16 - BIT
Konami's excellent footie title breathed life back into the flagging SNES last Christmas,
and looks set to do the same to the Megadrive when it's released in January. We reveal the fi rst screenshots and explain why it's going to blow FIFA out of the water and
exactly what makes it so good.
86 87
89 90
92 All the finishing moves you (ould ever need,
plus an endurance cheat and a code which allows you to playas the bosses. What more could you possibly want?
If you thought the original Virtua Fighter was awesome,just wait until you see this I Virtua Fighter 2 is without a doubt. the most detailed, impressive and absolutely brilliant combat game we've ever seen, and we have a six page feature to prove it. Of course, if six pages of info isn't enough, you can always consult our SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE exclusive video for more proof!
As this brilliant arcade conversion nears completion, we take a look at the very latest versions from Japan, and have a quick chat with top programmers AM2 on how they put the game together.
Once again SEGA MAGAZINE readers will already be familiar with this compo, but if you haven't already entered, now's your chance. All you need is a copy of Daytona, a video recorder, and some lightning reflexes. Then simply record a top time, send it in to us and free Saturn games for a year could be yoursl
ClOCKWORK KNIGHT 2 Unlike the first toy travesty that was Clockwork Knight, this sequel is a visual feast from start to finish, and the gameplay is nigh-on amazing I This four page feature takes every level in the game apart and ensures that you'll be clambering over yourselves to get a copy of it just as soon as it's released in November.
Although there's some first class games for the Saturn, it can be used for more than just games playing. Yep, this month sees the release of the Video CD and the Saturn photo CD. We take a closer look at these gadgets and via watching loads offilm and music CDs and assess whether it's worth parting with the money to own one...
~~t~;~~ ~;~:~!~sE~:_p:':~~r~,:~de;~li~s~~~t~,n:~il~dk:h~~ "1fII!~~'...!!!!!7~:::';:-::;::::::;;:-:::;:-:::!~ even deeper look at its development. This time, all the enemy cars are racing around, the lakeside track is unveiled in all its glory, and there's even news of a superb two-player mode!
~----....... I=NEW ARCADE GAM ES
Tht leccnt Tokyo JlImma show ~w loads of quality n~ ilf(ilde games on show, ilnd S£GA SATURN MAGAZIN£ ulled upon its Japan~ correspondents to report on the proceedmgs, AM2 unve,led thc,r latest beat 'em up Fighting Vipc"IS (b ased on the;ucade vers,on of Virtu a Fighter} along with the first playabl eversionsaf Virtua Cop 2. Manx TT was on eillh! playtr IInk·up. AMl revealed a new game entitled Virhlill On, ilnd (a prom announced their new comic arcilder Ma~1
Super Heroes. And, here iue the detilils In more, elm, detail,
In his quest fOf ultimate power RichiUd has now ilbandoned his puny physicill fOfm ilnd has become and omnipresent god. This way he Ciln edit Maximum ilnd keep an eye over Stga Saturn Magazme. In fact, try summoning him into your own home by saCflfiCinglumpsofFrenchcheeseilndchiinting·Rich .. rd'bilckw~rds
Monkey boy has had a busy month, wh~1 wllh growing his first facial hair and discovering fairies at Ihe bottom of his mum's garden He's even built a little grass hut down there so he live with his new friends, They don't rea lly exist. butilget s hlmoutofthew~yforawhile
• •
Disaster stud the C-boy this month when Slow Boat ToSarnet lost part oftheor name. "it was there when we pronted the t-shirts fOf our world tou. of Baslldon, but when we arrived it WilS rent ~sunder" The 'Slow Boaters' as they're now known, will be retiring to sm~1I aVOCildo plantation in Mexico at th~ end of the mon th
W~II. wh~1 ,~n Wf!uy~boul
new-boy D~ve, ehl He's t~lI. Oh, and he's also the
wrrentlyholdinginyourshaklnghandS,Oh,andhel ikeschlmps,sosend him some pies of monkeys In uncompromising poSitions, H~ likes Ihat
Yes, in ~ major coup Sega Saturn Magazine have signed Take That's very own Jason Amningly, he quit his Job al Take ThaI furnishings In Huddersfield to pursue ~ life where the wilges are high and I he hours low, Ha, what a fool. And he makes the teabeciluse he hasn't got the bottle to stand up t ous
What more can be said about the tipslrel-cum-reviews melster that his Edderados Del La Lomasomal He's skinny for a start. and he's not hugely Iilli. But he d06 have unnaturally long fingers which are designed purelyfo. playin ggamesand wi~ldlnghismightyjOypadofdoom
be superseded as the sreatest arcadesun same, by It s Ions-awaited sequel Virtua Cop 2. AnearlyversionofVlrtuaCop2wasunveiledtorapturous response at the recent JAMMA show in Tokyo. AM2 haW' ~ept the same mrxh In the W'ln of the onglnal. ~llowlng two playersto rampage throush three different levels. level one secs Virtuacops Rayse and Smarty Involved in a street shootout. before the felons make a brea k in their cars. ta king the sunfiSht onto the road as the (oPS pursue in therr poll(e (ar level two opens wllh a shootout In the docklandsdlslrrct before ffiOYlns onto a lu.urycrulse loner for plenty of (orrrdor-stylegunfishtInS And the final level takes place In the btJsysubway train system USlns the same Model 2 technology as the firsl Cop same, VC21ooksfarsuperiorevenat this relatlvelyearlystase There'snofixed release for the game. but we expecl to sec it in arcades before Christmas so expect a full show<:ase In the ne.t wuple of months
What"sthls?AnotherobS(urebattlestrategygame pef(hance? It (ertainly seems that way from these uriyscreenshots There路snotmrxhlnfofmatlonat the moment. and it's uncertain whether II will appear in the UK. but It does look W'ry impressive with some smart visuals, loads of things going on and lots of big weapons
Ffom what we un tell. the game is finished and,although the actlontakesplaceonbikesinsl ead of fally UfS. even better than Rally. which is no mean fut considering how good that was. Watch out for more on this one next month when we'U be getting our hands on one of the very first versions In Europe
Ask,.ny arCoiIdefan what the hoUest lDbeal'cm up WilS thisyeill ~nd, if thq'~ gol ilny sense, they'n nilme X-Men Children oflhe Atom as number one. II's totilily stunnmg. it S\;Jrs the coolest
superheroes in comocdom
you'll be able 10 play it on the
>. _,,_
And the good news IS the Saturn version loob set to be Vir· tU;llIy identical. Oflginaliy sch~uled for a September .,,, ••••,•• In Japan, the game's str«t date has been put back,bu!wc'VI! managed to playa Spccliil demonstration version des'gned for
Japanese rctililels to showcilsc in tnei, shop windows. And olmilzmsly it l00I0:5, sounds <lnd plOllysHethecoin-oporlginillnght down tothe very t<lst detaiL The finished version will have eight
selroablecharilclersC)'(lops.Wolveline, Icemiln.Omega~ed.
Colossus, Psylocke,
Spira and Sentineland the IWO bosSl"S. Juggernaut and Magoeto. X·Meo Child reo Of The Atom is cilusiog quite iI stir io our office ilod if Acclillm maoage a pre·Christmas release it will uodoubtedly be ooe of the honest Saturo games ilrouod All the more so because Playsutioo owoers doo·t get their version uotil sometime oext year. Loot out fOf (H,Ir huge review aod showuse sooo. 10 the meilO time)'OU cao find out eXilctly how good it is for )'Ourself because it's aoother ooeofthetoptitlesfeatured 00 (H,Ir eKcelleolcOV'ervideol
If anyone looked b<ick on 1995 ilnd wondert!d wh~t the most Important Influence on populilr culture was, th ey'd have to say the Intemet - and if you own a $<atum you could be on-line next ~ar. Sega are working on an add-on which allows direct Internet Kcns, II's also dnignt!d for netwoft gaming over the phone-line, whICh makes link-up ubles look puny and out of date Sega Europe's head, Malcolm Miller commented' The creation of Sesa's new multimedia division shows the level of commitm ent we have to this format and provides us with further evidence that the true potential of the $<atumisstilitobereleilsed - No price has Ileenfixed, but it looks hke being the shops by July 1996
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With swords), is $<atum-bound and with any luct will be in the shops by Christmas, This is a 3D adventure with loads of atmosphere, tons of action and the sraphiCS ilre nothing short of amillins, Although there are RPGs on the way from Sega them~1ves. this has plenty of blood and suts and Is far less(utesythananythingwe've~en
from the big 5, We'li be bflnginsyou a huge previcwon this one next month.
No, It's not another form of gum from the seventies II is, rn f~ct, a brand new Salurn title from programming house US Gold like everyone else, the prosrammers at their headquarters have been workrng away on new systems, and are concentrating their effortsongettlngsometopqualrtySaturntl\lesoutint,meforChfistmas.klhnny S.uookatone is their first, and they're aimrngfor it to be very different fr om anything they've done before klhnny,though,is)'OUr usual platfOfm rnghero-gelled back harr, attitude hke nobody's bI.Islness and poslt,vely brimming over w,th testosterone. He appears rn his very own platformrng same, and. before you sroan, the Goldies have promised us that ilwon't be anything 1,l:e the stuffSttn ontheI6路bitmachrnesAlloflhel~lsuseSihconGraphlcs路cre路
ated sprotes and backgrounds, and the sameplay,whkh employs many puzzle elements, aims to be much more complex than platformersofyeoldedays: The ch .. riKters you Stt here .. relhe first ..ctu .. 1graphICs rele .. sed from the game, aod give you .. good impreSSion of the kind of tone US Gold are tryrng to put a(fOSs.
G.Jdget freaks WIU be over the moon .. t this I.. test announcement from~ .. - Irs a handheld Mesadrovel Yep, from a Game Gear sized machine, you'll be able to play aU your Mesadrovegames on the move. WeU,wesayyou'U be able to play it, but at the moment Sega Europe are undecided whether they'Ubereleasrngltoverhere We thrnk it would be .. great Idea though - If It went on sale for arouod 拢lso(the ..ctual prICe of the handheld IsstlU undetermrned) it could seU bucketloads, and it w,U cer uinlyglvealithoseoldMegadrlvec.. rtsanextended hfe The handheld al50 comes w,th .. n adaptor so you can plily games throush the TVtoo. And,here It iSlnaUitsglory
converted to the Saturn This game is already in its third incarnatton on the PC,and has proved to be one of the biggest games of all time-wi th this regarded as the best of the three It seems as though Iherewill be a f;m amount of the~ games relea~ontheSaturnnextyear.and
they're the prefect tools to show off ItsgraphicalcapablirtlesHere'safew early screenshots just to give you an ideaofwhatyou'llbeseelngrnacou_ pie of monlhs
We predicted It months ago. but~neverreallythought
Ihatltwouldhappen. Virtua Fighter is gettrng theAnime treatmentlWedon'treally knowmuchaboutt~story
that the serifs will follow bul hopefully, It will be a lot bet ter than the recent Streetfishterefforl.lt'snot known at the moment whet~rAMlhaveany
rnvolvement on the prOject at all,although It seems likely thateachcharacterwillreuln therrtralts from the arcade orlgrnal. More news on this oneasandwhen,butrnthe meantime. here's a sneak preview of what the finished resultshouldlookirke
I ~lWA(f {'-tAN My FACE. WItH OXY "I/() PAPS. -t'He ~()vtill fiRe. pl/ipp (PIItf.
~ ~ fp~s. "-/"IM! "1'116 M/£PJC;trEI 51'vFF /"r1i1E" .f'I~JotrTtI $/~E 't .~ 1iIA1tAvJe, sptJf5 • Wllkf'$ HilK,£, ~ (t~~~\\~ /f ~1Ar5 ~N YUVp., S/(IN AN/) I<.E.IEIJf (W IYfi~I</N4 PdP,I/#/I/<,s.
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CALl. M~ /'/(Eblcfi,'Le , ~1'I~ilTiN.JA../..., WH,(feVEK, .
Stb''''''Y. SFD?? ? tJXYt,t!Te ffl WiTil b)'Y 11!
6Vf VIti tlll'l,,!" cAl,./... ME
,xy 101l,ClifM£IIT F!~ W (P/1AINl MNlJJYL/'!1t¥'/I( 'AMAri Rf1IJ1iIt t.AltL·oxr AIU WUfft ir/'Nl.1i<Al/.W/II;I.
teve, happened to
Yumaml "'an.'on?
Losing sleep over the fact that 0 hasn't yet appeared on any UK release schedule? Well, worry no more, because we've tracked down all those elusive overseas titles and can even ascertain when (or if, as the case may be) they'll be appearing in good old Blighty. And remember, you may have already read reviews on some of these tnles in lesser magazines, but you certainly won't be able to play them w~hout paying hefty import prices and adjusting your PAL Saturn to play foreign tnles - which we do not advise.
