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COVER STORIES _ _ _ _ __





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hUJaa... Guy Man", KeJ.u. D_~ J.~""'"

COIN · OPERATED _ We kick off the mag WIth what must be ooe or the most Ion!! awaited ofVldeogames. Yes, Capcom have finally seen mlo release shots and artwork of Street Fighter 3! Yes, it'slrue. It'soot a triCk or an iIIusiOO . it's here!

St.ffW"tft 1.MllloHO. Cofotflbutot> Go ....


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Ult £33.00 Alnna~ Europe £46.00 Airmail ZOM 1 £73.00 EiT'll £46.00. These rates include postage and

SUBSCRIPTION / BACK ISSUES ENQUIRIES Saga SitUI'll SUbscriJItiolts, Sovereign Park, LeICester LE87 4PA. LE16 9EF. Phone (01858) 435350


REVIEWS _ _ _ __



Here it is... 16 pages of Cheats coveringjust

about every Sarum game in the WOI1d. Well, in the UK at least. It's just the thing to stop you guys 'phoning us up asking for tips. As if. Still, you can't get better than this. And if you can, we want to know about it.

TOMB RAIDER In the slot occupied by COin-Operated we have ... more tipS! We've had hodJoads of calls about Tomb Raider and since WE CAN'T TAKE TIPS CAllS we decided to do the next best thing-reveal huge amounts of puzzle soIu-

lions to this most awesome of videogames.

I ~:;ta':: ;/lgt~lr::;O:~~h:i~l:a~;~~~I~ tS~~f~eUd~.~~e~I~~;~h~~~ e~( e pt

us fools working overtime to get this mag out so we can

then go offfo, our hols. We could have fin ished ontht Friday... Yes, we could havt. But then you 'd havehada rl.lshed magazine

with loads of

m ista~es

and hast ily written ilnd designed non·

sense. Andwewon · ;J t . So l n s teadyou8ettheb~t

t ips future in Ihe world· ever l And the BEST fighters MegaMix showcue imas inable. Plus. when we gal back to the office after my blrlhdayd,mk on Friday night, IOllds of pics of Street Fighter 3 were wa itins for us. And they'le right hel!!. It'sfairtosaythat th e SSM lads (well , me and Dilvt: any W,1y) arc completely knad f'rf'dnthispo int,sowehope youappreclateth lsfinestof issues. And if you don 't ... well. to hell withyoul " , on" ndl,tm'II"p,llchl..db,U, r, ldlto,.


FINALLY! STREEl fs the game we've been waiting over four years for. A game . urrounded by controversy, speculation and rumour. It also happens to be th e game on which Capcom are pinning their futu re on. StreetFlghter3lsallsettobereleased.probablyrnFebruaryl997Thecrack development team rnJapan are currenlly puttrng the finrshrng touches t othe fmill arcade code and the game should be on test m the .ircades shortly SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE recommends that Londoners keep an eye on the Casino .ircade next to Goodge Street tube station Hlstoncally. every major Capc:om rele.isehas becn play tested ilt this spot up to two months before It was released. sothat"s the place to be Any road up. enough secrets of the t rade. on with the game andrndeed t he screenshots, Letsjustsay that you'regornstoenjoy this


BASIC STRUCTURE Thebas,cideaofSlreetFlghter3Isn'llhalfafremovedfromSF2'ilfter all. t hat gamesetthestandardforfighlrnggamesTheconcept ofweanngenergybars down through normill ilnd sptClal te<hnrques has remained In effect nght up untllVlrtua Fighter 31Th.;it's slllI the basIC Idea m Street Fighter 3 Everyth,ng else on lOp of the fundamentals has becn completely redesign ed The b.;ickgfounds are now far mOle ImpressIVe than rn Alpha 2 Thanks 10 the power of the new (PS-Ill .;irude oo.ird on which Street Fighter 3 runs. the boldgrounds now scroll vertICally as well as horizontally (come to thrnk of It. t he Marvel(PS-1I games did this. but the effe<t is fa r more ImpresslYe rn SF3) On top of the characters' basIC movemen ts. (apcom have atso rncluded a dash command (presumilbly forward or backwards twice), Again, (apc:om have experimented Wit h t hiS rn the Marvelsa mes. bu t t his is t he first lime t hat th e Sf selleshasseenth,s


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TN dlulc: Strttt fi&tlttr eGIIfl"OlltltitJ lie"

u h . tal n .. Sf .ultr IJII.

Looking atlhe new character deslsns rn these screenshots doesn-t really do them Justice Yes you Ciln see that the f'ghters are bigger and more deulled than ever before, but you really haYe to see Ihem mCM! to a step up the (PS-Ill board prOVides the g.imer SNII( went some way to Improvrng on the bils;c 20 flghtmg game set-up With the superbly animated (though gameplay-flawed) Art of Fighting 3. but those chalacters look distinctly je. ky and poor when compared to (apcom's achievements wi t h St reet Fighter III

Sl,Iper (ombos are no longer a part of the Stree t Fi ghte r series Instead we have what (apcom a recalllngSuptr-Arls,Wehaven"1 been able toconfi fm t hisye t.but II would appear tha t on the character select you choose whICh Suptr-Art you whlchlouselnlhesame This then appea.§ as a above your ener8Y ba r during the game plOper As 10 what Super-Arts are available Well. we're sure tha t some of the sc.eenshot§ on these pages should reveal some of the spectilcular mCM!S on offer_

I~ ~I


are out aod in come the blcckins techniques. which perlormthe

same kind offunction (reversing an enemy's attack} but have been refm ed to make them key techniques Irl the battles ahead. Like Alpha Counters (and u nlike the rever· S.lls m V,rtlla Fighter) the blocking attacks can counter any klfld ofst flkeonyourper· son be It from a high,IOWOfJumplfl8 str,ke. Special m<.l\leScan be reversed loo

We haven't got a good ,dea as to how these blocking t echniques are ms!,gated at this t,me, butCapcom have described the moves ils "high n sk,high return". Obviously using one of these moves is a gamble· If It pays 0 ff,YOll're treated to some awesome graphics (ilnd Obviously your opponent su ffersadam·

aging blowl but should your gambil fail,you're p.esumably left ope nloadevastat· mgcou nter-strike



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Ibuki unle~shu Ihl power of Ihl nil\l.l on nlW" com.r AllI . you c~. M., Ih. conflqn,lions on Krtenart.olhinglllortofljllcluular. Aadlhal'linlllill shol!Hlnnodoybtlhll

As menllollld elsewhere, Clpc:om han not re,uled so mueh about som. of the charlc" tlrsjwl'll huldltallslOOn though, p.rGmIM' althoughltwouldlp.peartbatn.wcomer llecr1I IsabletoslnklatM,ererlnll,klndoflite OhalslmfromStrtetflgilter2.

YUN AND YANG Two brothers. t.alned InlheartsofChineseKempo.Yunand Yangareorigma Hong Kong Thei.pare ntssphtupwhentheb.oth· erswereveryyoungandsmce then Ihey have been based at thelf grand· pare nh' groce ry. As thelf fighting prowess has incre ased.thelf part of Shanghai has slowly become "thelf ma nor " and they are only too happy to defend ,I Aside fromsubtle dlffe.ences. Yun and Yang are essenllally Ihe same character · justd ifferentforlPilnd2P s,des of the cabmet

DUDLEY Despite the name. Dudley is


WHOAHETHEI£WCItARACTBIS? At t ketimeofgoingloprHs, Clp«>m had only revealed the details ofsix of the St.eet Fighte.)characters. What you should be aware of Is that just like St.eet Fighter z, only Ryuandkenhavesurvived t hernow: across 1o Ihe new game. Unlike Alpha,SF3isactuallysetaf\ in SFz, with older, even more (ontidenl versions of these characters. Opcom illso wish to point out that sinceSh,both Ryu and Ken hilve evolved in different directions, meaning th at they are a Iotdiffe.ent in terms of style as opposed to tne mo.e subtle diffe.ences in SFland ib firstcOlJpleofsequels_ Note Ihat only six (haracte. bios havebeen.eleasedto dale. Details onothe.characters(Sean,Elena, NKro and their chums) will be inlhe nexteditionofSSM.


RYU ln the tIme spent smce the last SlreetFighle.toufflilment .lI:yu IS 51111 m pu rsultoflhelrueessenceoffighllng Obsessed WI th this. he hilsspent all of hlsllmetra,nmg.s treamilnmghlstech· niquelomakehim t heperfectfightmg machme.Hisba5emovesa resheer shotohn karale, although he has aug · menledthemwllhoflglnallechnlques Unlike Ken who has favou red flashIer stflkes.lI:yugoes forto·the ·point attach lI:yu and Kens' dIfferences go beyond thei r figh ting. since the days of SFl. the ir ffle ndshlp has soured

actual ly a Bn tlsh comba tan t who has distinguished himselfr:Y-Jer the years m athletiCS. Dud ley" falhe •. alsoapmea lhlelehasmouldedand shapedhis life,bulsincehisdad'sfal l from grace, he has pt'rseveredto restore some sheen lothe family na me by becomIng a heavyweig hl boxer Although apparently sma ll fo. a boxe •. Dudley ma kes up for it wIth speed and nea r-pe rfect technique Certainly. some of his mr:Y-JeS look extremely powe rful indeed

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ALEX from the east coast of the states Ale~isyoung,hot-bloodtdflghttrfrom

In a verysmall,lnSlgnlflCantvlllagt.In actual fact, Illsththomtfor a stcret nlnjatralnlngoperatlonwhlchwas established In theStnsoku perrooof civllunrestlnlapanesehlstorylbuklis anawesomefighter,havrngbten Iralntdsrn(e nursery school Inthe flghtlngarts·speclficallyastyhsednlnJllSu DespI te thIS, she IS In many ways SImilar to othtr Japantse schoolguls wlthlheobhsatoryg"hecrushtson Japantstpop Slars'

Manhattan. As a small boy. Ale~ was orphantd,ltavlnghlmlnthecarofhls father"sbestfflend,Tom.Ralslnghlmas hIS own, Tom trained Ale~ in milItary marllalarts technrquesas befits one who was onct tht leading fighting Instructolfor thtUS army. One day. however, Tom IS soundly defeated bya mysteflous man. Determrned to track downthlsflghttr,Alt~setsoff Asa flghter.Ale~lscharacteflsed by e~tremespeedandstrength

the UnltedStateswlthh,swlfe Ehza (whom he marfled In thetnd-Kquence ofSF2) and they have a three·ytar-old chlld,Mel Howtl/t!r. he IS concerned about hlslapsedfflendshlpwlth Ryu and has promlstd EI,zathat he Intends to rectIfy thIs sItuatIon byenteflngthe latest Street FIghter tournament AlthouSh In many ways Ken hassenled down In hfe, hIs SpUlt remains as It was In hIS youth. resultIng In a farmo.e spectacular-lookmg flghtmg style than I!)-u He's countIng on hlst~pellen(e

So it's the end of1996, getting on for a full two years since the Saturn was first released in Japan with only a briUiant conversion of Virtua Fighter going for it Since those earty days, the Saturn has seen some incredible gaming moments· and curiously enough just about an of them have come about in 1996. Here's something of a litUeloollback over this most tumultuous of yeBl'S.JANUARY



YF2 and Saga Rally Redefine Saturn Gaming!

Psygnosis Strike on Saturn!

Sonic Team Reveal NiGHTS!

The promise of so-called "killer-app· software fa iled t o materialise the December before (the cfucial

AS the Saturn put up w, t h the gamlflg affront that was Johnny Bazookatone. SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE scooped the cosmos by reveal ing the first shots of

Panzer Dragoon Zwei hit the shop-s and Team

Christmas selling season} and rather belatedly, the t wo games the Silturn really needed finallyamved The most commercially successful was the

awesomeSegaRally,whichfinallyappearedatthe end of the mont h. RU flnlngat 30 frames per second with two -player modes plus some incred,blegraph iCS, it remains a gam'ns staple for the Saturn -owning communi ty (and is enhanced over t he rUSh-release

us version}. Agame that still hasn't been su rpassed Less successful but st ill stunnmgwasVir t ua

Wlptou t on t heSaturnlPsygnosishaddltchedtheir PlaySta t ,onexcluslv,tyshenamgansandbrought t helf greatest game to the Sega machme. And well, It wasn't as good But for Sega It was good enough, Hmmm Rev,ews-wlse we did prett y well. Purzling fans had Baku BakuAnimal to thrill over and we also reviewedX·Men Children of the Atom

Fighter 2 Running at the same speed as theiHcade game but with a HIGHER resolution, this remains

which remamsan unspeakably excellent fight,ng frenzy (shame

the Saturn's fines t availab le officially

(but IS better in terms of gameplay).butthat doesn-tcountbecauselt isn't out yet


Panzer Dragoon lwei Revealed! After the highs of January came the lows of t his part lcularmonth.NothingreallystoodoutforSahHn owners on t he shelves, although the lovely lads and lasses of SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE attempted to drum up some excitement by showing the first shots of Panzer Dragoon Zwei. It didn't look so different to thefirstgame,but t hen,wehadn'tseentheflfl~I,

amazing game! In Japan, Sat<.lrn ownersfina llygota link-up cable (which we're sti li waltmg forl plus Hitachi announced plans for a portable Saturn (with a mlfll· TV stud in the cart slotll. The arcades, often the basis for many Saturn t itles, were waiting for Manx n SuperBike-thela t estgame toissueforthfromthe same arcade labs that brought usSega Rally Championship RevieWS-Wise things were most sad indeed,wlthWorms being the top-rated gamelObviously, revlews-wlse,thlflgs werepre ttydespe.atel B<.ltremember, the pub· lishers were st ili moving over from 16·b,t


first Sat urn ep'c! Graphics had never looked socoolon the Sat<.lrn and the Soni(Team had mat ched it wit h st unnmggameplay_ and that was With two mont hs' worthofcodingtogo. In theshop-s,Eu rog6finallyappearedtotieinw,th theeverrtThegamesoklalotofSaturnsandwasn'ttoo bad,a tt hoogh 1\ has to be said that the press probably went way too over-the-top onthegameatthet,me, with Sega trying to keep a lidonan import t itle

about the PAL version thoughl.ltlsashame

released game It got gB% in Saturn Magand It was worth ew!ryone of t hem. In fact, It'S only been surpassed by Fighters MegaMlx, which isn't full hi-res

And romeda had done wonders. To this day, there's very little software {even on N64) t ha t holds a candle g ra phically to th,s wondergame, but Somc Team could well have t rumped itastheyfinallyrevealed NiGHTS - their

called VICtO!)'GoaI '96 ... In another blow to the man on the street.

that you guys had to wa'tmonthsforltto appear on the shelvesD'oh!lndeed

Vlrglfldecidednotto release t he fully finished NightWarriors; DarkStal kers' Revenge, It


Loads of Games - None of Them Here! Again,somethmgofagamlflgdraughtwhKh explamed the KingofFlghters 9S cover (the only nonrendered one we've ever donel. AMl revealed t heir firstdemosofV,rtua Fighter 3,runnmgonthe,ncredi. blypowerful Model 3 ooard along with Virtua fighter Kids (on STN) and AM3's excellent Model J powered last Bronx, whICh was announced for Sa t urn just last month(seeissue:IIS) In terms of home software, MagIC Carpet and Strf1!t F'ghterAlpha did the business, although again mthecaseofthelatter there was a h<.lge delay before the game actually appeared on the shelves l Oouble d'ohl What that basICally meant was that Alpha 2 would materialise in the shops less than six months af\er'tspredecessor We had tons of stuff to look forward to: Panzer 1 was looking awesome and GameArts Gun Groffon was also shapmg up reallywell,but SSM staff had to sympath,se w,th the average Saturn owner on the street Unless they were Importmg software, there was Itttle of ,nterest to buy We could only tantahse you with names like "W'pEout" and "Ult,ma te Mortal Kombat 3" Sure, the Saturn st,1I had some ace games but we just hadtowa lt for some ace new ones to come our way In the meant,me, the key·wordwas s,mply "frustrat ion" We could onlywa't

d'dn't come out until November Why? WHY!


Heart of Darkness: Still Not Here A fine Saturn Magcoverfor Heart of Da rk ness-a socalledSegae~clusive.Unfortunately,evenaslwfl te

thlsthegameisstillindew!lopmen t Weplayeditat the E3 ShoWIfl los Angeles and overheard one maJor software supremo s.ay, "level one. Too k two yea rs to create and ten minutes to fimsh". Apparently it's due for April 1997 now, but this is qUICkly be<:oming a joke of a Sit uation. The game looked absolut ely am az,ng when it was first s'ghted at an ECTS trade show a year or th ree ago. but unless ,t has radically changed from it sslght ong at E3, ,t's gOlflg to be out-dated andout-quaffed by ilS contemporarys.oftware St,II,dass s.oftware of the mont h came from Treasure With the excellent Guardian Heroes and GT Interactive's cooj-,f-you-li ke-Mortal-Kombat Ultimate Mortal Kombat l A fimshed copy of N iGHTS t urned <.lp at the OffKes and amazed all who saw it while more Psygnoslsfodder mat e.ial ised in the form of lemmings 30 and Discworld. Destruction Derby was notable by its absence ... Not surprislflg rea lly, as when it did fi nallyarriveit w asa debacle-far, far worse than WipEout Andyet st ill it so ld



First Cop 2 Demos Emerge! to luly and SfGA SATURN MAGAZIN~ secures yet "IOlhtrfineex(lusM!1n theformofVlrtua Cop 2 AMl'S !'quel WilS first reOJeilled ilt the Los Angele-s f3 In May nd we got to see a more advaoced verSlOn __ and even

J\ th,s tarly stage we were very Impressed The NetLink lnd NIGHTS contro ller were al~ revealed for the first

. me. Other e~cellent software such as (omm,md ilnd Conqver,VlrtuilFlghter

Kids and Exhumed were alsosl'lownoffby.lnghtly p!'oudScgil. With ooty Guard'iln Heroeilmpressinsusasa game you cou ld buy


good to see so much qUilhtysof'twarebeln8

revealed The future was brlghtmdeed,butthe bestwas~to(omel



AM2 Strike Gold Again With Fighting Vipers!

AJpha2 and Tomb Raider Rule!

Sil1esleaptthloughtheroofw,thth,sspectilculaf c~r as we unveiled one of Ihe biggest ~lIts of the ~ason - Fighting VI~rs AM2 con'lOlidated thell pos,.

A stflklng cover for the game of the moment - Street Fighter Alpha 1 Tile best 20 fighllng expeflence ever released,thlswasourfavoufltegilmebyfar.andonce ilgalnCilpcom had supplledSiltvrnowntlSwltha coln-opperftctlonll<lf'Islatlonwhichtrounctd the tqulvaltnt PlayStatlon game DaytonaCCEhltthe$helveSilndmttwlth much controversy Therewils no doubt that graphi· cally It was better Ihan the first Day ton .. , but in terms of g .. mtplay It Wil$ noth,ng hkt the original Orthe .. rc ..degame Still a good game, just notwh .. twew .. nted really. Sega R.. llyslill ruled sSM illso scooped thefirslrevlewofTomb 11.. ,der,whlchperh.. ps weundtr-rated at 92% I'll say this Just once-If you don't own this game, you're a fool Purch .. seltlmmediately l


game LiUle did we reahse that Kant months later thty'd I.mleash the powtr of Flghttrs MegaMlxl With games for review hke V,rtua Fighter I(lds, Ahtn Tnlogy, Space Hulk and Athlete Kings, the Saturn scene was hotllngup.Perhapsgobbllngupthemostofoorpre Ctaus tlmeil! thiS pomtwas Bust-A-M~ 2 tht phenomenally ilmalmg puzzler from Ta,to ilnd Acclium, which earned a gargantuan 93" Alsorevlewedlnth,slssuewasStoryofThorl(a crtdltable 89% thert) along with Olympic Camts, whlchalthoughokaywasneverreleil$td WhiCh made a certain other rilg beheve that SSM hild reviewed the PlilyStiltlon verSion. WhICh we hadn't Th,$wilsillsoa sad month In thilt I1 Wil$ Ihe last Issue of SS M tdlttd by Solm HlCkman. who performed wonders in Iilunchlng the milg In thtflfst plilce StepplnB Into her po$ltlonwils RICh Leadbetter, ex of CVC, Mean MadMtS, Mean Mach,ntSStgil. Segil Milgal,nt olnd Max'mumAf\erilthreeweekholldilyduflng whICh ht got compltttly boredofhlsN64i1ndd'$' covered thtwondtrs of Quakt,R"hwilsanxlOUS togtt back tothe Saturn $ctne(ilndh'$prtproductloncopyofflghtmg Vipers)

Saturn Mag Cilme out In two different forms for Its October issue With CD and without A mlstilke we'll hopefullyneverperformagalnProdUOlonoftht November almost slowed to a standst,lI ased,toflal stilfff,elded phone cillls from dlsgtuntled reilders St,II,lnafrenzyofexcluslYeS,weunve,led DilytonilCCE,StreetflghttrAlphil lilnd Hexen Rainbow Islands surpflsed all With iI gilme dtSlgn that putmanyoftoday'sgilmestoshilme-notbadfora decade old arcade tltlt. Buttht bigges t releastoftht month was ~Ba WorldW,dt Soccer '97 FOIgtt every footbilll gilme you've ever seen, SWWS '97 hild ilnd Shll hils the best gtilphlCS ilndgilmeplily,milg,nilble .. Gremlin manilgtd to Impress Just ilbout everyonew,th iI verSion ofAouaGolfwh'chsur. passed the PlilyStiltlon oflglnill-provlngthat there's Just noexcvsefor poor qUillity ports But,ntherun'upto ChllstmilS,th,sWilSJUst the beginning


Cop 2 Out and Quaie Plans Revealed! The December Saturn Mag sporttd an unfOfgtttable VirtuaCoplcover,supphedbyourfflendsatAM2The game ,lStlf IS a classIC, well worth the 95" awarded Another game almost as good hit tht shelves too Virtuill On. We st,1I h .. dn't revIewed the game at that POint ilnd illol of COpies rem~'ned on the Shelves $imply beciluse they didn't know ilnyth'"8 ilbout itiI Sltuiltlonwe could only recllfy,nthtfoUow,"g i$$ue.Nosuchproblems fOf Virgin'S Commilnd and Conquer, though Thegilme leapt from the $helves (~8"tn despite no revoews)ilndremilins ilnotheressent... lt.tiefor


AM2 MYSTERY GAME REVEALED! Well, .. ~ expected AM2 finally felt' .. sed detai ls on their second Saturnspe<ific title which will be relened in t he January in the wa ke of the epoch·making Fighters MegaMill. But it's not anything likeyollwo ",Id expectl Digihl Dance M ix, sta rr ing Namle Amllfo, is whilt you

might caU a pop video emu lillar. Th e lovely Ms Amura (who is one Japan's biggest st,lIrs) performs two of her grealest hits and Ihepl ilytf 8ets to di rect her video' A Japan only release, Digihl Dane!! Mix is desisned to open up Satu rn loa new audience. With a stnngoftop-ten h,ts to her nameand a large pop fan fol. towing he. name alone could sell thiS 'game', However, the question IS whether a pop fan wOl.lId buy a Saturn just for this 8ame, If not, then would the typICal Saturn user buy this same/Causht between these twoquest,ons is Ihe future of\'tle Saturn's user base The'same'ltself is fairly Simple. Namle Amuro is dancms on a live staSI' to on e of her hitsonss There are presently two to choose from "Chase the chance" and "You're my sunshine Namie'sbeendlsitisedwlthtexturemappedpolysonsandisrunninsinthehishfesolutlonmode so she looks really beau t ifuL With such a s,mpledes,sn they

WIN! AB-UNIV CD! Who are 8·Unlv? Well, If yoU're an AM2 fan, you should Immediately rl'<ognl5e the name as they',e behind Ihe music on some of the arcade firm's greale sthltsl Specifically, they produced the soundtracks 10V,rtua Racing, OutRun ne'S,Vlrtua Fighter and Daytona USA. Smcethen it would appearlhat thelfservlCe shaven't been required which is a damn shame as the Saturn Mag posse wholeheartedly believethatthei,tuneswe,elhebestEVERYeS,lhalinc!udesOaytonaUSA 8·Univ (short for 8aby·Univefs) is the project name for mUSIC produced by Japanese composers Koultl Namiki and Tekenobu Mltsuyoshl,and they'vereleased several successful mUSIc COs m Japan. based on thelf arcade work And we have the best one to give away! 8·Umv'sVirtua Fighlersoundtrack isfran klyb,illianl (better t han Ihe remixed ve,sionon Saturn VF} and you get all the arcad I' tunes plus some spedally arranged music by 8·Unlvinsplfed by the Vlrtua f 'ghte,comopl We have a single COtoglve away, so get YOUf brains m gear now! I, Which remixed VF tune on Saturn sounded NOTHING like the arcade original? 1. What reason can you give for Rich giving away what Is currently his most prized COl Obviously number two isthe most difficult question here Send your responses to I WANT THAT 8·UNIV CO NOT EXCUSES at t he usual address

~ SEG,~ S-4.TURN

should be abletodevotea lot of processor time in getting her movement really smooth You take control as the director. You are able 10 change the camera's view POint through 360 deg'ees,loom in and out, move up and down and generally move the camera whereeveryou like. In add,t,onyou can alter the stase (both design and colou r),change Nami e's and position the backglound dancers (currently only a simple col· of polygons in t he rough shapeofa 20 person) in different places. In The can become a make·believe Top·of·The·Pops producer! is scheduled fora January,elease m Japan al a pflceof28ooYen_lt IS unlikely to be released ou t Side Japan unless they replace Namle w It hanot h· er pop· singer who is famous In the west Even then It may not appeal to Namie has beel'lquoted assaying-This is grea t isn' t il. It's myself whileat the same time II 15n't myself It's a strange feehng bul it'5,e ally fanta5tlCl'llbeabletocheckwhatllook li kenow<laughn" If you're hoping for a European re lease, forget it. Wha t would Sega Europe do-digitise loulsel Now there's a t hought

I~ unlllul

lu'nIJiJ' ~1

For tho SIGA SAT\JlIlIf MAGAZINI_oo, 1997 has bolUD with a r . .olation. liplors MoSaMla • perhaps tho p ••tot, .exiest rid_BUD....~ to appear. Bilsel, better aDd more p!apbl. t.haD Vtrtua lipter :a &Dd FIShllnS Vipers with ,2 flShl ... and huso amounl' of lochn!'1uOl from VJI, Includod loo. It', j11l1 a luto of the brUliaDce SahuD owners CaD expect in 199'7. RICHAJtD LlADBl'n'IIlexplabu. "-10 NmIt to NI.... .,.at fan of -


tect.otou . MWOkc., IMefDiM '


)'OU _ _ it,

" ... pt it, TII..._ l"sfOf my ,.11'11,..100 .IM. I· ... pt. fIIf4.mI ".ySt atlon •• _11 •• the Saturn. Th. thin, k, I .,.nd f.r 11'1_

1111'1. _ cI • • rly

Uon that Sa,. slh•• Uonwhlchhll

Tht Internet Is quIckly becoming a worldwide phenomena. When I firlt started out In journalism, when I nftded to know wmethlng I went out and bought a book or ~tstvtftd with somet"I". until. had lutned It. Not now. The Internet Is vilsl


th.n I "" on the oth.r",.,. TII. (ooMia I, fOf t .,.h.,.lcor.'.m.rsoull.,... ·.llh•• · p.rtia. oulthe ......ncl. I


store of Incredible know led St. Within s«onds you can

a(etu computers across

the globe .. nd flnd Information on ilnytopk,no matter how trivial. If you 're Intertsttd In It, so olre hundrtdl of other net UUlrl with theirowl'l sites. Before futer In 1997. the Saturn', NttUnk equipment will be released. With Its browse, software .and support fOI tmillt ami the newsgroups, the world Is your ~ter. So, there 's no need to shell out ~ Ir~nd fOf ~ multimedlil PC just for nri· surflnl. Thehturn'lklttedouttodoltjustfine. lnf~ct,theonlythlnllc.n possibly see solnl w10nl for the NetUnk Is I I.(k of softw~le Updlt!!. The WorldWide Web In p~rticul~r Is evolvlnl ~t ~ frllhtenlnl r~te ~nd the PC .nd Madntosh softw~re to view the web h~s evolved with It. Segl need to release new


.::::~~ w~ftW~'~"~fO~":;h~',~N;etUnkltlelltonCelyelftokeepltuptospeedwlth the Nets.c:ape of the world. Navlg~tOfs

brlllialKe ~bovt the NetUnk Is the KOpe It has fOf multi· Dayton~ CCE .nd V1rtu~1 On aft! .11 going to support the Internet. And that's JUlt the tip of the keberg.

Imlllnltlonof the mass marllet over and ~bow Seg~ specialise In. On a more sinister note, since PllyStatlon had a h-eadstart In Illel, lOIne developers Just aren't trutlng the Satu,n with respec:t. It's all very well sayln I Alien Trilogy match!! the Sony Bame using half the Saturn's (PU power, but why wasn't It all used to Improve on the orlglnal1 Why have hturn ownerl been subjected to cruel and unusua l puniShment In the form of the horrendous (onverslon of Doom? Why does the Saturn version of a major game appear months Ifter th-e PlayStatlonone1 Even without proper support from the third parties, Saturn iSlolnl to have a hellofayear lnl997andlambothoptlmlslicanducltedabouttheSitturnscene at the moment. But with I bit of effort from everyone, I991 could well belnlabout alrue revolu!lon In laming - with the Salu rn central to this exclUn8 cha nge. FlngeuCtOlsed ...


