Hruday Mannan Aug 2011

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Issue 22 August,2011


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EDITORIAL Warm greetings to all our readers! It is popularly said that the only people who can refer to themselves as 'we', are the editors of a magazine and people with a tapeworm infestation! This is a quote that came to our minds after having read this address once. So, here we are proudly presenting the 4th edition of our HR newsletter-Mannan, which also happens to be our very first edition as a new team this year. With each new edition the response has just been getting better and it gives us immense pleasure to announce that this time we received a record breaking number of entries! This edition is not confined only to the HR domain and was not just aimed at inviting articles to increase technical knowledge base, but to invite perspectives. To seek ideas, opinions and counter-opinions on inter-related issues that are very close to us as B-school students who are at the brink of entering the corporate and are in a scurry to figure out our needs and expectations. The first article 'Positioning Your Organization as Employer of Choice' gives us an insight on what most of us expect from someone who calls themselves an 'employer of choice. 'Job Hopping on Rise: Feed Minds Not Just Wallets', talks about expectations that employees have from organizations apart from being paid well. 'Employment Value Proposition' talks about how and why has it become essential for organizations to attract talent by using more concrete strategies towards creating an Employer Value Proposition, and finally the article 'Gender equality: Are companies really egalitarian?' talks about organizational justice in terms of existence of gender equality and its importance. The highlight of this edition, however, is the case study competition which invited the analysis of the case 'The reverse glass ceiling', which is based on the difficulties often faced by organizations when they implement employee welfare and gender equality initiatives. We received an overwhelming number of responses for the same and finally adjudged two of those entries as the best entries that have been published in this edition along with the case. To combine work with play, we have also included a 'Fun Corner' which consists of a poem and a crossword puzzle. In the end, there is a section dedicated to 'PANKH-National level best HR project competition' that was conducted by HRuday on the 6th of August on campus, which has added yet another feather to our cap as being one of the most successful HR cells across all B-schools in the country! We'd like to thank all the contributors and hope that we have done justice to your work. Happy reading!! Regards, Neha Chaudhary, VP Editorial

EDITORIAL TEAM Neha Chaudhary Kumari Meera DESIGNER Prerna Chopra SPECIAL THANKS TO Kumudini Manda (President-HRuday)

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CONTENTS Editorial Hruday President’s Address Positioning your Organization as Employer of Choice Employee Value Proposition Gender Equality: Are companies really egalitarian? Job Hopping on Rise: Feed Minds not Just Wallets Case Study Competition: The Reverse Glass Ceiling Solution 1 Solution 2 Crossword Fun Corner: A Battle Won Pankh

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Hruday Preesident’s Address Greetings from Team Hruday! As the new academic year beckons so do the new challenges, expectations and vigour. The mantle was assumed by the nervous bunch of HRuday team with a blend of both apprehension and responsibility.

Nevertheless, we already have kick started the year with guest lectures, competitions and events each one receiving overwhelming response one greater than the other. In our endeavour to make a mark in the HR community and others, we bring to you yet another issue of HRuday magazine, Mannan. The issue received a mammoth response in terms of contributions reaffirming to us your conviction in us. We at HRuday wish you a year full of infotainment from our end with a plethora of events lined up for the year. Looking forward to associate with you more often during the year! Happy Reading! Signing Off Kumudini Manda Team Hruday

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n o i t a z i n a g r O r u o y g n i n s o i a e t i c IB i s I S , o o a h P ati h C B a f o asth A r y B e y o l p Em

