Env i r o n m e nta l A r c h i tec tu re Huang Zheng
Project 01
Healing Garden
Adjuvant therapy with vegetation Year: 2016, Individual work Project 02
Tomb: City Of The Dead
Reorganization of life for marginalized population in the area of tomb Year: 2016, Individual work
Project 03
Renascence Of Saline-Alkali Soil
Solving the problems of Saline-Alkali Soil and local fluorosis Year: 2017, Individual work
Project 04
Crisis Of Biological Invasion
Enhancing the stability of marine ecosystems to resist the invasion of alien species Year: 2017, Individual work
Proposed Activities
01. Healing Garden
Adjuvant therapy with vegetation Year: 2016, Individual work
The site is located next to a hospital in Tianjin, China, which is nearby a crowded crossing with few green areas for public. This project proposed a healing garden for the hospital, which provide more natural treatments for the patients. This design have positive impacts on patients in physiology and psychology through external stimulus from vision, smell, hearing, touch, etc. to strengthen the interaction between people and landscape consciously. The main users are patients from the hospital and groups from the nearby communities. Gardening activities are encouraged to enhance the self-esteem of patients and make them gain the sense of achievement while planting flowers.
Rest space
Walk dogs
Flower garden
Relax your mind and enjoy a quiet space .
Separating the dogs from people to avoid accidental injury and bacterial infection .
Enhance the self-esteem of patients and the sense of being needed .
Sunken square
Evacuation square
Rehabilitation of soldiers
Isolate external interference and comfort people’s moods .
Evacuating people for fear that the emergency channels are blocked .
Providing rehabilitation equipment and track .
Fragrance garden
Children’s park
Offering shopping and communication places .
The fragrance and the voice of birds are used to release their aches .
Offering pleasure ground to nearby children for exploring .
Site Challenges Hospital China
Hedong district
Heavy traffic
Illegal building
Worn-out equipment
Narrow road
Site Analysis Function The site is close to a hospital, a school, and a dwelling district, which has dense population but lacks public space.
Circulation Traffic is heavy in intersections, so the emergency channels are usually blocked.
Greenspace There are few greenbelts around the site, so the residents here cannot touch a large greenspace.
Planting Concept- A Therapeutic Garden
Master Plan Through analysis, using plants to set up different theme gardens, it is convenient for patients to produce different psychological feelings through interaction with plants. Meanwhile, set up sunken square and woodland area, to help patients insulate external noise and enjoy a quiet environment.
N 0
3 cm
75 m
Basking on the lawn.
Picking fruits Planting trees
Touching flowers
Enjoying the voice of birds
Viewing flowers of different colors
Disabled ramp Smelling the fragrance of flowers
Flower nursery
Plants Section
Woodland area
Activity area for rehabilitation
Water pool square
Theme garden
Medicine herbaecous plant area
Design Structure Function analysis
Road system Evacuation square Public place for rest and recreation Children’s park Woodland area Square for walking dogs Water pool square Medical supplies shop Activity area for rehabilitation Bamboo area Garden for touchable plants Fragrance garden Garden for flower nursery planting
Planting Strategy Plan
Seasonal Aspect
Daily path planting
Betula platyphylla
Cerasus serrulata (Lindl.) G. Don ex London var. lannesiana (Carri.)Makino Chimonanthus praecox Helleborus x hybridus Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl. Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant. 'Pfitzeriana'
Magnolia grandiflora L
Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.
C e d r u s d e o d a ra (Roxb.) G. Don Ginkgo biloba L. woodland area lawn
Set up evergreen trees and shrubs to ensure that garden can be used all around year. Daily path has Betula platyphylla and other evergreen trees .In winter,the bark of Betula platyphylla can still be enjoyed .
Spring and summer
Autumn and winter
Theme garden Medicine herbaecous plant area Corlor And Fragrance
Aster novi-belgii
Miscanthus sinensis cv.
Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
Polygonum muricatum Meisn
Syringa oblata Lindl. var. alba Rehder
Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth Pennisetum alopecuroides (L. ) Spreng. Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers. Orychophragmus violaceus Poa pratensis
Gardenia jasminoides Bambusoideae Hosta plantaginea (Lam.)Aschers.
Theme Garden Vegetation Analysis Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC.
Amaranthus caudatus L.
