PORTFOLIO Anna Yordanova Zhelezova

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A R C H I T E C T U R E A N N A Y O R D A N O V A Z H E L E Z O V A J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 P O R T F O L I O



Dedicated and creative, passionate about sustainable and socially inclusive projects. During her education, she developed a profound interest in architecture’s transformative processes: preservation, reconstruction, reuse, and adaptation. Integrating the existing built environment into a contemporary and meaningful design, by blending history with visionary ideas became the main motive in her work. Determined to become a professional with a broad spectrum of architectural knowledge, welldeveloped design intuition, and technical expertise.



September 2020 - Present

Architectural Design, Architectural Preservation, Interior Design, Urban Planning, Structural Design, Architectural Theory, Project Appraisal


September 2015 - July 2019

Architectural Design, Design Principles and Methods, Architectural Technology, Architecture in Context, Practice Management and Economics


October 2016 - February 2017 (Erasmus Exchange)

Architectural Design, Construction, Digital Form Finding, Sustainable Construction and Technologies, Advanced History and Theory of Architecture


October 2016 - February 2017 (Erasmus Exchange)

Mathematics, Computer Science, English Language, German Language


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Indesign

Adobe Illustrator

Microsoft Office

ArchiCAD Graffisoft


December 2019 - February 2020

Delivering technical drafts for two interior projects, developing furniture design, preliminary building research and surveying


September 2018 - December 2018

Involvement in small detailed design proposals to large complex developments

CABANO | Burgas, Bulgaria

June 2017 - September 2017

Preparing visualisation materials and architectural drawings for small-scale residential projects.


BURGAS RECYCLE - Sustainable Living Initiative

January 2019- January 2020

Establishing in a small team a network of sustainable businesses as a guide to the public for alternative lifestyle


MInDs 2022 (Milan International Design Studio)

February 2022 - Politecnico di Milano

Creating a design of a semi-temporary architecture set in “Parco Sempione” in Milan - design studio led by Francesca Torzo themed “The Spaces We Know”.

Hetcho en Transito Multimedia Exhibition

November 2018 - Factoría de Creación, Seville

Participating and curating a multidisciplinary design exhibition with eleven artists. The focus is the creative process in different geographical contexts.

Zero Impact - Vertical Studio

April 2017 - Welsh School of Architeture

Three-week architectural research experience exploring off-grid living, bottom-up city development, sustainable design, and living



September 2014 - June 2015, Burgas, Bulgaria

Club Board Director of Interact Youth Club (Rotary International) - communication with the local press, organisation of events and campaigns

Make Sense - Vertical Studio

April 2016 - Welsh School of Architecture

Three-week design workshop, developing an interactive installation responsive to movement and sound

10 000 Pencils - Barcelona

January 2016 - Centre de Cultura Contemporanea

Creating a temporary installation from pencils as part of the one-week study visit in Barcelona. An experiment testing collaborative design strategies

Magic of Science

May 2015 - Marine Casino, Burgas, Bulgaria

Curating an art exhibition in a team of three as part of a fundraising campaign for the school of astrophysics

Autodesc AutoCAD

Autodesk Revit

Autodesk 3ds Max

Vray | 3ds Max


LRN Level 3 Certificate in Entrepreneurship for European Creative industries (2018)

Level B2 achieved in Spanish|Language Assessment by OLS | Erasmus + (2018)

Level C1 achieved in English|International Language Testing System (2015)

Level B2 achieved in German (TDN 4)|Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (2014)


Dr Shibu Raman Lecturer in Architecture and Urban Design RamanS@cardiff.ac.uk

Lora Variyska Menaging Partner Funkt Architects funkt@funkt.eu

Juan Manuel Rojas Laura Dominguez

Arquitectos Hombre de Piedra contacto@hombredepiedra.es

Bulgarian English C1 German B2 Spanish A2 Italian A2
anna.yordanova.zhelezova@gmail.com anna.zhelezova@mail.polimi.it +359 894 356 476
01 The Former Salt and Tobacco Warehouse 02 Agricultural Hub - Corte Sant’Andrea 03 Replanting the Identity of Arquata del Tronto 04 The City as a Framework 05 Student Housing on Römerstraße 06 Avenue “De Las Razas” CONTENTS:

The Former Salt and Tobacco Warehouse

Architectural Preservation Studio

Politecnico di Milano 2021/2022

Architecture |Built Environment| Interiors

Professors: Antonella Saisi, Laura Valsasnini, Andrea Adami

Team: Alesia Lialkouskaya, Rocio Sofia Ramirez, Vaisakh Kuruvath

The former “Salt and Tobacco Warehouse”

complex in Mantua has stayed abandoned and in degradation in the last 30 years. It is listed and under protection as a UNESCO heritage site as being part of the historical centre of Mantua. The project aims to propose a minimal and sensitive solution for the preservation and adaptation of the highly valued complex.

The architectural complex consists of two main volumes: “Casa del Sale”, built between the 15th and 16th century and Gonzaga’s stable, built around the middle of the 16th century. A significant feature of the building complex is the long stretch of the ancient Roman town wall, dating back to the 2nd century AC, that is running in between the two later added building volumes.