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The acquisition and retention of skilled employees has become a matter of survival. To make matters more interesting, an increasing number of experienced employees are now wealthy. How to attract, keep and motivate millionaires? With the job market becoming more and more competitive and with shrinking labor force it has become essential for companies to go for employer branding and position themselves as “Employer of Choice”. This is a fancied-up way of saying that The company is a great place to work. Employer branding is a HR marketing strategy communicating the USP of your company to current and prospective employees, clients and other stakeholders. When you become an "Employer of Choice" people choose to work at your organization despite their alternatives like, working for other organizations with exceptionally attractive packages or even starting their own companies or early retirement. Being an “Employer of Choice” means you build a unique organization culture that attracts the right employees. It means that these employees are dedicated to work for you and will go that extra mile to help your organization succeed. Benefits of being an “Employer of Choice” Recruiting and Retaining the Best Talent Pool A company that is an “Employer of Choice” will be more attractive to higher caliber employees. The objective of recruitment will shift from just getting people to apply, to choosing the best out of the best. When employees are mentally satisfied and happy, they will put their maximum efforts for the organization to grow. They will Have an emotional attachment with the organization which

Means that employees will choose to stay with you even when your competitors try to recruit them. Optimizing Performance With higher caliber people on board, productivity and consistency will become significantly higher. Corporate leaders will be able to venture into the uncharted waters of new ventures knowing that they're supported by people who have a stable foundation and are ready to take risks and innovate. Positive Effect on Bottom Line When employees are happy and

Greater Attractiveness to Investors Investors look for companies with a predictable future, which can respond quickly to market opportunities and fluctuations. With a stable workforce, “Employers of Choice” will be able to attract more investment dollars, enabling them to thrive, grow and place themselves in an even more competitive position. Better Customer Service Happy employees will treat customers in a better way. Each employee will have a higher level of expertise because of long association with the organization. This will help them surpass the expectations of the customers,

The CHOICE Capsule Source: 'The Training Foundation’ satisfied the turnover will certainly come down. Higher levels of loyalty will result in stronger relationships and a greater dedication to the quality of performance, quality of production, and quality of service which in turn will build profitability for the company and enhance pride among workers. Less Stress, More Fun Working with employees who are there by choice is a much more enjoyable experience as their will be less resistance to company processes. The fun part will automatically be incorporated in the working culture of the organization.

leading to satisfied and loyal customers. Aiming for “Employer of Choice” Becoming an “Employer of Choice” is not easy but it is neither impossible. Continuous alignment to the principles below will lead you to the ultimate brand “Employer of Choice” “Employers of Choice” will clearly differentiate themselves from their competitors in the e m p l o y m e n t , c u s t o m e r, investor and supplier environments. This differentiation will build a higher level of profitability, security, and future success.

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Employee Value Proposition By Rahul Nawani, NIT Calicut, SOMS

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A n E m p l o y m e n t Va l u e Propositions (EVP) is commonly used jargon to describe the characteristics and appeal of working for an organization. A n E m p l o y m e n t Va l u e Propositions (EVP) is value or benefit an employee obtains through employment simply put the value of organization employment experience. Developing an EVP has become the key to success in acquiring talent and in fact is no longer an option.

Importance of EVP: The value preposition should outline the unique employees outline policies, programs, reward and benefits programs that prove an organization commitment to people and management development. The results of communicating the value of employment can result in an estimated 29% increase in access to passive job candidates. (Source Corporate Leadership Council EVP survey, 2006)

It is important to note that four attributes are in the top ten lists for both attraction and commitment: Job-Interests alignment whether the job responsibilities match your interest Future Career Opportunities the future career opportunities provided by the organization

EVP Serves a Purpose: It describes the mix of characteristics between and ways of working in an organization. It is a deal stuck between an organization and employee in return for their contribution and performance. This deal characteristics an employer and differentiates it from its competition. Challenges: Most organization encounters two common problems to their EVP. They struggle to differentiate themselves from their competition. Their branding is appealing but it does not accurately reflect the reality.