1~ lnn11U11997 Starts with a BANG! ADIDAS POWER SOCCER hJFlotb' ......t.~ 1110..1 On~ of the

1..__ ....u....n'Strllu.1 HavlIlg been

P1aySlatlon's twost footle Slms IS cunently in development for SatulIl.

In development fo. yeau, $cavenger', fllstSaturnshoote.lsflllallyrudyfm action And about tlme, really ... L .... IWlo.1I1 Thlsfractal·based

dutlllMarch 11.". . Stllfl1 QneofthefilSl



arcade and 1Imulatlon modes, with

some ace moves ··t.lPtioIlMat.riall ShouJd~an

accomplishtdgame, but ronctptuaUy. Sega's WorldWide Socce, '97 ahudy

blasting graptlical festival should finally hl1 the shops inlanuary Just about now. inlact Wo ... n.. W&in Some lltles held In

development hell emerse as gaming



AG ...... roll.a1.d Andrtttl'smort basedon!ndyC~ra<.1lvllies, but 11 wIll be Inlereslmg 10 compare 10 Psygnosls'FI 1$.'tlto..tO. . . .ySt.Uo.l lt"salrudy scoredqune a few decent rf<Viewmarks. so hopes are high for the Saturn game WhIch IS apparentlyfmished nowl

ADot .... 01••1.ySl.llo.. G. .,l Yes Indeedy. Psygnoslsappear toclurong out IhelT catalogue before bnnging us W'pEout~097

to Saturn have always been pre11y good. but we won't know more until the

WluoI',n,De.U Takerontrolofoneof anumberofbattletanksandblowlhe helloutofyourrompelltlon m pursuit of810 ry Too Uttle,Too Let,l How it w,lIrope wnh lWO players remains In doubt Besides.VirtualOn'soulaheadyAndit's

Iw. .tn.talh, ,.ot~l


beats n handsdc:rwn

debacles. Not so Amok. which is well worth the g.o'll. awardM





A C"II PC eo...Hlo .. l EA would

Whu,".nlU WWIo Ih, .. l He's m DleHardTniogyAcoupleofmartlalarts expertsdeputi..,mthisspecurulaI fIghting game ItrMtlof •••• WlthPolno"o1

All TluM.i1m. la O"•• h l Not qUlte each of the DIeHard films gets ,ts own game. a "thnllogy" ,fl may repeat the pun for tht serond month ma row Virt ... Cop Ihl Well DleHa.d tt hlr.e Fad~ toBlack,D,eHarderlSa shootl"ll game DleHard)'sidllvinggame.oddly enough_lust hke the film Yes .holll"'t nu . . Chat Apparentlyyes We mrssedileview

U ... . oI ..... ov.tOOPCT.Il True.lfs due Infebruary andallhough Ifs not

certamly have us think SO This isometric blasting adventure was great tun On Ihe PC and was most sucassfullndeed De I Doted, Doomlafh.,.ul Ifs a totaUy different experience really. but Iherearesomeexcellentgoresequences W, HA .... Wlzao,d We would certainly hope so Crusader was a grut PCtitJeindIs perfect for ronverslon



fromVirtua fighter plus some great heavy duty weapons G... o1 IltaiYetl Yes, but add rocket launchelS and anll-tanl:gun, Plus' II<lttertheend-bosstodealhwithtus owngo!fclubs'


How Good. Is IIJ Ifs BuUfrog's most ambltlousgameyet-controlevery aspect of your own dungeon and butcher good 8uysltkestmkmg hogst Sounds hke ace fun tous looQ A.madol_ Damn light BuUfToS's3Dtechnologyisbloody amazing ThePCv~rs!onlooks absolutelystunmng



examme on page S4

-~'i k( ,~-, , \ ,".....$i) '


'- ~

GRJDBUN TIloPkJlookG.oal_ Wa,tunhlyou seethlsRPGmovelfyouthmk PlaySUtlon Fmal Fantasy looks good checkthisl H_ Good. Is 111 Imagine the~ brilltam. Immense 30 landscapes movm8 about super-smoothly And then tremble at Ihepowe,' It', THAT Good. n , .. l You b<etcha Awesome graphics. sound by LucasFilrn a plotdevelopedove,¥"ars-this game isMA.SSIVE

J .... Wkat b 111 A ~ry "mple 3D maze game,basedonlheperenmalCapture lheFlagstyieofgameplayCouldb<e greal Sim.licity .Ill"t SuU no reVIew ropy fTOmVirgill,rowhoknows,bUlour preview sessIon wIth the game waS enjoyable Wlo • .,WWW._1I1 Scheduled fo. release 'ntheflm quane. of 1997. we should b<e rev,ewmg GndRun In the

INTO THE SHADOWS tDnuGoodl OnSa\Urn'Scil~n8er

Will nu Mak. up '0. Doomt I'!ob<e Software are handlmg the conwrsion chores for GT Intera<.1lve. so It should be pretty damn good Up n ••• With ...1........1 In fasler than Doorn but not In Exhumed tenl toryButlhemonstersAREbetlerand


thispotentlal megagame.but It IS com'ng to Saturn LilI.Wlo • .,I Your guess!sas good is Ours. Suwnger r~lea,e games when they're good and rn.dy to release them So there you go What', n . A1ml 1magine Quake crossed with Sout Edge from the arcades Lotsofexploratlonandsword· slinging.guaranleed


Like n . PC V...1o.1 You b<etcha· almostldenucallnfact_W.likerunnmg Ih~origlnalgameona486PC Agood 486 though




I • , .


. .

__ I

- , , ~ ,,-





. ,,,,.,' , ~....,:




~ ' \-A.

Ilunll:I* ~1 1I0MBERMAN




'\... lIyIAI....,.. ••••I ....' We .~ht you a showcase In ISSUe 1111, but

X.... ml I .. t., DoomT.nll.ryl First Impressions do convry a vrry Doom

H.I.On,b .. '1 Thilh.boIHI.d Yeah akaGryzor KOn.llml·sshootm8flanchl~ blistsonlaSatUtnWlthsomtimazlng

H......·II.I.'•• nlo ••' •••, KonamfsanswertoVlrtuaCop.Crypt


Whal'o lfew' Tht 8ombtu".. n farmw .. pr~tty much.u !reih i~ ewr buttht I.pb~r rruyhtmu bt1trr stLII with T•• • t'Y"nm lndrtdAlongw,th ,,~rdlan


t( S",kenHeltx Lillo WU,1 ...... ctl'r Try a plothne for ,nsunceThtrtSiJo\ofcharictrn,n thegamtwh",hKon.llmlllavebrought t< ,fewe ","Aor Ttylhebdassmusclthud with a Schwanenegger soundahke




T... Do.'1 M ... WIU. C•• I •• _ The tlme;essgimrplay'sprttlymuch unchangtdftompleYlOI.IStXCUlS,ns bulthtVlSuals,lItgleat n.t.... nu, Oddly

10 1111.'1 Doo.. th •• ' Certamly not.




shotgun ptnphelal would bt gltat fOl i Ooompme' "'. AMllol1l.a. n.b Tr. . . .nr



bulbh1l" AllC'l 11

thtDolph.n 1

Prob4tblyno, Crypt Kllltl 15 lots of fun. but vmuaCop IS a compltltlydlffertnt lugut


mA '97


H.Ut.lh.JUa.., ••byI DuktNukem 3D,thelogLcaIIU((eSsoltoDoomlsa (tftfoISatutnttanslallOn,thankstoCT lnttrac:uvt Dola, il' ThtltS a qUHuon UK

What 10 It PI!'s the follow-uptoD. from Jap~n·shlghtst proflltdevelopment hou~ lantr MIll Warp Ifs JUst comt ,ut tn lapan too bol WUI Hap,.......<tly, Entmy

n. G...tHi G.......01 Could bt In Itrmlofdepth and u5eoftheSatu",·s



~tutn,horeirruyf .. ntolnl"lIom


.u.allrIWh••• H .. lt .... ' IA concent, .. ted all theu ~ffortsongelllng tht mass marltt PC and ScnyvefSlons ulla,t 10 11 w • ..o. u.. WaiU At tht umt of w,.t:ng ~teSlillw",ungl0JHthe ;atum venlOn of the gamt I weean' luHyuYinytlung IAf\WIo. •• WIIIT•• Kaowr EAproml5e u... lovelyCDInIl:nefollhtntlltlssut the game ,hould btou, m Ftbruary "'mellme S< thtnwt'llknow

HtfOH thIS m.. kts gtttmg a


". ' ,I.



~ ~; -"'i-: ~




Ocps,sortywtCanlltllyou I Waat nu G..... I Dukt Nukem 3D IS ontofthtootlullT\StoownaF'C hhum~ was good thiS should bt

p.. rtr~ .. I,1UntAllen Tnogy.tyltbla,tel ",.I,H1U Pelhaps Itgotsomudlhy~ In Japiln that In thttndsomtpeoplt weredlsappotnt~ but It's stili a SIJ Id enoughgamt



c ••• r ExactlyThtpr08rammtrsof FIle5tolm' ThundtrHawt 2 unve,l Ihtlr fuIl30Strtt110fRag~slylegamt Kind of hke O.e Hard Al<lIde Ad Whal About Di. Har. Ar. . . ., nun cool u wen and OUI rtal SOOn JudgemtnlFolCtlsntdutunlllSummtl at tht tarhHt. 10 11 shouldbt bt11e, IoT• • ' ....... lt , T.... ' Ctrtatnly~ andllsgcngtobtreallyhot.lIsyou WOUldtxpect !tom the CUfltntly p'plng Cere Expert BIG things fromlhls' ~ , ~-



.... ~Ir.r;~i,~"

\ ?J , .._ .at • .



X.." ..I.....

la 't1' Indeed SNK havtsold tht game for Europtan

LASTBRONX htt •• TIo.aaVJ.r AM3I big ftghtll1g 8amelsverypopula!.bullnadlffelel1t way 10 VF lIs mmt of a Ttkken comptutorrully ••tI WaaIVJll LaS18rO!Ul!,lSt'ithe bnscS<!lurnlogellht)Obdoneandw'lI probably bt stop-gap bttwttn fMgaMul .. ndVFl K_ 0 _ Will 1I h' Thtolliln.lll Mll


wu't'. lfewr SNK have refln~ thtll npwp"'rf«tdyn.llrrucstonrwh"ghls andlntrodu,~ntwltamS Itl'nsa hugt'II, .. Mhll ""'...·111 o.U Kmg of F1shlen 96 11 SNK,b'gJ .. nU"lYgameInJ"p"nDon't npect a UK rtluse thiS yt~r whal With KoF9s oul



no CarU ThIS CD Cirt rombogamrshouldhope1uUyby .. roundlht4"rrulk 8ytheway,tht musIC', Ju.t AMAZING'


btstunmng ","".IIYiowM.ukn•• r Helesthe dlltmma Vf2 III weD worth 98~· STILl BU1FIghltlsMegaMullSJultawholelot


_I •• t ..... Al,u a' Not really but SNKalmthellgamnallhtulnrru!t thlSgimt

What '. tla.Dtla,P ThtlaJ'lnese~IS>On

X•• " . .I..... IA '..,r lnJapan dtflmlelyThelaleslKoFlnslallmtnlls


Wlutt ht ••

powtr thtlts httle to touch this 8enlus pmtJlsJustlNCREDIBI..E lSOUlnow StgaEuroptarttatmgno




wllhJust minor

l~ u#nllnI1997 Starts with a BANG! MARVEl SUPER HEROES




1I'.&'oko,S... olyt No,if.nol actuaUy KonamljOlnthecurrenlretfOtrendwlth

development as we s~ak and wt'U have

Tu.,u...,I SpideyisJOmedbyCaplaln

I H.....·I .... OD. nu ... Mi l t~r B"nHisl$egl$oftrelustfromtht

adollble pack of their notonous

afuU on feature on ttle Salurn game

America, Hulk. the X-Men and mo.\"


I n. ...,1oI1I Wo. A Hoaxl Minx TT IS


H .... U,IM,.pl• • •. "' .... I. In



.ot•• .... " .... M. . .f WeU.lhe

K! .... AI60'.am..... _ ....., Th."it

A M.unl h01U'Jf [f thiS IS JIISt IS clow

eom-ops wtren't hot.. but the currenl

partICUlar rumour IS JuSI that An






anuninlenllonallyhillrioulinlro, whichalsol<>obni«.

IS thit

trus IS runrufljj IIltnr

rumour Manx will




Vt.rt.. G.. U _paln.t., Any software

WUI A~"II.ut.Wllty ' ~g.I fully n~ to mclude more thin the 1WO

tosupponthcgunlswtlcomeand Lethal Enfo,cen might fmda rucheWlth

some!.. n.

tliCksof the ongm;l],r.ofTU.t1erhow good 11 IS

PROJECT OVERKILl. Doo.. b.lfo...lrlcJ.ll' Y"u could say

that Overkill has Doom's level of gore bUI wtth some puule elemcnls added 10 Iheactron ......... CanlIl·. SOT.5....... Uh-hu. you got 11 Thlsls.notherPbYSlatron releasegameoulnowbutsullbernll eodedf"rS;llurn H_GotHIblU AlthoughnotalTlil}Or hit Ihe Playstillon game was Jfl()l;i enJOYOllble.nd we should Wl!kome the

bll •• a.1l,C·lII.holo.U GTJlldyts butnowuyno Segaslilluyyes bpect a maJor announcement sometime soon We.eckonaSeptemberrelust' c.u. n. ht1lZao H ....U."' Ched out Tomb Raider Or Exhumtd and you can IfploperJydone. a Y'tJ$lon IS vtryposslble . .t . . . . .d ..t...1 At1al1l.noeonf1fTNI lronyrt but Sega would rule the loost If a lIame trus BIG IS I.ockedoulofSony's .each Ahah.ihah.ih.i'


el\O\lllh Wkal 11to.1 x · ~. V.nuln It wlD be tnle.~.ttnll I" ~ how (.prom "am two Ma"..,l hc~nst'd relust's InlO IM

It~G •••II

a.U BuIM.lSt~rBonfldeflnlttJyeomH

from the Dirty DwaJVft Khool of glmeplaylt'lcertllnlynollhugeJy e. crUnggame.



So 11 .. C...iJll T. kt .... l Resident Evil

Wh ... WW11 aoOU'nU Scorche r, hke Amok. has bHn In development fOI years and wc sUIl haven't seen a ftmshed,revirwableoopyt T&oduili:a1l)t GI"U Running 1110fps With some alTlilwg detail. Scorc~r to a game loob and feels IIlte.Jy fantastKbul , ..1 WkaU Gameplay always ~n the ISSue nghl from tM beginning How thlSOOmplllH tosay.WlpEout 2097

lonPlaySulLOnlsCaprom'sprlonty,but they say th~lthey"d hkt to doa Saturn vtrslOnat some pornt atler RE2 n ••!ntG.... o..n.......I1 Agirn. Capcomhaventdec,dedCh.incesilca dlfferentqu~<lWlththeREruomeW1ll horn thell wondltllabs Wkat n.&,..... W., "That Iheyd have problems dollll I Saturn versronPelhapssomeoneshouldleU themaboutSGL21


., :





a.ub.I, Wh ••• H .... Y.......1 Titles fr"m the m"stcelebraledofUKdevel

Sowu..lblorlal. H,stoncaIJy. Sure I1 IS, but ElectrOllicArts are beh,nd this one and they tell us that It IS nothlllg short of ace

HI .... At"' ................... l The glmelshl·rt"'l,certIIllJyalthouglltlle flghteniIen·t60frames ldoll'llhlllk so See the review on page 64 Off the top of my hud ,t gets 60" or SO What '. All ThiI VU ••• u. ...l URA 's Uh,lTlilte i1e-vtnge Altack. a Ilrwbrand oflpeclal fTlOYtTmrl have added to thtbaSKgamt _ TOIhI.a ••• TIOII Thaw In the know

super playablhty by all a«ounts More iIOOnrnthlShnemag

leckon 11 IS. although If you reexpecltnll ma)orrevelalJons,don'!lIeltooexclIed

recentty,butthllshouldchanllesoon ••1 Sp.lcal. Wan 11 C.1Ilia1 100.1 A fllstquirterl997releast' d ill goH to planAlTIiIss~PChitthislSluslwhal

A.II".t... " ....1 RHtaSSurN.WIi' uell keen 11 any one to see lhis plImc ull.g~mesokHpyoureyesgluedto


Aa' T. . . .ll.... Tha..

1 Yelh.bec~use

It appelrs Gray Ma!!er lsee Pleriect Wuponluedorngthisg.1mfand they re cool ...... o.tallio.'....l A sllTlpl~sport

',. ...... ..- -




''', "}3


.?-: " . 'to



- ""


~-"., "~

T1uo.D..l.2n ••1 NolreaUy.althougll

tll15 .. tll~otherNeongameflom-­ OcnnApparenttyTllnnelB211goinllto be a sepaJiltegamel 11 loob IU ••• It certainly dotS. th.inb to Neon's fnglM whiCh ahhough PbYStatron-optlmlsed,loobplltltycool onSalUrn Wkat"lI All AIto.11 Whereas TIlMfI Blwlshmitedlotheground.V,per takt"'ltolhesklt"'lforsomeaellileonfla lIullonsliketheo;onebelow



_ ··P~:" D

-- ._' 7!!1' IM''''


~ SEG..o. S ..o.T\JRN

00 JI)



~ I







.ot both•• 0 ••..• Afraid so, As i foUowup toUMK).thlsllamefeatures

MO •• U.,. ..., The'anlleofspolU lIame-s the undisput~ masters of the lIenrt!s)contmues,but they'.esUIl got lots of prove • .dtAf' ieanllythep,esentitlOnof EASportstltlnseemsloNvegone completely~r the top Thepmn are

n . ,..fKtI ••• J Saturn has been lacklnll a Resident Evil style lIame Take RE and add some martial arts aCllon ThIs should bellood Wlo.....m ~rfect Weapon Is the erutlon of Gray Matter run by Chns Gray, theguywhoulIIentrd 80uJder [)ash·agamingdasslC

A.aU Well. this Joob like bemll the final II"me In two ~Ime.tuo", after which W~)ja!Tl$expl0.e 30 for Mortal Kombat4

•• n Welltheactualin-lIameVlsuilb seem a bIt ropey comp;r.'ed. to the SCny NBAlM!will st!Ube llood

.MG·.Cl&o. . . ..u._1 A1thoullh SOny'sllimewasfla.hJer Pandemomum still drd pretty well on PllIyStatlonShouldbegood n .. w..WUt ......u'1 1rm-lIlne Clockwork Knight. but WIth mo.e exallllerl-tlOnon the 3D backg.ounds and \ eortt.oH A." HJU If the ume lSspent uslnllthe Satu,n's cap;r.bllllte-s to theu lImits. this shouldbeacreclluble.eluseThe PlayStaUonmallsa,eravinllOYe,lt





Coaftno•• fOI kllll1lJ No news from Japan. but let's face faCls a Tourinll Ca, conversIOn 's a virtual certarnty fo. Saturn. Hew 0_ Will II . .J Expect a con~.

AKA ....,I..n This snowhoardmll lIame be~n life n a MesadrlVl' ~me that never came out Now EA NW re-surrected the concept bot.... U'larttal....ortJ In actwrl fact.ShlrdFestlsbelnlldevelopedhrsl

J Thil·Sllllht Sovtet Stnke 15 back on schrduleand Should be rn the shops next month If all


••• WUt·.Th1IAllA .... llt' Ryu.Chun·



ch.lracterever WUtllM? WI1Uams promise uS newrnovnforallthecha,acters_~

fatalrtrnandtons ofbackll'oui>d.slo

Jtillkln~ofcool Mlr(


vertlOnt,whkhl,notll·eat. Ho~fulIy



~J Elect.on!CArtsseemqurte

uCltrdahoutthisoneWrthChll5Gray behind it. the bnllrant (albeit honowed) concept shoul~shine


cereb,albattlethlstimemthlsBaku BakucJone"outnowmJa~n

b' .....

HJ.lo,nr••o........, The cieXlemyof)'OU,bJob.arranllinllciete, minn whKh spedals)'OU. on'screen

h01 'bib ,riJ The PlayStallon malll certarnlytlunl: so, althoullh some of the flUldl1yoftheI6-h!!lIamesw.uioslln thenewllame


" gornll to be a ~'Y Imponanlll~me mdet'dfo.S<rturnowne..

follow That

"~"C._.d.,IU ltsanm

......... 0. k.l 'iou c:ould say that.

~'poct......t&r_ Theextladevelop.

A.Itaa4ical'o.C.pc._ _ Punle

house ~lIi project WIth

ahhoullh EApfOnuse us that the

menlllme should mean the





what Road iashoffurd

rev!ew 15 plannedfol neXl month

Fightel's i1ctuilllye~tellent fun. bUildmllonwhatBUuBatuachlevrd 'iou can be Shm Goukr tool




n ••

0. • . It

cenalnly 15 V,r1ua


revo]uUonlsetheSaturn"scapablhUes IW....IItN_I SO~o~ bUlln meantlme lIel your praCIJse In on the unminenlF' aUtheVF1moves C_ A '.ck.U ~wn!l a 10 accelerator can ,S,n the pacUlle, expect Sella to keep the prICe down so everyone upglidn And then we can look fOlWll.d toSupe:rClrand V'rtuaCoPl~lhapsl





'lU!oyHa,nr.·ploJ Daw!'e.'Y"s California based Shiny make their true 12·bltdebutwlththllamazmllloobnll pLatfo,mlllme

c.pco..'•• HI'.11 WellMarvelSupe:. He'ClelandStreetFillhterAlpha2ire just as cool. but fordrfferent rUiIOns Thlslsaflnel'lghtmllllamelhoullh A.aotla ••• I.htia.G.... _ Well.yet but Capo;om haw umoduce-cl team-ups and ext,a ch.lfacters to add funhfl sp1ce

"uU..1 Aa1aatl.o. n

••1 That's

ahoutnllht If you thoullh hrthworm Jlm looked. cooljust waIt until you see th" , It'I 10 and eveythrng A.aoIlo •••lau. . . G..... no.'IiIJ Well yet But ShIny's entrance mtothe world of)O should be mole than worth

WloaIA ..... IM...oryJ W,thfour chilracte",n merno'Y,w.:o fully expect thIs to be the fllst Capcom lIime to use anextramemo'Ycart



I •• Wh.1 10 IIJ Z " from the Bllmap Brothers.eaI1y90sAmill~codtnll

lellend5,rm-U"8theb Saturn debut with this class IItle WUt It 1I1 1rm-lIme a more a/Cadey W'SlOnofComrnan~andConque'Jnd


you'w I'retty much got what thil 11111

.... p«II1 The PC verslOn was ahlt (dnplle beinlllelu~on the lame day as Quake) and we fully upect thlS todo w'Y~ll


V. ".:"

: -


. ..


. . S:=:GA S.~TURN

' 9

SPICIAL TICHNIQUES - HO! Tul' a look at thl' Punll' Fightl'f ~nual and you can II''' that uch charact"f has b~n asslgn~ an intncat" colouf structUfl' Ass"mbl" thIS and you can ~ guarantl'"d that som" UfiSpI'U: abl". puzzll' basl'd !"nor Is bou.nd 10 ~ unJl'ashl'd upon yow opponl'nt Soml' of the an~lilgements ine very to construct oth en qu.itl' dlffirult but fully It all depends on the luck of the draw as the blobs desund All 01 them are pretty easy to TernI'm be, though. so ,kill Is the premlu.m as opposed to SUpI'T memory powen



What's this? Another Die Hard game on the Saturn?Could this bethe wrong game in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or not? Hmm. Well, it's"not" actually. This is one cooool game!






THE SUB GAME Select!n!! the Deep Scan option from the title s.c:reen tues you to an authentic recreation of the Sega coin-op of the same name which dates from 19791 In the game you control a battleship that patrols th e top of the scre!!'n whlle submarines glide beneath at diNe rent speeds and depths. The Idea Is to use your depth ChUgH to destroy as many subs as possible while dodging the mines that the subs se nd floating up toward you. Success Is all down to timing, and though Offp SCan looks simple e n ough it's a sUl'prislngly e nt ertaining game. But Deep Scan is more than some fri pperolU aside Included fo r the benefit of nostalgia fiends. Skilful play here Is rewarded with extra eredih in Die Hard Arcade, so if you're having trouble getting through th e main game you can have a few goes at Deep Scan Hrst, rack up som e ertds and then get stuck Into the fight· ingadion.Prettygood..eh1

-tI; S EG .o.. S .o..TURN

~*'-~ . .; ; :-;y









rc .. dt pur"lte rswhoh .. vt h~dthe mselves plisfll off Virtu~ Fighlel 3 by Ihe big kids flomTht Esl il temaywell hilvefound themselvesse~ted

btforeilless well·

~,"intro .clion.hd8~Y'

laklowlrlhi.,kYIICrJ.pllr. right,aoo tbantlllDiIHlrd


Axe: The Duel and Ihe awesome Virtua Fightel Remix on the SatIJm. Th e doubly clued-up among you will also know that, apart flom boosted sound haldwale and more onboard

Astraight ~ itk to the 'nlds rasuits in I broku spri ns noise!

After a successful

Kick 'e m In the nuts and . Itch tbtlllJump around in atony!

tour of duty in th~ arcades, Die Hard strikes Saturn in an arcade perfect translation!

poin ted to learn t ha t the baldins hero is nowhere to be found in Die Hard Arcade. In fact. this isn't aJohn McClane adventure at all. In fA·ACT,inJapan, Die Hard Arcade is known as Dynamit e Detective and has no offidal Die Ha rd connections whatsoever. To make the game more marketable inthe US a nd EllropeSega got hold of a Die Hard licence from 20th Cen tury Foxcom pletely sepa rate from the one that Electronic Arts areuslngfortheir Die Hard Trilogy- a nd thus was t ile game changed 10 dislracl Ihe innocent Name·switchingshenanigansnolwit hst anding, it's fairfyobvious that the same's desisners were heavilyinfiuenced by lhefi rsl Die Hard movie. Die Hard Arca de is set inside a Nak alomi Pla za-slylelu xllry tower block which has beentakenoverbya sang of lerrorislson NewVear's Eve. The te rrorist s are holdins 10 people capt ive, inciudingthe dallshter of the Amerkan President, while they try to break inlo t he compa ny vault and steal millions of dollars. A SWAT tea m is sent in to ciear O<lt the bad suys bul when Ihey altempl 10 land on the roof of the bllildinSlhe lerrorists are lying in wait. The policeheli· copIer is blasled out of the sky and only two officers survive Ihe crash. They leap ove r t he side ofllle bu ild-

ingandontoanemergencyexilsangwaywllichteads loa service level on t he roof of the buildins from here, they have to work their way Illro<lgll thebu ild inSlofindtheMrSigwhoisr<lnningthe show. S<l t Mr Sig(nol hisrul name) has many su rly minions, all of them skilled with their fists and various firearms. fortunalelyo<lrtwocop·s haped heroes are no slo<lches eilher, and Ih ey're never ones to shy away from a bit of police br<lulity. Thus is t he stage sel forasamethat has enter· taining ga meplay reminiscent of that old Mesadrive dassic. Street s of Rase. b<llwit h saucySalllrn-powere d,lexlure·mappedJ·Dgraphics.Vippee·kai·yay. mot her-scratcher! Tho<lSh Die Ha rd Arcade is more ofa plot·based fishtinsgamelhan a full.onmarlialartssimlllation like, say. Fighling Vipers or Virl<la fighter, there a re slill plenly of fight ing techniques to maste r. The three control b<lltonsgiveyou bask p<lnchins. kickinsand jumpinsfacilities.but therearenumerouscombina· tions you ca n learn which activa le special manoeu· vres. Some are reminiscent of Virtu a FishterPPPK combos. but there a re olher seq<lential moves YO<l can do.fore xample,jumpingtowardsyouropponent. »

The pruldt nt's daugbter (inHt).Vlolnt cops IRallpltl.

