Ligne Roset 2016

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of Con‑ TenTs A Abbesse, 203 > Adamas, 185 > Airvase, 200 > Alburni,

128 > Alfred, 113 > Along, 203 > Alster, 121 [occasional tables], 149 [chairs], 155 [chairs] > Allungabile, 140 > Amis de Jean, 185 > Amy, 64 > Anda, 65 > Andy, 12-13 [sofas], 42 [sofas], 63 [armchairs] > Anna 162-163, 168, 169 > Antigone, 120 > Anytime, 123 > Archi, 59, 66 > Arctique, 205 > Ariane Out, 213 > Aroun, 191 > Ashera, 119 > Asira, 200 > Assa, 153 > Ava, 137, 138 > Awabi, 190

B Balancoire, 112 > Balto, 191 > Baroque, 185 > Beau Fixe,

35, 42 [sofas], 66 [armchairs] > Belem, 49 > Belize, 114 > Bianco, 138 > Bikaner, 199 > Biplan, 113> Biscuit, 115 > Black Forest, 128 > Blue Expresso, 205 > Bloom, 183 > Bob, 123> Bobine, 124 > Bonbonne, 189 > Book&Look, 86-87, 88-89, 90-91 [storage furniture], 109 [TV Units], 121 [occasional tables], 144 [sideboards] > Botanica, 199 > Bow, 185 > Brooklyn, 121 > Brunch, 120 > Bul, 187


Cadence, 122> Calanque, 129 > Calin 49 [sofas], 5657, 66 [armchairs], 154 [chairs] > Camel, 205 > Capiton, 111, 115 > Car Light, 193 > Carra, 202 > Carrousel, 189> Caviale, 198 > Craft 2, 140 > Cent Pour Cent, 205 > Cemia, 107, 109 > Chabraque, 198 > Chantal, 191 > Chanterelle, 126 > Charmotte, 203 > Chino, 121 > Chiné, 196 > Cil, 188 > Cineline, 108 [tv units], 135, 140 [dining tables] > Circa/Circo, 155 > Circles, 124 [occasional tables], 212 [outdoor] > Cityloft, 45 > Clara, 110, 112 > Clouds, 115 > Clover Pot, 213 > Clothes Boxes, 203 > CM 191, 118, 119 > Confluences, 24, 44 > Coussin Tresse, 204 > Constellation, 204 > Container By, 191> Corner’s Place, 127 > Cosse, 38, 47 > Couliss, 126 > Créneau, 182 > Cube, 198 > Curule, 151 > Cuts, 94 [storage furniture], 119 [occasional tables] > Cutting, 201


Daria, 133, 141 > Daybed, 10-11, 42 > Dedicato, 82-83, 84-85 [storage furniture], 108 [tv units], 145 [sideboards] > Deanery, 193 > Dérive, 67 > Desa, 193 > Diamant, 125 > Dimanche 29/08, 203 > Dimensions, 187 > Dino, 106-108, 145 [sideboards] > Do Not Disturb, 54, 55 > Doc, 127 > Dolce Lana, 205 > Dolmen & Dolmen Bebe, 191 > Dualist, 121

E Eaton, 134, 139 > Eclosion, 185 > Electro, 205 > Eliza-

beth, 123, 212 [outdoor] > Elizabeth Teck, 45 [sofas], 206-207 [outdoor], 211 > Elsa, 150 > Elysée, 45 [sofas], 64 [armchairs], 124[occasional tables] > Endless, 115 > Entrelacs, 196 > Epof, 202 > Eplaff, 202> Estampe, 92-93[storage furniture], 109 [tv units], 122 [occasional tables], 145 [sideboards], 170 [beds & wardrobes] > Et Cetera, 78-79, 80-81, 144 [sideboards] > Everywhere, 98-99 [storage furniture], 100-101, 102-103, 108 [tv units], 145 [sideboards], 171 [beds and wardrobes], 178 [home office] > Evlan, 202 > Exclusif, 26-27, 48 > Exclusif 2, 25, 48 > Ezou, 127 [occasional tables], 212 [outdoor]


Facett, 37, 43 [sofas] 65 [armchairs], 150 [chairs] > Fancy Chic, 116-117, 120 > Fantomes, 201 > Felt 2, 66 [armchairs], 153 [chairs] > Felt And Color, 197 > Feng, 30-31, 46 > Fifty, 64 [armchairs], 152 [chairs], 209, 211 [outdoor] > Fil, 64 [armchairs], 150 [chairs] > Fields, 196> Finn, 155 > Flax, 61, 64 > Floyd, 190 > Fold, 128 > Folk, 153 > Foret Noire, 128 > Fraga, 122 [occasional tables], 202 [rugs & accessories] > Fragment, 198 > Frames, 114 > French Line, 63 [armchairs], 152 [chairs] > Frost, 139

G  Gavrinis, 196 > Giardinetto, 212 > Glacon, 123 > Garry,

123 > Globe Indoor, 193 > Globe Outdoor, 193 [lighting], 213 [outdoor] > Good Morning, 129 > Grande Lunatique, 126 [occasional tables], 141 [dining tables] > Grany, 112 > Grillage, 64 [armchairs] 208, 211 [outdoor] > Guggen, 153


Harry, 44 [sofas], 67 [armchairs] > Hellobye, 113 [entry], 123 [occasional tables] > Hex Hex, 197 > Hide&Seek, 170 > Hourglass, 112 > Hudson, 64 > Hyannis Port, 105 [storage furniture], 144 [sideboards], 177 [home office]

I Ike, 151 > Interstice, 122 > Ingrid, 197 > Iole, 193 > Iso, 119

[occasional tables], 150 [chairs] > Itisy, 125 [occasional tables], 140 [dining tables]

J Jean-Baptiste, 212 > Jo, 200 > Judd Patterson, 129 > Jessy, 205

K Karlos, 200 > Kaziu, 128 > Kermès, 113 > Kiji, 128, Koya,

172-173, 176 > Kuf, 126


La Ballerine, 115 > La Bibliotheque Fil, 68-69 > Lady Carlotta, 119 [occasional tables], 139 [dining tables]> La Plic, 190 > La Simplex, 191 > Lace, 151 > La Secretaire Mural, 174, 175 > Les Oiseaux, 201 > Lis, 204 > Linden, 129 > Lines, 96, 144 [sideboards] > Litho, 175 > Loid, 114 > Long Island, 154 > Long Pot, 212 > Louis 5D, 191 > Love Me, 124 > Lovey, 127 > Luca Soft, 65 [armchairs], 155 [chairs] > Lucie, 182 > Lumeo, 164, 169, 170, 171 > Lumiere Noire, 186, 187 > Luna Rosa, 189 > Lunatique, 126 > Lundi 22/02, 201 > Lun-R, 213 > Lupo, 125


Madrague, 63 > Magnet Lamp, 192, 193 > Majordome, 128 > Malang, 119 > Mama, 183 > Marcella, 155 > Marcello, 155 > Marguerite, 197 > Mateodesk, 179 > Maternity, 213 > MCD, 28-29, 42, 66 [armchairs] > Menhir, 197 > Metropole, 197 > Midtown, 46 > Mil, 204 > Minikin, 193 > Mirrko, 115 > Mixte, 72-73, 74-75 [storage furniture], 109 [tv units], 142-143, 144 [sideboards], 171 [beds & wardrobes] > Mix & Match, 197 > Modified, 112 > Moël, 47 [sofas], 66 [armchairs] > Mon Beau Miroir, 115 > Motus, 154 > Multi Lines, 197 > Multy, 52-53, 55 > Mushroom, 191 [rugs & accessories], 213 [outdoor]

N Nador, 166-167, 169 > Narciso, 114 > Naja, 185 > Nelly,

190 > Neo, 67 > News Table, 127 > Night, 188, 190 > Nils, 34, 48[sofas], 67[armchairs] > Nolly, 119 > Noamde 2, 32-33, 49 > Nomade Express, 50-51, 55 > Nubo, 114 [entry], 176177[home office]

Pied de Coq, 204 > Pisa, 127 > Pli, 211 > Pleine Lune, 201 > Ploum, 16-17, 43 > Pockman, 203 > Pointille, 204 > Polygon, 200 > Pom’s, 176-177 > Pont, 121 > Ponton, 120 > Poppy Patterson, 119 > Prado, 18-19, 47 > Pression, 200 > Psi, 153 > Pumpkin, 36, 44 [sofas], 66 [armchairs]  Quai Largo, 204

Ram, 203 > Raye, 204 > Résille, 212 > Rewrite, 175 > Rift, 151 > Rite, 112 > Rive Droite, 49, 67 > Riziere, 196 > Robin, 199 > Rocher, 126 [occasional tables], 150 [chairs] > Rope, 199, 203 [rugs & accessories], 213 [outdoor] > Roseau, 201 > Rosis, 122 > Rotor, 123 > Ruban, 127 > Ruché, 22-23, 43 [sofas], 62, 63 [armchairs], 160-161, 168, 169 [beds & wardrobes] > Rythme, 121 > Rythmus, 199

Sacha, 189 > Saint-James, 152 > Saisons, 198 > Sala, 150 > Saldo, 121, 127 > Salma, 202 > Samourai, 200 > Sarment, 196 > Satori, 136, 138 > Serpentine, 189 [lighting], 210, 211 [outdoor] > Side Table, 128 > Silicate, 202 > Silk Plush, 198 > Slim, 154 > Smala, 39, 45 > So, 154 > Soft et Doex, 199 > Soft Mag, 125 > Soft Tile, 196 > Softissimo, 198 > Soixante 3, 129 [occasional tables], 212 [outdoor] > Solo, 196 > Solveig, 182 > Sous Mon Abre, 189 [lighting], 213 [outdoor] > Shadow, 205 > Space, 70-71, 123 > Spilla, 187 > Spuma, 205 > Square, 188 > Stack, 200 > Strates, 120 > Stresa, 152 > Stricto Sensu, 48 > Stripes, 189 > Stump, 125

T Tanis, 178 > Tarmac, 76-77 [storage furniture], 158-159,

170 [beds & wardrobes] > Tavoletto, 127 > Teatime, 119 > Teo Meeting, 179 > Teoffice, 179 > Tessa, 152 > Thot, 124 > Tilt, 202 > Tisse, 199 [rugs & accessories], 213 [outdoors] > Toa, 58, 65 > Togo, 20-21, 44 > Togo & Mini Togo, 67 > Tolbiac, 104 > Tonalités, 204 > Travel Studio, 165, 169 > Trepied, 182 > Trompe L’oeil, 114 > TV, 148, 154 > Tweet, 113 [entry], 128 [occasional tables]

U Unir, 129 > Upside-Down, 200 > Urbani, 46 > Ursuline, 178 > Uzume 169

V Vakka, 201 > Vanity Shelf, 114 > Vestis, 171 > Vide

Poche, 113 > Vik, 146-147, 151, 152 > Vik 2, 152 > Villa Rose, 179 > Villa Rose 2, 63 [armchairs], 152 [chairs] > Vilna, 132, 141 > Vinita, 63 > Viscosa, 199 > Voltige, 46 [sofas], 60, 63 [armchairs] > Voyageur, 204


Wall Figure, 115 [entry], 176 [home office] > Warp, 127

O Oan, 200 > O-Ba, 120 > Octopuss, 190 > Oda, 124, Y  Yaki, 126 > Yubu, 115 129 > Odessa, 130-131, 138, 139 > Offrande, 125 > O-i-x, Z Zellige, 205 129 > Oka, 97 > Okura, 14-15, 43 [sofas], 65 [armchairs]> Olive, 191 > Ollie, 202 > Omage, 190 > On The Rock, 128 > @ @Chair, 65 One Shape, 126 > Oponce, 114 > Origami, 201 > Ottoman, 40-41, 47 [sofas], 65 [armchairs] > Oushak, 197 > Ouver0 041, 193 ture, 182 P Palette, 123 > Pam, 151 > Pan Pan, 201 > Paola, 153 > 1 10 Vagues, 125 Paper Lamp, 180-181 [lighting], 190 > Parachute, 184, 190 2 2D, 201 > 20 Hangers, 112 > Parade, 203 > Paraffin, 203 > Paranoid 2, 188 > Parigi, 125 > Pascal Mourgue, 183 > Passe-Passe, 112 > Passio, 211 > 3 3+1, 121 > 360 Degrés, 121 Paysages, 202 > Pebble, 124 > Persienne, 95 > Peter Maly 2, 156-157, 168 > Petra, 153 [chairs], 211 [outdoor] > Petro, 151 > Petrus, 151 > Peye, 187 > Pharaoh, 189 > Phobos, 126 > Piani, 122 > Piazza, 141 > Pied De Coq, 194-195, 198 >

02 10 50 56 68 108 112 118 132 144 148 158 174 182 194 206

Table of ConTenTs


RepoRTage sofas sofa beds aRmChaiRs sToRage fuRniTuRe home enTeRTainmenT enTRy oCCasional Tables Q dining Tables R sideboaRds ChaiRs beds & WaRdRobes home offiCe S lighTing Rugs & aCCessoRies ouTdooR




A key plAyer in the history of Design, pierre pAulin hAs AlwAys shown An outstAnDing personAlity. he relentlessly reexAmineD his job AnD DefenDeD the principles of work: honesty, the requirements of the mAteriAl, ergonomics AnD commitment in regArD to the purpose AnD function. his DeterminAtion AlloweD him to Accomplish An unpreceDenteD collection from the 1950s to present DAy.

fORmATIvE yEARS At the age of thirteen, exchanges with his uncle, industrial automotive draughtsman Georges Paulin, sparked his vocation. He confirmed his desire to take up the matter during his apprenticeship with a stonemason in Beaune, and then deepened an appreciation of the magic of volume in Vallauris, with the technique of clay modeling. He crossed paths with Pablo Picasso who revealed to him the importance of art. Back in Paris, he chose the profession of decorator and enrolled at the Camondo School in Paris, which trained him for the job. Pierre Paulin studied the history of societies and their styles; technical and artistic grammar allowed him to analyze the past in order to better prepare the future. Paulin left school in 1950.

Pierre Paulin in his workshop. (archive Photo)




the wAr wAs over; the reconstruction begAn on site; frAnce set to work. the prefAbricAtion in Architecture AnD the urgency of housing imposeD new schemAtics for housing. the AmericAn moDel of the “living room” becAme A living spAce thAt combineD two trADitionAl rooms, the living room AnD the Dining room, sometimes with An open kitchen.

pierre pAulin embArkeD on the creAtion of A collection, “my only Drum, my DrAwing boArD,” he likeD to sAy. pierre pAulin coulD not wAit. he DeciDeD to self-proDuce.

He exhibited a collection of living room furniture for the first time at the Domestic Arts Fair in 1953, in the “Household of Today” section. He expressed his ideas at last with models dating from 1952, manufactured by a carpenter from La Ferte-sous-Jouarre, Fernand Quin, in wood and slatted veneer. The success was immediate; acknowledged by Maison française in April 1953, where the dining area was reproduced: it consisted of a dresser-bar with adjustable tablets and sliding doors, a dining table with black wooden extensions, and four wooden chairs. In November 1953, the living-room furniture was also published on the cover, where a model posed sitting on the slatted day bed, convertible into a sofa bed. The Secretaire Mural with a Formica coated flap and various shelves illustrated the concept of his designer colleague Michel Mortier of the “furnished wall”. The coffee table is equipped with a drawer and a drop flap. Pierre Paulin created a promotional four-page document and tried to sell his furniture collection in a shop in Paris, without success. The Mai Gallery sold some of his models; others would be produced by Les meubles TV. “Mass-producing furniture, [it’s] my dream,” he declared. Manufacturing useful objects and adapting function to smaller spaces corresponded to the necessity for equipment during the 1950s, the current economic situation in France, the prohibitive cost of housing, and the shifting nuclear family model all served the relevance of the collection of Pierre Paulin. By 1953, the reissue of certain elements from the first collection—Daybed, Le Secrétaire mural, the Lupo occasional table and TV chair—expressed Ligne Roset’s significance of only selling relevant products to the market.

Cover of “la Maison française” from the year 1953

“le seCréTaire Mural” designed in 1953 and reissued in 2015 by ligne roset

THe “Tv” CHair and “le seCréTaire Mural” presented in 1953

These new spaces required a new type of furniture, more rational and multifunctional: writing desks with flaps, shelves combining bar systems, radios and bookcases, extending tables, nesting occasional tables, resting armchairs, sofa beds, and floor lamps. It was in the prestigious Grand Palais that the first exhibition of domestic arts of the post-war period (1948) was held; the presentations testify of the evolution of techniques and concepts in regards to housing. Pierre Paulin, encouraged by Marcel Gascoin, develops rational thinking and discovers the social stake of design.

The sofa bed “DaybeD” designed in 1953 and reissued in 2015 by ligne roset






in 1952, in thonet’s pArisiAn workshop, pierre pAulin becAme fAmiliAr with new mAteriAls such As formicA, polyester, lAtex foAm AnD stAinless steel. he experimenteD in workshops with metAl tubes for cAbinet structures.

In 1955, he designed a fireside chair (CM194) adapted to car upholstery technology, eventually furnished with an elastic fabric. He discovered this miraculous textile in the swimsuit manufacturing industry, an innovative solution to prevent disgraceful folds and overcome the constraints of upholsterers. Renamed Archi by Ligne Roset, this armchair marked a fundamental milestone in his career. Finally, he had the ingredients for his future creation: the tube, the foam and the cover.

THe “anDy” sofa designed in 1962 and reissued in 2015 by ligne roset

At the Salon des Artistes Décorateurs (Artists and Decorators Show) in 1954, he presented a functional desk (CM141) today renamed Tanis in the Ligne Roset collection. In 1955, the low table with reversed trestle system base (CM191) also stood out as a reference. In 1961, he presented a writing desk (CM193) at the Domestic Arts Fair, in the “Useful Forms” section: he reinterpreted it for Ligne Roset in 2008 under the name of Ursuline. In 1962 he designed a rigorous sofa, model 442, renamed Andy. The Bibliothèque Fil, created in 1972 in the spirt of high tech advancement is a unique piece created for Paulin’s personal use, until Ligne Roset re-launched the product in 2015. The radicalism, the accuracy of design, and the functionality of Pierre Paulin’s projects explain Ligne Roset’s commitment to bring his models up to date, and maintain that they have not lost any of their relevance.

THe “Tanis” DesK designed in 1954 and reissued in 2008 by ligne roset

THe “arCHi” arMCHair designed in 1955 and reissued in 2009 by ligne roset

in 1958, he begAn long term collAborAtion with the Dutch proDucer Artifort, with whom he DevelopeD the concept of volume AnD color. the sixties were conDucive to A new style: the public hAD chAngeD; he consiDereD the young generAtion of “bAby boomers.” he composeD An Anthology of inspireD moDels. “i Am A pioneer in the technique of metAl frAme covering, foAm upholstery AnD elAstic tissue,” he explAineD. “everything is bAseD on A liberAteD textile, liberAteD from the upholsterer, which tAkes its shApe like A sAil in the winD.”

Design anD sTruCTure of THe “arCHi” arMCHair. (archive Photo)






presiDent pompiDou wAnteD to put frAnce bAck in moDernity AnD mADe jeAn courAl Director of the Arc - Atelier De recherche et De créAtion (reseArch AnD creAtion stuDio) of nAtionAl furniture, responsible for Discovering the person who woulD be in chArge of the reAlizAtion of the elysiAn ApArtment (1970-1971). pierre pAulin wAs electeD; he proposeD A globAl environment.

In the twilight of his life, he kept his faith in the profession. In 2008, he designed for Michel Roset the Anda armchair. The family-owned business Ligne Roset reissued some twenty furniture and rug models, assuring the continued relevance to current contemporary decor pertinent to the designer’s loyal respect for great design. The adventure of republishing the works of Pierre Paulin’s was done in connection with his relatives and draws on the richness of his archives. Some designs take shape for the first time, such as Thot (2011) coffee table.

To preserve the existing decor, he doubled the interior space of the autonomous structure, “rooms inside rooms.” The living rooms followed one another…the first living room was furnished with large beige suede armchairs and banquettes, redesigned by Paulin and reissued today as the Pumpkin. The design of these seats and their color are discreetly comfortable. The smoking room alcove is composed of nine seats attached to the wall and upholstered in a grey fabric, centered around four low-back small stools. The Elysée armchairs and the pedestal table in the dining room are timeless.

pierre pAulin hAD mAintAineD his energy AnD fighting spirit until the enD, supporteD by ligne roset’s willpower to ensure his influence in frAnce AnD AbroAD. anne bony, sePTeMber 2015


THe “PuMPKin” arMCHair designed in 1971 and reissued in 2009 by ligne roset

Drawing of the smoking room in l'elysée. (1970)

A LOvE Of SAvOIR-fAIR in the eArly 80s, pierre pAulin expresseD the Desire to revive An ArtisAnAl prActice for his creAtion. he returneD to the Arc AnD his compAnions, to reDiscover the techniques of the greAt cAbinetmAkers AnD begin creAting unique, limiteD eDition pieces.

THe “élysée” arMCHair designed in 1971 and reissued in 2012 by ligne roset.

THe “Curule” CHair designed in 1952 and reissued in 2009 by ligne roset

He showcased ten furniture pieces at the Museum of Decorative Arts in May 1983: the seat “Curule” (1982) in varnished amaranth wood and leather, a table “Carrée” with a base in lacquered beech wood characterized by its geometric labyrinthine design, reissued today by Ligne Roset (along with the Antigone occasional table) which confirm the precision of Pierre Paulin’s intuition. The trademark manufacturing practices of the era continue to be served by excellent workshops representing the brand today, ultimately developing a timeless archetype. THe booKCase “la biblioTHèque fil” designed in 1972 and reissued in 2015 by ligne roset


DAYBED pierre paulin





pierre paulin




eric Jourdan




ronan & erwan Bouroullec




cHriSTian werner




micHel ducaroy



ruché inga Sempé



cONFLuENcES pHilippe nigro

EXcLuSiF 2 didier gomez



EXcLuSiF didier gomez




marie cHriSTine dorner




didier gomez



NOMADE 2 didier gomez




didier gomez

BEAu FiXE inga SempĂŠ



PuMPkiN pierre paulin


ronan & erwan Bouroullec




pHilippe nigro


paScal mourgue




noé ducHaufour-lawrance


DaybeD pierre paulin

okura eriC JourDan

Known simply as “Model 118” upon its debut in 1953, this classic Pierre Paulin piece is a perfect example of both the designer's Nordic/Japanese influences and an elegant article of dual-purpose furniture. The cushions can be arranged for sitting or repose, while the seat itself is made from beech wood and American walnut, with a steel frame and elastic suspension to ensure comfort.

Equally inspired by its namesake hotel in Tokyo and American mid-century modernism à la George Nelson, the Okura sofa is a contemporary homage to clean, well-proportioned design. Its shape and size are loosely anthropomorphic—a large seat, medium backrest, and slim wraparound armrests—with appropriately rounded edges throughout. Set on a short base of brilliant chrome or black lacquered steel, the Okura appears to hover above the ground. It is available in three sizes with a high or low back, with a matching ottoman as well.



H 34½” W 79½” D 38½” SH 15¾” H 88cm W 202cm D 98cm SH 40cm

H 33¼” W 80¾” D 32¼” SH 17” H 84cm W 205cm D 82cm SH 43cm

Low Back Sofa

H 28¾” W 79½” D 38½” SH 15¾” H 73cm W 202cm D 98cm SH 40cm


H 34¼” W 56” D 38½” SH 15¾” H 87cm W 142cm D 98cm SH 40cm

Low Back Loveseat


H 34¼” W 32¼” D 38½” SH 15¾” H 88cm W 82cm D 98cm SH 40cm

H 28¾” W 56” D 38½” SH 15¾” H 73cm W 142cm D 98cm SH 40cm

Low Back Armchair

H 28¾” W 32¼” D 38½” SH 15¾” H 73cm W 82cm D 98cm SH 40cm


W 30¼” D 24½” SH 16¾” W 77cm D 62cm SH 43cm

ruChé inga seMpé

anDy pierre paulin

Ruché incorporates an ideal blend of minimalism and sophistication, rigidity and comfort. The result is simple yet fine-tuned, a harmonious union of straight lines and soft curves. Its name is derived from a sewing technique, in which fabric is gathered or pleated, creating a ruching effect. A thin yet strong structure in natural varnished-, anthracite-, or red-stained beech wood forms its foundation, upon which rests a seat whose distinct quilting lies at the heart of its aesthetic. Designed expressly to be draped over a beech wood frame, the distinctive quilted duvet cover of this sofa is tactile and inviting. An optional table surface can be incorporated into the sofa. This year, the instant classic from Inga Sempé is available in even more options, namely a medium or large sofa with low back profile.

Sofa Sofa

H 28¾” W 87” D 32¾” 16½” H 73cm W 221cm D 83cm SH 42cm

Medium Sofa

H 28¾” W 59¾” D 32¾” SH 16½” H 73cm W 152cm D 83cm SH 42cm


H 28¾” W 32¾” D 32¾” SH 16½” H 73cm W 83cm D 83cm SH 42cm

H 32¾” W 78¾” D 36¼” SH 18” H 83cm W 200cm D 92cm SH 46cm

Low Back Sofa

H 25½” W 78¾” D 39¼” SH 15” H 65cm W 200cm D 100cm SH 38cm

Right- or LeftArm Sofa H 32¼” D 36¼” H 82cm D 92cm

W 74¾” SH 17¾” W 190cm SH 45cm

Right- or Left-Arm Sofa with Table H 32¼” D 36¼” H 82cm D 92cm

W 74¾” SH 17¾” W 190cm SH 45cm


H 32¾” W 67” D 36¼” SH 18” H 83cm W 170cm D 92cm SH 46cm

Low Back Loveseat H 25½” W 67” D 39¾” SH 15” H 65cm W 170cm D 101cm SH 38cm


H 32¾” W 38¼” D 36¼” SH 18” H 83cm W 97cm D 92cm SH 46cm


W 36¼” D 23½” SH 16¾” W 92cm D 60cm SH 43cm

beau fixe inga seMpé

faCett ronan & erwan BouroulleC

Inga Sempé designed this collection from its clever structure to the fabric for the cushions. The lightweight welded-steel frame acts like “jaws” or a vise, clamping around the one-piece comforter that forms the seat itself. Beau Fixe is available as a medium sofa or armchair, with an optional matching footrest.

Facett offers innovative aesthetics and superb comfort. The multifaceted collection has small proportions which are ideal for urban living. Constructed from three interlocking multi-ply panels and thermoformed plastic, it is covered with elastic webbing and Bultex® foam. Quilted covers have 2” (5cm) wide bands stitched with matching or contrasting thread in five colors: ecru, anthracite, grey, red, or blue. The armchair is offered with a swivel or fixed base. The small and large ottomans can extend the lines of the seats to create chaises or they can be used as backrests when sitting on a rug. Covers are removable.

Medium Sofa

H 38½” W 55” D 41¾” SH 17¼” H 97cm W 140cm D 106cm SH 44cm


H 38½” W 31½” D 41¾” SH 17¼” H 97cm W 80cm D 106cm SH 44cm



W 26” D 16¾” SH 17¼” W 66cm D 43cm SH 44cm

H 33” W 74¾” D 32” SH 14¼” H 84cm W 190cm D 81cm SH 36cm


H 33” W 57” D 32” SH 14¼” H 84cm W 145cm D 81cm SH 36cm


H 33” W 34¼” D 32” SH 15¼” H 84cm W 87cm D 81cm SH 39cm

Large Ottoman W 48¾” D 28” SH 12½” W 124cm D 71cm SH 32cm

Small Ottoman W 25½” D 28” SH 12½” W 65cm D 71cm SH 32cm

MCD Marie Christine Dorner

PlouM ronan & erwan BouroulleC

Designed by Marie-Christine Dorner, this sofa features an upholstered back and armrests that are tufted both inside and out. Though the panels are flat on the outside, the rounded cushions of the interior offer an invitation to comfort. Available as an armchair, a medium sofa or large sofa, the MCD also has a matching ottoman; rectangular pillows complete the look. Feet are available in either natural or anthracite tinted solid beech wood.

Ploum is the ideal sofa or loveseat for moments when one truly wants to relax alone or with friends. It is warm and comforting to the eye and soft to the touch. A lot of research went into Ploum’s creation. It was even likened by the Bouroullec brothers, to “a ripe, voluptuous piece of fruit.” A single piece of upholstery, encompassing two layers of high resilience Bultex® foam quilted together with thick polyester wadding between them, covers the entire piece, including the feet. Its slightly inward angle creates a cozy arrangement suitable for sitting, stretching out, and lying down. Ploum is quite remarkable in terms of both style and comfort. Ploum is available in a range of colors in Mood, Bifoam, Manhattan, and Dia fabrics.


H 33¾” W 82¾” D 31¼” SH 16¼” H 86cm W 210cm D 79cm SH 41cm

Medium Sofa

H 33¾” W 59” D 32¼” SH 16¼” H 86cm W 150cm D 82cm SH 41cm


H 33¾” W 33” D 31¼” SH 16¼” H 86cm W 84cm D 79cm SH 41cm


W 32¾” D 33¾” SH 16¼” W 83cm D 86cm SH 41cm


H 33” W 99½” D 48¾” SH 15¼” H 84cm W 253cm D 124cm SH 39cm

Medium Sofa

H 31” W 80¼” D 43¾” SH 15¼” H 79cm W 204cm D 111cm SH 39cm

Low Back Medium Sofa

H 26” W 80¼” D 37” SH 15¼” H 66cm W 204cm D 94cm SH 39cm


H 31” W 67” D 43¾” SH 15¼” H 79cm W 170cm D 111cm SH 39cm

Low Back Loveseat

H 26” W 67” D 37” SH 15¼” H 66cm W 170cm D 94cm SH 39cm


W 43¼” D 31½” SH 15¼” W 110cm D 80cm SH 39cm


A reissue of a Pierre Paulin classic, the Andy sofa still looks as good today as it did when it debuted half a century ago, simply known as “Model 442.” The four chrome-plated steel legs, set in the armrests both at the front and the back, impart a sense of lightness. Originally conceived in leather, the sofa is available in textiles and in three different sizes. Available in a brilliant chrome or black chrome base.


H 27½” W 78” D 40¼” SH 15” H 70cm W 198cm D 102cm SH 38cm

4-Seat Sofa

H 33½” W 124” D 62¼” SH 13½” H 85cm W 315cm D 158cm SH 34cm

Right-Chaise 3-Seat Sofa

H 33½” W 94½” D 59¾” SH 13½” H 85cm W 240cm D 152cm SH 34cm

Left-Chaise 3-Seat Sofa

H 33½” W 98½” D 62¼” SH 13½” H 85cm W 250cm D 158cm SH 34cm

3-Seat Sofa

H 33½” W 92½” D 41¼” SH 13½” H 85cm W 235cm D 105cm SH 34cm

elysée pierre paulin

A Ligne Roset classic, Michel Ducaroy’s Togo has been the ultimate in comfort and style for over forty years. The timeless collection features ergonomic design with multiple density foam construction and quilted covers, making each piece both visually attractive and physically inviting. Available as a sofa with or without arms, a loveseat, a corner seat, a chair, and an ottoman. Recent additions to this line include a mini version of the Togo chair introduced in 2007 a two-seat lounge introduced in 2013 to celebrate the piece’s 40th anniversary. A seat dreamt up especially for afternoon siestas or lazy evenings spent in the greatest of comfort, the Togo Lounge is a statement piece of furniture on its own as well as the perfect addition to a Togo sectional.

Elysée was among the collections commissioned by former French President George Pompidou to furnish the Elysée Palace during his tenure. This collection has been reintroduced by Ligne Roset for a new generation to love. Even though the original design and dimensions were respected, the comfort of the seating has been significantly improved with the use of multi-density, high resilience foams and Ligne Roset’s expertise in their assembly. The lacquered base has a matte black finish, which complements the many available fabrics and hides. Elysée’s compact size, purity and visual lightness make it ideal for integration into small spaces in city apartments. This collection comprises a loveseat, armchair, and ottoman.


H 27½” W 68½” D 40¼” SH 15” H 70cm W 174cm D 102cm SH 38cm



H 27½” W 51½” D 40¼” SH 15” H 70cm W 131 cm D 102cm SH 38cm


H 27½” W 51½” D 63¾” SH 15” H 70cm W 131cm D 162cm SH 38cm

Corner Seat

H 27½” W 40¼” D 40¼” SH 15” H 70cm W 102cm D 102cm SH 38cm


H 27½” W 34¼” D 40¼” SH 15” H 70cm W 87cm D 102cm SH 38cm




H 27½” W 67” D 31½” SH 13¾” H 70cm W 170cm D 80cm SH 35cm

W 34¼” D 31½” SH 13½” W 87cm D 80cm SH 34cm

H 27½” W 35½” D 30¼” SH 13¾” H 70cm W 90cm D 77cm SH 35cm


W 35½” D 25½” SH 13” W 90cm D 65cm SH 33cm

ConfluenCes philippe nigro

sMala pasCal Mourgue

This multiple award-winning sofa collection stands out with its creativity and playfulness. The workmanship is apparent. The asymmetrical and interlocked design affords different seating options, pleasing lovers of unique style and comfort alike. Each piece incorporates varying heights and depths supported by combinations of multiple densities of Bultex® foam, for a personalized sitting experience. A sofa end table, which may also be used as an armrest, completes the collection. Items are available either monochromatic or in multicolor combinations chosen by Philippe Nigro himself. An optional lumbar cushion is available.

Impressive look, generous proportions and clean lines characterize this unique model and justify adding it to our collection of classics. Back and armrests may be positioned at any one of three levels: up, inclined, or down. The elegant sofa comprises a tubular steel frame, with slatted suspension and high resilience foam. It comes with polished aluminum feet. An optional oversized cushion is also available. The sofa may be used as a day or guest bed (51¼” x 90½”/130cm x 230cm), with an optional fitted sheet. An oversized ottoman completes the ensemble.