Rostellularia procumbens (Linn.) Nees
Mosla dianthera
Cassia toraLinn Plantago asiatica L.
Gomphrena globosa L.
Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt.
Hibicus sabdariffa L.
Elsholtzia splendens Nakaiex F. Maekawa
Euphorbia humifusa Willd. ex Schltdl.
Lepidium apetalum Willd.
Mazus japonicus (Thunb.) O. Kuntze.
Pharbitis nil (Linn.) Choisy
Garden for touchable plants
Fragrance garden
Woodland area Bamboo area The rustling of the bamboo relaxes the patient and the color also calms the patient down.
Medicine herbaecous plant area
Cancer Aurigo Burn Icteric hepatitis Astriction Bacillary dysentery Cough Prickly heat
Cut out any d i st ra c t i o n completely and keep in intimate contact with the nature.
Flowers and plants that sway in the breeze arouse a feeling to the breeze for patients.
Color garden Stimulate the optic nerve, relieve the burden of heart, and cure the brain disease and the mental disorder.
Spring Summer
Evoke the patient with a Be beneficial to repsychological resonance lax, sleep, and calm that interacts with plants. nerves.
C h ro n i c p u l m o n a r y h e a r t disease Hypertension Chronic bronchitis Dysentery
Nephritic edema
Sowing seeds
Picking fruit
Picking flower
Landscape Nodes Garden for touchable plants
Fragrance garden
Garden for flower nursery planting
Public place for rest and recreation
Medical supplies shop
Drying area for herbaceous plants
Square for walking dogs
Evacuation square
Woodland area
Activity area for rehabilitation
Design Rendering of Water Square in Summer
Design Rendering of Skating Rink in Winter
Children’s park
Water pool square
Design Rendering of Flower Nursery Planting in Spring
Perspective of Flower Nursery
Design Rendering of Flower Nursery Harvesting in Autumn
02. Tomb: City Of The Dead
Reorganization of life for marginalized population in the area of tomb Year: 2016, Individual work
The city of the dead in Cairo, Egypt is the cemetery of Egyptian nobilities. Egyptians adopt the traditional ground burial, and their burial chamber is a house of courtyard style with a roof and a yard. Meanwhile, the nobilities hire the poor to live in their burial chambers for guarding. With the sharply increasing population in Cairo, there are not enough places to live, so more and more people come to this burial chamber, which form a mixed dwelling between the living and the dead. In order to improve the living conditions of the citizens. Roof and flank of the burial chamber will be reused to create new facilities. The main purpose of the project is creating separated spaces between living men and the dead to improve the public health. In the meantime, new planting space, marketing area and public spaces for communication are designed to create a self–sufficient community.
Site Analysis
This site is located in a famous burial chamber in Cairo, Egypt, which is called the city of the dead. At present, it has become a famous slum where living men and the dead live together. The traditional cemetery has a courtyard, wall, gate, rooms and burial chamber.
Living in the burial chamber leads to problems of poor public health, less education and more serious crimes.
Percentage of area in Cairo
Percentage of population in Cairo
Annual precipitation
Tomb Coffin Watching TV in the tomb
Three types of coffin chamber in the site.
Three Causes of Forming
Cooking in the tomb
Burial chamber-guarder
Wash clothes in a tomb
Ancient Egypt and the The rich hired the poor tradition of burial in the to guard the cemetery. ground.
The tradition continues in the modern times.
The poor
Dense population in Cairo.
Post office
Obvious class differentiation
Exploded Diagram of Coffin Chamber
Residents sleeping in t h e co ff i n chamber .
The poor were forced to live in the cemetery.
The corpse in the coffin .
Magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred on Oct. 12, 1992.
Houses were destroyed.
Residents were forced to move to the cemetery.
Burial of the royal family
Cooking in the coffin chamber.
Design Prototype Family units will share a planting space which form a basic cluster. The formed clusters should be equipped with public space and market on a moderate scale to finally get several blocks on a larger scale.the block is made of basic clusters which shares open spaces and markets. Additionally, blocks will form bigger communities with comprehensive infrastructure .
Drying the plants in the sun
Roof planting Liana
Fruit tree
Vertical planting
Drying the seeds in the sun Hanging clothes out
Drying something from the side
Having a meal
The roof and the side of the burial chamber will be used to plant industrial crop and vegetables to provide local residents enough food.
