MBA Connect

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MBACONNECT Lord Ashcroft International Business School Magazine | issue 12


A very warm welcome to you all. I can’t believe this is already the 12th issue of MBA Connect, the newsletter just for MBA alumni. How time flies!


In the last welcome, Dave Abbott talked about how busy the previous few months had been, with graduations and our telephone fundraising. Usually the early part of each year is slightly less hectic, but the first six months of 2013 are shaping up to be busier than ever.


Time to test those skills: Introducing new HR practices in the workplace


Research Project – Restoring Spiritual Values to European Science: The New Renaissance?


Start-ups share Enterprise Fellowship cash


Oral Evidence to House of Lords Select Committee on SME Exports


Cambridge business snaps up industry award


Masters student coauthors HRM book with academic


New book by LAIBS’ academic overturns many of the accepted premises that underpinned policies that contributed to the financial collapse of 2007–8


Plotting Essex’s route out of recession


Annual MBA Network dinner


Agency and Structure, Research and Real Life

You will recently have received the winter 2012/13 issue of Aspects, either by post or electronically, so you will have seen that 2013 is our ‘coming of age’ as it is 21 years since we gained university status in 1992. To mark the occasion we are inviting our alumni back onto campus for free events to help us celebrate. You can go to either campus – or both if you wish to! Both events are on Saturdays, so you can bring along friends and family as well. The dates are: Cambridge – 11th May & Chelmsford – 15th June We are delighted that our Chancellor, Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC, will be speaking at the Chelmsford event and television presenter Nick Crane will give an entertaining talk at Cambridge. To book your place, please go to for Cambridge and for Chelmsford. We have now opened for bookings for this year’s MBA dinner, which will again be in London at the Royal Over-Seas League. It’s on Wednesday 10th July and you can find all the details in an article later in the newsletter. I hope many of you will come along as it is always a great evening. Our speaker this year is Stephen Skelton, one of our alumni, an Honorary Award Holder and a wine expert of international repute. You can book your place by going to and there is a discount for early booking. The Lord Ashcroft International Business School puts on a number of interesting free lectures over the year and rather than sending out invites to these – we are trying not to swamp your email in-box! – we are now publicising them on our Alumni Facebook page. So please check regularly as there might be something you’d like to attend. And don’t forget to sign up to your MBA LinkedIn page too. That’s all for now, but if you’re in touch with any MBA graduates who are not receiving communications from us please pass this e-newsletter on and ask them to get in touch with their contact details. I hope to see many of you at the dinner, so until next time, have a good couple of months. Best wishes

Sue Jacobs Head of Development & Alumni Relations

Time to test those skills: Introducing new HR practices in the workplace themselves. In fact, the line managers have already identify development needs for new employees when conducting probation period interviews and discuss their development needs and therefore already have this skill.

When I successfully completed all my exams and assignments and finally found a job in a small company where I could put into practice the skills and knowledge gained at university, it was the time to test those skills. I found working in a small start- up company very challenging at times, but it also offers a great opportunity to introduce new HR practices which can both raise the profile of HR within the company and motivate the employees.

I would like to identify two to three development needs/ opportunities for each employee every six months and these would be reviewed with the line managers at the end of each period. I plan to set up PDP files for each employee and then make them responsible for recording their development and also identifying their own development needs if necessary. These records will allow each employee to see their own development and keep it in mind. I know that if this is done just once a year by a manager or HR person, very often the employees do not see the importance of PDP’s and do not realise that it offers a perfect opportunity to develop themselves and show that they are interested in improving their career prospects and becoming more knowledgeable. I believe that introduction of PDP’s in our company will help the employees become more effective, motivated and at the same time show the real value of having an HR person in the company.

