Stainless Steel Flower Hackamore The unique cheek design allows for multiple adjustment to increase or decrease poll pressure.
Scan the code to learn how to correctly fit your Flower Hackamore, with our short video on YouTube.
Flower Hackamore. The Zilco flower hackamore is highly adjustable and allows many variations of attachment for complete customising to your horse. Standard Action: Leave one circle open between the nose strap, rein strap and head piece attachment. The chin strap goes between the rein and head piece. For the standard rein attachment attach the reins to the longer circle rings. This creates a very gentle leverage effect by turning the wheel slightly with rein pressure. Sidepull Action: For a side pull attachment move the rein to clip above the chin strap. Rein pressure then creates a simple direct side-pull action. Be careful that the metal ring does not get pulled up the face or rub the cheek bone The cheek pieces will need to be shorter than if using a standard bit. Zilco have a hackamore bridle as part of their range designed to work with the Flower
Hackamore (page 17). The ‘Flower’ should be nicely positioned in the open spot on the horses face right in front of the cheek bones. Adjust the nose strap and chin strap to be very snug but not too tight. The horse should be able to chew. The metal should be no higher than 1 finger from the cheek bone. You should be able to fit 1 finger under the nose strap and 2 fingers under the chin strap. To fit simply remember “1-1-2” Points to remember: Keep the noseband fairly high on the nose and not too low (there are fragile bones just above the muzzle area). It’s very important to keep the straps snug and not too loose. It might seem that loose is ‘kinder’ but you risk rubbing – or worse, the entire metal piece can flip over with the rein pressure.
“S” Hackamore The “S” shaped cheek reduces the severity of this hackamore as compared with the standard model. The cheek shape also allows easier drinking and eating when bridled.
“S” Hackamore.
Scan the code to learn how to correctly fit your “S” Hackamore, with our short video on YouTube.
The “S” Hackamore should be fitted with the same principles as the Flower Hackamore, however it is simpler, as there are fewer options as to where to fix the cheek pieces or reins.
The reins buckle on to the circular loop at the bottom of the “S”.
The cheek piece should feed through the loop on the top of the “S” and should leave the noseband sitting at the same height as other types of Hackamore; not too high, but not too low that it could restrict the horse’s breathing.
These instructions are just a rough guide and we would strongly recommend that you seek the advice of an instructor as to what level of adjustment would be most appropriate for you and your pony/horse.
The noseband and chin strap can then be adjusted to around 2 fingers width, or as desired.