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6lJ't-KrlfA/)J? O't.Y"J1i 'el'f'
18 20 22 24
66 70 68 72 76 78 80
All the moves plus access to secret characters!
WIPEOUT GUIDE PART 2 How to conquer those tricky later tracks!
VlRTUA RGIITER 2MASTBICLASS 88 The final installment!
nMEATTACK Are YOU in this month's top ten?
WORK HAS BEGUN ON VIRTUA COP 2 AND FIGHTING VIPERS CONVERSIONS! J ~:;:'~:~~;:;~~~~i~:~:~~;~~~n;S:i~~::~ ~~::O~;:~~~:h=::~ ~:f~;I:ny of the giime hils tJe,enprOil,ili mmedin ilSyet, there iI,esome bilslc,outlnesllp ilnd running and u rly work is nid to be looking stunningl It's probibly going to be i couple of months before any Kreenshoh are ilvailable, but be prepiI'e d for so me ii_some unveitings coml!' Ju ly time. By the way, the titles ,Ire both K h~ul ed for releaS(' in around November, ;lind illS soon
,IS we Cil n bring you som e shots of either
title, you un be sure we willi
one a/tllost IlIcky (HOp/I! WilD own /)ofl!
console (Indo PC, you'll no
doubt know that the whole PC community Is currently going bananas over id's new title, Quo/cl!'. Although it's tXHed around tilt origino/ Doom, till' gome hos
moved on both in ttrms 0/ grophles and gamtplay,foatlJring mauivtly dttailtd spritts and a SUOstantial incrlQst an tht gart caunttr. luckily, tht gamt will bt caming ta Saturn in littlt mart than twa months ofttr tht PC rtltost and according to id softwort will bt littlt mort than a straight portform tht original vtnion. What's qlJitt bizarrt though is that Quakt could tnd IJp on tht shtlvts btfart tht much hyptd Saturn vtnian of Doom dOfi - which kind of maktJ tht lotttr titlt a bit pointltu flQ/ly. Thtn again, if pad rtltaJts aft anything to go by, tht gamt is bound to Jlip by a fow Wlth at lead. Who knows. Wtjust wiJh that Id would rtltost samt pies of tht much路hyptd Saturn Doom to pfQVt to us that it rlQlly txiJtJ ...
Hopefully. you will h,tve notICed the fteent prKe drop in the S~turn from 拢199 to
1249. a spec.,]1 offer which
fOf Just three weeks In April Th,s offer was initiated
to entice Io.'ids more first time milchine bUytfS, and ~1n8 ~s the 1249 PliO! tag ma~tSlhtSatl.lrnfsocheaptfthantheP1aYSlallon.lhtsstralegyshouldha~befon
hugelysuccessful-at the tlrneofwrltlng. the campaign was only a coupleofdays In, so there were no figures available, However. the ftcen! prict sl(lshing in Japan With the Saturn mark 2 was hugely successful, The new white model sold a stag路
gering 10,000 units in just four days and IS Clmently sold out, Obviously, with the new, cheaper model, ~ga of Japan can afford to make slaBsering price cuts (the new milchine went on sale at just (125),although ifslhoughl thatt he arrival of the new model In the UK could spell another permanent prICe drop Although you mayhavealreadybollghtaSalllrn,don'tbe disenheartenedbythisnews-more new Saturn owners means that more developers Will be willing to create new titles fOf the machine, which ultimately means more chOICe for the consumer As
s.oon as
we get any firm details concerning permanent price drops, we'Ulet you know.
1. SEGA RALLY Stili doing reasonably well in the CD charts. t his is j ust about the ONLY racing g~me
worth bothering about at t he moment.
2. ViRTUA FiGHTER 2 Most gamerswill already have th is Is their collection, but if by some chan ceyou haven't bought it ytt, do so AT ONCE I You'll be amazed atthe huge leap in technology since VFl and Remi xl
s.tIlM, tfIey Ire ct.i",i", to haw ....... bunch of 1.lMIr..dyl", IOf ......,.In u..
•• rty "'"'_ months, .monlthem s,ac. Hulk (whktI_ r.ported on"lt month) Ind VIhrpoInt. Alrudy .....aHd on the PlII~tatlon. this JO Ihoot 'em up WIll
Ea sily the bes t air combat game on the Saturn, g uaranteed to have you playi ng Into the small hours.
uttkked fOf bei",1nuHlb/y dlff\Mt Ind unfortunatltly, tfIe Mtlon ~ from JIowdowrI on_of tIM lewis. " - r, tMadual plM _ ~ntandlna4dl· tIon to the Mnet:k ••,.,.,.." It .Ito fuhlr.d dunnlnj: pap/llu. EA haw.!ways pt"IIftIIMdthattheywo.lldmeuethison tIM Satum, but haw bken thetItM INKkto tIM dRwi"l board to wotiI on tM sktwdown problems. n... forthcomlnr5mlni nnIon mould be nIch-on perfect and wtH be In jlolSt tJwM dtort rnontM. Pin ~ heN ... uken from tIM "-)'Station wnkNI.
.... .. ,,:.'f!
.: ..... W l'
.,,::"t "~
4 . FlFA '96 May not hold up 10 wtll ilgilinst forthcoming foot~ the best of the bunch,
relea ~s,
but f or now, th is is
s. WiPEOUT Very different from t he han dling in Sega Ra lly, but st ill a great racin ggame nevertheless,
"'7' .
,'.....v . .. ':9f .-... .....
~ ~,-I~ ~
Following the avalanche of recent PC to Saturn conversions, this month sees the converSion announcement of Ripper. scheduled for releascon botht heSatumand Playstatlon in the summer months, this creepy adventure stars cool hep cat ChfistopherWalkenasaprivatedetectiveonanassignemnettoincovertheculprit behind a spate of gory murders, In fact. seeingasthis features so manytopnames from the Hollywood biz, it's just about as near to a film as games have ever been, Actually,wlthitsabundanceofgoreandstomach-slilshinginlerludes, this could rank among one of the best B-movies ever madel More news as soon as we can showsomethlfl8 solid on the Saturn version,butinthemeantime,here'sa
th~tyourtop)~·blt t itlesc .. n·tbereprodu(edonilnyothersysteml
RK kon It's Im possible to render polygon genelaltd sprites on il 16 bll console? well, you'd be fil M. Skip 16·bit. try s·bit. Yes, B·blt. You see Virtu .. Fighter hilS been given the conversion hutment ilnd wilt be reheased on the varnI! Gur som etime In summer. And it looks great. Sort of. Well, ilt lust you un telt who the cha racters art which is il n achieve ment In Itself for the Gilme Gur. AnYWilY, _ just t hought you'd like to ~e it that's ilii. JLlII don't go harplns on about the good old dilys,okilyl
Seen the light
Havlngflnallysttnthtllghl.illthouJhunfortuniltelynotilsf"f .. sthelrown
doomed console Is concerned,Phllips hilVttilbn the d«ision to publis honlhe Satul n. First upfolreleuelsthehighlyacdaimed Burn Cycle, a fut uristic adyenture featuring a man on a mission to uncover the reasons behind his own murder (SH page '4 for more Info). They're also releasing QAD iI couple of months afterBurnCycieandbyChrlstmasJhouldhil~awholeportfollooftitles
announced. More Joon.
RfC~ntly out on th~ streets of Japan W~f~ th~ lat~st two additions 10 th~ CG portrait disk collection, (eatuMS Jeffry and Kage We have 10 say that this batch of r~l~ases ilren·t ~xactly impressl~ - although the plctur~ quality and actual 'm ages are of high quahty,lhe embarrasslns "sptcial effects" are very poor 'ndeed. FeatunngJeffrywlth hiS boat. by the sea. in th~sea.~ilhngshilrks. hanging around under palm trees. and With Kage doing much th~ sam~. but in a n,nja·stylee.lt"s safe to Sily that the disks will nfYfr appear in any for m~r here W~II. we say that, but seeing as we·re giYing you the chance to win the
Yep,ifyoufancyhaYing th eallofthesequltenicebutultimatelyuseless as usual. simply tell us why you
diSks adorning your very own game shelf. then
want to own these disks in under flftHn words. Send )'Our entrill to: HANG ON, THAT 'S NOT UK£ THE USUAL QUESnONS, SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, priory Court, 30-31 F.rringdon Lane, 'ondon ECIR )AU, by JLlne 30th.
-.,. '
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ALIEN TRILOGY IS COMING! Ifyou'r~worriedatthedjstinctlackofAlientrilogytoverageinthtlast
months, don't be too disheartened - the Saturn version if on the way and shoh should be appeuing soon. The ruson that nothing has been shown on the game
so far Is that devetopel'1 Probe are busy adding more to the gameplay- more Itvels, better graphics and more imprenive spe<ial effects. And befor eyougo thinkingHyeahsure.I'YE'hurdalithatbefo'e~,it'slfue!Pfobecould simply port thecodestralghta<rosstotheSaturnbutaredeterminedtobrlngilmuchbetter game toall Saturn owners. So for once, you'll do better out of waiting ol ned, .. coupll!of monlhsl
't ,
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tfyou would like to!.ee your chart features, send in your top ten to READER CHARTS, SEGA SAT\JRN MAGAZINE, PRIORV COURT, )O-3l FARRINGOON LANE , LONDON E(lR }AU. Anyone who has their (h~rts printed will receive a game for their troubfe.sl
, . SEG.o. SAT URN
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/l;.~~~ ~:~~:; ~~:: :e~~::::tf tl~s~S:~:~ub~~~yt~:r r;;~:;~,o:u~aa~er unveiling the PC venlon to a host of excited media last month, they rulisedthat it could be one of th e most original products that the has ever seen, PlayedoutlnaMyst-styleenVlronment,thegamelssetma cockroach mfestedapartment block where vanous nasty characters are all thrown together to make the best of It However, the tenant has come across a rather large bundle of money and IS about to make a run for It on to ~ better life However. after checking on hiS most precIOUS posseSSion. a ~tle shaped locket. he IS sucked mto another worldthe world of the roach. He must now make hiS way b.lck to humanity by solving hundreds of puzzles, ~II presented 10 the most dlsgustmg, fihhy way. Acda,m are proud to annoul1(e that to get through thiS game you really WJII h~ve to t~ke on the persona ofa cockroach, both thmkmg and actmg as thiS most feared ofmsectS WOtJld. Let's fKe It, sll1(eyou'tI becrawhng through human waste, roumgcolp5es and some of the most VIle apartments ever lived m, you don't really have much choice More on this as soon as we he,lr anythmg S~turn
_!!:K:....... , . . ~
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O you ld
think !hit Wipeout was the first same to attempt to put r;lI(lng s;ame5
Inlo the futurd Well, you 'd be pretty stupid Ifyoudld,bftauseCyber Speedway was out last ynr and tvtn though it WillS CfillP, It was set In the future. But futuristic Iilcing 8i1mes stretch bltk tven further than the ultimately doomed CyberSpetdway. E;lrly Iilst year Gremlin developed a futuristic racer for the P(called Slipstream. Nicking much from Japanese style animation. iii variety of kooky crazy
charKtershneupmlhellspe(ralfuturemobilestoraceiniinumberofdlfferenl enVIronments, ranging from rainforests to glaciers It all looks qUite good actually,
illthough its success in the lighl of top Irtles such as Wipeout maybe fairlyltmlted Slipstream hast>een sisned upfora definite release in Jilpiln. althou shan
apptaranceover here is 51111 belngdiscl,Issed
et Inother Gremlin relelse InnOI,ln(ement this month, Itthough this time it', In orlglnll tttle Ind not I conwrsion from another console. Gears and Guts is basically a Super Off Road RactrfOr tht nineties, which muns that you'U be truted to some brill ia nt graphics and a more ruUsUc play aru too. Thert's not much information available for the actual levels at the mOmtnt, probably beCUSt thty havtn't bttn cruttdytt, but tht t racks will futurt rullstl, ttrrturt mapping and uch ca r willfuturtdifftrentsusptnslon -actually, uch whttlof uch car wilt ftatutt a dlfftrtnt suspension . Anyway. as wt said. not much to see ofth" ont yet. but as this is a compltttlYOfiginal tltlt.yol,l cantxpect to Stt a ml,lch more I,Ip to date stylt of game than tht mass of straight conversions which stem tobe arrivrngon the Saturnatanalarmingratta tt htmomtntPll,Is.dtspitethis btinga ml,llti format release, each version will be sptcifically Crtattdwlth the platform's strengths in mind Exptcltostea
~ -'~ ' 1
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Comlbaekl look,WI didn't m,IR II. Rulty., didn't. 0_ WIll, ~Iv.lt Jour way.
Th, ...'1 IIGI mueh JG1nl on h..... Thll" btuUII II', ooly about 20~ campltt•.
N:: :;~i~h: f:~~:~'::'~=~O:o;:,:;~U~::;~~:';e~::s~;~: ::i:~~:U~~~
this 1$ that their full portfolio of sames will be relns~ on both Playsbtion and Saturn In the third quarter of this year. The firs t release to hit the shelves Will be Burn Cycle. Phlhps' most acc lalmed t,Ue to date. wh,ch feiltures iI futUlIstlC cyber-guy who hilS two hours to solve hiS own Impending murder Featuring film cuts and some of the most involving puzzle actlOfl _r seen on the Coi (not eK.lctiy hard) thiS IS bound to be iI hit on Saturn ilS Irs filst paced and really good fun Expect to see other Phlhpstltles such as QAO (Quintessential art of Destruction) followlnll iI couple of months ilfter.
,farnili..,. KI .. fl'Olll _ t lIIodlM!