After the successful introduction of return to work interviews, which has helped the company to monitor absenteeism in a fair and consistent way, I am now planning to introduce Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all of the employees in our office. Being a small company with no financial resources for training and development of the employees, I feel that the introduction of PDP’s could be an affordable way of improving employee’s skills and knowledge. Despite the fact that the company does not have any training budget, it has a number of very experienced professionals with many years of experience. My plan is to introduce PDP programme where these experienced people could pass their knowledge onto junior members of staff. Identifying development needs and opportunities with line managers could help us to ensure that our staff remain motivated and continuously develop

Norbert Macko (MA HRM student, LAIBS Cambridge)

Research Project – Restoring Spiritual Values to European Science: The New Renaissance? The way Europe does science is changing. Today’s society faces many global ‘grand challenges’ that can only be met by evidence-based scientific research coupled with acceptance by society at large. The European Commission’s senior advisory board on the European Research Area has already recognised that for the European Union to meet these challenges effectively requires “fundamental change in the way we think, work and research – indeed, a change as great as any in our history”. It called this change a “new Renaissance”, deliberately invoking the memory of a comparable revolution in thought, society and science.

the European social and political environment, primarily by: (i) examining documentation for examples of spiritual values driving EU policy, and (ii) providing both practitioners and policy-makers of European science with a self-assessment framework (via surveys, interviews and workshops) to encourage them to evaluate which values influence their research decisions. By reasserting an emphasis on personal humility in this way, it should be possible to detect whether spiritual values still have the potential to contribute to the construction of a ‘common vision’ for European science long called for by European officials.

Although this is all very laudable, it is not at all clear if this new European “Renaissance” builds upon any spiritual basis, which takes account of stimuli other than financial and political profit for contributing to Europe’s knowledge economy. This is in marked contrast to the spiritual drive of the EU’s visionaries and founders, and even more different from the ideals of the first Renaissance, which firmly rooted scientific discovery in a strong spiritual context.

For further details on the project, which is being led by Dr Diana Beech at the Faraday Institute, University of Cambridge, please contact Dr Jonathan Smith in LAIBS at Cambridge ( To participate in its surveys, please visit the project’s website: You can also keep up-to-date with relevant news and information, by following us on Twitter @EUScienceValues or ‘liking’ us on Facebook:

This research project seeks, therefore, to explore whether spiritual thought can still progress along with other aspects of


Start-ups share Enterprise Fellowship cash Four Cambridgeshire businesses awarded £37,500 in Anglia Ruskin competition

Steve Marsh

Joshua Wies

Goncalo de Vasconcelos

Caroline Oriokot

Yutaro Kojima

Four fledgling Cambridgeshire businesses have been awarded CEDAR Enterprise Fellowships – and £37,500 in financial support – after impressing the judges of this year’s competition.

develops. With her excellent contacts in the travel industry both in the UK and in Africa there is every chance she could make it work.”

Run by the Centre for Enterprise Development and Research (CEDAR), which is based in the Lord Ashcroft International Business School at Anglia Ruskin University, the CEDAR Enterprise Fellowship Scheme is open to anyone in Cambridgeshire with a great business idea.

In addition to financial backing, the quartet will receive mentoring support; entry to the CEDAR Enterprise Fellowship network; specialist training and development support; access to Anglia Ruskin’s StartupLab; academic and business advice from the CEDAR team; and legal support.

Through funding provided by private benefactors, the four CEDAR Enterprise Fellowships were awarded to Steve Marsh for Collide, a mobile application which helps bring nearby people together; Joshua Wies for Walkasins, a medical aid to help prevent falls in the elderly; Goncalo de Vasconcelos and Yutaro Kojima for Syndicate Room, a secure online place to invest in businesses and Caroline Oriokot for African Connexions Ltd, a travel company with a focus on Africa.

Goncalo de Vasconcelos said: “The knowledge and experience, as well as the ideas and honest feedback, we received from our mentors, Walter Herriot and Ben Mumby-Croft, was not only vital in helping us win the Enterprise Fellowship Scheme but will be invaluable in further developing and improving the business strategy for Syndicate Room. “We aim to launch Syndicate Room in the second quarter of 2013 and, all in all, winning the competition was a great way for us to end the year.”

Professor Lester Lloyd-Reason, Director of CEDAR and Chair of the judges, said: “We received a number of high-quality applications this year and it is very exciting to be able to award prizes to four completely different business ideas.

