I Mother Earth

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A Poetic Journey In honour of our Mother Earth Earth

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\ `Éà{xÜ XtÜà{ A poetic journey with the elements In honour of our Mother Earth with Zoe Amanda Hudson

Sophia Publishing Copyright 2015 by Zoe Hudson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

Contents Acknowledgements…………………………………………..1 Foreword…………..……………...……………………………3 Chapter1: The Element of Earth…………………………..6 Chapter 2: The Element of Air…………………………....18 Chapter 3: The Element of Fire…………………………...24 Chapter 4: The Element of Water………………………..30 Chapter 5: The Element of Space…………………………38

Acknowledgements With deep eternal love & oceans of gratitude to Mother Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and to Great Spirit. To my beloved partner Ben, deep heart felt love & gratitude for your loving presence, wisdom, and support alongside me on this soulful journey of embodiment. Eternal love and appreciation for my inspirational and beautiful Daughters of change Jade & Heidi, you both bring so much love, meaning and presence in to my life, full of sparkle and deep wisdom. My Daughter Jenna, whom I have eternal love for in teaching me of the transformative reality of there is much more to existence. My dear Grandsons Finnley, Mason, & my Granddaughter Elsie, as well as any future grandchildren, their love, presence, inspires and fuels me to keep the flame of commitment alive in my Sacred contracts - The passion of the whole dream realized and embodied of an Earth full of love, respect, peace and harmony. In honour, love and devotion for all the Children, all Humanity, all Beings & our Mother Earth. My heart feels so full of gratitude, love & appreciation for my Mother and Father, for their unconditional love for me always and for their wisdom they share with me. Dear Sue-Claire for being my soul friend and teacher, whom has supported my creative reflections. 1

Together we have co –created Healing Hearts and Landscapes, where we offer an Environmental Expressive Arts Programme, The Moving Mandala, and facilitate Labyrinth walks. Deep heart gratitude to Nancy for being a dear soul friend and teacher, inspiring me to journey & dive deeply with Mother Earth, emerging with creative expression deep from within the well of my soul. With blessings of gratitude to my Moving Mandala SistersNancy, Ali, Brenda, Lori, Margot, Sue-Claire, for the healing and transformative gatherings we have shared. Love and gratitude to my dear soul friends Lynda Marie & Graham Whiteman. Kim Dewey, Frances Wright and Victoria Gold, my dear soul friends, far away but always with me. A big Thank you to Ben for hours of support for your assistance and support in fine tuning this booklet, and to Maurenne Mahoney too, I am very grateful for the merging of the Labyrinth on to the painting “ I Mother Earth- Blue Jewel “ on the front cover, thank you Maurenne. A heart felt appreciation for all the people in my life, who I have not mentioned, I am truly honoured and blessed to share the path with you all. Blessings and gratitude to Satish Kumar, a wise supportive elder who has given me the inspiration to keep going with the mantra “Eklo Chalo Re” 2

Foreword This book is written with the essence of love, commitment & devotion to our true nature, Mother Earth and the elements. A remembrance of our wholeness, our unity, our oneness. A commitment to keeping the golden magical light threads of poetry alive, which are woven within our hearts, our heavenly skies, in harmony with our beautiful Mother Earth's abundant waters and nature. The Poems created in this book take you on a journey through the sacred elements, with a deep remembrance of the nature that we are in relationship with Mother Earth and the elements. This book has been created through years of deep healing, creative commitment & studies with Sue-Claire Morris and Nancy Sherwood, alongside my deep relationship with the ancient wisdom of the Labyrinth. Leading me in to becoming a Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, with Rev Dr Lauren Artress. Written and inspired within landscapes and sacred sites in Somerset, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and Ireland. As we remember the way of the heart, love, beauty of one another and of the Earth, a remembrance of a sense of place in whole harmony with our selves, each other & Mother Earth emerges. This remembrance can strengthen, nourish and heal, as we remember the true sense of place within our hearts, the path back home to our eternal sense of our Divinity in wholeness and Unity, where all resides. 3

Zoe Amanda Hudson is a passionate Environmental Artist, who works creatively in a way that she hopes will inspire others to make the space in their lives, to step inside and outside into Nature.

“Zoe Hudson brings poetic imagination and love for Mother Earth together. These poems are moving and inspiring in the tradition of romantic poets. Zoe brings her love for Mother Earth together in a beautiful way “ Satish Kumar – Editor of Resurgence and Ecology Magazine Satish has been the guiding spirit behind a number of now internationally-respected ecological and educational ventures including Schumacher College in South Devon where he is still a Visiting Fellow.