E:;t~:c;:':e~~,: ~~dn:n~~~:o~~!; ~:;~~:~-Slill the most filmous ilrude motorcy<ie racII'r Inll'xls-
tence. So, it's Sood to hur thilt Sega afe warming upilnall-n(!w90's~rslonofthIl'8i1~forthll'
Saturn. Mind you, It 's such iln illI路newvenlon that,
short of the namll' OiInd the filct thilt it's got bikes In It, it's absoluteIynothlngliketheorlgl. nillHiinsOntiitaltln fact , It's more like
Daytona USA, complete withfullyteKtured polygongfaphics.Stltl, thelduofaHillngOn. style filcinggllme with fullY30 gfil phics sounds like a pretty tasty prospect. And Indeed. from theurly version of the game we've played,it's shap路 inguptobeapoten路 tially hot title. Hang.QnGPfea路 tUfes three dlfferenl viewpoints as you race againsl 20 other bikes, passlngthlOughche<:k. pointstok~pthetime
from running out. Thele ale five different bikes to choose from. each with its own handling. acceler~tlon and top s~d r~tlngs,~nds,.scenkcoursestoracethemon ,
Although Hang On GP is already funning at a fall old s~,itstillrequiresalotofworkonthehandhng
Nonetheless, ItsdueoutJap~n in October and should provetobeane.cell~nt rac~r
I'[~ >il:.t,:
,Z.:; .'0__
. .. "-;' .;. -'-!
• o· ~ of T~~~~~~~~~~~s~~~;~~~~~~elnh~::~:er~::s:: ~;~~me the most excllmgtltlts on the Megadrrve, such ilS
Gunstal Heroes ilnd Dynilffilte Headdy Famous for
games irwolvlng huge bosses, and, well, not" lot
else,they'vtbeensomewhatqUletofliite There,,sonforthlsil~ncels~iluselhey\~beenbusy·
Ing away on GUilrdlan Heroes, a brand new Saturn beat 'em up. Based in their now-classic style this iSii
Slde-sClolhngbeal'emupfeaturmgslxdlfferentcharilcttrS By calling up your wilmor's thoYght bubble you (lin Summon helpers,
ffiassivt explOSions ilrld a h05t of Wtilpons which can be used to defeat enemies. Intheveinof all Treasuregames,lheaclion is
absolutetyfranlic, and there's IO.1ds of stuff on SCleen at once They're even attempting a slmultan~us m-player batt~ mode. It's still undecided whelher this 8i1me will ever mil!:e lion to UK releilse schedules, bul we certainly hope it wllI-'t may nol be Ihe most visuallylmpress,,'e ploduct we've seen, bul It plays leallywell
•.:..~.- ... =-" I
' It'
:/ t:r-.:::"
1 Itl
ega have become somethrngofracrngexpert.soflilte. In addition to conve rt rng HangOn to the Satutn, they're also deep In the development dungeon on Fr Now, th,s game nevel appeared rn the arcades, but '>ega are stili hoprngfor blgthrngswhen It'S released early next year Every srngledetall 0 f Grand Prrx racrns has been pa instakrnslyrecreated,fromauthenlict racks 10 real cars and the abihty 10 Iweakjusl about every detail of your Fl racer It al so aims 10 Itcreate the atmosphere and feel of Formula One r;lce driving, makrng II more of a slmulallon Ihanolherdrlvrnglilies such as Sega Rally or Daytona MOle on this onenexl mon l h when we sholJld haveoul hands on a previewvelSlon, wor~rng
'-'- -
(and namtd Vum~ml ManSion) and ftctlved a rath~r lukewarm ftc~phon_ The baSIC pr~mist
a spooky hous~ 10 be investisatand to s~t to th~ bottom of th~ myst~ry you'll have to ~~plor~ every inch of every room, diS«M."r clues, and find objects that will <tllowyou to (tccess ntw and stcrtt th~f~'S
~t ' I I
paftsofth~house_Playedfromafifst' person
perspective, th~ samt ftatur~s fully rtndtrtd rooms and an <trray of bll(trr~ char<tct~rs wno art trapped In th~ nouse, which af~, nalurally, all out to set you Wh~n thiS first arrived In th~ offic~ il seem~d to be a straight copy of th~ Mega-CO game of th~ same nam~ Now w~'ve had a look at th~ PAL convefsion, th~ story.s a httl~ dlfftrtnt and, of course, tht gr<tphlU af~ <tbout a hundrtd times bett~1 AlthouSh thiS should be out by mid-Novembef, th~r~'s slill wOfk left tobedoneonth~englishv~rsion,henc~ the lackofa reviewthislssu~
----- -~.I.....-·'
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ntar-finishtdvtrsion thatwt'ftable to show h~f~_ From what ~'ve s~~n andpla~d , 'lseemsasthoughSega
could have a rul
h<tnds, Taking
ofanafCad~alf· comb<tt stanc~
rather than conc~ntrating on being a flight Slm, Wing Arms is a fast and furIOus shool 'tm up with muillpl~ missionS<tndcoin -opqualily gf<tphlCSWhlChisfunny fully, bKause although it hasadlff~rtnt nam~.lfs
Obviously bastd on Segil's arcade title, Wins War The obJectlve,u in i111 f1ishtsames.lstoobhteratetheenemy,butthere's loads of novelty features such as multiple camer<t angles-inSidt and outs.dethe cockpit and also from In front of the plane (so you can see what's comins from behind youl). In all,this looks He it could bea really e~citInSgame.sowe'libebflnging
you a showuse next month
y ~~~;: ~:;ae~V~rs~~~~tittl;'r:~o~::a~;~:~~~J;::;s~:~~~_e lines,thefuropeanpreS5ha~triedtogetas
much info about this title as possible, although httle sums to ha~ been released on the same. However, It's easy to tell that this Is an RPC of epic proportions, with the main game taking a ~ry
on the Mesaduve and the Mega-CD There's no blsprosrammins house behind the title, but It seems to have done falrlyW1!1I in the Japanese charts, although when the import verSion amved in the office we did have more than a httle trouble trying to de<:lpher the wads of Jap;intse text. It'S stili sct.eduled for a European release sometime this year, and as well as translatlns all theJapanesestory(amammolhtaskbyanyone'sstandards)itwili alsobereceivlnsanamechanSelt'snewmonickerlMysteria ~ealmsofLore Makes loads of sense, doesn'l It I
D . ,, : -,~
w :atth~:';o::::~:tt~~n;:$~~i~~game . ,~
amulngl Relustd OYer there arwnd three months., 0 went stral&ht to the top of the cNIU In the f\m weet.1t's osy to see why: tnls C}'berhorrorthrillel' Is e...,.. mod atrnolpheric: adventure or\ the INdllne to dIU, employ· Inl~graphksanda Mllbltl"lItoryllne, Ahr
muucring all his patlents,.1 warped doctor IOH into hidlnl _hls spookyoldhouse. Hlsd.1 ughterUUI1Iptln searchof~ .1nd disc~rs
th.1t not only has her cUd II'OM complete-
iyCrlIlJ'butthe house cont;lins terrors beyond imarn;ltion. l'NIbanothe r t itle where you wander from room to room pk king up CJlltects and diKOVering clues, but the pulIles are some· times f.iIIirly compIe; limn. the Klion becomes n;lil-bitlng. not 10 mentlon ~ downright py,Atthe rnomerrt.
Accl alm areWOfkll'l! ontllt~lf*dIfortMpme"_
ca n't wait until It's s rele.1std,
lIn" cert lflcate.
I !~::::~e:~ ~:~~ ~'~!:~:uc~~~:;r~h:a~,~~eat::::~~:ir,,~e one form or another on the Salum Hang On GP '95 IS currently in the works and now sega's classic beal'em up of yore, Golden Axe, is coming to the Saturn, Sort of Whereas the Oflginal game was a scrolhns fiShtlng affair, Golden Axe: The Duel IS a straight one·on-one beat 'em upofthe Strec:t Fishte r vaflety Featuflnsten diffe re nt warriors, induding theoflSlnal Golden Axe trio and the dreaded Death Adder, the game is packed with all the usual spe<ial IT'IOIIeSsuchasflrebalisanddragonpunchts,neatlyb~n-dedwlth
the mOfe typical hack 'n' slash actIon of Golden Axe What's more, ina tlpofthe hat tothe old game, The Duel even features the httle Imp who runs on screen releasing magiC power·ups when you hit him, thus providIng each battle WIth t he potential for some awesome spell·castlns antics. Golden Axe: The Duel is set for release in Japan any Ume now and W1!'1I c~r it In·depth next month
'_9_ _
" W
IUMOUlt (U •• ''''TLY '~Y''''G •• OUT
'"AT AMZ ..... nCIITlT .....V. . 'NG ... W ... Y
speed of 380 km/h. To emphasise tht speed-o rientated nature of the game, you haye to cope with ill 6-speed !ildng gur Dox when you play the game with manualg!! .. rs. Don't
WIL' •• ,JlllfOIIVINMO.1
.OUIIIIG IT... " "'(TIOIII . WILL, fH ...T M ...Y II fHl e ..... 10011111 fH ...1II YOU fHllII. , Ile ... u •• " S.G ...
........eH • D.... UO .. M.IIIT Din AM..," H....... IUIT .. 1II1.H.O WO.1e 0111 ... 111 .... e ... o .....(lIIIG GAM. O. tHIl ......... OWIII , 1 ..... 0 .... OU.O TN.
I ' ... L "'1 •• tOlII O. TNI O"''''L eou . . . u .. o I.
D...TTO.... USA. Indy 500 is ~ctu~lIy th~ offid~lIy lictns~d ~r(iildt g~m~ of tht Indi~n~polis Molor Spetdw~y tr~ck. whtrt tht world -f~mous high-spe~d 500 milt racts takt pl~c~. Of cours~, bting ~n officiill lic~nct it ciln't hilvt giiiln! fru it miilchines, roul~ttt wh~tls ilnd Sonic mountillns lik~ tht Dilytonil beginntr trilck. Insttilld, AM1 hilve gont for iI filr mort ftiliisticiilPP fOilCh, iiluthtntiullyrtcf~a!ingth~ surroundingsoftht r~illindliinilpoliscourstto milk~ tht gilme look ilS tru~·to- lift iils possiblt. And, using th~ tr ied ·~nd · trusttd Modtll
grilphics, tht gilme loob ilnd moves ils feil listicililyils its ilfudtprtdec· tssors, Dilytonil ilnd St ga Rally.
ONE FORMULA Following the formulil s~t down by Virtuil Rilcingilll thoseytilrsiilgo, Indy SOO hils four difftrent view· points to plilY from (ovtrhtild. bthindtheur.cockpitilndnose-tothe tiilrmilc), iIS you hurtle ilround the Itthililyfilst ovill spetdwily in iI thftt lap ract ilgillnstnothtrvehicltS, trying to milktthe ntdcheckpolnt btfofethttimt runs out. Exdting stutf, butshortofthertillistic sctntry, it illi sounds more thiln iI bit like Dilytonil USA. 50 what's ntw~ Well, tht Singltmost importilnt difft rtnce betwetn Indy 500 ilnd Dilytona is tht ciilrs. Indy 500 employs
custom·built 1.lCing com for Its high.speed thrills. low slung, with hug~ thick tyres and aerodynamic fins, these vehkles
MY''' ,
• •~~'• • •~I
worry ilbout the professlon,,1 racing angle afft'cting the
bumper. lo-bumper action, though. there 's still plenty of oppartunity for spectaculilr crashes. These are even better when you witness the car. fIipping devastillion from the cockpitvlewpointl
THREE COURSE MEAL ON WHEELS OffIcI~1 ticence or not, you still un't get: away with having a 801me bOISe<! artxJnd Just one t~(k. espedillty when It's just a
str.dghtforwiHd oval one. So AM1 have Included two more
truk, of their own. The Advanced Hishland RacewilY IiIkes the rile! Into the mounta ins, ill you weave throulh rocky unyons, over raging rapids and through woodlOlnd nen. The best part being iI stomiICh churnIng rolier-COilster style downhill stretch. The Expert Bilyside Course Is more of an urban racetrack, as you spHd your Wily through s~lons of city streets packed with go degree turns. With the sides of the trJck dosed off by concrete Willis and fences, muttlple plle.ups ilre almost guarant u d when too milny urs vie for position on the lethally fast stretches of tarmac. All the tl4llcks have ~n designed with high.speed racing In mind, ilnd to keep the mlles-per. hour at the maximum rlght from the start, each rue begins with the now legendary lolling Sta rt, sending you past the green starting flag with the gas pedal pushed hard to the floor.
. . , SEG.~ SATL'f<N
RACING TO SATURN! Having recently been showcased ilt the Tokyo JAMMA show atthebeginningofSeptember. youcilnex~tos«lndy
500 popping up an ilrude ntilf you soon, with the more impressive eight-player linked set·ups milking iln ilppeafance ilt lilrgervenues, We strongly recommend you give ita test
drive if you see the milchine. However, there's good news even If you ciln't get to iln ilfcilde, Sources ilt Segil have confi rmed that Indy 500 will be milking It to the Saturn, illthough exactly
when is still shrouded the mists of future time. Rest assured
~=~ ~ ::.
;"W~~. _
It puts anything else on the Mega-CD to shame ... A standard by which all future Mega-CD games will be judgedd
This is the game you simply must play... This is the game that will embarrass the hell out of the other CD-developers.
