20 22 24 26 28
78 80 82 84 86 88 90
08 14 32 34 92 94 98
Ttlere's foor pl~y~ble g~mes to choost from. Seg~.I1~lIy, Clockwork Knight. Bug ~nd World Series B~seb~lI. GUide the cursor down to the If tie you want to play, then press any button You WIll now be taken lnlolhe level oflhe gameyou\-e selected To qUIt out of the g~me, press Sl~rt ~I ~oy pOlflllfllhe prOC~lngs
Sega Rally (out Jan, price .£49.99) A fully playable forest track. wIth a maXImum of two laps all~! ~the brilliantgr.1phicslfllhlsgameforyourself.1ndbeamazedatthesmoothhandhng of the carl Now go .1nd buy ltllncidentally. Ihls WIll be '7S" faster and fUnnlflg .111 fullscr~nwhenit'5releasedinJ.1nuary
Bug! (out now £44.99) Two levels .1nd.1 bonus round from Seg~'s top seillflg platformerr Almost every Saturn owner wrll h.1ve tleard of thIs cha.acte. already, and IhlSISYOUf ch~n(eto see him In actlonl ThiS 1IIIe wenl to number one in the charts when It was released a couple of months back. and really is among the top tItles aIreadyoulfor the Saturn
Clockwork Knight 2 (out now £39.99)
World Series Baseball (out now £44.99)
A whole level from this great httle platformerl GUide PepperouchilU through the first level,pick up bonuscilrds, pop pesky toys and milrvel at the 3D Irickery employed in the gamel The follow-up 10 Ihe Ofiglflill Clockwork Knight gilme
Select to play home run derby wllh up 10 four players. and S~ how Ih,s title adds new dimenSion 10 eXisting baseball games All Ihe commenlafles from the flflishedversionareintheretoo,sothlsmilkesforilveryreailslictilster
P!easaootethat someDfthef~
demos are FMV roumes andarether!forenot
Inadditiontoth~playabletltles. there's also six non· playable demos: Virtlla Fighter 2, Virtua Cop. Mystaria. Wmg
Arms, NHL All Star Hockey and Oaytona Sega have asked us to
There's also an FMV trai ler showing p(lrts of Black Fire, Ghen Wa r, Congo, Mr Bones, Virtua Fight er Remix, Ast al, Cyber Speedway and Mansion of Hidden Souls. To access this option. POint the Cllrsor at the choice. then press any button.
stress that the version of Virtu a Fighter shown on the disc is running slow as it
waslaken from the Japanese version and hasn'lytt been converted to pAL.ltis also running with borders. THIS WILL BE RECTIFIED BY THE TIME THE GAME IS RELEASED OFFICIALLY. The final version Will run 175% faster ilnd Will not have any borders. Again, to select any of these titles, guide the cursor tothe monthe
options screen and press any button
Itfyouhaven'tbollghttheCDeditionofthemagnine,don't worry,YOIl can still
I get hold of a disc. We're holding a surplus of 300 discs here at SEGA SATURN I MAGAZINE , and if you want to purchase one, send a cheque for £4 with the I coupon below to the address below byJan30th. WewHibedespatchingthe I fin al discs on the 1st of February.
I 1
iYeS! I would like an Exclusive Saga Saturn Magazine demo disc! I l enclose achequeNisanofor£4 (i ncpostageandpac~aging)
: payable to EMAP IMAGES LTD. : NAME
: Please send all payments to.EMAP IMAGES DISC Of FER. PRIORY COURT. 30·32
!FARRINGDON LANE. LONDON tclR 3AU. We will despatch all discs within 28 days ! l~ ~~~h_e~~~~_u~~h~~~~~h~~~e_g~~r~:t:~a~d_~u~_~~i:~~d~~ ______ .J~
"""""""......~"""''''''''' FIghm' 2 1 the most popular t itle out t here. Ir s not ~ going Sega h~ also Just announced that pre.orders for Virtua Fighter 2 haYe almost filualled the amount ofSaturnsaVililable in Japan-some LS million units. People are queuing upin the streets to get a look at the first finished Saturn versions currently on free play at Japanese department stores and apparently the news that Virtu a Fighter 2isa great conversion has sold thousands of Saturns alone! So. Its.eemsas though Saturn fever has never reached a higher level Inthiscount ry though.ifsslightlyditferent People seem to think t hat the Saturn has something to prove. But, it looks as though the tables are turn ing slightly for Sega -S aturn fever is hitti ng the UK too. and even though Sega Rally and VF2 aren·t avail able until after Christmas, gamesplayers are already in a stateofnervousexciteme nl al the anticipation of owning these gaming monsters. In fact. you·d be hard pushed to see the same level ofexcilement being offered on the Playstation at the moment So,once again, it seems as Ihough Sa turn owners are winning in the long run. Ifyou'veboughttheCOedltionofthismagazinethoug h, you should,without a doubt, know that already Enjoy this issue. Sam Hickman, Edilor
0_7_ _
FIRST PANZER DRAGOON 2 PICTURES EMERGE! f 've known thai Panze,OlOlgoon lh;llt!een In development for some lime now, but just;ls we were 80inl to press this month. we rnilln;lg" to gtt hold of the fint P;ChlifS of the game. hrly versions we,l! actu;llIyon test ilt ill Segil show recently held in lapan and tven though it's .. tan
EXTREMElY urty stage, it's ufe to Sill)' thilt It will be eyen more impressive than theorlgln;lllbrllll;antildvtnturt. At the moment only ont level of the game IS playable, ilnd even that IS only around 20% complete, but we were able to find out iI fair few details about the
gameplayASlntheoliginaltltle.youfgamecourSflsf,lIflypreset, although a! certillin POll'ltsyou are able to makea choice as to your game direction. You',e
illsoable to 'un illong the ground on your dragon as well as flying throug hparts of the level too. In facl. the game begins on the ground and halfway mto the first level there's a huge drop -your dragon 1'11111 automatically fly fOlthe rest of the level. Asyou'de.pecl. there's plenty of huge monsters to battleag alnst.and as In the first game, you can view the action from any angle Although thiS has a long way to go before It'S anywhere near complete,the graphics are already looking 3 lot sharper t han t heorrgrnal game,andlhere's gorng 10 be more complex levels as well as tons more action. hpect to see more on Ihls one next month when hopefully we'll be bringrngyou a full preview 0 n thet,tle
TOSHIMAEN SHOW REPORT SalA SATURN MAGAZINE had a representative at the Toshimaen 'Vs Salum' Show held in a Tokyo theme park in late November. The show was an opportunity for the Japanese public to get their hands on the games that will be released there during the
winter months, and a chance for Sega to build up to their launch of the 'Big three' titles; Virtua Cop, YrIua Foghter 2 and Sega Rally. SEGA SATURN MA~E is able to bring you a report after actually play路testing these games.
bilckground anlmiltlon, and the coolness of the
modestly-sized show They had booked a largt
CUliently streetfighter Alpha IS In a more complete state than VamPire Hunter, but Capcom may delay Its release to ilUOW for iln eilrher Vilmplre Hunter release The game looh equally good. and receIved asmuchattenhonatthestandCapcomcontriist the loss of some anlmallons In VampIre Hunter WIth the complete trilnsfer of AI phil tothe Saturn wIth no reductIons of any kind
verSIOn of V.. mpue Hunter.
2 The
release of X-Men Ch,ldrenoftheAtomonSillurn
happenfil a couple ofdolyS !)efore,ilndCapcomoffi路 ciills wefe basking In the POSitive r~ponse from bU~fS Vampire Hunter however, looks even more awesome.desplleonl)'sl~ofthechilractelsbelng ~lectilbleforplilY Thespeedilnd response of the game. the deta,l of the graphlcs.mcludmg all the
0_9_ _
ROBOPIT This str~nge little game looks like achieving a cull following. though it may never appear over here. It's a 3-D battle game, with more in common with Virtual On than Vlrtua Figh ter From a first-person perspective you
take on biz,mely polygon robots
ilrena-based combat Although graphically simplistic, sameplay is qUite fast
and smooth.
AN EXClUSIVE V1RTUA FIGHTER CALENDAR UNAVAIlABlE IN TIlE UK! If your walls are in dire need ofa facelift,oneof these VF calendars could bejl.lstwhilt it's In need o(ShippedinfromJapanandfeaturinge;w;clusive VirtuaFighterart,wehavefiveofthesetogive away. All you have to do is NAME EVERY CHAR· ACTER IN VIRTUA FIGHTER 2, Answers on a post·
Scrolling shootl!'fS ate not OIS popul arilS they oncl!' were but C; unbi.d Is gamely tryi ng with a siztable slice of vert icillly-sCloUins billlistk milyhem , The gilmeplily filli s into the long levels, big bosses formilt , but t he ilnlm iltion ilnd ilmount of bullets flylns
lbe popul. rity of Rldle Race. h"ln."lhlbly , p.wned lOme done, .nd thl , It one of the btllrn hopefllll, lbe ..nle of 'CKl ml ll wld.r, bllt thellyle of the ",e ne., il ndthe linelof t he" •• remlichth... me. PI.y-wIJe thlnl l. rellll , e rt.ln, with • IlI l htJ. rklne$l which, of COlin., _ " n't convey IntqH ", ...n, hoh.
FacemiiskistheliitestinvestigationgametoappearfortheSaturninJapan,Wlth titles like Rilmpo, Psychic DetectIve and Wan Chai being very successful. Filcemask uses iI different presentat,on method,witha point and click mt erfilce used on static digitIsed sc.eens. When you move from plilceto place, those digit isedscenes
are strung togethel mto pseudo.ilnimation_lntrigumg, but of rna rgmalinterestto the Srot Saturn owner,
1 2 8M / .-<
:.Jf ,, ~ ,
TWO EDITIONS OF SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE! You may ha~ nallet<! that there aft two different editions of SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE In the shops this month. one with iI covermounted CO, ilnd one without We decided to do thiS so that as yet non-
Soiltum owners wouldn't hilvt to shell out the extra for the cover mounted CO, but every Saturn owner would be ilble to buy the disc. Incidentaliy, II'S unlikelylhatwe'li becQVe rmountlng discs every month.
as we want to ensure that any we do put together are of the highest quallty_ Anyone who has sampled the disc this month should agree Ihat it was well worth the extra £}24 for the four playable Barnes (and the mass of non.playable stuff), expect to su another one of the same high quality in a couple of months
That's Magic! Bullfrog'} Mogle COf11ri _ J tI huge hit on thel'C, wooing Qdmi~n with ftJ excelltnt gMphln 11M Ihrllll"g gllm.pkly. Tllik 0111 conv.n/ott 10 Jl· b11 con.ol. hII. H." krlOCklngllboltt 10,1110,., tim. now lind t~ con-an/ott, II" IIdlllllly 'Ntl/llndtf _1' Tht Scrtllr" v.nlon loolu lib H i"g prodkolly id.",kol to Iht PfllyStotion -anion whkh h 111.0 '" dmlopm."t lit th. mom."t. Mog/e ClI,ptt on I~ PC hlld So ImlJ. bitt on th. Scrtll," Wln/ll" Bllilfrog IIrt H'/I"g it III' to 1S ImlJ,/"corporol/", mort 01 th. uhllllrat/", ,!tool 'tm III' gllm'pilly. lind poll.IIi,., III' th. p""lIrom/c d.,.rt Ifi,tll'. AI ptll ttlH'. dllt. I. "n(on/lrm.d, hit Iho ••• lIgtf til gtt h,,,,d, II" tlli, .xlllk cllluic .holllll"'! INrvt til _it too /(mg'"tll th. ytflr. W.'II kttp 11111 poJttd.
Yn, d". 10 th. Imm.nJ. poPlllority 0/ hut mo"th" Vlrlllll Cop Cllmptthlo", _'w d.,hI.d til hllid II" hlllllllclIl compo with thl. mo"tlt" rtltll ••, Vlrtllll"gltt.'l. Ho_" tll',mlllltll, th. tvln h_ ,IIII""d sl/,IItly.Llld mll"tll, 'ht 1I/f1c, /tIx _II'", _, UJ 'lU III' wHII Vlrtlill Cop cfHfIpttftllllllllltrln ,1Hrt _'". IIHhltd to ,wt II _11/1", 0/1 ,,,tritl frH ,ST. "". ,. dill II COllplt oJ _b"Jon VfJ will hit UK
GUNDAM NINKU StgG's IIW" urolll"f shoottf "s.d on Ih. Illig. mobil. attllck sllits I. "III ytf UJmtthl"g til ' " .xclt-
boys With their own 3·0 beat 'em up, Nlntw ThiS Will
tdllbollt.A Vllr~tyo/'p"ctllndpllln"lIry sllrftJct
probably go down better in Japan than here btcause
I.-als wtf.pIIlYllbl. ,md Ih. «(lIdOllllladd cool thlllg hoppt".d -lib II ""ckglOlI"d .tll n hlp tllrnlng '"'0 Ih. hIIr/zlln. AI,II, th. _y .".ml•• jllmp bttWtt" th./ort olld backglOllnd I, qllil. 111111'11111, blltth.rtl.llloto/worktob.dlln.llnrh'grllphICJ bt!lIttth.yrtllchollllcctptllb,.Jtllndllrd.
Dragonball Z serles)_ However. it looked father sad ned the mightyVirtua Fightef 2and F'ghtlngVlptfS afcademachinewhichwereomnlpfesent
.IIops, 11"11 tM '"try plcttll"" 0/ '". Nt on 'M IIoy will" dtJIH'f,II,d til. wry fint UK CIIpy 0/ VFl. /fyotl-"' to ."ttftll, UruJII POSTCARD ONLY to: VfJ COMPO, SEGA SArulfN
MARVEL SUPERHEROES SIGNED UP FOR SATURN! E...." thou,h It', only Jud ." 'n the .rUl", thaMarvl1 s...,.rtMfOfttoin-op will be "'Ikln. It'l WI, Oft to 1M Sltum '1'1 tIM mJd.d1e of .t'. Althoulh INtthlnl h., ~ confirmed ,..t, h 'l been rurnoure4 Acd.lm will '" ,lddnl"P the tit.... (whkh
would kind of _'I'll'. ,IJet 1HMI,Irt 1M X路 Men, Chlldre ... of tt.. Atom IklrKa) and
will r.t.," , ... ,,_ on hilim kfot.
In fKt It hHn't boHfI (Cmflrmed whether thh win
GOLF OOH AYE! ~t to t~ off against us Gold's Wofld (up Golf IS iI n~ game from Core The Scottish Open - V,rtuill Golf, sees pl~fS strolling leisurely iiCfOSS the green as th~ b.lttle ,t out In (ompetllton and do all of those t)((ltlng thmgs thai golfers do
like putt and chip. The Scottish Open features a 3-0 rendition otlhe (aHloustlC' 1995 Scottish Open chilmPlonship (ilhh, sothilt's w~re t~ tItle comes froml) l.Jke ilil golf gilmes, this one m'o'Oives usmg iI power to m~ke
(our~. ho~ofthc!
breeze or ~ gale Accommodating up to four plilyers, The Scottish Open also comes wIth all of the mod-cons like SIX dIfferent viewing angles, a 'f1lpmap' which I~ys thecoursesoutoppoSit e t onorm al,andalitherendeflngandscalingapbIt machine could ask for
This Is brilllllnt ... _ for ,U btum OWMn,
thh 1,1
sre,t """'0, I nd" tNt NC... t X路M.... con~ h '''ylhln. to ro It .111 be I.reat cOfI""kln t-.
In it seems as though many of them have slipped into later months. This is probably down to disc reproduction time as much as anything else, which is why there's quite a lot of almost finished games in this month's section. With any luck, a lot of these may just make it into shops at the last minute, but if not, you should be able to track them down in the early weeks of January.
o;~~n!:~;:t~ ::~":~:~h7Z,:~:s':~; , Jaa::"
Ralty comes King of the Spirits, developed by Atlus. While this isn't anotherground路breaker in terms of graphics or playability, the Japanese seem to be going fairly mad about it, and it hastobenidthatit'sa 101 bette. Ihiln some of th e games that get fl!leased out
there. Thiscan be played in either one or two player mode, there's a choiceofthreetradsand intwo路pl<lyer mode, you can sell"ct either a vertICal or hOrllontal vIew
of the split screen. The shots here are taken from a 100% complete Japanese import version oflhe game and although you can choose from two different views. IhegraphicsarenowherenearthestandardofSega Rally. or even Daytona, which isgeuingon for six months old now And t hat probably has somethln8 to do with the fact that you'll probably never see ,t released officially over here-ifs unlikely that Segawill sl8n It upand inthe light of certain other drIVIng game releases, its success over here would be qUite doubtful St,lI,you never know
r T ~I~:::.b;:nfi:~~ ~::~O::~~li: :~~I~:r:g:ra~~::~~el~:I~~ta:~;~~lelleard of tile game sincetllen. However, it's practically finished now ,and Whit'S mort it's not half bid either. Developed by Sega of America, Ghen War is a shoot 'em up extr~vaganla with one of those FMV 'stories' that separatesthelevels.The'5tory'isevtry bit u dire as you would imilg ine, but the game is filirly innovillive. Sel in ouler space, your missio nislo dtslroytheGhenrace-oncefriendsofearthlings-whoturnedagainst humilnsonce they found them to be 01 quite useless species. Todestro yOiliof !healiens,you'lihilvetoe~plo,ethedistantmoonandfacetheenemyin
hugetank路styltbattltsacrossbilfren landscapes. This is anolhero nethat h;un'!tH!en signed up for release in the UK yet, and as the rights bel ongto Sega, i\'s unlikely that it will ilppear over here at all.
~nr yay blub a bit, or mumble, or IiR8 1ht tbem.lo Star Wars, but II far allICrelmlng ROn they're as deaf IS POSII,
In IPICI, no ani can bllr YtIII sertlm. Thly mlallt lit Ibl.lo
o ~r:te::;~~~~::~ssn;:a~:~(:; :e~~:~:'~::~l::~~:'s~:Srt,
although he certainly giined some gtound in thesequel, whlch Implemented br more innovat ive griphics and game trickery. However this time, he's decided to gIve the platform games a miss and go for something that requires a bit more (or some
:~~:~:t~!~~~a;~:i;:~:p::;:::/:.~t:ISti~ t~:
very own Sombermanseriesofgamesthatappearedonjustabout
-~.:""'''~f_ '''''''_1lI"
Bomberman,thebasicideaistomakeyourwayaroundthe grrd layrngtrapsand blowing up the enemy, untIl they're eitherdead,orinthiscase,you'vekilledenoughof'emto makeitontothene~t l evel.ThiSisaveryearlyversionofthe
lItle, in fact. the name will probably change, and at the moment you can play wIth up to four people. al though in t he finIshed versIon Ihis should increase to a twelve player game A Feb/MarchreleaseinJapan looks imminen\. wIth the UK release following a couple of months later.