Steve Marsh said: “The funding CEDAR has given to Collide will allow us to carry out the necessary marketing needed to give us a major presence and gain a critical mass of users, which is essential for our business.

“Steve Marsh’s Collide could actually be used in a number of different ways. He developed this technology himself and now has a good team around him to help transform it into a business. Joshua Wies has exclusive European distribution rights for the Walkasins product and with his great connections in the physiotherapy and osteopathy sectors, we have high hopes for this.

“In 2013 we hope to gain 10,000 Collide users in the Cambridge area as well as initial roll-outs to the rest of the UK. We have already released the Collide app for both iPhone and Android, and believe we already have a really great product, which can be downloaded from This funding will help make the vision a reality and will allow us to continue providing our service for free!”

“In stealth mode until April 2013, Yutaro and Gonçalo’s Syndicate Room will offer a sophisticated solution for Business Angels to invest in startups based on crowd funding technology. The pair are very impressive individuals and have developed this terrific idea which should help countless other businesses for years to come.”

Joshua Wies commented: “Winning the CEDAR Enterprise Fellowship Scheme will give Advanced Balance Systems a huge kickstart towards our 2013 product launch of Walkasins. Aside from the financial support, the business mentoring from Professor Roger Mumby-Croft and the prestige of being an Enterprise Fellow will allow me to accelerate my company’s growth in the UK and Europe.

“Caroline is initially targeting Uganda as a business and tourist destination for her company African Connexions Ltd, and is hoping to expand to other African countries as the business


mentor at the first meeting and his on-going guidance and support are invaluable.”

“I expect to have Walkasins balance technology available through select private physiotherapy practices in the coming months and to have a large clinical trial for people with balance problems up and running by the end of next year. The support from CEDAR has certainly helped to make this possible.”

Syndicate Room was awarded £16,500, while Collide and Walkasins were each awarded £10,000 and African Connexions Ltd, received £1,000. In addition to Professor Lloyd-Reason, other members of the judging panel included Walter Herriot, Peter Taylor, Mark Layton, Julie Horne, Professor Roger Jeynes and Professor Roger Mumby-Croft.

Caroline Oriokot said, “The grant from CEDAR helped me pay for part of my start-up costs such as licence fees and website design. “The networking meetings are brilliant for catching up with fellow entrepreneurs and CEDAR staff. I linked up with a

Oral Evidence to House of Lords Select Committee on SME Exports Prof Lester Lloyd-Reason on his day at ‘The Lords’

1. All too often we hear that what is needed to help international SMEs to grow their exports is financial assistance. But it is not about money at all. Rather if we are to help our SMEs to compete effectively in international markets, what they need are skills, knowledge and experiential learning. A mix of simple ‘how to’ training through to managing complexity.

Back on the one of the few sunny days of the summer, Prof Lester Lloyd-Reason, Director of the Centre for Enterprise Development and Research (CEDAR), was invited down to the House of Lords to be interviewed for the position of Special Adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on SME exports. Prof Lloyd-Reason was one of four UK academics interviewed for the role and although it did not work out due to the time commitment involved, he was invited back in October to provide oral evidence to the Select Committee.

2. Having developed a typology comprising: the curious, the frustrated, the tentative, the enthusiastic and the successful, it is the enthusiastic category where the Government can generate the highest return for minimal investment. These firms, which have high growth potential, typically employ around 30 staff, have strong domestic markets, some international successes and although they face many challenges, these challenges are often easily addressed.

The background to the Committee is as follows. In May 2011, UK Trade and Investment, the Government export promotion body, unveiled their new strategy: Britain Open for Business: growth through international trade and investment. In response to this strategy document, Lord Cope of Berkley established the House of Lords Select Committee on SME exports to examine what the Government is doing to assist and promote SME exports. In order to gather information, the Committee sent out a call for written evidence to the academic, practitioner and policy communities with a deadline of 14th September. In addition to the written evidence, a small number were invited by the Select Committee to provide oral evidence to the Committee at the House of Lords. The Committee is due to produce their conclusions and recommendations for Government action in February 2013.

