No5 Mar96

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26 28





72 74 78

80 82




06 12 16 32 34 92 94 98


.' 76

See if your times qualifyl



The second part of our essential Vf2 guidel

84 How to take those corners and come first in SesaRaliyl


16 20 24

Ten pages on the best cOin.ops coming your

way soonl

--... ..... ..,DIstrudIon~..,路whMIIinI"""FunnII)' ...... _'tlNltwrpriMd.s.p ..... pnlllrtlldthlJ .... ..ut.foNthlpmt\ reluse..Whatltdotos..-"-'Ih.l5thallnteratlnthes.tumha$_been p . ., -tIf""_'vebeenhNrtnsfrom~ktrue, then_".,of Sep's madline .. ~ set to owrtakt those of the JItIystation MtY iUy now! for thoH who just didn't belitw WipEout could be possible on the s..tum, _ 've INNlgedtobring youthe flrst ~look..ttheCOllYel'Sion.. Thae .. relOO" s..tum pIu, not lifted from PSX verslons, ..s people ~ " - you belleYe. As for the rest ofthlsksue, If you're Into footbil ll,,ou'll need to look no N rthtor th .. n tht forthcoming venlon of Euro '96. Plus, thtfe's .. 1ook ~t Thor, ~nd .. n upd .. tt on the stunning Plnltr Dragoon 2. on, ~nd don't forget to st..yluntd for news of oor next (0 ksue.~

LOADED COMING TO SATURN! ntoftht blggtsthlts In IlIlt '95/ur1y '96 h.. s, without .. doubt, bttn on tht PI .. yst..tion. In f~ct , It shlpP'fll 250,000 copits on its flnt week of rtlunl And ytp, you gutsstd corrtctly, It's comins to hturn Injust .. ftwmonthsl DtvtloptrsGrtmlin<lrtturrtntlyworklngonlht5.. turnconvtr slo n<lnd <lrtconfldtnt of brlnslns" top cl .. ss rtsult your w<ly <lsurly nMlly. Ifforsomtruson,you'vthurdhldtnorh~lroflo .. dtdbtfort,tht g<lmt conctpt Is .. sloundlnsly si mple -I bud of mtrctn;lfits have bun Imprlsontd In spUt <lnd .. rt dettrm lned to blast Ihtir w .. y out .. nd sttk rtvtngt on F.U.B., tht tvil guy rtsponslblt for Ihtlr Impr lsonmtnt. You choost ont of Iht six ch .. ruttrs 10 gtl blut your w<ly out of tht muntst pr ison pl .. nttlh <ll'stvt rulsttd.





loadtd has bttn highly <lctl~lmtd for Its brilli .. nl 30 Sllmtpl~y, and mlxtd with its high quality light sou rctd sr.. phiu, it's uiily ont of Iht moll frtntllc, enSllglns PlllysllltionSllmestodlltt. Andconsldt rlngthiitthtrt's .. stvtttlilc k of sames such as this on Iht Salurn. It's likely to do vtry wtll Indud. lo ..dtd h<l'l .. lso rtctlvtd .. lot of Itt tnt Ion for Its gfUt soundtr.. ck 100. This was lifttd from tybtr (fustlts Pop Will Eat Ihtlf's IlIltst <llbum, Two Fingers My Fr ie nds, and has bttn dtK rlbtd by some lIS ~The btsl music on .. ny g .. me , Evu t ~. II .. Iso fUlurts lop路dln gr..phlu from loooAO velerlln Greg St .. ples. Allhe moment, Gremlin hnt only m.. nllged to complete the f1nt levtl of the hturnvefSion, but work on the (onverslon shouldbt pretlystr.. IS htfotwllrd from now on. In f..ct, Wt should bt ilblt to brins you iln In路dtpth prtvltw of the Sllmeuurlyuntxlmonlh.


KIds today eh? They're not liKI' they wert in my doy. They're 01/ oggress!V1' psychopaths, up to theIr eyebolls in (rock. That's what Tht Sun toys, and I'm nor about to orgue. Indud. Sega themse/~s ore ready to reinforce our perception ofthit HONEST FACT with a new arcade gome planned/or reltoil' this wmmerVlrtuo Fighter Kids. Developed by AM2. obviol's(y With Japanese bilorro tostes In mind, VF Kjdsisbased,HeSonicFighter,ontheVirtuoFighttrlgomeengine.Basicolly It pits Super

Dejormed (ie with big (Urt heads ond widle idle

brow/ingoreno Little is known

about a specijic relto!l路dott.~njor

Jopon,ondit'solsouncleor ostowhether,/'I/ever oppeorin UKarcodes. ButitlookJ

dead cool. As socn as we've

some more in/ormation we'll letltbeknowntoyou

TURN ON. TUNE IN. PLAY GAMES. For some t,me now Sega have been attemptmg to create a cable channel th at subscribers Cilfl tune in to and play games on. In much the same fashion as the pay-as-you-watch system for videos in the States, those with Ihechannel have a vast rangeofgam es that they can pICk from ilt the to uch ofa button.Sega have been working on the project wi\h t echno-boffins

Generallnstrumen\. and It was Oflgmally intended to be available last summer. TOilccessthechannel,subscriberssimplypluganadapterintotheirconsole,poaytheir monthly dues and away they 80. Just when (or indeed if) we can e~pect to see this system in general use intheUK is something that the m"rketing sharks are st iii arguins about. but needless to say, we'll keep you tuned m

Saturn to get internet connection facilities in '96! As promiJf!d by Stgo of )(lprm wlltn tht Saturn was /int launchtd, tht! Solum will rut/vt art In tttrtf!tI modrm connwiort o/tht course ofthlJ ytrlr. Tht uni! WDS actually unvf!ilf!d at a nnmt Tollyo toy show, Qltllough Sf!9 Q I!ovrn', actually modt Q big dral out of It ot oil/But, JUft rflough, tht! usn for thiJ Ubox" ort o/moft Iimitlf!JS, QI/owing Saturn Qwnt" O(Ctu to tht inttrnd, and Indud to PC !o(ilititJ and AV rquipmrnt too. Of COUNt, tilt joYPQd will limit tht rangt of options on Qfftr, but onu St90 hovt rtltQud tlltlr ktyboard, it should hI! poniblt! to QCClH$

andrrcriVf! tht/ul/intrrntt Jtrv/cr . Untllthtn, Stgo will providr Q "umber of CDs with him-

drrdJ 0/ litt odd,tnts on/a, tositr "ectU, and Includtd In tht inifloi lloo forthtcoJto/thtmodtmortthrf!f! othrrntWfumcts,incQrpo,atl"g

Sf!9 Q 'Jownon-/intstrviu, Notural/y,th/slsgo;ng tobtoVtrypopu/orodd· onjorthrmochinr,ondot suchochropprlu,/t'shonJly

SEGA RALLY IS FASTEST SElliNG CD GAME IN HISTORY! lote~t poll hos reveoled thot Sego Rolly is the historyl Theprf!Vious record holder was Destruction Derby on the PloyStotion. Stgo Rolly ~old on omozing ro, 000 odd copiesinitsfirstwed,ondit'sstillsellingbythebuc/(· et lood (in/oct It was still numbtr one in the chorts os SfCA SATURN MAGAZINE went to pre!!). Sego'~ Andy


/o~telt .v.. sellingvidtogomein

If you weleono!' of lucky people who had tho!' pll"asuro!' to play our o!'xco!'l1 o!'nt do!'mo disc a couplo!' of months ago, tho!'n you'll probably ro!'mo!'mber a Iraill"r for Sko!'lo!'ton Warriors, a spoo«y gaml" hailins from thl" States, Wo!'lI, tho!' first versronsofthl"samo!'aro!' bl!ginnins to appo!'ar and whill" it couldn't beclas sed as "sround·brl"akins",thl" final version could bea p!"o!'ttycompo!'lIing hack 'tm up, Ro!'lo!'aSo!'d by Playmates in tho!' us, tht game hasn't actually been sIgned up for rell"aSo!'in tho!'UK)'I"t.butl"xpc-ct to hear an announceml"nt in tho!' next month or so - it's pretty certain that II would do fall1ywo!'11 over ho!'rl" AS you can see from the pictures, Ihe gamo!' is your Iraditlonal hOllzontallyscrolhnsslasho!'r, and although it may seem quite basic at the moment, there are somo!' nico!' louches to be found in tho!' graphics. More on this ono!' who!'n Wo!' ho!'ar news of UK distllbutors




_ 0_8



Mee,inresponsetothenewssoys, bttheS1.lccessstoryo/lgg6~


SegoRollyfollowsin tht fighter 2 ond Virtuo Cop, complet· ing thesucceu~toryo/sego's 'big three: More importontly though, ItshowsthotSoturngomes ore becoming every bit os populorostheirPloystotion counterports,ifnotmore so.ln/oct,retollersorepre· dicting new mochinesoles o/theSoturntoovertoke thoseo/thePloystotionwithin thenextcoopleo/week51

/oot~teps 0/ Virtuo

KNUCKLES APPEARS IN SONIC ARCADE GAME! After'evel~tlonslastmonthofSonic 'sbel atll!darrivalontht

Saturn, we can now brlnll you some more pkturesofthls (urlous beat 'em up title. Conclusive proof that Knuckles

J 15 alive and well comes Inthe shape ofthneshots showing him sbring down Sonk in rndineu for a

"~III!!~"'evI::~:~~:S:::~e:k~~::!~;;;::: :;~: game. There'll be more u andwMn we get It.

SUPER BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU E~f)' now and then. a title turns upon import that realty does make you wonder about Japan6e culture. Super BiS Brotheris,well,a shoot 'em up I suppose,exctpt rather than intersalactic space ships doing the shooting, ifs people in little more than their pants. The kind afenwonments they move t hrough afe like pa5tiches in the/ollontyPython style. Even 5tranger though are 'lOme of the things that you shoot

at-buddha's.yogiCfiyers and huSl." headswrth lethal beams emanating from thffll. Thmkofsomethjn8abstractandit'sprob<lblyinthe~.Unfortunately, t he~路'i no'iignofanofficial~\easeOYerhere.althoughwemight'itill'ieeitinoneguise

or other Whoknowsl



/ (! ..






DIE·HARD WITH ASATURN! DIE HARD TRILOGY News hiS emerged of ~ promising future release from Probe software olnd Fox InterilctlYe,whohOlve

Croydon, and we extensively played on an earlyverSion of the game. The three chapters follow the plots

been hard ilt wor~ on it new game for the Sillu," based on the exploits of John McClane. Dfipitethe

of the films (as one might

lack of Bruce Willis endOfslng the product, the g<tme

stilllool:.s to be iI major UK software title of 1996, and hiisones~ialfeilturetosetitiJpartfromother

games· it Is actually three games In onel Sega Satllrn MagazlnewiJs treated to il special previewlns session at Probe'sheadquartefs In

expectl, ilnd all fealufe drt'·

ferent sl.mts on the o1ction theme ThefifStiJdventure, known simply ilS Die HiJrd. tilkes plitt Inside it los Angeles skyscraper (modtlltd on 20tn Ctntury Fox's hudquarttrs) on a dtsperatt rtscut mission

plttt)offtringi finalty,inDleHilrdwlth il Vengt,jlnct.thtilCliOn moYts to New York, and becomes ~ kind of dflvmg g~me With tht ~n objtalvt to h~lt txploding bombs across theClty,With a choice of 15 cars, the game runs In 3D (looking vtry much tikt anotntr Pt~ySt~tlon title, Twisttd Metal) with aU manner of skids and



mayntm btfort a final stand,offln tnt Ptnthoust sUlt t, andonti"ltway,McClantmayshootatavarltty offoes, Cilrs, drinks milchints and comput tl tqulp· mtnt in a starch forhlddtnobJtctsiindgltnadts, Tht gamtplay is rtminlsctnt of Fadt to Black Of Lont Solditf(a3DcommandogamtonthtPlayStatlon), and looks to bttht most promising ofilll tht Itvtls wtobstf'Vtd ThtstCondchapttf,DitHardtf,plactsJOOn McClant insidt a Wilshlngton illrport oYtHun by ttl10lists in an atttmpt to halt thtlr activity and Uvt hostagts (can you ~ a pantrn tmtrglngl), Afttr a Itngthyfoyerconfrontatlon,tht action SWltchts to tht funway, tht surrounding Virginia countrysldt briort a final htlicopttf showdown. All thiS sounds rathtr tXCltmg. but onCt wt sat down to play thiS Itvtl, wefourwllttobt thewukest of the Itvtls by far The action takes plact in.a Virtu.a Cop styleenVlfonment (Indeed,thlsItvtlIs comp.atlbltwltnthtVC gun),wlthenemlesrun. ning at you (or hiding)

nagewhlCh was thoroughly enJoyable Scheduled for a summer release, Probe stili have a lot of twu king todo before the game Is released, and despite looking rather rough around the edses (tspecl.allythtst<ondlevel).thiswasextremely enjoyable to play, and could be a definite best-setler. f •• llteractmart

f'UPOIIII'I.ftrbrllllilJ Oie-Nar4ltetM$l.tlll"L IImrlMlrdllft"-Mfott' WIII, lut'.

r-MAitE-yoilli-- - - l

VOTE COUNT! i'sthilttlmtagaln,rtadtfS, lnMayofthis~arwt'lIbtannouncingtht


~~:~~,~rf:~~:~;tO~~:~~~~;~ss~;:a~;,7:;~~~!,~:td::io~:'~~rart ! cattgorywinntrsartmadtaccordlngtoludtrvotts. ToYOtt,allyounavtt0 do is fill in this form (or a copy of this form) and stnd it in to us. Thtrt'sttn subscflptlons to SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE up for grabs for taking part. 50 don't dtlayl Entrits must bt rt<t!vtd by March 30th and sl'lould btstntto·

;~L~~~~:~::=~::::~ES, PItIOI!YCOUItT' )O-)l



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! 1 32~WEOFTl£YUR

Ii Ii

:.iI1Ucacsm ...... _ .32-BIT WE OF Tl£YUR


, ii,











L____ ____ _________________ ____ __________________

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calcutatedpath, Howtvtr,DltHardtrdlffered from the Sega shooter In that the gr~phlcs bec~mevtry

mtssywhtnm.anytntmles appeared,and the polygonttffOflSts loolctdratherunrt.allstic, mOVing like mannequins and lacking expert motlon·capture n~l50 didn't help that tne Iud programmer slaggtd off Virtu.a Cop briore show· Ingush,s(albeitlncom.

WHOOPS... III ilGA UTURN MAGAZINE'S F. bfUll fyluu., 10"" p"lIt.d II f.lfl.w 01 ell,p.' F".fldly Gllo,t, Ufl/o,tUfllll.,y, thl, r.vl.wwlI.IQItIIII'lImllll Imllfl IJh.dlf.r.IOflolth.g llm • .


w. would IIItI to IIpologl •• to Ifl t.rp/IlY I"r IIfly p,"b/.mJ th l, mllyhlllf.rllu,.d. A"OOIlIl' III. IlfllJh.d 11'.,,1011 IIff/If.' III our offlc." w.'III.tyouIl'1I0WII! III1Y'·IfI.WJCllf.chr""n.




Well. you've pfobably rulised now, but we're going to apologise for this one too, Yep. the flFAtlps prmted In Issue #4 dldn'twork,Webl~mttipsdoltEd

Lomas forthis extreme bungltry, and would like to alert our readers that young Ed hasrtctivtdilstvtrt ki(klng in one of EMAP's darkentd corridors for his troubles, Ed h~d hoped to bflng youthtcorrtCltipsthisiSSut,butht's findins it prttty h.ard to punchcht~ts in on ajoyp,jld wlthout,jlnyfingers Next ISSue though, they should amvt

R:~;~=~n;:: ::::~~~i:~:I::I~;~~~nn~h;~~~~:; ::~~:;~:~ before someone sn~pped it up for rele~se in this country. And, this month comes the news th~t THQ h.. ve signed it up fortheir first UK S..turn reluse. Which naturally,comesasa pleasant surprise to us, as It seemed that little interest had been generated in Ihislltle.Actually. it'S one of the very few import games that actually managed to score well in reviews over here, and achi~d a whacking 81% in our Sister magazine Mean Machines. proving that It is indeed worthyofaUKrelease Developers THQ had been scouting around the import market for a number of months, waiting for a top product to snap up, and when they saw this scrollingsnoot'emup,theyknewthiswasthefirstproductthatthey should Sign and release Amazingly enough, t his is another one of those retro-type games with an arcade remimscenceand huge scfeen路filling bosses. While It's not exactly what we'd immediately thmk of as state-of路the-art. It IS a pretty inYOlving and huge game Splayedacrosssi~ huge levels. In the Hunt places you inside a war路hke submarine and leaves you to battle with the monsters of the deep.Asyou'de~pect,there'splentyoffishles around ,butmore

dangerously. you'll be expected to destroy si!wr dragons. giant octopi andridicu~slylargerockets.Asisthestandardformostgamesof

this type, In the Hunt hasan amazing amount of action on screen at once and at times becomes so chaotic that you'll forget just exactly what it is you're supposed to be shootmg THQ are undecided whether there wil l be any changes made fOf the UK release of the game, but seeing as everythmg isalreadyprettyimpressive,it"s unhk ely. However, they are more likely to sort out the slowdown problem that plagues the game when there's too much on screen at once. A UK release IS yet to be announced, but you can expect to see this intheearlymonthsofsummer, maybe even as early as the end of April. And we'lI certainly be keeping you posted on it until then.

,,-p :. -(f.:~~" .



a ahn :

t~:;;:~:~::~li~!t:r;~~:~ (~::~b~:~:~~;;~~:t~:::::,es

while Olympic Cames has been pretty puny in the past, due to the capabilities of the machines It was published on (the gameplay was grut though), you (an e~pectto seesomethlngverydifferentlndeedfortheSaturnverslon.Outarethe

matchstick swimmers of yester year, and in are full -screen sprites arriving amidst a riot of colour. As in previous games of this type, the games include swimming, javelin, discus and shooting. Naturally, this will be released to coincide with the arrival of the Atlanta games in summer of this year and will (ome complete with an official Olympic game licence, Also deep in development at the moment is a US Gold Saturn football title. Takmg much of its inspiration from th eir Megadtlve (and pX) football game, Fever Pitch,this 32-bI! version will retain thegameplaybut rid ilselfof much of the novelty features that were found in the original game Although there's no actual screenshots available at the moment, expect to see a much more grown-up affair than the brash Fever Pitch.