Well, flllliliu u far II Rad SOtI u)'WI1. lf YOII
lIMn MIIliI to 1M U Iblllllluu of bIIllJ baIMII, 1.. 1I ....... I.. jIOWdtt.iIfttt.
&1111. ail o... . ppUrI II 1M partlclpat-
S;:~~~:i~~; _o:~:~:::r;;:e':ne;I::y'~~~~t~~~;I~:::;,e:u:o~~tf of them h~ve been just ~bout ~ver~ge ~nd nothing more. But, it's not n If onyconsole hn been truted to ~ top golf slm of '~te - most of them just seem to be poor PGA rip oHs. But with ~ny luck, th~t's ~II ~bout to change when Gremlin reluse Actu~ Golf on the S~turn In ~ couple of months. Alrudy out on the Piaystation, Actu~ Golf is probably one oftheonlytltlesth~tho'dsanyacclalmatthemoment,
receiving 90+ review marks across almost all magiZlnes. Th~SatufOvelSlonwlli beaslr~lght porlofe~istlng
flCand PSXversions and as such WIU feature incredibly detailed graphics. multi-angled viewing and multiple view replays too And. In addition to plenty of top golfing action. the oJcllonlS illi comm~ntoJted by I~g~ndary golf personoJhty Pt'ter All,s oJsk your dad). whICh in theory oJlleilst moJkes the action mor~ ~xClI· ,ng Gremlin are moJking billy qUICk progr~ss with thiS one, and with oJny luck. a revi~w should make Its way Inlo the mag wIthin the ne~1 month or two
.'. \ :~: -.:~
urd of Duke Nukeml Well, Ihls brilliant 3D hack 'em up is dolnglhe rounds on Ihe PC at the moment and hnleceived quite a 101of positive press from most PC mags. Unfortunately, there's no news of Duke coming to Silturn, bill bhumed, iI hack 'em up using the same engine as Duke Nukem is being converted. So A ... -:. Ulilt's illrlght then. luckily. despite uSing Ihe same goJme engine. the tltle·s plot IS 1'\ very different indeed. Set in Egypt (anc ient Egypt that is) the object is to pillage Pharoah·s tombs whilst battling againstsupernoJtural forceswhichoJredetermlnedtokeepthetombssacred.luckily,lhere·sstiliplenty of gore, something of a necessity for these types ofgoJmes oJnd there's Ioil dsof brain bashing mazes 10 manoeuvre too. Unfortunately, there·s no playable version avaIlable as yet, bul 8MG jue hoping 10 receive a pl;t)'able UK verSion wlthm the next couple of months
4i' SEG..4. SP.TUr;(N
Although we brought you the first news ofVF3 last month, we're pleilsed to report thiitthegilmehascomeon lnleapsiindboundslnJustfourw~ksSeveralchiirilc足
ters are now mOVing ilnd some Ciln even perform their fighting routines TI'ie running demos shown to Jilpilnese press were confirmed to be running off the new model ~ technology, ilnd With the use of th is new board, Segil will be milking huge leilps in the appearanuand playability of their alreadytop-of,the,ran gearcade milchlnes, Basicillly, if you're intoarcilde games, Model 3 Is gOing to chilngeyour Ilfel
AM2'S SHOCK ANNOUNCEMENT! Why Is II going to change your hfd Well, the answer is both horrendously com phutedyet iistoundlnglyslmp!eThere'smlliionsoftechniUlelCpliinilllonsforthe groundbreilkingvisuillsofVF3,butilllyouneedtoknowisthiitthiSiSthe smoothest. most Visually stunning gilme EVeR s~n, Gone is the Jerkiness of yesteryeilr ilS ilrcade boilrds struggled to cope with zooming effects, Instud, there's supersmooth movement from every angle With hugely detililed filces ilnd complete fluid movement In ilU tl'ie chilracters. Believe us. there IS ilbsolutely NO WAY thilt ilnyother ilrcade developer ciln touch Ih,s at the momenl However what's proabably more interesting IS the annOUf1(ement that AM2 are stili to put the texture milpplng on to tl'ie characters, Yep, all tl'ie demos seen so far feature zerotelCture mapplng-insteild the characters were crea ted uSing a build up of polygons ilnd Model 3'5 glow shading feature, Blimey Imagine what It's going 10 look like when ifsfinishedl
, .!'..- : -.. . -
IN TONIGHT'S MATCHUP... AM2 comm~nt~d on tach of the charlcterl In t urn I t .. recent press conference and for some, there'"few changes In store. Here's a quick rundown ...
Not much infOfmiltlon wn releil~ concerning the latest mem~r of the VF filmlty, Aoi. All thilt Mr Suzuki would givt aYny was that when Steven Spielberg (Yes, THAT Stephen Spielberg) recently visited AM2'S Toqo offICe to see her, illI he could saywas, "Wow!" u he w.n complttely 8obsmilc~!I
JACKY: Jacky win remilln very Similar 10 the wily he has appcilfed in PIty;OU5 Vf games, although there Will be much more detail on his face and clothes
Pill seems to have matured substantially Since the last Vf Bamel Her filclal features have b«ome more pronounced, resulting in an older look.
JEFFERY: Jeffery will look Similar to the wily he does on the I~test CG diSC (~news) in~ Ih~
ami it has to tit ~dmltttd, th~ d~ail Is amazing. If you try to Imag· still pictt,lr~s ofth~ diSC In ~n ilmmilted form.
. ;..,..
ElptCt to Itt pltnty 01 jlzzJ lroIiu ...! I n t~. rllflmon 'WlITh' tro.Uf"1...
art:. Pllr 01
l1li...1, I r•• 01 Mid.... ud t~1 W Jt'GOft, Ilk" II ao For till tI~ Khoot '_tHo" ..
, ;:-iJi;;: ~ -J!I'", ... ~
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Thought you'd seen the back of them did you? Ha! Ha! Ha! No! They're back, and they're more irritating than ever. This time their suicidal exploits take them into 3D territory. Get those green wigs on.
Togethertheymake artaUyUfeiess ltam,rtadylodowh~teverilbkts
10 achieve a state of non-being, As funaslhismightbetowalchandas
admir~ bteaslheirinslintlfortoUectivesatrifkemay
apptar, you are nevertheless required tolhwart them from htavingforth Ihedalsles, and e nsure Ihey are aU relurned lolhe ir homes safe and sound, Such a tas~ had beerlfruslratmgand infurialing If'mmlngsd/'YOteesfofyearsflQNandrtdoesn'tklokhke SaturnCM'l'\efSareli~efytoescape,lnfactfot'them,things
coukl be even worse, Rather than your regular 20 If'mmirlgswhere the little fu rballs !l1CM!! f)atlyiICross the screen !eft and right, the 32 bit console workl istreatedtoa further dimension just to make things more confusing 3D If'mmlngs retainS all of the pnncipies that went to make
In 3D the suicidal rodents can wander back and furth into danger, as wen as left and right, not to mention the fact that in a 3D environ" ment it's much easier to lose track of where they all are.
I"/!'rything's fIO'Nln 3D Another new role is 'virtual' lem路 mmgThlslswheretheplayeractuallygetsalemming~-viewoftheploc:eed,ngsenablingthemtostudy
thegamesuchan addictIVe success in the p<lst. but turns uptheheatbyfurcingplayefstothink in 3D,This might not seem hke such a b;gdeal,but remember that in 3D thesuicidairodentscanwarKlerbackarKl forthinlodanger,aswell as left and fight. not to mentlOflthefuctthatina3Denvironmenirt's mucheasierlo!osetri\Ckofwheretheyaliare Theroleslhatyouhave t heomnipolent power to bestOW' upon the Lemmings afelafgelyurlalleredfromprevious games Amongthem are builders who can bridge any death'lnduclng chasms, bloc:kers to keep them all ina tldyp.ack,dlggersfortunnelhngundef obJecls that cannot betravefsed any other way and soon, There are also a couple of extra tasks that can be assigned to your lemmings A 'turner' lemmmgwill altef thedireclion left or right according to howtheyareinstructed, ThlS is an essential addltfOflas
problems up dose and see Just where he and his chums a,e encountenng certain death situations The 3D element also means that the con t rol method has altered somewhat. Players now have to get to grips with revolving camera perspectivessituat ed at three different height s, t ~king in the entire structure of the arduous and confusing terrains 3D Lemmmgs features four different standards fun, tricky, taxing and mayhem Addlt,onally, there is a pract,ce feature which gives playe rs the opportUnity to tryout all of the different lemming roles in simple demonstration puzzles Lemmings has had a habit ofmak ing almost as many enemies as fans. It's the kind of game Ihat tends to mduce extremereactionsinpeople.especial!y whentheyspendhours t ryingandfailingata partlwlarpuzzle6uttho5ewlthknackforthlS ~indofgameshouldbewarebecausethisisshaping
Thllem ..lng, uund t~e All" slnr~ture fIIlngll", with th.aymbotlcdecor,
Using 'virlUllllmmlng' you gel I lemmlag'1 lye wiew of tif. in a tunnel.
Wheftlhl temmingsget across the brldSlyou'l!wanl to OrgaRlu .Iurner 10 ensure Ihl they &G left, The numbe" under Ih. lemming Icons tltl you how many you un UII ,
~ > /
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"-~' ~ 'O , ', .
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W_I ,"'n II"" bIIldlllil JOI'. Ill.... to sptlld q.lto HIIII tim. U.YIt1l1lltlllllllaal, Dnhr to n,un thl ....
f you 'r~ som~on ~ who frequents book stores youm'yh,vecome,crOJi Terry PllItehett's DiKWorld boob. They , ll h,ve colourful (;Jrtoon covers and there are loads of them lined up on the shelves. They use I sort of sixth form hobbyist kind of humour which Is full of lots of cl t ver puns and ironie twlsts,nd not re,ily,1I th,tfunny. Olscworld,thepl,ce,ls,unlve ne suled In I dome and propped up on the bitk of , eosm le turtle. It 's with this kind ofwlcklneJi In mlndth,t you begin your ,dventu r~ is Rinc~wlnd , the w lurd 'pprent k e, who hu to prove his abilities by ridd ing the OIKWorld city of, dllIgon th,!'s been terrorising tht populae~. This might seem sImple enough, but setting off from the uniyenity i! quickly becomlH appar~nt that th~ quIrky beh,viourofthe Areh
Ch,ncellor , lonemunsthlslsgoingtobe'mor~
kind of person It IS you're actually spea~mglo. ThiS iswhyRincewlndlsglven a nll mberof spe<lking modes,~ind of hke real people. Ifhe is findmg someone a bit obno.lous heunsofor,na ngry tone of vol(e, or If he wants to set hold of some info he un greet t hemjovi,lly,ndgo on to,sk <I qllestion As)'tlu movefurther and further into Discworld, thesu/ft;J1 nat ure of things begins to make itself more ( -:;.,...---<lpp<lrent, what with dragons txlst lng only to those who belltYe III them, st<ret MiisonlC lodges, <lnd them,ritleoftlmetr.velbe,ngdlscoveredlrlthe
Asyoumovefurtherand further into Discworld, the
"';'.-: .
Slll't'eaJ nature of tllings begins to make itself more apparent, what with " "
Neve rtheless 11,11 ma ~es for the fertile RPG lerri· tory tha t ensues, involving hundreds of different char· ,ctersand not a few pu zz les thilt spread light across thed lvtrsemedlilC'Villcity To maintain Ihe humour" lot of the chilrilcters hilvt famous voices iccompany· Ing them. Rlnctwmd IS pl,yed by Elle Idle of Monty Python fame and there's illsothe hkes of Tony ~obmson (8aldnck) ,nd Jon Pertwee (Dr Who) poppmg up 10 play a vallety of VOICes throughout the game There IS a lot of dl<llogue m Dlscworld, mosl of whtehuSeslheTerryPratchettstyletofulleffect To progress through the game)'tlu're somg to h<lve to lis· ten closely The clues ch<l racters offer are often cryplic <l ndyou 'li also need to weigh Ihem up asalnsl Ihe
' >;Q ~
'\ \
~#': _ .
.. j
'----~~~ '- ~;I - :
on the httls of WipEout and DestructIOn Derby Dlfferenl as Dlscworld is, Ihey'li be hoplrlS for ilS devoted iI followlrlS ilS these two r<lcers have;JCquifed
m recent d,ys followmg
--.. -
~ ! -
univerSlty libr,ryAt~lncew'nd'ssldethrough<lllthls
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Ish,s fa ithfulcomp<lnlOn"lugg,gechestlhiitthlllks It"sadoglnl\,stardls·hkelnn,rdshe keepsthem,ny th,nsshecollectsonhlstf;Jvels Discworldfirst put in,n ilppearance on the PC where)'tlu'd think Itsin·deplh RPG style would be mos t <It home Its conve rSion tD the PlayStiitlon how· ever proved Ih;J\ Ihere were enoush console types oul Iher!! who h~ed the idt;J of II, ,nd whether )'tlu're a fil nofthe books or not, the epIC SIte ilnd comple.lty of the same IS bound to <lttr<lct <I follOWlrlson the
than compll(;Jted tuk to acromplish.
dragons existing only to those who believe in them..
Psygnosis are going for the hatrick. After WipEout and Destruction Derby they're changing the pace a bit with Discworld. Take your foot off the accelerator and prepare to don a wizards robes in this in-depth RPG that takes you into the bizarre world of one Terry Pratchett.
