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Prison Planet A Christian Point of View By: John Conner

© Copyright 2016 John Conner

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Chapter 1: Everyoneâ€&#x;s Conflict Have you ever wondered why you are here? I guess the question has always been around and the answers are numerous. Your knowledge probably began in school which referred to everything as mass and energy. There were many theories on how the design of this universe came into existence although there is not much evidence to support most theories. I decided to look at the matter from the viewpoint of most people without any religious or scientific influence. Basically you can look around and you will notice that this planet is self-sustaining. It does not have a thermostat to set the temperature; you donâ€&#x;t need to supply it with water, food, or power. These systems are already in place. The Earth comes with all the raw materials that are naturally recyclable. To test these theories just leave something alone in the weather. You will find over time it will return to the Earth. Then you have man. The quest of man is trying to determine how everything works and why this is the only planet with intelligent life. For many years man has studied creation and has yet to figure out how to make the most basic thing which is life. We do our best to sustain life through advanced medical care but we cannot create life. It seems strange to me that everyone knows they will die yet the memory of generations before us gets cloudy over time. I could not name my family just two generations prior to me. How did you get here? You had no choice in where or to whom you were born. It is hard for me to believe everything around me including myself was a roll of the dice. I believe this sums up the struggle that most people have.

The next step in learning about our conflict would be to turn toward nature and families. If you look at the design of nature each creature has a built in instinct to live, eat, and multiply. This ranges from the plants and trees, to the dogs and cats. Humans share the same desire. The only difference that is present between the two is choices. Animals share a bond near to that of humans with their families at least in the early stages of life for most species. Over time it seems they forget their family and will often attack their own kind. Humans on the other hand do not share these features. A family always seems to have some bond that can never be broken. This basically shows the difference between instinct and choices. Animals do not comprehend creation and they simply fulfill a role in the environment from the ant and vulture that clean up debris to the hawk and lion that limit population growth of their prey. When a species is removed


it actually changes the environment and leaves it out of balance. Basically what happens is anarchy when a particular species is left with no predator. This is naturally balanced in nature because animals are given different birth rates. Large apex predators usually have small families with one or two young that actually mature to adults. Animals that supply the food chain usually have thousands of babies to supply the predators with food while still keeping their species alive. Who developed all these complex systems to the point you could remove man completely from the Earth and it would be self-sustaining? Obviously science could not give me the answer to that question because they are still trying to figure out how it all works. Why is an intelligent creature like man placed on this Earth when all he does is borrow its resources for a short time? The conflict of man is much greater than natureâ€&#x;s. Nature is on cruise control, it needs no input or help from man. To further look at the matter the main difference between nature and man is the knowledge of good and evil. Have you ever had that feeling that something was not right to do? Some people call it your conscience or inner voice. You know when something is not right naturally. You would not kill your neighbor and have no internal conflict. Unlike nature you can judge a situation whether right or wrong. It seems almost human to avoid judgment placed against you which often results in lying to deceive the facts of the matter. I have found at a base level I naturally gravitate to those things that are bad. Who taught you it was evil to kill, steal, lie, cheat, and the abundance of other evil things to do? Well it is true your parents probably told you about foul language and minding your manners. As a child,you have a desire to test the limit of everything often with painful effects. Governments have learned this and set limits on the driving, voting, alcohol consumption, and legal adult ages. This is because they understand that people donâ€&#x;t fully develop until they have lived awhile and understand the meaning of the rules and regulations. A child is not accountable for his actions at least until a certain age. Most parents determine when you are accountable for your actions which result in some form of punishment. Now we come to a problem because what you did is what you wanted to do knowing it was either right or wrong. Again that inner voice can be so troubling especially when you know you have done something wrong. Have you ever lost sleep and become nervous wondering when something you did would be found out. Why do you feel that way? Animals donâ€&#x;t have that feeling nor do they care about their actions. The reason is an animal does not have the knowledge of good and evil. An animal will simply follow its instinct to eat, live, and multiply without ever considering the actions it takes to survive.


Now looking at the difference between man and nature it becomes clear that you were given much more capacity to learn and create a destiny that nature could never duplicate. Look at our beginnings. I know I was taught like everyone that man has come from single celled organisms and that we have evolved. Have we really evolved? I know we have more gadgets and have become very civilized. This is no way means that we have evolved. If you took everything you had away tomorrow you would resort back to your initial desires. These would basically involve survival. Of course you would try to make life easier but you would not evolve into something new. You would still be you except without the gadgets and lifestyle you had. Looking at history, the evolution people speak of is just passed on learning. From the beginning we all want to be masters of our own domain. You want freedom and to live your life the way you want. Unfortunately that clashes with others way of life. This leads to battles and divisions among people. This in turn leads to the development of society not evolution. Today we have nations with common interests but we are at variance with other nations. If you lived in the US and were suddenly brought under the rule and law of China this would most likely result in a conflict against their policies. The reason is because you grew up a certain way using the teachings of your nation. Basically you live a life of crisis and seek to make your own world. Others have placed rules and regulations on you which set you apart from nature. Nature has no written law that continually changes and grows. Now from a common manâ€&#x;s point of view what is your life goal? You want to survive and thrive under your own rules. This is where we all have the same conflict. Your rules are not mine. Fortunately we are civilized enough to have some common rules but in the end you live and die and basically everything you had or have done is passed on in the giant recycle bin called Earth. Did you change anything that cannot be changed? The simple answer is no. You may have been a president, ruler, or king. When you depart your country may have been overthrown with a whole new set of rules and laws. Or perhaps you were a business tycoon. After your departure a corporate takeover occurred and your product or service became obsolete. In society we record the history of nations and there leaders and influential people. I find some really powerful people who placed in another era would be worthless to the new society. Your contributions are generally reserved for your time on Earth. Your knowledge is passed down either through history books or family members. That is all that is passed though. You return to what you are made of. It is no mystery we return back to dust as I know most people have watched a show on mummies or ancient civilizations and have seen unearthed


remains. Often times all that is left is either dust or some bone fragments. So what was accomplished? Did you make a difference that will last? Can anything you did be changed? Did you take anything with you? What was your purpose? These questions and many more plague people, which leads to a quest for answers. Whether you are religious or not these questions apply to everyone. After looking for answers for 30 years I have found you will not find the answer looking at man or nature in their accomplishments. After all they are all temporary and subject to change.