E;;::yn:~:~::~;:;: ~sa~;h~~ae~~~v:r 1:~Aa::~:rt t::::~(:;~ef~~ :i~la:::r~n the sUfVeilianceforces. But, you can snatch a taste of what It'sru lIyllkeby playing thi s game from Actlvislon when it's relused tater on this year. Taking Its Inspnatlonfrom real live episodes in the CIA. Spycrafthurlsyo u into the shoes ofa CIAagentona mission to uncover a murde rerofa Ru ssian head of state, and break a rmgofcorruption fife inthe Russian governrne nt Ifa llthissoundsjustaliltlefarfetchedforasoftwarehouse torecre ate, then take mto considefatlon the fact that Activ,sion have employed a former head of Ihe CIA 10 contllbute tothe game and a real author of spy novels to write the script, which ultimately, should mean complete authentiCity Within the game. In Spycraft,everythingfrom Cflme scenes to secret buildmgs to police re cords can bi! accessed,and all information found can bi! used to solve the ulti mate puzzle. FMV action scenes arl!' interspersed with puzzll!' sections m akinsthisbot h an in<rediblyexpensive game to produce and a deeply involving strate gytille At the moment. Spycraft is bemg readied foraan early April PC release, and Ofl ce that's out of the way, the programmers Will begm work on the Saturn conversion What's particularly interestmg about this game is that the programm ers have put together a whole internl!'t site dedicated to Spycraft,where users can accl!'ssinformationandtrackdowndailyupdatesregardinsthegame.Ofcoufse,if the Saturn's moclem equipment is released by then, It'S high ly likely that this facility will bl!'come available too. More news on this one as it comes.

I "~~:1l:



1 '



hdnr.lfthefe·ionethlngthatyoushOulddtfiniltly;avoidinthtse days of 3~·bitdom, It's (fu ting 11 duff footie 8i1me. Segi paid the price pretty heavily when they unlushed Victory Goal onan unsuspecting public, ilnd .. t the moment, Ihe Saturn i$ stili awaitlng;ll top footle title (FIFA wasn't ilil it WilS



Prosrammed by Tallo. the very same people responSible for DarillS. Hat Trick Hero is something ofa step backwards for the football genre, Arrivi nginabox with artwork reminiscent of the '974 World (up. Hat Trick Hero boasts a host of

Kevin Keegan wannabees With action more SUited to a Master System than anythinselse. Bellew' us. not hing in this game from the gut-wrenchingly awful gameplay

tothepOltheticgraphicsareworthyofanappearanceontheSaturn, pXor Megadrive. However, it is pretty good for a laugh. even though it's a pretty expensive one at that. Honestly,lt"s difficult to believe that anyone actual Iy hOld the chee k to seriously conSider releasing this on the Saturn. and even th oughthe Japanese may not classfootbOlIl as their favourite national rely no one. not even adle hard fan is going to consider buying it. Expect this to never s« the light of day in blighty.ln fact. don't ever expect t 0 see t his in the pages ofSEGA SATURN MAGAZINE ever again

- -'-'




W:~hO:~: ~;:I:;'~O:.A;:!'~~e~:~c~a::a~nn~~:~i~~n~h:::~~:~;;~ ::~i~St~: S~turn's puulers got off to ~ somewhat shaky start with Hebere ke's Popoilo, there's beenafairfewPuyoPuyorlp·offsthat have done fairly well 0 nth e import clf(uit.AndnowOataEasthaveunleashedtheircontributiontothepUllleworld, alt hough we'll be d~mned if we c~n pronounce the's title. So, gameX features all the g,eat action you'd expect to see in anyquahty Tetfls clone, although therearea few significant differences betw«n this and puule rsofthe past. most significantly the abihtyto hoover up colour edblocks and place them wherever you want on screen. While t his d~n't exactly add whole new dimenSions to the g~me, It is quite an innovative twist and Will certainly please die·hard puzzle fans However, we still don't think it has as much appeal as Baku Baku Anim~l. whiCh is easily the mostentertaininggameofltstypeavailable,B utseeingasthis is fairly unlikely to see the light of day over here, It doesn't really ma tter much Unless you're an absolute puzzle freak of coulse, and then you'll pro bablyalready have bought It by now



ht Japanese loVi! the;r RPGs don't they? Thefe's at lust two orthrt!! new ones most months, and illthough WI! Ciln n_, understand them, it seems as thouSh most of them arl! of ill billy high standard. And tht)' certainly keep OUf Eastern fr iends I!ngros~ . 8.rt then they do like those strip milll jons games too,

solt's ilbitdifficulttotelirully. Anyway. Wrinkle RIVer Story is the latest RPG to appear over thefe. and although It'S stili not anywhere near finlshtd, It's rtctlYlng il falf amount of atten路 tlon from the Japanese press. It's qUite d,fficul t to tell whilt's soing on. built seems ilS if thiS is a CfOSS between a shoot 'em up and a tr.1ld,tlonal RPG, wllh an abundance of absolutely huge enemies and plenty Ofspectilcular explo Sionstoo As we said, the re's not much information on thiS one ilt the moment - the

screenshotsweresentd irectly fromJapan,althoughwe'llbekeeprngyouupdated on its progress and an impending (or not as the case may be) UK release as soon as we hear any news

e gol our firsl look ill Dilrk Silvlor ill IheT~lmilen show In Tokyo, (limn's gilme hilS been produced by Kiln Nilllo, Ihe miln f3mous for Shining Force 3ndlilndslillker,3ndiluseslheliltesllechnologytocruteiln3m3zing3D polygon en~l ronm enl where our hero mo~es 3bout lookln8 for bouble lu~ing Ihe pl3yer free to pan In ilnd oul,and rolilielhelmil8eiltieisure,Obvi ouslythlsl,. bit of iI noyeity ilt the moment, il nd for ilil we know il ml8ht be the best thln8 ilbout the 8i1me. HiI~ln8 silld th ilt, ilny e)lt un see thilt the 8rilphks ilre pretty dilmn , millt ilnd we're 8etting mighty excited ilbout this. Hopefully we 'll be ilble to bring you iI full pre~iew next month, plus news of iI UK releilse,



. . . . . ... ..




he AHI show Is held anru.•.,lIy at brl's Court uhibltlon centre In "",,,,,,,,,,,,,., ..,, ,h" h,,,, ...., ,h"",.. ,.,.-.,••" ~m It In Japan, which will be feluted Into UK ,arcades over the comins year. NaturaUy, Ihert Wtft pientyofbignameslittheshow,bllt among the prime tx hlbltolS were Sela Amusements. Traditionally


known as Innovatofs In Ihe afcJlde fleld , thtycertillnly didn't let

anyone down thls)'ur, and had plenty oflop·quality products on disp1,),among the lames on offer were FIGHTING VIPUS, MANX TT .. nd VI RTUAl ON. SEGA SATU RN MAGAZIN£ was therl! 100, and brings)'OlI th is spec:ial report Whenever Seg.. release iI new afcilde game, there's always iI certa,n amount of e)(Cltement that surrounds It Not only do they promise iI brilliant new trtle. but you can ~ almost guaranteed that they'll be pushing ~ck t~hnology bound~rles tOO. ~ga had many products on show thIS ~ar (includtng ~ga Rally, Indy SOO. Virtua Cop 2 and RaIl Chase 2). but the showca~e produc;ts were the ones created by AM reseafCh departments Alllhree dMstons of the team had products on show. and all three of the games were te<hntCally brillIant In fac;t. by the Ilme)'OU read thIs, most of the games WIll be out In larger arcades. so for the best test. get )'OUrselfdownthere '

VIRTUA FIGHTER 2 - PART 2? After a phenomenal success on both home and arcade formats WIth Virtua Flghler 2. AM2 decided that something had 10 be done to curb that gap In between Virtua Fighter 2 and the arrIval of Virtu a Fighter l0bviouslytheycouldn' t create a whole new game-all oftherrenergles were betng put into Virtua Fighter 3 (of which we've slill seen nothing) whiCh is sure to bestunnins So. they got the code for VirtuaFIghter2and besan to play around wIth It a Irt· tie. FIghtIng Vipers IS the result BasedonVirtua Figh ter2.thisisa flghtlnggame wIth a more ·Western" feel All of the characters use the same basIC mClYeS as the Virtuil characters, but Ihegame has a very dIffer· entfeel.lnfac;t.graphically,tcouldbeltkenedto Tekkenor Tekken 2-gone are the purIst charac;tersof Shun Oi. Sarah Bryant and Ak,ra Yuki. and in are more chaotrc, bnshtlycoloured characters wIth a more Sireeifighieryfeel about them. There-s nospec;al spectacular mOYesas such-thecharac;ters have retatned a pure flghllngfeel. but a few of them have weapons, ahhough 001 of the fireball type

EIGHT NEW CHARACTERS! There'selghtcharac;terstnFlghttngVipers(alongwlth the rumour that there's a cheat to play as a fighttng Somc). plusa boss character too And allhough the characters all take therr movement from Virtua FIghter 2, the game is played very dIfferently Fcr instance, defendtng IS a lot more importan t than ilwas mVF2.and AM2 have programmed the game especially to be l ike this This makes II easier to fighl back if someone has unleashed an especially potent combo on to you. and even ifyou'recornered,there's stIli ways to get out oflhe situatIon. Also. the cam· era angles ~wltch around much more in Fighttng Vipers than they do in VF2. and thefighttng ring is dIfferent 100 Instead of slrpping out oflhe ring and losing the round in VF. Flghttng Vipers is played out tn a cage. sothe sides of the r Ingcanbe used toyouradvilntage However. a p~rtlcularlyhardpunchcanbreakthoughthe SIdes of the rmg ilnd flmg)'OUr opponent rIght out of the fighttng arena and inlo thed,slancel




kl" ud .. k, ." Pl'. err.. .. _. ..... tr!tINl.....I..

Tku liltJ.lllipti H 1M KIft"1"I tllilld by tMllrit/ltllph.ttk'f"C.lldtlllrow.

PlcQ rndlt. hlmltlrrlH' an awtlom. attact.

--=- ~ " T ~ --~-' ?


.1 II





: I


. ,. :"H...


- .

In(idenlally.there'5 ab055(hara(t er too.butwe'renolgoingtorevealhimju5t yeti You·1I have to get down tothe arCild e)'Qurselftosee itl



Althoughthemajorityof~rcadecabi­ netsarestandalonewlthatwopla~r

option, there are a number of head to head cabinets out in some arcades. If you want to pl~y ~g~inst a real oppo· nent. this;sdefinitely th e best way to do it It's also good be1:ause If you stay on as the winner, you won't ~Iw~ys know who your neKt opponent will be!

WORK HAS BEGUN ON AHOME CONVERSION! As revealed in S€GA SATURN MAGAZINE If!, work has already started on t he Saturn conversion of Fi8htin8 Vipers, L08ically, this shouldn't t ake to lon8 to appear,asitbaSicallyusesthesameg~meengineasusedintheVFseries

However, the time lag between arcade releases and home conversions will always be significant. as if both versions were re leased at the same t lme,th ere would be less hype surrounding the title, And besides, they have their work cut out at the moment, creating new characters for Virtua fi8hter 3,Expecttosee the first picturesofa home converSion within the next three months,

_ _'_8

. , SEGA S.!l.TUr<N

IN YOUR HOME BY CHRISTMAS! Despite the non-availability of Saturn


at the moment, you can

e~pecttoseeilnalmostperfectconvcrsionof t hegamebythetimeit's

released (probably around Christmas of this year). AM2 did an amallngjob on Virtuil Fighter 2- in fact this is probably the closest home conversion of an arcade game ever seen. However, AM2 are even more proficient now, and with the help of the new graphics library, which the team afe now fully used to,

Iheycan produce even more technically perlect Iltles.As is usual ina home conve rsion.VuSuzukiisCl'YCrseeingtheproject.andhil5 a l50mention~that

he would tike to continue the fighting Vipers series, In much the same wily as the collective VirtUiI Fighters havcprogressed. Ifs difficult to say how popular FighlingVipers will be in this country, as

despitebeingtechnicallybrlliiantaswellasgfeattoplay,lfsasomewhat more low key release than VF2. Howeve r, the game was created with the westernaudlenceinmlnd,anditwilicertainlyap~altoTekkenandStreetfjghler fans.Vlrtuafan5willnodoubtloveittoo.althoughonfirstlook.its~msVf!ry

different from thedean. realistic graphicsofVF.Bul,onceplayed,you'li Instantaneouslybeabletotelilfsan A.M2 game. and asa stop gap for the VFseries, ifs certainly a worthy addi路 tion. As we said before. the best way to find out what you think Is 10 get down the arcades and see for you rsetfl Look out for a full playe(sguide in a couple of monthsl

UO 0 ... 'HOW


,t ,f

THI Ani W,U AMJ'. tATII' ".(ADI Utl_,

MAN. TT itACIi . NOT ONLY 00. . 'HIS I""'1lOV1 U..oN TN'



DA.CIIOU. TO .. • ..... " MOTO •• ln. A •• YOU ".01' ' 0 ' 'HI

fill.' .,,'" LlVIL't SAM HICKMAN If. lfanyone was t\'el In doubt thill Segil ilre responsible for the besl area de machines in the world, they would hiwe only had to walk afound the ATE I show to put all their WOfrrl"S to rl"sl Out of all Iheillcilde milchines on offer

from top companies such as Nameo, and Midway. Segil well' filr and away the most pOpulilf choice for the maJority of visitors. The Sega stan dhilda ~iders) and ilt times, the crowd gathered around the si.-player Man. TT machine was reachingaridiCl,lloussize Thl"rl"'s a few reilsons for this. Of course. ilH the milchines were on free plily all day. so it WilS Inevltilbleth~ttherewould be queues Butth~t's by the by. The main ruson everyone was so eXCited was thiS was iI new gilme from AM1- filst becoming one of the most well -known game programming teams In the world When they milke a new game, It'S feillly something to get excited about HOWeVef, lhefe·Sanotherreasontoo.AlmosteverySegii com·op gil me will eventuilliy be converted to the Silt urn. so it's illso iI good giluge of how filr your httle blilck 00)( will be pushed 6'9 months after the coin·opis releilsed

constilntqueue for mosl games (even the C'ilpones like Cool



~" ..

. ~




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Au~1 to onrt,k,1 Go "'lIIlt~11IJ ~ultkl1l Can 1M tramc poIlel '''lIHIdlatl l, . r thin coukl be I NrI"I."kll~t.

lOCl',tl, bozo! k11l1l1, I.IN bltl.n ,/1111 rl'Cl. tk'Cl Plrt of thl p!IlI, 10 shown I., klltd ff~&IIolt rldlr~ . SpooQ.

.. :filii ell MI, A"~ III" nilly ••• qed t. Itt.'"II.. oIapet6lttot... .,.,hlu.

II tlllt , c.~N:., .,. jut! II onIl"ll tower' 'f)'OllIl"'.th. lsltff ...., pI.. Nt.JI ...




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It'IIIICI •• rwllellllrA IUlct..llrrilltld


thITTr1tnllltllll"lo " lIIror'lM~II.,

lIIotorqCIlIU •• d COIIIIII'II" .""1 they

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~ .~~ -:

Although AM3 will be convertln!!


TT to the



sometime over the next

year, they certainly won't be showing anyscreenshots for a few monlh syetSo.

the best thing you can do if you want to see what's coming up on the Saturn soon, is get down tothe arcades, arm yourself with plenty of pound coins an dseeitfm you rselfl

BETTER THAN THE REAL THING! As you've probably gathered by now, Manx n iS;ln almos t exact repli"l of Ih!' Isle of Man TT Races held annu<llIy between June and September TheTT



oneofthl:' mosl celebrated events in the whole festival and haSoiIUr acted hun路

dredsofthousandsofvisitorssince the race was first held in190 7 There's only one course for competitors to follow in t he real t hing. but it wouldn't have been much cop ifAM3 had decided to use just the one COUfse in their afcade ga me SO, as well as reproducing the original Mountain course (which incidentally is difficult mode in the arcade game) AM3 have created thelf own course too This IS slightly eaSIer than the TT race and is a good en t ry point If you've never played the game before


THE LAXLEY COURSE ThiS course is AM3's own creation, although ,t looks pretty much the same as the original IT track. That's because this imaginary course is also set in the Isil" of Man

and uses the very same roads-It'sjust not as tWlsty·turnythiit's aiL Itlal:esyou th roughthemainpartsofthetownon the Isle of Man and out into a bit of the

countryside 100, andlhe visuals are can't choose the b'keyou wish to ride

built doesn't matter too much anyway. as t he bike


provided with has


all the others. The race takes plaCeOVf!f

three laps.

