Portfolio zheng cui

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PORTFOLIO ZHENG CUI 2007- 2015 davidzhengcui@gmail.com

ICBC Data Center Operative Matrix a more visible,evolutionary DQG ÀH[LEOH DUUDQJHPHQW Professional work, completed *HQVOHU VKDQJKDL RI¿FH 6LWH 6KDQJKDL &KLQD EXLOGLQJ DUHD P2 )$5 &ROODERUDWRUV <XQ +VXHK +LVKDP <RXVVHI

Concept Sketch: String Game The concept derives from the string game in ZKLFK SHRSOH SOD\ WKH VWULQJ DORQJ WKHLU ÂżQJHUV forming different while beautiful patterns. This proposal enlarges the game to a building VFDOH LQGLFDWLQJ D JDPH SOD\LQJ ZLWK SDYLOLRQV and trees. The minimal touches on the ground make the spatial experience light and unique.

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