Chapter 1 The Element of Earth


Angel of Earth Angel of Earth My earthly body responds to you The clay of my structure existence Resides with heart gratitude for you Angel of Earth Support my birth As I embrace and accept my rebirth


I Mother Earth I Mother Earth I speak for all to feel me in their hearts Aeons of time have passed Time is nigh to share my message I am the vessel which carries humanity Humanity also within thee Balancing sacred femininity Balancing sacred masculinity Abundance of beauty, food, love, peace, healing Harmony, creating heart centred community One heart, one love, one way The blood in my veins You know as your rivers Which flow in to Ocean’s Oh such sacred water For you are made of these My dear sons, my dear daughter Remember remember please My love for you all is for eternity 8

My heartbeat in rhythm with yours Such heartbeat strong Singing the divine eternal love song For love is the golden key Awakening all of humanity Awaken, awaken to our true essence, we are one with our Mother Earth. A larger part of ourselves For she is you See Honour, love, care for ourselves, Each other Our Mother Our pure divinity For in this energy We will all find our way home You, she, he and me All will be nourished, All will be fed, All will be loved No more fear, no more dread. 9

Sacred Days, Sacred Nights As we lay in our beds awakening from our slumber Our hearts, our eyes now open For by our hearts we are now led. One heart One love One way Gather your wisdom to share Come together as one. As it is inevitable that this time has come. A NEW WORLD A new world A new way. Mother Nature’s love for all to share. Full of laughter, song, dancing in to play. For our joy will light the way. As old ways dissolve New ways flower Increasingly unfolding Silently evolving. 10

Ancient wisdom Co creating with the now. Is here for us all No one to be left behind. So gather, join hands, stand tall. Step in to the peace Walk upon me in bare feet, Feel me speak from my heart to yours. Feel me in the wind encouraging your hearts to sing Feel me in the Earth nurturing your seeds of dreams Feel me cleanse your mind, your body, your soul As you immerse yourselves within my ancient oceans of old. Feel me in our Father Sun sparking the creative fire in everyone. Come dance with me For I am For I am here always, waiting for you. Come share with me. For it is never a moment too soon ‌ Written on Dartmoor, Devon. 11

Sacred Earth Sacred Earth Our home Our hearth Our shelter Our food Our warmth Our Mother who cares for all our needs and more. For she holds space for us all to co create No matter how big No matter how small Her journey is to carry herself, us all to higher places Look deep within each other’s eyes Look deep within For you will remember each other’s faces… Written in Beaminster, Dorset.


I am the World Peace Tree Hold on dear child For there is no need to weep For I speak I speak I speak In your visions In your dreams Awake and when you sleep Anchored deep within our Mother Earth Come home children to my hearth Remember that you are a part of this infinite universe. Branches gently caressing Healing, healing, Healing Reaching, reaching, reaching Want to touch your beautiful skin. Hear me speak dear child For there is no need to weep. 13

I am the source of your breath I am with you beyond any forms of death. My ancient roots reaching Reaching down in to the depths of our Mother Twisting, twisting, twisting Turning to her centre core Pulsating, regenerating, Illuminating. Back up through my roots Twisting, turning, Yearning, yearning, yearning For I am strong Yet delicate you see. I dear child am the World Peace Tree Symbolising a woven energetic destiny. A returning to the standing people Gentle yet strong Quiet yet profound. Indicating how well our Mother Earth feels A true reflection of how she sounds. Come dear child 14

For solace, love, peace Come now for healing. For the rainbow tribe gather Grandfathers, Grandmothers Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters. I as the tree Ask you all to come and be with me Find love, peace, healing Journey in to the dance Eternally with me The Universal World Peace Tree. Together we remember our true purpose Together we remember our true divinity. Together we remember our true destiny‌ Written in Knowle Woods, East Devon.


My bare feet touch the Earth My bare feet touch the Earth The subtle vibrations connecting me with the Earth My Mother My energetic roots reach in to my Mothers Sacred Heart. Our close bond deepens deeper and deeper. Meeting each other in our hearts. Sacred place of oneness Where everything is held Suspended as if in Space. A space as large as this Universe Yet so tiny in its form. My Mothers energy entwined with mine Dance, pulsing, radiating Lovingly entwined heavenly light. Ancient connections in love, in honour. In honour of our beautiful connection In honour of our dear Mother Hear my prayer 16

The deepening as you soothe my soul. Your loving aura wraps around me Your Eternal love So familiar is this love I feel as the soles of my bare feet touch the sacred Earth. Dear Mother My love for you is ancient as is your love for me‌


Chapter 2 The Element of Air


Angel of Air Angel of Air Brings conscious breath to my sacred body Swirling moving through the chambers of my heart Fueling my sacred body, I give thanks Angel of Air Support my flight As I embrace and accept my wings‌.