Although ~ have always been popular on consoles,
they've always been pretty limited, mainly because you can only
play them in 20, which tends to spoil the atmosphere somewhat. However, there 's ~lrnmJjIIW1Ji'I'jIJj!'m'!"J for the Saturn, including this amazing rur,IIjHFJI(!IjjJ from Virgin.
plnblll rulms wu rilthtr dluppolntlng, In Digitll Pinblll, tht wholt bblt wu shown on scrttn ~t onct, so thtrt wu no moytmtnt In tht gilmt (ilpilrtfromthtbillliindfllpptnthiltls}. And, btcilUst ~rythlng w~s on scr~n ~t tht umt U~, t~ tntlrt g~mf: seemed iI bit puny, Plus, sl nc:t In was iliming tob-tmotl!ofil ~ iimuliitlon" thtbonustS_rtn 't~rytxtiting
tlthtr, tonslstlngoffluhlngledscr~nsillertlngyouth~tyou 'd g~lntd iI ftw txttil points or luding tht wily for I _~ Ith of point scoring opportunltln. Howt~t, _'yt illw~ys b«n of tht opinion thilt progrilmmtrs should UStii bit ofilrtistit IIttnctwhtn it tomes to plnbilll slms-eytn If It does sttily ilwily from the orlglnill rigid g~meplily, Yep, we wilnt bonus gImes, secret bblH, multi b.111 play-the lot, Which is qUite good rtally, because that's eXilctly what Virgin hilyt come up with Tilt. cur rtntty~p in de¥tlopmtnt is Ihtfirst 3D plnball!!ame ~r Flip tht ball up through a tube, and you'll get
WE' VE ALWAYS BEEN OF THE OPINION THAT PROGRAMMERS SHOULD USE A BIT OF ARTISTIC LICENCE WHEN IT COMES TO PINBALL SIMS, EVEN IF IT DOES STRAY FROM THE ORIGINAL, RIGID GAMEPLAY. to see it whiZZIng ilround from a zoomed-in ptrspectr¥t, whack it all thewayaroundthetablt,andin~,your30fritndwllifollow
suit And, although thest SCtnl.'S do cut rnto the gameplay With alarmln!! frequtnty, they ma ke the procmln!!s seem mort exciting, In add ilion to all the 3D malarkey, there's seven differently themed tabll.'S,allwl thlndlyldualfealures,andsomeYetyrealistic gameplay At the moment, the amount of 3D ~ the final ytrsionwillinciudehasl!ttnundefined,butit'saireadylooting rully imprl.'SSIYe Nottlngham·based coders NMS (newoomers to the gaming realmsj are PUtting the final touctleson the title, and With any luck, It Will hit the shops In the middle of NO\Iember
• •
Although there's some r;rrm;rrm;m:f'"eO"i11''''ii out on the Saturn at the moment, it has to be said that if there's one thing that
Sega have failed to bring into the home, it's the good old ,iiig.iultl\'U rmIimI -Anyway, while we're waiting to see the finished version ofthe
forthcoming Wing Arms (looks like a real cracker), here's a sneak
h.t,,,,., .., ...ort,,.,,,omb.t
I.lmeth.lth.lsn'tbi!enl.lld.l hundredbllllontlmesbefore1 bpl.llnlnl the plot Iin't ell.ictly dlffltult-flythroulhJDtemlns Ihootlnll!ftrythlnl.lnd.lnythlnl th.ltll'lO'tl!'lwhlllt.IYoldlnlthep.lthofeMmyfire. Simple. Isn't It? Well,kmd of While this describes theessenli.ll gamepl.ly down to a t~. there is plenty of other stuff that makes NC's Deadly sk,es.l fofce to be redoned with For a start.yoo·1t be up against wme of the moste_perlenced and skilled pilots ever 10 have graced this realm, and what's more, they're all equipped with Ihe best fighter planes on the market In addition to Ihetradltlonal Mig '29,you'li have to takeoot an F.15 Eagle,ilnF4Phantom,.In F14 Tomc.lt ilnd.lNATOflymgace,There'slaadsofdlfferenl lerlams to fly through,includingthejungle, the
b entlll1 pl ••• ! Glt rtldy for tORS of lllll'UlIlll bluUn&ud ~up Uplos!ORI - all_oqIi II lIay bt JOIIr plane Ihl trHIs Ip lUll"," Ie ..... till ",...ldl,
THE PATH OF ENEMY FIRE. desert, the ocean, and a Cltyterr;lIn that beafs a st.lrtllng resemblance to A hr Eastern City Not hr From Kl1Wait Unlike all combat games in the past (such.ls Af'telburner),there's laads of scenery detail, ilnd al though the gameplay lemains largely the same, it's really smooth 10 plil}'-plusthere's loads of action in every level
liIip• • •1IIl1 ,
• •
lI~S~":( -""· ·
At this slage in
::~:;::It; ~~\ell
just how good the finished product will be. and it's fair to say that when Ifs released it will f.lte somereallyshff oompetltlonfrom Seg.l'sowntltle, Wing Arms (which should be ready for review in time for ne.t issue) and Core DeSign's Thunderhawk sequel, Fifestorm Stili, With all its splendid 3D· ness and high speed shoolmg, it's certainly in With a fightmg chance come Christmas
Deadlv air combat hits the Saturn!
Klwio. un.1dI MDf'I IIIlall, lid far MGI't COIIpIu Iayout.UliNlttlewlt'tH.
1t'......... tbtlOr.r. ...
Two years ago, Core Design wowed the conso e world when they
released !Immj!jrn3 on the Mega-CD, and ever since, they've been ' E!!
renowned for producing high-quality games on every format . But, in recent times they've turned their collective hand to the Saturn, and it's this format that's been deemed worthy of uimjTmnmii34.lilli&
high speed helicopter combillt slm, ilIndCorcDeslgnilirellftlngmilinyof the gillme futures from the orlglnilll title for the forthcoming Siiiturn Y1!f$ion.However,ilIlthoughthe gilimeplillywll1rcmilllnroughlythe u me,theilictlonls much, muchfuterilindniliturilllly, there'sioilidsmore debilthillnwufoundintheorlginilil. In ilIli. therew,11 be H miSSIOns to complete, With most ml!.!.lons requlflng stYerilil tilI!.ks to be completed before the neKt level Cilln betillken on Eilich !.tillge h-oIds a muh,tudeof30tcxlure·millpped tcrfillins, plusthcrc·sthcnow·standiliidpolygon gcncrateden.emleSthatpopupateveryconcclVablc momcnt. Thc oflglnilll Thundcrhillwk team have been dfilfted in to work on thc sequcl, and Iud proglillmmcr Male Avory IS ilIlready hopeful fOf thc cnd rcsult. dilliming that "In Fircstorm Thundcrhillwk
THE ACTION IS MUCH, MUCH FASTER AND NATURALLY, THERE 'S LOADS MORE DETAIL THAN WAS FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL. 2 we're pushing thc new machincs to thcir absolutc limits. Thisgamc's going to be fa!.tcr than ilInything you've seen - and anythingYOtJ"IC likclyto see for a long timc. on ilInyofthe new formats." Thene's many ncw fcatures In Flrestolm-you'U be be able to VlCW thc gamcarea through 18o dcglc"cSilind thcrc's~dsof
dlffcrcntCillmCla ilInglcs to mess about with too. Plus. from what we'vescenoflhc very first demos unveiled ilIt ill Icccnt tradc show. thcgillmcplilly scemSlully ImprCSSlve-being bolhlnCledibly fastillnd utterly chaotic. However. by the time Ifs released In November it will alrcilldy have sliff competit ion in thc fOlm of Oe.Jdly Skies from IVC ilInd WingArmsfromSega-.JlthoughifCorc·spilist cfforts ilIre anything togo by. this will be hcadlng for ccrtain success when it hits thc shops In NovemberilIndilisilinerlr.J, ncwSaturnowncrswllibetreatcdto ill free In,p.Jck demo of thc gillmc In October
Core Design's classic gets the sequel treatment
At 1111 _tit, _11_ ItftI offirut_1I CMpI.I.1)' nlllsMd, M,," 1M .b..d~ of 1Cf'tt.5IIot. ta_.. rro. t_lIlrttI. K _, Con Npt t. n,1D 1M by lOItIllMr,
CUM)'OIII' r_ t~ I III,H",d. of 3D"'""""'. billY nrkMI. dladl)' elllllhlll.tJ... wit_tklllilllll•• rJru.
"lflii' to
DEAR SEGA MAGAZINE, I have been a leadelof)'Oul magazine since June '9S and inquinngif'fspos sible If youcouldsendmemformatlOnonbacklssueSlh~tarestlliavall .. ble.11eallyth'nk
)'Our mag~zlne IS cool. Also, can)'Ou tell me how 10 get these hidden Chillilctels flom Mortill Kombat 2 fOI my Megildllvel They ale "Pung Wolf' ilnd "Fire" which ille lumouled to eXist In the game And one mOle fmal question Please can )'Outell me the Fergahtles (th~t's if )'Ou know) on "Ooh Nasty" mode m the cheat menu o,f the perform~nce of all the chilracter's finoshmg moves I would be gr~tefullf)'Ou cooid help me with this, If not I'll stili love )'Our magazme PI!asereplymwlltmg Thank)'Ou Rachrl Modll~, Combrrwr// grren, Landan ~ Bllmey, anoth erbacklssueSletter, Right,let'sgetthisstraight , You
want to try ringing th! lovely helpful staff at our back issues department on 0 858 468888 who should be able to help. Pung Wolf and Fire don't exist. And I'm afraid we haven't got a clue how todo the Fergalltles. Ed Lomas might,but he' sina huff because we called him ugly, so he won't tell us, And we've replied in type. Sorry,
footage It's dlsappomtlng Ihat few pX games utilise the CDROM, be<ause the only real problem With the px IS that
I LOVE THE MEGA·CD DEAR SEG A MAGAZINE, I h.J1fe Just bought a Mega·CO, the gamt>S on It a re good but Ihe graphiCS could be better I think that Sega are not making any good games for the Meg.a·CO so they
cancilsh in on the Saturn. Whycan't)'Ou get Daytona on the Mega·CD/ I was going to get a 32X but changed my mind .Jnd got.J Meg~·CO, be<ause)'Ou ca n get mostly the same gameseg Fahrenheit and BC li!acers but you can playC Ds(music ~nd COG). So why do people buy the 31X With one game for £150 when you can get a Mega·CO With 11 games fOI [170-2001 8rl"nO'Sl/v",P/umJteod,London,
.fii' ~:rC::;~:;:~c~~~hdet~::~I~ ~:b:ab~y8: ~:;sl~0~:Xo;~~:7;~;et;u~:~e~S
Why don't you get a 31X.aS well, thereby optimising you r Megadrive·based console spectacul.arl And you 'll h.ave a machinr that looks like an evil robot.
OEARSM, You'reprobilblygeumgslckofthls,butrdliketohavemysilyregilrdmgthepX and Megil·(O. I own these machines and bemg iI dedlCiited llX owner fm be<omlng concerned about the machme's future. The Mega·COwasunsuccessful not be<ause It was a poor machme, but be<ause hardly any of.ts software exploited Its
:1~sn~~:IJ~;~h~~:~:':~~S~a%:~:,~~ ::e~~~!~,~yCO'ROM
. . Thr troublr with the Mega·CO is that no-one was really willing to develop great games for it until enough people owned one. otherwise no-one would be able to buy It and they'd never make a return on the (considerable) development costs. The Sil me story could apply to the}lX, but there ar eactually enough decent games either out or on the way tojustifythe dough ,so ho pefully loads of people will have.a }lX on their Christmas list. This'll mun tons of potentl.al customers for software comp.anies, and even more games. It's iI vicious circle , seel And It works both ways, Still, fingers crossed,
The way I get money to buy my computer games is I dress up in black leather y.fronts and a tlte leather black Jacket With chant>S h.angl ng from It and I go to the old peoples nome and s.Ji! my body to all the oIdladeys Hop, Croyd"n, Surrry,
Stili, even Without CO·ROM memory the 3lX stili boasts some fantastic games, The lelease titles are all exceptional as ale more lecent releases such as Metal Head and Slellar Assault But what about the future? Virtua Figh ter is big news, the Scavenger games shown in Issue 15 will be good and SouIStarXKolibrl?Superlatlvep·BITglaphicsbutI6·8IT gameplay by the look of It. There really should be much mOle quality software lined up as With the Saturn Well fllend by being optimistic and hoping Ihat Sega will learn from the mistake they made With the Mega-CD. let's hope some decent games arrivelntlmeforChfistmas,ehl Chun, Mr V. Clldlr GrryJ/culi
DEAR SEGA MAGAZINE, I have d/.Jwn a black a nd white pictu re of a charilcte l soon to sta r in a new pl at form game called Bugl I wou ld be g lilteful if you would show my drawing tothen~ t lonassoon~SPOSSible In)'Our mag azine MynameiSJohnMCClungandl am 16 years old West lothian in Scotland J"hnMcC/ung, W" tLothl"n, Scof/lllld.
. . Well thJlnks forthJlt hot snippet of news there, John, but I'm Jlfraid the nation saw a full colour picture of Bug on the front cOlIer ofSEGA MAGAZINE Issue ll. Nellt time you're hoping to breJik JI story, could you possibly send it In a couple of months earlierl
CONVOLUTED LIE HERE DEAR SEGA MAG, To finJince my gJlmlng habit I get a mate to film ~ (wIth a porlolnl!d camera,ofcourse)walklngnonchalantlyalongthetopofahandychff. when suddenly I "tup" and fall 60ft to the Jagged rocks below whICh I have taken the prtcautlon of spllnkhng wIth such Clowd·pleaslng Items as nalls, raz or blades and broken glass shards, wh,ch always look good together After a quick tnpto casoalty and a slightly longer stay in intensive care, we send the tape of thi shl13lious incldenttoJeremyBead lewhere,tusua l'yappearsw,thfamilyincidents such as grandad falling off his dtckchall or grandma losing her false tteth at d Inner We then spilt the cheque, Wipe the video and repeat the whole process With me wealingacunnlngd,sgUise,suchassunglassesorafalsemouslache There's room for endless hilanly and vanallOns hke falhngon sharpen ed spikes Instead of glass. or If you want 10 be really exol te, you coold try falhn glntoa nestofVlpers (which sadly are unavailable here). The poss,blhtles are endless r;~Jfrty C"'y, Church/own, Dublin .6, •
Thanks for replying to our request for how our rtaden get the money to play gJlmes when most teenagers can'l even afford to lake up smoking. That's JI pretty good one, Jlnd if I'd thoughl of Ihal myself I probably wouldn't be sluck working here, Incidentally, Tom G saw Jeremy Beadle in Ihe pub once, and scared him off. It's TRUE, I wn THERE.