5 ~r~l:g;:r~;ns:~::t:;~~~~~az~~a::;r;:aes:~h::e;:~: ;~~:~, there'sbeenamanivecartoonseriesandhe'sevenappearedina (ouple of games befo re (Ram pige .. nd KingoftheMonsters). In fact , Godzilla is becoming rully popul.. r once ag .. in, which is no doubt the ruson behind this Godzilla game. In fad,this is quite biurreyou don't pliy QS Godzill i wh ich would sutely be the most fun, instead your iim isto destroy the slimy one. To do this, you have a multitude of t .. nks, hundreds of plines, th ousands of men and as many bombs as you (ould wish for. Then all that's left is to ttack down Godzilla who is on the rampage around the dty. ln bd, he's dest roying Just about everything that he stumbles across, breathing fire and causing man hysteria. To prevent him from advancing, you'U have to chuck .. million tons of napalm his way, although he'll putupa real fight. The wiyyOU play the game Isveryslmili r to world Advinced Gaming or th e b.. ttle parts of a Shining For(e g.. me -the ..dion is all setonagrid and you seled where bnks .. nd weapons,et(shouldbeplaced. Although the code for this title is as good as finished, it's quite unlrkelylhal Ihe game will appearoverhere, simply as the theme and gameplay is a bIt obscure for the UK market
Revolution~ V ~:~:s~~~~n::!Iw~~:~ I!~ ~~;~C~f~ ~Si~ :nr::~:~eU:for somethin8路tt'sneverbeenmu(hcopin8~meS{eX{eptfor
thebrillianl Road Rash soundtrack onlht3DO),Sirnply be(~use no ont who's much good ever appuls in them. Still Acciaim are hoping to change all this with the advent of... Aer(llmith.Portedovtrfromtherecentarcadegame,this shoot 'em up sees the Widow Twankys of rock kidnapped.
Whill ilfethe rock chicks 10 do1 How will the teeny boppe,s make it through the night without Iheir dulce l tones? Well, they'll make do probably, but you 'll sti1l hilvl!' to attempt to
rescue them in this fairly run of the mill shoot 'em up. This WilS goodfl,ln in the alcades milinly beciluuyoucould use a gun with the game. There won't beagunilYililablefo. theS~lurnversion bulwilh ~nylu(k it should be prelty much ~r(~de perfed when iI's released in February.
T:~d:~:hr:~;:~ld::s~t::;:d:;g:ed~:~;h~ ~t2~:sf:~u:~;:h;a~~;' _
decent title. The basic idea oftheg~meneedslittlee"pl~ining-it's Americ~n footb~lI, which means lo~ds of stills screens. loads of options and lo~ds of rules thai are difficult 10 get the hang of. But. then ~g~in, ..... . footietilles have always been popul~ronconsole,sothis isboundtodo well-at the moment, there isn'tagamelike it on the Saturn. This is already looking pretty stylish in the graphics department. a nd thegameltselfcan be viewed from a number of different perspect'ves. andofcourse'thasalithedepththatwe've(Qmetoe~pectfromthese typesofgames,Lookoutforafullrevlewne~tmonth
C ~:I::~~~ :~:~:;:::~:~:n:~i: :!;~~;hdeP::~::e~:~r~:~IY Casper's (utesy grin was plilsteredjust about everywhere during th e summer months and e ven now you can be guaranteed to see him floating around shopping centres on il Silturd~y ~fternoon, printed on one of tho se helium balioonthings.Orlroddenintoa soggy puddle if you de<ided to visit later on in the day. However. game types have always bee n quick to snap up any char路 aclers theythlOk may have the slightest chance in becoming succe ssfu l on console forma t. and asa character, Casper probably has more about him thilna lot of previous film路to-game converts. And. obviously hopingtocash 10 on the Chflstmas market, Interplilyquicktydevel. oped a game for the Playstatlon, As It happens. the Saturn version of Casper is practICally identicill- theaim being to milke the occu路 pants of his house as ha ppy as he possibly can. To dothis he'll have to battle through vaflous platform levels and also search the many rooms of his mansion to solve the puzzles put to him InterplaywereofiglOally hoplOgfora Christ mas release for Casper, but It looks as though ilwon't be hittlOg the streets until early 96 More news ne~t month
..... N.O
ov•• THI "'AI' , YOU ' D THINII 'HA' TH'" wou~o HAVI
The el8ht ~IlJ.r IInk-u~ .~~de cabinet rtCIRtly on , hllW ~t the JA ..... 'rtad. IIN:tw IR Japan . UnlikISepRIII,udDa:ttoBI,thllhupllcn towaltwhil,queuln. _pfor tile p"".
It'sablt unbelievable Isn-t It 1 But then. wht'n yOI.I conSider what AM) do best. you have 10 admit Ihat they're pretty stuck for source materia! Virtua RaCing was completed ~afs. ago. ~ga !l:oiIlly IS already out on the Saturn and Indy 500 was assigned to AMI So AM}. being totally nutty abouldflVln8sameshaveoneoftwochoicesthtytilhermakeuptheifOwn verSion of events (which doesn't necessarily make for a great game) or Iheyhun! down the cream of reoJl'ilcing championships from the far flung corners of the globe WhICh is why they ended up In the Isle of Miln You see. the Isle of Man IS home to the Toonst Trophy motorcycle champIOnshIp
RACE THROUGH EVERY TERRAIN! Th,s gruelling champIonshIp takes place across 37 and a half mIles ofpubhcro~ds encompassing almost C".Iery possIble rilcing terraIn-town environments,forests, mountains ilnd even a bIt by the sea Vep.lfs hard to believe that all tl1is could til~e place in the Isle of Man. but It does. and what's more. It does II everyyearl Anyway, It goes WIthout saymg Ihilt AM]'s new Slm IS based on Il1ls very tItle. and although ,fs currenlly only ilround 20" finIshed. Segil of Jilpan ar e hopIng 10 l1avt It In Jap.mese ilrCiides by around Eilster
CHOOSE FROM TWO COURSES! There's two coorses 10 choose from In Manx TT. SeaSIde course and TT coorse Seaside course IS ilctually deSIgned from seralcl1 by AM} And. seeing at It doesn't eXlstmtherealchamp<onshlps,tl1ey've~nabletobulldthecourseexactIyhow
they'dhkelt,Theseasldecourselstreatedasthebeglnnercourseandtakesyou from the seaSIde up Into the mountaIns ThIS level,sn't too dIfficult. but It does gIve you iI cl1ance toget used 10 the hilndhng on the motor bIkes Naturally, the real challenge here IS found in the TT course, This~s taken directly from the reill champIonshIp held on the Isle of Man, and begins In thee Ity.taklng you up through forests. eounlryslde.seaslde .. ndback into the c,tyThere'salsa I~ds of Jump points .. nd ch .. nces for stunning bIke trich such as stomach· cl1ufnlngwhttlres
AUNIQUE NEW HANDLING SYSTEM! Ifs been a whIle since Segil have deSIgned a motorbIke sPfilfic game (Cool RIders IS best forgotten) so AM} have also desIgned a new bIke and arcadecabi net And. they'vt come up wIth a pretty unrquedesign Unlrke rilClngcablnets and arcade bikes of the past. you can actually takeyourfttt off the flOOf whIle on t he bike, making for a more realislIC rldong experience (pfC".lIOusly II was always e.. sler to kttp your fttl on the floor, To control the bIkes, sImply sway left or nght. accordong tothedllectlOnyou want to l1eadon There's also the cl1ance 10 select eIther automatrcor manual gears and the bIke IS deSIgned to reslst"galnst thepl"yer (thethrottlealsol1asveryrf'alrstlcsoundefff'Cls).sayou'lIf!'elthf' weI ghloflhf' bIke pullIng you back
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.bel it'l 0111 2D% _pille! TIl" MMld be lkoIllll,IMU'-''' tI.. lt'a rtJtutd ItIJapal (tllllt IIIoIIIcIIII wilIIIl tot, .011111). Tn truu wiMINI 01 offll' III total
• . ..
w~u. It'S aU a bit of iI mystery ilt t he moment - AM3 ilfe curren t ly bus)' t rying to get the ilctual ilfcilde gamefrnished (theflnill eight-player Ion kUP8ame should be released by April). However, ilS soon <IS Its completed. t hey'll be starlingwQrkon theSaturnverSlon, whlchwilihopefullybl'ilVilrlableb)'!he end afthls year And of course , we 'll be bringing you monthly updates of its progress until then
• 19
0(' . / .
'r ~l9 1 :.., ~.
You like bikes? You like green beams circling bikes? Scavenger's Scorcher could be the one for you!
Scavenger produce agraphical tour de force! ave you sun WiptOuton the PlilyStatlonl pfettygood Isn't It? Well,anyonethlnkingthiltthe Saturn Is tOlillly out-classed bylhe JOpowerofSony'smachlneoughtto consldet two facts: a)WiptOut is coming out on tht Salutn, and b) Scavenger's Scorchtr is shaping up to bt graphically tven mort impressivtl (oded by Damsh programmlngltgtnds Iyrlnx (responslblefOf thecfltlc .. lly acclaImed Rtd 10000t and Sub-Telfilm~ 0f'I MtgiidoYeJ, Scorcher shows the true 30 powef ofthe~turn_ Yes, Segil R~lIy looks abwlutelylncrtdlble, but ilt least visually, Scorcher IS even more ImpresSIYe For starters. the gilme.s runn,ng at a higher resolutoon,mtilnlngmorecoiours(upt032.7680nscrttn at once) and iI better definItIon Scavenger themselves are extremely confident about the tech路 nologybehlnd Scorcher. saying that II 15 processing more polygons with full light-sourcIng than any
PI~yStiitlontl t le_lfyouflndthI5dlfflCulttobeheve
you really need to see the game inaction Scorcher
runs at an extremely smooth 30 frames a st<Of'Id Despite the heavier tasb the Saturn-s graphIcs chIps ilre hilndhng. Scorcher rema,nsils fast ilnd as smooth ilS Segil Rillly_ From the eilrly demo we hilve seen. the game 's shaping up well The fllSllevel (whICh we have shown pictures of before) now appears to be com路 plete and Iooh great -but Ihe st<ond slage, sel on City streets, is graphICally even more supellorl As an example of what the Saturn IS capable of there's ht tletochaliengeScolCher'stt<hnlCalilccomphshments(apartfrommaybeVlttuaFlghterl)lfsdlffl cult tOJudge the gameplay at this early stage. because It IS clear that very httle of the game Isactu ally In place In these technology demos But one thIng 15 clear Ifthegameplaymatches up to the stunning visuals. there's httle to stop Scorcher from beIng one of the most Incredible games on the milchlne and estabhshlng Iiselfas a standard by which others WIll beJudgtd Zylinxhave a habit of producing some absolutely stunning software. so hopes are high here at SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE thilt the team WIll dehver
., ." In Irch.tJpal urban "ute-
land. Amonlits chiract.rIltk' .... ·Iri·lyf.""d , kylin.,tbedlstlntprtl•• ceofdiullldfltltll'illl IlNlthodll~t~ ....
_tIM .... TMIf'0111111J
-, f.
h eA ;lStye ~ r, SEGA MAGAZINE revealed thefirstworkbyprogfilmmlns superteam Sc~vtngtr. Thtirprogrilmminsskillshildrtsulttdlnil riinSt of completely stunning Mtgiidrivt3iXdtmonstrii tion s, whlchshowt doffthtlrut POWtfofthemilchine. Unfortuniittly,thefiltt oftht32XtnSurt dthiitilil devtlopmtntplilnsforgilmts ontht3iXWtrtput on hold, Fortver,that is, However, the 32X technology dtmos didn't dIe, instead,the programming teams concerned took thelf code over to the Sega Saturn. Amok is the productoflemon - ahlthertounknowngroupofcoders who are set to make their mark on the Sega scene with Amok - an incredible new shooting game The player takes control ofa multi-purpose attack craft. at home on both the ground andmthe alf Packedwltharange ofweaponry,includmglasercan nons. bombs and gUided missiles, the craft is able to glide underwater thanks to some propellers and sprouts legs on-ground makmgit a truly versat ile craft,
SCENE WITH AMOK - AN INCREDIBLE NEW SHOOTING GAME_ The demo we received from Scavenger shows only the first level,whlch is based underwater, Here. somee~cellentgraph i caleffectscanbewltnessed,
including the trademark Scavenger lens flare and awesome 3D landscapes, generated by the Saturn's VDPl chip, Also promised for the finished version is an accomphshed spllt路screen two-player mode. which packs in twice as much action but seems to run at t he same speed as the solo mode Segaarecertainlyimpressedbytheworkoflhe Scavenger teams. They have shown this demo (along with Scorcherj to all t he major American develop ment houses along w,th Virtua Cop, Sega Rally and Virtua FIghter 2 as an e~ample of the true prowess of the Sa turn. Rest assured that SEGA SATURN
Scavenger create the vehicle of the future! Scavenger's Amok sees the player climb inside a vehicle that takes them through a startling range of environments. Strap in and prepare for a very special shoot 'em up.
Want a good reason to buy our TV? You can Stereo playback
swivel. You can tilt too. In fact with the Mitsubishi small screen TV, there's not a lot you can't do. If you want to hook up your games console or VCR, and get the best sound and picture quality around , you can. Want to do it wearing an exclusive Sega 'bug' T-shirt? Great. Buy this TV now, and it's yours free. So what are you waiting around for? Get down to your nearest Mitsubishi dealer, and swivel yourself silly.
I could be algued that plnbatl slm s ilteaduUilndpoinlleuwasle ofploglimmels time ind pliyeu money, In some CiSH this ploves ill too tlue, With Tilt howevel, the effort hu bun milde 10 utilise some of the mOlebntuticqualilie sofa3JbitmichineandTlue PinbiU follows hotly in its footsteps, Like Tilt. Tlue Pinball featules a choice of view If1gangles, be It the lD ovelhead v,eWOf the mOfe gfaphlcally Impfess,ve 3D angle Thefeafefouftables to chooo;.e from in alt The Babewatch table features Mr Muscte on a sUffboard w,lh a (ouple of babes on h'sarm.thehlremelable'"volvesvalloush'gh adrenahnJunkles.lheLawn·JustlCetablelsacopi·n· 10bbersaffa,r.ilndlheYllungtablehasaf,tI,ng NO/seman quahty to II How the Y,klf1g theme managed 10 make l!s way ,nlO True Plf1ball seems posl· livelybaffl,ng until you leaho;.e thai the programmers alt proudly sport Scandinavian names and are proba bly all worshlppefS ofOehn Of something Of course. VlklngsornoVlkingS,lt'sstillpinbaltatlheendof the day and Ihe d,ffelences between the fourlables afeeso;.enl'ililycosmelic
AGED TO MAKE ITS WAY INTO TRUE PINBALL SEEMS POSITIVELY BAFFLING ... All oflhefamlhar plnb<llt tllcks are in there You can rock Ihe lable from side to side 10 free a stuck ball or alter 115 descent. there are bonus polnlSgalore 10 gather from meandering passageways, and nalu fatly. Ihereafe aU Ihe flash,ng lights and sound effects Ihat the real thln8 g'VI!S you To reaily pile on the points there are spl!<,al modes 10 complete on each table On the taw n' JustICe table for example, when you flf1dyourself If1 ·Pllson Bfeak Mode' you have 10 shoot the mushroom bumpersortargelstocollectplisonelsOnceyou've rounded uP250fthemyouearnyourseifa 'Super Jackpot', When all eight modes or·mlSSlons' have been successfuUy completed. there·s the chance to mOYtontothe'Flf1aIArrest"whef!!'m!!'gapo'nlSare on offer Th!!'f!!"s stilt a few glitches If1 Ih!!'gameal th!!' mom!!'nl but most of IllS compll!'t!!' and IS looklllg flf1e and dandy Expect to see a review very soon
- -'-'
SEG"<>' S'''TURN
With Tilt's imminent arrival in time for the Christmas market, Ocean have produced a rival in the shape of True Pinball. It's fast, hectic and features a variety of 20 and 3D perspectives. Prepare to flip out!
2_' _ _
Sometimes, the best games are the most simple ones. Yep, even in these days of new Saturn operating systems and fancy graphics libraries, it's nice to know that you can still get your gaming kicks with a few simple presses of thejoypad.
