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San Cristóbal (Chatham) is the easternmost island in the Galápagos archipelago, as well as one of the oldest geologically. Its official name in Spanish “San Cristobal “comes from the Saint of sailors, St. Christopher. Its ancient name in English, Chatham, came from William Pitt (the Elder), first Earl of Chatham.

The Human history of San Cristobal is very similar to the one of other inhabited islands of the archipiĂŠlago. Of all the settlers of the island, the work of Manuel J. Cobos will be remembered for many years to come. He was responsible for converting San Cristobal Island into a centre for agriculture, cattle rearing, fishing and also different industries. Mr. Cobos set up the estate El Progreso, which can be found 7 km from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. We have a warm community, which provides security, tranquility, which has great talent for the arts, dance, music, sports, science and life at sea.


Surf Points Punta Carola El Cañón Tongo Reef Outer Reef La Lobería Manglecito Lolo Surf Los Cráteres Puerto Chino

TIJERETAS HILL it offers an impressive view towards the north coast of the island from where you can see the iconic Kicker Rock. Its name Tijeretas is because the emblematic frigate birds that nests in the place. There are three viewpoints, in one of which you can see the statue in honor of the naturalist Charles Darwin. There is also a small cove where you can snorkel in the company of friendly sea lions and turtles among others.

KAYAKING SPOTS Bahía Naufragio Tijeretas Isla Lobos

GARDEN OF OPUNTIAS CACTUS The name of the site is due to the abundant presence of cactus or prickly pears of the genus Opuntias (Opuntia megasperma) and they are characterized because their little water requierement to survive in dry climates, some of them reach up to four meters high. The fruits of these plants serve as food for the local finches.

Biking to El Junco Lagoon


The El Junco lagoon is a now extinct volcano, its name comes from a plant that is common in its surroundings called “junco”. The lagoon is also surrounded by Miconia, an endemic flora specie of the Galapagos, it is also one of the favorite places for the frigates that fly and brush its wings with fresh water.

DAVID RODRÍGUEZ BREEDING CENTER This breeding center has been built to keep healthy the population of land tortoises (Geochelone Chatamensis) on the island, under conditions similar to their natural state. In this breeding center you can observe baby, juvenile and adult tortoises.


Approximately 45 minutes by land from Puerto Baquerizo you reach the path that leads to a paradisiac beach of fine white sand, which invites recreation and rest, here you can enjoy the sea and appreciate sea lions and blue footed boobies.


Panorama from the West

ISLA LOBOS sla Lobos it is located 20 minutes from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno by sailing. There is a 2800 feet path that you can tour it in aproximately one hour. Contains an small population of blue-footed boobies and common frigates that nest on this site. Here you can apreciate the two sea lions species present in Galapagos. During the boat trip you can also see a several species of shore birds, brown pelicans among others; while during the shallow dive the presence of juvenile sea lions, skillet rays and sea turtles is common.

ROSA BLANCA BAY Rosa Blanca is a bay of crystalline waters located northeast of San Cristobal Island, has several beaches whose main is located in the center of a small shore bay, the large number of dunes present generate a unique landscape. Additionally there is presence of sharks, rays and sea turtles that are the ideal complement for snorkeling activities.



The Kicker Rock also named “sleeping lion� for its resemblance shape, is formed by two rocks of approximately 480 feet high. Among them an exceptional channel is formed, ideal to practice diving or snorkeling and observing Galapagos sharks, dyers hammerhead sharks, turtles, rays, eels and abundant tropical fish; you can also see blue-footed boobies, masked boobies, frigates, pelicans and sea lions.


PUNTA PITT It offers an impressive landscape is composed of tuff substrate. It is the only site on the islands, where you can see the three species of boobies (blue footed, red, red and masked) and the two species of frigate bird all nesting in the same area.

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