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Forces and Moment check
The most significant problem in MIDAS simulation is the displacement at the middle of the longest span of pecture hall, we ever applied HEB 800 primary beam but it exceeded the limit, then we add support at edge and change the steel type into larger yield strength as S355
Beam Stress
Applying self loads and wind loads on the structure, the maximum of beam stress appeared at the edge of the logest span of primary beam after adding reinforced connections for the reason of displacement. However, every node between columns and beams also need to be reinforced.
Beam Torsion
In the gragh of beam torsion analysis, maximum datas happened at 4 corners and computer lab, therefore additional beams and columns are necessory construction.
analysis, it is obvious that basically corners of the lecture hall additional connectors between necessory in the process of classroom
Beam Shear Force
Analyzing the beam shear force on y and z direction, we could see different results compared with previous diagrams. The part that most need take care of is the two primary beams togther with columns in lecture hall and computer lab, where stronger material is necessary to apply.
Beam Moment
Beam moment diagram is more or less similar to the dispalcement gragh, maximum appeared at the same position, middle of longest primary beam. In addition, other primary beams that only have columns at edge also need some supportings at corner.