3. The emphasis on language skills is a myth. All successful international SMEs tell us that it is not a question of language but of developing what we call “international skills”. That is, the ability to perform effectively when faced with a totally alien environment. When seeking to operate effectively in countries such as China, Russia, Brazil, the issue is not language, but the ability to successfully negotiate your way through a strange, unfamiliar, often hostile environment trading environment. ‘ Reflecting on the process, Prof Lloyd-Reason commented, “It really was quite an experience. Even though I was there to assist the Select Committee, the questioning was pretty robust. It really gave you an insight into what those summoned to give evidence, such as Alistair Campbell and Rupert Murdock, must go through. It was a very stimulating day, but if I am ever asked back, I really hope my invitation means exactly that!”

In providing oral evidence to the Select Committee, Prof LloydReason drew primarily upon his research with UK Trade and Investment where 1,000 small and medium sized enterprises were surveyed and his work as expert adviser to the OECDAPEC 44-country survey ‘Removing Barriers to SME Access to International Markets’. Prof Lloyd-Reason suggested to the Select Committee that ‘If we really want to have an impact, then there are three key messages for the Government:

For further information on Prof Lloyd-Reason’s experience or on the work of CEDAR, please contact:


Cambridge business snaps up industry award Winner of Anglia Ruskin enterprise competition lands major photography honour Light Blue Software has seen their business management software for photographers named Best Professional Product of the Year by one of the sector’s leading trade organisations, the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP). Their product, ‘Light Blue’, topped the poll of tens of thousands of SWPP members, beating competition from Adobe, Canon and Nikon. “We were chuffed just to be nominated, but to win is exceptional,” said co-founder Hamish Symington. “We’re a small independent company devoted to producing the best we possibly can; to be awarded this prize against the biggest camera manufacturers and the most well-known imaging software company really shows what our customers think of us.” Cambridge-based Light Blue Software has benefited from advice and funding from Anglia Ruskin University’s Centre for Enterprise Development and Research (CEDAR) after being named as one of the four winners of the 2011 Enterprise Fellowship Scheme.

From left: Colin Jones, SWPP Company Director, with Tom Catchesides and Hamish Symington, both of Light Blue Software. CEDAR Enterprise Fellowship Scheme offers funding to fledgling Cambridgeshire businesses and attracts some really high quality applications.

Symington added: “As Enterprise Fellows at CEDAR, we’ve had access to business and marketing experts, and they’ve helped us focus on key milestones and objectives. They’re also excellent at asking us questions we hope they’re not going to ask us, meaning we have to discuss topics we might have otherwise put off!”

“Light Blue Software was awarded £12,000 in 2011 to help fund their software development, and we’re delighted that they’ve achieved such success.”

Professor Lester Lloyd-Reason, Director of CEDAR, said that Light Blue’s success highlights the calibre of the businesses supported by the Enterprise Fellowship Scheme. He said: “The

For more information about Light Blue Software, visit More information about CEDAR can be found at

Masters student co-authors HRM book with academic Dr Jonathan Smith, Senior Lecturer in LAIBS has co-authored a book on HRM with one of his former students.

Jonathan said:

“The book is a great demonstration of what our students can achieve and is a wonderful example to all our students.”

The book is titled: Ethics in Human Resource Management: Contemporary Dilemmas of the Practitioner, and critically examines and illustrates some of the ethical dilemmas that confront HR practitioners in contemporary times.

The book can be purchased at: m_r_alp_Hp-Xqb18J8Y2P_tt

The books primary author, John Kelechi Ekuma, completed his MA HRM at our Cambridge Campus. The book’s content is largely drawn from his Masters dissertation which was supervised by Jonathan.