The rest of the space can be used to dry the harvested plants, store other food, etc Praying
Smoking a hookah Trade of surplus food Enjoying the cool
Family Residents can sleep in the hammock on the side of the burial chamber, perform daily activities on the roof such as dining and praying, and dry their clothes on the side of the burial chamber.
Chatting and meeting
Public place
The roof and the existing yard of the cemetery can be used to provide recreation places for residents.
After harvest, residents can exchange spare items to get what they need mutually.
Cluster Plan
Street Analysis of Cemetery The building and the gaps between walls can be used as public space to form organized recreation places. Public
3 cm
300 m
Node Plan C B A
Planting Strategy Design Market group
Cyperus papysus L.
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
Zea mays Linn.
Mangifera indica L.
Canarium album (Lour.) Raeusch.
Solanum tuberosum L.
Citrus reticulata Blanco.
Allium cepa L.
Cocos nucifera L.
Public place group
Family Public place
Node Plan
A representative site is selected from the whole cemetery and partly arrange areas of living, planting, drying, public place and markets, so that a living area of every several families can be close to a space of planting, drying, playground and exchange market respectively.
Design Rendering of The Burial Chamber Roof
3 cm
30 m
Design Rendering of The Burial Chamber Ground
Structure Analysis
Peripheral functional zones Planting
Open space
Market place Family
Greenspace Drying
Analysis of Saline-Alkali Degree
Function Analysis
03. Renascence Of Saline-Alkali Soil
The site belongs to the saline-alkali area in North China, and the densely distributed saline-alkali soil here has a serious impact on the growth of local crops.
Solving the problems of saline-alkali soil and local fluorosis Year: 2017, Individual work
The site is located in Haixing county, Hebei province. Fluorine ions in the surface water of this region is excessive, which results in serious endemic fluorosis as well as dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis of residents. Meanwhile, owing to the large area of saline-alkali soil, the crops cannot grow well and residents have a hard life. Through my research, Hydrilla Verticillata and Salicornia europaea L(also known as samphire) can solve the problem of both fluorosis and saline-alkali soil at the same time. For one thing, Hydrilla Verticillata can absorb fluorine ions to reduce the fluorosis ions content in water, and the Hydrilla Verticillata after absorbing fluorine ions can made into a pesticide to kill the injurious insect called inchworm that parasitizes Salicornia europaea L. For another, planting Salicornia europaea L can improve its saline-alkali soil. Adding processed Salicornia europaea L can inhibit the growth of chladophora in that chladophora stunts the growth of Hydrilla Verticillata through the scramble for oxygen and sunlight.
Salina Site River Wetland
Site Analysis In the north of the site, it is a salt pan with an excessive content of salt and alkali, which is suitable for the growth of Salicornia europaea L. In the middle area, Xuanhui River is polluted greatly. The south area has a reservoir with frequent appearing of chladophora as well as excessive fluorine ions in water.
C The water quality of water reservoir i n t h i s re g i o n i s g o o d w i t h n o pollution of chladophora.
Zhouguan Douzhuangzi
Xinli lvjia
C Xinzhuang
Zhongjie Dahekou
Xinli Dalangdian
A COD Ammonia nitrogen TP Poll Main stream Tributary Reservoir Pollution
Xiangfang Xinji
There is two hectare saline-alkali soil in Haixing County. Surface water contains a large salt content and excessive fluorine ions, which cannot be drunk directly.
Regional Land Use
Samphire should be irrigated with salt water. However, the surface water in this region is fresh water, which cannot be used to irrigate Salicornia europaea L .
Xuanhui River, a saltwater river with flood seasons in this region, can irrigate the S a l i c o r n i a e u ro p a e a L i n saline—alkali soil. But the water reservoir nearby has excessive fluorine ions and massive chladophora, which leads bad water quality.
Saline soil
Salt pan
Residential zone
Main stream
Fluorine Cycle Diagram Through the water, the fluorine has a devastating effect on humans, as well as animals and plants.
Forming Reasons of Salt-Alkali Soil
Effects of Salt-Alkali Soil
Special Species
There is a small runoff volume and a large evaporation capacity Local saltworks excessively pumped underground brine. The irrigation of flood did not get drained in time. High level of underground water results in serious salt accumulation in soil. Seawater intrusion pollutes underground water.