The archaeological survey dates the ancient masonry to the low Roman Empire. A recognisable feature of the architectural complex is the appearance of the former stable of Ferrante Gonzaga (famous general of Charles V) whose ground floor consists of multiple naves covered with vaults and supported by elegant slender columns.

Section BB’ Previous state

In the first phase of the project, a survey of the geometry, the materials, and their decay was carried out. These processes aimed to evaluate and justify the intervention strategies, considering the building complex’s high value and great fragility.

The design brief directed the adaptation of the heritage building into a complex for exhibitions, performances, and activities with significant cultural value. The proposal aims to change the appearance of the building with minimum structural interventions and use of materials allowing easier maintenance in the extended life-cycle of the building .

To increase the functionality of the great volume of Casa del Sale is proposed a secondary structure that maintains an improved circulation of the building. The lighting in this hall is fixed to the previously added new roof. The Roman wall partition is left untouched.

In the elongated and narrow hall of the former “Gonazaga’s stable”, the main aim is to preserve the historic vaults. All art is fixed to the floors, standing independently from the columns, the vaulted ceiling, or the Roman wall.

Proposed facade Via Tazzoli Existing facade Section AA’ | Proposed Section AA’ | Existing Section AA’ | Existing state Section AA’ | Proposed Existing facade Proposed facade Via Academia Section BB’ | Proposed Existing facade Proposed facade Section AA’ | Existing state

Corte Sant’ Andrea Agricultural Hub

Design and Construction Studio

Politecnico di Milano 2020/2021 Architecture |Built Environment| Interiors

Professors: Marzia Morena, Tomaso Truppi, Francesco Mazzola

Team: Kruti Patel, Alina Akinfieva, Anamika Gupta, Neda Seedat, Soheil Mahmoodi

Corte Sant’Andrea is a small settlement in the Existing state

municipality of Senna

Lodigiana and is located along the Po River, considered among the most productive territories of Italy. It is also located on the well-traveled pilgrimage route of “Via Francigena” connecting Rome with Lombardy, extending to Switzerland, France, and England.

The starting point is to maintain the area, including currently abandoned industrial and farm facilities, as well as ruined housing. The aim is to create a vital community in Corte Sant’ Andrea by combining tourism, ecological farming, and smart working. The approach is to adapt the existing built environment and transform it into a productive one, by integrating sustainable energy and land use strategies.

Site proposal


Medicinal herbs


Gardening lab

Section AA’
trees garden LEGEND: 1. Residences 2. Guest house | Restaurant 3. Community center 4. Agro hub 5. Educational fields

“Agrohub” is dedicated to agricultural education. The intervention includes the existing building and its new additions. An inner courtyard is created, which invites the vegetation inside. The ground level connects the inner classrooms with the community gardens allowing for education more engaging with the productive landscape.

Section AA’ LEGEND: 1. Entrance 2. Administration 3. Terrace 4. Lounge 5. Courtyard 6. Coworking LEGEND: 1. Classroom 2. Canteen 3. Multipurpose hall 4. Lounge 5. Workshops 6. Courtyard Ground floor First floor

Ground floor


1. Artisan studios

2. Store

3. Cafe

4. Residential units

5. Residential duplexes

6. Terrace

Section AA’ Section BB’
First floor

Restoring the Identity of Arquata del Tronto

Architectural Design Studio

Politecnico di Milano 2020/2021 Architecture |Built Environment| Interiors

Professors: Alisia Tognon, Angelo Giuseppe Landi

Team: Kruti Patel, Alina Akinfieva, Sergey Levchenko

Arquata del Tronto is a historic town in the

Marche Region, situated between two national natural parks, area of exceptional beauty. The village is known for its fortress, overlooking the village, dating back to the middle ages.

In 2016 a series of earthquakes caused serious damage to the village, leaving it devastated. A great part of the village is in ruins. The population is dislocated. Some are transferred to new, but temporary housing. The residents that were already experiencing demographic and economic decline faced a great challenge after the tragic events.

The project focuses on strategically revitalizing the village as a whole, as well as on key parts of it of major importance: the stronghold and the lower historic residential part of the village. A series of gardens and botanical rooms were infilled in the ruins of the town with the aim to recreate respectfully the identity of Arquata del Tronto.

Affected areas and National parks

National parks and natural assets
Arquata del Tronto before the seismic events in 2016 Arquata del Tronto after the seismic events in 2016 Section AA’ Plan of Arquata del Tronto | Before and after the seismic events in 2016

Arquata del Tronto before the seismic events in 2016

Arquata del Tronto after the seismic events in 2016

A major part of the village is completely ruined to the ground. Many houses are ledt with collapsed roofs or significant structural demages. The ruins and the street contours are reminding of the image of the village before the terrific events.

The idea is to restore and reconstruct the buildings that are sound. To use the contours of the previously existingstreets and recreate the former buildings by representing their form, but with a new purpose. Instead of creating a replica of Arquata del Tronto before the earthquake, the idea is to create and reinvent the memory of it and bring nature where the previous historic buildings have been destroyed. Now the collapsed parts of the village are turned into beautiful gardens reminiscing Arquata del Tronto.

