REGULARS 06 Full E3 show report featuring loads of top new releases!
24 look, it's not our fault, we just work here.
88 92
y ;~~:~t;;~::~~o~~; ~~:~:~~ ~~:~~:I~:i:Or;e',ks:~~~~e;.~~:! 1$ "rudy up ;lnd funning lind true to
absolutely grutl To celebrate his born-again fame, SOnic held his very own Plirty In los Angeles ill theme b,u, the House of Blues. Despite Tails' absence, all 1M other Segl biB wigs ~fe there indudlng memben of AM2, and both Seg,AmeriGllindSegi(uropehuds.5onIchelpeddoleOl.ltgoldenringsiind Sonic t .. ttoos to the p.rtygoers and Segl's Arnerlun (EO Tom K<lIjnske kick started the pr()(eedin,5 by performing a blues-brother-e:sque dOince (completewith hill ilnd dark g',sses) and making in utr'Yilgant speech to . . ,.....
fren zi!'dAmerican partygoers(cuee.citedyelpsof·Waytogo, Tom'·
for. "This truly cou ld be consldered~sthe Infill· mousunde· $soocom· pute.everyone'st~lklnll ~bolll .AkeyrulOnwhy S~tu'nwillwlnttt.e
Sega annOunce that thel' competitively priced machme ($249) combined With the be~t game~ Will Win them the (omole war thlsChmtmas
Q. SEG."
signed upareGT,Westwood stud ios, Interplay andAccol~de.
Kallnske then went on to lalk abolll the 10ft· Wil.e th~t wHl be ~Y~ililble for S~tu.n this year, ~nd once ~g~ln set ~ hlih st~ndilrd for the machine's games. "Ffllnklythe $Oftwareyou'li see on Satu.n this filII for Segil ilnd the third p~rty com munity wHl blow ~YQy ~ny· thlngonPlaY1l~tlonbeciluse_ilreillllu.nlnghowto
Yuny, Sega'· and "We love Sooonnnlcccl- from the entrilnced ,udl· enee). Kalinske m~de many d~lms throughout the eYenlng, but it wu du. to ~udiences th~t Sega's minion shtement p.oyed that 1996 will be iln ~gg.eJSlft ~~. for them. K~linske ~nnounced, · We wilnt to be the lude. In the wo.ld of inte.~ct IYe entert~lnment In ilnd out of the home. We ale going to win the hl·tec console w~r by this Ch.istm~s both here In the US ~nd ~blo~d. In the future we will h~ye ~ Seg~ p.oduct In every home. We will sell more than 1.5 million units this yur t o brlnll the domest ic b~se t o OYer l.l million units ... thls muns 32 bit Saturn nles are on ~ f~ste. tr~ck than 16·blt WilS when we fintlntroduced it in 19901 He then_nt on to t~lk~bout the S~tu'n's Internet connection kit. IOmethlng Sega
g~mes are ~Irudy In development fOf the netlink, with ~.ound ten games belnll m ~de ayaliablebyCh.istm~s.Oeyelopersalru dy
previous SOnic feluses is looking
work the Satu.n 's CPUs and developmenh l kit." And In reference to NIGHTS, he commented; Na u san hilS done It agilln! We think NIGHTS will do for Silturn wnilt Sank did for Genesis." Hecorn;luded hlssPR<h byglvlng the audi· enceilsnukpeekintotheflllu,eby,eveallng, "I'd like to show you what 's coming on Sat urn ... it'sVirtuaFlghle'IIYouwon'lgel thatonSony o,Nlntendo."
The SonyPloystotion~ p'icedropcome os 0 wrpriSl! to f'Vtryonf'ot the show, although ~o had ~rd TUrnoutS befort the show thor this COI.Jld hDpptn. A crossrontlnenfo/ mming was ImmMiotelystt up via telephone between ~Amerko
SEGA TEEVEE! As part of their world dominOlitlon plan, Segill
al$O unvtiled a new trade t~il tr
ofSonicX-hemeforbroadcastintheUS.Theidfraturtsnontothtrthan iI very dlsllruntled Marlo tilklng a look at the new SOl'llc ga me ind becoming very ens-
ptfilted indHd at the genffill qUillity OiInd}D-ness oftht proc ftding s.lulgiulls him an ~Idlot~ and wonden Just how Mario ev!!r got himself Into games In the
fint placel The ad then focuses on the mock Mario's face ilS ht pronounc es MSega Krtam" In a vtry meek voice, Don't txpe<t to see this ild over here though-Se ga Europe hOllvt their own pl;lIns this autLimn.
tt~ntotivnond ~Jopan,andtMfinalannoun<emenfofa 5)99 SOturn W05 modeat 60mAtntrkan (,tnt on Friday. the $tCCX!ddayafthe show. A spoktsmanjor Stgo's Tam KaHnske (omtntnttd, ;nis pricing act/Ofl has aJo.w.)'5" bttn part of our CMral/sfrattgic plan~Angela Edwards. Stga's monagerofPublic Rtlations wid, "1m! bottom line is WI.' don't wont ttlt price point tadetermine tht gatnt playtr~ chokeof a S.)'5"tem. /..tt's don~ play ~nnygamts. We wont consumers toknowlB the game that determlnts which S.)'5"tem Is bttttrond nothing eluo matters." UJCkI(y. thtdtcision was undtrtaktn ~ Stga Europetofollow In the US~foot路 5feps and bnngo [)99 pOcepoint fO ttlt UKtOQ mtOning that the machlflt has now broktn through the "magical" [lao price point that most moilers be/~ is neededfa' tht mochiflt fo gD man mori:tf. To uS; it stems impossible that tithtr of the mochintS will drop again In price, 50from now on. at /Nst the console wor will btfooght on on tvtnjootlng -with thejocus btlng mot"e on whot reoffy motters -the gamf!S1
One of the most eXCiting attractions at the show was the unveiling of Virtu a Fighter 30ntheSega stand. This was the first time that anyone had seen the demo outside of Japan, and it attracted huge crowds throughout the Ihreed~ys of the show. In fact. Sony had rigged upa hugevideowalltoshowoffth eir wares, which was placed almost parallel to the VF3 screen, and everyone In the crowd turned their backs on it to watch VF3 instead on a screen that wa saround fifteentimessmallerl The demo was runningoffan actual Model 3 board and scrolled through several of the characters, including Jeffry, Pai,Lau,Jackyand th enewcharacter Ao/. Almost everyone who saw the demo said it was the mosl amazing th ing th~hadseenattheshow,andsomeoftheeffectsonthecharacterswere
absolutely breathtaking. For instance, the movementonAoi assh eperformeda traditionalJapilnesedancewascompletelyfluid and was topped 0 ff by realistic
facial movements and a costume that flowed and moved with the character, rather than looking like "c ardboard " clothes. As for the other characters, their movements were incredibly fast and the detail is much more intricate than in the last two versions. At the time of writing, there were no playable versions of the game lJP and rlJnning, but it is tholJght that the first playable version shOlJld be unyeiled by AM2 Within the next few months However, playable or not. the demo proves just how powerflJl the Model 3 board is - if people were astOlJnded by this demo, im ag路 inewhatth~'lIbelikewhenthefinalyer路
As predicted by SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE somt' months ago, the internet connee tion facility for the Saturn WilS finatly unveiled at the E3Showi TheSe gaSaturn
Net Link,a mod em and browser peripheral brings the Internet tothe Sat urn and allows you to get on -line via the TV. This means that wh en th e peripherill i s launched, every Saturn owner will have Ihe chance to use Ih e world wide web service,email andth~lIa l$Obeabletoplayspetiallycreatednetworkgames
(among th em Baku Baku Animal and the rumour of Command and Conquer). The~u.llperipher.tlisa 28.8bpsspeed rnc::dem.CDmbininganet~.whichwill goon QIe in the States this autumn for SI99. AUK release date 1sye1 to be confilTl1ed. The actual package plugs into the ca rtridge port of the Saturn. and Ineluded In the package Is CO-based HTMl software that alloW!; thf' Saturn 10 access inte rnet sit es. At the mome nt, the add-on will be ~ble to utilise ~ st~nd~rd PC bo~rd via the useof~n ~ daptor, ~Ithough Segil will be bringing out their own keyboard and mouse shortly after the peripheral is launched. For those without the ~ ccesstoa PCboard,Sega have created a virtual keyboard and a spacemagnifyingfunction so thatuserswillbeabletosendemail ~ nd look atinformationonscreenat the sile they req uire, rather than having to squint at tinyte)(\ on a screen. When buyers decideto goon linelhe)' will fe(eM: one month'sworth affree service, then in subsequent months. lhe~ will be from SI9.9S-.rymonth.. There were plenty of chances to test the peripheral out at the show, a nd information retri eval was fairly fasl, but more than that, it was really usy to use . In fact, the only problem we can see with the s~lem at all , is thai due 10 the Saturn's memory capabilities, It will be nigh on impossible 10 store informat ion, although there are rumours that 5ega are developing a disk drive for use with the peripheral. other than that, a spokesman for Sega at the show said that they were also utilising a "boo kmark " system whereby users can return to the informalion they require as soon as they're on the net, wh ich again . would go someday 10 solv· ing th e "m emory" problem. Anyway, as we said, there's no reluse date planned for this one in the UK at the moment, bul Sega are hoping to get it on sa Ie before
, .~Ih. ·
Christm~softhlsyear,ataprice tobeconfirmed .
Re~/M 01 the show was a newonologuejoypod. sp«!ficollydesignMfor use with JOgomes. TM as
pI untitfMcOIItrollf'rff'l1tuus the usual directlOll· 01podplus six buttons, but also has a roiferboll dpod ploCM ohow the usuold-pod. This makes It mlKh f'I1sler to ploy JOgomes SIKh as NIGHTS and thejorthcoming 50nk X·treme. and after the inltiol minutes that It tokes toget uSM to thecOIItroi system. it pmves to beo completety notum/way to ployony JOgome.It's likety thot fhe podwdlgo on soleot the some (ime as the UKvef"S/OfI O/NiGHTS - which with ony luck should be September J.
GOLF ANYONE Saturn owners missed o..rt on last year's tcIrIWrslon of PGA, as at the time EA weren't tcIrIWrtingtitles fofthe Satum.
Butluckily,goIf fanswi1lha~no(ilusefof
toI'CemthlJyearasthelegendaryPGA will be making its way to Satum in the closingmonthsafthlJ~r.Yep,solt's
goodbye to all those uckygolfslmsthat you'~hadtoputupwithlnl:helntyear,
and MIlo to a top quality gilme (hopeful1y).Anywily, It seems that peopje were iI bit disappointed with last year's PGA, so the engine has been ovemauJed for this
~ - "'-' \
'I '
If you were an avid Megadrive fan. you'll probably re~mber Bl.lbsy - he appear~ in two pjatform games a cou pleofyears back and enjoyed mil1()f success wo rTlO$t 16·bit systems. Well. an'fNil'j. he's back and as is something of a prequirement in thesedaysof32bit gaming. he's in his very own 3D game. Yep, although the main sprite looks ("Xactlythe same ..s he did in the Megadrive titk"s, the game has changed incredibly,withall of the action taking placC' in a3D envi ronment. Atth e moment. the game Is still in the very early shges ofdC'W'l op· ment,butthere wasaplayabl e vers ionupandrunningattheshow- the character runs around a serlesofflatly coloured environments, j umping on enemies and picking up bonuses - much In the same way as Bug. although it hastobe said thai Bubsy iS in no way comparab le to Segasoft 's game at th is moment Anyway, with a lot of developme nt t im e st ill left to go, it's qu it e poss ible that Acco lade w ill t urn o ut a good product by the tim e the game's l eadyfor rele ase, but with t itl es such a s son ic on th e way and as Acco lade don't actually have a UKoffice,itwll l ploba blyberele asedthrough Warn e r th is Autumn ,
BUG'S BACK FOR MORE! Another ofSega~ high profile projects unveiled at the show was Bug Too!, tht sequtl to Sega~ hugtly popular platform gamt, Bug! WI' managtd to catch up with Bug~ pro. duct" 5tf'llf' Apour, and hI' injormed us that tht,t will be mort tmphasis on JO ploy than in the lost gamt and that tht'y wert alro looJ:ing into tht dif/iculty oj theariglna! tltle-andfhinkingajchangingitjorthtseque/.Wemanagtdtogttaqulckplaytf'Stoj the game, and true to tht/r word, tht df'llf'loptrs down at Segasojt have ctrtainly modI' mort use oj JO, and the grophks look much more tidy too Iflthiss.equeithertsachoicecfthreed!Jftrerrtplayczblec:hanxtM-inodditiontotheoriginQIBugIc:hafUder.fht>re:So~bighoir/oon!ypeo/thenQmt'cf5upetjlyandfht>re:SalittJe
moggotdog fCXl ThfyoYlIIM'd!JftrerrtSflmgfhsandwrokntsstsosyoui1expect.althoughyou dc:ltIllIIM'tac/!cxMa/XJrtiCuiorc:hanxtl'rtogttthrooghaspedficlevet Anyway. Bug Tool is loods more in·depth than thtfirst game, and looks pretty stunning graphically. even though the fitJe is borelymore than 10" complett. In jact,lt's not tven dut out over htrt until around Oecember. so ifs Jiktlythat coveragt on thiS one won't begin untillattr in tht ytOr.
Sony hold a
conference, and announce they are slashmg
the prICe of Playstatlon hardware from $299 and £299 to $199 and £199
the UK
Once again, Scavenger proved a force to be rKkooed with, showing off a whole bunch of titles- all of them Saturn bound OYI!rthe next reilr. Amok ilnd Soorcher a~ still yet to be finished, illthough both should be out by summer, but it seems that Savenget' have eYen more impfHsM! stuff on the WIly. Probilbly the most stunning title on ~r WIlS Into the Shildows, il3D siilsh 'em up ildventure (not Doom style) with huge sprites andilverydarkfeeltotheproceedinp,A plilyableversionWllsupiindrunnlngatthe show and proved to be Incredibly smooth and pretty bst too, A running demo is also appa rently av.1ilable on Savenger's web site, so if anyone's on line they an get a sneak pl'eview of thinp to come. Also on show WIlS Tarilntulil, iI game whkh obviously features a giilnt spider as Its main attrxtlon. Agilln, huge sprites were displil'jed and the motlonoftheilr.il(hnld was vtf'J ~allstk Indeed. A smilll demo WIlS playable whkh allowed you to test out the spidets pouncing motions as well ilS exploring the environments, ilnd although plenty ofotherdeYelope:rsalsoseemed tobeuslng splderslntheirgilmes,Savenger'seffort was easily the most ImpfHsM!. Terminus and AqUil_~ the other products on snow, the former WIlS a roiling demo of iI bondage-c:lild womiln In yet another dark ~Ing-Iooklng pretty good even though It's an early version. The latter Is quite dlffi(ult to define at the moment, but Is set underwater and featUfH some .limning tr.ilnslueent effed:s. We should be ilble to get hold of mo~ information on both of these products within the nut month,
~. {~ {.,
" . . SEG ..t.\ SATURN
RULE THE WORLD! Olsplayedon ooththeVirgin ilnd the 5ega stands, was the very fint vt rsio nof Command and Conque r on the Saturn. As anyone with a PC will no doubt already know, this WO!S the biggest selling game in Europe in 1996, and has won numerous awards (not to mention a bit of contrOVC'ISy oV('r ib notorious ad COiIm paign)forih in.depthgameplay. The game Is stliltegy路based,with the aim being to conquer Iilnds wi ththe help of your t ltpert arrny. Afte r building up your manpowtr, you can ass ign the m certai n hsks which they 'll the n nrl)' out right down to the last order, using various weapons to get the job done. There's plenty of Cl,lt SCI!! nes to spice
the action up and you can play either against other people oragaln stthe computer - opponents will a lso be attempting to cla im the Iilnd liS th ei r own. Anywily, It's' il ilil bit like Risk Ifilnyone has heilrd of thilt , ucept thiltthe action is much updilt ed ilnd IOilds quicker. There 's rumours thilt this will be lImongthe first biltch of gilmu to util ise theSiiturn 's Netiinkilndltthislstrue,ltcouldeilsllymil kethlsoneofthebest selling Silturn game s of the year. NeJrt month we should be able to get our hilnd s on iI plilyilble version , ilnd with any luck we' ll be bringing you iI showcilse on the game.
