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Ziyanda Xaso
A voracious reader and writer passionate about people and "the human condition". Loves to explore and delve into social issues and moral quagmires. Great believer in the gift of giving; that it brings people together and rewards the giver as much as the receiver. A hopeless romantic who believes in the magical and mystical powers of love; it is our spirit guide to Utopia. Having had solid training in science and a career in financial services, she has found her "true north" in social activism and volunteering. She is descendant from the Mbotho clan of the Mpondo tribe of South Africa who are blessed with foresight and rainmaking abilities. She has always had one foot firmly in her culture and another in the western world. She firmly believes that subscribing to one does not preclude you from participating in another. She believes that these two worlds can co-exist in harmony to each other as long as they are both treated with love, respect and understanding.