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flit _by III tile MbntJ I, tile 1Ibnria1.1t II 11M lilt .Iart afa 10" ",•• I.. jotl I. DJlCWGI1d IboIIl I donby carl or _Ithl""
It is one of the eternal mysteries. Asport that in this country has about as much popularity as small bore rifle shooting, yet seems to attract many followers as a sports sim. Yes, that's right! It's ice hockey!
ceHockeyl'not the kind of sport you tend to think ~bout II sum mer~pproaches.W~ter
skill'll ~nd tennis milybe but not Ice hock ey. In fact, Ice hockey Isn'til sport we In Brltilln tend to th ink much about anyway, Attitudes towilrds It tend to be the Sil meutho,efot Brltlsh buketball Ie. we'recrilpilt It so who Cilres, Sports sims though a re iI different story, Ice hockey hils always been populilr on the Megildrlve, whilt with EA's ilnnual ~rlesilmonlothetJ, Asalame lt 'S iln
elltellent opportunity to let Involved In some full-Kille rucks ilnd sh-ow a bit of skill at the same t ime. ~I~ 'S NH l Hockey Is the only Ice hockey slm to put In an appurillKeon the htu tn u yet, It urned iI faltly respectable 7B" In Inue,of~gaSilturnMillilline ,
CompeUtlon ilrrives In the shape of PO'Werptily Hockey from Virgin, like NHL., It toourries with It ~n
Powerplay Hockey makes the most of the latest technology on offer, using advanced motion cap· ture to make the action as "realistic as possible offklill endorsement munlng that ilil of the genuine Amerlciln hockey turns ilnd players are Included, illongwlththettildltlonallyeplcrilngeof stilh . Vou won't knO'W who ilnyofthem are of course but that 's beside the point . Powerplay Hockey makes the most of the tatest technology on offer, using advatl(ed motion capture to make the act ion as realishc as possible-all of the player's mO\fl are derived from ilctual film footage In real terms this mnnsthat the characters shde and glide with just the right ine rtia and the anlmatoonof shooting, turn ing, runn ing etc. IS precision Itself To make the game logic as Intel hgent as the graphiu are slick, Virgin have employed sophisticated AI (art ificial i ntelligence) thatadJustsplilyersto~rypossibleslt·
uation, be it an attack on the bleak,a frantiC defence ofsoal or even a ruck There are a variety of mod es In which to play the game You'll probably want to start off in coachlns mode which allows you to organise the line up and tactics that suil you best There are four other modes 10 choose from, head·to-head, pre-sea· son, full season, playoffs and a wortd tournamen t where pla)1'rs actually get to cont ro l intelOational sides. Needless to say, there is the aU· important replay faClhty which mCl'VeS through 360'enabhngyou to watch the action at any ilngle In order to clear up those arguments about who
threw the first punch The rest IS as they say, ice hockey, which means two teams of five·a·slde play'"S four quarters, a goal at each end,a puck,the face off,lots of padd,"S and plenty of violence And If you like things really rough you can always play wi thout any rules What's more, Powelplay Hoc~ey can accommo· dateuptosi~playersslmultaneouslywlththe
helpofa multl.ptayel adaptol,somethlng sure to ma~eitidealforaspotofgangwarfarewlth
your chums ?owerplay Hoc~ey IS due for release In June We'll set the rel/lew to you before all the ice melts
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The revival of rock opera Tommy could see a resurgence in the popularity of 70s arcade staple pinball. Let's hope it doesn't mark an upturn for rock operas in general though. They're crap.
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McOor.aldsor suttlngflsh we'll all have to survivl! on the very milrgins of sodety. duling in slolen dab and q.ber-weaponry. No more going down tothe shops for us In the yur 1044 AO.lnstead we'll hop on to u outsized motorbike and shoot th t pollee as we bomb down to meet our shadowy contact who'U supply us with twenty Bennles, a box of matches and a Pot Noodle. And computer games will be so ultriHullstlc they'll be Indistinguishable from fea l life, just like Pro Pinball- The Web. Right now,ofcouIse, Pro Pinball just looks like
(lnycommon or garden super-detailed 3D pinball
The plot of The Web concems a ruthless cybe...future where you, the bal~ struggle against the forces of fate to survive. " Cowabunga!
game are li ke than how sharply it reflects the socretywhichcreated It.Sowe·d better take some lime t oexplaintherudimentsofthel,tle.Basically.Pro Pinball is.as the name may have given away. a pinball game. But it"s no ordinary prnball game. oh by crikey no. It's a pinball Simulalor. This means that instead of boring old 2D sprite graphics and a scrolling table . ifs a beaul,fullyengrneered threedimenSional pinball table which is all tedure mapped and everything Because it's a 3D model. it also means you can take your pick flOm a number of differ en I tableviews,tosuityour playing mood Ifyou'd like to see close-up so you can read alilhe bonuses and stuffyoU're perfectly welcome 10. If you'd like a furlher out. more acute (or flatter) angle of perception, you're equally well catered for Heck, ifs depth even shows in the refleClions on your steely ball,that's how frnely crafted it is As If that isn't enough Pro Pinball is equipped, just like any decent modern pin lable. With adot matrrxdisplay in Ihe backboard. An extension of thefamiliardotmatrixscoreboardsofyester. month. these newfangled inventions also display one-colour graphics in their grid·like folds. Not only doesthisgiveyougraphicalincentlveandrepre· sentalion of the various sub-games (knock down drop targets to destroy enemies and soforthl.it also gives rise to rudimentary mini-games using the left and rrght flippers toaim guns (orwhatev· erl as the ball lakes a well-earned rest . Thescreenshots in this previ ew attest lothe quality of Pro Pin balls visuals, and the litlecaused a minor stir upon its PC rele ase last year. However. it's a wee smidge 100 early 10 judge how it's going to play. There's only one table, whiCh is unusual for computerpinballtables t hesedays.butit"sobvi ously taken a lot of work to produce. Only time. and our review nexl month. will tell whether Pro
Tbls II I IItlIry WGman from Ibl futu",. Sh,'s lot thl power of the intlrnel in hlr hands. QUlkl,morIII!Aclually,lbe looks Just likesomeon.w.ust4 to wort wilh who Rob flnclld.
sim-but in the future, when It all comes true, peopie will be ilmilzed by how much like their own fraught lives Ihe evenls depicted in Pro Pinball are For the plot of The Web (insofM ilS pinb;ln
games are allowed plots) conCfrns a ruthless cyber· futurfwhereyou,theball,struggleagainstthe fOfces offate (ie bonus rilmps and dot matrix games) t o survive, Pro Pinball reflects the fulilityof
such a strusglewit h its scoring system-no matter how many points you get you lose all your lives in
Iheend But in this unenlight ened dark age people are
st ill moreinttrtsted in what the mechanics ofa
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. . , SEG.4 SATURN
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.' >.' ~ CITY The musIC for Pro Pinball may be of interest to fans of agetn8 punk b.mds It was In fact written by Bruce Foxton (ex·TheJam)andJake BUfns(ex-Sti ffLlttle Fingers), Both are avid games players who hope they have "freed one more
game from the tyranny of the Spectrum style beep beep beep" (yes. they reilll y did saythatJ Paul Weller was sadly unal'ililable for comment
This II the tablt Itlelf In 111111 &lOll. AI JGtI en MI, It lookllonty. Bui lt dOlllR'llerGll or lily· Ihln81GIt maknd.IIICl'te nshotl . tllootsbttl'rlnrullif.,honlit.
And of ClMlrll, Ih. pml II called Tilt Web, " J1M!'vegattohu.spld'rI.
Goh! 11'11 ICary spider! Spiders 11111 tllslln the fulurt, bteusl they 'rt fadioaetlYe proof.
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Great philosophers through the ages agree that questions are for more Important than answers. Wisest IS s/ he who knows that they do not know. Well , we ' re not all that wise so we ' ve got plenty of answers to your questions. large and small. This month Sega 's very own Mark Maslowicz, the guru on what goes down In Sega Europe. does the answering . kee p up the questioning and send them to THE BIG WHY, Q AND A. SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE. PRIORY COURT. 30-32 FARRINGDON LANE. LONDON EC1R 3AU . MK3 FANATIC OEARSSM,
I When will Ultimate morlal Kombat 1 be released on theSaturnandwillyoudoa brilliant playersguldel 2 Are these games commg out on the Saturn Doom 2, Marvel Super Heroes, ReSident EVil, Syndlc.;iteW.;irS.;indVlrtuaCop2
be<:auseonWlpEouttheshleldsareClap 4 WiIlVlftu~F.ghte'3bereleasedonthe
Saturnanddoyouth,nk.tcouldhandleadecent conversIOn I 5 C.;inyoubeNoobSaibotandtheollglllal Smoke In Salurn MK}/ I) How do you do Lui'S 13 hi t combo as the largest Icandolsa SIX hi t I 1 Vour flfst cover disk was blliliant What games will you put on your next one/ {Nlmelndaddrennollupplied,Tutlut"
don't know. 6 EI.I.o '96, Ultlmlte MKJ. WipEout, Malic (upet,
A BIG QUESTiON Please could you answer this one b'gquestlOn 1. My frrend buys a different magazilletome (C!NGj and he tells me that on the ~turn machille thefe'sah,ddengameAllyouhavetodolsplay either Oaytona (whICh I've got and IoveJ.OockwOfk Knight Of Vktory Goat on the Saturn C/O screen aU the way through. mOVlllg the musIC pitch left and rrghteveryfiveseconds.ldldthlstwiceta~·
Vour mag IS ace and i love you ail Please, please, please answer my questions , I've been loo~ing for a copy ofX ·Men every· where and I can't find It Is it actuaily out yeti If it is, where's my best chance ofgettlllg hold ofa copyl 2 I saw all that WipEout geaf III your last issue andlwaswondeflngwherelmlghlbeabletogel hold of one of the T·shlrtsl } I've notiCed that the PlayStatlonhas been treated to tots of old dass,es on CD like Nameo's museum a nd Wllhams' collection. Is the,e anything Slmilar inlendedfo,theSalurnl
Ing 39 milluteseach lime and nothing hap~ned IS Ihls truel And If so, could you pr;ntan idiot gu,detodo,t because I can'tgetl ttowor~.lfsmeanl tobe
a space shoot,ng game ThankyouSSM DaJuPrlce, Kette.inl, Northllnh.
~ ~!~~~:loS~;:.b~~=~~~.~I:'o':,::;e('~"lI:e al,udyflndlnlwllysa,oundthecurrentp,oblem. 4 No news u)'tOt, not even In thell,udH. S No and no. 6 We 'renoltelllnl '7Und~idedlll)'tOt,
DAYTONUT Please tell me, IS It Irue thaI Daytona IS gOing 10 be 'remlxed'asltsaYSlnSalurn+,theunofficlalmag ll will only bel ,eve this ,fit IS in your officia l mag So p lease tell me I beg you Is Daytona gOlllgtobe remixed so II looks as good as Sega Rally, full screen, nocl'pplngl Plellsetell me Iflfs true or not If so. when will It be ava,lable to buyl Are Sega dOlllg the fight thing at last theywlU be fools not to. Please 11'11 me. Pleasepfillt a statement sayong whether or not Daytona Isgo,ng logel 11 second chalKe. Please Please Please. Tell me
. . , ~A:;~~;~:hd~:r~~~t: ='~h!:·:r:~~:nt::o reluse Outrun, Space Ha,rle, and Afterbu.ner to nlme butlh'ee. W h~therthHt!wlllbe . elnsedlndlvlduallyor
IJ yet to be d~lded . 4 No planJ II but who knows.
th~ mom~nt
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Ih~r~llnoofficllllnnouncement , We'likeepyoupolled ,
Please Will you answer my questions Thanh 1 Which football g~me looks most ,mpreulve on the Saturnl 2 Should I buy WipEout or walt for Manx TIl J A,e there any tenniS games planned forti'll' Saturnl <I ShouldlbuyUltlmateMK}o,X-Menl sWhenwllIScorcherbereleasedl 6. Please put these games m orde' EurO'96 WipEout, MagiC Carpet and Ultimate MK} Thanks for your help and keep up the good wor k on the mag GlrethlacobuC(I,ljKwkh,SuHolk.
I have a few questions toask 1. Will Segll be brlllging lin art pacbge out for the ~turn because I thlllk It has good potential fof thlsl l. Myfflencl says the PllIyStatlOn has a benef soundchlpthantheSliturn.lsthlstruel 3 WiliSega be b"nglllg oul a music pOKk for the Saturn where you can conS!luctyour own tunes egTechno.Ctassicaletc 4 If I get the words Sega Saturn tatooed on my arse cheeks and go Into the pub and show everyone, wou ld you !lIve me hooo Nell HUlhel, Rulby, Warwlcbhlre ,
i:~n~II~~~I:~;'~~~I::I~~:n~:~~:~":~~'2~:nlf. • and 11 pack ofcrl$p1,
W. lcarnet..cklo th!oldKhooJ' Alnllltllllsler!
In Nishts, like Sonic, It's the abilities of the primo character that Slves the same Its distinct style and feet. It's kind of weird describing how NIShts feels to play - the closest verbal depiction I've heard from anyone is that It's like a cross between Sonic and Ecco. Nights moves quickly and with sreat fluidity through the air, twisting and looping in rapid but extremely smooth response to the Joypad commands. AU sorts of aerobatics are possible, espedally when nights makes use of his environment, swinging on trees to fly out of the s<reen (but not actually out of the screen-that'd be magic), or parallel bars to swing through multiple loops. The attack system has also been built In beautifully - making this one of the most Instinctive control methods I've ever encountered, but also one of the most versatile.
i~.ilililiilli"••Iiil••• iii.ilIiiiilil
Choos~ your character, Elliot or Claris. Girls mlSht feel more at home picking CliHls, atthough perhaps the lads mlshtbenefit tmpathlcally from playing the glrl.1nd wOIlk In8a milt In her shoes. This m ight not sound Important, bu t uch chiHacter hilS
Having no energy bar, only one t hing can st and In t he way of Nights' conquest of the Nlghtmareans - daybreiilk. Once the sun starts iI-shinjn' through his young aide's window t hey'll Wilke up ilnd leave the dream
world, un less they try very hard to sby ilsleep. Nights reproduces this effect by hilving the crack of dawn, ill thin stream of light, follow your ch.trileter ilfound neh level. As time m;lrches on the stre;lm widens ;lnd
bunch of leveis specific to them,soyour (holceof sleeper hilS a very real outcome on
STEP 2 Follow the ;lrfOW to Nights' prison. Hop right ~:~~I~:ef~~i~;~;n:o::~d;l;~t:o::~::eto freedom of the level, Now whln off Into the dlst;lnce to retrieve;lll the Ideyu;lnd fight ;III ofthechildrens'nightm;lresl
Use Nights to coiled littl e power orbs, Not euctly sure what these iilreyet, but they're Import;lnt, Once you 've n;lbbed ;I 10;ldof them,hud to the flo;ltlng green b;llloon pl;ltform,inwhich;ln IdeY;l Is Imprisoned, Jump onto it ;lnd, provid ing you 've got enough power orbs, the idey;l Is rele;lsed ,
Use Nights to defut the boss whose 1;llr you're tr;lnsported to ;lutom;ltic;lUyonce iillt five Idey;l h;lve been collected , The nightm;lre Is over, Move on to the next nightmare and repeat steps 1-4,
" :-"",,,,,,,-.......,.7!'!!
sky, through which all matter in thevicinityissucked, These vortices can be as small or (nearly) asbigasyou like providing you can line up Nighh' star-trail in properly, Well it certainly beats bouncing on enemhes' heads.