To e n s u r e E V P g e n e r a t e s maximum return it must be built around attributes that genuinely attracts, engage and retain the talent you want. This goes a long way in helping prioritize the HR policies, create a strong brand in the eyes of people, and helps in workforce engagement. The EVP if operationalized well is the driver of engagement, it informs recruitment message and communications, it helps inform strategic HR policies, it helps support and drive business strategy forward. Attributes of EVP: These are the top ten attributes that determine attraction and commitment to an organization Results of the survey indicate that the top ten EVP attributes that drive attraction and commitment in United States organizations are:

Respect the degree of respect that the organization shows employees Ethics the organization's commitment to ethics and integrity Final say: It is also possible to further customize or sharpen the employee value propositions to make it more attractive to particular employee segments e.g. high performance, high potential employees, employees in certain jobs, employee with certain skills. This make a lot of sense if the organization has very limited resources and if it doesn't have equal need to retain all segments of the employees.

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Gender Equality: Are companies really egalitarian?

By Chintan Shah, SIMSREE

“More countries have understood that women's equality is a prerequisite for development. “

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Egalitarian is a word whose root is Equal. Equal in terms of treatment of humans on various parameters or dimensions like race and religion, etc. When we speak of equality in terms of one dimension namely sex we are talking about Gender Equality. This topic of gender equality in workplace has long been debated and may be this is the reason for it being garnered attention and hence some formidable steps of improvements. Let us first look at the issue at global level. Globally many companies believe that women are better in constructive opposition, willingness to take responsibility and execute things.

Of the four behaviors seen as most effective in addressing future global challenges, women apply three more frequently than men. This fact is further reinforced by a study conducted by research firm Catalyst titled, The

Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and Women's Representation on Boards, which says “Fortune 500 companies with the highest representation of women board directors attained significantly higher financial performance on average than those with the lowest representation of women board directors�. However one should not be too happy r e a d i n g t h i s a s Wo r l d Economic Forum's Corporate Gender Gap Report 2010 suggests that globally women employees tend to be concentrated in entry or middle level positions and remain scarce in senior management or Board positions in most countries and industries.

Now let us look at Indian Scenario. World Economic Forum's Corporate Gender Gap Report 2010 ranks India 112 of 134 countries. The rank says it all. While much has been written about the glass ceiling, I would like to

highlight what I perceive the cause behind this position. When men and women are competing at their workplace, their performance is being objectively evaluated. Both of them work equally well but the difference comes in the role as perceived important from a social point of view. Consider a situation when both husband and wife are working and both are achievers in their respective companies. In case of husband being promoted and transferred to a different location, it is the female who sacrifices her job, moves along with husband and children to a new location and takes care of entire family. This is because male's role is being perceived and defined by the society as bread winner and women as handling of domestic duties. This is an invisible glass ceiling created by the society we live in which hampers in further progress of women. So it is not just a company being egalitarian that is required but also change in perspective and priorities. Fortunately the situation is changing in India. Initiatives such as that by the NASSCOM, Corporate Awards to companies for Excellence in Gender Inclusivity can act as trend setters in this area. This can be seen as a step in right direction of breaking gender stereo types and moving towards Gender Equality though the pace of change may not be the one as desired.

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Job Hopping on Rise: Feed Minds not Just Wallets By Manisha Rana, SIBM

Jim Collins in his book “Good to Great� stated that it is not people who matter but it is the right people who matter. It is important to get the right people on the job to get the job done. But I guess today this saying runs down in need of a fresh outlook as most of the organizations will today agree that it is not just right people who matter but the tact of

retaining the right people that matters. Today retaining the best minds in the organizations has become a matter of utmost priority. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, about 75% of The employees in their twenties are known to be job hopping

Every 18 months. Based on demographic characteristics Bureau of Labor Statistics in their survey in US also found out that median employee tenure was generally higher among the older employees than the younger ones (Fig1). This shows that no more the Gen X see themselves working throughout their life in one single company.

