Anna Yordanova Zhelezova - Architecture Portfolio 2023

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A R C H I T E C T U R E A N N A Y O R D A N O V A Z H E L E Z O V A J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 P O R T F O L I O
1. Ramp and stairs 2. Mezzanine floor 3. Lighting fixtures 4. Elevators 5. Desk office 6. Store constructions 7. Art display 8. Cafe and bar 9. Service rooms Ground floor First floor

In the first phase of the project, a survey of the geometry, the materials, and their decay was carried out. These processes aimed to evaluate and justify the intervention strategies, considering the building complex’s high value and great fragility.

The design brief directed the adaptation of the heritage building into a complex for exhibitions, performances, and activities with significant cultural value. The proposal aims to change the appearance of the building with minimum structural interventions and use of materials allowing easier maintenance in the extended life-cycle of the building .

To increase the functionality of the great volume of Casa del Sale is proposed a secondary structure that maintains an improved circulation of the building. The lighting in this hall is fixed to the previously added new roof. The Roman wall partition is left untouched.

In the elongated and narrow hall of the former “Gonazaga’s stable”, the main aim is to preserve the historic vaults. All art is fixed to the floors, standing independently from the columns, the vaulted ceiling, or the Roman wall.

Proposed facade Via Tazzoli Existing facade Section AA’ | Proposed Section AA’ | Existing

Existing state

Site proposal

Section AA’
LEGEND: 1. Residences 2. Guest house | Restaurant 3. Community center 4. Agro hub 5. Educational fields

Medicinal herbs

Fruit trees garden

Gardening lab

“Agrohub” is dedicated to agricultural education. The intervention includes the existing building and its new additions. An inner courtyard is created, which invites the vegetation inside. The ground level connects the inner classrooms with the community gardens allowing for education more engaging with the productive landscape.

Section AA’
LEGEND: 1. Classroom 2. Canteen 3. Multipurpose hall 4. Lounge 5. Workshops 6. Courtyard Ground floor
1. Entrance 2. Administration

Affected areas and National parks

National parks and natural assets

Arquata del Tronto before the seismic events in 2016

Arquata del Tronto after the seismic events in 2016

Plan of Arquata del Tronto | Before and after the seismic events in 2016

Section AA’

Arquata del Tronto before the seismic events in 2016

Arquata del Tronto after the seismic events in 2016

A major part of the village is completely ruined to the ground. Many houses are ledt with collapsed roofs or significant structural demages. The ruins and the street contours are reminding of the image of the village before the terrific events.

Arquata del Tronto Strategy for intervention

The idea is to restore and reconstruct the buildings that are sound. To use the contours of the previously existingstreets and recreate the former buildings by representing their form, but with a new purpose. Instead of creating a replica of Arquata del Tronto before the earthquake, the idea is to create and reinvent the memory of it and bring nature where the previous historic buildings have been destroyed. Now the collapsed parts of the village are turned into beautiful gardens reminiscing Arquata del Tronto.


The City As a Framework

Architectural Design Studio

Welsh School of Architecture (Cardiff University) 2017-2018

Design mentor: Zoe Berman

Year chair: Shibu Raman, Michael Corr Individual Project

Creating a mixed- use strategy, where places of

Creating a mixed- use strategy, where places of work and technical training occur alongside affordable mixed live-work spaces is a key aim in the Maker city. The philosophy of the studio is the site to be improved with altering and adding to the existing instead of the unsustainable approach of total demolition and rebuild.

Inspired by “De Stadt als Casco” - a principle of bottom - up city development, from the industrial premises of Amsterdam, by which the city is seen as a “casco’’ with multiple possible fill-ups, the project aims to test how an underused industrial areas can be turned into an entrepreneurial urban community. According to the vision the users of space are seen not as passive consumers, but as active partners in the development of the neighborhood

This new approach to the built environment is the right response to the societal shift from large quantity mass manufacturing to knowledge-based, high-craft production by skilled professionals and creatives that identify rather with the artisan tradition of entrepreneurship.

Left: Initial concept for the life in the context of the industrial premises

Right: Representation of the community in the process of gradual development


Assembling Method | Adapting the existing

1. Removing the existing facade 2. Inserting the interior structure and facilities 3. Occupants build the interior fit out EXISTING PERMANENT SEMI-PERMANENT Preserved parts of the primary existing building Intervention planned by the architect Built by the occupants 1. Studying the existing Sketches of concept development, services and facade system

Sketches of key project precedents

Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers Centre Pompidou Lina Bo Bardi Teatro oficina Cedric Price Fun Palace

What a beautiful image: The city is sleeping. Maybe she’s lost her pulse. Nothing and no one can awaken her. Then commes the artist with a gift for the city: A KISS. A soft delicious kiss on the mouth. A flowery kiss is a powerful metaphor. I believe it takes two for a really good kiss.

- Eva de Klerk “An Artist Kiss to Awaken the City “

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