I WILL CONFESS DEAR SEGA MAG, May I begin by congralulatlng you on Ihe qoahly and affo,dabllrtyofyour publication. I am a relative newcomer to Ihis areaofentertainmentandam a firm believer in flfst impressions counting Towards the end of August '9S until mid·Seplember I mus t have purchased go%ofall games mJlgazines on the market None Impressed me as yours did and subsequently you now hilve iI 10yJllcustomer Congratulations aSide, perm II me to come 10 the reason for thiS letter. I hilve one question to ask and would be grateful if someone could answer the following query about Panzer Orilgoon for the Saturn. This to my mind Is an undeniably well made game but mya'ea of concern IS this. On first playing it mYJawlrterally dropped on seerng t he Sllrcon Graphics rntrooucllon[Sounds like an iIIea ofconce,n tous-SM!. However, I wl!lconfesstoafoUowingsense of slight disapPointmen t upon realising the game play level s were not of the same quali t y. My question is simplicity ilielf: Whyl Surely if Ihey were this game would have been an epic in iI class of Its own My thanks for yoor time and keep up the good work Youlf/olth/ully, Pettr D".,ltf, Rhyl, Clwyd, N W"/lI!'f
~ ~~il~~:~n~~~ira~,aG~:i~oa~:ru~~eo~; :;~;:::~~S;:~';': ~r~ti,~egal~dUYlng "01 Tosh, if you don't answer my questions I'm going to (ome down there burn down your offices you bunch of SlAGSI". Anywiy, Just because you're nice we'U answer your question. Whilst the Saturn Is uslly capible of handling a Silicon Griphics intro the calculations required toactuilily render these ilSlnterilctlve sprites, move them around the screen and scroll the play area ilbout to the play· ers wh ims ilre beyond the ruch of ilny homll!' machinll!' n yet, It's like the differII!'nClI!'betweenamovill!'andJl... er,JlgJlme.
CAN I RIP OFF YOUR READERS? DEARSM, I'm thinkll'lg about selhng my Sega Megadflveand buyll'lg a Sega Saturn for Chrrs tmasCouldyoutelimetfaMegadflvt,Ca rrycase, twojoypadsandelght games (Micro Machines 2, All Sonic games, Earthworm Jim, Dynamite Headdy) is worth £'70 and If anyone Will buy,t. Bu t If you thrn~ it is too much wha t price would you re<ommend and If more people Will buy It. By the way your mag is the best I've reild so keep op the good work OoFlid WiI~n, Frt<kltton, Prtdon, L"ncf,
Hey Dilve, the world's full of suckll!'rs, know what I munl There'sont born every minute, and if you reckon you can flog th at gurfor £110 then that's fine , You'll prob<rbly be alrlghl,ilc!uaUy, because your gamts collection Is ilCe, Try tagging ~Or Nearll!'st Offll!'r~ on the end of your Jldvert to makll!' surll!' you shift It, though.
PLEASE TALK TO ME LISTEN UP SEGA MAGAZIN E, lamgetttngreilllymiffedoffthatyou are not replying to my letters You seem happy to pllnt my che~1S bot you won't ans~r a couple of Simple short letters I am begrnn,ng to thrnkyou make I.lpthe Idtersll Please don't havemademewilsteth,slovelycoilmorspostCilrd[Tonythe Tiger If you're Interested - SM] for nothrng It was meant to try and catch yoor attent,on'll I only hilveone qoestiOn which someone else trred to ask which got prrn ted bl.ltnot ilnsweredll Anywa'l,herei t is In SEGA MAGAZINE issue 7,Iook at pages 4B·SS All, and I mean ALL of the Saturn showcases look bett er than thell final product (maybe except for Panzer). You said you saw them ilnd they wefe very smooth and shafp.Virtua Racrnglooks ARCADE PERFECT and Daytona has NO CLIPPING and BETTER GRAPHICS. Please expla.nr? If you don't know the answers PLEASE MAKE ENQUIRIES, I feel the answers are very Important TII"nkstom(illopt). Adily,London
~ ~~~~Z6 ~~:~~s::I~~~~XP~~A~~~ent~::~::~'~ns of som~ne who DOESN'T PAY ATTENTION IN THEIR ENGUSH CLASSES Jlnd WON'T en THE BEST OF THEIR EDUCATION. Anyway, to Jlnswer your question (which should have been ilddrll!'ued to Q!oA). The version'! oflhll!' gamll!'s i n issue 7 werll!' rather early, and sildly s.ome ucrifices hild to be mJlde to ensu,ethesptll!'dlplayabililyofthll!'gamll!'Scilmeoutright. Virtua Racing looks pretty much the same, and so does Panzer. So there you go,
This is the all-new Sega
Saturn Magazine, so there are going to be some changes around here. From this moment on, we no more questions on the Master System. Or the Game Gear, Okay? But you can keep on sending in those questions on the Saturn and your personal lives and stuff. Oh, and the Megadrlve, Send them to THE SERIOUSL Y NEW Q+A, SEGA SA TURN MAGAZINE, PRIORY COURT, JtJ.J2 FARRINGDON LANE, LONDON ECIR JAU. Ch, and start putting question marks at the end of YOlK questions. tt wastes our tme having to pooctuate yow sniveling tetters.
BUDGIE FOOD! Du,mags, Answer my qutstions or I'll ft~ you to my budglts A't you pl~nnmg to makt ~ vidto of the Saturn ~nd sell it with your magi 2 If ytl. w,11 it fe~turt Oilytonil USA ami V'rtua F'ghter/ 3 If no, why noU 4 Are Seg~ plilnnong ~ new gilmn s~tem on tht futu,t/ S Rooghly how m... ny g... mes WIll be oot for the Silturn byCilnstmas/ 6 AreSegaplannongto ca'ryon makongt.VgadrJYe g~mes or .rt they stoppmgl PS. Ple ... se.ple ... se,ple~seetcmake ... v,dtooftheS ... turn for your mag Thanks from, ET(btraTenestrlal). 1
3. Is NfLQBClublYilililbleon the 32X/l'msu,eyou .ev,ewed it, but can't find the pXversion on any shops or mailo/ders 400youhappentohaveasp<lreVhcoin·oplyrng afoundtlleoffices/ S·Whyisthefeha,dly ... nyd«enI32Xsoftwar~ava,lablel C'monSega.pullyour~tlogethe'l
Tom ' M~d Git' P.... ish, W.... rington.
~ ~e:~~~~II~h~~:~~ic~I~~:"tnn~,z;h:"':i=,." graphi"don'l'poIlit.nloob~ndplaystoiallyfanlastl·
ully. 3. It b. 4. Vet, but P~1I1 Cavies of CVG hs lakf1n the board home with him. S. You ttll·em. 6. Bec ... u,e we believe In helping the mentallydludvanbged.
,-C, 1. YOII know the ... nswer to thlt. z, NOpe. j. ~ Becall l<!w,,:'vepllt .... enbette.footigtof upcomlnl ,elnsH on it . • . We ""n't l<!e the futll.e. S. 0¥e'lotItIH. 6. The,earepientyofMeg.drl¥t.tIUSH strtlplanne<l.
BORING STREETFIGHTER QUESTIONS ToSegaM.g, Cong,atulatlOf1son tile blilhant magaz,flI' ami cooldyou ple ... sep"ntmyquest,ons ,lnISSut19youp.onted wmeplctu.esofSt.~t
Fighttr The Mov,eon the Satu.n and on the playe. selmsc.eenyoucould choose 8lank.-.or DeeJay, I>utonotlle,m~gill'nt'Stho!
pl.-.yerselect screen IS compietelyd,ffe.entilnd onste ... dof81 ... nk.-.ilmI
A POTENTIAL SATURN OWNER WRITES Dear SeglM.g, Please could you ilns~. my q...estlOf1s as I'm thmk,ng of buyonga s.-.turn r. OOyouthrnk it's worth selhng my MO MCD pXand about 20 g... mes ilnd buymg I Siltu.n/ 2.00 you thmk that tile 32X Wilt sta.t ~ttmg games nea,1y as good asthe Silturn.hkeVFI j. Will FIFA be as good as the jDO on the Saturnl 4 00 you think Segl ~llIy w,lIbta"adeperfectl sDnV'rtualRealotythey uldVFw.-.slook,ngdated Islh,slruel StephenWilmoI, Rudlng.
Blade How come they art
~ I , n'suptoyou. a,
~ Well,it'sgOIVf
theSatufnversionl 2. IS It tfuethat Capcoma,e feleilsmg another SF2 game c... lled Sf2. The Inte'act,ve Movie comrng out on Siturn featurmg footage f,om the manga Sf mov,e/ 3 AreSSF2 or Sf Zero com.ng out 00 theSaturnl KHp upthf1 good work. Ch,I,Vo,Ir.,Kn ... rtsboroulh.
¥ ' ::'h~:::~h'::::IUt~~:~en~ :~~.=e~,s::,;. thlt wt know of. Tile Stleetfighle. Alph coln·opl, ~l<i!'dontIlePOPllla' .. nlmatt!d se,Ie'ln',pln. Thf1y may rtlutetht somed.y, 3, See answer 10 qUf1,t lon z.
• •
Dea.SM Flfstly I'd just hke to say SptLLURRGGEEEEKEWEEEEfEf 1'" Afe[AorEASpo.lSdeveloprngloOftwa,efOfth.el2X1 lb.lfnot.who·sdeveloprngFIFA12XI I( .ftheyw,1I be.....e NHLOf Maddenonthew~l 2 HowdoesVf 32X'sspeNcom~rewrththeSiiturnOt a.udeYerSlOnsIAnddothl'poorerqu ... htygr ... pnlCSspod theg... mep1.-.y.-.tall (rveoolypl.1)fillhl' ... rcalleve,slOflilnd tile gr~ptucal smoolhnns adds a grt ... t dt ...1of ruhsm)/
hlsn'tltl3 , nmlghtbeas good IS FIFAjDO on the htll,n, yes.•, II's going to be pretty damned clOl<!. S, You 'hould stop listening 10 thf1sevlrtual r~mbllngs.
YOU LAUGHED AT ME, BUT I DON'T CARE! DearSegaMlgazlnf1, Tile lastt,me I w,otetoyou for ilns_rsyou l.Jughed at theKleaofmebuylngilnlmpoitedSaturn ... ndnotbemg able to re ... d tile m ... nu ... l. but I don'tc.-.re becauw it'S the bestconwle ... roond ... nd I've mo,e questions 1 Whal'syou' lap,«ordon t ile begmner track of Daytona Saturn/ My best w far Is 00.1674 2. Why does Dlytona USA (Sat u.n) have less polygons! wcthan the arcade version wilen I.ud that the Silturn handln 900, 000 polygoos! sec and the Mod~12 arcade boa,d hamlles 500, 000 polygons! secl j. When ,sSeg ... R... IIySiiturneommgoot (on Enghshor Jap<lnese) ilnd w,1I tllere be ... Silturn mode w,thout iI t,me.ands.-.turnspe<,f"optIOf1SilS~1I1
4. In the D.-.ytona m ... nu ... 1tllereilfepocturesof ... CO wh,chupg.alkstIleSiiturnsoitcanuseilnapplkatoon called the Electncal BooI<Ope<ator (0)'011 knowwtl.-.tit ,sl
5 I've Just got an Act,on Replay for my Saturn (ilfterwaitinstwoanclahillfmonths).Willyoubeputtlngwme .eplilycodesinyoufmagltinet'p5sect,on/ 6 00 you have anyeheats for Gale ~Icer/To m~ke it bet· ter,ifpossi blel 7 Anclwhenwill VirtuaFighte.2 Salurnberelust!d (Enghshor J... panese)1 B In issue 21 someone ilsked ... questlOf1l would like to know the ~ns_r to. IS DAYTONA GOING TDSE REMIXED WITH THE NEW AMl SGl OSI PS.Does)'OUrpubhshermakt ... m~g.-.z,necalled MAXIMUMI OavldS, Portsmouth. ~
Wh"'lap ... thl!!lcllme.'usllookallheT1me
~ Attl(kTOpFivethlsmonth.l.Whf1,tarf1YOu fudlng thl'rubbish1 The Model 1 board 1, far mOJt powerful than the Satu,n,). 84!forf1 Chrlslmll.1t will h... vtsomf1all-nf1wSatufnff1alurf1J.4· lnJa~n,bookJ sto,e<lonCO .... epopula •. Thls di« aiiOWl you to read tllem on your Saturn. You un'l gl!! the (BO OWr ht!n!, SO )'0<1 '11 just have to .eld no.m~1 boob. S. It'l a poulbility. 6.Veh,throwlt~_yIHaha,youboughtG.aIf1Ia<f1(,
Wht .. ,"clr.efll.lfwe knew, we 'd ttll you. '. NOI
FOR CRYING OUT LOUO! Del,SegaMag, FO' erying out lo-ucll Please print my let\er as I've tried w"tingin~boutsevent,mesPle~sel
I W,II SeSil Rillly be arcacle perfect/ 2 W,IIi1haveatwo-pl~yeroptoonl
3 I·m gettmg ~ Siltum to< Ch"stm ... s Wh ... t Silmes do you thrnk I should get I 4TherelSonlyone~dforthes.-.turnShouldlget
... notherl
5 Do you think tllereWlIl be ... 50nic gilme for the Sillurn/ 6 Even tho-ugh I w,lIget Virtua Fighte,w,th tile Silturn. should I get VF21 7 Should I get Mo.tal Kombat]insteadofVF2 8 What does AM in AM2 and AM3 meanl 9 Who won the Sat urn in the questionnalrecompol Please answer these as I g~t your mas all the time Thilnkyou
.. 4_YH, It', Hl<!ntJa' for Vlrtul Fighier. s.Yep. 6. Grief, Y"'. 1. Hf1tl, no. 8. n stands for AmUl<!mf1nt NuochlnH. (~ch of theH tums a.e primarily arc~df1 dlvl,lons.