Top Megadrive developers Codemasters signed a deal with ~a Oust before the E] show) which alloWi them to publish all their top titles on the Soturn/ At the moment, it seems os though Miao Machines and 5ampros Extreme tennis will be making their way to the Saturn in the nextfew months, although Micro Machines wastheon(yprotiuctavoilobletoploytestottheshow. Although the programmers decided to utilise 3D for the latest vt:rsion, It was good to see that 0/1 the brilliant playability f rom the lost three versions was still evident in the game -In fact It remains almost Identical in terms of playability where the races toke place in different rooms of a house, plus levels out in the gar-
den and around the toilet rim. However. it differs from the 16-blt vt:rsions in that the races are played over different screen levels, with huge drops in between sections of track and multi路ongled viewing. There's no doubt that Miao Machines is going to be a huge hit when it's released this Autumn, although it has to be said that the programmers have 0 huge amount of development time to catch up on - the game is already playable on the Ploys tot ion and Codies are hoping for a Simultaneous or as near as possible release for Saturn. Look out for a showcase within the next couple of months I
Anothrr tlt/, dttp In drvtlopmrnt from SrgoJo/f Is.\4, 8o"", an lIdvrnlur, gQmr/ntur/ngoJ/ct/rton. /nh/srlormol sfril'9Y ftatt, Mr Bontf Is II prrtty unltJJ II/nd of guy, but by frDffflnglng h/s bont s inll/lklfldJo/ lnlltnt/vt wo,YJ,
ht clln do things ht would prrvl-
OIlSIy "nly drtamrd obolltl Pllrl 0/ tht
goml: Will ployoblt at tht show, althoughthrrt'J/oodsofdrvtlopmr"t tlmr Irjt to go on th is ont-/nj(l(t It's Imll/cr lytO f tfortltllsf:untllthrclo, ·
Iflg months of this yrorl
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Well, it wouldn't be iI complete show report without the Inclusion of iI new FIFA game would It Yep, EA ilre prepilrlng this yeilr's (hrlstmiiS ilssilult ilt thlsve rymoment,ilnduever,theeilrlyverslonlndiciltesthilt t hIs installmentwill be every bit ilS good asthe previous four versions of the gilme,ilnd this time, the developers hilvedeclded to give both the gilmeenglne iI ndthe grilphics iI bit of iln overhilul ilnd the result Is iI much smoother, dee~f gilmethanbefore,wlth vilstlyimprovedgrilphiCSYOuCiinbetthiitthisis going to be yet ilnother ilmilzing success for EA come December - the milgicill FIFA Ciln't possiblyfilill
Sega follow In Sony s footsteps and after all night telephone calls to Sega Japan decide to s lash thell puce POlOt to 5199 too There's no mention of a UK puce pOlOt though
Sega Europe are sllil undeCIded over the pncepolnt of the UK Saturn There's talk of pack In deals at £249 and a standalone at £199 but no decISion IS made
Worldwide Soccer has been oround on the Import scenefor 0 couple of months olreody under the nome ofVictOlY Cool 1 - but htydon't Jet thot put you oft this is way better thon onything in the first gomelln fact, byoll o((ounh. this could just turn out to be the footie gome oftheyeor - the graphics are brilliant, the gomeploy beots the pants oJ! anything seen on any other system, ond even better, Sego are hoping to hove it released in this country in timejor Chrlstmosl Work on a PAL conversion has commenced, and it should be 0 prettyeosy task, as it~ unlikely that the gomeploy will chonge much -any olterotiOM will probably involve the teoms more than anything else. Anyway. we can't bring you much info on this one at the moment, but believe us, the is going to be absolutely huge comeChristmostimel
foil_In, UbIJOft'I,,·b/t hit with strHtrMlr, t .... French de.,.lopment company ha.,. d.cHkd ta port t .... ,."'. actoSl to the Sllhlm. The cartoon·balecl reeln, ,a_ will t.atur.l"'provH,raphln and wllI..,.n utillM .!WI.laM-player Ipllt K .... n option, """ethln, wtlkh wal unfot1l1nat.ly IInl'tflllable for pbyt.1t at t .... Ihaw_ Thll II KheeMIld for an ~lIm" I1IMa.. a!WI prOYlded t .... ",uttl-pb,.. aptlonlfllptaKratch, ltfhOllldp_"'I}'~la ••
,:t.. -.. ~~"
Remember Probolector on t he Megildrive? II was iI huge hit for bolh Megildrive ilnd SNES, ilnd in iI fit ofbrilliilnce, Konamihilvedecidedtoconvertiltot heSiiturn tool And, while the graphics ilre much more detailed thiln ilny version seem before, the gilmeplily remilins as riveting as it everwilS, ilnd KOOimihilv tillso decided to include iI speciill3D option which requires the player 10 wear speciill30 speu (included with the gilme). It's difficult to uy how well this option will work,
~ ,E
buthey'ifYOUdon'lli keit'YOUCiinilIWilysturntheOPtlon
offilnd play t he game iIS normilll hpect to see more on this one ove.the coming months.
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Stunning 3D graphics 168 million colours powe rfully-real CD quality sound and over 80 software titles ~aslca lly we re talking the most advanced ga mes console around So now you can come out of the dark ages
;1, •
, ..
Dlltrtbvton GT, fast Ncomlnl "nown.ll "the comp''', with ,II tM Doom ,Imel" h_ ' ''"OUIKH ret.nothe,flnt-,."o" penpectl-n Jhoot 'em up to ,dd toth,I, ,oIIHtJon. Duk, Nuk. m 10, .Ir..dy ,.lItuld on oth" formatl, w.IIll,ned up for ,.g.M on the btum.t the .how, ,ftd althou,h the,. was no "nlon of ..... II.1I1e to playt"I, should 60 , .. lly w.n whe .. It', ,.1"Jed In the AIItumn . Aithoill" th",ml "tlll,l •• ,I.ndud Doom 1" ,lnl, It dlff,r, from ID" •• mlllnth.tth.,.·lmof.blood, multJ· '.,.. r.dl ..... II.th. ,.m.pl1,.lflllt., .I"dth.,h.r,lCt.r,.ndothl"lllIk"ototh,toll,tlndlw.. r.lot. Obvloully, th"lml will rl'llv•• ",1 'Irtlfl'lt,lnthll country. lut ,,,.nll you'r.youn"r, you prob,blywouldn' l WII"t to mlultll t.round Ch,lltmadlml.h,n lt'lr. I...ldl
Sega announce that the UK Saturn S prICe will a lso drop to £199 1
I Much danCing and Jubilation IS undertaken by anyone thinking of I bUying a Saturn l
16路BIT GETS SONIC AND VIRTUA FIGHTER Yes, you did rudthat rlght . VlrtUJI Fighter will be relused onthe Mesadrl vel An announcement was made ill the E) show confirming th at VF will 'ppur on 16路bit this (hrlstmils, atthouBh no version or urtenshots
wert anHablt at the time of going to preu. lt appnu th,! Virtuil Fishier will be renamed Virtu .. fighter Animat ion and the I"phlu will be chanled to morl! ~S tfeetfI8hte'y " characters and will not ut iUs, polygons. Anyway, If any of you sUIl have a soft spot for 16路 blt, you m,ywant to check thi s out Iilter onln tk tyur. "S for tht,6路bit Sonic I,me, Stga h,vt don e Ih e Mtgad,ivt proud w ittl an .. bsolutelystunning,dvtntureentitled Sonic 3D. Obvlollsly, the gOime Is complet ely)O and 1Iithoulh thefe', mort frtedom of movement, it pl~ys In
I very slmit~r wly to prevloU5 Sonic g~mes . Another one due for iI Chrlstmils releue, th is looh n though It's Segil's "goodbye" to the Megad riveilnd Ilrndylooks set to sell by the bucketloild .
ldPeOPltttllYOUillisortsoflies abouthowmu(hlattere~rythlnl
waswhtnlhtywtrtyoung.You could luveyourbilck door open, • brud tasted beUer, the sunsthwete rtddtrdc tic de. What thty gtntrilUy ntglut to mention II Ihilt they wtrt conllilntly burlled, atebltsofdudfleldmoustilndwiltched distantcltlts burning brightly In the8Iit!. Su(h Is
the seductive power of tose·tlnted lenses. The Iilme rules apply when talklnK about old g'mel. Wury gilrntshilckl(le-ul)c,nrilmbleonforhourlilbout hOWgfut all the ilnclentSpe1:trum titles ilfe (esp41 (iallyOilYt, retrogilmes klng), even the onel which wett, _n Ihen, Uilp. One oflhe urnes which crops upunilvoldilblydurinsthtlt stnlons Is Ifem. Irem ;lIre one of the biggest nilmes In the oldgamesbia,,;uthey'tt.monl the longest,runnlngsoftw,re hous, es In the world, They're I some of Ihef,mousesttltlelof the first flush of video g,mes, produclnglnnov,tlve,rude m;l(hlneISl,lch~sMetrorunilind
R 'Typeililongthew~y, Theyiliiso obvlol,lslyperpetrill!edthethreetltleson the first InI"lmen! of Irem (I~nlcs, ~ hlp through hlltorywl!h Ihewillcky folks from Irem, The gillmes on offer hereillre Zippy RilIce, Ten Ynd Fight ilIndthe legenduyl(l,Ing, fu Muter, AlioftheSedilitebaCkabouttenye~rsormore,
5QilISYOUCillnexp«tthey'renotqulteonthecultrng edge of polygon technology Ailh,reilders, but this is bilck wh.en gilmes were gilmes, feilturrng chun~y colourful block gfillphlcs, not more thiln two buttons and the most irrltiltrng sound you've evef heard In yourhfeThey'rewhatyourmumOinddOidthlnk gamesarelrke so how did "the kids "eltctronlCilillyentertillin themselvts in years gonebyl Why with rillClng games, sports games and btat 'em ups Zippy Race sealS you on a motorbike Involved In an AmeriCilin coast,to'coastJilIunt.driving upthe screen avoiding the obstacles and other vehicles along your pat h There are five stages Which alternate bttweenroadracingand cross,countryscram, blrng{sotherOillds between Denver and (hiCiligomust be pretty crap),wlthonlyyourfuel gillugetostillndlnthe
i levels, even eon, bosses, has to provide a decenl chalienge, and Kung·Fu Master is famous for btlng rock AS in fact are all the games on offer -the shortness of the contenl millkes thisessentlilll, ilInd means there's no such thing ucontlnues The burning question IS whether anyone of them hn stood up to the notoriously trldy exam set by Old Father Time. Well,we'li tell you next month if you're good
- -- - - 5
... ..1
§> SEGA SAT\,!r.N
';. Jt'J
, ' LF""UIIJ&aIl1I.,.toMIllUC••,tllll61d _1P1,son ••,. Nb.,.., Hoa..t, . ~.
\trt .;., _ ...
~~ ~ .., ... ItII(
ZIPPY RACE A_ in its d~ thilnks to ~n Innovatrve u§e of sWItching persp«tive. As)OUr bike OIPPfoilches its destination lhoe view changes from iln ilboYe·th~·ilction Grntli! to iI behlnd.lhe.player one. as)'Ou dnve into the screen ilvoldmg the oncoming motors
<lK<>NU..., S tt O
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KUNG·FU MASTER GuidI!' your Bruce Lee lookalike through flat hOlizontilllevels populated with Judo blokes who Silp your energy with their glilbs. knife throwers (who need all of two hits to kill), dlil80ns ilnd snilkes which drop flom the ceiling. f10iltlng
bombs and rock hard bosses - and sometimes ilil oflhese ill the urne time Don't wet your pants
I Two-onepunch,onelock(butJlISttnoeklc.kaJlthetJlne-it"s G"'d""",,~
TEN YARD FIGHT Clever use of on~ c~ntr.J1 pl.Jytr surrounding by team-mates who stay In formation but follow your pilth, allowing the plilytr to block th~ opposmg defence w,th com· puter drones whilst running for that glorious touchdown. It also takes your sn,lIl· like quarterbKk about a hundred years to run 11 single lengthy yard. ~
Montilnil AmeflCiin FootNII on the ~t~
A mIghty two buttons.. one for ttle b:t.o(Jff 11'1(1 lnottler to a rOfshakeoff ntswho rab ufshoulders
::;:!~i:i~~~!one would eve, (01'1ttmpl;lIteuslnln~
premlsefo, a game.
Right up there with , .., malnttn;lnCI!
;and ga,dening would no doubt beflsh. Ing . WeU, with the Iillter I'm ,lIfrald you 're completely wfong because Su Bus fishing uses nactly that premise. Yep, you lllle hu,ing Ihlngs rlsht._',e talking about
II fishing ,1m he.e. BIUllt n this may seem to you,1 the moment, Imagine for a minute the reaction of many when somfllne first deddtd th .. t a golfing tim would be a good idu. Ok, so you might think the.t', a bit morl!to gotfthan there Is to fishing but, as your ilV'tr.ge Johnny McFi1h would tell you, that ', Just ~ause you don 't know flshl", .
IstlCs in common wllh t he golfing g.ame You'll notice thegolf·stylepowerbarwhlchYOl,Il,Iselocastyour t.ackle,.and Ihe sl,lblletles of which you musl masler to reel in a fish. It'S also somelhing todowlth the leisurely p.ace of the game which ~)'Ou noncha-
Bass Fishing would
to be;J testilment
to this. containing as it does comp~xlties you'd nevel thlnkofils s.ociaotingwith ilspotofth eole' reel 'n' lacl:!t. NC are t hecompa nybehindaUKrelu~
of the game. tt's already proved ql,lite popular In Japan,catchlngthemofe m.atur!'m.arketw lt hlts rel.axet! and me(lIt.ative
f.anYourd.adb.asic.ally ~aBassFlshmg.actuallysharesafewcharactel·
usedtotryanddevelopasruhstlCilfeeltothegilme as possible Aftergettingupbrightal'ldurly)'Ot.l select the captain of your boat and hudol,ltlooneof avarletyofdestlnations, remembering of cOl,lrse to pack your rod and rangeoflackles When you get a bite, the action switches toan underwater S(en-e where)'Ot.l wltn~s your fish struggling to be 'the one that got aWily' Now'S when your
sive ~a Bass - the most prilet! of an anglers catch~. Players choose between taking part In the iUustrious competition or simply fishing for fl,ln off the coosts and estuarlesofwhatwe can
fore. Ifyou'r!' hilvmg iI rough time of it. the captain's thereto suggest an alteration of strategy and general· Iy blather on abol,lt his or her ildventures on Ihehlgh
competit ion Is based on the weight of a fish, t he kind offish it isal'ld how
-.. '
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CIII ........ I1111 .... W .. ""
........................ ,..
