Zoe Barrett- FMP Process Book

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CONTENTS 4: The Beginning

22: Final Outcome Ideas

6: Idea Development

24: Publication Development

8: Getting Ideas Together

26: Researching and Experimenting

10: Asking the Public

28: Changing the Outcome

12: Primary Research Visitww

30: The Magazine

14: Everyone Has Their Own Story 32: Magazine Production 16: Loneliness in London

34: Reflective Summary

18: Publication Process

36: Timetable

20: Isolation in Crowded Spaces




I started to mind map initial ideas of things I had enjoyed in previous projects, subjects I would like to explore and areas of the industry I would like to go into. These were extremely useful to put the initial thoughts in my head into an organised manner and see the themes that emerged within them. Also, I had a workshop with Jane Hankin. This helped me to think in different ways and engage with different areas that interested me or could help me to develop my work in a new way through writing. I may use the ‘constraint’ techniques in my own work when I feel as though I’m working in the same method too much, as I was able to create some strong pieces in this workshop with the limits I was given. It almost creates a brief to follow throughout the work I produce. Furthermore, I explored some more artists that followed to the subject of ‘Young people living in London’ that I wanted to explore and this helped to further develop my theme and find an outcome that would be successful to work with. I looked at a lot more secondary research and made some initial sketches, to get a better understanding of the direction I wanted to take this in.



I spent the day speaking to Iro about my ideas and putting together the project proposal. I then decided that an editorial response would be the most successful outcome and it would reflect much more on the career path I would like to take after university. However, I am not limiting myself to one outcome with this unit as I would like to display this piece in many different formats as it has so much potential to take in different directions. I realised the potential that I could have in displaying my work through sketchbooks or audio from interviews and really make the initial research the main focus of my project to inform the final piece. The second session of creative writing with Jane Hankin was very informative. I did not think that it would be useful for my work, however, once taking part in the different writing techniques of the day, such as writing an inventory for a character which would then inform what the story behind the character was and what type of person they would be, I realised how much it did link between my own work. I want to tell these stories of young people living in London in the most impactful ways. I realised that I could take 6

my subject in 2 different paths: the first one being looking closely into the pressures and realities that people of this age group do face and how they are affected in everyday life or the second one being looking into how these young people find their subgroups/cultures and communities in such a large area and city. I have created a survey and so far, I have had 2 responses with quite similar answers which further shows that the idea of there being pressures related to being in London is clear. These online surveys have been extremely helpful to developing my ideas and work, as I have a much better idea of the individuals’ stories that I want to represent and can see from a perspective that isn’t my own. However, I would like to record these responses as interviews and have more of a conversation with people, which I probably will do once I choose certain people to focus on more. Then, I can get a real sense of what they are trying to portray.


GETTING IDEAS TOGETHER 27/01 I had a tutorial with Gemma, I spoke about exploring the documentary route of the project and decided that it would work best with focusing on the lives of individuals and telling their stories. I also discussed how I could take the project down a more architectural route, showing how people are not linked where they live necessarily but they do find connections with young people in another place. I put the survey responses together to gather similarities between answers. I asked a variety of people to get the diverse responses, however I will need to ask a wider variety of people and perhaps put my survey on social media to get a response from people that I wouldn’t be expecting the type of answers they would have. It would aid my project in new ways I hadn’t thought of. Moreover, I visited the Bishopsgate archives and found several books and articles all very specific to areas in London. Although I didn’t find articles that were completely related though, so I focused on non-fiction books and pamphlets and was able to get an idea of what was happening up to 50 years ago to inform me of how London has changed since then. In addition to this, I took photos in two locations that I thought would give the contrast of London life that I needed- Shoreditch and Chelsea, East and West London. I was able to get a variation of photos, I focused taking photos of groups of young people around the area to see the contrasts. 8