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though,all of these futu res will be in the final version. The most substantial challenge which AM: are tackling as we speak is to incorporate the hit recognition. In all demos seen to date, the fighters can throw each other, but punches and kicks just sail through the opponent. The biggest problem faced by AM: now Is in keeping the spti!d up. Every new program added to the whole has to be optimised to run at the highest possible speed so the super-smooth frame rate can be main talned. The demo Sega Europe has is not playable at the moment, however SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE's Japanese correspondent has Just retu rned from the JAMMA Show in Tokyo and revtals that the game was on display in a playable form and attracted an Incredible amount of Interest from Japanese VFfans (which inciudesJustabouteveryone in the country}.
HOW MUCH LONGER MUST WE WAIT? Virtua Fighter 2 is the most antiCipated Sega Saturn game currently In devtlopment and AM: have continually betn avoidi ng t he issue of when it will actually be complete. Usually, a game's release date Is hyped for months in the Japanese press, but this time AM: are setting themselvts no firm deadline. Indeed, Vlrtua Cop (which Is all but complete as we write) has only just had ; release date confirmed (November 24) and It dotsn't seem like lunacy to suggest that Sega Rally (now 75" complete) may be ready beforeVlrtua f lghter:. It is clear that unlike Virtua fighter and Daytona USA, AM: a re keen t o gtt their conversions totally complete and bug-free before re leasing them. Unfortunately, this dots mean that we havt to wait longer before we can play them but you can be guara nteed that the fi nished game will be as good as it could possibly be.
It's a
AM) were the first to ildmit thiltJust converting the coin-op over to Silturn with noenhilncements might beil bit ofil loser in the Iilslilbility slilkes. hence the inclusion of iln ilil-new ~ sett i ngs ~ menu on the front-end of th e gilme. BilSicillly. this illiows you to crute your own Cilr. tinkering with tyres, hilndllng. cut·off "'illves. illong with front ilnd reilr suspension. You ciln then SiI'Ie off your creiltion il nd use it in Time AttiICk gilmes ilnd presumilbly in two-plilyer bilttles ilSwell. We're leiIVing things illittle "'ilgue here bKilu se there ilre still some bugs evident in this Pilrt of the gilme which ilre in the process of being ellmlnilted ilS we write.
-" ,
• • , t .. .....
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... ,.
::~'''.L''[ __ ~~ "IT
Loo~, t.. ~.opPir 11 the,...! n. chtpper III~,"! At.". complel •• I".read. nHHIe" Sep hlly II bilierolb- coonpl.I.. . ... I" lIIl.11 OftM COIInniOlil II_ply lIIIM Incbkl. f.aIMns,.n IIHI u.n ancI all I •• apttcI "11M coie-o, Nft btle IIUlutulb- ttplicalH_ AlII!"" !'tnt., al 30 fnlllH. 1KOId,1..",'I'rirllllb-HbadcUpplqDIIllHlkrilol,
Not mOiny people hOlve seen this course - not ~nintheOircOideoriglnOlI.Why?Well,the
track is designed to be difficult to reach, lIery difficult, Only OIfter a huge, concentrated ROIliy session were we able to get to it, To reach the ~keslde course, you need to OIccess the Championship rOice in the arcade mode OInd complete it. That is actually difficult enough. but even reaching the goal with SKonds to spare isn't good enough. No, the ~kesidecourseisonlyaccessedonceyouhave
destroyed the CPU-controlled opposition, which means getting as high inthe ranklngsas you COIn, as early on in the race as possible. The Lakeside course rivals the mountOiln terrOlin of the expert course in terms of grOlphlcal brilliance. Set in twilight, you begin the race at the very front and you need to sustain that lead all the way around the track if you are to receive the ulttmate prize. This is doubly diffi cult illS the only thing that hasn't made its way from the original coin-op Into the Saturn game is the rear-view mirror (well, at least It's not in there yet and there doesn't actually appur to be any room for it), As you might imagine, this makes cutting up the opposition very tough. This track is incredibly difficult , As well as being extremely tough (there are no easy turns here), the course Is also narrow throughout, making turns difficult and over-taking near Impossible. The road Is surrounded by rocks, meaning that there is no off-road racing, Think you're uptothechalienge?Well,gettlng here is an act of Rallyl ng mastery and completing Lakeside in first place Is an almost god-like activityl
Don't~,)'011 Qn pt mter III tttrn tnd<comprtItion1; .. ......,.tlma .. )'OII "'s-IrourtlmHtopthttwfttl)'Ollr - . ....... lfMIphoMn......... to:
DM'lOMA TlJM AfTACll CKAU.J:NGi:, SfGA SAJUIIJI MAGAll_, Priory Court,)O-pi ~ .... ,~EClI)AU.
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POSTCODE: .... SiGNED ............................................... . If'or.nlorguordionssignalur.i'und.r18y.ors) Alilubscriplions will be proc.ssed 01 quickly 01 possibl., bulyoU lhould ollow 28 doys 'or Ih. OI'd.r 10 be proc.ssed ond .xpect 10 rec.iv. 1M firsl ovolibl. issue oft.rlhol. Subscriplioniguoronl.. : r..... mber, if),ouor.naicom· pletely IOlisfied wilh your subscription, you con conc:el 01 ony lim. ond get 0 full refund for oft)' unmoiled ilSuos.
L. ___________ _ ::JT,,1c her. if you da nol wi,h 10 receive onydirect moil thol Emop Images LId 1. .ls ITIO)' be of inl.r." IO)'OU .
Clockwork Knight. It was supposed to take t.m\tlliiJillUiIJI1IlJ1i ~
With its impressive SGI rendered graphics and
3D backdrops it went some way to fulfill ing that prom ise. But the actual game was a disappointment. [!4!)j1f:I3.j.I ud!iJJl§ill1'j ~
lockwork Knightz isn'tsomucha sequeltotheoriglnillgilmt,ilSil contirouation of it. Which goes some way to uptaining why it's '10 simil,H to the filst game. As with the original Clockwork Knight the'l! iI,1! fou.levels,l!achonethemedaloundadifferl!nt room of iI house .md each one divided into two sub-levels with a boss at the end. Allhough the gr.lphksue impressiYtlythree·dlmensior'lal,the gameplay is very much a I.;aditio nal 10 affair. Uttle Pepperouchau h;ilsto 'un and jump his way Ihrough l!achlevel,negotlatlngthev;uioushousehold obje1:h t hat block hlsPilth and attacking enemy loys with his clockwork key sword. All very simi lar to
CIO(kwork Knight 1you might think. However, Clockwork Knight 2 manilge~ to succeed. mevery respect, where the original game failed. In other words it'~ fun! Whereas Clockwork Knight rehedon its plush graphics to lift the monotonous. plodding action. CK2 actually provides decent and varied gameplay. Aside from the usual platform leaping and baddy bashing. each level is packedwithloadsofdevertouches-flooded bathroom floors. zippo lighter torches and giant dock mechanism platforms to name just a few. What really makes Clockwork Knight 2 such fun however. is its pace. If you want, you can race through each level. bashing chains of baddies out of your way and finishing in remrd time, On the other hand though. if you want to explore the harde,·to·reach·areas. skil led joypadcontrol isrequi'ed to overcome the enemy mfested plalforms_And. providing an incentive to searchlhesemorechallengingsections.thegamels packedwilh all manner of hidden extras. from the
four on each stagej reveals something special hactly what Ihough. is a m~tery to us. as we haven't found them all yet They're pretty tough to fmd.yousee As entertaining as all these features are though. they still aren't anything new to the world of platform gaming. What reallyg,vesCKza unique feel,are ,ts awesome, massively impressive visuals Far surpassing those of the origmal Clockwork Knight. the graphics in CK2 really show off the Saturn's capabil.ties. w,th crisper looking sprites and amazingly detailed 3D backdrops. The sheer number of textured polygons used to build the landscapes is staggering, and all the more incredible when you consider you can actually move into some of the backgrounds. What's more, the huge bosses are simply jaw dropping. Giant octopi,transformins castles, mechanical drasons, all made from textured polygons that scale in and out of the screen, As far as sraphicsso,Clockwork Knight is near enoush on par with Panzer Dragoon for sheer sob·smackins quality and drop dead gorgeousness Okay, so Clockwork KI"IISht 2 is still just as easy as its prede<:essor and it isn't any lonser flther, But there's far more to it than was found in theflrst adventure and Its far more fun too. Actually exploring the levels tothe full (and you will want to) increases the sames longevity qUite a bit, If you really want a touSh. challengins platformer, you'd be far better off soing for BUGl, If however, you want a magically atmospheric. incredibly entertaining and Sfaphically fantastic platform game, you have to set Clockwork Knisht 2. For sheer gaminS fun. it's the bestSaturnplatformeraround,SadlythouSh,it'Sjust tooshorl and far too easy to bea claSSiC
You are a Sim .rmi¢lfihfi1'ii1!1it Little did you know but you're actually just a series of complex computer calculations and
'i.i,elq.i,jfitihiOiiQ,i3Ie'iG!W11WlJiiG!i:IQ Wild huh? If you find this bombshell distressing, console yourself by taking control of
1m City Is one of the best known and
most populn home computer samH tytr, mainty b«ause It's one of the few gimes that appuls to Just about everyone. It also h;u the tlrilngl! ilbllitytoconyertfull-t!mearude shooltrfans Into afound the ciock urban planners with a sense of dvk duty.
The ideilofthe game Isto bUild ilnd SUCCtsSfulty run as big a city as possible by carefully planning whitt buildings
go where as ~II
as setting
thebudget.ta.levels,ilndcreiltingtfansport systems Irs this ilbilityto complelelycontrol thc
wl'loleCitythatmakeslhegamesoln·depth,aswell asthewaythattheSimS(lhevirtualrtsldentsof your city) react realistically to anyofyour actions For eXilmple, If you build a residentialareil tooclosttoa heavyindustflal zone, not many Sims will want to h~ nur.1I th"t pollution, however, if you add iI few piuh, iI streilm ilnd a small wood bet~n the two zones they'll fight for the houses O\Inng the game you get Updiltes on)'CH.Ir populilnty In the form of newspaper polls. along With articles detililingwhilt featu.esyour city requires ilnd somee.cltlngreportsondentillhygiene8ylistenrng to your Sims and giving them what they need with· out overstretching your budget you Ciln get a good cltysoing, thus making)'QU moremoneywhich)'Qu can spend making)'Qurcity bigger to set even more money andsoltgoeson Th!s Is the game's ffiaJor filllrng In thilt It Just goes on ilnd on until you run out of money or qUit Do well ilnd you ~ntually milke far more money thiln)'CH.ICilnposSlblyspendThe'scenilrios'soIve thisproblembyglvingYOUilsettilrgetpopulatronor ilmount of money to reach Within iI liffiJted ilmount of time And so we come onto the reill bild points By filrthebiggest pfOblem is the ridiculously slow pilce ofthegilmelt'snotdowntotheplayabllrty,rilther
the ridiculous length of time it lakes to scroll around the map, something that wilsn't a problem In the PC verSionsurelythesiitulOshouldbeabletohandle thefairlySimplegraphlcsatlustasweliasaPC~
Anyhow, this Is stili a fantastic stratesy game whkh will drag you in quickly and keep you engrossed for iI good few weeks (and that means manyhourJ per day). The sad part is that most people will plil)' it so much in the first month that Ihey'libeslCkoftheslghtofltafterwards.Thedepth and ' - I of control you have means thiS game Will appeal to just about ~ryone, and there are a few bonusfeatulesforthes.atUlOversion,so~nPC·
ownrng slm·veterans should enJOY playmg it. It's just a shame about the speed, though ED
~;~ . . .,
Th. coIo~rflIlIarIl. I~. tllP-IeA COl'lltt' of 1M K ... tII let JGII how wIIal typa or IlulldinJl J1MIf Sim WIllI 10 lit.
TM IIIW IIMlcl.... yitwtr sIYn JOIIloads of aNlns Inro abo.t and lets yo. N. 1ft Imool~ 3D.
ytIIf cll~
lots of parks ~.Jp Inc ...", 1M vallll of lind, II Will as maklllj ytIIf city look p...lty.
