sclf'en.hotsis what all that dullneS5 In the batkSfound Is illl about. this is a teclutlque that prosnmmen use at an alterna路 tive 10 having thins' In the 3D backdrop sud denly pop up or d ll.ppnT. Rather than a fade into bluk, some programme" choose to use a kind of fog or milt technique. The problem with The In(l~lble Hulk at the mo me nt though Is that there', just t oo m\ldl"" often taking up almOlt half the KtHn. The

g;une is still only about 50" complete, so Iris hope they work that problem out before It', made review materia).


Cuttin, the h uge figure h e the Hulk was always up for a bit of hand to h and combat , a manly wrestle or a cheeky grapp le. But as it 11, most of the Hulk', attadu don 't involve any contact at all. Ok, fO there's the spinninsluiat done in alDlpef .tyle, but Hulk', most potent attub ue more like angry sulk mOVH. For exam ple, a foot domp IH5 him buhlnS his foot to the sround maklns it vibrate or brnk. Any enemies neiUby are tHen off their feet m UinS the m vulnerable. The floor Imuh doe, p retty much the thing except Hulk use, h b enormous fllt.ln.tead. Then the re', the fOroC cla p which d~ exactly w hat it .ays, th e fOund deafe n ing and 51unninsenentiH.





gilme viewed from an isometric perspective, that sees t he Hulk wilndcrlngabout dodging trilps, milki ng use of his ilwesome slrength on unfortunate foes. ilnd picking up uwul Items to tab' himontotheneJctleveLTherearefivesepilfiltesbges In all, uth of which incorporates two o. more levels, ilnd you can expect to see iI w hole host of M arvel

cha'.lcterspop in for iI quick flght-enemles tlke PIÂŤcmeill, Traurnil,LazilfusilndM.1esho. There's still quite iI bit of work to be done on

The PilnthÂŤln Sagayd (it's about 50" complete "t the moment)what with the graphics stili Ii"kingil certain definition and IhcSilmemovingil bit too slowly at the moment. Eldos ilssure us thilt this wiU illI belOrted out ilnd wc'lI bc finding out nerl month th~ lI~me undr, 'l'YiI'w $"ut!ny.

when we pu1

CRUSH THAT DOOR kina thr mishty colossu s hI' is, Hulk thinks nothlnll of ttarlnll throush rdnforced concrete walls. He laughs In thefKeofthicklron doorJ IUIdpositiwlycacltlnattheprosped.ofd.eelburitrJ. But lhow the ftlla a rwitch and hI' doesn't ko_whtre h I' is. This rould cause prob~l'ftJ because n thtr than pummtllina throuJh doorJ, Hulk has to do the d~t thing and open thl!m. Thislu!an'tdowithout ooordin.l.tinlla number of switches put about thl! lewl. PuuiI! mmenb iJkl! this crop up throullhout thl! 11&101'.



Summer may now be far behind us, and the cruel cold of winter only around the corner, but in the comfort of your ownhomethegrass is still green, the lawns still plush, and tennis is on the go!


t'sl noddthins Indeedth~ prob<l­

Ocean have been bfave enough to take up wh~t's become a bit of a poisoned chalice, and have put together Bre~~ Point. This ~~tures ~II

blythe bHt tennis .Ime rnost people will

~plqed ls nowJgooc:IfM:yelrJ

old and pI.1yson



coowle wlth hJ/ftht!

(.jIpxlty of .~t.lm. l·mb lkl"l lboutSupe:r

Tennis on the Supe:r NES, and the s.ecret afits longevity lies In howplily.;ablt . ndWdlctiYe it 1$. Sincethoseheadyd¥.tennissimsh_appured,31bit~ionsnom'i~11y rejectingthestubbyartoonstylegr.lphiain~rof

greater re~lism. But what we h~~"t seen is ~ tennis game th~t man~ges to capture the realism of the g~me­ pl~y-the thrill of ~ good r.lIIy, SCOflng ~n ;Ke, the ~t is­ faction of ~ he~rtysmnh - without S;Krfficing a sense of immedi~e plJ}Qbility and fun. No usy t~sk ~mittedly. but with VlrtWlI Open Tennis, the only tennis g~me to ~ppe~r on the Saturn ~s yet. you·d thin~ progr.lmmers

in a terlOis sim-different court surfilce-s, elghtselectableplayers,uptofourplayers ifyou·re i ndulglnglndouble-s-~ndacontrolmethodthatOcean

think Is really quite sm~rt . We're not willing 10 say whether it is or not. this belng~ previewafter~II, but we cantellyouthat,initiallyatleas!.it lakes a bitofgetting used to. UkeVlrtu~IOpenTennls,BreakPointadotrts ~realis'

the point Is at Sood as won. With Break Point there's I limlllll I!mphasu on .erve. Play,"

tic gr.lphic approach,SOrl11!thlng that's exemplified by wme of the detailed touches to the 30 polygon players. For eumple, you can cause your pI~yer to wipe the swe~t from hlslhcr bfooN, get them to str.ligtrten the strings on theirrac.qun ~ poims or prompt them 10 bounce the ball on a service as they psyche themselves up. Ad mittedly this doesn't affect t hegameplay but Ifs quite

chOO$1 betwffn U$ml the lutomatic serve


SILVER SERVICE These daY" super fast unice pretty much fUanntees you of winninl. or It least maldnl arespectablescort.Ge1afinIKrvicelnancl

which doe. everything for you, DJ' m.&nual serve involving tlmlnSlncl judgment. With the former the.p«i! of service is. tame 80 rnph and should only be used IS. Hcond service. But get the manual nrve right .nd the 'PHd lnCleilH. to well over l00mph, JOmetimH 1nchlnSlboul uomph. ObviolUly this ruts down the amount of time lOW opponent has to

I'Hpond and means you can start ratking up theacll.





before Christmn, SO you can el(pect our review In next months Issue.


a regular feature In tennis slm s, Breu Po int co mes with a make of col1l1: surfaces. Naturally t he re', good ole ' En glish lawn ten n is which m uel for a m um fu te r game, and there's abo hard and clay col1l1:s. Clay h t h e .Iowest but it means the re's a greater cha n ce of rallln, and h ud (01111: mun for a gruter e Htd.. from . pinon the blllL In addition to these three, there ', abo a conc rete court n ext to a lovely white h otel on t h e beach.

IBLAST CHAMBER Sports all have much harder names in the future. And they seem to be made up of real wordstoo, unlikegolf or cricket, which make no sense. The latest descriptive nomenclature belongs to the exploding'people'in'rooms game Blast Chamber. Let's rock!


_ 'lTBA






PLAYING WITH YOUR FRIENDS Got lots of frltmbf Got a multltapl And fOllr Joypadsl Well YOII must be just aboul the only ~r$on reading this who ha.. You spolled get. Bet you bought yow friends, too. Anyway. if you've got some friends and access to a multilap and four pads, 1Ou'11 be able to tAke adviln tage of BLut Clamber's four.player option. This pits all the players againn each other. If there aren't fow of you, you can always use Ihe CPU to bump up the number. or play with fewer participants. The poulbUititl &It endItn.


he thJng with future sports sim-

ulations is thilt they always rtl)'onst~ngtsdtntifi(

princlpalsthat.rtyettobe explainl!d.Perha pslhat'swhythey'rt future sports,thlnklns Olbout 1t,Instud ofcurrtnt onH. Although that »ld,1 did oncl! see an aCl!cybef-sport on thl! TV show Anothl!f World about this bmily whogl!tupped lnto t hl!l!vll f utufl!, fight, and in it thefe wn this sport played with long curvy things on the end OfYOUf afms and tht playtrs Sj»ng a baU about IIkl! in tl!nnis. And , fight,lt tUfns out that t hl!fl! fully Is a sport likl!that, and It'li bttngolnsonfofytafsonaPolynl!slanislandof somewhtfl!. So you nevefknow. Idoknow.though.thatthefl!isnosportany. whl!rl!onthl!planl!tfightnowthatfl!aturl!sar~lv.

ing foom and electfic pits of duth. And even If

There isno sport anywhere on the planet right now .. that features a revolving room and electriC PitS of death



thefeis,thl!centralobjl!C1tothtgilmewouldbta ball,and nOI a giowingl!nl!fgy crystal. And tvl!n If thl!fl! was and it was, powl!r·ups wouldn't appear whichwouldfl!veflil!your opponl!nt"scontfols. 50 I thinkl'vesafl!lycovl!rtd myselfthefe. 81ntChilmbtfis,as you may haveguesstd by now. a fuluresports t ltle. Thl! chambtr of thl! ti111! Is a squafe foom , into which fouf playtfs and a glowingbilllarl!thfown. Each playl!r is anlgnl!d a coiour, and uch facl! of thl!foomhasabasl!of thl!coffespondinghul!. Oh yeah. and uch player also hn a lime bomb strapped 10 them. The obJI!C1 of thl!gaml! Is togl!l thl! bail Into thl! base. Post it Int o an opponent"s homl! and thelf bomb timef I~es ten

-w ,r' ~



fDrjeltto ll" JOI l boIt

PLAYING WITH YOURSELF Rein, 'riG1I"" fau, tnt 1.1'1 ,lam 111•. 11'1)111. 1-. ....iulot 1ll1rlkll . . . . .·IIu.'riqllltirli.. c.t(., ..t ....tII).

~. lath MOll: !laMe CO.,., Ott coIHr ptt 1Idt. 110 flACY Irlc..I')'.Jat .... qa/tl1t."., Null till oWU,)'I..

secol\dS.Post it intOYOUf own and your timer is leplenlshed. The winne. of the game is he (or

agilinst soml!' fil!'ndish INeI layouts and timl!'itSl!'If. This is mo.1!' ilkI!' iI puull!' gaml!' thOln a sports titll!',s081i1stChambl!'llSluUytwogames inonl!'. Twohighlyslmilalgilm6,pI!'lhOlPS, but it's thl!' concl!'pt Ihat

sht) wholsblownupthtfewesttimes.So you'd thln.wh~fhil$th~ilbaSl!'on

thl!'cl!'ilinglsinluck.Whkhiswhl!'ll!' you'd bl!'bI!'totillly wlong, bl!'c:ilUSI!' uchwilllillsohuilgll!'l!'nthln g onthl!'sl dl!'which,whl!'npushl!'d, •otatl!'s thl!'wholl!'shl!'banggo dl!'g'l!'l!'s inthl!'corrl!'spondlng dIIWlon. As if allthis wl!"l!'n·t I!'noughtocontl!'ndwlth,soml!'

counts. So,you futullstic sports fans, if thl!'ll!'OI.1!' OIny, this 10010:.$ likl!'bI!'ing a game fOIYOu. OJ)yiousiy. It's not going to bI!' 01!'wh-ohate

chil mbl!'.s(t h~fl!'illl!'

SI!'I!') hilvc I!'xtla hau.ds, li1o:.1!' obstacil!'s, l!'ll!'ctlicpitsofdl!'athandspikl!'s. If all this sounds suspiciously like human in tl!'lactlon fOI you, don"! worry. Thl!"I!'·Sillso asolitilryonl!'·pla)'l!'1 mOOl!'whlch pits you

Each wall also has a green

Blast Chamber might have a good rnultiplayer line-up, but it rewarcb fOlltaiJ'e play too. Thefe .rl! twenty dJfferent blast chAmberlin the two-playel lame for your squad to battle each other on. The ont-player game, on the other hand, ftalurn twice aJ many. They ,tart out pretty easy. but by number ttn thing' gH considerably tougher. You have to use yow bnin II lot more than when you'le tJoundnl other dudH. 1f this lounels too mlleh Ilke hllld work for your mind, the fe ', also a solo league option too, to Indulll! yow sporting fantiu .

fululo-baskriboill·typl!'gilm6, aftl!'l all. Anyway, if you iI.1!' intl!'fI!'stedinwhal8lutChilmbl!'.hils tooffl!", ma1o:.1!' a sp«lill ml!'nlOlI nolI!' toch«koutthl!'neview.p.obablyinthl!'

thing on the side which, when pushed, rotates the whole shebang 90 degrees ~ SEGA SATURN


Hello, I' m RAD, and I

letter~~~~ 't·, j' I'm aU sad and lone ly " you see, readers, and no-one wants to talk to me, Sometimes I think that no-one would notic:e if I didn't turn up at work for a w e ek (I certainly would - Ric:h). But that's probably because I'm suc:h a skive!" abeady. Anyway, if 1 don't have some human contact soon, I might go mad like those bloke. i n solitary confinement you see in drama mini· series. Which is where you come i n . Yes YOU - the SSM readersh ip - are the only people who can save my sanity. Please write to m e . You can re ac:h m e at ", ~ Ir,I'IIIN •. !"'" '. Please be my friends. from yourpal,Ra d .


~ ... .


. f:' . ' ~4'

fighting, but when the bollt ended, Sarah's line "Even good guys DEARSSM, Being an unemployed Nottingham bloke I spend ~ lot of time wandering ~round the city centre {or playing overrated games like NiGHTSI). Anyway, onc morning whilst returning from the Job centre a pigeon swooped down right In front of me to pick up ~ morsel of food two homeless people were flghtingoycr. ttcutthroughthe~lrwlth skill and pan~chelikeoneofJockey Wilson's darts. It was then that I 'CilUsed thil I hid iI futu'e in the gil meslndustryl We'vc illI seen hedgehogs, dolphins, worms ilnd even moles (remember Monly you sad Spectrum owners/I, so why not pigeons? The potential Is amazing. From the womb to the tomb, from being bfed till YOUf deadl You would spend you days fighting for SC,faps offood,dodglOg people and tfafficon the busycitystfccts, tak· Ingadumpat unsuspecting p"sscrsby,,,nd ofcou,sc hiIVing lots of pigeon scxl [So that's " normal day in your hfe. then/-SSMI If PC owners can have games about cats and dogs why shouldn't Saturn owners havc pigeons/Pluse pass on these details to Sega as I know this will be the next

blowit ~ Cilmeoul

They alsoshowcd a shot oftheVF Ranklngsclccn. but In the rea l arcade. th ey don·tshowthetlme~lwhi<htheflghttookplace.Yetinthisparticularshotthey

did. Finally the cabinet table on which the Joystick and bllttons arc situa ted was a totally different colour and pattern. Yes! I know I am completely mild on video gilmes, Sorry - but I hild to write,

lohelr k lg, South Horrow, Middx.

Well, Zoheu, that'U be becauI. the X-FUet 11 actually fictional telen·

~ lion. The time dUplay was ueated limply as a plot contrivance, and

tht wronl nmpltl CUi be attrlbute4 to overdubbin,. 1f they'd really record· ed the scene in a realllcade all you'd have been able to hell would be " Scch.hfblamblamnn".alielU_ vrnntblapblap._ conlpuaq".skn"rnnndtrdtlderdadabooom~.


so Ihe feadels can havca laugh.

Big AI the /(iddin' pgl, Nottlnghom

The trouble with your realClninl there, Al. 11 that ~ hedgehol' et al nevtl appear in lames in their natural habitats. For lood reason. It pllton'l short and ully We 11 even 1"1 intcrHtinI and noteworthy than that of a worm. And at least worms don't It&rt fiapplnSllound your head when you're tryinl to walk alons a panmtnt. It'1 a ruce by, Al, and I'm lUll! now wt've derided your efforts Pigeon Mllter will now a million pounu.

TO ALL THE lOVElV PEOPLE Of SSM, Oil listen 10 mc, 'ciluse I have just come up with another e~clusivc Idea follow· ing the Console Babe of Ihe Yeaf and Dress Up OUlal competitions (which you fudely titled I Have Nevef Scen ~ GI,I in issue 10 and Still Hasn't Scen a Gi,1 in issue 12). Cha~ctersinconsolegamesafen'tJusttheretobeingames. Theywanttobe

in a Console Matchmaking Competition of the Vear. Personally, I think Ken out of Street Fighter ilnd Safah out of Virtu a Fighter would be the perfec tcouple. But you could get Ihe whole of Bfit~ln (I.eland as well) to send in "My Klnda Couple ". What do you thinkl I think it's the thifd bcst IdCil following the Babe of the Yeilr ind Dress Up Dural competitions. Sce you old chums of SSM,


~ That', not bad, actually. If only there was lome point to it.


I LOVE YOUI As it was your first Saturn magazine what made me run out and buy (yes, the bcsl buy in my life) iI SATURN and can nowthankyouformysqu~'eeyesand t heconstantdflbble t hil

funs down my chin. I AM AN AD~ICT. YIPEEE . I wanted to think you and the HOLY SECA for NiCHTS whkh I pu,chased on Import £BS from HMV the d"y it came out. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU you are greilt . llhink thcycalled it NiCHTS as ever since I bought it I'vc stayed up all NICHT playing NICHTS till 6.00 am (I Ioyc Scga), Anyway, here is ~ mes· sage to everybody in the wo,ldBUY A SATURN ilnd buy NiGHTS. Yes it Is the besl game in Ihe world ind by the best company in the world (slap for a play of NiGHTS). Also the mUSiC is the best music in a game ever and is totally dreamy and warps your mind like you're ~tlng in a drum (or tripping). Who needs drugs when you can have NiGHTS? I think that the A· L1FE is XL and there Is just onc 1i"le question I need to ask. On my shiny new white posh 3D con tfoller the cable unplugs ffom the controllef in a rilther cool way. Do you know what this is fOf? I tOVE YOU ALL

IIU.niti ~1 (If any). Hell, everyone knows there will be VC}. VF4. FIFA '97 etc because the licenses are just too profitable. But it's getting MADIIL. Just MAOIl1... MAD I sOI)'IIL.. (I<lsh ... bang) ... Ah,thilt'sbetterlPhewl!

