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Restoring the Identity of Arquata del Tronto

Restoring the Identity of Arquata del Tronto

Architectural Design Studio


Politecnico di Milano 2020/2021 Architecture |Built Environment| Interiors

Professors: Alisia Tognon, Angelo Giuseppe Landi

Team: Kruti Patel, Alina Akinfieva, Sergey Levchenko

Arquata del Tronto is a historic town in the Marche Region, situated between two national natural parks, an area of exceptional beauty. The village is known for its fortress, overlooking the village, dating back to the middle ages.

In 2016 a series of earthquakes caused serious damage to the village, leaving it devastated. A great part of the village is in ruins. The population is dislocated. Some are transferred to new, but temporary housing. The residents that were already experiencing demographic and economic decline faced a great challenge after the tragic events.

Arquata del Tronto before and after the seismic events in 2016

The project focuses on strategically revitalizing the village as a whole, as well as on key parts of it of major importance: the stronghold and the lower historic residential part of the village. A series of gardens and botanical rooms were infilled in the ruins of the town to recreate respectfully the identity of Arquata del Tronto.

Arquata del Tronto Strategy for intervention

A major part of the village is completely ruined to the ground. Many houses are left with collapsed roofs or significant structural damages. The ruins and the street contours are reminding of the image of the village before the terrific events.

The idea is to restore and reconstruct the sound buildings. To use the contours of the previously existing streets and recreate the former buildings by representing their form, but with a new purpose. Instead of creating a replica of Arquata del Tronto before the earthquake, the idea is to create and reinvent the memory of it and bring nature where the previous historic buildings have been destroyed. Now the collapsed parts of the village are turned into beautiful gardens reminiscing Arquata del Tronto.

The Reconstruction of Arquata del Tronto Stronghold

Rocca di Arquata del Tronto is a fortress dating back to the Middle ages. The series of earthquakes in 2016 led to the collapse of a great part of Arquata, as well as major destructions in the nearby towns. (Amatrice, Pescara, Norcia). During the seismic events, Rocca remained standing although damaged. Part of the bastion collapsed. Present were also cracks in the masonry.

The intervention necessary for the castle includes major repairs and improved accessibility for public visiting. A few years after the earthquakes, the fortress is supported with scaffoldings, both on the interior and exterior. This temporary state of the castle informed the reconstruction strategy. The use of reinforcements could prevent further damage if future seismic events occur and serve for extended public access. The castle is a key historic landmark on a planned tourist and recreational path and an observation point of the surrounding natural beauty.

Facade drawings of the reconstruction proposal for Rocca di Arquata del Tronto

by Alina Akinfieva

Reconstruction Detail

by Alina Akinfieva

The exterior perspective of the reuse and reconstruction of Rocca di Arquata del Tronto

by Alina Akinfieva, Anna Yordanova Zhelezova

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