3D STEADYCAM ACTION! Stre-ets of Rage w as a great game, but let'. face facts: with the Saturn', 3D power at yow dit poul, there's far more potential for some amazing graphics. Potential which Die Hud Al"cade explores In gratllitou. detall. At convenlent points in the game, the action lOOms in to . how some ace moves. For example, lf there', one meanie left and you're tadding him you get some of an extre me close·up, showing you finishing oH the opponent. Simila rly, once you've licked the final foe of the stage, the action looms right on In h it body as it myste riously demat erlallsesl

~ SEGA S ..o..TU R N

CUT-SCENE! The cut-scenH In Die Hard Alcade are marvelIou. and .how the maniac madman proceedIng with nil plans to rob the . afe of the company preside nt who own. the buildln, in which the whole game Is set. Here, hugt

amounts of polYlon. are . pent on depicting the villaln. of the piKe (as well as the presi-

dent', daughter who', hJdlngln the ch.wel of hi. enormous dHk). AI well as busting open

the ..afe (thaw to I ntuby auodale) he also spemll hll time demanding yow death. Or


thenjabbinglhe punch button while in mid-air brings you down on him fist·first . Other moves wor~ by using thc O-pad as well as the buttons. Pl,Ishdown and kick, forexample,andyoucandeli~rasefiuofalmlghty blo~loafoe'sgroin,leavln8thcmhoppln8around

the room ciutchlns their family Jewels In agony. Mmm -nicel More speetacular moves are available If you can get upclQ\e to your opponents and aetual1y start grappling with them. Acoupleofpunches, lhenaqu ic k O·button and punch or kkkcom· bination andyou'U be pull in g off stamina·busting supieMes, back· dropsandpile·drlvel$.Sometimes you can even th,ow the b<ld guy tothe floor and start knuc~ · ling intotheil law·bleaking faces, but ifyou'le nol cale· ful they can throw you off and then the table$ ale tumedllfyou happen to be calrymg a gun, you can whip ,t

RunninQ super-smooth at

fighlimmediatelyanddlopslolheflool\Olhatyou can cuff them and dispatch them lothe Staleville Pli$onl Die Hard Arcade's action i$ mO$lly based on bru· talfist icuffery, but Ihere are also numerousweapon$ to be found to aid you in your fight against crime, The 9mm automatic pistol and machine guns are the com· monest firearms you'll find in the game, but the ler· rorists have also brought along a wide seiettion of more powerful shooters - throw them a couple of punches and they might drop them for you. The anli· tank gun is always good for cleilring a crowded room, ilOdtherocketlilunchelhilsilnirresisliblydevas· latingeffectonilllflesh·basedfoesl You can use just about ilny· thing that tomes to hand asa weapon, though. There are lead pipes, broken bottles ;lOdknives,andincertaln rooms you can even grab pietes offumllure and hurl them at your opponents 10 knock Ihem down-how many other games let you de< k your foes with an antique grandfather clock1 The re are also

30 frames per secon~

__ experience_

Die Hard Arcade IS agreat fighling ~ ----


~ ;

CROSS-STAGE RUNNING ABOUT Between the vilriou.ltage. of Street. of Rage style action, we catch s ight of our hUGe. running through the corridors of the building. U.ually you've got to preu one of the three maJor buttons q\llddy In o rder to take out. meanie lying In Willt. or to avoid some kind of Incoming dlsasler by jwnplng out of th e way. It', all very easy but It really helps 10 break up the a ction and provides , ome kind of a musement as you get some ace replays aftu the event 10 show off how cool you are. Should you fall by p reu lng the w rong button (o r worse stlll , nob\l!tonl) , you 're leftlodeanup the mess. So, If you ml u yO\lr opponent, It', back to the Streets of Ra ge . tyle K enarlo to fini sh him off, before movinl on.

4; S EG ~ S ..o..ruRN


CLIMB! CLIMB YOU FOOLS! Onl!' of the sub-games in Die Ha rd Arcade Involvet our heroes climbing a bloody huge

ladder. There', little to actually do hue since the dimblngls done for you. Occasionally largl!' anoWl a ppea r on-screen, telling you to jump horn one ladder to the other beforl! impending doom strikes. So it would appear that the Die Hard heroes are employing some kind of Spider-Sense to warn them of danger. Either that, or they're looking up for most of the time.

The range of weapons on offer is most impressive .indeed including the likes of guns, knives, poles and golf clubs! anli-attackefae .osolswhi(hreduc e anyf~toasplut·

teringwreck,but if you happen to have found a ciga-

rettelighteryoucancombinebothitems a nd-hey prestol- a home-made flame-thrower! Thl!'ba tt les in Die Hard Arcade are all set in spe(ific loca tions around the tower, but connf'cti ngeach section of the game the.e a.e cut-scenes in which you see the heroes racing th.ough the building on thei. waytothei rneKlfight_Thesesectionsaren't justforscene-5etting,though-they' reactu~l­

ly.eactiontesl5_ Asyou'.eleggingitaroundthe corridors you might be abou t to'un into a bunch of te rrorists coming throughadooraheadofyou. A mes_ sage appean telling you to press punch or kick or jump. follow the inst.uction in good time and you flatten the whole bunch of thugs in one fell swoop. but if you ad too slowly you lose the adv~n t age and have to fight them hand-to-ha nd in the usual fashion

firet.ucks. litts in a lift shaft. and enemy rockets. Slow reactions he.e result in both pl~yers t~king heavy damage-sop~yattentionl

Though we at SSM hadn't really paid the Die Hard Arcade coin-op mllch attention of late. we mllst admit thilt playing an early version oflhis perfro port-o~rconversionhasrekindledollrinterestinthe

game. Thollgh ifs nolably lacking in alllhenlicOie Ha rd ambience, the exploration/battle-based gameplily makes a pleasant change from the kind of oneon-one fighting action we've become used to over the past months. Theonlypossibleconcernwe migh t h~veiswith

thegame·s lastability. Anyone who has played - "'-


the whole game with only a few ql.lid·s -worthofcredits. Willthe finishedgilmehilvewhatenollgh con tent to make Siltl.lrn OWrlers PilY£40-0. more forthe disd Stay with I.lsarldYOl.l'lIfind Ol.ltlntheforthcoming.definitive SegilSall.lrn Magalinereview!

~ 5EGA S.~ruRN

1~ lilJiJ'11'NI

ISOVIET STRIKE Acouple of months later than promised' it's true. However, Soviet Strike is now complete and ready for action on Sega Saturn! Check out these Saturn pies! ! ELECTRONIC

!r BA


NOW WITH FMV To assist in unnillng the plot and keeping you up to date with what is going on In the battle field $oviet Strike incorporates some ucellent Command and Conquer style fMV, featuring

lots of over the top American actors wanting to kick some Commi t butt. Or something like that. 'tou'll find they usually Internet the game to tell you of what your missions and sub missions are all about,

lot is expecled of Soviet Strike, given that its three predecenon are among some of th e finestgi mes in 16 bit histo· ry. Desert Strike was a cI;lSsicshameless· Iy ushing in on the CulfWar conflict. The sequel, Jungl e Strike, utilised the same formul a and (hu(ked in some different vehicies too,


to the cOrltft tej ungle of W~ shington

DC. Whit!


these games SO grut was the compulsiYf:natureofthegamepl ay withvariedlevelsconhinIng simple mission 'itructLlre and sl.I-tilsks. So it must haVl!

been a rtill cl\allenge for EA to {ontinue such a fine series on the 3Z·bitconsoles, combining th e best aspects of the previous Strikes but with superior visuals and more involved gamepl ay. The scenario for the premiere 3l-bit outinB of this series is set inthe Soviet Union probablyduetoa lack of altemat ives. If you Ih inli: about it there's rully only80snia and Russia 10 choose from and with thinss being slight ly complex in 80sniaat th e

Soviet Strike combines

momen t they really didn't have much choice but to go with Russia. It"sa bit ofa shame realiy, I me an wouldn·t it be great to be single handedly responsib le fOf solving the ploblems in 80snia in your little Apache helicopler llfsanopportunitywastedifyou askme. Howevt'r we're not starting World War 3 here. instead we're averting it as you r task is to preYent Russ ian rebels from starting a war with the West. This is revealed throughout the cou rse of the game wi th some ex(ellentCommanda nd Conquer style FMVwhkh interrupts the game from time to timeasyoureceivemessases from your various contacts Thegraphicsoflhesame combine elements of new and old. The fully rendered backgrounds pro vide a very reillislk and detailed terrain which looks quite superb. The standard over· head viewthilt will be familiar to fans of th e precedinggilmeshasb«n retained,with EA sensibly de<id· ing not to go for the obvious in-the·cockpit blastfest. However a new variation of the overhead view has been added to the game with the S(feen rotating

the best aspect~ of t~e previous Strikes with superior Visuals and more involved gameplay.


SIDEWINDER SLEEPS TONIGHT Not content with equipping yew Apachl! heli· copter with thl! normal th.ree wnponl of man d eJtructlon, machinl! gun. rockl!f.l and mil' sUes, you now have a fah few sldewinden to unleash upon thl! Commil!S whlch all! mOll! powuful than;my of yow othl!r wl!apoJUi. But don 't I1H thl!m all at oncl! b«auSl! you haven't gotthatm;rny.

around the helicopter when you turn as opposed to thethescrunremalnlnsstl1lwlththehelicoplerlurn. ins around. The new view ha5 not JU51 been added for cosmeticre~sonslhoushaslldoesse",eapurpose,

specificatlyasilcomeslnhandywhenshOOlinSene. miesasyou a re always shoollng directly In front of yousotarsetlnsbecomesalole.sler. However what we all wan t 10 know is, does the sameplaysu"'iv~thelranslt lontothe32·bitconsolesl

And is il as good as Ihe PlayStation verslonl Well from the unfinished version I've played Ifs looklns OIS Ihoughit·ssu"'lvedquiteweII.Th~mlnlonsappearto

bewellslructured and vOlrled with sub·misslons pop. ping up now OInd OISOlln In • much more random way to what Ihr:y hOld done prr:viously. These often in\lOlve

r('S(ulnSlheinr:vitOlbleh-osUsesorretrir:vl nsyourcopilot and now haOf(' more sisnlfiCOlnce OIS how you complelelhemeffeclslheoutcomeofthesOlme TheOlrtificiOllinlelligenceofenemieshOlsb«n srullyenhOlncedsothr:yOlren'tpurelydumbdronH OIny more and tOlke 01 much mor~ active role In the pro· ceedinss makins them a tad moredlfficulttodeful The we~pons on your trusty Apache helicopter have b«nslishtlyupsrOldedtoOlsslslyouincoplns wlthlhe nuc!urthrut.8esidesthestandOlrdmachinesun. rockets OInd missilH you OIre now equipped with sidewinders which hOlve 01 much more dr:vOlstOltins effecI than the olher less powerful wupons We must notforsetofcoursethatwhilstdulinswlththevarl. ous missions it is OIlso imperOltive to find fuel,OImmo and armour repair if you OIreto lut the distOlnce. These afe scatt~red about all over Ihe plac~ and In the laler levels a re few a nd far between Thebigques t ionis.isthissamer~allyworthyto

ca rry on the distinguished St.ike nOlme/ Does th~ same concept match uptothe lovely visuals. Well,the game is just a couple of weeks completion now, SotKpectthefull.eviewinthenextlssueoflhlsflne magaline.

Th tUQ !IOW q" bttt, . AI fM lftl. , t hey pou IIIOft ~ I

B:t"'owIlII ·~t h lH'ldjtl:tOll caR Itllpt~. tIftQf....

Ilthl l~f'IIt

tnWIq tilt • •

lb. pmlotrsIJ.


IENEMY ZERO For the older (or should I say "more mature") gamesplayer who like their games to involve more than beating an opponent to apulp or driving around endlessly, here comes Enemy Zero, athinking man'sgame if ever there was one.




!re A






HD'JlI( "'I' ~

. ..... " ~

There'lulllllyapaekflrllltol'(n'lqhre .kat 10' WI My (bat II1II111,..) Ihl COItI £2,OOO!forIIM",o,.,JOI p t .. . I.n-pel,~npac', pllII.'I'iIII.lilMlr.... tlMkadof

IT'S IN WIDE SCREEN That'. right, Enemy Zero come,ln wide scrHn, or in other words theft Is huge black boudtn at the top and bottom making the utUil1 playinS window very null. I Just hope nobody is thinking of playinS thH on a portable IlI!levi -

slon otherwise you could well find younelf lufferlngfroms.rverteyeltlllin.

WMfl-crut_or(O. W.'I~JOIIIOt.

dvenlurf l amebns.rtprttty_11 ute.edforatthemome ntonlhe SaluIn

begin to ilwake bul they're not alone. If they were it would be il bitofa boring game reillly. There's some· with sevenl l lop t itles (urrt ntly aYil ll ablt , thing else on the shipwhich.ips doors open with il mongthemthe utte rlyfantast k Tomb use ilnd Ciln crush beeruns on its foreh-eild. hidn So forlhose of you who likt 10 USt Ihtir Naturally it's cilught on Cilmeril only its imilge unnot be seen ilnd· horror of horrors· brainswh ilstplay ingagamthe rtcomes there·s more than one of them. As the anothtr ont from the makl!rl of Ihe ,...-~milinchilraCle r lauril aWilkensfrom ptettysuccenfulO. It 's ulledEne my Zero OInd it will hOIye OIdyentu,e her sleep she·s a bit dilZed and has gilmefOlnsdyingwithOlnUc lpOlUon temporary memory loss. She instinctillt!lytries to contact the until t hey un get their swuty lit· other crew membtrs on the yldeo tie hands on it . Why you uk , well phone but it has been damaged by beuuseithOlscoolCGgrilphlcs and 01 wulthof puules for you to solye, the impact. She gets an image on the screen but no sound. There's a not to mention bucket lo ads of mUr· man and he looks terrified. he's Irylng der, 01 fillr bit of mystery OI nd 01 louch of to say something but tiluril un·t make intrigue. But will It 11Yi! up to Ihe stOln · out what. Suddenly lilura has the feeling there dilrds set by lis p,edKessor l AS ever there is 01 story behind the gime which is something in this blokes room ilS he started pilnlck· unfolds as you begmtoplily.Aspilcesh,p Is hit byiln Ingilndpicksupa 8un and starts firing Indlscrimi· nalely ilround his room. Just for ill moment LaU.iI impaCl on its wily bOlck 10 EOIrth Cil'rying il crew of Cilu8htil glimpse of it OIS it reOlctedtothepOlln.Alu s~nwhoareallinacoldsleepOnebyonethecrew


From the creators

~ SEG.~ 5!\T1.JRN

of Dcomes this long'awaited

arcade adventure, with horror, suspense and thrills!

11 :f1 jJ :a'. 1:a'". ~I Some






\ Hhh~mmm ...

What ', going


h.,.. then.

Well,l'vlgot no t lUI 11 to wht this Is.

despite Ilis 8allal'lt efforts his buliets had linle effect andlhus his head was separated from his body ina

mo\!gruesomeway This is where thf:O game begins and it is your task as laura to face this invisible enemy and keep your head firmly on your shoulders. In keeping with the air-

craftdisasterinspacetheme,youwillnodoublbe required later in the game to pilot YOUf craft back to eartheventhoughyouhavenoflyinge~~rience.But

don't worry becaust there will bea bloke at air traffic control who is very experienced afld will be able to guide you down. Obviously this wouldn't be much of an adventure same without puules, but there's no need to worry on that score benuse there are plenty of them in there Muchofyourtimethoughwillbe~penteKploring rooms,pic~ingupobjectsafldusingthemwherenec·

essaryto solve th e puules and defe~t these creatures. AS in D.the places where you can gotowithiflthe rooms are limitedsoyou have a rough idea of where any of the objects are gOiflg to be. The first object you must search for is a VP$ or Visible Panty Stain. This device en~bles you to detect any living beiflg afld relays it b~ck to you via ~ound, For example if an eflemyisflearabeepcaflbeheard,thecioserthe eflemy being gets the faster the beeps get until it

Combining pre-rendered



.. aybtllOme klndoftechno tyl-tutlRgd .... lu.


a weapon that is When you leave the rooms afld go ifltO the pas· sageways th e screen display changes to realtime CG and as a result is very smooth indeed. You also have f~r mOle freedom to roam about withifl the corridors without being forced to go to p.edetermifled places ThecontrolsoughttobefamiliartoDpla~rsusing

the D·pad to zoom in and out afld rotatearoufld.TheL andRbuttonsareusedtodisplaytheitemsyouha~

gathered sofarandtheA bUttOfl to select and use them . As is the florm with CG graphics the playing w in· dow is on the small side wilh letteriflgbo)(ing being evidentevenontheJapaneseversionweha~

However as long as it doesn't detract from the game itselfwedon't mind. Butthere'sonlyonewayof kflowing for sure afld that's to read the review in neKt monlh~ issue of SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE where hopefully such answers will let themselve~ be known. Untilthenjusttakea look at these shots and imagifle what it's like

FMV with realtime 3D areas, Enemy Zero is something of a graphical festival

m:llons (right) art MI3D. klrld of lib Alil n Trllou.

l tt'Sjvltpf'UllllmlbuttoftlandHI.

souflds as one cOfltinuous beep. Anyone who has seefl anyoftheAlieflfilmsshouldbefamiliarwithsucha device (it's called a Pro)(imily Detector). Naturally this

Sholl taken froll! tI•• lmmttsm gam. uptrl.ncI that Is EO.

- oh yes!

Hmmlll. So p!enl)'orw. lHI,rlnglbotlt then.


IVAIlVA After the relative disappointment of Crimewave comes another drivinQ shoot 'em up that looks like beinQ avictory for Qameplay over Qraphics. Check it out! _








DIFFERENT COURSES Thert 1ft _era] cliH!!r!!nt COUHft to ch OOH horn in V_Un , so me of which l ult your vehide better thin others. Each of the m have their

own unique hu.llIds which you must tf)' to avoid. These rangt from quick sand to barrels, oil,lIdtJ and s now. Tue a look.


his is i curious little gaml!;lnd tillefor that matter. It comes from the nme peo. plethatbloughtyoutheclanicSlrt!eh

of you ~re in your chosen vehid~ with ~ sm,lil arr~y of wupons and I h~

of Rilge trilogy on the Megadrive and

Ingdayllgh l sou t of youro p pon ~n t. Slm p le.

mOle rt!ctnlly Story of Thol JontheSaturn. l ike many~oplel'vt!bee n longingfofaStreebofRige


Idu is 10 bl asl l he liv·

The game itself st~ rts up wi th a M ang~ style c~ r­ toon Intro showing you whom your opponents ~ re

gilme on the h tum and as such was quite diup-

gol ngtobeandgivestheg~meaverybp~nesefeel

pointed lodit.c:ovt!r Ihat tht latest offering frorn Ancient would not rKtify Ihe situat ion. Hown!!r aftefplayingVatlnforafewmlnulfl l'dforgotte nilll about my inill..1dinppolnlment as what we h~ft here is ~ simple yet enjoy~ble ~nd highly enterhinlng g~me. But wh~t the hell" V~tIY~ you m~y well u H A Run i~n br~nd of vodhl Not quite. This g~me 's euier to sw~lIow without the hud~(h e In th e morning. Intrigued l You will be, rudon ... Vatlva, which you Will be piu sed to hur will prob~bly unde rgo a n~me ch~nge before its UK rele~~ is ~ one-on -one shoot ·em up from ~n over -

to it . You are Ihen given Ihecholce of six different vehidesofwhkh yoo must choose one. Each vehicle hiSdiffer~nl sllengths and weaknesses and adiff~I­ ent assortmenl ofweapons, bolh long and short r~nge. Some have fal mor~ speed Ih~ n othels which comes in handy for dodging buliets but usualiy also has less almour than say t he lank. It's a trade off and you have to find the vehic1e that best suits your style. The re's atank,a car,a bU88Y, a hove rcraft ,aJC B an d a space ship t hat looks li ke a Irlpod with an e xtra leg (a quadped,ifyou will). Once you have selected you r

hudpersp«tive. ltpl~ces you l noneofsever~ldiffer ­

severaldlfferentaren~s w ithvarlousobs t aclesto



full of obsl~cles

~g~i nst ~ n

opponent. E~ch


negot iate your way around and hide behind. This of

AcuriousQame indeed from the creators of Streets of Rag~ . But it's definitely acase of playabfllty over graphics.

POWER-UPS In the Interests of good gameplay Ancient have thought not to give the vehicles unlimit· ed ammo otherwise you just sit there blasting each other and what fun would that be? So to add an element of strategy you only have a certain amount of ammo which after a few minutes frantic blasting rapidly disappears. Not to worry though ~au5e power-up' detct nd from the sky Uke a gift from the Gods and will restore your weapons back to their full destructive capabilities should you manage to collect them before your opponent does.

The ran,. of nhltlt. small, rut 1110(1)1"$ and giant wuponl - bebtmoths • • sooci l creensholtodemonstratllhil il priBtedabowt .

Although being a most enjoyable two-player experien~e Vallva comes into its own With SIX players at the


L~ tm J


OfIslaughtdil'llctfl'OOl the CPU pla}'er.

course adds,l slight strategicelementtolheprou~ed· ings much in the same way as Virtual On. Some of Ihese obslacles can be destroyed li ke baHels and trees bul usually has the undesirable effect of setting your ~ehicle on fire thus draining your energy bar considerably. The different arenas also hilVe a different effect onhow'JOur~ehiclehal'\d l es.Sofor example,ifyou

choose the car and you are placed in the snowy arena thenyouwheelspinallo~erlheplaceandcanbarely mo~e making you a sitting dUCk, Whereas the ho~er­ craft type of vehicle merely skims over the wrface at its usual pace, AS for the weapons, each vehirlehas a total of silt different kinds including the shie ld, Unfortunately for you, thefe is not an unlimited supply ofammosoit bei:omes necessary 10 collect the powe rups which afe dfOpped fandomly around the arena This of course soon turns into a face between you and youfopponent togettothepower-I.lpfifst Howe~ef as is usual with these Iypes of games it·sfarmorefl.lnwhenplayingagainslahl.lmanplayef as opposed 10 the CPU_Two-playergame s are fasl. frant ic fun bul Ihe best news is that Vat lva supporls themultitapallowinguplosixplayefstocompeteon Ihesamescfeensimultaneously.Thegfaphicsafe hardlywhatwewould refer to a s nexl generalion, bul are colourful and fairlydelailed nevert heless. The smokeeffectsandtfansparenteffectsare prelly

impressive as are the pyrotechnics in general when 'jOl.lslarlingblaslingtheenemy. Alsonoteworlhyis the in-game music which hasa lechno kind of feel to it and fitsquilewellwilhlhefranlicnalur eofth e game Oespite its simple graphics and simple gameplay ourfirstimpressionsare t hat l hisisgoingtobea~ery

playablegame indeed especia lly if you have some f,iendstoplayitwilh.Soifyou'reafteradamngood blast-a-thon make su,e you catch our review ina forthcominglssl.leofthissuperbpubfication

~ S=:GA S .A.TU R I\:

letter~ Tonky memory caJ"tridges, an anti-Saturn plot and the true name of Jane. Marshalll All are revealed in this month's Bouncy Bag 0 ' Conspilary Theories! If you have some rambling paranoia that you need the world to know about, you might find it therapeutic to write it down and 5end it to us at: THE 'ONLY I KNOW THE TRUTHI' MAILBAG, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, PRIO· RY COURT, )0-32 FARRJNGDON LANE, LONDON, ECsR )AU. But it'll be all cbange next month when we move to EMAP's new slalag in the heart of London's Docklands Blea (where the bombs go off). By the way, we resen!!! the right to edit letters for length, spelling, grammar, disgraceful attempts at comedy or to fit in with whatever argument we're currently peddling.

CONSPIRACY #1, MEMORY CARTRIDGES Du•• SSM, Bting ~n .. vld Silturn plilyer I found my system memory quickly filled up ~nd ~ memory nrtridge btc::~me ~ ~ry n«euary pi«e of kit . Upon purch~~ing ~ cartridge Igl«fully tran~ferred all my sa~d games from the ~ystem memory onto the c~rtridge. Wowl AJI that space to sa~ more games l Now for the bad pilrt. I was just editing some playen on ~gil World Wide SOCcer, thenreturnedtothemaingametoplay~bitoffootyandlfoundthatalimy

OE".SSM, Didyoureviewad ifferentcopyofOaytonaCCEthantheoneth~l'sonsale1I

bought the game on the strength of your review expecting an updated Yersion of the original Saturn Oaytona. But what did I find? A ~ry crap racing gamell nn understand ~ga wOinting to mOike the gOime illinle different 10 mOike more ptoplebuyit , butthty'~rui ned il. Here·swhy:

Conlrol: The control is 100ughablel ll's now almost impossible 10 powersllde. Instead you just slide uncontrollably Into Ihe tdges of t he track. All ofthenrs

sayed gamts had mysteriously disappeared.

handlesluggishly,fllcklngaboutunrealisllcally. l'mplayingthePAl~fslononil

I immedi~tely exited the game and wen t straight to the Memory Manilger on the

Jilpanese machine Oind it's slow, It must be awful on an EnSlish machine. Gfaphics: Well Ihe pop,up is virtuallyJust as bad asthe fifstgame, The Son ic willlstillpopsupintwochunks, oneofwhichvil nishesin l hefeplays!All t he cars look worse, being smaller and less detailed than before (a nd why have iI sky feflection on the car windows when Ifs going throughatunnellj Music: At lust t he music In the old

system to check on the ot her saved games. My hurt sank, the bottom fell out of my potty, NIGHTs, FIFA SOCcer 'go, Pilnzer Dragoon Zwel, Oaytonil, VF1, VF1, VlrtUil Cop, Vlrtu~ Rilcing, sww SOCcer, World Series Basebilll, Bug and most of ~It ~gil hlly with the ghost nrsl Why did th is happenn Whilt could possess my nrtridge to do s uch a nasty thing to men! Has anyone written in with the Silme problem as me I wonderl Oe-CIn Abbotts, Reddifch OI.uSS M, Whydocsn't Sega support its own memory back· upl tt"salmost Impossible to buy onc over here InThe Net herlands. In every shop they tell you the same crilp: ·Sorry, wc don't sell them, but I've got this beilutlful Datel memory card on whkh you COin uye up to 8 megsl Fsn'tthat i ncredjble~"Sure ... Too bad it erases Itself after a month or two and that it docsn't supporl the buih·in save and load future st" ight from theurtridge. C)Qnlel WIn He,1c ond M ClfCO Jome, AlblClu e,dClm


t!:::::cl~I::!~;'c:: ::':!;:~;e

: : ; : :::e;;. of th... " ten qulcl cheaper than th e hla ontl with twice the memory" to see what it w .. Uke , Whilst It savel lames bet ween system ancl cart, any IOft WaIe with clir.d·to·cU! a cce .. lik. Stla Rally jUl t cloel n 't work , Rlc:.h reportl that he w .. alIo extremely peecl off Uu t M I Daytona CCE fUe cUcln't transfer properly meaninl h e 100t M . orlpnal (u a ncl hOrHl1 Tht moral of tMs story: stick to the oHid al Sela ones. They mJlht be a te nnt r mort , but t h ey do work properly,

CONSPIRACY .2: DAYTONA CCI OluSSM, When It was revealed Ihal Segil were finally going to revamp Oilytona USA I thought , great.aver~ionofOaytonOiwlththesamestandardofgraphiCSas Sega Rallyilnd thegreilt plaYilbilit y of Oilytonil Itself. Hill Boywils I fooled ilnddls· heartened to find out thilt the only similarities were the Oilytonil USA nilme ilnd three courses. Now don't get me wrong, It's still a good game, bul it 's not exactly what people were ilsking for was It? All we wanted was the originOiI OOiytonil with better graphics, better clipping, beller In·game music and a two·player mode, with the silme presentOition (arude) screens, the same COirs and the same plOiYilbllity, And,ew Hunter, C/rn!l<"mley




games, but now It's so boringl The singingontsilfeteffiblel Slow·down: The gOime constantly juddefs about on t hem Sp«dway, ma king control even more difficult t han it aheady is. Theotheftfildsilfen'lilsbOid,only TIM D.,touCCE slowing when mOfe than four (I) Ntklu.bqlnu cars arc on s(reen. Thls might be uIIKtH. TIIt.lalll_ down to the PAL ~rsion being AitaN 1II't IIINtboIt _ . ;ilmost full scr«n though. ultwl"lMhlllrtltlqtl lll Speec:h: lflhearthat 'Vou'lIburn what tilt U II1I ~ ... ~ tiM.U up the tyresl ' SOimpleonce more M i ll for tilt F.,. (ut "''''N... I'll screamll't wys It nurly ~ry l ime you skldl Two plilyer mode: If you thought you'd seen bild pop-up, wait till you see m SpeedwilY in two·player model The entire pit Iil ne Is invlsiblewhe nyoU'reonthe trackl Sega Rilllywas never this bad, Lee Ro wlond, B,odford

~ ::'~;:~sa:=: ~u::~:nU;:~:tl::~:~: !!=:~a~ ~and thinb1 No doubt m any of you rece ived a copy of th'IAm' o... r Christm as 10 l, t U$ know whethe r you al'H with him. JoUy good hm. for all the family ? Or cUd the fact that It wasn't ' th, real naytona' ruin It for you1 We want to know, Yu _clo.

CONSPIRACY .J: SATURN HATRIDI OEuSSM, lamsicktodeilthofhilvingamachinethat'ssupposed tobt'lnfe,lor'totheSony Tralnstiltion.lhil~workedoutwhyalotofpcoplebuySp a cestationslnsteadof

our milchine. The problem Is computer stores such ilS Game. My locill Gilme in Bradford Oire tOtOilly biased. ' hOiYe been in SeYerOiI tlm" Oind the scarOi~whowork thefe have simply slagged off the Salurn and advised ~'Y cus· tomer who has asked .bout the Jl-bit mOichines to buy Oi StiltionwOigon. 1 hil~ heardthesameC'ilpbcingd lshcdoutatlccdsandShcffie'dstorts.