Wherelhehell art:'theyl TheonlyspedalisedmaguinesareSSM ilnd Mun Ma{hin~ Sega. and how many

PlayStationmagsaretherelSlIdSevenl Eight milybel Most of them h.lying demo CDsontheCOYefseverymonthuwelll What Is going onl Is it t hal Sega are being tignt wit h the Ihousands of pounds they get evcry month or is itJusI thilt they can't be bothered entertaining their IOYill Saturn ownersl0rmaybf:o it's because everyone

Car)' lan es, Hall Grttn, 8'Ham. ~


~ abouU

thinks there's no miuket for ilnother SaturI'I


milglJustthlnk,Segawouldmakeeyen more money and probably gain more happy

Sat urn ownersl

WQyneCQffin,WhltrPoJt, Bleuhlng'ey,Surrey.

~ ~~~!~:::~:::I:' both. red. .nt.rtaininl th.u C1l1tomen, which U why they make lam.s. W., on the oth.r hand, 'otinl maluin. pubUsh.n and nol Sfga, make maguin". S'la don 'I. Nol a one. Nol even this one. So It's our fault . Sorry, bul we're nol Ukely 10 'ot bothered as II m.ans w.'ve lot the mukel Jlilch.d up and we make all Ihe money. Ha ha.

DEAIISSM , Have you ever thought about converting your magtoCD. Ithinkthls would bea great Idea. 18ecause readers would not be able to flick through Ihe pages of your mag and think it's not so good this month and not buy it. 21n r"i~, previews, features elc you could put clips of games In action and in interviews with programmers Just record them. Please consider this, I think II would be great'salsoOlonefriendly,an dltwould takeupl~sspacelnmyroom.

"Great mag, even better on CD" JohnMcBridlt, IC/r /Cintilloch, G/oJgow.

IP IT'S TOO POLYGONAl., YOU' RE TOO OLD DEAIISSM, After years of waiting ilround and trying to keep patient with Ninten do's release policies regarding Ihe UK/European markel I havejusl bought (albeit a bit late) a Sega Saturn wi t h Virtua Fighter and Sega Rally (and I also bought Shin ing Wisdom) and I must say that I am astounded with the machine. I really don't know why I didn't get the ~Iurn on Its initial release. I have played on Ihe N64 on a mate's machine and 10 be honest the Saturn is ~ually as good. I am looking for 路 ward 10 quitt a few )'I!ars of enjoyment from my Saturn as I did with the Megadrlve. Number 11 was the first Issue of your magi read. I think that it is e~cel 路 lenity presented and I am really looking forward to leading the next issue Having plil)'l!d lilndstalker on the Megadrive ,which 10 me WilS one of the best games I have "er played, I was wondering if you knew of any plans to do a fol . low-up to the game for the Saturn. I am an RPG/adventure addict and I have been playlngthesegamessincelfirstpl~)'I!dKnightloreontheSpeCltum . laIso like Ihe looks of Exhum~ ilnd also Tomb blder sounds very el(clllnglndeed. My wife says that at 361 am too old to be still plilying video games but I get Just as much a thrillilsldidwhen I firslstarted playing games nearly 20 yellS ilgO. Anyway, I hope you hilve Info regarding a follow-up to landslal ke r on the Saturn and I look forward to reading many more issues of your magazine. All the best to all concerned ilt SSM. ABrooh,SuttoniIlAJh/lltld, N(lttJ_ Th.n, thanks to the of CD rtproclurtlon, Wit ~ could chule uven quid for ltYeIJ Inu.1 And no-on. could pick It up off the shelv.s, Ht som.thlnllood insld. and buy 11. And, thanlu 10 the extra cosll incurr.d ruminl the maluin. UkI a TV Ihow with all Ih. intn,, w. 'd have 10 pul the price up alain, 10 aboul a lenner, jllll so OW' r.adltH cov..ld dock ItY'1 on some IPOtty math.maticlan leWoI UI a bout his n.w lame, BrUllant,

TRY THE RlADIRS CHARTS DEAIISSM, Hi! I'm wriUng 10 agree with Scott Wilham In Issue 10 about how today's youth should be able 10 give their own opinions about compu tcr games. Ho~er, I h~ve iI BETTU Idea. Why not hilve i1 pilge where all the readcrs have Ihe chance to wllte In and vote for their top thf~ games ofthilt month. Then you Ciln ildd up aU the IIOtes and give il result for the most favour~gamesofthatmonth.

Please consider itils It Is il dilss Al Idea because I came upwilh Itand

YOll'll be Ilad to heu .bout Duk SavioW' then, which 11 qllitlt ~ Landltallr.erilh.. It' ll hi out hi a (ollple of months , to 10011: Ollt for a Showcase. And yOW' wife is rllht _At 36 you ue fu 1110 old to be playinllame$ and Ihould 'ot concentr.tinl on yOW' IUden,

AlfYONI 'OR NIXUS? OEAIISSM, Sequels. Whiltlsana芦eptablesuffi~

before il all geh too monotonous. Mortill Komba\.StreetFighter,OoubleDrilgon elcal1sufferedlhlsenigmastiltus.NOw thal vez, VF3, Panze r Dragoon Zwei (hmm ... I wonder what twei means (it's German for Two-lIlch)) ate seeming'yfollowing the U~ format. What they should be doing is releasinglltleslikeSega bUy Nights (where you drive iIt night. funnil yenoughl) or Tokyo lOll - featuring Virtua Cops, or Ne~us - featurlllg the VF Cltwlll This, I think,would generate morelntefesl bythepresenlalion, packag ingorstorylines



If there'sone thing we know about, it's games. Games on the Saturn. And in this section, MCed by the editor, Richard Leadbetter and Sega's big cheese, Mark Maslolwicl, we demonstrate this not·inconsiderable knowledge to its fullest possible potential. So... get sending in those testing questions NOW! Write away to: ORACLE OF WISOOM O-A, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, PRIORY COURT, 30·32 FARRINGDON LANE, LONDON ECIR 3AU. Inventive questions guarantee more entertaining and enlightning responses. Crap enquiries ensure the wrath of The Master! You have been suitably warned! l lingingblt (This would be IlktAlien Sollder · IOldli of ,maU fry to ddnt t u lly before the blgboisH). You could also choolt between the redlblue coslume and Iheblaclc one. And It would. be brilliant . Oh y". MAK! TH IS GAMEI 2. You mun the ribbonr VH you

~~.SS M (ooID1.>de,

I'm the owner of a Saturn w'th

fj~ gam~

and Ithlnk

r~got t hl'flghttoiskyouthesequest,ons

, WhICh ,sthebest shool,nggamesbetween_Ahen Tnlogy, Doom ~nd Doom 11 ind Duke Nukem 3D' 1 r~ lead ,n ~ Super NES magall/It th~t the NW will be outatChroSlmasandyousa,dfaste.Wh,chls"ghtl 1 Myfnends always say that It was a m,slaketo buy a SaturninsteadofaPlayStalion beeauselhePlaySlal,OfI h.sgotthousandSrT>Ofegam~ Doyouag,eel



Saturn? S. r~ lead an Itahan magaz,ne whICh says you can get the Internet fO.lhe S"t u.n Isth,s t,uel Pleaseans~rmyquest,onsnowbecausetheya,epul

zhng rrte too much P~1o

(u.lio, ..... "'ing, Suuex

~ ~:k:I:~':~::~~:~=~oliln;:: :::::~~ybe good. However, .Inu thal isn't oul for ages GET EXHUMED NOW. 2. You diUe doubt the Muter's word/I/ Rnd your Super NU m"p (well, NMS - all Ihe others have been I hut down) now and _ what they say. ,. Yes. the Plaptatlon hali more games. But how many of them are actually worth buying! And how many of thOH are from Ihe AM departments! Thin): about It. 4- No. 5. No. The Saturn Netlink won't be oul untU &found Easter. No price yd.


You. mag IS b"lIandl haveevery,ssueofbolhsegaMag and SSM to dale II ....a'dthat5egaa'eb"ng'ngoulan~64-b,lconloOle to ,,,,,,I both PlayStalton and Nmlen<lo64 ISlh,strue and If \.0 ,s'tanadd·onola new mach'nel 2 WhI'nw,lIIheSaturnmodem be ava,lableto buy,n the un How much would ,t cost? p." monlh? W,II ,t g've Ihesameserv>tC'SasaPCoonnKt'Q<1ICanyoutreate your own net page' l~thl'Saturngomgtobeupg,adedto •• ealcompule'

.I::i:. I. JrIVAL THE Pu'YSTATION III !!iitIP Insolenl (hlldl Anyway, It'. nOI true. Allulit nol for a few ynn. z. The Saturn NeWnk Is due around EasIU. Dftal b will be announced urly In the New YeiU. ).. You can UH theq with the Netlink. but it doesn't m"h the s"tuma

:m~n;:.e;:;!u;~~~r~::,,~:~e '97, November dth, November 14th, December, 11 ', outl, f"b '97. f eb '91, N"""mber. 1. nuH oul of flghtinB Vipen, Worldwide Soccer '97. Virtua Cop 1" Daytona CCI.


SSM, rw nNe' wlltlento.1 magaz,ne before as Id,dnlex~1 my set Pf,nled Plealot' p,ove ~ w'Of'g by ans..... e.onglhl'lot'quesl'onsOrlllot'ndyoua~',ofdl.ty pants I AS well as being a b'g 5ega foin rm also a hug"Sp,de' Man fan A,e thl',e.1ny plansfo,aSp'de.-Man game of anydescllp!.onfor."t"alot'onthl'Satufnllfnotcould you ulot' you, mfluence and "ncou'age someone 10 make onepleasel



."moved the protKI<vec""""ngf'omlh"L'lh,um Ball"rylsth"'tany,,,ar.ontodo\.O/

you,Malk·RlCh) IW,lIlh"."be.s~ialfoot'"packwlthilll Ih~

lop footballt,tl"s in for allth" football


2 A1Iyodellfo.~Vf3releasedalemthe.1fcadC'S'

3- W,iitlle'e be any Manga compule. ga~ 'eleas.ed on Satu,nhkeAk"aorD'agonBallll 4 Whit a,e the chances of Vf G.a"n,,,s and G'andadsl $o.ry. had to ask sWhI'nw,IIF'ghlmgV,pe,sbeoutl 6 Whal ce'l,focal" w,1I £nemy Ze,o be' 7 AnychanceofV,rtuaCop3' Daniel Smith. Romfold , hH.


~~~~~~ ':o:::r~;';::h~~~~:atblll

Bune ner. J .It's out. Well. It 's in Segawo. ld anyway. , . There ha" been in Japan.. Who knDW1 about EuropethouBhr 4. Pleasel No morel You 're klllln8 meI5· II·Ubeoutbythellmeyourndthi,. 6. AI50r 18 I would imagine. 1. Anything is possible as il thll.




4 Ftnally how do 1g"t rod of the P'Stons ,n my loft w,th


manual you get w,lh Ih"Satu'n

CKEEISIOlIAII'~1LS Could you ans~. some of my qU~I,ons Cheer,rls(ltem"llbtl011'1I9000...1



Scolty·B, Belg.ave, Lekellt ,.

~ ~~~'t~~~;:;:::a:~~~:~~o::~:~:g~~dg in betwftn the tight,. The «Introl mtthod would

have 10 be very dner in order to I UCCen fully con"y Spldey'llupe.human sh ength.lpeedand.efluea. Villains I wouid have: Green Goblin (the dead one who isn 't actually dead ), Venom, Cunage, Hobgoblin (the dead one who Isn 't actuallydnd),the old Docto. Octopus (even though he'l dead),hndman [before hegneup crime), Elect.o, luuernaut (sub·boss) and Doctor Doom (last bosl). AND you , hould have th. « or mOle common hoods on·lcrHn I I once fot Spldey to kkk Ihe(fapoul of , lmultlneously after Iheweb-


my tttte. as I doni know any of IIle Thanks IWhen,s$ov,et SlrokegOlnglobe.eleasedl 2 Do you think ~ga TOWing (a' Ch.1mp,onshlp w,1I be ,elus.edforth"Saturnl 3 Why not ,elealot' mar" demo COS Io~t Ihi' PlayStatoon


4 Wh,ch ,s best. Doom. Fade to Slack. exhumedl sCanyougetblackVirtuaCopgunsw,lhout pamllOg Iheml MkhutFQJlel,Northe,nl.eland. 1. febru;uy1991, probably. J.Probablynelrt ~ yn r fometime). We 'll dO l few good onH ratherthan lotsofcrlpon U· 4· limumed,byllo n8 chalk. 5. Yn. In Japan . Not over here.

Naturally, Virtua Cop 1 \lses the Virt\la Gun. So if you haven't got one, you 'd beUer con. ider heading d.own to your local Virtua Gun Shack

and purchasing yourself a pistoilMMEDlATE路 LYl ln fact, we recommend you get one packed in with the fint Virtua Cop, cos no rlght路mlnd路

ed Saturn owner Ihould be without I!!

How_I. ud s.&rtJ (111'1 till _plct.mI ....) ..t ~.ceM IIU-

PlayStatkwl "IIG" deol krmulaI (OffidaO, Teltken, lidgl lacer, MernoryCardllnd htrll klypad Ofllllobll with 0 '1. FINAJKE (Phone "''" on 01219 '00204 for detallr.)







SSM Lobotomy _m pr~ new to the industry · when did you W up your operation and is Exhumed your fi"t gamel BRLUrf M cJflD.Y Paul \..ange, myself. and two other friends quit our jobs at Nmtendo of Amenca about four years ago to start Lobotomy

:~:~~e!~~!:i;:~i'~:rn~ns:~:t for local office space With the help of Kevm Chung and Paul Knutzen. we


Although the game was never picked up bya publisher. it helped us get our

:~~:~:~~E~:h::: :n~~~~e::::~.s


was origmally called Ruins. known now as Exhumed in Europe. The development of this game eventually led to our contract with BMG for the Saturn and PlayStation versions of Exhumed Exhumed fOI the Saturn is our fust

::::::b~:h:::~p:::::::':, ExhumNl

BM We started the project m May. 1995

Atrkl of let Ion lIIotl from bhumed-lobotolll1'lflrst forl1 Into the world of Satul'II","wlre.

. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .

~ ~ " .


\.0eo;tc f •

SSM The)D engine used in Exhumed is by fat the best onSatum.lsit true that the engine is a variation on the Duke Nukem JD "Bulld~ liystem11f 50, what modifications did you have


engme Isn't a port. The whole thing was designed for the Saturn

lobotolll1 . loRO·Tblll"11iBtel'YIIIWedOfltIleM pagn.

BM We had a lot of ideas for this genre that we thought would be refreshing for gamers and when we realised that Saturn garners were in need ofa great first person adventure game. we jumped at the chance to provide them with one SSM Are you fans of the g"rue?1f so, what kind of dent did the


~ ()

~~ \N(.

SSM Why did you deeldelo develop a first person blasterl





BM As work began on the 3D engme, our art and deSign teams began puttmg the framework of the game together on paper. We devoted a few weeks to this until we were happy With all of our concepts At the same time. David \..aw50n began modifying and adding new features to BREW, our world editing tooL Paul Schrieber created a tool called Petpshow that we used to set upallofthe ani· mallons m the game. and Jeff BJazier developed an editor fOI object placement and ambientlightmg. When all of these elements were ready, we started puttmg It all together to make a game

Tile EUptlantllemlc.ontinul1 unUlth'lndofth'pml where It beeomlS Mwloul IhallJlenllrelnvoll'ld!


any more. still sporting the title that seemed sUitable at the time

~ ;;:', 0 ~ !:: :. ~ .' .