Sacred Air Sacred Air Sweet divine Essence Which carries our prayers In the winds of change In the winds of love In the safe flight of the pure white dove. Flowing, flowing, flowing Prayers carry momentum Prayers which carry intention Prayers of love and hope Peace is the totem. Growing, growing, growing. In the winds of change In the winds of love In the safe flight of the pure white dove. Translucent Transparent 20

Transcendent light Air Dancing swiftly Caressing, silently changing Divine clear air In the winds of change On the wings of Love For we are now in the safe flight of The pure white dove ‌.


Feathers of Peace Feathers of Peace Uniting all of us Feathers of peace Bathing all of us. The weight of the feather So light for it lifts all of us. Lifts us up on a stream of effortless flow. Surrender, release Let go, let go, let go Feeling lighter than air now. Expansive clear skies so blue Space to be Space to fly Space to be me Space to be you. Our vibrations now as light as a feather. Our new wings carry us forth, In the direction of the new dawn 22

Awaiting for all the winged ones to gather In the heavenly God, Goddess sky hall. Feathers of peace Feathers of peace Feathers of peace ‌


Chapter 3 The Element of Fire


Angel of Fire Angel of fire Sacred holy fire Fueling the creator within Angel of Fire Support my flame As I rise to become more of the person I AM here to be. Blessings


The Holy Fire The holy fire Great source of light burning Yet gentle love from the divine. Within our hearts We feel the spark. The flame ignited deep within our hearts Something deep inside remembered Something deep inside realised Our hearts feel joy as the flame within is realised, Our hearts feel joy as the flame within is nurtured Memories of peace coming forwards to the now. The Awakening of our creative souls Knowing we are the co- creators Diving in to the holy flame within all our hearts… Written in England, capturing the essence of “The Festival of the Fires” of Ireland.


Sacred Fire Sacred Fire Heaven sent Purify, purify, purify Golden flame alight ‌ Forever You and I You and I You and I Dancing, flickering, burning Transcendent in to the divine Illuminating your heart Illuminating mine. Golden yellow light Energising the soul Cleansing the heart Purifying the mind, Detoxing your bodies. Dance, Dance, Dance Rise from the flame 27

Spread your wings. An eternal Phoenix whose prayers have been heard. Fly, Fly, Fly Beyond limitations In to the light Bringing your eternal flame in to being. A transcendent pure divine white gold light‌



Chapter 4

The Element of Water


Angel of Water Angel of Water Filtering the elixir of my higher self Through my crown Angel of Water I give thanks to thee Cleanse and prepare my water body With the frequencies that my D.N.A sees


Sacred water Water rushing, pouring Opening my heart No more ignoring Open the gate Cleansing waters come forth. Water, rushing, pouring Opening my heart No more ignoring Sacred Water, so pure, so clear. Awaken intentions within my heart so dear. Cleanse my heart Cleanse my soul Cleanse me until I remember ancient wisdom of old. Water, rushing, pouring Opening of my heart No more ignoring Energy flowing 32

Energy washing Energy clearing Re awaken Re awaken Awake now For the time is coming‌


Beautiful Water Dance with me on the edge of the shore. Silvery moonlight lighting us up in awe. Amazement of life Emotion of the water which replicates. Flow with the feeling That it’s not too late. Pay attention to its subtle vibrations, For then we can open the gate Gate to the deeper soul knowing of the waters wisdom. Look closely within for it is already showing.


Prayer of thy Water Prayer of thy water Thy body holdeth sacred water Flowing, moving, stirring within, Memories revealing the truth. Creating healing Healing Healing For our selves For our dear Mother Earth For all Humanity‌


Water Water so clear Essence of blue swirling, churning The eternal bliss within and without. Eternal in presence deeply known for all time. So treasured So precious So Clear So your voice becomes clearer. Speaking so clearly in a language all of your own Your language unique so innocent and pure I will listen to your voice forever, your divine wisdom The essence of my divine Mother forever‌


Deeply diving in to my Mothers Waters Eternal Ocean of Love Caressing my soul for aeons Forever whispering memories back to me Through my soul I feel the vibration of your love dear Mother All-encompassing divine Mothers love soothing my heart. My heart fills like a well overflowing with love My heart like a delicate flower Neither human or of matter Divine delicate heart of tenderness Heart of tender love. Cosmic Tender light Deeply diving in to my Mothers Waters.