Chapter 2: A Look at Religion What is religion? Iâ€&#x;ve heard people say he/she got religion. What does that mean? Religion basically is a belief in a higher power than your own. Now this really adds to the conflict of man. How can you believe in a higher power when that would put you under bondage of that power. Suddenly you would be faced with a whole new set of rules and regulations that may oppose your existing ones that you created. I can tell you religion is not new and changes just like societies. In ancient civilizations you read that they worshipped a variety of gods. Now where did these gods come from? To be honest many were created by man himself. Today you can see the statues and idols that man has created since the beginning of time. Man would honor and pray to these handmade gods for all sorts of things. The Mayanâ€&#x;s sacrificed humans to their gods. The Egyptians relied on many gods that controlled everything from the weather to the future. The Greeks and Romans had gods from war to fertility. Why did man create these gods which just adds to the confusion? The simple answer is power. For a man to have an advantage over another he must create something more powerful than himself. Now if that creation comes from your hands or mind then that would place you in a position of power. Only you could be single source of knowledge relating to the god you created. Now you could find a following of people that seek answers and supply them through the god you created. People are vulnerable when they believe your god could perhaps heal, bring fortune, bring power, bring fame, or bring glory to you. The fatal


weakness of created gods is that a man is behind them. Men know what your desires are because they have the same ones. Let‟s look at some modern day examples. Take David Koresh, a modern god that deceived a variety of otherwise normal people. He claimed to be god himself. Using this power he was able to take the wealth and wives of the people he ministered to. What was he promising that would make that happen? Would you go along with someone like that? Do not underestimate the power of the mind. The followers were drawn in slowly with truth mixed with deception. Mr. Koresh took the bible and used parts and pieces to fit his goals. The followers really thought that the kingdom of god belonged to Mr. Koresh and that he somehow had direct communication with God. Now I believe he had communication with a god. Just not the God I know. He was able to rape children and commit adultery with the wives and children of his following. Does this sound unrealistic to you? Never underestimate the power of man. He simply capitalized on his knowledge of good and evil and used it to blind his followers. Basically his interpretation of the bible was the only interpretation. This is the way religion operates. It puts you under conviction of the “sin” in your life which could be interpreted as the things you have done wrong. Now the word sin is not something everyone loves to accept. No one wants to admit they were wrong. Societies defend their actions often with war because of their beliefs right or wrong. A society generally is made up of likeminded people under the veil of a certain religion. Take India for instance. They have Hinduism and Buddism. The Middle East countries are mostly Muslim. Israel‟s God is Jehovah. Americans generally believe their God is Jesus Christ. These are just a few of the god‟s that are recognized in society. So who is God? Is there really a God? Within most of the world population you will find that over 80 % of people believe in some sort of higher being. Chances are you believe in something higher than yourself. Let‟s take a deeper look at religion. I must confess that I have only a general knowledge of most of the religions other than Christianity. In your case your views are generally based on your background and how you were raised. The best way that I can see to define each of the religions is to look at the end state of man. As you have read previously man is an element on this Earth that has the power to change nothing. His life could be eliminated without ever affecting any creation. The average lifespan in somewhere in the 70‟s which is a really short time when you look over documented history. Of course if you view it through the eyes of evolutionists 70 some years old is


just a drop in the bucket when compared to millions of years. I guess the one thing that never evolved was lifespans as they have become a lot shorter than in history. So what do you believe concerning religion? Are you looking to go to heaven? It seems all religions have a place called heaven or paradise in which you will live eternally. In addition they have a place called hell or purgatory. The exception to this rule is Buddism which believes heaven and hell are on Earth and you just get reincarnated into a new creature when you die. Who knows you might come back as a cow or lizard. The marked difference in religion is how you can achieve this goal. Some say you can work your way to heaven. I can tell you I fail in that category because I know I have done plenty of bad things in my life. Under this pretense is there a giant scorecard you get when you die? How is each thing I did wrong measured and each thing I did right measured? I have not found that manual yet. I would be very concerned if I had a scorecard that determined if I was getting to heaven or not. Chances are I would not see heaven ever. Others believe in obedience to their god. This obedience comes in many forms from human sacrifice to constant worship and a duty to do something. This basically falls into the category of doing something right again. In other words, you can work your way to heaven by serving your religions god. A good example would be Catholicism. In this religion you are required to get baptized and to confess your sins on a frequent basis. This is just one of the sacraments used. You must be careful not to die in between confessions or you are sent to purgatory. Once in purgatory the priests will have to pray you out of that place and into heaven. In this religion a man is ordained with the power to forgive sin by requiring you to do something after confession. Another twist to working your way to heaven. Islam requires a strict lifestyle and daily prayers. Of course if you fail to live a good lifestyle you have the option of doing the will of their god. This would be the Jihadist Muslim which believes in surviving the battle. To accomplish this it may include dealing with those that oppose your god. It comes with a promise that is unlike many religions that includes multiple versions of heaven with many Earthly pleasures including fair women, good food, and bountiful land. Another religion is Jehovahâ€&#x;s Witnesses. They simply believe in Jehovah as the only true God. They believe that Jesus Christ was a created being who was exalted higher than the angels but not God. They have a unique view of heaven and hell that is not shared with other religions. If you believe in God you got to heaven, if not you die and cease to exist without any torment. Basically this religion gives everyone a pass if they donâ€&#x;t believe in anything. You just die, the end.


Now for the most popular protestant religions you can lump, Baptist, Methodist, and Apostolic religions into. All of these religions share the fact that you must be saved and born again by the Holy Spirit. They believe God is in three distinct persons but equal in power and united as one. They believe in God the father, Jehovah, God the son, Jesus Christ, and God the spirit, The Holy Spirit. In these God the son is the path to heaven through his sacrifice on the cross for your sin. Basically God has taken the place of your sin and has paid the price in blood out of love for all mankind. Now these religions differ in baptism, works, and the duration of your salvation. To my knowledge only certain Baptist believe you are saved once and forever and nothing can break that bond. After looking at religion in a general view it is clear that most share some common things which are a God of higher power, heaven, hell, and the need to cleanse your sin or the bad things you have done. To put this in perspective it adds a purpose for your life. As we have discussed before man is not needed on the Earth, it takes care of itself. Now we can see that there is a purpose for man on Earth but what is the right way to go. You have hundreds of bibles, thousands of religions, and different opinions from everybody. Letâ€&#x;s take a look at society as a whole.

Chapter 3: Nations and Media Letâ€&#x;s take a look at nations and media to see if we can come closer to the answers regarding manâ€&#x;s conflict. Mainstream media focuses on man everyday and the state of nations. This is where most people get their information. Today we live an interconnected lifestyle with information streaming almost as it happens. It can be overwhelming and almost forces you to get involved in struggles. You have unlimited media choices from Facebook to over 200 channels of television. The most popular topic seems to revolve around the human struggle. You watch the news and all the events of the day. The stories that air usually are of great sadness due to destruction or death or are very happy showing someone overcoming a great obstacle in their life.


