WELCOME TO ALPHABET SOUP. We had so much fun making this zine! Enclosed are some cool activities including: queer mad libs, a maze, a word search, and even a cover doubling as a coloring page. Being queer often means living in a world that refuses to conceptualize, understand, or enjoy us, so we might as well do that for each other. Many of us grew up not really seeing ourselves represented in childhood games. Geez, if only I had known marrying a girl could be an option in MASH! Or that a cootie catcher could foretell a gay future for me?! This zine is a return to and celebration of the carefree, silly joy of those games, but this time with a distinctly queer twist. We hope you enjoy!
MY FIRST QUEER HAIRCUT! Today I got my first queer haircut. After ________ failed (number)
attempts of trying to tell stylists that I needed a _________ (gender)
haircut, I finally decided to let a _____________ friend (adjective)
hack at the _________-like mass of hair that was growing (plant)
from my head. When they pulled out their scissors, I felt a little ___________. Then, my friend started __________ (feeling)
(verb with -ing)
away, _____________ cutting more and more hair off my (adverb with -ly)
head. As my friend worked, we talked about all things queer: our mutual hatred of ____________, our mutual (TV show)
love of ___________ and, of course, the ________ agenda. (celebrity)
When the haircut finally ended, my head felt more ______________. For the first time since the start of the (adjective)
cut, I caught a look in the mirror and ____________, did I (exclamation)
look _________________. (adjective)
*bonus points for new words!* feel free to circle creatively :)
Last week, I met a new friend. We hit it off immediately, and went to grab some ______________. While we were (food)
talking, we discovered our shared love for ____________. (hobby/activity)
We talked for ______________. Ultimately, we found our (length of time)
way to a ____________ place and were there for 6 hours (dessert)
planning our future raising ____________ on a commune (animal - plural)
with our closest friends. I think we’re planning to grow ______________ as well. Next week, we’re moving into (vegetable - plural)
a(n) ______________ together. (housing place)
SEX ED Today is my __________________sex education class. The (school grade above 5th)
instructor was known to be ___________, so I was feeling (adjective)
________from the start. As I sat down next to my _______ (feeling)
friend, __________, Ms. _________ __________addressed (name)
the class. “Alright students, today we will be discussing the ________s and the ________s.” She pulled out a (animal)
_________________ and a ________ condom. “First thing (long food)
you gotta know is how to wrap a ________.” She wrapped (meat)
her arms around the thing and pulled the condom over with both of her ________s. The condom exploded all over (body part)
my ___________. And from that day on, I was __________. (body part)
SO, WHAT ARE WE? Today, I met someone on ________________. It said (app)
their name was _________________, and their profile (one-syllable noun)
definitely caught my eye because of the _______________ (adjective)
__________________ in the background of one of the (animal)
photos. They made the first move, texting me, “Hey ________________” and I was instantly charmed. I (sweet food)
wasn’t sure if they were flirting though, because they kept calling me “___________________” and sending (noun)
me _____________ emojis… I kept thinking they were (type of emoji)
just being ________________. After we texted for (attitude)
what felt like ________________ they asked me for my (length of time)
__________________, and I was kind of _______________! (noun)
We stopped texting a little while back though, because I just couldn’t figure out if we were ____________ or not… (relationship status)
QUEER PARTY Last year, I went to my first queer party. My friend _________________ invited me along with them. On a (household object)
__________ night, we arrived. The outside of the building (temperature)
was ____________, but _____________, was the inside (adjective)
_____________! The room was filled with dreamy lights (adjective)
and there must have been at least ________ queer cuties. (number)
I felt so ____________, how had I not been to a queer (feeling)
party before? ____________ brought me a ___________ (same object as first blank)
just as my favorite song by ____________ started (musician)
blasting. I __________ out to the dancefloor. Then, across (verb - past tense)
the dancefloor, I spotted a hottie with a ___________ (color)
___________ and a cool _____________ piercing. They (hair style)
(body part)
walked right up to me and said, “hi, I’m _____________.” (name)
I nearly died on the spot. We danced for what felt like _________ hours, they gave me their number, and when I (number)
went home that night, I couldn’t stop thinking about them!
Crossword Puzzle CROSSWORD 1
2 3
5 6
ck with a 2. facecard blackjack ed to cookwear?
3. a computer
with a face
Across: card1. What two guys in a hot tub are not 4. the L word
attracted to cookware?
5. unlike a computer
6. peculiar 7. cuffed jeans
ACROSS: 1. what 2 guys in a hot tub are NOT 4. the L word 6. peculiar 7. cuffed jeans
Hello everyone and welcome to our gender reveal party! We know you’re wondering if our baby will be a _________ (sport)
or ______________. Well, we’ve been waiting for the (clothing item)
day when we could finally share the details of our baby’s _________________ with our __________ closest friends, (body part)
but we thought it would be fun to throw in a twist. In this room there is a hidden ___________. If it is _________, the (item)
baby is a ___________________ and if it’s _________ the (mythical creature)
(other color)
baby is a ____________. Happy hunting folks! (food)