Excessive salt accumulation exacerbates the soil in physical properties.
Plants cannot absorb enough water form soil. Carbonate hinders protein synthesis, which leads to the death of cells.
Salicornia europaea L
Hydrilla Verticillata
The root of Salicornia europaea L can validly improve salt-alkali soil.
Hydrilla Verticillata can absorb the fluorine ions in water to purify the water.
Seasonal Variation Of Salicornia europaea L
Master Plan The artificial river bank, which is used for flood prevention, will be rebuilt as natural ones to improve the local biodiversity through Salicornia europaea L irrigation. Hydrilla Verticillata is processed as pesticide to reduce the damage of inchworms. N
Planting area of Salicornia europaea L.
3 cm
300 m
Early autumn
Late autumn
Late winter
Factories process Salicornia europaea L and Hydrilla Verticillata.
Water Tank Existing areas of reed
When it flooded, the salt water seeps into the water tank from a lower gradient, and then is pumped by the water pump to a higher gradient, to irrigate the Salicornia europaea L.
Function analysis
Planting areas of Hydrilla Verticillata.
Artificial river courses are softened into natural river courses.
Salicornia europaea L
Using reed to backfill the soil in winter.
Coastwise planting areas of Salicornia europaea L.
Road system
Variations of River in Flood Seasons
Normal period
Flood season
First submerged layer
Second submerged layer
Third submerged layer
Seasonal Sections After the transformation to natural river courses, the river water in flood seasons submerges the planting areas of Salicornia europaea L that have gradients layer by layer.
Flow Diagram of Strategy Optimization
Schematic Diagram of Soil Restoration Hydrilla Verticillata is planted in spring, so the soil fertility in reservoir has declined after winter harvest.
Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steud Hydrilla Verticillata is cultivated in water.
Hydrilla Verticillata is processed by factory into a pesticide containing fluorine ions to kill the inchworm.
There is a competitive relation between chladophora and Hydrilla Verticillata in the scramble for oxygen and sunlight.
Arundo donax 'Versicolor' Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Trapella sinensis Oliv.
Typha latifolia ’Variegata’
Juncus bufonius Linn.
Taraxacum sinicum Kitag
Scorzonera pusilla
Salicornia europaea L is added to the water after the processing of factory to stunt the growth of chladophora. Scirpus validus Vahl.
Therefore, the nearby reeds should be cut to backfill the soil for restore the fertility of soil.
Cut the Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steud .
Inchworm grows with Salicornia europaea L together, during which it takes the leaves of samphire as food and then leads the death of Salicornia europaea L.
The shells of shrimps and crabs can produce calcium ions to combine with fluorine ions and generate CaF2 sediment, reducing the fluorine ions in water.
The water with excessive fluorine ions can breed aquatic products like shrimp, crab after purification.
Rendering of Hydrilla Verticillata
Hydrilla Verticillata Wetland Water with excessive fluorine ions
Rendering of Natural River Courses
Viaduct Soften the coastline
Salicornia europaea L Xuanhui river
Rendering of Salicornia europaea L
Biological salt
Salt-alkali soil
Salicornia europaea L
04. Crisis Of Biological Invasion
Enhancing the stability of marine ecosystems to resist the invasion of alien species Year: 2017, Individual work
When human activities give rise to a crisis in the ocean, the warming of the ocean becomes extremely dangerous. As a result, the originally nonnative creatures floating in the ocean from the hot to the cold water areas, could lead to an unpredictable disaster for the ecosystem along the west coast of the Pacific. The study of the biological nature about invasive species, pyrosomes, found that, the blue light emitted by pyrosomes can promote the growth of coral larvae and then produce new coral reefs. As a breakthrough point, the pyrosomes are gathered with the help of a device and tide in a controlled range, to feed the local endangered dermochelys coriacea, and thus the quantity of pyrosomes is controlled. In the meanwhile, it also provides shelter for living things and helps recover the stable ecosystem in the ocean, so as to resist the crisis of biological invasion that damages the local ecosystem.