If a lol ofptOplegotoGamt"nalionwidt"andlllt>y art" all pt>rsuadt"d to buy Sonytht"n it is not hard 10 st"t"whySaturnsalt"notst"lIingaswt"1I

there', probably not mud! difference tKhn kalJy, InIt perhaps IOme kind ofweapons4Kting featuze I. In order for a future b,ue . Hmm. We ahall consider It.

JQm~J CltmtnIJ, 8'od/o,d

11.ICTRONIC AllnSTRY Df..uSSM, I r~don Ihal ~ga should lake some ~rt of action againsl Comel. When my mal~ went 10 buy his Saturn the ~Iesman ~id h~ should g~1 a PlayStation. Agaln my friend asked for a Saturn. Again he said gel a PlayStation. Inlhet"nd my friend got his Saturn but Ithink S~gashouldgoandbt"atuptheblokesinComet .

IsitanywonderthePlaySt ation'ssupposedtobt" out·selllng the Saturn by eight to One. Or/ondo,

amazlng.lal~love the30controllerandbt"ingthe .rtistthatlam, tcouldnotresist~intingit. Ht"n!lsa

pho!o t took of it fOfyourreadt"rs. A.syou un seen I'm no photogfaphetl Anywil'j. pethaps OIht>r rt"aOefs with artis· tkskills might also paint their Saturn controllets. Vtrtua Guns.t"tc. and send in pictures. VOIlcould even have a competltionl With BIG priresl What do you thlnkl NiollStewort, rroon.



About a Wt"ek ago me and my mum were in HMV buying the Saturn I wanted for Christmas. The bloke at the counter advised usto buya PlayStatlon bKause he said that th e Saturn will bt" out ofdatt"and end up like the Megadr ive soon. He also said t hat games companies are making most of their games for the PlayStation and not the Saturn. I said that wasn't true and told him about the great futu ,ereleases for the Saturn like Virtua Fightel 3. Virtual On. Vlrtua Cop 2 and Bug Tool. but he stillwasn'tconvinced.8utlslillgotaSalurnbecauselthlnkthegames you can play on It arecool,and Ithin kthePlayStation is total trash . On Ihe other hand. could you please leU me if what that shop asslstanl said was reallytl ueolisit JustastupldrumOUI. ChriJShClw,IJlt o/Mon

~ ~::::: ~~~::;!~:::"a:!,'et;l:;~~t~:~;:e~~':=~~:"'." branch names - all the Wo you can, and pall It on to UI. We'll compUe a dOlller to Itnd to Sega..... Rich 10 generoully pull It In Q+A this month: "Rampant nupidlty " rUe the wodd over. I won't ren untU IUch fools are unmatked ... and eUmlnatecl."


What on Ealth ale Sega doing? I refel to the new Saturn joypad which has tak~n an evolutionary step backwoirdsl The two main sellil'lg points of the Saturn OYer the Playstation for me w~re Virtua Fighter2andthedirectionalbuttonOl'lthejoypadswhlchwereidealforgames like Street Flghtel Alpha which require a lot of directional butlol'l roll moves. So why have ~ga . Gone back 10 the old Megadrive style directional button and oibandon the new style of Salurn joypad. o OotId, North Cornelly, M id GlomorgCln

~ ~a:!::. !~~:~~e~:: ~~:~=~=::r:o~~:::.i:I~:~~;:I:;gn

of encroaching maclness. The old SatlUlt pa d. had an uncomforta ble .1pad and Iuper-urutlponlive I houlder buttol\l. By lwitching over to the Japanese velllon., Se,a have done u, UK lamell an Immense favour - lt'ltheultlm.atepadl


lamhopingtobuyVirtuaCop2andlhaveseenadvertise· ments for the Predator gun. It looks bt"tterthan the official V Cop gun but it could bt"a lotal rip-off. PIl!aSl! could you I ~II m~ which gun isa bt"tterbuy? SluartCall!J, rhl! Richmand Golf Club ,I'!!;" A lood. question Indeed, and not having ~

D' .... SS M,

I have re<entty bought a copy of NiGHTS and I think it's

wieldu. Predator oUllelves we ue

,I'!!;" Wt think ... that', not a bad Idea, adually. ~ Doel anyont else have NIdl'llkill with a paintbrulh? Send In a photograph of your CUI· tomlsed controllers (ttmemberlng to foeu. on the artwork , not l ome old IIm Mon ilon T·,hlrt that'. lying a round In the background), a nd Rich may wen reward the mOlt artiltlcally .kUJed entrant with , ome ,ultabl y luxuriou, prln. A t.1b box of Cadbury" Milk Tray, perhap'.

DESTROY! DESTROY ALl PLUMS! OI .... SSM, In Issue 14 of you I mag I noticed a ruder's letterlhalwassodumbl ha dtoreply. The letter was about the most stinking bird on th~ face of this Earth. PIGEO NS.I HAlf PIGEONS and the old graooit>S that feed them and as for the pt>rson that wrote in to you with the stupid Idea ofhavil'lg the skil'll'ly vermin in a game he should be shot hkeon of those pink thil'lgs In Doom. I have a good idea for a game. t think I will call it AnACK THE PLUMllI The object of the game would bt" to shoot the hell out of pigeOl'ls al'ld people that write pointless and unful'll'ly letters In to such an In information-fiUedma g. Vou could tyen use the Vtrtua Copgul'l. Vou might have gathered that I hate pigeons and stupid ptOple so pleas edoall your readers a favour and save the space In your magforpeoplewho h avesomething Interesting to say so I don't have to write al'lother lettel tik ethls. ConcrrnrdRrCldrr, london


In I$$ue "14'5 Vlrtua Cop 2 showcase we foohshly promised toglVe a copy of VC2 to whoever came up With the most appropnate mckname for Janet We'vehad to endure a torrent ofleltt"rs and postcards packedwrthallkmdsofludicroussugges uons and depraved grovellmg Interestingly. though the same suggestions kept commg up. and they were I. Ble.e :presumably from ex·Megadnve owners who had playec! SUeets of Rage) 3. Speu lyes. very lmagmalrve) , . Homy IbKause cars haVt" horns. obVIOusly) 4. Variow other cu 'pues, eg Wheels. Moto! Gears.etc The belt of a Ilnilter bunch Will CraJ, AnderlOn'lentry whJch at le ..t mede III laugh with n eme, . uch al Hub Caps (think about it) and BMW ('Big Mad Woman' mmmm. classyl). So h ' win •. A speCial mentIon must go to Adam Hutchm who sent ma sheet of63 different entrres.each more appa.lhng than the last We w onder how Jan,t would feel U her friencll rtfened to her

Thankfully the vast amount of Formula One questions has abated this month, only to be replaced with just about every other question concerning the long overdue Saturn Doom, and whether it's better than Exhumed (yeah right). Trust the SSM posse of theMaster, Rich Leadbetter and Sega overfiend, Mark Maslowicz to provide 100% accurate responses to the burning Saturn-related questionsof the day. Send more letters, hopefully testing our combined intellects to their full power to I AM THE MASTER O+A, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, Priory Court, 30-31 Farringdon Lane, London ECIR 3AU. MOT lOOM Deu55M,

I ~now you art the best mag eve. ilnd I ha~ ont: "'881m8 quesllon to ask you Wh"h ~hootem up skould I St'1 oot of Exhumed. Doom

1 I'm gettIng a S~tu'" fo' (h"stmilS and I would 1,,(, to know wh'thgilmes jre the besV 1 Ith,nkOaytonalsqu'tegood My(r<endsth,nkltIS tfapWhatdoyoutluni'.1 Thankl tons, Rob Ostuztwsk l, Swlndon

3WltllherebeSalumconverslOfIsofthefoHo .... mg games Morlal Kombat Tfllogy_ W,pEOUI 2097, Worms Uf!II~.GTlClub~rnlWarC/aftl1



And.ewOyke, Norwich

~ ~o~:·n~I!~~~:~~~:~~~~:IR~~II' Virtu. Cop 2, Virtual On, Exhumed. 2.

~ ~:: ~~:.;'::; ~~~~~I::~~'is ~~~o~:;~t, will make up fo r the travelty thilt I1 Doom.

11', . mUle."

piece of pb.yabllEty ]el down by l ome (rinlewDrthy visuals. But It Is . 800d ,,,me. Vour fll~mb a r~ slupld.

polntmenl of the yeu, Exhumed is the king ofthil genre, without • • hadowofa doubt. Maybe Henn



mystuft go,ngretroIOutrun. Afte,bume,. Sp~~e H~",e'l wouldn I ,I be g,eat for EA to dolheo"g,nal flfA. EA Hockey and Madden ail on one d,s~ I .... ould buy ,I 1 Doyou'emembe'thallns'gn',canlltllel'tleulled SIr~ts of ~~ge th~1 only sh fled mltloons of COpies .... o.ld· .... ,de'HO'Nabout~~lu'nYe.s00f!1 3 l,eadlnyou'm~gthaISupefStrf"etf'ghterIlTUfboli heading for Ihe ~Ium IS th,s st. I Irue' C()1; m my op,n oonSSfllp,ssesatlov.!'.theAlphase,_es1 4 Whatever happened 10 Heart of Darkness1 You show~ased II on ,ssue eight and "' looked sup,emel S W,tI us ~ill Salum o.... ne's e--t, gel 10 I'll)' filde to 81~ck Of l1es'oenl 6 A~ SNo( SI go,ng ahoead With Ihe CilfllCD games' If so. how ~boul a S~mu'~' Shadown conYerSlonl 7 Wouldnt 'I h.we been a good Idea for V'rtu~1 On to use Ihls conceptI ThIS would help forthcom ng blgg_es Ioke V~3 to suffe, less ,n the conve'Slon' Jonathon WIIIIJm" Stoc~port I. \'/1Ihthe~lmlghlyS~tum

11 SllOOnlK OUESTlOICS ~ar SSM., rYe recently boughl. S~lurn ~nd I decided 10 .... f,le wme quest,ons to I~t your I~rgoe belly of knowledge 1. fve re<:ently pla~d Doom on my m~le's PlaySl~loon (scuml) and .... an toed to kno .... when the Saturn vers,on .... ,11 be out and ....111 ,t have Ihe Club Doom level 1 l Wken will Duke Nukem 3D be ,eleased anO .... 11 'I be Imk-up1 3 ,6,s so many link-up g~mes ilre due on lhe S~lurn wken

4 When w,11 Sega Tou"ng C~,s be oul on Ihe Saturn and w,1I11 be ~ good converSIon' It Sole (Mllltlous· Rich), (hlnno" Oun

11 probably ~s th~ Club Doom level, but II gelS so jerky lal~r on It 's rendered virtually unplapblt . I . Late '97 I think. Not sure If II 's lInk. up. J. 11 doun 't look like It will appear In Europe for the time being, bUI some clever soul might unte their own which Is compatible with Ihe Sega on~(oullnJap~nl. Sela lie concentrilting on Netllnk (ompatlbl~ gamn al th~ moment . 4. Anotherlale '97 relnse, probably.

umtU ctlP? Ill! ~ItSSM,


ofharnll We-Ye got the flO,mill pad,the NIGHTs pad,the V"tuaGun, Ihe arcade ,ace., theVlrtua strck. the Virtual On controller AND the mousel

of ~III th'nk your


IS g,eat And se<ond I woulO

Il keto a sk~usomequest,ons


Ihough IS It'I.lmill.I. 3. Sorry, It ', Su~r ""nl~ Flghler that's (omlng out, not O'oh! 4. Should be oulln mid 1997, bUI who knowsl S. Re, ldenl Evil Is a distinct pon lblllty In ' ome shape Or form, but Fade to Black Is highly unlikely. 6. They've alreadydonoe It In Japan. Kin, of flghten '9S will gel a UK release early n~1<I ~ar and It's bett~r lhan Samuul Showdown anyway. 7. Virtual On wouldn 'l really benefit Jnd personally I red:on Vf3 could do with some 3D a(c~ler.tOf ~hlp as woellu extra memof)'.

HIGN'IESFIEMlY! DnrSSM, Youa'elhebestSegam~gon t hesheIVfiindl""'ihyou'

nevef-end,ngfounU'nofeternalknov.edgelob,ongmoe 1 W, I Synd'<ilte wars and Qua~e 0f1 Ihe S~turn be In 640'<480 modoe I <e on ~ r(ally beefy PC1] 2 Dont you Ih,nk ~II the controllers aregettlng~ b,toul

4 I w~s ,n Comet recently. happly pI~ymg Woridw,de SOCce•• nd w,nnmg .... hen Ih,s stupod bloke and hIs Mum as"ed ~sales asslstanl about the PlaySt~tlon. He told her hO'Nbflll'antltwasbutwhenshe~sk~aboutlhe

Saturn he told her t hat lis httle better th an the Meg.drrve but wIth slightlybette, graphrcs He then con l,nuedh,saSs.1ultonmylofebys.1yongMqwasa,ub b,sh Con-.e'SIOfI of ~ Megadflve game How do yov Ih'nk Seg~ ~nd WIII'~ms un itop Ih,s sort of b,as' 5 When w,'1 the followmg be relused In the Ut: Vlftu~1 On(arnlCOfltrolleflthemouse_Retumf"eandVf3' 6. Any chance ofa N,GHTS 21 710nceu .... ap'evle .... ofagameCiltledN lnja II looked sort ofl' ''e Tombl1:a,de, and I waswondeflns Ifthe'e ....ils

L The Sat\U1\ hun't ,ot a 640lt410 mode, but

~ Ihehlgh.resmode(somethlngllke

700"5oolth) bn't really sulled for tho,e types of gamn. So no. 1. All you rully n~ed b the N IGHTS pad and your one rully. J. MK TrllofY b the only on~ ab$olutely (onfinned for Saturn, but WlpEoul 2097 Is a distinct ponlbUlly al some Itage In the futu.e. 4- Not easily, I'm afraid. Rampant stupidlty Is rife the wo.ld over. I won 't .flt until such fools are unmuked_ and eliminated. s. Virtual On is out now (Ihe conlroll~"', not I;\IIIenlly planned for UK because of th~ voef)' high prl~~I, no date for Ihe mou,~. VFJ ~nd of 1997. Return FIr~1 Even I do n't know that on~. 6. SoniC Team are working on anolher Salurn game , but 110 far Ihere 'l no news UIO whether It', a NiGHTS sequel or somethlnl else. 7. It', by COle. but not due untllwtll Into nm year.

CEllSOISIIIPCIG Dur SSM, When IS Doom com,ng out

~nd wh~1 cert l fic~te

w ill ll

Nelt PI&8olt, North WIles

~ :~:~~::J~::;:!; t:!;~~::n~tt~::: It ,hould be hnned. SUf~ly th~r~' llome kind of ob,c~nlty law that ~oy~n Ihh horrific conveIllon ?



Virtua fighter 1 tournament, settling old scores with Kage Maru In the final and annihilating everyone else. Returning to his father, who originated his f1ghtlng art, Aklraisplea$t'dtorevealhlsvlctory. "Your victory Is meanlnglessl~ thun路 ders his Dad. "Your training has only just begunl ~. This training results In Aklra becoming even more powerful. Radically transfo rmed from VF2, AkLra's power wUi change theworldl

~'-_~ . After an umuccessfu! defense of his Vfl crown, Lau Chan retums to his three Joves: cooking (at his new restaurant), poetry, and martial arts tralnlngl Convinced that the key to succe51 stili lies in his patented mastery of the combination attack, Lau devises new methods with which to Inflict multiple-hit misery on all his foesl

The big news about flghtell MegaMix Is of coune the ten secret characten, InUiaUy seen.I.J q\lestlon marb on the character selec路 tion screen. All ten ale Mcollected Mby beating the yarlousroutes thlo\lgh the one路player gilll\e. We'ft decided to leveal only a few, say路 Ing the majority for nut month.


Wolf vievn the entire tournament structure merely as a way of bettering his wrestlingbased skills_The greatest wrestler in the world, he sought to better all other arts In the first VF tournament, only to be defeated In VF2, much the same thing occurred, despite his vastly improved combination potential. In Fighters MegaMix, Wolf has most of his VF] techniques, Indudlng his awesome clIaln-throw tecltnlques_Unlike Tekken, these are actually memorlsable and quite versatile _Along with his larger arsenal of throws, Wolf also comes e-qulpped with (ombo-ready chops, swipes and what-Itave-you, making him iln even more veru.tlle fighter. Alwilys underrilted, Wolf might surprise you this tlme._

One of the best things ilbout Fighting Vipers over and aboYfO VFl was the induslon of a Training Mode, whicll allowed you to practise your techniques over ilnd over. The same system has made its way into Fighters MegaMIx. so you Ciln get to grips with the new techniques that both tlte Virtua Fighters and the Fighting Vipers have al tlteirdisp<tSal. Just like Vipers, the Training Mode is the key to opening up 50me of the gilme's ilddilional secrets_

5et:'king to eKape the over-protective duuhes of his French aristocrat father, Uon (pronounud Leon) entered the VF2 tournament, only to lose. Returning to his father's estate, uon vowled to do better. Much better. RealiSing that his ability to strike effortlessly at multiple heights was his best advantage, Uon has bettered thl$ still fur· ther with a battery of stunning new techniques. In many ways slmUar to Vipers' Picky, Uon has also Imp roved with age, Now 16 years old, he has grown slightly, meaning that he hits with greaterstrength,Very,veryslmllarlndeedtohls Vf] self. Uon's Incredible techniques and Improved fluidity have made him a new favourite for arcade players.

The detaUed characler faces and biographies are gone from the MeiaMh( fighter $tlect screen, which Is kind of bad news. StlLL,ln lis place we have the mothtr of all select sCleens.wlthalllhecharacters' facesshownlnlclmeo stylee. Notice the question marks on ten oflhe spacel.Theseareforlhesecrelcharaclenandiradu· ally filii upwllh more faces as you complelethe one· player mode variations. Notice Ihat Dural, Kumachan , BM and Mahler are Instantly selectable. No more hidden char· acler dulies for them as Ihe re al secret characters are pretty muchaU·newClealions l

Pal's main motivation for fighting - the humllla prize money with which to buy a new boat and continue his search for the Devil Shark that destroyed the old one. Jeffry's skills have been drastically improved thanks to his discovery of another ancient tome of Pancratium tKhniques the art which Jeffry has singlehandedly resurrected from Roman times. Now, as well as being a powerhouse with amazing grapples and throws, Jeffry is also more than adept at hand路tohand fighting, and has even found ways of chaining more hits straight Into throws. Still not as fully rounded as, say, Akira, butJeffry remains afonnidable force If you can master him.



tion of her father - remains unquenched. to bring him down if it means Determined going through the entire roster of Virtu a Fighter and Fighting Vipers, she has learned ne w multilevelte<hniques and improved her reversals to Akira'sexcelle ntstandards.

Extra modes over and above the one-player and Versus game variations have been included for your pleasure. Team Battle Mode should be familiar to all VF2 Saturn vc tcrans. Pick atcam of eight characters from the entire roster of fighters (including the secret ones you've col路 lectedl and do battle either against your human opponent's eight, or the CPU's choices Survival Mode is all-new and very fun. Choose either a three, seven or fiftun minute

There were rumblings thllt litter the no-show of the bridges in Shun's stage on VFa thllt AMz would do the decent thing and put the plllne taking off in Toklo's stage Into Flghling Vipers. It never happened. Until now. Okay, $0 it's two big sprites (the plane and its shadow) and you can't move as it flies over. but we defy anyone not to be Imp ressed when they see It I Shame about the weedy plaM sprite In the air on the second round,but you can't have everything, canyoul

The mysterious runJa character who plagued Aklra's title challenge In the original Vlrtua Fighter managed to reach the final In the second tournament, only to lost badly. Concentrating his nlnJa skills on providing pow· erful back·upto his stealthy, sneaky attacU, Kage Maru is confident that his new-found ver· satility and power will make him triumphant this time around. Of all the characters In MegaMix. Kage (along with Aklra ) Is closest to his VF3 self in terms of techn iques. He reta ins the irritation factor that he had In VFa and has improved the range of his combos to great effect. A potentially deadly force in MegaMlx his moves are sufficiently alien enough to practically annihilate any of the Vipers and many of theVirtuas.

Seltct one-player mode and you'll notice something that you'd never have seen in an AM2 gamebefore·differentroutesthroughthe game. To begin with the re are four diffe ren t variations for you to work through - Novice, VF, Vipers and All-Girls. The topic dictates the fighters you'll come up against. Note that you have free choice of your character, $0 if you want to be Akira and beat the crap out the women on AlI·Girls, that's your look-out. Also be aware that the boss character you face at the end of the route dete rmines which secret cha racter(s) you'll gtl for your efforts. Complete the first four variations to access another three.


revealing the J6 Syndicate for being responsible for his Indy Car accident. He's abo tremendously boosted from his Vl'z days, chaining together more of his techniques to create delldouslysurprislng and exttemely deadly combination strikes. Only his lack of new throws disappoints.




- ""--".....'iI~..