New book by LAIBS’ academic overturns many of the accepted premises that underpinned policies that contributed to the financial collapse of 2007–8 Stephen Bloomfield, who is director of the Corporate Governance Unit at the Lord Ashcroft International Business School, has led the University’s Master’s degree course in Corporate Governance for ten years and will have his fourth book published later this month by Cambridge University Press. ‘Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance’, is the product of 25 years of working in the City as a fund manager and as a director of numerous large companies, combined with leading the content and delivery of the academic course, which has trained over 150 senior company administrators since its inception. The book contends that the descriptions of processes of governance that form the legal rules of corporate governance and which affect how and for who companies are run, are misidentified by the traditionalist descriptions that form the basis of policy. Crucially, these policies then often have no effect – or even perverse effects – in their impact on the way that companies and their managers behave with respect to shareholders and stakeholders. It was the operation of these policies that brought about unstable conditions in the financial market in a race for illusory profits. The author’s basic contention is that by regarding shareholders as the owners and active stewards of listed public companies and encouraging a spurious link between shareholders’ interests and executive rewards, corporate governance rules brought about the great financial crash – ‘the GFC’ as economists are now calling it – from which we are all still suffering. Using both contemporary and historical examples dating from turn-of-the-century scandals like the Marconi Scandal of 1913, through the turfing out of Lord and Lady Docker from BSA in the 1950s all the way through to modern scandals like the collapse of the value of the balance sheet of firms like Mitchells and Butlers and the major High Street banks, the book shows that the systematic use of inappropriate measures built in to the system of governance ensured the outcomes of the financial collapse of 2007–8. A collective policy failure to appreciate the changing undercurrents of the economy together with misidentified issues of interpretation, accounting convention and City practice all built up to bring about consequences that have left the economy in tatters.

‘The current crisis, like so many crises before it, has shown what capitalism will do when the regulation of corporations only seeks to support market activities rather than to promote progressive social outcomes. The complicated regulatory system which has developed in response to the many crises unleashed (paradoxically) by the deregulation of corporate activities has made the subject of corporate governance one of immense breadth. This accessible book illustrates much of this breadth. Stephen Bloomfield argues that despite the many disciplines encompassed in this topic, it remains grounded in outdated models of the corporation. His call for a fundamental re-examination of corporate governance is one that must surely concern all scholars, policy makers and practitioners in this area.’

‘Theory and Practice’ goes on from this to develop a new theoretical definition of corporate governance which links better to the practice of what companies should do and how they should be run. It also offers new methods for analysing corporate governance which would allow policy makers and regulators to pinpoint problems.

Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance (ISBN 9781107612242) is now available from all booksellers, price £34.99. Stephen Bloomfield, Director, Corporate Governance Unit, LAIBS E: T: 0845 196 6834

The book has met with strong approval from reviewers. As one reviewer, Lorraine Talbot, Associate Professor at Warwick University commented:


Plotting Essex’s route out of recession Anglia Ruskin event sees business, political and academic figures discuss financial crisis Leading figures from the Essex business, political and academic communities discussed the current economic situation and why achieving growth matters to everyone – not just City bankers and Whitehall politicians – at a free public event at Anglia Ruskin University held in Chelmsford on Wednesday, 16 January. Keith Attwood (Chief Executive of e2v), Cllr Peter Martin (Leader of Essex County Council) and Dr Trevor Bolton (Dean of Anglia Ruskin’s Lord Ashcroft International Business School) shared their views on how each of their sectors can deliver economic growth.

l–r: Dr Trevor Bolton, Pro-Vice Chancellor & Dean at Lord Ashcroft International Business School; Keith Attwood, Chief Executive of e2v and Councilor Kevin Bentley, Essex County Council Cabinet Member on Economic Growth, Waste & Recycling.

UK public debt continues to rise and, despite record low interest rates, both consumers and the Government are cutting back on their spending and trying to pay off their debts. With companies also reluctant to invest, the three speakers discussed what could be done to kick-start the economy and suggest where growth is likely to come from.

that point, such as growth, credit and prosperity, are now in short supply. With UK output around 3% below its prerecession levels this is the longest downturn in UK history. “In Essex we are lucky to have relatively low unemployment but for long-term stable growth we continue to need an educated and trained workforce, and the appetite for selfimprovement and risk taking needs to be encouraged.

Dr Bolton said: “The current crisis will not just affect all of us, but probably also our children and grandchildren – it is that big. We are in the worst possible type of recession and the only solution is that we can grow our way out of the current predicament.