Site Analysis The site is located on the coast of Columbia, in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Along the global warming of oceans, Pyrosomes float from the hot to the cold water area, which results in an accumulation on the coast of Colombia, and it would not only affect the local fishery, but also destroy the already fragile ecosystem of Canada. At the same time, under the premise of global ocean acidification, coral reefs also face the crisis of coral bleaching.
Burrard Inlet Ocean current direction
Stanley Park Third beach
Distribution of Organism
Vancouver English Bay English Bay beach
Museum of vancouver
Land Coral reef
Sand beach Site
Sand beach Site
Kitsilano beach park
Coral reef
Analysis of Biological Invasion Plenty of pyrosomes caught in fishing
A mass of coral bleaching in the ocean acidification
Dermochelys coriacea near extinction Plastic indigestion Seeing the light Rising tide
Big water Net loss Hunting
Concept As the blue light emitted by pyrosomes promotes the growth of coral larvae, pyrosomes can also form an abundant ecosystem. In addition, the parrot fish can produce sands and gravels, providing a shelter for organisms. Py ro s o m e s a re e at i n g t h e plankton while moving forward.
Planula Larvae
Eat pyrosomes
The protein in the coral larvae that receives the blue wavelength will grow faster.
Pyrosomes produce large quantities of feces rich of organic carbon.
Blue light emitted by pyrosomes
The parrot fish eats the seaweed and helps the coral grow.
The seaweed grows next to the coral thicket, competing with corals for living space.
Biologic Chain
Enhydra Lutris Squid Scaleph
Analysis of Special Species They will find food at the original nesting site.
The female turtle lays its eggs on the beach.
Reproductive Process Of Dermochelys Coriacea The male turtle lives in the sea all year around.
Saccharina Latissima Northem Fulmars
Mola Algae
After eating the plankton, pyrosomes will discharge the se awate r f ro m their tails to push them to move.
Physiological Character Of Pyrosomes
Incubation of baby turtles. There are plankton in the sea.
The baby turtles go into the water in a period of time.
Green Sea Turtle
Sea Urchin Bacteria
The clustered colonies create a pyrosome by the vegetative propagation. The cyathozooid is given birth by the sexual reproduction of colonies, and then form new pyrosomes.
The growth of new corals.
The Process From The Coral Larvae Growing Into The Coral Planula larvae adhere to the suitable place for survival. Planula larvae
Northem Fulmars
Organisms living at the sea level.
Enhydra Lutris
Squid Crab
The parrot fish excretes a lot of sands and gravels to provide a shelter for organisms.
Dermochelys Coriacea
Organisms living in the shallow sea.
Organisms living in the deep sea.
Function Analysis of Devices Aggregation of Pyrosomes
In the rising tide
Structural Analysis of Devices Aggregation in the holes
In the falling tide
A single device forms a large island device group with topographic fluctuations. When it is in the rising tide, the 1m-1.5m sea water pushes pyrosomes to the holes of each device, while the dermochelys coriacea comes to the device to take food after building its nest on the beach. The coral larvae under the sea level are also attracted here to form 1m-1.5m new coral reefs.
PH-neutral marine concrete
1m-1.5m H: 0.75m Growth of the coral larvae
The adhesion of coral larvae
Appearance of corals
Appearance of coral reefs
1m-1.5m Feeding of Dermochelys coriacea
The Dermochelys coriacea find food at their nestling site
Pyrosomes are eaten
The quantity of pyrosomes is controlled
R: 0.01m-0.012m
Investigation Process of Form The Devices Unit
Plane Parrotifish
The parrot fish is eating the seaweed
The parrot fish is excreting sands and gravels
Packaging devices of gravels
Section of Optimum Layout of Devices The adjacent coral reefs at the shallow sea close to the shore are selected, beneficial for the Dermochelys coriacea to find foods at any time.
Best site
Coral reef Pyrosomes
Dermochelys coriacea
Master Plan A single device forms a large island device group with topographic fluctuations. When it is in the rising tide, the sea water pushes pyrosomes to the holes of each device, while the dermochelys coriacea comes to the device to take food after building its nest on the beach. The coral larvae under the sea level are also attracted here to form new coral reefs.
Dermochelys coriacea
Tidal flow
N Devices Pyrosomes
3 cm
30 m
Section above The Sea Level Coral
Dermochelys coriacea
Rendering of Devices under The Sea Level