H 33½” W 69” D 41” SH 13½” H 85cm W 175cm D 104cm SH 34cm

Large Conversation

H 32¾” W 69” D 92¼” SH 13½” H 83cm W 175cm D 234cm SH 34cm

Small Conversation

Toi & Moi Chair

H 32¾” W 49½” D 67” SH 13½” H 83cm W 126cm D 170cm SH 34cm

H 32¾” W 57” D 58¼” SH 13½” H 83cm W 145cm D 148cm SH 34cm

Fireside Chair

H 30¾” W 37½” D 40¼” SH 13½” H 78cm W 95cm D 102cm SH 34cm



W 33½” D 13¾” SH 13½” W 85cm D 35cm SH 34cm

H 34¼"/36¼" W 90½" D 45¼"/51¼" SH 15¾" H 87/92cm W 230cm D 115/130cm SH 40cm


W 39¼” D 39¼” SH 15¾” W 100cm D 100cm SH 40cm

harry eriC JourDan

Cityloft pasCal Mourgue

Depending upon how one views it, Harry can appear either very contemporary or very classic. From the height and slight inclination of its seat, to its tufted back and webbed suspension, everything about this model was carefully designed to provide exceptional support and comfort. The seat comes in high resilience Bultex® foam in various densities and may be upholstered in either fabric or leather. Legs are very slim “stiletto” style, giving Harry an airy appearance.

Cityloft has an international classic style. It features generous proportions, sure to satisfy lovers of tremendous comfort and a sleek black metal frame, giving the collection a contemporary feel. Elements include a sofa, a loveseat, an armchair, and an ottoman. The foam and feather-filled back and arm cushions rest on a light metal frame – which plays the role of front feet and arm support – and either low or high feet. Frame and feet are both in matte black lacquered aluminum. The seat cushions are especially soft thanks to their foam core, yet offer remarkable support due to the elastic webbing suspension. Not available in the Americas.


H 32¾” W 61” D 37” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 83cm W 155cm D 94cm SH 36/40cm


H 32¾” W 36½” D 37” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 83cm W 93cm D 94cm SH 36/40cm


W 36½” D 14½” SH 15¾” W 93cm D 37cm SH 40cm


H 31½”/32¾” W 98½” D 41¾” SH 16¼”/17¼” H 80/83cm W 250cm D 106cm SH 41/44cm


H 31½”/32¾” W 84¾” D 41¾” SH 16¼”/17¼” H 80/83cm W 215cm D 106cm SH 41/44cm


H 31½”/32¾” W 35” D 41¾” SH 16¼”/17¼” H 80/83cm W 89cm D 106cm SH 41/44cm


W 39¼” D 19¾” SH 17¼” W 100cm D 50cm SH 44cm

PuMPkin pierre paulin

elizabeth teCk nathan yong

Re-introduced in 2008, Pumpkin was originally designed for the private apartments of former French president Georges Pompidou in the Elysée Palace. Soft lines, round shapes and firm, comfortable seating all characterize Pierre Paulin’s 1971 creation. The collection includes an armchair with or without headrest, a loveseat, a sofa, and an ottoman. Both armchairs are available with a swivel or fixed base. While a wide selection of fabrics and leathers are available and suitable for this model, colorful wool genuinely highlights its style.

Elizabeth is a design that is both well studied and fluid. It becomes a showcase of natural materials with its structure in solid black stained ash wood and its several cushions in mixed fabrics and/or colors, creating a cozy and intimate space. The diverse shapes, sizes, and even coverings (if desired) of the cushions only serve to accentuate the charm of this sofa. The small cushion can also be used for comfortable head support on the structure to better enjoy the luxury of a high back seat. Also available as an armchair.


H 27½” D 32¾” H 70cm D 83cm

W 98½” SH 14½” W 250cm SH 37cm

Loveseat H 27½” D 32¾” H 70cm D 83cm

W 70” SH 14½” W 178cm SH 37cm

Armchair with Headrest H 32¾” D 32¾” H 83cm D 83cm

W 41¼” SH 14½” W 105cm SH 37cm

Armchair H 27½” D 32¾” H 70cm D 83cm

W 41¼” SH 14½” W 105cm SH 37cm


Ø 29¼” SH 14½” Ø 74cm SH 37cm


H 37½” W 49½” D 40½” SH 15” H 96cm W 126cm D 103cm SH 38cm


H 37½” W 28¼” D 40½” SH 15” H 96cm W 72cm D 103cm SH 38cm


Sofa with Arms

togo MiChel DuCaroy


Voltige DiDier Gomez

ottoman noé Duchaufour-lawrance

Reworking the traditional bergère armchair, Designer Didier Gomez cleans up lines and updates frame materials for a dressed up version of the 1700s classic lounger without leaving behind its classic aesthetic. The folded steel “corner” feet, available in matte white or matte black lacquer, succeed in putting the final twist on the reinterpretation.

A design concept for a hotel in Marrakech set the stage for collaboration between Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance and Ligne Roset. Through his extensive work with stitching and color, Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance brings both ingenuity and modern aesthetics to Ottoman. This all-foam seating collection – comprised of a fixed or swiveling armchair, loveseat, sofa, and ottoman – is sophisticated and has a combination of shape and stylized stitching that provides ideal comfort and unparalleled durability. Two-color versions are available in different fabrics and hides, with matching thread. Monochromatic versions may have either matching or contrasting thread. Covers are removable.

Sofa H 29¼” W 65” D 29½” SH 17” H 74cm W 165cm D 75cm SH 43cm

H 29½”/30¾” W 90½” D 36¾”/39¼” SH 15¾”/17” H 75/78cm W 230cm D 94/100cm SH 40/43cm

Medium Sofa

H 29½”/30¾” W 82¾” D 36¾”/39¼” SH 15¾”/17” H 75/78cm W 210cm D 94/100cm SH 40/43cm

Right- or Left- arm Sofa

H 29½”/30¾” W 80¾" D 36¾”/39¼” SH 15¾”/17” H 75/78cm W 205cm D 94/100cm SH 40/43cm

Right- or Left-arm Medium Sofa

H 29½”/30¾” W 72¾” D 36¾”/39¼” SH 15¾”/17” H 75/78cm W 185cm D 94/100cm SH 40/43cm


H 29¼”/30¾” W 90½” D 31½” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 74/78cm W 230cm D 80cm SH 36/40cm

Right- or Left-Arm Sofa

H 29¼”/30¾” W 82¾” D 37¾” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 74/78cm W 210cm D 96cm SH 36/40cm

H 26¾” D 36½” H 68cm D 93cm

W 65” SH 14½” W 165cm SH 37cm

Armchair H 26¾” D 36½” H 68cm D 93cm

W 39¼” SH 14½” W 100cm SH 37cm


W 35” D 31½” SH 14½” W 89cm D 80cm SH 37cm

Cosse PhiliPPe niGro

A supremely comfortable sofa with astutely contemporary styling, Midtown sofa is ideal for creating a cozy atmosphere. An additional lumbar cushion is available for added comfort and visual depth. The collection includes sofas, fireside chairs, and ottomans in varying sizes. The base of this sofa is available as either chromed or matte black lacquered.

Designed by Philippe Nigro with comfort in mind, Cosse is a streamlined vision of lightness in materials. A discreet wood frame is paired with a system of suspension straps to create a contoured form that is as inviting as it is beautiful. With unique curved armrests and extremely thin wooden legs, Cosse is a triumph in progressive production techniques and contemporary design. Introduced in 2014, this collection includes a medium two-seat sofa, a large three-seat sofa, an armchair and an ottoman.

Right- or Left- arm Chair

H 29½”/30¾” W 45¼” D 63” SH 15¾”/17” H 75/78cm W 115cm D 160cm SH 40/43cm

Large Fireside Chair

H 29½”/30¾” W 35½” D 36¾”/39¼” SH 15¾”/17” H 75/78cm W 90cm D 94/100cm SH 40/43cm

Small Fireside Chair

H 29½”/30¾” W 31½” D 36¾”/39¼” SH 15¾”/17” H 75/78cm W 80cm D 94/100cm SH 40/43cm

Rectangular Ottoman

W 35½” D 29½” SH 15¾”/17” W 90cm D 75cm SH 40/43cm


Square Ottoman

H 32¼” W 84¾” D 39” SH 15” H 82cm W 215cm D 99cm SH 38cm

W 39¼” D 39¼” SH 15¾”/17” W 100cm D 100cm SH 40/43cm

Medium Sofa

H 32¼” W 69” D 39” SH 15” H 82cm W 175cm D 99cm SH 38cm


H 32¼” W 41¼” D 40” SH 11” H 82cm W 105 cm D 102cm SH 38cm


W 31½” D 21¾” SH 12¾” W 80cm D 55cm SH 33cm

Urbani DiDier Gomez

moël inGa SemPé

With its timeless and cosmopolitan design, Urbani has quickly established itself as an integral part of the Ligne Roset collection. It certainly possesses the right attributes: generous proportions, sobriety of lines, and an elegant and adjustable low back. Feather-filled back cushions add a touch of refinement, while the brilliant chrome feet bring a note of luxury. The seat depth of the loveseats and sofas may be adjusted up to 11¾” (30cm), thus offering a choice of two relaxed positions. The large sofa also becomes a day bed (35½” x 80¾”/90cm x 205cm).

With the exception of the thermoformed ABS back interior, Moël is a return to the all foam know-how of Ligne Roset. It is intended for those who live in a casual way and wish to create a warm and intimate living space in which to host their friends. The exterior of this model is entirely fixed by a metallic zipper, visible from the front. Available with a high or low back. Fabric options allow the model and matching ottoman to be bi-colored. Inga Sempé recommends that the top of the ottoman match the interior of the sofa or armchair and that the sides of the ottoman match the exterior of the sofa or armchair.

H 25½”/32¾” W 92½” D 39¼”/51¼” SH 14¼” H 65/83cm W 235cm D 100/130cm SH 36cm

H 29¼”/30¾” W 90½” D 37¾” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 74/78cm W 230cm D 96cm SH 36/40cm


W 78¾” SH 14½” W 200cm SH 37cm

midtown Teun Van zanTen & michelle moore

Sofa with Adjustable Seat


H 26¾” D 36½” H 68cm D 93cm





H 29¼” W 28¼” D 29½” SH 17” H 74cm W 72cm D 75cm SH 43cm


H 25½”/32¾” W 92½” D 39¼” SH 14¼” H 65/83cm W 235cm D 100cm SH 36cm

Loveseat with Adjustable Seat

H 25½”/32¾” W 78¾” D 39¼”/51¼” SH 14¼” H 65/83cm W 200cm D 100/130cm SH 36cm


H 25½”/32¾” W 78¾” D 39¼” SH 14¼” H 65/83cm W 200cm D 100cm SH 36cm


W 39¼” D 39¼” SH 14¼” W 100 cm D 100cm SH 36cm


H 38¼” W 84¾” D 38½” SH 16¼” H 97cm W 215cm D 98cm SH 41cm

Sofa with Low Back H 32” W 80¾” D 35” SH 16¼” H 81cm W 205cm D 89cm SH 41cm


H 38¼” W 65” D 38½” SH 16¼” H 97cm W 165cm D 98 SH 41cm

Loveseat with Low Back

H 32” W 61” D 35” SH 16¼” H 81cm W 155cm D 89cm SH 41cm


H 38¼” W 45¼” D 38½” SH 16¼” H 97cm W 115cm D 98cm SH 41cm

Armchair with Low Back

H 32” W 41¼” D 35” SH 16¼” H 81cm W 105cm D 89cm SH 41cm

Large Ottoman

W 43¼” D 18” SH 14½” W 110cm D 46cm SH 37cm

Small Ottoman

W 23½” D 18” SH 14½” W 60cm D 46cm SH 37cm

Feng DiDier Gomez

Prado chriSTian werner

The Feng collection offers unique seating complete with subtle details, unmistakable design and unparalleled comfort. The secret behind this aesthetic masterpiece lies in the contrast between softness and geometric rigor: the strict lines of the frame and feet counterbalance the warm welcome of the quilted seat and plump back cushions. Features include seat cushions made from Bultex® foam, down pillows, stylish stitching, and brilliant chrome cross base or four ebony-stained oak wood veneered feet. Gomez suggests a contrasting fabric on the seat to highlight the quilted cushion.

A vast daybed and sofa, Prado consists of a generous bench seat and freeform back cushions that can be placed so that one can sit or lie down as they wish. The cushions are weighted and have a non-slip system so they have no need to be rested against or attached to anything for support. This collection, consisting of two different sized sofas and two differently shaped low tables, has been completely guided by the search for freedom and well-being.

Right- or Left-Arm Chaise

H 29¼”/30¾” W 82¾” D 37¾” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 74/78cm W 210cm D 96cm SH 36/40cm


H 29¼”/30¾” W 75½” D 37¾” SH 14¼/15¾” H 74/78cm W 192cm D 96cm SH 36/40cm

Right- or Left-Arm Deep Chaise

H 29¼”/30¾” W 67¾” D 47¼” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 74/78cm W 172cm D 120cm SH 36/40cm

Right- or Left-Arm Loveseat

H 29¼”/30¾” W 67¾” D 37¾” SH 14¼”/15¾” H 74/78cm W 172cm D 96cm SH 36/40cm


W 45” D 30” SH 14¼”/15¾” W 114cm D 76cm SH 36/40cm


H 34¼” W 94½” D 47¼” SH 16” H 87cm W 240cm D 120cm SH 41cm

Medium Sofa

H 34¼” W 78¾” D 39¼” SH 16” H 87cm W 200cm D 100cm SH 41cm

Back Cushion

H 19¾” W 27½” D 18½” H 50cm W 70cm D 47cm


Sofa with Arms

H 28¼”/29¾” W 95¾” D 39¼” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 244cm D 100cm SH 39/43cm

Sofa without Arms

H 28¼”/29¾” W 74¼” D 39¼” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 189cm D 100cm SH 39/43cm

Sofa with Type B Armrests H 29¾” W 95¾” D 39¼” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 244cm D 100cm SH 43cm

Right- or Left- Arm Sofa

H 24½”/26¼” W 82” D 40¼” SH 13¾”/15½” H 62/66cm W 208cm D 102cm SH 35/39cm

Loveseat with Arms

H 28¼”/29¾” W 70” D 39¼” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 180cm D 100cm SH 39/43cm

Sofa with Type A Armrests H 29¾” W 97¾” D 39¼” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 249cm D 100cm SH 43cm

Medium Sofa

H 24½”/26¼” W 73¼” D 40¼” SH 13¾”/15½” H 62/66cm W 186cm D 102cm SH 35/39cm

Loveseat without Arms

H 28¼”/29¾” W 48¼” D 39¼” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 123cm D 100cm SH 39/43cm

Loveseat with Type B Armrests H 29¾” W 71¾” D 39¼” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 183cm D 100cm SH 43cm

Medium Sofa without Arm

H 24½”/26¼” W 51¼” D 40¼” SH 13¾”/15¼” H 62/66cm W 128cm D 102cm SH 35/39cm

Right- or Left-Arm Sofa

H 28¼”/29¾” W 85” D 39¼” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 216cm D 100cm SH 39/43cm

Loveseat with Asymetrical Armrests H 29¾” W 70¾” D 39¼” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 180cm D 100cm SH 43cm

Calin PaScal mourGue

Introduced in 2013, Nils is a timeless model with harmonious and balanced lines. The Nils name is attributed to Nils Holgersson, the little boy created in 1906 by the novelist Selma Lagerlöf. The box spring frame and cushions are 100% overlaid with a compartmentalized duvet of down and goose feathers. This means one thing: visual fluffiness - it appears exceptionally cozy and welcoming. Its simplicity is off - set by the sophistication of the seams giving it a casual elegance. Aside from being extremely comfortable, it offers many possible combinations and two heights. The collection includes a sofa, a medium sofa, a chaise, a right/left arm sofa, a right/left arm medium sofa, a right/left arm chaise, an armchair, and an ottoman. Available in various fabrics, including Alcantara®, and leather.

Designed by the late Pascal Mourgue, the Calin collection offers an outstanding comfort you would expect from a pillow. Bultex® foam, fixed or adjustable back, aluminum lacquered steel feet and removable cover with distinct pillow detail create this soft and casual collection. On the occasion of its 20th Anniversary, the collection has grown to include two pillow cushions and a solid wood base option. The fireside chair is offered in two sizes. Also available as a dining chair.

Right- or Left-Arm Medium Sofa

H 24½”/26¼” W 62¼” D 40¼” SH 13¾”/15½” H 62/66cm W 158cm D 102cm SH 35/39cm


H 24½”/26¼” W 41¾” D 69” SH 13¾” 15½” H 62/66cm W 106cm D 175cm SH 35/39cm

Right or Left Chaise


H 24½”/26¼” W 52¾” D 69” SH 13¾”/15½” H 62/66cm W 134cm D 175cm SH 35/39cm

H 24½”/26¼” W 37¾” D 33¾” SH 13¾”/15½” H 62/66cm W 96cm D 86cm SH 35/39cm



W 35½” D 40¼” SH 13¾”/15½” W 90cm D 102cm SH 35/40cm

H 32¼” W 69¼” D 41” SH 15” H 82cm W 176cm D 104cm SH 38cm

Large Fireside Chair

H 32¼” W 45” D 41” SH 15” H 82cm W 114cm D 104cm SH 38cm

Small Fireside Chair

Large Ottoman

H 32¼” W 37” D 41” SH 15” H 82cm W 94cm D 104cm SH 38cm

W 45” D 30¾” SH 15” W 114cm D 78cm SH 38cm

Small Ottoman W 37” D 30¾” SH 15” W 94cm D 78cm SH 38cm

exClUsiF DiDier Gomez

nomade 2 DiDier Gomez

With just a few elements, this elegant and classic collection allows the creation of a multitude of sofa and sectional combinations while providing exceptional comfort. All pieces have a tufted seat option. There are two types of armrests to choose from: a low, wide rectangular version and a high, narrow trapezoid version. They can be combined with one another for what can be considered an asymmetrical element. A luxuriously deep chaise, with or without arms, completes the collection. For those with more compact space, a smaller scale version of the chaise is offered. Two different foot heights are available. Headrest optional. The dimensions below correspond to the pieces with the trapezoid-shaped armrest.

The famous Nomade created in 1996 has been revisited and made more modern. If the aesthetic inspiration of Nomade comes from North African culture, Nomade 2 is intended to be much more urban. Nomade is a sofa “with lots of cushions and bolsters" with a seat cushion conceived to look like a traditional mattress with edge and dimples. The principal changes made for Nomade 2 are a thin piping and a discreet stitching on the seat cushion and a comb stitching on the back cushions. Structures are maintained identical but the mattress padding gets lighter with fine piping, dimples become discrete prints, and back cushions clearly express the refinement of their seam finish. Offered in a multitude of fabrics and colors.

Right- or Left-Arm Loveseat

Large Lounge

H 28¼”/29¾” W 59” D 39¼” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 150cm D 100cm SH 39/43cm

Large Lounge without Arms

H 28¼”/29¾” W 70” D 80¾” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 178cm D 205cm SH 39/43cm

H 28¼”/29¾” W 48¼” D 80¾” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 123cm D 205cm SH 39/43cm

Large Right- or Left- Ottoman W 39¼” D 39¼” Arm Lounge H 28¼”/29¾” W 60” D 80¾” SH 15¼”/16¾” H 72/76cm W 150cm D 205cm SH 39/43cm

SH 15¼”/16¾” W 100cm D 100cm SH 39/43cm


H 30¾”/33” W 85½” D 35¾” SH 15”/17¼” H 78/84cm W 217cm D 96cm SH 38/44cm

Right- or LeftArm Sofa

H 30¾”/33” W 83½” D 35¾” SH 15”/17¼” H 78/84cm W 212cm D 91cm SH 38/44cm

Large Right- or Left-Arm Chaise

H 30¾”/33” W 83½” D 35¾” SH 15”/17¼” H 78/84cm W 212cm D 91cm SH 38/44cm


H 30¾”/33” W 69¾” D 35¾” SH 15”/17¼” H 78/84cm W 177cm D 91cm SH 38/44cm

Right- or LeftArm Loveseat

H 30¾”/33” W 67¾” D 35¾” SH 15”/17¼” H 78/84cm W 172cm D 91cm SH 38/44cm

Small Right- or Left-Arm Chaise

H 30¾”/33” W 67¾” D 35¾” SH 15”/17¼” H 78/84cm W 172cm D 91cm SH 38/44cm

Convertible Corner Group

H 32” W 117¼” D 35¾”/83½” SH 16¼” H 81cm W 298cm D 91/212cm SH 41cm


W 34¼” D 34¼” SH 15”/17¼” W 87cm D 87cm SH 38/44cm

exClUsiF 2 DiDier Gomez

riVe droite DiDier Gomez

The Exclusif model is complemented by a version with legs, named Exclusif 2. These brilliant or black chromed finished legs do not affect the overall dimensions of each piece but serve to tie together decors nicely. There are two types of armrests to choose from: a low, wide rectangular version and a high, narrow trapezoid version. They can be combined with one another for what can be considered an asymmetrical element. Seams of back cushions are highlighted with piping. Cushion and frame covers can be removed without difficulty. Bicolor interpretations may be created to bring a modern touch to this classic design.

Timeless design with generous and enveloping seating. The Rive Droite collection includes a loveseat, an armchair with a high or low back, and an ottoman. The line features an elegant yet distinct seam. The seat cushion, made of high resilience Bultex® foam, provides the best support possible for your body. It is covered with feathers for additional comfort and softness. The feet come in anthracite lacquered steel except for the ottoman which stands on invisible plastic sliders. Available in either a soft or firm version.

Right-Arm Loveseat with Type B Armrest

H 29¾” W 60” D 39¼” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 153cm D 100cm SH 43cm

Right-Arm Sofa with Type B Armrest

H 29¾” W 86” D 39¼” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 219cm D 100cm SH 43cm

Right- or -Left Arm Mini Lounge

H 29¾” W 50¼/51¼” D 69” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 130cm D 175cm SH 43cm

Mini Lounge

H 29¾” W 39¼” D 69” SH 16¾” H 76cm W 100cm D 175cm SH 43cm


W 39¼” D 39¼” SH 16¾” W 100cm D 100cm SH 43cm


H 31½” W 82¾” D 38¼” SH 16½” H 80cm W 210cm D 97cm SH 42cm


H 33¾” W 32¼” D 34¼” SH 15¼” H 86cm W 82cm D 87cm SH 39cm

Low-Back Armchair H 27¼” D 33¼” H 69cm D 87cm

W 32¼” SH 15¼” W 82cm SH 39cm


W 20” D 20” SH 13½” W 51cm D 51cm SH 34cm

striCto sensU DiDier Gomez

belem DiDier Gomez

Stricto Sensu combines comfort and modernist style in a minimal amount of space. The collection features a tailored frame, a high resilience Bultex® foam seat cushion topped with a layer of feathers, back cushions filled with duck feathers, and polished aluminum, brilliant chrome or matte black epoxy lacquered chrome feet. The seat matches the upholstered frame but contrasting back cushions may be ordered. Sophisticated combinations are made possible by joining multiple elements with and without arms.

Elegant lines with a contemporary edge: these characteristics describe this beautiful sofa by Didier Gomez. Drawing inspiration from Saint Germain des Prés in the 1950s, Belem’s flawless lines are softened by the concave curve of the seat and backrest, while the tall, black epoxy-lacquered legs reinforce its slender, light appearance. Its low armrest, deep seat, and duck-filled back cushions guarantee optimal comfort. Belem is available in a variety of fabric and leather options, and its back cushions are available in different colors and patterns for further personalization.

Right- or Left-Arm Chaise H 30” W 78¾” D 33” SH 15¼” H 76cm W 200cm D 84cm SH 39cm


H 30” W 78¾” D 33” SH 15¼” H 76cm W 200cm D 84cm SH 39cm

Right- or Left-Arm Sofa H 30” W 78¾” D 33” SH 15¼” H 76cm W 200cm D 84cm SH 39cm


H 30” W 67” D 33” SH 15¼” H 76cm W 170cm D 84cm SH 39cm


H 30” W 30¼” D 33” SH 15¼” H 76cm W 77cm D 84cm SH 39cm

Fireside Chair

H 30” W 26” D 33” SH 15¼” H 76cm W 66cm D 84cm SH 39cm


H 31½” W 82¾” D 38¼” SH 16½” H 80cm W 210cm D 97cm SH 42cm


H 31½” W 63” D 38¼” SH 16½” H 80cm W 160cm D 97cm SH 42cm


H 31½” W 32¼” D 37” SH 16½” H 80cm W 82cm D 94cm SH 42cm



H 24½”/26¼” W 93” D 40¼” SH 13¾”/15½” H 62/66cm W 236cm D 102cm SH 35/39cm

nils DiDier Gomez


nomade expreSS DiDier Gomez

Sofa BedS

Sofa BedS 51

Sofa BedS


clauDe brisson


nomade expreSS DiDier Gomez This everyday sofa bed has an understated elegance reminiscent of the stylish 1930s with its seat and back resembling a traditional mattress. Nomade Express is made of high resilience Bultex® foam of multiple densities. It is supported by a tubular steel frame and aluminum feet. The back simply folds down to convert to a bed and the lumbar cushions can be used as pillows. The tufted cover with buttons and thick piping is removable. Offered in two versions: one with a quilted cover with buttons in a “mattress” style, the other with a quilted cover with points of stitching and piped detailing. Dimensions

H 37½” W 80” D 43¼”/56¼” SH 16½”/19¾” H 95cm W 203cm D 110/143cm SH 42/50cm

do not diSturB Do not Disturb is a motorized sofa bed that allows for easy conversion from sofa to bed. It is a stylish answer for where to put houseguests and is available in a rich range of leathers and fabrics for a classically timeless sofa form. No matter which way this sofa bed is set up, it requires only the most minimal effort to open or close. The cushions of this sleek sofa stay attached to the base when it is transformed from sofa to bed.

Sofa with Queen Mattress H 30¾” W 78¾” D 38½/84¾” SH 17¼” H 78cm W 200cm D 98/215cm SH 44cm

Sofa with King Mattress H 30¾” W 86½” D 38½/84¾” SH 17¼”

Sofa BedS

H 78cm W 220cm D 98/215cm S H 44cm

multy clauDe brisson Multy is a uniquely designed sofa bed collection. All elements, sofas and loveseats, incorporate three positions: upright, inclined, and down. The thick foam cushion and birch slats provide outstanding comfort, while a simple mechanism makes transitioning effortless. Multy offers optional lumbar cushions and armrests, which pivot to allow the bed to be easily unfolded.

Sofa with Arms H 32¼”/33½” W 74” D 40½”/78¾” SH 17¼” H 82/85cm W 188cm D 103/200cm SH 44cm Sofa H 32¼”/33½” W 65¼” D 40½”/78¾” SH 17¼” H 82/85cm W 166cm D 103/200cm SH 44cm

multy clauDe brisson Multy is a uniquely designed sofa bed collection. All elements, sofas and loveseats, incorporate three positions: upright, inclined, and down. The thick foam cushion and birch slats provide outstanding comfort, while a simple mechanism makes transitioning effortless. Multy offers optional lumbar cushions and armrests, which pivot to allow the bed to be easily unfolded.

Loveseat with Arms H 32¼”/33½” W 60¼” D 40½”/78¾” SH 17¼”

do not diSturB

H 82/85cm W 153cm D 103/200cm SH 44cm Loveseat H 32¼”/33½” W 51½” D 40½”/78¾” SH 17¼” H 82/85cm W 131cm D 103/200cm SH 44cm



pascal mourgue


ArmchAirs 57



rĂŠmi Bouhaniche


pierre paulin



voltige DiDier gomeZ


philippe nigro


rUchÉ inGa semPÉ

French Line DiDier Gomez

In 2014, Inga Sempé added an armchair with asymmetrical armrests to the Ruché range. The high armrest fitted with elastic-strap suspension allows a unique positioning not afforded by traditional chairs. This little island of comfort and recreation can be completed with the Ruché ottoman.

This elegant chair occupies little space and is ideal for city apartment dwellers. Its lightness, and its discrete almost 50’s charm, make French Line an armchair that can be used in most rooms in the house. Its wooden frame comes in ebony stained, black stained, or natural oak wood.




W 36¼” D 23½” SH 16¾” W 92cm D 60cm SH 43cm

Andy Pierre Paulin

Andy Pierre Paulin

A reissue of a Pierre Paulin classic, the Andy sofa still looks as good today as it did when it debuted half a century ago, simply known as “Model 442.” The four chrome-plated steel legs, set in the armrests both at the front and the back, impart a sense of lightness. Originally conceived in leather, the armchair is available in textiles and in three different sizes.

A reissue of a Pierre Paulin classic, the Andy sofa still looks as good today as it did when it debuted half a century ago, simply known as “Model 442.” The four chrome-plated steel legs, set in the armrests both at the front and the back, impart a sense of lightness. Originally conceived in leather, the armchair is available in textiles and in three different sizes.



H 28¾” W 32¾” D 32¾” SH 16½” H 73cm W 83cm D 83cm SH 42cm

VintA DiDier Gomez

The Madrague armchair celebrates the perfect pairing of leather and wood. With a natural vegetable-tanned leather shell seat and solid ash base, the chair's understated luxury is finished with an elegantly masculine saddle stitch. Base is available in a choice of light natural ash or anthracite-stained ash.

Simultaneously contemporary and traditional, Vinta’s soft lines are welcoming and reminiscent of traditional cabriolet armchairs, while its folded steel legs and receding armrests are resolutely contemporary. Available with corner feet in either matte black or matte white lacquer.



VoLtiGe DiDier Gomez

ViLLA rose 2 François azambourG

Reworking the traditional bergère armchair, designer Didier Gomez cleans up lines and updates frame materials for a dressed up version of the 1700s classic lounger without leaving behind its classic aesthetic. The folded steel ‘corner’ feet, available in matte white or matte black lacquer, succeed in putting the final twist on the reinterpretation.

inga sempé

H 28¾” W 32¾” D 32¾” SH 16½” H 73cm W 83cm D 83cm SH 42cm

mAdrAGUe François azambourG

H 31½” W 30” D 30” SH 15¾” H 80cm W 76cm D 76cm SH 40cm


H 29½” W 28¾” D 29½” SH 15¾” H 75cm W 73cm D 75cm SH 40cm


H 29¼” W 28¼” D 29½” SH 17” H 74cm W 72cm D 75cm SH 43cm

H 28¾” W 26¾” D 29½” SH 15¼” H 73cm W 68cm D 75cm SH 39cm

Villa Rose, designed by François Azambourg, is a black solid-ash armchair with classic distinction and contemporary design details. The seat cushion is a luxurious detail available to bring warmth to the otherwise hard lines of the seat in a choice of upholstered wool or semi-aniline leather.

Dimensions H 27½” D 25¼” H 70cm D 64cm

W 23½” SH 15¾” W 60cm SH 40cm


H 32¾” W 38¼” D 36¼” SH 18” H 83cm W 97cm D 92cm SH 46cm


Amy C. DonDoli & m. PoCCi

eLysÉe Pierre Paulin

@-chAir toshiyuki kita

toA rÉmi bouhaniChe

Entirely dedicated to comfort, Amy, is made of a molded shell that hugs the body. The combination of armchair and footstool enables complete relaxation, providing effective support to the head and pleasant support to the back. The base can rotate up to 360°. Available in Primo leather, Alcantara®, and various fabrics.

The compact size and visual lightness of this chair makes it ideal for smaller living spaces. The lacquered base has a matte black finish, while the seat boasts a high-resilience Bultex® foam core and comfort layer with webbed back suspension. Elysée is available in an assortment of fabrics and leathers.

@-Chair is a chair of modern times, readily adaptable to multiple, diverse ranges of use. The chair reclines at the push of a button and has either a wooden or lacquered metal base in a choice of different colors. The @-servant on the side and optional footstool create suitable work support, thus ensuring complete relaxation.

The objective, “to conceive a comfortable and timeless product”, is evident in Toa’s design. For his first armchair, designer Remi Bouhaniche drew on origami for inspiration: The open trapezoid of the seat and armrests is paired with a slightly tapering winged backrest to create a cocoon-like effect. The matching footrest brings a supplement of comfort and relaxation to the armchair.





W 28¼” D 20¾” SH 15¾” W 72cm D 53cm SH 40cm

H 27½” W 35½” D 30¼” SH 13¾” H 70cm W 90cm D 77cm SH 35cm


W 35½” D 25½” SH 13” W 90cm D 65cm SH 33cm

H 46” W 30” D 33” SH 17” H 117cm W 76cm D 84cm SH 43cm


H 42¼” W 32¼” D 36¼” SH 18” H 107cm W 82cm D 92cm SH 46cm

W 23¼” D 22¾” SH 17” W 59cm D 58cm SH 43cm


W 24¾” D 24¾” SH 17¼“ W 63cm D 63cm SH 44cm

hUdson DiDier Gomez

FLAx PhiliPPe niGro

okUrA eriC JourDan

okUrA eriC JourDan

Slim yet comfortable, Hudson is the perfect collection for small spaces. A raised frame, elegant inclined backrest, and slim cushions create a graceful and comfortable seating solution. This compact seat comes with either matte black lacquered or brilliant chrome feet and can be complimented with a small ottoman.

Flax is a very accommodating chair that will fit into traditional and modern interiors alike. The entire structure is made from curved slats of solid walnut, with an integral lumbar cushion, and a seat cushion set in steel springs with Bultex ® foam. An ottoman is also available.

Equally inspired by its namesake hotel in Tokyo and American mid-century modernism à la George Nelson. The Okura's shape and size are loosely anthropomorphic—a large seat, medium backrest, and slim wraparound armrests—with appropriately rounded edges throughout. Set on a short base of brilliant chrome or lacquered steel that appears to hover above the ground. Available in a high or low back, with a matching footstool.

Equally inspired by its namesake hotel in Tokyo and American mid-century modernism à la George Nelson, the Okura sofa is a contemporary homage to clean, well-proportioned design. Set on a short base of brilliant chrome or lacquered steel, the Okura appears to hover above the ground. It is available in a high or low back, with a matching footstool.

Armchair with High Back

Armchair with High Back

Armchair with Low Back


H 29½”/30¾” W 30” D 30¾” SH 16¼/17¼” H 75/78cm W 76cm D 78cm SH 41/44cm

Ottoman W 23½” D 23½” SH 16¼”/17¼” W 60cm D 60cm SH 41/44cm

H 30” W 30” D 31½” SH 15” H 76cm W 77cm D 80cm SH 38cm

Armchair with Low Ottoman W 24½” D 20” Back

H 27¼”/30" W 30” SH 14¼” D 31½” SH 15” W 62cm D 51cm H 69/77cm W 77cm SH 36cm D 80cm SH 38cm

H 34¼” W 32¼” D 38½” SH 15¾" H 87cm W 82cm D 98cm SH 40cm


W 26¾” D 26¾” SH 15¼” W 68cm D 68cm SH 39cm

H 28¾” W 32½” D 38½” SH 15¾" H 73cm W 83cm D 98cm SH 40cm

FiFty DÖGG & arnVeD DesiGn stuDio

FiL PasCal mourGue

FAcett r. & e. bouroulleC

Fifty’s back was created with side panels by the headrest to inspire feelings of privacy while relaxing, reading, or even watching TV. Hundreds of meters of either black or brown or grey cord are woven onto the black steel frame. An additional seat cushion is available for added comfort.