Bullfrog's determination to completely iFlmmiWl'j'lillm with Theme Park continues this month as they unleash it on the Saturn. So does this mean that we finally get to see all those lovely PC rendered visuals in their @JMiIe6r.mlljtEm~
Well, that's the general idea ...
hemeP;ukhiisbeenilroundthe block so mil nytimes now, that it's a bitdifficuhtogointofrenlied spasms ovtrthls latest version, but seeing lIS we like it so much,it's worth a try. Adu;lIlIy, b;lIf the orlginill
PC version, this Is tilsi ly the best venion of Theme Pilrk we've wen-It hils the original brillillnt game intro,all thef;llrground t unes and speech samples, and the g' ilphics on the rides and shops are much boosted from anything sel!n on a 16-bitconsole. Ho ..... ever.lhisinformationwon·t be much use to you if you've never heard of Theme Park before (quite unl ikely really), so here's a quic~ recap. The
ultimate aim of Theme Park is to make money. loads and loads of it. To do this, you'll need to build the best theme park in the business, with the best rides, thebestice-cream,andthebestvalueformoney_No easy feat by anyone's standards Anyway, to do this, you're provided With a huge playing area, various rides (the number to choose from expands as you get more money),shops, paths, employees, financial StatISVCS-YOu name it, if It'S at alitodowithrunnrngabusiness,you'lifinditin there. Of course, the way to make your money is by carefully balancrng the amount of rides with ticket prices, the prices of cola with the amount of ice in the drinks, basically findrng the easiest way tOSCflmp and save via making as much money as possible Once you've made one park a success, there's loads of others around the world tot"rn yo"r hand to, and there's plenty of competitors who will be hotonyo"r heels too Basically, Theme Park (along with Sim City 2000) is THE title to b"y ifyo,,'re after a strategy type gamethat will last for ages ,md provide loads of entertarnment. Yo" can even see your rides in action just hkeyo" could on the PC version, and rn some ways, this is even better beca"sethere's more choice Luckily. the gameplay is likely to appeal to more than just strategy fans, and altho"gh it'S not in the same excitement leag"e as Daytona or Sega Rally, it's alwaysgoodtohavea game in yo"r collection t hat has this krnd of lastability
Uia1!mlmlj!GJiiIil'lIl! was one ofthe worst cinema releases of the year, reminiscent of M. Hulot's Holiday in its awfulnessand M. Hulot's Holiday is French. But that didn't stop (apcom from making at least a mml,uell"u'liJl"ij'rn"jJjI' from it
releasing Streetfighter the Movie arcade game, which was at
least a little different from its predecessors in the SF, line.
OWThtMOVitiSillisettohittht Satufn,allowinggamersacrouthe globe to constantly pick Cammy as t heircharilctersotheycanhilYea look ilt Kylie M inogllt's pixll ated
bum. The sad geh.And indeed, that's not the only reason you'd havelobea bitofa
fool 10 part with any sum of money for SfTM.
The main complamt with thl$ litle is that II isn',even a conversion of the COIn'OP, with the meagre new features this would haveoffered.Oh no.
it'S just a straighl port·across of Super Streetfighter
__ ~:, ,r,-
2Turoo,butwithdlgltisedgraphicsmauedontothe unconvincinghand·drawn b'lCkgrOl,lnds.This means you get your Super Combo bar and all the other trash ___ sorry,m-depthgameplayfeatures,you've
: '
come to expect every time you fork out ,inotherSlxty quid for what's essenlially the same game, but without the benefit of attractive graphics The other main complaint is the game speed, whICh is far too slow. Not just 100 slow when you start out. but slower still when the SCfeen gets busy. Fore.ample, if both players fire a projectile weapon andoneofthemlrieSlojumpatthesametlme you'vegottlmetogoandmakeacupoftea,drinkit and have a slice of cake before either of you can do anythmgelse This is the first time Streetfighter hasappeafed on the Satum, and hopefuilyit'li be th e last_SFTM just illustrates how redundant the ~D beat 'em up format is these days. wi t h its random spasmodic special moves. lack of strategic depth (unless you count revising hundreds of thousands of "interesting" combos like a real Johnny No-Mates) and cfap graphlcsVirtuaFightercomesfreewlththeSaturn You don't need to waste your money on pap like this
IVIrythlllg,buIPlUSE! EVlnif yoUlrlORlofthl udlIIIoplewho foulHlit
that you'll gllln much .nttrtllnmentrromthls. It's ftOt much fun It all,
too much wanderlnglround.
. C·
ThrtlhilllllllllrtlHllbonnish?Oh,SGf'Tl,It'sjllstlbll l IhoughtIt N-ldlOflllthingelll,Somllhlngcomplliely dirrlrtftLBut It doe5ll't.SO,nevltmindthlft,Jultfol1etI
. _ .... /','
J •
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- I ..... ..
u.rort•••teIJ, t~lld4I.~.. _til tM alrtrod,J tkc-flM Stmtn,llUiqI ...,... Eftl
........ h'. CIMIIHnI
-DIe-Wi, .....'
. ' . ,,",,".t 1l1li COInf'lloL lid ... cu ~
... ~.,p
Now that you've had a couple of months to get used to playing next generation games, you 're probably wondering when you get to play the real classics, like 1.J.I.l"fi.ltl.JmI]!T7J;l Well , unfortunately,
you're going to have to wait for them for quite a while, but in the
meantime,n.t4VI,*I.,UQ'l'itIiNM tp.Robotica(ouldbethe~nswer
10 every budding bl ilster's
prayen. Rtolustdonlmport roughly five months ago, this title enjoye-d a IImitedsucctss In
Japlm, and cerblnly looked the part
with Its dank, moody graphics Jlnd detailed texturt milpplng. However, being official types we d idn 't bother to review the Import Yerslon of Oeildlus (as It WilS known thenl. prderrlnslnstud to wa it until ttwould be on gen4!ul reluse in this
country. AlthouSh apart from tht name, It h;n to be uld that nothing h;u cbnged very much from the original Japanese version. Infac\.ifwt'reblUtallyhonest,thlsgame remains the same as it ~r was - which leaves it as httle mole than a Doom rip off This Is a real sh~me bec~use loots-wise it h~s everything going for itthe teKture m~pplOg is gre~t, ~nd the moody, mundenng (orrodors re~lIy set the ~tmosphere of the g~me And, when you fir~t pl~y it, you rully get thef~hnglha t you'reinfor~bltof~tre~t
Unfortunately lhough, the gr~phlCS ~Ie wasted somewhat due to the dull nalure of the gameplay Although some pretty mea n robots appear from time to time, t here's not enough of t hem, and, horror of hOffors, when you kilil hem there's no blood Just a mut ed li ltle scre am. Which Is all a bit dlsappoinlingwhenwhatyou'rereallye~pectingls
somellghtnlng.fasl shoot 'em up action with a bit of tOflure and death thrown in for good musure Stlll,atle~sthalfoflhel'lO.atmosphereat·all
blame can be put down
mUSIC. When
you'rewanderlOg~roondthecoHrdors, t here's
nothing al all to accompany you music-wise, and on the occasiOnal section when there is music,itjusl isn't SUited to t he game. QUite a poor effort when you consider the poweroflhe sound ch ip the Sa t urn has to offer Inall,thls is a dlsappoint lOlI shoot 'em up debut for theSalurn Alt hough it's not unpl~y~ble by anymunS,itlacksany klndofatmosphereandlsa bit wuk in the ~ctlon department 100. Strek With Panzer Dragoon for now until something better comes along
Could Ihertbll rtlllyscal')'l'CIbotlurt1lllbl_ilMlthlldoor1 ',,",lIIyllOlthereju.t 1",'!lnGulh ot' lhlm 1o IG I'1Iw.d III the Iml •.
. •
No matter what Blue Peter and other such activity-friendly youth programmes may tell you ice hockey, like baseball, is Uli1I!LI1'j!1!l!illillover here. For one thing our winters supply us only with a constant supply of rain. Freezing rain, yes, but sadly not quite chill enough to solidify into the ice so desperately needed to facilitate ~ So why the heck are ice hockey games so popular here then?
~:jedn;~:jB7::t ~::tl~::!h;I;O~ld
S;lylng ~ I(t hoc:ktylThat's a bit ofl Ctilpsport. Whyun'ttheyplayfootbilllllkenreryone elsel R , Anyw,y. thrive prog,.mm" the thlnl now, so It's too latll! lodo anything ilbout It. We mlght;u well get on with revi_ing it. NHl is yet ;another offklill IIctnce (lOthe Leigue mult W colnIng it in) tuturing turn s lind rosten from ruillfe, ;u well as (ommentilry from two blokes you'd on ly rHognlse If you were Arneriu .... PlilylngNHLismuchli~eplayjn8i1nyofthe
mystlfymglymyriadoficehockeytitlesonthe MegadrlveVoutaktcontrolofonemembcrofyour ch~n tum, flicking between characters;u the puck moves ilround Ihe fmk. The A, B ilnd CbuttonSilleusedtopiiSS. shoot. tackle (with a body block) Of dl~ (forwhatevt'rle<lsonthiltiS) The action is viewed from loads of different viewpoints. which includes panning camera shots and close·ups. The controis are. obviously. slldey. and although thepaceislessthanfurlouslt'sa~ry
hard game WhatreallymakeSllinterestlflg are the leams of options. ReplilYS. rosters. custom teams made out of customised players.eilch with numerousabthtle5.morestiltsthilnyoucoutd shilke iI stick at and Iwds of In. game andplayopt,ons. lcouldspendhoun justlistlflgthem.letillonee~plollng
them. Therefore. it remains for uS to give our cons idered opinion. It's not goingtobe~ryone·scupoftea.
hockey anyway But if you liked NHlPA or even Slap Shot and you'rea fan ofAmeritiln.sport-style option frenzies this IS defiflltelyenough to tide you over untll£A:SNHltltlehltsthesheIveS~)ltytar
• ."
Dfth'WI1bIfOAbtlnlr.olllpllt.lyclttt' l"Idb,lOIIItt)ll
Wotn ill body .........
OII tlitornc:lllI.
7_ ' __
~ ~ hllt physlully'h~lIengedln
everyd~ytlfe, lt,eem Sils thoullh
Rilymiln rully comes Into his own
when faced with a good old bntu), plitformn It'slI bit unfortunate though.
that he breaks the very flfst fulein platforming heroism: he d~sn't look anything like someone that
Should bc IclOked upto, ln fact, he's more hkelyto Irip over his own feet on thewiy to the shops than res<ue a fair princess or(ol lectone hundred flngs In
underaminuteStill,lsupposeyou(an'trtolliyhold thatagainsthlm.andhed~s
hi!vehistalents-i1'sjust tt'latyou havetod,sa bit deeper to find them.
In fad. 5Ome1imesyou
have todig really deep. Alt houghl1aym;lnatflrst seems hkea nice enough
platformingilffilir- everythlngworksjust fioe and at tlmesyou'l1 even find yourself hllvingabltoffun-i1
bewmestedious -
rathcr ql.lickly. Now, this isn't the fault of bad progrOlmming-itgoesdeeperthOlnthOlt It'S thef~ultofthegOlmedes lgnerswhodecidedtobulld
infinite levels of el(Olctly the Silme gOlmeplOly Olnd then tfled to hide it by Oldding v<loou!. weapons and ma~ · IngsomeofthelevelsreaUy,really,dlfficult So,sometimes. you'U amble through iI !.tage releasing elec· toonswilly.niUyandfindyourself havlngrathera JOlly t ime doing it. and other times you'll besweilringlikeatrooperandllOWing nevertopickupanotherplatformera!. Iongilsyouhve ThiS is all a bitofa shame really. beuusethe graphics have had a lot of effort put Intothem-and there·s plentyofvarietyinbetween!.tages
too. In fact, if you wereJust watch· ing somebody else playing the game)'01.l could be easily fooledintothinklOgthiswas the best thing to appear on the Saturn for quite some time. However. in reahty. ifsa bit too dull a Mloo
often.andat t ime!.,It"sJu!.t irritating and plain damf"led difficult Forpeopie wno just want something nice (and I mean/llce) 10 playthough,it coold be Just the ticket
So far, the Saturn hasn't been subjected to lljlTj'j'ljtIli'll
rnm!il'lj'jTl!'il that made their way on to the Megadrive. But even though quality games such as Bug have appeared on the format, it still has to find itself a real hero like rmr:mL'Tl!jll'Jl But there are a few contenders in the offing, and ~
IiEl'mEIlJ reckons he has a good a chance as any.
S•• , ltlh'l~dorlllldlYh,clnlll1lhml f•• IaI/&hS.
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There is absolutely no doubt that ~
mmnmm probably sold as many Megadrives as Sonic the Hedgehog. It's also pretty obvious that Sega are attempting to
1;r;r;rt1:f\iiu.'flttA by producing a whole host of um:nmw ~. ~
The first attempt, Victory Goal,
but was very simplistic in terms of gameplay. Now
wr:nr; ..'Wi4j:tt!tHtllflhM4-.
lo.ee a g,ut dul of tffort hu gone Into Iht presentation. ThUt'S Ihe obligatory full·motion video lequtnct, which does lI! good Job of u:ttlnguplhtatmosphtrtwithlh
proftulonalismtxltndslntothtaameltself,whtrt a vnl plethora of options await. hlst aboo.rt twry kind of baseball match can be played out, from t.hlbltionmatchesthroushtOillllut challengts and playofh. It 's deu that tht Amt,k," preGCcupOitlonfolst,tshnbftn weli uttled for, with an entire range of dab stored for each Individ ua l leam (and thtrt's a Database systtm for you to look It all up In too).
