Air part b

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634901 ZEYULI






image 1. San Genna


B.1 research field Geometry Free-form shapes and structures with a high geometric complexity play an increasingly important role in contemporary architecutre.1 Geometry in computational design field has it’s own development potential and strength. It emphasizes the free-formed curves and develop-able surfaces; it is inspired by the nature, using digital model to represent and explore the nature. The shape in the natural world is unpredictable and beyond the imagination. They have many opportunities to design and develop the shape, the relationship between the two species and spaces. While the digital models are relatively easy to created, the actual fabrication and construction part is a challenge. Therefore, digital prototyping and manufacturing become really critical in the geometry architecture. I choose this field is because I think it can really pushing and changeling me to think where is the limited point.

aro North Gate by SOFTlab


B.2 CASE STUDY 1.0 Green Void - LAVA image 4. 3D print model

Green Void is a visual connection in the central atrium of Customs House Sydney. The consistent shape is driven from the nature (cells, crystals and soap bubbles) and achieved a very efficient conenection in three-dimension space. It is purly digital designed and the matertial is lycra which is lighweight fabric with tensile strength. The design used computer to calculate and create in order to creat more with less. The installation was comprised of 3000cubic metres of space enclosed within a minimal surface area of 300 square metres and used only 40 kg of lightweight material.2



image 3. section plan

mage 5. 3D fabricate template

image 2. Green Void by LAVA






Based on case study one and my design ideas, in this stage I want to achieve a organic shape by imitating the natural species such as coral, tree branches and squid. So I starting with a simple shape and add elements on gradually, trying to transfer the shape from 2D to 3D. In the first species I’m thinking about spider web, so I start with a rectengle, so I try to reach all the direction as much as I can. Then, based on the first species, I start to created some 3D shapes by thinking of the coral. The third iteration is based on tree shape. The start point is a “Y“ shape and I’m trying to repeat the first step which to reach the all the directions. Then, for the fourth species, I combinate the three iterations to form a shape. I think this speices is the most successful iteration because they are all disorderly and unsystematic. The last species is trying to imitate the squid. I add a base first, then develop the branches. The shape of branch is based on the 4 species before.


SPECULATE I think the application should depends on the scale. For axample, like the species I created in B.2, if we consider them in a large scale, it’s easy to become a pavilion or a play grround for kids. For these situations, the material should be strong enough to support the external force. Also they can used as aconnection between two spaces (just like what Green Void) to provide a strong visual impact with the surrounding environments, then in this case, tha material should be lightweight and developable. In a small scale, it can used as a display table or a shelf for little accessaries. Then the material should be light but strong which can achieve stable and movable aspects. The free-formed geometry brings the beauty of the nature, and everyone can enjoy it even they coming from different cultural or educational background.


image 6. NonLinlin Pavilion by Marc Fornes

image 7. NonLinlin Pavilio


image 7. fabrication process

image 9. co


on by Marc Fornes

age 8. connections

B.3 CASE STURY 2.0 NonLinlin Pavilion -Marc Fornes NonLinlin Pavilion is a perforated aluminum pavilion which designed by French architect Marc Fornes. The pavilion resembles a giant piece of coral, it is a prototype which engages in a series of architectural experiments referred to as text based morphologies.3 The shape is computer-generated and assemble from 27 components.4 Because of the properties of aluminum, the structure is extremely strong. Because the whole pavilion used over 155000 strips to build, so every strip has a asterisk which make the fabrication process become easier. The two strips are over lapped and connected with small aluminum screw. The fixed connection also add some strength as well. I think this project is pretty successful as usually parametric design can not analysis the properties of actual materials, and the geometry driven from the nature is usually very difficult to make a physical model, but this project rebuild the digital design into a real one.

onnection in detail




decide the input curve shape (voronoi 3D)


baked the curve set a box put curve into the box generate the original shape (millipede)


adjust the parameters (geometry wapper+iso surface)


adjust the parameters final shape (mini surface)


add pattern to the final shape (polygon)





The reverse engineering I did is a bit different from NonLinlin Pavilion. Firstly, the shape is different, I used voronoi 3D to get the original shape whichi is a bit simple. But somehow, both of us get some “Y“ shaped result. Secondly, some part of the openings of the Nonlinlin Pavilion are connecting together whereas mine are seperated. Although both of us have a very organic shape, but the one I did looks very artificial whereas Nonlinlin Pavilion is like naturally grow up. Both of us have pattern on the surface.


B.4 technique:development

pattern N

Kangaroo UF=


voronoi + milliped

voronoi + weaverbird volumn s



=0.374 15/pre sec

pe N=0,24

de N=2...12 L=13 T=0.48

scale=0.8....1 N=100 area scale=0.863



I’m a little been restricted by over emphasis the shape in case study one. I’m trying to add more attention to the natural movement in case study two, for example like gravity, tension. As geometry architecture is a bit more about the relationship between the shape and nature, The main criteria for case study 2 will still be the organic shape, but a disorder shape and natural force will also become a part of criteria. I choose the first two shape is because I want to have a fixed structure but looks like it’s under a force or a movement. For the same reason, the third iteration are chosen. The shape just like the action of water dropping off from some height. The last species is like a wrapping tube and has some flexibility to go back to the original place. Moreover, the shape is really disordered.