Fashionable chair with a brilliant chrome frame. Available in genuine cowhide, many different colors of synderme leather, and now in upholstered wool felt. With the addition of elastic straps in the seat cushion and back rest, this chair keeps a sleek line with maximum comfort.

Facett offers innovative aesthetics and superb comfort. The quilted cover has 2” (5cm) wide bands stitched with matching or contrasting thread. The armchair is available with a swivel or fixed base. When used jointly, the ottoman extends the lines of the armchair to create a chaise.

Fireside Chair



H 44¼” W 29” D 34¾” SH 13½” H 113cm W 74cm D 88cm SH 34cm


W 23½” D 26½” SH 13½” W 60cm D 67cm SH 34cm

H 28¾” W 25¼” D 28” SH 15” H 73cm W 64cm D 71cm SH 38cm

Fireside Chair

H 28¾” W 25¼” D 28” SH 15” H 73cm W 64cm D 71cm SH 38cm

H 33” W 34¼” D 32” SH 14¼” H 84cm W 87cm D 81cm SH 36cm


W 26¾” D 26¾” SH 15¼” W 68cm D 68cm SH 39cm

ottomAn noÉ DuChauFour-lawranCe Ingenuity, superior stitching, and modern aesthetics are the hallmarks of this all-foam armchair, inspired by the traditional Moroccan ottoman. It is available with a swivel or fixed base and in either monochromatic or a two colored combination.


W 25½” D 28” SH 12½” W 65cm D 71cm SH 32cm


H 26¾” D 36½” H 68cm D 93cm

W 39¼” SH 14½” W 100cm SH 37cm


W 35” D 31½” SH 14½” W 89cm D 80cm SH 37cm

GriLLAGe François azambourG

GriLLAGe François azambourG

AndA Pierre Paulin

LUcA soFt Jean-PhiliPPe nuel

This armchair, released in 2011, demonstrates the fusion of technology and design for which François Azambourg is well-known. It comprises a steel tube base with a single piece of metal folded origami-style. Grillage appears light, but provides excellent support. An optional pad made of quilted fabric may be attached to the seat for added comfort.

This armchair, released in 2011, demonstrates the fusion of technology and design for which François Azambourg is well-known. It comprises a steel tube base with a single piece of metal folded origami-style. Grillage appears light, but provides excellent support. An optional pad made of quilted fabric may be attached to the seat for added comfort.

The elegance of Anda is apparent in its curves, which envelope the body beautifully. Its comfort comes from elastic webbing suspension and Bultex® foam. This armchair is available either fixed or swiveling and in both high and low back versions.

Although originally conceived for a hotel, Luca Soft is a collection of seating that will naturally find its place in both contemporary and more traditional home interiors. Also available as a dining chair with different options: four legs fully upholstered (with optional casters) or cantilevered base.

Armchair with High Back



H 28¼” W 39” D 27¼” SH 9¾” H 72cm W 99cm D 69cm SH 25cm

indoor & oUtdoor



H 28¼” W 61” D 27½” SH 12¼” H 72cm W 155cm D 70cm SH 31cm


H 28¼” W 39” D 27¼” SH 9¾” H 72cm W 99cm D 69cm SH 25cm


H 28¼” W 61” D 27½” SH 12¼” H 72cm W 155cm D 70cm SH 31cm

H 39” W 39” D 33½” SH 15¾” H 99cm W 99cm D 85cm SH 40cm

Armchair with Low Back

H 31” W 34¼” D 30¼” SH 15¾” H 79cm W 87cm D 77cm SH 40cm


Ø 17¾” SH 15¾” Ø 45cm SH 40cm

H 27” W 26¾” D 25¼” SH 15¼” H 69cm W 68cm D 64cm SH 39cm

Upholstered Chair H 28¾” W 23½” D 21¾” SH 18½” H 73cm W 60cm D 55cm SH 47cm


H 41” W 35½” D 35½” SH 15¾” H 104cm W 90cm D 90cm SH 40cm


beAU Fixe inGa semPÉ

FeLt 2 Delo linDo

cALin PasCal mourGue

cALin PasCal mourGue

Inga Sempé designed this chair from its clever structure to the fabric for the cushions. The lightweight welded-steel frame acts like “jaws” or a vise, clamping around the one-piece comforter that forms the seat itself. Beau Fixe is available as a medium sofa or armchair, with an optional matching footstool.

Possibly a descendant of Michel Ducaroy's “Steady” chair from 1960, the Felt 2 is a new design from Delo Lindo—designers Fabien Cagani and Laurent Matras. This fashionable yet uncannily familiar chair is available in two sizes with a matching footrest. Frame a made from black lacquered steel-reinforced molded beech plywood, with foam cushions.

Designed by the late Pascal Mourgue, this armchair offers the outstanding comfort you would expect from a pillow. Bultex® foam, fixed or adjustable back, aluminum lacquered steel feet and removable cover with distinct pillow detail create this soft and casual collection. The fireside chair comes in two sizes. Also available as a dining chair.

Designed by the late Pascal Mourgue, this armchair offers the outstanding comfort you would expect from a pillow. The Calin chair has been updated this year with two pillow cushions and a solid wood base, on the occasion of its 20th Anniversary. The fireside chair comes in two sizes. Also available as a dining chair.


Fireside Chair




H 27½” W 23½” D 28” SH 13¾” H 70cm W 60cm D 71cm SH 35cm

W 26” D 16¾” SH 17¼” W 66cm D 43cm SH 44cm


W 23½” D 16½” SH 13¾” W 60cm D 42cm SH 35cm

H 32¼” W 69¼” D 41” SH 15” H 82cm W 176cm D 104cm SH 38cm

Fireside Chair

H 32¼” W 37”/45” D 41” SH 15” H 82cm W 94/114cm D 104cm SH 38cm

Large Ottoman W 45” D 30¾” SH 15” W 114cm D 78cm SH 38cm

H 32¼” W 69¼” D 41” SH 15” H 82cm W 176cm D 104cm SH 38cm

Fireside Chair

H 32¼” W 37”/45” D 41” SH 15” H 82cm W 94/114cm D 104cm SH 38cm

Large Ottoman W 45” D 30¾” SH 15” W 114cm D 78cm SH 38cm

PUmPkin Pierre Paulin

PUmPkin Pierre Paulin

neo alban-sÉbastien Gilles

hArry eriC JourDan

First edition from the private collection of former French president, Georges Pompidou, in the Elysée Palace. Pumpkin is characterized by soft lines, a round shape, and firm comfortable seating. The armchair is offered with a swivel or fixed base as well as with or without headrest.

First edition from the private collection of former French president, Georges Pompidou, in the Elysée Palace. Pumpkin is characterized by soft lines, a round shape, and firm comfortable seating. The armchair is offered with a swivel or fixed base as well as with or without headrest.

Neo is a modern take on the traditional rocking chair. Its curves lend it a friendly air, fitting right into both contemporary and more traditional interiors. Available with or without arms in a choice of ebony-stained oak and brilliant or matte aluminum. The rocking movement can be stopped thanks to an adjustable jack beneath the seat.

Harry evokes classic Chesterfield chairs, but its modern lines and multiple fabric options will satisfy more contemporary sensibilities. However viewed, Harry inspires comfort. Feet are available in a very slim “stiletto” style in brilliant chrome.

Armchair with Headrest


Rocking Armchair Rocking Chair

H 32¾” D 32¾” H 83cm D 83cm

W 41¼” SH 14½” W 105cm SH 37cm


Ø 29¼” SH 14½” Ø 74cm SH 37cm

H 27½” D 32¾” H 70cm D 83cm

W 41¼” SH 14½” W 105cm SH 37cm


H 33” W 28¾” D 34¾” SH 16¼” H 84cm W 73cm D 88cm SH 41cm

Ø 29¼” SH 14½” Ø 74cm SH 37cm

H 33” W 28¾” D 34¾” SH 16¼” H 84cm W 73cm D 88cm SH 41cm


H 16¼” W 33” D 15¾” SH 16¼” H 41cm W 84cm D 40cm SH 41cm


H 32¾” W 36½” D 37” SH 14½”/15¾” H 83cm W 93cm D 94cm SH 37/40cm


W 36½” D 14½” SH 15¾” W 91cm D 37cm SH 40cm

mcd marie Christine Dorner

moëL inGa semPÉ

riVe droite DiDier Gomez

dÉriVe 2 Pierre Paulin

The MCD armchair features an upholstered back and armrests that are tufted both inside and out. Though the panels are flat on the outside, the rounded cushions of the interior offer an invitation to comfort. Available as a medium or large sofa, the MCD also has a matching ottoman. Feet are available in either natural or anthracite tinted solid beech wood.

With the exception of the thermoformed ABS back interior, Moël is a return to the all foam know-how of Ligne Roset. This enveloping armchair offers the most comfortable and pleasant experience possible. It appeals most to lovers of an informal lifestyle. Available with a high or low back.

Rive Droite was conceived with all the attributes of a traditional club chair: enveloping comfort complemented by an ottoman. The seat cushion can be filled with feathers for soft support or with high-resilience Bultex® foam for firmer support.

A reproduction of the rocking chair originally created as a personal gift to conductor Pierre Boulez. Derive 2’s Scandinavian inspiration is highlighted by its charcoal-dyed wood structure and ergonomically-curved backrests. Seat and back cushions made of high-density Bultex® foam are held in place by removable Velcro strips.


Armchair with High Back

Armchair with


H 33¾” W 33” D 31¼” SH 16¼” H 86cm W 84cm D 79cm SH 41cm


W 32¾” D 33¾” SH 16¼” W 83cm D 86cm SH 41cm

H 38¼” W 45¼” D 38½” SH 16¼” H 97cm W 115cm D 98cm SH 41cm

Armchair with Low Back

H 32” W 41¼” D 35” SH 16¼” H 81cm W 105cm D 89cm SH 41cm


W 23½” D 18” SH 14½” W 60cm D 46cm SH 37cm

High Back H 33¾” W 32¼” D 34¼” SH 15¼” H 86cm W 82cm D 87cm SH 39cm

Armchair with Low Back

H 27¼” D 33½” H 69cm D 85cm

W 32¼” SH 15¼” W 82cm SH 39cm


W 20” D 20” SH 13½” W 51cm D 51cm SH 34cm

H 37½” W 22½” D 39¼” SH 17¾” H 95cm W 57cm D 100cm SH 45cm

Archi Pierre Paulin

Archi Pierre Paulin

toGo & mini toGo m. DuCaroy

niLs DiDier Gomez

Archi’s generous slope and ergonomic seat design support the body perfectly. The high back provides a comfortable rest for the head and shoulders. Available with or without arms. The legs come in matte black lacquered or brilliant chromed steel; or in black-stained or cherry-stained ash wood.

Archi’s generous slope and ergonomic seat design support the body perfectly. The high back provides a comfortable rest for the head and shoulders. Available with or without arms. The legs come in matte black lacquered or brilliant chromed steel; or in black-stained or cherry-stained ash wood.

Togo has been the ultimate in comfort and style for forty years. The collection features both visually attractive and physically inviting pieces. This scaled version for kids is one of the most recent additions to the iconic collection.

The Nils armchair is not a simple extrapolation of the sofas. It benefits from special proportions that provide personality and visual lightness. The cover is completely removable (except for leather and microfibers) and the chair can comfortably be used without a separate backrest cushion.


Armchair H 37¾” W 34¾” D 35¾” SH 16½” H 96cm W 88cm D 91cm SH 42cm



H 37¾” W 34¾” D 35¾” SH 16½” H 96cm W 88cm D 91cm SH 42cm


H 37¾” W 25¼” D 35¾” SH 16½” H 96cm W 64cm D 91cm SH 42cm


W 24¾” D 14¼” SH 16¼” W 63cm D 36cm SH 41cm

Chair H 37¾” W 25¼” D 35¾” SH 16½” H 96cm W 64cm D 91cm SH 42cm


W 24¾” D 14¼” SH 16¼” W 63cm D 36cm SH 41cm

H 27½” W 34¼” D 40¼” SH 15” H 70cm W 87cm D 102cm SH 38cm


W 34¼” D 31½” SH 13½” W 87cm D 80cm SH 34cm

Mini Chair

H 18” W 24” D 26¾” SH 9½” H 46cm W 61cm D 68cm SH 24cm

H 24½”/26” W 37¾” D 33¾” SH 13¾ / 15½” H 62/66cm W 96cm D 86cm SH 35/39cm


W 35½” D 40¼” SH 13¾”/15½” W 90cm D 102cm SH 35/39cm


H 38½” W 31½” D 41¾” SH 17¼” H 97cm W 80cm D 106cm SH 44cm


Originally designed for his own personal use in 1972, Pierre Paulin's ultraminimal bookshelf illustrates his lifelong fascination with architecture and the organization of space. A straightforward yet elegant combination of a lacquered-steel wire frame and plywood shelves—modular at 70cm (27½”) wide—shelves are easily expanded or adjusted thanks to the notched posts and foot-cylinders. Shelves made of beech plywood, in stratified white or black lacquer finish.

Storage furniture

Storage furniture

la bibliothèque fil pierre paulin

la bibliothèque fil pierre paulin

1 Module Bookcase

H 67” W 27½” D 13” H 170cm W 70cm D 33cm

2 Module Bookcase

3 Module Bookcase

H 67” W 55” D 13” H 67” W 82¾” D 13” H 170cm W 140cm D 33cm H 170cm W 210cm D 33cm


SPaCe pagnon & pelhaître

Storage furniture

Designed by Pagnon & Pelhâitre, this versatile series of tables and semi-modular storage solutions comprises completely open or closed boxes in three standardized sizes. Thus, the open units are outlines of the negative space, while the enclosed ones fill the positive space, available with matte white lacquered or natural varnished cherry wood side panels. The combinations are infinite. Open unit frames are available in brilliant black chrome, brilliant copper, or satin white lacquered.


pagnon & pelhaître Medium Chest with Drawers

H 13½” W 27¼” D 14” H 34cm W 69cm D 36cm

Small Chest with Drawers

H 13½” W 13½” D 14” H 34cm W 34cm D 36cm

Chest for Hanging Files

H 13½” W 40¾” D 14” H 34cm W 104cm D 36cm

Large Chest with Drop Flap

Medium Chest with Drop Flap

H 13½” W 40¾” D 14” H 13½” W 27½” D 14” H 34cm W 104cm H 34cm W 69cm D 36cm D 36cm

Open Chest

H 13½” W 27¼” D 14” H 34cm W 69cm D 36cm

Double Unit Metal Frame

H 13½” W 27¼” D 14” H 34cm W 69cm D 36cm

Single Unit Metal Frame

H 13½” W 13½” D 14” H 34cm W 34cm D 36cm

Large Roadway

W 40¾” D 13¾” T 0¾” W 104cm D 34cm T 2cm

Medium Roadway

W 27¼” D 13¾” T 0¾” W 69cm D 34cm T 2cm

Small Roadway

W 13½” D 13¾” T 0¾” W 34cm D 34cm T 2cm


Storage furniture


Mauro lipparini


MiXte Mauro lipparini

Storage furniture

Make Mixte the focal point of your living space. Mauro Lipparini created this new cabinetry system in response to people’s constantly changing lifestyles. Based on clean and powerful lines that inspire a sense of pleasure and freedom, Mixte will appeal to all sensibilities. This is a beautifully customizable system which enables you to explore infinite possibilities using colors and shapes. Every element can be used alone or in conjunction with other elements; combine sideboards, cabinets, and bookcases for your specific needs. Choose from white, mastic, argile and elephant lacquer, and our two wood veneers, lati cendre and lati sable, both of which highlight the wood’s grain beautifully.


Mauro lipparini 4 Door Sideboard

H 28” W 71¾” D 18½” H 71cm W 182cm D 47cm

3-Door & 2-Drawer Sideboard

H 28” W 71¾” D 18½" H 71cm W 182cm D 47cm

3-Door Sideboard with Niches

H 28” W 71¾” D 18½" H 71cm W 182cm D 47cm

Sideboard with Sliding Doors

H 28” W 71¾” D 18½" H 71cm W 182cm D 47cm

TV Unit

H 46¼” W 59¾” D 17” H 117cm W 152cm D 43cm


H 46¼” W 59” D 15½” H 117cm W 150cm D 40cm

Occasional Unit with Niches H 57½” W 47¾” D 18½” H 146cm W 121cm D 47cm

Wide 3-Drawer Chest

H 34” W 40¼” D 18½" H 86cm W 102cm D 47cm


tarMaC Dieter ZiMMer/BurkharD hess

Storage furniture

A modular system inspired by the commonality of contemporary apartments, Tarmac is made up of easily constructed modules that are simply combined in a copy-paste style. Tarmac gets its power from pieces that are used as actual architectural elements and are adaptable to modern ways of living. Improvisation out of necessity is the key to fully utilizing the design behind Tarmac. One can even add on to units over time making the collection easily customizable. Designed to address the needs of several rooms, this system contracts and expands as needed.


D. ZiMMer & B. hess Living Room Elements


W 55”/78¾”/98½” D 19¼” T 2” W 140/200/250cm D 49cm T 5cm

4-Drawer Chest

H 34½” W 19¾” D 18½” H 88cm W 50cm D 47cm

1-Door Chest

H 80¾” W 21¼” D 18½” H 205cm W 54cm D 47cm

TV Chest

H 18¼” W 39¾” D 18½” H 46cm W 101cm D 47cm

Single Bookcase

H 80¾” W 21¼” D 12¼” H 205cm W 54cm D 31cm

Double Bookcase

H 80¾” W 41½” D 12¼” H 205cm W 106cm D 31cm

Bedroom Elements


W 55”/78¾“/98½“ D 24½” T 2” W 140/200/250cm D 62cm T 5cm

1-Door Chest

H 80¾” W 21¼” D 23½” H 205cm W 54cm D 60cm

Wide 2-Drawer Chest

H 18” W 39¾” D 23½” H 46cm W 101cm D 60cm

Narrow 2-Drawer Chest

H 18¼” W 19¾” D 23½” H 46cm W 50cm D 60cm

Narrow 3-Drawer Chest H 26½” W 19¾” D 23½” H 67cm W 50cm D 60cm

Open Storage Unit

H 26½” W 12¼” D 22¾” H 67cm W 31cm D 58cm


Storage furniture

et Cetera

pagnon & pelhaĂŽtre


et Cetera pagnon & pelhaître

Storage furniture

Similar to the Book & Look and Mixte systems, the Et cetera system offers endless variations all built to fall in line with the unit that precedes it. Et cetera is a system of bookcases, enhanced with the additional functions of traditional living room furniture: storage (doors, windows, shelves, and drawers), a TV unit and lighting. The name Et cetera refers to its dimensional possibilities: you can always increase the height or width of the unit with the likelihood of a  perfect fit. The elegance of the Et cetera system comes from rigorous aesthetic choices, in regard to both its dimensions and its finishes.

et Cetera

pagnon & pelhaître 3-Door Sideboard

H 36¼” W 62” D 15¼” H 92cm W 158cm D 39cm

2-Door & 4-Drawer Sideboard

H 36¼” W 62” D 15¼” H 92cm W 158cm D 39cm

4-Door Sideboard

H 36¼” W 82¾” D 15¼” H 92cm W 210cm D 39cm

3-Door & 4-Drawer Sideboard H 36¼” W 82¾” D 15¼” H 92cm W 210cm D 39cm


Storage furniture

DeDiCato DiDier goMeZ


DeDiCato DiDier goMeZ

Storage furniture

Dedicato is an elegant collection of storage elements with clean lines. The open niche above the units provides a place to beautifully display accessories. Available in gloss white or argile lacquer, or ebony oak, smoked-effect oak veneer surrounded by an aluminum frame with a brilliant or mocha lacquered finish. The secretary with a drop desk is also offered as a bar with the central drop door opening to reveal mirrored glass panels and four racks for wine glass storage. All the low units – the TV units, sideboards, console tables and chest – feature a glass top, lacquered to match the color of the element or possibly in a red or mocha finish. The cabinet and the sideboards have interior shelves suitable for tableware, glasses or other household items.

DeDiCato DiDier goMeZ

Wide 4- or 5-Shelf Bookcase

H 74¾” W 47¼” D 14½” H 190cm W 120cm D 37cm

Narrow 4- or 5-Shelf Bookcase

H 74¾” W 35½” D 14½” H 190cm W 90cm D 37cm

Occasional Unit

H 74¾” W 47¼” D 17¾” H 190cm W 120cm D 45cm

Secretary or Bar

H 74½” W 35½” D 17¾” H 189cm W 90cm D 45cm

7-Drawer Chest

H 64¼” W 21¾” D 17¾” H 163cm W 55cm D 45cm

3-Drawer Chest

H 29½” W 50½” D 17¾” H 75cm W 128cm D 45cm

4-Door Sideboard

H 29½” W 98½” D 17¾” H 75cm W 250cm D 45cm

3-Door Sideboard

H 29½” W 74½” D 17¾” H 75cm W 189cm D 45cm

Console Table

H 33½” W 43¼”/59” D 13¾” H 85cm W 110/150cm D 35cm

2-Door Sideboard

H 29½” W 50½” D 17¾” H 75cm W 128cm D 45cm

2-Door & 1-Drawer TV Unit H 16¼” W 74¼” D 17¾” H 41cm W 189cm D 45cm

2-Door TV Unit

H 16¼” W 50¼” D 17¾” H 41cm W 128cm D 45cm


Storage furniture

book&look pagnon & pelhaĂŽtre


Storage furniture

book&look pagnon & pelhaĂŽtre


book&look pagnon & pelhaître

Storage furniture

Book&Look is a versatile cabinetry system based on two principles: simplicity and elegance. It offers infinite possibilities. Wall-mounted and standalone bookcases, chests with two, three, four, six, or eight doors, and low platforms with or without wall-mounted back panels can be used to create a one-of-a kind system. In 2013 the Book&Look collection was completed with a rotating shelving tower and a new sideboard. Most sideboards are available with a walnut or lacquered top. All the elements come in varying heights and widths and are available in argile, elephant, white or black lacquer. The wall-mounted or standalone bookcases and the benches are also offered in walnut veneer.

book&look pagnon & pelhaître

Chest with Doors

H 41¼”/62” W 20¾”/41¼” D 17¾” H 105/158cm W 53/105cm D 45cm

6- or 8-Door Sideboard

H 42½” W 62¼”/82¾” D 17¾” H 108cm W 158/210cm D 45cm

Rotating Shelving Tower H 43 ¼” W 18" D 18" H 110cm W 46cm D 46cm


eStaMPe noé Duchaufour lawrance

Storage furniture

An extensive cabinetry collection designed by Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance that includes sideboards, chests of drawers, coffee tables, bedside table, and side tables, Estampe is subtle, yet impactful. Thoughtfully crafted proportions and an understated juxtaposition of curved and straight lines are signatures of the Estampe collection. Taking its name from artistic prints — and specifically inspired by those of Hokusai and Hiroshige. Pieces feature front and side panels in either natural, argile stained, or anthracite stained sawn oak; thinned and rounded angled drawers, and fixed linoleum tops. The front panels have solid-oak edging that is cut at a 45-degree angle and have very thin lateral volumes. The corners are rounded at the tops only, to evoke the corners of the table top and create an elegant detail. The linoleum top is slightly raised and appears to float in its oak frame. Finely crafted details bring this collection to life.


noé Duchaufour-lawrance Chest of Drawers

H 49¾” W 17¾” D 18½” H 126cm W 45cm D 47cm

3-Drawer & 2 Shelves Sideboard

H 29½” W 80¼” D 18½” H 75cm W 204cm D 47cm

4-Door & 3-Drawer Sideboard

H 31” W 89¼” D 18½" H 79cm W 227cm D 47cm

3-Door & 3-Drawer Sideboard

H 31” W 71¼” D 18½" H 79cm W 181cm D 47cm

3-Door Sideboard

H 31” W 53½” D 18½" H 79cm W 136cm D 47cm

Wide 3-Drawer Chest

H 31” W 38¼” D 18½" H 79cm W 97cm D 47cm

2-Door & 2-Drawer TV Cabinet

H 19¼” W 80¼” D 18½” H 49cm W 204cm D 47cm

2-Door TV Cabinet

H 19¼” W 53½” D 18½” H 49cm W 136cm D 47cm


PerSienne arnauD lapierre

Philippe Nigro continues his love for repetition and variation on a basic shape with the creation of Cuts, a stackable system that plays with concepts of straight lines and angles. The double-sided piece has an irregularly cut shape, but its depth remains consistent throughout, enabling multiple modules to be placed side by side. Reverse or flip them to create different shapes and a variety of structures. Stack or place end to end to create bookcases that fit your custom dimensions. Modules are available in solid American walnut or white, argile, moutarde, or elephant lacquered MDF, are held in place by their own weight, and secured using small, non-slip rubber pads, which should be placed between modules.

Designed by Arnaud Lapierre, these modular storage cubbies are made of matte white lacquered MDF, backed by a laser cut metal grill that imparts a subtle visual flair to the minimalist form. The striped drawn by the grid can either be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Offered in two sizes; large option only available with vertical stripes.

Storage furniture

CutS philippe nigro



philippe nigro

arnauD lapierre Dimensions

H 14¼” W 41” D 15¾” H 37cm W 104cm D 40cm

Shelf module

View from the top

Vertical/ Horizontal Storage Module

H 17¾” W 17¾” D 11¾” H 45cm W 45cm D 45cm

Diagonal Storage Module

H 17¾” W 17¾” D 11¾” H 45cm W 45cm D 45cm

Vertical Module

H 17¾” W 35½” D 11¾” H 45cm W 90cm D 30cm


lineS peter MalY

Storage furniture

The Lines collection is the embodiment of modern and minimalist design. It is comprised of a bookcase and sideboards with or without brilliant chromed steel feet. The elements feature a uniquely patterned interlocking grid of broken lines. Their design incorporates an unusual use of forms and figures. The bookcase comes in white lacquer with optional LED backlighting. The sideboards are available in white lacquer and feature two drawers, or one or two drawers and a flap door. The drawers are all equipped with a push-catch mechanism.

oka kasuko okaMoto Oka is a modular, highly-structured bookcase that defies convention. Choose from a single or double bay; each piece can stand alone, or be placed together seamlessly to accommodate any book collection or dress up any wall. Mix colors and materials to add a personal touch. The single-bay bookcase is available in white, mastic, argile, elephant, lavender blue, or moutarde lacquer, or walnut veneer. The double bay bookcase is available in all but lavender blue lacquer. Oka must be fixed to a wall.



peter MalY

kasuko okaMoto


H 86” W 83¾" D 13½” H 218cm W 213cm D 34cm

2-Drawer & 1-Door Sideboard with Feet H 23½” W 86¾” D 22” H 60cm W 220cm D 56cm

2-Drawer & 1-Door Sideboard

H 16½” W 86¾” D 22” H 42cm W 220cm D 56cm

2-Drawer or 1-Drawer & 1-Door 2-Drawer or 1-Drawer & 1-Door Sideboard with Feet Sideboard

H 23½” W 59” D 22” H 60cm W 150cm D 56cm

H 16½” W 59” D 22” H 42cm W 150cm D 56cm

Double Bookcase

H 84¾” W 28¼” D 12½” H 215cm W 72cm D 32cm

Single Bookcase

H 84¾” W 14¼” D 12½” H 215cm W 36cm D 32cm


Storage furniture

eVerYWhere christian werner


Storage furniture

eVerYWhere christian werner

High Chest with Side Niche H 78¾” W 23½” D 15” H 200cm W 60cm D 38cm

1-Door Cabinet for Shoes

H 74½” W 19¾” D 17¼” H 189cm W 50cm D 44cm

1-Door Cabinet

H 48¼”/74½” W 19¾” D 17¼” H 123/189cm W 50cm D 44cm

4-Door Chest

H 50½” W 47¼” D 14½” H 128cm W 120cm D 37cm

2-Door Cabinet

H 48¼” W 35½” D 17¼” H 123cm W 90cm D 44cm

2-Door Wardrobe

H 74¾” W 47¼” D 24½” H 190cm W 120cm D 62cm

4-Drawer Chest

H 48¼” W 19¾/35½” D 17¼” H 123cm W 50/90cm D 44cm

6-Drawer Sideboard

H 37” W 77¼" D 17¼” H 94cm W 196cm D 44cm

3-Drawer Chest

H 37” W 35½" D 17¼” H 94cm W 90cm D 44cm

2-Door & 3-Drawer Sideboard

H 37” W 81½" D 17¼” H 94cm W 207cm D 44cm

6- Drawer Sideboard with Niche

H 37” W 77¼" D 17¼” H 94cm W 198cm D 44cm

1-Door & 3-Drawer Sideboard

H 37” W 77¼" D 17¼” H 94cm W 198cm D 44cm

2-Door Sideboard with Niche

H 37” W 77¼" D 17¼” H 94cm W 198cm D 44cm


eVerYWhere christian werner

Storage furniture

Everywhere combines shelves, drawers, and doors to create a functional and contemporary cabinetry system. Elements include TV units, chests, chests of drawers, chests with doors, sideboards, cabinets with or without niches, suspended chests, bookcases, cabinets for shoes, and a secretary or bar. Most pieces come with a choice of round or rectangular feet or a tubular underframe. The collection is available in white, argile, or elephant lacquer. Tops are available in matching lacquers or in lati cendre or lati sable wood veneers. The open storage units and the high chests are now in mustard lacquer. The new chest on legs, desk, and TV unit, expand the existing range. In the same spirit, the Everywhere collection has been updated with the addition of lacquered handles, base and new options for the surface – white or white marbled effect full body stoneware and natural oak.

eVerYWhere christian werner

Sideboard with Sliding Doors

H 33½” W 77¼” D 17¼” H 85cm W 196cm D 44cm

Small Chest with

2-Door Cupboard

1-Door Cupboard

Low Open Storage Unit Open Storage Unit

Open Storage Unit

H 37” W 35½” D 17¼” H 37” W 17¾" D 17¼” H 25½” W 43¼” D 17¼” H 37” W 35½” D 17¼” H 37” W 17¾” D 17¼” Niche H 37” W 41¾” D 14½” H 94cm W 90cm D 44cm H 94cm W 45cm D 40cm H 65cm W 110cm D 44cm H 94cm W 90cm D 44cm H 94cm W 45cm D 44cm H 94cm W 106cm D 37cm

2-Door Sideboard

H 37” W 54 ½" D 17¼” H 94cm W 138cm D 44cm

3-Drawer Low Chest

H 25½” W 35½” D 17¼” H 65cm W 90cm D 44cm

TV Unit

Low Chest

H 19½” W 35½”/47¼” H 14¼” W 47¼” D 17¼” D 17¼”/21¼” H 36cm W 120cm D 44cm H 50cm W 90/120cm D 44/54cm

Low Chest

Night Chest

H 14¼” W 35½” D 21¼” H 19½” W 27½” D 17¼” H 36cm W 90cm D 54cm H 50cm W 70cm D 44cm


hYanniS Port eric JourDan

Tolbiac is a book shelf with an asymmetrical design: the 4 bottommost shelves protrude from the base of an end unit distinguishing them from the rest of the bookcase. The front edge is worked into a helix so that it follows the same slope as the side panel which protrudes from the wall, giving the entire bookcase a clean, uninterrupted look. The end piece can be oriented to the right or left, depending on personal preference. This element of the system, which can stand alone, can also be expanded with additional straight edge modules. Tolbiac is available in natural or black-stained oak veneer. Available in two standard heights, or may be customized in between. The collection has grown to include wall shelves that mimic the shape of the bookcase. These wall shelves are shaped at varying depth to create a sculpted dimensional open display solution. The shelves exist in two versions, one left-sided and smaller and the other right-sided and larger in scale.

Hyannis Port is a shapely collection featuring rounded back corners and a brilliant chrome base. All elements are offered in white lacquer. The secretary is available as a bar with a drop door that opens to reveal a mirrored back panel and four racks for storage of wine glasses. The display cabinet has two clear glass hinged doors with a polished aluminum frame and crosspieces. The sideboard is available with two doors and three shock-absorbing drawers. The chests of drawers are also equipped with shock-absorbing drawers. The collection is completed with a functional desk (and filing cabinet).

Storage furniture

tolbiaC grégoire De lafforest


hYanniS Port

grégoire De lafforest

eric JourDan

Right- or Left-Curved Side Bookshelf

H 84¾/102¼” W 50” D 30” H 215/260cm W 127cm D 76cm


H 84¾/102¼” W 28/50” D 13¾” H 215/260cm W 71/127cm D 35cm

Large Wall Shelf

W 78¾” D 8¼”/13¾” T 2” W 200cm D 21/35cm T 5cm

Small Wall Shelf

W 47¼” D 7”/12¼” T 2” W 120cm D 18/31cm T 5cm

Wire Cage

H 7¾” W 21” D 13½” H 20cm W 54cm D 34cm

Display Case

Secretary or Bar

6-Drawer Chest

2-Door & 3- Drawer

3-Drawer Chest

Night Chest


H 59¼” W 31½” D 19¾” H 56½” W 19¾” D 20½” Sideboard H 31½” W 39¼” D 20½” H 18” W 19¾” D 16½” H 29½” W 63” D 28¼” H 59¼” W 31½” D 19¾” H 150cm W 80cm D 50cm H 150cm W 80cm D 50cm H 143cm W 50cm D 52cm H 31½” W 63” D 20½” H 80cm W 100cm D 52cm H 46cm W 50cm D 42cm H 75cm W 160cm D 72cm H 80cm W 160cm D 52cm




Eric Jourdan

CemIa PEtEr Maly


eVerywhere christian WErnEr

CemIa PEtEr Maly

This TV unit includes a support for a flat LCD or plasma screen. Chests are finished in pure white, argile, or elephant satin lacquer or gloss white lacquer. Tops are matched to chests or in natural oak or full body stoneware. Optional drawer for CDs and DVDs available.

This TV unit completes the Cemia collection. It has sliding doors that conceal four shelves and eight niches. The structure is available in white lacquer or walnut and the door fronts come in gloss white and black lacquer.