Despite two hammerings from Jacky, her brother, S~r~h still rem~ins in the thrall of the sinister J6 Syndicate who have trained her as an agent 10 gain extr~ dal~ for the Dural project. Jacky'sinvestigationscontinueapaceand

~~~sf~lrO~~l.t~:~:e::l;i~;:~~~~ ;:s~~::t~~~e track down Jacky and take him down once and fo r all. Sarah's combination prowess, which took her lothe final round of the first VF tour路 nament has been imp roved still further. Her range of kick strikes is now s芦ond to none and she effortless attacks on all levels, using her sheer aggression, combined with the right techniques to take down all-comeu. A honendously powerful force.

Why have we gone 10 town on lanet ~Hubc.aps~ Marshall? BKause she's one of the coolest SeI;ret char.llcters in the gamel She looks Identical to her outing in Virtua Cop 2, only this time she actual· Iy does somethingl The best thing about lanet (who you get by completing the Ali·Glrls round in the one·player mode) Is the fact that her moves list Is like a slightly cut·down version of Aoi's from Virtua Fighter 3111'5 truel Even her reversals are taken from the new characterl We've listed all the moves we found to work here, but you should also try looking fot her gun attack(whichwehaven'trevealed), Yes,ll's true·lanet pulls out herVlrtua Gun and blows away her foe In a mega.damaging attackl

Bug!'s back in an all-new Sega Saturn adventure. And here's a showcase for it The first, in fact, written by our all-new staff writer, LEE NUTTER. So here we go!


nlere51In,'" the 1,,1 time I (ounted thert 'NU only ill handful of pl iltform· ers n.ila ble to buy on the Saturn, which SHms somewhat odd considering that many Saturn owners hIVe upgraded from the MegOld,lve where the.t! Is countless numben of pl.tformtn that seU quite litually like hot cillkes .The fe wth. t art J¥allable on the Silurn ilfe mostly cuk. CUI!t in poInt: Johnn )' Buookalone ilnd Clockwork Knight. So It wouldn 't take much of OIn effort by anyone to make. platforme.thilt would rul e the gen,e. Butthost! crillYluys , t Stgilaren't '''ppy .... ith that. Oh no. They want to make a platfofmel that will rule the world. So that ', wh.t they 've gone and done , kind of. It goes by th t witty (ilhemlj title of 8ug Tool sequel tothtvtrypopul,r BUll ,tlt utd , bout ,yu, 0, so 310. Howeverthisisnoordin~ryplatformer

as ifs all in 3D,addingthee)(tra depth element tothestandardleftto,ightformula. Thishasthe effect of making each level absolute ly huge , as thty!otretcha!ofarbacka!otheydowide. Thiswas impressive enough on the first outing. but the enginethatallowed t hemtodothi s hasbten enhanced for the sequel making even bttteruse oftheSaturn's undisputed power. The hero (every platformer needs a herojis Bugl,a little greener... bugfunnilytnough,whom we, at S5M love from the bottom of our vtry big htarts, tvtn li!ich. He just won"! admit it to him!oelf. he's in denial you see (No I'm not · he'!o'ubbish · li!ich). However Bug Tool h~sn'tbeenwithout its problems. It was delayed fo,quitt some months for reason!o unknown to meand asa result has missed tht usual Christmas frenzy whtrt pt oplt have more money than sense and buy any old crap. Not that this i!o cr~p, quite the contrary in fact . It just m.y ",,,,11 "w.II as wha t it could have a couple of months ago. But il's here now and that's all we cart about. So put your feel up and relax and enjoy anothe, 55M· styleShowcaseonthelate!otplatformerto emerge from the lovely people at Sega .

. . , SEG ..o.. S .,Q..TURN

WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER HERO So says Tina Turner anyway, but obviously the sella Away Team thousht differently and have gIven us an extra two Going by the names of Maggot Dog and Superfly they are both selmable on the opening options screen and both have the all new and muc.h needed running move. They do however differ ever so slightly horn the original character Bug. hue's why

Bug himsrlf remains pretty much the S;IIme'lI$ in his first outing. but has a quile .. musing cheesy IIrin

when he, Apart from that he walks,jumps and spits just

asintheoriginal, He'salso probably the best all路round chatacteras hlfs relatively easy to control.

HUGE LEVELS! In all there are six levels for you to explore in Bug Tool with each oft hem beingsplitintoseveralstages.Continuingthemoviestarthemeofthe film. each level is a spoof of a famous Hollywood blockbuster. So for example. the fllm Evil Dead is obviously the inspiration behind the Bug Too! level Weevil Dead and so on. Now I know what you are probably thinking, six levels isn't an awful lot and you'll have the game finished within a couple of hours. WRONG. These levels are huge, massive in fact, stretching as far into the screen as they do across. They ar en't easy either. in fact they are very tough with a decent amount of puzzle solv ing involved as well as the normal platform action. Now to do a guide to each of these levels would be impossible as they 're just too damn big. However what we can do is give you a doser look at each of the lev路 els so you have a rough idea of what to expect and a sneak look at the bosses too. Ifs all part of the SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE service, so sit back and enjoy the ride ...

like. Visually it isn't as appealing as the others but then neither was the film. The end路of路level boss isa large sea creature who can be destroyed by propelling yourself into him with the assistance of some carefully positioned crabs

aiqspt.lntabltpsytlMdallcbtlowlslq! IItonofT"sWlll-clIMblIIIUpabUitlu.

Yep, you've guessed It, the standud Spil~ type level thilt gfilCel most plil!formen with Its presen~ . ThIs one is a rip-off of lut summensffiash hlt film Independence Day and features alIldnds of unearthly creatures attempting to thwart your safe passage through the level. Some pilrtlculafly good bits In this level include a corkscrew platform which Bug! must pass over whilst the whole $CIeen rotiltes around him.

In the original Bugl the bonus stages W1!re pretty good fun and usually Involved collecting OsCilIS or nclng ilgilinst il W1!1l known blue hedgehog. Well the Stga Away Team have really outdone themselves this time and expanded upon this theme greatly and Included at least 24 bonus stages bonus stages In the sequel Thest are easily accessible,just finish eilch slilge of the normal game with at lust 100 crystals. What is incredible Is the vast range of them making for the most phenomenal bonus stages eve r seen In il platform game ever. Some of them mily seem fam1l.lar to fans of the original Bugl such as the bonus stages with the falling Oscars which Bugl needs 10 collect whilst avoiding harmful items. Others are totally new and make an e::o:cellent dist raction from the normal platform gameplay. Though it 15 not absolutely essential to enter these bonus stages to finish Ihe game, it really Is recommended as successful completion of the m with the correct amount of Oscars wUl earn Bug! an extnlife or a much needed continue. Here's a selection of IOme of the best ones you can expect 10 find.



An obvious Pee Wee Herman rip off, Ihls level has a Circus theme to it. The boss is a Mr Blobby look alike and is relal~1y easy 10 but by simple flicking the levers dotted ilbout the plil~ until the platform on which he is standing disappean from under hlm.

The arcade classic has been given the Bugl treatment where the Idu now of course 15 to collect Oscars and dodge the falling balls. For those UmlCcustomed to Q掳Bert, It's kind of like Pyramid on the Gladiators, minus the muscle bound, steroid taltL-_ ingmeathuds.

RACING In this bonus round, Bugl pilots a Beetle of the car vilriety, through a series ofobstac1es whilst collectlng OSCillS and trying to but your opponent alliltonce.

FRUIT MACHINE This is probilbly the easIest of all the bonus stages ilsllllyouhllvetodoispullalevertostartlhefrull machine and pull It again to stop It. If you stop It on th ree of a kind路 for example three I-UPS, you glllna!Jfe,thusencouraglngtheyoung and Impressionable to gamble. Great Idea.

OSCAR DROP Another fairly easy bonus slIge. All you have to do 15 collect the failing Oscars and dodge the more harmful Items like the boulders. Simple.


"":'_ .::.j

1~ liJ"AI'IiAI



No one was more surprised than I when Sega launched the Saturn without aSonic game to support it. With the exception of asmall cameo appearance in Bug!, Sonic appears to have literally disappeared of the face of this planet.

Sonic to run in any diledion within t he corlfines of the

level a s opposed to the tried and lestt'd running from left 10 righlformula.Thisof courseisquitea depa r Galher.peedOlltitel'lltating





up in a SOn ic suit trying to pilyfor his drama dasses. Oh, and Father

WARP THIS WAY It seems as though Sonic's been ~uound for ever and it's true that he Is kn()(king on a bit now, but he hasn't quite reached that golden

agt!' where you can gtt a nee bus pass. So to get around horn one stage to the next he has to wazp tluough a giant Holden ring. but only after he's collect", thO$I! })esk)' fllekles.

Christmas is a fraud too, not to m~m路 tionthe Easter Bunny and don't get me start ed on the Tooth Fairy, Th en when news broke of Soni, XTreme being canned we all but ga ve up hope of ever see ing our spiky blue he ro on the Saturn. But with consumer de milndbe lngsoh lgh, especialIy in th e Shtes, in their mighty



Sonic games which has the

effectofpreVC'ntingpla~rsflom spet'ding

straight through the levels In a t ime

trial-like way. The emphasis now than ever is on exploration an d puzzle solving, t hough the ga me manages to retain much of the speed that has become accus路 tomedwithSonk. Thegameplay toohas unde rgone an overhaul. Yes youstiUhavetoget Chaos EmeraldsanddestroyDr

wisdom Sega decided to port over ~1IiI'~I~III~ Robotnik...again. However the the Megadrive hil Sonk 30; Flicky's ways and means by which this is Isl and. So he reitis, al last, Sonic on th e achieved is quite different . It is your task Saturn. But was it worth the wait1 as Sonic to collect Flickiesand lead them to The new Sonic title is set over seven levels, each Ihe gia nt gold rings where Sonic then warps t hrou gh divided into three acts with each of those sub-divided to the ned section. The Flickies however, have been further, much Ihe same as inthe previous SoniC oulchanged into robots by the evil Doctor and it is these ings and with a boss at the end of each level. The thataredestro~dinorder tosett heFlkky's free. game itself adopts an isometric viewpoint allowing Chaos Emeralds ca n be collected by ta king at

There's not so much of afanfare this time around since this is effectively a Megadrive game graphically updated for Saturn


IliJ"U'N ~1 One of the highlights aflhls game is the excelle nt bonus stages featuring a polygon Sonic running with hasle down a long, tube like thing collKting rings. It's not hard to get to eithu,llmply ....

leastsoringstoeilherTailsorKnlJckles. yes they're back too, and to ntering the bonU5 stages. Thes!' arf'completely new for the Saturnversionofthe game a lthoughth~

willbefamiliartoveteransofSonicl, They featllrealighl-sourced,polygonSoni<funningthrol.lghawindinglubecollectinga set amount of rings and avoiding the bombs for obvious reasons. These sections were

acluallycreatedbytheSonicTtilmand essentially the highli8ht of the game. The music also deserves a menlion as

(AIMm left) The volcano type It qe I1 pirtlculany IlIOgII. BUlln Ihl !f'II. traditloftofSonlctblsun lllbelWold.dwil~ II~llld that protect. you 1811nsl III thlnp ~ol. (Bottom Right) Sonic ' mlshln8thl'Ough concretl pltlll'$ 11 onty he un,

of way. BlJt with Ihe qlJality of Satllfn §Oftware being §O high over the last year or §O we 've tome to eMpecl more from a platformerthanmerelyatartedlJp ve r· sion of an albeit grea t mesadrivegame Thechessboard·likeplayingareaisvery sameythroughOlJl and Ihe whole game lackslhesmalllouchesofgenilJslhatmilde previOIlS Sonics so great. Thereilrt §Ome nice srilph;cal tOlJchestholJgh, SlJch as the variable weather condi· tionswithimprenivetransparenteffectssivinsthe impressionoffogilndnolfo.gettingthecoolspetial stases complete with polyson Sonic. BlJt 10 be honest it still looks very mlJch like a Megad.ive game which is essent iallywhatilis Howeve. I don't wilnt to t.ample over this gilme too mlJch, as despite its s.aphicallimltations, Sonic 30 is still eMtremely fun to play and it must be said possibly Ihe 10llghesl Soni(OlJtingto date. The third dimension and new style of game play that hilsbeen inco.po.ated milkethis a verychallengins same. Bestofall,itjlJst feels so damn sood to be playins Sonitagain. Admittedlythisgilmeisha.dlylikelytothanse anyone's opinion who didn't like Sonic befo.e, eve n those who did may not want 10 own this one. BlJI look beneath the 16·bit graphi<s ilnd there's a lotofgilme plilyjlJstdyinglogetolJt.SolJntitaSatufnspedfic Sonic comes alongit'lIjusl havetodo. LE E



I~ I:I"U'I,,'I



Acclaim's latest is an update of their first foray into the heady realms of Saturn American Football. Can it compete with the mighty Madden Football?

109 . 99 IAlHRICAN




hen the first Nfl QUilrterb;lck Club W;U relusedontheSOItu.nit;tchieveciwhOltl wou ld(on,lderto~ ;t foli.lygoodm;t,k

he,e Inthe h;tllowed pilges of SEGA SAT. URN MAGAZINE. Well, . have to think that there WillS

"shome mishhh shurtly", beuuu~ the gilme (ah hougholu,yish) Just wil sn'tl nthe sil melugueils John Mildden ... on the Megildrive. Wjththeilmvillofth ispseudo-s~uel.Acclilim


had the opportun ity to do better. Much better. After illI. the comp,lny ilre flying high ilfter the success tholl

One uea in whi(h. Qu;irtefback Club anempts to Improve on the almillhty Maddens Is in its ranlle of Same variations. As _11 u JOrtins out pre·seuons matches, play·offs, pfo·bowJ and seuons sames you can enter the slmula· tlon mode whe re you can replay situation. from the puL or even the future thanks to the abUlty to create YOllr own situations. This Isn't new to NfL QC 97, and was in fact In pre· vlous Quarle rback dub sune •. Now why haven 't £A copied this ·11's a pretty cool Idea.

is Bubble Bobble, Bus\·iI·Movt ilnd Alien Trilogy so

surely we un expKt some kind of quality. Upon first loading up the CO. NH immediately

begins to imtateils It be<omes cleill th at iike its prt· decessor, the game features no kind of PAL optimiu· tion whatsoever. A p,sslnll Mean Machines reviewer snillllers. "Is th't the widescreen edition!" buthehu 'point· the borders are huuuullel luckily, beinll the owners of sWltchable Saturns here ,t SSM I un imme· diatelysw.tchthellame intoNTSCforabenerfull· sc.eendlspt'yButw,lt.l"mnotlloinllto. fo.theave.·


MULTI PLAYER - THE FULL MONTY Okay, you've mused YOUIll mate. around a sargantu anso~p rojectlonmonlto r,you'vesot

your two multl·taps and the requltltt 11 Joy· pad.1 What nowl Well, you ftsure oul exactly what you want to do with this mus of people. NfL Quarterback Club illlows you to all act together on the same teilIn OR split you up JO you compete asainst each other. The n all hell breaks 10000as everyone sets qulle confused. And then eventually works It 01.11.





'ge punter. this pint·slzed screen Is your lot. Into the game proper arld we erlterthe familiar lerritoryofthtavtragt31.bit sportsslmulatlon·tht plethoraofoptions. lrllhisregard.NFLQuarterback Club isn't really too bad. There's all oflhe learns you woutd want (this being an offklally licensed gamt and all) plus the ability to trade players and engagtin any one of many different game variations. from a quick play s.esslon toa full-on season. Quarterback Club wilt easily sort you out in record time. Sportssims are often enhanced bymultiplayer optlonaryarld this lIame easily sorts you out In this resardto. Providedyouhavethemultltapsnecessary )'Oucarl Indulge yourstlf in a gargantuan slmullant· ous l~·playtr stssion! It's a niet option, but Itt's face facls : who has acctssto one tap, let alone two (pl us theobligatoryl1Joypadsl).Anlceldea, but il's the two·playtrmodethat'sgoinlltollet lhemUeage. Right thtn, the game·s on, and I've just about got used to the lenerboKdisplay. Graphically speaking, Quarterback Club is below average. The 3D Itchnology

The jerky 30 update and horribly pixelly graphics count heavily against this particularly average American

Football sim

LET'SSEE THAT ON THE MONITOR At a ny tim e during the game you can pren START to bring up a nke m enu for you to fiddle around with, All m a nner of frippery is available hel e Including the ability to replay t he last bit of action from a variety of angles, Quite a nice touch, but not as good as the equ ivalent bit in Madd en 97,

used 10 represent the field and the players is not goingtoimpresseveryone.Theupdateisalittleon the jerky side ~nd the definition is fran kly poor There'snopolygontrideryor~nythingontheplayers

Nope, they're expanded spfites mate-and not very good ones ~t th~t. When your players congregate for a scrum-down (or whatever the American Football te rm for it is),it'salmost more hldeouslhana Megadrive attempting sprile-scaling, The animation on the players is unconvincing ~nd unrealistic and the amount of frames aclually used for the characters Just doesn't do the job properly, I'm sorry, but I really do think I prefer John Madden's .. , on the Megadrive, Thefacl is though that Madden isback..,and this time he's on Saturn, Now I wasn't as impressed with the EA Sports effort as my colleague Paul Glancey was I~\I month, but even I can see that what Ihey'~ achle~dlsfarinadvanceofwhat'sonoffef


choose your plays. Ifsever-so路slightly morecomprehensivethan Madden, but this is all for nought when itactuallycomestoexecutingyourcunninglycrafted strategies, That leads me on 10 whal is probably my biggestcomplaintwithQuarte.backClub路thecon路 Irols justaren'l as intuitive as you would want, Whereas within nanoseconds Iwas happily pulling off excellent runs and passes on Madden, with Quarterback Club I was spending ages working out just how the controls work. A nice liltlechart isprovid路 ed Ihat tells you when to press which button and why, but Ihe fact islhat It shouldn't be ne<essary, Where Madden really canes Quarterback Club severely is simply In its ease of use and thus its enjoyment, As stated before, I'm not the world's authority on Ame.ican Football games, but I've had plenty of enjoyment from previous atlempts to repliule the sport (most of them havinglhe name Madden in the title) and I can clearly see a game that compares woefulty with the EA title,

Theonlyonelhingl wouldpul in Quarterbad Club'sfavouro~rMadden'sisthewaythatyou

Can Acclaim's effort match




a near-flawless EA Sports excursion?

Well, to be honest, No way! Madden still rules at this time ~ SEG _4 SAT\J,":(N



Acclaim's range of freaky basketball games makes acomeback inthis all-new, three-dimensional, two-on-two interpretation of the sport .. _with grotesquely large-headed players! Eugh_ Sick and depraved? Read onandfind out, hydrocephalic sports fans_




lJ • •

1£4 4 99



BIG-HEADED SPORTSMEN! NBA Jammen of yesteryear will recall com· manding secret teams made up of program men and the Clinton administn.lion. NBA Jam Extreme incorporates a whole host of n ew secret novelti es fo r you to discover, The most ob viou s one isn 't really a secret at all- registe r your player a nd you can give h i m an enl a rged head , But how about playe rs with Smlleys for heads, inviso ' players and players wit h giant teeH Watch the tips section and we 'll reveal how these work in a future issue of SSMI

oomShOik<ll il ka ... andSoforth.lookin B b;tc kon it, WI" (a n't qu ite fathom why

Midway" NBA Jam Wi S such a hit - pass;bly one ofthese youthtle ndyprodud pl;ilctmenl culture things- bul a hililcertainlywas. It 's cui -down , less- players. spedal -moves b;lS ketba ll ;1,ctionmadefota st'ange sports 'simulalion' bula mighty popu larco in-op - anda mighly popu larSNESilndMe gadrivega me a lso. By the t ime NBAlam: TO UrJ\ilment Edition Oippeared Ih e elCci tement had died down so mewhat , but t he a rcad e· perfect Saturn conversion provided ~ uti sb ctory dose of e nte rta inme nt for those st ill affl icted with a (faving for knoc ka bout two· on,two actio n, Here we see Accl<lim spre<lding the NBA Jam even further with a souped-up sequel and-loose gameplay of th~ ea rlier games with new texture-mapped 3D graphics and loads more of those craly secret features that hav~ been the talk of the tips pages since the first NBA Jam game The fundamentals of the gameplay are the same as ever; two teams of two players take to the court with the sole intention of grabbing a ball and repeatedly stuffing it through the elevated hoop at their

opponent's end of the court. The action begins on a tea m select ion screen where players choose thei r on-cou rt wunterparts from a .angt' of over 170 NBA players in 29 different NBA learns. Solo players hav~ to cont~nt th~ms~lv~s with controliingjust on~of t h~ four players on the eourt, and influl"n(ingthl" passi ng and shooting of his team· mate. With two pl ayers at the {ont rols you ca n tea m up to ta ke

pet itorscan playpractiee ga mes, each of them gUiding Ihe act ions of one of the basket· Pl ayers ca n enter thei r initials and bi rth

All this isn' t too far removed from previous NBA Jam games, but when the action begins the diffe rence bet ween old and new becomes evident. Instead of be ing l wo-d imensional sprites, t he players are now all 3D mod~ls, t ~ xture-ma pped wit h th~appropriateteamcoloursandeyen t hefaceofthe

11 jJ flll~1 ~I

As in most

basketball games the action can end up simply bouncing backwards and forwards across the court.

swoops around the court to follow the action Instud

beCiluse If you're condemned to pl;llylng solo g .. mes

ofmtrelyscroUins left and right as in Iht original

NBA Jam Extreme (an get a lad t~ious. As in most basketball gimrs the OIction can end up simplybounc¡ Ing backwards and forwards actoss Ihe court; turn A sc:ore so team Bget posSflslon, then team B Kore and turn A get posSflsion, then turn A score_ Seizing

8am~ .

One of the hallmarks of all the N8A Jams 10 date hils been the Cf,lzyslam.dunking stunts, ilnd thnt hilYebeenrttil lnedlnExtreme. lndeed,AcclillmhaYe added 30 new moves that you (;In make you. piayers pull off byJudlclous use oftht Turbo.

theball ilndlnterruptlngt~opposltion'soffence

Is trlc~y



ilnd the new Xtreme button. Also,ifyou

shootth.eesl.lccessfulshotsina row, or bloc.k three succeUivt ment~tor M~rv

of the slightly Jerky gr~phics which c,n m~ke i1 h,rd to follow the (ourse of the b~1I as it's lobbed 'round the tourt , AS ever, though, NBAJ~m e)[treme Is ~t its best in

Albert decl~res you muhlpl~yer mode.lnste~d to be'Smokln'. In ofstrugglinS to control your 'Smokln' mode)'OlJ h~ve tum,m~te ~nd stuff the the tempor~ry benefits computer pl,yers, you c~n ~II of turbo-speed that just have~ bit of ~ I~ugh trydoesn't deplete Of the • _ _ _~~~_. . . . . . . . . . Ingto pull off the trick 'billty to go~l-tend withshots ~nd b'~me any dism~1 out being penalised - ~II of which suddenly defuts on your p~rtner. makes you ~ pretty touSh cookie. e>ctreme Isn't bad, but It doesn't offer the kind of There are other spe(i~1 features hidden In N8A unrestriined entert~lnment that's required towhip Jam E)[treme th~t make It more than ~ simple buketiver~ge Joes like me Into i frenzy. H~vlng said that, b~1I game. The blune '8ig Head' mode is ~(tualty eMistlng J~m d~tees should find bm htreme just ~s selectable from the record-entry Kreen, but there are enlerhining as its forebe~fI, ~nd with enough in the st~(ks of other hidden g~me settings that turn the w~y of new futures to make It worth adding to their basketball Into a beach b~1I or give the pliyers glg~n collections. tic feet or let you pl~y is i tum of invisible men, Theg~mere~lIyneedsthesekindofiddi1ions,



4,; SC:G.~ SATU.-:C

1~ lilil'Uil'''11



Toshinden UU is the latest Saturn-specific Toshinden title to emerge. But have the programmers taken on board the criticisms of the first one and rectified them or left it as the heap of cack the previous one was?



_ I £TB" _



EXTRA CHARACTERS" the original el~n tharacten there are In extra fow: JeCrtt character. hidden . omewhere within the g;unt tach of whom ue boon". Thefe is Wolf I nd .", Sho and Vermilio n. Don't believe me, eM Well tue • look .t the picture below.


hefil$tTolh l nden(ausedabitofa ~nu ·


tiononthePlayStationprob.blydueto th e fut that it wu thl! finl)D figMlng gamelo appeif on Ihe system u oppoted to it OIduilllly being' top game. Then we h.d the Inevlt.ble 5.turn verslon almmt a 1nl ago which wu an ilYeJilgf!converslonof.prett),IYer. • ge game. Since Ihen It h•., sp<l wned


t.eqHI on Ihe

P1JySlat ion wh ich dldll'l go down p.rticularly well and now yOIi

lucky S.luln owneu get. S.llIrn spe<iflCYerslon. Blltltdoesn'tltop there, Takar.wanttomllk thlt dtudful series for all It's worth and 10 this end Toshlnden Kids Is on Its way to thePlayStaUon as Is Toshln den J. Fingers crossed we newr gel I Satu rn conversion illS It may be the final straw that will put me over the edge. But backtothemilltterinhand, ToshlndenURAOf

Ultimate Rewnge Attack to give It lis full title . This game boasts 11 characters not Incl uding the secret chlraders, hidde n special moves and hig h resolulion graphics all running at JO framu per secon d(lsh). So und s impressive, ehl We ll think again. The main appeal of Toshlnden for many people was the Impressive graphics with some nice special effects and textured characters. The problem is that with the graphical capabilit ies of the Silturn being rullst'd more and moreeachday,ToshlndenURA looks rather dated In comparison with its more contemporary counter· parts. Just loo~ at the st unning visuals In Vfl, Vipers or the awesome Mesamix Vesthe latte r two may be In lower res, but technically they really have the Saturn worklnsilndit shows In their brilliance. Toshlnden has a fa ir amount ofglitching, the eff'ects are rather blockyand the

Takara'stechnically adequate brawler isrecoded in for Saturn! But Toshinden'supgraded concept and engine is still pretty lacking.

: ~~t~~" :




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l;~.l=路 - = r "_

This is clearly superior to t~e lacking Toshinden R~mix but up against the might of VF2 and MegaMlx it doesn't stand achance! update isn't that great either running at half the speed of the previously mentioned games. It hasa

sion, somt'lhing a lot offort'ign sof\wart' hOU5t'S neglt'cttodo.ThePAlconvt'rsionorllyhassmallbor-

generallytattyapPI!iI.ance and lach the polish that


topqualityfightingtitleshave.Sotakingthisinto account it makes you wonder what Toshinden has left to offe, doesfl'l it? The answer I'm afraid is nota lot


Gameplaywise not even the original was that good,sincethen Ihl.'various sequels have been getting progressively worse. Maybe this game has hidden depthsI'm not awareof,but ifso lheY"e bloody well

hidden. The characte,s move mosl unconvincinglyand so very slowly not responding at all well lothe commandsfromthejoypad.Thisgivl's)'Qutheimp'l'ssion ofneverr~ally~inginfullcontrolofyourcharactt'r. Tht'movt'sart'notparticularlyvarit'dande~ntht' speci~1

movt's aren't that spt'ci~1 ~nd failt'd 10 grab my attention for more tharl a ft'w minutt's. Basically Toshindt'n iSrlot big enough to compete with the likes of Fighters Meg~Mix, it doesn't ha~ tht' dt'pth, gr~ce路 fulnt'ssand beautyofVF1 and lacks Iht' speed of Vipers. However it must ~ said irl Takara's deft'net' that Ihey havt' madt' an t'ffort with th ePALconvt'r-


this has bet'rl rt'least'd at all in thiseourltry. In fact with tht'wt'alth of top quality Capcom and St'ga arcadt' fighting gamt's currt'rltly available on tht' Salumorontht'irwaysuchasX路Mt'nVt'rsusStreet Fighlt'r, Mt'gamix arld VF~ (we'rt' gt'ttirlg t'xcitt'd alrt'ady).il defit's.t'asonlhatanybodywould part withtht'ir hard t'arnt'd cash to buy this nonsense. This title also pretty much sums uptht' gamt's sct'nt' at th t' momt'nt, with many software compani~s such as Takararollingouttht'sameoldcackevt'ryfewmonths as oppost'd to putting tht'lr minds to crt'ating innovativt' gamt's He tht' brilliant Nigh ts . Anyway, my advice issimplt',Savt'yourmoneyand buy MegaMix because it won 't ~ long rlOW and bt'lie~ me it is awt'some Far,fa.superiortowhatTakiHaha~achie~dhert'.







What can be said about Tempest 1000 that hasn't already been said by that ridiculous freak who bought an Atari Jaguar for £300 and has been trying to justify the expense ever since? Plenty, bub . and here it is!




1£24 99





It was more than nostalgia that inspired Tempnt following, While the con~rsion accurately emulated the original coin·op it also Incorporilted someup-to·dalegamevariationsthatfeaturedelftra weapons, three different bonus games and even a head-to-head two-player mode. More thin these, though, ~teran psyc:hedelic programmer, Jeft Minter, had peppedupthegameplaywitha barrage of eye· warping pi~el e~plosions, swirling, smearing colour effech,lnd a 'banging'raveysoundtrack, Thls WilS the real source of the game's new·found ilppeill. Turn down the lights, turn up the colour, run the sound th rough your hi·fithenjam up the ba ss and thevol-