~~~~ :~~i~;:db:::o~l~;::::~I~~~~S competing for high scores. until the machine broke Now it SitSin the base·

'.;'. ,. TM

SSM What was the first part of tht gam" you d"velopedl

hhumedhuSGmlpretty funkymeanles,lIOtleastof whlehllthll lnlll1llllubon.

arrinl of Quake on PC put in your $CheduJel BM Quake has been a ntual around here for a long time. so have Tekken. Tekken 2, Warcraft, Command & Conquer. and many othe r great titles. We even brought the origmal stand·up Asteroids back

probl"m yow competitors han in producing this style of)D game. Was your engine constantly imp roved during development, or did you haVt the-se inul$Ud:;ed right from the beginning/ ID Engme speed was the thing I was most concerned about. so [ worked at the start of the project to make it as fast as [could get it The game was running about full speed three months into the project Some fmal tweaking got me about IS% SSM Exhumtd's system allOWl fo r full)D environments· rooms above rooms and 50 on - som"thing Doom lad:;"d. How difficu1t was this to program? Would Exhum"d hav" bHn t'V"n fast", if you'd stickt'd to a Doom-styl" engin"l EO The motion code was kind of tricky In the rest of the engme some parts were harder and some parts easier than writing a Doom engme A full 3D engme is a better match for the hardware on the Saturn than a strip engine like Doom. [don't think you could make a Doom-style engine that runs as fast as Exhumed on the Saturn. SSM There', a lot of flashy special effects in Exhumed - the light sourcing In partlcu1ar stands O\lt. How WI,etheseachleved? m [putthedynamicIightsinafter seeing Loaded on the PlayStation Each of the wall polygons is bemg drawn gouraud shaded anyway for the static torch light As each vertex is transformed the lightingconlnbu-

ISM Proarammins for the Satutn It: widely acknowledJed u btina

lion from the dynamic hghts IS added m The algonthm IS the fastest thmg I could thmkofthat would 51111 look ok

harder than on PlayStaUon. .... a ,uccH.fu1 Saturn dew:loptr would you aern with thb new? ID For 3D games, I would say that thiS IS true

IW ls the Satutn well·.uited to tht fillt ptnon ptrlptcttyt JD pmt, or wu in-d.tpth prOJr&m· mini uptrtlH required to lri tht bHt out of tht .)'IItm? m The Saturn IS less well SUited to this sort of game than the PlayStatlon Thelearellmltallons ontheSaturn'stexlunngthat make the most widely use<! apprO<lches to some lendering problems impossible to do_The Exhumcd engine uses different algonthms that work around these problems ISM How did you

ISM A lot of developen INm to concentrate on procludnl tht PlayStltlonvenlonofagame Itllt, followed by the Sltum ver· .\on. Lobotomy have twn the opposite app rOlch with Exhumed. Why w.. thlsl BM We wanted to beat other slm· liar Saturn titles to the market.


ISM I. thlJ way of dolnl loln,tobtcontinuedinfuturt


Lobotomy,tmes? BM Defimtely

the most out of the Satutn'. [omplex dual· CPU and video chip anmle· menU m I didn't get much usc out of the VDPl Ifs draWing the parallax sky and the weapons The m:un benefit of this IS that It frees up VDPl RAM for other stuff I would much rather have had the VDPl's ~attachcdtotheVDPllam

usmg both CPUs One CPU Just draws walls, the other does eyerythingelse rm pretty happy with the way thiS turned out The engine runs almost twice as fast in complicated areas uSing both CPUs

lfyOII klVtl't IIoOIIpt Elhullled yet, JOII'rt iliad. GET IT NOW!

ISM AI txptrt. in the field, just how difflcu1t do you think [on· "rtizla:DulttNulttm3Cor Quake to the Satutn would bt? What would bt the main PIObItnu in traru.latln, thHt dtles? ID The mam problem With port· Ing thest! games is that cunently they work on engmM that are not Idea! for theSatuTfl,Thetempta t!on when domg the port is to try to modify the eXlstmg engme to run on the Saturn. The result will plobably not run as fast as is pos. slb!e

ISM Do you think there', a dmaer that peoplt UI trying to copy ISM Which a,~ of Exhumed Ire you mOlt proud of now that the aame hu been reltutdl m rmjust happy to have a shlppmg product

IIM Looldnl back, iI there anythlnl you would have wanttd to lmprovd m I would have liked to work more on the monster Al ISM What'. newt for the Exhumed .)'Steml 00 you plan to u.e the .ame technolOJY in I different lamel BM A sequel IS bemg consldered_ but nothmg IS set In stone at thlspomt ISM What are yow plan. fOl plocluclnla new 3D .,..teml 00 you believe that Exhumed",lIphlct and .pud can be bettered? ID The engine could probably be made about 20% faster Just With general tightemng and more assembly Also one of my co-workers came up With a way to do mOle reahstlc dynamiC lighting ISM In every way Exhumed can be ducrlbed u a Doom beater.

However, you have not Indudtd the multl·playtr action that Doom Wit famou. for, What Wit the thlnklna behind thin BM We neve r Intended to support multi-play In either of the con· sole versions Instead.wedecldedtofocuslOo%onthesingle player experience The PC version of Exhumed supports multi· play.though,andisablasttoplay

what inc"ltingly more powerful PC. Ut achltvtns, U oppoted to what tht conlOl" ulaood aU BM If there IS a danger of this. It IS bemg overshadowed by comp.a· mes that really know how to benefit from the consoles Titles like NIGHTS and Crash Bandicoot seem to be takmg advantage of what consoles do best. and the Nmlendo 64 IS p.avmg a new road for con· sole systems as wc speak ISM Compan.i" .uch U Id fOttwue and 3D I:ealrm ue .ptdalb· inain proclllClns flnt ptnon pellptcUvt JD thootinalamH only.

,. Lobotomy loin, to foUow a.1m1lar path or ue you Iftklnl to explore diffeIent seMH1 BM We have a few con~pts In the wolks that fall Into other genres thanhrst person ISM What CUI you tell UJ lbout YOUl next proJectl BM We're stdl wrappmg up the European ~fSlon ofExhum~ for the PlayStatlOn and the Amencan and Japanesc verSIOns of Exhumed for the Saturn. PlayStatlOn. Windows 95;md PC CD·ROM. When thest! ale finIShed. well begm to focus 100% on our new project ISM What kind of Kheduit do you haw · when wtll this new aame be [omplettl BM We plan to have something new available for the 1991 holiday

ElhumlCll,III00dY'lIIlzllll· n . &rJPhlc, _ - ~Inu thlM pi",


ISM Now aUnk·up cable h Ivanabll (at leut In Japan) and

ISM Flnally, do you haw any mH'lge to UK IImHpla)"!nl (aput from " buy OUl IImel")

with the anlval of the NetUnk, do you Intend to Indude DtatbMatch .tyll action In your ntxl ,amtl BM W~ would love to

BM We put a lot of dfolt mto th~ development of Exhumed. and we hope everyone enjoys playing It as much as we en}oyed maklngitl



Iln!ulln ~1

'fiBht,so some stores w ill st ill be flo811in ll t he console for about seven hundred m illion quld, butotherswill doyoua Saturn,glme,


tlftraJoypad, Billywat chsta r ofyour choice (i ndudlnll Dlvid Hauelhoff) and fr~

money fo r about ten pence. Weli, perhapstha"s eUigerating slightly, but the re's dill a whole wealth ofcut·price goodies on the slfeet for Ihe discerning


Sesa Worldwide Soctlr '97 is

buyer. Althoushotherpacks,ues;Jdshl mbUngmotk. eriesofsha mbling parodiclrandies. Beingthefull·

Unforlunalely, mostpach

on good eggs we are we thought we'd help you nego-

'let th. utl'll Pld required for tW1l-player utlon!

tiate yo ur way th rough

thi~ wanet-~I urping

q uagmire


~hoes searching for the t op barga in,

You see, there's more 10 bargain hunlingthan price. Send your dad out for a value pack and he'll probablyreturnwithasaturn,BlalingOragons,Cyber Speedway and Virtua Hydlidefrom Kochsoftupthe road.Asthefollowingguidesho~,it'saSaturn-pu r ­

chasing Jungle out there

SEGA sega'sown bundle is showing ils little face in shops'stheuwaISaturn-plusone-pad starter pack,with a copy of Worldwide Soccer thrown in. Not the most generous of gestures, maybe,but a prelty solid multi-player title for Chrimboday, So don't forget to buy another pad on top of the bundle. !tOW MUCH? £229.99 WIt.lrs IN rT? Worldwide Soccer !tOWGOOIIISIT? Not bad at a ll. As anyone who played the demo on issue #12 will attest. Not the most obviouschoice, perhaps, but good all the same. AVWBI1TY Excellent - it's in Just about eve/)' shop in thewholeworld, VAUJE well .. comparedtotheoriginalf400standalone Saturns ifs pretty good. But there are better offers around

DIXOftS/ CURRYS Heck,Oixons/Currysjustdon't knowwhf'n to stop. Instf'ad of just launching onf' bundlf' into thf' Christmas fray,thf')"Vf'put togf'thf'rfivelAll ofth6f'bundlf'Saff' availablf' at any branch of Oixons or Curryo.; (which numbef about 750 nationwidf'),sothey'rf'f'asytogf't hold of. The chain haW' also takf'n thf' novel slf'pofincluding £100 worth of s.oftwarf' discount vouchf'rs with every machinf'andarf'offeringasixmonthsintf'rf'stfr~


thf'tf'rmsarf'f'asYf'nough. if that's your main considf'ralion. Thf' only common df'nominator betw~n bundlf's. though,isSegaRally,incllKledinallthesf'1s.Lf't'stakea small gandf'r around thf' Oixons/Currysgallf'ry.. _

Sega Rally rorms the buls Ill" lBanY\llCka.tHlhllyult,

DIXOIIS/ ClllRYSBUICIlEOfIE IIOWIIII.OI? hl9·95 WHAT'SINfT? Sega Rally. Loaded IIOWGOOD 15fT? Both arf' class gamf'S, although Loaded mightnotlastmlJChlongf'rthanthf'festivesf'ason Still,youcan a lways swap it AVAIJ8IJTY As with all thf' OixonsfCurryo.; p<lcks. f'xcf'l· If'nt. Thf're are rucks of th6f' storf'S all overthf' land. VAl.UE Better than thf' Worldwidf' Soccer number, but you could do bet!f'rthan loaded,

DIXOIIS/ CUARYS IlIIDLE TWO HOWIIII.OI? £U9.95 WHAT'S1NrT? SegaRally.Virtua Fighterl.Wipeout ItDWGOODI5rT? Two smart gafllf's, and onf' much sought-aftf'fbutnotsoawesomf'onf'.9uyanf'xtrapad tofullyappreciatf'VF1. AVAlJ8lJTY hcf'lIf'nl. VAl.UE Goodifitcomestoapush-RallyandVF2arf' classics. however. it isn't thf' cheape5t bundlf'oothf' markf't

YF2-111I1tblylh. btlt Saturn pm. tvtr Ind It'l Ihtbull lll"mJnybundll"

DIXOHS/ ClllRYSIIUtIJlETlItEE 1IOW1IIJCH? f2 79.95 WHAT'SINrT? Sf'ga Rally, Virtua Fightf'f 2, Wipeout,


lllenTrllopfonnslhl buJs

orH MV'. plck.llotthebest cholcl ofpmep, rl!aps,but at leul11lUlrtn'lbtlnglGld Ibadpmt.

HMV are offering a slight variation on the Worldwide Soccer pack.Well, actuallyi\'sa massiW' variation Alien Trilogy, the one-player Doom-clone is your game, and they'1I knock a tenner off Sf'ga's RRP into thf'bargain. HOW MUCH? £219.99 WIt.lrsINIT~ Alif'n Trilogy !tOW GOOD IS IT? Good - but it's only onf'-player so don't expect to gf't mudl milf'agf' from it on thf' big day Ifthf'rf"S anything good on tf'lIy. AVWBI.1TY Not bad - therf' are plf'nty of HMVs around. VAUJE lfyou'rf'just looking for a basic machinf' and want to build up your own gamf'S collf'ction this isa preltygoodshot(orifyouwantAlif'nTrilogy,thinking about it). Also. f'fff'ctiW'ly you're getting Alien Trilogy forho,whlch isa prf'ttydf'Cf'ntbargain in Its own right.Ovf'rall,nottoobadatall.


IIOWGOODISrT? Thf' games arf' good, but you've rf'ally got to want thf' Arcadf' Racer to fork out for it AVAlJ8lJTY ExCf'ilf'nt VAUE You'rf' bettf'r off gf'tting 10adsofgamf'Sbefore you start on thf' periphf'rals, to be honf'st, Thf' Arcadf' Raef'risfunbutifsnotf'SSf'ntial

bundlls lhllrlstlwestllOn,


with nwe dirferlnt orfen!

IIOWMUCH? £}l9-9S WHAT'S1NrT? Sf'ga Rally,Alif'n Trilogy, Olympic SocCf'r, Arcade Racer, f'xtra joypad. IIOWGOODISrT? Thef'>rtrajoypad is a good idu,and games are all of rusonable quality (although none achieve classic status bar Rally) AVAUBIJTY heellf'n\. VALUE Not so brilliant. You could f'asilypick up these titlf'S\econdhandfortwt'ntyquiduchafldthf'Arcadf' Racf'r is only for racing fanatics. Also, Railyis th e only "Mus t Havf' " titlf' In thf' bundlf'


I~ uu'llul

fI"t~"~,T'",',~,," ,


DllGn. t379.95I1lck.

1l1"'.SI""""....... ... ItOWMUCH? £379.95


~ ~

MOWOOOD IS ITP All the games are good. Rally and VFl

the ointment.

are brilliant. AVWBIIJTY Excellent. VALlI: It's 11 good idN, but you 're basically paying 120 quid for four non·essentlal games and a cacky steeringwhu l.Lookslikemoreofabargainlhanit is.

VALUE As far as pric C' goes Toys R Us are unbeaten. The package of games is 11 good 'un too, although you should invest your saving in something more recenl (sucnas Fighling Vipers) for besl results.

MOW MUCH? £249.99

WKAT'S lN m Daytona USA (orig inal), Virtua Fighter 2, SegaRally.

HOW GOOO15 IT? All three are corking titl4!s, although Daytona is showing its ag4!, 4!sp4!cially In contrast to th4! way superior Rally. AYAIUBlITY Pretty good - th4! r4!'s a Com4!t in or nur most towns. YALUE Twoofth4!b4!stgam4!s4!V4!rplusDaytona (which graphicsasid4! is plays BRILLIANTLY}. All for justf500verthe basicSalurnpric4!.lnaword : 4!~C4!I ·


into yow Chrtmbl4!



HOW GOOOISITPWith VFl it's a smart enough.sel ec· tion. If your local d04!sn't have it. go for a pre -own4!d copy of NiGHTS or something to avo id d isappoint · m ent. DQn't pick Digital Pinbal l. AYW8IJTY In theory, OK , but shop around for th e complete pack. Y.lL1IE Betterlhan the Worldwide Soccer package, although it's an extra twe nty pounds. But you do get your money's worth .

Mas5llcr4! hordes of ' punks" and "1Ia gl" with your light gun. fun for aUth4!famltyl


lyinnovatlv4!famllygam4! which will lr.eep you goingforaaaages.

Thefunlr.J4!ltbeat 'em up on Ihe Saturnlna whUe . It might be quite 10 smoothorcom· plexuVFz, butlt',compul· slve, lnteUigenl and actlonpacked StrIItfWrter~2

HOW MUCH ~ £249.99



aD f1ghllng games can befun,and Street fighter Alpha z certainly Is. That's what Slmon Mayo would 5IIy about it, and I"m not going to argue.

WKArs 11 m virtua Fight4!r 1 (maybe ). S4!ga Rally.


ornlue,TRUrul.l thoup.



e~tratwentyquid . However. th eyare havingtroubl e

YF21.lln. YIMlDO N'Tlttthll wilhToy. RUI.Youlltth,

Calm down, you whlng4!ing JUII4!'. U you'rt not bothued about a new Saturn bundl4!, h4!re', th4! top t4!n garn" W4! think you .hould try to wangle

Th4!ymight hav4! a tragic nam4!lik4! som 4!thingfrom t he late Sixties, but Electronics Boulique know their Saturns. The basic package of Virtu a Fighter2, Sega Rally and a second pad Is pretty good going for an getting hold of e nough Fighters, In which caS4! you 'lI ~ aske d to choose from Digital Pinball, Hi-Octane or any of their second -hand (" pre .owne d") t itles.


lot, and it's still smart. Vou mlly need to

upgrade your Virtua Fighter, though .

AVAlABIlITY Toys R: Us promise plenty of stocks, but their stores are fairly far between. The only real fly In

Nam4!dafl4!ranunsuCC4!ssfulanddang4!rousa4!roplan4!.Com4!thavemanagedtocobbletogelh4!rafa ir. lyr4!asonabl4!sel4!ctionofgames. B4!warn4!d, lh4! Daytona th4!y're offering is the original vers ion (allhoughlhat's not r4!allya bad Ihing) . The quality of gam4!sjuslwinsoutov4!rToysRUS (S4!4!4!IS4!wh4!re ), butyou'r4! lOOking at an 4!xtra fiflyquid fortheprivi· lege.

U'. pact Is 1I11111ar to Comlt'l, buttbeyCln', Jull1lnIH VF2and .. 'd I1It~'r hn. Daytonl thin


Worldwide Soccer, Thunderhawk 2, Loaded, Arcade Racer steerlnll wheel,extrajoypad.


St" RalIYllId Daytonl USJ. team.p .II~ Ylrtlll flJht. r 2 for Comll'l pl'tttt dlmn cool £249.99 StIUMlPlct


HIIW GOOIIIS IT' Th'''top.;tI"w;p",r"h"h.';-

WllArs l UTP Seg1l Rally,Virtua Fighter 2, Alien Trilogy,


The soulCe of more calls to our office than If we'd mounted a live hand grenade on the C(lVCr of our last lS$ue . A punl4!11tPG tour d4! forc4!.


Pop pop. watch them aU drop .


Depth of playabiUty Isth4! keyh4! re, and Worldwide 50ccer Is deeper than a big crevasse at the boltom of the


. ..........

T he belt Doom.Jtyle game the Saturn has seen. In fact It's better than Doom.

We might have revlewed It aeo ns ago, bul It's only Just come out. A storming, spanlr.i ng, not-shambling mockery of a parodic travesty game. Hurrah!