THE TT COURSE This is the course that's based on the original TT race Ittilkesyou t hrough t he town, up mto the fOfest and

outoverthehills.AsthecQUfSeisa real road that's used by everyday people, there's no change in terrain, so you'll h~ve the chance to record some blisteringly fas t tlmesprovided you're used to the control system, This course is more complica t ed t han t he first course and topl~ceanywherein t heraceyou'li

need t o be qUite an e~pert driver There's ~ coupleofre~lIytricky jumps t o manoeuvre as well,and if you're not caleful,your machine will spin out of cO!1tlOll

is real ly well animated in Ma!1xTT and the faces are all pretty clear too! In fact. parts of th e crowd aremadeupofthe people from both sega Europe and sega Japan. But seeing as no one knows who they are, it makes little difference to the gamel



At the moment, it's uncertalfl when the Saturn version of Manx TT will appear, as AM} leally will have their work cut out to download the code. Also, It'S likely .•. C ..C ••.•. • • will be programmed into the game for the home converSion, with yet another challenge. However, AM} would!1't iftheydidn'tthinkthattheycoulddoa good Job, can Iookforwardtoa real t reat sometime in the neal future

00"""'"" ', ' ,,,,.1111



IrtualOn was rtcentlyunveiled ott the ATEI arcade show held In Earls Court and jlttraded a fairly major crowd throughout

ilil three days of the show. luckily SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE was on hand to play the game to death and fortunately, we can report that thl!' ntar-flnished title Is IOilds better than

AM,'s last coln-op effort, Cool Riders (which Incidentally, was cack).ln fact, most people at the show actually thought it was pretty amazin8, even though it lacks the Immediately obvious visual qua litystenin Manx TT ilnd Fighting Vipers.


t~.'hav.en'tP.uttogetherilnilrcildetlt.'''.hilt'.,,, I

Stilithat'sn .. ottos.aYth .•. a Ions time smce Sega have brought a blast 'em foremostquilhty. It's been

upou t inthea rcades(VlrtuaCoplsabjtdlfferent)andtheyreallyha~gone

to town, With major e)(plOSlons happening ~ry other second Plus, unli~e blastelsofthepast.thlsisafuIl3Dpolygonad~nturewheleyoualepIned as a ,obot who mustlun around blastmg absolutely~rythmg m sishtkindofsimllar t o the32XgameMetalhead-onlyloadsbener



AS THE PLAYER GRIPS BOTH LEVERS HE !: .. VIRTUALLY BECOMES AVIRTUAROID! There's a choiceofeisht robots in all and each comes equipped with th re1!' major·destruction weapons - different for each character. However, what's unique tothis same is the control system, The robots and the weapon sare controlled usinS two joystICks, one of which controls the left Side movements of the robot. while the other handles the light side of the robot. Toju mp,both le~rsarepulledapart , There'salsotwobuttonsforeachofthel~rs,and

these control the weapons, and the runnins movements of the drOld,O bviously, this may ta~e a linle time to set used to, but has been implemented purely to make the same more in·depthand fun to play

TARGETTED AT MANIAC PLAYERS! Al though Virtual On (or Cybertroopers as it's likely to be called in this country) can be played inone·player mode, the best ent ertainment will be s'eaned from a headto head banle, played out in a two-player linked up cabinet At the moment, these have yet to appear in the UK,but lookout for them as they're due to al/lve any day now,

Although Virtual On is stilisoms through IIgorous testms procedures m Japan, andasyet the same stili isn'tquitefinished,AMl have already annou need that they'll be con~rting this title to the Saturn over the ned few months, There's few details on the conversion at the moment. and AM, are unsure of how to convert the same's unique control system, but the final result should look andplaye)(actly the same as the arcade game. Early d~lopment shots should be available Within the next thre1!' months (you can be sure tha t we'll bebringins}'Ou more coverage

• •


. . S~GA SATU <N



Yea, though I walk through the valley in the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. Instead I'll play some golf. Because, you see, what most people don't realise is that down that valley of death there's a fabulous golf course! Valora Valley it's called.


h SA

owhiltdoestheOtvildowhenhe needs to rel~" eM After centu ries stokinglhefire,yeanspent puUing


is origmality. With three golfing games already doing the rounds, this twist in the genre seems like a refresh ing idea, In It'S fundamentals though, Valora Valley Golf stICks with the trildltlonal formula . Don't expt'ct to hear Siltan's dark and booming voice demanding use of the putter from hiS impish caddy Inst ead t here is the familiar precision control method wh en takmga shot.thesundard choice of c1ubs.optlonstoadjustdirectlonanddrivingstance, and all of the rules associated with Ihegame Valora Valley Golf actually looh quite similar to Pebble Beach Golf. Obviously it doesn't have that filt bloke. Craig Stadler, nursmgyou round the course The tutoring voice in Valora Va lley remains faceless Actuallyitsoundsabl t likeSatanwlthanAmerlcan accent. Pebble Beach Golfwas not pilrticularly impressive but altrrough this shares a lot ofils char· acteflStics, the absurdity of the courses themselves area considerable departure ilnd enough to mefit It being considered in its own right

outslnntntttt hwith~rustypilirof

plitrs, ilndhoundtdiutedtomak· Ingscrilt,hysoundsdownblil,k· boards, surely ole' Clootie must do something 10 unwlnd1 Well, thehuth Is, he dots wh ilt we ilil do when we nud iI spot of mother nillure's fresh illrhe plilys golf. Not ordinary golf of course. Don't expt'ct to see the gentle slopes ofa Gleneaglesor Wtntworth. I





of different modes of play. The Oevil's Open takes YOll round the standard course which. while certain· lyberngtrrcky,looks more like paradise than hell There's also tournament play. stroke play,skrns play (whiCh is where money is placed onwinnrngeach hole),and match play Although the precision con· trol method fortakinga shot is prettyidenticill to the usual golf style, it comes with ilpproprlately

LOW UP THE SLICHTEST MISTAKE mean,whenyou'retheAnti·Chrislyoudon'twanta game that'sgoingtobetheepitome ofl eisure,You want hellish sand traps, torturous five par holes and morefrustriltion thiln the average mortal could bearlSo,lhere'sonlyonethingforityou'regolngto have townstruct a wurse that perfectly Suit s your temperament ilnd personality. What this meilns is

cratymeasurementslik~. warp.cyclone , psycho. and

fireforthat hugedllve As for t he rest, w~ II, Valora Valley Golf comes wlthallthoselmportilntstats. thefaci1rtyformulti· p!ayeractlon and options to save games rn progress hpect to see us summoning Beelzebub for a full reviewnextmonlh


placed onthe plateauofa craggy hill. Silnd and wat erlrapspositionedtopt'rfectlyswallowupthe slightest mistake and palchesoffairwaysuspt'nded in th e airl And voila: the uniqueValora Vililey golf One thing Virgm's latest release isn't short on

. ...

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WlIlt ..'''8Gthtl"ll'I"lIIIIIUIIl"lIlIIentsof lhIPGwlroryour .wlII!- Rllherlhlnuse y. rdlthougll, hOWlbout~II" wonIs,






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• •


1~ lilJiJ"AI'~'11 2






When a new platfOMn character appears on the scene, there are a few things you want to know. Is it fast? Is it tough? Is it cool? Could it haw Sonic in a fight? Or Rayman for that matter? Bring in the gecko!

ow,Gordon Ge<ko I know. Hew~s



WallStlHt.Youknow,thtluy played by Mkhui Douglu who SiI)"II things like ~lI:rl!td Is As regilldsthespe<luknownntht ge,ko, all 1(ould tell you Is they'lt 11",ds.nd that none of them spe<ulatton the stock uchiln,t.



ge<ko's.,elturdsthatfavourtropiuldlm.tts, th.t thtyhavertmilrllilbltgrip, toupledwithawhipliUh ton8ut ,ldul for snapping ilt InSKts. Can you picture oneyeU No1 Ok, you know those old FIJkt Jdvertsl Well , you know the one where the womin Silt dec .. dtntlysooffinghtfchocolatewhlltlhtphont wouldn 't stop ringing, that had, gtcko In it. Itwn Ihal ,maIl8'tenthlngth~t'litheredove'thedl~lln 'luk reptlll~n fl5hlon, But~lIthisisbesidesthepolnt,Whetheryou ~re ~

gecko simpleton who wouldn't recognise one if



PLATFORM HERO. II becilme your best

m~te ~nd

look Club 18-30 holi-

n~sty hum~n h~blts like we~rlng n~ff sh~des ~nd w~t(hIOg endless TV le~dlng such ~ sl~ck lifestyle, it was perh~ps poetiC Justke when the mellow gecko found himself sucked Into the TV scrun by ~ m~d insect inventor And thiS Insect inventOf could no doubt POIOt to the numberless victims of the gecko's brUUlde~th'by,tongueexecutlonstojustlfyits m~lef~ction. But pin b~lgalOlng ~slde, Gex is now stuck in ~ TV m~ze where hiS only ch~nce of esc~pe Is to move throygh hostIle televisIOn worlds se~rching for remote conuols arid Video t~pes_ A splfltu~1 infernOind~forthesqU<lred-~reptlle,andone

whICh forces him to utilise his h<lbitu<ll talents hke stlCk,ng to thlOgs, using his t<lil <IS a whip, and flickingout his tongue Intruepliltformtrildltionthereilrenoendof foes ready to extinguish Gex's tentative exist ence, be they zombies, killer tomatoes, urtoon chilr~cters, kung fu expertsorJungle beasts. Lucky for him then




of pick ups i'I~il~ble, useful for replenIShing energy and Increasmg power Some of them even gJVe him add,tlOnillpowersliketheilbllrtytospltfireilnd lightning bolts, While Gex doesn't ilppeill to beurrying ilny pilrticulilriyorogin<llldns in it, it does look bothf.llst ilnd polished, ilnd there Is enough h~ppening to keep

ilnd profoynd <IS to render you the omnipotent getko god, what remilIOS a mystery is how someone cilme upwlthlhebllghtide~ofturnlngthegeckolntothe

Iillestpliltform hero. Why not Terrilpin Orilgoonor Cyber Newt Fighters? Who knows, milybe they Just hked the sound of Its name. But enough from the embittered games hack. Let's give this gecko a chancel



Look out fOI our cold blooded review next month.

Wbu Milil t.1M Ind of I inti, GIl dlullPWlIMeq!l1111 11" , DIHI'lflM1'llht"'lIIot.conlrvltllo~"',

~",, "

~ "


,-£ - ",

TlMloIdpck • ..,I·,IOI.. ·lft ..I"I' •••• II,WI'ltlllc:klolt' .aclGIliluPPJ' II ",aletllatllt arul1rldit'- of aI-ttrraJ. ""pillS tul tIM qilll"lptH... Go Go ..!



• •

1~ lilJili1AI"~AI The original Shining Force team return for an all-new adventure! There's a rather glaring lack of RPGs on the Saturn, so it's a good job that Climax, the team behind the Shining Force series on the Megadrive, have returned to cause chaos on the Saturn! hlning Fortt was nsily the best RPG


on the Megadrive. With its intricate storylines;lnd brilliant battte mode it was one of the most in·depth .. "d appealing sl!ries of gamts tver n!11!'iI~onthesystem.Andnow,in

these days of 31-bit glorydom, everyon!!' SHmsto havegoneabitmad . The lOgamehasbeenpush~

aside somewhat, and in itsfaVOUf,}O adventures with superlative graphic:s, gruesome plots and none of the old style RPG·nHS about them at all. But what's happened to th e gameplJly? Whe re has Itilili gonel Yep. I remember when this was all plKtlly. None of yow 3D rubbish,just tiny httle spntes with no detail

and bad taste in colour. B"t. the gameplay was




.. "

,~q ~;,>

~ . "..,

TIIilmlght look Ilk. CG aftwork - ancIlt Is! But it'.al$lll IIC/'Q.I~ot oftbl hrtIIyShiRln&WlldomtitJ. IIC/'QR,lIotjust I moel-up Of Inythll.,








:." .....r6

damned good even though the enwonments looked


nothing like t he castles or shlp\that theyweresup po~dtorepresentlt'sallchilngednowthough,and

it's not all for the better, Why, we haven't seen a decent II:PG on t he Saturn in months. The ones that are around atthe moment are just too fussy (Virtual Hydlide) or too damned clever for their own good (0)

So It'S with plenty of back-slapping and cheering that we welcome the Shining Force team back into the foidthismonth,Naturally,there'sootmuchhfeleftin the Mesadrive anymore (especially not as r..r as II:PGs So),sotheteamhavede<idedtoupsradethem~lves

anddevelopfor t heSaturn.TheresultlsstllireminlScentofa 16-bit same, offering not much at all In the wayof30tflckeryor fancy effects, but as you'd expect f rom the crew, the adventure is of top class quahty Set once asain in the scenic territory of Parme<ia, Shi ning Wis<.!om casts you ils the new younS guardlet. sonofagreathero,startinsoutonhlsfirstdayasa soldier. Just hkeour lI:ad you've got a bit of trouble settlngout of be<! and are already late for your big day. Vou r grandfatherdoesn'te~actlyhelpmattersby

refuSing toaliowyou to leave for the offICe until you've de<kedhim , Fromthisprettymundanebeginninsa monst rous quest grows, The princessSa tera is spellboundl And then kldnappedl Bya darkelfl A legendary giant is awoken, causins terror and the possible end of t he worldl You have to fiSht loads of monsters! And,ln a bit ofadeparture from the usual ShininsForce rou t ine, t here's no cumbersome founds-based combat Vour httlewarrior wields hiS sword under your direct command, SWip ing at the many roamins beasties and boss-type monsters,



11, ..

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1"-~~~~~·-· Wh o are y o u ? Where are y o u.

''' ~'< )







fr o m'" Yo u came here t o wo rk at tile cC:5 t/~ Ha! I kno w all And


' rq: -

fact we were Iylnsabout the lackofvisual

effectsearher. SureenOl.lgh,Shining Wisdom isn't in the leaSl.le of Panzer Drasoon orSega I/:allywhen it comes to feeding the eyes, but the sprotes are all now traced In 3D, the levels are equally sohd-Iooklng andshock hOrror-recosnisable, The monsters afescary. There'sevensomescalingandfotationandstufflfs pretty nice looklnsfor an isometroc adventl.lre same, we'd have to say In fact, nice lookinscould be applied in several terms, as Shining Wisdom is shapins I.lp to be one of the t>est examples of the genre to hlta Sega platform We all know how ace t he Shining Forces were, and Slven the amOl.lnt of time thiS latest installment has been in production itshol.lld becrackins. look out fora full r/!Vlew and Showcase in very nelct Issue WI' canhardlywalttOSlveYOl.lallourjulcyinfoandopmions. Honest

Y 02 m l. " f

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Hmmm ••• K/afoon9 IS laf~_ G""andma IS laf~ as U-~'" T'le day will soon he ou~_





C lU~1 t.!11>Mes about um of ou' coun'ry f!!!lJ."r"""r'r!Kovrt,,,,cl





at IMntlfJll)'-ru6trtd ..~ tills t.. belle:.torJ or S~IItI.. Wisdoll.lIt"'tntdlitlMfotlplay..,tMflntt...ty ..1•• tuflftMp... ItI')'OII'lllj1O/1tMlII"IIriNfor)'Ollrstlf. Beu.IIMJOIId"'t kltow whit'. upplul.. to Itlrt with.

• • <II SEGA SArur.N

• •

letter~ r,·.,:j,or',





'-~:.TLJf,'· •.

';,\ ,:• .'1',:


I've had enough 01 people wrlling In lusl

to wl'urcge on. r,1uch as I've 'fled to flO the letters paqe with poSItIVe and Intcrestmg comm Ul1lcatiof\ there's not a 101 of It to qo around. So why don't you Iry s3Vlng something lurmy, or lelling U5 who you laney, or being sane about SCqa Instead of loath(Jl<j them? U's not our lault. Please send your cheery di spatc he s to Thanks. We love you.

BAD GAMES ARE GOOD DEAR SATURN MAGAZINE, Fifstofilll letme(onl!ratulateyouonYOUfmilgilzlneilndtok~pupthegood

wolk. It hilS brightened things up a little for me as I am complaining about when I \¥tnt into the local games store and bought iI ~iI ~turn only to find out you nffi:!· ed;ln!lf cable sepilrate It took about 3-4 weeks before I got the cable and therefore" had some fun on the m;J(hllle Of course I bought VICtOf)' ~I along WIth thilt olnd ilfter iI couple of !.hot!.1 wu not ImPfe!.sed WIth it ilt ilil The good thmg IS thilt there setms to be a lot of biIdgillT\e!. for the Saturn ilnd illsothere iSii few excellent galT\e!. such ilS Virtuil Cop ilnd Sega RilIIy If ilil the gilmes were ilS good as these two then I wouldn't be ilble to affOfd the other gilmts which IS a good thing Keep up the good WOfk ilnd less of the bad work. Oh ilnd by the way fYe illways respected Sega BnKt Shilling/ow, Cakuhle/s, Scatland. ~

Whilt ' brilliilnt ilrgument. Yau know, I rully rully like the filct th~t the milJority of prasrammn on the TV ~re ~bsoIute "~p. beauw otherwise I'd house-I'd Just sit there like ~ zombie, stilring ~t the Krten. fortuniltely my license-fee funded choice is eJctremely limited, munlng I only w~tch the goggle box for about ten minutes every week. Hoorilh fOf the Khedulersl neverle~vethe

X VF2 180 DEAR SATURN MAG, The day after VF2 Cilme out I went to my Memory Milnager screen and found thiS me!.sage VlrtuilFIghter2XVF2180 But I've never plil~VF2 on my Saturn. I cleared it and pl~ all my games and put in ilil the cheats I know for VF, but It didn't come back. 00 you know anythmg ilbout thiS. Of hilS It hilppened to iln)Ult elwl I was illso woodenng If Ifs worth buy· mg games from Americil aftel ~ng hS fOf iI con· ...... rterl Andjl, Hull,S. Hllmm

notreollyenthusJostlCilboutgilme!..whithshouldlgetllalreadyhaveabubbleJet p"nter, 16·BITsoundcard and a lot of games for my PC. and am only really ge ttlng the Saturn for oilytonil.VFl ilnd the video card By the way, IS Silm Single 01 noll If she IS SIngle ~sk her to leply in person to my ~ddrtsS. She·sgorgtous. setyasam! 1

Pluwpleilwpluw please Pf"ntthls 111 your next edltlon 'COS after wilting about 15 trrnes iettersnone have been pt'lntf"d PS Whiltilre my chilncts of you sendlllg me a Saturn for nothlngl ~ya'lIhom~ 1

Adrian ·NuffR"p«t ~ KNn, OJtjord. Our ildvlce Is 10 get the sluff for the PC ilnd Ie~ve us illone, with your blim· min' - Huff respeckin-, .. Irudy. PS You hilve none.