Nights features another strangitude In the form of the A-LIFE system, This is the programming routine which creates the Nightopians, lt means the Inhabitants of the world of dreams live and multiply as if they were really alive (a lthough hopefully they multiply in private), By participating Inthe ecosystem, we're assured the player will be able to create unique life forms, developing and evolving the race of Nightopians as they play, This means you can keep coming back to Nights forever and ever, safe in the knowledge that your pet race will, sea monkey-like, be doing something new and Interesting,
Night s, ~xcitlng though the proposition 15 without ;any fancy trimmings, is cramm~d with bonus things. Each stag~ featur~s assault cours~s of hoops (of v;arylng sizes), which grant ~xtra points to Nights when he flies through them. Flying through lots in rapid succ~ssio n racks up Points Combos, which multiply the bonus~s lotsfold. Th~re's an acrobatic skill chall~ng~, too, wher~ Nights shows his mano~uvrability in return for points .. There are also v~ry vagu~ scratch versions of a behind-Nights-view bonus lev~1 similar to the on~ from Sonic 3. However. this Is In a v~ry ~arly stag~ of d~velopment ;and it's hard to say what r~ally goes on, althoush we do know It pops up in the midst of a I~vel and not th~ ~nd.
It's almost upon us! The biggest sporting event in this country since the 1966 World Cup - Euro '96. On Saturday 8th June the streets will be empty as England, the hosts, begin their challenge by taking on Switzerland at Wembley. ScoUand take on HoRand a couple of days later. Here we go indeed! arpt the OIympks. Imporbnt a nd e xc:it inl" they mll,. be, t IM , portl". event of the summer Is without doubt f uro ',6. The 10f0f are . Irudy just .bout everywhere from Coke unJ to MacOonllld, m• • ls , nd the TV bulk! up has al,.tldy ,tllrted too• .1011 _',. _Itln, for now, apart from the championship I1setf, II the (uro '96 , ame. It's Jull a bout finished with only . few ~ph l(.1 touchH left to be comp6eted. tf you '"" our Jhowuse In In " 5 you'lIa' ,.acty know.1I about It, If you didn't tlMn sha me on YOU. but here's. qukk nI!-cap; Euro '96 Is being put together by Gremlin on behidf of Sega, and Is blsed largely on their excellent Actua Soccer
which has already Impressed owners of both PC and PlayStiition. However,ratherthandoa straishtconver-
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lion of this game, Sega wanted to link it to the much hyped European Championships being held in England In the summer. What this means in real terms Is that the teams havoe chilnged to f"rt In with the16 sides In the competition. It also meilns thilt it's gone through a bit of iI bce lift to accommodate the Euro '96 look (lots of navy blue and white, all the logo's etc.) and includes potted hlstories ofeilch teams performance In thechamplonship since It started bilck In 1960. The sonorous tones of Barry Davies keep you compilny through the gilme (whkh Is much better than John Motson in flfA) and there's all the usual sporting txtras like multiple cameril angles ilnd iI replay filcility to keep the discerning bn hilppy. Unlike Actua Soccer, Euro '96 enilbles four players to play simultaneously, providlngyou'ye got the multi-tap, so thert's pltnty mort room for arguments and abusive banter. Euro '9615 ex~ed to hit the shops In the last week of May which 15 just about perfect timing and It promises to be the best football gilme yet to appeilr on the Saturn. Let's hope the res~ive England and Scotlilnd performilnces make It all worth It.
NICErOUCH As was mentlont'd In the Shaw<:ase In Issue S of $ega Saturn Magazine, Euro '96 uses some amazing motion capture to replicate the movements of real tife football players. They are helped ollt by Chris Woods and Andy Sinton, neither of them geniuses admittedly, bllt perfect for eKpressing the refined movements of a good footballer. As a result there are some eKcellenttouchfi In Euro '96. Not only is there the usual plethora ofvolleys, back heels and bicycle kicks, but there's even the more subtle footballing technlques like the delicate chip, the shimmy, the passing flick and lots of outside of the boot s_rve shots that look IIke ... _II, like pure bloody poetryl
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Thl movement of thl pllJen Oft Iht IIIJIII nI'Y nlli,Il,. Yay notice Ihl .......cl.11y ua p.!lJer COlllel to meet the bill. ht mlghl Chlillt down, kllli It down,
SQUADIES So there you are In the pub with your pals, mulling over the respectiv e European squads and no doubt getting into one of those heated,not 10 say a little inebriated, debates about who should be in and who should be out. Because Euro '96 Is designed to resemble the championship as dosely as possible, the programmers have themselves dabbled in a little speculation regarding the squ ads. In the England starting lin e up you'll find Man United's Gary Neville in place of the aging Tony Adams (although Adams is still in the squad). Another old limerthat finds himself on the bench Is the eK路England captain David Platt. The shock news is that there's no sign of the prodi路 gal Matt Le Tissier, and there's no sign of the on form Robbie Fowler either. As far as the Scotland squad go, there's little I ciln say really because I know practically nothing about them. Sorry.
. . . SEGA SATU~ N
THE PEOPLE'S THEATRE We in England always tend to feel a little inade-
quatewhen we see the likes of the San Siro with its lOa, 000 odd capacity and th ere we are with our outsized shacks. But If you ever listened to European footballers talking you'd be surprised
how many of them love the Idea of playing at English stadiums. FOf starters they are unique to
the8ritish Isies due to the filet that they are the oldest in Europe (England's where football was born remember), and there's also th e matter of
atmosphere. As (antona was famously quoted, in English stadlu ms'oneciln really feel the crowd'thilnksto the fact t hat the seats come more or less right to thetouchline. In Cantona's case this also meant that the crowd could feel him with the odd flying karate kick, but that's another matter. Euro '96 features all of the eight stadiums that will be used in the championship, and Gremlin have spent loads of time making sure they are all perfectly rendered and proportioned. And sure enoug h the atmosphere does change from one venue to th e ned taking into account not only the capacity of the crowd but the size of the pitch as well. Playing at Wembley isn't the sa me as playing at Villa Park and in Euro '96 it feels equally different.
Did you see the Euro '96 group draw when it was on. It was a fairly typical affair with all the footy legends from the England 1966 World (up Squad wheeled out as predictably as ever, and the finale featuring a crap Simply Red song that seemed to last for ever. The fact that England was drawn with Scotland probably caused the biggest stir, and of course, the way in which we always seem to end up in a group with Holland. But if you're unhappy with what looks like a very volatile group then why not change it. Euro 'g6letstodothedrawagain and again so you get the chance to play whoever you like.
THIS TIME, WE'LL GET IT RIGHT! Those of you who can remember the excellent ttalia '90 World Cup will think firstly of that nerve Jangl ing semi-final between England and Germany. But after that, your mind may turn to the traditional football song that is an inevitable part of big foot balling occasions. No more did we have to suffer the abysmal S(ene of a team standing there in front of the minophone let¡ ting out endless barks and primal S(reams. At last we had a decent song in the shape of World in Motion by the brilliant New Order. Despite the fact that Simply Red have done the official song which is crap, it s~ms the European Championships have prompted some bands to put out their own singles. It's all rumours at the moment of course, but the word is that Black Grape may well put out a song, as well as a bunch of techno outfits who might have a bash at the now acceptable footy song. Just so long as they don't get someone like Stuart Pearce to rap.
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the,-could wtll be Oql of thl championthlpcontend,".
7 Sau.ntd Joypolll cutlHltn 10M thlr IIllMh 01 IIVD rid. t.mr fMll. 8 hul.OH ..... U IIoftreybtr qc.l•• fOfIIIYIMl'NI wort •• you •• IemuNi. I SPUt lIiulo. tlcb orr wit. u uhll'raU", .pan I.uu~ Intro. )/) Se&t"lNid will fllt.NI I Iwa-.tOftJ IIIoRltor bank,IhowIIlj.ltlltr IlTVorIlVD. W.'NllIOthNlJtt. lISMl1f.tdlld'lItitotalty III"". u, I. S,ln IlluiG ••
IG You wanna get loaded? You got it Well, not yet you haven't because loaded isn't actually out for another couple of months. But it is shaping up rather nicely. Here to deliver the gaming goods is SAM HICKMAN.
~Ji .(
IIppinl hed,. These PI~yst~tlon to Sltur" conversions seem to be arrlvln, at an alarming rate at the moment, and not without ,GOd rllson (or before t lmelelther. Most of them are pretty excellent )'01' see, and Lolded II no exception. To t he more, erm, mat ure ,amer, Loaded il bound to look hiluntlngly 'amlliu. Wen, that'l beelull It'l baled on the Ise-old danlc Gluntlet, the Winder .bout ""bIrd game with cruddy g'.phlcslnd blilteringly addictive l,me play. Anyway. now that on,i",1 developel'J Abrl hlw fltlen on IOmewnlt hud timel and don' t JMm to be relulin8 anythl"s at all iilny more, It's Gremlin who hIVe ,"elked on In there Ind Idlpted the Inclent code for all Saturn 'Imen to enjoy. Luckily, it doeln't look Inythlnilib the orlll"11 code -I" fut, It'. ten times more lOry... Âť
AVIRTUAL BLOODBATH! Yep, welcome to the world's first
18 Giluntlet-a-thon.
Although the 8ameplay remains almost t)(ilctly the same in that your aim is to wander ilfound hostile environments in search of
keys, the front end of the game hils undergoneil serious makeover. Gone are the bllppy little coloured sprite s ofyesteryear, replaced with fully grown men in napples, psychos in drag, bouncers, skeleton warriors ilnd cyber babes with electric
charges on the end of their fingers. look pretty impressi~, don't they. Hardly surprising really. when you consider thilt they were eruted by loooAD i1rtist Greg Stilples. He's already drilwn loads of Judge Dredd stories ilnd was involved In the movie to some uten! too. Of cou rse, being invol\'f!d in such projects obviously meant that he had to trawl the depths of his mind to come up with some pretty vile creations, which Is why all the nasty cha racters in loaded iueall so comfortable with being absolutely repulsive. Actualty, there'sprobablymoretoitthanthat. The reason they're all so at home with being nasty is that they're all locked away in prison, so th~ must hiilve done something quite horrible in the first place to be in there at all. However, lucky for them, there's there's the once in a lifetime, chance in a million hope of escape, and being law-breaking types, they decide to go for it. But it ain't gonna be easy. There's literally hundreds of maze likecorridors to plough through and nasty enemies block each and eve.ryone But he y, you're hard aren't you ... surely you can take the pain!
SCARY ZOMBIES TOO! Actually, it's quite blurre that contained within his prison are not only the scum of the human realms, but also an array of otherworldly beasties too. We're not sue if F.U.B. put them there or if they were also imprisoned for~rvertedacts,buttheydon'tseemtolikeyouve.rymuch . lnfact,the
slightest glimpse of you will send most Inhabitants into a screaming fren· zy, after which they'll have no choice but to try and annihilate you. Some of them only take a couple of spurts from your gun to eradicate, but others seem to shake off gunfire pretty easily and will attack mercilessly if given the chance. Of course, you're not going to give. them one.
. ..
· I ~ ·.
. _
1 -
":1 l:!
However, before you un do anything at all, there's a much more important task at hand. Choosing your character Is more difficult In Loaded than in other titles, simply because all of the beings on offer are so bizarre. Oon't believe usl Well, Just take a look at theSl!guys ...
.. .
-..o;-,_ .t-' . . -. . ;;,;;: '
.., .. --
. . ,~ ~. -:. , '
The finished version of Loaded will come complete with a simultaneous two-player option, although unfortunately, this Isn't programmed Into the game at the moment. luckily though, It's not a maniac-a路 maniac scenario. Nope two players will team up in a co-operat lye game, which is indt'ed mighty handy on some of those tricky later le~ls. More on this feature when we review the game next month.