Arquata del Tronto Strategy for intervention
Adaptation Strategy
South facade West facade East facade North facade

The City As a Framework

Architectural Design Studio

Welsh School of Architecture

(Cardiff University) 2017-2018

Design mentor: Zoe Berman

Year chair: Shibu Raman, Michael Corr Individual Project

Creating a mixed- use strategy, where places of

Creating a mixed- use strategy, where places of work and technical training occur alongside affordable mixed live-ork spaces is a key aim in the Maker city. The philosophy of the studio is the site to be improved with altering and adding to the existing instead of the unsustainable approach of total demolition and rebuild.

Inspired by “De Stadt als Casco” - a principle of bottom - up city development, from the industrial premises of Amsterdam, by which the city is seen as a “casco’’ with multiple possible fill-ups, the project aims to test how an underused industrial areas can be turned into an enterpreneurial urban community. According to the vision the users of space are seen not as passive consumers, but as active partners in the development of the neighbourhood.

I believe that this new approach to the built environment is the right response to the societal shift from large quantity mass manufacturing to knowledgebased, high-craft production by skilled professionals and creatives that identify rather with the artisan tradition of enterpreneurship.

Left: Initial concept for the life in the context of the industrial premises Right: Representation of the community in the process of gradual development

Should architects and planners control the life of a community?

In contrast to the current predominantly residential masterplan for the area by the local authorities, this project seeks to create a self-sufficient community that develops gradually over time. The role of the architect is to create a minimum plan or “framework”, but enhance the life-giving qualities of the existing neighbourhood. It delves in dept into what are the parameters to create a self-sufficient community that embraces the philosophy of the mixed- use city, here places of work and living are organically combined ith spces of public use and supporting common needs, places we visit.

The project looks at another city with an industrial pastAmsterdam, where urban visions are following new approach. In Ijburg (Amsterdam), entire streets are built following the concept of the neighbourhoods built by the citizens. Another example is “Kunststadt” (Art City) in NDSM Amsterdam, where an abandoned shipyard is renovated and put to use, the city is developed and financed solely by the people, and the architect is comissioned to design and frame the city within the industrial complex, the interior is to the end users.

Assembling Method | Adapting the existing 1. Removing the existing facade 2. Inserting the interior structure and facilities 3. Occupants build the interior fit out EXISTING PERMANENT SEMI-PERMANENT Preserved parts of the primary existing building Intervention planned by the architect Built by the occupants 1. Studying the existing Sketches of key project precedents Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers Centre Pompidou Lina Bo Bardi Teatro oficina Cedric Price Fun Palace Sketches of concept development, services and facade system

What a beautiful image: The city is sleeping. Maybe she’s lost her pulse. Nothing and no one can awaken her. Then commes the artist with a gift for the city: A KISS. A soft delicious kiss on the mouth. A flowery kiss is a powerful metaphor. I believe it takes two for a really good kiss.

- Eva de Klerk “An Artist Kiss to Awaken the City “

Student Housing On Römerstraße

Architectural Design Studio

Technische Universität München 2017 (Erasmus Exchange)

Professor: Florian Musso, Markus Hering

Team: Nelly Prechtl, Max Panhans

Not far from the very heart of Munich, is to be built a

complex with student residences. The design follows strict parameters about the area and height, as well as the standard requirements of the students,

The design of the building visully separates the top residential area from the common one on the ground level. The inner courtyard at the center of the building allows light into the corridors. A multipurpose room is situated on the side of the street, suitable for study, leisure or lecture.

On the upper floors are the student residences, with 35 individual rooms in total. They are oriented towards the outside to gain maximum daylight. These rooms are designed with the german motto “as large as necessary, as comfortable as possible”.

Stadard upper floor First floor
Underground floor
Ground floor Left: Section AA’ Right: Section trough the multipurpose room exploring different uses Left: Section AA’ Right: Facade details

Proposal for Avenue

“De Las Razas” Seville, Spain

Internship (Sept. 2018 - Dec. 2018)

Arquitectos Hombre De Piedra Collaborators: Buro 4 Seville, Spain

Redefining the urban use of the territories along the port

of Seville was the aim of the spatial plan started in 2018. The industrial facilities and the adjacent areas on the east of “Las Razas” avenue were to be repurposed.

The site is in a close proximity to the business area of Seville, as well as directly related to the University campus area of “Reina Mercedes”. This turns the site into a very desireable area for investment for various activities: technological, commercial, administrative, as well as recreational.

The plan follows a stepwise process for developping from the “base” upward. A key feature of the masterplan was the walkway formed on the upper level, creating a terrace overlooking the river. The development was intended as an elevated green platform connecting the rest of the higher-rise structures.


The selected project showcases work assisted and collaborated with Arquitectos Hombre de Piedra. The process in the professional studio involved initial research on interventions with similar contexts, preliminary diagrams, models and visualisations. All materials served for initial development and presentation of the proposal for the project of Avenue “De Las Razas”.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! contacts: anna.yordanova.zhelezova@gmail.com anna.zhelezova@mail.polimi.it +359 894 356 476

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