::~lIe ~:kalln; ;:!IS~::::: p~a:~ng th e
indllce slress of manic ptoportions, YolI see, it's one of those latetillthinkingtypepllzzlesw hereyolI'te confinedloaverysmallspace and expededloolllwitYOllropponent.llkea lot of things in life. PreviollsMegadrive owners may recognise it as a Mea n Bean machine clone, but In reality,i!'sactuilllyqllite different. Althollgh the mil in gilme does revolve
TO MATCH UP ANIMALS WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE CHOICE OF FOOD. around miltching lip sets offrllits, it does haveil novel twist. As soon as a fruit is matched with ils owne r,theilnimal,beitapilnda, rabbit, dog or monkey,promptlygrowsinsileilndchompslheir waythrOllgh all linked lip foods. Eilchofthe blocks that the animill eab then falls on to YOllr opponent's plilyingilrea. The great thing ilbollt this title isthilt YOllcanllnle ashabsollltehayocontOYOllrenemyby striltegically lining up strings offruits then setting off a chain reaction offrenlied feeding, and indeed, frenlied showering offrllib on to the other side. And that's abollt all there is to explain really. But what's really novel about th is title is that itwas
created by none other than AM3.YolI know, the ones thatdevelopedthegamingbeastth~tisSega Rally_ Now. whatever possessed them to turn their hand tothissortoftitleis beyond us_Maybe they did it on their day off or something Sut,even thollgh ifsa really simple concept, AM3 have managed to add some novel elemen ts to what is essentially, a variation on the ancient Tetfls game_Plus. this title was also developed on the Titan board,which means thatltwasalsodevelopedasanarcadegame_lt's unhkely that you'll see It In th e arcades over here, as it's a bit of an obscure concept for most arcade game buyers to be interested in (plus It doesn't h~ve the immediate satisfaction of something such as Rally or Virtu a Cop) ,but after you've had even one play on'lifindyourselfunabletoputltdown You can either play it in one player mode against the computer(aseithera'story',ploughingthroughprogressivelyharderopponentsoraone-offgame)or you can play against another person, which is wlthout a doubt, the best way to play. The chomping ani· mals make it a much more endearing game than previouscutiessuch as Hebereke.who. let's face I\. doesn't exactly do much apart from stand there. swell up, and pop all over everyone There's still no official word astowhetherSaku will be released over here. although it was released in Japan over a month ago. However. development hon chosat Sega have hopefully realised that if It was released In the UK,Bakuwould bea hlt-justas Mean Bean Machine was on the Megadrive After all, you can't just have technologically ground-breaking games and naffall else canyou-and we can guess that Baku will be played long after the Daytonasof thiswoddarebanishedtoadarkenedcupboard 'fiI:'
AM3 Develop ground-breaking puzzle title for arcade and Saturn! Iahlakwu.a1reIQ ... rr"NIIIJlpalul co!e-DjlllNluwlqly ..... wudml0pt4by .lM3.lptult ...d•••iet clla .... fro .. aMtllost
If )'011 box 11\ ullill ia wit. 110M olltl profl'trIlI flMld ItOIIld 11. It will rtlrt 10 pi. I lilt l&ltatetl. preblbIJ It', ruJly _• .,..,. Tk rabbit wUl"" CI'J If ",601'1 reedit, .1IIc~ Nka rot fHla bit lib. ,."...11 f.llter or 1OIIt-
Stp h'ft.'t COIIfir.d _"'titer tllly'll rtlllM lit. Ia.. I, tilt UK, bit we Iltink 1t'.lIrtllllllt, rYe. it III m.lly sllIIpll COfIC'9l la flct,It'. W"II to "ilnt lul .\ll3 dtttioptli tlilt 11th. _Iq IS tMy........ ,. __ p-udioM Utln lICk II StjI Rally, Mt II fit II ..nit &a_II. 1t'.lIrfIIlut!
cutlJ•• ldltdrhln'&amH. IIIQHlhtYl1ltbortll.
; "Tod~y~tilnothe r
blown upin his seCll!t fortress whilst we; robotic
battle armour as one lone gun he.o silved us all oblivion and food paste .. ndm lnd 路(ont.olh;lrnesses. Andfinillly, iI skilte boilrdingduck in Hyde P".k ...". Cyberialsanotherstoryofdodgyfutureethics which puts the f31eofthe world
Ihe hands of you.
the games player Well not really. ifs a cyber-pretend world of the future, otherwisewe"d allbeln trouble But the pom t is the re's a piotto uncover. and ,t's
going to take more than mmblefingerstodoll Although ,I's gomg to take mmble fingers, too
Cyberiafirstappea ,edonthePCthissumme.
and rts Origins show clearly. It's one of those graphic advent ure things which 15 half RPG, half shoot 'em up where you guide a lovely rendered character through a number of SCI apes, shooting th ings and solvmgpuzzles,conversingwlthothercha ractersand oa:asionallysltt ing bad to watch a plot Interlude wh ichexplainswhal'sgoingon aroundyoultw<ls pretty good In facl, It always seemed li~e more of a con50let ltle, but bac~thencon50lesjust weren't powe rful enough to run anythmgaboveSnatcher slandard. Wellimagmeafulurecyber-Snatcherwlth a 3D cast and blasl ing scenes segued into the main leggmg-it-about gameplay and you're about there wl t hCybefia Al t hough It's a way f rom finished yet. Saturn Cybefialsalreadylooki ngqultesplendidThegraph路 iCS are certainly up to scralCh and the flow of the action is certainly up to speed. But will It survive the t ranslationl Were we w rong all alongl Is It actually gOing to be a M rubbish I After al l, we d idn't pl ay it t hat much on thecomputer,becausecomputerssmell. Well only t ime can tell you the answer to Ihat. Time, and our revlt'W,which should pop along some t ime nex t month ifall goes well
Piflball breaks flot tr.Le laws of
'ruB Pinball is the ultimate fully rendered, high speed ropulsion into the electric world of pinball fervour.
Because it incorporates four tables, multiballs, video modes, incredible music, high res 2D and 3D views and 32,000 plus colours, because it remains faithful to every aspect of mathematical precision right down to gravity conditions, and because it stems from Digital Illusions'
trie mOtlld, ,g ra 'v i ty. considerable experience - that's why. That's why it adds up to the fastest, most accurate sim on
the market and shatters the mould of what we are asked to accept. Slc.o ... S(c.oSOlY.~ . . _ . 1olc.o1.w1IIP1llKS,l'D
letter~ It..., th;1t tinlc of thp rllonth. rC;:iders. personalities
No,nol tlLlttimeof themonttl Ifs t he time when our no, maUy placid
suddeoly cast mlo I,ts of l1ascuJlhly. It's up aqamst I' deadline week, and we're all seated. Vety, very SeaTed Indeed. Good (lflt'l, If
we don'! ~jel t he mag out on tunc we'" ,III lose our jobs and have t o P01Y l or our games. And thai would lUst be t he worst thll1Q tmaQlnablc. AnYWilY, you can help by Iilllng some pages 0 1 the mag with your own lo vely, lo vely letters. Send them in 10
If you're very good, we might send you a prize. Well It is Christmas.
I'M SECURE ONCE MORE! DEAR FOLKS AT SEGA MAG, Juslaqu,d note to say thanks very much (or the video. t have had my Saturn a couple of months now With Bug! Clnd Vf RemiX Although thesc games playexcel. lently and took good, after seemg Destruction Derby and Toh Shin Den on my fflcnd's PSX I couldn't help but worry a little that the S.1tum may be flgh tlngalos· Ing battle In the graphiCS dep.1r t ment - .1nd we.111 know from the PI.1ySt.1tlon·s huge sales t h.1t graph iCS sell over g.1meplay However. seemg VF2 and t he frankly incredible Sega ~alty has restored my fa,th m Seg.1's m.1ch,ne and I'm a 5e(Ufe g.1meroncemore.Cheersverymuch l Mo,1f Brett, Bir/rertJh ow, Brodfo,d,
.Q1 Hey M.1rk - !hanh for being you. I MISS JOHN MADDEN DEAR SEGA MAG, I have Just ~Id my Meg.1droYe .1nd purchased.1 S.1tum Alre.1dy l.1m st.1rtlng to m,ss some of my faVOUrite sames such as FIFA, Madden, Road R.1sh .1nd Junsle Strike. It's no cOincidence that these are fA titles. EA produce quality g.1mes With only a few bummers thrown in (Just to prove they are human), Will any such titles glace the Satum asl see they've been developed for the PC,3DOand PlayStat'o n~ ThiS 's not a sravel but I am very Impressed WIth your magazine Last month was my fnst purchase .1nd Will not be my lastl The free VIdeo Just blew all other ~ftware mass Into oblIVIon and left them crumpled In the gutter PS Do you h.;we a release date for $ega Rallyyetl YOUI prev.ewwas the straw that broke the camel's b.:!ck and finally persuaded me to buy the Saturn (so It's all your faull thenl) Pedl ,Stroud,Gloucs.
~ :~~:;;::;ke:~, :1;Ah;:rel~I;~aa~~~::~d surely olher Virtual Stadium sports titles are to follow. Read the mag and we'll keep you posted. In filct , we already posted you about FIFA months since, blind·o.
[UbISOft-SSM] h.1ve c;lncelled thaI The31Xlsa32·BITcon~leliketheS;lturn;lnd PI;Iy$t;lt,on ;lnd ,t h;lsn't even got games;ls good as the Megadnve, ,ts little broth er I redon that $ega shoold concentrate a bit more on the 32X. And the I;lst thing I he;lrd IS !h;lt Sega h;ld signed a deal With SNI:: the m;lk· ers of all the Neo Geo games, thaI games like Virtua Fighter WIll be on the Neo Geoand Kingof F'ghterson the Saturn but only Saturn JuniorCowon, Pt(lfhom, London.
4; ::a: :'~I~:~t:::::::~2:f ~~ol:;I~~; 7~~t:;i~i~I::i:~~~~;rl;;t~~t:O~I~ Wh;lt;l sh;lme. How my he;lrt bleeds for you. But on the other hand, there is a bit of a 32X softw~.e deficll;lt Ihe moment. We're not entirely su re wh;lt Sega's long· term plans are, but X·Men (out early next year) already looks corking .
SARKY GET OEAR SMsters, Ah, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE IS II nowr 01::, so let's take a g;lnder at some new S;lturn stuff then Fightlflg Vipers. M;lnx TT, Marvel Super Heroes etc And when will these lovelies be flfldlflg their way onto the Saturn~ Anyt'me this century I Stlll,the Net add-on will bein the shops for July '96, must makeanoteoflhatlflmyd,ary But hey, why wOlfy ;lbout the future when there's so much happenlflg fight now. Shlnobl X. NBA );lm. Morlall::ombat 2, Streetflghter The MOVie No lack of ,nnovatlon there I'll be bound, exhil;llatlflg sluff. though perhaps a tad less excltlflg th;ln IheMOsculfent hne·up.oreven;ldaytlme ba dger. w;ltch Never mlfld, at least we've got Vlrtua Cop, X·Men. Seg;l Rally ;lnd Vf2 to look forward to for Xmas, haven't weI PlaySlatlonoutsellinglheSaturnlfla r;ltlO of 8 to 1 is In Goodness, I'm surprised PS. At leasl the S;lturn's TV advertlSlflg IS cooler than the PlayStatlon's Well done Seg;ll l ol Migdole, Some w herll! Oop Nor t h.
~:/:i~~::~S i; :~~ ~:I:::~ay~~r~ ~~e
you.ud this, and there 's 10;lds of stuff in the pipeline . Like WipeOut . Ha ha . Oh;lnd by the way, the Playstatio n maybe seiling ata r;llioof8:1 inone shop in Nanlwieh, but it's cerhlnly not doing that nat ionwide.
IJustwanttoknowafewth lngsabout t he Megadflve 32X, IS it Sood or bad? I have wanted lobuy oneforsometlmebu tthellne -upofsoft· ware Isa bltdodgy For ,nstance Capcom (t he Inventors of Street Fighter. Oarkstalkers. X-Men and the forthcoming Marvel Super Heroes) said they are not m;lklng anyg;lmes for the 3lX. They are Just concentr;ltlngon theS<iturn and ;III the 32X 's go,ng to have IS VirtU;l F'ghter I have not evenheardofareleasedaleforMl::3;1ndanoth· er thing the company that makes Raym;ln
DEAR SEGA MAG, I;lm the piood owner of a new Seg;l Saturn At flrSlthele was no way I W;lS p.1ylflg £400 for;l games console so when I S.1W the Seg;l advert show'"g the Saturn at £300 tdeclded to go out ;lnd buy one, I went to about f,ved,ffefent shops trymg toget a discount as Iwas payingc;lsh but
had no luck' ended up bUyIng the machIne for h99 and as there IS no game wIth the Saturn for thIs pllce I aliso bought VF RemIx. Imagine my reactIon when' got home. opened Ihe palcuglng and found Vrrlu.J Flghle. Included wllh th e5.llurnnow 1fealUy Irke VF RemIx, Ihe gfalphlCS alre amalZlng ShouLd I keep VF RemIx 0' ~II one of theml Whall galm~ should 1buy for ChllSlmu' ()Qr;nMurrlly,SItvf'n~n,Ayrshirt.
..IS. You'd be lucky to find aI pllee offering aI discou~t forush these dalys, Dalrin. ~ All those places make more moneyOU! of credIt, keeping their loot in banks and ralcking up interest oncredil. It's a cyber-money society th ese days, you know. Cuh gets you nowt. Anyway, ifs probably a bOld idea to suggest VFl for Ch ristmas given your surfeit of fighting games (you should sell VF Orlglnall Flalvour, by the way),buIVi.tuaCopls a good bet. And Rally is excellent if you COIn wait until January. Basically, you un't go wrong with e ither.
YO SEND OUT TO THE DEDICATED SEGA CREW DEAR SEGA MAG, Th,s letter ,sded,cated to 5t:'ga filns who rushed 01.11 and forked oul "by hook Of by (fook- 1400 on a Sega Saturn OK so II came wIth VF and aI joypad alnd we alII felt prellyhappywllhoorseives THEN It hilppened, eIght weeks down the road Ihe pllcedrops by £100 I feel shocked,belra~,dlslilusloned
1thInk to make ilmends for thIS IIp·off Segil ought to give all those people who paId full pllceandreturnedlhelfguaranleebyacertarn da tefor a ga me of thell choICe 0' at least send them VF Remix Whatsyouropinlon? Voursrrpped-offly, Andy Bull, CQlt/ecrllft, Wolverhampfon.
:!!';'~::;:~~!~'~~oltl~sa:::~~f thing
Christmas. Milrktt fo,tes, you see. Pluslhe wuker Yen now allows Sega 10 import h~,dware chealpcr, so the savirrg is pa'iSt:d 01'1 lo t he (new) custome •. It might look like it sucks, bul it's f<1i rer thaln rlpping off alII the Johnny-CQme-uttlies. Your idu of i bonus youche. is pretty sound though. HoWs albout it, Sonic?
DEAR SSM, May I congratulilte you on your new malgazlne I hkethe new look alS II IS more Slylrsh and sllil hasthe same humour that kept me readIng befo.eTheonlybadlhlngaboullhemagls the 16·BIT supplement. as the magazIne IS for Saturn owners 001 16-81T owners. I aliso Irked the free VtCIeo wllh ,ssue one alnd had an odea Ihat m.Jybe you could gIve away a demo dIsc
DEAIISM, Ilhlnll your mag IS brrll. but I halve two complarnts Flfstly.lwouldlrkelocomplarnaboullheamount of Salurn levlews In YOUf mag. why don't you leilvelttoSillurnMagazlrlel Secondly. nOI Iongilgo I sent toyour mag fOf Issuen, When I got It I WilS very su rprised 10 find thilt the MK2 DeilthChMtwasn't f'eewlth itl Please could you send me the cha rt through the
MQ tthtw Balil, UCkfitld, f aJ! SUUtX_ .I!!;, The Mtgad.ive section is dtsigntd 10
~ appca~5aturnowners who 'vekept their Megold,ives (lots of pcople) olnd those whohaven'tquitemadetheleaptoSOIturnyet but are thinking about it very hard (lOIS of other pcople). But thanks for your nice comments anyway. And as you'U no doubt know by now, there is a demo disc on the front of this mag. And a very good one It Is too. Full of lots of lovely stuff. Stuff you can play. And we 're sure giving away a whole Rally course worr't ha,m its sales one bil. Dh rro, absolutely
po" ThlswllI make me very happy alnd g ,ateful Robert Hend/ty, Aldridgt, Wa /JQI/, W Midi. ~ TQaddres'iyo~rfirstpoint-tr. _.weal,e
~ SillurnMaga l l ne,andwe'licoverasmOiny
DEAR SEGA MAGAZI NE, Congriltuliltrons on your new style Silturn Milgilzrne It beilts the pants off the resl wIth a flyrngbackfllpdoublesomersaulttothebaUs.asdoestheSaturn'Vep,theSiiturn IsdefinrtelytheSonrc'stestlclesofaliconsolesandf'mwelichuffedtohave one' Talkrngaboul Sonlc.lhe Irttle blue sp'ky·halfed feller hilS reveilled hIS hUlefeil turesWhereyousaY'Well,he·sappearedlnBug'.Havrngtakenasellou5CiIfeer slump Ihe aging Irttle freak hils now been reducedtofliling rn ilS iln extra 0 none of Bug's bonus levelsl Lrfe-s hard berng aI Segil sprIte (aah! Whal aI shame I Loads of sympathy!) Llfe'salso hard beIng a 5t:'ga owner I know Segil ilre trylrlg to make iI profIt bu l don'tyou 'eckon they're tilkrng the wee a bIt by releilsrng all the good n ew t,tlesilroundChrrstmasIISltmarkellrlgstfillegyorCOlncidence? As for your Daytona competItIon. any tlpson getting iI faster time as I've manilged 4108 sen. bull can'l see how 1Cain Implove. Am 1jusl a losef orwhatl One Iilst thing. how about a bild boy Star Wilrs game for the Saturn. where you get to blalsl Ihe crap out ofthe Emplfe,and.JCluallyget loconlrol X-Wrn gs etc) 15 there one planned-If not. why ooH Cheersforlrstenlng. ChrisBarntJ,Wa/Jall,W MldJ.
~ WaiS there Oi ny point to thalt letter or were you Just writing in for 01 chat?
Saltu,n games as we dilmn well plea~. Sorry to hear albout your trouble with our balck issue, thQugh. SOidly WC'don't have any topies of the mag or Deolth ChOirts or Oirlything here, so I'm afralidyou'll haVf' 10 call our bOitk issues dtpart merrlQn08s8 468888,buitheyshouidbeablelQ htlp_
COOL AND ON TOP DEAR SEGA SATURN MAG, Flfslofalll I Ihoughl II wilsn't possible to make your mag any bettef. but yo urfirst Issue of SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE IS JuSI cool. and on lOp of Iha t you gIve aWalY aI video as weill Allhe momenll own iI Megadrrvc and Megil·CD so I love the 16·BIT sectIon rn your milg Will Sega Sllil support Ihe Mega-CD because 1hilvc nevel seen many gilmes rn your mag. IS It worth geUlng iI pX for 32X CDSI I love my Mega·CDso I would like 10 know If It has iI future. IfSegii put thelf mrnds to It they could make some top Mega-CD games Any news abou l Snatche, 2 as I loved the first onel Ron HOYfS, Barbournt, Worn. ~
See, Mallhew Basit, SEE? HELIE'S someone who li kes ou , 16·81T sect ion. So
~ stuffYQu. 5egahaiveusedoffabitonthtMega-cD,buthopcfullythey
might re luse Oi game or some thing at some point. Hopefully it'll be KQna mi's PolicenOiUIS (Snalchtrl), becaustwelhoughtlheoriginollwasolCeIOO.But then they salld II would be out ages ago and it 'ilill hOisn'tappeared even for 01 Preview. WhOit's go ing on Spal,kster, oh Roc:ket Knight pal ofou,sl
This is SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE and we are your friends. We love you like brothers and sisters, In fact you are our surrogate children. But some of you are poorly little ones. Like Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol some of our readers are Sega knowledge cripples. And like that other crippled kid from The Pied Piper of Hamlyn we don't want you to be left behind whilst all the other readers skip merrily into the magic mountain of gaming nirvana So this is our Q&A page, where you can fill those irritating gaps in your Saturn learning. Write to us at SAINTLY Q&A, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, PRIORY COURT, 30·32 FARRINGDON LANE, LONDON, EC1R 3AU•
. . , Yes, but not 10 compare with PlayStation maglal our~ade ... a,e unilkelytobebuyingthem. lll's the Video CD uud . It plays Video CDs - ali films and IlIat. 3 A Pf!ntlum PC cO'lting around h ,ooo. AI least a 50 MHl 4!6. Depends what code It's handling. 4 Nothing Is impossible. 5 Hope nol. 6 Not for a while yel, so fret nol . 1 It's OK. Gl\le itagolnthe shopandsee ifyO\l like It.