How has media shaped your life? It seems Hollywood sets the standard on values and morality from relationships to the latest fashion. They also set the tone on politics and important decisions that affect the country. Today almost everything is acceptable in the public eye including abortion and same sex marriage. Just 30 years ago most of what we do now openly was hidden from the public and scorned if it became public. Marriage seems to be no more than a document as the divorce rate skyrockets past 50%. Has everyone given up on everyone? Is the struggle now between us all? Today the media profiles the hottest cases, giving you a new perspective on our legal systems. The view of individuals is sharply divided depending on the cases. It seems a little money and fame can even conquer our justice system. Today everything is subject to interpretation. The question is who‟s? This is where the world is uniting due to the fact countries no longer stand for one set of values or principles. It is impossible to integrate every view. With such a variety of people with different views on values, politics, religion, and the environment how can we stand divided so drastically. Instead we adopt everyone‟s idea of what is right and wrong. This leaves you with a lot of gray area because we try to accommodate the masses. Does any of it matter? Has man changed anything with all of these internal conflicts? The media engine is designed to let everyone share their own opinion. The social networks have allowed people to become so narcissistic that they simply cannot disconnect because a comment or item of interest may be posted about them or against them. People desire to have their opinions posted then praised on topics that really don‟t matter. It has opened their personal lives for the scrutiny of all. This conflict drives them to protect the identity and values at the point of affecting their lives every day. Take a look at yourself objectively and see if all the time you put into trying to conform and seek praise and acceptance from your peers is really worth it. What does it accomplish in your life? Does everyone need to know what is going on in your life daily? This unfortunately consumes time. Getting back to your lifespan, how many hours a day are you spending throwing away what little time you have. Not only are you locked into a prison planet but now you have jailed yourself to a machine. The media has learned over time that constantly repeating a lie will force belief. Let‟s look at America for a moment. Is the US in a budget crisis? Have you been to the treasury and actually seen what is in there? Have you visited Fort Knox and seen our gold reserve? Has anything ever left the Earth since the creation of the planet? Where is the crisis if everything here has always been here and the amounts never grow or


dwindle? Has gold and silver suddenly disappeared? If I am not mistaken the same amount of gold is still on the planet that originally came with the planet. I have watched shuttle launches but I do not recall payloads of gold being shipped to moons or other planets. I believe there would be a weight problem. Are the resources we buy not part of the existing planet. It seems everything moves around the Earth but it never leaves. It just depends who‟s in power at the time. Looking at yourself as the ultimate consumer how much do you use? Is it replaced or does it vanish forever? The media would have you believe that the world is being emptied due to some vacuum in space that takes everything you use and sucks it away from Earth. Unfortunately we would have been dead long ago if that were true. Each time you have steak another cow is born. For that salad you just ate a farmer plants new crops. Your waste from the salad becomes fertilizer for the new crops. Nothing in your lifecycle process is ever wasted. It simply returns to the Earth in different forms. Let‟s be clear about the process. You have the Earth then man. There is nothing but raw materials on Earth. Man improves the raw materials which eventually go back to raw materials. It‟s pretty basic and easy to understand when you look at it as a whole. The problem with science is they do not know the true amount of any raw material. The Earth is a great recycler. It works on autopilot. Everything that returns to the ground eventually winds up back as raw elements. This truly is the prison planet you live on. What about the media‟s view on topics? Does it change your views? Most people live in their own private world or jail cell. I agree the Earth is a pretty big cell but it is still a cell with no escape. The media tries to convince you of a certain topic either right or wrong. Let‟s look at a current US topic. Gun control has hit the stage with a bang. With all the recent gun violence incidents the people are in an uproar. The media proclaims all these specialized guns are killing machines out for revenge. It seems the media has labeled these weapons as evil beasts seeking to destroy you. The label is simply misplaced. The person holding the weapon is the true weapon. So now the media labels them as evil. The dilemma comes because the government would have you disarm. You on the other hand wish to protect your space on this planet. The old saying is never bring a knife to a gun fight. So the conflict emerges what to do about guns. Well in my experience criminals and evil people will have access to weapons whether you do or not. Then you also have the emotional picture of these gruesome images of the aftermath of someone using a gun on innocent victims. The media has failed to show your image on the news after a violent gun attack because you have not been attacked yet. Would that change your perspective? The media also fails to show the image of


innocent law abiding citizens that have foiled gun attacks against evil people using a gun. It almost seems funny to me. We cheer when a Navy seal blows the head of a terrorist but when a gun is used in the US for good purposes it is picked apart in court. This is just one of the hot topics that surfaced lately. Has the media given you a perspective that is true or untrue? Again back to basics. Everyone fights for their right to survive. I don‟t care which weapon you use, in your time of need you will resort to any form of violence to live. Somehow the media has mixed criminal activity with your right to protect your domain. Showing only one side of guns, in the case of the media, violence against others really distorts the picture. The media‟s topic list goes on to include abortion, same sex marriages, illegal immigration, and others. The media is a powerful tool used by governments to shape a certain society. For the most part everyone stays out of the fray. The media‟s hot topics are usually guided by small groups of people that actually resist the founding principles of the country. Using the examples above is it right to kill prior to being born or with same sex marriage can I also marry my daughter, son, cousin, or my pet? Where do these topics end and what does it do to society? How have you changed over your lifetime? What has the media done to your views since you were a child? I was born in the 70‟s and to see what is going on these days is unreal. Today the media glamorizes people who have affairs, dress inappropriately, despise rules of law, and generally go against the grain of society. I guess the term used today is your personal expression. The media cleverly shields the true history of those in the news that oppose the rules of society and would like drastic changes to law. What if nature followed the same course as humans and let‟s focus on the topics above consisting of same sex marriage, abortion, and gun laws (we will have to modify this to the animal kingdom). Let‟s assume animal media decided to run a story on same sex marriage. It attracted a lot of attention and the antelopes and deer decided they wanted to marry the same sex. Eventually the population decreased and the lions, tigers, and leopards began running low on food. The predators now make extinct multiple species and prey on the smaller rodent class animals. This in turn allows the landscape to grow out of control leading to an insect problem because all the second and third level predators become extinct. Can you see how nature would soon lose the built in controls? What if the abortion topic was broadcast on animal media. Suddenly the shrimp and squid decided to hit the animal abortion clinic. Now the predators have run out of there staple food diet and begin eating each other. Eventually you may only have


an ocean of sharks. Can you see how out of control things could get in nature if they had democratic societies that entertained everyone‟s idea? Now let‟s say that some dogs decided there were to many attacks with claws and teeth to mimic gun laws. Now the cats oppose the case and decide to keep their claws and teeth sharpened. The dogs on Sunny Lane are out tending their lawn when a gang of cats arrive on scene. The dogs have a sudden fear knowing they have capped their K-9 teeth and shaved there claws. The cats decide they like Sunny Lane and viciously attack the dogs. The dogs are unarmed and the scene is horrific. The cats claw and bite the dogs until they take the entire neighborhood. I know these examples sound ridiculous but use your own equation and test the rules of nature and see how they work out. This brings us back to the natural order that God has created on planet Earth. It is a fortunate thing that God created nature with instincts so they will not question the laws they abide by. Only humans question authority and the media simply guides us in any direction they deem useful for ratings. You may have noticed that every conflict in human nature is because of some opposition to God‟s laws. If this were a perfect world there would be no use for media or government because we would all abide by the laws that we have knowledge of. Specifically if just the Ten Commandments were followed we would live in perfect peace. This is not the case in this life because everyone wishes to interpret laws through their own eyes. Therefore if you are evil you will bend the rules to match your thinking.