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Fig 1 Median Years of Tenure with current employer for employed wage and salary worker. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics for Current Employer -2010 So the question that surfaces is what is wrong with Gen X. This younger generation can be frequently heard Saying, “I don't know what I am doing in this dead end job. I am not doing any self-realizing or meaningful work. I don't see myself going anywhere.” As and when this sentiment starts spreading through breadth and depth of an organization dissatisfaction rises among people. No more do they enjoy doing their work. It is now that they start hunting for lucrative opportunities outside the current realm of possibilities. With rising growth opportunities they find external pastures filled with more rewarding and career boosting opportunities paving way for them to go job hopping. This is when job hopping by employees become a nightmare for organizations. This is the reason that apart from Facebook updates the next most volatile thing I find changing today is people's LinkedIn job profile. So when I meet people nowadays apart from asking the cliched question of “How are you?” I find it more relevant asking them, “So where are you?” as the chances

are very rare that they would be with the same company that they were when I met them the last time. Also today when job hopping is no more seen as an epitome of unreliability or whimsicalness employees don't feel reluctant in changing jobs frequently. Instead today changing jobs is considered synonymous to being ambitious and being wise. Factors like changing market trends, dynamic job market, cut throat competition, higher aspirations, larger than life lifestyle and need to bring change and dynamism in life attributes in making people toss and top their resumes frequently on job searching sites. Analyzing Indian diaspora in this context we witness that in the past few years India has experienced a drastic expansion in job market. According to HR services firm Ma For Randstad, Indian workforce proves to be the most mobile in the world with an index score of 145 followed by China and Mexico. The index is a measure which shows the gamut to which employees want to change their jobs in the short term. The findings are based on a survey of over 60,000 employees spread across 26 countries. It is in this scenario that Job hopping becomes a bottleneck, which organizations try hard to control at every cost but instead what they should be looking at is the root cause giving way to this problem.

This asks for an urgent need for organizations to understand that people don't change jobs because they like doing it or because they are restless whiners but instead they do so because they feel stuck in their current job. Today the younger workforce especially the twenty something don't like distinguishing between work and life. With blackberry in hand and internet to browse, life and work are closely enmeshed together in a close knit nexus. Work for them is not a task but a way of life. So it becomes all the more imperative for organizations to feed their minds and not just their wallets. No doubt the younger workforce is on a constant hunt of exploring greener pastures both in terms of money and opportunities but in the long run it tends to settle in jobs which give it more growth opportunities and more autonomy to put its skills in practice. Also the recent economic recession has created a sense of insecurity in minds of employees and nurtured scepticism towards their organization so it comes under urgent purview of organization to create a sense of belongingness by engaging employees more in career development programs and in taking care of their aspirations. Working on a challenging job also makes an employee feel more respected and his self-esteem and sense of achievement and recognition rises which helps an organization to excel. So it is needless to say that to feed an employee's mind with valuable tasks acts as an effective retention strategy in long run rather than just strategizing an effective compensation and benefit policy. After all, people don't live to work but they work to live so why not make living in conjunction with working an enjoyable experience.

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The reverse gLASS CEILing By Ayushi Agarwal, IIM-K Neha Chaudhary, NMIMS

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Most progressive organizations today boast of an egalitarian environment, where there is no discrimination based on sex and equal opportunities are provided to employees of both sexes. In this quest of creating an equal world, managers often go an extra mile to ensure that the female employees do not have any complaints and are given a healthy and safe atmosphere to work in. Vishal was one such manager. But as he faced the decision of promoting one among his two employees- Sampada and Anupam, he was doubtful about whether, in his attempt to provide Sampada with a safe working environment, he had unknowingly been partial to her on account of his other subordinate, Anupam? Had he denied an equal opportunity to Anupam to prove himself? Had he created a “reverse glass ceiling”? VLS Network Technologies Ltd. is a software company that provides networking solutions to companies employing private networks. It deals with consultation, design, installation and maintenance of private networks. It is a small organization with 30 employees. At VLS Technologies, the systems engineer is expected to assist in the consultation process by conducting an in-depth analysis of the existing communication systems present in the client organization. In addition, they are responsible for overlooking the repair and maintenance of the servers installed at client locations. The projects are assigned to the systems engineers by the Systems manager, who also acts as their reporting officer. In January, 2009, one of the systems engineer, Vishal was promoted to Systems manager and the other employee working at the post of systems engineer was transferred to Design department. To fill these posts, two engineering graduates- Anupam and Sampada were recruited through campus recruitments in February, 2009.Both underwent a two-month