OEAR SATURN MAG, Just a few questions. 1 Why do Sega keep ripping us punters offf I bought my Sa t urn in August for f399 RRP but as soon as the PlayStation comes out they drop it to i299 RRP (come on. it's £100). So much for being loyall 2 How the hell can AM2 put that music on Daytona. it is absolutely rubbish and how can I get ridofi!? 3WhyistheSaturnMag£l9sandtheSega Magwasonly fl .4S. Is it because the Saturn is more
e~pensivesoyouthoughtyouwouldmakethe SaturnMagmoree~pensivel
4And finally.those"pages used on the Megadrive in your Saturn would be best used for tips and cheats for the Saturn as itisa Saturn mag not Megadrive, Master System Game Gear, isn·t that Sega Mag. you and Sega want to sort your necks out. A Saturn Toting Mancunlan, Manchester/presumably). •
,Yes, but the,e's no game with It. And anyway, W<!'veaddrH~thispointalrudylnl.o!ttHS..J
They have no ea .... You can't. }Yeah,W<!'relryinstoflll"tCe sullible punte ... likeyoursetf. Not really, It's becaus.e there was a video on the front, which worlted out a bit e~pen SM. 4 We've talked about t his In t.ette ... as well. And actualty,thlsilSegaMaS, technic;lIlyspe lkinS·
I WANT TO WATCH RUDE CDS OEARQ&<A, Idohopeyoucananswerthefewquestionslhave. 1 Will the Video CD add·on card play all types of films on CD, like CD-i etc! Could you please list what typeSitwiliplay. 2 Can I get a SCAn lead for my Saturn with sep· arate left and right phono plugs for connection to my hi·fI/ 3 Whyhaven"tyou got an e·mail addressl 41s sEGA SATURN MAGAZINE now replacing Sega Magaziner I would like to subscribe but the ad inthe mag looks like you will se nd the old onesoutl 5 When I play VF on my big TV t don·t get the Rankingmooe. buton my porlable I do, why? As you can see I haven·t as ked any stupid questions like your other letters {eg how many levels will SegaRally have and will it havecolourr) Thank you, Oavid Baxter, RUncorn, Cheshire
~~~.~~:~::,~h~;d:~~ ::U,:.~I~~;~la::':ou,
• f,le ndly man down at Tandys Or wherl!Verand he should sort you out. Orshe.} BeuuS<!' Our ExecutiY<! Publisher nkked our add'elS 10 download prog,elSlve rock newsg'oups. 4 Yes. And you'l! get b,and spanking new SEGA SATURN MAGAZI NES In t he future If you subscribe. Sit's God rewa rding you for you, humility.
TRICKY TECHNICAL QUESTIONS DEAR SSM, In issue' of your excellent magazine you said that the Mooel l board fits one colour per polygon and
theS~turn16coloufS.Couldyou please explam the difference between this and tedure mapping? 2 Could you please list all eight of the Saturn·s processorsaslamunclearofthemr 3 Cook! you please say what the Saturn·s ~nown capa~lities are uSing the SGL OS and what each procesSOf is capable ofseparalely and thencollect wely? Thankyou very much whether you answer my questionsornot . Thatvideowasbriliiantandmakes me ever more proud to be a Saturn owner l Sleven fenner, Rickminsworth,Herts.
:;;::~r:V;ri~;:o~,t~: ~rao;ee;~:~~:::~!re
., realisll(. WhernsModel 1 boirdl,wlth their trillions of potygons, onty really use ont (olour per shape 10 look realllllc,the Satu,n (which can't Ihift the maths quite as wellj requires more colours On each polygon for the ume effect..J No}fllght,telekenuls. Cookery.
FEEL DE WRATH DEAR SSM, Iwaspleasantlysurprisedtoreadthatyouwere starting a Saturn mag and you have my full support Please answer my questions or feel de wrath. 1 W,ll you be giving away free demo CDs 10 compete with PlayStation magsr 2 What e~actly will the MPEG adaptor do for theSaturnl 3 What kind of PC would be equivalent tothe Saturn·sprexessingpowerl 4What probability is th ere that the Ultra 64 will be a seflous contende. to current Ned Generationmachlnesr slsthe32Xgoingdown? 6 When will you stop cove.mgthe 16·61T plat forms (not too soon I hope l) r 7AndfinailyisthenewCompetitionPrOjoypad for the Saturn worth the doshr Vourssincerely, Thomas McCali,High Blantyre, (jla!gow, S(otl.nd
DEAIiSSM, Right. I'm not going to beg but please. please, please. please. pl ease pflnt my letter as the questions will help me make a dec'Slon on bUying a Saturn. ,WhyareSegasellingaSaturnandone pad and VF for [350 when you can get a Saturn and one pad for £300 and then VF Remi;.; for [30. I\'S flO cheaper with a bette rquahtygame 2Isth isbecauseyouneedacopyofthe o,'gmal VFtorunVFRemixr 3 If not why can't all Saturn games be this cheapl 4WilitheVirtuaCopgunbecompatiblew,th future gun games? 5 Do you think the si;w;·playe. adaptor w ill be worthwhile and wil l many games use ill Ithinkthenewmag·sgreatandthe preview video was brilliant. I·m Sure whatever I·m sandwiched between this month is fab so keep up the good work Ben Mafflott, Southampton
,..c, , Because VF Remix Is only limited edition. 1 Not ~ lntheslightest.3E, ... goodone.It'sbecausethe game had al,eady been ,elUr(hed developed,solt was cheaptoproduu,andalsotheprofitma,sinwas slashed to "tuallyshlft some copies (as everyone alleady hasVF). It was Sesa's little Sift to thei . fans. 4 Oh yes. 5 looking at olher muttl·taps forothe, consoles It should be fairly well supported. Stuff like the lwesome Gua,dian Heroes is al,elldy in Ihecan, lind more will follow.
WHAT IS THIS SCARl? DEAR SSM, Please answer my qu estions as lam considering buying a Sega Saturn and I would be most gratefUl 1 What is a SCART TV and how do I find out if mineisonel lIS£3·9s now yourusualpficeorwasitjust because of the video? 3 Ifit isyour usual pflce than what is your actual subscription fee doe the UK (issue 1 had two pr icesH 4 Do you plan on giving any more videos or demo CDs away freer Stephen And.ews,Telgnmoulh, Oevon.
~ :I;~:~: :~:;g~~r~h:;;k;~li~ I~:~;: ~~~!ts of pins). Also known na fu,oeonnectol,1t provide" 'harper picture Ihan Ihe regular UK PAL lignal. l It's just for the video. Or CO. Or whalever other e;.;penslve t,lnketswemountonthecover. Butthere's~IIolhebllnd
no·glfth.7sba'gainbasementedltionforchupsitales and misers.) fl1including p3ip. And a ba' Sllln at half Ihe, guv'no •. Try ringing the lub-scriptions number In the bl(k of the mllg.40h hell yes.
opponents, who all start off in an unorthodox grid formation to make the game more exciting. Vou'li race across three stages of increasing complexity, bidding to reach checkpoints before your limited time runs out Aiding you in your job is your computerised navigator, who shouts out the direction and severity of each turn as you approach it, along with helpful hints like ~Whoahl" when you go over a bump or hit a wall. Vou can make life harder (or at least longer) for yourself by trebling the usual single lap in Championship mode. Or hone your track knowledge in a Practice game, competing against one other car. Hell, you could even switch on the Time Compare option which periodically informs you of how dose to (or far from) the best ever recorded championship record timeyou are. And that's about it. Vou know what it's like with driving games. they're not exactly known for their surfeit of special moves or coloured blo<kiJlignmenttechniques .
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ ~ SEG.~ S.A.TURN
I. two plQer-",udl plQerwdtoClseeltMrtar, bIIthel'l'lbillltHIIloloptlollteclloose rl'Ollloo,ild..,i., â&#x20AC;˘ .."dllutUllt_lqllOde.
A bigger COllr, OIInd UOil result it takes 011 bit more swing to get your reOlir end around a corner. But there's 011 comptnsatory boost In s~ which mOlikes a lot of difference. Whilst perhaps not the best vehkte for learner drivers the L..ndOil is usuOlilly the COIIr of choice for more experienced players, as once )'Ol.I've got 011 hOlindle on steering the thing tnt higher velocity top-end gives it rÂŤord-making potential. Unlike real life.
Thankyou for your custom
SepdiCIu.,.tll.aUWIII,CO-prgoIIIisai. tlHl two playtr PM-IIOII. Htictabh isUlt
Follow that car! They Sit)' Ihat virtue is 115 own reward. But what if you're evil but good at Sega Rally? What reward is there for you then? Well, there's the ego-sating Replay option for slartefs. Should you crack one of the top five lap or race times in Time Altack mode you 're treated toa fult playback of your efforts, from your choice of the two regular views. Even grealer booty awaits those with the skitltocompletethefull game (induding lakeside) whereupon a full multiplecamera cinematic vision of your triumphant lakeside racedisplaysitself,which you may watch at your leesure (as our American cousins would put it).
Pernickety players who don't like the idea of any of the cars on offer have a life-saving option open to them. It's the car customisation option, which facilitates the crution and storing of up to four new cars. Alright, so they're built on the frames of either the Toyota orthe lancia, but it's what's inside that counts (as your gran always said), and you've got pretty free reign to tune thest babies toyour individual style. Pick a chassis and transmission as normal, and then mark the following categories from from one to five.
HANOLItG How quickly and acutely your motor snakes itself around a corner when pressed. Harder steering produces more rapid and severe cornering, softer a gentler but slower
TYRES Hard tyres? fiuffy tyresl Which would Or yousoft plcklThey've all got their own advantages and drawbacks. And the decision ... is yours. FRONT SUSPENSION Basically, how bouncy your front wheels are. Obviously this makes for better steeringonsmoothersurfaces,butcan send you leaping all over the shop on the bumpy bits.
.lll liâ&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
We've lIlrelldy mentioned the se<ret hidden lakeside course, but given the lImount of interest in it, we thought It might be nke to tell you lIbout It In II bit more detllil. lakeside lIppellrs on the COUM select screen liS soon lIS you mllnllge to finish the RlIlly Chllmplonshlp In first pillce. Your rllnking on the first two courses is unlmportllnt, lIlthough you must complete them both. llIkeside is II super-tough ildwnced course m In lellty .utumnlll surroundinBs comprising of a series of ult'lI-tlght bends lind Incredibly n.rrow st~lghts. Indeed, It's lIlmost Impossible to OYt!rtllke ~.ny point on the track, as slewing off to the left. or right bangs you Into h.rd compllded mud ridges whkh slow your vehlde down to II sbndstill. But It's worth persewrlng.s.n "tn-special surprise lIwaltS those who complete lakeside In NutnefO Uno position ...
- 2路 PI"''7er~n.a'tl ''-颅
!!U~"f;AIf"""'" ~,
: K2.rcn
Sounding like II pair of Gladiators (.....ilInd next up on Deillth Militch we have lanciill ilInd St~tos - ilInet her one bites the dust~) the unci .. Stratos is actually the ext~-special surprise aWlliting those who complete lakeside in Numero Uno position. It may not shock you to hear that this Is in fad a new car, one with a turbo powered enBlne which most mKhanlcs would find quite hardto believe. But Just to fox players, even once th e Stratos Isavailable to you It doesn't appear on the ClIr selection screen. In order to pick the new car you'll hllveto learn the se<ret of pressing Right on thejoypad unt it you pass 1I1i the othe r ClItS on the selKt section (or Left if you'd prefer the Automatk version), only then does your favoured t'llnsport appell', Needless to SlIY, thanks to its speed lind lack of weight , if you're not 1I particularly good driver you 'll never be lIble to hllndle the Strlltos. But then you'd never have ~n able to lIccess It either. But for those of you who can't, here ;He the WORLD EXClUSIVE NEVER SUN BEFORE ANYWHERE shots of the very scooter itself.
W~ ar~ S~ga Saturn Magazin~. H~ar us roar. Such is our power that we have summon~d AM) to our portal and questlonednillY, int~rrogated - th~m. It was not iIIn option for th~m to refus~. H~r~ iIIr~ th~lr opinions, wr~nch~d from th~lr briliins with Itigililian Psych-probes. Our thanks to Rally d~signer Atsuhlko Nakillmufill, AM) produc~r Tetsuyill Mlzuguchi and illil the oth~r handsome m~mbers of the t~am for being lovely.
SSM: How~illsy WillS It to go illbout converting Mod~1 z technologytoth~SillturnwithRallyl
AM): On the techniCilil sid~ ~ have r~mad~ It to a consid~r足 abl~ d~gr~e. Almost compl~t~ty. We used th~ larcad~J graphics to some extent, ref~rrlng to OUf onginal data. But as for th~ program, the ~r of th~ machines is diff~r~nt. The arcad~ verSion updated at 60 ffam~s a ~ond - w~ mad~ It)o frames which m~ant ~ had to mak~ quit~ a few finechang~s in th~ sam~'s param~ters. So, lt was almost compl~tety remad~'"
SSM: There ar~ diff~r~nc~s in t he ways th~ Mod~1 z board and Saturn handle polygons and t~xtures. How can you produc~ such a dose graphical r~plication on a machln~ which can't technically handl~ th~ polygons displayed by a Model l gam~7 AMl Th~r~ are polygon models [f rom th~ arcadeverslonj which have t~xtur~, but the arcad~ version has monochrome textur~. Th~ polygon count is lower in the home version [but each individual t~xtur~ can have 16 colours- SSMJ. W~ played the arcad~ version many tim~s to s~e th~ data whkh Is th~ basis for our prog ramm~r and d~sign~r. SSM: Rally WillS produced, Incredibly, without th~ ben~fit of th~ SGL OS. Why noU And what diff~renc~s did this mak~7 AM]: Wh~n we start~d making the [prosram] ~nvironm~nt, the n~w operating system had not been completed, W~ had to go our own way, which took tim~ - the t~am was Sood. SSM: Th~ big qu~stlon Is how did you captur~ such a feeling of realism In thesam~play?
AM): Our d~signers went back to the arcad~ version and work~d out t he
locations, drew pictur~s ilnd captured th~ atmospher~ and the feeling of was about two weeks of discussion on th~ir work. During this tim~ th@)'workedonthecarsettings and w~ had Mr Voshio Fujimoto, winner in th~ Toyota castrol car to advise us. Th~n Mr Nakamura. Mr Hattori [conversion t~am members) and Mr Fujimoto ~nt to the Asian Pacific Indonesian Ratlyfor t hree days and studied t he cars. They act uillly drove In the cars. saw how they moved and how the settings should be distafK~. Th~n th~r~
111ft,. net"'l UJt.,.,liq tltis IMI cORIOI,,,,rbtfDrt?
NDtali,k-IppJIIf, "-t a splitwttl'W1I plQet,loblty. whlc. I' jlst u aood. Almnt.
SSM: So It's t~chnlcally a Toyota C~lica simulator? AM3: Th@)"reseneral . notJustabouttheCelica. They Indude ot her details, Indudins Michelin tyres. We didn't want It to becom~ too complicated. SEGA RAUV IS REVIEWED ON PAGE 78.
GUOlfdlan Hl!'roes Offl!'fS thl!' playl!'! a cholcl!' of fOUf charactl!'fS, and whlll!' each of them sports the traditionally wldl!' almond I!'yl!'s and strangl!'ly dyl!'d half they also possess their very own unique t,lIents that make them the colourful individuals they are Herl!'S a took at them In action
•• •• •
IRANDY M. GREEN: Pl!'rhOlps the most bilOlffe of the chOifacters on offer is Randy. looking like lawrence of Arabia and urrying a staff reminiscent of Moses, Randy hOis 01 companion in the shape of 01 tiny and fluffy bunny. Most of Randy's usual attacks involve the use of hIs staff. He can wield it like a sword, swiping down on his foes, spin It like a baton and even concentrate a blue energy ball In its tip and prod enemIes with it. He can also pull off a rather feeble spinning kick. As for milgic,well,Randy hasthefOimiliarfirebaU an dlightnlng spells and a couple of his own thanks to that staff of his. The first of these is a fire storm which sees the energy (entre around the staff head and then invoke OIn eruption offlOimes OIround him. The second is 01 freele spell. Again the energy centres OIround the stOlff in the shape of blue light. This then transfers to the ground around his feet . Any enemies standing on it go as frozen as ice pops and It's then simply a matter of bashing them to bIts. But what of the bunny? Well, it goes all aflame and hones in on enemiesl
Ibushi is probably the most well balilnced of all the characters. I don't mean that from a psychological perspective you und erstand but in terms of the mixture of physical and magical abilities. His ninja agility makes him stand out from the crowd, what with his roundhouse kick that is capable oftaking out about five enemies at once, his spinning punch that sees him twirling like a ballerina, a speed punch that would put fly weight boxers to shame, the ability to throw, a jump kick and a rather impressive spinning kick that he executes in mid路air. As far as spells go,lbushi has both the fireball and lightning spells like Nicola. Two spells unique to him are the teleport which sees him disappear In a rush of static and reappear somewhere else (something which is useful for escaping the onslaught of a crowd of marauding soldiers), and an electric storm which releases a trail of current.