9 Feb 2020 1646 1 Where do you currently live and did you grow up in this area? Old coulsdon - and no, I grew up in norbury 2 On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy living in your area? 8 out of 10 3 In the area in which you live, how would you describe the demographic of people that live there? It's diverse, I see both a mixture of white, black and some Asian people (not allot) and the ages vary from allot of old people, and then families. There's not allot of the young 'business' sort, likely because old coulsdon used to be predominantly old white people and younger families started living there 4 How has your local demographic changed your experience of living where you do? It's nice, I value diversity, so I appreciate that there are people from different places there, the age gap is a little weird, I don't know if there is a devide between the young and old, but I feel like there could be? I don't know though, I just appreciate living somewhere nice where its atleast somewhat diverse but not dangerous 5 What groups of people do you usually get along with and have you found this in your area? I don't know. I don't tend to go about talking to everyone, I'm more likely to talk to 50 year old and up people, because I'm more used to talking to them than young people, also because I think theres some devide? Allot of young people take on certain ways od dressing, talking etc to fit in, and I cast myself as an outsider by not adhering to those ideals and expectations, which creates a kind of divide maybe? I'm not sure, that said I imagine there's a similar kind of thing within the older generation, so I'm not terribly sure what I think of that divide, 6 How sociable are you due to living in London? 2 out of 10 7 Where do you see yourself living in 5 yearsʼ time? It really depends on where I need to work and where isn't too dangerous, I do live in London at the moment, but it's pretty far out and as a result is very pleasant. So, I likecities but I would aim to live in a quiet area thats hopefully quite green,

I had a career tutorial which was very informative. Through this, I was able to put together a short-term and long-term plan. The final major project brief that I have created for myself should be able to aid me in adding to my portfolio for this career path.

9 Feb 2020 1545

Also, I re-wrote and sent out a new survey, based around the response I got from my first one, to get better informed answers that would bring my project forward and in a better direction and the exact direction I needed. I required many more responses than just the three I had received, to be able to get a well-rounded understanding of living in London. Additionally, I started to get my London sketches together in documentary style. I liked how it worked in this style, as you could see the space and the people in the space for what it is whilst highlighting the focal points through spot colour or materials used.

1 Where do you currently live and did you grow up in this area? Sutton, yes 2 On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy living in your area? 7 out of 10 3 In the area in which you live, how would you describe the demographic of people that live there? Mix of young and old people, some chavvy kids and a lot of Tory brexit voters lol (ew) but also some decent down to earth humans 4 How has your local demographic changed your experience of living where you do? I now have to live in a Tory city. I always watch my back if out alone at night (walking home etc) 5 What groups of people do you usually get along with and have you found this in your area? Usually women around my age (19-23) or a few guys who have steady jobs and arenʼt chavvy. Also older mum-like women. There are a couple around but most of my friends have either moved or live in another nearby city 6 How sociable are you due to living in London? 8 out of 10 7 Where do you see yourself living in 5 yearsʼ time? Ideally Wimbledon or Fulham but realistically Iʼll still be living with parents in Sutton 8 What pressures and impacts do you experience on a day-to-day basis due as a result of where you live? High car insurance, pressure of not being able to afford a home of my own/general cost of living being too high for what I earn. All the better pod jobs are in central London and things are low paid in Sutton. 9 What is your local political constituency and how do you feel as though they represent you? Conservative. I hate them and didnʼt vote for them and my future is rubbish but hey ho

Seeing all of these new responses has shown that young people are facing pressures and difficulties, therefore I would really like to represent this direction within my work. However, I feel as though having a book of these responses would be repetitive and wouldn’t be as successful as displaying the stories in separate pieces. Showcasing the stories alongside audio or written interviews would work very well in my eyes. Although, I would still need to think about how I could really make an impact with the final piece. 11


Took a trip to Scriberia and it was a very eyeopening visit towards not only a potential career path but also for this project. They summarised and documented talks within short amount of times, which would be extremely helpful to help the direction of my own work. I could think about attending a talk to do with youth in London or even just speaking to individuals about their experiences and documenting them or creating infographics in a similar way to how they achieve this. I really liked their outcomes and although they were more graphic oriented, I could see how this would work within my own project. Furthermore, I visited Foyles book store and Gosh Comics to get inspiration for final outcome ideas and storyline inspiration. I found so many useful books and magazines that will help me to move my project forward in a more professional way. One of my favourite pieces was the buildings layered upon one another as it really indicated my theme of everyone having their own stories in the city and living among one another but not knowing each other’s experiences. My other favourite 12

book was ‘Hundred’, which explored the life of this one character from 0 to 100 years. The way the text was displayed is how I imagine to display the text within my outcome. I also thought much more about how I would present a final outcome due to this. The large illustrations that filled the pages throughout worked really well, especially when they were stories that had very little to no words. Furthermore, a book or other type of publication would definitely help to portray my subject clearly and successfully.