How iI It tltalMe!I u lIIClI.t . lml 'U Pf'O'IIdItllrilill8ll

Ipllll for lIIOcIer.-dQ playtrs? 1t'1111 thnkl 10 thc o,,/'lIOIIt of coIOllr,tltlpauadlntNllftdtf1lctlftdtht ulnHOIIdt)lu tJl. Iclionl., t jllltllllfulerln41f.,llfwlth •• chpaul",lm l!

a"d Video G. mrs bl ck In 1994 tVi!n u lled It - the blnl ftom the pu t that's . mu st ~· OII nd thty wer. ntve' on es to uysuch th ing s without due conslde,a lion. Such was the hyste rl. t hat wme poor fools act u;ally fe lt compelled 10 lu ve thl! comfort of their padde d u ,lI s and go out to Rumbe lows to buy a Jagua, . just sothey (ouldpl .yth ls on e !lfonlyth~'d

known that I convt.s lon ofth l,Is·ytoa r·old At;ul coin . opwDuld one day be appel llnl on the Sl tu.n , pe" h.psthl!SeLlnforturlate soulswouldnotha ~ made

umeandyou(ouldenjoy a gami n ge ~ perlencesohyp.

sucha prodigal purchase,

notICilstobealmosl mi nd· altering.

Turn down the lights, turn Up the colour, run the sound through lour .hi·fi . and youhave agaming experience so hypnotic as to be almost mlnd·alterlng.




The original and not the bel t. Apart from the obviously ruterlzed score llne and the b ackground mu sic, this Is a spot -on connrsion of Tempest, tight down to th e seratchy graphics ant'

A hybrid of Traditiona l and Te mpest '000, that plays like the former (le with no power-ups) but hu some of the the fancy effeds and the featu res of the latter, such u th e AI Drold. You can choose to have the AI Drold helping you out throughout the ga me or you can team up with another p layer and engage In some joint blastatlon if the mood takes you. Not bad, but not as good as Tempelt zoooMode.

Forget the rest and try the best. Thil full-feature game variation is the one with the powe r-ups, the bonus gamet and a ll the 'parkly add-ons. Th e tube I.nes glow In rainbow colour •. Score menage. explode out of the screen in scintillating clouds. There are often so many puels flying a round that you h ave trouble seeing th e action, but once you've tuned In you. brain It', quite a rushl

flIckeryexploslon., Strlppedofalllt l flnery, U~

true a nd slighlly tedlou. nature of the origlual game gllnh through, Unleu you 're a n Intole, ..ble nosta lgic you m . y well find you pl ay this once a nd then never again.

<fliP SEG~ S,4TlJR~

II:JI'Alli.'A ~1

Tempest 2000's powers

of entertainll)ent lie in the fre~etic action, the graphical pyrotechnics and the pounding music.


g'ilmmed by The Glut Mlntc! hi mself, it milnagM 10 be a fillr represenlallonofthebg8i1me. It hu all the futu~oflhe original, as _11 as ill couple of mino, additions, but the fundamcntalsof thc lIilmeplaya,c t he S;lme. The pla~r controls alue r.firlng daw that spins iI.ound the rim of 100 Yilllously·shaped 'Iube'i'.

Crawling up t he tubes towilrds the claw rome un friendly electrD·(featurts and the Idu Is simply to eliminate them with some skilled shooting before

thq'fUchthCl:'ndofthetube. On,,:you'vcblasted yourquol aofenemies,youflythroughthetubeand

on tothe


The enemies come in numerOU$ vilrletles, some

of which try to molest the player's clilw In person.

while others stily ill the filf end of the lubc l.nd con· structspik~lhiltblockuplhe'lilnes·. Onceblilsted ,

ccrUinbilddies.elCi1se powe.·ups. p.OYiding bonus polnts.wiI.ptokenS.ilnlnslilnlincouswiI.pthillsends youdi .cctlytothenextlevelilndwcaponupg,ad~.

The first wCilpon upg.ade Is the pilrtide Iilse., wh ich is mo.eo. less the Silme ilS the Slilndilrd gun but makeS illoude,noise,andistherefoleessenllilltothegilme's ilna rchiCiltmosphele. There's also an AI (Artificial Intelligence) Droid Ihat helps you out by roaming the rimofthetubcilndblilstlngilnythlngthal"ossesIts path. l1echil.gers revive your Super Zilpptr smart· bomb,and ajvmp enilbler lets you bovnceoffthe rim of the tvbc and oyel ilny en"oilchlng enemies. ThewillptokenSilrelhethingsyourCilllywilnt to collect. though . Onceyov hilvethree of these you',e lIi1nsported 10 one of Ihree cool bonus stilgcs. The

Wile. tile III'ftI \tCOlllplttlyotl'tt 'll'ltpt4 Into I IHHIUIJlIIII. you bw. to't.. ryotl .... tfthl'Oll&h I cou.... oflinl',

firstisilf1y·th.ough·the·'ingsgilme,while l he~ond

TEMPEST DUEl A Iwo-player mode which uses iI s plll·screen dls · play to show the opposite end. of the 'I m e tube, euh guarded by . player. The idu it to blast through your opponent', shield and destroy him, while trilshing the eltrtromag ne!lc fiends between you. A semi·intrigulngldu , bUI this mode doesn't rtally play "e ry well. Chlllenglng YOUI pills 10 . COle (onle,t, ln Tempt. t 2000 mode Is more fun.

rcqui,csyov 10 keep your strilnge Cfulure of plxels on ilswl,lingpilthinsideilcylinde,. Thethl,dlsanothe. ,ing-following game. bvt Ihis onc is madder and toughelthilnthefi.U So while. ilt first glance. Tempest lOOO loch like ilnoutdiltcd and Icdious wilste of time it does aClually have iI bil going fOI il. It's simpl istic. sVle. But its pow_ ers of entertilinment lie in Ihe flenelic action, Ihe graphicillpyrotcchnicsilndthepovndingmusic. Afcw minordiscrepanciesmeilnlhisisn'tqviteilsgoodas theJaguaryenionbulil'sjuslilsliIppY·ilndalmostilS t.ippy. Havinssilidthiltil'shi,dlowholehCilrtedIYlecommend Temptst 2000. simply bcciluse there's no settinsawilyf.omthc filct Ihill you need 10 btrlghl onthegilme·swilvelcngthloippreclateitfully."you 3re,il's like a n inlelactiYf' laser show packed with destructive milyhem ilnd spurred on dance music. If you're nOI, Tempest 1000 Jus t looks likeilhypcrilCliyeve.sionofilnil'Cildcgame lhilt's now well Pilst its prime PA U L

TIrI, ~ &at ,..q~fII'" 10 kttp J'OIf plul!), 1Nl- I"., 011 I" ,,"' COllf'lt Ihl IWirll .....1MI t~1s I,k.


~ SEG ,-' SAru .~N

1~ I:J:&'u:&I"11



Batman Forever: The Arcade ... or the Saturn conversion 01 the arcade game as it should be called is here. nearly 18 months after the film. So isit acase of better late than never? Read on ....



_ k~9 . 99 _



olllqllidlFOLlrbloody quidlHls<rum edtothe po!iceofficer ilS they dragged me kkking and Kreaming from the Ioc:al cinema, somewhat annoyed ill having to pay to sit through 8atm an


FOlever. YOLl SH the first on e, BatmanlOI

whatever you want to call it Win a dusk broLlght alive by the magic of jack Nicholson. Th e sequel,despite the enigmatic presence of Michelle Pfif... er, faile d to live upto expe<tations.

8atman fans will no doubt be plened 10 lurn Ihatyoo tan pl ay ill eit ber tbe Caped Crusader or bis trusty Ilde~ltk Robin. Twa playerttan Htb be thl um. dw·acter loo.

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK GTilphically, th~ biggest gripe I have with thh game is t he incrl!'dibly bloc:ky grilphlcs on the main characters, meaning many of them look as If they have been made out of Lego by ill borf!'d five year old. h nt check oul these pics of thl! fear·induclng end of level bosses Guesser and Zapper and tremble. 0000 SCilry.....

But to add insult to injury, th e third instalment even with the (omi(geniusofJimCarreywas(a(k.Str,lnge but true. Str,lnge In th,lt itwu,lctuallythemoitsuc· cessful of th e Balman films. Bullrue inlhil it was cick. My hopes are now pinned on Ihe lurve doclor, George Clooney 10 do Batma n the juslice it deserves. Thegameisobviouslythetieinwithlhefilm and follows roughly the same plot. what there is of it. Basically Two-Face and the Riddler are attempting world domination by putting a box on top of your telly and sucking out your brain through your ears as only they have the technology to do. ina nutshell. The old

scrolling btat 'em up in the same vein as Stretls of Rage, an area largely overlooked on the 5aturn with the notable exception of Guardian Heroes. You progress hOlilontally thlough the increasinglydiffiwlt, ytt very similal and rather unimaginative levelsdisposing of various wrong-doers along the way using the standard punch and kick attacks. These can bt strung logether to make multi·hit combos which rapidly drain youropponentsenergy,displaytdonthesCfeenas a p!'rcentagewhich increases with every hit until 100% when your opponent is dead. Dtad bad guys tend to leave power ups bthind after their demise. easily recognisable by the words "POWER ~ a nd "UP" over them. Once collected they boost your characters abili· ties no end and make th e weapons mOfe powefful. Oh,didfl'tI mentiontheweaponslWhatsortofa Batman game would it be without weapofls~ littered

You believe you are playing this on a16-bit machine rather than on the Saturn with its awesome

2D capabilities


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graphics are franklyler, ible, espttially on the main characters who are elltremely blocky and vtry ugly up close making you IH-litveyouare playlngthisona16. bit machine rathe, than on a SatUrfl with Its awesome 10 capabilities {just take a loolc at any of the Capcom titles available) But as we all know It Is not graphlts that make a great game Its game play, just look tIIilS(um,Ourhero~lsohilstheabllltytoplck I at Baku BalcuAnlmal. But unlike the tatte, upb~fr'elsandcratesandlobthematyour Batman Fo,eve, faits dismally here too. opponentswhkh,thoughsllghtly Theshortnessoflhelevelsandlatkof humourouslsrelilliYelylntfftclive, them (Guard iiln Heroes has Ih,« times At tht end oftilch level you ilre con· t~, ,,~,,,, manylevels), thel"kofvnietylnthe franted by a boss characttf Of two whom gameplay and repetitivtnen of the whole you must destroy in Ofdtrtoprocttcl.VOur game makes ita lose,. The two player efforts are then rtwilrdtd by btinggiYen ~ optioii"may add slightly to the longtvlty, but choice ofbonus items with which to start the next leveI,dependingonthescoreyouhlVtKCUmul.1ted, what are the chances of actually knowing someone whoispreparedtositthroughthis~YOUCiln'ttvtn Though there h~vt b«n some good ntm licences IH-at each other up as the hitsjusldon'tconne<:tand of late, Alien T,ilogy and Ole Ha,d T,ilogy fo, eumple, thilt Will always the most fun part, pretending to work I'm afraid this one is not in the ume league. The together but slipping Ihe odd left hook In there ,nd dillming it was an act ldent . I suppose it's not fitt ing with their image as g,ut mates to IH-at e"h other up. Shame. I also found the cotlisiondetection 10 IH-abit unpredictable. sometimes hitting opponents nowhere near you, other times punches,nd kich simply pass· ing'ightthroughthem For me this Is a poor man's Cuardian Heloes, except that it Is actually quite expensive, I can't really recommend this to anyone, unless you',e a die,hald Batman fan and a masochistic one ilt tha t, if such peo· pie exist, Batmiln Forever, I don't think so, Batman Fo,

about Ihe streets for young children illfld those not of sound mind to find Isa lillge arrilyof highly deadly weapons which ciln be collected and unleashed on the general public at your leisu re, These range from Batarangs,whlchareselfexplan,toryandBat·boIas, which aren't , Each have their own unique, but by no meansspeclilcularwayofclearlngtheS(tffnof

Ik_l... nllll.I ••, lOt~k:"ldflf .rr.I"lIIttl"l'1I 1'1I.1b-lu'I._.. toIOII,I."III'IIII.ltkl~lIo.. uc.ptlCl',

;) couple of hours is more ,ullstic

:-;-;o-;;==------~~;,;> -p



nit M(;tiOll la partlc~ll", "Urel"1 U y" bn to colt.ld "Iri"IIIctYil-rlllllllllrtIIIIMMllMllnrycoMllruclallOtM •• Iollobll.. dr/nl at VlIIIpH1! 11)' __ ml-dotn.

n. "'11 lCIIIlIb' pnlKl. N' MI_ """".. tM


' '11)'.

'11n IIOIIIb isjllt _ fIf tM 10 coIIecl.

MU)' wttpOM


IBUG TOO! One of the first Saturn platform heroes returns to 31·bit land with the inevitable sequel. It's much improved over the super·frustrating first game ... or is it?

C _


_ I PlA I f ORI1 _



latform gilmts afl! il16·blt phenomena \

fully. Thtn~ Ill! sllth of them , rucks of them tven , but thtrf artn 't so many on the Saturn,nol dtctnt ones ilnywily. Sotypiullyafttrthe longplat· former drought WI! 8tt two very de<ent onesintheumemonth. Thls onelsBug

Tool, sequel to the very succtssfut

DIFFICULT BUG ... ER The difficulty level on 8\11 Tool Is Just too damn hard. Enemies often move 50 quickly you don 't know they aIt theft untU they've hit you, then you have to put up with another

Bug!With ihcuteSGlgt ntratf<d sprites,i ntriclteltYelstructull!, polished8~ph lu and tough

BilmeplayitplowdY\l!rypopUlll Ind«d. Th is wa s due In no

srnallpart, dale l u yit, toalilckof ~ftw~re JupportfoltheS~tu,"at

annoying voice sample. "That" Botta hurt l~ Ahhhh lll Other timet object. in the fort-

theti me . Sothe ~uelwasl nevitabte a nd

ground obKwe fOUl view bildly lnvariably leild1ngtodeath.

hele. Butwiththemylladof quallty SatU ln

4# SE":;")' SATlJR:"l

~ft.elbe i ngdeta~folqu ite awh llelsfinally

the point at which I be{~me stuck. So not being the most patient of people I allowed It to collect dust fOI a while, occasionally usi ng the disk as a han dy coastel befole finally getting lid of it, onlyfol a level select cheat to come to my aUention a few days latel. The point being that the gameplaywas extlemely tough with a high level of flustrationthrownin.Th ishasn't been lemedied fOI the sequel. if anything the difflcultysettlng Is actually hardelwhichm~ybequileoff

puttingtothenovke,butwlllultlmately provide tttose who stick it 0tJ1 with a huge challenge. The gameptay Itself usually involves making huge INp<i ~(fO<;S wide spates, jumping on other creatures' hNds to destroy them and a IDtof puzzle wlving. What makes this game shnd OtJt amongst the pretenders is that It Is}D. meaning that each level Is asdttp as it

II:JlfAII'iA ~1

Graphically Bug Tool 15 quite in advance of it,

predecessor, with smoother update, more detailed gra phics and lovely new backd rops which mergt with the platforms very nicely thank you.

What makes this

game stand out amongst the pretenders !s that it is 3D, meaning that each level IS as deep as it is wide.

is wide. However, despite the vastness oflhc whole gameit is all in a vcry linear fashion with the player enjoying none of thc freedom fOllnd in 3D games such as Tomb ~aider, And whilst the extra dimt'nsion is all

very well and 800<1, much of the liml' judging distances into and out ofthf' SCff't:'n is nf'ar impossible. Other annoyances such as the American sitcom style of 'humour' have made their way inlo th/:' sequcl,not

to mention the repetitive speech samples. UnfortunatelywC"rC'unabletoconveythistoyouina magazine,howe~rtryrepeatingthephrase"Thafs

gotta hurt" a thousand times and you'll hayeaYilgue Impressionofwhatit'slike. Bug Tool does improyeontheo.lglnal formula in a numberofways.Thesnail paced speed of the origi路 nalisunchanged.buttheyha~thought toincludea

'run' button, t hank God. to speed it up slightly. As you can no doubt t ell from the screen shols the graphics ha~ been impro~d considerably making much better useoftheSaturn'scapabilities.Thebackgroundsare now far more detailed and blend much better with the floating platforms, making the inevitable clipping far less obviouS Weshouldn路tforgetofcoursethereisaplot.

something todo with Bugl and his chums being moyie stars, hence the levels ale all spoofs of famous films. Sothe.eis a Lawrence of Arachnia level,Weevil Dead, Swatterworld, flee Wee's Big Adventure and Antennae Day and Cicada Night fever. Admittedly it may seem amusing now. but give it a couple of days and you'll see sense. New cha.acters have al\O been incorpo.ated inthesequel,soyou carl now choose between playirlg as Bug, Maggot Dog or Superfly. though there's no real difference between them. Atwo-pla~roptionhasalsofounditswayinto BugTool.thOlJghit"snotasimultaneoustwopla~.

and is ultimately limited. Playlr one prog.esses through the level until he dies. then it"s th e second players turn and so on. You get theidea-not really the kind of thing many people a.e tikelyto useor enjoy if the truth be told In all,BugTool is top quality platform game sur路 passing itsp.edecesso.s in all aleas. Butto be honest it reallyisjust more of the same which is great if you liked the o.iginal. However, those who didn't won't fond anything new to tempt th em into purchasingil.


it " O",ofthelwone'lltharaclers In the Wuyll Dud leYd . bout


\;,c~ -





1jJ 111 1211

IDOOM One of the first titles ever promised by Sega for release on the Saturn has finally appeared, over ayear since the PlayStation version and three years since the original PC game!




1£ 4499


_ I Doo,. _ ! OUTNOI!

nitelyoneoftheworstconversionsof the game ever. Although id software logos iII.t plilSter~overlhepackagin8andthegillme'sfront

Duke Nukem 3D, Doom st ili command s much resp«!..

On the PC al Ienl. II 'stht super·smooth30eng;ne, thl!'brilliantdesiln, tht!(omplelecommitmentto gillmeplay · that 's why Id softw;U t iIIfe nowonl!' of the most rrsp«ted softwillrt houses In the world. Thai respect Is bound to ti~e ill bit of a knocking when now that SiI! U;I1 owne rs h ave finally got a chance to playlhel r version oflhls classlcgilme. You see, Saturn Doom must M the most disappointing8ame I've played thisyuf-and vtrydefj .

end,they've actualty had very little todowith this game. In ildu;il fact, 9rilish codcrs Ragc Sof'twarc havc handlcdthcoonvcrsionandlcfsfaccfacts-thcy ,rcn't rully up t hcrc wit h t hc AMlS and Sonic Tums ofthlsworld.PrcviouscffortslikcS t rl kcr havcn'l c.actlyscllhcwOl ld onflrc,sowhocvcr lnGThandcd thcconvcrsionwor kl o l hcmshouldrullybcinswcrIngsomcvcrydifficultqucstionsJustabou t now. Doom's gamc design rcmains as good as II cvcr was - even In this convcrsion - all of thc wcapons, Icv·

Compare Exhumed'sfluidity and dynamic lightinq to thi~ dull, jerky effort It's clear that Ooom is abotched rush"Job with no redeeming features

H.rt .. lrt Ill UIIDDelltleHts·&04, It " Njtt'tJ.

II:Ji1Iil~' ~1

...... .

'- ..... - .. ~ 'J


fI:J~: "

After years 01 waiting Doom finall~ arrives on the Saturn Unlortunately. it's abreath"takingly bad conversion of a classic game els and controls are available. but unfortunately, Rage

companies like lobotomy Software are producing

Software haV1! decided to put all of this into wn<lt is

amazing 3D graphics as seen in Exhumed, which is

th emostje r~)'8ame30en8inel'veseen in

ages. Even Rage shol.lld have been able to

of equal speed to its PC version running on a looMHz Pentium. Instead. the translation

be\terthisploddingengine.Theframe ft~~~~~~ wehaveiSlikePlaYingDoomonamidrateisfranklyabysmal -ba rely accept路 spec 386 ... with less detail able on Ihe original Doom levels and Saturn owners have every rea acompletejerk-a-thonwhenyougel son to be outraged by Ihis game. intothecomplicaledareasoflhe Considering the amount of time Doom 2 stages we've had to wait for a conversion from the smoothness of the surely we could have been given gameplay, Doom draws its playability, something better than this' Whoever its real feeling of being there. Just openis ultimately responsible for Ihis travesty ing a door in Saturn Doom is a horrendous of a videogame really owes us an explanaeXCllrsion into Jerksville. Worse still. explode a lion ... like why they bothered releasing what is barfel next toa meanie and watch the individual dearly a sub-standard rush-job of a conversion inthe frames of animation take place as it blows upand first place. entrails go everywhere. One of th e most satisfying bits of the original completely ruin ed. The graphics are pretty crap as well. Eventhc PlayStatlonversionwasextr emelycompfomisedin detail compared tothe PC original,but al least Williams made up for it with some nice lighting. There路s none of this in the Saturn version. Not only does it move jerkily. it loo ks dull. htremelydull That"scertainly no excuse after the lighting effects in Exhumed which are in Quake levels of excellence Intheend,thequestionarises:justhowbadis DoomlWell, as Isaid before it'sokayish 10 begin with on the less taxing levels. but later on Iwould say that the gam e is virtually unplayable. The mOre complicated the level. the slower th e update and the playabilitysuffers from thereonin Having played every version ofOoom ever, I can say that this is surpassed only by the diabolical 3DO version (which was evenjerkicr and in a tiny window). So yes. the Jaguar version is betler-faster and smootherbya long chalk. And the 32X version is mOfcplayable But really we should be playing a version almost identical to the PC original. especially when

PLEASE GO FASTER Playing Doom on Ultravlolencl! level In the PC version Is brilliant 路 hundreds of mu.nies appear on-screen and mowing them down is an awesome feeling. Not so in the Saturn version. If more than a few creatures appl!'aI on-

screen the action slows down even morel

1~ liJi'AI""AI



After first taking a look at this potentially revolutionary RPG waaaaaay back in issue #6 of SSM. finally we have the completed Dark Savior to check out for review purposes. So buckle up and awaaaay wego!

IT'S SO EASY A complu control m ethod can often put you off what Is a really good adventure Bame, but lucld]y Oatk Savior comes u p trumps with a system that enables you to do just about anything u sing Just a few buttons. nu~re's run and jump buttons to negotiate the mostly platform terrain, along with an action button that does just about everything swipes Garlan', swo rd, It's used to talk to the locals and it's also good fO J activating swltches and suchlike. The only real cleverness In the (ontrol mode Is the H)'p@rio n J>e"pectivt whlchtwists the view on·screen (the left shoulder butto n or the analogue controller is used here). Overall, the controls alt excellent , making the world of Dark Savior extremely easy to get into and lots of fun to boot. Brilliant.

,~oulh to Me theM annayanen off. You don't get '"Y upent net point, or thlngtangibl,forklllln, tllelll.


rom our voluminous mailbag, It S

:~::y~~~; :~~::tt:r:\:hn::~ta

'I.,''' \

Isometric rubbish Everything IS made up of tex

~~f: at::~ :;~~;I: ;~c:oc::s~r: v~~:e,~ :;~~~~~:

th e re a fact overlooked by Sony In their action heavy PlayStatlon hne up luckily Sega have a good supply of exce ll ent RPC;s hned up for release a nd sUlelythe ~st of t the bunchhastobethls, OarkSavlor pro ~

:::~~eb?t~~e!::::.~ ;r:!~~eed;rn~t~:

~~_(lothe Hypeflon Perspective ): ~ -





I the a~~~:~~e~onn:::~~:vna:~: ~:~~::e ~~:

~W \ ~~:di~t~~:~:~~ !~np:~:~I~;~;:I~~n~:~:i.

be said that the similarities between this Saturn game and th e established 16·bit dassic are rife: the main character looks similar and the iso· metriC viewpoint initially looks nigh·on identical. Butit Is different. Pretty much an entirely new game in fact, which Is what you would e xpect con

You see they're full 30 . not just your usual

a great new Innova tlon that tWists the view on screen often reveal Ing hidden obJech and secret eXits that kind of guff ThiS IS activated uSing a shoulder buttononyour)oypadorbetter st,llus,ng

~ •

legen~: ~~~S:~~~.g up Dark Savior, it has to

sideri;~eh~; ~~~:n::'~ei~~: :::~~r~:~~:.·


cally th ere are five major routes through the game depending on how you tackle the Initial puzzle. And from there. you'll find that there are other plot twists through the chosen parallel, makinglhepossibleendlngstothevirtually , unquantifiablel Well, there's supposed to be



r~~~round h:~~r:: :~:~:~~t:~e~;~~ality a


derived from its dialogue and plot·lines.

DalkSaviorcertainlyexcelslnthlsregard.Despitethe fact that the S~(h was orlgln~tly J~p~nese. there are some genuinely funny moments ~nd Climax have cre-

Climax have handed in a technically adept and enj~yable adventuie boasting literally months of longevtty and multiple routes through

atedsomeprettybelievablech~'acters. Theplot

advances at a f~i'otd p~ce and you do genuinetyfeet that you ~feat the centre of an epkstoryline. So that's pretty cool 100. AnolherstapleaspectoflheRPGistheublquitous combat syslem and once again Climax score top marks for Ihelr efforts. Besl described as a kind of StreelFlghter In Isometric style'Ye got a few techniques at your disposal as weU as a Super Combo style attack that you power-up. This is cool, but better stili Is the Capture system. Hero Garian is able to capturevanquisht'd foes and use their moves and abilities In later fights. Very nice indeed. Apparently, by captu ring vilflotls creatures, the storyIInechangesasthesechilractersaretakenoutofclr. culatlon, Ihus altering what happens. Personally I haven't seen much evidence of this, but apparently it'slrue The bottom line is that Dark Savior Is pretty damn ace. actually. rm a greal fanoflhe Zelda style of action advenlure OYer and above Ihe Shining Wisdom genre. and Dark Savlor is righl tip my alley. I think Ihat even arcade fans should give this ga me a go - II'sctass. R I CH


~ S EGA S ATU.'7iN

tt\~ SEGA SATURN™ tips You knowsomething? We get so many people 'phoning us up for Tips on their favourite Saturn games that we just had to do something about it since wejust haven't got time to answer individual queries (because half the time we don't know). Hence the arrival of this enormous 16 page Tips Bible - truly if you need some cheats for an individual Saturn game you should be well-served with this superla' tive array of codes, levels skips and cunning little tips. These have been culled from all Saturn Mags to date, but we've also included a whole lot more that you wouldn't have seen before inour quest to put together as complete a listing as possible. We can't guarantee to have included every tip ever seen anywhere, but we've done our best with thisherculean effort to put in as many as we can. From next month on it's back to Tips as normal with our smaller two'page up-to-the'minute activities so if you think that you have anything cool to contribute (except rip'offs from the Internet) write to: TIPS, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, Priory Court, 30·32 Farringdon Lane, London EC1R 3AU. You know it makes sense.

BLACKRRE Entef 0111

of these chuh on th e title SCfRn:

Full energy and fuel

Press L A. Z. v, A. Down. Down Then press Start twlceduflnglhegameto,efill

ATHLETE KINGS Let's face faclS-you can't beilt a b,lofAthlete

Kings can you- it'S cool iSlt noli Th.e graphics are ace, the sound cool. and It'S in the Saturn's hi-rew. lutloo. grilphlCS mode. meanmg thill the Image you ~

level Skip Pu!ssandholdthesebuttonslnordc •. C,8.A,Up.L Then release them In thiS order. A. C. L Up. Now,

on-scfRn ilre iKtuillly fine. tkiln OIl Modell

cOln-opl Arooga! Stili enough waffle, herc are soml!' ofthet,ps. Note that the extra player Chtat only works on the Import game BooI

when playing, hold A, B,C, ilnd Up, then press lto

skip a stage Invincibility Pt~S and hold A, 8, and C, th~n r~l~a~ t~m In thiS order. C, 8, A. Now pr~s 8. A, 8. V. then hold X. Now press Up, then hold Down and releaseX. VlewFMV Another cheat to add 10 last month's ~Iectlon. Go 10 I~ Iltle screen and pl~S Stalt, t~n pr~s Z. A, Z. A, B,A, B,V, C, A,C, A. Thlswl!lletyouw~t,hallof the fMV sections flom t~ game

(ontrol the 811mp In the evenlS were the bhmp appearst~secondplayerun

control ItS Circular motion With R·Shlftbunon


Shot putTip When doing the shotput, let your playel's power bal ltachthefalleft,butdon'tpless the adlon button tnstead,rolltheD·Pad around (as though you're doing th~ diSCUS) and you'!lsprnaloundbeforeleluslngtheshotput Another Wil'l to hlghJump After selecting your heighl press I~ftor right before you SUr\ running The,amelilshouldchang~anglesandshow

another way of Jumping Shift Cilmern In Shot Put After thrOWing I~ shot put press left Of Right to shlftlhecameraangl~

Hop 5cotch the 100 meters At the start of the 100 melres race, as theannoun(er'sYOlc~saysth~

BAKU BAKU ANIMAL On~oftheoptions

nol usually available in theuKversionoflhegamelsthe leilguemod~ TOilccessit,gotolhe tltl~scrttnilndp,~s8,A.C,Up,B,A.C,

Up, then pr~s Star! Th~ new Option will now ilppe.U Th~ only problem wllh IllS thilt It hilsn't beentranslilted ffom Jilpanese and rs






ThMl" chealS should !Ko j>l"rformed on the title

The level code for Bug is BASVSEAlS, spelled when the following buttons are pressed B,A.e,Y.(D·Pad downJ,(O·Pad Right}, A, (Left Shift). (o·Pad Down) Do this on the STARTI OPTIONS

5Creenyouget 10 play on Bubble Bobble·esque

screen With 'Came Start" and ·Optlon"

screen and you should hear a noise indicating success Now on ilfly level, hold down the left

shift button and press up or down logo UpOf


right hand seclion of the screen indicating that the cheat works



down a stage


. ":


~ .:'



•• . . .



.•'f.q.. ..... ;;,~.

... .. . ... . •

' 0

" . . ..



Stagl!SI!lect Atthetltlescrt("n(whilepr~sstilrts

button IS snowll'lg) press idI:. up. right. down. right, right, up,R bul· ton The stagl! naml! appeills, now )"Oucan press upand down 10 choose a stage FlnillStilgl! After entering in the stage s.el!!ct codl!, press left. right. right. up. light, right. up. down, right. right. up. 11 button Press up twice to find the stilge thilt says Last Boss