SPECULATE For now, the applications are bit wider. First, it can be a roof memberance structure or a outside memberance for a pavilion, and due to the “developable“ shape, it can easily involve into the environments. Moreover, the shape can also used as some digital designed furniture which can place in a open public space. A exihibition palivilion can also be comsidered as they can divide space into several parts. Material here should be strong to support the structure itself and also need some potential to avoid the changing climates. Besides these large scale applications, some small scale applications can also work very with these iteration outcomes. For expample, the truss structure can be used as hanging base for small entertainment equipments for kids, therefore the structure should be stronger enough to keep stable.


B.5 technique

For the prototype, I’m really i strips join together. During the I found that Marc Fornes first sep many strips, and laser cut all th There are two holes near every then overlap the strips and use nect the strips together. I used outcome does not very succus is not smooth as what Nonlinlin



interested in how these research of case study 2, parated the structure into he strips with numbered. half of the flower pattern, e aluminum screw to cond same approach, but the ssful. Because the surface n Pavilion looks like.


B.6 technique:proposal


Merri creek is a environmental reserve area which once had been polluted. However, small waterways make up three quarters of the total waterway network in victoria, water is reallt close to the local communities. Waterwatch is a program which help with locak community to protect and know more about their river.

As the reasearch I did shows that: there are lots of primary school joines this program, students are organized to go to the river side and take some water, then take the water to the school to do some water quality experiment. However, the water speed of Merri Creek is really fast in some part, so it will be dangerous for primary school students to collect the water by themselves.


The site I choosed for my proposal is because: 1.Most importantly, the water speed here is quiet slow, it is saft to collect the water and replace the equipment. 2.This part of site is easy to access and close to the communities. Based on the inspiresd by the case study, I decide to use the coral or squid these natural creatures to devlope a design related with water. 1.the branches can help the deisgnkeep balance in the water. 2.the organic shape can involve into the natural environments. Then I come up with a proposal:

“Create a multi-functioning water container which can also detect speed and direction of water with organic shape, to help the local community knows about the river and identity the problem easily.�




Studio air really pushes me a lot. I feel stresses out but also learn a lot as well. The relationship between strcuture and air or we can say, space has a really important impact on the design and fabrication. During my research, I find that architect is not only design a object, or a building, but also need to design the relationship between the design objects and spaces. Computational design plays a increasing important role in nowadays architectural field. After 8 weeks learning grasshopper and doing parametric design, I feel a little bit confident in using the computer to make a creative deisgn by myself.




image reference list: image 1: Design Playground, “San Gennaro North Gate by SOFTlab“, reviewed at 24th, sept, 2015,< gate-by-softlab/> image 2: ArchiDaily, “Green Void/LAVA“, reviewed at 25, sept, 2015, < http://www > image 3:ArchiDaily, “Green Void/LAVA“, reviewed at 25, sept, 2015, < http://www > image 4: LAVA, “Green Void“, reviewed at 25, sept, 2015, < projects/green-void/ > image 5:LAVA, “Green Void“, reviewed at 25, sept, 2015, < projects/green-void/ > image 6: Dezeen Magazine, “NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/ and The Very Many “, reviewed at 25th, Sept, 2015, < linlin-pavilion-by-marc-fornes-the-very-many/ > image 7: Core 77’s, “Marc Fornes & THEVERYMANY Present “nonLin/Lin Pavil ion” at FRAC Centre“, reviewed at 25th, Sept, 2015, < posts/19953/marc-fornes-theverymany-present-nonlinlin-pavilion-at-frac-cen tre-19953> image 8:Core 77’s, “Marc Fornes & THEVERYMANY Present “nonLin/Lin Pavil ion” at FRAC Centre“, reviewed at 25th, Sept, 2015, < posts/19953/marc-fornes-theverymany-present-nonlinlin-pavilion-at-frac-cen tre-19953> image 9:Dezeen Magazine, “NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/ and The Very Many “, reviewed at 25th, Sept, 2015, < linlin-pavilion-by-marc-fornes-the-very-many/ >


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intext reference list: 1.ArchiDaily, “Green Void/LAVA“, reviewed at 25, sept, 2015, < > 2.LAVA, “Green Void“, reviewed at 25, sept, 2015, < > 3.Dezeen Magazine, “NonLin/Lin Pavilion by Marc Fornes/ and The Very Many “, reviewed at 25th, Sept, 2015, < > 4.Core 77’s, “Marc Fornes & THEVERYMANY Present “nonLin/Lin Pavilion” at FRAC Centre“, reviewed at 25th, Sept, 2015, < marc-fornes-theverymany-present-nonlinlin-pavilion-at-frac-centre-19953>

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B.8 Algorithmic sketches











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