GRAPHICS TO DIE FOR One of the best things about loaded (apart from thealimOfals-barred blastlngj Is the graphics. Sun!, this may be bilsed on an ilge-old theme, but that's precisely why Gremlin have gone to so much trouble
over the grilphics,ln addition to the visuals provided by Greg Staples, there's some pretty impressive 3D throughout all of the ten 1~ls. Floors wilrp;lS you walk on them, and even thought he game is viewed from iln overhead perspective, there's
With ~ny luck, the S~turn (onlll!fsion of loaded should equal the
PI~ystationllersionl n l!\/eryway.
real impr~sion of depth as you're blasting your way around iI
Gremlin t hemsellll!s can't see ~ny
level. tUft
In addition to the 30 trkkery, the levels all fealight sourcing, which basiully meilns that
ilreasare lit In the way you'd expect to see In real life. This Is featured on the characters too, who light up whenever they either launch a weapon or gethlt.There'splentyofotherlmpresslllelittlefe~
tures too, such as re~lIy meaty explosions with clouds of smoke billowing from them, splattering blood and screenfilling wupon effects. Sure, this m~y be a 16-bit g~me ~t he~rt, but Gremlin h~lIe re~ltydone their best to make the gfllphics as 32-bitas possible.
MI'.wtll'll&l PII1Iitdl"HS!!J-Itk, IOIIIIIIody Ito, iii., tu.t'. lOt aJlowtd. 011 Itt'. l1li. I ........ lttttrlun •• aIoMtlllll.
CONTESTANT 3. MAMMA Another sodal degenerate, m~mma Is a huge OI/ergrown baby sporting the III!ry latest in nappydeslgn. In fact he's so stupid that he can't ellen sPl!~k - ~II he can do is blubber ~nd cry a bit. Stili he's pfetty nifty with his plasma gun and customised ripplegrenadessohec~n'tbe t hat stupid. Can he1
~f'~ '
''T4 '
tion. Bounca Is the densest member of the crew, something which is Immedi~tely obvious upon ml!l!ting him. His f~\/Oured weapon is a missile I~uncher, which be~rs ~ striking resemblance to apairofladyplUows. lfhe·sfl!l!lingparticul~rly
cross, he'll fire his ultra bomb, the fr~g missile!
'' - '' ,
· oS •
.. far, thellersio nswhlch hallebeen relea5ed
IT'S DEFCON ONE! It's certainly a state of emergency In
Well, no onl! really knows where he came from, but ilt ont time
th~RAUlFprison , that's forsur~.
he was the warden in the prison. However, the time he spent on the Inside has certainly taken its toll on him, and he's gone slightly mild. He pitches the prisoners ilgalnst each other and has even developed iI machine which changes the laws of physics. It's quite biZilrrethen that the only people who ciln possibly stop him ,lfe the prisoners, a large ilmount of whom hilve done very little to wind up there In the first
Which Is obviously why Gr~mlln draft· In mast~rs of mayh~m, Pop will Eat music for th~ gam~. W~II, w~ say cr~ated , but they actually r~·mlxed a coupl~ of th~ tracks from th~ir lat~st album, Two Flng~rs My Fri~nds. Th~ music was originally select· ~ for th~ Playstation ~rsion, but unlik~ anoth~r re<~nt Playstation conv~rsion w~ could m~ntion, th~ music will stay In for ~
Its~lfto cr~at~ th~
place. However, F.U.8. is using the prisoners for his own little experiment-if he sets bilps all afound the prison and Inmates'HI! u""ble to escape, it's an indication that he's ready to take over the world. Believe me, you do not want to cross this man.
th~Saturn~r510n .lt
won't be r~mh(~ or anything, but, heyl at I~ast peopl~ ar~ begin· ning to g~t tog~th~r som~ d~c~nt music for th~Saturn.
looks a bit mad, doesn't h~. H~ 's a transv~s· too, but don't think that means h~ has a to him. No, h~'s quit~ th~ most disgusting charact~r In th~ whol~ gam~. Pick him and you can be sur~ of a gung·ho adventur~ to fr~om, as his chos~n weapon Is a f1am~ throw~r with an ~xploslve ring attachedl t!t~
10v~ly f~mini n~ sid~
.. ....~.,
-.~~ ;..
devutatingly good looks, Vox
e;.rtremely sha rp tongue to (ombat any budding romeos, Her special w~apon is the Hail Flail, a voca lbl asterthatwhenfir~up,canknockout ev~ryone
In the area with a powerful sonic blast, Ear plugs are an option when facing thi s lady.
WHAT'S IN STORE? loaded did really well on th~ Playstatlon when it was first launched, and Is stili selling fairly well, even now. Th is pretty much guarant tes its success on the Saturn, although it's still going to be arourKi a month before the game Is actually available in the shops. But we will have the review In next month's Issue. And after that, W1!!'1I be bringing you the first preview of loaded's sequel, Re·loadedl
I know what you're thinking; 'Three games In one? That muns that uch of them will Dt a third ~s good itS a usual game.' Your cynicbm is perhaps justified,but let me put those doubts at rest. Although asyet unfinished, what we've s~n of Die Hard Trilogy is looking excellent. In fact, eiiCh game could be a release in its own right, which uncannily enough was ProDt'sorlginal Intentlon. They were going to release a game base d entirely on the third driving part of the game with Bruce jumping about from car to car and the like. Fox how~r insisted that they incorporate all of the films In the trilogy and as a resuttProbe have spent much more time dtvotlng themselves to a fiilthful portrayal of the scenes and ~nts In the movies.
When Bruce Willis appeared In Die Hard it was his first major film role. Before that, you might remember him from Moonlighting in which he sliired with Cybil Shepard. You know the one, it had that song by AI Jarreau in it and WitS typically slick Eighties stuff. Die Hard made ole' 8rucey an Al film star and the movie roles soon sliirted rolling in, many of which rolled out again straight into video shops due to their flop.like nature. But Die Hard had eSliiblished a reputation for itself and it wasn't long before 8ruce WitS talked Into making a sequel. The second of the films is perhaps the weakest of them, although it's still a cut above the Van OammeIChuck Norris school of action films. In Die Hard With A Vengeance things were brought back up to par with the fe-emergence of the classic villain, this time in the shape of Jeremy Irons, brothe rtothe brilliant Rickman In the first Die Hard Instalment. In fact, you can chart the success of the Die Hard trilogy along side Ihe lethal Wupon series. The first was the best, Ihe second was the one that most people tend to forget, and the third succeeded in moving back to Ihe standard oflhe original. Spookyl Oh,and another thing, if you find that your repeated viewingsofthe Ole Hard series are becoming a bit boring, why not divert yourself by analysing the series in terms of Bruce's hair. From Ole Hard's relatively complete barnet we eventuaUy arrive at Die Hard With A Vengeance's bur路 geoningslapheadl Hlphiphairayl
Viper is, as yet, at a pretty early stage of development. Th e basics of the game, as previouslyexplained,areall in place because it uses th e sam e 3D engine as the more nearly-finished Tunnel Bl. But whilst the cod eis complete there's still lots and lots of work to be done on the levels. Asa result, it's hard to formulate an Initial impression as to the qual ityofthe gameplay. An initial reaction to the quality of the graphics however, would be ~Cor blimey~, because Viper loob absolutely ace. It's a helicopter-based shooting game, which puts the player in the formidably frosty boots of an urban police anti-terrorist helicopter pilot (or something like that). This means you're charged flying around a succession of cities blastin gbillions of airborne, and groundborne, targets to smithereens, whilst avoiding the same fate yourself and protecting the good citizens who work, rest and play within the towering skyscrapers which comprise the levels. The controls method in place already feels nice. Not simulation-real 路 istlc, that's for sure, but it conveys a reasonable illusion ofpowe red flight without scotching your shoot 'em up fantasies of frankly impossible combat manoeuvres. The graphics uphold thi s vision, by being as solid and smooth as you like, with a quite brilliant grasp of depth perception. Now, the game might actually turn out to be cro<k of trousers, because there aren't many enemies or objectives reilody at the moment. But being happy go lucky fellas, we at SATURN MAG think this might turn out to be lovely.
Us S"lIa Saturn Mallazin". You read"rs. Until now our relationship has been based on this Tarzanesque form of communication . But we wont to move on from fl'uS prlm,'hve bOdln0ie and establish a warm and lOVing Intimacy that knows no boundS. We want to go dane,"!I' through the daisies With you, w e want to spend lana hours With you at cosy 01 fresco cofes, we want to SIt With you wotd'll"g the sun set over mountain vlnyards, we .....ont ... oh. ok, what we really want IS for you to "II In thiS survey. Flllln&, In surveys IS. as I'm sure you know, actually qUIte borlne. So, as a bit of an Incentive we' re offering you a chance to win , ,... 80m • • for a yeur, Yes1 That's right! for a whole year! If that doesn ' t iet you tlck.nR those bOIes, we don 't know wnot Will . Send your completed surveys to SURVEY. SEGA SATURN MAGAZiNE MARKETINQ DEPT.. PRiORY COURT. 3'0-3'2 FARRiNQDON LANE. LONDON . ICIR 3'AU. \. A,e you: Male 0
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16. What are your th rH favou rite TV programmul R.,m .... m b.,r Yo ur r e-p ly mu st r (KJt; h u s b y t h e- 30th o f Jun e- 1996 t o b., e-nl e-r ed Inl O t h l;' p,.. ~e- dro ..... '
I~ I jl ifAIi'i'l England, ScoUand, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Holland, Portugal, Turkey, Czech Republic, Croatia. What do they have in common? Euro '96 of course!
~\-\~~Z,tl n
11 / '
Ith(uro ',6onlyilmonthorso ilWOly ilndilntkl~lonbell nnln8tobuild.
there!e;awofEuro '96i, tlmecl Ju$t ;about perlKtly. Wh ile the In-gilme ,hob milymilke th l$look like.lmo«' orlnsstralght(~BlonofActUil
Socur, It Is mOle like 'Super' ActUiI SocCI!I, It COrTlft
tfthetnang!estarh to flotsh you 're In shooting range, if rt changes to a square then there areplotyers in the boK ready to OKCept a cross and 1-0 on ThiS manages 10 grve ot miltch gfeilter coherence enabhngyou to weigh up eltilctly what your optlOllS are at anygrven tnne Thegamelogl(lssuperbStlouldyouchooseto plotyasaclasssldeYOUC;lneKpectplot)'!!rs loreadthegamebetterlfyou'replotying theballlhroul!hagaplnthedefencefor eKotmple, one of Ihe team Will no doubt have read the ploty and be.eady to pick Ihe ball up If you're playmgwlth a crotp sideyouoftenwon'tpuilitofftt means you have to ,ethmkyour slrateI!Yotnd playlotheteamssl.engthS,Justas it Is mblessedreotlhfe Totopthmgsoff, Euro'96katu re5 thet,drest g'aphl(s and most dynaml( an,matJ()ll of any footy game on the Saturn, The players exp'e5s those sudden bursts of speed, the cheel;yone·two·s and arrogant free·kl(ks Wllh all the presence ofthelf IMngbreath'ngcountel' p,arts. The attenlron lodmll here means thott moments ofgenrusareall the more spectOKular otnd you cotn of
with iI complete _,tlllU]In the dnlgn ~~rtment to milke It look the pilr1 for the Europeiln championship
-lots ofbillf: ilndwhlte,Euro '96 Ioso lInd the rather sad (iNliil!h mascot. Mole thiln Ih ls though , fUfO '96 features all ofthefootbilll srounds In the champ!onshlp,uch In tllilct proportion ilnd looking characteristically old sc:hool with thil!crowd leering out rl8ht on to thl! pitch. Ot hel addit ions Induded,ffefent
teams. accommodating all of t hose playing In t he European champlonsh,p, ilS wellillumou r thiltalltnelnternat;ooal sides prl!§f'nl in Actuil Soc;:cer w,lI be included inil Cheilt. {Wiltch this sp<lcel) But the! IOUC~ I li ked most were the ht· tleones.morestylesof~lcelebrotIJ()llS
t otkinginthee>rtrotv;tgotnceofsomeof our more flotmt>oyotnt Eu ropeotn neighbours. crowd chantsthottotreotctuotllyr~nttothelumsploJ)'lng.
squotd hne·upsthotlotre Incrtdlblyuptodale, more set pI¥ - basiully all the thmgs thaI go into makmg football the umque e>rtr;JVilganu It Is Notturallytherearep!entyofstotlstoperuseotnd fof'turYtelythey"re noljust stUoCk In 10 make you thmk t hegame-s' more in·depththan it IS, but aclUil11y have a beotring on how any one tum Of plotyer perlOfms. It's
- -.--
... _...,. ... -"t
: ';
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, t<-
Add the 'rreplaceable Barry DoMes and what you've got I5wrthout doubt the finest football s,m on the Saturn and a worthy OKcomp,anlmentto the greott Europeotn championshlpitselfF>totyballi
th ls kl ndof perlectionlsmt ~t m akesEuro'96slilnd
aboYe Its Com petitOfS ~hotps t he best e;Qm ple of t his is the way that the markers beneotth ot plotyers feet work. ~
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.. ,.
--_. _--' J iJ .. *
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.. .