Inside every Sat 11m. However, this Is melt! colnci-
thilt it miittel'S, bftilUse ilil Sbrfighter)ooo wilnh you todo is OESTROY, Thereilreflfty-Infilct more thilnflftymiSSions of doom contained Within Starflghter Each mission contains iI number of oblectl~ whICh you're illiowed to tilckle m ilny order you wish 8ul ilnd this IS the dever bit kids, the order In whICh)'Ol.l complete eilch sub-miSSIOn ilffects the wily the lestfthe level
denc!, as Starlight!r)ooo flrst made Its name on the
)00 some time 'go, when free spact ships In JJ· BtT
for II bltl Well now's your chance 10 fly It In combat it thanks tothls new
blaster byTelstillr, Well, not quite, but )'Our craft In Starfish!!r)ooo burs
quite a striking fenmblance totheone found free
your enemies from targeting missiles at you, whereilsignormg hilngarsmilyleadto e.tra airborne defences commg at you in the later stages of the game like most titles we S« these days Starflghterlsvlewedln gloriOUS Thrtt<l,menslons,O· ViSion, with your 'plane· type thing VH!Wed from a reatwardperspect.ve
Anyway,thrsIs Inolh!r of those futurt war
tiUes,wheretheplaye. helms a one-man defence fOfce kicklnl atiensoffofplillnet
hrth.Or perhaps some other planet. In bt, fOf all we know, you mllht Mkkklnlln~din8
different planet. The plot
"un.que" systembe'ng developed which should illiowyoutotilrgetmlS
h;nn 't~nl!xplalnl!dall
thitsprc:iflnlly. Not
,II'1l. V f
.' -
f 0
o0 o
o o ~ CbOOM)'lHlrfuourlt. 'unllhtrl,
sIles at odd tilngentswhllst stili flghtlflg foes deadilntad Andthat'sflotall-Telst arproml5eilsurfe'tof httlee.tfalikechainreilct,onattacks,suptrweapoflS, exptnmtfltalfighter'plilflesilndevenboflusgames totICkleyourmterestgland SoisStilrfighter3000goingtobe .. nessenti.. l pli1smil·feilst at the DevII'S tilble, or is It the sort of game thilt'll have you w .. ndermg round your house sm.. shlngthmgsw, thauICket batchantmg"bored bored bored"/Well,lt's not fmishedyet.sowec .. n' t tellyou-but we: will in a future issue, Promise
.bolkr l.riliIll6is!ll1J'" ,"'tlu rr.. tlloN 11ICt'td11lle .... tpilotltk..,.."lIe'rits.Mot ",.IIy. 1t'ljntJOlf'PIc....lp 1...,,1111111•• IlI'IIIPI li/lf:.
S!~,t'l<ht" .("(to" ,I """- 01 II,.." !tu"\;,, g ""n"tl<:>0t ,'" "I Ih I ~ wh"h rT'I<'.I"'Y(lU W' ,,0' I" '" ,<1", ",10 tr.t "",.11 "''0'" t ~, .. (h' .. I ..... ",.."1 '" II,,, ,h,1I "0 "" ,,,',,,,I,on 01 111. pW\I' 1l,1~,,,,, t" (' ('nl("(l bI""'''I<: 1<' "" "."" I,l",,, to (nt, I ~J" u<, ,II" Apr 1ft "tly '" ) II t~
Jbirl"R' ..... "'d/"louptnlrn .... ngn'"
plJloon I,H wh.lh'" , .-:' llJl"
of 1'1""", 11(", ll~d) .... ,,(1 nl'thcmnttf( d,,"""" 1)1 II"nl'I ul',h Ih{-mJfoundyo"too,ttnd",,,, wn (ywlr<ll~t"d,
'."i "
DEARSMM, If wflwar~ hou,~~ ~ r~ ~lllIlooklng for g~me~ to put onlo Ih~ Nl'~t Gener~\lo" con \aIM thJllh"Y Ihln. WIll ~elllhou,and~ of COplM why do they nolloo. b.Kk 011 old~r gam~s and tl"YJmp Ihem I sllil Own and _n use a now very old and outdatt>d AI~" 800Xl bul stIli gel hours of fun ' rom classIC soJtwar~ t llies sIKh as Soulderdash ReKueonfractul"sJndSt"rRalder'lln~arsl!onebylh~lltlMWl'relopnotch
Ihe dog s nuh etc elc Who un fotsel ft.!e Sabre Wulf Spy V!. Spy old gamM Ihill we n~r thought would ~ OUldJIt>d by a ~gehog and a ralty Gil I am sure Ihal
~ Good Il"ef Sh~hzJd you re the mo~t Ilenerou~ reader I've ever had the plea,u,e10 eneounle. InsleadofJusl flolllllnll off you, second (Dfo. s .... eets money you re g,v.ng ,I a ...."yfo.lheg.e"te'sood oflhe SSM co mmun, ty W.. llth ...echee,sfo'you,you.eoff,(i"Uyou.f"end So Edd'eSammeflom B"sloll'm ..f.illd ...... v.. loslyou'"dd.en -bul .... "lern .. garnendo"nga ' phonenumbe'"nd ...... llun'leyou .... 'thyou.ch,,"lymungousBooU .. g Silmpl.. , (ourtesy of Sh;lhnd Oh and pl..ase ma.k you. envelope IT 'S MY BOOnEG SAMPLER so .... e don I lose you, communIque
'in football you ' ve got Gazza. in Brookside you 've got Bazza, but if you want the names of those Sega games then you've got to go talk to the Mazza!' Another day, another rhyme. introducing our regUlar spot with Sega 's man in the know, Mark Maslowicz. He 's been swanni ng about E3 sippi ng champagne and waxing lyrical about the Sega titles emerging this year, now he's back to the grindstone answering your questions. So, if you want to speak to our man on the inside write to SPY GUY. Q & A. SEGA SATURN MAGAZiNE. 30-32 FAR RING DON LANE. LONDON. EC1R 3AU.
machines for three to four years nowandlwaswondenngwhat machine 5ega out in them? Is it an advanced V!'rsion of the Saturn or a totally different sys· tem? j. I will be going to the USA somet,me soon. Can I play American CO's on my English Saturn?lfl nef'd a converter, how
DnrS5M, Iwouldli~esomeanswers
from your super mag
game, I must admit, I have been voery tempted by the PlayStatlon Since I saw Tatal NBA, a nd at one point I eventhought about selling my Saturn I know t his sounds a bit drastic but I'm a desperate man I I soon came to my senses and d~cid~d to wait and Sef' what t he Sa t urn comes upw,th,1 had heard tha t Sega sports m'fe developlOg agamecalled NBAAction Apparently this was supposed to be released by Chfistmas l astyea.butl'voeheardnol hing.P1eas~,please,
please can you put me out of my misery and t~1I me roughly when it will bereleas.ed,and IS t he re a chance that II may match the PlaySlations Total NEIA Than\:.sfOf yourtime a ndkeepupth~goodworkonthemag,
4 As I h.:we around floo at the momef'lt I am consodenng
PlaySut,onwillhaV!'ahuge17? 2 Any news on Bugl2/ 3 Will there be any football management games on the Saturn? 4 HaV!' Sega any plans to make their own s,m game? If not, what do you think about Theme lool 5,W,th beat 'em ups and.acers in abundance on the 5aturn,doyou think it's I,mefo. a changel 61hkepiatformersbuttheonesontheSaturnaretoo hard,exceptmaybeClockworkKnight Doyouth'n k there should be some easier games on the Saturn? W~yne Smith, Highwoods, Colchester,
buymgthesteenngwheelforSoegarallyorthevideoCO Gird or the arcade stick or another gun forVC so my froends Gin playwrthout thecontroi pad (which qUite frankly IS boring and dull) WhICh one would)QU re(ommendl S All my friends say that my games - VF1, Vh, Sega Rally ilnd Virtua Cop are rubbish compa.ed to PlayStation titles hkeTekken, MKl and Dest'uction Derby. Is this true? John8e~umont, Rotherh~m,Sheffield,
:::dn~~r~~I::s d=:~rl~::::':I:~~2b~u:hUIC'
~:::;:::~:~~::!: :~tB~~'S~:~~;.\S~~f
will have borde., and run slower, Not rnllyworth 11,4 Probably thf gun orA,cadfRufr, s Don't be silly,
tf ",3ProblbIY· 4Nopll""sll'.,lrudyh~ppenlng. 61
DnrSSM, Can you pleaseanswerthes~dorkyquestions 1. IS the Saturn powerful enough to ta~e game~ hke 'Mad Dog McCref" and 'Crime Patrol' at the same quality as the Philips COil 2,Wlth or without the M·F'eg? 3·lfw,a'ethereanyplansforthesegamesorgam~sof
a Slmlla. sarti 4 I should be getting my Saturn wnhlOthe next few m'eki My mum wants to know 'fSega will be ,eleasing a CD with yaflabl~ games on (puzzles, Conn~t'4, Clueda, Card Games etc) 5,8~ausetherearethreegamesIODleHardt"logy,wili
it cost more than other Saturn gilmes 6, And finally, wh~n is your next playable demo CD due out/I ciln't wilil. What games are planned TroyWekh,lekester.
FIVE WEEK FANATiC Du rSSM, I haV!'hada new Saturn for five weeks now and I think ,t's great Could you answer a few questions plene? I. I am gOlOg to buy a new game soon (and nat meaning toboasl; have completed VF2 and Virtua Cop on hard mode and expert mode without any cheats, and found this very easy) so what would you suggest for mo.e of a challenge· WlpEol.I!,Cloclcwork Knight 2,Pan;zer
~;:I:~~;:I:S ~~o;nn:~
NBA, II', ~ f~f better g~me and comes with In NBA licence as well so ,II of the rul pllye""e In there, And plenty ofut"s too JO stop blubblngl
S~turn M~g,
think Ihe difficully level h lbout right,
l~n80ynton,Crowborough, hstSunu.
~:~:I~:;~~~:~ ~;:: :I~:~i~e~:.t::tt::~~er
might , 5 No, 6 Be p,tlent my child,
EAGER GEEZER Ou, Seg~ Saturn Milg, I own a Sega Satu'n which I bought on thefi.st day of release Since then I havoe purchased about 13 games, all of which a.~ great apart from Victory Goall Anyway, getting st.alght tothe point. The one thlOg I
fewquest,onsforyou; 1.SincedltchlngmY32Xforthefa bSat urn I'V!' had with· drawl symptoms (fom not being able 10 play Doom and w'ththePlaySUtlonhavingsuchagreatversionlwas wondering when it will be released and what version it will bel 2 Will we see a V!'rslon of Quake t his year? l- How much long~. will we have to wait for Alien Trilogy? 4 "V!' had WipEou t fo.a month or sa now and have only managed to come t hird in Rapi~r class on Silverstream How do I get to play Firestar, the last hidden track? Do I have to comefj'st/ S. Martin, Hnton, Newtlltle·Upon·Tyne. ~ lAroundSfptember/Octobef~ndligood,s
<Jii/P PllySlllionofcou"f,2Hopefully,) Septembe,lsh,4 VfS youdo,
o (£2.00) Computer Contest o (£2.00) Video Game Contest o (£2.00) Media Rig Contest o 10.00) SPECIAL! Enter them alilSAVE 0 .00)
I-l-'R "t--t--l---j - ~ _~
..... A ..... C ...... E ...... l
WRECK .... 0 TURBO .....v DREAM ... 0 CHASE ..... P
Guns, as we all know, are evil and should be banned. But only real guns. Not the brightly-coloured obviously pretend guns you can get for the Saturn. These, in fact, should be venerated, because they're ace. And if you're lucky enough to have one, here's the best news you'll have heard since... um... Virtua Cop.
irtul City is in Jlefllonce
II.lin. Oespitehavlnl
WlIIltedevery1 inllellv'nl criminal on planetE,lrth on their lut outing. the V1rtuilCops iu l!n'treadytohangup
the ir holstenJult yet. There's a new B1nlln townwaklngbabil!'$ , plnchinllwHh and knock ing on doorl then funnl". away. You might not thi nk that JOundlso bad-and indeed 1t BIft this lnflntile miKhlefl1 merei), I cover for the feal ;ullon - in army of uml ImulBlerllnd armed robbers in iIIrmoured cars plotting to hike over the town. ha ving moved In from nurby Polygonlon. This time out VCPO partners RJlYII! Ind Smarty Ire Joined by tou,h路talklng lady cop hind Ma nhall. She doeln' t actually .ppear to do , nyt hl"sln the 81me, except maybe drive the Ulr In the flnt level, but It
must be nice for t hem t o hflve fI bit of company. Of course, tough.talking Janet isn't the only company the cops are keeping. They're also accompanied on the ir adventures by a multitude of evil hoods armed with guns, knives and chandeliers. But they're not going to get i l ny nice fancy-dress costumes sewn for them by these less salubrious compan ions. They're going to have to pull out their brightly-hued shooters again and commence w ith the slaughter. Ho hum, it's a dog's life as an armed copper In Vlrtu a City. Once again Vlrtua Cop 2 takes place over three levels, each set in a different locale. However, unlike the original game only one of these is within the confines of Virtu a City. The second and third stages take your Cops on a luxury cruise to a mystery foreign destination, although it's something of a working vacation with plenty of shooting involved in the trip. At the moment the Saturn cousin s of t he arcade rozzers are trapped on the streets of their home t own, as only one level of the
Sc.It.t thOM IIf1'1IIlctall tb rud Iitt POOP'. 011 Cop or Ylrt.. CItJ.
ttl., (IIctttl aJHIlfoJ
Everyone likes a good car chase from Starskyand his pal Hutch through t 0 new super-cops like Mel Gibson In his Lethal Weapon Incarnation. Even the cast of The Bitl have been known to indulge in a spot of the old flas hing lights and sirens ahoy pursuit action. Just because the Virtua Cops aren 't real there's no reason they shouldn't get the chance to put ~al to the metal too. They'll be pleased to hear, then, that the very first l~elofthei rsecondoutinghasthemscootthroughVirtuaCitylnthe
back of a fast . movlng pursuit car. Luckily the players don't have to st~r th is veh icle, which would be a bit hard with guns, but they do have to kill the fleets of chauffeur~ ...... ndals by shooting their tiny heads through the w indows of the ir transport. Some of them helpfully lean out of the car to s hoot at you , prHenting you with II larger target, but many remaIn In the confines of the motor, blasting away. And of course there are loads of poor old civilian cars caught in the melee. Try not to kill them all.