Gomglntothtgamtproptr wt can stili S« that a huge amountofefforthiHbeen forthcoming from the programmers An array of wll'ctables.JwlIlt.lncludmglhe opportunity to plilYil day Of night gilmtilndthtn~afttvtnfour
dlfftrtnt st adiums to choost froml This 15 all very Impressive, so it's a pleasure 10 say that tht same qUilhtyisevidtntlnlhtgameplily Don't get me wrong· if you'~playedilbasebilligameon
16·bit, the actual meat anddflnkof thegamtrtmillnsvlftually IdentlCal,Thereis(ofcourse)ilvtry nlCtlypres.enttd3Dstadlum.vtry smooth, very impresSive· but Iht ilctUiJlmotlonsofthegameplay artn"tinnovatlvtatall,This probably Isn't Iht fault of l ht dtvtlopers After all. historically speaking, all bils.eball gilmes art vlrtuallyidentlCillnomiltterwhat systtm they ilreon But the thing Is, despite Iht feeling that you've played this gamt before (and you probably have In somt shape Of formj. there is no gtttingilround lhefact that World Sefles Bas.ebiJll is most enJoyablt· partICularly In a two· player contest There are 00 grumbles about the gilmtplay. iJnd the batting(ofttnthemostfrustratingfuturtinsuch;J game as this) Is good Thedtvtlopersh;Jvtalsobeenkeentotxploit
_ _7_6
. . . Sl5GA5.."1U<N
thtgame·S3D.ntssasmuchilstheycan.herKetht pltthora of rtplays andcamtra angles It woukl seem that the Segil Sports briJnd havt actually caught up wlthElectronicArts-forthlstltltatltast Thebilslc fact of the mal ter Is thai World Seflts Bastball on thtwholt looks Impressive Trut.thtrtartno surprises In tht gamtplay. bUt;1t lust it is as good to playas the btst Mtgadflvetxamples oftht genre (VIctoryCoill. hang your head In shame) In fact, only two disappointments comt to mind whtnplayinglhisgilmeFirstis thegraphlCillquahtitsofthe playersthtmselvts Great effort has gone inlo making an txcellent 3D stadium. and this effort seems lei down whtnyou look at the Iilck of animatIOn on the players, the strangtpostsarldthtbelowavtrage Splltes In gtntral. Some jD polygon characttrswith Virtua Fighl er·style motion capture certainlywouldn't havt gone amisshert ThtSKOnddlsappointmtnt is the quahtyoftht PAL convtrsion, For all its faults, Victory Goal did feature a full·screen, full. speed display but Ihere's nont of this with Bastball·txpecttoUkt the Jasttrillnto Ittterbol(central wlththlsrtlust In termsofwhelhtrtht gamtisactuallyworththe financial outlay. it'S a bitofiJ tough deciSion, Although mildly divtrtlng. World Sefles BiJseball Is byconceptqulteilhmltedgamt Masteflngp,tchlng,fitldiogand batting is extrtmtlyeasy wh ich IimitS;Jny solo·player action (and the fielding Is ilO unenlertalnlng In ont·player modtas It Is in ilny bas.eball game)ilnd the gamt only rully becomes a worthWhIle txptrlenceifyou havta friend (or otherwise) about fora bit ofdual.playtr action If you ~reont of the vtry few peopltwho owns a Saturn and Is Iook!ng for somt bastbalhng action, I would IKommend thiS to you With no hesitation whatsoever However. I think the rest of us could
. - . : -J"
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l.ot.ttnNl,thQ".... rtlli1.ppail,...lldnrtlllcaupt 0It. lack to blttJ.. prutlcafortlttlll.
TN il-JlIM COIlM.w, II ~11t8 _jM'tWI'I lid IlIlt. ballballlll..,11 doH Urt u tl...1ll1f rt-'--.
TllIINMNJlJlmlqultl poulbi)'futMrt.tltt l1I0II011110/11 I'IttNul.lljIOrll",IIII11,
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I don't know about you gameslings, but I reck-
on ll!.mnfjRti¥,"lrIIltIttm instaliment of the Kombat trilogy, It's got Baraka in it, and you can't go w rong with him. Look at his big pointy teeth. Grr. i!i!Zll!ItltiD'nmUIlt1:!fI'tl" as a pet? He'd be great around the house, and you could train him to make tea and attack your visitors with his extended blade·like arms.
he th ing with Baraka Is that, like dolphins, his glinnlng vluge suggests that he's always in a che-ery mood, unlikethe othel~theldoul· fa(ed
participants in the toulnament. But then , Mortal Kombat lwas the game to Inlloc!uce comedy 10 Ihe btat 'em up scene, with itsBabalit lesandFllendships-a ntidot esto the doom-laden gortfeds whlth wert, and ale stili, known as Fatalities. It was also the game which imploved the previously limIted Kombate-eflng. the contlols were more fluid. the character movement smoother and the whole thing controllable Asa result it smashed the taklngsfoltheoriginal,spawnedthemostsuccessfl.ll arude COllVl!lsions ever and acted as the impetus for a seemingly worthwhile mOVIe And now it's back. Ignoring the pleas of Its youngel offspllng, the allnew Mortal Kombat }. He some kind of sad drunken relatl~atafa milygathering,staggeflngarOl.lndthe
floor, shOWing off Kung lao hat fatalities and stam. merlng "This IS how we u~ to do it In the old days" And do we beglooge Its appearance In thiS clrmate of all things ultr.·newl Why of course not, bt<al.lse despite f100t being the most I.lp·to-date Kombat. it's still the most fun-and the one the mos t people Will be f"miliar with And, while it's not quite up lhere with Virtua Fighter as far as technical accomplishment IS cOf'ICefned. thiS arude·perfect conlll!rSlOnlsasupremelyplayablebeat'emup Mort,,1 Kombat 2 pretty much makes your purchasing deciSion for you Ifyou"e sitting the re think Ing 'Ooh, I like Moml Kombat.1 hope thiS is a good ~lSion'it'sdoubtfulyoucouldbeinanywaydlsap
pomted You'll know If you want it And if you do you'remorethanadvl~torushoutandbuythe
liltle rascal as soon as you see It. Jaded gamesters sufferingfromover·eKposulemightha~d l ffi{ulty
dealing with Mortal 2 withou t blanching. bl.lthappygG-luckyfluffybunnygamerswhobeheveinfalfles and the essential goodness In mankind w,1I1ove it
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;:~;r:~::e~f:~:1~:tl~~~:::;~n~ry ~S~11:~~S~~~~~~d::!a~7~;l!t:et::~dl!n .ame, what the hetl does she knowl
Ali It would take to make htrI.mstandthe rul
munlngofthes,me,lfshedldn'tf,uu)'spendll'lga (ouple of hOUfS wliitching the Anenal atwork, ls one loofthis, thtundlsput~godoffootbaIl8aml!S,
and she'd be a s.urf-wurlng, pint-drinking, full-on football nut for life.
Thafs not an exaggeration Superstar Socctr Is thegamethiltkeptSNESsoftwilrtiltnllmberone Int Christmas and Is teol to do the same with Ihe MegildrivethlsyuleYoucanforgetyourFIFAsilnd stick your Strikers, this kKksthcm right into touch, pops round their house, raids thel, 'fridge and spends the nlllht sat In ffont of their telly eating popcorn and wearing their slippers. Apart from being the best looking 16·blt football game. Superstar Soccer Is also the most real·
Ishc. There'lI never be a game that un replace pulling on a pair of boots and kicking the hell out ofa lump of leather, but this the closest yet Evtry kind offootballing move youcOl.lld hope to see In a game Is featured-from diving headers and overheildkickstodehcatefllCksand chips The control system is highly Intuitive. and ilfter a couple of hours playlOgyou're able to produce some f;lOtastlc·look,ngfooty Thatdoesnl mean the game's a doddle to play, though There'sahugearrayofinternationalsidestotakeonins_ral tournaments, and unless you get your tactlcsspot-onyou'linevermakeit thrOl.lgh to the final One of the game's many excellent touches is the inc!usion of several famous faces in the bigger sides Italy.forexample.have~oberto Baggioand FabrlZlohvtnelli inthe squad-bothofwhom are IOstantly rerogOisableonlnepltch.lfssmall, almostunnecessaryfeatureslikethtse whiCh bolster the game_n further and put you firmly In football heaven Even ifyou'vt n_r owned a football game, you should stili keep an eye out for the up-coming review Nobody in this country gave a monkey's about American football games until John Madden's came out.andthlsgamehas tha t simllareffect-it'sjust so much fun to play And ifs proper football as well tfit soonds like we're just a httle bit eXCIted by this game, then you'vt got the wrong imprtsSlon We're totally exCiled by this. Watch out for It. It'S going to be llood
If ever there was a reason to buy a second-hand SNES on the cheap it was International Superstar Soccer. lauded by almost everyone as the greatest football game ever, you no longer have to risk selling out to Nintendo because Konami have finally produced a Megadrive conversion.
forlcOIInt".tftlt'lcnplt fOGtblll,tbIJlpl.I.. lnclrtllnIYlpoHlnwMR It C(I.... to pl"OllIlCIIII' d.cut fOGty pili'.
IlIA _
Video games are not, as you might think, a force patronised by sad nostalgics. But you'd be surprised at how many reminisce
about the great games of the past, and how they were around to see them . And the very Woodstock of gaming has to be Elite;
neofthecrutonofthlslame, Olvld Sr;lIben, went on to spend the rest of the Ellhtlft worklnl on Ellttll, Just as tpk,for thejuJt as laulhablt • Amlla, Now In the Nineties, he hn turned hl,attention to the 3lX, and bken unmlsbkable elements of hi, put triumph, Intothestrlpped·downformofOancldt, lnthl, unusull shoot 'em up the emphasis Is on qu ick reactions and maximum firepower, Players control a spht.wlng fighter, viewed
t he grandiose and epic space trading and combat simulator.
fromacha~posltlon , andcentred l nastyl jsh
series ofov.»l instrument panels. Thedeep·space envi ronment of the game's n levels feat ure a series ofuterolds, which harbou r various minln ll opera· tlons, protectedbyavlclousseriesofdefenses, Simple - eliminate the defenses, ann ihilate the asteroids and lIet home Intlmefortea and biscuits The elfant moons have been deli berately sent by an allen race who want to h~ sole control of the mlnlnll operations, and have even hollowed out some spare asteroids u bases for their flylnll saucers. Df:stroylnll these with you r auto·t arlletlnll weapon releases the full forceofenemy hafdware On other out posts, the.sterOld's dem ise merely results In the death scre.msofthecolonlsts echolnll oYer your Intercom n they plunlle Into space. Servesthemrlllht. The lIame's objectives.re more focused than anyprcvlous Braben game and, althoullh the later levels feature new power ups and ext ra lIameplay elements thrown Into the mh(. It's essent ially a react lon·te5tl ngbla ster.Thlsl1inotto~ythellame
IS not pushinll the jlX hardware. as t hese stunnlnll screenshots show. All the splnnlnll asteroids are fultytexture.mapped. and the 3·0 update is superb, Sound IS depth-cued so t he fu ll effect of explosions matches with t he visuals. The tea m's aim Is also to have a honey·volced computer In the fln al build, who offers statistics In t rue scl·f1 movie style, The work on Oarxide to this date has been assembll nll the lIame eniline - entirely new - and setting the allenda for elCh level. The final few mont hs of prosrammlnil will concentrate on addlnll the various ga meplayfeatures and gfoomln g the Inertial control further. Expect to see Darxlde surfacing sometime on the ot her side of Christmas,
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JuM 1994 32.l';'II*ioIIAloo/r;allholrlvrtol
S. ......IFinlSotvn~"IIpiI· lUtellb¥itwl:ThoJvngltBook, IIoI1trSyvemEuo,Morko"lIoiil
fooIbaI,PfltSamrmTIMiLGIId _I
Novembet- 1994 fRH!(oIIcIoohemllonallomballl
OtKember 1994 FiEf IMetodriot32lwpplernenl!
FR££ !1\el.ion K",~1
on-,---.n!£.dusioel.iooKinil ftOIirtoodmiew.firsll" ..... ., SmmYmaFighltr.' ''*'-, treolwblolltl ....1
Ud!MIllIoomrl'rinood ..........
r---------------------------------, PlEA5E 5B1D mE THE FOUDWlnli IIIIIUISEIll£llllElPOSlIIlOlllER_PIYIIIU lDllllAPllllAGBRIII
JAnUARY 9415501 I FEBRUARY 94155UI 2 mAIIOI 94 15501 3 APRil 94 155UI 4 ISSUE FOURnEN FEBRUARY 1995 Ud!MIlfonlmiewollletallieod
lmgooaandYodorJGoaIonSotwa. DoyroMUS.I.okolectwrtdlConckHling
PGI101''''iImdibIoJIIevadrMm IIoomployen~!
