The meanings behind certain shapes in the design are abstracted from a leaf, and this leaf was positioning a second element in the entire logo. By chosing a leaf as symbol because most of the teas had been made from leaves. The letters “CHAYI” epresented the name of enterprise’s name. CHAYI had a chinese meaning which is the art of tea. The bottom curve stoke of the character “y” attached and blended with the stem of leaf. The tone of my tea packaging design engages with strong colours that reflected to different colours. These colours also had a obvious contrast in a dark tone. This match would form a luxurious identity that would appeal to a new and younger generation consumers. For the tea packaging style, i chosed a paper box to store tea bags. It’s aiming to perceive a modern ‘blocky’ look to the consumers. Dimensions of this box are 5cm x 5cm, just enough to fit 7 tea bags. If one tea bags per day, then it is going to last 7 days per box. The typeface i had used in logo was modified from “Pristina”. It was a computer generated hand drawn and modernised font, also can be easily to read. It looks beautiful and elegant. The body-text in the box is readable and simple to match the layout. There were some pattern involved and related to tea packaging, such as leaves and lemon illustrations. The secondary colour also related to the flavor of tea. The logo is a representation of the company. the mix of colour will protentially attract the people in the young ages. For the colour, i had chosed Green to use for the green tea packaging, red to use for black tea packaging and yellow to use for lemon tea packaging. They are bright and strong in contrast with dark primary colour. The font colors in the body text are mainly white, so they can be easily to read. The materials i used for my tea packaging is mainly paper board. It could be reusable and recycled. A clear plastic sheet would be warpped around the box and it will avhieve the purpose of protection. Also it was giving a high end representation to the consumers.
Mood Board inspiration sample typography
sample Colour
Sample Heading - Arial Black
Sample Subheading Sample body text
- Pristina - Arial
decoration elements
reversed version
standard version
sencond element
colour variations
G r een Tea place the bag in cup
Add boiling water
A tranquil, light and delicate tea exploding with antioxidants. Originating from China thousands of years ago, this cup will invigorate and cleanse the senses.
leave for MAX 3 mins
B l ack Tea
Black Tea
place the bag in cup
Add boiling water
A rich blend that stimulates the senses allowing you to embrace the day. Despite the blend’s name, the cup is still delicious when savoured after breakfast.
Leave for 3-5 mins
emon Tea
place the bag in cup
Add boiling water
Spice things up with this zesty yet warm blend. Lemon is the perfect to brighten up your day. Best served without milk and an upbeat attitude.
leave for 5-6 mins