Training program and at the end of two months, were put on projects undertaken by the company. During the training period, both showed tremendous potential and were given “Excellent” rating by the training department. Thereafter, they were both assigned to Vishal for allocation of work and reporting of tasks undertaken. Vishal was a fair manager and ensured that both of them were assigned good projects and was available for guidance to his subordinates whenever required. In August, 2009, it was discovered that one of the suppliers of routers and gateways had supplied them a batch of faulty products. As a result, a lot of their installed equipment started breaking down on a regular basis. This increased the pressure on the maintenance work and put an overload on the systems dept. In addition, most of the repair work had to be done during the night to ensure smooth operation of the servers during the daytime. As Sampada could not carry out the repair work at night time due to safety issues, this responsibility usually fell upon Anupam. Although Anupam did the repair work very diligently, he wasn't able to perform to his maximum capacity during the day time and his projects suffered. To reduce the work load on Anupam, Vishal reduced his number of projects and assigned them to Sampada instead. Sampada too, was a very hard working and efficient employee, and managed the development projects extremely well. Moreover, as her projects were focussed on bringing in new clients, her work was appreciated by the senior management. This system of work division was acceptable to both Anupam and Sampada, as well as Vishal. who accepted Sampada's limitations of working hours. The

Systems dept. functioned smoothly due to the compatibility between both the employees. The company had a policy of annual promotions and had a project based appraisal system. The ratings on the projects were to be given by the reporting officer. In February, 2010, Sampada and Anupam were due for appraisal. Vishal had to rate them based on their work in the previous year and consequently, one of them would be promoted to senior systems engineer. Due to the arrangement between the two employees, it so happened that Sampada had handled a large number of projects in the last two quarters while Anupam had very few projects as he was mostly engaged in maintenance work. This problem was never faced earlier in this department as they never had a female employee at this post. In addition, they did not suffer from such a large batch of faulty equipment in the past. With the situation at hand, Vishal was in a fix. Although Sampada had done more number of projects and had done them better than expectation, Anupam had also performed extremely well at the few projects he was assigned. Moreover, it could not be ascertained that Anupam, if given the opportunity would not have done an equally good job. If he promoted Sampada, it would be unfair to Anupam, who had been so accommodating and efficient, but instead was not even given a fair chance to prove himself. If he promoted Anupam, it would be unfair to Sampada, who did the assigned work extremely well, brought in several new clients and could not help in the maintenance work due to reasons beyond her control. In a way, Sampada's gender had favored her in this rare case. Was this truly a case of gender discrimination? What should Vishal do in order to make a fair decision?

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Solution 1 By Aastha Bhatia, SIIB The case at hand is having complex and integrated problems which cannot be analyzed by only touching the aspects of gender discrimination or reverse glass ceiling. The processes in any organization have to be dynamic to deal with the changing environment, competition and situations. The analysis of the situation being faced at VLS Network Technologies Ltd. is as follows:

Modifying Performance Appraisal System The job described for the role of Systems Engineer consisted of both consulting, analyzing client's business and overlooking the routine maintenance, repair of servers. Hence while carrying out the appraisal processes both the job roles should be listed amongst the Key Result Areas (KRAs), rather than just concentrating on project based appraisal. Growth of business was more a collective effort rather Than individual efforts.