Sugl!SI!lect At the TItle scrt("n press on the D·Pad right. up, left. up, right. up, down, up, left,up, left,up

999 Li ffS Atthl!titlescr~npressontheD·Padrisht, up, left ,

down, right, down. "ght_up. left, down, right, down Wiltchtheendlng At the TItle screen press on the D·Pad right, up, left. up, down, up, right.left, up, nght, left. down Play th e mini gilmes At the bosses gillole menu, on the d-pild press up, up,

" I11III., lIot lllre _lilt', plq M .re,

Abn orma lD lfflc ulty FQril spt<ial"Abnormill"difficulty,holdXand press Z. C, L B,left,!!, L Go to the option screen to find then_setting Ninl! Cr!ilih FQrlotsofcredlts.nine;KtlUlly,pr~~x.A.L.I1,lrlI:,

then koId lilnd press X. C,Z,A. l1ight, Right. Start thlgameilnduchplayerwillhaW'lh~nlnecredlts .


Start to reset the game Now let the Demo run

Play.uthehone Car St!IKt At the tItle ween hold down/rIght wIth L R.C. VOnteyou have all those bI.Ittons pressed down. hit Start


mode select screen chooseS<lturn mode. Place first ,n eilch of the threed,ffocult,es on each tfack. After wmnlOgthethlldlfackscfol!unll'yousee "horse"

Horse Button Cheat At the tlt1e screen hold up-left, A. B.x, l.andpressstartTllehorsersyourst


5etnumberoflilp5 in option screen to normal. EXit options and choose ;lleade mode Then selecting iI

course keep pressmg upand choose a buttonC

HelkoptC!tVif!w Choose SiltUIfl Mode. next choose a tr.Kk. Hold down Start asyouchoost a car to l<lCe in Time/Up mode. After flfllshlngther.Kecl'IooseyestowalCh the replay Press Ratanytlmetosee the race from a heliropterview.

MuskselKtion IntheoptI()(lSCleenchooseKtyASSI8n(h~type

BfofthecontrollersettmgWhllcchooslnganytlack .mdcarpresSilndholdA.X,YorZdependmgon which song you wilnt to play Hold the button until

the game starts and listen to the song)'Ou selected Rocketsbrt While at the startmg grid of the cour~.


01 hpert

Huroldsoundtracks F,nish any ritceon any track. As you put In your hlghscores, try one of these for some old Segil muslC'

hold B (brake). Now p!'ess and hold C (~((el·

erate).Whileacceleratmg,keep,ng)'Ol.l,RPM between 6Soo ilnd 70. When the race starts fet go of the break but~eepholdlngthea((elerator.Getfeady to fly by your opponents M.abJC!ffrydO $tupid~nfotyou

On the Expert course. dHve up to the statueofleffry. and stop in front of him. Press the X button rapidly so he tUIflS. and stands on his head Not exactly the most thHllingofcheats. but It was in thearcadeoflglnal tool

5E)( A..B BNB OST E.R E)(N GOA G.F Gl( GPt OYN H.O K05 LGA O.R OR5 P.O P.P QTT R.M 5.( SDI 5.F S.H 5HO 510" SMG T.B YET TOR ".F '1FT "MO V.R .KK DEK VAN M.M KOU HSB TAK KAZ ASA VOI VUI NAK MIT OKA TRS H.S 0Sf IIM IGA ANI V.( KJ MAS KEN AKI ISO AO. KAG VAM KAO SAC NAG VME A..Y I.B S.B PAl K.M W.H I.M lAU V.RV.F Make the tyrn dlsitppear in the Demo Begin a gilme and enter the pIt Before the new tyres are on and whIle the old tyres are off press A. B,C. and

~Il ,(normal)

ManiacMoOe To .Kcess this, waIt untIl the opening demo is cornpletethen when the Sega LDgo appears, enter the foI· lowlng Up. Up. Down, Down. Left. Right.l.t'ft, Right A. B. C If It IS done COffectly, you wIll hear a sound and this mode wIll allow you to play an extremely hard version of Oilytonil. ThIs isjusttheticketforthose who h..lYe slICcessfullyconquered whilt is illready a prettychallenglflggame

gun - energy - blue gun - sandwich - c~ n worm s

level~:bubblegun · sa ndwlch · undwich .

bublelun· e nerlY LtvtI" ' 3gun - gun - misslegun - 3gun-bluegun ltvtl5: energy - bc.rbblegun · bulltt · un worms · Jlm Ltvtl6: bullet · undwkh · gun . Jlm · lun leveI7:miulelun·bluelun·bubblegun· bullet ·u ndwlch l.eve18, blutgun - unworms · bc.rI!tt - mlss!tgun - Jim Ltvtlg, bullel · gun · mlsslegun - bullet -Ji m level0, sandw k h - gun - Jlm - bluegun· blue ,un le¥eIn '3gun · buIItI · bubO!egun · energy·bubbltgun ltytlll ,mluleg un - en~,gy - bullel ·

energy - energy

SpeedometerChitnge At the tItle screen hold down X+y+ZOf1 controller 1 and hit start Ofl controller one toch;jngeyour speedometer readout. Either kIlometres or mIles can be chosen


cheats should be entlmed on the title suetn with ·Press

Start 8utton" on it ThI!Y8Ivtyou~varietyofmeSS,jl8es.htethe programmer credits, the version diltes and ot her exciting feil-


Credits · C, B, A. A, 8, C, V, Z. X. Down, Down Weird Numbers · X, Y. Z, X, Y, Z, C, D, A. Up. Up Sound PlO Version· X. X, Y, Y, Z, Z, A, A, S, S, C, ( Pluma Pro Version· Up. Up, Down, Down,left, Right, left, Right, 8,A,X

When playing FIFA thtrt illt some s«ret modes which (an be

accesset! PilUse the game to bring up the optionS menu aod then type In any of the follOWing codes on the joypad Once codes have bttnentered,thechcilU menu can be selected by pressing A. SuperPower SuperOefencc Super Attack Super Goalie

I,A,Z,Z,Z,Z, Z,Z,Z,Z


l,A.II,Z,II,1I II,A,l,II,II,l,A.1I A,l,B,A,l,B A, l , A.II , A, l B, B, B, l,A,A,A,l

SlupldTeilm PenllltyShoot-Out Invisible Walls

Get BM .. nd M .. hlerl Complete the gilme again to get M .. hler (the junior 8M). Select hIm by moving your cursor off the screen. You un play as 8M (the bone fide boss) by completing the game in Very Hard Mode But that isn't the end ofthe Vipers frivolity Ac:cenKumachan You c.. n play .. s the bear from the Armstone CIty stage by playmg on that level In any game mode. Finish off your opponent so they collapse the cage and hit the bear in th eb..ctground Access him in the same way as you would Mahler on any g.. me mode.



FIGHTING VIPERS A vast sprawling array of cheats here, so let's get straight to it first of all, the OptIOns.+- menu is ..ctlvate<! SImply by completIng the game. But that's f'IOt all. Oh no.

TurntheW.. lIsoffl This cool choe .. t eliminates all of the slowdown since the CPU Intensive w ..lIs .. re re!l"lO'Vedl Go to tr ..lnlng mode and perform every move for three or four char ..r;ten and you should find a new selectableon the optIons screen

Z,Z, z,z, z, a, z A,A,A,A,A, Z, 8

A.A.A.A.A.l,l, l , l ,l

Also, when the g~me is p~used,lt Is possible to .. Iter the tIme of dooy at which the match is pl ..yed Hold the 11 button ..nd press Up or Down to ch .. nge the length of the sh..dows. YOI.I c.. n .. Iso use teft and I1lght whIle holding 11 to rotate the shadows around the players, changing the pos,t,on of the sun.

x. a-.z.

While stilll'lold· First go into OptIOns mode. Hlghhght the EXIT optIon and I'Iold down ing these down press down on the OPAo. When the cursor IS hIghlighting DIP SWItch, hit but· ton A (Note tapping A over and over helps make it work, but It Is dIfficult) Now, when you go into DIP SWItch, there should be .. n option to turn on debug model When you start story mode, you can pick what level to st.. rt on, You <an evtn I~I up your character to 1~120ol Also, during the game, try these out;

RIBhtShlft.St.. rt _ Sklpllevel RIBhtShlft+A+St .. rt _ Sklpllewls RlghtShlft+ 8+Start _ Sklp)lewls RiBhtSh lft+C+St .. rt _Sklp4 Iewls teft Shlft.+RIBhtShift+St.. rt_Gobuk 1 level LeftSh lft+ RIBhtShift+A+Start . Go back z levels teft Shift + Right Shift + B+shrt _Goback)levels teftShlft.+RIBhtShift+C.stilrt_Gobilck4Ievels X. Y + Z + Up _


.. 11 life points

X+Y+l+OownaKillyourself With debug mode, you also get all 45 char..cters in Versus mode, and you can watch all the endings by going to OptIons mode, then going into Test mode. As I'm sure you'll agree, these cheats are pretty hot-but that's not the end of it. Oh no

other Stuff To find the hidden challenge .. t the coliseum, plooy through untll)"OU reach 1~ls 3, 4 Of 5 Keep running to the light. only stopPIng to beat people up when the screen stops scrolling MCNe into the dIstant plane and keep running until the end of th stage You'll notICe a small wooden sign, and when you reach it, you'll skip to the coliseum If you accept the challenge, )"OU'lI fight against lIangsofenemiesuntllyou want to leave, meaning that you ca nbuildyoure)lperlence 1~lsupearlyoninthegamel

GOLDEN AXE: THE DUEL In vs mode while you win ~nd the WOfds")Q()( wIns" .. ppe.. rs press pOIuse then the Left Shift Button. A short Cut select mode should appe .. rYOl.lcannowselectfighter$wlthoutloading

To tr .. nsform H..n into Super Han, you'll need to collect the second magiu1 swold from the One-Armed Undead warrIOr on I~I 8. From the start of the game, always choose the last OptIon at the end of the 1~ls to get to stage 8, and beat the warrrOf to turn into Super Han. He looks the same ..s before, only he gets 1000ds of extr.. e)lpellence points, making him faster andmOfepowerlul



Entel these codes on the title SCfeen

These chuts Iets)'Ou access a few of the e)Ctf~

Unlimited Ammo

tures rn the g~me which would norm~lIy require playrngthegameUgh

Press B.B. B,C,St.lrt



teft,Rlght. C. A. Start

Access Extended Counes

Remove the yellow and fed doh on the r:ld.JI

Go to the option serttn. highlight 'G~me

B,B,B,Oown,C, Start

and press B. Now press the shoulder buttons In thiS

Jump doesn't hilVe to rtchillge

order R. R,t. R, R A beep noise will let you know tha the courses are available

Up,R'ght. Down, Left,Z, Slart


frHTlmeTrlalt Highlight "Timetrlal" on the m<lin menu and press Right, Left, Up. Down, Z. A beep nOise should go off Access Hidden Bike Qnceyouh.wecollectl"dlhefiveextrablkesbywrn. ningthethrttextendl"dcourses.getal~ptlmeof

under 29 seconds on the Long Albatross ChffRttf tr<lck. The silver bonus bike is yours MI"orT,acks If you come In first In all the tracks rn the endurance mode you will then be able to play the



Press pause and type the following

Go 10 the optIons scrttn and test the followrng sound effects rn Ihlsorder 11. 31, IS, 5, 26, ~nd 22 The (heat should appear on that se'ttn along with


L.eft,A. Up, down, B,A. A. B




A, down, right, A. down

spells. Hit V to finish the leveL H't Z to get a nrce m<lnabonusfOlyourselfVeryusefulrndeed because as we all know,mana islhe key to suttess

All Items ilVilllable B,right.A,left,left,down,llght.A.A,left levelWilrp Down. A. Left. Left. Down, A. A. Right



lrit. A.A,B,t.eft.A. Right, Down Ptil)'ilfter Villiage Destro)"fd

A. Down, Down, Right. A. Down Inyulnerability e, Up, Right. Down, A. Down, A,ll:Ight

Togettheo;ec:retS/:leenw,ththechealswltches. press Down, Up, Left, left, A. RIght. Down, B. Y, ( when the mtroptctures are be'ing displayed



~ 5E>3.o. SATl...'RN

LOADED When playrng press Slart to pause the game and highlight the BGM volume option. Now press and hold the L button Z.B.x.C and R bullon. Nowjusl press the L bulton on paused menu Krttn to brrng up the cheat menu screen

MYST FrHfloating camera In replay mode First. pause Ihe game and chl)OSe the replay mode. Go 10 the Change Camera option and hold eilher the Lor Rbutton Then,duringlhereplay,youcan move the camera by holding R+Z and using the O-Pad to move It around

If yOtJ'~ ~ry wanted to know how games ilrt put together. use this ehtal to get a very long and del,lIled film about Ihe Makmg of Myst". load the game up and wait for the "Cya"" screen to appear Now press and hold L, R, A and Start. Keep them held and the sequence Will start up. It'S jOlly interesting too, you know

Change the side of the Court You can also 5wap the end from which youvlewthegameJustgotolhe main play menu s<rccn and highlight the Select Court option Now hold Ihe R button and ptessZtochangethe

The NBA Jam games always conlain secret characters. and the Saturn version's got a milssive number of them To play as any of the characters listed, answer ·Y6" when asked If you want to enter your Initials. then

hold the land R shoulder buuons while enltflng Ihese lellers and dal es ·Secret Plilyer" WlII ilppear on the scrttn to let you know thoilt It has worked By the way. the commentator ~n c.llIs out all of t~ s.«ret char· ac1ernameswhentheygetttleballl


May 4

Clinton HlllaryCllnton MlktD

Jun 3


MCA Heavy 0 FPrinee JauyJeff Benny Bla ze Hugo Bird Goriiia (runch CaUing Hutchinson Magic Hair o Faicus Hodgeson Tunnidiff Jfakus



Mad Mike McHugh Gray Hlgglns Hili JMoon Chow Chow 8.utah Wu sel Snake Renaldo Fumungus Kabuki


Nov6 Jull Apl6 Ap r 9 Jan9 febl 0<1.


SA< 'AS ,"X

,., (HO

Septlo Jan·4 Junll Jan·s Aprz Mar l Janl Ap r 9 OeeS Aug6 Oee3'


Nov,6 Mu, Dee14 JUlll Febl) Feb'9 Apr1 AUS 14 Mays Julll

S.' RE.

JunlS Feb4



Aprl4 Aug1 Aprlo



Air Dog Cariton Olvih Goskle Uptak Rivett TUlmell Thomas Go.don Shelley



MarlS Jull Jan6 Jan l 4 Jul6 Jan 31 bnS JUll JunS JunS

The~ bonus codes can be u~ as cheats Enter them mthesamewayasthese<tetcharacters.EnJoythese extras.whydon'tyoul

AlIlltumsdefuted FIN 160flldefuted END


Once all of the teams have been beaten. you plly again with extended team rosters; se<ret opponenls and hidden power·up modes. Pretty damn exCltmg

ehl Wetl. we Ihmk so Special Effec:1s Choose to start a game. and when the Tonight's Matchupscreen appears, press any of Ihese bultons to get special effects. Vow~er.lhlsgamejuSI8elSbet­ lerandbeltell Giant Body Giant Heads 8abyMode Quick Hands Power-up Defence Power-iu p3Pointen Max imu m Powe.



AandCrepeatedly B, A,V,C,repeatedly 8andCrepeatedly left,teft,Left,left , V,Rlght Right, Up, Down, Right, Down,Up Up,Down, left,Right, l eft,Down,Up Right, Right, left, Right, C, C, Right


rtI. POWERPlAY HOCKEY Virsm'sflrs t foray into the hudy realms of Saturn

Get th e Warrior (ilril nd Lost VcSas track To get Ihe hidden ilnd ultra·fast Warrior car. as well

sports s,muliltKlns is this rather splendid 3D game


SliII,'sthetIPSyouw.Jnt, so here you go wIth a che<ll to get the ul\rmate

Tournament rode TSYBNS RilllyMode Toturnallofthetracksshppery(RallyMode),hold thel+Rbuttonswhen~lffiingalrack. ThetriKk

textures will now look slightly rougher than before andthegripwlllalsobeloweled,milkmgite;lsler topowershde

team in the gamel Hold A+Y+C when the screen fades from any screen to cl\her tho!' quick start or main team select screens. To the left of the Ducks logO you should now see Ihe logo of the Rild Army Team (li!ildlCal

fnterUinmentTeamwltha99 Rillmg)

Hidden Jump First pick the Rally mode of the Lost Vegas track by holding down the L So R bunons, then look for the section of the track th;lt IS under construction Go to the end of that sectlon;llnd then turn around and keep going until you hit a grut hidden jump

NHLAL~STARHOCKEY Topower;lnyofthepla~rsuptotheaDsolute

maximum. gO tothe Player Attributes s<reen ;lndpressA+B+C+X+Y+Z. This will let you boost every area to the top


To get 10;lds of hidden game modes,


NIGHT WARRIORS Not only IS the regular game completely bfllliant. these chuts ;lire ace - US mag DieHard G;lImeFan had to re,fate the game after seeing theSC"1 If you go the options screen and highlight the spttd oplion;llnd press X. X.Right. A.Z quickly (Akuma's hidden firecracter rl'IOYe In SF Alpha). you'll be;llble to mow the spe-ed st;lfS up to 10 ThiS m;llkes the game ridiculously fast and difficult to control, but Ifs gre;lt funl If you highlight the teyconfiguration option and press B. X. Down. A. Y quickly (Anak.1ris's ex·spe<:lal), an new option will ;lIppear-Appendix Select this to get Io<Ids more options. n'ICluding one to turn on the full ;lIrc.ide ;lInlmatlOn when two of the same character are fighting e;Kh other Also, a complete 'lerDarkst;lllkers arcade gamel Am;llzingl


buttonsduringthepla}'('rintrodl,lctionS.Then. when the National Anthem is playing. press l+R BigPl;lIyeu


I IIWUItIIlll4e· . . . . . . No, IIoIlUtIJ I wu. III klddlllj. U.-hl••


q~alitJ Sat,,... wun (1wTIq tilt ElbMIIIH).Rd01'l'-Warid l. lllUptot,....8r Isqultlpool'.



SpICe Harnor mode Pop open the Saturns data memory menu (with no

CDinserted).ChooseGermilnas thelanguagt

BttttrGrip HoIdAilndCandgotoopbonSimdthencheckoutthe Cof~ring mode in the bottom of the SCIttfl. if you set

(Dtutsch) load the game CD. When the title


scretn ilppealS pre5S up, X, right. X, down, X. left.X. up,V. Z. Vou will htal the sound of your dragon bemshitifdonecorrectly. Wlurd mode (double speed)

ArcadeCredib During the Sega logo, press 2Pcontroller's A+C.STAR"T. then you Ciln "'"put monty" as in the ilrude by presSing the l buUon

Atthetitlescreen pressstilrt When NormoiJl

on the player one pad Also, you Ciln now continue

Game option appears press lbutton, R button, l

Just like tht" coin-op


WIZilrd Mode now appeals In ... inclbilty PI~ssstaltonthetltleS{f~nthatsays路Pless

stilrt" When NOlmill Gilme ilnd Options ilppeillS, press the following buttons followed by the following pad dilections. lbutton,lbutton,R Button, R Button, Up, Oown, left,Rlght, If this tl lck wOlks)'Qu will hear iI sound Ii~e a drilgon getting hit. and the words Invlncuple Mode wlllilppeilf. If you use this tflck,youwill not get the good ending Play Episode 0 At the title screen, press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left. Right. Left, Rlght,teft, Right. L, R.. You can use the Invincibility code soyour health meter doesn't lun down as t ime pilSSes Unlimited Continues

PANZER DRAGOON ZWEI Pilndotil'sBoll Whenyoubeiltthegamegototheoptlonscr~n

ilnd you will see the option for P,mdoril's Boil If you turn it on you won't be ilble 10 ilCCesS )'Our Silve gilmes though It Will illlow you 10 select vatiOusopllons such as your dtilgons gtowth size, dlf路 fetent weilpons, ilnd stilge select plus iI new 1tV't1 The better you do In the regulilt game, the mote optionsyou'lIbtilbletoseltct from

SpaceHarrlerilndOlillonMode Onceilll options ilre open in Pandolil's Box gotothe hfe seltction. Choose Lundi for Space HilrrlelMode and ~gl for Dragon Mode AnillolueTrkk While uSing the Analogu~ joyr禄d set to circle (ilnaIogue mode) you can turn the dlilgon's heild with thestilndard non路anillogcontrol pild Ifs mildy entertilin lng, illbtlt useless.

The Ultlmale Code Atthe~ilSygilllM'optlOOssc~nenterup.X."ghtY,

down,Z.1ril Y, up,x. This code acts ilS if you beat the gallM' on very hard without contlnurng. The polygon manbtcomesagitl,plessrngll,y,orzattheepisode scleenchangesthecolorofyourweilpon Watch the HilrdEndinl At the easy gilme options screen enter up. up. down, up, left, Idt. light, left, down, down, up, down, fight. fight, left, right This Is useful for some of the codes ilbove



SEGARALLY If you aren't very good at the

game,trythesC'chcats out They'rl'pro~­ bly harder to do

thanilctuallycompletlng the game

Accenlakeslde Ont:eyou·

will ~ yved on your Saturn's memory for itS long

as you want It Thlschealw,lIenable)'OYtoselm the lakeslde course on PractICe, T,me Attack and twopla~rmode_llwill .. lsoappearontheRecofd screen and you'll be able to select the lilke S,de mUSiC on the sound option screen. There's two

waystogetlh,scheattoWOlk EITHER: finish Championship mode In f'fst pl.Jce



the dIfference when you start shavrng 5«oods off your prevroos t,mes Incrdentally,you can also access thIs cheat rn Ihe arcades loo..

select screen To access, hold Xand press C to choose a (aronlhe car select screen. Your car will automallCally be set 10 hyper car mode. and there's a new record table



not work rn this mode


unpause Well, il wouldn't be an AM game unless it came complete with a mllror mode. would It? In artilde mode, go 10 the "selKt game" screen. then hold V and press ( 10 select either Championship or PractICe mode In Time Attack or two player mode, go to the course selKt screen, then hold Y and pressC to seIKtthecour'>e. TIme altilck records and ghost data will not be recorded, and no ghost car Will be avaIlable

10 (ontinuC's


and hold A then C, then relea!.ethem in the same order. Then press and hold Z. lbutton ilnd R button

In that o,der. then release them ,n Ihe same order Then press and hold X, Zand Upin that order, then relea<;.ethemlnthesameorderThenunpau'>e RefiIl E~'8Y

Pau<;.e the game, then press R button, I.l!ft. Up. Right Then prenand hold Cthen B"lndrelea'>e them in the same order. Then press and hold R but· ton then L button. then release them in the same


Camera Zooming on End Sequence To room in when Ihe end sequence is being played, hold Zand Down. then presS lOf R 10 loom in Of out

beaccessedrntwoways EITHER F,nish the ChampIonshIp Lakeslde mode In firslplace OR Press X,Y,Z,Y,X on mode select screen

Full·Screen Mode To play the game without anyon·screen dials, hold Down,X.ZandAbeforelheCarSelectscreen

cheat allows you to access the car ilt all tImes and

ilppeilr~andke("plhemheldwhileyoupressCto Dri~ StnrtOJ In Arcade Mode This cheat WIll onlyWOlk If you select arcade mode on theoptoons screen. Once the StralOS cheal IS actiVilted (see previOUS cheat),press rlSht when the cursor Ison Delta MT (on the car select screen) for the Stratos MT Press left when the cursor is on Celica AT for StratosAT YOtJr cOtJr<;.e record will not be saved when In this mode

ROBOTICA lIefillCommand~

Press and hold land Roncontrol1erone. Now on controllerlwopressAforshield,Bforgenerator,C for bullets, X for Wi!apon powerup,Ytoset the level item,andZtoloadthe map and start to skip to the next level

a.-ISkip Holdt+RshOtJlderpadsoncontrollerl1"pushstilrt on cont roller 1 lojumplothenext level

Sap RlII,. MOWlh.,.'llpmtI,eo_111I1111IJ 11HrRepll1 loollllfl&l.IIfI 'tf'lIJlyt~.lIlIItchnt. ..

selKtacar RateagalnslAM),sfinesll TO race agarnsl one ofAMfs top drivers on the Desert course, select Time Attack. Choose any cour<;.e and any car and when you reach the scre("n with "} lilps" and "free Run" options. h'ghlrght "3 lilps"andpressx+Z+Catthesamet,meVOtJ'1I starta5 usual,onlythe shadow car will race off and get 52 second laps on the Desert course By t he way, thiS is another feature rrot inc1uded Inthe irrfiorior AmerlCarrverslon of the gilme It's also a rather excellent addition!



In the hangar pr6s down, up. down,

To get 999 shu/iuns, go tot~

seven times up. down, down, A. A. A.. A cheat menu should appear.

options screen and highlight the 'Shurikens' option, Now hold the l

and I! buttons and pre5SC. A. B.The numberwrllchangeto'999',mean-

ing that you'-ve got Io<Ids to th,ow

SIM CITY 2000 T08eta8amblln8f~lwhereyou

around when)'Oll start the game (a similarchtalwasin~adrive ~8eofShinobi),

can gable all your montyaway, stilrt


a new city and build a marina and legalise gamblins ilSsoon as you

thegame. w~tchtheopeninglntro

can. Keep watching your maflnailnd highlight a boat when it comes out. Now press the L button to bring up

a s!ot machinel You'll use up 10 dol· larst:Verytimeyou use it. but you

sequence and while it's running, pressC, X. B,Y, A. Z,Start.To skip lev· els: p.ilusethe game and then press A. B,A.El.C. NowusttheD·Padtoplck yourl~1

an keep gambling for as long as

you like.

SPACE HARRIER Hold l+I1.+A+C+Y at the title screen, press stilrt to the OPTION menu This adds the " Shildow Mode" and "M Stick Adust" modes. There are aryde mode

alternate colours. Akumil Hold the l button and fl"IOYe down to the "r" on the character select screen Now press Bilck. Back. Bilck. Down, Down. Down, then press XilndYtOselect him. Pl"ess Aand B instead for alternate colours.

0" Hold lilnd 11. and move tothe "l" on the character stltctscreen. KttpholdingtandRand pressY,X,A. B,Yto seltct him. PressY, B, A. X, V for alterna t e colours. Akumil's Instilnt Hellish Deilth Strike One of the most incredible fnOIIts In the game is Akuma's S«let combo whkh can take off around 50" of an oppo~nt's energy bar When charged up to I~I 3, press LP, lP, Forward ,tK. HP It has to be done Vf!:ry quickly but Will COnr'ltCt from most places on the



StrtttflPtw All wtapons and shield s NlneUVfl

InYlnclblllty Cloilkl"8 Death St 'lIf Trenc:h Fade to BlillCk Proa~mmer

House Hunt


A, Left,lett a, Up, Down, Oown, Y a,Up,Left. t ett,Y Down, Right, A. C, Up, Left, A Right, Right, Down, Down X, Y, Z, Z, Y C, Rlgtlt,A.Z, Y Y, A, Right,Down



....... l.fICI,

Ca(lCOll did lop It . . It CPIII t.~.,Slrwt



STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 2 ChooslngStagt Whtn lnd pl~f joins in Arcade mode, t~ plotyef can

choose stage like in the arcade. First of all,choose your

favoflte stage, and then mCM!'(ursoron the stage and press 5t,jlrl button for a st<:ond. Now choo~ a fighter that you wish to use. If you want to seltct secret stage ofSilgal ilnd Bison, pre5S start button on theirstageWhllepressingltiestartbutton,1TIOo'e cursor on a fighter yCIU wish to use

THUNDERHAWK 2 SaveHiddenCharacten

Once you've performed a flshter code. you can

Herearethecodt"sforalllt"Vt"lsfor your perusal

soortcut tothe SKr~ character on the short ,utWfSusScretn5Impty~sandhold

start then sdect thtcharacter. OldZangief


like stlecting EVil Ryu,press and hold the stilrt button,

then move cursor over Zangief.Sagat.Sodom. Rose, Sirdie, Nash. Dalshlm,l1yu. Adon, (hun-U. Guy. Kcn, Zang,ef"Vou'lIbeabletochooseZangieffromStfC'Ct Fllht[)f!vit Akuma

Fighter 11

In survIVal modt". hold down L and start wnllt" pick109 a char;Ktt"r.Yw will fight tl'ltcharadt"rs 10 a dlf-

OldOhalsim UkeSt"lKtmgZang~ presst~

start button, t~ r1'IOvecurSOl over Dalshlm. Zangit"( Saga\. Nash. Dalshim. You'll be abletochoose Dalshlm from Super Street Fighter 11 Turbo.

fert"ntoldt"r. Chun li will have on ht"1 OfiglOal outfit. the final charadt"ryou fight will be Dt"vilAkuma , just so much 10 this 3Wt"some gamt"1


SEG ..o..S.o..ruRN

STREET FIGHTER: THE MOVIE SecretConfigur.ltion Plessthest~rtbuttontopauselhe8ameandpresSAorCtopull

upa gamecontollerconfiguratlQn panel

Play as Akumal

At Ihe character seleq screen pres up. B. down. Z, right, X. left, Y Akum,,'southneappeals,nltlebiKkground Musk Video All you n~ to do to get it IS complete the game in 'MOVie Bilttle'

mode. Once you've beillen Bison twice (jump kICks is the eas,C'st way) the video will play_Toseeil at any olher time, go tothe 'Sattle ~Iect' s(n~en

then select the 'B.d Up' option to get the sc.een

with VideoChp'on ". Select this to get the video tothe song 'Something TherC" performed by Chilse ilnd Ask .. Watch I1 dO$ely ilnd you might spot some oftht SF

Movie characters. as wtll as seeing the gUitarist's really bad miming

wl6, MD'.!M,

TOSHINDEN REMIX Big Huds Code At the Iltlescreen prtss and hold lhe U!fi and 11:ighl Shift buttons. Next th~ your character as normal, and thcywllI have huge headsl What a novelty-I've never seen that befofel It'll be mVirlua Cop 1 neICt Ohltls.Sorry Play Bosses To access the Ihree hidden tharacters-Gala. Sho andCup,do -goto lhelillestreen (wllhPressSta rt flashing up) and prtsS Up. Down. Up, Down. Right, left. Rlght.ltft You'll hear EIIIs shout to let you know that ifs worked Now start any type of game and the two bosses. Gala and Sho, will be added 10 the righl· hand sideoflhe screen. To select Cupido. highlight Shoo hold Upand press any button FreeCamer, V1ew ToatttsSlhefreecame-r.avitw,pauseagamtalany IIITleand go 10 Iht' opIlOnS screert Hlghloght "ExJI" and PftsSlheLand R buttons at Iht' samt t'mt l""htpause messa~ will disappear and )'01.1'11 now be able toeon· trol the camera

Pause the game al any time and press Right. Down, Down,left, then key In one of these sequences 10 get some wad:y modtsl Guld,ble Weapon TracklngWupon Horde level Chowderlrvel FrOitByteleYel Some1hln' Trippin Level Detonating Wea pon s hllyMode Video Test

8,A,left,left left, A,Down,Y C, Up, Down Y, Down, Down, Up, Rllht , C 8, Up, Rilht , Rllht 8,A, Rilht, Start Down, Up, Down Rllht, A,l. l.Y Up, C, B, A, Down

rtltUH _





pvtlatl.r ple(:t




00 the following codC'$on the pU lple skeleton SI:'een ~lght.l1lght.



Play Galalil

999-999 390 -000

Show revision number

Left, Down, Down; or Up.


Up,lcfi..Lcft,Rlght.Rlght, Down, Down. If you did it COlrtctly a vojcc should say


Playe' ,does halfdamilgc Player2dOHhillfdamllSc Both players do halfdamilBC'

040 ' 404



(ombo system enilble Superrunjumps RfBtne.atepowerb;Hs Speclalmovesdlubled Superendulanccmode



"Excellent" Then w ait for the menus ilnd don't push

ilnybuttons, Either of t hese

codesilresupposed to put you In f,eeplay mode nilplllttullJladullCOlllllll"tdtllStttttfl&lltlrAlph2. Hidden Chilfildef Codes Here ilfe illI Ihe Komb<lt Kodes we know ill the moment They should <Ill be enleled on the bilttlt scretn-plilytf one conllols the filst thletfigures, ilnd pliIY' el two (onlrols the next thfet. The numbelS (orrespond 10 the numbel of times eilchbuttonneedstobeplessedforthecorrectsymboltocomeup

)21-18 9 915')10 555-556 014-689

Kombilt Zone Select: Kahn 's Kave .... rt

001 -003 666-444

Rlye' Kombilt


E,milc 'IPortal BeliTowfr Bridge



Mlleenil - 1OO71) Cluslc Sub-Zero 7605 10 ERMAC - 9 64140 Play Human Smoke Plilyerl After selecting t he robot hold Left+HP+BLOCK+HK+Run Plilyef2:Uselhe<lbovecodtbutsubstltute Right for Ihe Left. HIS moves ilfe very simililr 10 ScorplOfl's Harpoon 8, 8, lP TtltportPunch D,B,HP Air Throw BK In mid-air Decapitiltlon Filtillity R, BK, R, R, HK Fatillily Unknown Ffltndshlp Unk nown Baballty D,B,B, F, HP Anlmillity Unknown Pithtilllty HoldBK+prenf, U,U,U' Chilnse the openlns quote While ShoiI Kilhn is Iilughmg on the pUlple skull scretn press down. up, Itft, left. A. right. Down. it should changt the opening quote from "There IS no knowledge thilt Is not power" 10 "Imagination is mOlt importilnt tn<ln knowltdge". Extra Ifusures of 5hao Kahn If you beat the ,<lmeon 2nd M<lster Modeilnd get to the tre<lsures of511<10 Kahn go to the lut one on the right <lnd now push light ant mOfe time for mofe trusulesl

