qâ‚ŹOmanCâ‚ŹR'S hanbBOok
IntRobuctlon This book began life in another decade, with another
title, at an earlier stage in my own work as a geomancer. Originally titled Earth Divination, Earth Magic, it was first
drafted in 1997, not long after my knowledge of medieval Latin had reached the point that I could begin to decipher the treasures of the old geomantic texts, and was finished in a white heat of inspiration in six weeks in 1998. Llewellyn Publications brought it out in 1999, and it went through two printings before going out of print. Since those heady days I have learned a great deal more about geomancy and its relation to magic. After Earth Divination, Earth Magic went out of print, I began planning a new and vastly expanded version of the book, which would include all the new material uncovered in the years since,
along with a selection of classic geomantic texts translated into English. That project turned out to be far too large to fit inside the covers of a single book, and so it has been separated out into three books and a correspondence course. This book, a revision of Earth Divination, Earth Magic's chapters on geomantic divination and meditation, is the first of these. Tl;le second, titled The Geomancer's Sourcebook, is a collection of classic geomantic texts in English translation, and the third, The Geomancer's Spellbook, is a manual of Renaissance magic; both these latter are under preparation
at this time. I have also launched a correspondence school of geomancy, the Collegium Geomanticum, to provide personal
instruction in geomantic divination and magic; it can be found online at http://WWW.collegeofgeomancy.com. Special thanks are owed to Christopher Warnock of Renaissance Astrology, who was instrumental in making this project a reality; to Nigel Jackson for his splendid illustrations; and to all the students and practitioners of the
nearly forgotten art of geomancy who have encouraged me in this work.