I explored the idea of people being packed into one space but all having their own stories or realities and pressures even though their areas are being shared. Therefore, I can still focus on the stories of individuals but not making the topic completely and only focused on them, as this was not working in the way I had imagined. A lot of the people who responded to the surveys did not have events in their life that have completed changed them in any way so it was difficult to find just a few people to focus on, therefore I will be looking at feelings of living in London generally. I also looked into taking this into a very editorial approach but focusing on symbolism through illustration. I do like how this was working out but I would need to think much more into this idea for it to become something I would continue to develop into a final piece. I began to put my work into context and display it within magazine formats to see exactly how this 14

would work best and with what articles I could accompany alongside it. I continued to look into the idea of people’s stories. I have felt much more stuck with my work and may need to rethink the direction of it, as I don’t think the survey answers will give me too much to work from and document, even if I was to visit the spaces and interview the people in more depth.



I had a tutorial with Iro and changed the direction of my project as it was not working in the way I had wanted it to. I decided on changing this to focusing on just a theme based around the survey responses, instead of relying on just the stories from the surveys and illustrating those. The theme of loneliness was reoccurring throughout the answers I received and especially in a city where so many people reside, the feeling of loneliness can be increased as there are so many people around that you cannot connect with. I didn’t get the indepth stories that I was expecting from the realities and struggles from young people in London, this may be because I should talk to some more people in person to get a deeper, more conversational type of answer, but I was not happy with keeping my ideas only focused on that starting point. I think I will be able to create a much stronger outcome by having a theme to focus on and I would like to create my own 16

cityscape and characters out of this all very much informed by real stories and primary research of photos around London, which makes me feel much more confident in the direction I am working in. Also, I have decided on what my final outcome will be; this will work much better and be more informed by the theme of my work now. I will be creating a publication that reflects upon the look of a building or cityscape. I think that with a publication, I can tell the story well as you can unfold into the story and follow along with this one character and how they move through the city in daily life.




The bookbinding workshop I took part in was extremely helpful for the direction of my final piece, as I knew I wanted to create a publication but I did not realise the potential of the various book types there were and how they can work and imply completely different stories. I used some of my sketchbook illustrations in the workshop to get a better idea of how this would work alongside my subject. The buildings/city scape illustration worked really well within the book, as flipping through the pages revealed the panoramic view of what was going on, which would work if I wanted to reveal all the different stories on people in these crowded spaces. I created my own mock-up publication ideas that would work with just images to show my theme rather than writing too. Creating buildings through the shape and size of the paper creates a much more interesting and well thought out publication, in my opinion. Being able to present what I had already worked on to my peers was very helpful as I could see what they were thinking of doing for their final pieces which helped me to 19

think of new possibilities for my own. I was also able to get some helpful insight on my own work and improvements as some people had seen my work at the beginning so they knew what would work best with my subjects and how I could incorporate my new ideas into it. I felt much more confident after that. I continued to research into artists who explored these themes however my visual idea generation is something I need to work on faster as I have changed my idea slightly so I need to ‘catch-up’ on getting to a final piece quicker.



Since changing my theme from ‘young people living in London’ to ‘isolation/ loneliness in busy spaces’, ‘self-isolation’ has become a well-known term due to the coronavirus outbreak. There has been a strong relation to my project here as so many people in this time are feeling lonely and are having to be alone within these busy and crowded cities. I would like to begin to explore areas of this within my work. The illustrations I have already created, where colours are allocated to certain groups or isolating certain people in groups in one colour, would work extremely well fitting into this idea as there is a clear idea of loneliness. I started illustrating spaces/scenarios where feeling isolated in busy spaces would be more common, to get a better idea of what would work for my final scenes in my publication. I really like the imagery of a building or flat with the separate people and their lives still continuing on whilst stuck inside their spaces. 21