Sampada was getting recognition for bringing new clients, but Anupam's work was equally vital for smooth functioning of the business. If the organization does not reciprocate Anupam's effort with proper recognition he might become a detached employee or even may leave the organization due to lack of challenges and recognition for his work. Measuring the performance on all the deliverables is important in this case. Even if the organization wants to continue with project based

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appraisal, then comparing the performance of both employees in the last two quarters is not justified as the expected deliverables were different for both of them, here performances before August should be then given higher weightage. The organization should realize that if the goals of individual members are synchronized, it will promote cooperation or else it will lead to competition. Hence well defined targets and job roles should be communicated. Job Analysis for the Senior Systems Engineer Role While giving promotion all aspects of job analysis for the higher post should be pondered on. A sound thought should be given to the duties, responsibilities and skill set required for the Senior Systems Engineer's role. The physical working conditions, work schedule, quality and quantity levels to be maintained should be kept in mind. A good idea could be to investigate the preferences of both the employees and match them with the KRAs for the higher post. The comfort level for night shifts or late working hours should be enquired with Sampada as it will be a major consideration while giving her promotion because with higher job role there will be more responsibility. Understanding Career Goals of Both the Employees A thorough understanding of the goals and aspirations of both the employees need to be captured. The management should not entirely focus on their past records but they should also have a proactive approach in understanding the life stage of both the employees. Anupam and Sampada have both graduated last year, there might be a possibility that they/he/she might be looking forward to start a family

which in turn might hinder their productivity in future. Lack of focus at a higher role will harm the progress of business. Hence it becomes imperative to understand the motivation levels and the personality of both their employees and alongside design Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for them. Redefining and Aligning HR Processes with the Business So far, we have analyzed the surface-level problems that the organization has been inflicted with. However, these are only the symptoms of the greater malaise that has afflicted VLS Network Technologies Ltd. To sustain a competitive edge in the business the organization needs to redesign their HR policies so as to align them with their business needs. A robust job analysis should be

Modification in performance appraisal process is required to keep it in sync with the job responsibilities handled. As the organization is now recruiting females, they should brain storm on their safety issues to avoid unintentional gender discrimination. The earlier VLS Network Technologies Ltd. learns from its unintentional mistake and incorporates the changes, the better it will be for their business. Presently Anupam did not complain due to varied reasons (new hire, high motivation due to start of career, empathetic nature, less aspirations, etc). If the organization continues similar practices they would end up losing high caliber employees due to demotivation and lack of opportunities, which in the long run would severely impact their business and reputation.

Conducted for all the designations and future recruitment and selections should be done by keeping in mind the night shifts for maintenance work. A well defined performance management system should be there with regular reviews and measurable goals should be incorporated.

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Strategy The strategy of VLS Network Technologies is to provide end to end (from consultation to maintenance) networking solutions to the customer.

Role of Systems Engineer Job Analysis Responsibilities of systems engineer include: Assist in Consulting Overview Repair and maintenance A job analysis suggests that working late when the need arises, being flexible, good anlaytical skills forms a part of KSAs required to perform the job.

Solution 2 By Meenakshi Narayanan, XLRI A Comparison of performance of both Anupam and Sampada Anupam has performed his duties to the best of his abilities and he has never faced any difficulties in executing them. Sampada has also performed well but she could not work at night hours which is a part of job specification. But her gender has prevented her from taking that responsibility. Discrimination This cannot be a case of gender discrimination as there is no direct intentional discrimination by Vishal. The difference in opportunities in predominantly due to circumstances and natural differences which are beyond the control. Decision Basis : Anupam cannot be rejected because he was not given enough opportunities. Sampada has proved her abilities in the projects and so she cannot be ignored. High performance in current job (Systems Engineer) might not predict high performance in the next position(Senior Systems Engineer) also. It is important to measure the potential and decide the candidate based on that. Potential Appraisal 1.Do the job analysis for the Senior systems engineer Job analysis involves analyzing the job by means of various methods like interview of job incumbents, supervisors, observations and other data collection methods. This will give the job specification and job description. 2.Define the KSAs required for the new job Job specification will help in this

3 . D e s i g n e x e rc i s e s t o m e a s u re A n u p a m a n d Sampada in those KSAs The exercises to measure can be developed in the context of Senior Systems Engineer. If the competencies are complex and it is not possible to develop due to constraints,off the shelf exercises can be considered. Simulations can also be considered. 4.Conduct the exercises on Anupam and Sampada There can be multiple assessors to remove any personal bias. 5.ntegrate the data from different assessors to arrive at overall score Discussions or Expert Systems (Computer system) can be used to arrive at a consensus 6.Select the candidate based on their potential to perform well in the new role

Advantages of Potential Appraisal over Performance Appraisal

Conclusion Vishal with the help of HR Personnel can conduct a potential assessment to select the candidate for promotion. These exercises, once developed can be standardized so that they can be used in future as well.