666-H) 800-110 600 ' 040 05째'째5째



Kahn's Towe. KombatTemple

Noob'IStilgf Pit) '~f

U)-90 '

079-0 35 880-088

Soul Chamber Subway



~ Raln

44 8-844

~ Don't


"Watchagun dol" "Go ste Mortal Kombattht live tourl " " No knowledge Ihilt is not power" "Hold fIIppen duringcuino run "

Winntr f ights: 969 -141

769' 341 033-564

Wlnntr Fights Motilro WlnntrFlshtsNoobSaibot WinntrFlshtsShiloKahn Winnef Fights Classic Smoke

Smoke Morph for Shand TsunS 8ack, Back, Down, LK (dothls fut)

Additional Kombat KodH Half Energy for P1ayef 1 Half Energy for Player 2 Quilrttr Entro for Player 1 Quilrtet Enerofor Player 1 Throw Encoufllger ThrowinsDlsabled 810cklngDlSilbltd No Meters SlItntKombat Quick Upptlcut Recovery Sans Power (Utile enerlY In round)) Dark Kombat RandperKombat (Randommorphlng) Ps~hoKombat(Dark . nondper, nomelefS, no

block, qukkuppefCut)

can be found at tht graveyard" Jump al me"


UltimateCodt AtthetilleKrftnhitC,lI lsht sh lft , A. Z, Y, C, Y, lIiSht sh ift , A, X. HItUponthemil ln optlonstortvealthe l The following options should be avail<lble for you , Fret Credit Mlletna Claulc Sub Zero Filtillitytime Oneroundm"tchH.



One oftht best features of Victory Boxing is that there are IOlsofr.ecre tcharac-

At Ihe t,tle screen (when it says Virtua Fighter, press start),Press up U times, then immediately press startl Choose options. Move Ihe cursor to below

ters To get them you"1I n~d to play the game through in Main Event mode and

wmpleteitasthetoprank. Though all ofthecharactels look verydlffercnt. they'rc fairly Slmilarwhenll comes to fighting They've all got top stilts In every areil. meaning thilt thl'

fights between them un Int ill long t,me

The deadly mother kangaroo with her "mla Jot)' m-oglJ: The Ol.llal路hke Silver charilcters from the fighter select screen


eXit, and then press A. NowyotJ c.. n change SIle of the ring, .. mongst other thongs


Pla),;nDural In the character seiect,on menu, press down, up, right, and A-button + left If it worked you will hear a woosh sound

A kick bo)terwhodoesn' t use his

feet. But is stili rock hard SNAKE: The one -楼d triliner and his bottle of grog

Asyoup!aythroughthegame,)'Ou'lI learn some excellent combosfrom Snake the tlainer. To salll! you the hassle offlnding a pen and paper to write them down, here they are. The differenl styles are based on which head you choose for your ch';lracter and for a left-handed fighter, the directions should be reversed DETROIT STYLE


PRESS B, Rlght+B B,C

ComOO) Tiger Swlns SI;nhAx

left,RIght,B Up, Down, C Oown,U p, B



B, R1sht+B

ComOO2 Comoo) Jolt Hook Glide Burst

Left, IUSht, B Up,Down,C Down, Down, C


Here's the short cut to Ranking Mode. Rather than complete Ihe game, you can now go tothe SEGA screen at the start of the game and press Up, Down, left,Right Goto the t.tle screen and the RankongModeopt.on Wltl be at the bottom, as wetl as the extra optiOns becoming ava,lable hke free pia)" extra difficulty settongs, mirror mode, book keeping menu and ot her such wonders If you want to enter thiS cheat with the Vlrtua Gun, however, you have to follow this littie pattern. Just shoot at the points on the screen in numerical 0 rderto access the same goodies as before. We've been assured that it does work but our dodgy aim means that we haven't actually got it going yet.




ComOO) Smash Corkscrew

Left,Right,B Down,Left,B+C Up, Left,B


Left,R1Sht,B left,Right,C Up, Down, B+C


PRESS B, Risht+B


B, C




Comixl) s.toUpper

Left,Rlght,B Up, Up, B+C Left,R1sht,C



The h,dden Gun Select optiOn allows you to pause the game and select any of the weapons at a special ultra-fast verSion of the Machine Gun - unlimrted ammol Simply press the Start button to pause. then reload by shootong off the screen 10 cycle through the weapons SUrt the game up and when Ihe SEGA screen appears, hold C and press Down, Up, Right, Left,Up,Up,Left,Right.YOU'1I heara noise and the option wltl now be accessablefrom the cheat menu {see issue4 for deUils). By the way, you'll need to have the Ranking Mode options already saved In YOUf Satufn for It to work, either by completing the game or by using the cheat




The same code that Is listed above for VirtuiI Fighter 1 workse.actly Ihe same way for Ihe sec-

In the charilcter selection hlghhghtAkir;a and press down, up, 'iSht.left t A. You should now be able 10 play as Dural

ondone. Slow Motion Repl,}'$ Hold Down+A+8+C during the KO to watch the

reply In slow motion.

Playwith,lternatl!charcacttfcoion Atthe,hilrilctersclectlonscr~n.(hooseyou(har(·

ler by pressing up-+C!ogt"tthe second uniform. PlilY'UGoldOUriI'

To play as the gold DUfill reverse Ihe middle of the Durill code by pressing Down, Up. Lt,ft, A + Right

Em 1111 "PKDI"t lablt PIt."". rlPt If," t_ till A. 1011 Cl. M., I. till. partlc.lar plct.,.. L.... "IIl.. CIII.d pmI1C0111l1f'tlllft.I..Iy.Ot, allGlrlchllllleatht Satll'l'llltltlll".OI)'dat.loOll.rAthtYfcbract.ra' bI~ aM 1ft wut bppea nu J'OIIlAd tM p •• • p.

FMVEndlngs Beat Ihe same in Arcade mode and you will get treatedtoilFMVfo,yourchilrilcterThenamini moYle thute.opttOn opens up In the options scrffn wh ich illlows you to watch the endings fo, those chilracte,s you hilve won with. GotdDural Highlight Akira and press Down, up. left, RighttA Wi,e F~me Mode

Jeffrey'sTeleport To dothis trick pICk Jeffrey and Shun. Milke Shun sit down, then do J/!ffrey's semi power bomb arld ~whathappens. ltClnbtdone a nywhere.

Copy Taunt Trkk Milk!!)'OOf opponent stand on the edge of the ri ng.

so when the announcer S<I)'S "Time Olrt" the opponentwlllstumbleoutofthering,andinsludof cIolnghls losing animation he will copy the winners victory animiltlon.

Walch the Credits Hold down illI six bi.lttons during the demo of the g,me ,nd the credits wlH loll by. OptlonJ for Watth Mode tnwatchmodeyoucanchoosethecharactersth~t

will befight inS by pressing start when the selectlon box soesover Ihal character. Player one must go first. then pl;ayer two. Also. Watch Mode you can press X to ch;anse the view from stand;ard side view 10 sweeping view


Sc:rHnCode AtthechilrKtersetectSC'ffn. presS .lfldgoldeithl!" thl!"ight or Il!'ft shift buttons and use the D-Pad to toggll!' from II!'ft or ,iSht betwffn thl!' va. ious configurations. Slow Mollon In the Name Entry Code Aftl!'ryou beat the game, and befo.eyouente.the nilme entl)' SClffn holddowntheLandR bottons fOI iI Slow MotiOn naml!' entry modI!'


During Ihe repl;ay press and hold down either A. B. orCtoselectoneofyourch;aracte(slaunts. Insle;adoflettlnSlhesamepic~llforyou.

PlayVFIMusk To play Juicy's VFr musiC, In the moments before the m;atch press and I"IoId the I!ight-Shift button oncontlolpad 2. Dotheume on control pad rfOl Silrah's music, sothls Is pretty interestins. Shilme Ifs not as cool a mix ilS VF, but there we So.

Fight t he Alphabfl Ch;af3der (Shun 01) After you beat the game. and beforeyouentl!'l the name entry screen hold down A. Z. and Up on the DPad. The Alphabet flghter will flghtyou us lnsShun Dj's moves. Fight the Alphabfl Chaf3der (Ounrl) After you beat the game, ilnd before you enter the name entry scrffn hold down X.V. l.andtheL& R buttons and the Alphabet Character will fight you using Dural"s MoYes. DunrlVldtoCllp There'silhlddenvideoclipofDuralbreaklflgupto ,eveill her real humanform-KoIge 's mothel To attess it. complete the game on the Hard d,flkulty setting, intludlflg beating Dural time. It may sound reaUy hard to do, but itcan bt" made incredi-

HoldthetI!'ftShiftbuttonwhlleSeleclngilchil'ilC' terandholdituntllthegaml!'beSlfls. Not~: YOu

milyhilve to view all the playersendinss fo. this code 10 work. Something Fishy inJide Dunrl's Hud At Ihe select menu do the Dural code press and hold down C (When you choose betwffn normill ilnd kids mode) until the match bt"gins. You 'll see a.ed flsh floilting side Dural's head, who makes funnyexpfessions during Ihefights

dlffe,entCilm. efililngles PressXto get a ran · domilnsle. and from thelep,ess anyofthe other buttons (L. R. X. y. l.A.B.C)


Player 1 lo·Smallest" energy bar from the oplions sc,een. Vou'H still need to play light th.oughthe game. but you un only lose With iI Ring Out DUf;a1 !ooks sort ofhke she does in Virtua Flghtel j , and ifs an inte,estinghttle cheatthlflgy, ifnot overly s pt<· taculilr Of useful

4i' SEG.ll. S .A.nJR N

ObYlousIyAM1_.einfiuencedjuuust sliShtly by the modes in Te kken 2..



AI the beginning of the game input the words Sword, Armor, or Hydlide in the world creation name to pick up items pertaining to the name In the cemetary. A small,butinterestinglittletipettethereeh?

After you hit the ball and the ball is in f1iSht. Push the rillht shoulder button to switch to various Camera·Ansles. Each time you push the rightsho ulder button while the ball is in flight you see a different camera ilngle



TO get the Sheep, Mini Gun and Banana Bombs, go tothe wC'<lpon select option and move off "Exit". Then pressC,Z.Z,C,Z. Z,C,Z.Z

Spud up LoildlngTlme While continuing. hold down the left and rightbvt· tons to keep the same characters and reduce the

before: Go to the options screen. hold land ~ and tap Up then Down repeatedly until the option appears

loadingtime.Also,ifyouholdtheL+~buttonsin two-playerversusmodeitactsasaqulc~selectso

you don't have to rechooseyouroptionsagain . PlayuAkuma Select the 2 Player VS Mode and Fortheflrstplayer.PtJtyourpointeronSpiral.then move to the characters In the following order. Silver Samuri,Psyloc~e,Colossus.lceman,Colossus.

Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega ~ed, Silver Samuri. Wait one second then press the Weak Kick t Fierce PtJnch+FierchKick. For the second player. Put your pointer on Storm, then move to Cyclops, Colossus. Iceman. Sentinel. go

Fight Extra Tough Akuma If youth ink you're really good at the same, you can fightasalnst anelCtra·hard CPU controlled Akum a We don't know the exact way at the moment but you'll get him If you dothis; Play the same on level 8 difficulty and get at least 4 perfeetvlctorieslnthe fimll round. This will summon A~uma 10 fight you just before Juggernaut. Ready yourself for the ultlmate in Street Fighting powerl

lefl:tosettoOmegaRed,Wolverine,Psyloc~e,silver Samurai.spiral.thenwitonesecondandpressWea~

KicktFiercePtJnchtFireceKick . Afterthecodehast>unentered,allyouhavetodo 10 continue as Akuma is hold down Lt R+XtY+Zand press start at the continue screen Marvel Super HerOl!s Ad On the second controller presssUrt+AtC and you will see an ad for Marvel Super Heroes Juggernaut Code (JAPANESE VERSION ONLY) InaVSgameyou can play as thejuggernaut by first inputing the Akuma code, and then tappind left-up twice on the O·pad after you select your character (the screen where you choose the background and handicap) 8ntupabeatenopponent After you have beaten YOUf opponent. hit start and you'll be able to movearound, Nowyoucan beat your downed opponent. Quite humiliating. ScrHnMode There's a hidden "Screen Mode" cheat In X-Men, as wellasNightWarriors.Todoit,Justdothesameas



Night Driving Atthe loading screen before the race hold down A"X.Y.Zthen press Start, then continue as usual. To Turn it off do the same thing befofe yournelCtrace

WipEout eM Atough game for sure. especially on Saturn wherethecontrolsarea bit off. However, if you can beat the Rapier·class courses you access the new Firestar course Which isa graphical festival.

Hidden Portion on AmOlZon fall s Ttack. After the first check point there will bea barrier on the right. Crash through it at high speed and you'll access the hidden part oflhe Irack

~ SE..:3A SATURl'.

You'll find alot of the time in Tomb Raider as Lara you are requirH to perform an serts of IIIIIiIIIj iIId" , you happen to be stuck on these bits short 01 cOmilN) ar..n~ to yoar hoase aDd doiIt it for ,. .... I can do. However il you find yourself stuck at aparticularly difficuit puzzle requirint • Ill*" effort to get through it in one perfectly formed piece, I'm yoar lllan. To do awalk-through guide so soon the game has been released would spoil it for many people, so instead here'saquiet guide to so.e of le tricky puzzles in the first half 01 the game. Mtwo-"'nbeforeprocHd................ CMIeI,... ... ..,...oI)'11: . . . wMefhll ....

IrI'wotf.FoIMtM t unnel .............. .... wtllterodr. . . . .nd dlmb yow.., ..... top .... dIIlm tlM....-,.aas,..,-..

n-.., __


tottw ............... , . .

ftrstraptor, . . . anather.tfIM . .,......., .......... abupl.... $bylng d-.tlthe.-rtpt .... . . . fUCh ........ wltldl,.,., ___...., down and __ Rh the


next room whe re th ere Is iI Jilptorwilltlngforyou. After kllUnlltdlmbupthe rockfJ(t just nu t tot he wattf;JInd colledyour fiut cog. Swim back the W;JIY you came, climb out of the ilterhlll 3nd turn to the rllhtilndUlrryCl1lundef tlM:ilKh~lr.llllnlboth


block once and Ihen once to the side to reveal a staircase which you should walk up bl:'fore dropping int o a pit and then climbing out of the other side. Run up some more stai rs and pull the lever then drop down in to the rl:'d hole. It's probably now a good idea to turn around and goto th e roomwilhlhesavebl:'aconbl:'foreenteringthe room with Ihe bird symbol over it. Follow the hallway and pull the lever th en turn left and drop down into the room with the bird block. Turn left ilnd into the doorway, up the stairs and turn right before jumping upto the white led8e. Keep climbin8 up until you ruch Ihe hallway and proceed down it until you reach a room. Crop down two ledgesthentu.n left and and drop backwa.ds to the ledge across th e bird block. Jum p tothe bird block and then turna.ound and leap into the opening In the wall and proceed down the co rridor and pu ll tile lever. Tllen retu.n back down the corrido. and stand al the edge and jump diagonally to Ihe right onto the block,then to Ihe next block, Ihen jump towards the door and enter the room and pull Ihe lever. Do a running jump oul of the tunnel onto the floor and Ihen proceed upthe ramp and jump up to tile door. Turn down the tunnel on your right, killing Ihe raptorand then back

This level gets particularly tricky towards the end and comprises a room several stories high with four Il!Vers to be found which open four doors. fach door has a pUllle bl:'hlnd It, successful completion ofwhkh rewards you with a key. Four kl:'}'s are needed to open the exit door. On top of this you have bah on every level to contend with,tlgers and also Pierre who Insists on trying to kill you. Probably the best way to tackle this is to sta rt at the top and Y«Jrk your way down fl nding all the levers, then begin the puules. Each of the doon have names so you will know which ones oIre open.

DAMDClES As you enter the Oamocles room you will notice there are many swords suspended from tMcell-

~'~, • •~"..:ii:oIII

ing. Oon't,wony """""'-J.1o:..::~'!!!!II

~:g:~~~ ;~'Jth=:"~:.';u:St:::~~Plo lhenext rooman~"s~ the.elsaplat_

form with a key on il, climb on the platform and take the key bl:'fore climbing up to the next level andcollecling themedlpackandammo.Thendrop down and make your way to theexlt, making sure you have your finger firmly on the walk button, The swords will then drop down around your urs, but as long as you avoid their shadows and keep walkingyou should remain in tact. Also note worthy Is th at l!Ven when they have dropped walking into themwUlharmyou.

THOR As you enter the Thor room there isa bolllon the ceHingthrowing oullightnlnl bolts onto the darker floor tiles. The best way to proceed isto fu n through Ihe room avoid ing run ni ng acrosslhe five tiles and you should be fine. However a bolt of lightni ng does not mean certain dUlh it just drains your energy sure it's full upbefofe han d. Proceed the next room which involves standing tileunderthegianlhammeruntil lhe

some new software technology. If only they'dconcentra teabitmoreontheir games-w,th some more effort spent on the game, this could have been some· thing pretty good.


inte res ting one-on'one blQste rwh e n you/lrst plQy It. And tht'n the gQme system bt'comt's c/t'ar and Virtual On becomt'ssomethingolahugt'ly t'njoyablt't'Xpt' rit'nce. The control mt'fhod isa littlt' trlclry to gt't into, butitreallyisworththeel/orl,The Qmountoltacticsandstrateglu you can ust'with each robot is Iranlrly phenomenal-Ior t'Xample,bombblasfs absorb beam


Command and Conquer is reallyworthyofmuch attention. Well, shame on you, because in actual fact. this game is truly one of the best titles availableontheSaturn.Combminga stunningly simple,easy-to·get-into user interface w,thsomeincrediblywell done game design, C&C is simply one of

sfon team hQve per..... lormed wonders In conI ve rtingacross tht' twoplaY"'t'Xp",it'nCt', with TWO d ll/t'rt' nl sp/ltscrnnst'f-ups, Technlcally,lht'gQmt' is Qee too. There's no pop·up 01 any description,t'ven intht'polygonlnlt'nsivetwo·pIQyermade. As a two-play", game this Is justgTt'at - we'restlllplayingitQ month on and thechQl/engt' todo bt'fter rt'mains as strong Qst'v..r. Henct'tht'slightincrt'a st'in th t'rat· ing this month. Buy this gQmel



Ilthere's one thing theSaturn's.:a bit laclringln,lt'stt'nn/SslmulaUonJ. The only ont' to appeQr was VirtuQl Open viQ Aec/Qim and let'slau/Qcts - thQt WQS prt'fty rubbish. Ocean's t'fjorthQsquiteQ lotgolnglorll, BreQlrpoint l eQtutes sup",lor graphics wlthsome deunt(althoughQtad s/ow·pact'd) motion eQptu re, fome lovt'ly(ourtl to loolr at Qnd.:all the usu.:altrlmmlngs - sevt'rQlch.:aracft'rs to choofe Irom, a widt' vQriety of shots_All QI thQt Irlnd 01 thing, t'sst'ntially, So,loolrlnggood ehl Well, Irlnd 01. Th e probltm with the gamt' Is thQttht'playabllltydot'Sst't'm to hQvt'tQlrt'n It'ssolQprioritythQnthe motion CQPIUTt'. There you aTe, WQv, Ingyourr.:acqutt.:arou nd In thin air, wht'nreal1yyou want to be running Qcrossthecourt,divinglorthebal1. Yougettht'idt'a. Aiso, thepact'oftht'gQmt'rt'QIIy is laclring. Half 01 tht' ucitt'mt'nt Irom wQtehing tt'nnis Is in witnessing the Ipeed and Qgllltylnherentnone olwhich reQl/yapPQrt'nt In this gamt'. NotQ bad sports slm, but to be honest, I'd prefer plQyfng Supt'r Tt'nnlson theSuperNES...

definitely ~ tough nut tocrad and the urge to see the later level wilh the ever· increasing graphical quality is enough to make you think,'yeah Tunnel Bl isn't too bad at all". ThiS isn't a worldclass release by any stretch of the imagination, and yet Tunnel 81 remains a solidly enjoyable shooting. racing type game.



Originally Q braln·bendlng puule gQme QVQIIQble to Macintosh ownerl,Jewt'isoltheOrac/ehQs madt' lts way ov..r to tht'Saturn wht'rt'lthQJ bee n almost per/ectly converted, Th e scen.:arioisorlgln.:al:toentt'rtht'nir· vana oltht' city that is Nisus, you need to successlullY complete'4 01 the most mind-rending puult's 01 such lethQlcunning that only a stlt'ct/ew wfl/surviv..tort'Qehtht' lablt'dmetropoIlJ. Tht'rt"feert.:alnlysomt'thingto bt' saidlor Q eh.:allenglng game, Qnd this is certainlyont' 01 tht' prt'mier gamt'Jln tht'lt'agut',buttht'problt'm is thQtthepuult'sTt'Ql1yQre utrt'mt'lyhQrd,we'retQllrlngat It'ast MENSA level Intellects only ht'rt', wt",t' alrQld. Tht' un/orglving dil/iculty It'vel will prob.:ably put th e m.:ajorltYoIS.:aturnoWntrlol/.

KRAZY IVAN BV PSYGNOSIS, PRICE £39.99, RATING 75% With its flashy FMVsequences, nice set · pieces and some ace robot designs, it 's not hard 10 see why Krazy Ivan was such



BY OCEAN, PRICE £TBA, RATING 87% Neon'sfirslforayintolheworldof



the best games ever (well,PCowners havejustgotthesequel,~edAlert.

which IS even beUer) The missions are great, there's tons of las t ability and the atmosphe,e gener· atedbythefull·motionvldeocut sequencesisamazmg Plus, you get two CDs · theyallowyoutoplayeitherside in the conflict. which ,sa brilliant ,dea Overall. this is a game you MUST own. Or else


Sinu this 9amt' Is IIctulIlly Out Now, lIS oppost'd to Out III$! Month, this is equal billing with Command and

If there's one thing you can't argue with, it's the orlginahty ofth's particular release,Theaimisprettystralghtforward. In multi·player mode (you can fight CPU oppone nts or othe r humanoids) it'S}'<lurjobtocollect a crystal and take It back to your base in ordertostopyourexplos,vebackpack fromdetonating.Alternat,velytake itto another base and brrngthat base'splayer ctoser to destruction. Puzzle mode glVf's}'<Iuseveralbrain-teasinglevelsto wadethrough.andthio;brain·taxmg game variation is actually a lot more satisfying. Theeffects,likerotatingtheentrre arena thrOl.lgh 90 degrees are nice, but the bottom lin e is that there are loads of problems With Ihis game, like vague controls, and a basic lack of eXCitement Developero; Altent,on to Detail keep sending us press releases on the rr awe-


TunneI81·avisuallyresplendentt,lles that has eamed it manyadmorers on the PlayStationscenell'salsoeaffledmany crotocstoo,whosaythalbehindlhe lovely visual~ lurkS a dull , pointless gam e. Well,havingpl~yeditagreatdeal

nowlcan see what the problem with the game is Truly Neorr haVf' spent most oftheor time on the graphics, and the gameplay is prettylinearasa result Often ,\'s very une~citing loo However, the game is a challenge-





a suuess on the PlaySta tion. Not quite uptherewilh, but still pretty cool nonethe less. And now it's on the Satum Psygnosis have enlisted thei r usual conversionsmithS,TantalUS,toprodl.lce the goods and it must be saidthatasa straight translation of the original it isn't too bad,retaining all of the detail and speed of the original The problem with Krazylvan is thatbasi(allyit'sjusta90sversionof the arcade classic BattleZone, with more meanies, better graphics and enhanced weaponry.Assuch"t'saprettysimplis· tic game. wilh not mu{h variety. Also, it'S a bitofa chore to go t hrough t he earlylevels,which really~ requitedull.

1r!l1.llZl!.m ~I Thlnssdosetmoree~citlnslate,on.

but basically. Krazylvanjustisn't really interesting enough to warrant more than a cursory glance


no w, thtrt'srtallynoU'custtOPQrt with any monty for this PQrt/cu/ar gam t .Htncttht67" rat ing- nota majordisQJttr, butctrtQinlynothing togttovtrlytxcittdabout.


BY SEGA, PRICE £29.99, RATING (>7"

It mu st helYt sttmtd lilrt

Cl pTttly dtctntldtCl.JustClbouttvtryont has (or should havt' a Virtua Gun, and th trt's not rtallya hugt amount of soft wa rt avai/ab/tfor it.

And no, Wt don't rtally includt Chaos Control as "softwart" assuch. Mighty Hits is a good, cht ap gam t , with stvtra/dlfftrtnt mlnl·subgomu to wod t through varying tnormo us/y in difficulty. Th t gamtJ thtmstlvts art simplistic In tht t.trtmt and Offtr vt ry littltscoptforlastobility. Thtgraph Icsloolrprtftynictand all,butrtallythtrt'snothfnghtrtthClt'srtCllly going to St t tht world onfirt. withVlrtuaCoplon th tshtlvt s


Remember when EA Hockey first came out for the Megadriye? Remember how everyonewlthoute~ceptlonlhoughl it

was ace? Remember how EA rl.lined it all by essentially releasing the same game every year? Well. It looks settocontlnl.le as NHL Hockey blasts onto Saturn_.. and nowil"s in 3D! Well. the Megadrive version had nigh-on perfect playabihty~ndtheadu­ al control method remains virtually unchanged. which is a Good Thing Also. the 3D engine is sl.lffkienllysmooth enou gh to portray the action well. The uSl.lal EAsportfrlpperyresl.lltsina huge amOl.lntofoptionstochoosefromsome useful. some_._ well. pretty point· less actl.lally (the helmet"s eye yiew camera ans'ein particular Is a complete waste of time) Theonlyreal problem is the lack of violence. Yes there are fighlS,bul when players smack into one another. YOl.ljust hear a little grunt and they rebol.lnd off each other like dodgems Stili. it's very playable. it'S sot every· thingYOU'd want and it's worth a look sodoso.







"'." .,., '2% ".... .,., ". "'." .". "" "'." "" "" ,,,. £44.99 £39.99

£44.99 £39.99 £44."

£49.99 £39.99 £39.99 £.19.99 £.19.99 £39.99 £39.99 £.19.99 £29.99 £49.99 £49.99 £44.99 £.19.99 £.19.99 £.19.99

' 9%



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"" "', "'." £44."


£39.99 £49.99 £44.99 £39.99 £.19.99 £39.99

.... "" 84"

"" "" 11%


av EA, PRICE £44.99, RATING 92%

Ytah,John Madd tn rtfurnsonct ago inajttravo st 'amoun tof Mtg adrlvt offtrings OVtr tht ytars (which sttmtd to gtf progrtsslvtly worst} but this timtht's on Saturn, wh ich mtClns ntw ttchnology. 3D ttchnologyinfact. Th tmovt toSatu rn mtCIns thQt John Moddt n 97 btntfits immtnstly thanlrstothtpattnttdEltctronlc Arts Virtual Stadium systtm, which allows for th t usual multfplt camtra Clngltandmort·rtCllistic-grClphlcs trlclrtry, but rtQllyMClddt n ha s alwClysbttntnttrta lnl ngthQnlrsto ifsgamtplQY· Thanlrfully, this rtmClins most tKctlltntin dttd in thttranslation to

SCltu rna nd although tht CPUgam e logic mtClns that there', Cln eQsy wCly to trash tht ,omputtr opposition,

most of tht fun of tht gQm t comes


"'." £44.99 £.19.99 £44.99 £39.99 .£39.99 £39.99 .£39.99 £44.99 £44." £44." £44.99 £.19.99 £39.99 £44.99 £.19.99 £.19.99 £44.99 £44.99 £59.99 £44.99 £.19.99 £39.99 £49.99 £49.99 £39.99 £44.99 £49.99 £44.99 £39.99 £.19.99 £.19.99 U9.99 £44." £39.99

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84% 88% 58.. '9%

.,,' ' 7%



....''''"', .... ....

84% 15% "..


"" .'" ,m "" .,., ""

15" ''''

from tht two-playtr mode. This rtmClins ClS good as tvtr It was. Maddt n97isQ/mostctrtClinly th e best AmtriCCln FootbClIl gam t on th tSa tu rn (not that th trt's much competition' $0 If YOU'Tt up for somt of that, you can't reQlly bttter this... for th t timebtlng.


8Y SEGA, PRICE £39.99, RATING 9'%

It might seem odd that the state·of-the· art ne~t seneration console is being I.lsed to emulate decade old arcade machines. rest assured: sega Ages (Voll.lmel) really is worth checking out. Foryour moneyyol.l set almost Identical conyersions of eighties Sega wonders Space Harrier, Afterburner andOl.ltRl.ln.Forretrofans,thistfiple pa6 is an essential purchase. The fi rst two games are Yery simplistic inthis day and age. but still supply a great adrenaline rush .'sOut l1:un that really makes this pack worth invesligation.since it's the onlytranslation of the classic coin·opthat's real· Iy been any good. In fact, it's better than good· it's better than thealcade original I Ifyol.l bought your Saturn to play the very grea t est new games obviously this isn·tforyou. 8utfor those of us who'vebeen with Segain a gamins capacity for oyer a decade. it'saneJctremelyworthwhlletrlpinl o retrotemt ory.


£.19.99 £.19.99 £39.99

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Ilk' a look al the news paltS and you ' II ••e Ihe filii in-depth look at Slut! Fighter J' the .mu!n, new arcade fighting lame from Capc:om. However, It IIn 't the first coln-op to lilt tht company'. proprietary new (PS-Ill Iy.te m . In actuII fad , that honour belo ng. to Red Earth , which s hould be hlttlnllJCldu loo n. Upon flut viewing Red Earth (previously known as War lard). Ihe first Ihlngthat strikes you isthe sheer quality of the graphics and the a nlmalion. The big news about CPS-III is!b ability to handle far mo re sprites and colou rs than CPS·IJ games such as X-Men Versus Street Fighter and Street FighlerAlpha 2. It 's also able 10 expand and contract backglounds, kindof like Samurai Shodown, and th is effect Is used with gay abandon In Red Earth. Another great feature of Red Earth Is Ihe sheer Imagination Capcom have put into Ihe fighters . look at the size and definlllon of those sp rltesl Also, play the game in Scenar io mode and Red Earth becomes an adventure as well as a fighting title, with your character enhanced depending on the 5uccessofyourfightlng. The problem Capcom had with their new arcade technology was in keeping the price down. All of their boards are pretty inexpensive compared to behemoths like Virtua Fighter J and Capcom wanted to keep it that way. Thai being the case, the company went for a CD· based system. The actual hardware remains the same but ntw games are bought on CD and loaded in once as soon as the machine Is powered up. The games take a long time 10 load compared to home games. but th at Is n't really an Issue inan arcade environment. With games like Red Earth and Street Flghler J In the arcades, Capcom are stili in Ihe business of producing quality mles, but now they look, sound and play even bettef. More Capcom news coming soon ...

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The mucb-vawrted Sega TolftIg Car irterview should finally tum ~ '" plus look out for more fighters MegaMix infonnation! Reviews .,: - ="" include Soviet Slnl<e, Die Hard TMlogy and Die Hard Arcade. Abit of a Die Hard do...,le whammy,if you wil Also! On tl1ecover: a game you've aI been loolOOg forward to, but no-one's seen yet. aI wiI be revealed i1 the March edition of SEGA SAtURN MAGAlINE. ~'- ~

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