Remember those old Choose Your Own Adventure boob, where each page offered up to THREE Incredible opti:ms of other pages to turn tot 0 ildvance the ploU No? Well you 're lucky beciluse they were pretty crilp. You'd be better off reildlng iI proper book to be honest. Cop l , however, hilS taken iI tip from Steve Jilckson and 'iln Uvingstone's literilryefforts ilnd now offers iI choice of plot direction PER LEVEL. Which is the best of Doth worlds, as you don't hilve to keep fiddling around with pages, but you do get some Sily over the course of the game AND it gives you more reOlson to plily through ilgilln once you've completed every stage. Bilslully, once certain episodes of the gilme ilre completed iI couple of sign posts ilppeilr on screen. Which one of these you shoot with your gun dletiltes wh ich route the iletlon tilkes. No miltter which path you select you'll begin the next level In the Silme pl ilce (if you Iilst thilt long), but the chillienges you filce up untilthilt point ilre totally different.
~=: ~il
Ob'Vlouslythe jO milkes quite iii difff:rence, enabling SOnic to move in absolutely any direction thilt tillles
his fancy. There i1re some changes as f.u is his moves are concerned iii well. The spindash move is still there, but there's now ,mother vilguely slmllil! move ailed the splnsluh. This ~ Sotlic perfom1 iI mldi1lr360" i1ttilck with his spikes Jutting assertively ~rds. We don't know, but we presume this klnd of attack will be mOle lethal thiln the regulilr spin attilck. Another of Sonic's new skills Is the i1bility to
throw rings r;Jtner thiln Just collect them to protect himself. Pretty gre~ ehl
short, yes, Iilrgelyln the shilpeofthe ever millevolent Dr. Robotnik. This time his thirst for evil sees him ilfter the sht milglcill Rings of Order. They ilre currently kept under the watchful eye of the benign Professor Gazebo Boobowskl and his daughter, Tiara B. However, after one fililedaUempt by Robotnik to steal them, Sonic steps in. Thus the plot sees Sonic hunting down the six Rings of Order, geUing help illong the wily from the Professor and his daughter ilnd generill1y doing all the things you'd expect of iI superhero. Apart from Dr. Robotnlk, it looks like all the other charilcters will be newly created, as are all the seUings tilklng In the likes of Jade Gul1Yilnd Crystill Frost.
Milrtlal ilrt lsts are known for their showing off. This Is beciluse no路one w ill deride them for It in cue they gtt hurt. And,just to displilythe arrogance of youth, ellen the losers of the Kidsgilme shillleil little routine to gilrner sympilthy. PrOllid lngthey' re con scious (Ie they lose by iI RinK Out or Time Oller). Thilt'sjust like children that is, gillIngyouillithiltdoeeyutrutmentso you ' ll gille them some chocolilte ukt or buy them iI toy. Well It won 't work In YF Klds, thilt 's for su re. No, illllt' li do Is
winsome thiln the usuill combatilnts. Thilt's btuusethty're supposed to be children, despite the sporting of fildill hillr ilmongst those premilturely-mature mtmbers of the ClISt. Thty have, In keepinKwith the proportions of bilbits, big he~s ilnd tyft. with tiny Wff.ny bodies. However, they illso hilve the milrtlill ilrb ilbllitles of ninja mlISters five tilntS their ilge, Qpilble of pulling off ill1 the I"I'IOIIeS from VlrtUil Flghter~ . Victory brinKs pretty flowersl The sweeties.
EASY TIIERE, JUNIOR One of the new 5i1turn-only dewlopmenh for the Kids conllersion will be of pilrtlcular interest to the younger ruders we don't hilve. Stili, you ml8ht halle children of your own who'll Ufe. There ilre plilns to Include a speclill plilY option for junior fighters, obviously entering into the youthful spirit of the gilme. This will cut the number of mOvts ill/ilililble to the chilriltters, but illso simplify the tKhniques rt<lulr~ to perform those thilt ilre left. So If you 're only wet or you're crilp ilt gilmes you' ll stili be able to look like a Virtua Fighter milster. Not recommended for learning how to plilY though. lIS you'll hillle to re-Iurn ilil the mOlles il8i1ln when you grilduilte to the 8rown-up lIersion,
RITZY'S OR HADES? Fancy a bll of u\('le~s Informatlon1 Well you're gOing to get some any way AnubiS, the character thai turns up With the dog 5 mask, IS a genuine
Egyptian god To be preclsc ,Is nol strlcUy adog moreilmlxture bl'tw!'!'n dog and Jilckal According to Egyptian myth AnubiS guards stood at the giltes of Hades the place thai Egyptians beitevcd they wenl after death Pharaohs olnd other eminent types would be buned With their treasures because It was believed theyd p,w. more favourably through the Gates of Hades It s kind of like slipping a bouncer a few qUid to let
you mto an t'xcluslve nlghl dub Kind of
com. up with the ,ood, . aut we',.. workin, on the tron'parenc)' . ff. et. [tor flo,. Saturnl ri,ht now and .0 tar our Sa'urn programme,. ha,n't come aerou many dlffleulti •• ".'11 find a way Ground It'"
-. ~~
"With c:h!;U·'Oct.n lik.
yow find )'ow~f lowlhinl. but if yow',.. lawlhinl crt ttl. foet that yow'''' on Q eompu''''' eon,ol. and )'ou·v. just hit 60_ poor I U)' in ,tt. fae. or Ih..,..', this IU)' on 'h. floor 'hat·, , twnn...:l ond )'ou 10 o_r and booml 1hal', "hot mok., .h. lam. '0 funny .'pKiaU), "h. n you look 0' ,om. of .h. P*Opl. 'hot eorn. in '0 play th. ,orn. and "hHi th.y ... 'hinl' lik••ha' hop~n . 'h. ), think "o,,! and i. mok., 'h~ " ani to Ploy .h. ,am. rno,.. ...
Overkill illso hils iI unique control system. 'he directionill pild Is used ilS in ilny other gilme. to determine the chilrilcter's direction. but the shooting buttons ilre iliso used In iI directlonill wily too. Four buttons ilre used to determine the weilpon direction, ilndfromthedirectiontht chilrilcterfilces(eilchchilrilcttr(an moytilround in ilnydifectlon). he CilnspraytheenemYiltupto il4S degree ilngle, making wilstilge of fifepowermuch Itsslikely,ilndil more precise game possible. It's similar to tht Smash TV control
Then~'s four playable characters In Overkill, and the way you use them is completely up to you. You can build up one character throughol.rt the game, or you can use each character In turn, using their particular strength for a certain level. This efftctiyely means that you have four IiYes, although there will be some form of saye in the game - the programmers haven't decided whether it should be a password or automatic saye yet. Each of the four characters has very different abilities: There's Kree g, an earthling armsman with enhanced aggression. He's a mercenary with little time for anything other than earning his crust. Heis, make no mistake, extremely yiolent, and likes nothing better than to blow away anyone who's not on his side. Thenthere'sQuogg,a lumberingsaurianwitha pta for a brain, but who can perform Incredible feats of strength. In fact, he prefers to kill with his bare claws rather than use a weapon. Jendryk Is an Hyrkanlan assas51n famous for his stealthy attacks on the enemy, In fact he's 50 cunning, half the time they won't even know he's there. The team is completed by Althea Timmeron, a transhuman witha penchant for anything that burns. Naturally, she's an eltpert in hlgheltplosivesl
, Konami signed outside development comltanies ' :. , 47 T£K I • I SAM HICKMAN visited their headquarters 1OooI.OI~1Al.I......:I' Kumite d~lopers 47 TEl< Is thatthty're absolutely nuts about Martial.t.rts. In fact,
he first thlngyou'U notice about
it seems you un', work there without be+ns1nvotved In It one way or ilnother - after iIIlt they do hr;e II ~r t lill arts centre slillp bang Inthe mlddleoflMirofflces.
And If you tillk to iII"yone there about t~I' favou~ diKipine, e~ Of they'll st iut high-kicking ilIll OIfound the desks. Most of the people that work there are either experts in their ch~n field, or ha...e bken an art up. under the experienced f!Ye of Derek Mitchell , th ird dan blade. bett in tH twon do, chief gilme designer and Kumite's producer. So, it arne as little sUfpt'ise to me to ttm:.7 TEX's debut snurn title is a one on one f1ghtinSlame enupsu'-'ns the fe.eI of reilll nurtl.ll ami" fact, you won't find anyth1ns1n the game which Isn't a move from one oflhe arts. The title, Kumite, .lIlms to replicate the feel of real m~l!t"l arts and brings the world's arenest IMrtlllartlsts t~ In one loum.ment. The result of enterina the competition could quite possibly be btal. they'll go OYer all misty
th.t they're b.slc.lly dediated to producina 3D fiahtina sames. And when they say 3D, they mnn it - their .im is to view. same from .ny .nsle and to be .bte to pl.y the s.me from .ny.naletoo. They're the only com~ny we know of t~t h.ve de<ided to purs~ only one type of aame, and ttlh should st.nd them in Sood stud for future ttttK.
AI the moment, only two of the flpten Mve been ~mmed Into Kumtte, and devetoprntont on those two characters Is stili In Its e.,.,. shps. ~,wh~'s alreMyapp.nent is t~ the two contestants have very different flgfrtinaskilis. hnmbl, the defendlnl ch.Jmplon, p~ the kunl fu style Harlmau SiI.t, wMe N..ajo Indlln, Mlrshall. prefers Co1poelnl •• cloH qUJIrters mar· tl.' art. Both h.Jve enttMd the competltkln for verydlffeorentreasons,butess.entlally.thelr.lmh to win the tourNment for the chance to fiSh! Ind tnlln with the uttim~e martla' artlst, Mastet Lo. As with.1I the characters, Team 47 are .lm1ns to PfOInim In rul rNrtlll am InO¥e5 ttllt.re played In. spontaneous ~ - so you CoIn eftanp dlrec· tlonsln the middle of movements, Of slrins combos topthef then chanp them .t the lut minute - just like In reallih!. And M the pme should be 3D, you' ll be able to side-step or lNdtwards docIse your opponent In 3D space, glvlnl the g.ame much ~ realism than in MK3 Of Streetftshtet Alpha. "'s we mentioned, IWmite Is stili Incredibly earty In development. but with such. laqre team worklnl on the project. it's likety that P"OI'fts on the title will be stormlnlahead O'vef the next coupte of months. WIth any luck, we11 be brlnslnl)'Ou .n upd~e on the ,ame within the next coupte of "MIni
BEEN AROUND THE WORLD 47 TlK ue quite odd as far as development companies SO (.nd th.t's sayinS somethlnS conslder1n, the usual array of oddballs thM tend to be employed In Ihe computer lame business). In ~itlon to lhelr martial .rts obsessed S.n francisco base, they work Ifl conjunction with their Chinese counterparts. who are based Ifl Taipei. The two compaflles work on one project M the same time, via the Information superhllhway. So, when one branch is finishin, up for the day, the other is just surtlnl- by putting the day's work on a hup networil between the two comp.anles, one team can besln where the other left off. ThIs means thM for Kumite there's ~round 60 people empio)'ed on the ,.ame and development Is t~kln, place 14 hours a day - so in all, there's much more development time cnlmmed Into one ,.me than some other teams an m~fI.p.
l.u~,ft At Saturn Fighting Vipers!!
Sonmnes it's easy to furgetjJst how many arnamgSegacoiHJps are iU'OlI1d at any one tine. Thei' latest beat 'em ~ success isjJstiU'Oll1dthe comerforSabrnowners. We got these shots tIroughjJst beforegoqto press andjJst had to get them i1 thernag,
"the midst of the current frenzy surrounding the news of Virtu a Fighter Kids and Sonic flghter- both as coin-ops imd the revelation both are on
their way to the Saturn - it seems th~ we've forgott~ that Fighting Vipers ever even existed. But it does, and it's absolutely great. We'd know as wel~ beause we've played it loads in the artade around the comer from work, and as a f\!SUIt we're know absolutely thrilled to see the latest pies of the j2路BIT home COOYrfSion of one of our favourite ~a title. We're not just saying that. either. We mean it from the bottom of our giant shared heart wnkh we k~p in iI tank of formaldehyde. Well those little worhholk beaven ~r at $ega have been slaving OYer a hot computer for the best part of this year readying their Fighting Vipers console Invasion. If for one second you doubt OUI passionate affection for this game, may we beg you to peruse the shots spread across these pages All of them come from the official Saturn work.ln路 progress verSion. which Sega have kindly allowed us to get a butcher's at, be<:ause they knew It would make us happy. In a Similar frenzy of benevolence we're now letting you, our beloved reader路 ShiP, have a good gawp for much the same reason. Because we think it'll make you happy, and that's what's Important
If you're not familiar with Aghting Vipers you obviously haven't been inside an arcade for some time. Made, like Last BronK, as a kind of off-shoot from the Virtua Fightet5eries, Fighting Vipers features some outlandish and gel'lerally smart characters enga~ in a spot of single combat. Picky is everyol'le'S favourite- he's this little kid on a skateboard with some of the coolest moves seenjnanybeat'emup.H~r,alltheotherparticipantsareofroughly
equal skill and power - although their fighting style and tactics vary wildly. It was originally thought fighting Vipers was being developed as a kind of Junior Virtua Fighter for younger players, bot this rumour was prayed more than unfounded when players actually had a go and experienced the depth and frenziedpaceofthefinalgame.Afterthespectacularjob~adidonVirtua
fighter z we're espec:ially looking forward to Fighting Vipers here at SSM.
like every other game on the face of the planet these days, Fighting Vipers has a bit of a gimmicky twist to It to get players Interested. However, unusual though this maysound,It's nothing daft or superfICial. Each fighter in Vipers starts the bout fully swathed in armoured clothing. The effkiency of this armour varies fromcharactertocharacter, but all areasofallcombalantsstartout protected. however, as each region takes more and more damage the armour wears down, until bit of it area eventually smashed right off the player's virtual body,leavlng zones about your person more vull'lerable to damage. Obviously, saturn FV woold look a bit silly without this element, so you should be glad 10 learn that it will appear in its entirety, although we're unsure as to whether disalrded items of armour will remain cluttering upthe floor of the combat arena. This graphal foI~roI may be ucriflCed for faster pnxessing speed.
programmingthem.n to the home fray, riding a wave of induding Enduro Racer. and OutRun wholegeneration of2路BIT ~gad a ssicsl
made back when computer games were t ier, when any game that had more than action was an instant legend. Mankind had their Jike before or (thankfully) since.