TOYSRUS Undoubtedly the king of th e bundl4!s, and sure to sell out fasl-so get your orde rs in right now. ToysRUs

tr: ~


"'.",j",w";""",w,.,.,p';"""'dn., ,,.m,

~ klndofragg4! dvictoryflag.Th4!)"r4!alsooffering

THREE gam4!s - all of Ih4!m good 'uns - for Ih4! dough. Mayb4! not so great If you hal e racing gam4!s, and you'll n4!4!d to buya S4!cond pad 10 4!njoy VF. bul this is usily th4! b4!stofth4! pach on offer. W4!11 don4!. you daftly-named cnain, you.


WKArs l UTP Sega Rally, Wipeout, Virtua fighter 1

.1jp SEGA. S .A.TL'RN

lOGl out fGl"yopr fre, copy of CI1ri. tll1U MIG.HTS -se, IIIAf: SO for fpll det. lIs..

Dixons and Currys haw approached us· SEGA SATURM MAGAZINE· to present this great value offer. As you can see from the "Bundles of Joy"feature this month, both chains are offering the Most Outrageous Satum Pack around·· a veritable festival of Satum hard· ware and software (pictured above), all for a the sum of £379.95, saving ahuge £114! WeI, with this line issue of SEGA SATURM MAGAZINE, the value fe.. tivaJ becomes ..... more intense, because by using one of the fine

vouchers on these pages (pass the others on to your mates if you

want), you can claim an extra freebie · the ultra..... Sega Satum System Bag, worth £19.99 when bought from Dixons or Cotrys! This portable SatUM1 receptack! is a record bag sty1e affalr · soft, padded and hyper-durable (with shoulder strap and carry handle), H has been described by some as "the ultimate holdall for your Saturn, games and accessories". So by all aCCOll1ts, H's pretty big too. So_ get down to your local Dixons or Currys SuperStore now!




AM1 haveestablished themselves asthe most greatest of Sega Saturn coders with an established quality of videogame second to none! However, as thecoin-ops increase insophistication, can the Saturn keep up? In aword: YES!


~m~IP, ..yersc.ilnbedi"'idtd Intotwotillmps- Ihertare those who see Virtl,lil Copu .. nice-lookins but extremely shallow videogOlme with no lastilbUity. And then the rt


pla~it . Andplilyedit

.. nd


Cop is one oftht best mes you can gel for IhtSOitu rnilndp.e路 sents a hugtchallenge t han ks to some uceptlonOlI lubbility-inducing game >nriatlons. Right up unti l now, the orlsinal Cop wu still beina playedinthtEMAPofficts. Now Iht ume rush of wonderment .. nd


Important thing to

uy .. bout Virtu .. Cop l must be the ShHf suleoflhe gaffie. Just about hillf-wilythrough every


Itvel you',e given 01 choice-you can select one of two routes th.ough thelOitte. half of the stage. So bOiSicillly. eve'Yst ~8e is at least one-and-a-halftlmesaslargeasCop I's. And you can't see everything the 8~me h~s to offer by just usinll one credit. There's also a lot more variety In these stages -

You can select one of two routes through the latter half of each stage Basically, every stage is one and a half times bigger than Cop 1

,,,,.,...', l.dHd Vlrtn

tllI CilaM


TM stl&t Mltet Nu Virt ... Copla tNt "..~..."-ct tk ,,-,.il i. wllall, ' rarcl' r )'Oll wlnt.

WI be blllt" otrUteIlab u Ute ....... pop ... fnMII

btlow lh nl.

HERE'S THE DEAL So you've got Vlrtua Cop Iln your collection

but you haven 't really played too much of the sequel What aJethe ~ improvements then? Well , don't expert too MlICh In the way of improwments to the finely honed g.mepJ ay. The same blastins action is pretty much In evl· dence. There'. just JO much more to experience thb time. In terms of things to ~e. there's a lot more (thanb to Ihe choice of route Uuo\lgh the I~ell u well as more n rlety in the bad guY' (the rangl! of opponenll w as a bit linUted InCopl). The a udio-visual overload rtad!.!!. new ll!'veb

Ihe envi rons a re filf mOll! Im prl!ssi~ with a 101 mOle going on t han in thefint game. The ilddiUon ofbril· liant (,If chil!.eS .. nd wme awesome set·pl«e ilction s<enesdoesn'thurteithed It m ust have been a real effort 10 convert VlrtUiI Copl.Thl! arcadeoliginaljsfar,farmOfedetajl~than

its pfed~essor (which the Satvrn emulated ~Imost perfectly) ~nd twice ~s smooth. The AM2 conversion· smiths havekepttheframerateatthesamel~las

the origina l Virtua Cop, bvt the amount of detail lavi shed on the backgrounds is far, far more pronou nced. Ifs lacking some of thecoi n-op'sdetall,bul in Saturn terms, it's a visual feast f.u in advance of original Virtua Cop. with Ihe what was achieved These new bac kgrounds, as wetl as being prettier are also fa r more interactive.


~lr uctionfiendsshOt.lldbe

happy with t he advances AM2have made by making Jus t abo ut everythingyov'd want shoot~b le , Slgnscollapse,

watermelons explode. monltors can be blasted. And nfor the carnage inthe bar (complete with loads of bottles to bl;tse)... it's Incrediblel In fact. Just about t he only thing I wun't quite so Impressed with was the mUSic, which ahhough well above ~ver­ age Isn't up to t he ciasslc Ivnes created for t he origina l Cop. Stltt.thls has been made for (just a bout) wlth ;tn ellceltent range of new sound effects ad ding to the Impact of the experience still f ur· ther. Thephr;tse"AMzh;tveperformed ml~les· is perh~ps gettlng;t bit wo.n oUlby now,buttheslmplefactisth;tt

no choice ofrovte through the fin al stage. Well,the.e Is now · and It's a Saturnellclusivel My advice is simple: umple yet mo.e AM2 genius and get youfass down tothe softw;tre shop and buy this amazing game right now.

theyhave.Youcou ldn·t reallyhopefor~moreimpres­

slve conve rsion of Virtu a Cop 2. Allof l he t hl ngs t ha t m;tde the first Cop so l;tst;tble-\he;tdd itlon;tl modes




Oaytona USA? Great gameplay, shame about the graphics. And the sound. But lo! Here comes the Rally conversion team intent on releasing a better conversion! Have they succeeded? Well, yes. And no.

ne pit emu",', ",.111 ~uftl!d .1IC.1I11C. '1It1r HINII 0111-

TIII_ dime.1t COMIlr " I•• 1l111otI,1 Part Spudwll' proftS

I-a ill tN ori&iuI Olyt......

'I III tile ..... DfUIiI partlc.dlr ~"'""..•

veryone un see that the o. llI lnal Oaytona USA was a bit of a mined opportunity, Yes, the all·lmportant lame· playwu b.illia nt, but the lI.aphiu(most notably the polygon pop·up, o. "clipplnll~l was abysmal. Ente. the (S Team bthind theb.illiant Sella Rallyton veflion · su.elytheycould •eintfodutelheawesomell·aphiu and.riainthellameplaylThe ansWt!r Is yes tothe for. me •• no tothe latte., The g.aphlCS are much,much

arcade, look much, much belter. Also, the dipping is muchimp.oved. NotinSesaRally'sleague,mindyou, but a huSelmp.oyement. The thing is, the CS Team have completely done away with the u.s th at we.e In the orlSln .. 1Daytona. So,essentlally,A,cilde Mode is misslnsthe mos t Importifnt ilSpect of the a.udegilme . Although the.e are "Gilliop" and -Hornet" ca.s to choose, Iheylookilndcont.olrompletely differently to the vehicies from the coin·op.Themainp.oblemwiththisconve.slon is that the hilndlinsjusl isn'l atilll like the o.igin .. 1 roln·op, 0. the Salu.n translallon. The powe.·slld· ing s)'item is tOlillly diffe.ent. And not as Sood, unless you have the NiGHTS anilloguecOl'lt.olle •. And what of the new enhilncemenul Well, the new ca.s and the new control s)'item takes some get· tins used toand whilst not in Oaytona's leaSueof senius, it's still damn good. like the ca.s, the new t.adsjustaren'tOaytona ThlnkSegaRallywithtar· mac and mo.e imagination and you hilve some idea of Whilt'SOnoffe •. They'.et!l<cellentfun,ifillittlefeiftU.e· less compiI.ed to the timeless o,islllats, The two·plil)'t' mode Is if welcome addition. but


Jo,Uil. rorpolitioll)ll !MOIItllqltl'1ll&/ltof o.. of l.,HW COIIIVII-lIatioulhrlSpttdwl}'.


original. Theletle.boK displayhasallbutdi~p·


ptared and the smoothness of the game Is much suptrio •. In bct,l would venture 10 say that along with

To the average spectator, the original Dayton.l. USA looked lib .. right dog's dinner. The graphics, although fairly faithful to the oris" nal (oin-op, we re mined by Its polygon popup. S<::e nery would just suddenly appear out of nowhll!'re on-sc:r~n. severely testing your will· Ins suspension of disbelief. Well, $(Ilvinglhat particub.r problem w as the biggest problem facing the CS conversion team. The detail on the hacks mU.n, that the pop-up isn 't as good lIS Sega Rally's (and still very noticeable .t tim es), but it's still .. hugt Improvement.



everseen,virtuallylndistinguishablefromtheNTSC original in terms of look and speed. Also worthy of praise is the attention taken in re· rendering the Oflginal courses. On t!Yt!rythingt!Kcept onesKtionoftheeKperttratk,thebaekg.oundsbrurst g.eate •• esolutiOl'landbttte.eolou •., although stIli not a patch on the h;·res Sloryofthe

By taking away the original cars with their particular ~andling , this new conversion doesn't play much like Day!ona any more

only seems 10 work well on Ihe new tracks. The origi· Surely the point of this whole eKerelse w~s In givn~ls are ~rely blighted to by wme horrendous clipIng the Saturn the version of Daylona it deservedl By ping, whkh takes a lot of the fun away. This game is·ln taking out the Ofiglnal cars With Iheir particular handesperate need of link· up cable compatlbllitydling,thisdoesn'tplaylikeD~ylona now that would be spectacular. ~ any mo.e. That"s not to say tha t ~ ~ the game is awful,lt'sJust not Theonlythingl haven't really covered isthe sound. The rullywhat I was looking for in good news isthal the ~ -...;;;;: ,,:. Ihls conversion. And that's the




gone. Personally, I ' was hoping for the are~de tunes but Instud we have wmething of a mish-mash With every Sega territory eontributlngatrackortwo.SegaEurope·sRlchaldJacques shines through with some ucellent dancey renditions of the originals. but only a cou ple of his tracks have been Included. This paves the way for Sega of Japan's usual Seg~ Rally style muuk (pretty good, as it goes) and Sega of America's absolutely horrendous "soft rock" (replete with Mr Big vocalist. Eric Martin's husky croonlng). The overall Impression Is could have been better. some of tile tracks are grnt. Otllers (tile SoA ones) are rubbisll.


some of Oaylona's trach, you will be well sat'sfied.And there are some pretlydecent hidden features In the game which should please AMz traditionalists a bit. And that"s rully where this game does scole. Tike away the Oaylona b~ggage and essentially you have a different racing game that is very enjoyable to play. looks absolutely fantastIC, has five ace trach. two· player capabilities and loads of last ability looking at it fromthalperspective.OaytonaCCEsuddenlybecomes a lot more appealing Ifs just a shame that the genius game play that made Saturn Oaylona USA w grut (despite its graphical fra,lt,es) isn't here In anyway, shape or form. RICH

IAMOK Featuring some stunning landscapes and incredible special effects, you can't argue with the stylish visuals Amok presents. The ques' tion is, after years in development. does this Scavenger release cut the mustard in the gameplay department?

CONTROL-A-THON Amok benefit. horn having a pretty txceUent controiIystem.In fact, JUII .bout the on1y thing mining Is [omplIlibUity with the NiGHTS ;ma1ogue conbolltr. Still. what code" Lemon h.a~ done iI product I system of control.lmllar to Doom and Qvake. Left and rip! rotate the Amok craft with up and down producing forwud and blckward motion •. You can sidestep left a nd right with the . houlder button. (very Sood on the NIGHTS pad) . ex(el· lent for dodging tntmy fire, partkulady when uud in conjunction with the run button. A great tactic Is to utUiH the Itnfe and turn butIons .imultaneololl, to elIde yow opponent, nltting nome whlllt avoidin g enemy fire.


If" vour

PmilMll thl ~I" lee_110ft· I)'tOCl'lltI30 IudKlptlbiWlIWlflffilfrGII1 producilliwlllum.~llMItlnglnwironm.nll.

lIotuA.ok.YOIIpt,lId.rwlllrRI3I1,1 ~IJ'IIUjIIIUtI"I.ut.lllldl.ctlOlltoCl. So.

pIe.trtf 'IritIy .. ' .......p.lctuwtllut...




::~::~~o::~e::io~;like ~~lifIiIIii~=-..

frJlct~IIJlndscJlpes th~t


those were the rageyeJlrsago.TheeffectisrJlther splendid. The move JlwJly from poly· gons muns thJlt there's Jlbsolutely no dip· ping in JlnytJlnglble form Jlnd Jllso smooth· ness Isn't.nissue.ThlsgJlme runs as fast and indeed JlS smooth ~s Virtua Cop or Segl Rally. Extra

Cue in point: MegJldrive Red Zone · JI IJlme which WJlI supremely underrJlted when It cJlme out. The

Amok Is JI dlstlnctivelooking 30 blJlstlng gJlmethJltlookstotJllly unlike Jlnythlng you've eve.seen. btherthJln rely on teKture,mappeil polygonstocreatethel'ndsc'pe,developetslemonh,ve laught a diffctent toute. USln8 the Saturn's VOP1 video

detJllIstothel~ndsupe~feJlddedlnthefOfmofscal ­

able sprites (that Is. they get bigger as you get closettothem)-somethlngthattheS;tturn doesn't exactty h;tve Jlny difficulty In produCing, Adding to the clJlsslnessoftheovetJlII look ;tre lame stunning spe<i,I effects, most notably thelensf1atefromthesun;tsyouturn.Thee~ploslons tooaretatherspecial.Verylatgelnd~tytewatding

The move away from polygons m~ans

that t~ere's no clipping In any tangible form and smoothness isn't an issue


TIHIc~lptl... lllplCke4wit~.IItIllI ..,

nlnp lit pnUy tOllgil from h.1"I 01 11.




nnt 1In1 of.mat 11 lit _aderwlln, hilt'. I uk..llk call1pued t. IIIe ttrronthat ••• JtOllllMlalerSll-I".1.

TWO-PLAYER CAPABILITIES Amok 11 pretty well Jorted in the multlplayer department , with what mutt be one of the bftt spllt-ferN n modes 10 dale. No ugly dipping and th e minimum of .Iowdown make this something of a visuu fust. Hats off to the Sc:llvtngtrboyt: here as not only h this put oflhe lamt viJualIy sound, the gamtplay variations are cool too! Remin1Jcent of Doom . a nd that'. no bad


~ pitched battle. Amok features ~ pretty decent control s~lem loo. tl's ralher like Doom in th~t your frog·like machine can walk,run and sttafe left and right. Evcrythlnll Is 1000iulty placed on theconttol pad,and theoldOoom tactics of using tolale left and strafe to Cltclcaroundtarllets,whichlsalsogtcatfotdodllinll cncmytarllets. The meat and drink of the lame Is quite similar InexecutlontotheStrlkellames.Everymissionlssptlt Into a serin of smalle. SUb·tOlSks, completion of which OIllowsyoytomoveontothenutput.Whatisgooc:l thoullh Is thOlt if you fail IoOme of the sub·tOlsh. It radl· ullyOllterswhOlthappcnsneJrt.Themlssloncanbe



The default two-player system , this it: very similar

This 11 probably the clOU'St you'll get to the

indeed to the basic one-player same. in fact, you undertake the self-•• me minions simultaneously

Doom OnthMateh style of game. Your job 11 timply to blalt the crap out of your opponent.

with I pal 1t'1 nry si milar to playing In Cooperative Adding 10 your problems I. !hI! fact that the Mode in Doom or Quake. This add • • whole new enemy lilt still.bout, so It'. a Hood Idu. to try to

dlnunsion to the .ameplay and the spllt'Kreen mode works very well indeed.

catm your opponent in a crossfire. Su-fm around and nock up on weapons Hnt!

on the Strike games. Even rwOlS InltlOllly put off 01 bit by the difficulty level. Make no bonn OIbout it, Amok is something of 01 testing gOlme.Absolule mastery of your crOlft Is 01 necessity and it does uke 01 couple of hours to fully exploreltspotentl~I.Thankfully.theinvolvinllgame

dnllln and varied tOlsks, coupled with the sheer enjoy· mentofthegamemorethanmakesupforltslnltlal difficulty. The look of the game sUllllests that this Is something different. and to be honest. it may not appcal 10 everyone. At first . GiYCit sometime though and you can't help but get drawn inlothls dup, compclling blasling game.