OH MY GOD - ALTERED BEASn DEAR 55M, Since bUyIng my Megadllve WIth Alterf"d Beast a few years ilgo I have been a dedlCat· f"d Seg~ g~mer As time went by I got the urge for somethlllg more than 16·BIT. "Hello Megil'Co" Whoops, goodbye Mega·Co. Slightly annoyed at the I~ck of any good titles on CO (except Thunderhawk) I waited. "Hello 32X" fr, let's walt and see er. no thanks. Another year long wai t and here it is. "Hello Saturn". Sut wait. what's thegleyoneeveryone·stal~ingaboullidecidedtote!.titout,hmmm.notbad.But

Sega ilre convertlllg Sega ~ilily and VF2. Hmmm Thepo"ntisltwasso/sobelweentheSaturnand theotheroneunlillpur· chast<! ISSuts 2 and 30fSSM (sorry. I missed iSSlJel) and then got to playVFl 011 the Saturn. Thiltwas It SOLD_ I am now the proud owner of a brilnd new Saturn and a great game with iI gun -VirtuaCop Thilnks~rymuchforsettlngrrghtanthespeculatlOflandhearsayaboutthe

Saturn AI last I ilm completely satisfied With my new machine and the great IIne' up of games comlllg III the neilr future PS~egardlllgsuwrlptlOl1sWllllgeta


Right, bet you used aur demo dl sk, dldn'l by-product of thill. Even though Vtrtllil Fighters 1 Isn't plilYilbie it leilYH iI bunch of bilck·up running code In your memDf)'. lt Isn't iI weird Segil voodoo Ih ing wh-ere everySillurn In the world suddenly rqidenthe release of VF1, awakening like a Golem to pursue Ihe (D. 5odon'I worry. youI8ukillly, it 's~ bitof~

DEAR SATURN MAG, Flistly I'd II~etoapologlseforthe rather pathetic ilttempt at a Ihleatening filx In the summer Dunno if you received it or not (We didn't - SSM). I WilS too drunk to remember. 'cos II was ilfter a HUGE party. so sorry ilbout thaI Blah blilh, your magaline's great. now le!"s get tOlhepomt MyoptlOl1s for (hllstmils [Oops. bit Iilte - SSM) are A) A Saturn With vldeourd or 8) A Iilstr printer, new sot.Indurd, connection to the Internet ilnd Windows '95, ilnd Icould probably get iI couple of gilmes ilS welt. In your opinion, considering I am



choKe between (0 and non-CO editIOns as It wouldbemce. T -rriggtf Happy" Htnry. Crouch Hili,

Thilnks T,infactwewish more rudtrs would send lelttrs liktthis, beuuse then Wt could cha rgeSega comminion on e very Silturn we sell for them. (ome on re ilders,helpus pily the rent. Lie if you haveto,wedon'tule. Anywily,ilsasubscriberyou'Uaulomiltlnlly be sent iI gift,e nhanced velsion ofSATU~N MAG for NO UTRA (OST. Which Is why II pays to subscribe. In the UK,at lust.

WHERE ARE THE NEW OLD GAMES? DEAR SATURN MAG, Vour mag IS Simply the busllle!.s. but£S99fortheComagisabit pushy, hey, shave off one quid and make everybody happyl1 Where hils all Ih-e ImaglnallOO gone In gamestht"Sf' days. suppose 10 be next

generation programmers, yth alright whatever you say All of these 2D fighting games stilcks of Sf2 types, how about the old IK+, that was three,playtrsimultilneousilss,klckingmilY' hem, Come on progrilmmers update IK ... or

SlreetfighterAJphaand Mortal Kombal3 Ultimate. And what about St'ga's own RPGs like legend ofloor, Mystaria elcl Maybe you guyscould,as they say, pull some stringsl I'm sure that. when PAL releases offer the same arcade quality as the origillal versions a lot more games will be sold ,which IS a good Ihlflgfor everybody, rlghtl Ohandonelastthing,lflweretosubscribe to your magaZlllewould I stili receive the free gift With every Issue (prtvlew video, demo diSk, post Cilrds etc)1 For the moment I can buy it at the Virgin Megastore III Brussels (wllh everythillgon itl,butthlsmeansl have to tfavel over an hour 10 gel it. Oh,and thank you for prinllng my letter


let's su some imaginationl!l Myst what can I say,brill,anyldea on dates for the sequell Hi·Octanegreatmultl.pla~rldeas,

shame about the graphicsl! Roll on next issue babyll Dove Hewitt, Hayle, Cornwa l/,


:::~~:~~; ::::~; :::ilC~~:;~I:~lo~

Chrll toj Rotyoerl, Moen, Belgium .

## :~:::~~::~~~ ::1:~~~:;~0:1~~~·


ilndwhatdowegrilFlipplngslll,playtr C;uardian Herots! What Is the world coming tol Does no·one listen to the rul gamers etc etc ric.


ble will ru n full screen, full speed. Most other developers are cottoni ng onto this practice, and hopefully pretty soon this little blight will be tlildlCilted from milnklnd's history forever,luvlng us free to frolic In iI new gaming Utopia. Sadly though, asanover· Sofas subscriber you'd min out on illi our fr« gifts. ~ you'll have to trilvel from Utopia to Brussels to pick up Salurn mags with fr« stuff on them. But don 'l worry, we'll let youknowilmonthOl'~ l n~nc:elfwe'vegotanythingreol/ycoolpianned.

Ho 1'10 1'Io! Santa and his httleelves here rvejustbeenonmydelrverytoalltheht.

tie kldd,es out there andd«idtd to test a little boy's Stga Satum before 1'1e80tltl got home with the boll and opened the package up and took the brand spanking new all black Saturn out and went st raight to my TV to set it up. Shock, terror came over me as my TV didn't have a SCARl socket In the end I found myselfscUf' rylllgaround In my sack looking for an I1F ullit buthoufslaterandstilinoR Funitl gave up hope 01'1 dearl What iI shilme thill little boy w,1I be dlSilPPOlllttd If hiS TV hilsn't got a SCAIU sode! Planned that one well didn't you, con all the mummies and daddies IIlto bUYlllg a Saturn fOf their kids and If their TV hasn't got a SCARl socket then the mummies and daddlts will have to cop out (let me ch«k my book) ahl f1699, doesn't matter does It, It's only a few bob, I mean if they can pay £299 fOf a Saturn and one pad with no game then that will be alright won't 1t1 At least a warning on the packaging would help the old folks when th eybuy Saturn bought as a replacement for a Sega Megad/lve (which comes com· plelewithanRFunitll Nice stunt you pulled but Ith lnk the stuntman's deadl Comment please /1

I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR WORMS O'SSM! WOrmsl Yes, that's right Wormsll have a small question aboul Worms; when is Ihe realreleasedate,beCiluseinissuethr«ofYOl,lrglorlOusyetobviouSlymlsmfor~ mag.itsaldth~trtWOl.lldbereleilsedinOecember.So,fooIthiltlwilslprilnc:edaOOut

I,ke a prat to eight different shops that sold Saturn games only to find Ihat Worms could only be bought on the PlaySt~tlOfl and PC CO ROM format Now, I love Worms. esped~11y after I had a goon It on my male'S PlayStatoon and he h~d great trouble in grt\lngmetole~ve

I will do anything to get Worms. even ~that means seiling my Salurn and buy· ing a PlayStation which, funnily enough, would make me stop buying your mag and start sending you hale mail for telling lies. In"dentally, h~ you r.een the new Saturn advert lately nol You'd hiM! thought ~aWOl.lldhiM!advertlsedVirtuaFighterlorSegaRally.~,eJlptCtaletter~

Paul McGee [Obviously not SDnto " ally - SSM}, IIge ',I, Albrighton, Nt Wolverhll mp ton.

month of eMer happiness or hate, it's up to you Pressurel Pressurel Pressurel Hal Hal H.,

. . , Vou'" a bi t of a smart·ilnI: for ill3·yur old aren'tyoul Our comment Is ilS follows - "We just write the magil zine, milte, Much ilS you've got iI point and It migi'll hilve been nice for Stgil to point out Ihal the Silturn is SCART·com· patlble only, don't tilke II out on us, Plus this little boneofconlen l ionhnbeen chewed toduth by the unine etement of ourever·vociferous rudership". So there you go,

. . , Yes. it Is coming out. Honest. It'll be out soon. In fact, it should be out be the time you rud Ihls, So you should ~rt your attittide Pfoblem out, ~nny, Next time you accuse us of lying we'll be round)'OUr house with' contingent of cyber·nin· Jas.And Shergar.

AHuntrr, (j/r"gormly. N.lre/ond.

FULL SCREEN FOR BELGIUM! DEAR SATURN MAG, Flfslofall,fd like to say that your mag is brilhant-In fact it's almost ilS fun to ftad It than it Is to playa Saturn game (I must ildmlt. I wasn't 100 hot on Sega games Inthepast(lu~tobeilNlntendofreak), bute'vers,"celheSaturncameout,I've

been hooked on It hkeSuptrgtue Needless to say that I rate the console very high· Iy. elleept fOf the PAt ~rSlon, that Is Why? I'll tell you 50Hz and black borden! As far as I know Europeans versions have always suffered from these problems, mak· ing them not only less attractive graphically, butalsoa lotslowe rNow,lhis isn't toobiga problem with platform games (like Bugl),bul it is a dlsaste r for fighting or raCing games Sfoga have resolved the problem partlaltyby releasmg Virtua Fighter Remll[. Panzer Orilgoon. Victory Goal .. in full screen. H~r, Bug!, Daytona ilnd Shlllobi afe all suffering from the nOIOllOI,l$ "50Hz syndrome· In Issue 1 you stattd Ihat both Virtua Fighter2andStga Rally will beleconfigur edto run full screen and al full s~ This, of COUlse, Is wonderful news. What I want to know however, is whetherotl1er developers than Sega Will adopt a similar formula (li ke Rayman from UbiSoft) I'm particularly looking forward to X·Men,

LOVE YO DEAR SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE Sin.ce being Ihe proud owner of a Sega Saturn, I've been in a dilemma over which magam'lt to subscribe to, the f;JYOl,lrrtes bemgyourvery own SATURN MAG Of the Sega Power mag H.w'"g reOid them both fOf the past th,« issues I have made my declSoon..

Most Important IS the contenU of any magaZU'1t SATURN MN:. is well wlltten, full offacts and comes with a sense of humour Sega PI:MIer {ontalns more rubbish than fact and has a sense of humour which comes aCloss as bemg stupid and not funny at all. Se<:ondly the presentation, While SATU~N MAG is presenled 'Perfect Bound' With 100 pilges of absolute glory. Sega power Is presented With Ihe cheaper 'Saddle Stitch' and has a mere B4 pages, of whICh Ihe adverts are about the most interesting finaltyyour milgazme IS called by the magIC words "Stga Saturn" of course AJIl"RocM,Lrkrlter, , . Well,that'slhiltsettledthen.

"Hmrrrn. Good question my boy. and one which poses propositions that seem to transcend the tracitional didactic: approach to such a dilemma. Let's put it together, Metaphysically, we are taI<Wlg about the lriverse's essential polarity, maintained by an inc:~ order that can be SUTIr11ed l4> the inherent logic in chaotic density, Are you folewing'? After a few more )oumeys into simple arithmetic I ttW1k I can answer yOU" question YOU"lQ ~ and it is this: that Sonic would probabty win if they had a fight .." tf you wish to take issue with the professor's conclusion, write to BEAROED a & A, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, PRIORY COURT, JO.32 FARRtNGOON LANE, LDI'oOON, EClR 3AU





Dear S.lum MIll

Ineedsome~nswers a ndql,li'k,so,ol,lldYOl,lpluse

Pleasec~nyouanswermyquest lonsorlmay k ill

answer tl1e following qllestions. Tl1anh

myselfl I. Is the Segi Arcade I1.acer st eeling wl1eel worth getting? 1. Will tl1ere be any pedals coming out for Saturn racmg gamesl 3-Wl1en you next makc a demo CD pleasccould you put a playable demo of Worms on it. 4 Is the aICade game Virtuil Stllker comlflg out on tl1e Saturnl If so, when? 5. Will there be any football management games comlllgout on the Satuml 6. Will tl1ere be anytl1lng coming out on tl1e Saturn to make It more powerful. like a n upg rade for exa mplel PSGreatmilg' AndyChilds, Chtlttnhlm.


2 When will Vi Fighter 3 make it to tl1e S~tl,lrn? 3IfYOl,lha~seenTekken2,wol,lldyouSil)'IIWU

better tl1an VFl? 4 Wl1en will the Saturn Internet Pack come OIlt and

how much will it cosll S,Wl1enwIIiFlghtlngVipersreachltsw~ytothe

Saturn? 6. When does Virtua Cop 2 come out and will It have a gun/gamepackl

~ ~~~;'b~~:,~:~s!:!~~:I:t~ ~::(I~II'S

19971. J' NO· 4' No fI.ed dtilib at tht momtnl , but thrt'l mort lnfOfmll lon lnthl.monlh'.newllKtlon· s : Around October. 68efortCh rinmas.

MYFIRSTTlME OtlrSSM This Isthefirsttlmel havewflnen to you SO can you answer tl1ese qUe5tions for me because It will l1elp melnchooslllgallewgame 1. In issl,le 3 of tl1e mas you pu t in a Virtua Fighter 2 playtrsguide, I thought this was excellellt but what doP. 0 alld K stalld for and wl1at are tl10se numbers In brackets? 2 Can you put tl1esegames In order from best to worst Worms. Sega Ra lly, Virtua Cop, Virtua fighter 2. Mystafla. Cyberla. True PInb.J1I 31nSegaRaliyaretl1ereonlytwocarsto choosef/oml 4 Will Guardian Heroes be translated Into Enghsl11 5 IS Mortal Kombat 3 comillg out on the S~turnl

. . , "Plspunch, OISdefend,Kls klcklndlhenum. benlnb"ckth1tandfo,Ih-elmountofdlmlge you Inflict upon you'opponenl. l : No, sorry, wedon 'l do th" . JNothtre's asterelur, .ndlo.cctn lt, coniult StlaSiturnM'gulne lssut·4. 4: Yep, GulrdllnHeroe, I. belnl lran.b ,ted.tthe momentlnd should be In t he .hopsbYlfound ente,llmt· s: Ytp,lnd lt'. t.,. Ultlmlteve rslonloo.

~ "lfyou'rt!pt.nn l nlonpl.ylnl·loIofrKlnl

~ 1'mH, then II ctrtl lnly ls. J : No. J: Absolutely not. 4: h ml,hl do. but thtre 's been IIOWon:l from Stll yd. S: !.et'l hopt nol-lCIu111J the't Is one belnldevel· ope-d In lipiln It the moment. 6: II donn't nted one y".

7 Nowthat tl1e 5."iturn is out and a new brl!ed of g~me5l1~veaIlSl!n.whenwillyouconllnue81VIflg

ME 'OLE MATE DeIfSeglSlturnMlgulne Congratulations on tl1e releaseofYOl,lr maga zine. ifs bloody brilliant. Could you be a ma te and a nswer me th,sqllcstlon Iha~purcl1asedaSatulflandll1a~heard

from your mag, naturally. that 98" of PlayStat,on gamesarecom,nlltotheSatulfl,So,pleasetelime when tl1C5e games I hst below arc gOlflg to be released or rf they are gOlflgto be relcased. Theyilre. Loaded, Ultimate Doom, Res,dent Evil, Syndicate Wars, Tekkel'l l? Please prmt my letter because I've Ilever had oncanswered before and it could even cure me from my mental depresslofl. s.o my hfe is in your l1 ands Ju,tln Hllder, Wembley, London. AI!!;,. lolded Ind Ult lmltt Doom will definitely be out ~ on thtS.,u,nwlthln. few monlhs, .hhou,h thtre 's no offlclllwo,d,tllfdina Iht other titles. You'll jutl have to WIlt Ind lte.

SABOTAGE! Otlr Bi,Time Sillurn Mil Plea$!." could you answer my quest lOllS or I'll saoo· Ugc next months batcl"ll l.AreScavengeruslflgll1eSegagrapl1icslibraoy to develop Scofcher and Amokl 1 Do YOI,I think TIme Warner should l1ave made a telrturedandllgl1\·sourcedvefsionofVirtuaRaClngl 3. Wl1at Is the a~rage m~abyte count fOf games such as VirtuaFlgl1terl/ 4 When arc OarUtalkers 2. ToI1 5111n ~.lInd St~gl1tet'Alphacomlngoutl S. ~rt from Virtu.) Cop 2. what ot~ games that

you know of WIll be compat,bIe WIth the Virt~ gunl 6. WI1ich design applicatIOnS 00 AM3 and AMJ and Capcom use 10 d-'op thelf gamesl

awayffel!pDStefS/ PS.VourcoverCOinissue311~sleft meslel!pless.


tI; ;hr:n~okr~:,:~l:l~:~~h~~~~;:'lb~;r;; ~:n'l know, sorry. 4: Thty will be out with in Ihe nut couple of months. S None, IS ytI . 6 None Ih~ they _uld ttU Inyofus lot, sorry. 7 Wt're not ruUy loin, to do.ny poslt fl, unleuthty',truUytopqu,lltytl'i.t ll.

GO GETTER Inqulfles are wl1 atl l'i aveand answers are wl1 at I want let"s get down to busi ness I 1 What's the best portable television to get With my Saturnll wallt something With a scart connection 2 Ale Sega going to releasl!a new video card to go With the better cI~ss of CO films belllg pro· duced/ 3 What's gOing on With the mousl! for tl1e Saturnl Will there be any games It can be uSl!d foil Canwee.pI!ctapalflt,ngpac~agl!ofsome.'lldl

4 I hatethejoypads that come w,th the Saturn. Are there any beUer ones ou t there and wl1erewould I go to get onel Slmon Runell,B, IIlol

~:.~~I!li~l:: :;t:':~;'h~g~~::~I~I;:;;:~~h

.. l : Thtyp,oblblywilldo, .llhoulhthtyh,ven't

Innoun(edanyth;nl~I.J : Wedon'lt'Hnknow

whtlhtrlhe mou,e will be reluud ovtr htrt , but If It Is, you un expe-c:t 10 ule It with Ilmu lu(h II Themt Pllk, lIl1telYtltltl, .ndprob.blytonlmorelhll h.ven ' 4 : Non.y'tbuddy, but

th",wlll be 10m, on tht wlysoon tnOUlh.