TV Cabinet

H 14¼” W 59” D 17¼”; H 36cm W 150cm D 44cm 2-Drawer TV Chest H 19½” W 27½/35½”/47 ¼” D 17¼”/21¼” H 50cm W 70/90/120cm D 44/54cm 4-Drawer TV Chest H 19½” W 70 ¾” D 17¼”/21¼”; H 50cm W180cm D 44/54cm


H 17” W 77¼” D 19¾”; H 43cm W 196cm D 50cm

DINo Eric Jourdan

mIxTe Mauro liPParini

This TV stand is an addition to the Dino collection. There are three cable channels at the rear of the compartment which open with the aid of a drop flap for wires and ventilation. Tabletops can be monochrome white, mastic, argile, or elephant or a combination of colors. The right side tabletop is also available in moutarde lacquer.

Part of the Mixte cabinetry system, these drawers, back panels, and platforms were designed to support and complement a flat-screen television. Mix and match lacquers and wood to create a unique unit. Tops are made of natural, anthracite-stained, or argile-stained sawn oak. Bottoms are made of smooth oak, corresponding to the tops. Doors and drawers are available in sawn oak or in satin white, mastic, argile, or elephant lacquer.



H 46¼” W 59¾” D 17”; H 117cm W 152cm D 43cm


H 17” W 78¾” D 21¾”; H 43cm W 200cm D 55cm

DeDICaTo didiEr goMEz

Book&look Pagnon & PElhaîtrE

TV unit surrounded by an aluminum frame with a brilliant finish, or satin mocha lacquered. Available with two flap doors or two flap doors and a drawer. Offered in white, argile, or smoked-effect oak with a lacquered glass top. The niche above the unit provides a great place for audiovisual elements.

This TV unit comes in three widths and with or without a back panel. Available in argile, elephant, or white lacquer. The flap door opens with a central push-catch mechanism and reveals niches, which may be equipped with drawers. The back panel includes a support for flat screen. TV Unit without Back Panel

H 13¾” W 55½”/69”/ 82¾” D 21¾”; H 35cm W 140/175/210cm D 55cm

Small, Medium or Large TV Unit with Back Panel


H 16¼” W 50¼”/74¼” D 17¾”; H 41cm W 128/189cm D 45cm

H 41¼”/55” W 55½”/69”/ 82¾” D 21¾”; H 105/140cm W 141/175/210cm D 55cm

CINelINe Pagnon & PElhaîtrE

eSTampe noé duchaufour-laWrancE

This low TV unit is an attractive alternative to display your TV and hide is extra components. Available in white lacquer or ebony-stained oak veneer. The sliding door is offered in white or anthracite glass with an aluminum frame. Adjustable internal shelf.

Available as a unit with two flap doors or a unit with two flap doors and two drawers. The fronts and drawers are fitted with a “push-to-open” mechanism. The hinges and struts of the flap doors are nickel-plated. Interior panels are argile lacquered.

2-Door TV Cabinet


H 19¼” W 70¾”/86½” D 21¼”; H 49cm W 180/220cm D 54cm

H 19¼” W 53½” D 18½”; H 49cm W 136cm D 47cm

2-Door & 2-Drawer TV Cabinet

H 19¼” W 80¼” D 18½”; H 49cm W 204cm D 47cm





EvangElos vasilEiou


EmiliE Colin garros


HourGlass anToinE phElouZaT

Grany EvangElos vasilEiou

alfrEd numéro 111

tWEEt osKo + DEiChmann

This creative coat rack conveys value and knowledge. The function of this coat rack is epitomized by the versatility allowed simply by the assembly of plywood posts. They give the impression of forming a cable made of multiple wood fibers or a tree from its roots to its branches. Available in anthracite stained or natural ash wood finish.

Sculptural coat rack. The poetry of the bird on the branch makes this piece beautiful whether alone or with coats on it. Available in satin black-lacquered steel.

The screen Alfred, consisting of a panel covered with felt and a wooden frame, carves the space with a mix of full and empty. These surfaces come together to create a piece made for at-will use. Available in natural oak and Divina fabric. Not available in the Americas.

A workstation designed to make working on tablets easier and act as a recharge station for electronics. The irony of Tweet is that the name comes not from social media, but the classic design of winter shelter for small birds. Not available in the Americas.



H 61” W 193/4” D 161/4”; H 155cm W 50cm D 41cm

H 67” Upholstered part 29 1/4” Wood frame 20 1/2” H 170cm Upholstered part W 74 cm Wood frame W 52 cm


modifiEd TaEwoo Kim

passE-passE philippE nigro

VidE pocHE mariE DEssuanT

HEllobyE marion sTEinmETZ

A trick of the eye sets this coat rack apart. A captivating visual effect makes Modified look as though its legs are segmented and strewn, while innovative production and clever design make it a solid support for coats and bags. Made of satin black lacquered steel and equipped with non-slip gliders.

Clever coat rack available in satin-finished anthracite-stained, black-stained, or natural solid beech. Its feet are equipped with light grey felt pads for easy movement.

Attractive trinket holder or shelving unit in solid black stained ash with holders in argile-colored leather.

A dressing table with several uses, Hellobye transforms from an elegant console when closed to a contemporary dressing table when opened revealing a mirror on the underside of its top. Black stained ash veneer and black lacquered legs add to the understated elegance of this beauty.





H 65” W 18 1/2” D 17”; H 165cm W 47cm D 43cm

H 68” W 18” D 16”; H 173cm W 46cm D 41cm

H 291/2” W 291/2” D 14”; H 75cm W 75cm D 35cm

H 31” W 16” D 131/2”; H 79cm W 41cm D 34cm

H 461/2” W 391/4” D 171/4”; H 118cm W 100cm D 44cm


H 681/2” Ø 241/2”; H 174cm Ø 62cm


20 HanGErs aliCE rosignoli

clara EvangElos vasilEiou

Wall fiGurE FréDériC ruyanT

Wall fiGurE FréDériC ruyanT

Unique coat rack designed to be suspended from a wall or ceiling, comprised of 20 natural beech hangers and black textile cord.

Practical coat rack in the shape of a tree. Offered in brilliant chrome, white, copper, or black lacquered steel finishes.

This unique console/desk is sure to enhance any entryway. The black-lacquered steel base supports and contrasts the walnut top. Also comes as a wall-mounted chest with mirror, which may be purchased separately but ideally serves as a complementary storage space.

This unique console/desk is sure to enhance any entryway. The black-lacquered steel base supports and contrasts the walnut top. Also comes as a wall-mounted chest with mirror, which may be purchased separately but ideally serves as a complementary storage space.



H 511/4” W 17” D 73/4”; H 130cm W 43cm D 20cm

H 70” Ø 153/4”; H 178cm Ø 40cm

H 383/4” W 391/4” D 133/4”/24” H 99cm W 100cm D 35/61cm

Wall Chest

balançoirE aliCE rosignoli

ritE F. DaCh & D. ZEphir

KErmès EvangElos vasilEiou

biplan aTEliEr Bl 119

Unique shelf in black-stained solid ash wood, the black lacquered steel peg and black cord allow for the unit to be easily affixed to the wall.

Intended to mark the entrance of a home, this linear wall-mounted rack features hooks and pegs of various sizes alongside a small mirror, all of which can be arranged to meet the needs of the user. Bracket made from solid American walnut on which 3 pegs slide, 1 mirror and 1 matte black lacquered blackboard with a hook to hang a garment on.

Kermès is an elegant open buffet with a style suggestive of contemporary fifties and seventies design. It has a black stained MDF exterior with a red or lavender blue-lacquered interior with fixed internal shelves. The feet are in solid black-stained ash, screwed into a metal plate.

Repeated triangular lines created by posts, as well as a sense of overall lightness, characterize this small, wooden wall-mounted shelving unit by Atelier BL119. Its shallow depth allows it to accommodate books and a collection of objects. Frame made of solid American walnut with natural varnish. The shelves are MDF matte gray lacquered.





H 311/2" W 431/4" D 73/4" ; H 80cm W 110cm D 20cm

H 101/4” W 431/4” D 11/2” ; H 26cm W 110cm D 4cm


H 491/4” W 471/4” D 153/4”; H 125cm W 120cm D 40cm

H 103/4” W 391/4” D 73/4”; H 27cm W 100cm D 20cm

H 291/4” W 453/4” D 71/2” ; H 74cm W 115cm D 19cm


trompE l’oEil BErnarD moïsE

framEs marina BauTiEr

la ballErinE g. mino & D. salvaTiCo

mon bEau miroir miChaEl KoEnig

Tall floor mirror with satin black-lacquered frame.

Designed by Marina Bautier, this wall mirror is neatly framed in a cherry-veneer frame, with a rectangular built-in shelf in solid cherry wood, which “frames” an eye-level section of the reflective surface. The overall dimensions below include the size of the mirror plus the shelf.

A beautiful mirror with a rail that is reminiscent of a dancer’s bar. The rail comes in natural satin varnished solid European walnut. The mirror may be wall-mounted or remain on the ground. An optional double-width rail is also available, allowing two mirrors to stand together.

Elegant jewel shaped mirror in brilliant-chromed steel. It is affixed to the wall by a hook. Available in small or large.




bElizE KEnsaKu oshiro

narciso aliCE rosignoli

biscuit miChaEl KoEnig

yubu roBErTo paoli

Mirror with frame in solid natural walnut or black-stained solid ash. The mirror glass is fixed to a support with two struts which enable the mirror to be fixed to the wall either horizontally or vertically. Available in small or large.

Functional mirror with a storage space in the frame, which is made from natural varnished cherry plywood.

This original mirror is composed of superimposed mirrors of varying dimensions, glued to a black-lacquered panel. It may be hung vertically or horizontally. The dimensions below correspond to the horizontal position.

A large round wall mirror with five storage cubes in graduated lacquered tones, Yubu is unexpectedly delightful as both a mirror and storage solution.




Small Mirror H 823/4” W 271/2” T 23/4”; H 210cm W 70cm T 7cm

H 641/4” W 163/4” D 43/4”; H 163cm W 43cm D 12cm

H 67” W 271/2” D 7”; H 170cm W 70cm D 18cm

H 331/2” W 161/4” T 11/4”; H 85cm W 41cm T 3cm

Large Mirror

H 463/4” W 213/4” T 11/2”; H 119cm W 56cm T 4cm

Small Mirror

H 271/4” W 231/2” T 21/4”; H 70cm W 60cm T 6cm

Large Mirror

Ø 291/4" D 9"; Ø 74cm D 23cm

H 421/4” W 59”; H 107cm W 150cm

H 45” W 433/4” D 63/4”; H 114cm W 111cm D 17cm


H 703/4” W 351/2” T 21/4”; H 180cm W 90cm T 6cm

nubo gamFraTEsi

loid roBErTo paoli

capiton EmiliE Colin garros

mirrKo n. nasrallah & C. hornEr

Nubo is a small decorative wall element that offers a functional working area. When open, it features a cable port for small laptops or tablets and a bar to hold documents. The structure is available in natural-varnished bent solid oak. The external face of this work surface is covered with foam and upholstered with Divina wool in your choice of color.

Oval glass mirror, fragmented into three parts which enables the reflection of space from three different points of views. Base in epoxy black lacquered sheet metal.

Noting that wall hooks and pegs are typically very small, Emilie Colin Garros has created an unexpected solution. Upholstered in Divina wool, the large model comes in anthracite, the medium in aquamarine or buvard, and the small in pearl white.

Small 3D mirror in polished stainless steel that provides a striking effect through its interplay of non-distorted images. It may be hung from any of its sides.


Small Wall Hook

H 53/4” W 81/4” D 3”; H 15cm W 23cm D 8cm

Medium Wall Hook

H 123/4” W 83/4” D 3” ; H 33cm W 21cm D 8cm

H 213/4” W 311/2” D 51/2”/241/2” H 55cm W 80cm D 14/62cm


H 36" W 431/4" D 31/2" ; H 91cm W 110cm D 9cm

H 173/4” W 121/4” D 41/2” ; H 45cm W 31cm D 12cm

Large Wall Hook


Vanity sHElf ouToFsToCK

oponcE sTuDio C&py ET JC amEy

EndlEss DElo linDo

clouds r. & E. BouroullEC

This mirror/storage shelf is held by a leather strap. This is the perfect balance between two shapes: round and rectangular. And two functionalities: mirror and storage. Available with black lacquered aluminum frame and hook natural leather strap.

Oponce’s form is inspired by the plant of the same name with racket-shaped, flat leaves that sometimes produce Barbary figs. Individually, the shape of the mirrors is reminiscent of a car rear-view mirror and the resulting design is both organic and nostalgic. Available in tan or pale blue leather.

Screen made of five or more panels covered in Divina wool. Available in a monochromatic version or in three preset multicolor combinations of grey, green, and amethyst tones.

Innovative, sophisticated, and colorful tile concept for the home. The tiles can be hung from a wall or ceiling and used as a piece of art or a room divider. They can be arranged in infinite ways and produce a unique three dimensional effect. Available in two fabrics and nine color combinations.





H 361/2” W 213/4” D 31/4”; H 93cm W 55cm D 8cm

H 17” W 14” D 61/2”; H 43cm W 36cm D 16cm

H 631/2” W 511/4” T 01/2”; H 161cm W 130cm T 2cm

H 18” W 171/2” D 61/4”; H 46cm W 44cm D 16cm

Box of 8 or 24 pieces


fancy chic Frédéric ruyant

OccasiOnal Tables

OccasiOnal Tables


nOlly evanGelos vasileiou

isO marie christine dorner

This occasional table has solid black-stained ash legs, with a lower top in black-stained ash panels, and upper top in a beautifully contrasting argile or lavender-blue satin lacquer. The upper top rotates over the fixed lower top using a double disc and ball bearing.

Having lived for extended periods in Tokyo and London, French designer Marie Christine Dorner is deeply concerned with the pure expression of form and materials. Case in point, the Iso collection's elegant lines depict volumes in solid ash wood, topped with full-body stoneware. Rectangular Table

H 13¾” Ø 25½”/35”; H 35cm Ø 65/89cm

H 15¾” W 27½” D 27½" ; H 40cm W 70cm D 70cm

Sofa End Table

H 19” W 14¼” D 14¼” ; H 48cm W 36cm D 36cm

TeaTime thomas müller & JörG WulFF

TeaTime thomas müller & JörG WulFF

Inspired by the modernist design of the 1950’s, Teatime is a surprising table with a sawn oak top and a bright pink or graphite lacquered interior. The top can be flipped over and becomes a tray

Inspired by the modernist design of the 1950’s, Teatime is a surprising table with a sawn oak top and a bright pink or graphite lacquered interior. The top can be flipped over and becomes a tray.



cuTs PhiliPPe niGro

cm 191 Pierre Paulin

The irregular architecture of this coffee table contrasts with the finesse of the material and its immaculate whiteness for a very attractive result. Differences in dimensions and levels of the tops are practical and grooves can be used as a magazine racks. Each of its four sides offers a different profile but is always remarkable for its lightness, like a cut paper plane. Available in satin white lacquer.

A cult classic of sorts, this occasional table was designed by Pierre Paulin in 1959 and is newly reissued by Ligne Roset. There is a radical simplicity to the black lacquered steel-wire base, which is topped with a rectangle of either natural-varnished cherry wood, American walnut, European walnut or natural oak.



lady carlOTTa christian Ghion

malang helmut Jousten

Ligne Roset has produced designs by Christian Ghion since he set off as an independent designer in 1998. The Lady Carlotta table is the latest example of his command of materials and curvature alike: Made entirely from solid oak, the lozenge-shaped surface is set on slender, stiletto-like legs to elegant effect.

Side table with square base of matte black lacquered steel and wooden top of solid carved, stained, varnished rosewood.


Square Table

POPPy PaTTersOn numéro 111

ashera noémie roGnon

The Poppy Patterson coffee table is a monolith shaped by the conjunction of raw wood and lacquered wood. The materials blend and give birth to a sculpted fragment with broken lines. Available in sawn oak veneer with silk grey lacquer top.

Low table with a simple transparent top in extra clear glass and a base in solid wood. The assembly of solid wood pieces of different thicknesses bring to mind the image of branches of a tree. Available in American walnut, European walnut, cherry, and natural oak.

H 13¾” W 22¾” D 25¼”; H 35cm W 58cm D 64cm

H 12½” W 39¼” D 39¼”; H 32cm W 100cm D 100cm

H 13¾” W 35½” D 35½” ; H 35cm W 90cm D 90cm

cm 191

H 13¾” W 22¾” D 25¼”; H 35cm W 58cm D 64cm

H 14½” W 55” D 18½” ; H 37cm W 140cm D 47cm

H 15¾” W 15¾” D 15¾”; H 40cm W 40cm D 40cm

Square Table

Pierre Paulin


H 9¾” W 35½” D 37½”; H 25cm W 90cm D 95cm

H 10½” W 39¼” D 39¼” H 27cm W 100cm D 100cm

Rectangular Table

H 10½” W 31½” D 51¼”; H 27cm W 80cm D 130cm

OccasiOnal Tables



sTraTes PaGnon & Pelhaître

sTraTes PaGnon & Pelhaître

chinO roberto Paoli

saldO nick rennie

Strates has three superimposed leaves, the top two of which pivot. It is available in a monochromatic version or in a two-tone option. The monochromatic versions come in white, walnut, argile, or elephant lacquer or black oak.

Two-tone options are also offered with top and bottom leaves in black, mastic, argile, or elephant lacquer or ebony oak, walnut, lati sable, or lati cendre veneer. Choice of two to three colors for the middle leaf, depending on the finish. Anthracite epoxy lacquered steel base.

Seeing as this two-level bent-glass coffee table features a cantilevered shelf, it should come as no surprise that its designer, Roberto Paoli, is also an architect.

Low table in thick crystal glass, supplied with four clear self-adhesive gliders.




H 13¾” W 31½”/48” D 31½”/48” H 35cm W 80/122cm D 80/122cm

POnTOn osko + deichmann

anTigOne Pierre Paulin

This low double-surfaced table has a slatted top made of solid walnut and a clear glass bottom that both rest on the brilliant chrome base. A vase can be positioned on the lower surface to allow plants or reeds to pass through table, creating a river scene.

Antigone is a re-edition of Pierre Paulin’s classic design from the 1980s, characterized by its strong, masculine lines. Its structure comes in either black-stained or natural solid beech, with a top in clear glass.



brOOklyn Gino carollo

This low table is available in ½” thick clear glass and comes in two sizes. Also offered as a console table.

Brooklyn is a low table featuring two elements: a small table positioned amidst a larger table. The table is made of thick, curved clear glass with clear plastic gliders. The dimensions below correspond to the table with both elements put together.

H 11¾” W 27½” D 41¼”; H 30cm W 70cm D 105cm

Small Table

Square Table

H 11¾” W 35¾”/47¼” D 35¾”/47¼” H 30cm W 91/120cm D 91/120cm

H 9¼”/14¼” W 51¼” D 20” H 24cm/36cm W 130cm D 50cm

H 15” W 43¼” D 23½”; H 38cm W 110cm D 60cm


Large table

H 15” W 51¼” D 27½”; H 38cm W 130cm D 70cm

H 11¾” W 47¼” D 27½”; H 30cm W 120cm D 70cm

H 10½” W 31½”/39¼” D 31½”/39¼” H 27cm W 80/100cm D 80/100cm



fancy chic Frédéric ruyant

fancy chic Frédéric ruyant

3+1 PhiliPPe mathieu

bOOk&lOOk PaGnon & Pelhaître

Seeing the Fancy Chic tables, it should come as no surprise that designer Frédéric Ruyant takes comfort in contrast, juxtaposition, and opposition. The combination of a matte surface resting on a lustrous frame is unexpected but not unpleasant; the matte black Fenix NTM laminated tabletop is supported by bent or curved flat steel legs.

Seeing the Fancy Chic tables, it should come as no surprise that designer Frédéric Ruyant takes comfort in contrast, juxtaposition, and opposition. The combination of a matte surface resting on a lustrous frame is unexpected but not unpleasant. Beyond the striking visual effect, the materials resist stains, fingerprints, and oxidation.

This low table can be both a decorative piece and a functional piece for entertaining. It is composed of three flat round tables in gloss white or black lacquer, with a removable fourth round serving tray in a contrasting gloss white or red lacquer. Additional trays may be ordered as well.

Well-designed table with niches assembled in the signature style of the Book&Look cabinetry collection, allowing for the storage of many books, magazines and other objects. Available entirely in satin white lacquer, or with the top and bottom in argile or elephant lacquer with walnut-veneered vertical separations and shelves.

Square Low Table

Round Low Table





alsTer emmanuel dietrich

dualisT christian Ghion

Occasional table that can be adjusted to a wide range of heights for convenience. The satin white-lacquered top opens, enabling it to function as a dining table that accommodates up to 6 people.

Occasional table that can be adjusted to a wide range of heights for convenience. The satin white-lacquered top opens, enabling it to function as a dining table that accommodates up to 6 people.

This low table provides high style thanks to its pedestal base in white epoxy lacquered steel and square top with softened corners. Available in white Carrara marble or white laminate. Available in two sizes.

Storage solutions must consider aesthetics and function, and the Dualist tables succeed at both. Dualist combines wood and lacquer to create an elegantly hidden storage space. Available as a square or rectangular table in natural or anthracite sawn oak.

Rectangular Table

H 10¾” W 35½” D 35½” ; H 27cm W 90cm D 90cm

H 10¾” Ø 35¾” ; H 27cm Ø 91cm

H 28” W 41¼” D 13¾”; H 71cm W 105cm D 35cm

H 17¾” W 39” D 39”; H 45cm W 99cm D 99cm

H 15¾” W 51½” D 27½”; H 40cm W 130cm D 70cm

H 14¾” W 43¼” D 43¼”; H 37cm W 110cm D 110cm

Square Table Dimensions


Small Table

H 11½” W 37½” D 37½”; H 29cm W 95cm D 95cm

H 13½” W 35½/48½” D 35½” H 34cm W 90/123cm D 90cm

Rectangular Table

H 10¼”/32” W 27½”/43¼” D 43¼”/55” H 26/81cm W 70/110cm D 110/140cm

H 10¼”/32” W 27½”/43¼” D 43¼”/55” H 26/81cm W 70/110cm D 110/140cm

Large Table

H 11” W 51¼” D 51¼”; H 28cm W 130cm D 130cm

H 13½” W 51¼/72” D 27½” H 34cm W 130/183cm D 90cm PaGnon & Pelhaître PaGnon & Pelhaître

ryThme anGie anakis

360 degrés roberto Paoli

Height-adjustable table that easily becomes a dining table by pivoting the top at 90° and unfolding it, doubling the surface area. Choose from either graphitelacquered feet with a black-stained ash top or white-lacquered feet with a matching top.

Height-adjustable table that easily becomes a dining table by pivoting the top at 90° and unfolding it, doubling the surface area. Choose from either graphitelacquered feet with a black-stained ash top or white-lacquered feet with a matching top.

This oval or rectangular-shaped occasional table comes with a clear glass top. The wire-like steel base is finished in either red or black lacquer. Also available as a large pedestal table.



Oval Table

With 360 Degrés, Roberto Paoli has sought to offer an occasional table in a rather higher height than usual but with a very fluid design. 360 Degrés offers multiple functions: because of its height it can be used as an extra dining table and because of its small 360° rotating top its overall surface can easily be increased. Available in white lacquer.

Pedestal Table


H 15”/29¼ ” W 43½” D 27½”/55” H 38/74cm W 110cm D 70/140cm

H 15”/29¼ ” W 43½” D 27½”/55” H 38/74cm W 110cm D 70/140cm

H 11¾” W 43¼” D 35½”; H 30cm W 110cm D 90cm H 21½” W 16” D 15½”; H 55cm W 41cm D 39cm

H 15¼” W 23½” D 35½”; H 39cm W 60cm D 90cm

OccasiOnal Tables

H 13¾” W 31½”/48” D 31½”/48” H 35cm W 80/122cm D 80/122cm


piani AndreAs KowAlewsKi

cadence A.Chhor & A.logerot

elizabeth nAthAn Yong

garry eriC JourdAn

This family made up of a coffee table, an occasional table, and a bedside table in solid wood is simultaneously highly practical and simple. Piani accents the beauty of wood and the artisanal expertise of the collection’s production.

This three-legged circular table, designed by Amandine Chhor and Aïssa Logerot, is available in two sizes. The pinstripe-like aspect of the frame makes for a striking contrast to the marble effect stoneware top.

Crafted from solid teak wood like the other pieces in the collection, this coffee table completes the Nathan Yong-designed outdoor ensemble. For both indoor and outdoor use.

Drawing heavily on the influence of mid-century architecture, Eric Jourdan has created a table in which the glass surface reveals the structural support to which it is glued, a series of offset perpendicular lines in beech wood which is reinforced by aluminum-plated American walnut. Not available in the Americas.

H 16¾” W 24½” D 19½”; H 43cm W 63cm D 50cm

Occasional Table H 17¾” Ø 14”; H 45cm Ø 36cm Low Table H 13¾” Ø 27¾”; H 35cm Ø 71cm


H 14½” W 43¼” D 22” ;H 37cm W 110cm D 56cm

H 24” W 16” D 16”; H 60cm W 40cm D 40cm

estampe noé duChAufour-lAwrAnCe

estampe noé duChAufour-lAwrAnCe

hellobye MArion steinMetz

rotor PAgnon & PelhAître

Low tables with base in argile-lacquered steel and thick lower top in sawn oak. The upper top, also in oak, sports a tray covered in pebble-colored linoleum glued onto 5mm thick high pressure laminate. This tray with its raised linoleum top is easy to clean and may easily be removed.

Sofa end table with a base made of argile lacquered steel and thick lower surface in sawn oak. The upper top, also in oak, sports a tray covered in pebble-colored linoleum glued onto 5 mm thick high pressure laminate. This tray with its raised linoleum top is easy to clean and may easily be removed.

A dressing table with several uses, Hellobye transforms from an elegant console when closed to a contemporary dressing table when opened revealing a mirror on the underside of its top. Black stained ash veneer and black lacquered legs add to the understated elegance of this beauty.

This low table has three superimposed tops, the upper two of which pivot. The tops come in all gloss white or or argile lacquer or black oak veneer and multiple lacquer/ wood veneer combinations. The base comes in anthracite epoxy lacquered metal.

Coffee Table

H 14¼” W 33½” D 33½”; H 36cm W 85cm D 85cm

Occasional Table Bedside Table

Square Low Table

Coffee Table

H 13” W 53” D 26½”; H 33cm W 135cm D 68cm

End Table

Rectangular Low Table

Sofa End Table


H 46½” W 39¼” D 17¼” H 118cm W 100cm D 44cm


H 19¾” W 15” D 15”; H 50cm W 38cm D 38cm

rosis C. dondoli & M. PoCCi

rosis C. dondoli & M. PoCCi

space PAgnon & PelhAître

anytime PAgnon & PelhAître

Designed by Dondoli & Pocci, Rosis is a glass coffee table composed of three separate elements that can be assembled in a bevy of variations to form familiar geometries. Each table is identical and made of ½" thick, clear curved glass.

Designed by Dondoli & Pocci, Rosis is a glass coffee table composed of three separate elements that can be assembled in a bevy of variations to form familiar geometries. Each table is identical and made of ½" thick, clear curved glass.

Designed by Pagnon & Pelhâitre, this versatile series of tables and semi-modular storage solutions comprises completely open or closed boxes. Thus, the open units are outlines of the negative space, while the enclosed ones fill the positive space. Coffee tables available in three sizes with a choice of either a white, marbled-effect, or metallic anthracite stoneware top.

This low table is inclusive of an arch and a lower surface. The arch, composed of toughened glass, comes in red glass with lower surface in lati cendre veneer. The acid frosted surface treatment provides very good resistance to wear and is pleasing to the touch.

Single Table

Set of 3 Tables in a ‘Circular’ Fashion

H 13¾” W 46½” D 46½”; H 35cm W 118cm D118cm H 13¾” W 47¼” D 27½”; H 35cm W 120cm D 70cm

H 13” W 35½”/54” D 35½”/51½” H 33cm W 90/137cm D 90/131cm

Low Tables H 13¾” W 13½”/27¼" D 14” H 35cm W 34/69cm D 36cm Large Square Low Table H 13¾” W 39" D 39” H 35cm W 99cm D 99cm


palette PAsCAl Mourgue

bob lee west

This occasional table has the shape of a painter’s palette. It is made of molded enameled ceramic. Available in blue, copper, white, red, pale pink, black, navy blue, platinum, or gold.

Unique side table in expanded natural cork with a natural varnish finish.

H 11¾” W 35½” D 35½”; H 30cm W 90cm D 90cm

H 12¼” W 16” L 25¼”; H 31cm W 41cm D 64cm

H 12¼” W 34¾” D 30¾”; H 31cm W 88cm D 78cm

interstice noé duChAufour-lAwrAnCe

interstice noé duChAufour-lAwrAnCe

The shape of this unique low table is reminiscent of a boat. It can be used to display objects or hold items, and is composed of four surfaces linked by brilliant chromed steel connectors. Available in gloss white lacquer or walnut.

The shape of this unique low table is reminiscent of a boat. It can be used to display objects or hold items, and is composed of four surfaces linked by brilliant chromed steel connectors. Available in gloss white lacquer or walnut.





fraga gAMfrAtesi

fraga gAMfrAtesi

glaçon lee west

glaçon lee west

Soft, inviting lines covered in a rich textile are the calling cards of the Fraga coffee table, designed by Gam and Fratesi. A thin, removable tray adds function and style. The base of this functional table is made of solid beech while the top is stained beech multiply.

Soft, inviting lines covered in a rich textile are the calling cards of the Fraga coffee table, designed by Gam and Fratesi. A thin, removable tray adds function and style. The base of this functional table is made of solid beech while the top is stained beech multiply.

Small occasional table in enameled molded earthenware shaped like an ice cube. Available in gold, platinum, black, white, red, pale pink, navy blue, blue, or copper.

Small occasional table in enameled molded earthenware shaped like an ice cube. Available in gold, platinum, black, white, red, pale pink, navy blue, blue, or copper. This year the Glaçon collection grows to include a natural varnish expanded cork option.

Narrow Low Table

Wide Low Table



H 11¼” W 59” D 33”; H 26cm W 150cm D 84cm

H 8¾” W 55” D 19¾”; H 22cm W 140cm D 50cm

H 11¼” W 59” D 33”; H 26cm W 150cm D 84cm

H 8¾” W 39¼” D 27½”; H 22cm W 100cm D 70cm

H 13¾” W 25½” D 13½”; H 35cm W 65cm D 35cm

H 13½” W 13” D 13”; H 34cm W 33cm D 33cm

H 13¾” Ø 12½” ; H 35cm Ø 32cm

H 13½” W 14¼” D 14¼”; H 34cm W 36cm D 36cm

occasional tables

H 23½” W 19” D 19”; H 60cm W 48cm D 48cm


In honor of legendary designer Pierre Paulin, Ligne Roset is proud to present Elysée, a collection of elegant and multifunctional occasional and side tables that may be used to spice up any room in the home.

elysée Pierre PAulin

Comprising 2 to 5 tiers, each table comes in mastic, argile, elephant, or white lacquer, connected by lacquered aluminum tubes.

diamant frédériC ruYAnt

diamant frédériC ruYAnt

Exquisite square occasional table with an extra clear glass top that is held by a brilliant chromed steel frame. Also available in a black epoxy-lacquered steel frame with a matching color glass top. Available in two heights.

Exquisite square occasional table with an extra clear glass top that is held by a brilliant chromed steel frame. Also available in a black epoxy-lacquered steel frame with a matching color glass top. Available in two heights.

High Table

Low Table H 13¾” W 23½” D 23½”; H 35cm W 60cm D 60cm

Pedestal Table with 2 or 3 Surfaces H 17¾”/26” Ø 15¾”/19¾”; H 45/66cm Ø 40/50cm 3, 4, or 5-Tier Table H 18¼”/26¾”/35¼” Ø 19¾”; H 46/68/89cm Ø 50cm

Pedestal Table with 2 or 3 Surfaces H 17¾”/26” Ø 15¾”/ 19¾”; H 45/66cm Ø 40/50cm 3, 4, or 5-Tier Table H 18¼”/26¾”/35¼” Ø 19¾”; H 46/68/89cm Ø 50cm

thot Pierre PAulin

oda ChristiAn werner

stump Pierre ChArPin

soft mag frédériC ruYAnt

This lovely pedestal table was designed by Pierre Paulin but never produced until now. The purity of its remarkably sweet design comes from the beautiful solid wood legs, sensuous tabletop shape and expert craftsmanship, for which Paulin will always be known. Available in solid walnut with a satin-finish natural varnish.

Designed to accompany the Prado sofa, Oda can also stand on its own and be purchased separately in styles that include coffee table and pedestal table options. The pedestal version can be slid underneath the base of the sofa to cover the seat cushions and create a sofa-top table surface.

This side table is carved from white Carrara marble. It is polished and treated to prevent stains.

Subtle though it may be, this magazine rack is a study in three materials: A black stained ash wood veneer top on a black lacquered steel base, which holds a suspended length of Divina fabric by Kvadrat.


Low Table



pebble nAthAn Yong

pebble nAthAn Yong

lupo Pierre PAulin

lupo Pierre PAulin

These stone-shaped low tables come with either a concave or convex top. While offered separately, they are designed to complement each other: the top of the convex table fits over the top of the other. Both tables are available in solid American walnut with a base in black lacquered steel.

These stone-shaped low tables come with either a concave or convex top. While offered separately, they are designed to complement each other: the top of the convex table fits over the top of the other. Both tables are available in solid American walnut with a base in black lacquered steel.

A reproduction of one of Pierre Paulin’s first-ever creations. Lupo is notable for its clear geometric lines and four slanted legs. The top, with its cut-out handles, makes it a mobile table that may also be used as a serving or breakfast tray. Available in black-stained solid oak or natural matte varnished cherry wood.

A reproduction of one of Pierre Paulin’s first-ever creations. Lupo is notable for its clear geometric lines and four slanted legs. The top, with its cut-out handles, makes it a mobile table that may also be used as a serving or breakfast tray. Available in black-stained solid oak or natural matte varnished cherry wood.





H 19¾” Ø 21¾”; H 50cm Ø 55cm

H 7¾”/10¼” W 39¼” D 43¼” H 20/26cm W 100cm D 110cm

H 16¼” Ø 39¼”; H 42cm Ø 100cm

H 7¾”/10¼” W 39¼” D 43¼” H 20/26cm W 100cm D 110cm

H 21¾” W 15¾” D 15¾”; H 55cm W 40cm D 40cm

H 17¾” W 14¼” D 11¾”; H 45cm W 36cm D 30cm

H 15¼” W 28¼” D 19¾”; H 39cm W 72cm D 50cm

H 15¼” W 28¼” D 19¾”; H 39cm W 72cm D 50cm

love me MArtino d’esPosito

circles MAriA JeglinsKA

10 vagues dAMien hAMon

itisy PhiliPPine leMAire

Charming pedestal table with a top in mirror-polished stainless steel. The handle, in the shape of a half-heart, is reflected on the top to form a complete heart. The steel base is available in a gloss-black lacquered finish.