Chapter 5 Space


The Silent Space Thank you Source for space Thank you for the expansive space to breathe. To breathe in between chapters of life As we when ready, prepare to shift We enter a void of silence The silent space The place of nowhere Yet everywhere.


Sacred Space Sacred Space Empty Clear Space The void The sacred space Space to heal Space of surrender Space of release Space given to trust within A sacred place for us all to remember We are held We are supported Surrender Surrender Surrender For you are carried dear ones Within this sacred space 40

Carried safely through the vast silver vibration of Space A place of ancient wisdom Yet nothing can be seen with thy human eyes No words are spoken. For with your heart You see Deep within knowing That all is very well. Before long new horizons are felt within your heart For it is then you begin to see For Space is a sacred place Which invites us all to remember‌


The Sacred Pearl Our journey in to the descent of the darkness of the vast void of Space is nearly complete The journey in to the sacred space of the heart Passing through the darkness of space Journeying with our shadows A time for transformation Now time for rebirth For within the darkness that has now come to pass. The divine flame within the flower of our hearts is remembered. The journey in to our hearts There revealed the divine flame burning gently. Eternal white gold flame. This flame The keeper of the sacred pearl with in. Sacred Pearl Keeper of all that was All that is All of what is to be. 42

Honour the sacred pearl within your heart Let it guide you always To all that ever was, is And to all that is to be‌.


Erui’s Eyes Erui's Eyes Misty blue green eyes Dive in to Oceans of Timelessness Universes within Hold on as you swim in For within Erui’s eyes Your destiny seen, felt deep within the tiny sacred space of your heart Swimming in Universe's Journeying deep in to the depths of dimensions seen & unseen. Realms within Realms remembered As if from a far off dream Journeying deeper & deeper within Remember me Remember me Goddess of the land Sovereign un to thee Feel the wind blowing you a timeless kiss from me On the ethers of thy eternal element of sacred Air My spirit touches yours Remember me Remember me 44

Nurturing you Nurturing your dreams As the High King arrives within to meet the Goddess of Sovereignty The Goddess & High King unite together as one Sacred Union within thy land is done Timeless essence of divine union woven For The spirit of the land rejoices Within the wholeness in all that is said & done All is remembered as sacred Celebrate with joy For the time is nigh Honouring of the sacred Feminine A remembering of divine union with her beloved sacred Masculine IN WHOLENESS Together as One In honour for the greater good of Mother Earth, Father Sky, the Cosmos, all Beings and for all Humanity ... Inspired & Written from a Pilgrimage to Ireland With Nancy Sherwood.




About the Author Zoe Amanda Hudson Environmental Artist/Poet. Foundation Degree in Environmental Arts and Rural Crafts with Plymouth University, Studies based in the beautiful landscape of Bicton College, Devon. Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator

Through Poetry, we can sense and feel how the threads of wellbeing, creative expression within nature weave & work together as a way that can invite us to remember our own true nature of wellbeing & wholeness in harmony with ourselves, each other, Mother Earth, Father Sky and the Cosmos. A remembrance of our wholeness, our unity, our oneness.

Websites for more information: www.goldenbutterflyflame.co.uk www.healingheartsandlandscapes.co.uk


“Zoe in the world has an ability to be in touch with that kind of deep communication on the inner and to express it on the outer with movement, sound/dance and poetry. Witnesses and recipients get to see creation happen spontaneously and organically as she dances and speaks the light, that "glue” of the universe that comes from the ground of all being. When Zoe communicates with us, she reminds us that we are all one. My own experience of her dance and poetry is that in harmony with her vision of service and with the dream of peace on Earth.” -Nancy Sherwood, Traveller’s Joy, Canada, Travellers Joy is in answer to the deep yearning so many express for connection and a sense of belonging on the planet.

I Mother Mother Earth, is a journey of a poetic tapestry of golden threads, expressing our Mother Earth’s elemental beauty and presence. presence. It calls calls for a healing of our relationships with ourselves, each other, and our Mother Earth. This poetic journey evokes a sense of place, inspired by pilgrimage in the landscape of the South West of England and Ireland.

“Zoe Hudson brings poetic imagination and love for Mother Earth together. These poems are moving and inspiring in the tradition of romantic poets. Zoe brings her love of poetry and love for Mother Earth together in a beautiful way.” co-founder -Satish Kumar was the originator and coof Schumacher College, and is editor of Resurgence magazine.

www.goldenbutterflyflame.co.uk www.goldenbutterflyflame.co.uk £5.00 £5.00

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