••sO PECi'ii RESERVE '0

'.0. lOX a47. HAl.LOW. ESSEX. CM21 9'"


TOOL UP! With WipEout being more of a fant;lSy facer, there's no ftill rul~ of how to conduct yourself when filcing. This is obviously the fnson why so many

_a pons have been Incorporilted into the game. They're ilfe used to blow your opponent Into kingdom (orne ilnd (orne in a variety of guises. And here

they are ...

MINES These un be la id down In series of five ilnd they cause a Iillrly drntlc slow· down to your opponent and ilft ~t laid ilfe the start of jumps so that your

opponent Is less Ukelyto notice them.

SHOCKWAVE When tald down, this causes the ship to freeze In its tracks, then renders it uncontrollable for a few seconds.

Well, It's your standard shield, as It happens. Does all the things a


good shield should, and also allows you to pick up weapons

wh ile you're covered, You can't use them until the shield hilS worn off though.

TURBO SPEED Gives you iln extril spud boost whkh is most useful if you're either Iilgging behind, or iln opponent hu Iilid iI putkulilrly huvy USilUIt on you. Be urdu! when! you use it though , or you (ould end up U rOildkil l.

The rocket Is iln extremely useful weapon, but unfortuniltely hu no tilrgetting control, so you'll hilve to be iI good ilim 10 use It.

HEAT SEEKING MISSILE This is probably the eilslest weapon to use ilS it has a lock-on device which means it's ill most Idiot proof. You do lose a bit of speed when you Iilunch it, but It's; deadlywupon, unless (ounteracted by the shield. Ofcourse,you'li need iI team to race around these tracks, and tucklty,there's more than one choice. In fact, there's five In iltt, and here's a quick rundown of the choices on offer...


" ~

" / ',:) ~ ... l .............,...r

,~~ 11', u.. litll _ I ! "IITIII fot u.. litll KtttI,idHtiealt.I'ItfYWIJ'lollM ~tI.. """flllIt ....!WIII,.~11 lfI4,..uptCl1

)- ; .. 1- ' .,.,..r'-n

0.. flu.. .... ffM tilt dlMO IIIdt II lilt 1M&ft11., Iftllt ...., .......iII&lul IIr11nnlOllll1lltkl

... ~ ~~





OO.Oq~ '




AG 5ystE'ms o"g,nillE' in lilpiln. i1nd probilbly p.o... idE' thE' mosl"'E'rsdlol~ dnd edsy to handle vehicle from IhE' onE'S on offE". ThE' 'E'sponsi ...e (onlrols dnd SldblE' YE'hlClE' milkE' II Ihe IdE'i11 Cd' for IhE' bE.'ginf'ler, i1llhoughmore ildvilncedplilyersm.lyfindll.lbllcumbE.'.some



AUficom i1re iI Canildian rilcing team .lnd p'ovlde Ihe most challenge in terms of a vehicle t o race against Ih hE'avyweight f.ame me.lns that It's extremely dIfficult to P.lSS in a race. It t.lkes a while for this car 10 .each high speeds, but when it doE'S, it\ .lImos! Impossible to beat. A heavy f. ame means thai it's more difficull 10 masler, soit\ morE' suililblE'fol i1dvanceddrivE'rslh')n <lnyoneelse.



ThiS RUSSian born team power af'lother heavy vehicle, and the controls really take some gE'tting used 10 On((', m')slered ifs difficult to find a vE'hicle Ihdt can superceded it, bul if you dOll'! know what you're doing, go lor oneof the smalle r vehicles!



Hailing from Europe, the feisa. team hold one of th ... mo ........ ",ltilt' ,hl~ '" ti ll' g~m .. WhItt' initially not veryfasl,lheaccele'dtlonistopclass,dndtht'''d,ywnt.uh"w.,nthdt l!\Jfortl'''''''llvl'hld''whil('you "" tially play thl' g.lme If you'.to,l novIce pl~ylfll! .. tp"'~t mOIl· .• dv,If1,,·d lJ""~. thl~ I~ you. be\! bt'l





There's two views to choose from while racing ilround the tracks - there's the internillview ilnd the eldernillview, As with most racing titles, the external view is probilbly the easiest to get togrips with,ilS the in ternill view can be iI bit tricky to say the least. This is milinly beciluse the external view allows for a more deep field of vision, and is thus easier for beginners to hilndle. However, the choice is yoursl

...Whlll the latlfnl wie. Is for peopl. 1"lIIt!1l11trteCcustome4totlle cORtroll,udtIlOWlllti&flterraClllf.r



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When Wipeout was first released on to the Plays tation , no one ever thought that It would appear on the Saturn too. Th is was be<ause the game creato rs' Psygnosis wereactu· ally affiliated to Sony and initially this meant that they would only be producing games for Sony's Playsta t ion. In bct, no one believed us when we ran a news story announdng the arriYal of Wipeout on the Saturn. At the time, Psygnosis were thought to be Just too close to Sony to even consider publishing on another format . but within a few months of the arrival of the PlaystationY1!fsion, a finished PCY1!rsionappeared. Admittedly, this was a pretty disappointing conY1!rsion of the game, but nev· ertheless, It proY1!d that Psygnosis were open to publishing on ot her formats. Then two months after that , information was leaked regarding an almost com· plete Saturn conY1!rsion - and a good one at thatl This came as a surprise to everyone, Including SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, as we thought that Sony would probably bung Psygnosis a load of cash to keep them Playstation only, but it ~ms that Psygnosis afe determined to publish most of their previously Playstation-only titles on the Saturn. Which, obviously, is good news for you _.

0 0-52..


TAKE THE TASTE TEST! However, it remains true, that initially, WipEout was progra mmed as a Playstatlon.only game. This meilns that the programming team had to take the game apart once more and adJust certain features of the title tha t maybe weren't working quite so well on the Saturn. The Saturn of cou rse, has been a notoriously difficult machine to program for up until now, although Psygnosis have done an e)(cellent job in bringing an almost perfect convers ion to the Saturn. Of course, the two versions are never going to look elIactly the gme as the two machines are essentially different, but on first look you'd never be able to tell the difference between the two. All of the tracks, gameplay and little extras are included from the original, and in bct, the only thing missing Is a couple of music tracks from Sony's own music label.



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There's more to WipEout than great gameplayand ImpresslYegraphlcsofcourse.With it's techno-friendly music and clubcool icons it's almost an attempt to crOSSOY'er from the traditionally nerdy video game into something that appeals to fashionable young things more than ever before. And in some ways this was done on purpose:. After all, Psygnosis did employ trendy design agency The Designer's Republic to create all the on-ween Icons and information. They're fT1Of'e used to designing atbum covers for Pop will Eat Itself and The Shamen than creating graphics for spotty young oiks playing computergames, but they've definitely bJought their distinctlYe style to the game, brightening up the proceedings no end. In fact, initia lly, the agency was only brought in to create the icons, but everyone at the Designer's Republic was so impressed with the game that they decided to do all of the other on·sc reen options for Psygnosis tool

HAfIlBRAKE T1IINS! There's two different classes to enter into in WipEout - the~, or Idiot, class, and the Rapier class. The former is the standard class which can be accessed at the beginning of the game and is played at standard (still pretty hlst though) speed. The latter can only be accessed after completing all of the tracks In Venom mode in either first, second or third pl ace. Rapier mode Is around 50% bster than Venom mode and as a result, provides you with a complete new game to master. And unless you're absolutely e)(pert at the game, you won't stand a chancel








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On the Plilystiltlon version of WipEout, you can link up two milchln!!!s for iI true head to head battle. UnfortunJtely, the link up cable stili Isn't on sale for the Silturn ilt the moment, but Psygnosl, ue hoping to leav!! the link up option In theg<llme, so that when the cable Is released,),ou'li be ilble to

enjoy this option fully. In fact, this Is easily one of the most e)(cl ttngways to play the gilme, ,115 blowing up <II human opponent ISii hundred times more satisfying thiinplilylng<llgillnsttheCPUI

There's still no fln;al word regiudlng the eXilct f(!le;ue date of WipEout, but the game stands

around 80% complete at the moment. So, all being well,you can expect to see It In the shops by Mid Molreh, which also means th;lt we'll be bringing you a review of the game nut month, followed by a full player's guide reYe;lllng all of the secrets WipEout holds. So there you haveitl YOU (AN READ THE REVIEW OF WIPEOUT IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE.




11>1: IImlfil.1.~1

In June, the atmosphere in England, from the tiniest hamlet to the sprawling metropolis, will be one devoted to the trials and triumphs of the [iijF.:I~~.~national football team. Scotland will be no different either. ROB BRIGHT swings his rattle for Euro '96 and dreams of an escape to victory! INTO ...... IMI>lAU.ILY GIIY IllY. HIGH 1111

,u.n, POttSAIl.N ..,. ... 'UTU•• Of'''' THOUIAND

TMAT "AD (OMI YO Mil , 1!n'OM"O TN' •• mu 50UU WI .....,










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Inflated pIgs bladoo around a patch of grass. but It'S also the most popular sport 00 planet Earth which is justlflCahoo eoough fora spot ofporpleprose ThlOgsatSaturnF.C~rhavebeendecidedlylessgrandlose

Victory Goal was frankly closer to an own goal. and WIth the match 10 shambleslttoo~adesperateequaliserfromflfA·96toredress t hebal.

ance. Now a late WlOner IS on the cards in the shape of the sensational furo '96. The astute among you WIll recognise thiS as the PC and Play5tatlOn tltle~nownasActua Soccer ~r. lt'sarnval oh the Saturn heraldS SOfl'le COI'lsKlerable changes. least ofwlliCh IS Jts sug· gestrve~name


AN I bal. fortlnt.." £11"11 'Ii ror· ..t. _. IF tHIN, 1M tt,1 t~l"IIW1lll111," lIt,.. ,ik•••tdlllll.llllcrowd,

WJth Euro'96 taking place In EnglandthlSJune, tl1edevelopers at Sega have created what IS essentIally Actua Soccer 2. InsteadoffiddmgJt as an indlSCflmlOateaffalf between IOternatlOnalsides. furo'96 Will stIck very closely to thIS summers cup competition. ThIS means that all the respedive groups are 10 there and that the sides themse1ves will larg ely matchthelf present status Even extra commentary has been added by Barry Oavi es, picking upon issues that are partIcularly relevant to the competilion Actua Soccer was created by Gremlin and wowed people With Its stunnIOg graphICs and animation coupled With Its instant play.ibihty. It uses larger Spfl testhan flfA'96andearlylmpl'esSlOnssuggest It plays faster too. Whllethere's nothlOgespemlly IOf'IOYatr.oe in thegameplay, It'S the attentIOn to detail that nas pl'ovided Actua WlthareputatlOl'1asthebestfootbaIISlmtodaleWJthEuro'96'safflvalonlhe Saturn. thiS reputatIOn is I,kelyto be furtl1ef enhanced WIth impl'Ovtments In animatlOn and game logIC. as well as SOfl'le extras thrown 10 to celebrate thiS IllustrIOUS cup competItIOn


4_' _ _

,. '" . '


" ,.


MOTSON OR DAVIES? Motson or Davies' The ~rdent football fan h;ls;I favourite. Let's look at thellcredentl;lls John Molson haosa near encylopedlcknowledgeof football,but his obvious bias towards Liverpool proves iHitallng Inthe extreme Barry Davies, a lot cooler, isthe moral bilckboneoffootb all, recognismg ,ts more profound roots Of course, this is pub wisdom speaking. but if I'm asked to choose between the two, Davies is the man. likewise with the commentilry in hilO '96 DaVies' apprO",'h IS more sedilteilnd spilfse and ilS a result more effect,ve than Motson'Sin FIFA '96 He mighllhrow In Ihe odd jil~ at iI players expense or get ilil

fired up when thtaction moves into the r8 yard box. bUI II dOl"sn't hilve t hat sild manic quality that Motson seems to adopt Wh~t'~ mort, In kttplng with tht contintnt~1 fetl of Euro '96. Stga havt ~I~o ~tcurtd the COmmtntary of Germany, France and Spain's great commentators so, If you want. you can listtn to tht action latlnostylel

MARK '1M UP! When one of your players comes In to posseSSion of the ball a tflangle benea tn his feet marks him out and points out the d"ec!IOfl he Will stroke the ball Nothing partrcularly unusual aoout that adm.nedly BUlmEurO"96.you路1I wanl 10 keep an eye on that marke, for other reasons When the Inangle starts to flash It means you're In shootrng rangt But tht marke' also changes shape. ~nd each shape denotes an opportunrty Players WIth a ellcle beneath them mean they are ready to accepl a pass Ifllchangesloasquare,this mtansthoiltplaye,sarein position for you to cross the ball intotneoo)lI fall gDeS well a player might try a volley from the cross If the shape ehanges toa stafYOu have to act fasl because It meoilns a cl'lance at a special move has ansen This might be something flash Joke a back heel Of shimmy. 0' even an arfOgant stlikefOf goal

The Infamous commentary th~t came at the the end of England's victory in the 1966 World Cup r.eems to ha~ rung true As far as majOr sporting events afe concemed. It's been all over for tht last 30 years Now. at last, a major sporting evenl has finally found ilS way to these shores. EurO'g6 takes pi ~ce In June and has a rtpul~tlon for being tht most important football event out路 side the World Cup. After the qualrfylng groups have betndtcided,the top 16 international European sides battle It out for the coveted trophy. AshOSIS,Englandd,dnlhavetoqualrfy.whlchisabrtofartlrtfconsidenng Ihe shambles the side has been Inovef the p;lst couple of years Play Ing atWemblty. England are In a qualrfyrng gfoup with Holland,Scotlandand SWitzerland The other three groups afe he~ded by Denmark tht cup holders. those super路efficient stalwarts the Germans, and the flamboyant. If temperamental.Spanlsh The top two teams from each qualifying group goon to the quarter finals where it becomes a knockout competition Wlththt revelattonsofole' Tel"s resignation from his poSition as England coach Immedlalely foUowlng the European Cup. should we this as his managerial swan song? Or IS II an attempt to absolve himself of the blame for a team of dead ducks? Only those magIC go minutes have the answer Inthe meantime. hefe's a list of the league groups~ndthedattsand~nutsofeachandeverymateh




• '


:r: "

THE TRANSFER LIST You',elookmg<itthescreenshotsandyou'rethinking'whafssod,fferent abou t this then! It looks just like the same old Actua Soccer.' Well, to begin wlth.thesearescreen5hotsfroma~rsionofthegamethat'saboutthree

quarters complete, the remarningquarter left todo berng marnly the co sme!-

ics of the game, At present only 32 COIOU fS are berng used and this will change toa huge 2561 The whole look of the game will go through an overhaul to get all of those Euro logo's in there and ofcQurse Goaliath,the lion mas cot likewise, the ,mimatlofl IS st,lI being touched upto supersede what has~n

seen on PC and PlayStation already_ There are now more goal celebra lions ('2 inall)to takeina ll of theEuropeaneccentrlCltlesdisplayeddlwngamoment of footballing ecsusy. The seven venues for thetompet,tion have all been pain5takinglycopiedintothegame,~ndeventhecrowdchant5have8one

through~noverhaultomake t hemrelevant tothe t eamsplaylnglt'sSega's

ambition that such attention to detail will succeed inconveyingthereal atmosphereof thecompetition.Onethingthough,doesthismeanthatallthe stadiumswilisuddenlygrowemptylfEnglandget knockedoutl












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forml Well, no, I10t


It's ~ sport But it does h~ve its



to reproduce a pl~yefS movements ~uthentlc~lly. you c~n see those volleys, diving he~defs ~nd bicytle kicks In ~II their ~we Inspiring glory. Chris Woods ~nd Andy Sinton were used to create the re~listic ~nimation ilnd just how effective th is has been Is Sffn In even the tiniest details like the swivel ina

» Balros old chum I In their place comes a mixture of the old and the new. From the orl81nOlI Street Fighter game, Birdie and Adon make a comeback ,

illong with two renegades - Sodom imd Guy - from that other Capcom cluslc, Flnill Fight. There are iliso two illI· new chafilcters Inthesh ape of Nuh and Rose , both of which display more than iI passing resemblance to famous Street Fighter II stars, Guile and Chun l l. Whilt these changes mun In short, Is thilt there ilfe now four new characters and four new fighting styles to master and oppose. The fe'nmp doesn't stop there however. You' ll not ice from the scrtenshots the bar runn ing along the bottom of the Kften beneath tach chilrilcter. This is a power bar, and when it's sufficientty ch.uged up you can unlush a super power move on your opponent and sit and gloat while It takes devastat ing effect. There are three levels of powe r to make use of, and when you reach full power on 1~lthree , asupermoveuslngalithreepunchorklckbuttonswlllluveany

opponent reeling. There's also the super move finish which consolidates an opponents humiliation by slowing down the fatal blow and sending the screen upln a lightning explosionl Ahhh, happydaysare here again I




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RJI f.l.K~I.. lui flllOll 'Pi•.., kick... w ,,"13 powtf.

lI.p. TN Iltar IMqtlftll1

NOW CLASS, I'D LIKE YOU TO MEET Coml on now, don't bl Ihyl WI'rl not lolnl to bltl youllnltlld _'rl lolnl to pllnch YOIl 'II". hlrd In thl 'ICI or mlybl brllk yOllr II1I with I IlIdlnl kick to thl Ihlnll Coml on p"pll, "lnd lip "nlllht, don ' t dilly dillyl YOllthlrl1 YOII, thl brick. prlvy with thl ridkillolil Mohlclnllntrod"'l YOII,"","' BltDlE: vou know that Infamous psychopath that always us~ to 10ilf about the edges of the playground smoking uackl Well, thls Is hlsdadl Car rying with him a handy chain, Bird ie takes his fighting style from favour Itepubs like The Beer and Spillage. When he 's all charged up, he pulls off an aristocratic hud-butt. He also grabs opponents with his chain and swings them aroundforawhlle. Justforfunyouunderstan dl ADON: This nimble chap has no fireballs or sonic booms to boast of. InstUd he uses hand to hand, or rather, leg to leg combat, employing his kickboxing skills to full eff«t. Hecan leap huge dis tances to eXKute a flying kick and of ali the characters he probably has the most lethal range of combinat ions. Th is Is made all the more powerful by the fact that his super moves ilfe combinations as well. So don't make any jokes about his cheesy grin.

