Zikaiwang week 5 journal submission

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B.1. Research Field

My initial research field was geometry, and the gridshell built during the Gridshell Digital Tectonics workshop during SmartGeometry 2012 was my precedent. The reason I chose this precedent is because of its potential for application to other lightweight curvilinear structures.

http://matsysdesign. com/2012/04/13/ sg2012-gridshell/

B.1. Research Field

Species 1 Keeping the original geometry the same, I piped the gridshell with circular, triangular and square cross sections or varying radius. Rotation of curves let me produce more irregular geometry.

Species 2 This species is based on the Voronoi component. Variation is achieved by changing curve density of base geometry. The addition of the cull component produced temperamental results.

Species 3 (left)

Species 4

With combinations of polygons, I generated various cylindrical grids. Polygon variables include number of sides, pipe width, pipe density and polygon radius, which is determined by a graph mapper.

With combinations of polygons, I generated various cylindrical grids. Polygon variables include number of sides, pipe width, pipe density and polygon radius, which is determined by a graph mapper.

Results My selection criteria is based on whether or not I can imagine a result either having a direct application in my project or leading onto further options. I selected this outcome because of how it manages to deviate from standard geometry. This may have application if I am creating a modular structure.

This outcome converts a voronoi frame into surface strips. This could be used if making a structure out of timber lathes like in the precedent.

This outcome demonstrates how a container might be made as a gridshell.

This outcome shows how one may create a larger structure from gridshell units.

B.3. Case Study 2.0

Cellular Morphology Facade by rat[LAB] New Delhi, 2015

This prototype by the architecture and technology research organization rat[LAB] explores the sustainability potential of facade systems and geometry optimization. The density, projection angle and direction of the hexagon grid skin is an parametric design using performance parameters to control sunlight, visibility and heat. The goal is to minimise active cooling and lighting. The prototype was exhibited at the ‘20under35 Exhibition 2015’ by DesignXDesign, demonstrating a facade system which by parametric algorithm, can be optimized for retrofitting to different building and climate contexts. While the hexagon geometry expresses its computational origins very attractively, this proposal is as more an artistic installation suggesting how we might improve building perforamce without demolition, as much as a functional modification. The design intent of embedding performance into facade geometry using computational design is relatable to my own goal. The shared modular geometry with adjustments for particulars may also be an approach suitable for my project.

3. Using the surface box and box morph components I tiled my geometry onto a surface.

1. I attempted and failed to use Kangaroo’s planarize and spring components to create an algorithm which could create a pattern of planar hexagons on any surface. 4. By extruding the tile from step 2 I created these protrusion like elements as seen in the Cellular Morphology Facade.

2. I started again with a more familiar method. I offset a hexagonal grid and created a tile which could be tesselated. 1. By varying the surface box height I was able to create some variation in the hexagrid, but I think in order to generate the variation in scale and attraction as seen in the Cellular Morphology Fcade

Evaluation S

Compared to the Cellular Morphology Facade, my own definition lacks the performance driven element. In order to improve the likeness I would add a force field attractor function so that the hexagons would point in different directions. To take this further, I would focus on customization of individual components, for projection direction, size and other parameters. Possibly these components could become the artificial hollows of my proposal. For my project I would consider using moulded brick, as this would be fairly efficient, or plywood, as is more commonly used in birds nest boxes.

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