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Fashion top Hacks

Fashion top Hacks

Get to know Natalie

Hi Natali, so it’s part of our culture as Zim Influencers Magazine to start with this popular request, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and what exactly makes Natali this unique amazing figure? Natalie is an extroverted goal getter! I can define myself as a person who dreams in color! I’m a mother before everything else and it’s my parental instincts that make me apply love and strictness to everything I do whether it’s my work or social life. My prime purpose in this life is to erase my past struggles with my success so I’m driven by my love for success!


#Natali, we just see you all dressed up but most of us don’t really know the backbone behind the woman you have become, what really inspired you to get into the Fashion industry? Style is an acquired taste! My love for fashion has been consistent since I was a child! Even as a teen I’d get inspiration off magazines and I used to be famous for taking part in beauty pageants at school all because of my passion for beauty and fashion! To start my own fashion house was a dream that came to reality; I’m just generally good with combining outfits and adding a bit of sass and class to them! I was inspired by my creativity and love for success to become an entrepreneur and the first thing that came to mind was fashion because I’m passionate about fashion. #Natali you have a high sense of Fashion, who is your inspiration in the global industry? Bonang Matheba. Bonang is sassy but very classy and elegant! She is the definition of opulent dressing and classy outfits. I look up to Bonang on so many levels because she very confident, independent and classy.

#Oh yeah, you are also a business woman, wow how do you do it and can you tell us more about your businesses? I’m the CEO of StylePhilosophy pvt ltd and its subsidiary Bed&Beyond. These two brands define my taste and my style. I’m a sucker for classy things so my brands are bespoke and elegant. StylePhilosophy is a lingerie and clothing brand that caters for the modern-day young women with an eye for the finer things! Our pieces are unique and durable and that’s what makes my brand reputable! Bed&Beyond is a bespoke homewares and linen brand that caters for luxurious pieces and linen. My goal is built both stores into power style houses that break new ground in Zimbabwe. I built my businesses from scratch and I took a lot of risk and a lot of tears were shed during the process. My growth has been my greatest lesson as an entrepreneur as I’ve been through the highs and lows of building a brand.

# Well, I believe you’re more into impowering women and you’re surely very outspoken. How and what do you think is the best way for the community to groom independent young women? The greatest form of empowerment is giving information! Society needs to normalize exchanging important information such that underprivileged girls are motivated to better themselves. My life story is no secret! I’m from humble beginnings and I chose to beat the odds and I followed my dream. I’m outspoken to create awareness that success is personal! The only requirement for success is the ability to dream in color! Once one sets their mind to succeed, they will drive themselves into becoming their wildest dream! I always say greatness is not always an inborn thing, some people like me have had to achieve it! There nothing as amazing as seeing young black women rise up and achieve and succeed in their respective hustles, there’s enough room for all of us to win in this world!

#Natali, what do you think is the main important aspect in achieving self-confidence? I’d say self-actualization is the key to unlocking self-confidence and success! The realization of one’s maximum capabilities drives one into believing in themselves so much that confidence will just be a cherry on the cake! I’m all about self-love and I always say progress begins when you start loving yourself enough to be honest with yourself! Living a lie kills self-confidence, spite, jealousy and hatred kill self-confidence! One has to first be content with themselves to find confidence to tackle anything!

B B & old eauty Lorraine Guyo

Why People Are Intimidated By Your

Alpha Personality. Your presence is difficult to ignore. The moment you step your foot in a room, everyone notices you. There’s something in your aura that is so hard to ignore. People start to raise their eyebrows once you walk past them and you can quickly hear them whispering with each other. You are an alpha personality when you can easily stand out in a crowd of people even “ without doing anything.

You go after what you want. The word “No” doesn’t exist in your vocabulary. You think of what you want to achieve and you do your best to go after it. You’re willing to sacrifice the time that you’re supposed to be spending with people in order for you to concentrate on working hard for your goals. You don’t give up, no matter how many times people discourage you. There is nothing or no one that can stop you from reaching your dreams.

You stand for what you believe in and speak with confidence. You fight for what you think is right. You let your voice be heard and stand up for injustices. People are threatened by you because they know how determined you are to win any battle you face. You never compromise your beliefs with anyone and that’s why, sometimes, people find it hard to deal with you.

You give logical criticisms. You’re objective with your judgments most of the time. You don’t consider someone’s feelings or your personal relationships with them when you’re constructively criticizing their work. You believe that everything gets done easily and smoothly when you let your mind decide instead of your feelings. And that’s why sometimes people think of you as cold-hearted.

You are highly independent. You can perform well on your own. All your best work is done without any supervision from others. You dislike taking orders and being closely monitored by people. In order for you to produce high-quality outputs, you need to have freedom and flexibility. You can be a team player sometimes, but your job is done better if you’re doing it solo.

You are smart. You’re highly competitive. There are skills you possess that set you apart and you can think critically and solve complicated problems. You know the right time to use your mind and when is the best time to rely on your heart.

You know what you deserve. You’re not afraid to ask for what you deserve. You don’t wait for people to give you what is right for you; instead, you take your fate in your own hands and demand what you’re entitled to receive. Some people misinterpret your bravery as arrogance, but those who are close to you understand that it’s just your nature to be honest 11

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