SODOM: And Indeed he does, sod 'em that Is. Sodom Is one of the ddectors from Final fight In which he played the part of a particularly nasty boss. He hasn't mellowed either. His weapons - a Sill carri ed in each hand - are used for slabbing and general impalemenl. If that gels a Jltt le boring for him he 's likely to execute the odd throw or drag his opponent along the ground for max imum chafflngeffect.

least, notasfaraswe know. Rather, he wan· ders about practising his psuedo-ninjil techn iques on any willing victim. He's very fast and agile and hlsgymnilst ic expertise enables him to somaSilult Into throws l His super attacks see him perform a mu lt l· hlt combo and a un iquely majest ic aer ial attack. Don't mention billietdancingto him though.

faces In Sireet Fighter Alpha. He sports a large blonde qulff and a palrofgukyspecs,butthere'U be no flush ing his head down the toilet. Those rudy to gripe aboutGu ll e'sdeparture, gfipeno more because Nash 15 In fact remarkab ly similar to him us ing both son ic booms and flash kicks as his special moves.

ROSE: Another new face , Rose shares

• •

some of Chunll'scharacterlstlcs, maln Iy In the speed ilnd agility department. She is bigger built than Chun II though and has a few cunn ing moves upher sle~ . Oneofthemlstheab1litytoref1ectprojectlleattacks

making her very handy If you 're facing someone who does noth ing but send flreballs your way. She also fl icks opponents with her chiffon blouse and throws the odd fireball .

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Thor Isn't just the Protector of Arillblill becilluse he's friendly with ill couple offililries , lnfillet, desp ite h ls hill i r, he'squitetough , ÂŁS~clilillywlthhls sword , ForunlikeotherRPGchil~eters, Thor studied iIIt the Streetflghter School for the Arillblilln Millrtlilll Arts, where he leillrned the iIIncient lexicon of special Moves, But he's ill forgetful one is our Thol, iIInd sometimes he neflls to consult the CiIIrven obelisks littered around the game for tips on how to perform them. Some obelisks (with the acest tips written on them) are hidden away In tricky secret areillS, and they're well worth seeking out, But for you, the prospective plillyer, here's a quick rundown of Thor's sbple millnoeuvres.

STAI: Press the attack button quickly and Thorjlbs his sword out , Doesn't do lots of dillmillge. but you cilln quickly re~illt the process,

SlASH: Keep the ilttillck button held momenbrily before relene for this more potent sw l ~ , which decks most opponents, but doesn't kill millny, ~DCK: A l rborne enemies, iIInd tilill ones, and ones climbing wilills, iIInd some other ones, ilre pillrtlculillrlyvulnerillble to this quite weill killttilck, Run towud syour enemy with a double.dlrectlon.pressillnd iIIttillck, Yo u'li run your foe strillightthrough for multiple hit s, en ding In ill hillrsh slash, ~KACl: P\l11 off ill kind of Sonic Boom movement forthls iIIetlon, Good for avoiding attack whilst CiIIuslng serious damage, but hud to millkeltconneet , Sl!lTt: Wh lrlthe JoYPilldlnillclrcieillndhltthefi rebuttonilindThor eKhlblts the most powerful iIIttilick In his iIIfsenilll, spinning his sword iIIroundlniinuc iIInddecklngilinythlnglnltspillth.~usesfilllrdilimilige (iII!though not 10illds), but very useful for getting ollt of iI corner,

, ~


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• • . , SEGA S ATURN

•••and out come


DEFEAT THE OBJECT! Another hid den bonus i n X-Me n: Children ofthl!' Atom is to completely

dest roy the purpose of the game ilnd playas Streetfighter character Akuma Longl Yes, w hy playas iI superhero in this superhero· based beat 'em up when yo u ca n control a normal m artial arts character from a different game? Why did you buy X· M en, ex actly? Anyway, if you've got no imagination and want to cont rol Akuma i nstead of the characters which the vf!ry branding 0 fthe game would inti mate you like, we' ll tell you how. Because we're okt li ke t hat. PS - Beware, there's no characte r portrait for Akuma, so you might not

rea lise t he cheat's wotked. If you're playing as player one in VS mode: Move the curso r to Spiral,wilit th ree seconds, then move around in this

order: Silver Samurai, Psylocke, Colossus, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega Red, stop on Silver Samurai. Wait another three seconds, then pressA,Z and Ctogether. If you 're player two inVS mode: Move the cursor to Storm, wait three seconds then move around in this order: Cyclops, Colossus, Iceman, Sent inel, Omega Red, Wolveri ne, Psylocke, SilverSamurai,finish on Spiral. Wait another three seconds then pr essA,Z and C simultaneously.


,. ... \



I-Men II one of the buslelt (amel Y1MJ'11 ever sel, with MH:Q, .. plaslons llId s,,"lll effects sllootl_S III OYef thl Imu all tile time. It lookslM'llIIant. Invite it into your homl.





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Guardian Heroes differs from most action games in that your progress is heavily plot-centric. Usually it doesn't really matter what you do in game, the idea isto reach,confront and destroy the very final boss. But Guardian Heroes allows the player to decide which adventuring road their characters travet. At the end of each stage you're presented w !tha number of follow-up options, each of which heralds i new twist in the story. You can quest for magic weapons, iid i peasant revolt, or fight a big plant monster. And each of the possible fina l stages has its own ending. So you've got to complete the game at least six times to see everything. Hooray for such longevity-extending foresight.

NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Although you'd never accuse Guardian Heroes of being an RPG, the beat 'em up purist that you ire, it does borrow certain elements from the popular adventuring format. Chief amongst these is the experience sy stem which improves the performance of your character. Each enemy slain adds experience to your total, and once you've amounted enough points your character scoots up a level (indicated byan on-s<reen level Up fiash). At the end of eitch game level your character's energy bitris beefed up according to your new level, and you're given the chance to boost characteristics such as strength, magical ability and so on, with one Status Point awarded per new level gained. What a fab idea.





1~ liJ"AI'I"AI It seems Capcom have exceeded all expectations of excellence with their latest license. It's better than you'd ever believe. Honestly. X-Men is like getting hit by a massive train locomotive. thastobe SiIIldthat WtilltSATURN


MAG we re unsure if (apeem would ever come out with i Bilme to SUpel' sede Str~tfightel2inilllihvafious

incarnalions. They were upping the lulism of the gtilphlu ilnd adding

Loads more sped;lil moves and (ambos, but the Ideu

we rt darting to look ill bit tired. But thlm, il gainS!;liI upectiltions, they (ilme up with Darkshlken. StreetfighterAlphil'lOd X-Men: Children of the Atom

all at once. The clever chapples. Yes, to the untrained eye they"e all t wo-dimen-

sional beat 'em ups, which are evil and must be destroyW,bulthis is no Neo-Geo-style genre plagia-

rismexercise,Allthreeoftheabovementionedtilles scored heavily for origma lily, and of them ilil the best (caimyoulseives, St reetfighter fal'ls) had to be X-Men. For st arters irs the first t ime comic book superheroes have been successfully translated to game format. Many games havetried,but apart from (m aybe)SpidermanontheMegadriveyearsand years ago, none have tllumphed in captu ring the atmosphere and abilities of the vallous awesomelypowered protagonists. We were beginning to think the X-Men were Just too powerful for one game to contain But they've all survived the tranSition perfectly Basica lly,X路Menlsthebest2Dfightinggameyou'li getfortheSaturn,Maybeever,ormaybeuntiIMarvel Super Heroescomesoul. But for now it's certainly the best, But why? That's what you want to know, isn't It? That's all you slags ever want from us,information. What are we, your personal slaves? Well,for once I don't mind telhngyouwhy, because this game is so dear to my heart I fell I mayburstifldonot profess my love for it immediately, Forakick-off,it'sarcadeperfect.Apartfroma coupleofframesofanimationmissrng{andyou'li never notICe) everything from thecoin-opisthere, In


full-screen-o-vision, too, and running at full speed. All Ihe little features such as Auto Block ilnd the game speed select are intact, along with whole new gameplay options, such as Survival Mode, Team Bilttleand ooh ... everythrng else excit ing. Plus of course, as Capcom fans would no doubt be hoping, you can play as the bosses But it"s not the beads and trrnkets thilt make xMen such a fine figure ofa game, ifs the way each character has been so intricately designed ilnd matched up againsl one another The speciill abilities and X-powers of every participant put them on the same level whilst the vast differences in their play style keeps every character an individual. Plus, of course,thegameshlftsata million miles an hour The visual effects, the explos ions, th e optic blilstsand soon, keep the screen looking incredibly busy at al! times and the Saturn shows some impressive muscle when movrng a couple of the huge characters (like Sentinel and Juggernautj around without slowing down. The sound,conslsting mostly ofuberquahtysamples, adds to the atmosphere more than you'd normaltyexpect,Great effort has obviously been expended l omalch up thewices of the chilracters properly. And the Senlrnel sounds best Basically, this is oneofthosegames which tran scends regular style boundaries. It doesn't partrcularIymatter what kindofgamesyoulike,you'reguaranteed to love this one as ifitwereyourown httlebaby game. The tight controls, the plethora of moves, the imagination that's gone into its creation, the Create a Combo law which makesjust about every punch or kicklhestartingorend point fora string of moves born from your own fevered brain all consplleto producealandmarkofthegenre.Oon路tforgettobuy this.lfsabsolutelycorkrng

.ullhIOWIr-tlMr-lopwilualfri~PIJ'Yoilcomicbookhubli n

tl1lRllltedperftcUy. Well donl,CapcGm, You're l ei.

IliJi'lI:a~' ~1


1~ I;Ji11*NI So it might be one dimension short of a full geometric perspective, but does Darius deliver the required kill-count?


ariussoundslikethekindofnilmean unfortunattSurrtynouvuurkht kid would get lumbered with by his double gl.ulng magnilte pafenh. But it Is in fatt the name ofa distant ilnd fidionalstnAsanyonewhorud

last month's O;lirius Showcilse would Immediately have known. So that's got you hnn't it, you fairweather fansl ThouSht you (ould get aWily with missing OIn iuue, didn't you18ut indnd you've gone and missed all the In·depth Infotmatlonon iI

game we'te about to priise right in frontofYOLI. Well thert's a subsClip-

tions ad In every Issue you fools, so you un't uywe didn't give you the opportunity to keep ahud. ~18ht.

so Darills. for those of you

too slack to know, isa fish-blasting

shoot 'em upset in the depths of space Not real fish. obviously, but

soundtracks. For rndeed,much of Darius is plagued by some fat b,nt warbhng away hke an Qld Spice advert. But don't worry too much. be<ausethe sounds of your own mass destruction doa lot to drown her out And ifit bothers you that much, the,e's always the volume SWitch (tip -use this to turnltdownj Nowthere's an obvious argument against Darius' exislence. It"s 1996,fergosh sakes, and we demand polygons. multiple perspectives and tr i· dimensionahty in all things. Well if you want to think like that, go ahead you pedantIC bores. but you'll be denying yourself a p,ettyslice of the enjoyment cake For Darius is actually ace. Everythrng might be zD. butdon't let that distract you from th e general beautyof it. The gilmefeatures some huge bosses. billions ofspfltes on screen ilnd riots of colour ilil over th e shop (espeCially in the gorgeous backgrounds). Plus. Irs one of the toughest shoot 'em ups I've pla~ in iI

giant robot fish. Not many ,eal fish would bemuchofa match for a fully.

longtlme.lfsreilsonablychallengrng(twodays worthjon Eilsy mode. and a considerably more testingfeat on Very Hard. Plus the option todlooseyour

equipped space fighter. But they look like fish nonetheless. And they act hke

route thlOugh thetwenly·six levels {you need only complete seven to finish the gamej adds further

fish. Apart from firing lasers and missiles from every part of their bodies

longevity mileage Even once you've beaten Darius there'll still be plenty of stilges you haven't seen. and each one has it"s own personahtyand hazards

Although thafs pretty standard piscine behaviour up the Humber Estuary. Ifs not like Panzer Dragoon or any of those clever modern games at all-all these fishies are in glorioustechnlcolour zDand the background scrolls constantly from right to left. Irs an old school. kick· ing with the class flavour (as it were) shoot 'em up where power·ups and RSI -inducingjoypad move· ments make the difference between life and death

Darlusdoesn'tmatch uptoVirtua Fighterzasa showpiece for the Saturn. but ifs stili game enough for most players to get a kiCk out of There's more going on at once thanyou'lI find rn most any other title at this time. andyou 're guaranteed freneticism Fo'getyour32·BIT p'econceptlonsand try it







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You know how life is. It's survival of the fittest in this game buddy. Man against man. Dog eat dog. Monkey eat banana, mouse eat cheese, rabbit eat carrot and panda eat bamboo shoot Um, what exactly is going on here?



rnilll hospitill type gillrnt where you, Rolf Harris I-like, get to save all the little animals from starvat ion and I life onthe strHbl VH,yoU con make ilI differen,el Aduililly, maybe thillt's tillking things a little fu, Biliku 8aku isn't rully likl!' animal hl»pit;lll;llt aiL Not even ill little bit, But there is ilIn abundanc t ofsrnililifurry Crtilltures In this gilme, iIInd they.llil need feeding too. Amazingly enough, th is novelty title WillS deyel·

oped by AM). the Vtry urne people who were behind Segl blly(both In the arcilides and on the SlIturn convtnion). although people lookins for an OIbundanct of)D trickery or astounding speciilll effKb will probably be very dlsil ppolnt~ .

What8akuBakuanirnaldOl"s offerthough,issomeofthemost addictive puzzle play since Tetris. In fact the basic premise of the game is very similar to Pajitnov's dassicmatch up similar shaped objects-in this casevesetables-Into some kind of logical form before they reach the top of the screen, More than one veggie along with its respected owner means that the whole line will disappear (the crying, starving animal will chomp away through the whole lotJ and fall on to the opponent's play area. Sounds too simple for a machme such as the Saturn? Well, that's all there is to it-almost. The real skill of Baku Baku is to line up as many rowsoffrUlts (is possible and by settmg off just one line, all owing a chain reaction of sequences to follow. And yes, that's really all there is to it.


However, despite the title's amalins simplicity, the action Is SUlprisinglyaddictive, (even though in one player mode, it's very easy to complete). This is mamly because in two-player mode it's probably one oflhe most competitive games you'll ever come across. There's nothing quite soglee.inducins as acti· vatingawholesequenceoffruitsontoanunsuspectingopponent. then watching their face drop as they begm to lose control of the proceedmgs and the blocks become eve.rcloser to the top of the play area. If you're already a fan of these typesofgames, it's likely that you will have already encountered this ina numberofdifferent guises, and nothing much really chanses wheneve.r a new one comes along, but at least 8aku Baku has an excellent novelty attraction, plenty of silly graphics and bfllliantsiapstick music This results in a mOfe atmospheric play than most gamesofthistype,andasusual,theactionishopelesslyaddictiveThere'sseve.nstagestoconquefin one player mode and the time It takes todothis slm· ply depends on the degfeeyou become addicted to thegameplay.Playitonceadayand it may take a week to complete. Play it continually, and you'll cfack itin a couple of hours. But in a way, the point of this title Isn't to finish It, as the most enjoyment comes from playing it over and over again agamst someone else. Attheend of the day, whether Of not you'll enjoy 8aku Baku largely depends on what type of gamer you are If you're after a game that boasts te<:hnical excellence with move.sto learn and seuet featurestodlscovef,Baku Baku is hkelytodlsappoint. However, If you just want something that's great fun to play which also offers inuedibly addictive action, then Baku Baku is about as good as it could ever get

FARM There's uptofive~nlmilsthiltciln be selected fOf play in Baku Baku Animal, ilnd eilch one has their own prderred choice of food . Remember, to make lines of fruits disappear, you must match them WIth their animal owner-but don't be too hasty If you wilste the animals onjust one fru it then you'll get into trouble later on In the game, when the an imals become mort 5piiHse So for your Information

tomorrow. Another cry-baby when he




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If you were asked to predict what games were most likely to settle comfortably on the Saturn, an American football game is bound to be in there somewhere. Acclaim's NFL '96 is the first to make the acijustments and lounge back lesuirely into the 32-bit sofa. Is it feeling comfortable?

[i] •

netypluIAmerIClnch.u;JIcterlstic Is the ertent to which they tllkethelrsportstrlously. lnf;JIct, Ifanyoneremembeulheinfa· mousCNN (oytf;lllltofthe first

d;JIys oftht GulfWar, lhty' li remember the Arnerjun reporters (omment;JItinl on the actlon.u If It were the Superbowl, throw-

ingmyrl;JId sportlnglnllogitslnthtfttofulty pU5hhoml!lhl!jmportancl!ofthl!~nhtilklnl

plilct. Butth;JIt'snotto s;JIythJlfortheArneriun dtlzen, sport Is on.a par with wu. No, It's far more importlntthanth;JIt. Despite the decline inpopulafityof American Foo tb;JI1iIn

AmeriCiinfootbaligame to go for 32-bit glory NFL '961s a football game of the old school,Notinthesense th at ifs properfootbilll mvolvlngaspherical object thiltyou kick with your feet, but In the sense that it malnta insthetraditlonof


1M DoIplllultt ca. 01 tile..,..., ... KrU· b1i.. I. prmllwllalltob liu u IInIIaIlie I_Won, I MJ8tSlllllillof_kllllllolrJudlltktlleQurtIlrilatk.