So you'r~ looking at the screen shots and you're wond~ring who in the damnation of beelzebub that bigfella in the golden armouriseh?We lI,he is quit~ simply a guardian hero and his job is to do whatever you command. He arrives in time to defeat the first boss and stays with you through thick and thin afterwards. There is an option which gives players the choice of where to position him. If you're a bit yellow for example, you might want him placed in front of you so that hecan hack through any enemy approaching. Or alternatively, you might want to position him behind you to check for sneak attacks from the rea r. Don't th ink though that having him around means that you can tak~ tim~ out to have a spot of packed lunch. The dark forces approach thickandfastinGua rdianH ~roesso
you're gonna have to get involved in the blood and gutsofbattl~ whether you like it or not.
Renowned as the first beat 'em up to dip a tentative toe into the next-gen console market, Toh Shin Den established itself as the initial standard bearer. Naive days indeed, and since then Toh Shin Den has found itself floundering amid its esteemed successors, Virtua Fighter and Tekken. Can it still cut the mustard on the Saturn? ROB BRIGHT
TH'I' WAt .......,I(U""'.
,"(In o•• IGMT I ..CK 1l1li MY I<HOOt DAn
_.owN.J '"I ' YOU THIOW THI " I n I>U'''M 1e1ll....
'0·. I,', ON. THAT
Alternatively, inviting one of the characters from Toh Shin Den to throw the first punch would of (ourse result In getting hit. There ,He no lurking padfistlc tendencies or hints of yeUow in this band of rough and tumblers. No sirl AU eiBht character5 pride themselves on the ir filhtlnl skills. After aU, they wouldn't 10 lettlnl themselves in one-()n-()ne combat otherwise. As the punters have come to exped from the new IUlue of 3D one-()none beilt 'em ups, eilch chilrilcter has a vast filnge of moves to ex ploit ilnd their own surprise SpecliltS ilt hilnd. Each fiBht takes place In a spectatly destined battle ilrenil. Beyond this you' Ufind a fathomless drop so don't thtnk runnlnl aWily (iln SilYe you. To top thln8s off, Toh Shin Den comes with its filir shilre of hidden charilcter5. Do battle with these and even plilY ilS them as well. Just remember to throw the first punch ok~
Eiji is what you might ull the standard combat;lnt in the same way that Ryu tends to be in Strei!t Fishter. He looks quite a lot like him ilS II matter of fact. Eiji's weapon is the trusty sword which he is particularly adept at
Kayin's moves and style arc similar t o Eiji. Both of them use iI sword ilnd both of them hilYe iI penchant for fireballs. One of Kayin's most impressive moves borrows a bit of inspiration from Jean Claude Van Damme by twisting 180' into the splits! If he does this special while in mid-air he does a gymnastic flip kick instead. His other special involves a forward thrust with his sword which works in a very simila, way to Elji's, and sees him charging furiously at opponents with his sword bluing. The most visually satisfying move from Kayin Is his combo which has him do his splits attack three times in a row followed by a flip kick I Kayin has made no plans to have kids by the wayl
using. His specials involve iI blazing thrust with the sword ilnd it fireball which emaniltes from the end of his sword. The nimble fella also dQf!s II rather useful stiding ilttack whkhtrips up his opponents. Eij i'sspe<iil I when under pressure is II combination of sword mOlles ilnd an up~r cut whi(h works to I!)(cellent energy draining dfect. Eiji and Kayintend to be
the most well balanced of the competitors mi)(ing agility and speed with iI good musure of power.
Dressed in regal purple robes and carrying a tall staff, Mondo cuts an aristocratic figure. His moves are equally refined displaying a regi mented and precise style of combat. The first of these proves the dexterity of the
looking like a Tory politician's nemesis, Sophia is clad in black leather and uses a whip as her weapon. There are a few special attacks she can do with it. Firstly, with a bit of whip lash she releases a blue ringw hich bounces towards her enemies like a hula hoop. Her second special sees her spinning towards opponents like a ballerina with her whip twirling away. In her best special though Sophia releases a furious barrage of combination attacks that would put Indiana Jones to shame. Sophia is one of the most agile competitors in the game, something demonstrated by her thigh kick which sees her bringa leg over her head and tonk he r surp rised adversaf)'onthe head l
mom's hands with the staff spinning like iI rotor blilde into opponents.
The second special is similar but this time Mondo jumps into the air with the staff spinning in a kind of upper cut. Also, if you repeat the spedal while he's in mid-air, he hangs suspended and throws down a fireball. One of Mondo's tastiest moves though is his impaling throw which sees him lift the unfortunate opponent up on his staff and swing them round abitl
IIII~~=~-I,.~~'ui~.~i~+~i~;g~.~~c~~~;;________________________________ RUNGOIRON
Whatever Run Go lacks in speed he more than makes up for in size. To
Old he might be, but fo's grandad wisdom and ptnsioner cunning reveal themselves in hissptcial moves. This is of course helped along by his lengthy razor claws which gouge away at his assailants. But byfarfo's most useful attack is his giant blue fire sph ere which he can use in two ways. He either aims it out in front of him or much more fun - climbs on top of it and roils it forward Into his opponent. Another of Fo's specials is his lightning jump which sees him leap and claw anything threatening to descend on his mediative frame. In fact, Fo is fairly agile for an old codger, as is exemplified by a move like his diving trip which whips away the feet of his assailant.
compliment his huge physique he also sports a gargantuan stone dub. He makes use of it by crashing it against the floor to cause a chain reac-
tion of flames which trail out towards his opponent. Another of his specials is similar to this e)(cept after pounding the ground with his club a fireball rises up catching his opposite under the chin. other tricks with
his weapon include simply bashing opposites overthe head with it, a power barge where he uses his shoulders to drive into opponents before swinging his dub round into them, ilnd a power jump which counters attacks from the air and is accompanied by a sufficiently primitive roar.
Judge Voda by his size would your Of course not. By his GCSf results maybe but that's another matter. The same goes for Ellis, a petite fighter but mean with it. fllis is the most nimble and agile of the competitors in Toh Shin Den, and she couples th is with expertise in handling a pa ir of daggers. Ellis actually spends much of her time In the air, whether it's her lightning attack in which she whines about and into her opponent, or her thrust attack which works in much the same way as f iji's and Kayin's. Another of fills's specials is a dagger lunge where she extends her short reach with a slight leap.
Wielding a sword the size of a small motorway, there's no prizes for guessing what Duke does best. All of Duke's specials involve his sword, whether it's spinning on the spot before executing a downward lunge, barging into opponents and doing a somersault before sinking his blade In, leaping into the air with his sword looping up, or making a downward stab from mid路air which really takes the life out of his opponents. Another of Duke's characteristic moves involves grabbing adversaries around the neck and bringing their head down onto his knee. Becau5e his sword is so long Duke has an admirable reach which tends to give him an advantage over those opponents who don't have fireballs.
TACTICS LADS TACTICS! As has become the norm with football sims, FIFA features plenty of options
that enable the player to alter how the team plays. In fact FIFAha ve kept the s<lme system of team coverage, team strategy ilnd team formation as they used when FIFA was released on the 16 bit machines milny moons ago. These
options dedde whether you wilnt to play attacking or defensive football , in which arein of the pitch to concentrate your players, whether to use iI sw~per system and so forth . Naturally there is iliso the opportunity to milke substitutions, choose betwetn automatic or miinuiligoaikeepers ilnd dedde on how milny genuine football rules like offsides and fouls you 'd care to have.
JOIN OUR CLUB AS well as featuring a fine sele<tion of international sides, FIFA '96 i1lso
(omes with the best of the club leagues. WeU, I say the best but for some bizarre reason the programmers have decided to include the Malaysia n league among this bunch I Anyway, the great thing about having proper club sides is that you're able to plily iln entire season. Not only this, b utilliofthe rtill players are in there (iI((ording to 1994-5 season). EAhave iliso in eluded aU -star teilms so you can plilyone of those long forgotten England V's The Rest of the World style matches.
... . .
Stronc Mklf1tJd~ Thu ill Itllll teI"f'IIt 1M WIRI I~'m domi~ltift&lII01t of the Plrt.
... &II
FOOTBALL FOR ARTS SAKE Is football an art form? Ultimately it depends on who you're watching. If it's le Tissler then we're talking Byron, but If it's Vinny Jones then. well, It's Sunday league footbiill at its best. Fortunately there's none ofthat kick 'n' fun tedium in FIFA '96. Each player is gifted with hundreds offrames of ilnimiltion which meilns those volleys, diving heilders. bicycle kicks and serene set piects all look as beautiful as thqo deserve to.
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''''llMI.dtt. 'pbDtqraplll.m~ ... Ilk... 011.1, pItc. 01 utlollJld tk _III I" lIP'" 1M fnMIl of lirthclay cam ml')'Wften, pmhlllll of cO.rM IItt
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So.AfterJustonebattle, it seems as though the warriors' days as
It's not long before the group stumble ilcross iI town known ilS's iI pretty friendly pl ace, ilnd it illso sells tool s, ilrmOUr, w eapons ilnd magic. You'll iliso get the chilnce to Silve your gilme here, and eilch chilracter's energy ilnd magic levels will be renewed. If you're undecided ilbout whilt todo next, you ciln chilt to the people In the yil¡ Iilge, who will promptly inform you of the destruction that Bilne hillS Inflicted upon their surroundings. They illso speilk of iI wise miln who is able to help them in their quest, illthough he lives filr ilwily ilt thet opof the mountilin. Howeyer, you un't complete your quest without hi s help.
vigilante fighters are over. But waitl Three of Bane's men have ddected from his camp and have laken it upon themselves to fescue the group.
They' ve pilfered the keys to the dungeon and have urged the party to makea brtak for it into the surrounding hillsl Of course , they have no choice but to follow Bane's traitors ilnd after iI quick dis.cussion, Kalzhai,
OIl ninjil crow, Aletha, an i1ce crossbow handler ilnd Raiko, iI young ninja, join the gfOUp. There's plenty ofguilrds to destroy along the way,and
after louting the whereabouts of the dungeon key, Ihe heroes dedde to make iI break for it. But waitl Juu hilS once ilgain located tht wilfriors and appears just in front of the staircasee)[itl This time he's hopp ing mild ilnd determined to destroy the wilffiors once ilnd for all. luckily, HectordiscoyersiindillterniitiyeeKitiindonceilgilin,thewilrriorshilye escilped by the skin of their teeth.
tougher now and include huge trolls thilthilvetheilbility to shrink enemies into tiny versions of their old selves.
Right . So the warriors h;r,oe milde it to the top of the hill. Fortunately, the wise man WillS true to his word, and Is indeed waiting at the top of the hilI. However, all he can offer them is his wisdom and a little story about the evil Bane. Apparently he was the apprentice of a sorcerer who was obsessed with creating a spell for eternal life. unfortunately, the sorcerer died wh iiestill completi ng his quest, but Bane managed to take the potion, and Is now almost immortal. Almost, that Is. He can only be defeated by iI band of twelve warriors and even then he stili has many incarnation s-In fact JUla Isonl ythe fifth incarnation of the evil sorcerer that lies behindtheenormOtJs de$truction. And that's about all the wise man has to offer.
powln II well II Itl'G ng mlS!clll bllltlll,
an:benlnth,lud, H,'. allO pretlJ handy In , Oght.
The warriors must now enter a final quest to find five more members for their dan, Unfortunately, they won't be vel}' easy to locate - they're scatte red across five different towns, all of which are overrun by Bane's troops. Which way will they tu rn? Which town should they visit firsH What treacheries will they encounter on the way? Well, we're not going to te ll you - you can find that out if you buy the game. Howeve r we can tell you wheth er it's worth buying or not, and to uncover this spooky mystel}', tu rn to page 84 where we review the game.
An essential part of all RPGs, fighting takes up lot of the game time in Mystaria , In fact , if you want to do anything at all, the chances are that you' ll have to havea bit of a fight about it. But fighting in RPGsisn't like fighting in other types of games, It's more like those Dungeons and Dragons affairs where you plan your moves in advance, take action with spells, swords and lightning strikes, then watch the enemy t ake the damage. As fighting does take up so much of your time in Mysta ria, it's worth noting that the best way to go about having a bundle is to attack first rather than defend, as some of the enemies really are quite hard . Use your magic spells where possible (Prince Aragon has the most ability) and make sure the hardest people stand at the front .
InthtfintVirtuafighttr,AktraVuklspe<lallsedlnclose-quartets combat and was one of the most styhsed characters In the game Unh~e the combo-orientaled characters.)'CH.I really had to know what you were dOing In order to succeed In VF2, AkIta IS Sllghlly more user-fnendly. although to get the mosl out of hlm)'Ol.l really need to successfully maSler Ihl" arts of flowing from throw to attack HIS best throws to learn are the ones that end up wIth Akita beh'nd his opponent - these leave h,s foes open to extremely damaging I I H,scounters are the mOSI d,fficult to lurn, but once you how to use them, playing Akita is a tOlally dlffl"renl experience CPU player In Expert Mode for some tiPS
P,P Punch and body blow (10"'12) . P, K Punch -kICk combo (10+30) ¡ for,fOI+K,(K] Jumpingkick[s]UO+30 ) -+ for,for+POashing elbow strike (20-40) -+ DOWN, fOf+P: Dashing palm slnke (20-65) -+ DOWN, back, for ... P: Double palm stnke (30-70) -+ for ... P: Elbow stnke(lg) -+ back.for,f01+P+K Dashing body ched (20-28) -+ down/for, down / for.'" Power uppercut (50) -+ down/for.P, Punch fillien opponent on the ground (12) -+ K+D, 0 whlleholdlngK Knee (jo) -+
P.D Trlpand 2 punches (20+'0.'0) -+ All Stun Palm (15) . AII,back,down/for+P+K, back+P, Stun pillm of Doom (15+40+50) â&#x20AC;˘ back/dowo+P+D5urprisee~changl"
fOI+P+D. Breakstance -+ bachP+D:Shake
""""..... P,P,[P] RlInnlngpunches(10+10+12) + P,I( Punch and heel kick (10+30) " P, 1<+0. ~nch and crescent (10+(20-40)) " P, DQWN+K+D Punch ilnd sweep (10+(20-40)) " P, P,I( 2 punches and heel kick (10+10+30) . P,P,P, K 3 punches and
crescent (lO+10+1HSO) . P,P,P.back.K 3 punches and backward kicHlip (10+10+11+20) · P, p. P, DOWNtK 3 punches
sweep (10+10+12+40) " back/dowMP, [P, PJ: Dodging punch, [
Dod"". ,p""h·',,'
nmg punches] (14+10+12) " back/down.P, K ,",nt (14+30) . back/down-+-P, K.O Dodging punch and tleKent (14+(20-40)) " back/down_P, DOWNtKtD Dodging punch ilnd sweep (14+(20-40)) " bolck/down.P, p, 1(, Dodging punch, puoch ilnd stla'ght kid (14~10.-301 ·
biKk/downtP, P; P, K, DodgIng pynch. 2 punches and "~"""I".'~".sO) ' 1 back/down.P, P. P. bilck+K Dodging punch, 2 punches (14+10+12+20) . b.Jckdown+P, P, P, DOWN-+K Dodgeand and swet'p (14+10+1)+40) . DOWN lelease+K RISIng net'l (lescentklCk(lS-4S) · back+o+K Revelsecrescent kIck (20-40) . b.Jck/up+K. Backward for_ for~K HIgh lunging leg thrust (30) . down/fortP, Downward fortK Snap kIck (19) . up/for+K. [Kj: Jumping SCIssors klck(s] (16+10) back. back+P, Jabbing footwork (12) - downlfortP: Punch fallen opponent on the ground (10) .