.. "'- "
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.ntl The brilllani thins about Ooom. ,·Iike sl\oot 'em ups Is that while they'll! nevelOISgood as the orlsin,l, at lust tlley attempl to provide some damned good alien -pumping "etion. WeU,thilt's the theory anywa),. HoweY!!r, the,e', alwOlys ill lust onl! comp.")' that's prepilfedtotikelhlng,aUtllefurtherthan "tcenaF)'. You know, e-.pand on the ienrt,lnd all that. Which ofcoufle is Ihe.e;non why developeu MlIIennlum ha\1! deddedtoaddtoanill.udy cfutlvtlyfuliBenrebylncorporatIngstralegy.ndmanagf:rnentell!·
me"tstothlsblasterillm" WhiJtthisessentlilllymeansts thilt,nsteadofzlpplOg,rOtJndd,,ustdfactonesandlhehkeskllhng tvel)'thmB·thefe'silchanCl!loflickii
few SWitCheS. dIscover secret rooms What's even bttter IS that In thtof)' this dQtsn"t seem hke a bad idea at all-In fact. If used prOpf!rly. It could make an already playablt game loads more fun. Probably Sadly. Defwn S IS a rul mishmash of half fin.shed.deasthattobe honest. weren·t very good In the flfstplaceThebas.cauTloftheadventure.stosetup Ihe defence syslem on MRP·6F single handedly. Th.s invariably Involves travelhng to the remote areas of Ihewlonyanddownload lngsoftwalelnlolhesyslemSlnaddl \lonloassignlngdefencelilskSlodro;ds who WIl l (hopefully) help when the colony IS under andlocatetS~ntlalsoftwarepack.agtS
JOIIltlrlto kluJOIIrll",per.
--t -
I, " ~
~ ~I
It's not much fun living in outer space. In addition to "toilet" problems and having to exist entirely on a diet of shrivelled mung beans, there's always the (remote)threat of an alien invasion. What's a poor space cadet to do? attack from la.ge robot things As a result. a large pro port'on of playing tIme IS spent tra,pslng (by hmo) from one local,on to another In the hope ofunCOVf:ringalopnewsys lemor.even be lter but more rare. actually getting to shoot something And so It gQts on. And on, And on AS you can imagine. all this to-lng and frO-lng bt(omes extremelyted,ous aftelJust a very short t,me.espe<:iallyasnothlngse-emsto happenonthewaytoalocahon The playenvlfonments ale rullydulltoo.JustSlmpleback. drops w.th a few p'ectS of fumllure or the odd crate st.ewna.ound Plus. once
your mISSIon bllefing With the game structure remaining the same throughout most of the adventu re. It"s hard to under sta nd exactly why the re a re so many corridors of nothingness and so few adrenahn-induCing monsters to hack to pIeces. Also evIdent is the fact tha t the re are too milnyelements thrown Into the m,x here for any to sta nd out on thelfownthe rtSult is that there·s too many weak parts tothe gameplayfor t here toi>t any fluid act,on Most of the t,me '5 spent fran llcallyrushlngfrOfTlooearea of the complex to another In
plddlyclurancecard_after whlChyou·llbtcome completelylostlnacomdor whICh seems stunnIngly s,mllartotheotherhundred or socomdOfS In the game Ifyou·relooktngfor a good hack·emuptoplugthegilpunt,1 Doom arriW's, rm sorry to dlsappomt you. butth,sjustisn"t,t. ThIs isn·t even a poor lip-off of Doom. It's something worse because ifs attempt 'ng to be cleve •. and the end result ha s all gone hombly wrong. Avo,d unless you·re the type who enJOYS pulling together 1000 p,ece JIgsaws Instud of gOtngout on a Saturday nigh t
011 sh,p and tnto one of the turrets.you·U find that the glaphlCsareemb.arraSSlngly poor by the Satum·s standard To add to all hIs confusIOn. there·s hardly iI dot of IndIcatIon astowhatyou·reactuililysup~
tobedoingatanyonetlme.lnfilct_on the first plilY. I thought that I was the one tn the wrong-that I hadn·t read the Instruct.ons properly or somethIng But no. Defcon S rully is designed tobt completely Imta tlng and goaless, and you really do have to walk about for hours unt,1 your e}'n go all funny a nd you I>tgtn to fee l travel sick By the way. at thIs point it's still unhkely that you will have complet· ed the game·s first task - find,ng the control room for
II jJ 111 121 ~I
EN \ Ift'HloUNT At ST ~ TU,
---. -
11011 'fSTEMS
?~, ,~ ~
. ...,' .....
Thitsereu ke,plyouupto~.tlwlthille
prolVtuofyGtlrdroldl.MGltllltlhlYrnr ."~ tomuthofeoul'M. Blltltllrtlcttoh."
tf~l!ls l ikl!'lt'sbel!nilllong
time In coming, but now ilIt lilIstwe ciln put ail our impatience behind us ilndgetonwithenJoyingthbfl!'milrkable sequel towhilt is st ill iI remilrkable game. Just as the original demonstr<ltedthesbrtlingcilpilbilitiesoftheSilturn, so Panler Dragoon 1 (or Zwei) uploib every ilSpect of 11 bit technology. The)O adion is impetcable and hn the effKt of genuinl!ly immersing you in the serenefotests, lofty clouds and dense tunnefs that form parts of this sUHeal world. The aHentionto graphical det3il and the gril ce of the ilInlmiltlon ilre ttuly stunning, ilnd this is not something simply
thing. Eillch design, from the smallest sprite upwa rds totheintefactivebackgroundsre<elves pilIlnst.. klng ureinitsconception.Themeticulou~ .. ndorigin ..1 w .. y in which enemies conduct their .. tt ..cks-spiit· tingintosm .. lierforms,d .. rting .. tyoufrom .. lldirec· tion~, s<ruming over .. mount .. in ridge -Ie.. ve~ you g.. ~pingwith .. dmirition. You'd .. lmost feelguihy .. bout sending them ill up in fl .. mes if it wisn't fot the epic uplo~lons ind dr.. m.. tic cruhe~. But a game. aswe know. cannot survlYeon looks alone. Is It that this sequel is nothingmorethana cosmetic update of the original? No. not at all. There area variety of factors that make this a further step 10 the Panzer series. not least the fact that the game evolves accordmg to your own skill. developmgthe defences of the weaker players and th e attack skills of themoretompeten\. What's more. to inject a little extra excitement 10 Panzer Dragoon 2. the game does· n't simply feature enemies attackmg from all sides as they did in its predecessor. it sees them approach from above and beneath you as well. Another new addition to the sequel is the con· cept of route pomts While you could choose from routes in the orrginal. there was nei!heras many to choose from or the same system whereby you earn a specific amount of poinls accordmg tothe route you take. Inlermsofoverall playability. Panzer Dragoon 2 isjust about faultless. It moves a little faster than th e original. yet retains the accessible and addictive quali· tiestha! made it such a successful shoot'em up. In facl. I'm hard pushed to level a crrlicism against this game. bl.lt in the interestsoflhe easily unsatisfied. I will say that I felt the disparily between th edlffiwlty of the bosses and the rest oflhe enemies wi thin an episode occasionally frustrating What it meant 10 practtcal terms was that movmgthrough an episode was relatlYely plain sailing until the boss kicked upa storm But hke I say. this criticism isone that's hard pl.lshed. opposing as il is. a game where the attention to every detail makes it a wholly satisfying experience and a testament tothe potentialofp bit gaming lechnologyAndyes-youmuslbuYII
------; •.2. Abonandllft'f'Il~lbosllH
to Eplsodu 3 Ind 4. And thl, It'tdlldhlrd.
'\ :--
1~l iJln'~'11 "H~ the name's Chancey. Here's my mother. She's a fresian cow and I love her very much. Here's my sword that the King gave me. It's called Grimthwacker. Now if you'l excuse me, I must toddle off to the Shimto plains and rid it of evil crimson mutants."
yoldtheWf .. thoftheeYll(h~nc",lIof.
:~:~dh~:;::~1:7~:::.:!:~:I~yah7cr~ety away at large.nd milnl.ultygl«flll
mutants . Talk to coWJ.. Ah,thlt must
belheHorde.Asyoum.lyhavegolth. ered,thls isa,athe, strangegameOl"dnomlstake, but before I continue. here's a brltfpotted hlstol)'. The Horde wu orlglully ,,,,lnSf'(! on the PC ilnd )00, and urved a n!the for Itself with J(lme dKldedly wel,d and wonderfu!gameplily. Aft",! a UXlpll! of ~ars inwaitln8. lhavt!thl!}oyo\15t .. skofplayin8thl!
S;ltur" Yeulon. OInd (ommentlnswhe1h",r tt sUIl plays OIlS well a s It did. So dorll It, thl!n~ Of (OUfse It don, and WI! h3lve Cryst;JI1 Oynilmks to thank fOl' converting thewholeHordl!upe:f~A(l!overlock, stockandbar·
rei. TrUl!, 8MG hilve been responsible fOf some bruthbkinSly sulKtOindOlrd$OftwOl,e(suchiuthetrOlYelity thOitwOl srrtanWa.s), butonthlsO(caslon, they'\/!I! scored a .ul winner, and ha\/!l! cruted a same th~ Jus!Selsbett e'OIndbette.thefurthefYOUproSrflS_ SO what's this Ho.dc business all aboutl Well, thc action Is sct In a decidedly Monty Pythonesquc med,cvalerKilmprm-nt,whc.eafatjollyklRsp·esides ove. a cou.t ofJoYlalJeste,s,p;lthetic pcaSiints, and a schemingchanceUor All this Is int.oduced to you in FMV, along With mock medieval mUSIC and chcap scl'nl'ry. SOmc ofthc 'humoor' works and some docsn'l,ltalldcpcndshowmuch Ame.ican dialosucyou can stand, but aftc. this sccnc setting, you (a young knight called Sir Chanccy) a.I'Slvcn a sct of dceds to iI land that Ihe klRg wishes 1o make f.ult· ful and bounteous. Then the action moves 10 lhe game itsclf,in whkh)'Ol,l own a small pIC'Ceof3D lsomctflcg.assland In which a couple of smoothlyafllmatcdf,um crsa.l'tcndlns1o lhell crops. You havc fou.ytilrs to produce a thrIYIRS oommunity, andeOlchytil'lsdIVldedintOSCii' sons,lnuchsciison.)'OI,Icand'g t.cnchCS,consl.uct walls and fenccs. plant t.eC5 and sp'ky p,ts, create he.ds of cows and h,.c guafds, all In'eadlRcssforlhccomlngofthe Ho,de SO whe.e does thc challcnge come in thenl Wcll, atthcl'ndofcveryscason,anumbe.ofl'xcl'lIcnlly animalcd (and bright rcd) mutants dcsccnd ffom t he hills, intent on eatlRgyouf c.ops, huts, fOlrml'fS, I.cl's, (owsandalmostcverythlRgclsclnthClllclnltyOf cou,se, to combat th is, you take tothe streets armcd wllhGrimthwackcf,andcha,geintothclrranks, sWlRglRgwlldly and culhng Ihci. attcmpts to chomp And thcn the whole process begins agalR,untllyou. yca.comcstoOlnend ThcntOlxcsa.ep<rid,OIndyou
can visit theviUOIgc shoppc (sic) to stock up on morc CXCltlRg (and magicall items, before continuing in you. culti· vationquest SOwha tmarbth ls gamcout for belRg something spcciOlI t henl Well,the graphics move b.llhantlyand OIrc com· plerm-ntcd by the sound I'ffects, which a.l'bolh genuinelyhumo.ousand add gfl'atlyto the OYI'fall appeOlraoceofthegame Wlthout turning it.nto some'wacky'trag~
Secondly,the.e'slheYOlriety.Aftcr)'Ol,l'vceocoonteredthefi,stg,bbefingmutOlnts,d,ffe.entstrOlinsof Hordeappta.locauSC)'Ol,lB.lcf Thefc'sthcfas! hop. plRgmulant.thesIowTroll(thatpOlcksaw.ldpunchl, strangelrza.dhybrJdsandevenamaglClanw'thfirc· bOlllspcllsIHQWe'VC.,lntheChanccyarmoury,the.ea.e W1!apon~r.ups(suchasaswlRsingmOlce).and
actual hi.ehngs such ilS guards and bowmen (compll'll'wllhthCI.ownphrascsofcnCOUIOlgemenl when you choose to place them). latcr stlll,youcanaffo.dmagICOlldcfcnces andcvenapctdragonthatcOln torchlheentlrecontlncntw,th gouts ofsupcrnatu.al firel Finally,onccyou'vc.OIistd enough Icvenue, you can move onto more Inl'\os, pltabletemtorics(such as swamps. deserts and evena.CllCtundril).From he.e,)'OI,I'quCSI be«Mncs a titanic struggleofst r~t, cgycoupledwllh,ntenst bouts of sword-swlngrng Add this OI"cadyprctty oomp.ehenslYt gameplay wllh ~ smattl'.rnsof.OIndom events (such asa mctcor stOlm and the ioss of In collcctors)ilnd)'Ol,lhavca trulyoutstandrng sl.atcgygamcwlthjustthcrighlbcndofinSiinc humou.,andonclhal.!'Wardsthecunnrngwlthapcr. fectdlfficultylcvelandlcarnrngcurve.Thefurther)'Ol,l progrcss,themo.efunyou'Uhave,andatlhoughifs not instant iyacccssibic (and fl'a tu.cs some dodgy FMV attcmpts at 'humour'), the actual gameplay Is pretty faultless Andoftoursc, It hasonc mo.e Importantfcalurc; it is actuaUy FUN to play Hats off to Crystal Dynamics, and a thorough .I'(ommcndatlon from me
.Ik~ " , r lI.p, QaKtJ! his " Ill. fabllcl T..... IiIInIN." hd 1I,ads ..... PIIIC~!
IliJlfAIIN ~1
'.OllllllllipaQ!' Vu. he ...', wht ... YIMI purchaM ylMIr eGfItl~&eftt of 'hard IIItft' II ...11 II ilion IIIJstl~llIlml of hllp.
Splitc~!! In mid "'mbU. Chant., Ilk .. a fair-sind poortioft!HIt of I haMllln" N1I11IU..,ln I lIIulin 1II.II00n uplololoR.