Circles is a collection comprising two large tables and one small table. The larger tables have a black lacquered steel base with tops in either brilliant-polished stainless steel or an enameled glass surface. The smaller table option comes in satin black lacquered steel with a matching top

This small table displays very beautiful carpentry work, highlighted by the juxtaposing solid walnut wood brackets. This occasional table can also be used as a stool. Several tables can be combined one next to the other to create a bigger surface. It is made of solid American walnut with a varnish and satin finish.

Three round tops of this side table are rendered in solid oak, linked by metallic ball joints pivot for modularity. The tops are made of solid oak finished in natural-varnished sawn-effect oak veneer with grey lacquered steel linking-pieces.

Large Table Dimensions

H 22½” Ø 13½”; H 57cm Ø 34cm

indoor & outdoor

H 15¼” W 47¼” D 25½” ; H 39cm W 120cm D 64cm

H 20¾”/29” Ø 16½”/25¼”; H 53/74cm Ø 42/64cm

Small Table

H 17” Ø 14¼”; H 43cm Ø 36cm

Closed Table Dimensions

H 15½” W 22¼” D 12¼”; H 39cm W 57cm D 31cm

H 19¼” W 31½” D 31½”; H 49cm W 80cm D 80cm

Open Table

H 19¼” W 45¾” D 17¼”; H 49cm W 116cm D 44cm

bobine MiChAel Koenig

bobine MiChAel Koenig

parigi studio CAtoir

offrande PAsCAl Mourgue

This low table complements the dining table of the same name. Bobine has a large round top in white lacquered glass and a base in brilliant chromed steel.

This low table complements the dining table of the same name. Bobine has a large round top in white lacquered glass and a base in brilliant chromed steel.

Elegant and small pedestal table with base in gloss black lacquered lime wood and top in natural varnished solid sycamore.

Occasional table in enameled earthenware with a removable bowl on the top. Available in a multitude of colors: blue, chestnut, copper, white, gold, platinum, navy blue, red, pale pink or black.





H 17¾”/28¼” Ø 31½”; H 45/72cm Ø 80cm

H 17¾”/28¼” Ø 31½”; H 45/72cm Ø 80cm

H 19¾” Ø 15¾”; H 50cm Ø 40cm

H 15” Ø 21¼”; H 38cm Ø 54cm

occasional tables

elysée Pierre PAulin


roCher hertel & Klarhoefer

roCher hertel & Klarhoefer

ruban Jean-françoIS D’or

ezou touS leS troIS

Rock-shaped occasional table in American walnut veneer.

Rock-shaped occasional table in polished aluminum.

What strikes you immediately when you encounter Ruban, is the purity of its curves and the elegance of what seems to be a glass ribbon standing up. The quality of workmanship and finish are exceptional and it has the perfect dimensions for use as a sofa side table.

Round occasional table made of matte black or argile lacquered steel. This table is suitable for indoor and outdoor use due to its anti-corrosion treated, rustproof lacquer and UV-proof polyester lacquer.

Dimensions H 17¾” W 16½” D 16½”; H 45cm W 42cm D 42cm




kuf mIChael KoenIg

phobos marIe ChrIStIne Dorner

Warp olIver SChICK

doC evangeloS vaSIleIou

Michael Koenig designed this round table with a single undulating leg that evokes a candleholder. Offered in cherry wood, walnut, or polished aluminum, the materials determine its aesthetic, which varies from traditional to industrial.

Made entirely from steel and copper, this pivoting side table is composed of a tripod base—alluding to the Lunar Excursion Module—topped by a swivel plate on an offset arm. Designer Marie Christine Dorner named the piece after the larger of Mars' two moons.

Pedestal table with a base in epoxy-lacquered steel and a satin lacquered top. The top includes a handhold that allows the table to be moved around easily. Available in black or white.

Set of three interlinked and pivoting tables which may be positioned to your liking in a circle. Base in brilliant chrome with tops in white Carrara marble.

H 12½”/13½” Ø 12½”; H 32/34cm Ø 32cm Large Table H 18½” Ø 18½” ; H 47cm Ø 47cm



H 25½” Ø 20¾”; H 65cm Ø 53cm


H 19¾” W 19” D 21¼” ; H 50cm W 48cm D 54cm


lunatIque Inga Sempé

pIsa roberto paolI

saldo nICK rennIe

Pedestal table with base in white lacquered steel and top in matte white enameled stoneware with crackle-effect finish.

These functional urban tables can be used as coffee or dining tables. Lifting the articulated ring releases the oval top, enabling it to be adjusted to the desired position. Lunatique’s top is available in white lacquer.

Roberto Paoli's bent-glass nesting tables encompass a meticulous design process within a small, elegantly minimal form.

Emboldened by the success of the coffee table Saldo presented in 2012, Nick Rennie has developed a small sofa side table, which can also be used as a magazine rack.

H 17¾” W 16½” D 16½”; H 45cm W 42cm D 42cm

H 17¼” W 15¼” D 17¾”; H 44cm W 39cm D 45cm

H 15¾” Ø 24”; H 40cm Ø 61cm

Small Tables

Small Table

H 13¾” W 9¾” D 11¾”; H 35cm W 25cm D30cm

H 19¾” Ø 11” ; H 50cm Ø 28cm

H 16¼”/23¼” W 22¾” D 14¼” H 41/59cm W 58cm D 36cm

H 16¼” W 13¾” D 14½”; H 41cm W 35cm D 37cm

Large Table



Grande lunatIque Inga Sempé

Corner’s plaCe fréDérIC ruyant

tavoletto C. DonDolI & m. poCCI

Small pedestal table with a base in brilliant chrome and a top in solid walnut which can vary in size. Because of nuances in the wood each table is unique.

Collection of functional urban tables that can be used as coffee or dining tables. Lifting the articulated ring releases the oval top, enabling it to be raised or lowered to ones desired position. Grande Lunatique is available white or argile lacquer.

In extra thin curved glass, Corner’s Place can be placed at the end of a sofa.

Designed by Dondoli & Pocci, Tavoletto is a coffee table of clear curved glass with a small interior pivoting shelf in black lacquered glass. The table top rotates in only one direction and has a brake to prevent it from rotating in the opposite direction.



CoulIss phIlIppIne lemaIre

lovey braD aSCalon

neWs table fréDérIC ruyant

This simple small side table, designed by Philippine Lemaire, has a hidden compartment, where the contrast between the base in black lacquered steel and the surface in solid American walnut, indicates that the top is a sliding tray. Wooden chest in elephant lacquer.

Simple and delicate pedestal table with structure and top in satin white lacquered steel. The end of one of its three legs comes in European walnut with a satin varnish.

This side table is a result of designer Frédéric Ruyant’s work in glass furniture. Functioning as a side table, magazine rack, or a bedside table, this impossibly clear glass allows household items to float atop of it.






H 20½” Ø 9¾”/11¾” approx. H 52cm Ø 25/30cm approx.

one shape marIe ChrIStIne Dorner The unique shape of this sofa end table is the result of a combination of flat, curved, and hollow sides. Available in white ceramic, natural oak and black stained ash wood.


H 15¾” W 15¾” D 15¾”; H 40cm W 40cm D 40cm

Indoor & outdoor


Small Table H 19¾”/29½” W 32¾” D 27¾” H 50/75cm W 83cm D 71cm Medium Table H 19¾”/29½” W 39¼” D 34¼” H 50/75cm W 101cm D 95cm

H 27½” W 17¾” D 11¾” ; H 70cm W 45cm D 30cm

H 13¾” W 17¾” D 17¾”; H 35cm W 45cm D 45cm

H 21¼” Ø 18½”; H 54cm Ø 47cm

H 15¾” W 15¾” D 15¾”; H 40cm W 40cm D 40cm

H 15¾” W 31½” D 39”; H 40cm W 80cm D 99cm

H 17¾” W 15¾” D 15¾”; H 45cm W 40cm D40cm

oCCasIonal tables

H 14¼” Ø 38”; H 36cm Ø 97cm


kIjI noé DuChaufour-laWranCe

kazIu gregor KoroleWICZ

judd patterson numéro 111

soIXante 3 thomaS roDrIgueZ

Unpredictable lines with a highly contemporary combination of wood and linoleum, Kiji is a slender table with a linoleum top that appears to balance on top of a thin and complex geometric base of solid oak.

Unique table in matte black tinted ash wood with a top in matte white MDF lacquer.

Doubling as a side or bedside table, this simple yet unexpected form has a sawn-oak exterior and an interior cubby in gray lacquer. This piece, designed by Numéro 111, is a contemporary design with a play between contrasting materials.

A circular side table with a matching flowerpot, Thomas Rodriguez's design is named after the angle of the inverted frustum of its base, which imparts a sense of lightness to the cylindrical volume. Available in white enameled stoneware, as well as a new argile finish.





alburnI luCIDIpevere

sIde table Jan ChrIStIan DelfS

A pair of small side tables by Lucidi Pevere that celebrate the beauty and visual versatility of wood. An unexpected end grain wood veneer table top showcases a lesser-seen angle of the much loved material.

Playing with contrasting materials, designer Jan Christian Delfs often mixes cold materials like stainless steel with warmer elements such as bamboo. Side Table consists of a tripod base of black-tinted ash topped by a round nickel-plated steel or anti-oxidation varnished copper.

Calanque noé DuChaufour-laWranCe

Calanque noé DuChaufour-laWranCe

Calanque coffee and side tables make a statement with forms that are reminiscent of the white hulls of boats floating on the Mediterranean Sea. The metallic table tops are a marine-inspired accent and designed to reflect ripples like the surface of water. Available in nine distinct colors.

Calanque coffee and side tables make a statement with forms that are reminiscent of the white hulls of boats floating on the Mediterranean Sea. The metallic table tops are a marine-inspired accent and designed to reflect ripples like the surface of water. Available in nine distinct colors.

H 21¾” W 17¼” D 16½”; H 55cm W 44 D 42cm

H 31” W 17” D 15¾”; H 79cm W 43cm D 40cm

H 19¾” W 10¾” D 12¾”; H 50cm W 28cm D 33cm

H 15¾” Ø15¾”; H 40cm Ø 40cm

Low Table


Side Table

Coffee Table

fold phIlIppe nIgro

blaCk forest outofStoCK

oda ChrIStIan Werner

unIr peter JohanSen

A trio of side tables of varying, yet complementary heights, Philippe Nigro’s version of nesting tables is connected by a tubular base that allows for pivoting modularity. Fold’s table tops are in a combination of black laminated veneer and natural oak that create a visually dynamic texture.

The Black Forest side table designed by Outofstock is discreetly stylish with tripod base made of solid wood and a black stained oak or rich walnut top.

Designed to accompany the Prado sofa, Oda can also stand on its own and be purchased separately in styles that include coffee table and pedestal table options. The pedestal version can be slid underneath the base of the sofa to cover the seat cushions and create a sofa-top table surface.

Coffee table with a conical shape made of natural oak wood veneer with practical detachable plate which allows for storage space for different objects. Top plate in silk gray MDF lacquer.

Open Table


Pedestal Table H 16½” W 19” D 17”


on the roCk m.-a. StIKer-metral

majordome pInto, guIllemIn & voISIn

Good mornInG a.-S. gIlleS

o-I-X peter JohanSen

Sleek pedestal table with a round top and an open circular base connected by a slender angled leg. Available in brilliant chromed steel, black, white, copper, or aluminum lacquer.

The name of the O-I-X pedestal table has been inspired by the shapes it is made of: a round top like an “O”, a straight rod like an “I” and a cross base like an “X”. The straight lines and the rustic assembly of the wood panels come into opposition with the roundness of its satin finish lacquered MDF top. The pedestal table top is available in lacquered-satin pink, gray or white.

H 15¾” Ø 17¾”/19¾”; H 40cm Ø 45/50cm

H 19¾” Ø 15¾”; H 50cm Ø 40cm

H 11¾” W 10” D 10”; H 30cm W 26cm D 26cm

H 7¾” W 28” D 13¾”; H 20cm W 71cm D 35cm

Closed Table

H 16¼” Ø 31½”; H 41cm Ø 80cm H 16¼” W 31½” D 69¾”; H 41cm W 80cm D 177cm

Unique side table with a base made of solid American walnut with a removable top of UV-glued ‘crystal’ or blue tinted glass. The removable top may be turned and set diagonally between the tops of the legs to create a storage chest.

Designers Cédric Guillemin, Pauline Pinto, and Benjamin Voisin won the Public Prize of the 7th Cinna Competition with this collaborative effort. The small oak table is topped with a built-in reading lamp, with a distinctive bell-like polished copper shade. Not available in the Americas.

H 42cm W 48cm D 43cm

H 20¼” Ø 25½” ; H 65cm Ø 51cm





forêt noIre mIChael raaSCh

tWeet oSKo + DeIChmann

lInden rené barba

lInden rené barba

This steel pedestal table with a distinctive top is small in stature but will draw a lot of attention. Available covered in either textured black or silver satin-finished lacquer.

A workstation designed to make working on tablets easier and act as a recharge station for electronics. The irony of Tweet is that the name comes not from social media, but the classic design of winter shelter for small birds. Not available in the Americas.

Originally designed by Rene Barba to place beside his own sofa, Linden is a set of sleek tables with slender long legs topped with a solid ash top. Available in either natural ash or anthracite stained ash in the small version or black stained ash in the large.

Originally designed by Rene Barba to place beside his own sofa, Linden is a set of sleek tables with slender long legs topped with a solid ash top. Available in either natural ash or anthracite stained ash in the small version or black stained ash in the large.


Small Table

Large Table

H 17¾” W 14” D 14”; H 45cm W 36cm D 36cm

Dimensions H 26½” Ø 15¾”; H 67cm Ø 40cm

Indoor & outdoor

H 28¼” W 23½” D 21½”; H 72cm W 60cm D 55cm

H 34” W 20” D 16”; H 86cm W 50cm D 40cm

H 31” W 16” D 13½”; H 79cm W 41cm D 34cm

H 21¾” Ø 17¾”; H 55cm Ø 45cm

H 15¾” Ø 9½”; H 40cm Ø 24cm

H 18” Ø 16½”; H 46cm Ø 42cm

H 19¾” Ø 15¾”; H 50cm Ø 40cm

oCCasIonal tables

H 12½” Ø 21¾”/23½”; H 32cm Ø 55/60cm

High Table



mauro lipparini

Dining Tables

Dining Tables


Dining Tables


pagnon & pelhaĂŽtre



Dining Tables



pagnon & pelhaĂŽtre


Dining Tables

saTori Delo linDo


thibault Desombre


BiAnco ClauDio DonDoli & marCo poCCi

Frost ClauDio DonDoli & marCo poCCi

This extendable table can accommodate up to 12 people. As many as three 19¾” (50cm) wide extension leaves can be stored within the table. The top is offered in white laminate or white- or argile-lacquered glass. The base is available in matte-lacquered steel. Two of the legs are fixed and the other two are on gliders.

The Frost table is an elegant and effective response to the changing life styles and uses of dining tables. Frost offers a solution as equally appropriate for everyday use as for more formal occasions. From a closed length of 63” (160 cm) suitable for everyday use by 6 persons, it can increase up to 102½” (260 cm) thanks to the leaves that rest under the top. A 19¾” (50 cm) leaf is available with the table and a second can be ordered as an option. Available in satin white lacquer. Not available in the Americas.



odessA mauro lipparini

odessA mauro lipparini

A vision of natural minimalism with clean-cut shapes and dynamic lines, Odessa is a slender dining table with reassuring characteristics. Angled like an airplane wing, Odessa’s table top, appears to float on top of the double arch of the folded steel feet. Table top available in natural or smoked-effect oak, walnut, or white, marbled-effect or metallic anthracite full body stoneware. Feet in matte black or matte white lacquer.

A vision of natural minimalism with clean-cut shapes and dynamic lines, Odessa is a slender dining table with reassuring characteristics. Angled like an airplane wing, Odessa’s table top, appears to float on top of the double arch of the folded steel feet. Table top available in natural or smoked-effect oak, walnut, or white, marbled-effect or metallic anthracite full body stoneware. Feet in matte black or matte white lacquer.



H 29½” W 59”/118” D 37½”; H 75cm W 150/300cm D 95cm

H 29½” W 70¾”/102¼” D 38¾/42½” ; H 75cm W 180/260cm D 98/108cm

dining tABles

H 29½” W 70¾”/102¼” D 38¾/42½” ; H 75cm W 180/260cm D 98/108cm

H 29½” W 63”/82¾”/102” D 35½”; H 75cm W 160/210/260cm D 90cm

sAtori Delo linDo

lAdy cArlottA ChrisTian Ghion

Notable for its bold, Mikado-style legs, Delo Lindo's dining table accommodates six in its normal round form, but can be expanded with an integrated leaf to seat up to ten. The ash wood legs are available in three finishes, while the tabletop is available in matte or gloss white lacquered, smoked oak, anthracite-metal, white, or marbled effect stoneware.

Ligne Roset has produced designs by Christian Ghion since he set off as an independent designer in 1998. The Lady Carlotta table is the latest example of his command of materials and curvature alike: made entirely from solid oak, the lozenge-shaped surface is set on slender, stiletto-like legs to elegant effect.



AvA ThibaulT Desombre


This round or square table features a clever and integrated folding extension. It can accommodate 6 people when closed and up to 10 people when open. The top and the extension leaf are available in gloss white, matte white, or argile lacquer, or smoked oak, walnut or ebony oak, anthracite metal, marbled effect or white full body stoneware. The pedestal base is available in brilliant-chromed or matching lacquered steel.

Eaton, made of oil-treated and matte-finished solid wood, adapts perfectly to any interior. Available in European or American walnut, cherry wood, or natural oak. A choice of two depths is available as well as a choice of nine lengths for the fixed table and with the 19¾” (50cm) extension leaf. The longer lengths have an additional leg in the center of the table. Matching benches are available.

H 29½” Ø 51¼”; H 75cm Ø 130cm

H 30” W 35½” D 74¾”; H 76cm W 90cm D 190cm

Fixed Table

H 30” W 63”/169¼" D 35½”/39¼”; H 76cm W 160/430cm D 90/100cm

Round Table H 29½” Ø 51¼”/85½”; H 75cm Ø 130/217cm Square Table H 29½” W 51¼”/85½” D 51¼”; H 75cm W 130/217cm D 130cm

Extendable Table

H 30” W 43¼”/94½” D 35½”/39¼”; H 76cm W 110/240cm D 90/100cm Bench H 17¼” W 47¼”/90½” D 14¼”; H 44cm W 120/230cm D 37cm


AllungABile FaTTorini, rizzini & parTners

vilnA paGnon & pelhaîTre

Fattorini, Rizzini & Partners have stripped the dining table down to its most basic form, available in four luxurious variations for the surface — white or black stratified Fenix, smoked oak, or frosted glass — with an optional matching leaf. Base offered in white or black lacquered steel.

A thin tabletop extends across two metal bands that wrap around the negative space of the overall volume. Taking advantage of the full-body stoneware, Pagnon & Pelhâitre have created a remarkably lightweight table, available in white, marble-effect, or metallic anthracite stoneware, or smoked-effect oak. Base available in black or white lacquered or brilliant chrome.



cineline paGnon & pelhaîTre


Cineline is a multifunctional dining table that can also function as a desk or conference table. Available in gloss white or satin white lacquer with brilliant chromed steel legs. The extensions are stowed vertically beneath the top on the two shortest sides. Cineline can comfortably seat 6 people when closed and between 10 and 12 when open.

This dining table features two superimposed trays that can be extended to increase the length by nearly 75% with a simple sliding maneuver. Standing on solid beech legs with an ash wood veneer in a natural or anthracite tint. The surface comes in two hard-wearing materials: full-body U4 grade stoneware or laminated high-pressure Fenix NTM.



H 29¼” W 62¼” D 39¼”; H 74cm W 158cm D 100cm

H 29¾” W 62¼” D 39¼”; H 76cm W 158cm D 100cm

dining tABles

H 29¼” W 63”/115” D 39¼”; H 74cm W 160/300cm D 100cm

H 29¼” W 94½” D 39¼”; H 74cm W 240cm D 100cm

itisy philippine lemaire

grAnde lunAtique inGa sempé

Itisy is a surprisingly versatile console. Initially aligned, the four tops can be combined to form a square dining table to seat 4 people comfortably. In any configuration, the piece is elegant featuring solid oak tops and double feet, which are reminiscent of traditional stilts. Available in natural sawn oak or American walnut varnish with grey lacquered metal bearings.

Grande Lunatique may be used as a coffee or dining table. Lifting the articulated ring releases the oval top, enabling it to be lowered or raised to ones desired position. Available in white, or argile laminate with matching stem. Available in two sizes.


H 29½” W 43¼ D 43¼”; H 75cm D 110cm W 110cm

Small table H 19¾”/29½” W 32¾” D 27¾”; H 50/75cm W 84cm D 70cm Large table H 19¾”/29½” W 39¼” D 34¼”; H 50/75cm W 100cm D 87cm

crAFt 2 Delo linDo

PiAzzA miChael KoeniG

An extendable dining table set on two brilliant-chromed steel pedestal legs. Craft 2 is round and has a 34¼” (87cm) wide natural ash wood or matching extension leaf stored within the table. Top finished in matte or gloss white lacquer, argile lacquer, walnut or smoked effect oak veneer, or anthracite metal, white or white marble-effect full body stoneware.

This multifunctional pedestal table has a clear glass top cut in an elegant elliptical shape with one straight side and allowing it to fit neatly against a wall, thus saving space. Adjustable in height, Piazza can easily transform to a bar table. Its base is available in white-, or black-lacquered steel.



H 29¼” Ø 51¼”/85½”; H 74cm Ø 130/217cm

H 29¾”/39¾” W 35½” D 26¾”; H 76/101cm W 90cm D 68cm



Mauro Lipparini




mixte Mauro Lipparini

everywHere christian Werner

This collection of reasonably-sized pieces that are sold distinct from one another permits a decorative style that allows freedom of design and does not restrict like most bundled units. These pieces will appeal to all those who favor an unstructured approach to interior design. Available with 4 doors, 3 doors and 2 drawers, 3 doors and an open niche, and with coplanar doors.

Functional sideboards available in varying combinations of drawers, doors, and compartments. Available in satin pure white, gloss white, argile, or elephant lacquer, full-body stoneware or natural oak wood. A choice of round or rectangular feet is offered for some pieces. 3- or 6-Drawer & 2-Door Sideboard

H 37” W 81½”/109” D 17¼”; H 94cm W 207/276cm D 44cm

Sideboard with Sliding Doors

H 33½” W 77¼” D 17¼”; H 85cm W 196cm D 44cm

Sideboard with Lateral Enclosure

H 37” W 77¼” D 17¼”; H 94cm W 196cm D 44cm


2-Door or 3-Drawer & 1-Door Sideboard

et cetera pagnon & peLhaître

everywHere christian Werner

As is the nature of the Et Cetera collection, these sideboards are completely customizable to fit any storage need. Structures of either 3 or 4 bays can hold any combination of hinged doors and 4-drawer blocks. Adjustable shelves are available to be fitted behind each door. Structure is available in natural sawn oak with a white lacquered interior, or in anthracite-stained sawn oak with an argile lacquered interior.

Functional sideboards available in varying combinations of drawers, doors, and compartments. Available in satin pure white, gloss white, argile, or elephant lacquer, full-body stoneware or natural oak wood. A choice of round or rectangular feet is offered for some pieces.

H 36¼” W 62” D 15¼”; H 92cm W 157cm D 39cm

H 28¾” W 109” D 17¼”; H 73cm W 277cm D 44cm

H 28” W 71¾” D 18½”; H 71cm W 182cm D 47cm

3-Bay Structure

4-Bay Structure

H 37” W 54½” D 17¼”; H 94cm W 138cm D 44cm

3-Door Sideboard on Legs

H 28¾” W 81¾” D 17¼”; H 73cm W 208cm D 44cm

4-Door Sideboard on Legs

book&Look pagnon & peLhaître

eStamPe noé duchaufour-LaWrance

Sideboards with varying numbers of doors/drawers and open storage units. The Book&Look sideboard boasts an unusual height but still falls in line with the Book&Look spirit, allowing plentiful storage. Available in argile, elephant, or white, with either a matching lacquered or walnut top.

These sideboards, full of finely crafted details, are available in three different combinations of doors and drawers. Because of the very specific shape of this piece, the outer doors of the sideboards open in an unusual manner: the hinges are located on the internal panels of the sideboard rather than on the external panels. Available in natural, argile-stained, or anthracite-stained sawn oak.

2-Door & 2-Drawer or 4-Door Sideboard

3-Door Sideboard

H 28” W 82¾” D 18”; H 71cm W 210cm D 46cm

Square 4-Door Sideboard

H 52½” W 47¼” D 18”; H 134cm W 120cm D 46cm

6- or 8-Door Sideboard

H 42½” W 62¼/82¾” D 17¾”; H 108cm W 158/210cm D 46cm

H 31” W 53½” D 18½”; H 49cm W 203cm D 47cm

3-Door & 2 Shelves Sideboard

H 29¼” W 80½” D 18½”; H 74cm W 204 cm D 47cm

3- or 4-Door & 3-Drawer Sideboard

H 31” W 71¼”/89¼” D 18½”; H 79cm W 135/226cm D 47cm

HyanniS Port eric Jourdan

dino eric Jourdan

Defining details of the Hyannis Port sideboard design include rounded back corners and a brilliant chrome base. It is offered with three shock-absorbing drawers or with two doors and three shock-absorbing drawers. Available in gloss white lacquer.

Available with a variety of door and drawer combinations. Each sideboard has an aluminum base and oak veneer shell. These doors and drawers can either be monochrome in white, mastic, argile, or elephant lacquer, or in a two-color combination, with an additional mustard option for the doors only.

3-Drawer Sideboard

1-Door & 3-Drawer Sideboard

H 31½” W 39¼” D 20½”; H 80cm W 100cm D 52cm

H 33½” W 61¼” D 21¾”; H 85cm W 155cm D 55cm

H 31½” W 63” D 20½”; H 80cm W 160cm D 52cm

H 26” W 80¼” D 21¾”; H 66cm W 204cm D 55cm

LineS peter MaLy

dedicato didier goMez

Dynamic sideboard with an asymmetrical fractal design. Available in gloss white lacquer. This sideboard is offered with or without brilliant chrome feet. The drawers are all equipped with a push-catch mechanism.

The elegant frame available in satin mocha lacquered, or a brilliant steel finish defines the Dedicato sideboard. Depending on the unit, structure is available in white, argile, or smoked-effect oak veneers paired with a glass top. Offered with two, three or four doors or three drawers and is equipped with clear glass shelves and/or drawers.

2-Door & 3-Drawer Sideboard

3-Door & 2-Drawer Sideboard


H 16½” W 59”/86¾” D 22”; H 42cm W 150/221cm D 56cm

Sideboard with Feet

H 23½” W 59”/86¾” D 22”; H 60cm W 150/221cm D 56cm


H 29½” W 50½”/74½”/98½” D 17¾”; H 75cm W 128/189/250cm D 45cm


H 36¼” W 82¾” D 15¼”; H 92cm W 213cm D 39cm



ThibaulT Desombre


Chairs 147



pierre paulin


emmanuel DieTrich


sala pascal mourgue

sala pascal mourgue

Pam c. DonDoli & m. pocci

Petrus c. DonDoli & m. pocci

Best-selling dining chair with an elegant upholstered seat. The steel mesh and springs in the seat and elastic webbing in the back, both covered with foam, provide outstanding comfort. Sala is offered with multiple options for the base, all finished in brilliant chrome. This particular version of the chair features a sleigh base. The chair is available with or without arms.

Best-selling dining chair with an elegant upholstered seat. The steel mesh and springs in the seat and elastic webbing in the back, both covered with foam, provide outstanding comfort. Sala is offered with multiple options for the base, all finished in brilliant chrome. This particular version of the chair features square legs.

Available in walnut, dark brown or ebony oak veneer, in opaque black or white, or translucent grenadine, blue, orange, green or crystal plastic, and in a variety of synderme leather colors.

Adjustable barstool with a seat in black, white or beige lacquered plastic and a matching lacquered steel base. The seat can be lowered a maximum of 10” (25cm) using a gas piston mechanism.

Chair with Square Legs

Barstool in Plastic

Chair with Sleigh Base H 32¾” W 19¼” D 21¾” SH 19” H 83cm W 49cm D 55cm SH 48cm

Chair with Arms H 32¾” W 22¾” D 22½” SH 19” H 83cm W 58cm D 57cm SH 48cm

H 32¾” W 19¼” D 21¾” SH 19” H 83cm W 49cm D 55cm SH 48cm

H 35¼” W 15¾” D 17” SH 31” H 90cm W 40cm D 43cm SH 79cm

Barstool in Wood

H 33¾” W 16” D 17¼” SH 30¼” H 86cm W 41cm D 44cm SH 77cm

Barstool in Leather

H 34¼” W 17” D 17¼” SH 30¾” H 87cm W 43cm D 44cm SH 78cm


H 25¼"/35” W 16¼” D 17” SH 21¼"/31” H 64/89cm W 42cm D 43cm SH 54/79cm

Fil pascal mourgue

elsa françois baucheT

Petro c. DonDoli & m. pocci

Vik ThibaulT Desombre

Fashionable chair with a brilliant chrome frame. Available in genuine cowhide or synderme leather in many different colors, and now felt. It is reinforced with a non-stretch backing to prevent stretching and features a chrome zipper up the back. Also offered as a fireside chair.

The sculptural seat of this chic chair offers unexpected comfort. The thermoformed ABS shell is topped with foam, on which fabric or leather is glued. Elsa is offered with a sleigh base or unique V-shaped legs, both in brilliant chromed steel. Available with or without arms.

Petro, an evolution of the best seller Petrus, is a bar stool whose seat is seemingly levitating on its thin wire frame. The seat is covered with split leather in several options.

Vik’s wooden base achieves a successful balance between graceful looks and firm stability. Very light and easy to move around thanks to the optional handle on the back. Its cover is fully removable for everyday practicality. Introduced in 2012 as a dining chair, Thibault Desombre's design is now available as a barstool.




Chair in Felt

Chair with Sleigh Base

H 30¾” W 17¾” D 21¼” SH 17¾” H 78cm W 45cm D 54cm SH 45cm

H 33¼” W 18¼” D 21¾” SH 19” H 85cm W 47cm D 56cm SH 48cm

roCher herTel & Klarhoefer

iso marie chrisTine Dorner

ike sTuDio Dreimann

riFt c. Khorram & J.b. ricaTTe

This upholstered chic and compact dining chair can complement traditional and contemporary tables. Its shell, in reinforced techno polymer, serves as a seat, back, and arms, and has a design evocative of the cuts of a diamond. It is available in black, white, or argile with either matching lacquered or chromed steel feet.

Having lived for extended periods in Tokyo and London, French designer Marie Christine Dorner is deeply concerned with the pure expression of form and materials. Case in point, the Iso collection's elegant lines depict volumes in solid ash wood, topped with cushions. Iso’s welcoming armrests make it a discreet and elegant dining chair.

This screw stool features a natural or black oak seat and a very technical base with 3 legs in white or black lacquered steel. The strategically placed hole on the seat facilitates an easier carrying of the stool and allows for height adjustments.

Rift is the result of a collaboration between two young graduates of the École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg. This stool celebrates wood as a material and reinterprets the traditional technique of split pole with divided legs that add visual interest and lengthen the silhouette of the stool. Bar stool in solid oak with black lacquered steel insert.


Chair with Arms



FaCett r. & e. bouroullec

FaCett r. & e. bouroullec

Curule pierre paulin

laCe benJamin grainDorge

This chair offers superb comfort and innovative aesthetics thanks to the Bultex® foam and quilted cover with matching or contrasting stitching available in a choice of five colors: ecru, anthracite, grey, red, and blue.

This chair is part of the iconic Facett collection. It offers superb comfort and innovative aesthetics thanks to the Bultex® foam and quilted cover with matching or contrasting stitching in a choice of five colors: ecru, anthracite, grey, red, and blue.

This re-edition of Pierre Paulin’s 1980s design is available in natural or black-stained solid beech with a matching soft full grain hide backrest. The chair folds in the center and is stamped with Paulin’s signature on the lower rear part of the frame.

This very original footstool was created with a Japanese inspiration. Its strong and unique personality is expressed through its surprising ropes all around the base. Available in two sizes.

Chair with Arms



Large Ottoman

H 33¼” W 20½” D 22½” SH 18” H 85cm W 52cm D 57cm SH 46cm

H 32” W 26½” D 23½” SH 19¼” H 81cm W 67cm D 60cm SH 49cm

H 32” W 20¼” D 20½” SH 19¼” H 81cm W 51cm D 52cm SH 49cm

H 32” W 18” D 22½” SH 19¼” H 81cm W 46cm D 57cm SH 49cm

H 30” W 19½" D 18” SH 26” H 76cm W 50cm D 46cm SH 66cm

H 16¼”/21¾” Ø 11¾” H 41/55cm Ø 30cm

H 26½” W 22” D 14” SH 17” H 67cm W 56cm D 36cm SH 43cm

H 40½” W 17½” D 20½” SH 31½” H 103cm W 45cm D 52cm SH 80cm


H 33¼” W 18¼” D 21¾” SH 19” H 85cm W 47cm D 56cm SH 48cm

H 17¾” Ø 14¼” H 45cm Ø 36cm

W 24½” D 12¼” SH 16½” W 62cm D 31cm SH 42cm

Small Ottoman W 17¾” D 9¾” SH 16½” W 45cm D 25cm SH 42cm


VIk ThibaulT Desombre

VIk 2 ThibaulT Desombre

assa C. DonDoli & m. PoCCi

Felt 2 Delo linDo

Vik’s wooden base achieves a successful balance between graceful looks and firm stability. Its very pure design enables it to fit into all types of interior. Very light and easy to move around thanks to the optional handle on the back. Its cover is fully removable for everyday practicality. Introduced in 2012 as a dining chair, Thibault Desombre's design is now available as a barstool.

Stable and beautiful, Vik 2 is the ultimate in pure design. Comfort reigns supreme with its revamped seat and back cushion in a compound foam. Covered in multiple fabrics or colors, Vik 2 succeeds in the balancing act between refinement and comfort.