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Across 3 The man who made us realize that our dad has grown old. 8 What is the blood group of every student during results? 11 Not the one who drinks while working but a hard worker. 13 The male optimisticman on the planet 14 A word for a select panel of judges. Don’t confuse it with the classroom desk. 16 A king who has left the people poor.

Down 1 An institution that assures the union of two lovers, although in heaven. 2 if you want to buy huge companies, you gotta keep this in your mouth 4 The feeling you have before you understand the situation. 5 Everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually 6 The degree that guarantees that you are an engineer 7 A person who talks when you wish to listen to him 9 The instrument and symbol of citizen’s power to make a fool of himself and a wretch of his country 10 A kind of transaction in which A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D of money belonging to E 12 The Infotech company that proved contradictory to its name 15 A word for a group or association of lawyers but not for drinking wine.

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A BATTLE WON A eulogy, a paean of ancient times, A timeless tale of battles fine. Mighty soldiers chosen far and few, When thousands couldn't infiltrate the sieve. Trained in arrows, sword and cavalry combined, Scorch or freeze, cuts and wounds they hide. Distant lands miles away were the battles fought, Glimpse of tiny footsteps of their babies, army sought. Jewels and diamonds for many, power for some, Drove them every day, songs of success they hum. It wasn't the arrows, it wasn't the cannons, it wasn't the horses fast They were humans who won them the glories, the richness vast. ByDr. Nihal Deepak Satam SIBM, Pune. MBA I (2011-2013)


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PANKH, was organized by Hruday, the HR cell at NMiMS on 6 august '11.The event was sponsored by Aries Agro Ltd, VIP Industries Ltd and Allcargo Logistics Ltd. in association with AHK, Itsmyascent and SHRM. The national level competition intended to provide a platform to the budding HR managers from various B-schools to present their summer internship projects. Participants from colleges like Welingkar, SCMHRD, Symbiosis, IMT Ghaziabad, SIES, NMIMS and K J Somaiya made it to the finals and battled it out on the day of the competition. The panel of judges comprised of Mr. Tanveer Dadarkar and Mr. M. Palanimurugan from Agro Aries Ltd. The other judge was Mr. M. C. Aggarwal, a highly revered faculty at NMiMS with an academic teaching experience of more than 10 years. Winners of the competition were: 1. Neha Mendon, K J Somaiya 2. Shreya Chandra, SIES 3. Shreshtha Mittal, SCMHRD The prizes included: 1st Prize: 1. VIP luggage worth Rs 8000 2. Rs 10000 cash prize along with certificate 3. The project would be hosted on SHRM website along with winner's details. 2nd Prize: 1. VIP luggage worth Rs 8000 2. Rs 6000 cash prize along with certificate 3rdPrize: 1. VIP luggage worth Rs 8000 2. Rs 2000 cash prize along with certificate Overall the whole event was well organized and conducted by the senior as well as the junior HRuday team members who promised to bring more of such national level events to increase the visibility of HR cell at NMIMS in the outside world. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor

TEAM HRuday W Kumudini, President Harinee Sekhar, VP Communication, Rohit Gupta, VP Creative Neha Chaudhary, VP Editorial Madhavirani Alapaty, VP Workshops/Projects Chetan Seth, VP Events Anusha A,Treasurer Durgesh, Head of Operation Kumari Meera, Head of Literature Sudeshna Sinha,PRO Pawas Soni, Executive Silpi Roshan, Executive Sumanth Varma Ganapathiraju, Executive Vishal Arora, Executive Aditi Baveja, Executive

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