Horror, ectoplasm, undeath, Iycanthropes and small children all make an appearance in Capcom's latest Saturn beat 'em up. Or should that be their latest Satan beat 'em up? ~pcomhave~nbus)'littlebeavers
reu~ntly. uptoallklndsoftrkks(on .
vertlng30llthei,tateslar,adebe.. t'em I.IpS to the homeform Otts. YOII can smellthefrictkln·burnlprogl1lmmlng fingtrsinCapcomHivefrom here.
Anyway. lifter storing palpable hits with their lui two rele ases. name ly X-Men: Children of tht Atom il nd the
not·iKtually·rt lused-yrlStredfighte r Zero (or Alpha it 'll be cOlliN he.ej a'stime for their spooky Darhtalken to hit Ihe sMIves.
O'lfkst.. lk~s IS, as you mily hilve notICed iI~-on-ooc!fi8ht!n88i1lTlf'whJc:h ..tarsa whole gang of scary monsters We did 01 Showcase on It a little while back, whICh eagle b"lIned .eilders mily remember If you're some kmd off;ilrwether fan aod didn't buy that issue, well fi.st we'U CUfse a pox on YOUf
f"st born, but I suppose we'd better
have a.Kapofthe basIC po'ntsofthe gilme Just you hold up everyone else who knows whilt we'.e tillk,ng ilbout, you self,sh gets Vilmp.reHunte •. onlhd'stlncl\ve chunicycilrtoonstyle.rep.esents theVlOlentildventu,esofilgilg gle of monste.s ilnd those who hunt them (WhKh IS why there's ilrobot 'nthe mix} Each one ilnaffayofdlffe.entpo~lIed
and kicks. pl us loads of SOf".,s.oSt'eetfighter thilt's oot ilil-there are ills.o ext'iI'spe cialcleve,·lookongmoveswhKh plilyerSCiin only perfOlm once they'vefiliedup"spt(:'illsec:OI'Idene,gy b.lrbyperform'ngthe"normillspt(:'ilis ilndh,tt'ngthetffoe,Yes.hkeonX·Men o.Alphii But there'silli k,ndsofothe, fflppery, r11O'it of whKhhasildm,ttedlyfeiltUiedonotherCilpcornt,lles, such ilS prOJectlledefledins CilPilblht,es,cha,n combos,
ilnd D'''gon Punches Mondyou.thesuperSilreilboutiis mad ilsyou'lI find most of them com· mandeeflngthewholese,eenspilcefof ilmilsslvelycho.eographeda ttilck Entertil onong (ilnd occilssionallyamus ing)thoushtheseil.eyouCiin't helpthonkongthey domonilte the gilme !KlfTIewhat, hkea lot ofthe.est o( the rnoves areJust IncllJded to help bUild up the mon5ter ene.gyrequlfed to pull off the more ,mpress've finishers Butthat"sbelngalittleunchil fluble M.Jnyilrciideplilyers ,ate Vilmprre Hunte, ilboYeevenSt.eetflghte.AlphaforpliIY value. ilndwhllstICiln'lilgfeepe,sonally t he,e·sce,. ta,nlyplentyofjilpestobehild and the select,on of m assively d, ffellng Charact ers m eans t here's a favouflteinthewaitong fo,every plilyt' Ifyou·,eill,udYilVHf'ilnthe.e·s on th,s convt.SIOf'l to d,s.;oppoont you II's ( betterthilnthe I
• ofilOimilmaking thnss illIlhe more ImpresSlve il nd demonst'iltong iliol of Pfocessong power VOu mayth,nkth reeCilpcom beat 'em ups is too milny, but Darkstal ke.s certa inly hils enoush tosepe.a te ,t from the ot her two, The ove,-the-t opness of the tone, the weir(io moves il ndthegenerillfldlculoustonemil ke'tmo.eCarry On Sc'eilmong than Nosferatu. and the.e's stili iI good level of cornb.lt ilCtlOf'l plusure on offer, I'm not sure ,rs qu.te so good iI gilme as Alphil Of X-Men, but Ih defiOitely smart fun and one of the best converSIOns I've ever seen NKe one, (ilpcom dudes
I - ,,~- ' -. J " T.'"\I~~' ' ( ~
.. .
~ ~
... .
. .. .
:~ •
IIarOtIl IDlllllllr,btlllHIClJOI'"lDl lh ltaaarAhrrallllrHOt.rIc_IIIt',II... DM ot 1111 INPm nph....
Rock stars and video games. Amatch made in heaven or a lame publicity stunt? The involvement of trendy bands with games like WipEout and Loaded might make you think the former. But Revolution Xwill most definitely make you think the later. Prepare the bargain bucket!
:-: :-::...... -- ~./ 4~
;m-".r ~~
' ~i:I.r
Gerlemion X hber.lted from tile dalkfor<ts~theNf!wOrder.
btMf tnan learning from the hkes ofVlrtua Copttm part mlhe fun in ~nggames isto60wrthsus~ (enenlJes ~ppe;irln8
from betm'ld u<s. bursting
throughdoorsetc.}, RevoIlrtionXsimply pi~outa'IYOUlfoesindiscriminalely.
IrM\lng )'OU to mow them down In prK lseIy the samefashion, If)'OU'yt gota~wllhaulo-file)'OU
can prob;!bly leiIYC t hc machine t o it aod go and m.lke )'OUrseifilcupof teil Ofsometh ln8.just poppln8~k
oow and tMn to _ how many more vulgarly ptxd~ed sprites have been Wlpcd ovt. 1t~pet'napsasneakJngsuspicionthatthisWitS
thease. thelt led the program~ to make the bosses somiod-numbmgtylabourioul;tobe<Jllt'snotlhat they're partltularlytough Of cunnmg. they Just seem to haYelimitlessenef8Y.tftheyiKtlHlltyhadil~b<lf
diSplay it would probably run in lines all the w~down t he screen. Sofofget it Swit,h on the auto-nre and go willch paint dry 01 someI.h,ng..mythmg.justsoloogiis ifsnot ~utionX.
- :
IliJif.li'''. ~1
After the success of the Alone in the Dark series~ on the PC, Infogrames have made the bold ~ . ~ step of releasing the sequel, Alone in the Dark 2: Jack's Back, on the Saturn. But courage is blind at times you know.
II ,
reyo ... oneofthosepeopl"who,~ftef Iwitchlngoffthellshtwhenyouloto
~:nh:: ~~::~~::~~h:c~7:~h:t btt ~ s pon;blt1Thenyou'leplobabl)'
afraid oflhe duk . • reyou one of thene people who only fully ftels comfortable In the (ompanyofothefllThenyou'reprob:abl)'af~idof
being iI.one. So, for a neufotic: such iU yourself, being alone in the dilrk must be quite a trial on the ole'
nerves. One p.ofessionyou'li be keen to avoid then Is Private Dct~tlYe. ill plOfession that Invol~ an ino,d,-
nate ilmount oft,me spent down dank ImeIy ht corridors wIth onlyone~lfanda
pack ofcigilfettes fo. comfort And besides. If)'Ou'ret~kll'ldof
nambywho's aflilldof belng.llone in the dark )'Ou'venobUSInMS
gettlnglnvolvedinthe kind of vocation that h.lsahilb,tofintroduclog VIOlence to the
jobdesc" ption 8utallth,sis
d"ft'"gf.omthepomt somewhat. whICh is thatAlonemtheDalk l. Jack's Back,cent.es .oundyoumtherole ofadetectl~,Edwa.d
Camby,wanderlng aloundadarkman· Slon all 00 your lone some. VourobJectlves a.e two·fold,the res· cueofa small g,rI and the apprehenSion of her kidnapper, the enigmatic JackThmgssoongetmorecompllcat~though.in
what I~ a well wo.k~ plot ml~ing the fantasy and myth of porates w,th a bootleggmg 1920'S AmerICa to create a sort of Gothic no .. The sett,ng does much to enhance th,s. combmmg the smoky passageways, sec.et.oomsandgangster types w,th an 18th century
galleon shIp and a few supelnatural mysteries Unfortunately, this Oflgonal slant onthe RPG IS about as good as thmgs get In Alone m the Dark. The graphics are nothing to wllte home about. and while you can app,ec'ale the effort tha I's gone mtogl¥mg everythingtha t pe.lodlook, thelack of lefinemen t leaves illookmgab,tflat. likewise the animation, which sees Eddie movmg about In staccato f.lsh,on, occaslOnallystopp.ng to pICk up a clue 01 fi.e hIs tommy gun Wllh all Ihechallsma ofa ca.dboa,d cut· out Thlsmlghl be fo.glvable were ,t not fOI the man· ne. in which It Inle.fe lesw,ththegameplay Shooting enem,es is one of the most d,fficullthings 10 do Simply be<ause getting the IIghl a,m is so d,ffi·
Ooh,ROW witch DUI for tbt aBclror.
Sprites IS p"marlly at f.lutt. some of the blame should also be plac~ on the awkward way the game cuts f.om one angle to another If you we le simply watch. ing this you might think It'S all quite impressiYe and cinematic but the reahty 's It m;rkes it Yeryfrust.atlng to play. espe<,ally as the.e·s often slowdown as the sceneculs to ioad up the actron from a d,fferent angle.Tomakethmgswolseyou.foeshaYeahab,tof fi ' ingcontinuallyso,fyoudon'tgetashot infirslyou probablywon'tgetoneinatall.l\,ssomethingofan i.ony that all of thecmematic ambitions of the game goto bring about ,ts ruin, occurring astheydoat the e~pense of Ihe gameplay and game logIC ROB BRIGHT
, I
r=:- -~
~ ~ ', ~ ' ~,., (
The mighty x...... have landed!This astounding beat 'em up is an absolute corker of a game, and'- that Capcom are the undisputed kings of the 2D fightingg...... We've been playing X· Men Children of the Atom non-stop here at SlGA SATURN MAGAZINE, and during .... one-on-one fisticuff marathons wo'.. unc:ovored """'Y move for the entire cast, and a few others besides! Stepping into a tight Iycra bodysI.it and unleashing lis own special powers is DAVID HODGSON, w!Io's ready and able to dish out information on each and """'Y character.
WOLVERINE Logan isalonehun terw,th a pilrticulill penchant for
Ttle8ruff ~ndchlselled
ShiUp claws. Once iI CIA opef'ilt ivf:. he WitS chosen as parI of iI secret government 'Weapon X' programme where he was fitted with an a.cIamantium endo-skele1on
<lnd eril~ all his famler memorl~. Mentally unsh ble, ilnd with bouts of killing to r. .... 1M<lgneto himself. Logan's already keen mutant ilbl htl~ (from feral m"rt,.1 ilrts to iI skill of regeneration) ille coupled With thiS new stf/:' ngth, ilnd make him one of the most powerful X·m utants in the entire 801 mI' hsy to use .Jnd milst!'r,
Wolverine has a good lange of norma l attach, and hiS
s~ mil k~
up for a lack of
The fi rsl ever X-man is Scott Su mmen, an orphan rescued by Professor X who raised the child ;l nd taug ht him how to cont rol t he awesome opt ic powers he WilS blessed With from bi rth. So great was t his energy tha t SCott W;lS forced to don ;l ruby quart l eye protectOl t o st op In;ldvertent concussion as his optical powers bullduPThe he;ltof t hesun(a u~SCotttostoreener8Y whl(hisevent uillly
releilsed In;l milmmoth r;ly of concussrve force Iha t c;ln tur t hrough adamant,um With use when fully powered up. Once employed in iI one-on -one fight s'tuiltoon, Cyclops C;ln demonstr;lt e this power, but also has a great line in m arti al arts, and hiS Dragon Punch·relat ed Gene SplICe is partic ularly good for knocking foes upwards; after w hich he C;ln continue his bilrrage bypressingthe punch b ut\on agai n and again
4ii' S EG_~ SATURN
Eliu bethBraddock{AiCA'8e t sy')ISOI m ls tresso ft e lepOlthy,ands he ha s use d her a bilities to pry intot he minds of he r vicl im s. When sh e dee m ed Ihata combat s ituation wa s gettin g ou t ofhand,sh e w ou ld unlush Ihefu ll devas· t atlng force of her mind and hilemorrhage her oppo ne nt's bril ln Wi t h he r epic men u I aSSilul t After her Cil pture ill the h and s of Milnda rln, iI st liln ge crea· t ure known as Spirill melded her powers Into t he body of iI ni nJiI cilned iCwannon. Now th ,s lithe ilnd super-qu ic k heroi ne comm a nds grut prese nce, ilnd in t he gilme she hilS become ilnot he r f;l bu lous ch;lr;lcter to con trol. Her ilbilltyt och a in ilttilds Is her grutest st re ngt h, il s is her dashi ng ;l b ilily w hich Isonlym alched by her speed G08etsy,gol
SENTINEL The ea rly X-me n activity saw many confrontations with the~ gigantic robots
known as Senti nels. and these beings proved to be constantly dispiltched to engage the X-men team in a series of dramatic and explosive confrontations. Now
these metal beasts are eaSily terminated. but the Master Mold has a new threat to pose; a specially shfunk version of the Sentinel that appears In the gam e. The lack of bulk has lead t his Senti nel to counter many of the X-abilities wi th ease, and 10 retaliate furth er w ith a nllmber of ranged
attach that previous m odels were not
equ ipped with. Onceengag~thebasjcattacksoftheSentinelarejustasdevastat
Ing as the specials, and the ranged attacks make the Sentinel exceU ent both at range and close in. Use normal attiKks more than usual and be wary of th~ on ly d~fect of this mod~l: it has problems block ing low attacks
Akuma, th~ mightiest warrior, is the brother of Gouken (AKA Sheng Long), a m arti al artsi nstructorwhota ught~uandKenofStfeetfighlerfame.Th i scharacter is
JUGGERNAUT Cain Marko is lhehalf.brolherofProfessorx.andlayi nth~ s hadowof th is su per being wh ilst Xavier grew in menial power. Cain wa ited wi th growi ng anger until he ~ized his chance al awesome powers. wh kh he got from t he crimson ruby of Cytt orak. This transformed Cain intoa massive lumbering hulk of unsloppable power· he is the Juggernautl The bludgeoning power of the Juggernaut Isreally disgraceful, and this strength makes him one of the most powerful characters in ANYbeat'emupeverseenl His punching ability sends any opponent flying, and once he's picked up th at metal bar, h~ can hit an enemy from anywhere on the screen l Control the might of the Juggernaut, and you control pure brute terrorl
A: I <
known as Goukl (roughly meaning ·Supreme Demon') in Japan. and has travelled far and wide in search of more powerful foes to dispose of after previous con· fronutions with human opponents led to their quick death. After killing Gouken in combat, Akuma has pUf SUed ~u ac ross the globe. before leaving him in search of mutants to dispatch. Withol.1\ any m utant powers, Akuma feels that his martial arts abilities are more than enough to see off any X·men altack,and wilh Ihevast arrayofkillingtechniquesalhis disposal,he may just be rightt
)' ~ "'. ' ,~ , " ~ ; "'!'I , . .~ I ,
"hMuumT!! 1'111 ...toppabll!1l- JIJI1 mil ~11 fOlI'"1 wIt~ PI" 1Intt• • ...-&:1.