Ask any sad old gamespla~r like our~lvts what Sega's best game tvtr tS and tht ~nswtr wtll ;llw;lYS be the same - Virtu~ ftghter 2 If you'd h~yt ~sked us tht samt qutstton ten years ago, howtvtr, we would have s~id 路WhySpyHunterofcourse-theamallnghigh-speed shoot 'em up where you control a transforming sports car/speed
Judgmg by the letters wt'yt rtCeivtd at SSM there ~re iooods of ptOpIt out thtt gagging to get their h;lnds on knocking-on-a-bitSegaarcadeconytrsiOns,~thret
on ttltir vay to the Saturn right
now are ttlt famous
thesewtremtlsttrworks.Fofstarters,thty;lllh;ldnovelty moving c;lblntts - people would travtliiterally hundreds ofy<lrdsto Sttk out tht full monty hydraulic Ferr;lri replial OutRun sit路in abinelltt ;llont th-t turn-you-upslde-down AfterbUrntrmKhlntSoidlythest;ldd-onS;lreun;lv;Jil,lbltforth-tSoitulf);lSyrt blrt the playabtllty lem;lins awesome Yeah yeah, you may scoff. but WIthout H~rrltr thert'd be no Panltr Dragoon, ;lnd Stga Rally doesn't tvtn ~ as m;lny cour~ itS the fabulous OlrtRun (whkh ~Iso allows you to choast your routt through tht g~mt ~t tach checkpoint),
One of Ihe reuons Space Hulk is so popular wilh Ihe anaemic mole-like people who seem 10 play ~ combat strategyR RPGs is Ihal il has a huge arsenal. That's nOllike a big football team towering monolithically over the world, it me ans loads of differenl guns, Which should also endear il to bloodthirsty video gamers 100, Before each mission you're able 10 1001 up from a seleclion of heavy duly arms, from Bolt Throwers (machine gun things) through flame throwers to chainsaws, each of which has its own advantages and ammo requirements, There's slrategy Inherent In this too, aschalnsaws are use less at long range, and a grenade launcher is no good when a Genestealer Is chewing on your nose,
lifM)'''' mCIfttIII . . . _Mt't ........bout the uist.nuof NIGKTS aMi
n- Mre we .,. . . . . . . . 5hoMMe on tke merry' litt.. bliiPter and his
......., kMtIdIIi ..... -.....nt about NiGHTS Is bulWhllto fewr pH:d\
.~ ,..,."KfOHttte IJott., and quite rfthtty, because It's sur. to be I stwmer. ln true SSM tradltHJn we'"" rot Mid of tonftfl more pictures, with _ _ WormatMM ..meet 1t~lpt froM the clenched mouth of _ . of ~8L .... gpId . . . . . . " . , . . . . . . . . lllt month hiS bMn maintaine4"
. . . . . . . . . . ClIMIIWIntty .xpectlnltomHltheir ...... 1IIInch ....Thlnks to tke HerQllean
........-.n tMre', plenty new to Sftth"I".1Ir~~"" ~ abfllt* .. frKh I.,¥ltls. So Hop No
h.... . toot at the pkturlH. »
In tht' rarli('f versions of NiGHTS ~ saw the Juvenilf.' protagonish wer. III equipped to deal with the Nightmarun hu.uds .liwaiting them. That's Pilrtiilily because the Nightmarean hazards were ilwaiting iI long way
away having not been Invented yet, and lisa beuuse the authors hadn't programmed their full upabiliti~. Well we're not sur. if Cla,is ilnd Elliot iHe quitefinished,buttheydonow have an attilck. It's tentatively t Itled the DriU Dash,and It's fairly easy to guess how It works. Push the right buUon andyour bloke (or blokess) performs a turbo pirouette,speedln g forwilrd into foes ilnd bilshlng them out of your dreams.NiGHTS hilS picked up iI new skill too. He tiln now destroy enemies more quickly by grilbblng onto them ilnd looping ilround, using his opponent ilS iI lever_ This SilveS performing iI whole big Pilrilloop (the new officiill nilme for the fly-in-a-drde-ilnd-open-up-il-yorteltilltilckdetililed in issue 7) .
LAST TRAIN TO TRANSLUCENT All those doubters who said that the S<IIturn can't handle proper translucencies can just go and bally well ut their hats, be<ilUse NiGHTS shows that this lovely effect Is fully with in the reach of the Sega m ..chlne. Don't believe us~ Well check out the sha ft s of sunlight leaking through the trees in these shots. Does that look all piJ(tlly and blocky to youl No it doesn 't. And anyone who says djfferent is a liar. Of course, this isn't the only innovative graphical effe<:t visible in NiGHTS , but it's certainly ont
Saturn owners will be pleasfed to see at last.
ute in the Big House isn't all Ronnie Barker and grouting a snouty, that's for sure. See what really happens on the inside (in an alternative future) with Gremlin's Jailbreak Rock_ Soyou·dthln~l.wdedlsJustilSlmplistlcbl.lst
iI-,amaw,thnone of the subtletydemilndedby today's lIamers, ilndyou'd behalfnght There really
isn't rnuchtofeedyou, br,lIn in Loaded,butther!"'s plenty ofk,lhng and mayhem, and YOUf leact,ons relnfOiasofet~tIn8i1tthemullllud'nouShands
nd other terrOfS You, eyt"sare alsom for a sore test Ihilnks tothe "iltmosphenc· use ofhgh\ln8 whKl', esmOSlofthegamemtoneaf·totaldilrkness mmated by muzzle flashes and explosions
er,e aren't milnygames on the S.ltull1 wh,ch a~thlsmuchemphaslsonstrilI8ht-ahudklllin8
,thout the ildded fnppery of all -ntw NextGenefilhoneffccts.Sure,toOJded
has ,tsfall share of p,BIT beilds ilnd · . Irmk. vtillitshtilrtrt·silnon.stop ~11I·for-thfilis blilsler. ilnd iI prettyfhp. ne,iltthat
your own h.andshuprofoundr!!d!!mptl~qu.ali·
ti!!S, sur!!ly mean ing no plil)'er oflo.ad~ wou ld ever comm it ~ n .a trocious crime ever, And .anyw.ay, you're supposed to bt over 18 to pl.ay It. As you might h.ave surmis~ by this pomt. ~dedis.anilctlongilme It'S.a 50ft of cross b.!'tween Doom ilnd ilnc;!!nt Alilrl cOln-op G.auntlet The proceedlngSilrevtewedfrom.anl§.O~tflclneilrlytop
down ptrspec1lve, ilnd your job is simply to gUide your chosen protilgonrstthroughthevarlOlJsmaze·hke Ity· tlsofchokey, blilsting tvtryone to bits and surchmg for the eXlt_A confrontation w ith the 8i1rganlllan prisonoverlordilwailsiittheendiindSI8n1flestheter. minationofyovrpoffid~ And thilt's II
Already doing the rounds on 3DO and PlayStation, The Need For Speed, arrives on the Saturn looking to make up some mileage on the likes of Daytona and Saga Rally. But despite some exciting moments, and a spectacular crash now and then, it doesn't look like overtaking.
henYOUhlt1 7 onethini InpillrticulilrM<OmeSiI prloritY-lettlnllilclr InOldertoembilrkonil
mOftmiltureposet«hnlque, Nowilltlut,
you're in iI position you
illwilYS used to
tnvy. No more hurtbruk ilt being dumpedbyyoulgirtfritndfor ihalgu), withtheViluxhaIlNov.a,btcaust now that's youl! Or ilt lusl It would be If you didn't hilve to go through the Irri-
hltinB businen of leiltningto drive in
the first plilCt, or hilvlng to hke iI test with,lIninstrudorthatlooblihabrylcr~mtdprilyi"lmantls. lnfilct,when
you do finilily 1"';;I,n to drive you quickly come to fullsethilt it's ofte n more bother than it's worth. I supposet hill'swhyrild ng si msillfesopopulal;plenty oflhrillsa nd no paying fOI petrol 01 spetdlng tickels . Even the mlshes luveyou with IlmbsstHi Intilctand functioning . Theont thing it won't do of coun.e is win you th~ fOit'<'Our of your fifth·form ,w«thurt. ThtNttdFoJSpeedmlghtha~btenconsldtrtd ultra·rta!lstlCacoupltof~arsagobut,wlththt
amvalofStga RallyandantwDaytonagamtlntht plpehnt. it's already falling behind in th t graphics and animation departmtnts, even though these 10 thtm· sel~sarequlteresptctable.Oneofthegamt'sboasts
when It appeOitrtd on the)DO WOitS that It managtd to SlmulatednvlOg more Oitccuratelythan anyothtr game This isn't alto· getheranldleboast either As well as IOclud· ingtenveryflashrtal.
gamt Tht problem IS that such dedlcalion to realism actually works agalOstltltfeelsalit\le too much hkt drlVmg whICh is pretty mundane unltssyou're loomlngaroundagrandprllCirCUlt or taking totlflY braken lanes In a rally car In tfylng to keep both the serious drlvlOgtnthusiastandthtloverof manic speed happy, It winds upsomt· where Iflthe middle, a lukewarm attempt at bothofthtm Amongtht mort excltmgele, mefltslnThtNttdforSptedarethe crashtswhlch occur with some frtquency, tspeclally whefl you're dOing It simply for the throll,Thereason Ihere are so many is becaustin head·to·htad mode you racewhllt all the legular dri·
Porsche 911. the lamoorghln, Diablo etc . ThtNttdforSpeed oncludts lots of stats on eOit,hmodel,poontlngout all that confUSlOg stuff likt how many horses It races hkt, rates ofacctl· eratlon, top speeds and soon This isn't useless info tither, tach car drl' vlOgasitsstatlshcssug· gest, and handling ina fashion that's unhkt any otherSaturndflvlng
entails avoldlOg Iraffic cops who'll pull you uplfthty can catch you afld promptly hand ovtr a sptedlng tICket ElemtntsHelh,sgl~TheNttd for Speed a morehght-htarttdtdge,aklnlnsomcwaystoll:oad lI:ash. If this was expandtd on, It would stand out as quite a unlqut racmg game As It is, the 'strlous racing Slm' persona rtars up and demands you respect t ach car's unique motoring characterIStics ilfld bc scnSlblc bydnvlOg thc fight way all tht time So docs It satisfy your nttd for sptedl In fits and starts,~,aldtdbythtchafl(ctotakcpartlOsome
spect..cul .. r cr ..shts Ow:railihough. Ihl' g.. mc rarcly movtsoutofthtmlddlelanc
re Rent any latest release for ·us
~- . ~';;-L ~ 1k:"~1"Y"' : .. , II;
~1'1"•• ' .u , . .,., ....... ~
-...:.r..-.... z , ,«.. rs.,_ _ I"~ T",,_ ,n _ IV'
VOU hu~ :3.49 for three evenings
.1' ....
~ ..
.. . . . ..
1~ lil'fU'I~11
dtKrlbeShockwJlve An .. ult ils;a kind of
Intehlctivemovle, although to be fair I!',
bted with the fMV (uttlng in now ilnd
then toflll out the plot. Not that the plot nH'cls much flIllnll out. To su mm Jl'
rize;Jlllens hJlvelnYldedhrth,ndyou must destroythtm. And thtrt It Is. Niltul'illlyyou'wgotastilte·of-the-art (ombJtalruafttohelpyouout, pJlck!'d tothettethwlthan;lIsoi1mentof potent wuponry. But the rest Is si mply .. miltt!!! of listening to instructions f rom hudquarttrs and shootinganythlngth .. tlooks"'ilguelyunhuman. Oh, and there Is thl! chanu to share, f_gung-ho high. fivn with your buddies In the post·conflict FMV sequenu:,. Although)"Ou ( .. n't fully pl,y this ~rt of
the game of course. Sowhiltis there to the gameplaythenl Hmmm, not much really. You're armed with regul~r luers, thrusters and missiles, which alelenewed along with YOUI shields when you fly undel a celUtn vessels. You then simply have to contfol the cross· hair in altgnmentwith theallcraft. and shoot the enemies when it target s red. Most oflhemare either tripod typeS like something out ofWaroftheWorldsorflytngallens that look like segments of Itme. Sort of Each part of your misston cames anobjectt~e.ltmightsimplybeto
destroy every allen in~ader in the area, but more often than nOI il comes with certaincomplicaltons like having to prolectotlrefineriesordestroya "'blah blah"'. desptte these obje<:· tlveS, what the game comes down to Is 10tsofendlessroaminsaboul. t arselingand shooting The repetitive nature of the action tnShockwaveAssault is one of the factors that contllbutes to ItS utter blandness With only the odd allen knoc kins about, you quickly become bored. and the fact that your airCiaft seems to by permanently set the OAPsp«d doesn't helpenhven the proceedtngs ShockwaveAr.sault reminds me a bit of Titan Wars. a game Ihal was similar not only In its bland approach tothegameplay bllt also In Its hugely naff FMV elements which are cheese personified It"s not even as if the inspilinggraphics make up for the lad of genuine excite· ment The texture mapped landscapes (app,Hently taken from real aerial photosraphs) look ok. but the ahen ships andanimationareal1dlsttnctlysub_sun. dard.Whal·S more. the detection on the crossfire Isn'talwaysentlrelyacwrateYOllmlshtbealmins directly at an enemy but your lasers will be hiUtnS
something next to It or in front and behind it The tnler-actlve elements that come In the shape of other pilots and your commander appeallns on the monitor to provtde obje<:tlves and soon. might seem hkefun but II is in fact more annoytng Ihan any· thins Ifyou're shooting civlhan buildings for the heil of It. YOllr commander sarcastically points out that "They're on OUf side". Ifyou're Idly wandering about, bored out of your skull. shooting at anythtng. she barh "This IS nota same helltenantl" Well. she's flsht thereat least TlIillllCGlltctDr.lfJIIlhlH
Otu ,t.tlltte. tHI t~1s eli_PIlle .Ipt WIIn be IIIt.ratld.
1~ I:J".I'i~.1 Baseball bats are usually used for doling out severe beatings in this country. Hmight surprise you to find out that that's not the purpose for which they were invented. No, they're actually designed to play baseball with. Learn how to put that stick to more humane use with Franky baby_ rrl bStblllllSI hlldglmtl Grrl It's about B1S Hurt,hklng the plIin, WUIInswup.lnland.,owllnl· It'snol slu),loundersatall, ohno,it"Bot nothlng,tilll In common wlththt Iilmtglrls have to plly It school Instndofcricktt. Andlhtrt'snothlnBsoftilbouthavInl to hold the b;atin both hands, JlSopposHtothe slnllt plW permitted In
roundtn. He<k, bueball Isamlln'sl,me, and
,nyone whouys other. wiN! has FDnk Thomas to illluewith . And FDnk Thom'lSdon 'thaveno nJmeliktnoloddam
ucount.llnt, youhur mel He's an all· Amtrklnlicktrtapep,f30dlnl sporting hero. Just to prove what a super sports bloke he Is, Frank hulent hlsnilme tOilcomputerhtdvfr· sionofhlslilmefor
thostloowuktopilr· tlclpiltephyslcally. Obvlouslythertaren'tmanyfilnsofFriln~'s
favoured pursuit In this country, which happens to be the nation~1 sport of Amerlu Otherwise there 'd be somesortofnat ion~1
baseball league on the tellyinstead of all this football business However, don't be d~unt t'CIbytherul~,asthey're
dead Simple. YOI.I're out if you miSS three pitches 01 have one hit caught-if you're oot out make your way around the fout baseshoplngyou'rel1Ot uughtootbyabase person on your Joumey between each one ThereaUy complex bit com~ With the thousands of stats whICh American sports fans don't seem to be able to live wlthout.allofwhich~reheavllypfesent lnBlg Hurt
Baseball. Indeed,itUkesaboutii hundred thousand yearstoactu~lIygettothegameplily,suchisthe
number of options and stat SCfeens stal1dll1g In your way. Onceyoudogettotheactionit"S a fairly straigh tforward procesSiinyone evenvaguelyfamlli arwlth anybilsebilll game 011 any forma t could get to gflps wlth. Differentcombm~tlonsofbut
tons and Joypad directions pfoducedlfferen! throws and swings. Once the ball is struck t heumefa pans out to a full overview of the field, where the batting
pitching team try to get them all out This is whefe the trouble sets In Certain sportSI1ot so popular In this country. like ICe hockey, can maite excellent games, usually becausethere's a lot of Inter· play betwttn team members. necessitating" fast.paced use of suategy as much ilsarcade skill. Baseballis far morestralghtforward,basedon Individual athletic ability and giving video games playtrsonlyonethlngtothlnkaboutatatlme,Asa result the sport is reduced to a taking·turns routil1e, insteadofa fluid ongoms game-whICh Iswha t makes an eXCit ing piece of software This Isn't to say Big Hurt Is awful It'S about as good as iI baseball game can be ItsJust that practically no-one," the UK is SOlnsto know
or care about thelrfOftune on the kllhng field thatlsabilseballdlamondlfyou'reoneof the Imllated few with a baseballinter~lthisis
OK. although it's oothmgyou won't have sttn on the Mesadrive to be hon~t. apart from the now-ublqUl' tous choice of camera ansl~ The majority of gamers would be best spend,"s thell money on somethlns moreuniversallyappeahnsOhyeah,ilndthe'com, menUry" is absolutely crap
1M ..tnlrd, illplrlq ~II 110.. til. to VIIllr &IotJ .Id Itritl.. f..rl!lotheHartlof~lcowardlytlltMlu. Tf'lIJ, III III God UOIIIIt ~",tar p.t-Irc.IMd buaGall tIIa1tl"$.
