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from Design Portfolio
by ziva.rose
As an Arizona State University fourth year student pursuing an undergraduate degree in Interior Design, my interest in various art mediums and impeccable sense of spatial awareness have been with me since a youngage.Asachild,Ialwaysenjoyedachallengeand rearranging my room was one of my earliest explorations of this passion. Despite struggling with dyslexia throughout my academic education, I leaned towardshands-oncareerpaths,butfindingtherightfit was difficult. However, after taking a summer course in interior design at California College of the Arts in Oakland, I discovered my true calling. Now, at Arizona State University, my love for architecture and design has only grown stronger. I have learned to view my previous disadvantages as strengths, as I can easily visualize space and transform 2D drawings into 3D spaces. My unique perspectives and innovative ideas bring a fresh approach to design. My ultimate goal has alwaysbeentohaveajobthatmakesapositiveimpact on the world, and through design, I hope to achieve this by spreading beauty, improving people's lives, and bringingjoytotheirfaces.
The stylized compass logo encapsulates many aspectsofthecompanyanditsnewsite.Whilesea captains used compasses to navigate the seas, NEXT’s visionaries are using cutting-edge robotic technologytoguideusintothefuture.
Client Overview
To create a space that fosters collaborative teamwork in a unique and inspiring setting that draws on Boston’s rich history and culture. The new center will empower individuals to be their bestselvesbyprovidingchoiceandflexibility.
To create a space that fosters collaborative teamwork in a unique and inspiring setting that draws on Boston’s rich history and culture. The new center will empower individuals to be their bestselvesbyprovidingchoiceandflexibility.
Design Drivers
Breaking the space into neighborhoods connection, where ideas are explored and brought to life. provideavarietyof interconnected spaces
The use of height-adjustable desks allows individuals to customize their work environment accordingtotheirpreferencesandneeds.Theinclusionof soft surface carpet tilesthroughoutthe workstation areas can help absorb sound and reduce noise levels. The placement of drum lights aboveworkstationscan ground the space,while acoustic ceiling panels helpfurtherreducesound and echo in the workspace. Setting workstations to face beautiful views and providing ample natural light canpromoteamoreinspiringand productive work environment.