COlIfTDImAClS backtP Graband throw (30, Grabs hlgh·level punches and kicks) . back/downtP Grab and throw (]O, Grab mid-level elbows and SIde kICks) •
p·o Wrrst twIst (50) • for. down t P Failing DDT (60) - back, downtPtD Stomach throw (30) . fOf, for+PtK Reilplng throw and punch (40·'0) - back. fortP PushOW'r (60) . for.AII (ilrtwhet'l OW'r low opponent (0) -
I~me, Lau has benefited from the lowest amount of new techniques Of course, t his is all down to t he fact that the character was Immensely powerfulu1 the filst VF HIs tradema rk combos are even moreeffectlvt In the sequel be<ause he IS so adept at"flo.1tlng"or"routlng"anopponent-that is hitting them into the all and Ihen unleash'nga combo on them whllsl Ihey are defenceless
Of all the characters In the
edshghtlytolasllongelandtnfhctmoredamaglnghlts Theseitdaplallonscan SUlpns.elhe el'lemy-nyoucan see flom the fYIOIIeS lost. he canbeglnhiscomboswllhavanetyofdlfferent fYIOIIeS,each with a set range-some are mOle effectM' In dose quarters. others stllke from long range
p,p,[Pj. Running punches (12+12+14) + P,K Punch and heel kICk (12+30) + p,K+O. Punch and crescent (12+(20-40)) + p. OOWN+K..O Punch and sweep (1H(2040)) - 1', 1', K 2 punches and straight kick (IHI2+30) + 1', p. 1', K 3 punches and crescent (12+12+14+50) - 1', 1', 1', bachK 3 punches and backward kickfhp(1HIHI4HO) '- 1', 1', 1', OOWNtK 3 punches and sweep (12"12+14'-40) -
back/down+P, [I', pJ forearm strike, [running punches} (14+IHI4) - back/downtp, K forearm stroke and heel kick (14+30) - back/down+P, KtO. Forearm strike and crescent (14+(20-40)) - bad/down.-P, DOWN+K+O farearm stroke and sweep (14+(20-40)) - back/down ... P, P, K Forearm stroke, punch and stra ight kick (14"'2-t-30) - bad/downtP, 1', 1', K Forearm stnke, 2 punches and crescent (14+12+14tSO) . back/down+P, P, 1', back+K. Forearm stnke, 2 punches and backward k,ckfiip (14tl2+14t20) . backdowntP, 1', 1', DOWN+K. Forearm stroke. 2 punches and sweep (14+12+14+40) . DOWN/FORtI', II', 1'1 Lifting palm, (running punches) {20+12+14. lifting pillm automatically comes out after ilny kICk (except for crescent) when you tap 1') • DOWN/FORtI', K-t-O lifting palm and crescent (20+(20-40») - DOWN/FOR+P; b+-KtO, llfllng palm ilnd sweep (20+(20-40)) · DOWN/FOR.!': 1', p. K lifting palm. 2 punch and heel kick (10"'2'-'2+30) · DOWN/FOR ..P, P. P; 1', K lifting palm, 3 punches and crescent (20+1HI2+14+S0) - DOWN/FOR+P, 1', 1', 1', bachK Llfttng palm, 3 punches and backward klcHhp (20+12"12+14+20) '- DOWN/FOR.P, 1', 1', 1', DOWNtK lifting palm, 3 punches and sweep (20+12+12+14+40) - down/for+P, [1'[,11') Kfllfe hand. [running punches] (IS+1HI4) '- down/for ..P, p,IC Knife hand, punch and straight (15~12+30) - down/for+P, 1', 1', K Knife hand,2 punchesandcrescent(1S+12+14+so) - down/fOf+P, 1',1', backtK . Kn,fe hand,2 punches and backward kickfl,p (IS.IHI4+S0) . down/for+P, 1', 1', DOWN.K Knife hand, 2 punches and sweep (15tI2~14.40) DOWN release.K R,Sing heel kICk (40) . O.. K Crescent kick (30-50) - DOWNtK..O, Sweep (20-35) . down/for, down/for+P. Oashlng knife hand (20) - up/for .. K Forward <artwheel kick (30) - IIp/ fortKtO Short jump kick (32) - back/uptK Backward kick-flip (40) • fOHP Elbow stroke (19) - for __ K Snap kICk (19) • for, down+K. Sliding attaclc (30) - down/for.K. Stamp foot on fallen opponent (15) -
~ SEGAS.A.T1..!<N
Being ......, Wolf IS of COUlse biased towafds thfows. As you might expect. these can ,nfllcl a ternfymgly lalge amount of damage and ,I's these technoques that you should be practtSlng to perfection The extfa speed ofVFl means that you really have to be a lot qUICker 10 successfully executmg these attacks As you can ~ from the hst, there are certamly plenty of these techniques to master· some of them afe used on crouch· IngopponenlS.but most of them can be used atjuSI abotJt anytime In what IS somethmgofa flrsl. Wolf actually has a counter·attack along the same hnesas Pal·s,nVlltua F'ghlef1. If you can successfully masl er II, well done unfortunately. ,t only works agamsl mld·level kicks. whICh doesn·t exactly make It the number one most useful technique in Wolfs repertoire
P. P. [Pj: Running punches. [uppercut) {14+14+28} . f'; p. for+P, ~unning punch· es w,th high elbow stroke (1 4+14+20) . p. K Punch·kick combo (14+30) · for+K. Knee (30) . down/for+P Uppercut (u) . DOWN/FOR+P Uppercut from lowpos'tlon (ll) . fOf.for+P Runnlngclotheslme (40) . back.for.P Dashing shoulder ram (20·70) . back+P Backhand slap (20) . K+D Scissors kICk (30) . back. fOf+K+D_ Somersault heel smash (30) . fOf+K+D RoundhouseklCk(36) . for.for+K.D Flymgkneeattack(30) · up/for+K. Drop kick 13o) . for+P Body blow (10) back+P+K Drop elbow (30) . for. down+K. Slidmg attack (20) · DOWN. for+P. Two hand upward slap (30) . down/for+PElbow drop on fallen opponent (20) . back/up+K Back body splash (20) .
backldown+P. Grab side kd.s (60) ·
P+D Backfalisuplex (60) · P+D Germansuplex (8o) . fOf+P 80dyslam (so) . back.SCR. for+PTwl1landhurl(100) · down/for.downffof+P+K Ghostbuster (Bo) · upifor+K+D Frankenstemer(60) · bact/down+AII Double arm
8othJtffryiandWolf haYf'btenupgradtds'gnof,cantlys,nCttht,rdtbut 10 tht or'g,nal V'rtua flghttr These throws·ba~d characttrs now havt a lot mort IC'Chnoquts at tht,r d,sposal and also btntfll from lhetdra spttdtvl dtntlnV,rtuaf'ghttr2 Th,s dotsntjust maktthem fasttr on their feetwhat 'S mtans ,s that thtrt 's a lot mort scope for -floating- combos. whoch WI" coold go IOta 10 mort dttall 'f we had about 200 ~gts spall" Jtffry'S tC'Chnlquts art a lot mort versatile than Wolh. whICh means Ihat the char acttrlsa lotmortunprtd,ctable· he'sjust got more lOitiatlOgatta ckmoves Ont aspect to bolh Wolf and Jeffry 's the speed ofthtir rC'Covtry both on tht ground and after fa, led pounce moves· Jeffry,n particular IS qu,tt lard y. maklOg ,\ e.tremely diffICult fOf him to get up whl"n hl"'s on thl" ground
P.P.[Pj. ~unnlOgpunches.[uppercu\[(14+14+28) . P.KPunch·kickcombo (14+30) · down+P+K DodglOg side jab (30) · downlfor+P. [Pl· Uppercul[s) (22.19) · DOWNIFOR+P Uppercut from low poSition (22) * down+K. [PI: Toe k,ck.[hamml"r](24""9) · dOWfl+K. DOWN. QU. for~AII Toe kick of doom (24+1001 * for.-P. Elbowstflkl" (191 * for+P bachP Elbow·hamml"r (ombo(19+30; · fOI.for.P.[P) Dash'ng low elbow, [uppercut] (19+'91 · for, fOHK Frontalfoot thrust 140} * for.down+K. Heel axe [j61 · for.KKnet"(jsl + back.for.P Drop elbow (301 · back. downlfOHP lunglOg drop elbow (30) * for+P+K Head butt i40) · backldown
P+O foreman's carry (60) * P+D Backbreaker (100) . fOf+P. Power slam (so) · back+P+O. Body press (6o) + down/for, down/fOf+P+K Crucrflxp,ledllver (So) + back. for+P+K.for+P+K.for+P+KH. Triple headbults (20+'S+3l) * back.fof for.AII Backbruktr(70) . down+P Face grab AKA Iron claw (sol " OOWN_for+KTriplekneebash (10+10+10+30) * forldown+AII Poweroomb (70)) ·
Ofilill the thillrillcters In Vlrtua Fighter 2. Kage IS one of the most unpredictable. This IS b.a~lCally down to the enormoos range of different moves and comblnilitlOns that he has 10 I~ frankly g'gantlC repertom~ Although he has a large amount of combmatoons, this Isnl really his best trait {he's troonced In th,sarea bylilu, 1'iI1. 5.lrah and Jackyl as they're all a b,t on the weak side. What he'sgood at IS iOillatlOg attacks that totally surpn\t his foes - he has range attach that hit on all thr~ major levels - low, med' umandhlghForanyonenottrulyversedlOthewaysofKage,thismakes him an exceptionally diffICult opponent to face off against He's also got an all·,mportantcoonter-attacksimilar In execution to Pa,'s,nVfI.In terms of character-enhancement and overall ab,llty, we rate him as a dosesecondaf\erAklfa
P. p. [POl RunnIng punches (10.. '0412) _ po K Punch-kICk combo (10+30) _P.P.K 2 punches and straight kick 110+10+13) - P. p. P_K 3 punches and ~p,nnlng mid-kICk 110>10+12+30) . P: P: P: back.K 3 punches and b.Kkward klCkf/ip 110+'0+12+20) . backldown+P. [Po P) Dodgmg punch. [runfllng punches) {14+10>12 • backldown+P. K DodgIng punch and kick (14+30) . back/down...P p, K Dodging punch. punch and straight kick (14+'0>30) - backldown+P. P. P. K Dodging punch. 2 punchesandsplnnlngmld-klCk(14+10+'2+30) . backldowf1+P.P.P, back+K Dodging punch, 2 punches and backward k,ckflip (14+1Q.o-I2+20) • fOf+P Elbow slfike (19) . down.K+O. H~I kICk (35: • DOWN, for .. K I1lsmg k~ (38) _ badlup+K Backward kickfllp (40) . b.Kk1up+K+O K,ekfl,p (SO· • for. for+K Back h~1 sweep (20'30) • for, for+AII Roiling flying k'ck 140) . for, fQf+K+O Flying corkscrew kICk (30] • back SCit for .. K 11011 fOf w,Jfds and sweep (20-35) - back+K ... O Back thrust (30] • b.lck. QCI1:. down ... K Shdlngattack{'9) . back,for+P+K.[P+KISlashlngshulo.[backshUIOJ(16.. 16) . down+P+K. [P+KJ. Slashing shikan-ken. [back sh,kan-ken] (16.16) . DOWN fOHP ... K,[P+K)ChopPlf1gShllto.[slicingshuto){16+16j . back,back1-K Turfllrlg h'gh back thrust (30) . back.b.Kk1-P TUffllngdownwardchop{14) . back. b.ack+K+O. Turning toe sl,de (12) _ b.lck, bachP.O Turn'ng upward chop (14! • downlfor+K Heel smash on falien opponent (15) •
down+P.Grabmcomln8Sln8Ie f,stlpalmaUacks(so) .
In Virtua Fighter I, Sarah Bryant wasont of tile mQ!;t ~rful flghter$ln tht8ameFastlnthealranddevastatln8whenUSln80neofhertriidemilrk combinations, shewas second only to lau In terms of sheer speed and power In terms of ranking, she's probilbly a bit lower, but It'S Important not to underestimate her power Thanks to the speed Increilse '" VF2, she's f'IOW as fa$1 as hghlnlng and ilil of those annoy'"8 ttchnlquesfrom VF, are tither filster or refined AJso, all the ilreas In wnlch she was lacking '" VF, have been redressed-uhough her basIC slyle remainS Ihe same, Sarah IS now a 101 more versatile and has a small range of power moves such as her K+O roundhouse It's best 10 see how 10 fit her new moves InIO comblna lions and then work from the basIC premises you know from VF,
P, P,[Pj Running punches, [hook] (IO+IO+IO)) . P,K Punch-kickcombo (lO+-30)) - PP.K_2punchesandslralli:ht klCk(10+lo+30)) - P.P.P: K 3purn;hes and rlsln8 kn~ ('0"'0+'0+40)) . P. p, P.up-.-K 3Punchesiindhopplngtoe kICk (10+10+10+30)) - P,P. P,back .. K 3 punches and k1dn,p (10..10+10+30)) · Pdown+KPunchandSldtki,k (lO+30)) · back/down.p[pPI Dodging punch.lpunch and hOOkl (14+10+10)) . back/down..'" K Dod8ln8punch-klCk combo (14+30)) • backfdowMP. P. K Dodging punch, punch and straight kICk (14"O+ 30)) • bacVdown+P, P, P, K Dodging punch, 2 punches and IIsing knee (14~IO+IO+40)) · backfdown .. P, P. P, up.. K Dodging punch, 2 punches ilnd hopping toe kick (14+10+10+30)) - bilckfdown+P. P. P. backi-K Dodging punch. 2 punches ami kldrllip (14+10+10+30)) . backfdown+P. down+K Dodgln8 punch ilnd Side kICk (14+30)) · K. P KICk and punch (30+08)) · fOHP Eibowslllke (15)) . for .. P K Elbow-knee combo (15"25)) . for.K, [downlfor+K) Knee, [liSlng knee] (30+40)) • DOWN, for+K RI$lrlg knee (40)) • for, for~K.lun8lng knee (30)) .o down+K High snap kICk AKA 8ig punt (30)) • dOWMK, [K).loe kiCk, Side kick (30+20)) • DOWN/FOR+K. K.[K)2, [31 Shadow kICks (19"20+21)) - down .. K.. O Crouching Side kick (20)) • b.d1up+K KlCkflip (SO)) - up+K Roundhouse kICk (25)) . for/up ..K, Forward Jumplngroundhouseklck(2S)) · for/up+K+OlorniidoklCk(20·so) · bacI:tK Double kid (10"30)) . K.. D Downward (rescent kICk (10'30) . back/down ..K+O SldthookkICk(10)) · back,back+Plurrllngpunch(14) . back,back+K-1urnlng Jump kICk (Jo)) '" (X)WN, back_I(, IK). Sprnlllng heel kick[sl (10..20)) .o downlfor+P. backf,st (12)) · down/fOf+K KICk fallen opponent (IS)) .
P+O Bellysuplex(So)) · P_O.Torsotakedown(60)) · for,forfP Jump'"8 clotheshne AKA bulldog (40)) •
AJthoughJ ;J(kyBry~nt hasa fillr fangeof new attacks In hIS repertOIre along wIth a far greate, cap~Clty for speed, he remainS a p,etty mechanIcal character, stIli living In t~ shadow of hIs psycho SIster HIS only ,eally use-
that It COIn often takeOin opponent bysurprrse. HIs new Irghtnlng kICks (sup posed to be Jacky's match for SarOlh's illusion Kicks) OIre qUIte amusing, but ultlmatelyhopeless-Oindeasllyblocked Ifsa sad fact that the only way to compete asalnste.pert playerSWltht he other charOicters is to plOly a routIne. mechanlCOII, predlCUble game Don't U5t OInythlng bIg or clev\"r because the chances are you'll end up as mInce· ment Std to what you know WOfks and go from there BorIng, but hey - It worksl
p.p, [Pj. l1:unnlnS punches. [hook] (IH1HI4) - P,K Punch·k,ckcombo (12-0-19) - for, p. K. Normal punch-kICk combo (12-0-30) - P, down+K. Punch andsweep(IH(20-40)) · P. P.K. 2 pUfl(hes and strOllght kIck (1l~12+30) - P, P. for+P 1 punches, elbow (1l+'l.'0) • P. P for.p heel kId 1 punches, elbow heel kICk (IHIl+19.30) . P. P for.P bOick/up+K+D 2 punches. elbow, klCkfllp (IH1HI9·6) - p. P. bachP. [K].lpunches.spinnrnsbackfist.[sweep](12+12+2H30) - D.P,P.{P] Dods'ng punch, runnIng punches (14+1HI4) _ 0, p, K Dodsrng punch. kick combo (14+19) · D. p. down+K. DodgIng punch and sweep (14t(20' 40)) - 0, p, P, K Dodgrng punch. punch. straIght kIck (14tllt30) . D. 1', 1', fOHP Dodging punch, punch. elbow (14t1Hl0) - D. P 1', fOHP, K Dodging punch. punch. elbow. heel kd (14.12<-19<-30) . D. 1', p. (Of <-I'. backiup--K+D Dodging puoch, punch. elbow, klCkfllp (14+1HI9-o-60) - 0, p. p. bachP. [K) DodgrnS punch, punch, sp,nnlng bOickfist. [cresunl] (14.'2+2H30) badtP,[P]Splnnlngbackfist[S)(2l-t-30) · back<-P.K.SprnnrngbackfistOind crescent (22t(30-so)) - back+P.dowrHK Spinnrnsbackfist and sweep (12t(20·3s)) - backtP.back/downtPSplnnrngbOickflstandlowsplnnrng bacH,st (22+22) - for .. P Elbow stllke (19) . fortI', K Elbow·heel kick combo ('9+30) · back/down.P. Low spInning backfist (22) . back/down .. P, K Low splnnlngwckfistandsweep(22<-(20-3S)) . for+K Knee(30) - back/up--K KlCkfllp (60) . dow.... K Toe kICk (24) - for, for ..1< Punt kIck (30) . down.KtD (rou<;h,ng SIde kiCk (20) - K, K KICk. heel kICk (3°+30) - down/fOHP, Hook (14) . back+K. SIde hook kIck (20) - P+K. Beat knuckle(30) - down+P+K. [K,K, K,K]. Lightning kds(oS+oStOStl0t30) . back.fortK+D (36) - back,backtP. Turnrnghook (14) - back,back+K crescent (30) - down/for+K. Kicl:falienopponentllS) ·
forJn 8J·year-old, Shun IS surprisingly fast and thanks to h,s drun ken JntlCs, ~ IS extremely d,ffICult to SlJ(ct'lsful1y throw· one minute he's rn range, the next ~ hascoU;tpsed or hits m~d out ofthrowrng dlitan<e He's also got a great r;tnge of unIque tactICs to use agarnst hIs opponents look at the list It's bloody enormousl As you shall fmd In the list below, some of hIS technrques are followt'd up wIth Shun takIng J dflnk from h,s ubIquItous bottle Shunuses;tlcohollo relax hIs bodyilnd move from one technrque to another. and drrnkrns actually rncreases the power of hIS attacks and opens up a couple of otherlech niqueslookatthehstandyouc;tnseethatiOmele<hnrquesareexpanded upon the more Shun dflnks But hey. rememberk,dsl.dflnk,ns,sn',b'gorrndee<lcleverl
P,[P],[P] Punch,[hlghelbow].[uppef(ut]{10+12-o-14) . P,KPunch.kick combo (10+30) - down/for+'" Uppercut (14) • DOWN/FOR+'" Oashrng uppercut (30) • DOWN, fOff'" LungIng punch (30) • fOr+'" ~unning punches (10-0-14-0-8) - b;tck/down+P. Backpush (21) _ down+K-o-O Scorplonkrck(3S) · back+PTwlstrngbackhookfist(24) · for,for+K Cartwheel kIck (35) • up+'" Jumprng back hammer (30) • back/up+-P Bac~ard Jumprng back h;tmmer (30) • up+-K. Mule krek 13S) • up/for+K SpInnIng SCISsors kIck (3S) • up/for+'" SpinnIng twIst punch (30) _ K..O. [Pl- Jumping spIn kiCk,lsldeways push] 05+19) .. P-o-K Two hand p!.Ish (30, Shun dllnks If thIS move hIts) • bild/down .. K..O· Breakdance sweep bo) • OOWN.K~O_ Bre;tkdance SWttpoo) . down.P·K.IKL [Kl: Breakdance sweeps (10+10+10. worh only ;tfter Shun dflnh) • bachK ..O, Backward hopplngkds(3S) · fOf.SCR,b<tCk,rK]. Handstand [kIck] {Jo) . back+K Kd Jnd fall face up (24) • back/down+K, rO]low back kiCk-lfall face down) (10) • back/down_I<. K low back kICk and heel kICk (10+30) _ back/down+K, K..O TWIst kICk and JumPIng spin kick (10+35) • back/down, backidown..K Fallrng twIst kICks (30+1S) • down. down, rK] SIt down. [low krek or slide] (24) • back/down+D SIde step b;tckwards . b;tck/down-o-D,'" Sidesteps baclcwards WIth backfist (20) • back/down+D. P+K; SIde steps backwards WIth two-hand push (30) • down-o-O. Side steps forwards . back.O Steps backwards tuckrngIn histummy . b;tck+D.PStepsback. wardsanduppercut(IS) ·
Lion I~ extremely f,ut • well up with Pai In terms of pure ~Ioclty and he's also small This latter attribute has both Its good and bad POints. Although It means that he's notorIOUSly difficult to throw_ It also means that he Isn't par tlcularlystrong Again. comparisons With Pal are evident when conSidering his pure strength What IS so good about Lion IS that he IS combo·frlendly· not In the old PPPl(sense, but In actuallystrmglng one technrque Into anothe rFor example DOWN-K Into O+K brings a sweep into a flying roundhouse and can be followed by two sweeps (DOWN-K·K)_ What IS also worth learning are hiS dodglngattach·basicallytheseareanytechniquethatbeglnswlthaDbut ton fastonhlsfeetiindvery,~ryunpredlctable,Lionisthefirstnewcomer that VF, ~terans will feel at home with
P:[Pj,[P].Punch,]elbowthrl.lst),[backfist]('H'4+'S) - P,K ('2+30) - for+P, Elbowstflke ('9) - foHK Knee (jo) - down/for+P, [PI Uppercut, [downward swipe] (10+20) - DOWN/FOR+P, [Pjlow forward creeping peck[s] (11+12) - back/down+P, [PI, low thrusting peck[sJ (IH08) - fOf,for+P,Longfangef,stthfUst(40) - for.foHI(.OSpln forward and kICk high (24) - down/fOf+K+O, SpIn forward and kICk low (14) - back+P: Poke head from above (30) - for+P+O Poke headdlrectlY(jo) - P+DShortrangelowwlnd-upattack(15) downtfor+P+O,Longriingelowwind·upattack(lO) . DOWN+K+O, Sweep (24) • up+I(, [KJ: Dancing kick[s) (lS+30) • down,down+KOne·handstandkickS(24+24) . uplfor .. 1( Cartwheel spin kick (20) • uplfoHP. Jumping downward SWIpe (30) - b.Kk/up--.P Backward jumping downward SWipe bol up--.P SWinging arms (30) - down+K. [KJ: low SWIpe klck[s] (12+12) - down+K. K_O Lowswlpekick,hlghSPlnklc\: ('H30) - back,bacl:+KTurnkrck(30) - bact biiCI:+P: Turn punch (14) back.back ..K..OTurnWlthsidekick(24) - O,for+PcHighsplnnlngsldeattack (lO) - O. down/fOHP, SpIn to the Side with low tnp (lO) - back/down+D Ducks and steps away sideways _ fortdown+D:Oucksand ciosesIn _
P.. o, Tflp (10+'5+25) - P+O p,ggyback attack (lO+2o) - bacl:+P+K Reaping throw (j0+20) - for, for+P_O Grab and fling (30+20) - for.SCR, bachP+Ofrontalp>g8Ybiickattack ('0+15+15+jO) -
t .. 11 liked O.. yto ...... Goon ...dmit It, tV1!n those of you who wrote in to uy how dinppolnted YOII were with It, stili thollght Itwils;a b.illiilnt Silme, You we,ejust a bit miffed that
IhltS·ilphicsweren'til,udeperfm and;ua result nervousthilt the Siltu,n would loH' outtoitsrivilisinthetechniulilccomplishment stilkes.Well stow thilt thoughl,you little minus, miuse hlHtCOmeslhenl!'WlilCtraroundthl!' blO(k. As il same, Rally might nol have the immediate
~.Il'.m!ll ~
ilppeaol of Daytona wllh Its ho,d~
drlymg gameplay.