_ _7_8


processofsel«tlonandellmlnatloni.e.prosetshort-halfback toss Thereille 10ilds of plays to becomefamiliarwlth,and If you hilven'tever been eSpr!:ciallyconfidentwlthyourAmeficanfootball tactics this isgoingtotakeyoua while to get to gllps l.kewlse, filmiliillising yourself With all of the different offensive and defenSive poslt.ons involves someutenSlve expeflmentiltlon with your full-backs, half-back and rece.vers, as well asthe highly esteemed qUilrterbilck. R:est assurMthough that aftel this period of Initiation your awareness of Ame rican football is greatly enhanced making the reill t hing look likea bit more than a fight bfotweenamaraudingbandofmotorcyclemessengers The sub-title-Quilrterback Club' denot es the

TMbalIls."IMrt ...' ..... t.,.ttllelr ........ II . ....

e.tent to which the ga me revolves a round the legend and mystique of this most Important of play makers, Quarterbacks are chosen separa tely from teams meaning even if yourteilm are the whipping boys of the NFl.., you on still get the hottest quarterback on your team, However, the fact the the receivers will drop every pass tends to negate the expeltlse that such a footballing star has to offer, Andonthesubjectofexpertise,whered~s


Primarily it's in the graphics, the game utilising a host of omera angles from which to view the game,includingplentyof frillyslllff todowi t h those Inevitable sta ts that appear In hordes, Apart from thisthough,there's little to let you know tha t this Is 32'bit American foot ball. The game logic Is fine generally speaking, but one-player mode does Involve a few ~brow raising moments when the computer miraculously manages to fead your play perfectly or execute pin-point accurne thlOWS, But it's In multi-player mode th at you can squeeze the most fun out ofNFl-96,chillienging all-comers to a bit of the rough stuffilnd engaging In the usual bilnterandabuse As yet this is t he only Amellcan football game aVililable for the Sa t urn. al though the John Madden series is also destined toappeilr In the near future The cautious among you may want to wilit. but Should you decide to rUSh out and get NFL '96. rest ilssured thilt while it sUcks trenchantIy to the familiilf 16-bitfOfmula, it IS nevertheless iln expanSlveilnd entertaining game .

... row QurtIl'tlac1, 11', _portul for twon 10 uu Ml'ltllel'lCli'ltrw.uqlllll. nlllllllluller_tlMltWow,




Road Rash and Manx TT SuperBike prove that when it comes to racing, there's nothing quite like jumping atop a motorbike and giving it some "welly". Joining the biker frenzy, Sega has dusted down one of its most ancient coin-ops and given it the ''Virtua" treatment -a recipe for success, surely? Well••

. _.,..eo ....!!",,,,-4~


Ill G:.·







anI!: On GP '95 w~s released in 'ilte 1995 in Japan to plug the growing

gap in th e Saturn's portfolio ofdrlvingtities-astop-gilpmuSl.lre if youwill,untlithealmightySegii hlly Championship came along. Thl!' game promis@d much, with smooth, almost-pap-up free 30 illtld Iheucade heritagt of one of the most popularroildracenoftheelghlies. Thisilllsounds

pretty grut ucept for one thing: the progfilmm ing_ II would not be fair to rubbish every single ilSpect of Hang On from t he outset Although the

graphics are distlnclly angular (check out those hexilBonalwheels!)andsomehowlil{kinginlmagination, they do the job m depicting a pretty realistic

environment that moves at great speed Also, unlike the temble import gilmeDeadHeat,thereis~nice

degree ofvilriety in the backdrops. A choiceofthreecOllrsesisavaitable ffOmtheout~t.withthreemore

becoming accessible when the first triohavebeencompleted-andthe qualrtyofthegr~phicscertamlymakes youwanttos~theseotherlevels_

Unfortunately, the sOllnd doesn't do theearsanyfavours-themotorblke nOises are certainly Flymo-esque and t he music is pretty nondescript The aural barrage would have been bearable if thegameplaywasgood-afterall,theorig inaIH~ng

On-and most definrtely Its Super seqllel-were excellen t coin-opsfortheirtime,craftedbyacertain Vu SlIzuki no less. Unfortunately, this area of the

weight to either the bike orthe rider, meaning that leanmg into corners is totally unrealistic-very fast, with not much drifi evident. Just pressing the pad slightlyieftorrightresllitsinalaughableon-scr~n

performance from your bikeras he lurchesuncon vmcinglyabout. This over-leaning makes fora most unsatlsfactoryexperrencewhenplaymgWlththejoy-

p.d HangOnGPdoeshavethedistmctionofbeing the only Saturn game that actually benefils considerably when lIsed with th e Arcade Power Racer thanks to its analoglle capabilrlles, YOll have far more control over the leaning prowess of your bike (although why a similar measureofcontrol isn't available with the pad remains a mystery) With its varred courses and choice of bikes (including some hidden ones, and a bizarre Street Hawk lookalrkecapable of gargantuan velocities), Hang On GP is inlti~lIy an attractive game, despite its occasional graphical weirdness and obnoxious sOllndHowever,thehandlingofthebikeisiOwell, "unb ike -Irke" that the game loses a lot of ItS attraclion Ofcourse, the big question has to be- is there really room for another road racer on the Saturn marketwhileSega~ ally(hampionshiprulessllpremel

My answer is there's always room for a qualrtyalternatlve,blltqultefranklyHangOnGP'95just isn't It rfyou haven't got ~ally yet. consider yourself a foolish cretin and go forth to your local sofiware emporillm and purchase II now If you see Hang On while you're there, do the decent thing and leave it where il is

game is perhaps Its weakest. There is absolutely no

r;:r.';':; \, ~




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. . . S EGA SATUr.N


Did you ever stop to think that maybe, because the universe of Star Wars is based in another time and dimension, the awesome Death Star might only be the size of a potato to an Earthling?Or that an Imperial Battle Cruiser would be no bigger than a baby carrot? No? Well, anyway, here's Trtan Wars. hoot em'up5 on the Slturn hilYe


laktnon new stindards since PJnltr Dragoon. A game either has to try ilnd match Its 30 polygon musc1e 01 gofolthemoreretrofled~Ollde

scTolling approach , as Is the case with the nosl,i.ic Oulus. Now, with the ,_InsplrIngP;anlf!rOragoonlsettourive, thequalitywe'd I!Xpect from a Ihoot 'em up becomes _0 hlsher. In such iln environment it gilme like Titiln W~fS stilndslinlechar'l(eofsurvival.ltc~thehead

on 3D pefSpectlYe and makes iI bit ofa shilmbles of it The movement of the ship is almost comkal . llJll tels up and down, left ilnd right like its got the hic cupsorsomethlng . ltmilkesnegotlallngvall~and

caves decidedly frustraling and this, coupled with the ovef-sensiliveconirois meansthattherearea lot of ilnnaying collisions. Now this wouldn't bt SO bild if it wilsn'tforlhe~uallyfrustratingrestartpolntsEach 1~lonlyhasabouttworestartpolnts

which means you're constantly drudg· ingthrough the same terlltoryt lrne after time. The environments that your ship traverses aren't actu~!lyall that bad 10 so far asthe 3D scenery all scrolls very smoolhly and there's no Sign of clip· ping or anything nasty like that . The

be the awful fMV sequences that fill out the story Irne and tlY and iovokea bit of atmosphere. Ican pic· tureitnow_ .. Theytheyall~re,putt rng thefinishing touches to the FMV sequences In t he game. Actors


wereneuroticallyconcentratrngonlhelrSta nislall'S~

easily forgivable, the space valley's and

technique in preparation of the big fin ale,thedirec· torandci nematogfilpher~rearguing .. boutdepth. of·field ratios, .. nd the special effects team were pen· cilhng in the finishing touches on ttl!! computer Finally,it all came together. anci they got the take. Smihng, each of them sat down .. nd ht a ~If·satis· fted cigart"tte. Ttterewas silence. Suddenly. one of them jumps up. "The g.. mel Oh my god, ~'ve forgotten about the gamel " Confused replies; "What game~ What are you talking abouU" "You knowl The game thars supposed to go With these FMV sequences. Dr was it meant to be the other way round1" In a rush. they head down to programmrng central and knockout the gameQVernight with the help of some strong coff~ and a few cut corners. Unfortunately, for us, it's too httle 100 late.


colours lackrng subtlety and variety Ttl!!chaliengesthem~lYesare

equallyuninsplrrng Vour sh ip dodges under andover st~1 girders. shoots downt~rs and tackles airborne enemies, all with the same piod along predictabihty, Asyou'd expect. there's a boss sitting there at Ihe end that you hammer away at In the usual routine. Once destroyed it's on to the ne.t level. pauslngofcourseforthewholeFMV bit In between, And so It goes, There ale a lange available In ntan Wars Ttl!! main ones are the shield booster, the mls, silepick· upandthestandardfire ~r·upThereare

plenty of ttl!!m ~s well which is a good thrng becau~ the shghtest knock will feallytake it out of your sh ields What really ~als TIUn Wars' mediocrity hn to





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SEG.4. 5.4TURN


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FIGHTING TALK One thing thilt will fillse il smile In Tltiln Wars Is the Incrfllibly cheesy FMV sequences. Whoever the scriptwriter wu (probably the bloke who wrote Top Gun). he hOis succeeded In supplying an admirable numbe, of cinematic cliches Hefe's some clanlc dialogue from the game:

[Afterthefirstmlssion,thenewguyCross. you in ot her words-comes back having flown a blinder and de5troyed t he boss, Vour maverick slyle offlyillg however, takes some other members of

the squadron a httle by surprise.] PllOTl (very angry)"Thal is not the way we fly in Alpha Wing. Crossl We take our mission objectives seriously!" CROSS, (with caSlial superiorityl"Yea, well my

\\\ II I \\o\li, I" <:"..

• • .

objectives are powder right now: PlLOT, {sternly]Voli do not want 10 piss me off lieu tenantl ClOSS. (With ;'lrrogance]Sure I do.



So there, you have it. a snippet of the ~ind of challenging dialogue you can loo~forwardto.lfsa shame that the aggravated pilot didn't say to Cross that he "flies by the seat of his pants" but you can't have everything.






• •

MOUNTAIN COURSE . Theld)'11I'mountaln,oursewtavtsth rou8hsomebrtatht~k l n8SCtnl!'ry,b ut

you won't have time to admiTe that cutle or ttl e quaint vltlage. Thi s baserlOtiS rally, a ndt hefe's no time for slght-suingl Asyoutan see,theTe iI rel!lght difftrtnt stretthes of roadw ay th at present some sort of problem, but with the corretttuition you'll be speed ing round the COUTse with the best oft hemllet the race begin ...

After a quick start, and after a bnefperiodofspeedydflving alongthl" main highway, you sud· denly begin your ascent into the

hills. This isa hard left corner, and must be taken as shown in thedlil-

One of the trickll'Sl corners of the gameisthe U bend before Ihe sec· ondcheckpoinl,Wlths~llI,ytlu'libe

A medium right whilst still scoot-

ing round the valley is relatively simple for the Rally veteran. A quick drop down tosl!cond gear andapowerslidearoundtheslone wall lothe righl should give you Ihose valuable extra se<onds need·


abletosleer round in second gear, bUlfoliowlr'lgtheraclr'lglineisa must,orelseytlu'lifindytlurself floundering ~Iong the left·hand valley walls Remember 10 swing ytlurcar round so that the bonnet almosltouches lheright·hand stonewalLThenalongleft·hand

Another snaking bend where a change down to second gear is lequlfed. After this. swing round as dose tothe right as you can, but try not to mount the raised areas of mud as this can lead to horrible spin-outs and much gnashing of teeth Once out of your slide, put your foot down, change up and head fOf the final bend The end is in sightl

A small me:.:ican encampment flies by the middle section of the course, and for the first part of the section,there's noneedfof anyswervingatall,Simplyshiftslightlyto the left and rightwhilst remaminginthe centreoftherwd,befofetakingthefinal bend on the left sideofthe rwd.This

As you pass the checkpoint, swing to the right (whilst keeping in fourth gear) and hug this side of the road until you reachthefinalcorner,andthenpoSitionyourselftothe left for a good racingline. Dnft to the right before head, ing for th e final two tricky corners


• ~ SE6ASAnJf.(

Once agai1 SBlA SATIIRH MAGAZINE rebrns to the preniere next generation 311 fighIi1g game, with more iHlepth techniques and tactics exposed. 1lis month, we take a look at the WB:i the ...... bination attack system _ and examiIe the game's lead character -Aki-a Yuki -S&I'OIy the most powerIU lighter in the world!



Fightttl,Akira Isbybrt he most difficultcha~ctertomaster­

that's why we've tOilckled him first. Although he Is difficult to lurn (as In the

fjrstVF),onctmasteredheisbyfarthe best fighter In the game (unlike the first VF). What must be stressed from the very beginning is that he plilysqulte unlike any

of the otherfighten, a nd if you 're used to

the likes of Sarah or Jacky, you',e not going to adapt as quickly to Akir;ll as you would to uy,L1u.The adv.lInt.llgH iIIrethat Akjr;~,'ssheerweillthofilltt;J,cksiitclose·

f;llnge Is enough totilke c.ul! of any sltuiltion. Still, htrt's a slightly martin-de pth pros and cons list for Akira.

ADVANTAGES I. His special moves are incredibly powe rful . somt of th tm un inflict mo~ d ~m· agtthan throws from Wolf or Jtffry. l. Stg~ iIIn d AMl willnttd to him to be tht cooltst ch~r.llcttr, so ht does bentfit ~ lotfromthtbest·lookingmoytsl 3. At dost r~ngt, ht h~s tht ytry best iIIttilicks and ~ hugt choict of thtm to boot. 4. Suppltmtnt!nghisclost·r~ngtfightingstillfurthtrlstht r~ngtofPiIIi·stylt att ack reYtrnls. 5. Ht h~s tht Stun P~ lm of Doom (SPoO)1

DISADVANTAGES Akir.ll hu iI distinct disiidYil nbgt iIt r.IIngtd ,rtbcks, rtvttllng only In cJose.r.llngt bouts. lfoppontntskeepatildistilnct.thty stillndfilrmo!'echanctthinAkir.ll. iln illYtr.llgt It~ of speed· Silr.llh, Pal ilnd Uon for tJ(iIImp~ can dart in, strikt a nd dillrt out btfon! Akir.ll ciln rtspond. ). His sp«iill moves, although powtrful, iIIft txtremtly difficult to txtc:utt com· partdtoothtrchill t'itCttrs. 4. Ht hu no sequtntial button p~sing comblniltJons, apillrt from a PP iII nd PK.


1 . tit only hils

AUlA HAS TIE BEST ATIACK II TIE GAME! At rut ttst of Akira masttry has to be tht Stun hIm of Doom (usuilily rtftfftdtoastht5PoO). ltbtginswHh ill simple PiIIlm to th t chnt and follows up with ilnimrntdiilttrtvtrU body chtc:kilndfinlshts wlthAklriltutnlng and ptanting two mort pililms intotht hilpltssoppontnt 's bilek . Tht~uill

movt ~s pretty simple, but tlit tntiA! thing isteeuttd in Itss thilln ill st<Ondl This Is Incrtdibly difflcult but If you millS· terit,tMttwilrOsilA!irnmtnse.Fora start, it's Incrtdiblydilmillglngilndsec· oodlyitjustlooksthtbusinnslTht djffi· cultyltvtl of this tnoYfl alont is tnough to put most people off,so follow SEGA SAT· URN MAGAZINE's tteommtndtd

apprf»(h. I. P~s G+P+K for tht Stun Palm This Is, ofwu rse, tlittasitstPiIIrtoftht tnoYfltoptrform.Simplyp~silllthree

buttonsiltclostr.llngeforthlsll'lOYt. l.PttssbillCk-down/fofw.1rd·P+K This is tht trut ttst of timing. You ntedlo Aklra hassomtofthtmosttrulyttrrifyingandindtedtfftctlvecomblnilltlon start tnttrlngtM COr11lT1i1nd ilS tnt 5i11tum attilleks In tht gamt, and ht rt Is wht rt we begin to go Into dtpth on thtm.1t must rtspondstotntfirrtG+f'+«_.Tht besaidthatthtrtilrtmany,millnymort(wehilven'ttYt!nbtguntotouehonth~ downIfoowiIrd·P+KPillrtshouldbtfinishtd which ustAklr.ll·s knee asafioatlngttc:hniqut), butthtst willbt pltntytobtgtt· off Immediilttlpfter the G+f'+K has hit. ting on with. Howtytr, first of all , wt'li discuss tht oft·mtntlontd Stun Pillm of Thl sCiluStsAkir.ll toptrformiishorter, Doom. shilrptrYt!rsionofthtrtvtrstbody check. ). PttSS COMBINAnON METHOD #I: SEQUENTlAL BUTION PRESSING bilek·P Everycharacttrhaswhalwewillcall"bullt·in"combinat,onssuchasPKs.PPKsandofcourstPPPKsThese This Is prtt· are strings of moves which the fighter knows alrt~dy and that you can access via what is usually just a case tytasytolnpvtbKausethen!'o'etstbodychtd:oftht of sequen tial button·preSSing Akira is the worst character for this (w,th just a measely punch·kick combo) bistpilltofthtrnovebkesillwhiletofinishandyoushould Wit h lau being the best. All ofthest were revealed In the moves list published In issue three. This method is bthammeringthatpunchbuttonforallyourworthl by far the eaSIest way to score mult,ple hits


Akinl hiS two primary moves for scoring ill floating hit. Thtusltstisonthalfofthtfotwarddou bltkiek for which ht Is famous (fotward·fotward·K) . This Is suppostdtobtfollowtdupbyanothtrkick,butin filct, its rtcovtry timt is so short you can immtdiillttly follow up with ilil m .. nntrofdtvashtingtechniquts. Thi s move Is pilrtlculilrlytfftd;ve wht n behlndtht opponent. Tht stcond good float ing move Is Akira's knee. Tht only probltm htrt Is t hat tht mOyt is sodif· »


Th,s is somtllmts known as ~ (ounttr. although slnct wt've used Ihal phrHt tlstwhtrt, wt're going to (ali It by Its proptr name路 the rtvtr路 sal. Any throw that is used onyou that UStS P+G prtssed together is prtttycheesy and a cheap way to score a hit. AM2 have decided that you can escape such throws by pressin g P+G shoftly therufter. Timin g IS essential here路you have to prtssyour P+G 10 tscape almost simu 1101路 ntously,soforthtmOSlparl,yOU need to antic pale when a cheap throw Is going 10 be used on you If you perform a move Ihat needs a lot of recovery time (like most of Wolfs or Jeffry's) you ought to be preSSlnglhose buttons like mad during that short period of t ime Perform,ng a throw reversal seems to bt tht only ttchnique that appurstoworkduring recov trytimt.