4tttP SEG.~ S ...:).n..J~N






No matter what console you happen to own most people would agree that oneof the greatest gamesever is MarioKart on the Super NES. Would it be sacrilege to compare Street Racer to it? ..

it's iI bit ofa rip off or not, who rully C;lIftsso longil ,ltplil~ Wtlll

Street Ractrftatures a tOlill of opment for somt time, ilnd

if you've sren ilnYKreen· shohofitiltilll, you'lIno doubt be thlnkln8 one thll'lg-Milrlo Kart, Thttt 's

eight urs in 1I11,each of which iSJudged on its speed,ilccelerillion,g,ip ilnd h;ln· 1I The best tostilft with is Hodjil bKiluse elements balilnce well. Once you feel

little question that UBI Soft

comfortable with the courses olnd handling you might want to move on tOil Cilr with beUerilcceleril-


tion ilnd speed InaddiUon 10

enct, someth lngthilt's evidenttnough lnnot onlythtbilSlcprtrnlse butillsothe

this,eilthurhilsitsownfilnge ofspeclillilbilities.F'ilnk'sut for instan(t makesa ghostly t ransformation which scares other

THra".,di"'ladll.tstlr trick la Ihl h01ll1 to frank InIUln -onlofthl rlclra.

:JJ : J:J: :J.J Lap e' J:J TlULos S

: . , ~.;-;.11-' ~ ' ~_ ,." t~"'; - .-~:~ J . _ - . ; . . ; . . .. _: . _ _



~ ~~-

11 jJ i'.1 i'i' ~I

Rumble in Rumble model This is where all of the chancters engagt in a fr« for all in ... drculaz arena. The idea Is simply to knock other drive rs out of the ring by whatever me a ns ponlbie, wheth'" that means punching or using one of yOIU characte" spKiil1 abilities. On the easy level there a re walls around the tins which gradually dlsappeu, but play In Crazy mode and the rumble starts without any walls at all .

... whether it's abit

of arip off or not, who really cares so long asit plays well.

onshipyou're raci ng in Tht thr« cups-bron ze, silver and gold-involwo filclngaround eight tracks,uch of

lion. While it all moves very smoot hly (60 fr~mes ~ second ' Iwice as smoolh as ~a Rally), racing lel'lds to give you the impression Ihat the road is movrng w hile t he ca r remains stationary. Adm ittedly th is does·

w hich Is t hehometoa certain chilracte . and when

n'treatlyeffectlheg~meplayagreat dealbutitdoes

theyilreraciogonittheyholdaslightadvantagt . To prog ress tothe Silver cup you musl first win th e Bron zecupandlikewlsegoi ngfromSilvercup toGold cup. As you move through the cups the courses get prosrei$i~ly more cha llenging ~nd you r fellow racers more profICient Although I found thech~racters ~ bit tacky ~nd

feels a bi td isoriel'l tatlng at times. As for the graphics, they're ve ry I'lice Il'ldeed,colourful and rich In detail.

to punch left or right oflhem . The COUfses va ry ilccordmgto which chilmpi-

thecourseslargelyderrvati~,itre mains a fact l hat

Street Racer has got a lot going for It . The CPU players are well prog ram med mean ing Ih ey res pol'ld to you r abilit ies, Ihusel'lsuril'lg a more chalienging race al'ld the variety of ga me modes further e l'lhal'lces the game'slol'lgevity. My Ol'lly real crit icism is to do wit h Ihe anima·

1t', tlMtob.fatlf1!

Theeigh t ·pl~yerspht screenmodeispreltyphe· nomenal althoughith~stobesa idthatthe l mage ls

small that it becOIMS a bit ridiculous. four pla~r split sclee n is actually very good though , and there Isn't the Jeast sign of slowdown , so is it the new Mario Kartl NOlquite. It lacks the overall accessi bility of the sUlH'r NES classic and the !.O

cou rse designisn'tquiteaslnnovati~. Evenso,lt'sa

good multi·player game and has got enough going for it to sta nd out as a success In its own right .

~ SEG ...l,. SATL:~N


1~ lil"AI""AI



Sprechen sie Hardencoren? Ja! Head off the road and onto the rough dirt tracks of the apocalypse with Gremlin's new racer. Don't forget your neck brace. Or your crossword. _










IN Qv e.. BER


Just like any reputable motor dealenhlp, hud·

tells you tilt .teerln" power, . uspenJion, han· d.ling and speed capabilititf of the chani. on offer. This would be hDldy in rullife, but It', utn-U5eful when you're about to face comput· er generated off-road simulatloftll. Beginners "louId head rtnlight for handlIng,heavy

vehicl". Experts, on the other hand, can go for mu speed and rely on their abilities to cornpensate for the iaa of traction.

'""-~ "::~V·


I'd IMlter III nlll! cam.llIett. btulM Stm rro. &tt_II. Is III lilt atrlU I q. I. rlet,IM"M ..rOoot.



commerceplace. Off·ro,dracinl. Perh,ps it's the ,m,linl unpopul,rityof bil trucks In this country which is responsible for the durth ofoff·ro,d r,clnl I,mes. Or perh,ps not. Wh ,tever the ruson m,y be. Gremlin h,ve seen the I'p,nd "e relentlessly pllrSIl' InlitwithH"dcore4X4,theS,tllrn'sfirs!off-ro,d four·w~1 drive ~cing slmul.tlon. In cneyou're not f.mili,rwith the sport-which yoU're not expecttd tobtovtr here-it'sde,d simple Six contenders (In this cilse) storm their giilntjeeps up .nd down big hills, which afe dotted with smilller hills ,nd valleys.l'IOWn n "bllmps",nd "dips". Tht objtct ofther,Ice Is to come first.fter th,ee by not foUingyotJrmotorovtrahund,tdtimes'fldcr,c.iflg yourhead.Ofcourst,thisbtingallame,it'simpossl·

That's off-road racing, man. The



I doI't ...t ". CMI.. owet' lie,.. .hY,I'. uptlOlli.. t... PIIIuclMtI.. tlle ...filfotlllsp"· SorrJ, Stm.

he Siiturnis pretty welt stocked for raclns g;llmes alrudy, it has 10 be SOIid, But ma,·

ted one enormously Ilnored niche in the


• '"



. ~ --~

ONE CAREFUL LADY OWNER core 4X4 offen YOII -)'H, YOU - . dlolce of drl· ~. Unlike most dealershlp' though, thU ont

1 3

bletoreilllycrildyourhud,butturnlnllontoyourUd doescostprt(iousseconds. So, basically, it's like every other kifld of race ilpilrtfrom, slow bicycle race. Where hilrdcOfere,lIy differs from the com~ition is the way ifl which you're expecttdlonegotialethecours~.lnstudofjusth'v­

Ingtotilkecorne'Silndgore,lIyf,st, in Hilrdcoreyou hilveto fud the tr1lck. take the lines of lust feslst.nce, avoid too·steepslopes. not f.lI over ilnd not bouncearoundloomuch.Thislsactuilllyilrefr~hlng

Ideil. so well dOfle Gremlin. 8utifofleideilmilde.grutg1lmerdbt,mil· lion,ire d~igner like Oilve Perry by now. And I'm not, so it isn't. The problem with 4X4 rilcinll is that It's intrinsically slow. Which milkes you wonder wh1lt kind of, filee it milk~. Afld the .nswer is. slow· moving Orlt, which is. novelty'llust. Wh,t's surprislflll.g'V'efl the unusu1IlIy slow pace oflhe1lctiofl,islheequ1lllyslowframerate.Whilst

crazy psycho world

of the big truck driver with no name, dude ...



:~\ ~


1oII11e11ll INHIftd 11 IJi pari




r••. lry It II



11 il I'A 1I'iA~I


thet.ucks andtr~cksareve rynic e looking,wellte_ 颅 turedandadmirab lycolou fful,theclippingiSp.etty cack. Sometimes it 's obscu red by the twists of the course , but often it 's obv,o us, especially given the varying hei ght of the horizon as)'QU climb arld dip Th e movemerlt is slightlyjelky as result, too. Not that this is so rlolic eable, as Ihe game corlshrltly th.ows you. vt'hiclealourld irla hUrldreddi.ectiorlsarlyway. Whalitdoesshow is the irlsubslarllialrlature ofthe truclcs. Th ey'.e le rlt a slig htlyfloaty feel which is e rlharlced by the lack of irle rtia Orl collisiorls. Basically youcarlsparlg)'Qu.molor with little effect to )'QU I d' .ectiorl. E.cept)'Qu might passth.oughthef,orl te rldoforleofthe m It'S rlot all traum a, t hough . The biggest obstacle to 4-4 is getting to krl oW the cOrlt.ols. You carl'tjust al\ack even the stra ight s irl the same way you no.mal路 lywouldwitha race r.Theski ll isobservingeachsmall nua nceandpitfall ofthe,kllowillgwhellyou'.e goillg to bourlceloo high to ave.t you. stee.illg alld p.everllirlg )'Qurse lf .ollillg. Doll'! wo.ry loo much aoout that last olle though , as it seems 4-4 trucks call drive almost horizolltally 011 their sides

without fallillg over. Veah righl.Asiflhey'veeve.seerl a Milsub ishiShogull irl a high wind. The suspellsiorl that takes the biggest hammering is your suspellsioll of disbelief. The trouble is tha t once Ihe Ilovelly value (which is very high) has WOfll off, the.e iSrl't a lot ofsubstallce to Ha.dco.e4x4. Sure, the.e a.e loads of tracks alld difficultysettillgs, but ollceyou've got the t.ick of it therejustisn'tthesamescopeforshavirlgmilliseconds of)'Qurtime s. The.andom bumpy nature of the floor mealls there's Ilosuchthillgasa perfectcircuil Obviously the re afe goillgto be some off路 road erlthusiasts out the.e th inkirlg "So what? That's offfOadirlg. mall.thecrazypsychoworldofthebigtruckride. wilh 1l0llame. Dude". Arld those people will doubtless firld Hardco.e4x4fullyerltertaillirlg. For the most part, though. Rally is the yardstick by which these thirlgs arejudged,alldullle ssyou're desperatefo.acharlge Haldco.ejusl may not be enough to sustairl)'Qur illleresl. Slill,t'd like 10 Sef' a seque l with mOle addic-

Hardcore 4X4 certainly scores points for the originality of Its courses. The opening rocky cltum un'! partl(Ularly anything out of the ordinary, perhaps, But after winning that you move on to a track which starts on tarmac, takH a detour into the woods and back out onto the road for the next lap. Best of all though is the Warzone course, set In the mJddle of a Middle Eastern conflictl Tanks and pillboxes abound, which makH you wond er who would hold a race there really. Actually, the best course (for the same leason) Is the one set around the rim of an active volcano. That's loads better.

bo~lIIt.ud . r.ckof Buns ln I~I

back. NI Wil l bounty hunter.

~ S EG ..o.. SAT U RN

I~I:I :itA I:ilill

ICHAOS CONTROL They're abit like buses really aren't they? To begin with the only game to use the Virtua gun was Virtua Cop, And after an eon of waiting, Mighty Hits, Virtua Cop 2and Chaos all turn up at once,

nqltcted Virtua gun is wekomt, it's obviously bttter if it had at Itasl somt of Ihtstyltand panacht of the 8ame it was made for. UnfortunaltlyChaos Conlrolhasnothlngoflhesortand endsupasabitofashambles.Ont of the things that maktsVirtua Cop so imprt$siVf' Is tht susptnst-you'fe always looking fOf enemies to pop up bthind ca rs or leap out in front of you. Ail this is lost in Chaos (ontrol which sim·

xk inthe5event lt-s NASA • sent the Piollftrtllplo[• ] r.iltion probe out Into s p~(e. lts

min ion w.",

slmplytofloOlIOlwOlIyuntllitwilS l!ilthertdupbyOllnypottntlallife forms in Iht uni ... e rse. On boilrd, l he

Pionu r hild l hemilpcoordlllillesfor Eilrthilswetl ,tS Y;Hiousitems t hat might be of interest 10 aliens li ke what we loolllike,someof oufscienUficdlscover· ies, afewfamou5 worksofart and , ofcourse, iI Richard Mar:c CD. It was in fact the RkhardM;lIfxCOthat firSI iller1· td the KMh Rhan aliens to the pre5enCf of Pioour moving through their solar s~tem, conlaining as it did, what's known is the 'perm frequency'. Unfortunillely

,__(i(;'ICo 'l b" 'l

this meant that the first burst of 'Right He~ Waiting For You' made for a bizilHctranslation In the Rhiln Iiln·

of fm AIlMricilIt 1IIIiM, . tUCk! WUt', 80HI u,peR to" t~ " t~i. lib Opra~ ",, "~ Or Rk:b lakl!5al'ln! Till



guagew,ththert$ultantefftctofsuggt$linglhe aliens 'come and havt iI go If thty IhlOk ttlty're hard enough'. And this Is eKilCtiy what thty did. prompting the 1nOf~1 of our story whkh Is burn ilny Richud MarK (O's that might fall into your pos~sion btc:,use to more advanced life forms ht is in fact Satan. But that's all by the by btc:ausethe a1iens ilre here, and (haos (ontrol setS thtm blOCking about In Manh~ttan buying hot dogs, rollerblading through (enlral Park and annihilating the human race. Not for




_a... '-"


you can stop them. Now while any game that utilists tht much


Rent an

Spau ...It'.


q,ltl bllls,'t It. Prttty du, .ul!t I, fU I.


latest release from 'ust

IIiJi11iNv l •



, ••

~ I~

I' I '



~~ ... while the objective

might change, th! mundaneness of the action certainly doesn't...

you firing ilt thc SClccn quite indisc riminately. As far as the graphics gothings.lren't quite so tnd. There's iI hilly Bood sense of depth and some of Iherenderingisquitepolished,espedilllyonthcurliCI sectionssetlnNewVork. Whiltisn'tforgi~bltvisually

ilre the smoke effl'cts left ilftt:'r an alien has be-en destl~.Thtyhiln8inthcilirfOfilgesloo.inglike

mutilnt moulding cilndy f!oss and have iI hilbitofseri· ouslyobscurlng)'Ourvlew. Whenlhcilllenshavebeenchil~off t heEilrth. IheactionswitchestospilcewheretheobJecti~

be<omes destroying the alien commil nd ship. But while the obJedi~ might change, the mundaneness of the ilctioncert~inlydoesn'twiththeconstilntbilrrilgeof

alienSilnd the OCCilsional boss chilracter turning up, Just to top this disilstrous pilckageoff,thew!w)le game is OYer In aboot hiltfiln hour luving)'Ou feeling like tht time would hil~ been better spent, well. doing ilbsolutelynot hlng, E~nsimplethingslikegiving)'Ou

your hits ratioilnd percentilge hilsn't been incJudedln ChilosControl,andwhilethere'siltwo-plilyeroption, you'd beilbil mun to forte iI friend through the Silme dull uperlence, Whilt's more, with the ilrrivill ofVlrtuil Cop imminen t, you won't want to waste you r money on this,


for three evenings

1lNill00000lnd Ilftk' .p lhtchn,.ff'OM Ntw Yort to Oullf . plCl lnuconltftlent . ru hloRI.poulbl •. Wbu JO~ Onl'" t~1 JIIIIIln. r abowl half u ~owr, the K.IIII.I..".dolfwl"lOIMcolljrllulaUo",.adprobably MM ...,..ptlU.,lupl,r fro. tllII


THAT'S IT? At varlo\lJ points during Chaos Contlol a boss maracter pops up to do battle with yow JhootIng expertise, All the bosses ue pretty much Identical, their appearance resembling JO me kind of futuristic tyberlmight, the ocId thing about the boues t hough Is that you don't defeat them as such, You sim ply do battle with them fOl ~ while and they disappeu. No explo· sloll$. Nothing. This Is rymptomatlc of the half, baked way that Chaos connolgotS about things,

13 DIRTY DWARVES We previewed Three Dirty Dwarves way back inour August issue. Since then it's experienced various delays for reasons that remain largely mysterious. But who cares because here it is!...









up to t hef~ctthat ifsabitofanabomlna . tionandshou ldn~l h ayt."Sffnth('lIght

(0 ~~:;~~:uts~::~~~:Sa:fc!~~et ~~a~(C'r,~!t. ~~ei~:~路;O:ryg~:::~r:~n;un. somethin g from the GUolrdian Heroes style, t:'J!cepl any quality of coune. But before we go Into that. I'll quicklyuplain t hechucklesome pre mise of the game. The th ree dirty dwoilrYn in question .lIt all on the

screen at once although you only control one of them at any given time. Having said that, a quick ta p of the button lets you chanse who you',f.' cont rolling. Each of our vertically challenged heroes wields their own wupon, be it a gun, it baseball bat or a bowl路 Ingpln. Morethanthisthough,f.'ilChofthemCiln

use their weapon In two ways; rather than flre the gun you might like to swipe people with the butt. Or how about making novel use of the baseball bat by actually pitching

e Rent any latest release from just


- - ..--~ -~-



~~ ~·~"e, '!t',.> t" I t,,~ to ..-

" .,i



~.. __

"'4 t



l ,~ f •~



CrlIUUZlII.! !

