Passeig Maritim
The beach This is the second best beach in Barcelona!
The beach is rocky so you might get hurt.
The beach of Passeig Maritim is so beautiful with his sand,waves and rocks-Just like a beach in Hawaii!
Paseig Maritim Beach
There are many beautiful buildings on the coast. The people are very friendly and the hotels are as colourful as them.
Badalona is a coastal population of the Mediterranean, which has 3 beaches linked by a promenade same (gorg beach, the beach and the beach ManresĂ
Are beaches with calm waters, they all have bars / bars nearby, along the beaches can also find two municipal pools.
The new “Paseig Maritim� of Badalona offers a new and revitalized since its inauguration, a few months ago. Hundreds of people come daily to either go to the beach or just for a soothing stroll in the Mediterranean air.
Neighbours and business owners say the area has been reborn and even people from other cities come to visit.
Beautiful Sights from the beach!
The mayor of Badalona, Xavier GarcĂa Albiol, is very pleased with the reception given to the walk by both citizens and tourists. The mayor wanted to highlight that to this new area people from across the city come to visit, even those neighbourhoods especially distant from Badalona.
The main attractions of this walk are the Pont del Petroli, the statue of Anis del Mono and connection with the Port of Badalona.
The city has found elements that make it unique. In this new area the lacking presence of vandalism is fairly noticeable.
In this way, the city has found iconic elements that identify and distinguish the city, making it a world of its own. One of the most characteristic and beloved features is the monkey sculpture. Dozens of people line up every day to take a photo with him.
The palm trees and the parrots on them make you feel like in paradice!
One of the best beaches in whole Badalona!
Badalona beach
Many tourist visit the beach every day!
The beautiful sky with it’s beautiful clouds!
The wonderful seaside!!
The locals say the ride has given life to an area where no one seemed to live. The president of the local entity, Enca Mares, ensures that the entire atmosphere is fantastic these days
People take long 5 kilometers walks to the Rambla and the port address. Badalona has become a city open to the sea, Mares says.
The bars on the beach
Explotacion turistica actual: Poca. Estado de conservacion: Bueno Demanda actual: Alta Promocion actual: Baja
Capacidad turistica: Mucha Planta turistica circundante: Resturantes, bares, comercio, tiendas
Nombre del recurso:Paseig Maritim.Ubicacion: Platja de la estacio
Accesibilidad: Muy buena Automovil: Si Bus publico: Si Metro: Si Taxi: Si
Bicileta: Si Avion: No Maritimo: Si A pie: Si Tren: Si
Fotos: Si Videos: Si Planos: Si Codigo QR: No
Origen de los turistas: Mezcla pero mayoria residentes Nacional: 70% Internacional:30%
Brave Description o Leyenda: -se hacen conciertos de mayo y festivales de
verano - Un tramo de 1.200 metros -Acceso al mar -Varios Chringuitos -Hay duchas/servicios