Chapter 4: Humans The human body. What an extraordinary work of art and science. Have you ever picked up a handful of dirt? What can you make from it? In God‟s hands it becomes the most powerful machine on this planet. The human body has a built in medical center, multimedia center, cognitive recognition, life support, and emotions. No computer can even come close to your abilities. And all of this power is contained in the dirt you come from. Your body has a very specific blueprint and architecture that we all share. I believe the last scientific study showed that all humans have less than a 2% deviation in DNA. In addition your ancestry can be traced back to a single male and female. As


much as science would like to destroy God, creation itself destroys all of the theories and hypothesis that change daily depending on who is studying the issue. With all of our tools and technology we still are unable to create life. That is reserved for God alone. This planet is not a final destination for your body. Science has uncovered that your brain can store an unlimited amount of data. Everything you see, do, and feel is stored and can be recalled. If you were just meant to be here there would be no need for such storage capacity. You are actually out of place here. The body is not only a living object but a spiritual object. It is recorded through history and the bible that your body can be possessed by others. As recorded in the bible Jesus actually asked a man who lived among tombs, was naked, and cut himself daily what his name was. The man responded, “Legion for we are many.â€? The demons asked Jesus to go into the pigs on a hillside which he granted. The pigs ran violently into the sea and drowned. This upset an entire city and filled them with fear. It is further recorded that many diseases and illnesses were brought on by demon possession. For years the Catholic church has conducted exorcism of evil spirits living in the same body you have. In your personal experience you may have witnessed someone who appeared completely out of their right mind. How does this happen? Scientist usually donâ€&#x;t touch on this subject because it undermines their attempt to disprove God. Instead they give the person a multitude of excuses for the behavior and try to sedate them to the best of their abilities. In reality there are many spirits here on this planet. These evil spirits do their best to convince you to do evil and join them. Your willingness to go along is an open invitation to possession. Many forms of meditation encourage you to free your mind and be open to everything. This is the perfect environment to allow yourself to lose control. Many evil religions use the same method such as voodoo which puts the person in a transient state while others actually request spirits to possess the person as a medium. If you have ever witnessed or seen a show that documents the activity it is clear that person no longer controls his actions. The more popular method is psychics and spirit mediums that speak to the dead. Is this possible? Absolutely, the bible records many instances as well as history of the living communicating with the dead. God calls the activity an abomination as it was practiced heavily during the time Egypt was a world power. This simply provides proof that your body is just a container while on this planet. Your body can actually host multiple living beings not just you. This of course gives reason that your spirit will depart as the body dies as well but you are still fully alive. Your body was formed from dust and will return to dust but your spirit was


designed to endure eternity. With that in mind you will find your time on Earth very short in this body. As much a wonder as the design of the human body it was designed with flaws that will consume it. Prior to the great flood a water layer surrounded the Earth protecting the body from radiation. This allowed humans to survive a thousand years on Earth. As a matter of fact it was common to see many people live past 900 years. When the windows of heaven were opened it removed that protective barrier that used to shield the Earth from the radiation. In history you will find that people and animals were much larger as their lifespans were 10 times what they are today. Today the average age is in the 70‟s or 80‟s. Can you imagine if you had a lifespan that long today with technology? The inventors would create things you could not believe. In history those humans that lived for those lengths of time became very evil as recorded in the bible. God had actually looked at the human race and saw that with that lifespan man had decided to become God. With that amount of life who can imagine what man had created. That brings us to today where your lifespan has been shortened thus forcing knowledge to be passed on to the next generation for further study. This makes it harder to bring an idea to full fruition like you could if you lived 900 years.

Chapter 5: Sin What exactly do people and religions mean when they say that is a sin or wrong? Basically the foundation of sin is anything against God‟s law. Our justice system is formed around this law and therefore anything against the law is considered sin or a crime. Today you will find the law being interpreted many different ways depending on the circumstances and if it fits the person desires. The natural person has self-serving desires whether it goes against the law or not. I find today that there is a growing movement towards dissolving and eroding laws that have been in existence over a period of time. People simply make excuses or blame others for their actions. Does that make the action right or simply remove any sin or wrong doing? Unfortunately no. It seems it is ok as long as the wrong does not occur against you. The problem with sin is that it is often not dealt with swiftly therefore giving a person the impression that they won‟t get caught or that no penalty exist. It depends on whose eyes you see it through.


God has very strict no tolerance laws regarding sin but man often uses juryâ€&#x;s or judges to determine if in fact sin occurred. This again makes the distinction between animals and man. Sin cannot be committed by any animal for there is no rule of law or understanding of right and wrong in the animal kingdom. On the other hand man was given the knowledge of right and wrong. This goes way back to Adam and Eve. God had given them a beautiful garden and perfect living conditions but they had one rule that was to be obeyed. They were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Therefore as long as they obeyed that one rule no other law was in effect. Unknown to Adam or Eve, Lucifer, the original law breaker saw this as an opportunity to spread evil to an otherwise perfect creation. Through lies and deception he convinced Eve that eating of the fruit of that tree would make them gods. Just how many times does that temptation occur today? Have you ever been offered a something in return for doing something wrong? Maybe you have taken someone elseâ€&#x;s work or ideas and claimed them as your own for a raise or promotion. Some things just sound to good to pass up. This happens often in the stock market. Fund managers label investments as being solid then make a short term profit until it is found the investment actually had no value. Essentially they steal from investors and let the stock crash and the price is levied against everyone. This has been publicized in Ponzi schemes where you invest in what appears to be a golden fruit when in reality you are simply combining investor money in a large pot while the investment managers get rich. When you are ready to cash out you find there are no funds in the investment and that the managers have taken everything. Simply put the original sin was theft from God to better them. Nothing has really changed today. The illusion that you will get better by sinning is the ultimate lie. The cost seems never to be weighed because of the promise of gain. I have personally seen this country become more tolerant of sin. Today the highlighted sin seems to revolve around morality. Just 30 – 40 years ago it would have been unheard of to be openly gay or to have a live in partner. Today you will hear things like God never said anything about these sins. Truth be known God has said plenty in regards to sins of morality. The problem is no one knows what the law actually is because you must have a manual or handbook to understand it. Most companies will outline policy and rules to let you know what is acceptable and what is not in the workplace. If you sin or break a rule punishment is administered. God and man are really no different in that area because without order comes chaos. God has published his own manual in the form of the bible and it contains every rule of law applicable to man. The strange thing about law is you already have a built-in recognition of right and