lurnillg how to coullter is essenti~1 in pulling off Ifuly s~ctilcul~r floiltIllg comblllil!lons In exilmilling this. we'lI ched out the three stilges Illvolvedilliinyilttilck. Att.ckC.Il".tlOIl This Is the time tilken for you to input the move. be it a ~pecial move which hils iln intticilteJoyp adcombin ilt jonorjustpre~s lng thepunch button


1. Mo.... htc utiOIl

This is limited to ~I (whoroukl do it In the first game). Kage ilnd Ak,ril Bilsially. this Involves ilnticlpatlng iln atuck ilnd executing the ilppropnate reverSilI move slmultilfleOUsly (full ~ list in SEGA SAruRN MAGAZINE is~ue three). Pai and Kageilfe~limited illwna! they can reverse.whilslAklra can reverse~nything but the commands todo it ille more difficult. It's illsoworth noting thill Wolf hilS a reYefSill too· but it isn't so eff«t~, onlyWOfking on mid·~1 kicks aimed ilt him. The iIdviIntages oftnese ~Is areotMous· if you can anticipate illl opponent's move. you can KtU<lIIy use it toscore danuge ~gainst yourfoel This is ~n essentlill technlC/UI! 10 remember because ITliIny so-called Akifil and Kage maslers complete· lyignoretht~Is. OOsoiltyourpenll

The move Is now In full force and if you connect with the opponent, it hits and you are for this split-second. invulnerable (uniessyoul opponent hits you ilt txoc f!ythe Silme moment ) . Rtco .... ryTl m. Afttreverymoveanamountoftimtelilpsesbeforeyourchilrilcterciln perfolm ilnother technique· this is known as rtcoverytime Typically. speC!~1 moves t~ke fill longer to recover from. The difference In recovery time Is what makes floating combinations possible. Countering Is pretty straight·forward You receive extril damage If you milnilge to hit your opponent during point two (if he misses you) or duro Ing point three Whilt is illso good is thilt if you ~re usIng a move which floillS theopponenl (such as iI knee), the force involved ilctuililysellds Ihem flying hIgher InlO the ilir. This means Ihill your bilsic floating com· bos aregUilriinleed to work and you hilvelhechanceofscoring more hits VIii more ambiUous combinations

BASIC MOVE COMIIIIllTlONS A~ lra Is different from the oth er Virt uil fight ers in that he has moves wh ich he ca n seamlessly ch ain t ogethe r. For example, a dou ble handed pu sh is achieved by pres sing down, pull ing bilCk and pressing forward s w it h punch. A deg ree of ti me is required to · cha,se" the down pa rt of the move. so why not start wi t h a low kid.1 This way you Ciln chain two hits t oget her wi t h mini-

mum effort · ilndt his Cilse, the double hilnded push is filr Some more examples follow

" lIPPIIlUt swipe (IP' !HI.u) It u IUl' lilt tl ICW'I 01 I l tq&triq opJlOMll TMCPllplQtrdoatllil a lel.

usher to t :-:ecute.

...... .,." ....,a.tkc.lliaatlM.StIrt

~. '" tMrI'.tUttkl.."" twII......

_. WltIi' lIU1i1 I W11i1a .... .. tellll

wIt_ ."' ~IM. """'ltM

wwltII, ~~·fIIrwarC._



COMIIIIll_ METItOO ,j3: "lI.OAllNG' lITS This 15 by far the most difficult way to tXe(ute ill combo, but It is tssentlal that you leilrn It-hence the small section on "f)oatlng" seen in lasl month's Mas te, Class If you aren't clear wh al It mea ns. basically fNfry cha racter has at least one move t ha t sends an opponent flying into the air when It hits Once this occurs. the opponent is helpless until he lands on the ground Ouringthis tlme.yoo·refreetolnflictwhatfNfrhitsyoudeslreThr~examplesoffioating

combos were In lut month's Master Class. but baskilily any charilcter who h~s iI knee ilttKk (forw~rd·kod) ciln score iln usy flo~t

at IiIltill t_ be.,. tMtI liI Oil llr .... UiIy".'tflllitlNlU:.

atr-clln lI11k:t .... - u If ......, tlIlsflllltMIIsOilpaJ'-1ft

Shun Oi Is exposed. illong w ll h one of Ihe Bry~nl sllblngs...



Toa{(~sst heth reehidde n characters-Gaia, Shoand Cupido-gotothe t itl e sc reen (w ith Press St art fl ashing up) and press Up, Down, Up. Down, Right, Left, Righl. Left. You'll hear Ellisshouttolet youknowt hati t's w orked, Now start any type of game and the two bosses, Ga ia and Sho, wi ll b~ a dd~dtothe right·ha nd sideof l h~ screen,ToselectCupido, high· light Sho, hold Upand press any button,

The long·awaited Gun Select che at is fi nally revealedl The hidden option will allow you to p;iuse the game and select any of th~ weapons at any timeincluding a special ultra-fast vt rsion of th e Machine Gun - wit h unlimited ammol Simply press the Start button t o pause, then reload by shooting off th~ screenor pressingCtocycl~throu g h theweapons,

Start the game up and w hen the SEGA screen appears, hold C and pres s Down, Up. Right, Left, Up, Up, Left, Right . You'll hear a noise and th e option will now be acc~ssible from the cheat m~nu (see issue 4 for det ails). By the way, you'll need to have the Ranking Mode options already saved in your Saturn for it to work,either by completing the gam e or by using the cheat,


To race against on~ of AM 3'Stop drivers on th~ Desert course, s~lect n me Attack, Choose any cou rse and any car and wh~n

your~achth escreenwith"3 La ps" a nd"Free Run·option s,high.

light " 3 Laps" and press X+Z+C at the same time, You'll start as usual,onlylhe shadow car will race off and get 52 second laps on the Desert (ourse, By the w ay, this is another feature not Included in the inferior American version of the game

DIGITAL PINBALL These cheats should be en tered on the title screen with "PrI!'SS Start Bulion" on it Tht)' 8 i~ you a varii!'ty of mesSOIgts, like the programmer credits. t he version dates and ot her exciting features. C~its· C, B. A. A, B, C, Y, Z, X. Down, Down ~lld Numbers· X. Y, Z. V. z. C, B. A. Up. Up Sound ProVoerslon· X. x, Y, Y, Z. z.A. A, B, B,C,C Pluma Pro versiOn· Up. Up, Down, Down. left. Right. ldt. Right, B. A, X


NBA JAM: TOURNAMENT EDITION The NSA Jam games always contain


characters, and the Saturn version's

got iI massive number of them. To play as any of the chalacters listed. answer 'Yes' when asked If you w ant to ent er your Inillals, then hold the L an dRshoul· derbuttonsw h lle ente ri ngthese lettersanddates. ·SecretPla~r· wiU" p pea r

00 the screen to let you know that it has worked. By the way. the commentator even collis out all of the secret ch,u<tcter n<tmts when tnty gtt t he b<tll! Ch~rlts

Clinton Hill~I)'ClInton

Mike 0 Adrock

MCA Heavy D FPrlnce Jazzy Jeff Benny Blaze

H,go Bird



Higgins Hill



J Moo"

Jul1 Apr 6 Apr 9 l an 9







Crunch utling Hut chinson MoIgiCHair D falcus Hodgeson Tunnlcliff JFalcus





Mad Mike




Allnteilmsdeftilted 26 of defeated



"'b, Oct,

Sept 10


Weasel Snake Renaldo fumunguS Kibuki

Jan '4 Junl2 JanIS


""" ,.."

Pistol faclme Air Dog Carlton


A", 0,," Aug6


May 7 Nov 16 Marl





Goskle tlpta k I1lvett Turmell Thomas Gordon Shelley


Feb 19 Apq


The re's a hidden video clip of Durill bfeilklng up to reveal her real humanform - Kage's mother. To access it, complete the game on the Hilrd difficulty setting, including beilting OUfill first time. It mil)' sound feilily hard to do. but it Ciln be milde Incredibly e<tsy by setting PI~yer 1 to "No Damage" ilnd Player 1 to "Smillitst' el"lergy bar from the options screen You'lt still need to p[iI)' right through the game. but)'Ou u n only lose wrth ~ I1lng Out







Once ilil of the teilms have been beaten, you play again With extended team rosters; secret opponents and hidden power·up modes

• 93

• •



1:4 4

W~:ut~;a~~~;~~~.~~t~;~~~!,~I~~~r:~~88;h~h~ I~:~:~~f;! :~ven. ture title from Acclaim. It's difficult to slot It into any lIame genre as such, milinly

t>tCiluseit'shardtoascertillnwhiityouilctuallydo,ilpiHtfromWilndefilroundilnd look ilt pretty objects. which Is why action filns should definitely give Ihls one iI


However, if you He iI bit of murder mystery and suspense on your gaming, then Ihls should suit you down 10 the ground The story is enough to gIVe youn~r

lIilmers nightmares-il doctor hils gone mildrnilneilrbyhosprtill ilnd h.lcked his piltients to death. unfOfluniitely,he'sillsodoneilfunnerandil's up to his daugh. ter LaUfil 10 sortoul the mess (hterally). Todothis, she must enter he, father's

twisted alter-reahty ilnd solve Ihe many puzzles which ilrepul beforeh erSalvlng IhemUSUilllyentilllsfindlnSkeysentwinedwlthlnrottingcorpses,openlnSbo~es,

dodgIng illtilcklng knights and generally avoidIng being killed bysomeunS<l voury obJ'd While tht In-gamt action is definItely not to everyone's taste. the story can be really gllpping at tImes, and the graphics, although in a smilll WIndow art rtally crisp,clear,andattimes,dlsgustinslysory,PeopleillreildyusedtoplilYlnsgilmes of this type (such ilS Myst or even some of the RPGs on the Mtgadrive). mily find thilt the action iscompltted all tosoon-most oftht puzzles ilrereliltl velyeilsyto solve, although thtre Isont in pilrticulilrthilt"s absolutely lock hard-b utgamers new to thIs genfe may find that this will last them a fair old whrle, Not perftct by any means, but the best gilme of ItS type aVi"lilble on Satufn at the moment



W:~' t~:~ ~~tt~:~~~~r:i~nt~c7'E~:~::~rhll: :~s~~~;j:~: !~:~C~;i:t:a~:: hardly bothering to tell a soul here in revIew land Tht rtilson for thIs is not alto· gether unobvious-the P1aystation verSIon hadJustbttn released and naturally, everyone would be campaflnS the two verSIons However, EA needn't have womed too much, FIFA blows Sega's exrsllng footle tItle, Victory ~I c~an out of the wOlter It's got club SIdes, internatIOnal Sides, real players-hell,it'sevengotJohnMotsontohelpeverythingillongas only ht can, There's millionsofcustomlslng optIons, severill dIfferent cilmerailnglesto view the ilclion from and unlike most sports sims, these options reilily can make a difference, Sa all well and good eM Not quitt, Although the aclualgame mechanICS are pretty spot on, the S<lme can'tbeSilidforFIFA'silppeilfance,ThespfltesareslowandfUlly,andthescleen SOmttlme5 jerks when the pitch is mov'"g too'reafootbalitrilinspotter,thtsefeilturC'Silren'thkelyto bother you,especiallywhen you soak in tht atmosphtre of the gilme, which hilS to be a s close to football ilSYOU can possibly get Without pultlng on iI pilirofboots,Vou 'II glean months of play from this one


1• • _ '


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-.l. ~

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- --.....-


-~ ---./ .... .....

..." .,,,>""" W" ft'brUilry (or Mlirch dtpendlng on when)'OlJ bought the mag)I does that meanl Well. it means that there's not much softwilre knocking ~boIJtanddeveloperstendtoconvertlilithelroldPCstuffforanusylow·budget

release. And thilt's exactlywhilt's hilppenedwlth Cyberlil. Releilsed on th ePCilCou· pleofytarsago,itwasn'tverypopularthenlt'shkelytobeevenlesspopularnow. Thereilsonsfor thislireverysrmpleCyberiilrehesveryheilvilyonthegame plot, lIndinfact.mostofyourtlmeisspentobservrngwhat'sgoingon.Eachlevel hilS very speclfk tasks which must be completed before progressing tothe next sectiOn, and at the begrnmngofthe game, each level is playtd oul as either an Isometflc or close qUilrters combat gilme However. ilfter the first few levels. this sud· denly SWitches to a first person perspectrve shoot 'em up. Unfortunately, there's too many levels of these In one go to mil~e them much fun . Throughout the title, the grilphlCS remain pretty spectacular, and if you hildto assess the game on toots illone, It would score very highly. It's Just that Cyberla tiles too hard to be everything at once Stili, not bild

GOLD_ __ !



h. if only we had a sub·section ded. !Cilted to gaming cabbage of the monththis would surely tilke the crown An evil music philistine has kidnilpped all of the world's leadrng music iilns (SildCilfe, according to US Gold) ilnd has tilped them ilil upinil box or so methrng and Is refusing to let them go. unfortunately (for you) he failed t o capture Johnny BillOOka, who has now taken up iI quest to retrieve his miltes In the name of the good ship Rod, Sounds like iI Megildrive game alreildy, doesn't III Funny that B«iluseifitwasn'tforane)(\remelylengthySiliconGraphlCs lOtIO lacked onto the beginning, you'd probably think it was. Honestly. thiS employs some of the WOfst graphics ever seen on the ~turn ilnd thilt takes even the first geneliitlOn games hke Astille Into conSideration Johnny looks like a rockabilly ilbomrniitlOn, ilnd ilsfor the resl of the grilphics, well. qUite simplyCfilp It'S hard tobelreve thilt 10 this dilyilnd ilge, somethrng hke this exists

T::n:~~~~~~:h~:~:~ ~~~:~ ~:a~r~(~eSr;~ ~~ :~I~~t:r~nh:;:e:;t~:mes begrnnrng of the gilme It's sometimes difficult to see why thiS enjoyed so much attention Inthe past-although the graphicS areoftop·nouh quaht y,theactuill game is sometimes repetitive and lacks a distinct learning curve-there'50nlyso many moves to memollSe. Of cou rse, this dotsn't make the game ilny less fun to play, and Tohshin Den Sis fun toplay-itJust restricts the longevityofthelitle somewhat Nilturally, if you compare it to the awesome Virtua FIghter 2, Toh Shin Den S nowhere near touches It in terms of plilYilbihty or sheer quahty, butt hatdoesnl necess.lllty meiln that it's not worth buying While it mily not howe the depth or amount of mCWM the;lt Vf2 holds, it's fa" to Sily th;lt it's a different type of combat t,tle-ooethilt depends more on specta<ulilr speclill moves and weapons. Not one for ardent combat. but fun all thesilme

• •

1~U1I'. l mNI

P;ab~liln~a_~:.~ ~~~;:~~7~~~;~~~~~ ";;~:I~:rnthX;t8:1~~~I:"~;n~:s:~d: flIpping

a small Silver b.'ill

afOund one, fairly small '"ble Why would ilnyone want

to see this converted on 10 Iheir shiny new Saturn? Well. you'd be surprise d When thesf' titles are converled well,they're among the most popular games yo ucanbuy

-espe<iallyiftheycomeeqllippedwlthbonustablesandwbgames But. Ocean's pinball Isd,fferent. It doesn't go In for anyofthosefancyadd -

ons,lflstead"toffers,rnlpinbaliandnolhmgelse.lsth,sanexcuse because the programmers (ouldrl't be bothered to program anything extra Into the gamf', or do they really like stfillght pinball ilnd nothing else? Hmmmm

Anyways. there's three tabl610 play on In all,lhe purpose bemg to fack up as many points as posSible Without Ios,ng the billl down the lottie hole


the bottom

And um, thilt's ilboutlt The great thoog IS thilt If you love plnbilll gilmes. then boy ~reyou 10 fOf treat With th.s one. But. why, or Indeed, how could you love iI gilme like th,s when there are qUite plillnly IoiIds!TlOfe In-depth ilnd non·sleep IOduclOg titles out there If you reillly like plObilll so much, you could plil)' to your heilrfs <ontent on a reill pinball tilble for less than ~ qUid

t U_S_ GO_L_D_ _ _ 1


'** G


money earner, so It'S no wonder thilt companies are clilmberlOg O\Ier themselvestorushoutSlmulatlonsWhiitisqulted,fficulttobelievc:though,lsthiitthe end result is sometimes very filr removed from the originill game US Gold's version ofevc:nts only hilS one course to play on, which Is iI bit ofil poor effort 10 Itself.and becomes very boflng very quICkly And although the graphics are pretty fine (this is not a difficult feat lOagolfgame),theactualgamelsab,tdlfficulttopl ayTh's isn'tbeuusethecontrolSilred,fficulttogetusedtoorthestiindardlSSet to a high level or ilnythoog like that Nope, It'S because not enough attention has been paid to the way the game has been put together The different Views of the course avoul· able are a bit thoughtless ilnd ellilt" ilnd whiltever shot you decide to Iilke, the ball doesn't necessarily follow the chosen route Setter than Pebble 8eilch Golf. but then that's no reoilson to btly It

W t o hold

hen thiS was relusedon Import iI few months~go, it w as g iven iI slating by Just about everyonefOf being iI bi t on th e dull s,de. fortunately, Sega chose bltk the title fOf iI few mo nths ilnd promptly sent it bilck t o thei r develop.

ment people to make a few changes. A twee k here, fiddling with spanners there and the changes show themselves in t he guise of translated Japanesete rt,butthls in itself makes the game much more rounded, While not as slick oilS the m uch celebrilted Fi restorm, Woog Arms Is stili iI decent enough simulation ilnd is hilrd enough to keep you BOlO g into the wee hours. Ho\YeYer, you Will need il lilrge close of patience to be able to keep plilylOg throush I\. as ~ tllnes rt Coiln be IIeI'J foddly indeed. But if you persevere, you'll find

tNt thIS IS as reward!ns. flipt Slm n arryother (ur~AQI"bIe on the Satu"'-

---...... ---... _





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