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We fike helicopters at SSM, In fact, we've even got aplastic police helicopter toy which flies up into the air when you pull on abit of string at the base. Tbat's how great we think helicopters are. Which is good news for helicopter games.
Perhaspthat'sbecausetheygrewup weaned on .. study diet of Airwolf and BlutThundtr.htadsfilltd with thepotentimilgeofashlnywhlrlybird rising Into yiew oyer the edge ofa rocky predpice. Or perhilpsthty'yt watched At Play in the
Fields of the Lord one time too many and are
plewlthastralghtforwardbuttonarrangement.anda chol(eof definablecontrolsfor~rnicketyplaytrs
Once you've got the hangofflying the Blackflre it's time to take on Gideon's forces, And what forces that man has, Withm stconds of sta rting your first miSSion you'll findyourselfsurroundtd,olssaulttd by missiles from tvtrydirection, The only way to les<ue yourself is to useyotJr auto-targtttmg computer to aim your many (but not Infinite) miSSiles ~nd bullets whilst hop-
obsessed with napillmlng anyone they see, Whiltever
the rtasons It's a safe bet that any new console wandering around on Its own looking lost will soon be set upon by a patk of chopper lIamfl pullins at ihcoat sleevesandtrylngtole..dltssoftw .. rtcollectlon ilstrilly. To continue Illbouring this analOJJ, up until now Thunderhawk hn been known and loved u tM Fagin of helicoptef shoot 'em Ups, overlotd;llnd sometimfl inspiration fOf the junior titln In the genre. One such of these is VIrgin's new title, Oper~tlon: B~ckfire.
of missiles which show up on your r~dar Reapea! th,s evade/destroylconttnuetrtptyth unlll all the mlSStonS arecompleltd This IS biislCallywhere BliKkfire lets Itself down a bit, It seems that the challenge has far more 10 do
It's got a ralher mOfe ,nlr'gumg plot Ih~n Thunderhawk. which concerns the US m,litary ketpmg recovertdallentechnologylnsecrttbaseiPrtdlctably, oneofthe~ t milltarygeniUseidecidestostealltall
and use the new-found ~r to takeover Ihewhole world. Only one man in a comparably ordmary heli copter can mount the covert mlssionsnetdtd to destroyGldton (for it Is he) and his large-army-siled -band-of terrorist s with theu tanks and their guns, andlhelfgunsandlheirbombs You've got a bit of back. up from an Intelhgence team at HQ,who brief you on each §Of tie you fly There arethretsortlesloamlsston,andnif'ltmlssiOnSlnthe game (making a totalofz7Itvtls),and each of these holsolprlmarytargtt whtChf'letdsdestroymg, and sometimes a secondary target whtCh netdSdestroymgtoo Yep. the emphasIs of BladfireIS clefinlntelyon bIow'ngthmgsupThe onlylrouDielsthathelicopters olre notOftously trtCky to handle. thanks tothenumberofways,n WhKh thtymove (turnIng. slidmg, up and down etc),Sothe first enemy you face is your own conI rols, Howtver, Bladfire makeslhmgsfairly Slm·
graphically-insplftdslrategy You'lt notgrvenenough time to pick off foes one by Of'lt. you have to walt unt,1 you'resurroundtdandblowupolloiJdofthematOr1(e -which sets you up for a fast and untimely death Once your targetmg computer IS blown Oul, or you lose an engine, or your stetflng IS conktd,lt's only a matter of time until you take the blgdrve The murky teJrture mappmgwhich looks more hke vaflousshades of sICk than terrain doesn't aid the atmosphere either Basically,Blilckfireisagoodgameenglnesaddltdwllh adlsappomtinglevelpremlse,ThemlsslonobJtctlYes increaseinthe<fcomplex, ty,buttheactlonrequntdto comple1:e each one doesn't Ifs enJoyable enough for a while, but don't expe<1 a diiSSIC-or even more than iI
'irQ il .efore Rent an 'atest re'ease for ·ust
uy; iff.
ÂŁ3.49 for three evenings
Angry at the world? Why not step into a thirty·foot robot and destroy your neighbours?Can't afford a robot? Then go down the shops and have a look at Gungriffon.
long it bikes to progY3ma game, although even arade conversions with all the fiddly design work al~.. dy out of the way take months. When we fim ~Gun8riffon_ritw;llSunderthe
Imaginative and evoativetitle of 3D Polygon. ",nd it was ~ingdevelopedalongsidl!hnltrDRgoon(thencalled
Action G;lime) as oneofthe first ~um titles. Obviously it's taken tMm iI bit of time to getthefinal prodoo In, gMnthatPanI~sS£QllEthasbefliintheshopsfor
months now, but looIIing
at how Gungriffonh.u tumedout)'Ollc.llndflinitely_ thatthere's~n alotoftimeand~ention I~Mduponit. lnfKtit·s
It w.as scheduled to appeilr inthefimwa...eofSirtum games, as opposed to the thlrd(ish).
Now.youregular readers. the ones whosupportourailingrent
cheques and put food in our mooths,)QI/1l already have read the Gungnffon
showcase we Pfinted In issue6,andforthatwe thank)QU,~f.there
ilfeSO<Tlepeople,pcopIe whoaren'! regula r readers. who might not exactly know what Gungnffon is about. well, we'll tell you. as long as you promise to keep buying our magazlr'leevery month
from now on. Promise/ All right t hen ~Gungriffon is a robot~rgame5etinad<ukfutule.wheregla nt conti
nental alharx;es fight each other fof the precious few scrapsoffossil fuel and mmeral resources left 00 planet Earth. You play the pilot ofa giant roOOtwar machine, and in each level)'OU're dropped in the mkldleofacombat rone with a specifl(mission in mind. Watw the bnefing befofethe$tage carefullyasitdetailsamapofthearea, enemytrooplocatloosandwhatexactlyitisyourr;ommandefs want of)'OU. From here irs a simple matter of crushmg and deslroying all that hes in front ofyoo {apart from the fr;endly fOKes}. ThiS might sound the premise for a thoosandgiant robot games, or helicopter garnes. or spa.ce ship garnes. or any number ofother kinds of games~ and ind~ it is.
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But it isn't the Klea behind GungJlffon that's exciting. it'sthe~ution.
Gungriffonreaturessome of the smoothest and most r;onvincinglyanlmated graphics going. especially r;onsidering the free play envirooment.Although graphics.theysay,maketh nota game, in this case they(ertainlyactto enhance the atmosphere and it's thiS which makes Gungriffonsuchan engrossing game to play AIongwithalithedestruc.
too The misslOflS that await you in Gungriffon are many and varied In concept. terrain, dlffl(utty,tactl(s and even lighting. And bydifferences in lightmg, we're not talkmg about the usual day/even ing thing ~ some Gungriffon stages are set in pitch blackness where irs impossible to seejustaboutanythmgexceptmuuleflashes. whlch necessitates the useofgreen-screen night Vision gogg1es. which have their own drawbacks. Much ofGungriffon's development time has obviou$1y gone into designing the levels in an effort to mal:efim·perwn free·rnwement blasting interestmg fof more than ooe level. The othef units engaged in combataround)QU,the instructions cra(klingthroughtheradioandther;onstantelementof surprise death keepyou anunedtothegameevenduring quiet moments There are alreadyacoopleofgames IlkI' Gungriffon fioatlngaround,lil:eThunderhawkandBlacl:fire {reviewed thiS ISSue~ However, they all tlil to capture the splf1t(arldtechnicalachievementsforthatmatter}of Sega'sentryto the genre. Maybe that's because irs had all thetime in infinity spent upon writmg It, but what you're IeftWithisa$uperlativesmashmganddestroyinggame. The Saturn doesn't score so highlyfor shoot 'em ups as it does for,say. fighting garnes. and Gungnffon isan
thrills you might be better offwith Panzer Zwei, simply bec4U5e)'OUrmech is slightly cantankerous and not as fluidmoving.~f,jf)QU'rejustinitforthe
explosions. Gungnffon is certainlyworth)'OUr money.
Gift. tht riM oftrlm.rattl l.ill\trcIUtII,Sanalll.lbdta Mpd.t.~lId.li"'l"JlII.tbod.,III1H.h"'i.lIp1 .....
4/11 SEGA SATl...'RN
After several months spent bouncing off the ropes, WWF Wrestlemania has finally made it to the Saturn,just in time for a summer slam. Was it worth the wait? With eight larger than life characters, tonnes of crazy moves to try out, and loads of mad combo's, we reckon so. resttlng has to be ont oftht most dtpreuinsthlngstofindyountlf watching. It's the kind ofdesperoltely bored viewing that makes you uk yourself angst ridden questions IIkt 'what am I doing with my lifel', 'sutelythere's moretolttholl'lthlsl1';lInd 'whydldl tvtr botnergettingSkylntneflrstplilcd'It's often been the way with the accompanying wrestting games as well.
It was with such anguish that I first took WWF Wrestlemaniafrom its case, sighing defea t edly as I
dosethetid,waitingdespondentlyforthelitlt screen,anairofresignationillready lingeringabouttheconsole ... buthold
on herel What's this? I seem to be enjoying rnyself, I'm actually finding some of this amusinsl It must meiln one of two things; either I've somehow mut<lted into the high priest of spodniKs or this is actually quite good. To my relief it's the later. The reason WWFWrestlemania su((eedswheresomanyothersh~ve
failed isall to do with its immediate accessibilily.After about five minutes you'lIflndyourselfabletoperform some of the most outrageous moves: there's Doink drawing a mallet from his Jacket. The Undertaker unleashing a pack of wolves, Yokozuma demon. straling a diving bellyflopfrom the ropes and loads of other over·the·top stuff going on. Ok. so this isn't what you'd normally see in WWF but then who want's to see conservative elbows and mundane knees to the back when you can have a real circus extravagan· la, That's not to say you can't do the boring moves as well. WWF Wrestlemania hasso many moves that you'llconstantly be discovering new ones, Another fear that normally pops up as soon as easytogetlnto'lsmentlonedisthatthegameisa
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bit too shallow. Well rest assured that Ihis isn't the case with WWF Wresllemania, because while it is easyfol beginners to be bashing away happy as scallywags. if you want to become a bit of a master you'lI have to start mastering the huge range of combos available. some of which involve over 25 conlinual hitsl Combo's are activated when you have some power In your combo bar which sits just below your energy bar and these are damn funny to watch Graphically WWF Wrestlemania doesn"t match thegameplay, bul while ifsall 2Dthe sprites are neverlheless nicely drawn and animaled and there's alwilysplentyofmovemenlinthering(oroutofit), especiilily when you get four wrestlers fighling iI huge brawl at once, As you'd expect, this isa much more satisfying game to play In two-player mode, pilrtly because the tournament iSii tild too easy and partly because gloating over a live opponent is more fun. It's true that maybe WWF Wrestlemania could have done with a few more characters, something that would enhance its longevily as well as Its playabilrty,butwhoknows,maybethere'libemoreina sequel. Yes another WWFgamel Previously that might have sounded like a deilth knell,but if they maintain and improve on the standard ofWWF Wrestlemania it might well be something to feel a bit cheerful about
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Agreat footban team? The defence is solid, the midfield inspira· tional, and the strikers deadly. But is Striker '96 deadly. Hmmm, it shows moments of promise but in front of goal it loses its nerve. l~?,~
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but thel.lds pulled through" and")'f:.I. _II, ls.lwit comlng, manJgHto get a touch and luckily it went In", And while football might be a game of two hatw,s.yoycan'tforgt1:tlieponlbllltyof extra-llmt. Sohtre It Is In the shape of AccI1llIm 'sStriker 'g6, theliitHtlnthe _ r-growlng range of footba ll sims IY3l1able on the »tum. You'dbtJustlfi~inthint,"g
thisO/'lt's misstdthe boOJt as far as Euro '96 iSconcemed. What's unfor· tunateis th ..! ifs only the first of manymisSfilfEuro'96isthemajestic Newcastle. FIFA '96 the solid Man U, Stnker '96 is the mid-table banill-
ity of leeds. Intermsmlhe ~opeofthega~tl'ltre's
httletowmpl.. lnabol.lt. It's got
38 intefn4ltionOil
sides. including the- more obscurefoot~tling
10SuJlyour_lOg desires and JI'S even got ~ flVl."-il-sldeoptlonwhKh IS somethlOgthiitfIelther Euro'96 or FIFA '96un boilstBut,lousea cliche almost as WOfn ilsfootbalhng speak, ilil this means nothlOg If the gameplay isn't up toscralch. And in Strolu!r '96 II Isn't For stilrters the ilctlons moves too filsl ilnd illthough thilt is somethlOg thilt appeills to some,l'm a tHt ofastKk!erfor reilhsm10 ilfooty gamt.andsu~uentlylfoundit
frustrating It illso munt that when thecomp!.lterpla~aSilgreiltteilm
hke ltaly,Cermanyor Brazll, the passing had an illm05t supernatural quahty,players movingthebaliaboutwlthatelepathiCilccurilCY Ihatseemedilb!tfldiculOUSiltflrstAdmittedly,ilfter get!lngused to the gilme style this didn't seem quite iiS bild iind ilS my technique ImproYtd I manilged to StilYe off their kniick ofSCOflng iI goiIl every ten seconds, Another departure f,om socce"eiihsm Ciimt wrth the behilVioor of the ~llltstlf It moYeS Ii~e one of those 99peffortsYOUCiinbuyatthenewsiigenhiindthiil
heop'" lIMN playm? Of ;NI'M "I. IIMJ'", lIP,
New ZUlilnd, ~II oflhe expKtt.'d options (form~ tion,strategyetc,), plenty ofst~l sforthemore
speclcy filns, ilnd iI wide choice of loofnaments fromtheone-dffriendly toEurO'96itstlfwlth~1I
surteentumsillthough it should be noted thilt ilil of the players in Stroker '96 a.efic·
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float iiwayiis soon as there'sii gustofwlnd Some of the after-tooch swerve made banana shots looic like cucumber shots In compiilison,priictiully bending thlough90' GlilptricallyStriker'96fi1Jlsshortils~I.TheSprJles