moreabsorbongdflvongSlmASiI conversion Ral!y beats thecrayola out ofDaytona,w,th fa, sharper graphics, moredela.l. fastl'r scrolhngand much lessd,ppong trauma But hey, let"s not rush aheadofourselvesherelet'stilke tlmetoe~plorethegilmeofl1i1l1y
andwhiltltmeanstoyou,Johnny (or Johnlna) Saturn owoer EYI'ryonellkesl1i1l1ybeuuseof Itspseudo-reahsm Butwhilst there's enough drag, slide action and difficulty wresthng with the controls to cOnYlnce you the programmers know what Irs like to drrYl'a rallYCilr there's never so much realrsm thilt you'd havc to know how to drrve one yourself to play the game BaslcilllytheAM reseilrchteilm has clocked how a car behaves rn the haf'll:liofan e~pertwlthmilironsof~arsofdrl'
vmg abihty and made It possible for even those who haven 't passed their Cyclrng Proficiency Test to rephcateth,s Not spmnlng over and dying in a horrrblecrash when you hit the sides oflhe road helps a b,ltoo
Of COI,Irse, with a rilcmg game the f~lls half the biittle,Onceyou'vcgot the car handhnglna plauSible manner It'S pretty hard to screw up t he rest of the procedure AndofcourseAM3,bless'em.have no Intention of screwmg up As a result the Instmc· tlYl' plaYilb,hty IS complemented bya succes!olon of te!otmg tracks populated by mean opponents Of cour5e,thr~tracksdon'ts~mthalmuchoutsldeof
an arcade, especially as most players should eaSily clock the same after a day or so But that isn"tthe wholepomt VOI,I're supposed towant to finish mflfst
place soyou can access thefOl,lrth secret trilck,Then you',e supposed to want tofmlsh thaI flfst to get the sec.etcar And If5ega's hmt!o at !otlll more hidden hidden stuff are righ t the Impetus should be the.e to beat that lime too, It's hke Virtua Cop, 10 thilt Itdoesn'lrequ'reasuperhumiinefforttos~the
end,but It does tilke conSiderable skill and piltlence todolt properlyandma manner whrch would Impressyourfrrends k>rtunatelyforeveryoneconcerned,5egaRaily deIrVClsenoughhardl'nefuntypestufftok~pyou
bound to the joypad Plus, of course, there's the ground-breilkmS spllt-scr~n two-pla~f mode, You can strll hear the echoes of AMfs collective cry of "Fools' We'll show theml We'll show t hem alii" Alrlght.dipplngdoesenterthearenawhenplaymg two,up, but It's sllll a marvel fo. whICh Sega deserve asw,ftIOl,lndofapplause,And,ofcou,se,lterrtends the Iongevrty of game appeal exponentlaily, Plus It'S guaranteed to ensure a steady stream offnends sycophants and altractlvc members of the opposite sex 'round to your house to play againsl ygu (lip-let the attractlvc ones wm) Basically, Scga Rally Championship IS ooeofthe best games you'll play 011 ~ar
Meaning 1996 II's totally and utterly smart ReJolCei The Saturn IS ascendant
tunn.I!lIIllye.Uynurfnourill frludlan Ideals by drtylng Ihrough It. And then merslngoul.AnddriYinglhroughagaln.
lventhedlSm,llteSultsOfTime Warner's'lfirtuaR,ldngconvert attempt the Saturn hu a g,lp in lts niche window flagpole thing for a decent r,lcing game. Not any old rac , Inggilmeobviously,beuuseit's already got Oayton,l (which is ,lee) ilnd now Rally (which is even better). But,l rilcinggame based on n!al Formul,l 1 ra(ing, with lowursthalgoal a mil· lion miles an hOi.lrand nH-d theirtyrHchiinging every ten minutes. Well hold your honepo_rs. \)e(,luseFllivelnformallonlson the way. There's noth'ng especially ground breaking about the format forllvelnformat'"saractr along the hnes of the crll'lklySlIper MonacoGPonMegadrove,butwlth two (wahey) Views - cockpit and
depending upon your lust for lealIsm or deslle for mllh5e<ood-snlp plngcornerongWh,ltmakesFld,f fertnlfrom most of Its predeces ~rs'sthefactlt'sll(ensedfrom
the motor raclI'Ig equivalent of the NBA (whatever the stuff It'S called),and so ftaturts all (Or rather, a few) of your fallOufite raclI'IgdJlvers like Damon H,",md that German bloke and some
httled'8,tlstd plctufesofthelr pretty faces when you're selecting them. And Ihecourses on offer are real ones too, apparently, bu t haVing never dflven around a FOrmula 1 race course In my life (apart from walking four laps around one for chafltywhen I was a foolish youngster) I couldn't vtflfythlS as the truth A sea~n on the hot tarmac awaits you. don nlngthe persona of your chosen dr!Vf'1 like the kind of skin milsk old £d Gtln {by the way, ht'sa strtal k'lItr) wort around Iht house Although you don', havt 10 talk to yourself In Ihelf IIOlCe like hedld Anyway, the process ,s pretty s'mple. Select AutomatIC or Manual transmission for your automo· bile. The other dllvtrs might laugh at you fOI select· IngAutomatlC,butrather Ihatthan have them laugh al you fOI not ever getting In the light gear at the fight lime unlll you gtt used to thecoufses and con lfols.Ne)C\,race Actually,wt'vt missed out a step there. Befort you race you're allowed to fiddle With the front and re,lr wings, tyrtgnp and fuel IeYeI (whICh affects the weight of tht car and thus ItS top
oppontntS'tfforts. Press other butlons (land It compietists) to sWitch gea rs if you're lnaManua l motor And that's It Apart from pit stops, obviously Vou'li nttd these to re-fuel (if you're on a lengthy trilckeightiapsisa longtime) and replace your tyres as they get ~nackered. Actuillly, don't bothtr rtplaclng your tyres, be<au~ once they're worn down you get to pull off ~me awesome power shdes which iICIuillIy ma~e cornenng eaSier, If a httlt slower But thats really It And aye-there's tht rub,as Shakespeart may have put It were he not talented enough to make II as a playwflghl and were Instead employed as a games reviewer ovtr two hundred years after his death. The rub IS Ihat thtrt's nothing rully to the game other than an incentive to complelt evtry track In first place (which opens up an Edra Hard mode)_ The Champion mode doesn't real1y flow In the campa'gn-like way you'd tXPKt It to It's all about knocking haiYf"s of5e<ondsofflaptomes_AII very well If you're Into that ~rt of ~havlOur, bYt
Daytona already on the market, It'S hard 10 see where anot-~·'mpresSlveSuperMonacocionefitsln If you're a totally anal race fanallc th,s IS admittedly your cup of 011, butfof most It'S a bit too h,lIdcort
Racing 's very Simple Accelerate, brake and steerwlthtwobuttonsandlhtD pad (in thaI order) Press another button to fll(k on the "hve camera" window In tht top nght of the screen, which gives YOll a a vanely of TV camtril views of you and your
Race as a real·life race driver! Pick Damon Hill! Then if you lose you're just being realistic! It's Formula 1at its most Saturnesque!
"Irt'I" CltIricillj.YOII'NIMlIIc • ., COl,.,. I~. brldjtl0JOtlr
co.tro"ralaJIMIII-.IMIImlll,FrancoCfillisrl.K, IllMId"lludthtrtllGwntd Port.lllll .
&ii' J ."
. ~
___ _
-. ",,#-'::
-....::: ~ <!'
'- ~ ~f ::, ~
8_' _ _
"m 'p,h,~"m','.",w',
Sloctthe dark days of the tate fighties when up-the-Kltto daulu like Dragon Spirit and Thunderfolcl! flew the flag fo, Ihe fo,millt , Thest daystexture-mOlppNpolygons, three-dimensional gamtpl;ll), ilnd more ImilBlnatl~ game design have ,edtfinedthtgemeandtslab· lished a new niche in Ihe afffilion!l of gamers. And noolhergamelsmofereprtuntatiyeoflhls advanctIn plilytechnology IhanGalactic Altick. HalT.ickedyoulGalactlcAllacklsm fact a grea t leap backwards m gamede<;rgn, adhering to tned and Irusled (fiveyf"lrs ago) structufill mores But thars not to say IfSii bad game Ohno. It just Iooksil
bit old. InfolCt,we'li tell you exactly what II looks hke
Remember Sol Feace OIl the Mega-COl II was the (orslgamethillcameoutforthemach,neVouknow Ihe one whIch looked lik!!' a normal homontal blast!!'r but had gIant robot spider-creatures wIth rotatrng Irmbs and thrngs b!!'caus!!' rotatIon was th!!' new clever I'ffe<ton the block And whIlst It was alrrghl to play It got compll'll'ly hammered because everyone I'~p!!'ctl'dlltobeatotalrevolutlonlngamlng Well that's what GalactIc Attacl: Isli~l'.a bIt Whatweml'anlsthatlt'saplayabl!!'Y!!'rtlCally· scrollrng game. WIth lots going on, no slow·down pl!!'ntyoflmaglnatlV!!'!!'nt'!m~andadlffi(Ultylevel bordl'rrngont~S!!'Vt'rI'Butll'snolgornglo!oeliany
Salurnslnfac!.lt'sprobablynotgorngtosellmany Gal.JCtrc Attack's_ Not b!!'cauSl' 1t'5 a crap game, but b!!'cauSl'ltdoesn'tlooklikl'you'dl'~pectaS.aturngaml'
. , SEG ..o. SATURN
tolook,dl'sp,tl' all the !ovelyspl'Clal effects on offer There IS a slrght redemptIve element intayer Sfitlon'sorrglnalrtyquollent Th,sarrrvesrnth!!'form ofaspl'Cl,lIhonzontal.playfunctlon, Thlsdoesnl,as you may I'~pect, sWllch Ihe vlewpornt from top downtoslde-on(that'dmeanredl'slgnlngallth!!' sprrtes and. I'ffe<tlV!!'ly. programmrngthl' game twICe), What II dots do IS run Ihl' normal vertlcalscrollrngll'Vl'lsalonglhescr~n,Thism!!'ilnsyou
have to put your Il'lIyon Its sIde-perhaps notl'ilSY wIth a 30·wldl'screen model-for an 1')(\l'ndl'd vll'w/playfll'ldon t he vertIcal margIns, wI t h borders runnrng I.lp the SIdes of the screen 10 keep Ihe hon· lontal dImenSIons the same ThIS mIght Sl'l'mablt po,ntll'ssbul ,nfacl Ifsdl'Slgned to rl'plocall' arcade monItors, whl(h are normally laller (il' sldewaysJ In thIS k.nd of game cabInet Wow' An arcade e~pI'n· I'ncl' In your own homer If you're In lhe market for a fast act,on game In thl'Old·schoolmannerthlsshouldsatlsfyyourlust It'sgot plenty of bIg guns. l!'s fasl'pacl'd and you're guaran teedasorl'thumbbylhetlmeyou'vecompll'tl'dltButifyou'relOOkrngforsoml'thrngablt more. wl'lI,Nrnl'tll'S,you mIght bebesl offrnvl'strng your funds elsewhere Tfouble IS that IheSaturn is sorely lackIng In the field of shoot 'em ups, Infac!. apart from Vrrlua Cop and Panzer Dragoon. the field of shoot 'em ups IS Iyrng pretty fallow, Hopefully Sega wIll look at rectlfyrng thIS sItuatIon In the New Yeal Untlilhen Irs a JOurney down memory lane RADION
GlJlctkAltackCOlKlwit_anldyMpplJofbolNltllat allPUr-'dwatttrrro.palml .... altMtIIII. GrlllMt_.
I. t. ___
of IIIlQ U 1" 11'11'" w\rh".,...
tw..p Ikjllaqlikll CM'ioIrI ,_lid, kHlieC 1Iftf_!
If looking after a bunch of young warriors as they tumble on through their everyday challenges rings your bell, then Mystaria, Sega's first real attempt to break into the RPG world, could be just the thing for you. But then again ... PGsa.e iI funny old bilHeloffish. For
~e~~:: !~~~~:~:::I~~tb~:~~~~ ~~:el of them witl hilVl! you fuching for
the si(k bilg. And,to be honest, they've neverquile molde it i n 10 the gaming history books. At lust, not in this (oLintry
anyway. They'.e pretty popul il. in Jilpiln though ,
whe re two or three of them iI.e released most months toa begging-for-it public , The reason fo. their poPl.llarity is iI bit beyond us rully-apilrt from the odd one or two
titles, the .ange of goods on offtr is iI bit poor - the games mostly (onsisl of tumsof 'mystiul'le>Ct,a bit of fighting,ilndwell,not a lot else. But then,there hilvebeenilfewco,kers which havl! enjoyed SUCCtSS in this cOLmlryloo-p.obablylhebest l!JIample so far is the Shining Force ierieson the Megild.ivewhich won
the hurt Ofmilny iI UK gamer, proving that RPGs can offer some form of long·term gaming utisfaction. InCidentally.Sega have already had a stabat bringingtheRPGtotheSaturn,althoughltwasn't very successful. At all. In fac\.Virtual Hydhdewas a bit ofa mockery,beins both disjointed and almost unplayableAndalthoughlttriedltshardesttobea 3D wander·abou\.the screen update was absolutely appallinsresultmgmadecldedlYJerkyadventure But hey, lets put all Ihat behind us shall we? Afterall,Sesa have a brand new adventure on the way, and It'S not like Virtual Hydlide at all. AT ALL Actually, Mystarra harks bad to the days of the old
... .. ...
Shining Forcegameslfanything,beins moreofa strat· egy·cum·beat'emupthanfindmgJOurwaythrough darkened mazes. This was released a couple of months back m Japan under the SUlse of Risiord Saga, and although It was criticised a bl\. It has enjoyed surpris Ins populaflty. The story is as predictableasRf'Gs ever were-the kmgdom has been taken over byan C'l/il force, and will beevermOleplunsed into darkness until someone decides 10 do something about il.And natu· rally,lhat means you and your band of merry travellers, eachofwhomisequ,ppedwithaspecials,ft,suchas being an e~pert archer or havlns the ability to conjure up magical spells out of thin air UnfortunatelythouSh,you don't get to know your charactersverywell.Mostofthegamelsspentmtlme consumms battles where your posse attempt to break free from forests, dungeons, castles-you know the sort of thmg Which IS all well and Sood - after all, this isan RPG and that's essentially what Rf'Gsaleall aboul. Bu\. It'S always nice to have a bltofstoryto Indulge In too, and sadly, this is where Mystarra falls a bit flat There's hardly any story at all. and when there IS any It merelyactsasa preludetomorefightmg What made the shinmg FOlce series on the Megadrive so great is that It gave you a really juicy plot to get mto andthestoryhelpedbreakupthe sometlmes monol onousfightrnS There'snodoubtlhatRPG freaks will love thiS, as It provides plenty of the stra tegic action that made games hke this$uccessful in the first place However, people who are merely looking for somethmg to com· plement the usual array of frenZied joypad pounding may find II sllghtlyledlous and even a bit dull
~. '...