wrong. You naturally know it is not right to lie, cheat, and steal. This brings natural condemnation upon you in the form of a guilty conscience. You will find today that people will label God‟s bible an outdated reference about law. The strange thing is our justice system still is based on this outdated document. So is it really outdated or have we become really evil? Sin like any other rule of law that is broken requires payment. Here is where religion will really confuse most people. Some religions require you to do something in return for breaking the law. Let‟s take the Catholic religion for example. It is well known that a lot of mob bosses were Catholic. They are required to confess their sins in private to the priest who in turn tells them what to do to cleanse the sin. This worked out great for those with the most lofty sins like murder. The requirement may be money or to do something specific. This in turn would make the sin disappear. Other religions like Islam may require you to kill those that are against the faith. This would assure you a spot in heaven. This has a long history dating back to the time of Israel when God required sacrifices to cover sin for a time. Generally an animal was sacrificed at specific times of the year and certain days to atone for the sin Israel had committed as a nation. The only reason sacrifices were used is because God required the blood to cover the sin. You will notice the sacrifices used had no spot or blemish and were also innocent. As we have established before the animal kingdom has no rule or law to follow therefore it is impossible to sin where no rule or law exist. Did this take care of sin permanently? No, God either required the person that committed the sin to pay or a substitute that had no sin. This brings us back to a circular argument of man‟s purpose again. If God made these rules and laws and man had sin automatically attached by the sin of Adam and Eve and a corrupt nature then how will man be saved from sin. First you must look at God‟s purpose. Let‟s assume you could create life. You view the world around you and all the things you have created. You find that one of your created beings has decided they are better than you and therefore decides to destroy you and what you stand for. Let‟s label that being as the devil. Now you see an uprising in your creation and your own angels begin to follow the devil because of the promises he is making to them. Now in this dilemma you wanted what every man/woman wants and that is companionship. You find that much of creation as it exists is turning against you. You then create man. You find him lonely and create a mate from his own body. Then the devil decides to tempt your new creation and succeeds. You see the same evil developing in the human race.


The big issue is you programmed free will into the human race and gave them the opportunity to choose their own path. You now find that the angels you created have found the daughters of men attractive and begin taking them as wives. The whole world becomes unthinkably evil and you have become very agitated. You have one follower by the name of Noah who you speak to and advise that a flood will come and destroy all of creation. Noah believes, loves, and trust you without any forced will. Noah begins telling everyone for years what your plan is and offers everyone a way to escape the doom. Unfortunately not many people believe what you say and instead believe the lies of the devil and go on living like they want. You make the flood just like you said you would and kill everything except for those that believed you. From that point you dry up the Earth and allow those believers to repopulate the Earth although through time the sin nature manifests itself. You observe the beings you have made but do not interfere with their actions because true love can only come from free will. You establish a chosen nation and call them Israel. This nation over time shifts from trusting you to trusting other man made gods. You see there is absolutely no way to save the people you have created because with the law given it requires death and payment of sin. This gives your enemy the devil a great advantage because all of mankind shares in his sin and therefore none are saved from hell which is the eternal prison you created for the devil and the angels that followed him but did not intend for humans to go to. The devil sees this as a win because now he has destroyed everything that you have done. Have you ever noticed it is human nature to want to see everybody go down with you when youâ€&#x;re in trouble? Suddenly you blame your actions on everybody or conditions of life. The same thing happens here. Now God has a choice, just destroy everything or sacrifice his son to save all. For those of you with kids imagine the love it would take to judge your own child with the sins of the world although he has committed none of them. This is the only way to save everything you built but the gamble still remains. Just because you sacrifice your own son in no way forces everyone to be saved from your wrath. The free will you have given still stands. At this point the enemy your devil sees this as victory because he does not believe you will sacrifice your own son for a bunch of sinners. Little does he know what love truly is and sacrifices his son to save his creation. In the process he also reclaims the keys to hell and death because when he created the devil he was the ranking cherubim in creation given rule over much of creation. Now this infuriates the devil because he is interested in everyone sharing in his destruction and ultimate fate. This could be related to a king who has a kingdom of subjects under him. The king is evil and decides to rule the world. The king begins taking control of nations through force and lies. Finally a good nation stands up for the 18

world and goes against the king. The king forms his battle plans and sends all of his people to the front line to destroy the good. As the king‟s armies are killed he continues to arm the peasants until all but himself is destroyed. Finally it comes time for the king to face the other king. The good king delivers the final blow to the enemy and all is saved in the land. The price is great but the king has saved all who wish to be saved. To put this in perspective God has now paid for all sins. God only has one stipulation for his creation and that is to believe on his son who has paid the ultimate price and therefore all sin has been cleared from the record because the requirement of blood has been met. If you put yourself in the same situation it makes it a lot easier to understand. What would you do to save your wife or kids if they had joined the bad kings army?

Chapter 6: Death This is dealt with on a daily basis and has probably occurred in your family at one time or another. The big question has always been asked, “What happens after death?” Well some believe the body simply returns to dust and that is the end. If this is true it makes no sense to do anything in life other than to become as rich and famous as possible. In addition why would you adhere to any law? If it is all over then you should just live for yourself and take what you want. Fortunately few believe that illusion. The human brain has been studied over the decades and it is found that it can store an endless amount of information. Basically the body you inhabit is a vehicle that is designed to work with the environment of planet Earth. It can work in no other area. Every creature has been given a body that works in a specific area. Take a fish for example, on land it would have no use. A lion would have no use in the sea and so forth. Your body is simply a recorder with a whole bunch of accessories to survive. Science has many ways to recall data from the brain because it has no storage limit and can recall everything. Why would you need such a high performance processing unit if you just die and all is lost forever. It would make more sense to give you a brain from one of nature‟s creatures that just has an instinctive imprint on how to survive and thrive in your environment. Instead you have been given choices and paths not available to any creature.


So what does happen when you die? There are so many theories floating around as well as near death experiences that range from a light to fire and every imaginable story in between. The fact is it will happen because you have a limited lifespan that God has set on every man and woman. How do you deal with this limited time knowing the end is coming? Do you accept the theory that it just ends? Do you believe in an afterlife? Perhaps you believe in reincarnation in some form or another. Each religion describes some sort of beginning at the end of life. Would you really gamble your life away without fear that something will happen at death? Many people have come close to death at one point in their life or another. Why did this fear suddenly overwhelm you? Have you ever felt tightness in your chest or maybe had a bad injury and suddenly found yourself afraid about what is next? Again it goes back to built in mechanisms God created in you. Suddenly you think of everyone you will leave behind. You wonder where you will go. You begin thinking of those old tales of heaven and hell you have heard repeated your entire lifetime. And out of the blue you want to be saved from death because you know you have no power in death and that enemy cannot be fought by you. I can tell you from a Christian point of view that life will end then you will be judged on your actions. Basically your life has been recorded and everything you did right or wrong is in the record. Now we get back to that sin problem. Obviously you feel bad about doing something wrong and often these emotions are at their height when it comes time to die. You feel the regret and are seeking some sort of resolution. Lucky for us all there is relief. As explained earlier all has been paid. God simply wants you to return to him because he created you in his own image. He has requested nothing on your part except to believe that his son Jesus Christ died for your sins then rose again the third day with the victory in death. God has made the fix fool proof because he did not burden you with fixing the problem. I must say in full disclosure that you can pay the debt yourself if you so choose. The penalty for all you have done wrong is the same that Christ had. You must bear all of your sin for eternity in the lake of fire. God does not get a pass on anything just as you donâ€&#x;t. The lake of fire is actually a cleansing flame that God uses to utterly destroy sin and evil. God was sentenced to the lake of fire which he also created. Unfortunately it has no grip on him because no sin was ever committed by him. When you mix fire with fire there is no friction or reaction except to the sin he carried to lake of fire. The fire has always been and will always remain. We use the same systems for things we do not like. For example trash. It is either buried to be