ilre smilll iind ilS iI result you don't get to gasp at the kind off\;rre pIiiyers show In Euro 'g6. lnsteiid they all jitter aboutiitamazlngp;tCelilu!21OYer·iic!lVI."schooIkI6s, What rtally staled rt for methough WiiS tilt tommtn· tiiry, Both Euro '96 ilnd FIFA '96 ernploy the tiilerltS of BBC's finesl but Stroker '96 opted for AndyG~, Sky's Yeflefiitedwindbag~somiiybethlsisslmplypersoniil
liiste, and you might even saylhe same for the style of play thilt Stroker '96 adopts,filst In the sense of the old ilrarde footy gilme5. Maybe, but that doesn't stop it from being often moreirritatlflgthiln fun to play,iind,wtoen it comes to choosing between wNt'S on tilt miirket. who would you go for - Newarstie or Leeds/
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nypeoplebetievelhert'salink between i child's upbringing and Ihe cuurthey choose tOl!'nter In later life. OodOfslend to run In the family. arid kids who grow up in liberal hippy environmentioftenturnout .. s ilrtish,actofsorrebelaccountilnts,Theprogrolmme. ofVirtual Openmusthilvehildgreatadmirationfo, his p;uents, who no doubt r.. n a home for aicoholk ho,ses. So much so that thf: shambling g .. Uop of .. d,unkenequest,ianl s repllc;ltedillmostperfullyin
thisgame-sOidly it is in the movemenl of your play-
et. Now some of you miy not havl! seen an aled-up gee-gee inilction, so allow us 10 desc,ibe the effect far yo .... TheplayeninVOpe nshiftilroundthecourt
- -'-'
It's another sport invented in Britain which we're famously bad at! It's tennis! And now it's here for your Saturn, you lucky lucky dogs. Play! like their legs are on sidewilys, ove"ruding tothe slightest touch of the controls, not going where yoll wolnt them to, or else going unstoppably too far in the right direttion , Sometimes you'll think your luck Is in olnd you've got your little bloke just where you w~nthim,soyou'lihitthefirebuttonandwatchas
they collapse polthelicaliyol mile olWolY like 01 $uperpoweredwinotryingtoesc ~pea noncoming
pushchair. Thisisoldivingshot. Perhaps needless to say, the pmpomt control pretty much essential to the success ofa ten",s simu lation is a teeny bit on the absent side. ThiS wouldn't matler qUite so much if the collision detection on your lacquet was a bit more predictable Sometimes you'll ace a shot you're absolutely nowhere near, and others you'll have yourself positioned perfectly only for t he ball to sail mystlfymglythroughyour racquet And It's not as If you can even work out the parametersofcolhSlon, because there's nofeelingofconnec. tlon when a shot strikes-you can't even really set whether you've hit or not until the ball is sailing acrosstheotherhalfofthecourt
siveselectlonofcameraan81estoviewtheaction from (all of which are accessible at anypomtdurin8 the game). The quantity of possible shots is equally plent iful,wltheverylittlebuttonuponyourjoypad commg mto play, producing a dazzling array of ten nis techniques to exploIt, especially when combined with topspin,sidtspln,jumpingshots,theaforementioned diving shots and soon_There's also a clever bounce-ometer, which predicts where th e ball will bounce on court up to three times by use of different coloured marktrson th efioor Th is seems a bit strange at first but actually proves quite usefl.ll. However, all this pleasant game deign frippery is wasted simply be<;auseofthe CI.lmbersome controls. It'S a shame, because an effort was obviously made to 8iveVirtuai Open a rea listic feel. Instead,the awkward over-com路 plex animation slows everything down and spoils what col.lld have been a de<:en tt ltle. Hopefully Imagrneer and Accla im will get their heads together and produce a Wimbledon Edition or somethrn8 whiCh will perform the same super-enhancing job as Victory Goal '96 did for its lamentableprede<:essor
7_9_ _
Ghen War certailly has been along time in coming. There were even moments when it looked like it wasn't going to make it at aI But thankfuly V"1I'gin got it together and here it is. And pretty good it is too.
lllttOOkWil SilftWJokHilbout
!;::i::tt:~~;~ ~:~haen~~:ilm.
mol - an illien rice t hat hild bHn ourchumslfter landlngonhrth u rtfutHS suddlmly decided to dKlart war Inltud. That',the problem wlt h,nenl, no senu' of humour. And anyway, they do look like fish. And while thistKplannkln f01'the hostllltltJ now exlst!n! betwffn human and allen mlSht 5ftm a
bit far fetched, lt's also Irrelevant. Whyl Beause Ghen Wilr Is "boi.It wh,t all wan iI~ about; Ioadl of shooUng, uploxlons, ildventurt and deilthl Ghen Witr is viewed from a first
live, the player assuming Ihe role of the cfack· comm ando who'sjob It
iI~someu sefulhttleaddltlonslikethemapthat h~Yen't - somethmg th~t enilbles you to aVOid the frustration of gomg fOUnd 10 elides But Ghen war does hilvt Its faults. To begin with the controls feel ~ bit dumsy ~nd the movem ent ~ t~d confUSing, Rest ~ssured though th~t once you'vt pl~ it enough to get c;omfort~ble Wi t h wh~t does what. progressing through t he game Is largely fr~ of illitiints, That is If you exclude the forever illit atmg FMVsequences that insist on poppin g up between stages featuring the usu~1 dose of h ~mmy. Hollywood wilnnabes.Fortunatelytheoptlonsletyouskipthese excruCiating sequenees which I suggest you do. The graphkSilren'texactly.senSiitionalelther. thetellOlins Iookmg qUite Similar to one another, lots of dull moody. colours, and the sputes move in a father wooden f<lshlon and I thlnt the game could probably. have done With mOle of them to hvtn thmgs up a bit more, Some lovely burning sunsets though With Doom stliliookmg like a famt prospect at the moment. a game like Ghen War makes for a pretty goodfillerinthemeantime.Thegraphieswon"t hilve yourjawdroppingandthegilmeplay.wonlkeepyour
thcfilststil~wh kh ls
ilctu;ally sI mply a tliJlnlng
course designed to
U/lI'" tripod • .,.. nt4 u d..dIJ ..IPGIIlofwariAlld btwll't th. Mr. Tontllli
familiarise playe:rs with t he controls and thc varietyofweapon s ilt thei r d ispos~1. E~ch st ~ge
til kes plilce on ~ different pliinetilndlnvoMscom· pleting~sefiesofmiS
sions th~t se'eyou destrO)'lng re~ctor refineries.I~lng~ sp~ceport,sneaklng ~boutonGhenspace·
ships and doing all of thilt classlcwilr·dog kind of s t uff.The wea ponS~ fepretty m uchstandardfare.
you'Ye got your eYer-present lasers which u kecilre of foot sold iers. super·chil rged Neutron lasen for the tougher enemy sprites, things like grenades and mines which are good for cau!.mg !.tluctufal dam~ge (eg towers. basesetc.l, ilnd missiles (ofdinaryor tr;tCkmg) whICh are designed to deal with Just about
. , . .
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of the mission obj«trves on each stilge,Ghen War manages to avoid becom ingtoorepetltlYe, ilnd this coo pled with the usualahen slaughter means you 're unlikely to get bored too easily. There
~ilrchof blood;lnd
Tu.t'.~t -.tlM t.t ...
toproYide a f~irdtgr~
istodon a hypersult and Iilke to alien terra in In
glory. There ,1lre SIX sUges in illl, Including
anything Despite the fact t h~ t Ghen W~r uses ~U of the established tricks Inthebook, taklnglts influences from games like Doom and Descenl it nevertheless manages
, . , SEGA SATtJf<N
chil rtse~ct lywhereyouh~Yebeenandwhefeyou
GhenWarhasjustaboutenoughrotheway.ofthlills to make you a conlent little alien annrhllatol.
W,tch1n! plsdne-Hq\l'e ,I!en, explode Is, wondem.1 plstlme I'm sure you 'lialtH. However, In Ghen W,r It's not 5OtI'Iethlni you can do unl"s you'.e lot a fine selection of _apon, to do It with. For surten there 'l the standard laset which you ha.e In lnexhault lble IUpply. Collen the diamond sh,~ Icon thoulh Ind they bKomt luper.chilt'Stdntlltronlasen. MJnescanbelOild to dtstroy anyth lnlthat comts within Its prolllm1ty(l!Jtcludlnlyouofcouru). Thtrelrfltenadel which, with, nonchllant tou, will SH your fotl bunt In bloodydfilth, and flnallythfrf Irfthe mlu!!". Ont kind locks on ,nd tl1lcks down fne-
1bIead ....... rise from beyond IIIe grave to striI8 soU! Yes, ~, 1IIe software title formerty known as Van1Jire IIunbr is aboot to infest Saturns tIroughoutllle nation, and in Illetlirdoflis~_opecIaIs, DAVIl HODGSON
swishes a ruffled cape aboot and ......... into a batt....... pit to~exactIy_llle_castofllis
beat路fest have ... oITer In IIIe combat zone.lIare you read firthor, dear ........?0Ny if you wantllle _ _ 1st
cisposaI pM ..... handy cheats tIIat ...... lIis ........ arguably IIIe finest 20 Sabrn beat 'em up .... seen..
A. newcomer to the world of the vampire Hunter, this pouessed lin un cer路 tJ lnly hoMI her _n In the combat zone th~nb to her baM! att.Jc:b Jtnk lnl ~ foe m~ny times, ~nd ~n ~rray of hllhly con"..lnl moves., sIKh as the wupon unnon where she throws ~ multitude of d~nle objects (sIKh ill bonsai trees., Capcom I)'mbols ~nd eYen ~n Allum~ dolll). Very popular In J~p~n, Hslen路Ko another start with.
Atlu~bly the mO$t _1I·rounOH of.U the ch.rIet.n • • nd lportlnl m_ than hll fair Ih.... of IpedlCul.r 1I'IOIIeI. th. n _ t recruit to the world of O.rklulken II yet .nothet' (h'rlct~ that Inwkl be m~lt.red inltlntly. only to
bepl·,.ed·I~in.nd·I·lnth.nkltoh ll excellentcombitpotentl.I. llt(h~lhll
klllet' Jhreddlnl.tbck.nd extre:mely _ird Ch.nnelled powers.
Not only is 5EGA SATURN MAGAZINE (ontent to detail all the mOYts of ~ry character, but we've t hrown In ilil the available chuts;as _III The following cunning
button presslngs allow the players to Increue the speed, twuk the (h,iltacter coloun a nd even commence a spot of blood letting against the ori81nal Oarutalkeft b<ickdropsl Are _ good to you, or whatt (Note that,ll chuts havII!
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MORRIGAN ENTERS CIVVV STREET! finally, the suC(ubus un changl! into a different set of do thing inst Udofperformlnllavlctorystance.Toachil!Ytthis,winyourroundoffightinBiindthe" presstheleftorrlghtshoulderbuttonS,;lIndMorrigantransformsintotl'lt
'undud .. bout town', compltte with mini-skirt OInd crop-top. Try holdl"8 all th.«klckbuttonSilndilsmilrteroutfitISilvillillble. 8utilrethereilnymore .. .?
AN OUTFIT FOR EVERY OCCASION! There ilre iI totill of eight colours for uch of your chilrilcten. from th eorlglnil! hues of the first Dilrkstillken game. to the excellent 'Gothic' costume hidden aWilY In there (check out FeUcliI In this colourl). Once you've entered the chilracterselect
ORIGINAL BACKDROPS... AND MORE! To rdum to the orlglnill version of the gilme (or the game that your PI;ayStorlion-own· Ing miltes wi!1 be pI;aying at iI VOIstty sower speed with less fnmes of anlmiltion). try the following cheat that enables iI se<ret optJons ween. Frornthe main title screen, select options and fromtherehlghlighttheconfigu .... tionselection. Once highlighted. quickly pms 8, X, down. A and Yand you should hear iI spot effect sound. Hey pmto, a new 'ilppendix' screen Is able to be ilCCessed where you mily ehilnge ilnd tweilk iI VOIr!· ety of options, Induding the choosing of the uniformofyourcomputer-controlled enti. ties, ilswellntheoriginal Oilrkstalkers bilCkgroundsilnd music (and Introductionl)
Enter the options scr«n and highlight the turbo mode, befo re pressing X,x. for· ward.AandZ.ilndthen hold down right to cycle through t he ex1ra tu rbo stilrs. After}'Ou'~selectedthespeedthatsujh}'Oubest .}'Ouarewhlskedofffornglit ·
nlngly·quick confronhtions with the enemy. Remember that the faster the game. the more difficult the Chilnnelled Mcwes are to execute.
-I; SEG.4 S ..a..TLrr.cN
X-MEN: CHILDREN OF THE ATOM There's a hidden "Screen Mode" cheat in X·Men, as wel l as Nisht Warriors, To do it. just do the same as before: Go to the options screen, hold l and ~ and t ap Up then Down repeatedly until the opt ion appears, If you t hink you're reatly good at the game, you can fight again st an extra· hard CPU controlled Akuma. We don't know the exact w ay at the moment. but you'll get him if you do this: Play the ga me on level B difficulty and set at least 4 perfect victories in the final round , Th iswili catiAkuma to fiSht you just before Jussernaut,
Thanks t o Graham Williams from Cornwall and Stephen Keys from Waltham Abbey for giving us these ctlfoats. They should all be entered when the same is paused, ) 0, 000 Crown s left, A, A, a,left, A, Right, Down Show whole map left, A, Up, Down, 8, A, A, 8 8, Right, A, left, left, Down, Rie:ht, A,A, left a, Right, A, Down a, Up, Right, Down , A, Down , A, Right A, Down , Dawn, Right, A, Down Down, A, l eft, l eft , Down, A, A, Right
Tha nh very much t o Nick Palmer f rom Cookham Rise, Nr, Maidenhead for find· ins th ese cheats for the arcade version ofSesa Ra lly, To access th e lakeside course in practke or multl·player mode, go to the trac k select screen. Now high light the Mountain course. hold the brake peda I down and enter t his sequence wit h t he gearstick' Ist , neutnll, lnd, neutral, ;lrd, neutnll, 4th, neutnll You'Unow be ableto race onthelakesidecoursel To get the se<:ret Hyper Car mode, you must be In a one·player championship mode,Go tot hecar select screen and hold the brake ped al down. then ent er th issequencewith thegeal st ick, nt, neutnll, lnd, neutral, )rd, neutral, 4th,neutr1ll Thecarwill now ffIOYe slightty faster th an usual, as well as having slightty better gripl
w;~:~; ~~I~~~~I:h~;':~~:~ ~;~~:I~~t~~::~~s~:a: ~';:i::
Is saying something after all this time . The secret of Guardian's apPf!i11 lin In the f~nlled mlon coupled with sophistkorted gilmepiOly elements, Including the three-plant playfitld and sPKialll'lO\'e$, not to mention the plethora of magkal abil1t1t-t and your tomble cohort.