In order for a good design to be a true quality product it must be beautiful, efficient, and comfortable. This sums up what guided Claudio Dondoli and Marco Pocci in the drawing of the Assa chair: a very elegant, statutory, and comfortable leather chair. Available in white, black, pearl white, or grey beige split leather.

Possibly a descendant of Michel Ducaroy's “Steady” chair from 1960, the Felt 2 is a new design from Delo Lindo—designers Fabien Cagani and Laurent Matras—who set out to produce an archetypal chair. The result is fashionable yet uncannily familiar. Available in two sizes with a matching footrest, the Felt 2 chair is made from black lacquered steel-reinforced molded beech plywood, with foam cushions.


Dining Chair



H 33” W 17¾” D 23¾” SH 19¾” H 84cm W 45cm D 58cm SH 50cm

H 33” W 17¼” D 22¾” SH 19” H 84cm W 44cm D 58cm SH 48cm

Dining Chair with Arms

H 33” W 23½” D 22¾” SH 19¾” H 84cm W 60cm D 58cm SH 50cm

H 33” W 17¼” D 21½” SH 18¼” H 84cm W 44cm D 55cm SH 18½

H 31” W 20¾” D 21¼” SH 18¼” H 79cm W 53cm D 54cm SH 47cm

saInt-James Jean nouvel

tessa C. DonDoli & m. PoCCi

Petra C. DonDoli & m. PoCCi

Paola C. DonDoli & m. PoCCi

The reissue of Jean Nouvel’s Saint-James chair highlights its timelessness. Originally designed in 1990, it combines elegantly curved steel lines with voluptuously soft seat, back, and arm cushions. The simple design contrasts its ample extreme comfort. The designer suggests the colors black, white or grey, but the chair is available in a multitude of colors as well as in the outdoor Tempête fabric collection.

This chair will appeal to everyone looking for a chair with outstanding comfort and a unique style. Fully covered in undressed pigmented leather or Alcantara®, this welcoming chair is perfect for everyday use.

Elegant chair with a shell made from polyurethane and 4 aluminum legs covered in split leather, available in grey-beige, black, or pearl white.

Stackable chair with brilliant chrome legs and a seat and back made of reinforced white techno polymer. Paola is also offered in a version that is not stackable but has beautiful natural satin varnished solid ash legs.




H 31½” W 32” D 26” SH 20½” H 80cm W 81cm D 66cm SH 52cm


H 31½” W 20½” D 26” SH 20½” H 80cm W 52cm D 66cm SH 52cm


H 20½” W 20½” D 20½” H 52cm W 52cm D 52cm

H 32¾” D 22½” H 83cm D 57cm

W 18” SH 18” W 46cm SH 46cm

H 32¾” W 16½” D 20¼” SH 18” H 83cm W 42cm D 52cm SH 46cm

H 32” W 17¾”/18” D 20¾”/21” SH 18” H 82cm W 45/46cm D 53/54cm SH 46cm


Chair with Arms

stresa DiDier gomez

FIFty Dögg & arnveD Design sTuDio

GuGGen anDré KiKosKi

GuGGen anDré KiKosKi

Deliberately minimal, the Stresa armchair celebrates its fine materials and the concept of weaving. With a lacquered steel frame and polypropylene cords in black, tobacco, or grey, this ruggedly simple design is perfect for the outdoors. Optional seat cushion available.

The inspiration for Fifty is taken from the Flag Halyard chair, the easy chair made from metal and rope that was created in 1950 in Denmark by Hans Wegner. The fifty armchair is also available as a dining chair in in brown and black. A seat/lumbar cushion is available as an option.

Guggen has a slightly curved seat that provides ideal support, and a quilted back formed by three padded horizontal foam strips, with simple stitching that will inspire a cozy feeling. The Guggen dining chair is available with either a sleigh or cross-shaped steel base or with four legs in anthracite-stained beech.

Guggen has a slightly curved seat that provides ideal support, and a quilted back formed by three padded horizontal foam strips, with simple stitching that will inspire a cozy feeling. The Guggen dining chair is available with either a sleigh or cross-shaped steel base or with four legs in anthracite-stained beech.

Dimensions H 31” W 18” D 22¾” SH 18½” H 79cm W 46cm D 58cm SH 47cm

H 30¾” W 22¾” D 24¾” SH 18” H 75cm W 58cm D 63cm SH 46cm


Chair with Sleigh Base

Chair with 4 Legs

French lIne DiDier gomez

VIlla rose 2 F. azambourg

Folk benJamin grainDorge

PsI vinCenT TorDJman

This elegant chair is offered with or without arms. The chair with arms has an upholstered seat and a low back. It is available with a wooden frame in ebony oak. The model without arms is offered with a low or high back and is available with legs in ebony stained, black stained, or natural oak wood.

Villa Rose, designed by François Azambourg, is a black-stained ash dining chair with classic distinction and contemporary design details. This new version of an old chair brings us a new finish as well as more generous dimensions for improved comfort.

This chair is notable for its beautiful carpentry. The solid wood pieces that make up the frame and slats intersect to make this chair unique. The frame is available in solid ash with a satin finish, while the slats come in solid black ash or padded with leather.

With a form that is inspired by the Greek letter Psi, this armchair has both a futuristic and vintage feel. Inspired by sci-fi movies of the ’70s, Psi feels like designer Vincent Tordjman’s idea of a nostalgic future. Psi is made of black-tinted stained ash.


Dimensions H 30¾” W 26” D 19½” SH 18” H 78cm W 66cm D 50cm SH 46cm

Chair with Arms H 33” W 22¾” D 22½” SH 19¼” H 84cm W 58cm D 57cm SH 49cm

Indoor & outdoor

Chair with Arms H 33” W 23½” D 22¾” S 19¾” H 84cm W 60cm D 58cm SH 50cm

Chair with Low Back

H 33” W 18½” D 21¼” SH 19” H 84cm W 47cm D 54cm SH 48cm

Chair with High Back

H 39¼” W 18½” D 22½” SH 19” H 100cm W 47cm D 57cm SH 48cm


H 33” W 17” D 21¼” SH 18” H 84cm W 43cm D 54cm SH46cm

H 32¼” W 19¼” D 23½” SH 18” H 82cm W 49cm D 60cm SH 46cm

H 32¾” D 21½” H 83cm D 55cm

W 16½” SH 18” W 42cm SH 46cm

Swivelling Chair

H 32¼” W 19¼” D 23½” SH 18” H 82cm W 49cm D 60cm SH 46cm

H 32¼” W 19¼” D 23½” SH 18” H 82cm W 49cm D 60cm SH 46cm

Swivelling Chair H 32¼” W 19¼”

D 23½” SH 18” H 82cm W 49cm D 60cm SH 46cm


tV Pierre Paulin

tV Pierre Paulin

luca soFt Jean-PhiliPPe nuel

luca soFt Jean-PhiliPPe nuel

This re-edition of a classic 1950s chair respects the original design but makes it current with its larger proportions. Its comfort comes from the Bultex® foam seat and Pullmaflex® suspension. The legs are available in black lacquered or brilliant chromed steel. Removable cover.

This re-edition of a classic 1950s chair respects the original design but makes it current with its larger proportions. Its comfort comes from the Bultex® foam seat and Pullmaflex® suspension. The legs are available in black lacquered or brilliant chromed steel. Removable cover.

The Luca Soft range was designed to furnish the restaurant at the Nantes Radisson Hotel. Jean-Philippe Nuel wanted a seat that retained the qualities of the Luca chair he had designed previously while bringing more femininity and finesse to the new model.

Luca Soft is therefore a range of comfortable and elegant seats that highlight the beauty of curves. Available as a low armchair, a dining chair with 4 legs, fully upholstered (with optional casters), or a cantilevered base. Each option will complement a dining room interior.



Chair with 4 Legs

Chair with Sleigh Base

H 32¾” D 22½” H 83cm D 57cm

H 32¾” D 22½” H 83cm D 57cm

W 19” SH 19” W 48cm SH 48cm

W 19” SH 19” W 48cm SH 48cm

H 28¾” W 23½” D 21¾” SH 18½” H 73cm W 60cm D 55cm SH 47cm

H 28¾” W 23½” D 21¾” SH 18½” H 73cm W 60cm D 55cm SH 47cm

calIn PasCal mourgue

calIn PasCal mourgue

FInn ThibaulT Desombre


Calin provides the tremendous comfort you would expect from a pillow. The cover of the seat is removable and washable. The chair is available with epoxy or black aluminum lacquered legs.

Calin provides the tremendous comfort you would expect from a pillow. The cover of the seat is removable and washable. The chair is available with epoxy or black aluminum lacquered legs, or natural beech or anthracitestained beech legs.

Sculptural dining chair with an upholstered back attached to a contoured wooden seat by steel rods with a nickel finish. The cover is removable.

Comfort in curves is the driving force behind the Circa and Circo chairs. The upholstered dining chairs start with rounded legs and work their way up to irresistibly inviting soft curved backs. Not available in the Americas.





W 20” SH 19” W 51cm SH 48cm

H 33¾” D 22¾” H 86cm D 58cm

W 20” SH 19” W 51cm SH 48cm

H 34¾” W 15” D 20” SH 18” H 88cm W 38cm D 51cm SH 46cm

H 32¾” W 20” D 24” SH 20” H 83cm W 51cm D 61cm SH 51cm


H 33¾” D 22¾” H 86cm D 58cm

motus ThibaulT Desombre

slIm chaIr

alster emmanuel DieTriCh

alster emmanuel DieTriCh

Thibault Desombre’s design for the Motus chair is reminiscent of the Vik chair. The solid ash wood base creates a balance between assertive aesthetics and solid stability. Its design allows for optimal comfort with a high density foam covered back and seat.

True to its name, the Slim chair appears to have a uniform thickness, where the solid planes of the flat seat and slightly arching backrest are supported by delicate-looking legs. Available in anthracite, gray, or beige polyester. Not available in the Americas.

This chair combines innovative design, outstanding comfort and an impeccable finish. It is offered with three base options, all finished in brilliant chrome: an adjustable base on casters, a swivel base with a mechanism allowing it to pivot back to its initial position, and a sleigh base.

This chair combines innovative design, outstanding comfort and an impeccable finish. It is offered with three base options, all finished in brilliant chrome: an adjustable base on casters, a swivel base with a mechanism allowing it to pivot back to its initial position, and a sleigh base.



Chair with Sleigh Base

Chair with “Memory” System

H 33" W 17¼" D 22¾" SH 19" H 83cm W 44cm D 58cm SH 48cm

H 35” W 17¾" D 21½” SH 17¾” H 89cm W 45cm D 55cm SH 45cm

so n. nasrallah & C. horner So is a contemporary chair that exemplifies simplicity. The Bultex® foam seat and back provide softness and comfort. The base is available in brilliant chrome. Available with a high or low back. Removable cover.

Chair with High Back

H 44” W 20½” D 23½” SH 18½” H 112cm W 52cm D 60cm SH 47cm

Chair with Low Back H 33¾” D 22¾” H 86cm D 58cm

W 20½” SH 18½” W 52cm SH 47cm

lonG Island n. nasrallah & C. horner An upholstered side chair with comfort and elegance at its forefront, Long Island is approachable and inviting. With a vast choice of upholstery and color options, this chair is a versatile crowd-pleaser. Legs are available in natural or anthracite-stained beech.


H 33” W 21¾” D 21½” SH 19” H 84cm W 55cm D 55cm SH 49cm

H 32¼” W 25¼” D 23¼” SH 18½” H 82cm W 64cm D 59cm SH 47cm

H 32¼” W 24” D 23¼” SH 18½” H 82cm W 61cm D 59cm SH 47cm

Adjustable Chair

H 32¾”/36¼” W 27½” D 27½” SH 19”/22¾” H 83/92cm W 70cm D 70cm SH 49/58cm

marcello naThan Yong

marcella naThan Yong

This sixties-inspired chair is sure to brighten any room. Its frame is constructed of solid walnut and the seat and front of the back have been cleverly painted to look like cushion. Available in white, black, or pale blue.

The upholstered equivalent of the Marcello chair. This sixties-inspired chair boasts a solid walnut back with a quilted seat which may be upholstered in an array of fabrics.



H 33¾” W 17¾” D 19” SH 18½” H 86cm W 46cm D 49cm SH 47cm

H 33¾” W 17¾” D 19” SH 18½” H 86cm W 45cm D 49cm SH 47cm


peter Maly 2 peter Maly

Beds & WardroBes

Beds & WardroBes


Beds & WardroBes


D. ZiMMer & B. Hess


Beds & WardroBes

ruché inga seMpé


Beds & WardroBes


CHristian Werner


Beds & WardroBes

luMeo peter Maly

travel studio pagnon & pelHaĂŽtre


nador Beds & WardroBes


Along with our beds, we offer you a wide array of slats and mattresses tailored to your individual needs and developed in collaboration with renowned European manufacturers. Only American sizes mattress available in North America. Please note: American Queen: 60” x 80”/153 x 203cm American King: 76” x 80”/193 x 203cm Sweet dreams!

slats Frames of solid multi-ply beech wood, stained exclusively with eco-friendly linseed oil. Double slats of heavily laminated beech wood, secured in long-lasting elastic rubber mounts. Lowered shoulder zone promotes optimum circulation in shoulders and neck, particularly for sleeping on your side. Adjustable mid-zone reinforcements allows slatted frame to be adapted to different body weights. Closer alignment of slats in target area increases load capacity. Slatted frames are available in two versions: fixed or adjustable (motorized at head and foot) and can be used in almost any bed. Overall height 2½” (6cm).

Peter maly 2 peter maly

travel studio pagnon & pelhaître

lumeo peter maly

A new edition of the Ligne Roset bed that has been a bestseller for more than two decades, Peter Maly 2 is a streamlined and timeless platform bed that quietly demands attention. The juxtaposition of a soft mattress and linen with straight horizontal planes creates the perfect visual balance. The pillow and headboard cushions slide freely around the bed frame, allowing for a complete customization of the frame. Cylindrical feet available in two heights and with matte black lacquered steel plate.

This trundle bed has been created to satisfy young people or those living in small apartments. Available in white laminate and mounted on casters for easy movement. It is offered in two widths and either with an occasional bed in white or ribbed laminate measuring 35½” x 78¾” (90cm x 200cm) or with a white laminate drawer providing substantial storage space. The feet of the occasional bed spring up automatically when lifted, bringing both mattresses to the same level.

This stunning bed has an oversized headboard with the collection’s signature square pattern. The headboard is offered in gloss white or argile lacquer. Optional accessories include a backlight and mounted rotating side lamps. An extensive number of matching elements complete the Lumeo collection.

American Queen or King Frame

H 32”/33¾” W 76½”/92½” D 96½” SH 14½”/16½”; H 81/86cm W 194/235cm D 245cm SH 37/42cm


H 52½” W 76½”/82¼” T 3”; H 134cm W 194/209cm T 8cm

Frame for 160 x 200 or 180 x 200


anna ChrIStIan Werner

anna ChrIStIan Werner

uzume erIC Jourdan

Christian Werner’s Anna bed was introduced in 2002. This warm and inviting bed has an upholstered and detachable headboard with decorative topstitching for a tailored appearance, integrated slatted support structure, and Bultex® foam suspension. A slipover back cover may be ordered in any available fabric from the collection.

Choose from two types of feet, bridge feet or corner feet, in polished aluminum, with a second taller option available for beds with corner feet. There is an optional protective cover for the headboard.

Uzume is the name of the Japanese goddess of joy and good humor. This welcoming bed is an invitation to rest, all in curves faithful to Eric Jourdan’s trademark: it looks like a large cushion placed on the floor. This bed is available in various fabrics, Alcantara®, and leather. Wood or metal feet are available for this low bed.

American Queen or King Frame

American Queen or King Frame

Frame for 140 x 200, 160 x 200 or 180 x 200

Frame for 140 x 200, 160 x 200 or 180 x 200

American Queen or King Frame

ruché Inga Sempé

ruché Inga Sempé


This bed is available with either a high foot/high headboard or low foot/low headboard combination, in American Queen and King sizes. Each version is supported by a thin frame in varnished natural-, anthracite-, or red-stained beech, with the signature ruched stitching along the frame and headboard. Thick mattresses are recommended to maximize comfort.

This bed is available with either a high foot/high headboard or low foot/low headboard combination, in American Queen and King sizes. Each version is supported by a thin frame in varnished natural-, anthracite-, or red-stained beech, with the signature ruched stitching along the frame and headboard. Thick mattresses are recommended to maximize comfort.

Drawing its inspiration from high-end hotels, Nador provides sumptuous comfort and softness. The tufted headboard, with stitching or buttons, and the upholstered frame further emphasize this luxurious feel. The headboard is available in two heights, each available in two widths, and can be upholstered in a vast range of fabrics and colors. A mattress topper filled with duck feather and down, may be used for an even more relaxing experience.

H 31¾”/33¾” W 79½”/87½” D 95¼” SH 14½”/16½”; H 81/86cm W 202/222cm D 242cm SH 37/42cm

H 19¼” W 38¼”/50” L 83½”; H 49cm W 97/127cm L 212cm

Frame for 140 x 200, 160 x 200 or 180 x 200

H 12¼” W 68½”/76½” L 84½”; H 31cm W 174/194cm L 215cm

Fixed slats are available for different mattress sizes:

Adjustable slats are available for different mattress sizes: (Not available in the Americas)

35” x 79”/90cm x 200cm 63” x 79”/160cm x 200cm 71” x 79”/180cm x 200cm

mattresses Bultex® Core: High resilience Bultex® polyurethane foam, 37 kg/m³ density. Cover: padded, composed of 30% viscose / 64% polyester / 6% elastane, treated with HealthGuard™ (antifungal and antibacterial treatment), removable, dry clean only. Made w/o HCFCs. Overall height: 6¼” (16cm). The Bultex® mattresses are available in different sizes:

American Queen American King 35” x 79”/90cm x 200cm 47” x 79”/120cm x 200cm 55” x 79”/140cm x 200cm 63” x 79”/160cm x 200cm 71” x 79”/180cm x 200cm

H 30¾”/32¼” W 60”/76” D 88”; H 78/82cm W 153/193cm D 223cm H 30¾”/32¼” W 55”/ 63”/70¾” D 86½”; H 78/82cm W 140/160/180cm D 220cm

H 30¾”/32¼” W 60”/76” D 88”; H 78/82cm W 153/193cm D 223cm H 30¾”/32¼” W 55”/ 63”/70¾” D 86½”; H 78/82cm W 140/160/180cm D 220cm

H 30”/34” W 74½”/90½” D 97¾”; H 77/87cm W190/230cm D 248cm

Bultex® Sensus Core: 4¾” (12cm) thick Bultex® polyurethane foam and 2¼” (7cm) thick upper viscoelastic foam (innovative memory foam, particularly flexible, minimum pressure on the body, greatly improves circulation). Cover: 30% viscose / 64% polyester / 6% elastane, fire-retardant, treated with HealthGuard™ (antifungal and antibacterial treatment). Made w/o HCFCs. Overall height: 7¾” (20cm). The Bultex® Sensus mattresses are available in different sizes:

American Queen American King 63” x 79”/160cm x 200cm 71” x 79”/180cm x 200cm

Bultex® Sensus Superior Core: Thin 3D aerated polyester weave. Lower layer: 4”–5” (10–13cm) thick CMHR Bultex® polyurethane foam. Upper layer: 3½”-4½” (9-11cm) thick upper viscoelastic foam (innovative memory foam, particularly flexible, minimum pressure on the body, greatly improves circulation). Cover: 64% polyester, 30% viscose and 6% elastane. Overall height: 9” (23cm). The Bultex® Sensus Superior mattresses are available in different sizes:

American Queen American King 63” x 79”/160cm x 200cm 71” x 79”/180cm x 200cm

Mattress Topper Core: Duck filling, 90% feather and 10% down. Cover: 100% anti-stain and anti-bacterial treated cotton. Large elastic bands at the corners.

Low Headboard

H 33¾”/35¾” W 79¼”/87” T 4”; H 86/91cm W 201/221cm T 10cm

High Headboard

The mattress topper is available for mattresses of different sizes:

American Queen American King 35” x 79”/90cm x 200cm 63” x 79”/160cm x 200cm 71” x 79”/180cm x 200cm

American Queen/King with Low Feet/Headboard

American Queen/King with Low Feet/Headboard

American Queen/King with High Feet /Headboard

American Queen/King with High Feet /Headboard

H 33½” W 67”/83” L 93¾” SH 10¾”; H 85cm W 171/211cm L 238cm SH 27cm

H 43¼” W 67”/83” L 93¾” SH 16½”; H 110cm W 171/211cm L 238cm SH 42cm

H 33½” W 67”/83” L 93¾” SH 10¾”; H 85cm W 171/211cm L 238cm S H 27cm H 43¼” W 67”/83” L 93¾” SH 16½”; H 110cm W 171/211cm L 238cm SH 42cm

H 49½”/51½” W 85½”/113” T 4”; H 126/131cm W 217/287cm T 10cm

American Queen or King Frame

H 11¾” W 60”/76” D 80”; H 30cm W 153/193cm D 203cm

Frame for 160 x 200 or 180 x 200

H 11¾” W 69¼”/77” D 83½”; H 30cm W 176/196cm D 212cm

Beds & WardroBes

American Queen American King 35” x 79”/90cm x 200cm 47” x 79”/120cm x 200cm 55” x 79”/140cm x 200cm 63” x 79”/160cm x 200cm 71” x 79”/180cm x 200cm


hide&seek ChrIStIan Werner

everyWhere ChrIStIan Werner

This flexible wardrobe system was designed to make your bedroom a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the working day. Make it as wide or as narrow as your contemporary lifestyle dictates; it can be customized accordingly. The structure is available in white, mastic, or argile lacquer and may be complemented by a matching lacquer or embossed finish. The doors may be hinged or co-planar and come with either matching or contrasting handles, all adding to Hide&Seek’s charm. Open niches can be fixed on the side of the structure, enabling it to double as a valet system. Interior options include a six-niche chest, shelves, three-door chests, hanging rails, trouser and shoe racks, and lighting.

The Everywhere wardrobe features one bottom drawer and is offered with two aluminum-framed milk glass doors. It is equipped with shelves and/or a hanging rail. The structure is available in pure white lacquer.


2-Door Wardrobe

tarmac d. ZImmer & B. heSS

vestis de IntuïtIefaBrIek

Tarmac wardrobes can be created by placing units adjacent to one another or a configuration can consist of combinations of various elements arranged in an unstructured, airy fashion. Open chests and lateral hanging rails make it possible to make active use of all parts of chests, including sides. The concept of the ‘through hanging rail’ is particularly attractive for the bedroom: it passes from piece to piece through a metal eyelet that echoes the design of the handles. Because improvisation out of necessity is the idea behind Tarmac, additions to units can be made over time as the need becomes apparent.

A large wardrobe with tiered shelving on one end, the airy ash wood frame belies the capacity of this open storage solution. This element is equipped with 3 clear tempered glass shelves, a clothes rail and a mirror. Designed by De Intuïtiefabriek, a Dutch studio run by three young women.


H 82¾” W 153½” D 24½”; H 205cm W 390cm D 62cm

H 74¾” W 47¼” D 24½”; H 190cm W 120cm D 62cm

Dimensions H 67” W 78¾” D 37” H 170cm W 200cm D 94cm

lumeo peter maly

lumeo peter maly

The Lumeo collection offers the amenities and the elegance of a five-star hotel suite thanks to its extensive number of matching elements. This modular wardrobe system features a customizable width. Its signature feature is the alternating grain on the square wood panels. It is offered in ebony stained oak veneer or white, mastic, or argile lacquer with aluminum lacquer details.

The Lumeo chests have either three or six shock-absorbing drawers.The bedside table extends the Lumeo collection and features a drawer made of Dibond®. Chests are available in white or argile lacquer and the bedside table in ebony stained oak, all featuring aluminum lacquer details.

3-Drawer Chest

H 27” W 39¼” D 20½”; H 69cm W 100cm D 52cm

6-Drawer Chest Dimensions

H 92½” W 136¾” D 24½”; H 235cm W 347cm D 62cm

H 27” W 55” D 20½”; H 69cm W 140cm D 52cm

Bedside Table

H 12¼” W 25½” D 16¾”; H 31cm W 65cm D 43cm

estamPe noé duChaufour-laWranCe

mixte mauro lIpparInI

This three drawer chest is a part of the Estampe collection, known for it’s combination of elegance, sobriety, and refined details. It features the sawn oak front and sides, and drawers with slimmed-down edges and rounded corners characteristic of the entire collection. Available in natural sawn oak, argile stained sawn oak and anthracite stained sawn oak.

This chest of drawers, mounted on a receding base instead of arched feet, brings a touch of simplicity to the bedroom. The minimalism of this piece allows for easy combination with many different styles of bed. It has three drawers: a high drawer on the bottom with a large capacity, topped by two thinner drawers.

3 Drawer Chest


H 31” W 38¼” D 18½”; H 79cm W 97cm D 47cm

H 34” W 40¼” D 18½”; H 86cm W 102cm D 47cm

Beds & WardroBes

H 102¼” W 138½” D 24½”; H 260cm W 352cm D 62cm



marie christine dorner

Home office

Home office 173

le secrétaire mural pierre paulin Le Secrétaire Mural is among the now-classic pieces from Pierre Paulin's debut collection from 1953. Like the other Nordic-inspired designs in the "Ideal Apartment" exhibition, the understated piece simply works as intended. The wall-mounted desk comes in varnished cherry wood, with additional options for the fold-down desk.

Dimensions H 17¾” W 25¼” D 10¼”/23½” ; H 45cm W 64cm D 26cm/59cm

le secrétaire mural pierre paulin Le Secrétaire Mural is among the now-classic pieces from Pierre Paulin's debut collection from 1953. Like the other Nordic-inspired designs in the "Ideal Apartment" exhibition, the understated piece simply works as intended. The wall-mounted desk comes in varnished cherry wood, with additional options for the fold-down desk.

Home office

Dimensions H 17¾” W 25¼” D 10¼”/23½” ; H 45cm W 64cm D 26cm/59cm

rewrite GamFratesi This cocoon-like desk is both beautiful and functional. Its thick wool material is perfect for ensuring concentration and intimacy. The desk is composed of solid walnut legs, a walnut veneered top with slit in the back for use as a cable port, and a small white-lacquered steel storage chest beneath. The round shell combines fiber glass, foam, and Divina wool for sound absorption. The Divina wool is available in multiple colors.

Dimensions H 58¼” W 39¾” D 29½”; H 148cm W 101cm D 75cm

litHo thibault desombre Desk with a lacquered top to the right and an oak veneer drawer to the left. The inclined feet in solid oak bring a touch of elegance. A matte chromed crossbar in the rear reinforces the desk. Available in natural or black-stained oak with a top in satin white, mustard, ranger, or caramel lacquer.

le secrétaire mural pierre paulin

Dimensions H 30¾” W 51¼” D 24”; H 78cm W 130cm D 61cm


HyaNNis Port eric Jourdan

This writing desk is designed to be a refuge, with the outline of a hutch and rectangular textile screens offering both privacy and a peek-a-boo effect. Designed by Marie Christine Dorner, its architectural structure serves as a kind of a room-in-a-room. Two vertical masts are made from solid ash wood with decorative pattern; the biggest one has a sculpted bird above it. They are in white stained ash wood with natural grain visible with frame in natural ash wood.

This sleek and functional secretary is well equipped with drawers, niches, and shelves for optimal storage. The brilliant chrome base and gloss white lacquer finish bring a touch of elegance to this workspace.

Dimensions H 70½” W 47¼” D 25½”; H 179cm W 120cm D 65cm

Dimensions H 59¼” W 31½” D 19¾”; H 150cm W 80cm D 50cm

Wall Figure Frédéric ruyant

HyaNNis Port eric Jourdan

This unique desk/console makes working a special experience. The black-lacquered steel base is contrasted beautifully by the warmth and grain of the walnut veneered top. Also is available as a wall-mounted chest, which may be purchased separately but ideally serves as complimentary storage space.

Elegant desk with distinctive features including rounded back corners, a milk glass top, a central drawer, and a brilliant chrome base. The file cabinet with two drawers and a milk glass top is designed to complement the Hyannis Port desk. The bottom drawer can be equipped with rails for hanging files.

Desk H 38¾” W 39¼” D 13¾”/24”; H 99cm W 100cm D 35/61cm Wall-Mounted Chest H 10¾” W 39¼” D 7¾”; H 27cm W 100cm D 20cm

Desk H 29½” W 63” D 28¼”; H 75cm W 160cm D 72cm File Cabinet H 21¼” W 19¾” D 19”; H 54cm W 50cm D 48cm

Home oFFice

koya marie christine dorner

Pom’s Julie PFligersdorFFer

Pom’s Julie PFligersdorFFer

Elegant yet practical small desk with a convertible cover. Available in American walnut veneer or satin white MDF lacquered with a brilliant chromed steel base. The desk is detailed with a right drawer lined in black or grey leather respectively.

Elegant yet practical small desk with a convertible cover. Available in American walnut veneer or satin white lacquered MDF with a brilliant chromed steel base. The desk is detailed with a right drawer lined in black or grey leather respectively.

Dimensions H 29”/33” W 22¾” D 19¾”/22¾”; H 74/84cm W 58cm D 50/58cm

Dimensions H 29”/33” W 22¾” D 19¾”/22¾”; H 74/84cm W 58cm D 50/58cm

Nubo gamFratesi

Nubo gamFratesi

Nubo is a small decorative wall element that offers a functional working area. When open, it features a cable port for small laptops or tablets and a bar to hold documents. The structure is available in natural-varnished bent solid oak. The external face of this work surface is covered with foam and upholstered with Divina wool in your choice of color.

Nubo is a small decorative wall element that offers a functional working area. When open, it features a cable port for small laptops or tablets and a bar to hold documents. The structure is available in natural-varnished bent solid oak. The external face of this work surface is covered with foam and upholstered with Divina wool in your choice of color.

Dimensions H 21¾” W 31½” D 5½”/24½”; H 55cm W 80cm D 14/62cm

Dimensions H 21¾” W 31½” D 5½”/24½”; H 55cm W 80cm D 14/62cm


taNis Pierre Paulin

villa rose François azamBourg

Re-release of a classic model from the 1950s with a minimalist and functional design. The desktop is offered in black Fenix laminate with two drawers in walnut veneer. Its steel base has a black lacquer finish.

This desk is striking with its very pure lines. A unique feature is the mobile drawer that slides beneath the top. The entire piece is made of solid wood: black-stained oak for the top and American walnut for the drawer. It is recommended that this desk be complemented by the chair of the same name. Similarly, the console table features pure and architectural lines. It is made of black-stained solid oak and can be accessorized with a solid walnut drawer.

Desk H 28¾” W 47¼” D 25½”; H 73cm W 120cm D 65cm Console Table H 28¾” W 39¼” D 13¾”; H 73cm W 100cm D 35cm

ursuliNe Pierre Paulin

teoFFice marc Berthier

The femininity of Ursuline comes from its cross-shaped base and the soft curves of the desktop. The desk offers storage niches of various sizes. The top is available in walnut veneer or white lacquer and paired with a satin brown or white lacquered steel base respectively. Matching niches.

Mateo is a series of three tables and desks that maintain clean lines with robust materials. This refined office desk features a top in white or black laminate with matching edges. The table top is equipped with 2 cable ports: one with 4 USB ports to connect directly to a PC and a second elongated one for cables.

Dimensions H 35½” W 47¼” D 25½”; H 90cm W 120cm D 65cm

Dimensions H 29¼” W 62¼” D 31”; H 74cm W 158cm D 79cm

Home oFFice

Dimensions H 29¼” W 51¼” D 23½”; H 74cm W 130cm D 60cm

everyWHere christian Werner

mateodesk marc Berthier

This large desk combines a rectangular desktop and a low chest that can be placed to the right or left. The chest can be equipped with hanging files or media inserts. It is offered in argile, elephant, or pure or gloss white lacquer.

Mateo is a series of three tables and desks that maintain clean lines with robust materials. This small home office design with a two-tiered top is composed of a tabletop and niches, available with two optional drawers in lacquered aluminum. The top is available in either natural oak veneer or in black or white laminate with natural oak veneer edges.

Desk Top H 29¼” W 67” D 31½”; H 74cm W 170cm D 80cm Chest H 19½” W 35½” D 21¼”; H 50cm W 90cm D 54cm

Dimensions H 32¾” W 44¼” D 29½”; H 83cm W 112cm D 75cm

everyWHere christian Werner

teomeetiNg marc Berthier

This distinctive desk features a pivoting oval top attached to a chest that can be placed to the right or left and equipped with hanging file rails or media inserts. Available in argile, elephant, or pure or gloss white lacquer.

Mateo is a series of three tables and desks that maintain clean lines with robust materials. This handsome conference table, available in natural or black-stained oak, includes a white or black Fenix removable runner, hiding a storage chamber for cables. The runner down the middle is reminiscent of a dining room table.

Desk Top H 29¼” W 34¾” L 59”; H 74cm W 88cm L 150cm Chest H 19½” W 35½” D 21¼”; H 50cm W 90cm D 54cm

Dimensions H 29¼” W 80 ¾” D 39 ¼”; H 74cm W 205cm D 100cm


paper lamp renĂŠ barba


lighting 181

Ouverture PhiliPPe Daney

Ouverture PhiliPPe Daney

BlOOm hiroshi Kawano

BlOOm hiroshi Kawano

Adjustable floor lamp with base and stem in satin white or black lacquered steel with matching chintz shade.

Adjustable floor lamp with base and stem in satin white or black lacquered steel with matching chintz shade.

Unique hanging lamp made from cut and interwoven foam rings in white or black with metal cable in matching color. Bloom comes with an energy-saving bulb that emits soft light and minimal heat.

Unique hanging lamp made from cut and interwoven foam rings in white or black with metal cable in matching color. Bloom comes with an energy-saving bulb that emits soft light and minimal heat.

Small Lamp

Large Lamp

BlOOm hiroshi Kawano

BlOOm hiroshi Kawano

This beautiful floor lamp from up-andcoming Japanese designer Kawano was introduced in 2008. The shade is made from cut and interwoven foam rings in white or black with a metal stem in matching color. Bloom comes with an energy-saving bulb that emits soft light and minimal heat.

This beautiful floor lamp from up-andcoming Japanese designer Kawano was introduced in 2008. The shade is made from cut and interwoven foam rings in white or black with a metal stem in matching color. Bloom comes with an energy-saving bulb that emits soft light and minimal heat.