. --.
---- --.~, ~ "JlIJ8tIl"IIl lltclll!1tll" lothJuWllMlUIIfIII
fGotlkl)utMltctablldlanlct."l'Iaacouplt ofcllub. All till Info)'OllllttdtoCOlltroi
blplckllCllqlud ....!lI"OIIIIdl
tbmIll'oClwbefou.dllolrfrt. lipsbookl
UONRAFALE ThePulslilnVlrtuilFighterlschil,iKterlsedbybelnc qultewuk,but W!ty unpredlctilble extremety cool to
W3tch.Thlsstylelnltselfls.omethlngof.adYOllntilge thill lion has because leilrningjult his bUic mOYfl (iindthereisqulteila.rgeriingeofthese)shouldglYe you the edge when plilylnl people who ilren'!!oo experienced with him. Those who do know
the chil'ilder knowthilt Uon is very suul!'ptlbleto mld· level
ilttilch.Thls Is bec:aUH iI la'SI! proportion of his most potent lechnlques hit il l the lowe, level OIndwhlist he Is executing these
moves, the mid· level attack sblkes him ilt t he lind. He's .. Iso toblty defenceleu du,lng Ihese moves. On the flnil l ilniltysls, Uon Isjust not very powerful and to rully uore any amount of dilm il l e at III, you .ully need to ltarn I few comblniltion strikes, which allow you to Kore ilt least rtil$Onilble reYers of damage. Won 1$ th~ mast~r of th~ sta88~r combination . th~ sld~- kkk (down·forward+K) Is the key to sconn8 a 800d hit , which ,an be follow~d up with an mann~r of ~xc~llent Iec:hnlqu~s (up+P Is a good ~ ... mpltl. Anoth~r, qultt irritating tKhnlqu. thai Uon can use Is to make good uw of his spHd. Tapping forward or backward ~nablt lion to st~p In and ollt of range with in attack,tnabllns him 10 dart In, hit and then dart out befor~ th~ opposition can r~s pond. This technlqu~ Is far mor~ ~ffed:M In VF1.o as opposed to 1.1 becauw you ,an buffer In bac.k-sleps, allowing you to escape from Ihe foe: with fa. more velocity than befor~. Another aspect to rtmember with Lion Is th~ Axis MoYrs. PressIng down-forward o. down ·back with guard uusn him to tu.n Into 0' out of the scre-en, enabling him to dodge attacks and counte'-Itnk~ vet)' qukkly. 1f you 're peeved at 1.1 reducing lion's back-stepping skHls, tak~ hurt from the fact lhal lion swings a full4S degl..., around with th~Axls Move In J.101nd only)o In J.O.
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To access the secret DramatIC Battle mode with Ryu .md lCen fightingacomputer.controUedM Bison, fi rst select Arcade mode On the Player Select screen w hile stili hi ghlighting Ryu and Ken, both players$hould hold t he l button and press Up twice Now both release t he L button and press Up twice again Now player 1 m ust press and hold X while player 2 must hold Z until the fighl start s You'U fi ght on (hun路ll'S sloJgeandM. Bison will choJUe ngeyou straight away
NBAJAMTE. Choose t o st art iI game, and w hen the Tonighfs M;Jl chup appel's, prcs5anyof thescbuttons togct speclilleffros.
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Giant Body Gi.lntHcads B.JbyMode QI,I1c:kHands ~l upDderlCe
Powerup} PoIntcrs
To get the secret screen wit h t he chea l switches, press ,0,0 ,0 ,0 , A, 0 ,0 . B. v, Cwhenthelntropictu res ilrebeingdisplilyed
Z,A.l.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z. Z,Z z.Z.Z.Z.Z.B.l
A.A.A.A.A.l. e A. A. A. A.. A.z,z.z.Z.Z l. A. B.loe,S All weilpons imd shields Invincibility Cloa king Dcath Star Trcnc h Fade to 81ack
B.A. Z.B,B.Z.A.B
B, O ,O ,O ,V 8, 0 ,0 ,0 ,'( O , O ,A.C,OO,A 0.,0.,0 ,,0
A.l.e,A.l.e A.Z.A.B,A,Z B.B,B.Z,A,A.A.Z A.A. Z,Z, B, 8,A, A
x.Y,Z.Z,Y C, O .A.Z.V
To pt~ the gam e Without any on'Kleen dials. hold Down. X. Z <lnd A befort' the Or ~Iect screen ilppe;JfS. and keep them held while you pl~S C to select a ca r.
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O::!;;:;oa:~ep~:I!:~~:=I~::t~Ot:e~~:7:::~~:I~:'mlrMI - and ndly, lhese u.pertatlons h.""" tUrnH out to be (ompletely tr~. The Saturn YersJon Oof Wipeout Isn't as glossy ,lnd smooth and sheeny as its P!i'ysbUon (Qun路 terpOirt. aut, (ompolrisons iIISide what you 're left with Is stilt an awesome product In te,ms of bothoriS;"ill Idea and.ddkUIIe pl.y.blllty. For I~ of you wh<:I still h~ven't hurd of WipEoutit's iI sci.fi 'Kt. where cars have been repliICed by super fast hov路sleds thilt I'IOt only ract like demons but are capable of somt ,ather nasty offensive fl'\OYeS, Weilpons (the usuill a.filyofheat. ~kers, mines, miSSiles and shieldslun be picked up from thetrilck (ala Marlo Kilrtl,leavingyoutodispense destructIOn at YOU' leisurt, a highly satisfying Iask.i! hilS 10 be said On top of this therl/'S iI choice offoo. d,fferent teiloms to 'ilce for and seven tracks In ali, .anging from mildly challenging to unbellev;)bIy difficult There's no doubt that this is iln ImpressiVe gilme, though With ilil its filncy gimmicks, rilce purists might prefer the oeilr perfect handling in Sega Rillly Also the conversion hilS left the graphics illln~ gr;lIny. ilnd some hilve critICised the sleds ilS being iI bit cumbersome. There's illso the dlSilppolntlng omisslOtl of the t'oYO-plilyer lin.路up option. meilning thilt there'll be no ilil night "Wlnllf'f stays on" sessions on thisgilme, but despite th~ ilnnoymg httlefiluJ( ~s', this is stoll a top gilme, If not ilnessentlalpurchase
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the ... ngeconS<)le, ;lIre going to be Inundated with conversion, of games prevloui I)' onl)' a",ilable on more com pie. s)'Stems. Some of these will be a credit to the prog ... mmerl'lntelligence and othen mere Insults to our own. With Magic Carpet, Bullfrog have set a shining eumple to othen for the advantages of "updatlng~lInl lrudye.l,tlngtltle. Wilh~wha,kingseventyfiveworldstoconquer(asopposed
tothe original fifty},and a new spell casllngsystem Magic Carpetprovestobeagameoflastlngattractlon,thoughyoo should be warned that early levels may seem unchallenglng to the experienced gamer. and that the blasll blastl blastl ethic empl¥d in other games of this Ilk ~re not as relevanl -here it's slrategyond blasting So.tak;ngtothes~lesonyourpersonalmagiccarpet.
the idea Is that while blastIng away the ¥;IUOUS enemies. you alsocompelewlthotherwillrd,ln the area in order to restore the world's equilibrium (which bnlally means thai you become ~ mad dIctator in the p!'ocess) This worthy aim Is accomplished by coiIKtingtheballsofmanna.deposrtedbyyourdefealedfoes. Although these Ideas don't ~md all that groundbreakmgln them~ It'sthesheerpiayabilrtyCOtJpledWlthabcM!~ge-g ... ptllcs(nottoosureabout those "mist" effects though} that make this such II genuinely Impre-sSM game.
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o:~ 1::I:~h::!a::"orlyml~:=;;~:~ :~~o:~~:ta~!~~~:~~~~e;~~:'~;:f your machine to the l1mits, that keeps you up tm dawn chanting Mane more game, just one mo,e game and then I really must get S<)me sleep ~ This Is not that game Ou' IInle lizard buddy. Gel!, hn lounged once too many tl~ In f,ont of hI' goggle·bol< and managed to get himself suc ked into the not so wonderful WOfld of TV_cIom. armed o"ly wllh his whippy tall and sticky reptilian tonglJot. He then ha, to roam the weird. wired world searching for spe<:ial items that wit! aid his escape f,om the eviLoh come ONI Need we contlnuel Surely you can gue,s the rest only too easily. Call us sadistic, but C;EX just makes you want to lean Into the TV screen and ' t ick your fingel on his tall. Just to see Ifhe leaves it where it is. just h~e the real thing To be fllr. Ihls title does contain some characteristics that make .leiasslcplatformer; smooth animation, damn fine graphics, ludiclOus plot. elc. but unfortunateIy it does not contain the sorl of game play which sorts out the men fromth eboys (0' In thl,case the !izards from the hedgehog'), Sorry, but this jus t Isn't the lI,ant reptilian leap forward that everybody...Oh alright nobody. expecled It to be.
ith so many golf sims anllable, Itw ls only 1 body tried to do something ill little different . AO:;O give this Its due credIt, different it Is, but whe ther this makes it any good Is another question. UsinS the same bulc game enslne in Pebble Buch the publishers have ,ruled an Interesting opposition between ill game with" m ... ch traditional, serene hls· tory as golf ilnd the brlmstone·brlmmlng, beelzrbub banterthilt ha s be enlncorporOited Into this slm. For eumple the sight of Iii vii funnlngthroug hth"'mlddle
of (jle nugles might cause a stl. among the most trendiest of trouser ed,but then this is the Devil', O~n . iI tourn olment with iI twist If e ver there w.u one. Overall. it doesn't quite match the playability of Virtual Golf, and it's still the most average title from a very average bunch of simson offer, butsho uldyou fancy something different you coulddoa lot worse than this bizarreye toriginal golfsim
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no. one's rully bothered to take ItPGS Into the nellt generation as it we re, Shining Wisdom stIJl manages to hold up surprisingly we ll agai nst other 31· bl ttltl es, It owes Its halcyon status to several Inspired Improvemenhon the old deslSnof the popular Megadrlve Hs hlnlngMse rles, Along with the seml·impr~ graphics that you'd at least expect from a}2' bit game, the title's pace is inCfeased bylwo main factors: Firsliyt he dated "rounds' system of combat used in the orisinal sames has been repl aced with hand·to·hand action. Secondly, the text sectionsa.e now interac tive{well,you can say yes or no to questions) meaning you have mo.e inf1uence on th eoutcome of the plot On the downSide the Sraphlcs aren't stunnlns, and more use could h ave been made of the Saturn's sound capabilities,but this isn'ttryin stodazzleyouin the way that "0" miSht. If you don't like I1PGs then this won't chanSe your mind, but If you fancy a b,t ofsword 'n' sorceryjiggery-pokery then this cou Id be righ t upyouralley.
clean those sc:um off the strffisl And this Is your chance to do Just th at, all f rom the safety of your ftry own tankl Sounds fun7 Well It Is , but how long will the f un last1 Not as long as you'd like, unfortunately, Call us spoilt,but knowing what the Saturn is capableof,the graph ics i n She!Jshockseem bland and the sound is just about mediocre. Inltlally,wa ndering aroundinatank seems like a g.eat Idea, but afler about five levels it beco mes,well, really dull Another te<:hnicalp.oblem inthe less than perfect planningmeanstha tsome sections of the game (mainly the dialogue exce.pts) take too long to access,making fo.disturbingbreaksinthecontlnulty· thebaneof aCD consoleow ne rs life.
Dear newsie,
be ....... gratoful if you _
......... me a copy of that SEGA SATURH MAGAZINE thing by EMAP images. Look, I've filed out this form and everything. like thanks, chummo. NAME:
VIIlUAI. WIII1I-Qff SAMN & SmA RAlly ....... . SATURN & VlRTUA FIGHTER 2 .. , VIlTUAl ~ID SATUtN &. DAYTONA .. . . ,.... " VIlTUAl HEAVIN SATUll:N & PANZEit DRAGOON VIlTUAl ksrAST SATURN & SWA RAlly & VIRTU" f tGHTU 2 &VIi:TUA COP VIIlUAL IouDOM SATUtN WJT\1 NO GAME ................................... "
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