destroyed or incinerated. God uses the same systems to destroy sin or the part of creation that has no use. You would not be able to enter the area that God lives in with a heap of trash attached to you therefore it must be destroyed prior to entry into heaven. Now your choice is to let God bear the trash himself or you bear it. Either way it must be destroyed. This ensures no contamination of God‟s perfect environment where no sin or evil exists. You see this practice daily on Earth. For example, when you find gold or some precious metal in its raw form it has many impurities. The elements must be burned off with extreme heat to see the true gold. Most people have had a splinter or some foreign body stuck in them. To get it out people often burn the end of a pin to kill any bacteria or viruses present so as not to infect themselves and lead to further pain or injury. This is the same thing God does he burns the infection out of the raw material to heal it and make it pure again. With all of this in mind it demonstrates God‟s clear plan to save everything he created. The exact same love you have for a family member or your spouse or kids is the same love God has except greater because he actually made you. God is not some tyrant that wants mass destruction because if that were true he could have destroyed creation long ago. You truly can be at peace when it is time to die. And you can share God‟s story with anyone. You must always remember it is never too late for someone to get saved from their sins as long as they are living. There are many people struggling on their death bed that need to hear this story and you may be the only light left in their life. After a life of imprisonment on this planet it is good to know there is freedom if you accept Christ‟s sacrifice for your sin once you die. Now getting back to death and bodies. As I explained earlier there are different bodies for different purposes. Your new body after death is spiritual and perfect. There are many accounts of angels coming to Earth. They are not some weird alien form. They are created in the image of God just like you. To know what your new body will look like you simply have to look in the mirror. The only difference is there will be no blemishes or disabilities and age has no effect on it. Flesh and blood cannot survive in a perfect environment because it is subject to disease. Therefore it is replaced with the body you had prior to birth. You are simply the offspring of man on Earth but the creation of God in heaven. In conclusion death should not be a time of pain but a time of rejoicing. Nature shows us the perfect example in trees. As the seed falls and dies it sprouts a brand new tree. The new tree will often go many years living in a dead shell as a seed until finally it leaves


the seed to become what it always was. So is this life. You are simply a seed that will not take root until you are dead. Then your full life will begin without end.

Chapter 7: Your Cell We have highlighted a couple of points in human life over the last chapters now let‟s look at you and the reality of your situation. We know that we are trapped on Earth. You may not consider it a jail cell but just bear with me while we examine that statement. One thing to keep in mind is some people never leave their town of birth thus we will treat that as an isolation cell. Some have traveled and lived in multiple locations. We will consider it prison transfers. We have both rich and poor. As you have seen before the treatment often is quite different in jail or prison between the rich and poor. Often times the rich are simply isolated to their mansions on house arrest while the poor criminal gets a 5‟ X 8‟ room. The difference is simply the amount of freedom you have within your cell. It is still a cell. So we are still trying to find out our purpose and what makes the world go round. We know the ground rules already. We are born and die with an average life span in the 70‟s. We strive to make ourselves as happy as possible which may mean a great career, influential person, recognized scientist, scholar, or whatever your path is. We have established you neither add or take away anything from the prison planet that was not already there. Now it is time to look at the biggest deception we all face. I am obviously writing this from a Christian perspective so what would deceive everyone? I have found the biggest deception to be wealth and goods. The more you have the more you want. It is great to be able to go buy that new Cadillac that just came out. Just how long does it take before the newness wears off? It‟s great to have the mansion on the block, but how much space is too much? It‟s nice to have that big bank account but what happens when the market crashes or you become sick with an incurable disease. I believe the tools of evil are around us continually. You are tempted with fame and fortune with the thought of gain but in reality you are just leasing it for a season, well to be exact your lifespan. It all


returns to the bank at the end of the day. So if everything you have and work for is simply returned to the warden at the end of your sentence what purpose is in it. The obvious answer is survival and happiness. Over the years I have found it is not good to be too rich or poor. If you keep in mind that everything is temporary it makes life actually enjoyable to live. I know we have reviewed religion a little but let me make one thing clear. Religion is not the answer to life. There are far too many out there and growing daily. This just confuses people and raises more questions than answers. You have to have an instruction manual to make it through anything. The bible is readily available to most people and contains everything you need with examples. The instructions are clear and need no interpretation. Your sentence on Earth is very short but God offers great rewards for your service. God holds the key to your cell and has given you a great opportunity to do great things through his power. God loves all of his children but gives you full control of your life. You either choose to be with him or face eternal separation in hell. Therefore your sentence lasts forever and the cell you enter will not be as nice as the one you are in right now. As I spoke of before hell was not designed for you. It takes an active choice on your part to choose hell. God requires no work on your part to be saved and released from the prison planet forever. God has taken care of everything and simply requires you to know that you have committed wrong against him and that he has pardoned your wrong against him through the blood of Jesus Christ. This is probably the hardest thing to understand and do. As a human your desire is to work for everything you get. In your cell here on Earth you can achieve anything you want with enough work but you must remember the warden lets nothing out of the cell. Material things are corruptible and just recycle into the hands of others. The one thing you cannot work for is salvation from your own sin. Donâ€&#x;t get me wrong you can make the payment in blood yourself but you are not pure therefore you will spend eternity in hell. Jesus made the payment already. You simply accept the payment just like the US or any other country does to ransom out its citizens from other hostile countries. There is really no difference except the ransoms made on Earth are temporary although the one ransomed did not pay the fee. As a matter of fact just imagine the prisoners of war that were freed by the US some at great cost. The POW then feels nothing but gratitude toward those that saved him although he had nothing to do with it. You are in the same boat. You are in a maximum security cell with no possibility of escape but Jesus has offered his own body and blood in exchange for you. You just have to accept the gift