H 78“/79½” W 52¼”/105½” D 25¾" H 198/202cm W 133/268cm D 66cm

H 78“/79½” W 52¼”/105½” D 25¾” H 198/202cm W 133/268cm D 66cm

SOlveig avril De Pastre

trépied normal stuDio

trépied normal stuDio

This distinct floor lamp has a sheet steel shade with a gloss white-lacquered exterior and interior. It is connected to the base by a magnet, which enables easy modification of the reflector’s angle. Base in black lacquered steel, fitted with gliders for easy movement.

Lamp with satin white or black epoxy lacquered steel reflectors in stamped aluminum on the outside and anodized on inside. The 3 reflectors are magnetic and can be positioned and freely oriented along the length of the pole. Fitted with a textile cord and a foot dimmer. This multi-luminaire lamp, named for its straightforward tripod base, is now available in a wall-mounted and suspension versions.

Lamp with satin white or black epoxy lacquered steel reflectors in stamped aluminum on the outside and anodized on inside. The 3 reflectors are magnetic and can be positioned and freely oriented along the length of the pole. Fitted with a textile cord and a foot dimmer. This multi-luminaire lamp, named for its straightforward tripod base, is now available in a wall-mounted and suspension versions.

Floor Lamp

H 82¾” W 18½” D 18½”; H 210cm W 47cm D 47cm

H 7¾” W 59” D 15¾”; H 20cm W 150cm D 40cm

H 7¾” W 59” D 15¾”; H 20cm W 150cm D 40cm

H 76¾” W 27½” D 27½”; H 195cm W 70cm D 70cm

H 39½” W 7¾” D 8¼”; H 100cm W 20cm D 21cm

H 39½” W 7¾” D 8¼”; H 100cm W 20cm D 21cm

Wall Lamp

H 100½” Ø 31½”; H 255cm Ø 80cm

Floor Lamp

H 82¾” W 18½” D 18½”; H 210cm W 47cm D 47cm

Hanging Lamp


H 72¾” Ø 21¾”; H 185cm Ø 55cm

Hanging Lamp Wall Lamp

H 72¾” W 66¼” Ø 21¾” H 185cm W 168cm Ø 55cm

H 72¾” W 66¼” Ø 21¾” H 185cm W 168cm Ø 55cm

luCie elia gilli

Créneau elia gilli

paSCal mOurgue P. mourgue

This series of table and reading lamps is linear and slim. A glass-like lampshade hangs from a chrome-plated base and pole, which sits in a rotating ball joint. With a pivoting head, this beautifully simple lamp designed by Elia Gilli has sophisticated function.

This collection includes a reading lamp and a table lamp. Comes with an epoxy lacquered base, pivoting reflector, and a chromed upright. Available in white.

Bedside lamp and reading lamp with a base in either brilliant chromed steel with a white cotton shade, white lacquered base with a matching silk shade or copper plated steel base with PVC lampshade .

mama thibault Desombre This popular floor lamp comes with a solid concrete base and an extendable brilliant chromed steel stem. Available with a shade made of white chintz or black cotton.

Table Lamp

H 22” W 4¾” D 4¾”; H 56cm W 12cm D 12cm

Reading Lamp

H 50½” W 6” D 6”; H 128cm W 15cm D 15cm

Double Reading Lamp

H 50½” W 6¼” D 7¾”; H 128cm W 16cm D 20cm

Table Lamp

H 20¾” W 4¾” D 4¾”; H 53cm W 12cm D 12cm

Reading Lamp

H 49¼” W 6” D 6”; H 125cm W 15cm D 15cm


H 64½”/78¾” W 26¾”/69¾” D 15¾” H 164/200cm W 67/177cm D 40cm

Bedside Lamp

H 19” Ø 4¾”; H 48cm Ø 12cm

Reading Lamp

H 69” Ø 17¾”; H 175cm Ø 45cm




BOw n. nasrallah & C. horner

amiS de jean gabriela ChiCherio

In this design by Nada Nasrallah and Christian Horner, the thin LED shade underscores the predominantly curvilinear form, resulting in a distinctly contemporary take on the arching floor lamp. Black PVC electrical cable. Black foot dimmer.

Wall lamp with a black lacquered steel structure and directional base and a black lacquered aluminum shade.



BarOque nathan yong

adamaS heKla

Singaporean industrial designer Nathan Yong's Baroque reading lamp is a playful riff on a lamppost, topped with an incandescent bulb. Composed of a stack of gloss black or matte black-lacquered turned wood, the shaft includes a copper-plated steel piece, while the base is finished in black epoxy lacquer.

Hekla achieved the ultra-minimal aesthetic of this desk/reading lamp thanks to a magnetic attachment point, which allows for articulation without a traditional hinge or joint. Stem in matte black lacquered steel. Black electrical cable and foot switch. Not available in the Americas.



naja PhiliPPe moine

eClOSiOn iris Delvalle

Unique reading lamp with a laser cut stainless steel structure that allows it to be bent into an arc as if it were a supple material. Black electrical cable and foot switch.

Designer Iris Delvalle likens this floor lamp to a theater projector. Featuring an articulating shade of long pine slats, the amount of light from the vertical fluorescent tube can be adjusted by unfurling the tambour-like shade. Not available in the Americas.



H 53½” Ø11½” H 136cm Ø 29cm

paraChute nathan yong

H 63/82" W 39¼" D 13¾" H 160/208cm W 100cm D 35cm

H 22¾” Ø 7¾” D 54¼” H 58cm Ø 20cm D 138cm

H 51”/ 65” W 23¾” D 6¾” H 130cm/165cm W 60cm D 17cm

H 63” Ø 6¼” H 160cm Ø 16cm


H 70¾” W 61” D 17¼” H 180cm W 155cm D 44cm



Wall Lamp

H 10¾” W 6¼” D 12½”; H 27cm W 16cm D 32cm

Floor Lamp

PhiliPPe Nigro

Large adjustable lamp that offers two positions: the angled stem can be raised, transforming the reading lamp into a floor lamp. Its structure can be satin black painted metal with a black cotton shade or satin white painted metal with white opal chintz shade. Comes with a foot switch. Dimensions

H 78¾” Ø 14½”; H 200cm Ø 37cm

H 57”/72¾” D 73¼” Ø 25½” H 145/185cm D 186cm Ø 65cm

DIMENsIONs T. Desombre

PEyE Numéro 111

This adjustable floor lamp features a black or white lacquered metal base, a brilliant chrome pull-out stem, and a round cotton shade with a black or white exterior and white interior.

Peye is an oversized floor lamp whose striking volume serves as a focal point in any room, creating both atmosphere and dimension. It has a solid wood post with a shapely lamp shade whose white interior contrasts its all-grey exterior. LED strips are arranged around the inside of the shade opening.




H 78¾”/89¾” Ø 18¾” D 49½”/94½” H 200/228cm W 48cm D 126/240cm


sPILLa Pascal mourgue

sPILLa Pascal mourgue

Spilla, designed by Pascal Mourgue, is the embodiment of refinement in simplicity of design and manufacturing. A lacquered metal frame is topped with a delicate white chintz shade.

Spilla, designed by Pascal Mourgue, is the embodiment of refinement in simplicity of design and manufacturing. A lacquered metal frame is topped with a delicate white chintz shade.

Floor Lamp

Reading Lamp

H 69” W 16¼” D 13¾”; H 175cm W 41cm D 35cm

H 74” W 31½” D 37½”; H 188cm W 80cm D 95cm

H 59” W 16¼” D 13¾”; H 150cm W 41cm D 35cm


A discreet lamp available in floor and wall versions, this design by Philippe Nigro allows for adjustable lighting focus. Designed to be nearly invisible, Lumiere Noire makes an impact without demanding the spotlight.


NIght Pascal mourgue

LUNa ROssa aNToNio siroNi

A spectacular ceiling lamp whose size and design place it right at the border between an industrial workshop and shabby-chic-vintagerecovery style. Its name, Luna Rossa, alludes to the shape and color of its half-sphere lampshade whose exterior is rusted by hand, which gives each lamp its own unique character.

A spectacular ceiling lamp whose size and design place it right at the border between an industrial workshop and shabby-chic-vintagerecovery style. Its name, Luna Rossa, alludes to the shape and color of its half-sphere lampshade whose exterior is rusted by hand, which gives each lamp its own unique character.



CaRROUsEL VeroNika wilDgruber

BONBONNE jeaN-FraNçois D’or

Carrousel, designed by Veronika Wildgruber, uses white ribbons for a stunning visual effect. Taking form, light, and shadow all into account, the simple concept of ribbons woven around a circular white steel frame creates a surprisingly nuanced and multi-faceted lighting fixture.

This uniquely-shaped ceiling light complements the vase of the same name. Bonbonne is made of clear glass.



H 15¾” Ø 31½”; H 40cm Ø 80cm

Classic floor lamp from Pascal Mourgue. The base is available, for most models, in white or black lacquered steel with a matching chintz shade. Available in small or large and as a wall lamp. Floor Lamp

Classic floor lamp from Pascal Mourgue. The base is available, for most models, in white or black lacquered steel with a matching chintz shade. Available in small or large and as a wall lamp. Floor Lamp

H 80¾”/83½” W 59”/77½” D 15¾” H 205/212cm W 150/197cm D 40cm

H 80¾”/83½” W 59”/77½” D 15¾” H 205/212cm W 150/197cm D 40cm

H 15¾” D 58¾”/76¾”; H 40cm D 149/195cm

H 15¾” D 58¾”/76¾”; H 40cm D 149/195cm

Wall Lamp

Wall Lamp

H 13¾” Ø 37½”; H 35cm Ø 95cm

H 15¾” Ø 31½”; H 40cm Ø 80cm

H 67¾” Ø 11¾”; H 172cm Ø 30cm

CIL beNjamiN Faure

sqUaRE Pascal mourgue

PhaRaOh sTuDio caToir

stRIPEs PhiliPPe Nigro

Cil is like a delicate stroke whose end is distinguished by a luminous halo. It can be used as a floor lamp or a wall lamp. The light at the top of the lamp gives off pleasant, indirect lighting. Available in white, black, or argile.

Clean and elegant floor lamp and reading light. The composite fabric lampshade and the base in the shape of a cross are the crux of the originality of the lamps. Available in charcoal grey or white.

A ceiling lamp with steel framework and fabric-covered shade, Pharaoh was designed by Studio Catoir in tribute to both Michael Jackson and an ancient Egyptian bust. Horizontal quilted stripes on the outside of the lampshade are accented by a rich gold or silver interior. Two visible zippers add a sense of pop and luxury to the design.

Suspended lamp that features two laser-cut brushed stainless steel shades that are meshed together as well as a transparent cable.

Hanging Lamp with 2 Shades Dimensions

H 17¾" Ø 22¾"; H 45cm Ø 58cm

H 53¼” W 15¾” D 11¾”; H 135cm W 40cm D 30cm

Hanging Lamp with 1 Shade

H 53¼” Ø 18”; H 135cm Ø 46cm

Floor Lamp


H 81” W 9½” D 9”; H 206cm W 24cm D 23cm

H 65” W 15¾” D 15¾”; H 165cm W 40cm D 40cm

Reading Lamp

H 53¼” W 13¾” D 13¾”; H 135cm W 35cm D 35cm

PaRaNOïD 2 swaNN bouroTTe

PaRaNOïD 2 swaNN bouroTTe

Flexible reading lamp in a striking cobra like shape with 36 LEDs. Made with the black woven protective cable covers normally used for supersonic aircraft.

Flexible reading lamp in a striking cobra like shape with 36 LEDs. Made with the white woven protective cable covers normally used for supersonic aircraft.

stRIPEs PhiliPPe Nigro

saCha elia gilli

Suspended lamp that features three laser-cut brushed stainless steel shades that are meshed together as well as a transparent cable.

Suspended lamp with a brushed nickel base which holds a satin-finished glass shade. Equipped with a transparent cable.

Hanging Lamp with 3 Shades


sOUs MON aRBRE FloriaN brilleT

sERPENtINE sTuDio hauseN, jörg hölTje

H 53¼” W 35½” D 23½”; H 135cm W 90cm D 60cm

Outdoor lamp with an organic shape that resembles a large flower that becomes a source of light at night. Its metal stand is treated for outdoor conditions and allows the lamp to rest freely on its stand or be hooked to a tree branch.

H 52¾”/123¾” Ø 4”; H 134/315cm Ø 10cm

Suspended light made of mouth-blown heat resistant glass equipped with a height adjustable cable. May be used with an incandescent or halogen bulb, depending on personal preference.

Portable Light


H 47¼” W 15¾”; H 120cm W 40cm

H 16¼” Ø 9¾”; H 41cm Ø 25cm


Wall Hook

H 47¼” W 15¾”; H 120cm W 40cm

H 25½” D 7”; H 65cm D 18cm



H 21¾” Ø 7”; H 55cm Ø 18cm


NIght Pascal mourgue

LUNa ROssa aNToNio siroNi


pArAchute nAThAn yong

Night PAscAL Mourgue

An exercise in graphic arts, Parachute is composed of three modular steel wire elements, which can be combined to create a large number of compositions.

Classic wall lamp from Pascal Mourgue. The base is available in white or black lacquered steel with a matching chintz shade. Available in small or large. Also available as a floor lamp.

dOlmeN & dOlmeN bébé PhiLiPPe dAney Egg-shaped table lamp in mouth-blown satin-finished opal glass. Available in two sizes.

lOuis 5d BLAndine duBos Wall lamp made of clear Plexiglas. Shaped like a 17th century chandelier, the enlarged shadow of the outline is projected onto the wall behind it. This popular lamp is also offered in a mini version.

Small Shade

H 19¼” Ø 9¾”; H 49cm Ø 25cm

Medium Shade

H 13” Ø 19”; H 33cm Ø 48cm

Large Shade

Small Lamp

Wall Lamp

Large Lamp

Mini Wall Lamp

H 11½” Ø 12¼”; H 29cm Ø 31cm

Wall Lamp

H 19” W 22¾”; H 48cm W 58cm

H 9½” Ø 31½”; H 24cm Ø 80cm

H 15¾” D 58¾”/76¾”; H 40cm D 149/195cm

FlOyd eric JourdAn

OctOpuss Arik Levy

ArOuN JeAn-PhiLiPPe nueL

ArOuN JeAn-PhiLiPPe nueL

A shapely suspended ceiling light with shade in satin-finished opal glass and brilliant chromed metal structure.

Suspended lamp with an aluminum base. The three-dimensional ecru polyester shade casts a warm and inviting light. The suspension is offered in two sizes.

Unique-shaped table lamp in either white or black, with 3 translucent white opal PVC diffusers in varying sizes.

Unique-shaped table lamp in either white or black, with 3 translucent white opal PVC diffusers in varying sizes.

Large Suspension



AwAbi Toshiyuki kiTA

AwAbi Toshiyuki kiTA

Olive nuMéro 111

chANtAl sTePhen Burks

Wall lamp with shade made from mulberry paper, attached to a metal wall plate by two magnets. It may be wired directly into the wall or plugged into a socket with the cable hanging freely. May also be used as a ceiling lamp. Available in small or large.

Wall lamp with shade made from mulberry paper, attached to a metal wall plate by two magnets. It may be wired directly into the wall or plugged into a socket with the cable hanging freely. May also be used as a ceiling lamp. Available in small or large.

A table lamp with a generous shape and proportion that emits a warm light. The exterior shade is made of matte-lacquered steel in either traffic grey, silk grey, or pastel turquoise. The interior shade is made of matte white lacquer.

Table lamp with base and shade in clear mouth-blown glass and red cord-wrapped cable. A variation of the Chantal lamp presented in 2011 in bright opaline brings a different but equally interesting personality to this set.

Large Lamp

Small Lamp


H 17” W 15¾” D 9½”; H 43cm W 40cm D 24cm


H 19” W 13½” D 4¼”; H 48cm W 34cm D 11cm

Nelly eLiA giLLi

lA plic nAThALie dewez

cONtAiNer by BenJAMin huBerT

bAltO guiLLAuMe BArdeT

Wall lamp with a minimalist design, a chromed metal base, and satin-finished glass tube.

This wall lamp’s originality lies in its simplicity. It is comprised of a half-mirrored bulb with a stainless steel clip, attaches to the wall with a simple screw, and plugs into a socket. Comes in a set of three.

This lamp is made entirely of matte enameled ceramic. The design fits perfectly with the artist’s philosophy of creating timeless objects. The fancy pink and blue colors of the power cords underline the almost austere sculptural design of the lamp. The lamp is available in a light khaki with a pink textile cord or a light grey with a blue textile cord.

Matte opal glass table lamp that complements the wine glasses of the same name.

Wall Lamp




pAper lAmp rené BArBA

OmAge PhiLiPPe dAney

mushrOOm nick rennie

lA simplex guiLLAuMe BLogeT

Available in two sizes, this lamp marks designer René Barba's first product in this tear- and fire-proof non-woven material. A small version is printed with hand-drawn vertical stripes, while the larger lamp has a grid pattern—with one printed side and one blank side, the shades completely cover a black lacquered steel base.

An homage to Salvador Dalí's “The Persistence of Memory,” this Philippe Daney-designed lamp is suited to use as a reading lamp or for illuminating a bookcase. Transparent PVC electrical cable and transparent hand switch.

A playful lamp for both indoor and outdoor use, Mushroom has an ethereal lampshade in white rotational-molded, shot-blasted polyethylene. A rounded base in machined steel finishes the material contrast and thoughtful study of proportion.

Table lamp in satin-lacquered folded steel with a black cable and manual switch. Available in pearl white, black, pastel turquoise, and beige green. Comes as a set of three.




H 17¾” Ø 17¾”; H 45cm Ø 45cm

H 11” W 13”; H 28cm W 33cm

Small Suspension H 65” Ø 15¼”; H 165cm Ø 39cm

H 32” W 22” D 5”; H 81cm W 56cm D 13cm

H 7¾” W 3½” D 4 ¼”; H 20cm W 9cm D 11cm

H 9¾” Ø 6”; H 25cm Ø 15cm H 21¾” Ø 27½”; H 55cm Ø 70cm

H 15¾” W 15¾” D 14¼”; H 40cm W 40cm D 36cm

H 6¼” W 4” D 7”; H 16cm W 10cm D 18cm

H 15¾” W 6¼” D 12½”; H 40cm W 16cm D 32cm

H 15¾” W 15¾” D 14¼”; H 40cm W 40cm D 36cm

H 13¾” Ø 13¾”; H 35cm Ø 35cm

H 18” Ø 11”; H 46cm Ø 28cm

Small Lamp

H 18½” W 10¼” D 2”; H 47cm W 26cm D 5.08

Large Lamp

H 22½” W 10¼” D 3¼”; H 57cm W 26cm D 8cm

H 17” Ø 11½”; H 43cm Ø 29cm

H 17¼” W 16½” D 15¾”; H 44cm W 42cm D 40cm

iNdOOr & OutdOOr

H 11” W 7¾” D 9¾”; H 28cm W 20cm D 25cm




mAgNet lAmp MichAeL rAAsch

041 Pierre LAPeyronnie

Designed by Michael Raasch, the Magnet Lamp collection is a modern interpretation of a classic lamp and shade. Simple and stark, yet thoughtfully designed, the lamp is limitlessly adjustable thanks to its magnetic shade and conveniently stylish handle.

Designed by Pierre Lapeyronnie, the 041 wall lamp is a modular set of five crosses backlit by LEDs. Each cross can be rotated to switch on and off and each set can be combined with up to six others for a luminous and textured glow. Reminiscent of tic-tac-toe and highly customizable, 041 has unlimited room for playful personalization.

Reading Lamp H 52¾” W 11¾” D 13”; H 134cm W 30cm D 33cm


mAgNet lAmp MichAeL rAAsch

miNiKiN FABien duMAs

Designed by Michael Raasch, the Magnet Lamp collection is a modern interpretation of a classic lamp and shade. Simple and stark, yet thoughtfully designed, the lamp is limitlessly adjustable thanks to its magnetic shade and conveniently stylish handle.

Designed by Fabien Dumas, this table lamp is a fun and light surprise. The mouth-blown glass shade appears to emerge from the black lacquered linden wood base. Black PVC electrical cable and hand switch.

Wall Lamp


desA Pierre chArPin

iOle Annick schoTTe

This sculptural lamp features a cylinder shaped shade in opal glass with a black lacquered steel ring and tube, which hides the cable and can be used as a handle to move the lamp. Available in two sizes.

Small or large table lamp with structure in anodized aluminum and a Tyvek® shade.

Large Lamp

Large Lamp

Small Lamp

Small Lamp

H 25¼” Ø 14½”; H 64cm Ø 37cm

H 29¼” W 13¾” D 13¾”; H 74cm W 35cm D 35cm

H 16¼” Ø 10¼”; H 41cm Ø 26cm

H 16½” W 13¾” D 13¾”; H 42cm W 35cm D 35cm

glObe OutdOOr

glObe iNdOOr

Globe Outdoor is a lamp of very pure design meant to bring supplemental light points to a room or garden. Arranged, for example, around a terrace or a table outside, they can create a warm and pleasant atmosphere. Available in white polyethylene with a black cord.

Globe Indoor is a table lamp of very pure design meant to bring supplemental light points to a room. Available in white polyethylene with a red cord.



deANery eric JourdAni

cAr light nAThALie dewez

This desk lamp, typical of Eric Jourdan's work, resembles a slightly bulbous vessel that is illuminated by an LED bulb. The glass is frosted in a matte opal finish. Gray electrical textile cable. Black hand switch.

Nathalie Dewez's Car Light originated in the 2013 “Glass Is Tomorrow” workshop in Sweden. Inspired by automotive headlights, the designer created a mold to achieve the striated effect with the mouth-blown glass globe.


Dimensions H 9” Ø 6¼”; H 23cm Ø 16cm

H 15¾” Ø 21¾”; H 40cm Ø 55cm

mAgNet lAmp MichAeL rAAsch

H 22¾” Ø 14¼”; H 58cm Ø 36cm

iNdOOr & OutdOOr

H 15” Ø 11¼”; H 38cm Ø 29cm


H 12½” W 7¾” D 9”; H 32cm W 20cm D 23cm

H 11” W 11” D 1”; H 28cm W 28cm D 3cm

H 15¾” Ø 21¾”; H 40cm Ø 55cm


pied de coq


Rugs & AccessoRies


fields Sylvain Willenz


menhiR DamariS & marC

felt And coloR

Inspired by the pattern colloquially known as “Razzle Dazzle,” Belgian designer Sylvain Willenz has translated the distinctive geometric camouflage into a tufted and sculpted wool carpet. The optical illusion also resembles aerial imagery of fields and farmland. Dimensions are customizable.

The mottled pattern of this carpet is meant to evoke a sense of movement and speed, resembling the ground passing beneath a moving train. Rug made from 100% hand woven New Zealand wool. Available in Midnight blue, light blue, beige, and mustard.

Hand-tufted sculpted rug in 100% wool with pattern of irregular polygons in subtle blue or grey hues.

A choice of six nostalgically colorful fringes, border a solid anthracite rug. Fringe choices are mustard, ranger, light grey, anthracite, red, and warm green.


Custom sizes, min. width: 55”; 140cm max. width: 71¾” ; 180cm


W 78¾” L 98”; W 200cm L 249cm


Petrol blue

Dimensions Custom sizes, W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm

Midnight blue

Light blue



W 78¾” L 98½”; W 200cm L 250cm

Warm Green

Light Grey





RizièRe Carmen Stallbaumer


heX heX bertjan Pot

ingRid m.aurore & S. metral

This rug made of 100% wool will bring the breezy touches of nature and tropics to any contemporary interior. Available with a red or blue pattern.

Rectangular or round, machine-tufted rug made of 100 % linen, whose motif mixes straight and looped tufts. Available in pink, white, beige, anthracite, brown, and blue. Available in custom sizes.

These bold rugs by Bertjan Pot are showstoppers inspired by traditional Kilim weaving techniques. Seemingly random geometries combine and dance with each other to create triangles, diamonds, trapezoids, hexagons, and chevrons. Color and geometry create an endlessly dynamic pattern. Available in an almond green or strawberry color.

This hand-tufted woolen rug, designed by MarieAurore Stiker-Métral, features a bidirectional-looping pattern that evokes knitting.


Custom sizes, max. Ø: 196¾”; 500cm

Small Rug

W 63” L 94½”; W 160cm L 240cm


W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm

Large Rug


W 94½” L 118”; W 240cm L 300cm



W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm Custom sizes, min. dim.: 39¼” x 59”; 100 cm x 150cm or max. dim: 104¾" x 157½"; 266 cm x 400 cm



multi lines

Monochromatic rectangular hand-tufted rug made of 100% pure New Zealand wool. Choice of sixty-seven colors.

Genuine cowhide rug. Available in a tricolor version with black, brown, and white hairs as well as in five monochromatic versions: caramel, black, grey, ebony, and chocolate. Each hide is unique and will vary in color and size.

Hand-tufted rug with alternating strips of 100% New Zealand wool and felt. Choice of six color combinations: grey/brown, brown/beige, grey/black, burgundy/plum, red/orange, or brown/prune.




gAvRinis 2 Pierre Paulin Rug developed from sketches by Pierre Paulin, who was inspired by Gavrinis Island off the coast of France. Hand-tufted rug in 100% wool, sculpted with tufts of varying heights. Available in different combinations of red and beige in standard sizes or in a combination of one or two colors from a sixty-seven color selection in custom sizes.



approx. 54 ft2; approx. 5 m2


W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm Custom sizes, min. dim.: 39¼” x 59”; 100cm x 150cm max dim.: 104¾” x 157½”; 266cm x 400cm







Custom sizes, multiples of 2”; 5cm





Dimensions Red

Custom sizes, min. dim.: 31½” x 47¼”; 80cm x 120cm max. dim.: 157½” x 197”; 400cm x 500cm


soft tile Carmen Stallbaumer

entRelAcs marie-aurore Stiker-metral

metRopole SiW matzen

miX & mAtch

Square hand-tufted rug made of 100% wool with pattern of small squares. Available in multicolor tones or red/rose in both standard and custom sizes.

Rectangular hand-tufted rug made of 100% wool with an impressive woven effect. Available in shades of blue or red.

Designed by Siw Matzen, this kilim carpet has a geometric pattern in which each square “tile” has been divided into four triangles of different colors, arrayed in different orientations. The three-color schemes are named after cities: Berlin, London, and Cairo.

This rug is hand-woven to create an understated mélange effect, available in four color options: beige, argile, grey, and black. Made of 100% New Zealand wool.

W 78¾” L 78¾”; W 200cm L 200cm Custom sizes, min. dim.: 39¼” x 39¼”; 100cm x 100cm max. dim.: 157½” x 157½”; 400cm x 400cm








Dimensions W 81½” L 117”; W 207cm L 297cm

W 78¾” L 94½”; W 200cm L 240m



W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm Custom sizes, min. dim.: 47¼” x 70¾”; 120 cm x 150cm or max. dim: 118" x 157½"; 300 cm x 400 cm






sIlk Plush

sOft Et DOux


Pied de Coq is a hand tufted 100% wool rug. Available with decorative hounds tooth pattern throughout or with solid border on one side.

Machine-tufted rug made of 100% silk. Available in three colors: silver, gold, and bronze.

Machine-tufted rug made of 18% New Zealand wool and 82% polyester. Available in five colors: black, blue, grey, cream, or white.

Hand tufted rug made of 100% viscose. The colorful motif of this rug atop its plain grey background can bring life in to any room. Available in blue, yellow, black, or orange.

Dimensions Custom sizes




W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm

Custom sizes







Hearty machine-tufted rug made of 65% poly-propylene and 35% polyester available in custom sizes.

This polyamide rug, bordered by an Alacantra trim, is available in ten colors.

Bikaner, a tufted rug made of 100% wool, is available in sixty-seven colors and can be made rectangular, square, or round.



The first rug for a trio of young designers, collectively known as Numéro111, the abstract cartographic design was inspired by the topographical imagery of Google Earth. Rug made of 100% hand-tufted wool in solid dark green.


Lilac Blue

White Cream








Light Brown




Grey Beige

Light Grey

Light Blue

Square Rug

Custom sizes, min. dim.: 39¼”x 39¼”; 100cm x 100cm

Rectangular Rug Red



Custom sizes, min. dim.: 39¼” x 47¼”; 100cm x 120cm


Round Rug

W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm





Custom sizes, max. width of 157½”; 400 cm

Custom sizes, max. width of 157½”; 400 cm


Custom sizes, min. area required: 10¾ ft2 ; 1 m2


Custom sizes, min. Ø: 39¼”; 100cm



rythmus peter​maly


Hand-tufted rug made of 100% New Zealand wool. Available in ten colors: blue, grey-beige, ecru, granite, black & white, raspberry, brown, grape, burgundy, and pink.

Hand-woven rug offered in four colors that correspond to the four seasons, but also available in silver, dark red, black & white, grey, and white.

Designer Peter Maly offers a new permutation of his geometric aesthetic in this woven wool rug. The unconventional pattern is composed of broad, irregular stripes of muted colors that alternate with brighter multicolored stripes, with decorative rosettes on either end.

Hand-tufted rug in bamboo viscose and cotton. Available in chenille, in thin tufts, or as a combination of chenille stripes and thin tufts. Four colors available: café au lait, café noir, glacier, and ivory. Custom sizes only.



W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm

Custom sizes, min. area required: 10¾ ft2 ; 100 cm2

Grey Blue

Café au lait


W 78¾” L 98½”; W 200cm L 250cm Custom sizes, max. dim.: 118” x 157½”; 300cm x 400cm or max. Ø: 118”; 300cm


Custom sizes, multiples of 2”; 5cm








Dark Red

Light Grey




Black & White







fragmEnt ​K atja​FalKenburger



Customizable 100% felt rug with countless carpet and trim color combinations.

Fragment is reminiscent of ancient cement tiles with an intricate pattern that changes and evolves throughout the rug. Customizable, the patterned, tufted rug is 90% wool and 10% viscose.

This rug can be used inside or outside. It is made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), an extremely resistant barrier material, and polyester. The PET comes from recycled water bottles and does not contain any phthalates. Available in chestnut, grey, and state blue.

Exclusive product from floor covering pioneer Bolon, Tisse, a rug available in coffee-grey, granite, black, or beige, combines the appearance and feel of fabric with all the advantages of vinyl. Bolon floor coverings are durable, easy to clean, and stylishly relevant.


W 78¾” L 98½”; W 200cm L 250cm Custom sizes max. dim.: 98½” x 118”; 250cm x 300cm



Custom sizes, width is fixed at 70¾”; 180cm


InDOOr & OutDOOr


W 78¾” L 98”; W 200cm L 249cm Custom sizes, width is fixed at 78 ¾”; 200 cm




W 78¾” L 118”; W 200cm L 300cm








samoUraï m.-a. STiKEr-mETral

airvase Torafu archiTEcTS

cUtting JEan-françoiS d’or

Young designer Marie-Aurore Stilker-Metral speaks to her recent time working in Japan with this glass vase, suggesting elements used to make samurai armor. The colorful design cut into the glass evokes the ornamental motifs which are the most common decoration for the protective pieces.

Set of 3 vases in cut and shaped paper that can be used decoratively or as a cachepot, wastebasket, or even gift-wrap. The available cubed or ombre motifs are exclusive to Ligne Roset.

Set of three height-adjustable floor vases held together by a linking piece. Available in gloss white or black lacquer.

polygon iTamar BurSTEin

stacK B. & S. Tharp

les oiseaUx paScal mourGuE


Vase in gloss white-enameled earthenware, bearing the designer’s signature.

Large ceramic vase composed of a large lower water container, two intermediate pieces that lengthen the vase, and a small upper part with an adjustable neck. Available in a white/platinum or multicolor (blue, yellow, white, and black) version.

Vase with a black bird silhouette, available in molded white or gloss-copper enameled ceramic.

Set of either four small vases or set of two large vases in molded enameled ceramic. Available in ocre for the small version and tundra green for the large version.

asira aurEliE Tu

Jo Eric Jourdan

origami pETEr maly

lUndi 22/02 GuillaumE BardET

Asira takes sustainability to another level: the vase is composed of two layers of excess Divina fabric, which are then glued together and machine-cut. Available in 4 Divina colors: anthracite, pavot, turquoise, and pearl.

Vase in molded ceramic with a matte white enamel exterior, and either a gloss red or blue enamel front and interior. Offered in either a short or long neck. This ceramic vase, which vaguely resembles a bottle with a flattened side, is now available in pale pink, pale green, and beige.

Star-shaped vases made from three layers of glass, the most special of which being the final layer of opaline glass which is applied to the exterior. Vases are made with either a matte black or grey glass for the interior and a matte white exterior.

Guillaume Bardet is among French design’s brightest stars. His “Usage des Jours” (Using the Days) project inspired these thoughtful pieces. Lundi 22/02 is also available in Azure colored mouth-blown glass..

Karlos numéro 111

oan michaEl KoEni

Fantômes VauloT & dyEVrE

vaKKa K. nuuTinEn & a. palomaa

Available in matte cement gray/tundra green or edo beige/ocher, this vase is one of the first decorative objects designed by Numero 111. The vessel itself is nestled in three planes—a vertical screen and a matte marble base—which extend past the edges of the vase itself to form a wing-like backdrop.

Oan is a unique vase available in three sizes and finishes: a small version in molded aluminum with a brilliant nickle plated finish, medium version in indigo blue mouth blown glass, and large version in terra cotta.

Set of three trinket covers that offer a smart and decorative way of tidying items without having to move them. Made of satin white-lacquered repoussé aluminum.

Set of three nesting boxes in grey-beige leather with tonal stitching.

Upside down chriSTian Ghion

pression márcia Brilha & marTa fruTuoSo

pleine lUne STudio drEimann

pan pan B. KuEhnE-ThompSon

This vase is notable for its pure and organic design. It is made of molded, vitrified porcelain finished in either gloss white or matte grey enamel.

Clock in black split leather with the position of the hours and minutes marked by white thread stitching.

Decorative rabbit that is sure to be a conversation piece. Made of molded resin with a gloss lacquer finish. Available in mastic, pale pink, or pastel turquoise.

The organic and seductive design of these mouth-blown glass vases ensure a form of tangible sensuality. They can be arranged as one chooses, positioned on the wide bottom or the neck, and combined to reinforce their singular presence.

roseaU noé duchaufour-lawrancE


White ceramic vase that resembles the shoots of a budding plant. Perfect for flowers or twigs. Available in small or large, also available in sky blue.


ram B. KuEhnE-ThompSon


A decorative accessory, Ollie is an oblong form that seems to slide and float above the table upon which it is placed. Available in gloss-varnished copper or nickel-plated steel, Ollie is a design form on its own or can be used to support and display other works and home accessories.