0 Junl 9415501 & 0 JUlY 94155U17 0 AUGU5T 94155UEB 0 5EPTB11BER 9415501 9 0 OCTOBER 94155UI 10 0 noVEmBER 94155UI II 0 OEIBIIBER 94155UI 12 0 JAnUARY 95155UI 13 0 FEBRUARY 9515501 14 0
mAY 94155UI 5
PlBl5f5Bll1ll5tlJl11Or1 ... .........anra5BiA1IIAGIIlIIf.lIIOIl55UBi DEPtIIlmBIT, TOWEll MIIUSf.. SOUBBiII IWIIl LAnIMIU m&'I,UU5TBl.lfIi 9&. PlBl5fIllllllI'WYmElllIYDIEQUEIJIOSlaIlllllEllOll
__ p ______________________
IlIA 16-8; t
d o11ywoo 60es to
Virgin and developers Eurocom prove both that there's still life in /
platform games yet, and that licensed characters don't always front
. •
poor product. Cool Spot goes to Hollywood is the fruit of two years development, starting from a basic idea of an isometric platformer "
wrlnthelrleu,t.lmourou' Derbyshire surroundings. Eurocom h;rve kept tke 16-blt s!de up by produdnS I multi-level adventuni!
that tnnKends the normal action of
platform BilmH. lsometrk games Ire
notoriousty hlrdto nl!lliw, as the pnlctkal problems of mapping three-dlmensjons of movement OiInd posltlonlrelhulestr.Jlnonthe~gildfi'll!'sCPU.
It has been rernolrbbly ilch,eved he~, thoogh.
With eX1rOJViJgilnt g,aphks and .. nlmiltion thrown In for good measure Cool Spot is stt free in 12 movie Insplreclworlds.lookingforthescaUertdspot5thiit will free him from his movie hell. In t he initial pirate world, things start simply enough. with a stroll on iI
diversify into puzzle gameplly once you enter the secret-strewn haunted house ~nd Pumpkin ust~ Few popol~r genres ~re missed out, ~nd the chttl(y use of some f~mm~r Sprites ~nd b~ck grounds - Tron ~nd Terminator oiIre definitely parodied for starters-milkes the game the colourful ilnd enjoyoilbleJilunt It Is. As well ilS a constoilntlychangingfeaslfortheeye5.thechilnge ofpooce and gamesl)4e really spoils the plilyer. with theaddedf~toselectleYtolsinanyorderWllh
In uch world The programmers have had grut fun (and made the gilme fun In the process) oiIdding ~ret passages at~rystage, and ~n sub-goilmes. Althoughthingsaren~rquitetaxlngenough
• •
for the hoilrdened goilmerfraternlty,and the enemy count Is sometimes low -which reflects some programming restrictionS-Cool Spot has to stand out as one of the yeoil,'S real Megadrive blockbusters, which wiil certainly ouishlne anything else within the same field this Christmas SAM
from the Virgin producers, who have also been busy concentrating
•~ c:; ( • i
Tb.itl)lll ....
prettytomprehensive.Youmil),not have t he powe r 10 ma ketes fe rdi nand wu r pink chiffon, but every olhtr aspect of runn ing a cl ub, of any stature, is In your clammy hands. It's all quite ",,!nibl, 100, with a sell" of menus sllumed off a
mall'l bank of icons. Play consists of choosing options
f, bati~
blrl Illy IDfollow.
~"Iow l U~
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hoInkfulty, the M egadriye finally has ;a footb,lI ",anilgement slm, and It's
I' "' " L J .,; eIM'~
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lilt .lIul "1MI"I1 flM' Dati, etc,
n ... . rltlll.nlmallGnl )'011111 6urlq
Football management games have long been the domain of PC
within wHltly turns, then sitting down IhfOUgh the m ;a t ches to see the effect of your handi wor k on the ttJIm'sperform a nu~.
As well as det ai led player lists and transfer markels,thegaml'diversifieslntobillboa,dsponsorshlp, ground Improvements, EUlope;ln competition, Clut· ing a Irainins reglme;and even iljunior side, News of yourcompetiton actions Is brought bya teleprompter, which also produces the pools results in true Grandstand fashion. Presentation is,by,6·bit standa.ds, spartan, Fewgraphicai touches a.e employed beyond the Icons and a depiction of your g.ound,al1d t he tightly packed playe. lists and ucounts a.e austere . This does make important info.mation easy 10 pick out, though . Naturally,you ha~l1ocontlolC1llefthe
matches, which afe played out as a sefies of short al1lmatlonsC1IIe.a,oUin ll'commentary'ofplay. After a few sessions, you'll skip through Ihese periods 011 the ultra speed setting, which Is thankfully very fast . Voucanstartonany level,fromatop·rank p.emlership team, to lowly conference·league dregs with a muddy field al1d a hot dog stand. The game Is a challenge at allY stage, and it will take some lime beforeyouf~lyouarem.kingdecisionsonany
other basis than Instinct and luck, Without a battery back·up, all Ihis would be polnlless, and sensibly the game allows you to save a slngleposition,Thismayseenmean,bute~nthls
caused Ihe programmers Sftere head .. chl:'s, as all t hl:' Infohadtobesqueezedintoamerl:')zkofdynamk RAM. On balance, although the limitless ability of computers to save game positions is sorely missed , the shndard of Premier Mal1ager is so high,that anyone interested ill games of this sort should be more thal1 happy with It. GUS
and Am iga owners. But now, for the first time on console, you can finally get to grips with the tougher side of football and battle it out for league glory.
What Vectorman lacks in inspiring scenario or originality, it more than compensates for in enthusiasm and game 'feel'. Blue Sky's programming shows just how far the Megadrive can take the genre of platform shooter, when the playability is kept central to the endeavour. edOfmilll-Jdlsjolntltd,me1Jlllc
Irnvu to JaW milnklnd from tcologicill despair a nd a nightmare
futuredomln,tedbyltsown mec;hanl芦lIIuntlons. As ewn the to<llstenrebel.ndtheple.maklngcyborldnth polk!! t,ke to the ItrNts, Vectormiln Is ont of the few relilble mil(hlnn left. He t~ver5ft countiMs sombre leYels ~(ked withluer-splttlngsentlnels,lnilgilmethiltmJn. ilges to millnbln I dlstinctvisuat style, milking It one of the most unusual Mqildr~ titles of the yeilf,The Ictlon Is alwilYS to the fore with bilrely, piluse between entl)' and t)llt polnt,ilnd plenty of
opportunltyforVectormilnto'toolup'vlathe splnnlngteltvlslonsetshouslngthegilme'smilny elrtrilwupons. ThrHilre Impresslve,both In their Imilglniltlve-
nns ,md their Impltt. u showers of sparks conned with enemies to (rnte thunderous uploslons. As _1115 weapon!., utra powers enable VKlarman to morph Into different mlChlnei. The garM glws the playerfrffdorn to experlrMnt with these toflnd hidden arus and the len accessible bonusei. A fair portion of the game depilrts from the usuill pliltformformulil,wlth levels set on I bizarre scrolllnil blmboo table, or iI sin gle train Irack sus路 pended IboYe green fields, with VKlorman In con路 trol of a loc;omoUw. In the latter, a grotesque cyborg wlthhugehandsappearsfrombelow,ilttemptlngto derail the train. It is not just these serllons which make the garM a SUCCeis..It's t~ time that's been spent on milking the milln character so rHponslw, ilnd the Imprenlve padng of the gilme that keeps the player engilgeddespltesomewukersbgei. Vectormanhlsastyllshneisthatshowsup manyflnhler, licensed games that have been desiinedwithienattentiontogameplay,and despite any obvious original thinking, It's a powerful sum ofplrts that ilny shGOt 'em up fan should own.
he b,ulsofthtIilmeis IS unusuillJIS the chilrKter, It's se.,'s flrstout· ilnd·out lemmlnlS done , ~ acron two dozen horizont.lly Krollins Iewls. liUrsupl~ml eKorts his len ilclleelephantfrlend, 8onelll, ln.n eKJpe bid from his elK'" trIIl_ captor. r.ld", 80neItJ from neh entry to eJdt point_1M he ....
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toneloti.tenlturalhuards .......... a.,.., bothofwhl(hhelslll...~ . . . . wIIIL The solutlon .• ndtntcruxofthe~.ls
Mars uplla mI'5f1e~ibletai1.BycoilKtinllCtlOnlcons.
wh iCh then ilppeilr In iI strip liong the top of the Kr~n. MilrsupUilml ciln form stillMi, a winch lind ~rloosotht!rcontrilptionswlthhist.lltohelphis elep~ntlne chum through. Should the PK~rm wlftder a.".,the penilltlC'S ilft hush. U iI strict ti me IIrnllblmpoled.andthetriliflfi isnr:verbrbetl lnd.
ThIs forms the secondary element of garnep!ilY
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-tl"*'I-Ceftalnentlcements,li kefrult pieces,Of the inti of tMrsupililml'S t'III, help l aid Bonelli, but
Nen 5OtMg.llmeis dilngt rously frustriltlng from the outset This shilrp, unforgiving difficulty curve Is HI ~ t enewltnthe ch~rful, simpUst lcg ra ph lcsand
urtoonch~racters, Tne actlonsta rts lna cl rcus
environment wit h clowns and J uggle~ but the scenerycnangesfrequently, The actual contl'nt of l'ach IeYeI Isn't too complex, and oftl'n a hummingbird character, Tlgnns, fl ies past with unsubtle hints of your ntxt fTIOYf:Theldeascome easlly, lt's theappllGItlOntif them that's hard. Marsupilamlls undoubtedly aimed at the you ng, but there'll be plentyoftu rsbefofe bedtlme~fterm anyfrultlessattempts to getto gr;ps
w ith the control system, and deal w ith the rlgours of t he clock. It'S a pity. as th is marrs an oth erwise refreshing a nd well.pfodlKed gaml' th~t fl lis ilnlche l f'l the
marketfor arcadepuulers. OId erpiayelS who appreciate lemmings and g~ mes of that ilk should try not to be put-off by t he styling. and go for th is ye,ar's premlerscalp-exerciser.
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16-Bit Orui
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• 9.
oy Saturn owner will have al~eady played the lIelsien of Virtu a Fighter pack路 <lged wllh the machine, and It'S already been hailed as one of the
ever to ,appear on a console. So why be. therwith
Vlrtua Fighter RemiX? Well, If you're a die-hard AM2 fan or a
oompleteVlrtua F'ghterfreak,you absolulely have to buy I\.
because all the glitches from the original have been taken out. plus
teduremappingh(ls been addedtothecharacters.andthegraphics onthefighter5electscr~nhavebeengiventheAnlmetreiltment
Obviously, the gamepiCly remains the same as the Original (apparentIythe fighters are slightly larger), but it was so good already there wasn't any need to
changei! There's rlodoubtthatthisisaslideraffairthan the packaged game.As an added extra, there's also a CD filled with Virtl.la Fighter l portrait swhichisa touch, even if it doesn't serve ~ny re~1 purpose
w:~'r~:~;~sr :~I:~:'~'~ ft~':~r;~:;::~~~~;rs~~u~;h:~,e:u!h:~r~~~seef::S
don't ha~e it. here's a very simple message - go and buy it nowl Converted from the top arcade game, Daytona is a treat to be savoured for all Saturn own erS.AII thref' tracks from the arcade ve rs ion have been faithfully converted, a long with the (decidedlydodgy) mUSIC, some excellent graphics, and loadsofbr illiantcheats There's been manya harshcn tlcism bandied about over th e way the graph ics updateand,unfo rt unately, It has to be said that it does suffer somew hat from tlees.appearing,out.of.nowhe re syndrome-in fact, this is the ga me's one and only downfa ll. The good thing is that it doesn't affect the gameplay, and if you're
quickgettingdowntheshopsyou'l lstl lihave tlme toenteroure~cellentTime
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Attackcom pet lt lonl
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what thl clillt Ii,
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T ~~~~:;u~~s~~:~ ~:;~::a~~n~~~~:~O:~d;!rn~::e~:~~~ttl~~s~:~rS:i~g that. although it 's not everyone's idea of gaming heaven, it is a huge , te<hnically impressive adventure, Played out in semi' 3D,Bug must avoid all of Queen Cadavra's critters and attempt to make his way on to the silver SCfeen by battlins through each leveL It's slisht ly disappointing that the game isn't played out intrue3D-lfBuswalk s away from the screen you'll just see a behind·thespriteview,andh e becomes smaller the further he walks away - but it is a rea lly smooth and visually stunning same, Plus, seeins as it's both huseand absolutely rock hard,youcan be suaranteed that it will lasta fairoldw hiletoo. Overall, th is is a brilliant little game that will kef'p you occupied for weeks, Plus it has the add ed benefit of bemS the first platformeron Saturn-and it's certainly a whole lot better than Shinobi X, which at the moment is the only other platformmgalternatlve
• •
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ongtlme ~ega hero Joe Mushashi ma kes his debut on the Saturn wIth scimi· tars a-swmgmgand guns-a blaz ing Kind of Oh, alright then"m a very half hearted way· would be more precise Although Ihis platformer plays re<llly really well. it doesn't really seem to be SUi ted to the Saturn. In fact, Ifwe'relal~lng looks,it would definitely be more at home on the MegadJlve_Vou
see, for all the nke-looklngexplosions and huge bosses. this reilllytan'ldlsguisethesimplefact that i"s another Shinobi game that somehow managed to find its way on toCD Instead ofcartndge_which doesn't necessarily
make,ta bad game Not by any means It'S just that being on t heSatLJrn andeverythmg.you'd probably
expect a bit more for your money_Whlth fl.lnnlly enough. is probably why they bunged on a tacky Japanese FMV fight scene as an intro
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