and believe. Then you are given the keys to your cell.Sounds easy but it is the greatest war you will fight on Earth. Once you come to the realization that you are truly trapped here you must face the realization that something has to be done. You can erect a flag wherever you like and go in any direction but eventually you will return to the same point as the planet is round. The only jailbreak that is possible is a spacecraft to another planet. Unfortunately Earth is like Alcatraz, if you jump in the water the sharks get you. If you go into space the elements get you. Your body was only designed to operate on this planet therefore the situation is desperate if you do not confront the question of your purpose. I do have some good news about your cell. God has many trustees that are everywhere. These believers and ambassadors have found their true purpose in life and are willing to help you with your journey. The best place to find them is at your local church. Now this sounds contradictory to my previous statements about religion but it‟s not. It would be nice if I could tell you exactly where to go but I don‟t have time to weed out the good and bad churches in everyone‟s area. This brings me back to the instruction manual or bible. The best advice I can give you is to go to the bookstore and pick out any King James Bible you want. Today they make some high end models with soft leather and footnotes from various authors. Or if I‟m talking to the modern generation just whip out the smartphone or tablet and go to any online bible site and choose the KJV version of the bible. Go to any church that appeals to you but check what is being said against your print or online bible. If the versus and messages match with what God says it could be a church worth trying. Every church should have a doctrinal statement of faith. It is wise to check what that church believes and see how it lines up with the bible. Later in this book I will go over what I believe in the chapter „What is a Christian?‟. Now when you find these trustees they will be willing to help you in any way. Remember the trustees are no different than you. They have sin and the same penalty you face as well as being cell mates. The best thing about trustees is they will take the time to make sense of your situation and give you answers to your true mission on Earth. Unfortunately writing this book to you does not have an interactive method for question and answer sessions which are where the trustees come into place. You may even be concerned now that you know you are trapped here. I want you to know that trustees do not care who you are or the lifestyle you have just as God does not care. Unlike what people may have told you one sin is no different than one million sins. The same penalty applies to all regardless of your past. In addition God does not


want you to clean up yourself before seeking him. The trustees can share with you that they have not been saints as they have the same sentence in the same cell as you. Come as you are and seek out the answers through a trustee you choose from a church you choose. If you want answers they are available and the truth is out there just waiting for you to grasp it.

Chapter 8: Accountability With so many views and theories are you accountable for your actions? Assuming strange theories like evolution it would appear you are just another organism with no purpose other than to consume resources in the food chain. This would in turn give you only the life you have on Earth. If this were true then the best course of action is to live the best you can. To lump you into the animal kingdom as the theory does it would be in your best interest to conquer everything regardless of cost because no ultimate accountability exists. Most of the apex predators rule over territory that they have conquered by fighting to the death. If you are just another animal it makes sense that you should do the same. If you really take a look at what some of these scientists are saying you will find the theories baseless. Take the big bang theory for instance. Do you really believe that the entire universe just formed from an explosion and all manner of life suddenly existed to form complex ecosystems? Did it make a planet fully selfsustaining? Did you crawl out of some pond and if so why doesnâ€&#x;t anything else crawl out of the pond today? Did evolution suddenly stop as soon as all the systems that control the Earth are in place? You should be able to reproduce these results in an aquarium because you have the advantage of putting single celled organisms already living in the tank. Try that and see how many animals come walking out of the tank. Who is going to monitor it for the so called millions of years and feed the cells, provide the right temperature and environment, and provide recyclable material as things die. It wonâ€&#x;t take long to figure out things are here by intelligent design not some explosion. On the other hand I believe most people are reasonable enough to understand that humans have no part in creation and no weird accident suddenly made the perfect planet. This being said it brings into question your actions. Today these theories and


hypothesis are designed to allow you to question your own conscience. It makes it seem as though you are just another animal and not responsible for your actions. The problem is if you commit murder most people immediately feel regret, shame, and sympathy for the family of the murdered. Animals don‟t feel that. They kill each other to eat and control territory every day. This leaves you with a dilemma because now you have to answer to someone for your actions. Last time I checked I don‟t recall seeing Animal Court on TV with all the animals bringing forward their cases for judgment. This brings us back to laws, some created by man, some created by God. Who gave man the power to create laws against you who are equal to that man. Did you choose for someone to judge you and put you under control of a man made government? Why are you judged if you are just another animal? I hope the picture is becoming more clear. You are fully accountable for your actions because God has set a rule of law on the entire Earth. Gravity has specific rules. Light has a speed limit. Physics has specific calculations for the defined parameters of an object. Humans have a defined lifespan. The day has a specific time assigned to it. I could go on and on about the rules that creation itself has. You have a set of rules that God has set for you just like creation. Breaking these rules results in judgment. Governments and Kings have been setup by God since the beginning of the Earth. Without them there would be chaos because no one could lead the people to work together for the common good. These governments are not meant to do anything with the Earth because it has a natural law placed on it that it follows perfectly without ever breaking any rule. These governments are only meant to manage man. This may come as a shocker but if you had no authority or government you would probably be dead within a month. Imagine if housing, water, power, medical, food supply, courts, industries, and the like were no longer a group run outfit and you controlled your own destiny. No one would work for anyone. You would have one purpose and that is survival just like the animal kingdom. Hopefully this brings some awareness to your situation. You are created with rules and each and every action you do has a consequence. In God‟s eyes one sin does not have greater value than another. This leaves us all guilty as we sin or break God‟s rules probably daily. The bad thing about that is after a while you will find that you begin to excuse your sin. You blame it on chemical imbalance, circumstances, or just because you want to do it. This by no means excuses you from judgment. God‟s word has stood the test of time and after your short lifespan all will be brought to bear. Fortunately God


has already paid for everything in full. You only have two choices. Accept Godâ€&#x;s sacrifice for your sins or accept responsibility yourself. God not only created the Earth but hell as well. To judge all of the evil that took place in heaven when Lucifer decided to turn on God had to be dealt with eternally. Many angels also fell from heaven and followed the devil on his path of personal pleasure. His mission now involves you. He knows the judgment that is coming and wants you to share it with him. Hell was never designed to hold humans. It was designed specifically for the devil and his angels. God being just has offered you freewill in the matter so the choice becomes yours. You may choose to join the devil and his army and do as he did and trust in yourself or trust in God and let him handle the situation. The choice seems pretty simple to me but for many people they just go through life with a guilty conscience never wanting to be saved from their own sin. God has no restrictions placed on his love. He already knows your heart and that you were born with sin. He does not ask you to clean yourself up or try to earn your way to heaven. He accepts all of mankind in their present state. The biggest problem is trusting in something you know nothing about. It takes time to earn trust and knowledge of that person. The answers are all in the bible. Once you see that God became man and walked this Earth for 33 years it will become clear to you what his purposes are. There were hundreds of people healed and raised form the dead during his time on Earth. He performed miracles daily and showed his eternal purpose to all of mankind. Jesus was faithful all the way to his ultimate death on the cross as an innocent man with no sin. Even during that time man doubted he was God because he did die on a cross between two thieves. This made all hope disappear until 3 days later when they found the tomb empty. Over 500 witnesses saw Jesus rise into heaven alive and well. Jesus left only one great commission to this world and that was to preach his death, burial, and resurrection to show his love to all of mankind for bearing the sins of the world a paying the debt for us all. Jesus is not concerned with who you are or your condition. He loves you the same as everyone else as we explained earlier. You are his actual family and he wants you reunited with him. In your present sin state that is impossible but through God all things are possible. He paid the price in full. All you have to do is accept it. It is best said in the Word of God: For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. But the righteousness which is of faithspeaketh on this wise, Say not


