How to Study a Signature Using Graphology

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How to Study a Signature Using Graphology By Cindi Pearce, eHow Contributor Analyze what those handwritten words are telling you. What does a person’s signature reveal about him? According to handwriting analysts, who specialize in graphology, signatures tell volumes about a person. Graphologists say that your signature represents your public image, your self and your identity. If you’re interested in figuring out what a person is like based on his signature, there are some traits to look for that provides clues. Instructions 1. Review whether the writer’s signature is larger than the rest of his writing. If so, this indicates that the person has healthy self-confidence. If his signature is smaller than the rest of his writing, that may indicate he’s insecure. If the signature is exactly the same as the rest of his writing that means the person behaves the same way in private as he does in public. 2. Look to see if the writer’s handwriting slants to the right, but his signature is vertical. This can indicate that the person is not what he appears to be. Vertical writers tend to be aloof, distant and difficult to know. If the opposite is true (his handwriting is vertical but his signature is slants to the right), this suggests that the writer is friendly in public but cool at home. 3. Determine whether the signature is impossible to make out. If so, this probably means that the person doesn’t want to communicate who she is. If the text he's written is illegible but the signature is legible, this could indicate that the writer doesn’t care about getting his message across; he only cares that you know who he is. 4. Check to see if the signature is underscored (with a line). If it is, that means the writer has healthy self-confidence. But if the underscoring is extreme it means the opposite: the person lacks self-worth. If the over-score is wavy or curved, this means the writer is fun and lively. Once in awhile, you’ll come across a signature that is over scored (a line or slash mark drawn over the top of the name). This person is feeling defensive and protective of himself, according to graphologists. 5. Look to see if the signature has been scored through (a slashing line) or if it is nearly obliterated by an intense mark. When someone strikes out his name, it means he wants to self-destruct. Does the writer use overly big letters? She is seeking social prominence.

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