I had a tutorial with Iro on Monday and decided on a final outcome that I will now start working towards producing. I am going to produce a series of small, simple publications of various scenarios of feeling isolated whilst in crowded spaces in the city. These will include blocks of flats, office spaces, trains/tubes, cafĂŠs/ restaurants and other public spaces that are seen frequently around the city. This will all be based off of my initial surveys and the visual research I collected from around London to ensure I get the most realistic and relatable outcomes. I think this will work really well to ensuring that I am successfully communicating my theme of isolation/loneliness in busy spaces, as having several publications will make the city scape seem very busy once displayed altogether but inside of each one will tell the story of how they are lonely, leaving the audience to have to think into it. I would still like to create some editorial pieces regarding my theme and using the illustrations I have done; however, this would not go towards my final outcome 22

and would be looking more into the possibilities of where this project could go within the industry and the career path I am interested in. I have planned out some mock-ups for the final outcomes however I am not sure if I like them or if they will communicate my theme well enough so this is something I will have to start experimenting with physically. Furthermore, I decided on including small bits of text in the final publications to help communicate the theme even further. I will be scanning in the illustrations for the publications and printing them so I will be including the text digitally before printing. This will need a lot of testing due to using my printer at home as the university facilities are not open for access. I will be making them A4 or smaller and perhaps will need to join pieces of paper together to create the right size but this will need to be done professionally, which may include sewing pieces together, preferably with bees wax string. Although, folding may be an easier option for this to work. 23


I have started creating some final images for the publication working with text alongside it and experimenting with different materials (pencils, inks and more graphic illustrations). I also made mockup publications for my final outcomes so I could get an idea of where the image and text would work alongside each other. But also, I was seeing how I could create a more interesting fold and change the shape or fold-out pieces in ways that will enhance the image and story I am trying to portray most successfully. For example, the tube image works well as a long concertina fold. I have been using cartridge paper for these mock-ups and the thickness of it allows the pieces to stand up well but also keep their folds properly and with preciseness. I think I will continue to use this paper however, I will have to experiment with printing on my home printer as it is thicker and may not work smoothly. 24



I gathered some more research contextually this week to help with my understanding of how I could be portraying these stories and quotes of loneliness in the city. I looked into the stories of people of all ages in big cities that had shared how loneliness and feeling isolated had affected them in everyday life within these spaces. I also looked more into self-isolation and being on lockdown, and how during these current times people are having to stay at home which can inflict loneliness on them. It is very closely linked to the themes I have already explored and now I personally am self-isolating in London, I can put myself into the place of my project and really put my own emotions across into my work. I think this will help me create a much more successful and emotive piece. I experimented with the text within the publications looking at different type, fonts 26

and layouts. I think I am going to go for a simple sans-serif, bold font all over my final outcome. As the text will not be the main focus of my publication and will just accompany some of the images, I do not want it to distract from the image. I may experiment with the direction that the text moves in as the line could wave which would imply how the comment is passing by or an inside thought, rather than a solid statement. Furthermore, playing with the size of the letters and words within the quote could help to emphasise what words mean the most or are the most emotive, to make them distinct from the rest of it.



I have decided to change my final outcome to a more magazine based publication, as the publications were similar to small artist books which I was not enjoying creating as much, as I do not have a strong interest in artist books compared to magazines. Creating editorial illustrations for magazines or even designing magazines is something I want to do after university so going back to my original outcome idea, which was to create a magazine, seems like a sensible idea. The illustrations I had been experimenting with for the small fold-out books, would work equally as well in a magazine context so I will not need to re-do much of those but just improve on the sizing and how it will work around text and in what context to the subjects in the pages. I have sent out a new last minute questionnaire to get more idea of the quotes I could use in my publication. Due to this lockdown period in the UK, and specifically seeing how it has been in London, my theme of isolation in crowded spaces has never been more relevant. I thought it was be a good idea to ask some questions that are relevant to what people in cities are experiencing now to get more emotive responses to use within my work. I got an overwhelming amount of really useful answers that I will be able

to use within my final outcome. I think the development of my primary research and constant questionnaires/surveys I have put out has helped me get to the stage I am at now where I can finally use this narrowed down information in my final outcome. Furthermore, with all of these interviews, although they are anonymous, I can use them as articles for the magazine. I may also play on how they are anonymous stories and explain that people are more open to sharing their personal thoughts when a name isn’t labelled to them. I have planned out 30 pages of a magazine which looks at the answers of the questionnaire I recently sent out, full page spreads of illustrations and quotes and writing about the facts and statistics of loneliness in London. I think this would be the best way to give others an insight on how common this is or to be relatable for some people to just read through; to shine a light upon those in the dark. I also started to plan out more of the illustrations that would accompany the writing in the magazine. I have been working on more editorial pieces that give symbolism towards the subject rather than just showing it for what it is. I have worked a lot more on drawing from different perspectives and putting the audience more into the space.