in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

Chapter 9: What is a Christian? The life story has been recorded and is simply waiting for you to read it. Here is a brief overview of his life with versus taken from the Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the KJV bible. Jesus was subject to the same planet cell you are in. Jesus was born to the virgin Mary after an angel visited her and the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and


the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. He had a very humble beginning born in a manger in Bethlehem because the inn had no room left. Jesus grew up just like you with a family. On the day of his birth a star shone in heaven for three wise man that were guided to his birthplace. The event was heard in the ears of Herod who wanted to kill Jesus so an angel instructed Mary and Joseph to take the child to Egypt. Herod killed all the male children in Bethlehem from 2 years old and under since the wise men did not disclose the location of Jesus. The angel visited Joseph again and told him Herod was dead and it was safe to go to Israel. Joseph still feared Herod and heard his son reigned in his stead he departed to Galilee. During this time John the Baptist was preaching at the river of Jordan and baptizing people who were confessing their sins for repentance. John began speaking to the Pharisees and Sadducees and said I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Then Jesus came to be baptized by John. John baptized him although he made it known he needed baptism by Jesus. At that time the heavens were opened and the spirit of God descended upon his like a dove and a voice from heaven said, This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Then Jesus was led into the wilderness by the spirit to be tempted of the devil. Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights and was hungry. Jesus was tempted by the devil and offered all the kingdoms of the world and their glory if only he would fall down and worship him. Jesus was tempted in other points to show his true power but never submitted to the devil and his demands. After the temptations Jesus began to preach to the people and formed a band of twelve apostles to help with the ministry. Jesus performed many miracles among the people including healing, raising the dead, and casting out demons. Jesus was hated in his time by the religious cults of the day because he actually paid attention to sinners and cared for their needs. He sat and ate among many sinners which was viewed as a bad thing similar to the times we live in now. Would your church invite the local street gang to have dinner? Jesus only cared for the souls of the people and looked past the outward appearance. During his ministry he came in contact with many people with many problems that plague society today. 29

The religious people of the day have nothing but condemnation for the sinners actions but Jesus would speak and reason with everyone which forced the religious people to examine themselves and the sinners to see the truth. During this time some of the miracles Jesus performed were feeding large crowds with two fish and five loaves of bread that fed over five thousand people. Even with all the miracles being performed right before thousands of people the nature of humans came out. People begin to hate someone who is kind and truly sets a good standard in front of everyone because it shows your true nature which reveals the sins you have committed. People use terms like youâ€&#x;re better than everyone else or you have problems to. In Jesus case that was not true. They actually had the creator of the universe in their presence and could not recognize it. Today we have the same thing. Have you ever been around someone who you canâ€&#x;t find a problem with and it appears they do everything right. It does not take long before you begin examining that person to try to find a fault. That seems to be the problem with everyone because your conscience bothers you when you find someone who has no habits and honors God in their life. The biggest problem of all is that person you are looking at does have problems and sin. The only difference is their eyes are on Jesus and not you. They want a full and abundant life and see past those around them. Jesus continued his ministry and knew the he would be betrayed by Judas Iscariot. The time had come for Jesus death at which time he was taken to Pilate for judgment although he had committed no sin. Pilate wanted to release Jesus because he found no fault in him and at the Passover one could be released. The Jews had chosen a criminal Barrabas to be released instead of Jesus. Jesus went through horrible beatings and a crown of thorns was placed on his head and a purple robe to signify that he was king of the Jews. It is best to let the bible record show what happened next: John 19: 16-37 (KJV) Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away. And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst. And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews. Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. Then the soldiers, when they had


crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout. They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be: that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did. Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home. After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst. Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken. And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced. The story is one of great love. Why would the creator of the universe give his life for yours? Would you as creator allow your own creation to beat and kill you when you had the power to erase them off the map at any moment? To understand the answer you have to understand love. Out of all religions you will never find a savior that gave his life for yours. Note I am talking about non-Christian religions. Without blood there is no remission of sins and the payment has already been made some 2000 years ago. This is not the end of the story lets continue on. John 20: 1-31 (KJV)


The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the LORD out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him. Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre. So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in. Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself. Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed. For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead. Then the disciples went away again unto their own home. But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre, And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my LORD, and I know not where they have laid him. And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whomseekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the LORD, and that he had spoken these things unto her. Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the LORD. Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the LORD. But he said unto them, Except I shall 32

see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My LORD and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. After this Jesus ascended into heaven with many witnesses as recorded below: 1 Corinthian 15: 1-8 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. As you can see Jesus was among people like you and I and lived an extraordinary life devoting himself to others and their needs. Now unlike most stories that can just be read this one you can actually be a part of. Jesus has a book of life with every name recorded of those that believe and are saved by his grace. It might be time to take another look at the bible and really go on an adventure that lasts more than a lifetime. Just think of the stories you heard over a lifetime. Perhaps your parents or grandparents were in the military. You may have heard some exciting stories of battles but why would you believe it. Is it because a family member told you the story? Generally you believe it because it was from someone you know and trust. Then you read books of true stories and not only believe but live the story in your imagination. Well the perfect true story 33

waits for you to read. The bible contains not only the life of Jesus but many Kings and valiant battles of good versus evil. It addresses everyday life and answers all the questions you have. In this short book there is no way I could cover the depth of information contained in the bible. Not to mention the bible is a living document which means your attitude has a lot to do with what you receive when you read it. If you really want to know the truth ask for it before you read and I guarantee you will find the answers you seek over time.

Chapter 10: The Conclusion Well by now I hope this has framed the problem better for you. The great thing about problems is the solution is never far away. I really hope you will continue your pursuit and answer some of the questions posed in this book. A bit about myself, I started writing this book several years ago. I remember just when I was about to finish it in October 2013, I was struck with the biggest tragedy of my life. On October 23, 2013, while at work I got a call from the sheriff‟s department asking if I was the father of Mark Conner. I stated that I was then a cold voice said there has been an accident. I remember asking “what happened?” The caller simply said there has been a fatality. While riding his motorcycle to work he lost control and hit a parked vehicle on the side of the road. The saving grace is there was no pain, he was instantly released from prison without torment which I am forever grateful for. I can‟t tell you how my faith was tested and the deep sense of loss I even experience as I am finishing this book again in August 2015. I can tell you just reading this book brought joy back to my heart coupled with reading the bible. I can tell you that one has been released from prison and I know that the rest of my family will be released in time. I thank God that we will be together again and I hope if I don‟t meet you here I will meet you after this life. What a celebration true freedom will bring to us all including no pain, death, or suffering ever again. This is a hard life with hard questions. I hope that you will take the time to examine yourself and your circumstances. I hope this book will lead you to the Book of Life and may joy, peace, and happiness be with you always. 34

God Bless you All, John Conner In memory of Mark Conner


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