Fruit bowl in laser cut steel with brilliant copper finish, clear varnish.

A longtime resident of Vietnam, Barbara Kuehne-Thompson has translated the region's vernacular design into a handsome 17¾-inch-tall vessel with a handle. Shaped like the head of a matchstick, the woven basket comes in copper-colored rattan.

Designer Barbara Kuehne-Thompson literally and figuratively interweaves Southeast Asian craft and contemporary design in this medium basket, a soft cylindrical vessel of woven PET cord in green or argile.

paysages normal STudio

tilt iVan KaSnEr


charmotte lEE wEST

Plates and bowls in gloss white enameled porcelain. Dishwasher, oven, and microwave safe.

Tilt is an elegant hand-made candle holder. Each piece is mouth-blown, then finished by hand. With its inventive shape, the light from the candle is redirected in the direction of the lip’s angle.

These woven rattan baskets that have been in the collection for several years are now available in the very trendy, new stone grey color as well as the traditional black. The quality of basketwork displayed by this product is quite remarkable.

Natural materials and soft lines and colors are the calling cards of the Charmotte three woven wicker baskets. Soft storage by Lee West doubles as a warm design accent.

carra TouS lES TroiS

silicate philippE danEy

Table centerpieces composed of a piece of polished white Carrara marble, and from a piece of black polished Marquina marble; both with a stain resistant finish and beveled edge.

Polished aluminum trivet that consists of three nesting circles.

clothes Boxes dE inTuïTiEfaBriEK

dimanche 29/08 GuillaumE BardET

Designed by Dutch design studio De Intuïtiefabriek, this pair of chocolate-colored rattan bins — one with a lid and one without, are one of the designer’s first pieces to have been created for Ligne Roset.

Guillaume Bardet is among French design’s brightest stars. From his “Usage des Jours” (Using the Days) project come these thoughtful candle holder made of metallic-enameled earthenware.

epoF TouS lES TroiS

evlan TouS lES TroiS

paraFFin naThan yonG

aBBesse numéro 111

Placemats in black vinyl with a stamped cutout motif.

Polished or black-lacquered aluminum trivet shaped as tangled flatware.

Set of three candle holders for tea lights, made from matte white-enameled molded ceramic.

Designed by Numéro 111, this candle holder is composed of two pieces that form a corner: a matte marble base, which holds five candles of different sizes, and a matte gray epoxy lacquered steel panel that wraps around the back. Subtly curved chamfers of each corner soften the form’s appearance, creating a graphic effect.

salma arzu firuz

Fraga GamfraTESi

pocKman EVanGEloS VaSilEiou

parade TouS lES TroiS

Placemats in black vinyl with a cut and stamped motif.

Soft, inviting lines covered in a rich textile are the calling cards of the Fraga coffee table, designed by Gam and Fratesi. This thin, removable tray adds function and style.

Trinket storage accessory in molded polished aluminum.

Unique wall-mounted trinket box, Parade is available in white enameled earthenware and terra cotta colored stoneware.

indoor & oUtdoor


eplaFF TouS lES TroiS

ollie VauloT & dyÈVrE




Chest in oak veneer with brushed stainless steel clasp. Available in a medium, or large size.

Comfortable throw made of 100% polyester. Available in white, fauve, grey, and petrol.

The Shadow throw is made of 100% cashmere in a light gray color.


CONsTEllATiON V. Barkowski



Bed linen in 100% cotton satin. Pillowcases have 2 or 4 flounces. Available in a choice of nintey-eight colors.

Duvet cover and pillow case made of 100% cotton with black printed squares.

Arctique is a luxurious throw made of 100% merino wool.

Spuma is a comfortable wool blend throw in nostalgic color palettes of solid mustard, solid ranger, and a two-toned plaid.



jEssY neeru kuMaZ


A series of bed linens with duvet covers, pillow cases and sheets made of 100% cotton black-striped fabric.

A set of bed linens including duvet covers and pillow cases made from Egyptian piqué cotton.

Unique manual-weaved throw and pillow case, made of 60% wool and 40% silk.

Hand woven throw made of a wool/alpaca blend in a black and white hounds tooth motif.


COussiN TREssÉ syBille BerGer

bluE ExPREssO


Pied de Coq is a luxurious, 300 thread count jacquard bed set that includes duvet covers, pillow cases and sheets.

This range of cushions inspired by a braiding technique used to shape baskets using palm leaf. Designed in wool felt, the bands are cut, braided and fixed at their ends. This technique enables a wide range of shapes.

Luxurious throw made of 70% yak wool and 30% wool blend. Available in a denim/espresso color.

A luxurious throw in 100% silk, the body and tassels are a warm, neutral camel hue.





Cushion with the front face in smooth long-strand Icelandic sheep skin and the back in (100 %polyester) suede fabric. The inside is made from anti mite polyester stuffing cover is removable by unzipping.

Mil has a front in curled long-strand Mongolian lambskin and the back in (100% polyester) suede fabric. The interior is made from anti-mite, polyester stuffing, cover is removable by unzipping.

Throw in 100% machine-woven cotton with jagged stripe motif.

Throw in 100% machine-woven cotton with patterned motif.

A luxurious, limited-edition interpretation of a rosewood box, Quai Largo is adorned with decorative carving traditionally found in traditional Asian wood crafts. The box is solid, hand-crafted rosewood and is numbered to emphasize the limited quantity created.

ACCEssORiEs & TExTilEs

VOYAgEuR Carsten GollniCk

QuAi lARgO Marie-aurore stiker-Metral


elizabeth teck NathaN YoNg


outdoor 207



FraNรงois azambourg


Dรถgg & arNveD DesigN stuDio


FiFty Dögg & arnveD Design stuDio

FiFty Dögg & arnveD Design stuDio

Fifty’s back was created with side panels by the headrest to inspire feelings of privacy while relaxing, reading, or even watching TV. Hundreds of meters of either black, brown, or grey cord are woven onto the black steel frame. An additional seat cushion is available for added comfort.

The inspiration for Fifty is taken from the Flag Halyard chair, the easy chair made from metal and rope that was created in 1950 in Denmark by Hans Wegner. The Fifty armchair is now also available as a dining chair in brown and black. A seat/lumbar cushion is available as an option.

Armchair H 44¼” W 29” D 34¾” SH 13½”

Dimensions H 30¾” W 22¾” D 24¾” SH 18”

elizabeth teck nathan Yong

elizabeth teck nathan Yong

Solid teak and fluid lines make the natural finished solid teak version of Elizabeth a versatile seating collection for both indoor and outdoor use. An organic and modern approach to the “bergère” armchair, Elizabeth is a timeless design that brings comfort and luxury outdoors.

By combining several cushions in mixed outdoor fabrics and/or colors, a cozy and intimate space can easily be created. The diverse shapes, sizes, and even coverings (if desired) of the cushions only serve to accentuate the charm of this sofa.

Dimensions H 32” W 28¼” D 36½” SH 15”

Dimensions H 32” W 49½” D 36½” SH 15”

H 81cm W 72cm D 93cm SH 38cm

pli Pascal mourgue Pli is a light and comfortable folding chair that can lay flat for easy transportation. The chair has a frame in steel and it is covered in Batyline – a UV-resistant, water-repellent material made of polyester fiber covered by a coating of PVC. Available in white or black. Dimensions H 32¼” W 19¾” D 20½” SH 19”

H 75cm W 58cm D 63cm SH 46cm

H 81cm W 126cm D 93cm SH 38cm

paSSio PhiliPPe nigro Passio’s inventive design was conceived for indoor living, but the choice of materials allows it to be enjoyed outdoors. Nigro’s signature themes of intersections and interlocking elements are apparent in its arms and back.

Sofa H 33” W 62¼” D 35½” SH 16¼” H 84cm W 158cm D 90cm SH 42cm

H 82cm W 50cm D 52cm SH 48cm

GrillaGe François azambourg Create an airy and relaxing outdoor setting with the Grillage collection. This dining chair is available in either black or white epoxy lacquer. Cushions are also available for the seats.

GrillaGe François azambourg The concept of its basic shape is very simple: a sheet of perforated metal is stretched to create a mesh, then folded, origami-style. An optional pad made of quilted fabric may be attached to the seat for added comfort. Loveseat is available in satin black or white epoxy.

Dimensions H 34” W 20” D 23½” SH 18¼”

Loveseat Sofa H 28¼” W 61” D 27½” SH 12¼” H 72cm W 155cm D 70cm SH 31cm

Serpentine ÉlÉonore nalet

petra c. DonDoli & m. Pocci

Quilted cushions were woven through a delicate steel tube structure to create a comfortable armchair that feels like sitting on a cloud. Finished with anti-rust and polyester powder layers. The cushions are foam filled and topped by Tempête, a water-repellent fabric. Structure offered in charcoal-grey.

Elegant stackable chair with seat in polyurethane and legs in aluminum that can be used indoors or outdoors. Available in black, white, beige, or light grey.

Dimensions H 29¼” W 30¾” D 22¾” SH 17½”

Dimensions H 32¾” W 16½” D 20¼” SH 18”

H 87cm W 51cm D 60cm SH 47cm


H 74cm W 78cm D 58cm SH 45cm

ÉlÉonore nalet

indoor & outdoor

H 83cm W 42cm D 52cm SH 46cm


H 113cm W 74cm D 88cm SH 34cm


reSille PhiliPPe nigro

reSille PhiliPPe nigro

clover pot kensaku oshiro

toitS de pariS alice rosignoli

Résille’s outdoor collection also comprises a dining chair with a steel wire base, curved and intersecting in the back, with a slim seat cushion in Bultex® foam.

The Résille armchair’s delicate beauty starts with its thin, stainless steel base. The foam seat cushion comes with an additional comfort layer, a water-repellent cloth liner and waterproof sealed seams.

Trefoil-shaped terracotta flower pot set atop a dish in gloss white enameled ceramic. Available in two sizes.

Inspired by the chimneys in Paris, Alice Rosignoli designed these terra cotta vases—cylinders that taper ever so slightly—to be displayed as a group, with a mix of the different heights and diameters.

Large Pot H 6½” W 12¼” L 13”

Small Pots H 11½” Ø 9½”/11¾”

Chair with Arms H 32¼” W 20¾” D 21¼” SH 19¼” H 82cm W 53cm D 54cm SH 49cm

Armchair H 31” W 25½” D 26½” SH 16½”

H 79cm W 65cm D 68cm SH 42cm

Small Pot H 5¾” W 10¼” L 11” H 15cm W 26cm L28cm

H 29cm Ø 24cm/30cm Large Pots H 19¼” Ø 9½”/11¾” H 49cm Ø 24cm/30cm

ezou tous les trois

Jean-baptiSte Jean-François D’or

maternity Jean-François D'or

muShroom nick rennie

Part of our outdoor collection. Set of two plant pots in argile lacquered fiberglass with brilliant finish and functional integrated second pot on the side. Designer's signature under every pot.

A playful lamp for both indoor and outdoor use, Mushroom has an ethereal lampshade in white rotational-molded, shot-blasted polyethylene. A rounded base in machined steel finishes the material contrast and thoughtful study of proportion.

Dimensions H 15¾” Ø 24”

Pot Base H 17¼” Ø 12½” H 44cm Ø 32cm

Large Pot H 19½" W 15¼" D 18¾" H 50cm W 39cm D 48cm Small Pot H 13" W 11¾" D 15¼" H 33cm W 30cm D 39cm

elizabeth nathan Yong

circleS maria Jeglinska

ariane out eDouarD larmarauD

SouS mon arbre Florian brillet

Crafted from solid teak wood like the other pieces in the collection, this coffee table completes the Nathan Yong-designed outdoor ensemble.

Outdoor pedestal table, made from a black lacquered steel base and an enameled thick glass surface.

This outdoor variation of the lamp Ariane, allows for a custom arrangement of light points because the wire can be hooked onto a branch, put on the floor, or even on a table. Not available in the Americas.

Outdoor lamp with an organic shape that resembles a large flower that becomes a source of light at night. Its metal stand is treated for outdoor conditions and allows the lamp to rest freely on its stand or be hooked to a tree branch.

Dimensions H 14½” W 43¼” D 22”

Large Table H 29” Ø 25¼” H 74cm Ø 64cm

H 23cm Ø 19cm

H 41cm Ø 25cm

Soixante 3 thomas roDriguez

Giardinetto michael koenig

lun-r aïssa logerot

Globe outdoor

Faithful to the spirit of the occasional table proposed last year, Soixante 3 is an elegant pot for outdoor or indoor use, made out of semi-stoneware and very resistant to temperature variations. 63 refers to the degrees of the angle of the base of the pot.

Portable pot covers in galvanized sheet steel finished in our exclusive anthracite lacquer. Available in three sizes.

Waterproof lamp, Lun-R can be used indoors or outdoors. The 3 legs are adjustable in order to vary the inclination of the lamp. Not available in the Americas.

Globe Outdoor is a lamp of very pure design meant to bring supplemental light points to a room or garden. Arranged, for example, around a terrace or a table outside, they can create a warm and pleasant atmosphere. Available in white polyethylene with a black cord.

Dimensions H 12¼” Ø 14¼”

Dimensions H 15¾” Ø 21¾”

H 40cm Ø 61cm

H 37cm W 110cm D 56cm

Dimensions H 15¾” Ø 15¾” H 40cm Ø 40cm

Portable Light H 9” Ø 7½”

Mini Square H 9½” W 6¼” D 6¼”

H 24cm W 16cm D 16cm Large Square H 21¾” W 17” D 17” H 55cm W 43cm D 43cm Large Rectangle H 21¾” W 30” D 17” H 55cm W 76cm D 43cm

H 31cm Ø 36cm

Dimensions H 17” Ø 11½” H 43cm Ø 29cm

Portable Light H 16¼” Ø 9¾”

H 40cm Ø 55cm

lonG pot inga semPÉ

lonG pot inga semPÉ



Flower pot in the shape of a bathtub made of gloss white-, argile-, or pale blue-enameled sandstone. This pot is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use as it is frost-resistant.

Flower pot in the shape of a bathtub made of gloss white enameled sandstone. This pot is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use as it is frost-resistant.

Exclusive product from floor covering pioneer Bolon, Tissé, a rug available in coffee-grey, granite, black, or beige, combines the appearance and feel of fabric with all the advantages of vinyl. Bolon floor coverings are durable, easy to clean, and stylishly relevant.

Dimensions H 7” W 5½” L 31”

Dimensions H 7” W 5½” L 31”

Dimensions W 78¾” L 98”; W 200cm L 250cm

This rug can be used inside or outside. It is made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), an extremely resistant barrier material, and polyester. The PET comes from recycled water bottles and does not contain any phthalates. Available in chestnut, grey, slate blue, green, and argile.

H 18cm W 14cm L 79cm

indoor & outdoor

This posthumous tribute takes the form of an extremely versatile outside stool. It has been designed so that it may receive either a tray on which to place vases or a pot with a pierced center to allow water drainage.

H 18cm W 14cm L 79cm

Custom sizes, width is fixed at 78 ¾"; 200 cm

Dimensions W 78¾” L 98½”; W 200cm L 250cm

Custom sizes max. dim.: 98½" x 118”; 250cm x 300cm


Round occasional table made of matte black lacquered steel. This table is suitable for indoor and outdoor use due to its anti-corrosion treated, rustproof lacquer and UV-proof polyester lacquer.

H 16cm W 31cm L 33cm


upholstery fabrIcs, leather, and good advIce. we wIll be happy to assIst you. practical tips on the use and durability of the upholstery. This is especially important if you have children or pets, or if you are dealing with special lighting conditions and habitual use. Remember that Ligne Roset favors a pleasantly soft finish with a slight sheen for its upholstery. That is why the upholstery on many of our pieces is rather loose and not meant to fit tightly. The resulting folds that form, which may be more or less pronounced depending on the model, are intentional and make up the personality of the furniture. We recommend following the care instructions included with each model to ensure years of enjoyment from your Ligne Roset upholstery, . Each product contains further details and tips on the upholstery, its care, spot removal and cleaning.

lIve accordIng to your taste. lIgne roset wIll Indulge It – whatever It takes! It Is our ongoIng mIssIon to complIment our ImpressIve collectIon wIth comprehensIve servIce, goIng beyond what It takes to satIsfy you.


expert advIce

At Ligne Roset, innovation is a tradition. As a pioneer and critical observer of social change, Ligne Roset always takes the path less traveled, choosing creations from renowned designers and young, talented individuals from across the globe. Whether consciously avant-garde or elegant by inclination, our designers’ models often remain current for decades – their beauty is virtually timeless.

Highly qualified décor consultants will help you design your rooms and find the best solutions for your tastes and requirements, drawing upon a wealth of upholstered furniture, tables, chairs, chests, beds, wardrobes, lighting and accessories.

the experIence of a brandname manufacturer For Ligne Roset, contemporary design means quality, technical innovation and durability. We put knowledge garnered over 150 years of tradition into every product. Since 1860, Ligne Roset has been headquartered in the heart of France. Most Ligne Roset furniture is still produced there using state-of-the-art production processes. And yet there is one thing we cannot replace, nor would we want to: craftsmanship. That is what gives every piece of furniture from Ligne Roset its individuality. And not just in the design.

InternatIonal sales network With more than 200 exclusive Ligne Roset stores and 750 commercial partners across 70 countries, Ligne Roset offers the expertise of dedicated dealers across the globe. The showrooms, created by talented interior designers, will spark ideas for your living space.

end-to-end servIce Your Ligne Roset store will deliver, assemble and adjust your furniture, dispose of the packaging, and provide you with information about the necessary care. Please follow the product information included with upholstery or storage furniture. Your Ligne Roset dealer will be happy to advise you even after your purchase is made. Regardless of whether you want to clean the fabric of your Ligne Roset upholstery or re-upholster, add a part even after several years, or need a replacement part, you can always count on Ligne Roset – in many countries all over the world.

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infos & sevices

Make your innermost wishes into reality. Ligne Roset offers you a wide selection of upholstery for designing your living space according to your individual tastes and needs. We have more than 500 options with different varieties of fabric blends, colors and features; whether it is appearance, style, durability, or a specific kind of care you are looking for. Ligne Roset can provide it for you. Flat-weave cottons, jacquards, velours, wool fabrics and microfibers in a rainbow of shades, both understated and colorful, are all carefully selected, tested and finished by Ligne Roset. Our high-quality leathers from European tanneries are not to be overlooked. When choosing the right upholstery for your new furniture, why not consult with our knowledgeable sales staff for advice? They will see to it that your investment brings you pleasure for many years and will provide


AwArds Prado, Design Christian Werner, pages 18-19, 47: • German Design Award - Gold 2015 Nubo. By GamFratesi, pages 113, 116, 177 : • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2014 : “Winner” Litho, Design Thibault Desombre, page 175: • German Design Award – Special Mention 2014 Fifty, by Dögg & Arnved Design Studio, pages 10–11, 17, 116: • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2013, “Winner” Grillage, by François Azambourg, pages 13, 18, 117: • WALLPAPER-Label: “Best Use of Material 2012” Cuts, by Philippe Nigro, page 45: • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2012: “Best of the Best”

Ploum, by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, pages 74–75, 97: • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2011, “Best of the Best” • iF Product Design Award 2012 • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2012: “Best of the Best” • Good Design 2011 • ELLE DECORATION International Design Award 2012 • L’Observeur du Design 2012 • VIA Label 2011 • Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2013, Nominee

Ruché, by Inga Sempé, pages 80–81, 97: • Good Design 2010 • ELLE DECORATION International Design Award 2011 • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2010, “Winner” • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2010: “Best Detail” category

Confluences, by Philippe Nigro, pages 84–85, 99: • iF Product Design Award 2010 – Furniture/Home Textiles category • Good Design 2009 • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2009, “Best of the best” • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2009 – “Best Item” category • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2009 – “Best System” category • VIA Label 2009 • Young & Design 2009 Pumpkin, by Pierre Paulin, pages 83, 98, 118: • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2008, “Winner” • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2008 – “Classic Innovation” category

Moël, by Inga Sempé, pages 113, 119: • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2007, “Best of the Best” • Grand Designs Award 2007 – “Best Furniture Design” category Facett, by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, pages 76–77, 97, 117: • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2005, “Best of the Best” • Interior Innovation Award Cologne 2005, “Best Item” • iF Product Design Award 2006 • VIA Label 2005 • Wallpaper* Design Award 2005 • ICFF Editors Awards 2005 Smala, by Pascal Mourgue, pages 98, 100: • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2001, “Winner” • iF Product Design Award 2001 • VIA Label 2000 • L’Observeur du Design 2001 The following products were also awarded the VIA Label: Cuts occasional table (2013), Serpentine armchair (2012), Résille table (2012), Giro stool and Stripes and Arnaud lamps (2011)

INDEX A Abbesse, 203 > Adamas, 185 > Airvase, 200 > Alburni,

128 > Alfred, 113 > Along, 203 > Alster, 121 [occasional tables], 149 [chairs], 155 [chairs] > Allungabile, 140 > Amis de Jean, 185 > Amy, 64 > Anda, 65 > Andy, 12-13 [sofas], 42 [sofas], 63 [armchairs] > Anna 162-163, 168, 169 > Antigone, 120 > Anytime, 123 > Archi, 59, 66 > Arctique, 205 > Ariane Out, 213 > Aroun, 191 > Ashera, 119 > Asira, 200 > Assa, 153 > Ava, 137, 138 > Awabi, 190

B Balancoire, 112 > Balto, 191 > Baroque, 185 > Beau Fixe,

35, 42 [sofas], 66 [armchairs] > Belem, 49 > Belize, 114 > Bianco, 138 > Bikaner, 199 > Biplan, 113> Biscuit, 115 > Black Forest, 128 > Blue Expresso, 205 > Bloom, 183 > Bob, 123> Bobine, 124 > Bonbonne, 189 > Book&Look, 86-87, 88-89, 90-91 [storage furniture], 109 [TV Units], 121 [occasional tables], 144 [sideboards] > Botanica, 199 > Bow, 185 > Brooklyn, 121 > Brunch, 120 > Bul, 187


Cadence, 122> Calanque, 129 > Calin 49 [sofas], 5657, 66 [armchairs], 154 [chairs] > Camel, 205 > Capiton, 111, 115 > Car Light, 193 > Carra, 202 > Carrousel, 189> Caviale, 198 > Craft 2, 140 > Cent Pour Cent, 205 > Cemia, 107, 109 > Chabraque, 198 > Chantal, 191 > Chanterelle, 126 > Charmotte, 203 > Chino, 121 > Chiné, 196 > Cil, 188 > Cineline, 108 [tv units], 135, 140 [dining tables] > Circa/Circo, 155 > Circles, 124 [occasional tables], 212 [outdoor] > Cityloft, 45 > Clara, 110, 112 > Clouds, 115 > Clover Pot, 213 > Clothes Boxes, 203 > CM 191, 118, 119 > Confluences, 24, 44 > Coussin Tresse, 204 > Constellation, 204 > Container By, 191> Corner’s Place, 127 > Cosse, 38, 47 > Couliss, 126 > Créneau, 182 > Cube, 198 > Curule, 151 > Cuts, 94 [storage furniture], 119 [occasional tables] > Cutting, 201

D Daria, 133, 141 > Daybed, 10-11, 42 > Dedicato, 82-83,

84-85 [storage furniture], 108 [tv units], 145 [sideboards] > Deanery, 193 > Dérive, 67 > Desa, 193 > Diamant, 125 > Dimanche 29/08, 203 > Dimensions, 187 > Dino, 106-108, 145 [sideboards] > Do Not Disturb, 54, 55 > Doc, 127 > Dolce Lana, 205 > Dolmen & Dolmen Bebe, 191 > Dualist, 121

crEdits Editor

Roset USA Corporation 111 Broadway, Suite 1004 New York, NY 10006 1-800-BY-ROSET

E Eaton, 134, 139 > Eclosion, 185 > Electro, 205 > Eliza-

FEAturE storY Anne Bony

tEcHnicAl tExts

Renato Delle Side, Jennifer Krichels, Ariela Fermin, Pierre Le Gurun

ExEcutivE vicE PrEsidEnt


Art dirEction

PHotoGrAPHY, Art dirEction

Antoine Roset

Agence Francesca Avossa

PublicAtion dirEctor

Sabine Böhm Assisted by: Sina Mitternacht

PublicAtion suPErvisor Renato Delle Side dEsiGn, Art dirEction & GrAPHics Minsk Studio Fahd El Jaoudi, Julie Dubos

Rossion Inc., Ariela Fermin, Pierre Le Gurun

Damien Marcos


Jean-Pierre Lemoine Assisted by: Philippe Fillod, Gino Pécora

PHoto locAtions Inezz Productions

Production And rEtoucHinG Nicolas Bianchin

Production, tYPEsEttinG

Swissdigitall SarL, Blonay, Switzerland


Calitho SA, Biel, Switzerland


Druckhaus Kaufmann, Lahr, Germany This document is not contractual. Descriptions given were correct at press time. Roset USA Corporation and Roset S.A. reserve the right to modify the information and products in this catalog at any time without prior notice. Copyright is the property of Roset S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The design of all furniture, fabrics and items shown in this catalog are the exclusive property of Roset S.A. and may not be reproduced without written consent. © Roset S.A.

beth, 123, 212 [outdoor] > Elizabeth Teck, 45 [sofas], 206-207 [outdoor], 211 > Elsa, 150 > Elysée, 45 [sofas], 64 [armchairs], 124[occasional tables] > Endless, 115 > Entrelacs, 196 > Epof, 202 > Eplaff, 202> Estampe, 92-93[storage furniture], 109 [tv units], 122 [occasional tables], 145 [sideboards], 170 [beds & wardrobes] > Et Cetera, 78-79, 80-81, 144 [sideboards] > Everywhere, 98-99 [storage furniture], 100-101, 102-103, 108 [tv units], 145 [sideboards], 171 [beds and wardrobes], 178 [home office] > Evlan, 202 > Exclusif, 26-27, 48 > Exclusif 2, 25, 48 > Ezou, 127 [occasional tables], 212 [outdoor]


Facett, 37, 43 [sofas] 65 [armchairs], 150 [chairs] > Fancy Chic, 116-117, 120 > Fantomes, 201 > Felt 2, 66 [armchairs], 153 [chairs] > Felt And Color, 197 > Feng, 30-31, 46 > Fifty, 64 [armchairs], 152 [chairs], 209, 211 [outdoor] > Fil, 64 [armchairs], 150 [chairs] > Fields, 196> Finn, 155 > Flax, 61, 64 > Floyd, 190 > Fold, 128 > Folk, 153 > Foret Noire, 128 > Fraga, 122 [occasional tables], 202 [rugs & accessories] > Fragment, 198 > Frames, 114 > French Line, 63 [armchairs], 152 [chairs] > Frost, 139

G  Gavrinis, 196 > Giardinetto, 212 > Glacon, 123 > Garry,

123 > Globe Indoor, 193 > Globe Outdoor, 193 [lighting], 213 [outdoor] > Good Morning, 129 > Grande Lunatique, 126 [occasional tables], 141 [dining tables] > Grany, 112 > Grillage, 64 [armchairs] 208, 211 [outdoor] > Guggen, 153


Harry, 44 [sofas], 67 [armchairs] > Hellobye, 113 [entry], 123 [occasional tables] > Hex Hex, 197 > Hide&Seek, 170 > Hourglass, 112 > Hudson, 64 > Hyannis Port, 105 [storage furniture], 144 [sideboards], 177 [home office]

I Ike, 151 > Interstice, 122 > Ingrid, 197 > Iole, 193 > Iso, 119

[occasional tables], 150 [chairs] > Itisy, 125 [occasional tables], 140 [dining tables]

J Jean-Baptiste, 212 > Jo, 200 > Judd Patterson, 129 > Jessy, 205

K Karlos, 200 > Kaziu, 128 > Kermès, 113 > Kiji, 128, Koya,

172-173, 176 > Kuf, 126


La Ballerine, 115 > La Bibliotheque Fil, 68-69 > Lady Carlotta, 119 [occasional tables], 139 [dining tables]> La Plic, 190 > La Simplex, 191 > Lace, 151 > La Secretaire Mural, 174, 175 > Les Oiseaux, 201 > Lis, 204 > Linden, 129 > Lines, 96, 144 [sideboards] > Litho, 175 > Loid, 114 > Long Island, 154 > Long Pot, 212 > Louis 5D, 191 > Love Me, 124 > Lovey, 127 > Luca Soft, 65 [armchairs], 155 [chairs] > Lucie, 182 > Lumeo, 164, 169, 170, 171 > Lumiere Noire, 186, 187 > Luna Rosa, 189 > Lunatique, 126 > Lundi 22/02, 201 > Lun-R, 213 > Lupo, 125


Madrague, 63 > Magnet Lamp, 192, 193 > Majordome, 128 > Malang, 119 > Mama, 183 > Marcella, 155 > Marcello, 155 > Marguerite, 197 > Mateodesk, 179 > Maternity, 213 > MCD, 28-29, 42, 66 [armchairs] > Menhir, 197 > Metropole, 197 > Midtown, 46 > Mil, 204 > Minikin, 193 > Mirrko, 115 > Mixte, 72-73, 74-75 [storage furniture], 109 [tv units], 142-143, 144 [sideboards], 171 [beds & wardrobes] > Mix & Match, 197 > Modified, 112 > Moël, 47 [sofas], 66 [armchairs] > Mon Beau Miroir, 115 > Motus, 154 > Multi Lines, 197 > Multy, 52-53, 55 > Mushroom, 191 [rugs & accessories], 213 [outdoor]

N Nador, 166-167, 169 > Narciso, 114 > Naja, 185 > Nelly,

190 > Neo, 67 > News Table, 127 > Night, 188, 190 > Nils, 34, 48[sofas], 67[armchairs] > Nolly, 119 > Noamde 2, 32-33, 49 > Nomade Express, 50-51, 55 > Nubo, 114 [entry], 176177[home office]

Pied de Coq, 204 > Pisa, 127 > Pli, 211 > Pleine Lune, 201 > Ploum, 16-17, 43 > Pockman, 203 > Pointille, 204 > Polygon, 200 > Pom’s, 176-177 > Pont, 121 > Ponton, 120 > Poppy Patterson, 119 > Prado, 18-19, 47 > Pression, 200 > Psi, 153 > Pumpkin, 36, 44 [sofas], 66 [armchairs]

Q Quai Largo, 204 R Ram, 203 > Raye, 204 > Résille, 212 > Rewrite, 175 > Rift, 151 > Rite, 112 > Rive Droite, 49, 67 > Riziere, 196 > Robin, 199 > Rocher, 126 [occasional tables], 150 [chairs] > Rope, 199, 203 [rugs & accessories], 213 [outdoor] > Roseau, 201 > Rosis, 122 > Rotor, 123 > Ruban, 127 > Ruché, 22-23, 43 [sofas], 62, 63 [armchairs], 160-161, 168, 169 [beds & wardrobes] > Rythme, 121 > Rythmus, 199


Sacha, 189 > Saint-James, 152 > Saisons, 198 > Sala, 150 > Saldo, 121, 127 > Salma, 202 > Samourai, 200 > Sarment, 196 > Satori, 136, 138 > Serpentine, 189 [lighting], 210, 211 [outdoor] > Side Table, 128 > Silicate, 202 > Silk Plush, 198 > Slim, 154 > Smala, 39, 45 > So, 154 > Soft et Doex, 199 > Soft Mag, 125 > Soft Tile, 196 > Softissimo, 198 > Soixante 3, 129 [occasional tables], 212 [outdoor] > Solo, 196 > Solveig, 182 > Sous Mon Abre, 189 [lighting], 213 [outdoor] > Shadow, 205 > Space, 70-71, 123 > Spilla, 187 > Spuma, 205 > Square, 188 > Stack, 200 > Strates, 120 > Stresa, 152 > Stricto Sensu, 48 > Stripes, 189 > Stump, 125

T Tanis, 178 > Tarmac, 76-77 [storage furniture], 158-159,

170 [beds & wardrobes] > Tavoletto, 127 > Teatime, 119 > Teo Meeting, 179 > Teoffice, 179 > Tessa, 152 > Thot, 124 > Tilt, 202 > Tisse, 199 [rugs & accessories], 213 [outdoors] > Toa, 58, 65 > Togo, 20-21, 44 > Togo & Mini Togo, 67 > Tolbiac, 104 > Tonalités, 204 > Travel Studio, 165, 169 > Trepied, 182 > Trompe L’oeil, 114 > TV, 148, 154 > Tweet, 113 [entry], 128 [occasional tables]

U Unir, 129 > Upside-Down, 200 > Urbani, 46 > Ursuline, 178 > Uzume 169

V Vakka, 201 > Vanity Shelf, 114 > Vestis, 171 > Vide

Poche, 113 > Vik, 146-147, 151, 152 > Vik 2, 152 > Villa Rose, 179 > Villa Rose 2, 63 [armchairs], 152 [chairs] > Vilna, 132, 141 > Vinita, 63 > Viscosa, 199 > Voltige, 46 [sofas], 60, 63 [armchairs] > Voyageur, 204

W  Wall Figure, 115 [entry], 176 [home office] > Warp, 127

O Oan, 200 > O-Ba, 120 > Octopuss, 190 > Oda, 124, Y  Yaki, 126 > Yubu, 115 129 > Odessa, 130-131, 138, 139 > Offrande, 125 > O-i-x, Z Zellige, 205 129 > Oka, 97 > Okura, 14-15, 43 [sofas], 65 [armchairs]> Olive, 191 > Ollie, 202 > Omage, 190 > On The Rock, 128 > @ @Chair, 65 One Shape, 126 > Oponce, 114 > Origami, 201 > Ottoman, 40-41, 47 [sofas], 65 [armchairs] > Oushak, 197 > Ouver0 041, 193 ture, 182 P Palette, 123 > Pam, 151 > Pan Pan, 201 > Paola, 153 > 1 10 Vagues, 125 Paper Lamp, 180-181 [lighting], 190 > Parachute, 184, 190 2 2D, 201 > 20 Hangers, 112 > Parade, 203 > Paraffin, 203 > Paranoid 2, 188 > Parigi, 125 > Pascal Mourgue, 183 > Passe-Passe, 112 > Passio, 211 > 3 3+1, 121 > 360 Degrés, 121 Paysages, 202 > Pebble, 124 > Persienne, 95 > Peter Maly 2, 156-157, 168 > Petra, 153 [chairs], 211 [outdoor] > Petro, 151 > Petrus, 151 > Peye, 187 > Pharaoh, 189 > Phobos, 126 > Piani, 122 > Piazza, 141 > Pied De Coq, 194-195, 198 >

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