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TheSunset Hotel

TheSunset Hotel

Our goals of supporting the museum playologists, as well as the many families and children within the local community of Phoenix, we are dedicated to presenting a design plan with the intentions of highlightingandpreservingthebeautifulhistorical structure of the Monroe Abbey Annex. In recognizingthatthisprojectentailsmanydifferent

The Children's Museum of Phoenix draws its inspirationfromtheArizonaDesert,whichishome to a diverse range of plants and animals. At the Children's Museum of Phoenix, we aim to encourage an appreciation for our local ecosystems and raise awareness about their We take inspiration from the natural colors and forms of the Arizona Desert and incorporatethemthroughoutthemuseum.


The Courtyard is nestled within an expansive open atrium, featuring two levels of mirrored walkways that add a touch of architectural symmetry. It is purposefully designed as a welcoming gathering space for families to connect and relax. A glass elevator provides convenient vertical circulation, granting access to the exhibitions on the upper floor. The presence of planters within the courtyard not only adds a touch of natural beauty but also serves as an educational opportunity for children to learnaboutthelocalArizonadesertlandscape.

The Courtyard creates a unique blend of aesthetics, functionality, and educational elements, making it a trulyenrichingspaceforvisitorsofallages.

Butterfly Donation Wall

The butterfly donation wall serves as a way to express gratitude and recognition toward the donorswhomadethisprojectpossible.Eachdonor's namewillbeengravedontoabutterfly,withthesize of the butterfly corresponding to the magnitude of the donation. These will be showcased in the courtyard as a gesture aimed to highlight the positive effects of individual and community contributionsandinspireotherstoparticipate.

Sensory Exhibit

AGES 0-5

Exhibit Research

This exhibit is thoughtfully designed to provide children with a stimulating sensory experience through a variety of textures, colors, and sounds. The space features a playground with a ball pit, water tables, and a soft play area, offering a safe and sanitary environment for children to develop their motor skills. The water table provides sensory stimulation, promoting cognitive and language development as children engage with the flowing water. The soft play area and ball pit are designed to encourage crawling and walking, providinganengagingplayspaceforyoungchildrentoexploreandlearn.

Soft Play Area

Water Tables

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