This, I'm

sure you'll agree, is almost as funny as aroom full of Jimmy Tarbuck clones.

yourself a few baseballs to aim at enemies rather than attacking them dirWly. Finally, our dwarf with the bowling pin also has the ability to throw bowling balls. With their talents thus established,the plucky trio start out on Iheir side-scroUing beat 'em up adventure in the streets of New York. Enemies come thick and fast from both directions. most of which are in keeping with the comic premise of the game. For eKample,there's an hilarious scene involving a hard thug type and anold grannywhichendswiththethugrunning offblubbingthankstoahandbagslap This, I'm SUfe you'll ag,ee. is almost as funny as a room full of Jimmy Tarbuck clones Anyway, things continue ina pretty similar va in wilhthet,uncatedt,iotacklingavarietyofhazards f,om cars whizzing by to the renewal of the good old mine cart leve!.Graphicallythis is p,etty basic stuff,

although this would be easily forgivable were it not for the monotony of the gameplay. It starts as it means togo on, and goon it certainly does, ploughing through the same old routines time and again. The idea of having three characters on screen seems likea nice idea and the way in which you f1ick betwunthem is done quite proficientty. It will quickly dawn on you how· tvl!rthat doing this is largely pointless seeing as each of the characters plays eKactly the same, despite the cosmetic differencesinweapons. Sega's reputation for pultingout consistently good games has been more than justified over the last year, but whe re Three Dirty Dwarves is concerned you'll be forced to find them guilty of both a lack of imagination and a particularly lame sense of humour.

'3 .49 for three evenings



As exploitative ~ilcus managen wouid be apt to point out, tJuu dwarves are better than one. This is eJp!!"dally true where thb game is concerned_ You see, while each dwarf Is pretty tough by himself, get the tJuu together in a tea m attack and they're pretty much invindble. They do this, hilariously enough by brawling with each other, but such Is the mayhem they cause in the procMs that any enemy near by 15 quickly drawn into the fray and dispatched just as fast. You ~an pick up team power-ups from various plaCM, and It's Msential to have plenty of them If you want to malte quick progress tJuough the game. Or putting it another way, to get It over and done with.

1~ liJilJl:lNI

IBLAZING DRAGONS Re-live all your favourite moments from the riotous cartoon romp which is Blazing Dragons with this, the Blazing Dragons Interactive CD-ROM Role-Playing Product. Availablewherever you see lunchboxes_ _


. - !£TBA _ I RPG I I J I I I I I I I NOVEI'\8ER

Well that's the ent ire plot 0111 of lilt wq tllln. bu If ytu'rt famllair with tile drtadful earlooA, Billing Dragons is Pf'tU, limp.

WHAT'S THE STORY (DRAGON BOREY)? The player controls a young dni.gon called Flkker, the royal lnventor residing in Castie Camelhot. There's this royal tournament, right. and in order to marry the beautifu1 (in chagon t erms) Princess Flame h e 's got to win it. But h e can't enter unless he's a knight, and right now

Flkktrlsn't even a squirt. Plus, right, there are these evil humans who've enlUted a mysteriDUI dragon to Hght In the tournament, right, and if he wins the evil humans will tue over at the loyal palace. Don't ask how that happens, bKause it isn't explained very well. Anyway. your missions, should you choose to accept them, are to fust be made a squire, then a knight, and win the tournament . How exciting"

can'tdothathere ... ~ ttwouldbeliketalk­ ingto a wall ". UI can't do that here". "I could,'!'t lih that"_"\ can't do anything". UI can't do anything ". Get used to reading this sorl of stuff before you pick up Blazing Dragons. Beca use you'll be having a lotofit.Yousee,Blning


And in'lOicell by Jaeko oul ofBMlsII Stroku. I think.

Dragonsisa(omedyfantasyad~nture.ln th e true

mod ern style, it's loade d to its scaly gills with u mpl ed speech from " rea '" actors (ie-ones that don't get much work ). And , so BMG cou ld get their money's worth ,there's about a hundred thouund different useless nonsense phrilses ilnd not-hilarious jokes planted arou nd the game. Thc sadtruthofthl'malter is that, if you can't afford a dl'c en t scriplwriter, you're way better off cut· ting out the humour angle in advcn\i.lIes. Not becausc it isn' t funny, although it usually isn't, bllt be<allse it slowsdownlhepaceofanalreadysedategen'ctoa frustrating e xtent. And when it comes down to il, ~I can't do that herl'" is the onl'YOlI'rc going 10 heilr more thiln anything. Having itsomet,mes phrased as ~Don't be stupid-try again " or "I'll carry on-but I

won't calry that " does nothing 10 alleviale thl' torturl'. Anyway, the point of these games isn't the dia· loglll',thankfully, bUI thl' puzzll's and the plot. The former provide the meat of the gamcplay. and Ihl'lattl'r holds your inll'rl'st in thl' proc:eedings when the puzzles take a lurn for the frustrating. So if a game engages your brain enough it can be forgivcn for bypassing your humour glands. So it's a bit ofa shaml' that Blazing Dragons, asidl' from being one of the most cringeworthily irritating unf"nny games ever, also fl'at"rl'S onl'ofthe most poorlyexplained,obvio"s,derivativcand d,,1Iplots evl".Still,ilco"ldbe worse. The p"zzles co"ld mostly centre aro"nd the flimsy "I'm an inventor" premise of the cenlrill charac· ter. Oh d'ohl They do! Eitherlhal or Ihey've got some·

Rent any latest release from just

IliJ:&11:&'iI ~1 HOW TO "CONTROL" THE "GAME" hilt for Dumbass Interface of the Month goes to._ Blazing Dragonsl BD runs on fow: basIc commands - walk, look, pick up a nd speak. So of course the obvious thing to do H 1l5t the A or C button to cycle through the possible commands and the B button to adivate it. There', no need to assign some of the Saturn', eight joypad buttons to individual tasks to make life easier. The oruy decent shortcut Is using X to access yow: Inventory. otherwise the nst of the time U', cycle cyde ... gone past 1t._ cycle ... that'1 It ... oops, gone past it, as you struggle gamely to keep your paUence.

inclld! lOmeklndofbilarlllllsl nftnlion. thins to do with the hilariou\ fairy·lal/:'·characters·

against·the·humans setting of the title, And irs not

Blazing Dragons is one of the most

like they',e that hard. Ifs way more a matter of having

the right objects at the right time than working out comple x streams of actions relevant to the doryline Still,Myst didn't exaclly have the most complex interface in theworld,and everynne thoughl was ace. And it was, because Ihe graphics are a-may·ling. Burning Dragons. on the other hand,look\crap. Sure, some oflhe "hand·painted" backgrounds are delailed, but they're still boring. As for Ihe spriles-frankly I could have done bettermyselfwith a magic marker on the backofa stamp. The animation isweak,thecharacters unappealing and badly drawn. Baskally there's about as much chance of the cast of Blazing Dragons being so cha rismalic Ihey rescue the t itle as Ihere is of me get· tingto the end of this review without saying anything more bad a bou t ft. Things are made even worse than they already are (which is very badj by the voice over. Alright. you Ciln at least turn Ihisoff,but that defies the


cringeworthily irritating unfunny games of all time ...

point of such a game. The point Is that you sit there with a fixed grin rictus on your face forcing yourself to listen to some third·rate thespians put on their comedy accent trousers in a vain attempt 10 play the "wacky" card. It doesn't work. It Just makes everything dragon ten times longer as an ex-EastEndersel(\ra dra-awsout ev·er·y syllable... for comedic... mm ... effect. what. WithabitmorethoughtBlazingDragons... wouldn·tha~beenreleased,tobehonest.Eyerythingfrom

the title scre('n (which was produced with the aid ofa Commodore 64) to everything else screams "Look at me -I'm no goodl". E~n the play interface is cumbersome. andgi~nthatitconsistsofonlyfouractionsthat's

some going ROB


:3.49 for three evenings


I~ I : I :ItA I:lIi.1

ICRIMEWAVE Traffic problemsare amajor concern of the Twentieth century. I say fit guns to every car and havemotorists fight for their road space! Another sensible policy for a happier Britain! IEI DOS



I.Thllilb wW thtltlrll

you off on Ihe


Si.... 2.


t finally happel\ed. After everythi ng else

had been sold off-indudingthe HOlIses of Parliament which wtrl! converted into


mentdedded it W;U time to privatise Ihe policefofce. After aU, they'd hild iI monopoly on the crime industry for far too long, and who's to say that a little competi· tionwouldn'tbebeneficiaI. A'ifaruthepriviltintion of traffic policing went there were plenty of takersExpress Dairys, HGVcompanies, and of course, 1000ds of cab firms , Ok, sot he sight of Al iln's Ca bs frtting machine guns and roc:ket launchers to their fleet of Granadasmight seem a bit worrying at first , butilt leOlsl cabbies would now have a legilimate excuse for d.ivinglikepsychotlcs.AndlH!sidl!s,dl!spitl!thl!ir nl!w lilw·l!nforcingrl!sponsibilitil!s, t hl!ynI!VI!rgilVl!l,Ip

t hosl!littll! .. irfrl!shl!nl!rs th illhilngfromduh boilrds or rl!Ollr-vil!w mirrors. Whl!thl!rornoIYOI,I,thl!pla~r,arl!anl!.-cabbil!

is entirl!ly I,Ip to YOI,I. YOl,lcan lH!anl!.·erOllcdanCl!ffOf all Icafl!.Thl!poinllorememlH!rislhatasa maverick street cop, YOI,I stop at nothing to bag the bad gl,ly and pic~l,Ipyourl!arnings.Bl!lngofml!rCl!naryspirit.yol,l

don't care if this involves blasting innocent drivers off thl!foad. It only inwrs a small penalty anyway, and so long as yol,l dl!stlOyyol,lr largl!t,yol,l get afal pay check along with whateveryol,l can salvagl!ffomlhe wrl!ckage-sll,lfflikerockets.minesandfl,leI.Toenter nl!wand morl!frl,litfl,ll patrol territoriesyol,l have to havecolll!cll!dl!nol,lgh monl!yto IH! allowed thrOl,lgh the gates. The patrol areas vary I!normol,lsly, from a post-industrial wasteland,akin to somrthing like

The point toremember is that as amaverick street cop, you stop at nothing to bag


~._. , ,,-, rJ:'

1,.:.... &1 T )




'tt1I "'- ..... I (1 DHtroyinglnnount Cll"IIlll"lllyvtllplnllty.


~ SEG.~ S.~TUr.cN

the bad guy...

11:1 :alA I:aliA ~I . :. That IlIIok, coming out ofth, bau or,our car II ",loully INIt 19oodlign. You'Uwanttoget tlmepowlt-uJllfu tlfJOll' rt to lu~IYe.OrPhIIMlt,IIeII.SoloR8 t1 ~n.oto.t" ulCe.

Sheffield,to the luxurious environs of roads by the beach reminiscent of Santa Cruz. There are a total of eightinaU Visually this all seems pretty promising. what with the detailed isometric 3D settings, right down to ads on billboards or plants hanglng from the doors of suburban houses. Likewise the cars which are treated

~ -~'!':


So,.t anot~1r Innount I1 destroyed. 11" lIlY n l den -Is It WGrth ItP All thl •• utT,rlngforth. want of. f. rthlng? Of COlI.... It I, !! lIahahaha!

drive around waiting for a target to appear - indicated bya red arrow-and when it does, you chase it th,ough the stfeets andgun it down when it comes intorange.Anotherdangertowatchforarerivalvigi. lantes who'U try togun you down If they come across you. When a target is destroyed and you've picked up the cash (or Meks as they're entitled in the gamel then its off to find another car. And so it goes on, and I couldn't help feeling it all gotatad repetitive. This Isn't helped by the fact that the car is sometimes frus· trating tocontrol, fastturnsprovingparticularlyawk. ward at times. Also. the 'innocent' cars have an uncan· nyhabitofobstructingyourchase,andalthoughthis Is obviously designed to make things a bit morechal· lenging It also has the habit of getting plain annoying likewise, trying to stay on the road is sometimes hard enough and although the buildings aU look quite nice yourcarhasa habitofping·ponging between them meaning you lose precious time in a chase. Despite my criticisms I wouldn't want to run Crimewavedowntoohard.ftdoeshave a bit going for it, and if you' re prepared to forgive some of the more irritable aspects of the same, you can still glean someenjoymentfromtheblast'emupactionandthe chaUenge of entering new stages where the enemies are more multitudinous and the streets more chaotic. AU in aU though. this is more of a Crime ripplethana Crimewave.

MONEY TALKS ANO BULL WALKS When a yellow iln"OW appears on the scrun as opposed to a red one, It denotes that a dvalb invading your patc:h. Uthis U the case there'. only one option open to you and that', to blow their metal hide off the highway. They won't hesitate in doing the same to you after all. Another problem you'll face if you don't dis· pose of them Is the chance of them cominS in and .tnling targets from you - that means 105' ing money, and business being business, you've little choice but to crush theml Hahahahal

YtI! Dtltroyl hl blrrlln wftbau.lualablAdon.

Th. ,uyln thl nnl1nnr!y hiltoll·flnllh 'lmoff.



Oh no! Your dad is going to appropriate your Saturn thisChristmas! You won't get achance to play all those new games you got as presents! Why? Because here comes agolf sim!

2 _


I,. 10999 IsPORTS


FAMILIAR FACES? If you're not that up on your Bolf (and after all, it', .. pretty boring sport to watch) then you

won't tht PGA Tour I1 all.bout American golfer. IboUlnS.bout COWift from the east to the wtlt puttinl away. Thb: versio n of PGA ffatUI" sixteen of America', finm In all, most of which you won't rKosniH, apart fro m maybe eralS SladIer and Fuzzy Zoeller. Look out for some danic American names like Chlp Bed: and Brad Faxon .. well. 11', jun. shame there'. no one in there calltd Dwlght S~d.1ehaclter. Still, can't h.ave everything_

'H WIIII .n.dcIw UOwI fOIl



Isa present this Christmas then bewlrel It muns you'll end uphelplns"oul mum cook the .o.ul turkey. or

findyourselfwltchingl!ndlenChristmols rtpt':atsonTV. The ftalOn fOI!hls;,!hal

pla inilboutth~lengthyloadingtimes, even betw~n on~

shot and anoth~r, and with good reason too. tn difficult 10 under· stand why it takes the game so long to

jU'ilaboul~~rydad!nth~knownun!· ~r~ wiU s~nd ~ndl~n houn on your Salurn playing a golfsim und~rth~ ... th~r f~~bl~ txCUs~ Ihal II's golf after aU and not som~ po;ntl~ss comput~r gam~. Th~r~ is of coun~ only one way to g~tyourdadoffth~machln~and that's to givt himadrubbingthat'shumlllatlng~noughtocause

himtovautetheareamumbllng'ungratefutyouth' and 'grounded' under his breath.

Just whether your

"1'1 tIN NIl la JOiIll to laH.

Just whether your dad will want to spend much time on PGA Tour is another matter. Firstly he'U (om·


shoddy golf sims like Valora VaUey man· ag~ todo it faster. This constant delay naturaUyhasahabitofruinlngtneflow of the gam~, m~aning you'U s~nd too much time simply getting f'ustrated at waiting. II"s symptomatic of the game as iI whole'eaUy. Takethepow~rbarforinshn(e.tlke mostgolfsims It consists of an almostclf(ula, bar but the gauge is an odd shadowy colour tha t not only

dad will want to spe,nd much time on PGA Tour IS another


--..:. Whtn.10 1 1I1Iti il tot helHlltillJ ttee.,ltrldilll1riHOIItto mtal till 111 of till jtetl. 8~tjntJllll ""' ltlloupt ror old Jlck MtG,... w1NI IjIIldl all 1Ii•• ip ll wit. DfII, I nll' r, I p..

11 jJ 111 I~I. ~I

makes ita bil vague to look at at times but also harder tojudgethl'l'xact poirltthat it's on the line. Again, the reasons why the programmers would make such an

error seems a little baffling. 11 is perhaps something to do with the nature of golf as iI whole. In

drawl and the standard range of twittering bird samples to enhan(e that natural feel Option~ wise thing~ are no d ifferent from usual. You can choose to play either a full eighteen hole

rOllnd or simply select the courses YOIl·d like to practkeon. Thegamealsofeatures14 real golfers and eight amateur golfers which you can wstomise . There are only two courses. Sawgrassand Spygrass. both of which are real all·American venues.

~sence,theoriginaIPGATouronthe Megadri~al"~adyhadthewhole

control method down to a tee (ha ha)

meaning that golf games since have relied largely on ne w novelties in the playabililyand,morejuslifiably,the

Ashas been mentioned, the inevitablesimilarityofgolfsimsmeansthat foratitletostandoutas par\iwlarly impres

graphics and presentation. Inthis Instance it would seem that PGA Tour has tried to fix what was never broken and

managed todo itself oothing but harm in the process. The graphics are ok,but PGA Tour features nothing in the way of alternative cameril ansles to make it easier to size lip your shot. There's a commen·

Thatlookllik.qult •• fj~l,hlp.Nntulooclu1Gu'llletatthe Golden fish Bar but flne nnnelhelell ... Boom boom.

sive,ilhaslo bea malter of refinement more than innovation. Unfortunately where PGA is concerned you get neilher. Actua Golf rema ins the definilive golf sim for bolh you and your dad.

tator sporting the usual over·enthllsiastk American

...the reasons why the programmers would make such an error seems alittle baffling.

Wllat clubs to ,lIGoh.h? Oh the agony of cboicl. Pll'$llnally l'd take Ibe onn.Uh llich on Ihe end.



rleh &olfl.~ toff. 'I'll ~oln8lD break out' h, kept lellln. hlm,.!f,

'I'm ~oln8


8G IQ own way, l'wl llad enough Dfcaddyln8'...