It's gtutfun, npedallytilklng the multi-player optJons into account. And, of course, tht tart you un choose your route through the 801me muns It takes more than one completing to 1ft rwrythins Guardian HtfOft huto offer. It's hillel to ~monstQtt qUltt how much thert is going on at any one time in GUilrdiiln Heroes WIth sc~shots - ~hin81l'lC1VeS too quickly .mcl so milny enemies pile onto and off the 搂(~n in such oil short spaceoftiffieYOU can never upture the Immedi;tty of a single level. ~f, ~ can tell you that Guardian HelOts Is stuffed to the g,lIs WIth things to kill ;lI1d, th.tnkstoahi8hlyinfectiOusstorytioe,81~)'OUave.ry800dfeasoofofdoin8ittoo.
Thecartoon路esque sprites. gorgeous animation and vivid useofco!our
make ita!most (but not quite) as enJoyab!etowatchasitistop!ay. and It's baslca!!yjust one of the best gamesyou路U (lndon the Saturn so far. Eas!i!y Gilme of the Month and no mlstake,guv'nor
A~:::~=::h:~I:~~:hl~:::~~:dt~s;;::sa:;i::e~~~~e~d of the game Involves nurturing .. (OW ;lInd;ll square of grilss. You get: enctlyfouf years to make somelhlngofthe plot of Iilnd ilnd the over.llil aim Is to gener.llte a happy, bustlln8;l1ffluent(()mmunlty. It's sort of like Sim City except that there's litt!e beast Ies
Ihilt tl)' to ,tuck YOU;JIII the time lnstud of things like volcanoes or earthqauke5 happenln8路 E~hstr.Jlnofhorclehas a different ilbilityilnd ilSthe8"'meprOSteSsesthey
become Incredibly hard and ..tuck you at ITIOI'e frequent Inttrwls. Naturillty, your dmnces IIKome much more resilient after a while a nd you yn ewn employ your pet dr.Jgontogiveyouahandlnthl!~erstilgesofthI!8;lInl!.
Y" ...", w(lllderina wh.,.. ..ad ;ow diM..... COlli" ""111~ KIIIIII, ... th aItort rH PJ.
tlut,theSJltumhuJlgrut footletitletoitSname, sure,It'Ihk!n awhlie, but you can now relu In complete footie IUJ(ury. In terms of timi ng , SegJl couldn't hJIVe got It better-this title Is su re to rece ive loads of attention w hllethe EurotournJl menthk!s pla ce,a ndlucklly, they'lIegot JustJlbout everythlngrlght with the gJl me, And so they should do too -this wu oonverted from the PIJlystatlon Chrlstmu hit, Adua Soccer, and since then, the progrlllm mef$ have take n the title back to the drawing boJird to mJlke more changes to the gJlmeplay. The result Is brilliant-this uslly outcianes FIFAon the SJltum, Jlnd InJi ddltlonto the superb gameplJlY, the gJlme looks Irut too. There's multl路angled play, tons of blt SJlnd pieces toflddle Jl round with and a rully euy play system. If you ' relnto footbJlII, there's no two ways about It you absolutely have to buy thll gJlme.
T;t~:nr:;~~et;::: ~I;:;r!~t:~;::g:;:::~o~~: :~~::r ::sitt~=:t:~:;:I~::' game. Th is adwnture Is another Olscworld episod e and futures th e trials and trlbulJlt lons of Wlurd Rlncewlnd who with the help of Y3rious objects strewn Jlround the plJlce mu st go In su rchof,a nd ilayad rJlBon . InJlddltlon tOJlscrlpt form PrJltchett hlmlelf the re's a stJl t-studdedvolcePOllef(JIst Inci ud Inl Erie Idle, John Pertwee and Tony Rob lnlon (BJlldrlck out of BIJlCk Adder). The game 15 [played out mainly as an RPG with the emphasis placed on talking to characters and pic~lng objects up, although it's not an RPG like Mystaria where there's huge great battle scenes or anyth ing. Ifsmore story oriented here and mainly focuses around static gameplay scenes with a few mOIling charactersl objects that can be used tofirther)'Our adventl.lres. Plus, the emphasis is III" rymuch on the humour of the title and in this department. much use has been made of the "stars" employed to do the volceovers. However, although the voices work lIery well. the action is sometimes a bit stale and the graphics are a bit poor cons Ideringthat so much relies on the voices. But if)'Ou're a particularfanofPratch ettof)'Oulikea more involving play. then this could be up)'Our st reet
While this won"! convert anyone whodidn'f already like these kinds of games in the first place, it is a dever slant on the Sim City style play and ifson e that works too. If you fancy iI bit of Wiltegy without all the dull stI.lffthatcomes with it. then
this is eaSily )'Our best bet.
ÂŁ44 . 99
excellent (omb<rt title from C.ilpcom. And being from C~pc:om, it's one of th~ htall)'-on-thl!-spec:I~I-mOYeS formulas th~t's ~lw~)'S worked $0 well for them in thl! p~~t.
Darkstalkers is no exception, bvt the difference with this coin-opconversion is that instead of superher0e5 or streetfighter cha racters. you get a load of urtoonytype monsters. whiCh inevitably makes the action pretty slapstiCk stvff A5 is par forthecomb;ltoourse,there'sabizarretheorybehindeach of the characters. bvt essentially,the stOl)'reYOIves around huntersandthehunted,sothere'saprettywidevarietyofcharacterson offer.A5forthegarMplay,well,it'sallprettytop.notchstuff.Thislsa pretty much straight COfM!!rsiotl from the arcxle gal'Tll!with plentyof massive combo potential. spoof superfTlCfo'l!S and a gefll!r.ll comedy kelabovtit.There'snodoubtthat this holds itsown when compared to the more serious Capcom titles such asStreetfighterAlpha,andif)OO'relook. ingtomakeachoice~n thethree, this
shouldplaceveryhighlyonthescale-it's ofhUfTlOUr or not. But, either way, this is moreacaseofwhether)OOhilYl!asense absolutely brilliant and an essem:ial purchaseforanycombatfan,
limey. This serll!S just kl!l!ps gl!tting bettl!r ~nd bettl!r, ~ftl!r thl! t~gedy th~t was Mort~1 Komb~t II on thl! Saturn, mOlt MK fans could be forgivt!'n for turning thl!ir backs on thl! titleforl!YI!r, bu1 luckily, this Yl!rslon mOfl! than putsth I! rKordsbalght,
Actuatly, thlsYl! rsjonlsI!Yl!nbettl!r. bec~uSl!itl ndudl!sabsolutl!lyI!YI!rythlngfTom
thl! arcadl!YI!rslon-$Oml!thlngthatdidn'thappeninthl!PlaystationYl!nlon. Althoughthisdoesn'tnl!(l!ss;uilyempIOYoilnyhugegoilme-breakingtechnical impressery, what it does offer is coin-op perfect game play with more cha ract ers than present in the other velsions. Plus of course, you get all theridiculousanimalitiesoiInd babalitles that have become something ofa trademark fort he MK series. There's no doubt that anyone who's ever bought an MK game will absolvtel y have to rush outoilnd buy this game, as it'sbyfarth ebestversionyet.ando biliously, the only one worth considering on the Satvrn. Sure, there's no clever po lygonstuff going on and if you want to get picky about i\. nothing's really changed m uchover the years, but then , that's what MK is all about-it's almost like being i nthe Masons or someth ing. Those looking for a more technically awesome title may fiod itbettertoshop~roundalittlemore,butforsheergameplay,itdoesn'tget much better than this
Rent any latest release for just
ÂŁ3.49 for three evenings
Missing those lovable Sonic rings ehl Well don't l!ecausetheyturn upinSonkThe Fightenas II. Each time iI fighter takes damilge, flngs are sent flying from theif body ilil over the ilrena, and the health bar moves down a notch or two. The reason AM2 Introduced this idea is because they felt it would make It easier for l!eglrlners tojudge they kind ofk,cking they're taklrlll rather than pass glances ilt the health bar every few seconds, It also opens upthe posslbihty of using the ) ungstorestorehealthoractasaddltoonOilbarriers路 something that AM2 are exploring at the moment
AM2 have decided toteasc the expectant masses by someofthemoves(harilctersc~npulloff. Alotof
arc quite amusing and it's clear that Sonic The Fighters takes <I comic look attheart of combat, using
some Ingeniou53D morphic effects to create some rul slapstick fighting routines. Thtre are of course loads which are yet to be discovered and therc'lIno """ "mo""",,,,,,before SOnic Fighters makes it Into )'Our arCilde, One thing still to be decided is how to differenti路 ilte between the characters when Sonic takes on SOnic, AM2
You'll notice from the screenshotsthat all ofthe arenas in Sonic The Fighters have fences of one kind or another, You may well thmk that this makes it similar to Fighting Vipers and in some
respects it does. However, AMl ilfC working to make these perimeter walls useful in terms of avoidln!! attack (by climbin!! them) and plan to Introduce a whole ran!!eoftechniqUe5 utiliSin!!the periml'i:er fence. You can see one of them already in the shape of Sonic's use of the ropes in the Green Hill Zone arena
Whilt Is th ldlts It true thilt Tecmo, the (ruton of the ptilpble,)'et ulUmiltet)' shilUow World (up '90, hilve the nut VF of the JrCild«l It seems thilt WiI)' If prellmlnilry reports ilre ilnythlnll to 110 by-ilnd the lIilme's onl)' so"" ,omptete. let us tilke)'ou further Into the TecmOlone.•.•
BASIC GAMING JAPERIES This is the first time Ih~t Sega have allowed ~ third party developer 10 make use oflhelr world famous Model 2 board,andlheresultinggraphicsinDe~dorAliveare
nothing short of stunning. Our ovtrSeilS editor went to see Tecmo at their Jilpanese offices ilnd found thatAM2.the producers of the Model 2 boilrd. have no Sil)' in how the board will be used byTecmo,soiln)'Jibes about Dead or Alive being Just another VFcloneilrejust not true. As with most 3D games. Tecmoused
EXPLOSIVE BOUNDARIES We've had ring ollis and no boundaries fighting, but in
OOA. there's a fighting ring with explosives ~ around the confines of the arena. Should you get poshed into
filmousJapanese actor iluditioned to get the Pilrts, and ithas pilid off reall)' well In terms of charactermovementl
I'M ACONTROL FREAK! So what makes this game unique compared to legendaryVFand FightingVipers~ Well,ratherthan jump on the VF band wilgon and opt for t he simple punch,kick. ilnd gUilrdbutton.Tecmohavechosento h~ve ~ three button control of punch. kick. ilnd HOLDI Aieeel Wh~t will life be like without the now standardbloc:kbutton1Forastart.conW'ntionalbloc:kingisoutofthewin. dow, along with it the defensive/passlvegameofold.lnstead.Deador Alive offers a game where there's ilctlon illithetime-as pressing the hold button when an opponent attacb resulh in your fighter grilbbing theilssaltant"s limbs.And,after much skillful button pressing. sinew tearing ilnd grappling. the standald fight will be resumed. Unlessthilt is.YOUf opponent reverses the hold and does it bilckon youl So. the action will be extremely intense, adding to the VF formula of floating atlacks illoflg with Tekkenesquemuttiholdiltbcks theother3Dgi~ntslikethe
one of these danger areas, prepare to take high damage in the form of huge limb-teilringexplosionsl As long as no cheap ring outs Ciln beexecuted,this unique feature Is sure to be a great ilddition to the beilt'em up formula . As we ~lready mentioned. Dead or Alive is iI Model 2 game. and that r;an only meiln one thing for Saturn owners - a converSion is on the booksl The game is not due to make its debut unlil this summer, but Segil and Tecmo are confident enough that the game will have a pretty big following when It's finally released, ilnd consequently.~Saturnconverslonisalreildybei ngplanned.Hopefullywe'lIbeableto bring you more on this one next month.
BortourNews _ ! Istandinaweof_~~
they cal SBlASATUIIII MAGAZIE. _ you do me the kind favoor of.....,....q aCOllY I ""IY read at IoisIre. Athousand thar*s, and ""IY the tllsiny!Jll'fine_k8ep~
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O,Siil;l: 1;11! #13 j! G'
FOLLOWING IS A UST OF PROVISIONAL RELEASE DATES FOR FORTHCOMING RELEASES. PLEASE REMEMBER THESE ARE INTENDED AS A GUIDE ONLY AND WE CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHANGES OR DELAYS. BAKU BAKU ANIMAl .................... .JULT BlAMl MACHINEHEAD ..... ........ MID JUNE DAWN OF DARKNESS ..... ....... 21 51 JUNE DEADLY SKIES .............. .. ............ .JUNE DESTRUCTION DERBT .......... ....... AUGUST OOOM .. .. ...... ...... ....... ........ SEPTEMBER GUARDIAN HEROES ....... ........ MID JUNE HEXEN .. ............. ............. ......AUGUST LEGEND OF THIOR ...... .......... EARlT JUNE LOADED .. ........ ..... .................... .JUNE MORTAL KOMBAT 3 ............... END MAy NEED FOR SPEED ................. ... 5TH JULY ROAD RASH .. .... .. ............... 28TH JUNE SHINING WISDOM ... ............. .MID JUNE SHOCKWAVE A SSAULT .......... 14TH JUNE SPYCRAFT ..... ............ ...... ....... AUGUST TUNNEL B 1........................ 28TH JUNE VIPER .. .. ........................... 28TH JUNE WATERWORLD .................... 28TH JUNE
We only selIgenuine UK machines, nal European imports, All machines are fully guaranteed for 12 months by $ega and we offer full after sales support, II your machine deve/Oos a fault we will COLLECT IT FROM YOUR DOOR FREE OF CHARGE
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TRUE PINBAll """'"'' """"""""""",,,£35 ,99 VAlORA VAllEY GOlF ,£36.99 VAMPIRE HUNTER """"""""""""""",,, £CAll VICTORY BOXING ~VCI """""""",,, £ 39 , 99 VIRTUA Cop + liGHT GUN """"""""",,£52 ,99 VIRTUA Cop INo GUN)."""""""""",,£36,99 VIRTUA FIGHTER 2 ........................ £36.99 VIRTUA FIGHTER REMlK..""""""""""",,£2 1,99 VIRTUA RAClNG"""""""""""""""",, £3 1,99 W,NG ARMs""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,£37 ,99 WIPEOUT ...................................£29.99 WORLD CuP GOlF PRO EDITION.""""",,£34 ,99 WORLD SE RIES BASEBAll" "",,,,, £38 ,99 WQRMS ,.. " ... " ... " .. " ... " .. " ... " ... ,... ,,£34 .99 X MEN' CHILDREN Of THE ATOM ..... £36.99
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