27 Apr 2020 2343 1 How would you describe isolation in your own words? Feeling cut off, alone and lonely. 2 Before lockdown, when were the times that you felt a sense of isolation? I feel isolated frequently, as I work alone have have no other colleagues and often my neighbouring studios are not occupied. There is also a poor internet signal where I work, which often makes me feel cut off. 3 "The party is in full swing but I'm ready to go home." This quote is from an extract of someone describing how they felt isolated. In your words, how would you describe loneliness in a city? Like being in a very crowded room, where no one bothers to make the time for a new person. They appear to be 'so busy' and occupied. A clique that you don't belong to. 4 Why have you chosen to live in a densely populated area such as a city over a rural area? I love London 5 Since lockdown, with a forced sense of isolation, how do you feel? I feel okay especially as the weather has been good. I like to grow things! I am lucky I have outside space. I tend to get low when the weather is grey and wet then my mood changes. I will have to start baking to cheer myself up if the weather is bad. I hate just sitting about when I could be doing something. I have been ill and it took a while to recover, so the first few weeks of lockdown are a blur. A lot of lock down is still a blur as one day blends into the next. I really miss my parents and extended family. I worry about my family that aren't with me. I miss spontaneously going out to see them. I live with a son and husband who are not huge communicators, that does sometimes make me feel isolated. So I ring my mum or a friend. I don't usually plan ahead, I used to just go out for a meal or take a trip to central London with family and friends. Now I can't. 6 In your opinion, how does isolation differ between before and now? I guess everyone is more or less in the same boat. Which in a way isn't as bad, as you can talk about it and compare notes with others but only via whatsApp etc. It is scary that there is no end in sight, and to think if you broke the isolation you could endanger your's or someone else's life. Obviously if you lived on your own with no links to anyone else this enforced isolation would be incredibly hard ...



I started working on the illustrations and cover ideas for the magazine, looking at how the lonely character will be singled out among them all. I decided that by having the surrounding areas quite colourful and the lonely character and their space being filled with greys and blues, there would be a clear differentiation between emotions. I spoke to Iro and I was able to gather many more improvements for my work. Some of these being to change the title of the magazine, have a free-flowing layout (which will be more appropriate to the subject matter), having a selection of warm and cool colours in the pieces and handwriting the titles to make it more sympathetic and work with the illustrations. I immediately changed the colour palette by having a selection of 9 colours in the warm tones and 9 in cool tones to keep with the differentiating emotions idea but with a brighter feeling towards it, which fits in much better with what I am portraying in my magazine. Also, I edited some drawings so that they did not involve a person and showed the theme of loneliness through 30

a selection of objects or through light in a room. By doing this, my illustrations became a lot more thoughtful and were not so hard hitting upon the people who are feeling lonely. It doesn’t make their situation seem worse now, it just highlights what they are going through. Moreover, I changed the cover of the magazine by adding more details in the background of the building, such as brick, wood panels and shadows. This helped to bring the whole image to life and made everything less graphic and much more realistic, which helps with the audience having more sympathy towards the lonely character. The selection of illustrations in the magazine all work together really well as a collective, particularly due to the colour scheme, but also because they are all relatable scenarios of loneliness that everyone can relate to at least once in their life. Therefore, by flicking through the magazine, hopefully anyone reading it will be able to connect with the images they are seeing and understand the feelings of the people and atmosphere in the rooms. 31


I changed the title of the magazine to ‘Solitude’, I feel as though solitude can be positive as it can be seen as a choice of loneliness but the idea of solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation, which may be caused through many positive or negative reasoning, therefore, the title is more light-hearted than the initial idea of calling it ‘isolate’ which sounds like more of a command. Also, the layout of my magazine did change to what I had originally planned due to the sizing of certain images and lengths of certain articles, however I think that the layout works even better than the initial plans. The illustrations are still the main focus of the work, which was something I had intended to do and achieved and the text thoughtfully works alongside it all. I left enough space for the text to be read clearly and taken in almost as much as the images are, as the articles are what mould the direction of the magazine. From informing the audience to what loneliness is and what the effects are to how this can be managed and perspectives can be changed for the better. Furthermore, the handwritten titles really bring the text and images together as they become a branch between the two