YtutbOGutb.destlnltlGlludICUlIfls ofyourcharaeter.
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~I"'~ "I ~ .. ~-
,.': ,l'!~t .
f iB
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. . . . . " mo' 0 II. , • •• • •
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he story ludinginto Worm 's artivil inthedevelopmentworldisthe nearestequiv~ le ntthe videog~ mes
Industry has toCinderelia , A few yu rs ago, during one of the dull ECTS trade shows we endute twice a yea r, a guy strolled uptoTum l1and asked if they'd like to have a look at a game he'd been experiment ing with . 'Yes please,' u id Tum 11, thinking along the lines of 'oh great , anotherpoxygra phic~ lshow case with bugger all playability and less chanc e of coming out on tim e.' Instud, so impressed were the Wakefield·baseddevelopersthatthe gamewas signed on the spot, with a full-time contract offered
to th e prodigious home programm er, After a name change, Worms wa s born, Already something of a revelation on the Amiga and PC,Team lis Saturn incarnat,on ofWo,ms isa dlfect port of the PlayStat,on COOl'. Wh,le Team 17wil l bethefirstpeopletoadmitWormsisa bitofa Bil ly Joel rnthe looks department, ,t has playab'htyother games could only dream of The prem'se 's Simple the player is g,ven control ofa team of four worms eachofwh,ch has 100 h,t pornts_These are then dropped in toa randomly·generated play area agarnst up to three other squads. Theact,on is viewed from the side, and below the play area are a serres of Iwns These icons, and the second selection behind t his panel,areyoufweaponsofdes t ructlon.Allthat remarns now is, by careful use of the homrng miS ' siles.nrnjaropes, andcluslergrenades,towh lttle away your enemy teams' energy and eventually wipe themoutS,mple However, where Worms scores 115 playability points IS Inlhesklll needed to effect this seemingly easy task Inadd,t,ontotheweaponrnventory, the bottom of the SCfeen also plays host toa power bar ThuS, usrngan obJect as destructive as, say, a
grenade, Isn't Just a case of lobbing It and hoprng When ,t isoneofyour teams' go, the worm in play is highlighted bya big red arrow Using t he Dpadto move him le ft and rrght (kl'f'prng an eye ou t for the mrneswh,ch punctuate each stagel),a vict,m must be selected,and a small cross half sight appears before the worm's forehead. Using the up and down movements on the Dpad to ra,se or lower this. itis now time to select the grenade, All tha t remarns now is 10 gauge the power needed to land t he g renade at your rntended vrct ,m's feet Granted,preclSlon along these lines is some· thrng tha t will come Wi t h time, but Worms ensures complacency will never set in courtesy of the afore· mentlonedrandomly·generatedlandscapesWith mines, potholes, and water/lavatacid (take your pickl) accompanying the seven d iffe rent Sraphical themes this adds an element of risk to the proceedinSs. as does t he random droppingoftheworms-for example, If t he CPU decides to drop a player's worm under an alcove, even the most adept hom insmissile user is soins to find It hard towl'f'd him out! If there's one crrt lClsm l obe levelled at Worms, It'S thai the CPU players are a httle t oo unevenal times. Durin8 a game t hey go from bein8 extremely stupid andteleportlnsontoa mrne, to prckinSoff a player with prnpoin t accuracy usinSa bazooka from the other side of t he play area. However,aswilh all t he bes t games, Worms isbeslexperrencedwltha bunch of males Asexpeflenceands kil1 8rows,the 8ame grows Wi t h you, thrOWing up challenges even a Meister Worms player Will have to thrnk abou t rndudrng Ihe addition of weapon drops when you need them mos\. or the sudden death mode where all players are reduced toone health poin t if the game Soes on for too IonS BasICally, Worms is a Same whICh grows With you - and you don't get many of those these days. Brilliant STEVE
Do Worml III to hultn? No. They burn In hellfire!
-, "~ ',r
.F ~ •
t!~ ... l.~
-- ~
A wonn dlmonlln.tu the telepor\. Thil il mOlt ustful when lllll're C41ught in ilII obllCure cowe or 'IIl1nt to hide safely.
Yes, we know it doesn't look that smart But are you ready to experience THE single-most playable game in years?
Think of the word "Virtua" and you tend to associate it with master programmers AM2 • but this particular Virtua game has absolutely nothing to do with the genuises behind Virtua Fighter and its incredi· ble sequel. The question is: can Time Warner Interactive bring the magic of the coin-op classic to the Saturn? ell,ln a word the ilnSwer has to be
~no" · butdon'tworry.
it's not really
all bild news. TimeWarnerlntefilctl~'sVR
~;~t~;,:~C~~~~:~s ~:~:~~ :~'~~:~:~_r
tyOYer quality, AU of Ihe tracks from the afCade vtr· Slonartthert.iJlongw,thagargantuanseveniJdd, hons (although two of thOM' bear
to the
two extra tlacks In 32X VII Deluxe) and there IS a huge .unOt.lIlt of optIOns and game vanatlons not fOlgtttlllg a cllOIce of FIVE different cars It has 10 be ~ald that these additions add il greatdeilltothegamefachof thecilfshilnd1esvery dlfferentlyilnda t leilsttwoofthenewcour~sadda
great deal of challenge 10 the trtle, Best of all IS the Grand PriX mode which allows you to progress through the d,ffertot classes of Yf'hlcle, amasSing champlonsh'ppollltswhKhyouneC'dtog'OJduilte from one competition to the next It's cleilr thilt a great tk'ill of lime ilnd effort has gone ,nto Cfeiltlng a homeprodu<t.riltherthiinilslmplearcMleCOnYer ThethmSls,whatllhmkwhilt~ple.Jresolng
tobt.Jfter flfst.Jndforemost IS an ilrc.JdeconverSlon AlthoushthehkesofDaytonil.JndSeSal1.Jllyhave ImprovtduponVl1grilphlcalty.some~ple(not
myself I must ildmit) beheve that inlermsofplaya. blhlyVl1isthebesl.andl'Vennowthegamelsstlli well worth the occasional credit. As iI converSion. TWIVRVR IS frankly a disappo,ntment Gone IS the 30 fr.Jmes.J second update (which the Saturn Ciln eilslly hiindle).illonswlthmosloflhetrilckSldedetilll The
all"mporl.Jnl conllol method .Jnd spectacul.Jr Cfilsh esarepresent ' bu t be.Jrhttle resembl.Jncetothe ilrcadeorlsmoill The.Jttenllon to detail previllent m AMl converSions IS also mlssins Although the hltle touchesmlhecoln-opilrepresent ,suchasdlslodS mscoconutsonclilsh,nsmloalree·bilsicpohsh,s mlssmgCiI~mpolnt .Jsyoucrash,spmnong throush the alf,lhe shadows underneath your wheels Spin as. well,.Js thouSh Ihey're super·slued 10 IhelyresTh,salihelpscontllbutetoashshtly·tatty· appeilrance· achargeyoucouldnlleVf'lalthecoln. op,Flatpolygons It may have t!een. but Virtuil 11oi1C1nS had a style all Its own Oneyeill aso. Sesa's AM~ depilrtment convert· ed.JClossa Model One cOln·op to Salurn almost per fectly,wltnessVirluaFlshter ConSlderins how close the new, more techlnlCallyadvanced Vlftua sames areon Ihe Saturn, there IS abso1ulelyno reason why llmonthsonthlscouldnlhilvebeennlsh-onldentl caltolhearcademilchlne,Whatwehavehere,sil same Ihal IS mildly plily<lble, but looks ilnd plays for all the world Ioke an enhanced ver!.101l of VR Deluxe on the 31X MyadvlCewlthresardtothlstltlelsoutstiind mslyobvlous-holdyourhorsesandpurchasethe newSesa l1ally Championship as soon ilS Ishumilnly possible, It might not have the enviable depth of Time Warner Interactive's VII Vlltua l1acing (not thaI It'S so far off). bu t In terms offun, eXCitement and raw playablhty. It makes VII look hkethedlnOSilur It IS
111 CHAI1D
TllllrangtofoplionliluRnlftllydesi&Mdlo ioCIk Nt. tile IIIglll tla I'lCiq uri CIIooM _ltd bt!llmy!
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Crystal Dynamics have big plans for the Saturn. For now though they've only one release on the go and that's Off-World Interceptor Extreme. It's a racing game- It's a shoot 'em up. But is it any good?
II •
:~~~~:~~ ::;:S:::~f::~:~er:p. utlltion for hilnglnll with the home-
boys so toSpeilli:. But now, to replilCt
this.,lthe'giluchelindlinguiulcillly unfashionllble bunch of u.pft!ulons, the df:diuted follower of youth (utlu,,, nHd U~ only one wOld , 'nt,eme', Thil 's righl,ifyou too wilnt to relilte to the Nineties kid with attitude,jl.lsl sti(1i: the word extreme In there somewhe,e and Bob's your u.treme unclel If It hasn't got the word utremeln itlhen It's obviously something uuffyand old fashioned like the ' HOUSH of hrliament' Of 'beef stew', Unless you'reeaUng'bftfsll!'werl,eme'tholtls. FortunalelyOff-Worldlnterceptormanagedlo getthewoldelCtremetuckedlnJustattheend~lt's
pletty d~mn (001. At least. thars the way It looks unlllyoustartplaymg.atwhichpo'nt'tsoon bewmes ~ppalent that the only e)(tlemes the g~me play IS hkely to take you to ale those of taldmen and banahty Tobegmwlth Itilll looks qUi te mtefestlng AC(Ofdmg to thegame'sCleatolsyouillethe 'Trashman' and "dig smeil ring a plilnetssurfacewlth outlaw s<um",What Ihls means essentially 's thill youchaseCrlmlnalsacross~meoftheslfilngesttef rammlhegala"YtnoneofSI)(buggy'sThlsal~
Incorpo,ales shoot 'em up act,on which mvolvesf" tngmlss"es,'ilytngmmesand~ncalhnglnanaor
strote Remammgfa,thfullother.Jclnggenre,lhere's al~ the opportun,ty to customise your car by Improvmg Itsengme, tyres, gyros, sh>elds and boost ers, and stackmg It out ilmmo You dont gel th>s for freeofcourse,FlIstyoU hilveloearn money by completmg races Inthefastesl I>me poss ible To get hold ofa better car you've got to rea lly saye uplhe cash. OnceYOll'vecompieled three ch.Jses YOIl come upilgilmst the boss which IS.Jone·on,oner.Jce.Jnd shootmgaffaorlfyoudefeiltlhemthenYOllearnil bounty reward This all sounds de<ent enOllgh does n't >1 blll don'l be fooled. thegameplay,sd,re The whole way the vehtCle OTIClYeS IS totally IInreahsllc II bollncesaboutfromsanddllnetosanddunehkea ptng pong ball and leaves you feeling you've golrela lively hUleconlrol over ItS movements Evencus lomlSlngYOllr bllggydoesn't make any slg",f,cant d ifference. Conseqllentlythe gameplay is bland and repelltlye and even thollgh the courses vary qll it e a lot, you comeollt feeli ng Ihe changes are nothing but cosmetIC Even the ifOnic BeavIs and BlIthead style game mtro falls fla l on Its face prOVldmgabout as much comIC value as dental torture E)(treme' No not very
~ ••
r.l L-J 0 ~/ ~
AS you play through th~ ga me, yo u'l! learn some eKcel lent combos from Sna ke thetrainer. Tosave youthehassle offindinga pen and paper towflte the m down. here t hey a re The dl ffer~ntsty!esarebasedonwhichheadyou choose fOf your characte r and fOfitleft . handedfighter. th~direct,onssh-ou!d be r~rsed.
8, I I,hl+&
e,c left, llght, B Up, Down, ' Down, Up, 8
PlfSS 8, I I,hl.&
e, C
One of the best futures of VICtory Boiling Is that th~re's lots of secret ChafitCterS To get th~m )'OO"U need to plity the g~me through In Mai n Event mode' itn<! complete it itS th~ top rank.. Though itll of the chitract~rs look very different. they're fairly similar when it comes to fighting. They"ve all got top stats In every afU, meaning that the fights between them can last a long time.
Combo ) .Iott Hook Gli de Butst
Left, lllnt, 8 Up, Down, ' Down, Down, C
OPEN STYlE. Combo 1
&, I I,ht+&
e,c left,IIIM, & Down, left, B+C Up,left, 8
STREETFIGHTER THE MOVIE As well as being able 10 pl aya s Akl.lma. t here's a great hidden music video in
the game. All you need to do to 8et it is complete the game in 'Movie Battle' mode. Once you '~e beaten Biso n twice (jump kicks is t he eaSiest w ay) the
video will play, To see It at any ot her t ime, go to the 'Battle Selecf sc feenthen seltct the'Bil(k Up'optiontoget thescreenwlth'Video Clip' on it .Selectthis toget the video to th e song 'Somet hmgThere' performed by Chage and Asb Watch it closely and you might spot som e of the SF Movie chiUOIcters. as well as the gu,tarist's really bad miming
~ SEG.'; S.4TU R N
9_3_ _
5::~nl~ ;;~::~ ;~~~~:~e~o~r~~:~I~~:~;~:~ ~e~:::~hii~t~~::.t~oonn::~:ce from the smash hit
title from AM1, this is faithful to the original in every way, except thilt there'seyen more gameplay options for Ihe Saturn version. Yep, In addition to the three shooting missions from the ar(~d e version,there'sar~nkingmode,ilmirror
modeilndoriginillmode(whichisbasicilly iIrandomisedshooting alley that Cinbe plilyediisiioneortwopliyt'rgime). Th ls gives the title tons more laslibility Ihin ifit wisistraightportofthecoinop, illthough thilt in itsetfwould warrilnt a purchase. Natl.lrally, you'll need to buy an eJ(tla gun if you want to get the most from the game, as playing it with ajoypad can l>ea bltcillmsy,bllt even ,fYOll bllythetltleasa standalone,YOll'lIst,1I marvel at howpelfecttheconversionisthatAM2ha~ebrollghl
intOYOllf home. Everything is in there, from all Ihe slylised,cool,sll'ted h,t men tothe hllge, swmgmg cranes and massivetrllcks which drive towardsYOll al bfeaknedspeed Easily Ihe besl title of the month, and in a class of its own as far asclIrrent Sat llrn releases go
:''' . "
H~~~~~~~sa~r:~j~~,~:~~%~fS:~~~~s;a~'~ :hbeltS~~rT~:~~:~dr~a~~~s~;:~~~_ not only are Heberekegames renowned for their high quality, thecharacters are completely wasted here too. And,there'sjust one reason for this-the game swings from one extreme to another Put It on easy mode and you'll com_ plete It wlthm an hour-set it to hard and you'll be lucky to complete the first stage It'S a shame really, because at first. Hebereke seems as though It will be really good fun-the graphics are just as you'd expect and all the characters from the other games have been used too Bu\. It hasn't been put together~erywell,andtheresultisreallydlsaPPOinling ,
which is a shame - it could have been so good
E~;::i:r:~~i:;~' ~;~~: ~;~:~~~:~ho:r~~~~e~~~~~:~~kt~~~7~~~:I~:Un~~:ef the mystery behmd the spooky house that no one dares enter (as If you just wander mto peoples' houses at random anyway)_ There 's many mysterious gomgs-on to bediS<Q\lered m there, plus a fair few seedy characters too_Which IS all verywell,as Isthegameplay,whichfocusesondlSCO\Ieringobjects,thenusmgthem to open doors,setfiretorooms,glvetc people-you know the sort of thing. Bu\. it's the actual execution of the proceedings that makes this such a torture to play. Not only is th e storyirnedeathlydull. but the graphiCS are fairly dated,andconsideringthatthegamebarelydoesanything except show static screens, they're of fairly poor quahtytoo.Slill,lfyou'reonly interested ingameplay, thismaybeworthconsidering,butthead~entureisso
easy, that you'll plough through It in next to no time
S~:~:YI~:?~:~~!:;a~~~r~:~n~se~:;andar:,~~~d~:~:~ ~a:~IO:~:;~_e Hell"twasevenfa,rlysuccessfulasa coin-opin its day But.ah,tim eshaW! changed, and wIth those changes comes this new ~ersion of Golden Axe, developed on Sega's own Titan arcade board,whKhmeansthaltheSalurn W!rsionwlllbeabsolutelyidentlCal,For this all newW!rSlon,lhe scrolling beat 'em up action has been discarded,and Ifsbeen replaced byaoneononebeal 'em up, Actually, it's pretty good tooIt may not haW! the graphical finesM! oftheSaturn'sloplltlessuchasVirtua Fighter 2 butlt plays reallywell,and Itcertainlyhastheabliltylokeepyoucomlng b<lckfor more, Not one to buy If you're after the best fighting game on t he market, but If you want something to complement Virtua fighter 2, th,s could be it
ou'll haW! 10 walt a while if you want to play WIpEout on your Saturn, but in the meantIme there IS Cyber Speedway - Sega's homegrown W!rslon of events
tracks Sounds great doesn't it? And,ln its own little W<lY, illsqUlle nice, However, when you compare II to the hke5 of WIpEout or even hi-Octane, it begins 10 look a bit shoddy, Mosloflhetr<lcks suffer from Ihe old trees-oul-of-nowheresyndrome, and the cars don't haW! any feeling of weIgh I or movement The tracks are fairly bor· ingtoo, and although they look nice, nothIng of any real interest ha ppensonthem At least this has a two player modethough,Onefor racingdie·hards only,
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lultfrog. is now available for your
Saturn, and It's better than ever Compete WIth 19 other power freaks to build the WOf!d'S best theme park, and make a packet of cash on the side, ~sp l As your customers defy death on 25 pant路wettingly cool rides, in<:!uding the option to design 5 of your own. CAckler As they spend vast sums of money in your 15 different shops and restauranu Lo.ugh ! When they're violently sick as they try to eat a hamburger on the 360路
roHercoaster. Hire a variety of people In silly costumes. then fire them just for the hell of It I Yep, it's Japes aplenty in the world of the funfalr, so why not come along for the ride?