4. TM

SEGA SATUI<N™ tips The biggest tips this month are some incredible debug mode cheats for Guardian Heroes and Night Warriors. They let you access sections of code used by the programmers when developing the games, so that you can see how some of the game works. They're not of any real use to you, but are certainly intriguing ...



To give youlse lf 99 continues for Hard mode. start a gam e on the Easy setting 'lnd get killed straight after the

This cheat letsyou.m:ess a hidden options menu with things like Infinite Fatahty Time, and an option toget the hidden fighters

starting room. Instead of (ontlnuinB choose to Give Up, and

fromthestart.Onthetitle screen just pressC, R,A,Z,Y,C,Y,R,A,

go to the options screen. Now set the difficulty to

X(Crazy Cyrax). Now 80 to the options cube and press Up to view

Hard and start a Slory Mode again 10 have 99

a hidden side With " r"on it


You might have seen that there W.1S an e)tcellent debug mode cheat for the Japanese version of Guardian

UK version of the game. Well, we've now got the same cheat for officialgamellt'snot easytodo,so keep trying until you get It working. Firstly, go to the Options menu and highlightb:it. Now hold X+B+Zand press Down. Now, while you are high· lightmg Dip SWitch press A. Now go into the Dip SWitch option and you cannowturnDebugModeon l Debug mode also turns on a load of other cheats. sothat all 4scharac·

l~ftShift+Y+ Right Shift Right Shift + Shrt Right Shlft+A+ Start RlghtShlft+B+St art Right Shift + C + Start l~ft Shift + Right Shift + Start l~ftShift+RightShift+A+Shrt t~ft

Shift + Right Shift + B + start



_ _8_6

4ii' SEGA S_~n.....'R N

WORLDWIDE SOCCER '97 Hl!rl! arl! some of the 5pecial moves not listed in the instruction bookie t Backheel Backwards+B Forwards, hckwards, ForwardHB Overhead mck Tap twice to eit her side of your playe r when dribbling Shimmy light Chip C,C looping Shot A, C One-two pass RightShift+B TiP A once Super Shot low Shot A,A in the penalty iru

MAGIC CARPET This cheat lets you ilcce5S a hidden cheat menu with a level select, am ongother things Go tothe options screen and play these sound effects in this 0 rder,11,31, 15,5,26,22 You should now get the extra options. Once this code's been entered,playthegameas usual and pause at any time, then press X to get all of the spells, Y to finish the Iew-I instantly, or Z to get lots of man a


gaml!'sdebug modI! and play around wlthallsortsofweirdoptionS,justlikein Guardian Heroes The first thing you need to do is set your Saturn's internal clock to the 24th of January 1998,then start the game as usual Now enter then Appendi)(cheat as Wl!'ve printed before (go to option mode, high. light Configuration, and press B,X, Oown,A,Y)

Castle, and follow the carpet until you get to the staircase. You'll find the treasure room below.

Q7, Howdo I ,et to IMlre.lureCMItIn U.ebrtdLabyrlnth that 1I lurroundH by ...lId : Get to the floor above

1of a Shining Wisdom players guide back issue 11 we've had plenty of phone calls from disgruntled readers asking what happened to Part 2. Unfortunately Sam was busy at work figuring it all out when suddenly she decided to swan off around the world. Instead, we've decided to offer a little bit of Qand A. QI: I" •• Just Itart.d •• nd I'm ....and,rln"bollt with no kI •• wh.t to cHI. So what do I dol

Al:strabgeasitmaysound,simply go to bed. Fromtht Itft entra nctofthecastle,start tr.v· 4!lIingupthes(fHnUnlilyou're as filr back as you can. Then simply go up the shin,jump in Ihe bedand take a nap. Qz: I'm In GudoV.n.y. t' .....ot t ... IlId. Ihoes but

don'tkn.owwh.ttodowlththtlm. A~: You want to hud to the M~tic Woods situated in the North-West part of East Odegan. The slide shoes will enable you to get under hollow tree trunks and thus eXplOf1! the Mystic Woods further.

Qi. W......


U.. ~II( Hartd"

. Tbesa ll't l\Otll1altematlwklndof_ gIo¥es,butMoleClawswlichenableJ'Ollto cIg,.,urQJthroughtDnew areu.

floor above you'll see a part In the sand that will breakaway (right above where the treasure chest is on the floor below). Walk into the centerofthe breakaway part and wait to fall. When you do, you will end up right in front of the chest. Now you have the Mole Claw.

QII How 60 I M't the bnd Labyrlnthl A8,We get asked about this all the time.On the bot· tom floor of the laby,inth you·1I reach a door with a face on it Ihat won't open. The answer ison the top floor. You need to change the sand to ice when you get there. Go tothe left room on the top floor and


<\4: Hmmm, what you need is ei ther some mental advice orthe Whisper Conch. IVou'lIfind itintheGudoV~ Uey andonceyou get the Magic Hands, you can complele the rest of this part ofthegame.FlndtheFairyinGudoValleyandshe'!I pass on the Whisper Conch. Equip it, and you're free to natter away. Qs, Whe,e lithe PrlMelll AS: The Princess (swan) is localed in the Mystic Woods.You need to use the Whisper Conch to talk to one of the will then open a blocked passage to the North part of the woods lelling you get 10 the boss and the Princess.

Al: DUling you uploration of the Mystic Woods, you

should come across a trtf' tlunkthal leads down South offofthe screen. It's situaled in the lower left part of the woods. It actually leads to a watery area where there are some very strange monsters. Remember the Library from the Castle1 WeU using the stone shoes will make th e monsters flip. Then you can ki<k them around a ~--.!oo~_ bit. Also, when you get to th e two monsters in a row, kick them ,po

. 1t'.theS~shoes~ .... Situated .. the IloyalCrypt

'I'ou'IfnltheIloyalCrypt on thewest ~ orthe Castll. n.e,o

come .. usefu1 .. theFftlBbymthdon'tJ'Oll know.


Q6' H_ 60 I pt Into tM bnd Labyrinthl Thefe , .. change the sand to ice with the Magic Hands. Go up one room, and one loom 10 the right and pick up an ice statue there using the He rcul esGloves. Now, without changing the ice back tosand,ge t backto the bottom floor of the dungeon (you can put down th e statue BTW).Take the statue to the door with the face on It, and the doo,will open. Then dothe bossandyou'resortedl

Q" Ahe, M,tln, the bnd L,b,rlnth, the Klnl telll me th,t I can lowhe,e.,., I w'nt. 11 thll Iru.l Ag:Yesandno.Wh ileyo ucango eve rywhe re,you can't really do much unless you do things in the correct order. Try the Ice Labyrinth next . It's located in West Odegan. In th e process, you'll need to slide intoa teleporter using the Slide Boots and the shockO.b.

Ql41 And how do I", th/O\l.h tlM Mirror lab,.rintM Al4:Thereareaftwthlngs t onotetobeatthe Mirror labyrinth. Fl rstofflsthatlhtrtlsa room Just to the right from the position you start in where you can use Ihe Magic Mirror. By doing so,you change the ... lew of the dungeon around (Ief't now goes left). It also changes the dosed mouths 10 open, bomb spewing mouths (and ... ke·versa). And the dosed eyes change to open eytS that you can bomb (and ... lce·\fersa). Just keep going back and forth between the two sides to finish Ihe dungeon.

qtG l I' ... , lMat.ntlM Sand and tlM k. labyrinth. WhatnlJln A10: Your nut goal is 10 beat the Jump labyrinth. It's localed In IheNorth part of East Odegan. And there Is a sign out front Ihat tells you Ihat it'sd~ngerous. QtU Oby, I'm In tlM him, labyrinth IHrt how"l Mat fU

both the Maglt(julld and the library. Blit now for Ihe answers. The most Important things 10 remember Is Ihatyou can freeze the bombs with IhekeOrb (and the Stone Shoes). freeze a bomb,and then tab It lothe fue nearby. Wait for it 10 Ihaw, and then throw It. Also, when you get to Ihe room with all of the sand In it, remember to dig ~rywhere, and try to go all direc:tlons In the sand. The.eisa roundabout way thrOl.lgh the wall toget lothe items. And finally, use the Magic Hands and Ihe Shock Orb to throw spa.k balls Into the moving blue rings by the

hlnh 10 the Gmt lalr)'rlrrltll Al6:Altwecan really say Is that you need to keep exploring. Qn(1! you gl!tthe keys, thtrt art four key doors you can open by just walking Intolh4!fl1. You neec:! to b4!at atl four bosses b4!forl! you (an /' tah on Pazort. And that's your loll




- · · , ;"~ ,, , >





e Thlsherelsthl I'llISUIKelmlttMt


.lndlhereili5! Oil'nl'&flM:KJ'iteitemofdolhingfor parlie$ - a bona fide MoNwy Sllit!


that,... IlMdtopt hoW of tf,...'... to

make I'fOIJ'ftlln the .ame. ","'. a l\1li cIowft of )un wkat ,... IlMd and Just "'-' Sword: You start with It. long Sword: You ~t It from thl! king whl!n you b/ing back Ihl! Princess. Shining Sword: You get It In thl! Ught Dungeon. Magic Pjamas: It Iets)'DU sleep anywh4!1l' (but

)'llU'ltlndlnttllMilTor Q'la l IlMat tlM NU of tlM , 1,. Labyrinth.8ut ...... labytintM All: To put it simply, you need to freeze ittakesaboutl5s«onds~restoringallof)'DUr his flame shots with tht Ice Orb and the life and)'DUr life Stock(lhI! LS drdes in your Slone Shoet. Then pick up the frozen shots with the l/lIf'enlory~ You buyitforlooocoinsata WIoplothl! He.cules (j10'leS and throw them at him , It only lakes South East of IhI! Sand labyrinth lyou'lI need th4! StOfM' lwo hits to beat him. Shoes and thl! lel! Orb to fre4!ZI! thl! watl!r In front of stw>pl!ntrancl!). Stone Shots: Insl64! the RO)"I Crypt (WMI part of tilt Q'lJ, I(an't.etthrou.hth.Wlndlabyrinthbeuuu.1 Caslll!). (an 't •• taeroutlM.a!". AI): What you need is Ihe Pegasus Helm which SprlnlShoes: Inside the Jump labyrinth (Noth East part in'o'Ot~sgolnglotheMirrorlabyrinth . of EaslOdegiln). Mole Claw: Inside thl! Sand labyrinth (South of t hl! town). Monkey Suit: In th4! Mlllenn lal Tree (North part of West Od4!gan). Toydona USA: Under thl! bush (Blast Orb and anything) near the town.

,.. ...

Castll!. Blessed Water: WhI!nyou have thl! bottle,go bKk to the Hermit at thl! top of the MltlenniaITree(NorthpartofwestOd4!gan). Judo Suit; South W4!$I: oflhe Water labyrinth ther4! Isa tfe4!YOU can burn. tf)'DU look to thl! West about three of)'DUr char<KI4!1' stl!PS (and onl! floor down))'DU can see an area 10 slldt Into. In thl!rl! you'll flnd thl! Judo Suit. Bounce Boots: After you have Ihl! orbs (and if you have huled the plant In Ihl! Milll!nnlalTree with the

Qi6' So how about _



Q'ls l l'mh .... ln.probl.m.lnth.U.htlab,.rinth-tlM pIM.wh.... ,.ou ... th.Shlnln.Swotd-towhat .Itoukl I dol AlS: Thl!rl! are two tough parts In thl! Ught labyrinth. Onl! is thl! door that has three bultons in front of It. You can't push all oflhem al oncl!,bul the Magk Hands and the Blast Orb can. Tht othertip we can giYe )'DU Isthal thl! sand cIoorscan be blown down (or nuked down) with thl! Blast Orb and thl! Stone S~

e n.Ml&icllirnlrlstobefoundlnthlRrt lab)mthwhlch:tOl/'llllillitUllldlnthllOllth partofWestOdegan.

SlipS~ lnthl!(judocave(NorthhstpartofEast

Od4!gan). Malic Hands: In thl! Mysllc Woocb (North WMI part of EUIOcltgan). HtfCUles Gloves: In Ihe IrnSUIl' room In the (aslle. Pelasus Htlm: In Ihl! Mirror labyrinth (in the Hobblt's Town on th-e lake). WhisptrCorxh; In thl! GudoCave (North Easl part of East Od4!giln). Map: Mirror. In thl! Firl! labyrinth (Soulh part of Wesl Od4!giln). Empty Bottle: From a IUY in thl! King's room in thl!

BltssedWatl!r),thl! plant In thl! Tree will have grown. Upth4!r1! Is tilt Air labyrinth,tf you b4!at that,)'DU get thl! Bounce Boots which let youjump Il'ally hlghl 5tl1e1d Orb: In thl! tree right in front of thl! Mystic Woods. (Mystic Woods arl! in thl! North Wl!st part of EasIOdega n). Po_r Orb: In Ihe right room of the Castle Irusurt room. Vou need 10 Il!leport (Slide Shoes and thl! Spark Orb) 10 get to tt. And you actuatly need a

