Foundations and Methodology of English in Primary Education
Action Plan
Professor: Jeannette Parra Student’s name: Zaira Vega Olivero Los Ángeles, January 2015
Presentation 1
There are times when our teaching is hampered by many factors impeding achieve significant learning and effective, the most common is the behavior of students, clearly times are different, the context is different, but something that is no stranger to our work: "The ability to make effective real changes and in the classroom, leading directly to an effective class, and subsequent achievement of significant learning". As we said earlier is very important learning environment in classroom. School learning environment is a factor and sometimes significantly affects the teaching-learning process. For classrooms that are managed effectively, are classrooms where work easily and where students are actively engaged with their learning flows. How is this accomplished? There are no recipes or communicated, or workshops worthwhile if as teachers we apply the following: LOVE, EMPATHY, FORTRESS and CAPACITY OF REACTION. But as we have all of the above, we can now focus on how to improve the condition of our teaching practices, learning environment to ensure our students. According to the above already indicated our daily work as teachers ... what strategies, approaches, actions ensure a good classroom atmosphere? List and explain effectiveness based course, students type, subject etc. (Ex: In Arts students gain an environment with the addition of background music in the classroom). The act of teaching requires establishing a learning environment conducive to the goals set, with known rules of behavior and accepted by students, according to their state of cognitive, social and moral development. How do we guarantee? 2
Guidance, counseling students to the "achievement" of a competition.
Information, necessary and sufficient, nothing less and timely
Contextualization of what is learned.
System helps students learning
Pedagogical mediation
Creating an environment horizontal, assertive and cooperative communication between teacher and student. •
To achieve this, it is required to use in the classroom rules consistent enough and consistent with this objective, designing intervention strategies practices where those rules are broken. It is true that seems difficult, but what happens, maybe, but we must also accept that in modern times we are facing a completely different scenario, where students have greater social difficulties, emotional, cognitive, etc. Establish an organized work environment and have the space and resources in terms of learning. Objective The action plan has as main objective to implement additional behavior management techniques in the classroom, promoting the especial environment for learning of English foreign language. It will be divide en eight class of two periods each one, in which students are focused on developing communication skills using oral language in drama activities and play role.
Method that use
Communicative Aproach: Acording this theory, children develop language skill through interaction with others rather than acquire the knowledge automatically. It makes use of real –life situations that necessitate communication. the reacher set up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life. The CA can leave students in suspense as to aoutcome of a class exercise, wich will vary according to their reactions and responses. The real –life simulation change from day to day. Students motivations to learn comes from their desire to communicative in meaningful ways about meaningful topics. It can be seen in the worshop when students presents their works to the class, when interacting among each other or when showing their worshop to the school by answering questions and inviting other students to cheeck the stand.
Direct Method or sometimes called The Natural Method. The main idea of this method was to put the students in a direct contact whit the languages to be learned. Every phrase, every words produce in the classroom must be done in English, simulation concrete situations similar to the real life. Some features os the direct method that can be seen in the workshop are teaching concepts and vocabulary through pantomiming, real –life objects and other visual materials, use of just target language and focusing on question – answer patterns.
Objectives General objective To promote the English Language among students in a way they would find interesting and fun, taking advantages of their interests and likes as it is social relationship. Specific Objectives • • •
To implement additional behavior management techniques in the classroom Make transitions more organized and efficient and embedded with learning opportunities. Provide frequent positive feedback to children with encouragement for effort, thinking, and problem solving.
Methodology First step: Activities 1. Teachers will engage children in development of classroom guidelines and rules. 2. Teachers will use puppets with children to role play behaviors and problem solving. 3. Rules/guidelines will be written on poster with visual cues showing children engaged in appropriate behaviors. 4. Visual cues will be posted in classroom at eye level for the children. Person(s) Responsible: Teacher and aides working together throughout the day on the activities. Teachers will use CSEFEL tools. Scripted Stories for Social Situations 5
Time line: Within three weeks the rules, visual cues and implementation of behavioral expectations will be completed. Evidence: Children will follow the 3-4 behavior rules for the classroom consistently. Children and teachers will use the visual cues posted to remind each other of the behavioral expectations. Children will demonstrate improved conflict resolution with each other and staff. Atmosphere in the classroom will be calmer and more enjoyable for all. Second Step Activities: 1. Teacher will dismiss children in smaller numbers from whole-group activities to center activities by using cues such as calling on children whose names start with specific letters or who are wearing a particular color. 2. Teachers will ask children to help state rules and expectations for next activity. 3. Line leaders will be assigned at circle time on a rotating basis Person(s) Responsible: Teachers will download and use CSEFEL tools. view CSEFEL video on transitions Timeline: Within 3 weeks
Evidence: Children will walk in an orderly manner when transitioning from group activities to the next activity. Children will know what comes next in the daily routine. Less time will be spent redirecting and correcting and giving consequences children. Teachers will feel calmer and feel more prepared for next activity
Third step: Activities: 1. Teachers will read and reflect on the CSEFEL handout provided by consultant (Module 1.7) 2. Use one reinforcement phrase per child per day stating the behavior observed. Person responsible: Teachers and aides Timeline: Within one week Evidence: Children will be getting attention for good behaviors and have less challenging ones. They will know what is expected.
Anexos: ncredibleYearsAtSD27JPreschool.asp Activities Two Truths one lie Tell your partner three things about yourself - two of which are true and one of which is a lie. For example, you might tell your partner about your hobbies, your work, where you live, your family or where you have travelled. Afterwards, your partner tries to guess which the lie was. You might choose to tell three everyday facts or three more unusual things - but remember - only one of them should be a lie. Make sure each person listens carefully to what their partner says! Now introduce your partner to the rest of the group and see if they can guess which the lie was. • Alternatively, tell your partner three true things about yourself and then swap over. Now the whole group makes a circle. Each partner introduces their friend to the group - they tell the group two of the true things and make up one lie about their partner. •
Learning Objectives:
To encourage a group to get to know each other
Time for activity:
15-20 minutes
Radom Sound Stories Work in small groups of 4 - 6. The groups are asked to come up with a selection of random sounds - with each member making one vocalized sound. Next, the group decides on a sequence in which these sounds are made and practices it. Each group performs its sound sequence in turn to the whole class. Now the groups are asked to make up a story in which these sounds occur - in the sequence already decided upon. The story can be narrated or acted. To encourage creativity Learning Objectives:
To develop storytelling and performance skills To cooperate in group work
Age Group:
Small groups
Recommended time for activity:
15-25 minutes