S o u t h
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I n d i a
S o u t h
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I n d i a Zhu Hai 朱 海
Most of images taken in South of India through CoChin, Trivandrum, Kanyakumari, Kovalam â“’2010 for all photographs: Zhu Hai â“’2010 for all photographs: Memo Vision Studio
的麻木是件可怕的事情,当旅行渐渐成为职业,身处异乡,拍摄变成纯职业化的反应。机场通 常是第一站,烦琐的出关手续,旅途的劳顿,使感官变得迟钝,以我的经验,空气是感官最先
接触的新世界,或干或湿并伴随着某种特殊的气味,很遗憾我已记不起刚来印度时嗅到的气味,凌晨 到的德里,那时的身体只需要一张床。 时隔一年,当要完成这本册子的时候,图片带我重游了那次南印之行。对于我这个第一次去印度的外 国人来说,南印并非“纯正”的印度,干净、秩序,并且富足,且有几分祥和之气,当镜头面对他们 时,他们沉着并坦然,他们大多不会问我要钱,只有一次这样的经历,20卢比不算过分。在修整图片 的时候有一张使我惊讶不已,一个拄着拐棍兜售彩票的男人,他的衬衣却有相当好的质地,熨整一 新,且刚刚换上。相比他,我显得粗鄙不少,看来人的尊严跟职业、财富都是不等的。
umbness is a terrible thing – when travel becomes just a job and taking photos my only purpose. The airport is usually the first stop, the complicated procedures and the tiring travelling blunt my senses. Upon arrival, the feel of air is the first contact to the new place - dry air, humid air, with unique smells. Unfortunately, I can’t remember my first feelings in India. I arrived at Dehli in early morning, just needing a bed to lay down. After one year, I will have finished this booklet and these pictures will take me back to my travels in South India. For my first time travelling in India as a foreigner, I felt that South India is not a “pure” India. It is clean, orderly, rich, and quite peaceful. When I focused on the people they looked so calm, most of them wouldn’t ask for money, except once, and 20 rupees is not much. I took a picture one time of a man with crutches selling lottery tickets. His shirt was of good quality - clean and just put on. In my state I looked vulgar compared with him. This shows that the dignity of a person is not necessarily determined his job or wealth.
Editor: Zhu Hai Layout Artist: Ken Email: zhuhaihaihai@hotmail.com