::WslO4!m:::~;;"g(::::~~get ~,


It as soon as you get the SIN:I4!Shoes and thl!SparkOrbj. DaultOrb: It's In a bush South of (judo Valley. /


~~~::::.:~'; ~ '

,'''''''~k"",""" ~ have thl!ToydonaUSA equipped HI! 11 takl!




DyslexOrb: Its located 04!arthl!Rll'labyrinthc.o

:::~::~~placl! whf!' I!)'DUneed toJump across to c;onllnu-e(thl!reis



... ~


Iq! !

1'1 (

lJ J


:h~~:!~;~~lo~~:a:Uth ~

instud.At Ihtl!nd of the walkway you'll find the Dyslex Orb. And yes. it Is tomplttttyu~ltss.

SllverBottIts: Dn4!ofthl!bottltsthl!King will give loyou. th4! oth4!r Is in East Odegan. You need 10 stN:l4! into an aru 04!ar(judoVillIey.



AT LAST! Street fighter enters the third dimension! Ever since theappearance of Virtua fighter in the arcades, garners have been wondering "What if Street fighter was rendered in the same style?". Here's where we find out.


htgamHgtniusbehlnd SIrHI Fighter 1 has leamed up with ,ome

of Capcom's finest games designers to brinK the world's most popwar fi8htingB;une~riHintothethird

dimerulon! After ynn of specuJation and wonder· ment. we can finally 5« Ryu and Ken performlnS their Inditional Fireballs and Dngon Punches ·In full)OI Whereas the AM teams took a completely different

dJrtction tolhe gameplay when they devisM Virtua

Fighter, elitedeveJopers Artka are ooncenlrating on maldng the overall fighting exptrien~ similar 10 the establishedSlrffi Fighter, a1beil with all thespectac. ular visuals and brilllant camera angles that distin·

8u !shtheJDfighllnsseme.

Having checked out a very early pre-production ver· sion of Str~t Fighter EX (as Is its current title). we must admit to be very Impres~ with what the tal· ented production team have achi~ The p!)Werof Strte1. Fighler's outr.i~U5 tedlniques is increucd still further with the move into 3D - just imagine Ryu's Hurricane Kick or Chun U's Spinning BlId Kick In full 3D! The pictures dotted around these six Coin,Operated pages should give you $Ome idea of what Arlka have achieved with Street Fighter EX. The looks afe being Improved upon as we speak, but even now, seeing these incredible moves in full 3D is an experience that all SF fans MUST try out for themsctves,

INTRODUCING THE GUARD BREAK I 3D fighting games such as TekJr.en (and the VFl and VF2 to lesserdegrtes) suffered in gameplay terms due to large amounts of block, Ingtating place, Arika have realised that thls lessens the funofthegameandhavc thusinlroducedGuard Break techniques in Street Fighter EX, Uke the Alpha Counters in St reet Fightel Alpha.. these are speciallscd techniquesthatrcquire at least one block of Super Combo energy to successfuUyperform. Once it hits home on your opponent, they are momentarily sta88 eled. allowing you to gain the initiative and attack your foe without worrying about his guard,

THE SUPER COMBOS ARB BACKI First appearing in Super Street fighter 2 Turbo, we can reveal that Super Combos are mostdefinllely sched· uled to appear in 3D1 The farnlliar Super Combo gauge appearson '5Creen and wolks mud! like It does in SFA However, Arlka ten us that there's a new Super Combo

derived feature in Street Fighter EX. What It Is we can't say. However, we will keep you Informed.


CONTROLITI they are in the Street Fighter 2 and Alpha games. Movcmentandblocking are achieved using an eightdired.ionaljoystlck whilst attacks come in the form of punches and kicks of three different5lrengths.Solhe lever plus six button controlaffalrsynony· moUSwithStreetFighter isJust as valid in the new 3D gamel There may have been a temptation to move 10 the more traditlona.l3D fighting game contro!s bul Capcom arehav· ingnoneofll · and rightly sol

CHARACTER PROPItES At this stage in development, we can reveal that there are eight controllablc characters in the 51reetfighting roster. Rather than just use a bunch of existing Street Fighters or pulling other characters flom Capcom·s rich games history (as in the Alpha games). developers

CapcomhntlucclSlfullymani,dth, Ipectuular3DlngllllftdmOWtlllentoftht

YlrtuFlpt.rAl'ielwit.tIllI'llBllIPt pbpbililJ 11 till Inrd-wi •• lqStl"ltt fl&llt.r20 "'-. fIM'Stl'lltflpterEl,It'I •• it.lllemU., tOIlOl.t"tCa~""09I"fOl'ClIun lI'IOIilinal ,,"a~dlU"'-_lmftltec.­

ftlques(btlow),emphulslnshtr l hnr Iplld.nductptkHIal ·IiIIIJ,W'RI.'twalt


IUpeM.U" M pIIlBl. MtfI"ect... )'II1I CII.",on tb.Krllnlllol.lurI"'I)Undll. thiICllptIOll. If.Hnllt.ty.CIIMDf .... ~'­ t.rH ..... ti_iIItllnl,M:tlr'n.l" plrf_ "I trl. . .rt NadokN nrlbaNtKII.iqlllMSbllocMuia (alwft) wIIIlll la.l!tf mts fro" 11

attackhtR I.", challeager (Itft).

~ SEG.~ SAfuRN

Arika have chosen four of the mO$t popuar chOilfiicters from Str~ Fighter 1 and created four new ones spedfia1ly for this exciting new 3D game! Expect to see fuller chafiicter descnptloru and a gripping new StrffiFighterstorylineappeartng$OOnl JrfU • .. I'llstak....rytlWlloalll.yfttbl .. The fighting expert who still alms forme top.

JaN· "J'll ah_JOVolII.ytrv..potOll.tialI" Ryu'seternalrival Q(UJf U · "Tb_lop won't'" ill.atl" The Interpol Drug Investigation Agent.

ZAJrfGIU · "Tlu RN t:ydoao b Ia4ottn1rti11lol" The strongest wrestle r In Russia. SKUUOM.UfIA. "rill. tb. d.f.Mn of worleljuatic.l"

The superhuman fighting.manla hero. JUUlJM I'UUfA · "ChalloIlJlal 111.. to. tip.t b 1,ooo, too _ I" An Arabian muhi·milliol\.Oilire's gfiinddaughter. DOC:TllDlI DAJUl· " UJOVo doa't .....' to ell., cloa't

tip.t wiUa mol" A professional kilkrh"om Oil special aS5a5sinatlon

",,,,,,,HOKUTO . " will tutln yoallk. the cl!.enybloa~ml "

Uses Kobujutsu that Is descended from the Sushin fighting style.

Y,tlmlrt letlo.ff1NlllftlllOtlnUallybrllllantSlmIFlgIIttr U! 1H ~nf1RI,lIed playtr Mltel KrtItI !tl)p) ftlt~rtl rtldtndhtadiIHtlofUNlStrtttFlpttttplntlMprGIIIlMof t.. lIIOrteJtal1lctt.... On t"potdlrtetlJllMM,tHponrof ZIIl&i" It ~I.ariyrrldut - ul,.' • .tdrlfTPIYI I"prkt!

Altllolllh lmed 0/1 real riglltlnl art •• maybe Stre.t Flpltr hu relalned itl popularil~ throup Ih'YllrsllLankstotlleoutI1lPOUSllltureorth"p'cl.IIIIO'ftIIRth' p!II •. ftlrdmlo,ers Arika IIIe chlle....u to IIIlt. th.u 1110\'" loot HeeptlOlal. I_m diMension. nls Iw poHd H •• "..... - . 3D p_ on•• rtly .. lllpar-rulis. 10 •• StlM, U J1MI Cl. SIt r..... h.', DrlgOII ~ (below). Alib."..r b ka" ""'"" triliutly!

.=-== •• =-- -


,- "'''':-' .,. ~

. .



IoI_ R~la.dltllartprtMRti.lh


Strttt flptllf' U. (I••pI.. tl IN tor_'I Itapl. lech'lc!an Irt Pow. i, IIIIM pictUrtl. lite lbh!uitOllI 0ra&H Punch Ulrt) and till power ofl~. nrtblJi Irtinfulilfflct(beiltW).

19 lclolrlr.



Full-OR tt~lIll'td hud .hotlart uMd !loth Dn thl playlrullct llldn&lrtmltt~-Up hlllitf I. 30 ••? Who'd h... utrlbOlPlil1A11dwllll'ItkltOll

KttU' (11ft).

.11.1"11 _ WMlct.MI.., 'Q)'?


_ _ .7(1; _



-:,- - ," -:: ~ • . ) ~ t' ;




~~: . __ , '!!n'T1'

Uclolllr. +"i;"''''~1


1 ~ 73





~"" WIN~

TOMB RAIDER BY: CORE,PRICE: l49.99. RATIN G: gl" When (orel)eslgn putthei • .,1I Inloil

piltience for it . Still,this is the only drawbilck on what isusllythe best game releilSed this month. Check it out.

fOfmilt iIS just abou t every othe r eumpie oflhe genre. There's the ume viewpolllt behilld the biltter. th esilme swi tch to iI big field view whe ll the billl is hil illld pretly much the u me cOlltrol method. Now Ihilt _'re 011 the )l-bit systemsthough,everythlllgisdolle wlthtrxt uredpolygOll sto milkethe wholepackilgethiltmuchmoretovely illldrulistic.


ilndrullsmthiltilctuallymilkesthls worlhchecking it ... If you 're into base-


g'me, thatyou 'relnfOf something

speciaL Such is the cOlIse with Tomb exploroationildventure same withhodloOlldsof action/!'Iementsadded Inl othe mix.

From Just about every perspectiye, the game Is a winner. Core have successfullym~atedoneofthemostlush,

det,liled]Denvllonmentsl!'Yerbeheld In Oil videogilme (just behind NiGHTS,

but more Intefilctlve). Despite the detail-lad en leidure maps, Ihe frame ,.,te is pretty good and Ih eovtrall Impression isof"n Inc,ediblygood· looking801me. Adding to the good imprenions b the antics of the m .. ln characler herself. lar .. Croflmustbeoneofthemost~rSil·

BV: VIRGIN, PRICE: 139.99, RATING: 71% Shiny Produetion,eameto th tfore on thtM t gadrivt with therelea'tof the brfl1 lC1 nt Earthworm lfm - a ear· toon platformt r that too" animation

tontwltvtboftKetlltnet. Thi.was bettertd only by (rtady yourstlf for Cl surprlst) Earthworm lim 1, whieh toolrthtbo,feformCltClndaddtdtoit with 0 number oftKeellent little subgames. Unfortuna tely, whot w.u some· billl gilmes. Obviously Ihe programmers thing ofan eJJtntialputehaltOn hilverullypulthemsel~soutinmik­ Illg whilt Is ptobablythe bestbilsebilll the Mtgadr/ve fall, far .hort with gilmeeve,.Justilboute~rycollceivilble the lofty standa rds stt by the Sega Sa,urn .1t', d 1ffieu/ttopln option Is inclu dtd ,thegriphks ilrejust ilboutilsilceils they'regoingtogetilnd poln'tKattlywhg'i'if gbout Earthworm Ilm 1 the whole th ing is eKtremely profes· .....;..,.,. . . . . . . . sionill. In fact, the only thing not in its filvour is the filct thilt it's iI bilsebilllgilmeilndhowe~r

much you like the sporl,youJust , ilvoidthefilctthiltthesporl ISil pretty limited i ffiir. Stlll, ;, " , ' " "ft.. this sort (and



tM innovatiYeshooting system. Emphilslslngthepunlingadventure oYe,the .. ctlon, Tomb Rillder Is iI p,ettylilid bilcktypeofgilme, tt kind of reminds me of P,ince of Persiil but In3D with filr more todo, Just ilbout its only drilwbilckis, like In Prince of Perslil, there'sil noticuble -lilgtime" between ent ering iI commilnd ilnd h.vinguril dolton·screen.ttungetinfurliltlngly f,ustriltingifyouhaven'tgotthe


Its own, 'im ply be eau,t the whole conctp' of a 1D platform game su m, havr evaded the vas' majority of Saturn devtloptrs out thert. Whtnpu,h comes to , hove, tht problemmustbttha'gamtslilre ,hlsju,tdon'thavtthenectssary sophfsticationond "wow"faclorto succttdonthtJ1-bitformat. Whot was a great l6-bft gam t dotSn 'I necessarilycutthtmustatdontht


WORLD SERIES BASEBALL 2 BV: SfGA, PRICE: 139.99, RATING: 87''' Ifthele'sonethingthillunbeguilriln· teed when it comes to bilsebilll gimes, it's this: In concept,ifnot rxt<ution. they're illI the bloody silmel Wotld Series Basebilll 1 follows the ume bilSic

Tht quolity of sport, ,Im u/otlon, oneof th emoinreason,whythe MtgodriYt trounced tht Suptr HES In terms of sole,. Although 'he quality of Jojtworehosbtoe n,omewhathlt-and· mlu when It comt' to lport, ,Im, on Saturn, therthavebten ontorl\llo fruly tlletptional ,porting relea,n on fhtn_Segamaehintlnth~laltcou­

pie of months. Tht first was Sega WorldWide Socetr. Thtsecond is this,

AduaGolf· Gremlin ore pretty Imart coo"les and what theyhavr done wi,h this

partinrlar title is moslnrnnlng indud. /ustllboutevtryonelrnolVJ' that PGA Tour Golf /1 the belt-playing ellomple of the genre, ye,' W~/1 what the Sheffield-bClnd publisher hal done Is to 'olre tht N,1e PGA gameplay, ,pruetitupabltandintroducesome absolut~IYltunnin9J1·bitg,aphl".

Wla"implea,thatrtally. In term, of golfing limu/at/om, thfsfsbyfarandawoythebtstthfng you ean get for the Saturn. The gllmeplay Is bang on, 'ht vbuals are ,uptrb and the atmoJphtre (oided by th~ PeltrAIIII commtn,ory) can't bt btaten. lfyou 'rt In the marlre'fora golf game, thi, I, Ihegreatest. Period.


BY: Ne , PRICE: £39.99, RATING: 85% ImpactRilcingfirslappeaf~ontht PlilySliltionsever~ tmonthsilgOilnd

tt<elvtdvilrlousdt<entreviewslnthe milgnines, ilnd we suspect thil l much the silmewill hilppen now thilt the gilmeisoutontheSilturn. Impi ctRaclngtikestheilver~ge

3DteKtured polygon rOildrilcerilnd ildds in huge lilShlngs ofilutomobile destruction ~syoucompletefourlilpsof

the four milln coulses. tt 'S th i t simple rully. To stay In the game you rully need to dish out the destruction on your rOild ·filringpill s, is this enablts you to opglilde YOUt weilponrywhlch furlhenyoulchilnceofstilyinginthe gilme. The only thing wrong with this gilme is the Iilck ofvilriety. This manlfesb itself In the gilme pl ay, which illthoughenjOYilbleisprettySilmtyi lld ill!.O in the different courses. There's onlyfourdifferenttracks,ilndyouhiVl! torilcethemoverindoveragalnlnvilrlous colour schemes the further you get Into the gilme. other thiln that though,fillrly Intriguing stuff.

1f)'OU'vesprnt £150 on.lln MPEG urd. Ih.ll W bt1: th.lll)'OU ~lrtady~.lI \!Cl! ,n )'OUr house ThtfrlorI:" VIdeo CO would be expected to fulfil certa,n cnt.erlOl bdort counting rtwIf ~ 01 'oA.lIbIe purchOlse t1 shouldn't C(Kt much more th.lln 01 video, the CfWIlltyoftherecordlnsshouldbe.lltle"stl.lpto stre.llm WIth thlt of the t.llpt' And you shol.lld be "bletosklpto)'OUrfavountebrtseuilySothOlfs one ofttle crrterl.ll sorted. The first two. ~r. ,,~'t $(IfullywtlSfied.lnfact.. they .. ~·t wtlS' fItd at .. Il GIven thit thIS compilation OIppe.llred on VIdeo last ye,r. Ioolllng better .. net c.ost.1nS less ¥f'J PS8 fan worth tMlr ",It would OIlreOldy h_ Ft 1t.1f)'OU "-n't, buytheVid

Jelly 11011 Morton w"s. ...,.,.rently. some

~ $(I groovy Is our SWInging cbddio ",~"""",.""''''M~' of ,,,,,","' haw recorded their own tnbute. Just u I wu

IootII'IfI forward to some ~screectllns cNse .lICtIon wtttIII055 Hog I WM shocbd to dIscovtr not" hint of the ~I 1ft .. utomobIle In tight InfKt.havtna,.edbMlythe'Oukesof [)IxlNnd M ..II portly sentJemen tortl.lnns muslc.allnsttumrnts "nd looking sweilty And no stsn of the pouting o.l5y Duke erthel. hh WNit .. SWlUIe-. If you·re .. m.lljor h.lIrdcore jiillz Q" thr!e', 01 tiny chilrKe you might be interest· ed In Ihl, IKklustre live petfO"Nnct ;.;.;;tI~";'#,~






DAl1OtU.llSA DEfCOll5



nurse ket>pingJ.lIrnesC.un locked up rn her Win try shack James (;lOin IS on ftMm .. ~ the wtltet 100kedup<nthesh;l(kofloonynun.euthy Bates. For those few of you wnodldnt see rt on the teHy. th,s 's 01 snpp'"i thnller type th"8 wIttI wme good Ktlng OInd WI~ nduc "i bruU It)!.

Whoever thought Ih.llt ~t;l(hutlngl.m~",,::,~""'::"~~.,~:=::;::::~;: ducersofOropZooe{"ndTermrYIl'v'e lone 5. p.lIrtt<ulOlrty preposteroul movie wtth. frOlnklyappall"g pIot"ndxt"g badenoupto propel tl'le Thunderblrds Into GItIfud temtofy. Sn pc-sgrvesOlperforrNnceseotmlfl8lyon AutoPi vI wtllle bold guyGIf)" Iklsey.arnost \ot'etn50tobe~focty.ngh'exceIenlLethlI


WeOlpon turn Not evefl worth h on \/Id wOItdlmg on Sky!. Drop ZOnes one redefm"'l fOlctOI 'l the OImaz,ng qu" rty ofthe' ludkM4deo fOI once. MPEG hvt5 uplO Its cI,imsClfbelna beltellhOlnVHS



5tephenKlng. IIght. I doesn't mean hecanwntevery~1 In' themosthom"'.".... .,.·._.. ~ 10 S'ow hiS trOiS" moustOlche OInd form" boind With John Mdnroe Misery. OIptly titled. is hiS storyOlboulsomeblokef.lllhngoffOlro.lld,nd gettlOg b.. ndasedby.llcmyl,dy And It's not

.£«.99 £3UI .£«.. £21." .£«.99 .£44.99 £29.19 .£49.99 £39.99 £39.99 £3U9 £39.99 £39.99 £29.99 .£41.91 .£44.99 £39.99 £39.99 £39.99 .£«.99 .£«,99 £39.99 .£.49.. .£44.99 £39.91 £39.99 £39.99


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Atth',theOOO'ro./tct I'tIQ.lnl llIUptr to~ MtI'tt Irrllr, Till COIIIlUYCOIIldtlllnmrythlllllllH1 I'" JIlII, lit t .... IkJ'~ un to UI

t thl!' Tokyo Gaml!' Show In Augult, Takalil (thl!'Y of TOlhlndl!'n faml!') rl!'ll!'ud Ihl!' firsl news of their malt top l etret of projl!'ctl' ODD, Although thl!' naml!' of thl!' gaml!' was Il!'vuled, nolhlng man WIS mlde obvloul - even thegamegenleremalnedll!'creU However, over the course of time it became known thlt ODD Is a true next generation)O fighting game, tar removed from the Vlrtua Flghtl!'rs and Tekkens,.. and indel!'d the Toshindl!'nsofthl!' world_ Takarastillhaven'\ released any actual s"eens hots of the game, but insiders from )a.panese magazines Saturn Fan and Sega Saturn Magazine ale reporting that this is a Vl!'ry hot tlllt - truly ant to watch out for. Gamt featu res include side-steps and spin-turns (building on what AM2 havt achitvtd with VF)), plus tlue interactive with tht backgrounds. You can jump off walls, ceilings and launchsurprlst counter attacks on your opponentl Every stage ha.s a different lay-out to learn and exploit. TabIa have Invested heavily in this game, going for super-realistic motion capture, brilliant CG intros and, and from a.llaccounts, this should be one heck of a game. The sc reenshots on this page show the Intro only unfortunately, but we should have some ace shots maybe In ) time for the nut Issue_ Fingers crossed eh' 000,01 D-XHIRD a.s It ma.y ~ (the "X· comes from the Egyptian letter which lepres!!'nts "T" so it should be \ read D-THIRO, with the three Os being the three destini es),ls duefora lapanese release in Spring, 1991


Dear Newsagent, InmyYiew,5aaSATlItNMAGAZllElsthe&reatastmonthty Plillcationln the world and lwantyau-ps YOU ·toputlt uide forllMlon ImontNybasls.,lnCUlthey'rt lI.talen.OrbougtlL OrabOJctedbyaiensorlOflletil&.



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lICIt lacG.$Idarablt 1&0 dlllUl-ul btftllll tIllOOO.rq/ect, llId thitlllCludeslOlnlto III t •• ltRiths ofMttl",g~. Motion Capt~1'I .tlldl•• tlltlrll.,rr.TlHIMOtiol-MuItlNCOMpv!'1'I IOItlM_...tltft....... PoI&NJIIII""".1Id 1' t....cmlM.t. 01 CIMIptll, rl'lndll'ld chI1lCIII'I. lntrtpin"

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