“Hopefully this event has helped people to understand why we are in this situation and provided an insight into what the future might hold for businesses and consumers in Essex.”

“The human cost of the financial crisis that began in 2007 has already been huge. The things that we took for granted up to

Annual MBA Network dinner Places for this year’s Annual MBA Network Dinner are now available to book online at the Anglia Ruskin Store ( As the venue has been popular in previous years, the dinner will again take place at the Royal Over-Seas League in London (just behind The Ritz) on Wednesday 10 July 2013.

Stephen is still helping to put English wines, and particularly premium sparkling wines, firmly onto the global map. Details about Stephen’s career and achievements can be found at and The ticket price is £20 which includes the welcome drink and a 2 course dinner. There is a 25% discount for early booking, so if you want to come along and only pay £15 you will need to book before the 30 April 2013. For those travelling a long distance, rooms can be booked at the Royal Overseas League for a very reasonable price. Hope to see you there!

Following on from last year’s event, when MBA alumni from around the world joined us for a tour of the new Lord Ashcroft Building in Cambridge, we again have an exciting programme for the evening. Pre-dinner drinks will be held in the gardens from 6.30pm, weather permitting, followed by dinner at 7.00pm. There will be an opportunity to catch up and network with your fellow MBA alumni, along with an update from Dr Trevor Bolton, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Lord Ashcroft International Business School.

David Abbott Alumni Relations & Development Officer

This year our guest speaker will be Stephen Skelton, alumnus, Honorary Award Holder and a wine expert of international repute. After spending nearly 40 years within the industry


Agency and Structure, Research and Real Life

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ■ Celebrating 21 years as a University – Cambridge, 11 May 2013, Chelmsford 15 June 2013

Working from home, it took a while for the penny to drop. The builders were banging away downstairs, and the air was thick with brick dust and deep voices when I realised that my research and my ‘real life’ were not so much talking to each other as hammering each other over the head with something large, blunt and heavy. I’m sure I’m not the first this has happened to. But in my case the realisation belatedly dawned just as I was starting to really get to grips with the idea that buildings afford their users differing degrees and types of structure and agency at different points in time.

■ 20 years of Corporate Governance at Lord Ashcroft International Business School – June 2013, day tbc, at the offices of Collyer Bristow in Grays Inn, London (look out on LAIBS website Events Pages for further details)

I had been working through the literature on how open plan working environments might impact on workers’ sense of professional identity. This coincided with the builders starting to take out a downstairs wall to ‘knock-through’ our kitchen and dining rooms. ‘Lacan and Latour meet Foucault to talk about Lefebvre in a bombsite’ kind of sums it up.

■ MBA Dinner – 10 July 2013 at the Royal Overseas League, London


Builders aside, I have a feeling that this topic may be a bit of cliché for recent starters at ARU. It is nigh on impossible not be struck by all our shiny news buildings after all. And open plan working still quite new to some of us…

HAVE YOUR SAY! If you have any news or information you feel would be of interest to your fellow MBA Alumni and would like included in the next issue due out in June 2013, please send us your copy by 17 May 2013. An accompanying high quality image would be appreciated. Additionally, if you have any suggestions as to the type of content you would like to see in the newsletter then please let me know.

Anyway, there I was, living the research dream – shaping the physical environment in order to shape the social environment of my home life. We were going open plan. We were going to interact more as a family and to entertain more and more collaboratively and creatively. We were, as our post-Freudian saleswoman put it, moving from kitchen ideal to ideal kitchen – whilst avoiding Ikea kitsch, which is something she wasn’t keen on at all. Then the builder did something he shouldn’t. Agency met structure in a bad way. One casual tap of his hammer and an entire chimney breast collapsed in on itself. With a crash and a rumble, the floor shook and my little upstairs office room was enveloped in a sooty cloud of dirt and dust. And that’s when I’m sure I heard the builder tell his mate, “Aw, the soot’s really hit Lacan now!” Wittgenstein would tell me what to do, I told myself; he was good with builders.

Editor: Christine Durrant (Marketing, Communications and External Relations, LAIBS)

Will Turner, Research Fellow Institute for International Management Practice (IIMP)



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