and make the whole magazine less bold and graphic. Also, due to the fact that the images are less textured compared to the pencil-like images I had originally drawn for the publication, the handwriting gives it the personal touch I wanted to achieve. Also, being able to digitally draw these illustrations, has allowed for much more ease and more time to create the magazine as I am able to alter colours and shapes much easier than I could physically. Therefore, any issues I had with the drawings could be adjusted as I went along to create the best version it could be. My order of images throughout the magazine does take inspiration from my previous fold out publication final outcome idea, whereby these lonely people move through the city. All the images happen in chronological order, starting off at home, then moving through the city, seeing someone at work, then a cafĂŠ and back home again. I think this works well as it helps to make the magazine more cohesive and flowing, almost creating its own journey, without any clear storyline. Additionally, I found articles that I had


previously researched and used these for my magazine as they summed up exactly what I was trying to put out there and they successfully portray my ideas and intentions for the magazine. Finally, I put the final magazine into mockups and in context to give a better idea of how this would be seen physically and I how I imagine it to look and be sold in the outside world. I think that it comes together very professionally and could be used in various magazines, such as London specific ones, newspapers or even well-being magazines. The versatility of it works very well.

REFLECTIVE SUMMARY Although I have experienced many struggles throughout this unit, I have really enjoyed having the freedom of exploring my own brief and creating a piece that I think I has worked very successfully about a subject I am interested in and is extremely relevant today. For my final piece, I wanted to create an outcome that would fit into what I had aimed to do for my career path after university. This being editorial illustration and perhaps design, therefore creating my own short magazine is very relevant to my future plan. The final magazine, ‘Solitude’, indicates the subject of loneliness in the city very well and explores all aspects of it. These aspects being what it is, how important it is to bring light to the subject, people’s opinions and experiences on their loneliness and isolation and what can be done to manage it. I think that these areas all needed to be spoken about to help with the relatability of the magazine and also not create such a negative feeling after reading about a difficult subject that can affect many people. To help with this more positive approach to loneliness in London, I chose to use the title ‘Solitude’. Solitude can be seen as a positive thing as it is the choice to be alone, however solitude can be caused by both positive and negative reasons therefore it is a good title for 34

the magazine. Moreover, I used a strictly warm tone palette for the surrounding area and strictly cool tone palette for the lonely/isolated people and objects to create a stark contrast between the two, so they are easily differentiated at first glance and also to heighten the emotions that the audience takes from the pieces. I think it really brings the whole magazine together by consistently using a cohesive colour palette throughout. Additionally, there is subtle symbolism to loneliness throughout the titles. The dots of the I’s are coloured in blue, contrasting with the pink tone writing, to indicate and reiterate the feeling of isolation that can be seen in the illustrations. Within the final magazine, I also thought that it was important to make the illustrations the main focus of the piece and almost have the text accompanying them, as they in themselves follow a story and show the subject with emotion and empathy more than the factual text ever could. I made sure that the text was clear and did not blend into the illustrations too much, which I think works well for a magazine where the illustrations are so bold and large scale. Some of the struggles I experienced throughout this unit have been the uncertainty of a final outcome from early on, which led me to not always have a point

to be working towards, however this was not too crucial at the research stage so I was able to overcome this. Furthermore, I changed the direction of my project twice throughout this experience, which was definitely the best thing to do, however at the time, I had to rethink each final outcome and the new illustrations that would be included in them. This did limit my time, however everything I had done before had led up to that change of direction so it was all still relevant. Most importantly, the change in dynamics from working in the studio to being limited to only working from home without outside resources available to me, meant that I had to plan and design my work around the resources I did have, which was mainly digital and transferring everything to online. However, I think that I was able to overcome the circumstances very well and work to the best of my abilities with what I had. Despite this, I had many more successes than struggles overall. For example, my quality of work has improved from the beginning to the end of this project and my direction and aims for the project have also become a lot clearer as time has gone on. I feel as though my work has become much more confident and professional and fits into what I really enjoy creating. The final magazine will work as its own 35

independent publication in physical print, however it would also work successfully online, like how it is currently. Due to the size of the magazine being only 30 pages, I could imagine it being seen in a pull-out feature magazine inside a larger magazine or newspaper. This is exactly how I had imagined it to work, especially because it is a magazine based on one particular subject instead of a range of topics that a reader may usually buy for.






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